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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. Happy Friday. Or should I say Friday?


It's giving Friday for a number of reasons. Shall I count the ways?


One, it's actually Friday, which is amazing. We're not like, living in delusion land.


Which is always a yay. Like, when it's a Friday, I don't.


Care, like, if it's a Friday and I'm living, you know, the worst life. It's Friday.


Yeah. Your one size to your dreams.


Two, last night, we officially ended our mini residency at the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts center. We had our fourth and final show.


Is that correct?


And it was incredible. Had the time of my life. Gonna miss it. They're literally like our family over there.


Yeah, it's definitely our second home. We live a shows for four. And, you know, the othertoast to get 25% off. That's 25% off the VSO one from seed. Their new toast S e toast. Our code is 25 toast. 25 t o A S t. So make sure to use that link toast and use our promo code 25 toast to get 25% off.Today's episode is also brought to you by Hill House home. You might know Hill house home already because they invented the viral nap dress. It is the most flattering and comfortable dress. It has their signature smocking. It's perfect for the dress girls. They instantly became like a kind of cult following brand. Celebrities love it. Everyone you know wears the dresses. I love Hill house home. Of course. We know them for their dresses. But I think a lot of people are sleeping on my husband, who's so negative. Like, he would have told me not to do this. And you know what? Maybe this party is, like, a manifestation of what she wants. Maybe we shouldn't clown on it. I don't know.Maybe it was a big fight of theirs. Maybe you know, women just doing whatever they want, you know?Yeah.Like, could it be me? Never in a million years do I support it also. No, but I'll allow it.So you don't want it for next year? I should just scrap this. Oh, yeah, I was gonna do.Were you working on, like, a mood board for my surprise party that you were gonna make a Bridgerton theme? Yeah, no, I'm also. I'm off Bridgerton. Like, I thought the first season was, like, fabulous, and ever since then, it's just, like, it's not doing it for me.I'm off Bridgerton.I don't know if they'll capture what they captured in that first season ever again. Yeah, but they have a crazy fandom. Like, really, really? From the books, from social media, from Netflix. They have, like, a global. They have an insane audience.But I also, like, have to give credit. I have to thank Bridgerton, like, for my life, because Bridgerton was the thing for me that got me into, like, historical fiction. Like, because of Bridgerton, I watched Downton Abbey.Did you ever read the Bridgerton books?No, but when I watched the show, I wasn't really so into, like, royal history, like, all of this, until Bridgerton, and I really liked the first season, I was like, I want more of that, and I want the real story.Right.And then I watched Downton Abbey after that. I watched Victoria. Like, Bridgerton was the thing that, like, sent me down. And I don't even want to call it, like, a rabbit hole because I live here. Like, I staying there. There. There's. The bed is made out of cardboard. It is a twin size. It's smaller than what you slept in in college. There is no way.There's.The basketball players are sleeping in that. For real.We need clarity.I need LeBron James to get on TikTok and start doing a day in his life or reels. I don't discriminate.Yeah, but I feel like he's definitely getting special privileges, and that would make people mad.But the thing about the Olympics is, like, nobody gets. And it's not our country.No, but it's also physics.Like, it's inhumane.It's just like. Like math. He is too long for this bed.Like, he would have to sleep like a.But it's same for the swimmers, too, and. But the a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.And that's it.No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.Yeah.And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.Right.And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.Fashion.Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


toast to get 25% off. That's 25% off the VSO one from seed. Their new toast S e toast. Our code is 25 toast. 25 t o A S t. So make sure to use that link toast and use our promo code 25 toast to get 25% off.


