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Good morning, millennials. Welcome back to the toes and Happy Tuesday. I am so excited for today's episode because I need to talk about things that I care about. I need to talk about pop culture. I need to talk about housewives. I need to talk about Tom Brady at the roast. And there is quite literally nobody better equipped to work with me today than the one, the only. I keep calling you Justina Sylvester, because ever since I used to call you the ladysitter. Cause that was your username.




Then you changed it more professional. Justin. A Sylvester to me. I see it. Justina.


I'll take it.


I love it.


I will take it.


Do you feel like Justina, perhaps, is, like, a different side of you? A different alter ego, if you will?


I feel like Justina's more professional than the ladysitter I love. And I changed it because I was interviewing Michelle Obama.


Oh, my God.


And they were like, oh, give us your instagram handle. Cause if she posted, we'll go ahead and put it up. And I couldn't have her post.


Oh, my God.


On the ladyship.


Did you change it that minute?


I changed it that minute.


First of all, I didn't know that story. That's so funny. Yes. No. And honestly, as someone with a kind of weird username, I feel like, literally, I was just outside in the lobby, and I met Molly Sims. She has a podcast here. And she was like, oh, what's your instagram? And I felt like it's, like, an embarrassing when it's not just your name.


No, that's. And that's true. And also, I'm a gay man, so when other gay men are like, hey, let me hit you up on insta.


Oh, it doesn't give, like, sexy vibes.


No one wants to fuck the ladies that are on.


That is. I do. But I am unique in that.


You're unique, and you're also a woman.


That's an amazing point, actually.


No dude wants to hook up with a dude named lady.


It's so true. But I just wanna say, the lady sitter is gone but not forgotten.


It's coming back soon.


We love.


In a different iteration.


We love.


It's gonna be pretty awesome.


Secret project.


Secret project.


Tell me everything. It's been a while since you've been on the toast.


I know.


You are really crushing a career rise. You're one of the people who I feel like I just love to keep up with because you've had so many different phases of your career, but you're always at the top of your game. Thank you. I know you're just gonna be hilarious and amazing. Like, you have such a natural ability to talk, and you get paid to do it for a living, and it must be so fun.


No, it really is. And by the way, I will do this with you any day of the week, because I know when I need you, you're gonna come running to me 1000%. And I do love to talk. I love to talk people. I love to talk pop culture. I like to connect with people. And e news is a little different from daily pop. So anytime I get to do that, I'll do it. I'm here for it.


And I love how e has gone through, like, a few iterations with their lineup and stuff, but you are always at the center of it. I feel like they know what they have with you. And the fact that you host e news is so crazy. I majored in communications, and whenever we had a intro class, like, day one, it was all girls, by the way, and everyone, one of the questions was like, where do you see yourself? What do you want to be? And all the bitches were like, I want to be the next Juliana ransom.


By the way, didn't we all?


You are. How does it feel? Like you are the thing.


No, no, it's not, by the way. It is kind of wild. I'm not the type of person that when I'm in something, I could see it. I need to, like, step away from it. Like, I need, like, my eight year tenure to end or, like, to go on a vacation for, like, a month and then say, oh, wow, I'm doing that.


Jackie says that all the time. She's never able to, like, understand how big something is until it's over.


No, no, I can't. I cannot, cannot do it. So for me, and I was the same way. I was like, what do I want to be when I grow up? And, you know, every model wanted to be Victoria's secret angel. Every person with a personality wanted to.


Be, wanted to be julianna.


Everybody with camera presence wanted to be Julianna Orion. And, you know, I'm grateful that I get to have those people come before me.


But you're so unique in the sense that people who sign up to be, like, an entertainment reporter or even, like, just somebody who interviews other people, those people themselves usually are not bursting with personality, because a lot of your job is listening.


Oh, 100%.


And a lot of your job is, unfortunately not about you. No. It's about the person you're talking to.




So more often than not, you don't find someone who's so dazzling in that role, because it's really more of a listening type of role. But you have this uncanny ability to shine through without overshadowing the person I love. And you do such a great job on your social media of sharing you and J. Lo, and you're always making me giggle. And I'm supposed to be looking at J. Lo, but I'm looking at you. But you do it in a way that's not overbearing. It's really a very delicate balance, and you are so good at what you do. Thank you.


But it's. Cause I'm a fan.




Like, I'm a fan of all these people. So true. And when I go to work or when I'm interviewing somebody, first and foremost, if they're a list or e list, it's their moment.




Like, make them feel special. Make them feel special. And if you're not into the interview. I never go to something I'm not into.


Have you had any, like, blunders? Like, I feel last year when Hugh Grant was being interviewed by Ashley Graham, and, like, she was asking dumb questions, but he was being a prick.




And, like, people who so clearly don't want to be there. How do you navigate something? Do you have a moment like that, like, in your roman empire moment?


I've had a few. And you know what? Joel McHale was kind of sort of the first one. Really? Joel McHale had this, like, really crazy relationship with e. Like.


Right. Cause of the soup.


Yeah. He would dog e every chance he would get. And I was on the Today show one time doing a segment. It was my first time doing the segment.




Huge. And Joe McHale would come at me, like, everything I said, he would come at me with something, but it was kind of a great learning curve for me on keeping up. Like, if I can keep up with a Joel McHale, you can keep up with anyone. You can keep up with anybody. Okay.


Yeah. It's so true.


I can dodge Joel. And after the segment, he came up to me and was like, by the way, I just want to let you know, I did not make that easy for you, and you handled it very well, and I was like, thank you so much.


No. And those are the moments that really, like, make you and shape you, and they're horrible to go through, but they're terrible.






There's also, like, a time where you get on a carpet, and e's normally second or third.


It's major.


Yeah. Entertainment Tonight is first, so a star will go to entertainment Tonight, then they'll go to extra, and then e will be, like, third on the carpet. And a lot of people wanna be first, but I like to see warm em up, warm em up, warm em up. And there's, like, an a list actress who was, like, on the carpet, and I could tell she was not feeling it that day.


Sometimes they're not in the mood.


Sometimes they're not in the mood. And by the way, they're human.




Sometimes you're not in the mood. Sometimes I'm not in the mood.


Yeah. You should still be nice. She should be nice.


And she came up to me and I said, damn it, you're not in the mood tonight. I'm gonna make this quick and painless.


And then she's automatically, like, feeling you.


Automatically feeling me smart. Because at the moment, you just recognize them and you saw them for who.


They were, and they've been in glam all day.


And they've been in glam all day. You know what I mean?




Like, I worked for Kyle Richards for five years, friends for 15. And I know when someone is not feeling it.


You know?


Sometimes she just doesn't want to be Kyle Richards. She wants to be the girl in aspen on a bike, 100%. With her dog.


100%. We talk a lot on the toes. Something that's actually. And I think that whole Ashley Graham Hugh Grant thing was a catalyst for that conversation is a lot of these networks are pulling talent who are not trained journalists, and it's more so, like, having an influencer or, you know, a celebrity comment and be the interviewer, not someone like yourself who has years and years of experience of hosting.




What are your thoughts on this trend? And that's why, like, Hugh Grant was being asked questions and he was being a dick, but they weren't amazing questions. And he's someone who's been in Hollywood a million years, and it's like, yeah, what do you think about that?


Listen, I think that what networks are doing is it's a step in the right direction. I just think the approach and the way they put it together is short sighted.




Because for me, had Ashley Graham been with someone like myself, she can bring the glamor. Let me do the heavy, heavy lifting. You could be the celebrity.


You are the encyclopedia. You know everything.


Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's. I think what they're missing is that pairing.




You know what I mean? Like, I always say, like, I love that people are getting a shot at doing this.


Of course. It's so fun.


It's so fun. But the good thing about what we do is whenever you see somebody at the oscars, it's the last thing they're gonna do for their film.




