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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Chose. And happy Tuesday. That literally feels like a Saturday night. It's giving positivity. It's giving me have something to live for. It's giving joy. It's giving I met Kelly Clarkson. There's literally nothing not to be excited about.


It's so true. The lead story to be excited about, and it's tough because I'm so excited to get to Kelly, but merch dropped this morning.


There is a tie for three things I'm seriously itching to talk about. Our new merch dropped. The fact that I met Kelly Clarkson last night, Justin Timberlake arrested for a DWI.


Right. So they're tied for a first. We're just going to go in order of- Of importance. Yeah. Merch dropped this morning. Everyone's getting their merch. We're so excited. Summer collection, Toasty Vibes.


It's amazing. The T-shirt I'm wearing is the new boyfriend T-shirt. It is already sold out. It's the best T-shirt. I'm sorry about that. Some of the pieces are close to selling out. So like Jackie said, make hast to shop toastmerch. Com. We've got hoodies, we've got crewnecks, we've got hats. It's really a tote. Oh, the tote.


The tote. The tote is my favorite thing. I always need a little tote bag. Not everything fits in my purse. I always need a backup bag, and I love that tote so much. It's so near and dear to my heart. Yeah.


And it's the Toast Toat, the tote, T-O-A-T.


And today I'm wearing the hoodie, which we don't make hoodies often, but I'm so grateful that we made hoodies literally this week because it's nonstop raining here. And it's like, I'll go into the grocery store, it's not raining, and I come out and it's raining. Hoodie.


They're so functional.


Thanks, hood.


They're so functional. And when you come in with the rain, it's so great to be having your Toast Hoodie on.


Yeah. Plus it has this pocket in the front. It has cool tings on the arm. It's just a great piece.


Yeah, all of the pieces are so versatile in their colors. We've really never done mint. We have blue, we have purple, because Jackie and I have really been realizing our colors and how important... Like that blue crew neck and the matching sweat pants set, that is my color. It makes my face glowy. Whatever the color analysis is, it's that color.


I think that's a color that really looks great on everyone because it's so bright and it just brings out everyone's inner light. And I think it's a cerulian blue, picked out from a pile of stuff.


From the people in this room. Yeah. I love that transition.


I think it is cerulian, though.


I actually do think it is cerulian Serulian as well.


So get your Serulian, get your pliny vibes on. We've got mint, we've got lila, we've got hat. And it's all at shoptoastmerch. Com. So make haste, might you?


A lot of people were asking, they're like, I'm not going to buy the merch It's fine because I want to buy it at the live show. Our merch is completely done online. It will not be sold in person. So if you were waiting, don't.


There won't be merch at the shows.


And speaking of live shows, a couple of tickets left. So head to thetoastpodcast. Com. We'll see you all. It's starting next week. We haven't even really been talking about. We are playing the Beacon Theater in nine days. In nine days. That's so crazy.


It is so crazy. I'm really trying to prepare myself physically, mentally. I've got to get some Seamlas.


Do you know what you're wearing? I placed a big seamla order from Revolve this morning because I woke up, oh, my God, I had such a terrible dream. I feel like part of just being a modern Jewess is having Holocaust dreams, right? I had such a realistic Holocaust dream, and Romeo was in it, and it was like, It was such a bad dream. It woke me up. I woke up at 6:05, and I just laid in my bed. And so, yeah, I placed a revolved swirly order for the girly swirly affair. Sorry not to bring the Holocaust into this.


For sure. Okay. Highs and lows. I made a big cart last night on sacks. Com. I made a big curt, but I didn't press order yet. And that's what I'll do this morning. Hopefully, it's one of those places where they keep my cart until I'm ready. I hate that 30 minute lost my Kirt.


I think as a society, we have actually moved past that. I don't believe there are any websites that clear out your cart anymore. If there are, shame them in the comments. Name, shame, and the cart, game, because that is a federal offense.


So I've been doing a lot of online shopping recently, for the boys for summer. And a lot of times I make a big cart, I don't immediately buy it. And then the next day, I'll see the tab there, and then I buy it. So I've been experiencing whether or not they part with our cart.


No, and I'm so paranoid. I'll screenshot it before I just minimize the tab and pay for it tomorrow. Oh, that's good. But I shouldn't have to do that. I don't know if there are any remaining retailers, and I'm talking about the big name retailers who still do that. If there are, shame on you.


No, like come into the 21st century. It's nice here.


Join us. Join us.


Don't part with our carts. Now there's a cause to champion.


That we can all get behind.


No, I'm sure someone's like, No, it's good because someone else was waiting for that item. No, no, no.


No, no, Jackie, it's this, it's this. Well, actually, I think it's better when companies do that because it helps fight consumerism and capitalism at its finest. It's like overconsumption, whatever. People are like, Do you influence it in overconsumption?


Because if you didn't order it in the moment, do you even really need it?


Yes, I do.


Yeah, I just like to wait until it's the last minute I have to pay for extra bite of Why pay for free shipping?


No, no. Why make it easy?


Why give myself time when I could be rushed and stressed?


Speaking of looking gorgeous, last It really was one of the better nights of my life. It was so layered. I have been planning on going to this screening last night. Prime Video was putting out, we all know, we've been talking about a lot, Celina Dion's. Allegedly very telling. It's been very secretive. They haven't done I see a screening. It's like, What's happening in this documentary? Last night, I was invited to a screening, and I was going regardless. I didn't really realize until I think I arrived that she was confirmed attending. I thought maybe she would show up, but I was really going because I wanted to see the documentary. I had I had no idea what I was walking into, but it said cocktail chic, and I was like, Okay, maybe I should get dressed up. So I did, and I loved my outfit. I was feeling so good. I haven't seen Brian in a while. We were just feeling really excited. When I got there, it was very clear this was a fabulous event. It was at Lincoln Center. It was giving just socialite energy. We were in this little VIP holding room before the screening started with drinks and snacks and music.


I saw Gael King. It was very elite New Yorker energy.


Who Who else did you see?


I saw D errick Blasberg, elite New York energy.


Who else did you see?


Well, let me tell you. I'm like, Oh, this is fabulous, Brian. I didn't even know what we were getting into. I was already having the best night ever. I go sit, and I have great seats. I'm sitting for literally 15 minutes before I realize that Kelly Brienne Clarkson is right behind me, two seats to the right. I immediately can't breathe. I actually don't I recall ever having such a physical reaction to another human being. Not to be annoying. I meet celebs a lot. It's a part of the job.