Today's episode is also brought to you by Hill House home. You might know Hill house home already because they invented the viral nap dress. It is the most flattering and comfortable dress. It has their signature smocking. It's perfect for the dress girls. They instantly became like a kind of cult following brand. Celebrities love it. Everyone you know wears the dresses. I love Hill house home. Of course. We know them for their dresses. But I think a lot of people are sleeping on my husband, who's so negative. Like, he would have told me not to do this. And you know what? Maybe this party is, like, a manifestation of what she wants. Maybe we shouldn't clown on it. I don't know.Maybe it was a big fight of theirs. Maybe you know, women just doing whatever they want, you know?Yeah.Like, could it be me? Never in a million years do I support it also. No, but I'll allow it.So you don't want it for next year? I should just scrap this. Oh, yeah, I was gonna do.Were you working on, like, a mood board for my surprise party that you were gonna make a Bridgerton theme? Yeah, no, I'm also. I'm off Bridgerton. Like, I thought the first season was, like, fabulous, and ever since then, it's just, like, it's not doing it for me.I'm off Bridgerton.I don't know if they'll capture what they captured in that first season ever again. Yeah, but they have a crazy fandom. Like, really, really? From the books, from social media, from Netflix. They have, like, a global. They have an insane audience.But I also, like, have to give credit. I have to thank Bridgerton, like, for my life, because Bridgerton was the thing for me that got me into, like, historical fiction. Like, because of Bridgerton, I watched Downton Abbey.Did you ever read the Bridgerton books?No, but when I watched the show, I wasn't really so into, like, royal history, like, all of this, until Bridgerton, and I really liked the first season, I was like, I want more of that, and I want the real story.Right.And then I watched Downton Abbey after that. I watched Victoria. Like, Bridgerton was the thing that, like, sent me down. And I don't even want to call it, like, a rabbit hole because I live here. Like, I staying there. There. There's. The bed is made out of cardboard. It is a twin size. It's smaller than what you slept in in college. There is no way.There's.The basketball players are sleeping in that. For real.We need clarity.I need LeBron James to get on TikTok and start doing a day in his life or reels. I don't discriminate.Yeah, but I feel like he's definitely getting special privileges, and that would make people mad.But the thing about the Olympics is, like, nobody gets. And it's not our country.No, but it's also physics.Like, it's inhumane.It's just like. Like math. He is too long for this bed.Like, he would have to sleep like a.But it's same for the swimmers, too, and. But the a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.And that's it.No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.Yeah.And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.Right.And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.Fashion.Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


my husband, who's so negative. Like, he would have told me not to do this. And you know what? Maybe this party is, like, a manifestation of what she wants. Maybe we shouldn't clown on it. I don't know.


Maybe it was a big fight of theirs. Maybe you know, women just doing whatever they want, you know?Yeah.Like, could it be me? Never in a million years do I support it also. No, but I'll allow it.So you don't want it for next year? I should just scrap this. Oh, yeah, I was gonna do.Were you working on, like, a mood board for my surprise party that you were gonna make a Bridgerton theme? Yeah, no, I'm also. I'm off Bridgerton. Like, I thought the first season was, like, fabulous, and ever since then, it's just, like, it's not doing it for me.I'm off Bridgerton.I don't know if they'll capture what they captured in that first season ever again. Yeah, but they have a crazy fandom. Like, really, really? From the books, from social media, from Netflix. They have, like, a global. They have an insane audience.But I also, like, have to give credit. I have to thank Bridgerton, like, for my life, because Bridgerton was the thing for me that got me into, like, historical fiction. Like, because of Bridgerton, I watched Downton Abbey.Did you ever read the Bridgerton books?No, but when I watched the show, I wasn't really so into, like, royal history, like, all of this, until Bridgerton, and I really liked the first season, I was like, I want more of that, and I want the real story.Right.And then I watched Downton Abbey after that. I watched Victoria. Like, Bridgerton was the thing that, like, sent me down. And I don't even want to call it, like, a rabbit hole because I live here. Like, I staying there. There. There's. The bed is made out of cardboard. It is a twin size. It's smaller than what you slept in in college. There is no way.There's.The basketball players are sleeping in that. For real.We need clarity.I need LeBron James to get on TikTok and start doing a day in his life or reels. I don't discriminate.Yeah, but I feel like he's definitely getting special privileges, and that would make people mad.But the thing about the Olympics is, like, nobody gets. And it's not our country.No, but it's also physics.Like, it's inhumane.It's just like. Like math. He is too long for this bed.Like, he would have to sleep like a.But it's same for the swimmers, too, and. But the a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.And that's it.No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.Yeah.And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.Right.And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.Fashion.Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


you know, women just doing whatever they want, you know?