Okay. So follow me here.


It's a pinnacle.


It's a pinnacle.




It's the end of the race.




If you are a, let's say, ashley Graham or, like, an influencer, and this is your first time on the carpet with these people, the first two minutes of this whole interview is you getting to know them and being, and just kind of sort of saying hello.




As for, like, a journalist like myself, we've been at the premiers, we've been at the junkets.


It's the fifth time.


It's the fifth time this season. This season.


Yeah. That's what they're doing.


So when they come up, we know what they've already answered. We know what they don't like to answer. We know where they want this to go. So for networks out there, always pair your influencers with people who know what they're doing.


And that's what's so great about E. News. I feel like we're always talking about this on the toast when it comes to you and to Kelty. She is, like, an old school journalist. She is such a pro girl. That's what's so great. It's like going back to those roots, and I love that they did that. Same with you and Keltie and with E. News, like, bringing it back, but with, like, og, like, you and Kelty are entertainment reporters. Like, to, to a t. I love it. Like, I love it. It's such an, because I feel like, for everyone, like, myself included, it was a dream job growing up. Oh, my God. Everybody wanted to be Juliana Rancic, and there was only one Juliana Rancic and Ryan Seacrest. And it's such a major show and it's such a major franchise, and it's such a major job. And the fact that you got it, like, I'm just.


Thank you.


Perfect. Perfection.


Perfection. Thank you. You know, I think it's one of those things where Juliana and Ryan were regular people who were fans who became big household names, but they did the work. They did the work. But when you looked at them, you thought, oh, I could be that person.




Accessible. I could be that Julianna. And I think that's why reality tv is such a huge thing in pop culture now, is because they're accessible.




And anyone can be them. Everyone has a Ramona in their lives. Everyone's a. I think we all have.


A little Ramona inside of ourselves.


I'm more of a Dorinda.


I actually don't agree. Cause I know you very well and I do not think you are a Dorinda. You have, like your. She doesn't have a sharp tongue. She just kind of says, like, the meanest thing she can think of. That's not you. You're. Who is some. You're a little bit like Bethany in that sense where everything you say is very pointed and well thought out.


I'm very. You know what it is? I am very careful with my words.




Because I have learned, living in Los Angeles, that people, especially in Hollywood, loose lips sink ships. And no one's ever ladies out there. You have to be very crystal clear about the mood you're in. You gotta set the tone because when people repeat something, you can't trust that they're gonna repeat it exactly how you said it. Exactly how you said it. Or in the context.


Yeah. Do you. LA's so interesting to me. And you've lived here for how long?


16 years.


And you have like a huge social life here. Like tons of friends love it. You're a very social person. And I feel like even the group of friends that I know you through like that we share lots of drama and everyone's always gossiping and I love that I'm like a little out of it because I live in New York and I always, I'm like, I'm a spectator. I'm like, oh, what's the deal? What's going on? But I'm not like a mover and shaker within the gossip. Honestly, like, I couldn't handle LA gossip is different.


It's different. It hits harder.


It hits harder. And also, you never know who you're talking to in LA. Like, it could be someone huge, 100%. A big executive one. I keep my mouth shut when I'm here.


Oh, no, no, I'm not. By the way, if we're not talking in codes. Yeah, and if we're not talking in codes, there's our codes. I also pick and choose who I gossip with. Like, I have a gay friend who I can gossip with about gay things. I have a bougie white lady in LA who I can gossip with about bougie white lady things.




You have to find those vaults. My people.


I. Correct me if I'm wrong. I believe I am one of your people.




And you could, I would say we have a long phone call quarterly, 100%. And I know. I see that call coming in. It's not facetime. It's on the phone.


It's business.


You are old school, by the way. You're, like, the only person who calls me.


And by the way, I'm cleaning, I'm organizing closets. I'm, like, getting shit together. I'm getting my plate, my plot, my pleasure chest situated and stocked up.


But I know when that phone call comes in, I need at least 30 minutes. So sometimes I literally. I won't. I say, listen, I need 20. I need to get prepared. I gotta take my makeup off, I gotta put my hair up, I gotta get in bed, I gotta get my phone stand.


Come right on through.


Oh, it's the best time of year when Justin Sylvester calls.


But it's also because we're. I like to warn people about things.


Happening in their orbit.


In their orbit. So, like, you don't step in shit or walk through.


It's actually very true. Maybe it's not even gossip. It's almost, like, cautionary. Yeah. I feel like whenever I come to LA, I know, like, the layout of the people we know, because you really give me a lot of just.


I just. I never. You don't need to know the details.


What I'm walking into.


You just need to know the outline of what's up. You can fill in the blanks. Yeah, but I will give you the outline.


It's almost this, like, older brother energy.




You're just looking out. What's not gossip. You're just looking out for me.


I'm just looking out for you.


These are the lanes we will go to to convince ourselves that we're not gossiping, but we are. And it's okay. That's one of my core tenets. And we always talk about it at the show. I don't know who is doing the pr for gossip, but gossip gets a bad rap. And it's fine. It's amazing.


It's healthy. It's healthy when you do it. By the way, I always say this. I have my four friends, core four, who I've had for 15 years. We will talk about each other to one another, and we will never take it out. The group.




And I don't care. And I said this to my friend this morning. If someone comes up to me and says, oh, my God, your best friend's so cute. I don't care if that motherfucker's bankrupt.




I don't care if he has a lien on his house. I don't care if he's missing one eye. I don't care if he's about to go to jail for domestic violence. I would be like, yeah, that is, that's a winner right there. Yeah, you better get this, man.


You gas him up.


I'm a gas him up.


That's a good friend.


If he's on trial, even if he's on trial, I'm gonna gas him up.


Do you think that if you're, like, seriously, like, your friend is being courted by someone on their way to prison and you're gassing them up, do you think that's you being a good friend?


That's me being a great friend.


Okay. You stand by what you said?


I'm gonna stand by what I said.


Cause you know what?


Innocent until proven guilty. Did he lie innocent until proven guilty?


I don't know.


I just feel, especially in Los Angeles. But correct me if I'm wrong. Like, you go up to a guy, and you're like, oh, your friend's kind of cute. And their first thing they say is, oh, but she's a mess. And I'm like, I don't know, that's weird. I just find it weird when your friend can't find something nice to say about you first.


Agreed. Well, that's not a friend.




Cause the people I love, and I know I couldn't stop saying positive things about them 100%.


And by the way, if I can't find something nice, I would be like, oh, he's not available right now.


Oh, you're creative.


He's in transition right now.


Speaking of, are you available right now? I always ask you that. And you're very good about keeping your private life private. And I think it actually really helps you, like, have a really balanced life. Yes. So feel free not to answer, but people always want to know. And are you the type of guy I feel like people are always wanting to set you up with their friends?


You know what's interesting? People never set me up with the right friends. White ladies are the worst. Yeah, white ladies are the worst at setting up gay friends.


No. Cause they just say, gay, gay, go. They don't know top, bottom.


Claudia. Come on, Claudia.


I'm well versed in gay culture.


Come on, Claudia.


Well, okay, so what did you think when I wanted to set you up? And I'm still holding out hope for.


You and Brian Kelly, it's gonna happen at some point.


And you think it's a good match?


I think it's a good match.


Cause he thinks so too. But you guys are just sort of like two ships passing in the night, like, when it first got brought up. He was about to have his first kid, and he was just not in that type of place. And then you were seeing someone, and then he was seeing someone. It will happen.


I think it'll happen at some point.




I think Brian and I will happen at some point. Even if we're third husbands at 76. Love will happen. But it was a good match.


Thank you.


It was a good match.


It was well thought out, too. I didn't just say, like, oh, I know two gay people, let's put them together.


Yeah, yeah.


But that is how it is sometimes.


Brian's in Pennsylvania. He's playing with horses.