She's electric.


I was so shook at her regularity. I almost missed her. She was just a woman sitting, and we We were sitting for 45 minutes before the screening started. It was supposed to start at 8:00. It got started at 8:40-ish. Kelly was so calm, cool, collected. I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do. I knew I had to say something, but I didn't want to be annoying. I I didn't know what the right way to handle it was. And I'm freaking out. Brian's so chill. And I'm like, You don't understand, Brian. That's like, for you, it's Céline Dion. Imagine Céline Dion sitting behind you. Yeah. And he was understanding, and he was like, Just go, just go. I'm like, I can't. I just didn't know what to do. I also felt this overwhelming sense of guilt because you weren't there.


Yes, but you know, you really thrive in those situations, and I'm just glad to hear the story, really. And the story, as as you were about to tell it, is so great for the whole toast universe.


So I get up and I'm like, If I don't do it, I never will, and I'll regret it. And so I go over and I just lean over. So she's on the aisle, but there's a girly sitting in the aisle, and Kelly right next to the girly. And I lean over and I'm like, I am so sorry. I will be three seconds of your time, ma'am. And this is exactly what I said. I said, Kelly, I would legitimately lay my life out on the line for you. And she was cracking up. She was like, Wait, oh, my God. We were just talking about you.


She's like- You recognize me?


She's like, Claudia, right? I'm like, Kelly. Kelly Brianne. And she's like, Yeah. And she pointed to her friend who was sitting next to her. She was like, She was just telling me about you all.


She was telling me about you all.


I was like, Oh, there's a swirly in Kelly's midst. Good to know. And she was like, So fucking nice, so fucking cool. I don't even really remember exactly what I said, but I know I said a couple of things. I'd lay my life out on the line for you. I said, You're the greatest thing to happen to America. I said, Kelly Clarkson is uniting the nation. We need you now more than ever. No, the Kelly Clarkson show unites the nation. And she was telling me, she just came from the Kelly Clarkson show. She was like, I I normally wear this much makeup. I'm sorry. Look a little crazy. I'm like, Kelly, don't you dare apologize to me. She was telling me about the Kelly Oakey she did. I totally forgot to tell you all of this. She sang a Sia song, and she was telling me about it. Bird...


Bird Set Free.


Bird Set Free. She was like, Did you know Adele wrote that song? I'm like, No, I didn't know that. She's like, Yeah, Adele and Sia. I'm like, Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Kelly Clarkson. And then she was like, Do you want to do a picture? And I was like, If you don't mind, because I don't want to make her get up. I was going to live without it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was like, No, of course. She took a million. She's like, Move. The lighting stinks. Brian, get in one. She could not have been more gracious, more lovely. They say, Never meet your heroes. But if your hero is Kelly Clarkson, you are completely safe. Mark yourself as safe. She was like, There are literally no words. Oh, and then I was like, We were done with the photos. I was like, I'm done. I'm sorry, I'm totally done. But I do want to tell you, I used to be hella overweight. She was like, Me too. I told her I ran this 5K that was a big deal for me. It was this milestone. Invincible was just the soundtrack I love that journey for me, and it got me through that journey.


She was just like, I love that. Jackie, I could not conjure up one negative thing to say about the experience, except that I was probably a freak, and my face was probably so red. I don't remember ever having such a reaction to any... I don't know if anyone that I've ever met I felt that way about. And hands down, the best encounter I've ever had with a celebrity.


I mean, it all makes sense because that's what you would think would happen. But just to know, confirm that she's the person that we think she is, she's actually even better. Yeah.


Wow. And I did turn around a couple of times during the documentary to see her reaction. She was eating it up. She enjoyed herself? She wasn't distracted. She wasn't on her phone. She wasn't chit-chatting. She wasn't snacking. She wasn't running to the bathroom. I actually ran to the bathroom and I just walked in front of Kelly. I felt so bad. But couldn't hold my pean. And she loves Céline. I wonder if Céline is going to go on KCS.


I could see it.


But it was just obviously an event where important New Yorkers in media were invited, and I was just honored to be one of them.


For Sure. I thought the other person who you were going to say who you saw was my friend.




Mary Orton.


So me and Brian walk in. We walked the red carpet. It was so fabulous. And we're walking. They give us these little bracelets, and we're literally heading upstairs. And Brian runs into this girl Lindsay that he knows. And so I know her, too, but through Brian. It was Brian's friend. We turn around, and this girl Lindsay is talking to Mary Orton. I'm like, I seriously, I did a double fucking take. Last person on the planet, I was expecting to see Mary Orton. She lives in Milwaukee, correct?




She lives in Wisconsin. Yes. I just wasn't fucking expecting to see her. And I was like, MFMO, is that you? She was like, Jackie didn't tell you I was coming. You knew she was coming?


I did know she was coming, and it's like, You know how we're always FaceTiming and I call you and it's like, Oh, fuck, I forgot what I was going to tell you. That was one of those things. That was one of those things.


We spent the whole pre-cocktail hour, maybe an hour and a half together, just chit-chatting. I met her husband, Mr. Orton.


Rich was Rich?


Rich, yes. Rich. I would call him. I have respect. I call him Mr. Ordon.


You call him by his wife's maiden name.


Oh, my God. Is that not his last name? Oh, I'm cracking up. Oh, my God. So I kept calling him Mr. Ordon. That's so rude. But by the way, he was like, I love The Toes. He's like, I really respect what you guys build. In the podcast, sometimes we're working late, and I say, Mary, have you listened to the new episode of The Toes yet? Do you want to listen to it now? He loves it.


King. Respectful king.


King. I just loved Mary. And you want to hear the funnest fact about Mary Ordon, and I assume why she was at this event?


Please let me know.


Céline Dion follows her on Instagram, and Céline Dion follows 60 people, and most of them are Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music.


I could see her loving Mary's content because Céline has a very specific sense of humor, as does Mary. I could see their styles. I see That makes sense.


Yeah, when she told me that, I was actually jealous. Brian, oh my God, I couldn't even look at Brian. Brian was like, seriously, like so... And Brian was very taken with Mary Orton. She has this presence, and they're both tall. They were talking about their tallness.