Like, could it be me? Never in a million years do I support it also. No, but I'll allow it.


So you don't want it for next year? I should just scrap this. Oh, yeah, I was gonna do.


Were you working on, like, a mood board for my surprise party that you were gonna make a Bridgerton theme? Yeah, no, I'm also. I'm off Bridgerton. Like, I thought the first season was, like, fabulous, and ever since then, it's just, like, it's not doing it for me.


I'm off Bridgerton.


I don't know if they'll capture what they captured in that first season ever again. Yeah, but they have a crazy fandom. Like, really, really? From the books, from social media, from Netflix. They have, like, a global. They have an insane audience.


But I also, like, have to give credit. I have to thank Bridgerton, like, for my life, because Bridgerton was the thing for me that got me into, like, historical fiction. Like, because of Bridgerton, I watched Downton Abbey.


Did you ever read the Bridgerton books?


No, but when I watched the show, I wasn't really so into, like, royal history, like, all of this, until Bridgerton, and I really liked the first season, I was like, I want more of that, and I want the real story.




And then I watched Downton Abbey after that. I watched Victoria. Like, Bridgerton was the thing that, like, sent me down. And I don't even want to call it, like, a rabbit hole because I live here. Like, I staying there. There. There's. The bed is made out of cardboard. It is a twin size. It's smaller than what you slept in in college. There is no way.There's.The basketball players are sleeping in that. For real.We need clarity.I need LeBron James to get on TikTok and start doing a day in his life or reels. I don't discriminate.Yeah, but I feel like he's definitely getting special privileges, and that would make people mad.But the thing about the Olympics is, like, nobody gets. And it's not our country.No, but it's also physics.Like, it's inhumane.It's just like. Like math. He is too long for this bed.Like, he would have to sleep like a.But it's same for the swimmers, too, and. But the a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.And that's it.No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.Yeah.And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.Right.And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.Fashion.Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


staying there. There. There's. The bed is made out of cardboard. It is a twin size. It's smaller than what you slept in in college. There is no way.




The basketball players are sleeping in that. For real.


We need clarity.


I need LeBron James to get on TikTok and start doing a day in his life or reels. I don't discriminate.


Yeah, but I feel like he's definitely getting special privileges, and that would make people mad.


But the thing about the Olympics is, like, nobody gets. And it's not our country.


No, but it's also physics.


Like, it's inhumane.


It's just like. Like math. He is too long for this bed.


Like, he would have to sleep like a.


But it's same for the swimmers, too, and. But the a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.And that's it.No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.Yeah.And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.Right.And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.Fashion.Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


a more conservative dress over something more flashy or trendy because she didn't want to look back and regret the choice. She said, quote, I loved every part of my wedding because I love my husband and the people we got to celebrate that day with. The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they're choices I could be proud of in 50 years.


And that's it.


No, like, I understood what she meant. Like I said yesterday, like, reading comprehension, media literacy, it is an all time low in this country.




And the fact that, like, you have to explain, like, your choices about your wedding. Weddings are so personal, and, like, they're a reflection of you, your values, your childhood, the person you're marrying, your family. Like, it's. Who gives it. So you wouldn't do it. So don't.


No, but also what she's saying in general, like, she said a statement, and then if you look at that statement through a number of different lenses, you can find meaning in it that she's telling us she did not meet.




And I feel like people do that all the time. And when she's saying, like, I give people the benefit of the doubt, like, that it's not through that lens, that it's through a different lens. Or just as she meant it to be said, but people do that all the time. We're like, oh, you said this, so you mean that. But you must have meant, why don't you just, like, think for a second and give people the benefit of the doubt that, like, they don't mean whatever crazy thing that you think that they mean, and they just mean the words that they said.