It's not the right time.


No, no. And, you know, I'm a scorpio, meaning.


I'm not into that stuff, so.


Oh. So I'm like, I'm the type. I'm such, like a. I'm a bitch in the sense that, like, if I know you like me and I'm into you, but I know I can't have you, I will still have you and then run away and then make you realize, think, oh, why didn't he take me? But I just wanted to, like.


So you're toxic.


I'm kind of.


No, no, no.


I'm not toxic, am I?


Okay, wait. Brian's birthday's March 7. What does that make him?


I have no clue.


Me neither. I am so, like, not into. That's very l. A. I'm into it.


For myself to know, like, what I am. And if I end up dating somebody, what I do is I always read our charts together.


You do?


Yeah. So I have someone read the charts together, just so I'm aware and they're aware.


That's very la of you.


It's Super La.


What would, like, your friends from home say if they knew that you did that?


I think they would just be happy to know that I'm, like, interested in someone.


You know what? They sound like great friends, actually.


They are. And by the way, they've all had kids at 23, so, like, they're like, oh, my God, like, what are you doing?


Right? They're interested.


Yeah. They want to know everything.


That's nice.


Yeah, it is nice. And I, you know, it's a bummer, though. We're on all different lifetracks.




And when I'm about to start having kids, they're about to graduate. Yeah. You know, so it's like. It's really a bummer, but I wish I could live there.


Well, so I was gonna ask you, because Sebastian Maniscalco was on the show yesterday. And he grew up, you know, very middle class. He said, northwest suburbs of Chicago. And his life now is so different because obviously he does really well. He also married a girl who he said, you know, came for money and they live a nice life. You know, he cold plunges, he plays pickleball. And some of the things that are. He does prolon. Yeah, some of the things like that are a part of his life. Would send his home friends into an early grave. What is something that you're like, what is so la about your life that would send your home friends into a tizzy?


Oh, they would.


Because you're very into la culture.


Oh, they would flip if they knew I had meal delivery service.




That I only like. This is gonna sound so bougie. Oh, but that business class, once you do it one time.


I'm so glad you brought that up. It's actually like, you shouldn't fly business class because once you do, you can't go back.


And I was that girl who was like, expedia. Price alerts. Give me the lowest price. Oh, middle seat in the, in the crate area.


Yeah, yeah.


Oh, next, cargo.


Sitting in cargo.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and a crate next to a chicken. I am there. Then you have that business experience and, bitch, let me be real.




I pass out before the flight even takes off.


Oh, I wish I could do that.


So I shouldn't even be enjoying, I'm not even enjoying the business.


That's a disgrace. But if you had been sitting in coach, would you be able to sleep like a baby? Oh, well, that's a waste of money.


Like a baby. But when you have it for the first time, it's just, it's a lick.


It's also so funny, like, what people are really particular about. I'm the same way. Where I really, really. Like, I can't. I love to sit in first class. Like, it means so much to me. Where with Ben, like, he, if he's sitting in first class or he's sitting in the last row behind the toilet, it means nothing to him. But yesterday, we check into the hotel. He calls me an hour later because I was working. He's walking around the hotel with the manager, looking at different rooms. He didn't. He's so specific about hotel rooms. I walk in, I'm like, the room is fine. He's like, it's not the one I wanted. He's crazy. But, like, first class. He thinks it's the biggest waste of money. And he's also broad. I thought it would like, he'll give me the seat. Like, he doesn't care. He does not care.


You know, that's so weird that I don't relate to the hotel room thing.


Me neither. A bed is a bed.


A bed is a bed. I'm never in there.


Never. And honestly, I find, like, hotel suites to be so wasteful. Like, I. Like a regular room. Hotel suite is so big. The tv is so far away. I like the tv right up my ass. Like, I agree. And if it's a good trip, I haven't been in my hotel room all day, and I'm not going back to later.


Like, it's nothing if I'm on a cot.


Well, okay, I draw the line at a cot.


No, if it's free, I will get in the cot.


Oh, if it's free, it's free.


If it's free, I'm getting on a.


Cot a hundred percent.


Except that coachella. I'm just like, I'm 37 now.


I agree. We're women of a certain age.


Yeah. You know, that's so funny that you asked that.


Yeah, well, I. Like, I'm just like you. Like, I love first class. Like, it's the best thing on the planet.


It's weird. It also makes me want to work harder.


It's definitely motivating. I agree.


It's definitely motivating. And I think, you know, for myself, I grew up watching, you know, 90210 and Meryl Rose plays and, like, you know, gossip girl and that life. My mom was a single mom. Would you made $30,000 raising three kids by herself. Like, I had to make straight a's to get a pair of jeans 100%, and the jeans better be $50. Like, my life was so different. Was so different. And watching those people and gone to a catholic school where everyone got cars when they were 16, and I knew I wasn't gonna get one. It really made me want to work hard and hustle and being able to buy my own car at 17 and have an apartment at 16 and. And do all of these things and be independent.




Was the biggest flex for me.


No. And you ended up so much better off because of it.


I really did. And so much so. It's so weird, because I always say I want to marry somebody with means, but I have a hard time taking anything from anyone. Yes. It's like, I dated this rich, older man forever, and he was always like, oh, my God, let me get you this. Let me get you that. And I look at. I look back, and in my twenties, I was like, no, it's okay, John. I'll do it. Like, and I'm so dumb. I should have taken everything that he was offering.


No, but I get it. And I feel like it's such a testament to, like, you know, I was also raised by a single mom, and, like, single moms are a different breed.


Different breed.


And they. The kids they raise are a different breed.


Different fucking breed.


And I think so much of your success can be tied to that hustle and that instinct to just want, like, exactly how your mom, when she got up in the morning, like, she was doing it for you. Yeah, that sort of instinct I love meeting. And so many of the most successful people I know were raised by single parents because it's just a different level.


Oh, it's a whole different level. Especially boys raised by single moms. Well, yeah, you know, I have a friend who is a single mom, and she talks about it like, she wonders, like, oh, what's my son gonna be like? Am I. Should I give his dad another chance? I'm like, listen, I was raised by a single mom who had a 10th of what you're working with yearly. You can do it.




You know, she's a celebrity. She's out there, and, you know, she's having a hard time, like, coming to terms. Coming to terms with the fact that she's my mom. This is her life.




I'm like, your kid's gonna be fine. The greatest, you know, prospect for any girl out there.


It's true, by the way. Cause you grew up with such a deep respect for women. If you're like, a boy who's raised by a single mom, specifically, 100%.


I was also raised in the nineties.




Kids who went on playgrounds between the years of 87 and 97 and survived. Bitch, we are. We're winning survivor every year. We built different Tonka trucks.


That's funny.


It's Tonka trucks. You know, it's so true. My delicate girl, my girlfriend, friends who are here who are delicate, soft, who, like, can't take, you know, any type of rejection or, like, a no and are in their feelings for four months, I'm like, no, girl. I had to run through a playground every single goddamn day. Get up, survive. I had to survive.


At the end of the day, Justin, it's about survival.


That's all it's about.


Now, you are here to do what we love to do best, and that is just talk shit and talk about what's going on in the world. And we haven't done an episode we have a lot to talk about. Last night here in LA was the Tom Brady roast, which made a lot of waves. So, Justin, let me ask you a question. Are you ready for the fast five stories that you need to know?


Let's go.


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I would say one of the most viral moments, by the way, a lot happened at the roast, but the thing everyone's really talking about is it was live, so, you know, it couldn't have been cut out. It was live streamed on Netflix.




And she got up there to roast Tom Brady. There was, what, like, 20 people who did it. But when she got up there, the crowd started booing.


It's kind of wild.


It's wild. I feel like celebrities, but Kardashians specifically, do not put themselves in these types of situations. Like, this doesn't happen to them.