Like, tall people stuff.


Yeah, and she's very... She has this way about her. Brian, I think, was very swept away with her.


Right? She's enchanting.


Enchanting. Perfect word.


I've been trying to tell you, but I'm so glad you got to experience the magic of Mary Orton, and now we could just be a group of friends.


Yeah, it was a night filled with Mary Orton and magical energy with Kelly. I actually felt bad. The night was so Jackie-coated. Seriously, it basically is like, if you booked a very last minute trip to St. Bart's with Tinks, that is so probably how I would feel.


Like your dream evening.


That's my dream. You couldn't paint an evening more Jackie Coated.


It's so true.


Oh, and let me tell you this documentary. Oh, yeah. Chilling. I thought they were being dramatic in the beginning. I was just like, What are they They're going to show us in this documentary that that's that crazy. You know what? They did. There are two scenes, one in the beginning and one in the end. First of all, they do a good job of explaining what the disorder is, because I'm sure most people haven't heard of stiff person syndrome. It's a neurological disorder that affects one in one million people, and it's more likely to happen in women. It's super rare. There's no studies being done on it. You can't help but think about the person who has this disease who's not Celina Dion, who doesn't have a team of sports medicine doctors living in her house. But basically, what the disease is, your muscles just are working against your body. And as more time goes on, your muscles reject everything. And for her, one of her strongest muscles is her voice. And it started happening a couple of years ago where she would lose the ability to talk or sing for a minute, and it flicked her out.


And it just very slowly got worse and worse and worse. And there was a point where she was on almost 300 milligrams of Valium just to keep her muscles at bay to perform. And then it got to a point where she had to cancel all those shows. It was just like she couldn't walk.


So when did it start?


So It was like a very... She said, Years ago, these weird things would happen to me, and I didn't know what they were. It was all different muscles, sometimes in her voice, sometimes in her hands, sometimes in her feet. Then I think after COVID, it got to a point where it was not livable anymore to keep working and touring. They had all this old footage of her, and it was so devastating because, of course, you know Céline, the voice. But you forget the Céline, the singer, Céline, the fashionista, the Céline girl who used to do it all, travel the world. She was a busy, active person. To see it, that footage juxtaposed with the person and the way she lives now. I will say the documentary, I feel, was filmed, I think they said three or four years ago because her sons in it are very young. Then I just saw a picture of them. They're definitely 16 now, and I think they were maybe 12, 13 at the time. But there's a scene. In the beginning, they catch it on camera. She was just showing off. She had had such a good day thus far.


She had just gone back in the studio for the first time, and she was like, she didn't sound as good as she wanted, but She could do it. She goes in for one of her routine, massages. Not massage, sports, medicine, whatever. She's like, Oh, I'm having a little bit of a spasm in my foot. You watch as the spasm goes from her foot to her whole body. Jackie, her fingers are like this. She's paralyzed. There's tears coming out of her eyes. Her lip is twitching. She can't move. They have to pick her up, put her on her side. The only thing she can do is scream. The scream is so chilling. It It really puts into perspective how serious of a condition this is. I don't know how many minutes it goes on, but they have to give her these two shots of a nasal spray. If it doesn't work, they have to call 911. It was so scary. Jackie, the room was silent. It was filled with half New York media press people, and then the other half, like Céline's number one fans, people who were waiting outside the red carpet. They brought them into the first couple of rows, and they were like, every time Céline sang, they screamed.


Every time Céline made a joke, they laughed 10 times harder than anyone else. Anytime something sad happened, they cried harder. It was overly emotional for them. But that scene, oh my God, it was scary.


Well, so the documentary, though, you would recommend that people watch?


Yeah. She doesn't have people come in and speak on her behalf. It's all her. There's no doctors, experts, testimonies. There's no friends from childhood. It's just Céline. It's also amazing to see how she lives. She is Deborah Vance. She lives in Vegas.




It's not shocking because she spent so much of her life there, and I'm sure her kids have roots there. But she is French-Canadian. I don't know.


I didn't expect- It's not too far from Canada?


No, it's not.


I don't know why I found that. Is it Quebec in the West or the East?


I think West. Actually maybe Center. Yeah, Center. I don't know.


Yeah, Center. It's very low taxes.


Is it?




Oh, I think it may be Quebec.


Oh, I don't know about the tax system in Quebec.


No. And so she has this full-blown warehouse. There was an episode of hacks like this this season with every look she's ever worn, completely cataloged. It was really crazy. She's obviously beaming with talent, but she's beaming with personality. In another life, she could have done stand-up. She's extremely funny. The documentary was hysterical. It was sad. It was scary. Then it was also enjoyable. I really want to thank them. So much high-quality footage of her concerts over the years. No David Foster sighting, which obviously was a disappointment. But really an amazing... You know what I mean? I'm very critical of celebrity documentaries. You don't always need to put out a documentary. Céline Dion needed to put out a documentary. She had a lot to say. She came, she spoke before, she spoke after. It was powerful. Ten out of 10. It's added to Turdy's list of approved celebrity documentaries.


Wow. You know what? I think I actually have that list. Let me pull it up.


Also, I think it clears up a lot of what's been going on because most people haven't heard of this disorder. It doesn't sound like what it is. Do you know what I Yeah. Like stiff person syndrome. I don't know. It doesn't sound as serious as what it is.


Got it.


You know?


Yeah. So I don't have a list for your documentaries that you like, but it's a subcategory on Claudia's things that she likes to talk about. Lady Gaga versus Sean Mendes. That's the- Lady Gaga versus Sean Mendes.


Katie Perry's part of me is on there, too. And now, Céline.


And now, Céline. Okay, great. All I can think about was, did Brian get a picture with Kelly Clarkson?


Yes, the three of us.


Do you think he'll caption it Kelly Brian?


Kelly Bryant, Kelly. I don't know if he will, but I hope he hears us and is inspired.


Also, if you're a new toaster and you don't keep up with pop culture, Kelly Bryant is Kelly Clarkson.


Yeah. There was a story in the news a year ago that she was changing her name.


From Kelly Clarkson to Kelly Bryant, her legal name, which definitely, if we ever got her on the toast, would be the first question that we ask her. And the only question- She references it in the album, You can have my name, I changed it anyway.


Why? It was her name, not his.


When you met her, did you say Kelly Brian?