Of course. Because also, if you continue to look at what she wore throughout the day, she ends up in, like, a very sexy, revealing, really cute mini dress.




Obviously, it wasn't a statement on, like, women and sex and marriage and Christianity. Like, people really ran with it and were, like, making But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


But everyone is like, I want something classic that looks good in any era.


No. It was really wild to watch that very cliche statement become, like, a polarizing thing. And it just, I feel like it's a continuation of what we said yesterday. Like, you can't make as, like, a public figure who's a woman. Like, you can't make a choice in your life without who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.It's seven day title.It's seven day title. What should we start with?This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.Sure.Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.That's download and send.That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


who acted like a queenie this week and deserves our absolute applause, adoration. And who was giving weenie, who was just like. And it's not so serious, you know? It was just like.


It's seven day title.


It's seven day title. What should we start with?


This too shall pass. Let's start with Queenie. Of course. We always like to start on a positive because that's just who we are. I'm gonna go first, please. Because my queenie this week, and her name is Samantha, the dirty big bitch.


Of my bunk who gave the counselor and me lice.


Yes. So I'm sure when Samantha the dirty big bitch got lice and gave it to the counselor and Logan, like, that was a really hard day for her. Lice is horrible, but, like, everything happens for a reason. And I can say the reason for that would be, like, to spawn the iconic moment that we've been talking about all week on MTV's fat camp. And then also, like, giving us, like, we did on Patreon about fat camp. Like, thank you to Samantha the dirty big bitch in my bunk. Like, wherever you are, just know, like, you have my love and adoration.


Mine is kind of similar because it's also about fat camp.


But this was just, like, the week of fat camp.


It was. And that's why my queenie is Olivia Ashrae, because our older sister Olivia, like, the reason we went to fat camp had a lot to do with her. And, like, some things she went through in her childhood, and we go into it on Patreon, and Jackie and I sort of, like, aired out all of, like, the shit she had to deal with when she was a kid on.


The Patreon that, like, when we were younger, the things that, like, we couldn't say. Like, we didn't even tell people that we went to a fat camp, which is why I never signed the release. And as we're doing the Patreon, we're like, wait, will Olivia care that we said this or that or this?


So I called her, and she was so cool. She thought it was so funny, and she was. I was like, is it okay that we shared x, y, and Z and I? She was like, of course she thought it was funny. She really let us exploit probably a dark time in her life for the sake of our art. And that is queenie like behavior.


That is queenie like behavior. Shout out.


So thank you to Olivia for being a queen.


And also shout out to Margo while we're shouting out sisters.




Because our little sister Margot always DNS me tiktoks without question.


That's download and send.


That's download and send. I'm sure you saw on our instagram this week, like, Claudia stopped sending me tiktoks because I can't watch them.


Cause was the time to down. She's like, I can't watch it. Download and send it to me. No.


And sometimes now she'll send me the ones that I absolutely have to watch. And I agree. The one that you send me, like, I didn't need to watch, and I enjoyed, but I can't watch it. So I said, like, can you please DNS. And she's like, no. Like, that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.No, no. Not bound by blood.Screw sisterhood.I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.Boom.It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.You sound like dear reader.What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.Love ya. Bye.


that was umbrella. Extremely Hollywood, and extremely great and extremely friends only. Like, not sister.


No, no. Not bound by blood.


Screw sisterhood.


I agree. That's our show. You know? Like, that's pretty much it.


And if you take one thing away from this, screw sisterhood. Correct in favor of more sisterhood.




It's not enough sisterhood. That's how you got to screw it and do it again.


Thank you guys so much for listening to the Tuscal Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday and YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please seriously feel free to subscribe and give us video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found, said Spotify iTunes, Stitcher public video I ever do cast books. All the places we listen to podcasts. Find us a toasty five star review about a beautiful, about a stunning and about a wiggly darling we are.


You sound like dear reader.


What a splendid evening. Dear Reader, dearest reader. Weenie of the Week.


Love ya. Bye.