No, it doesn't happen to them. And you know what, though? When it does happen to them, they handle it really well.


She was graceful. That's a good point.


She's graceful as can be. And I've seen her in hot spots. You know, when you're. Listen, when you're killing it that much, it's like polarizing.


People are so jealous.


People are so jealous. There's a weird, weird space. And I think a lot of times when these, let's say, reality girls or these singers go into other arenas, like sports, it's more about sports. Last night, people get a little like, oh, stay in your lane.


Yeah. I think a lot of people thought that the booing was like, you know, Taylor Swift versus Kim. Cause that feud has come back to the forefront now with Taylor's new song. But when you think about who was in the audience, you're right. It's sports people. It's the same way at the beginning, when Taylor would go to Chiefs games and they would put her on the jumbotron, people were booing.


People were booing.


It's like, stop. I don't think this particular thing had anything to do with Taylor. I think you're right. It's like, think about who's going to the roast of Tom Brady.




It's like toxic men.


It's a toxic man. And they don't want to see their reality star there. It's like a man space, blah, blah. So, no, you're right. It wasn't about Taylor. I probably would have never went if you were Kim. If I was Kim, I would have been like, you know what? I'm showing up. I'm gonna walk on that stage. I'm gonna make two jokes about myself, and I'm walking right back to that car.


Yeah. That's literally what she did.


You know what I mean? So I don't know. It's just about, I think, getting in a different arena, but I think, also.


Participating in a roast, first of all, being Tom Brady, I would literally never.


Big money.


Because. Big money.


Big fucking.


One of my favorite documentaries I always talk about is Joan Rivers piece of work. And during the time they're filming her, she agreed to do the Comedy Central roast, and she was so dreading it. But she's like, I. Everyone's like, it's a rite of passage. It's an honor to be roasted. And she's like, fuck that. Like, they spend the whole time making fun of how you look and your career, and it was this thing she so deeply didn't want to do. And you could tell it was like this plaguing her, the entire documentary. Just dreadful. And they pay you so much. And she was a hustler, Joan. She was never going to turn down a financial opportunity, and she did it, and she said it was fucking horrible. Like, she hated it.




And by the way, Tom Brady doesn't need the money.


Tom Brady doesn't need the money. I will say this. I'm gonna give this bitch her props. Mm hmm.


Nikki Glazer is unbelievable.


If someone ever tells me that Nikki Glazer is not funny, I will find you like Liam Neeson and make you watch this roast.


Nikki Glaser is funny. Point blank, period. She's a super talented comic, but she has had, like, three or four viral appearances at different roasts. My most memorable one was when she did the roast of Alec Baldwin. Holy shit. She didn't hold back for a second. Last night was no different. She was absolutely the star.




I love that for her, by the way, because there are so many male comics on there, and I feel like they just put a woman there, like, to say that they did. And the fact that she ended up being the funniest with the most cutting, clever jokes. I was so. I love her.


It was so good.


But it was so good question.


What do you think Giselle thinks this morning?


So a lot of jokes about Gisele. And then the second story that I want to talk about was the joke they made about Bridget Moynihan. But Gisele. Yes. Because obviously, that's, like, the most top of mind thing right now. A lot of jokes about, you know, her vagina and her fucking the Krav Maga instructor. And it's really unfortunate. Like, she. It's almost like that's what I don't love about roasts. Like, Tom Brady signed up for this.


She's a casualty.


She did not. And if you just saw the most recent body camera footage where she got pulled over by the cops and she's, like, literally having a mental breakdown, crying that the paparazzi are following her, she's clearly, like, you know, not in an amazing place.


No. I will say, though, I feel like it was kind of sort of 80.


20 in terms of Giselle jokes.


In terms of Giselle jokes.




It was more about him leaving his family to go pay another, you know, season of football. Of course she left you. Of course she. You know what I mean?


I loved that.


I loved it. I really did love it. You know? I think she is one of those people, though, who gets it. She knows what she married. Yeah. And by the way, I hope so we forget about this. She also had to live through the. You were the reason why he left his pregnant girlfriend. Okay, so she's got some tough skin.


She definitely does. And honestly. Cause I love the show blue bloods that Bridget Moynihan stars in. And I just feel like it's one of those things in pop culture, like, people don't know about. But for me, it's one of my pop culture roman empires. Tom Brady leaving Bridget Moynihan while she's pregnant to go have kids and get married to Giselle, and then his kid with Bridget Moynihan sometimes lives with Giselle and him. Like, it's the most fucked up thing on the planet. And I just want to say, like, I appreciate, like, him getting dragged for that last night, because. I'm sorry, that's just something you don't fucking do.


That's rich lady shit, though.


It's insane.


That's rich lady shit. But we also don't know. Please tell me you saw the tweet that she liked the other day.


Okay, wait. Who?


Bridget Monahan.


No. So I saw. She posted, like, a cryptic thing on Instagram. Yes.




So this. That was actually my second story. Perfect segue. So, Bridget Moynihan post a cryptic message after Tom Brady is roasted for dumping her big pregnancy. So she shared a cryptic quote via Instagram on Monday after her ex, Tom Brady, was roasted in the goat, which aired on Sunday. Yada, yada. Tom Brady was slammed for breaking up with the model while she was pregnant with their son Jack in 2006. So she shared a quote. Bridget Moynihan, loyal people take shit more personal because they never would have did that. Would have done that shit to you. And then she wrote, so true. So I don't really get the quote.


I don't.


Loyal people take shit more personal because they never would have did that shit to you. Is she calling herself the loyal person?


I think it's about somebody else.


Oh, you think it's unrelated.


I think it's unrelated.




I also think I've been in situations where I've seen people go through marital stuff, spots while they're pregnant, and things aren't what they seem on the outside. So we don't know the whole story.


We don't.


And we will never know the whole story because there's her side, there's his side, and there's the truth, so we will never know. Yeah, but it tells me a lot that she is allowed. Giselle is allowed to not only be around the kid, but to post the kid.


No, that's true, actually. That's true.


Because if my. Let's say my fiancee.


Let's say you're Bridget.


Let's say I'm Bridget, and my man left me while I was pregnant, and I was caught off guard, and I had no idea, and I was struggling with it. There is no way in my mind that I would allow my child to be featured on someone else's social media.


Social media. That's really, really true.


You know what I mean? Like, yeah, look, I know he has to go to your house 50% of the time.


Of course, legally, I can't say no. But I can tell you not to post him, especially if you're Giselle and you have millions of followers.


125% their kosher.


Well, I mean, so much time has passed, and I do. Like, some. Like, everything works out for the best. I'm sure. Bridget Moynihan's really high. I know. She's married, by the way.


Her new man is hot.




Like, she's fine and successful.


She's fine. I don't think she's up at night talking about.


No, she's good.


I am.


Right? Right.


I still. I'll just never get over it, by.


The way, I don't know if I would ever get over it either.


So, actually, a little personal anecdote. I think I've shared this on the show before, but I love. Like I said, I love her show, blue bloods. And I was actually invited to set to, like, watch a taping or whatever. And I'm, like, in those chairs with the headphones, watching. It's like a family dinner scene. So the whole cast is there, and me and Margo, we're obsessed with the show. We're having the best time. And in between takes, they're wearing their mics, and I can hear everything. So they're all just talking. They're all close with one another. And someone was to. Oh, this one of the younger girls on the show said, she started dating this guy who lives in Boston. And Bridget Whitehead goes, I used to date a guy who lived in Boston, and the whole table started laughing, obviously talking about Tom Brady. And she said it in a way, very casual, like, it wasn't bitter. It was like, you know, when you've healed from something, you can talk about it. So I agree. I don't think she's up at night still. I actually don't think anymore. Like, this is her roman empire.


No, for me, I'll never not talk about it.


By the way, I didn't even have the baby, but I'm still claiming the c section scar, that you should have.