No, I didn't. I couldn't even think of the toast lore associated with this queen.


I understand.


My goal was to let her know she's incredible, and I will take up as little amount of your time as possible. Understood. But she... And by the way, she engaged with me and continued the conversation. I never would have let it go on that long.


Okay. Okay. So beautiful. Queen.


And Queen Swirly, who works closely with Kelly, I'm not sure in what capacity, perhaps they're friends or they work together. Alley, who did the Lord's work.


Alley, who was an ally to the toast.


She laid the groundwork, and We were just talking about you all. The reason it went as swimmingly as it did was solely because of Alley.


We were just talking about you all.


You all. So I feel like Kelly on the toast is 1,000% in the realm of possibility. She She's obvious. I forget, she's like a gal about town now in New York. Since the KCS moved to New York, she's in 30 Rock. I wonder if she lives in the city. I bet she lives in the suburbs. Suburb.




Late night.


Late night. She deserves it. She She worked so hard.


Oliver and Cox was there looking seriously the most sickening outfit on the planet. I could tell she knew that she looked so gorgeous because she wouldn't sit down. She was walking to her seat and was making a conversation with everyone. I spoke to her because she just wanted everyone to see her outfit. Honestly, if I was wearing that and I had that body, I, too, I wouldn't sit down.


I feel that. Were you getting flashbacks to your engagement at Lincoln Center? Does that place hold a special place in your heart?


Literally. I didn't even think about it once. I completely forgot. But also, we were in a different part. We were at Alice Tilly Hall. We were in Lincoln Center, the neighborhood, not the actual Center with the Fountain.


Yeah, because Turt got engaged at Lincoln Center.


I did. I'm so iconically New York.


You really are. That is a fun fact about you.


And honestly, that makes sense as to why I was invited last night. As an important woman in New York media.


Important woman in Lincoln Center lore.


Well, that too. Lincoln Center history.


They should invite you to everything.


Thousand %.




Well, it was just a great night. I'm sorry you weren't there, but I felt your spirit with me.


I'm so glad. I'm so glad you had such a great time. So many wonderful people had awesome shooters and watched an awesome documentary.


And to the prime video, the girly on the prime video team who put my seat, because it was a big theater. Mary Orton was so far from me. I bet Mary Orton didn't even see Kelly Clarkson. That's how big it was. Whoever put me near her, it wasn't a coincidence. Somebody somewhere was looking out for turd, and I really appreciate it.


Somebody somewhere. That's beautiful.


So that's two out of three important things that we needed to discuss.


Right. And the third will come in the fast five. I guess without further ado, because we've made much ado about Kelly, as we should.


Much ado about Kelly Brianne.


Yes. That's the title.


Thousand %.


Without further ado about Kelly Brianne, it is time for the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome, Ja.


Our first story, the big news of the day, Justin Timberlake was arrested in New York for a DWI. So sources connected to law enforcement told TMZ that Justin was at the American Hotel partying, and almost immediately after he left and began driving, he blew a stop sign. Cops saw that and began to follow him. Tmz was told that Justin began swerving, and cops pulled him over. Sources say cops performed a field sobriety test and asked Justin to take a breathalizer test, but he refused. They're also told Several of Justin's friends came on the scene and tried to convince cops to cut him a break, but they refused. Justin was handcuffed and arrested, and apparently it's all on body cam. This was in Sag Harbor for the Sag Harbor Police Department told TMZ that the singer was currently in custody at their station. The rep wouldn't disclose more information at the time, but TMZ confirmed he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Then, as of 10:15 this morning, he was arrained and released without bail. He has been charged with one count DWI incited for running a stop sign and failure to keep in his lane.


The next court date is July 26. He's being repped by criminal defense lawyer, Ed Burke Jr. As for the traffic stop, law enforcement sources tell TMZ, cops observed him glassy and they said that they smelled alcohol on his breath. They say he failed the field sobriety test when asked to do a one-legged stand and a walk and turn.


Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you. We all We all know how I feel about Justin Timberlake, and we all know how I feel about people who drive under the influence. Now, I want to say there's no good place to drive while drunk, but there are places, like regions, that are particularly bad to drive drunk in. The Hamptons roads are so curvy, so dark, so dangerous, sober at night. The fact that nobody got hurt, himself included, is such a miracle. He's such a shit, a piece of shit. There is literally no excuse to drive drunk, especially if you're of enormous wealth. Get a driver, call an Uber, have your wife come pick you up, have your assistant come pick you up, have your chef come pick you up, have your nanny come pick you up, have your house manager come pick you up, have your gardener come pick you up. Seriously, pay a random man on the side of the road, that's literally less dangerous than driving drunk. I hate you. I will always hate you. I was onto you. You're working so hard, you and your wife. I eat in the shower.


So hard to make us forget who you are. And it almost worked. I felt like a lot of the PR around you, your tour, everybody was like, Oh, my God, his voice sounds so good. Justin Timberlake is back. You were never back in my book. You're a piece of shit slob, and I fucking hate you, and you're reckless, and you need serious help. And you will never, ever have my support, ever.


What turd he said. I feel like this is really bad. This is bad, period. But it's definitely bad for Justin Timberlake. It was the last thing that he needed in his run up to a comeback. He's on tour right now. He was Just in Florida, people around here were being like, Are you going to Justin? I actually even thought about it for a second because I know my husband would love it, but he didn't make a lot of fuss about it. So then I just quickly dropped it. Quietly.


But it's like- He went off into the night.


I don't know if this will affect his tour dates. What if he has a concert July 26th when he's meant to be in court for his TWA?


Not only that, he might get court-mandated. Sometimes they let you off without whatever if you commit to a 30-day program or whatever. Right.


No, it's seriously... He went out to dinner drinking with friends, as one does. To expect that then you should get back in the car and drive is so crazy.


No, I literally hate. You're a father. You're a husband. What are you doing? Grow the fuck up. I'm sorry, I feel like a lot of the hate for Justin Timberlake is things he did in his youth, in his past. I don't think doing bad things in your past ultimately makes you a bad person in the I'm full of grace. Although with Justin Timberlake, I'm full of grace, but a watchful eye as well. No, you're literally dead to me.


Yeah. Yeah. Not good. If you needed to give people a reason to hate you, now we really have another one, a current one.


Not something from the Super Bowl in 2004, not something from Brittany in the early 2000s. Yes, the documentaries just came out, but the crimes, allegedly, were 20 years ago. No, We have a present day actual crime. And Turdy is much like an elephant. She doesn't forget.


She doesn't forget a DWI from someone who she already didn't like.


I want to forgive you, and I want to forget you.


However, sometimes Turdy can be getting fast and loose with the memory when it's someone she likes.


Yeah. No, I am more likely to... Who are you referring to?


Well, one example that we cite, though, it wasn't her, like Reese Witherspoon. But at this point, because we cited so much, we actually have remembered. But I can give you another example of someone who you've probably forgotten about.




Tiffany Hadish.


Forgetting what? What do you mean?


She had a DUI, literally not even a Uribo.


But I don't love Tiffany Hadish.




I think if you were to ask me, I would probably say I don't stand. I don't know.




No, I don't want to say it because she was really young. But You know who has one? I don't want to say it because she's done so much work, and she's one of my favorite people.


Nicole Richie.


No, actually. That's another one. But yeah, they could never make me hate her. Chloe.




But see, to me, with Chloe and Nicole Richie, they were both super young. It's horrible. But to be a grown man father, Is very different than Nicole Richie to me. Do you know what I mean?


I'm looking at a list of celebrity DUIs. George W. Bush. Excuse me? He was arrested in 1976 for a DUI.


That was before he was President.


Way before, yeah.




Didn't know that. Add him to the list.


Add him to the list.


Everyone else is the people that you remember. I guess it's not one of your absolute faves in present time. But when it's Sam Hunt and you already didn't like him, and now you have reason.


No, I think Sam Hunt is the perfect example. Before his DWI, I actually I love that album. That first album, he releases one of the best country music albums of all time. I had to take a step back.


I don't think that's what happened.


I never was obsessed with him, but I didn't despise him. Now I do.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, Justin Timberlake, do better in an earnest way.


Yeah, in an earnest way.


This is an earnest plea for you to do better.


And if you can't accept that or hear that, then you're really a lost cause.


And for anyone who is drinking and driving or thinking about it.


Oh, I thought about it. The night was so coded, Jackie, because-Your butt No offense to the Alice Tilly Hall. Literally the most uncomfortable seat, and my dress was so tight. My ass was fucking pain-Claudia. Pain-releaning to my cheeks, into my vagina.


Every seat is uncomfortable when you have what we have right now. What do we have? I don't know. And also, do we not even have the same thing? Because you're saying tailbone, and I'm saying upper cheek. Oh, and I'm sure you saw all the doctor's timing in yesterday being like, your disk is out of place. I think that one was for you with your tailbone issues.


I did see a lot of people recommending I go to a chiropractor. Honestly, I'm so desperate at this point.


Are you going to go to see Frank again? Take your pants off.


Frank wasn't a chiropractor, Jackie. He was a physical therapist.


Oh, sorry.


I should have more- Which might benefit me in this moment as well. Oh, my God. I'm literally not okay.


I saw one thought about my upper cheek pain, something about a stretch that would help me.


Okay. Was Ben soft for leaving the comments?


Maybe. By the way, did he ever tell you where he learned decision paralysis?


Yeah, he said he has no idea. I don't know why I thought he would remember. He can't even remember to pick up his laundry.


I just want to say that's something that you say when you learned it from your girlfriend.


The plot thickens.


That's really annoying. I think we'll have to go listen to every episode of the Good... Actually, plenty of you listen to every episode of the Good Guys. Do they say it on GGs? Let us know.


Ben does have a girlfriend, and her name is Josh Peck. Nobody spends more time than Josh and Ben, and they don't even live in the same state.


That's cute. That's like me and you, though. We're partners.


Oh, man, it's so true.


He deserves to have a partner on the side. He does. Like a life partner.


To communicate with via FaceTime.


Yeah, because what is he doing when you're FaceTiming me all day?


Telling me to get off.


It's so true. He's so toxic. You guys will be in bed. If he's there, I know I have literally 30 seconds to tell you whatever I want to say to you. I know I'm not going to get any follow-up questions or actual interest in what I'm saying because Ben is there like, I want to watch TV.


I didn't know if you knew when I hang up really quickly, it's because of Ben. He, by the way, I'm so going to expose him.


He's going to kill me. It's because of your controlling husband.


Jackie, we'll be in bed. We'll be doing nothing, by the way. It's not like I'm interrupting something. Sometimes, actually, I am interrupting something, and you'll call me, and I'll seriously, I'll be looking at my phone and I'll get a text from Ben. It'll be like, Can you hang up?




Yeah, I didn't know if you knew that. We thought we were being subtle.


Will he be? No, I know the energy. I could tell you when Ben's in the room or when he's not based on how you're responding to me.




Yeah. Just tell him in those moments, I call Josh.


Call Josh.


What if you just called Josh up? Now would be a good time for you to call Josh.


Yeah. You and Josh have anything to catch up on?


I'm sure they do as partners in crime.




Are you ready for our second story? It's only the second story.


Oh, my God. Yeah.


Kevin Costner defends, quote, selfishly casting his son Horizon, over experience... Sorry, his son's not named Horizon. The movie is called Horizon. His son in Horizon, over experienced actors. So Kevin Costner has defended his decision to cast his son, Hayes, in the film Horizon, An American Saga, despite him not having any acting experience. He cast his 15-year-old son as Nathaniel Kittredge. I don't know if there's any relation to Kit Kittredge. I hope there is.


Is it a World War I movie? No.


Kit was great. Depression. So then, yeah, she probably grew up during... No. Before. She wasn't born. But this is a Civil War era Western, and he cast his son without an audition. He said the movie was- And what's his reasoning? Selfish. He's a beautiful boy and he's quiet, and I have not shoved my son into the business. I realized there are so many young actors out there that would kill to be in this movie, and I don't want to take those parts away from them just because I can place my own children in. But you did. But he did. He said, In a sense, it was a smaller part. I selfishly wanted him with me for the week. Two weeks, he was with me, and we would drive to the set every day, and he would whisper. Despite having no acting experience, he praised Hayes for showcasing a really beautiful performance. He didn't have a lot of experience, but he's really beautiful in the movie. It's It's a really complicated scene. In the end, there's a nobility. There's an absolute fatalness about it. It's what you want in a son.