Saw me have 1000%. And you know what? I'm glad that this roast happened, because, you know, Tom Brady's super, super famous, and we don't think about this anymore. No, but he did that shit. And you know what? I'm sure Bridget Moynihan got her flowers last night, briefly. I'm sure she felt good, by the way.


Oh, no, no, no. I'm sure, Giselle. I'm sure she felt good. I'm sure any other girl who has been victimized by Tom Brady's not calling them back.




Felt vindicated last night, but I wish he would just send me a DM. That man is hot.


How much do you think he got paid? Cause money. Really? He doesn't need money.


He doesn't need money. But I think what happens with these sports stars, they miss these. It's not even that they miss it. It's that we forget that they started this journey when they were five years old. They have been working up to this point of their lives to be in the NFL, to be the goat, to be the greatest that ever did it. And your whole life, your parents told you, you're the shit we're putting out. We're hitching our wagon to this trailer. Okay. And your siblings had to take a back seat. Your parents ignored your younger brother because he didn't do shit. It just happens.




And your whole identity is caught up in that thing, and all of a sudden, somebody says, all right, you're out.


It's over.


The new guy's in.


It's hard.


You have to then redefine yourself. I was Dwayne Wade. Dwayne Wade is one of my favorite athletes of all time.


Oh, interesting.


And listening to him talk about his retirement and listening to his wife, Gabrielle Union, talk about, like, her having to tell him, like, you gotta find a purpose.




You have to remember and put yourselves in those guys positions.


Yeah. And I think also, like, no matter who you are, like, attention is exciting, it's fun. I think there are people who retire from sports and, like, the quiet life, but for the most part, we're all human. And to go, you know, every week, getting the most attention, everyone's talking about you.




To quiet yes is hard. And I think that's actually why he ended up coming out of retirement the first time. He lost so much because of it. But at least he won the Super bowl.


Like, if he didn't, by the way. By the way, I get it. And I get it. If my man promised me that he was gonna retire and be here with the kids, I don't know what I would do when he went back on.


That word, reneging on your word. No matter what it is, it's not an attractive quality.


It's not an attractive quality. Although I married Tom Brady.




You know what I mean?


He married Gisele.


He may marry Giselle.


They're equal. I think relationships have dynamics, and I agree with you. Yeah.


But if she said, I'll never put on that diamond bra again, and then all of a sudden, Victoria Segar was like, 50 million for one walk. I'm not gonna be mad if she went down that Runway one more time.


Yeah, yeah. No, but. But the thing about being an athlete is it's so much time away from your family.


I know, but I feel the same way with reality stars. It's like when people date reality stars and don't know that a camera comes with that life and people stopping you and the attention and the scrutiny. I feel like it's almost on that level.


Yeah. Where it's like you just. You know what you're signing up for.


You kind of know what you're signing up for. You just have to keep that line of communication open. And I don't know if she's dating the jiu jitsu coach, but he's fine.


No, he can get it.


He can get it.


And I hope she is.


And I hope she's taking eight classes a day, and I hope she's pretzeling and doing all the damn thing.


Thousand percent. I champion that relationship.


Who do you think he's gonna end up with?


I wasn't into the Irena. Irena shake relationship. I didn't think it was right.


You know why?




She's not basic enough.


I agree. And by basic, I feel like you.


Feel like he's gonna be with some basic, and you're like, no. Why her?


Yeah. No, no. I just expect him to be with someone, and I guess it does make sense. Cause Giselle. I think of Giselle as America's sweetheart, you know? But she's brazilian. Like, she's not like. You know, when you think of, like, the quarterback and the cheerleader. You know? Who is the cheerleader? Honestly? Taylor Swift. But, yeah, I literally ship.


By the way, who do you see him with? Just someone basic. I see him being, like, with a. No, shut up. You're gonna stay with Ben forever.




I just see him being with some rando girl who you're like, can I believe it was you?


Yeah. All along.


A wolf in sheep's clothing and bad extensions.




Just, like, purse is just not right ever. But, like, nice.


Yeah. Irina Shayk was almost, like, too chic for him. Too cosmopolitan, too worldly.


But she fucked up. You never want to be the first person in there.


Well, no. Cause you're always only gonna be a rebound.


You gotta not be the first person in there.


And Jackie and I have a running joke on the show based off of, like, when Irena Shake was dating Bradley Cooper. And then when they broke up and all the stories that were coming out, she kind of gives off, like, desperate energy. Now, I've never met her, and I don't know that to be true or not, but even with the Tom Brady stuff, it was just, like. It didn't feel right.


Yeah. You know? She didn't give me desperate energy. I actually think she's probably cool. Probably almost too cool. And I think that's the problem. I think she's too cool. Like, I think he likes. You know, I like.


She's, like, so fashion. Yeah.


I like a Florida man.




Like, thinks he's showing you, like, new shit, but really, like, you've been to the lane three times.


Yeah, yeah.


Like, you know what I mean? But you have to pretend, like, yeah, very salt of the earth. Like, I think he likes. I think he wants to show somebody something. Like, he wants to, like, be like, look at my.


You can't show Irina shake shit.


No, she did it.


Bradley Cooper for a million years, and she's literally, like, one of the biggest models in the world.


She's seen everything twice. She's too cool. Yeah, but he'll go back.


I like that.


He'll go back. What else you have on that?


Okay, ready?




I was shocked to hear it. I didn't see this today. Did you see that Bethany Franklin, her fiance, had broken up?




After six years together. Paul.


Damn. They're broken up.


She's going through it. I mean, her mom passed away, and I think she had a very toxic relationship with her mom. She posted a really long caption that was very sweet, like, how, you know, she had this very strange relationship with her mom. But when someone like that passes away, like, how do you grieve? I think a lot of people related to that. And now her and Paul are done.


So I don't think it's gonna be permanent.


You don't?


No. I think when you're going through that much, keep in mind she's going through a divorce. She just finalized that after ten years. She has a 16 year old daughter.


I can't believe Brennan's.


Yeah. Like, I just think Bethany Frankel. I think anybody in a relationship who's going through that much, I bet you I could see myself taking a break from my fiance and saying, let me get through this and we'll come back around.


Damn. She's also very low key about this relationship. Like, this was her first relationship after Dennis. And after Dennis passed away, she protected it. And I think she saw what happened with Dennis, especially putting him on the show, and was like, I don't think I ever want to go through that. So I feel like we know nothing about him. I know he's just a successful businessman.


And that's the thing. When your man's in the pendant and it's got his own cash and you don't need that.




Like, you don't need that storyline anymore. But she also doesn't have anywhere to put it.


Right. I mean, she's big on the talk. She's always making TikToks, but she's very focused on beauty.


Yeah. And focus on her daughter. I get it. Like, she's, she'll be fine.


She'll be fine. But I was shocked to hear this.


They'll get back together.


They also got engaged relatively quickly, and they never got married. They've just been engaged, like, forever.


Would you get married if you.


If I was Bethany.


If I was Bethany Frankel.


Meaning why financially or because you know, my history.


Because of your history?


Yeah, I guess, like, that will scar you. That will turn you off to the institution of marriage. He was so fucking crazy that Jason hopping. He is evil.


You know what? I think it's damned on both of them.




I think she wanted to get married. I think she wanted to have a baby. I think it was the next best thing in her life. Like, well, whoever's next, people do it all the time and they get stuck in relationships with people that they don't really like because they thought that the clock was ticking. But I just saw Ashanti get pregnant at 43 on accident. Who? Ashanti.


I know. I'm obsessed. Oh, my God. No, no. Everyone is talking about, like, because it's literally, they are like an early two thousands couple coming back to life 100%. I'm obsessed.


I'm obsessed with this. So, you know, I think a lot of times you have to really look at the partner you're picking for sure and say, how. How nice of a divorce can I have with this person?


Yeah. Like, when you see someone at their worst, well, that's what they say about divorce. I loved that, that Adam driver Scarlett Johansson movie, because, like, the person you marry and the person you divorce are two separate fucking people. Like, they, that's why they really say it's like a death. Because this person who, like, saw you naked, who saw inside and out, like, becomes your enemy. It's like, I can't, I literally can't imagine going through it. It sounds horrible.


It's horrific.




And I think the more you leave to chance, the worse it is. So when I hear people talking about.


Prenups, what are your, what's your take on that?


Do it. Yeah, do it.


You're very la, by the way, I think that's a big lady way of seeing things. And I don't disagree.


I just think you do it. I don't know. I wasn't a prenup guy. And if my man's got 2 billion, I probably won't be a prenup.


Guy. Oh, yeah. It's circumstantial.


If I'm Lauren Sanchez, I probably won't be a prenup girl.


What do you think about Lauren Sanchez? We love her.


I love Lauren Sanjay.


Right? Like, she kind of is one of.


The girls I love.


Laurence, I'm so glad.


I also.


Have you met her?


I have met her once in passing.


Was she nice?


She was very nice. Very pretty.




I always tell people. Cause everyone's like, oh, she didn't have a job. I'm like, dating a billionaire. Full time is a full time job.


And if anyone is hiring, I am.


Definitely open to that job internship over here. Okay. You don't have to pay it.


Summer internship.


I just need a condo somewhere cute.


And by the way, I think that's a serious statement. Like, it's obviously a joke. But those type of men, like, especially at that level, like a Jeff Bezos requires so much work.




They're really not well.


They're not well. And also keep in mind Jeff Bezos comes from the tech world. Lauren base. Lauren Bezos. I'm calling it Bezos already. I love comes from entertainment. So she's walking him through this whole thing and his new stardom. His new stardom.


I love that. That's so true.


And she's the gatekeeper.


I bet she sits in on his, like, pr meetings and shit because she's definitely well versed in the Hollywood landscape.


I think she's running the whole pr. That vogue. Yeah, I think she's running the whole pr.


And I like how she's putting herself at the center of it.


She's putting herself at the center. But by the way, guess what? I would do the same thing too.


You would do it too? For a check. You would do it too?


I would do it for a two freeze, two piece dark at Popeyes. Okay. I would do it for a wendy's value meal.


No, literally, seriously.


On a boat. On a boat.


On a boat.


You know, I think people are hating her because, again, when you come up too fast, people get jealous.


No. And she's really, like, living the dream.


I'm so mad.


No. And to be honest, I feel like there are a lot of billionaires out there. None of them are particularly gorgeous. You know, there's not like, the hot billionaire. Jeff Bezos isn't that bad looking, you know. No, he works out.


He works out.


He's Mister clean baldy. Like, it's a look. It's a vibe.


She got him in shape.


She, by the way, she created the billionaire she wished to see in the show. She got him in shape.


But you know who's really winning?


Let me think. Let me think.


Wait. I'm gonna send it to you. Telepathically grinds another. No, no. Another billionaire wife winning. Had her own ship, but now has more. Is killing the game now.


Help me.


She's been with her man for, like, 16 years.


Steve Harvey's wife?


No, bitch. Salma Hayek.


Oh, Salma fucking Hayek. And on that note, Eva Longoria as well. Salma Hayek's husband is lvmh, correct?




And Eva Longoria's husband is l'oreal.


Telemundo. Like he was Telemundo.


It's everything. It's a big conglomerate.


It's everything.


By the way, you're sorry. Salma Hayek's man is really underrated.


Selma Hayek's man is really underrated. And Salma Hayek herself is underrated.




She is a phenomenal actress. She is a great personality. She's a huge humanitarian. And she had to get pushed down the aisle to marry that man. That's a boss ass.


Why'd you have to get pushed?


Because she said she didn't believe in the institution of marriage.


Even to a billionaire?


Even to a billionaire who asked her more than one time to marry her.


That's so legendary.


Family had to be like, girl, bitch, walk down this generational, well, like, get it together. And she didn't want to do it.


That's impressive. That's.


I'm super impressed by Salma Hayek.


I love that. You know. You know, I never think about Salma Hayek, and now I will.


I think about all the time.


I think about Eva Longoria because I feel like she got the best of both worlds. She was married to that hot Tony Parker.


Tony Parker didn't deserve her.


Agreed. Did he cheat on her? Yes, but he was hot, so I enjoyed seeing. And that was her Gabby Solisiers.


But, you see, I go back with Eva Longoria to young and the Restless. Oh, you don't remember those, did you?


Yeah, no, I was introduced to her with Desperate Housewives.


Oh. You see, I go back when she was like, the crazy woman on who was stalking Paul and cricket.


That's funny.


On Y and R. So I've been down with Eva Longoria for a very long time. But I think what Eva Longoria is doing is taking Hollywood. And what she's doing is she's saying, we don't have one lane. These are the lanes we can have. She is a Oscar nominated producer.


Yeah, no, she's being really smart.


She's being really smart and stealth.


So I feel like when she was married to Tony Parker and she was, like, kind of just this, like, really in demand actress. It was fun.


Yeah, she was wearing nothing. She's wearing Brian Atwood on courtside.


Nothing so serious. Just like fun, rich, good vibes. But, you know, it's tough. This is a tough industry for a woman, and you gotta evolve. And I think once her relationship ended and then she met this new guy who's like a real business head, her entire career twisted around. She has outlasted every one of these bitches, like, especially from a business perspective. Casa del Sol tequila, her production company, the Flamingo, she's the director. Now, a thousand percent. I love this second wind. Like, the second phase of her life.


But you end up. It would happen to you, too.




If you married someone whose focus was solely on business. The things you absorb from those people are insane.


It's so true, so valuable.


It's like when girls, like, when people are like, oh, she becomes her boyfriend. Like, oh, my gosh, she just likes what her husband likes. I'm like, no, she's absorbing everything from him.


And why is that bad?


And why is that bad?


Like, it's called being in a good, healthy relationship.




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For details, check out bowling at bolland toast. For 15% off exclusions, apply CSIP for details. Morgan, next story. We're totally going to, like, turn the page to, like, somebody who has been in the news a lot recently and not necessarily in a good way. Jojo Siwa is reacting to them impersonating her on SNL. So I don't know if you saw. I believe it was Chloe Feynman. Yeah. Who did a little Jojo Siwa sketch on weekend Update.




She did the makeup and the dance and just sort of remarked on this very, you know, different.




Phase of Jojo Siwa that we've been seeing now, I imagine being parodied on SNL no matter what is a huge honor. Yeah, but. And Jojo loved it, by the way. She said iconic. I literally don't know what to say. This is fucking crazy. Three and a half minute skit on SNL. She loved it. But they were poking fun at her.


They did it to Madonna.




They do it to grabs Miley. They've done it to Whitney Houston. They've done it to Mariah Carey multiple times. I don't care. They did it to me.


Did they?


There was like a daily pop. Keenan Thompson. Yes. It was like a gay throwing up. Yes. It was like, I know that they did it like, it was a crazy.


It was meant to be you.


It was meant to be me.


What is it called?


They didn't say it. I'm gonna send you the link.


You better.


But people are like, oh, my God, I think he was kind of poking fun of you. And it was the greatest day of my life. And they didn't even say it was me or my name.


But you, like, are so well versed in it. Jojo C was really young to be able to appreciate it, even though it wasn't the most complimentary, honestly, I have a lot of respect for that.




Like, that's major. It takes a lot not to cry.


Yeah, but she came from Abby Lee Miller.


That's so true. Once you've been through the ABDC, once.


You'Ve been through the AB DC, you.


Can kind of go through anything, by.


The way, once you've come out.


Oh, that's true.


Also, once you've come out of the closet, not even publicly, let's just say you came out to your family and friends.