Now, I don't think if Kevin Costner hadn't answered this, any of us would be sitting around thinking, Kevin Costner should have let a young actor with experience get this role. But he's pointing it out, which I guess is a strategy. I'm just not the type of loser who's bothered by nepotism in Hollywood. I think on the list of world issues, it's just It's just not a priority for me. So nice that they got to drive to work together.


Yeah, sweet. I agree. At least he's owning up to it. But the thing about Kevin Costner is I don't get the sense that he cares what any of us have to say about anything he does or anything about this. I feel like with other people, when they're talking about their nepotism, you can tell they're so nervous and they're insecure. So when you poke them, they just fall right over because they don't stand for much.


Actually, a lot of people were She was recently praising Maya Hawke. She was asked about it. She's really the perfect example of nepotism.


She had a very good response.


I'll pull it up. She basically was like, I know that I get opportunities that other people don't get, that maybe they deserve more than me because of my parents, and I'm okay with that. That's what she said.


She said, I'm probably where I am because of that, and I recognize it, and that's the truth.


She said, I'm good with it. Yes, I agree. Kevin Costner is not out here looking for universal love and adoration, because if he was, he would get the fuck back to work. But no, he literally doesn't give a rip about anything or anyone. I'm surprised he even does press at this point. He's so polarizing in how little he gives a fuck. Yeah. Which is inspiring, honestly. I would love to get to a place like that where I don't care what people think about me.


I'm sure in some way, this is his project.


Yeah, it sounds like, because I never heard of this movie, it sounds like it's giving indie. I financed it myself.


Yeah, but I feel like that's what Yellowstone was until everyone fell in love with it. It was just a weird show on Paramount Plus that wasn't going to be much, but it turned out to be an incredible show. When Yellowstone premiered, and it took years for them to get any award nominations or anything, it's not a media darling of a show. It's like someone's weird little indie project made by a rancher, Taylor Sheridan.


On this random ass network that had just been rebranded from the Lip Sync show. I don't know.


Right. Yellowstone has now made Paramount Plus, but before that, it was a random thing for him to do. And so if this is his project in some way, it's like, what's the point of getting to his age, his success, if then you can't make your life work for you? I want to bring my son to work every day. I want to give him a little something to do. He's a shy boy. Great.


A dream. The way I don't care about the missed opportunities for another young actor. I don't know. Maybe I have a lot going on in my life these days. To me, I don't give a fuck. Do you know what I mean? The young actors will be okay. No, I agree. And the less young actors with stage parents who get opportunities, the better. I wish for all child actors to fail because nobody should be one. And that's what AI should be used for. It should be illegal to be in any production until you're 18. And if you need a kid in a movie, generate one on AI. How about I love that. That's a good use of AI.


I think that this is a really strong message.


Yeah. We wouldn't be having any documentaries, like Quiet on Set, if Dan Schneider had just used exclusively AI-generated teenagers and children.


Okay. And then what if those who's teenagers and children are being mistreated, the AI ones?


I'm so glad you asked. I don't give a fuck. They're not real.


So you're a speciist?


Yes. I think we've had this conversation before. I am a proud speciist.


Okay. I won't tell Larry Page.


Don't. And if you actually do talk to Larry Page, tell him to eat my ass, okay?


I will. I will tell him that. Are you ready for our next story?




Kenya Moore is speaking out after being suspended indefinitely from Real House, House of Atlanta.


Oh my God. I'm so glad we're talking about this because I've been following it on Twitter, and it's really, really polarizing the community. Go.


Okay, tell me what everyone's saying, but this seriously cracked me up. Kenya Morp wants her fans to know that she stays winning, even though Bravo has suspended her indefinitely from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Shortly before Page 6 broke the news of her suspension on Friday, Kenia told her Instagram followers to tune into a live for the real tea. Heartemoji, peachemoji, #RHOA. The Bravo Levity held true to her word in live streaming at 6:00 PM Eastern Time, but all she did was give viewers a tour of her new Kenia Moore hair spa. Despite fans begging more in the comments to address the news, she chose to focus on her shop. However, she cryptically said toward the end of the video, I stay winning. It is in my blood. Success matriculates around me, so I accept that. God has given me that. You will be seeing me. I'm not going anywhere despite all the stuff surrounding whatever it is people decided they want to write.


Okay, so what had happened was that there was a rumor that during a scene filmed at Kenya's salon, she made a speech or whatever, and she pointed to the monitors, and on the monitors were sexually explicit photos of the new cast member. People had said at first that it was photos of this girl doing sexual acts, that the girls took these photos. Everyone was like, Oh, my God. That's revenge porn. That's really a serious crime. Then it comes out that, no, it was a doctored image, a picture of this girl on a red carpet and a big penis in the corner. It was photoshopped. It wasn't It wasn't harmless, but it wasn't harmful. It was very different than what everyone had thought. Then it comes out that she got suspended. That's weird because Kenia is a queen. She's a cornerstone of the franchise. And comparatively, of all the things that have gone down on Bravo, it's really not that crazy. And the people immediately started comparing it to Tom Sandoval. Tom Sandoval is in an active lawsuit for revenge porn. And he is not only an active cast member on Van der Pomp rules, he's also getting cast on traitors.


Why is this woman being treated so differently for a crime that appears so far to be way less severe? But then, Kenia's statement alludes to the fact that she wasn't suspended.


Yeah, or you're going to be seeing more of me because I'm here on Instagram Live. It's very vague and doesn't mean I'm not suspended. That's not what I'm getting. No, and people do- Or I'm going to fight. I'll be back.


Well, people say that she Actually, if true, she was suspended, has enormous grounds for a lawsuit on gender and race discrimination because people on the network have done way worse things to each other. Then Tom Sandoval is the example everybody's cite. But Without getting suspended.


Tom Sandoval. I'm not sure that it's apples to apples because Tom Sandoval didn't show anyone photos. Ariana was on his phone and saw the photos.


And sent them from his phone. They're both being sued, by the way, by Raquel. The difference is what you're pointing out, which you're right about, is that it wasn't on the show. So Bravo has no obligation to act.


Right. And also people do bad things in their personal lives all the time. But I don't really see the comparison here.


Well, I'm trying to think of an example of something somebody did on the show.


That got them suspended?


Or didn't get suspended. That would work in her The last suspension I can think of was Brandee Glanville and Caroline Manzo. And that was bad.