I wanna say coming out to your family and friends, I wouldn't know. I've never come out. Sounds harder than doing it on Instagram.


The hardest thing you have ever done. So a lot of times you see a lot of gay people in very high stress industries, in entertainment, murdering the game. We're on every board.


No, it's so true.


We're ripping and running around. We are good. We will survive. Literally the second coming of the apocalypse.


It's a baptism by fire. Like, after that, you're untouchable.


After that, you're untouchable.


If you don't mind me asking, what would your experience coming out like?


Oh, are you ready for this?


Hold on, let me readjust. Go.


Oh, shit. I'm about to throw you for a loop.


I've never been more. Have I heard this story?


No, probably not. So I moved from Louisiana. I started working for Kyle. Season one, I went undetectable. Undetected. Season two, Taylor Armstrong had a girls and gays and gals party.


Wait, when you started working for Kyle, you were still technically in the closet?


I was still technically in the closet. I had not formally said anything.


I don't think I knew that. That's really crazy.


Yeah. I was 21. I was like a kid. Wow. And I moved to LA, and I thought, I'm just gonna have my private life here. I won't have to, like, tell anybody at home. It'll be like this, you know, I would just live my life out here. Taylor had a gals and gay party, a 1920s themed scenario. We're talking with the ogs.


Season eight. The Gatsby vibes.


Gatsby vibes.


Oh, my God.


And Kyle was like, yo, would you come with me to this? But I know you're not out, but I want to give you the choice.


Kyle knew.


Kyle knew.


Oh, wow. That's so major. Okay.


Yeah, yeah. We talked about it day one. And she was like, think about it and let me know what you. What you think. And if you need me to help you talk to your family, go to Louisiana. Like, I'll do it, but if you don't want to do it, I totally understand. I respect it.




And it was a few days, and we talked about it a lot, and I went, oh, my God.


And it's really crazy. It was televised.


Yeah, it was televised, but don't forget, you go to something on a housewife show and then you have six months until it airs.


Oh, six months of dread.


So I had to sit for six months dread until it aired. And then I, you know, kind of sort of used the show as my vehicle of coming out. Like, I had to warn them about it. And it was so easy.


Oh, good.


Because it went and it was fun and it was nice. And, you know, I had lived in LA for, at this point, almost eight months. So I felt a little bit more comfortable.


Do you think if you hadn't been pushed to do that, how much longer it would have taken you?


I probably would have just lived my life here and not said anything. Because it wasn't that I wasn't out. It was a known secret. But we swept it under the rug, and I was out of sight, out of mind.


Got it.


This time I had to, like, say.


It because it was literally on tv.


It was on tv.




And if it didn't come out, then it would have came out on daily pop.




Cuz I'm always looking for a man on daily pop.


Do you feel. Stop.


I was always looking for a man on daily.


We missed daily pop. I just want to say that was it.


So it lasted as long as it was supposed to.


And how many seasons was it on?


Five years.


That's long. That's a win. But we need it.


365. I wish you would come back with three new people.


Oh, not you, because you, Morgan and Carissa were like, were the jam. Like, that was the perfect formula.


That was the perfect formula. Lonnie, too. When Lonnie Love came at the end.


She's hysterical.


She's hysterical.


But the three of you, like, Carissa was, you know, a little bit serious and was the one, you know, moving the show along a to b. Commercial break you and Morgan just bursting with personality. And two more different people don't exist. Like, your backgrounds, everything. And it was just.


It was great.




It was great. That show was a fluke.


Do you feel because you're so close with Kyle Richards, like, whenever something's going, and a lot has been happening with her in the recent year, but you've been best friends with her for, like, ten years, whenever anything happens, you feel like a spokesperson. Like, are you the first person people call being like, oh, is Kyle dating? Morning.


No one asked me anything.




Yeah. I think everybody respects that. I'm in like a. It's like a family thing. You know what I mean? Like, she is like my sister. I don't talk shit about my sister. I don't talk shit about that sister. I don't talk. My sister could do whatever she wanted. I'm still never gonna talk about her.


I love that, by the way. That's extremely admirable.


And people have been really respectful.


Have they?


Yeah, that whole scenario, yeah.


It's been a crazy year. How is she doing?


She's great. She's great. Lady Richards is doing really good.


In all your time at e, have you been to the Met gala.


I've never been to the Met gala.




They have never had me.


So for e, juliana had been.




Who's going this year?


Zuri hall.


Oh, she's great.


And erin Lim.


And she's great too. And keltie has been correct.


Keltie's been for et.


For et. Right.


Not for e. Not for e. So.


The Met gala has officially begun. The red carpet just started. I love being in LA time. It's so, like, so much better.


It's so much better.


Oh, my God. With award shows and stuff. It's not midnight when it ends. It's literally like 09:00. What are your thoughts on the theme?


I actually understand the theme, this show.


Okay, please explain it to us.


I understand the theme this show.


Hi, Joan.


It's awakening.


Yep. Something. Sleeping beauty.


Sleeping beauty awakening. All of these moments, it's going the garden of time. The garden of time. It's looking at all of these archival pieces, all these old big fashion moments and reawakening them. So you're gonna see a lot of pieces that were archives that were never worn again.


Will we recognize them as iconic things?


Yeah, you will. You will.


So, like, Kim's outfit from last year in Maryland would have, would have been.


Perfect this year if she. But it was Americana. It was perfect for that.


Yeah. By the way, that's true. Yeah. I'm gonna show you. A few people have arrived, and I want you to give me your takes really quickly. Anna Wintour ready? First on the carpet. Always.




She's wearing a jacket.




You say? Stunning.


You know what? As a host of the party, I understand why she does what she does.




It's always simple.




It's always clean and it's always comfortable. And I think she is the, I don't think she needs to go all out because she already went all out.


We have Lala Anthony, who does a lot of red carpet, corresponding for Vogue. And by the way, I think they tapped them, tapping her and Emma Chamberlain. I love both of them.


They're so perfect.


Everyone knows Lala, so everyone's so comfortable around her. She's just such like a girl.


She's a girl. Nobody will stop for her.


Yes, they all stop for her.


And by the way, Lala was the first to do it. Lala was on MTV.


That's actually so true.


Was on MTV years and years ago. So not only are you getting the professionalism, you're getting the celebrity too.


That's very true. Okay, what do you think about Ashley Graham wearing a fringe bang.


You know what that body can do? No. Wrong.


No, I agree.


I don't care what she puts on it, as long as it's hugging it and she has that confidence. I will fuck with that all day.


I love the Met Gala. I think it's, like, the most fun. And maybe it's because we get so little, you know, we're not inside. There's a little bit of red carpet. Not even that much. But then everything's very, you know, unplugged.


You know why I love it?




Because it's the one thing that everyone wants to go to. Mm hmm. And can't.


That's true.


I love that they chop 60 pe, 60,000 people off that list.




Everyone submits their clients for this. And I know some big names that didn't get that. Ever say, I would never say. I have a friend who works at Vogue. We talk about it sometimes.


Obsessed. Obsessed. Okay. It's nice to have friends in high places.


Yeah. Yeah.


And how do you think as, like, more a straight man, how to manage the theme? Sometimes they give nothing.


Sometimes I don't want anything.




Sometimes I don't want anything. Bradley Cooper will show up. Classic as can be. Because he is Bradley Cooper.




For men who can't handle a theme or a little bit of accoutrement, follow Bradley Cooper. You will never get it wrong.


And the theme, I mean, this sponsor this year being TikTok, was kind of like a polarizing thing people were talking about, because TikTok has become kind of controversial. And what are your thoughts when it comes to, like, digital talent influencers getting invited to these things? Like when YouTube was the sponsor a couple of years ago. I think they'd like three or four Jackie Aina, Nicki tutorials, James Charles.




And it was very controversial. And I feel like this year there will be because of TikTok. And I just saw one of the first to arrive is this guy. His name is Reese Feldman. Do you know him? He's a TikToker. He does a lot of content at red carpets. He does a lot of, like, movie interviews. He does a lot of movie things. So I imagine now that seeing him, and I think he's wearing.


This happens all the time.


The convergence.


No, no. If you watch, let's say, NBC gets the Golden Globes. NBC talent will host it. NBC talent will be presenters.




NBC will have a moment there.




Somebody from Bravo will come in as well.


Totally. ABC.


The same thing. They'll have their late night Disney. They'll have their late night host people do it. You know, it just is how the world works. And now these digital platforms have all this money.




And can afford to, like, the only.


Companies with money 100%.


And they can afford to send their people there.




So, you know what? If you're with a company and they're on the host committee, of course, go be proud.


But Anna is so specific. And like you said, a list star is getting cut.


So she's also, she's also needs that.


A business woman.




The fact that there probably tonight will be three or four influencers is so crazy. And I'm not talking about influencers. Like, like, some of them transcend. Like, I feel like now Charlie and Dixie have been, and to me, I don't think of them as TikTokers. I think of them as celebrities. So that makes sense. But I'm so curious about the influencers of it all, because I think a lot of people, like, look down on it. Yeah.


But I think if you are, you know, in their shoes, if you're Anna Wintour and your, you know, your YouTube or TikTok comes in and says, we get four tables, and we get complete discretion over four tables, you can't be mad if they invite Jenna Jameson.


No. And at the end of the day, it's like, change or die. Like, if you're not gonna evolve, like, you know, so many fashion trends and so much fashion comes from social media. And that was also, like, kind of a couple of years ago with Kim. You know, they didn't want her there. But you can't deny her influence on style and on fashion and on trends and the fact that it went from her being, you know, Kanye's plus one, where everybody made fun of her outfit and no one wanted her there. And Anna Winter almost said no to, like, it's basically the Kardashian sweet 16. Every year, it's all the girls go, and it's like, their party. That's why I feel like Taylor Swift, you know, doesn't go.


No. And by the way, you gotta, if you're Anna Wintour, yes. You're a businesswoman. You gotta bend.




You gotta listen to what the people want, because, you know, when Kim walks on the carpet, when Zendaya walks on the carpet, when Doja walks on the carpet, when Katy Perry walks on the carpet, when those big celebrities walk on the carpet, everyone talks about it.




It's always a moment. And you have to look for those moments.


Thousand percent. And when you think back in, like, all the iconic, most amazing things. First of all, what's, like, your favorite theme in recent history? I loved camp.


I did like camp. I liked when Catholic, when it was heavenly bodies. Heavenly bodies.


Yes, I agree. Kim's dress, heavenly bodies, Rihanna as the pope.


As the pope. Madonna with her ass out. Like, I love it.


That was a really good one. And for me, like, I'm not really super into fashion. Like, to me, that was a same with camp. Those are themes that I felt like were really understandable for, like, the common person, 1000%.


I also really love, you know, that this event is still an event.


I know. Because nothing special anymore.


Vanity Fair is kind of special.


Yes, it is. I agree.


You know, this is kind of special.


That's it.


That's it. You know what I mean?


I completely agree. I love that take, by the way. They have preserved the specialness, if you will, of the event, and it's still something everyone wants to go to. What do you think about Emma Chamberlain's look? I think she looks. She's such a fashion girl. It's so crazy.


I love it.


She's really killed it. She's someone who I think does a really good job of being not a trained entertainment journalist.


She straddles it.


She straddles it. She does a good job. She does the homework. She has personality, but she lets other people talk. It's not, you know, as easy as people think it is. I can talk to a celebrity.


One of the hardest jobs ever.


I agree. Talking harder than coal mining.


Listening harder than coal mining. Listen. Listen to a celebrity as a fan, but also as a journalist. Cause keep in mind, you get on a carpet, your producer has given you five questions to ask this celebrity. You have to figure out how to ask five questions in three minutes.


No, that's hard.


You also have to, like, figure out how to wean in your own things.


Of course. Your personality.


Your personality. You also have to make a judgment whether you ask a follow up to something that they say. Say, you know, there's all of these protocols. It's a dance.




You know, my thing on a red carpet or a junket was always when someone sat down, especially if they were kind of new in the game and kind of, you know, a little hot. I would always say, hey, before we start, is there anything that I. That you wouldn't want to get out of here? Like, is there like a collect. Do you have something.


Yeah. Smart. Because then that makes them like you a lot.


And they're like, oh, actually my passion project. Yeah, I have an album coming out in a week. So you go through the five questions about, oh, how was it working with Michelle Pfeiffer? And what was it like getting in your costume? And then the last question is, wow, I saw you sing in this movie. You know, would you ever think about, like, putting on an album and then you hear them? Oh, yeah. Well, actually. And they come out and say it. Then going back to the office and saying, listen, I know we're not gonna normally play this, but can we just leave a snippet?




Of like, he's got an album coming out.


Yeah. And it means the world.


It means the world to them. It means the world to their publicist. It means the world to everyone involved. People on the album.




So you just have to find ways to connect with people on those carpets.


Let me ask you a question. I feel like this is a good place to end it because I think a lot of the people who listen to the show, like I said at the very beginning, you really have the dream job. And there are so many people who would love to be where you are when it comes, like, actually tangible advice, something someone can do. I hate when I ask people for advice and they're like, believe in yourself. No, like, where do I believe in myself? What is the most tangible piece of advice you can give to someone who wants to crack into, like, the entertaining, hosting, entertainment journalist industry?


My best advice would be one, find someone who's doing the job that you want and figure out how to take it, the next step. So, like, what is that person missing? What is that person not doing? What is that person not, you know, caught up on?


I love that.


So, like, for myself, I wanted to be Jason Kennedy, and I knew that Jason Kennedy was more into giving you the news and presenting it. Yep. He didn't want to really open up. Open up and get into celebrity gossip. And so I was like, okay, he's doing this the best. He's the best at this. I'm going to try to do this at e. And it worked out for me because that's how I went into it. And I think if you can find a place and find that hole, that's the best thing to do. Also, like, go out there and tell people you will do it for free. Yeah, do a few for free. Get, get your name out there.


Experience for your resume.




Oh, a real. So you like you? I don't know, because I've never done it. Is that still how it's done? You have to have a real kinda.


But you can find, by the way, there are magazine outlets who are looking, always looking for on air, on air talent. If somebody hit you up and said, yo, I can get carpet access to this, can I go for the toast? You would have been like, great. How much do we have? What do we have to do? Get a camera. And you would be like, great, let's do it. Just finding those people and those outlets that you can get on those carpets or those one on one interviews could really break you.


I love. That's very good advice.


Yeah, it's fun. It's definitely a dream come true, and it's definitely a blessing. I don't know how I ended up.


Here, but we're so glad you did.


Thank you.


I love you.


I love you, too. This was so much fun.


I could talk to you for hours. Thank you for being here. You guys have to follow Justin on Instagram for the premium content. It's Justina Sylvester.




You're on E. News every night.


Every night.


Monday through Friday.


Monday, Thursday, Monday through Thursday, 11:00 p.m.


Catch up with Justin there. Catch up with him on Instagram, on the talk.




You have to come back.


I will come back and shout out to Bridget Monahan.


We stand with you.


I know you were cheersing last night, bitch. And I see you.


We cheers you.




Thank you guys so much for listening to the toast, the Monday morning show where we deliver the fast life stories you need to know. Everybody's a Friday on YouTube, so if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as podcast and where podcasts can be found. So it's Spotify. Since Turtle public radio, I already cast box all the place review about a beautiful, how stunning, how wickedly talented we are. Have an amazing day, and we'll see you tomorrow. Bye.