Yeah. But again, not a comparable situation.


No. Well, honestly, I feel like it's in a fucked up way. It's a great hype for the season. I feel like Atlanta has been... I feel like they're at a place that OC New York gets to when the OGs, it's just Cynthia left, she came back. I don't know. Yeah.


That is so crazy.


Yeah, bizarre.


Yeah. I guess until you see the picture, whatever happened, it's hard to say who... And to say who's been mistreated here.


Yeah. You know? Yeah. Okay. Can you more hair care?


Are you ready for our next story?


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Stay comfortable this season with Roback. Roback. Com code toast, T-O-A-S-T.


Thank you, La.


And thank you, Roback, for sponsoring today's episode.


Our next story, a fire broke out at Carrie Underwood's Home in Tennessee. Her and her family are unharmed. However, there was a fire on her property in Tennessee. Her and her family are safe and uninjured after the fire broke out on Sunday evening. A spokesperson for the country singer told ET, There was a fire on the property on Sunday night, which was quickly contained. There was no fire damage to the primary residence, and the family and their pets were unharmed. Local news agency reported that the Williamson County fire rescue dispatched all eight available units to the property after the fire was reported at around 9:40 PM.


Damn. If the fire department's showing up, it's not like a kitchen fire.


Yeah, they found a fully engaged fire inside the property's garage.


That is so... A garage. What do you think? Set it off. What's in the garage?


I feel like a lot of stuff.


Because you know, if there's a fire in my house, it's coming from the master bathroom where I did my hair and left my iron on. What would spark? I guess there's just a lot of electrical tings in a garage.


I think so. People use their garages for a lot of different stuff.


Shannon just turned hers into a gym, which looks just lovely and spa-like. People obviously use it for tools and things of that nature.


Yeah, breathe in And they can be used it as a studio.


Most people, I would say, use it for storage for crap they'll never use or need, but for some reason can't get rid of.


Also, some people have an electric vehicle charger.


Some people just leave their cars in their garage, too.


Some people do leave their cars in their garage. I just have I would say, ever since it's been raining, garages are amazing.


They are. You literally don't have to run.


We get in the car dry, and we get out of the car dry.


No, that's really as two girls who grew up in Manhattan, that's a luxury.


Bringing in my groceries when it's just in the garage, it's the craziest thing. I've really been enjoying my garage, and I finally learned how to pull in and out of it, which is exciting for me. It's hard. Without denting my car.


Have you ever had a house fire or apartment fire, anything? It's I like the scariest thing on the planet. Yeah.




Me neither. Thank God. Not quite.


Yeah. Very scary. But I'm glad it all is well for Ms. Carrie.


I was actually listening to a little Carrie Underwood this morning. I was on this country.


You treated yourself, I see.


I did, to a little all-American girl, which is Carrie Underwood's best song.


You think?




Oh, my gosh. That's fighting words. I don't disagree. And it's certainly easily in the top Top 5, even. But I would really have to think about it.


Honey, you ought to know. Sweet little beautiful.


It's so good.


You're right. You're right.


But you know, I have a special- And the way it comes full circle.


They had a baby, and the baby meets the girl. It's country music song, writing at its finest.


And you know what? It reminds me of that book, I Love You Forever, where it's full circle.


No, it's emblematic of.




It's It's the circle, the circle of life.


I think there's a lot of songs on Luke Holmes' new album that have that message. Yeah, circle of life. I did this with my dad, now I do it with my son, and then my son one day will do it with his son, thinking of me as his dad, et cetera.


I think I would really enjoy a circle of life, like a reboot, like country stripped down, Luke Holmes version, think about it. It's such a Luke's coded song.


I would love a reboot, stripped down, country Luke Holmes version of anything.


Of an actual dump I took this morning.


And I feel like when Luke put out this album, he felt like he needed to caveat it, which he didn't whatsoever. I know. He released this statement. He released this statement just being like, this is what's been going on in my life. I have two sons under two. This is top of mind for me every day. It's what I've been thinking about, what I've been writing about. And so here are my songs. It's tough to not want to put out the next beer, never broke my heart, but that's just not my reality right now. So here are my songs, take them or leave them. I guess this is my next- Sorry. This is my next album, technically. S-r-y, pretty much, is what he said.


And I felt so bad. I was like, You don't have to apologize. You don't have to explain yourself.


Go off. No. And this weekend, when Zack and I were driving, I was telling him, I'm like, Let's listen to the new Luke Holmes album. It's called Fathers & Sons because he wrote it just about fatherhood. I'm like, It's literally for you. He was loving it. I'm jealous because it's for him. I do when I listen to it, I relate to all of the themes. I don't know if I'll ever be hunting, but it's a metaphor.


It's a metaphor.


It made me think. Do people... You know who's writing songs like that for mothers? Let me think. I don't know if you'll guess, but you'll agree when I tell you. Who? Gabby Barrett. Yes. Is writing the equivalent of new Parenthood. Young motherhood experience. Because I was just about to say, Oh, I wish I had an album like that that was about motherhood. And I'm sure there are songs throughout history and hersedry, it's really hersedry, that touch on those themes. But right now it's Gabby Barrett doing the work. So shout out to Gabby Barrett.


And shout out to country music.


And also, one of her songs from her new album, Dance Like No One's Watching. Have you heard that song? Mm-mm. Beautiful, written by Luke Holmes. I feel like they're just operating on the same wavelength right now of parenthood.


Living on a farm, killing it at work, but also having a good work-life balance.


Yeah. So I was just about to complain about the misogyny in Luke Holmes's album.


No, the misogyny in Luke Holmes being a man is really, really... It's damaging. It is.


And so it was just like, There you go, Zack. Enjoy. On a platter. We loved it, though. We listened to it all weekend, and it came out right in time for Father's Day. It was seriously beautiful. He's doing the most. No, it was nice. Yeah. Oh, You'll be okay, La. Why? I don't know. You seem sad.


When I climb into bed, I didn't start feeling sad. I feel happy. I met Kelly Breanne last night. Our merch is flying off the shelves. I'm healthy. Knock wood. Show in nine days. I'm getting a Botox today.


I thought you were just getting sad about FD for a second.


Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just getting sad about me talking for a long time. Well, I wouldn't say that. I would say I'm definitely hungry.


What's on for lunch?


I actually brought a little... I always get so hungry after the toast, but it's a little early to blow my load on lunch. And when I do, I'm like, Okay, great. I ate lunch at 11:30. What am I doing at 12:30? So I've been bringing a little nice yogurt and banana to the studio for a late breakfast. That way I can have lunch at one o'clock and not be so ravenous. I'm just hungry all the time, and I just need to start. That's what they say. You should have five mini meals a day instead of three big meals. And I like it.


I'm actually having the opposite experience. I usually eat a little bar before the toast, and then I'll have These days, I have a slice of sourdough and egg, and it's like, I actually just need to have that for breakfast, but I don't have time to make it before the toast. So now I'm just trying to push it, and I'll eat that right after the toast. It's a brunch. I'm having brunch.


It also just depends where you live. I feel like your home layout is really desirable for breakfast. I see that eat in kitchen. I'm like, I got to have breakfast. Where am I the fuck am I going to eat my breakfast? My apartment, it's not right.


It's not a breakfast apartment.


No. Maybe in the next one.


It's lunchy, though, for sure.


It's a great apartment for lunch. You should come buy some time.


Okay, ready for our fifth and final story? Yeah, I am. A little biz content news. Okay. Netflix will open massive entertainment and dining and shopping complexes in two cities in 2025. So Netflix has announced the first two cities for its gigantic new in-person experience venues slated to open in 2025. They're not exactly theme parks, but the new Netflix They're called Netflix House. They will open next year in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and Dallas, Texas. They'll feature a wide array of shopping outlets, eateries, and experiential activities tied to the streamer's major franchises like Bridgerton, Stranger Things, and Squid Games. The two locations will occupy former department store locations at the King of Prussia Mall in King of Prussia, and at the Galleria in Dallas, which is a sister to where we got our ears parced. They will each span footprints of more 100,000 square feet. The Netflix house will build on previous pop-up live experiences the company has staged for Bridgerton, Money High, Stranger Things, Squid Games, and Netflix Bites, designed to create an unforgettable venue to explore your favorite Netflix stories and characters beyond the screen year round.


Well, I feel like two ways about this, because it being building on their... And there's for some of their shows that aren't Netflix-sanctioned programs, but there are these Bridgerton events that aren't put on Netflix, but thousands of people show up. So I understand them putting together experiences in real life for their shows for the fans, like a Comic Con energy. But the whole other element of having regular shops and restaurants, I don't know. It's like, you're the biggest company in the world. Can you just stay in your fucking lane? Can you let somebody else own a restaurant? Oh, yeah.


I feel a different way about it, which it's like, we need to talk about the American Mall and what's happening to it, what's going to happen to it. I think some Some new malls have eclipsed the mall trajectory of really going downhill. But most malls in the country are pretty vacant. It's not- It's a dying business. It's a dying business. But there are these huge spaces. And the idea that people aren't going to... They could go out and do other things. But a mall is a big cornerstone in the American experience. And so I think them turning into these content, theme parks, whatever, I think it's good because I'm pro-mall.


Actually, you've changed my mind because you're right. Netflix is one of these companies that's keeping people inside, keeping people alone, keeping people streaming. And anything they can do to encourage people to get outside, connect with human beings in the real world. It's fabulous. It's almost like counteracting their contributions to society.


It is. I think that's good, and it's good for overall mental health. I think these are tangible things that we could do to solve the mental health crisis.


I actually We agree. I think that's a great take.


I don't think that's why they're doing this. I think they just want to make money and are fucking her hound and trying new things. But I think overall, it would be added value to society.


I bet they'll have... You know what? I think they'll also have concert venues in there because Netflix throws a lot of in-person events. Netflix is a joke festival, and they're making so much money for Live Nation and all these different promoter companies that own these venues. That's money loss. So if they are having their Netflix is a joke festival in Dallas, and Jerry Seinfeld is doing the King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, it's just keeping more of that money that they generate in-house for them.


Yes. Also, the way I see Netflix house, and maybe it's Just because the rendering... I would assume the whole- Oh, let me look at the rendering. I would assume the whole mall would be called Netflix House, not just one store within the Galleria.


Oh, same. Is it not?


No, the gallery is a mall, and the King of Prustia is a mall, and they're going to take over an old apartment store that's 100,000 square feet. That still is really big. But maybe this is just a stepping stone to the Netflix mall in general.


Wait, I'm sorry. So it's not a Netflix mall?


It is, But it's in the mall in a really big space, but it's in the same building. It's on its own building.


So it's occupying a part of an old mall, not taking over the whole mall.


Say the Macy's at the Galleria has gone out. I don't know what store they're taking. It would be in an department store at the Galleria.


Oh, okay. I misunderstood. Got it. Okay.


Because then also it could also become like a movie theater where you could go and watch your fave shows. It's so funny how now they're programming us to go back to the way things were when they programmed us to be bingers. Now everything is episodic, and we're going to go watch at the movies.


But you know what? I'm okay with it. I want to go back.


I want to go back, too. If I could turn back time.


I like that. It's not bad. It's not bad. You've changed my mind.


Love that.


I love you. I love this show.


I love our march, which is at- I love you. You love me. We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too? Even though You already just told me you love me, so I'm not going to ask twice.


Oh, tell me you love me. I'm mad. We're literally just playing that game, with the words.


Yeah, we're like that scene in Pitch Perfect. You know? It's not about the money, money, money.


It ain't about the...


We don't need your money, money, money.


We just want to make the world dance.


Forget about the price tag.


Okay, so our merch is available. It's shoptoastmerch. Com. Items are selling quite quickly. So just as Jackie said, perfectly make hast. Reminder, we are both wearing all the items. This T-shirt that I'm wearing is sold out, and it's one size, but everything else we wear in size medium. Just for reference, if you want an oversize look, we recommend sizing up one size.


But it's sized pretty much the same as our previous merch. We've just changed sizes. We've changed, not the merch. Because usually I was wearing a large.


We've changed. But I changed. I used to wear an XL. That just speaks to our fluidness and our ability to-Involve and grow and shrink. Or increase, which I'm sure is in my future. Go, yeah. Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast, The Money & Morning Show. Where we deliver-We're free to ensure our buts every day. You need to know every morning, every Friday on YouTube.


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Won't you say, you love, you, bye.