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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toes and Happy Tuesday. That feels like a Monday, but thankfully, it's not a Monday because God is looking out for us. So it's Tuesday. Like, how great is that?


So great. That's exactly how it feels like a Monday. But then you take a second, realize it's a Tuesday and all's well, and.


The whole world opens up endless possibilities for joy and laughter.


And it's not just a Tuesday. It's a Tuesday.


Very true.


And what are you chewing on today, Turtle Lou?


I wish it was your sourdough because I heard you had such a revolutionary weekend with your sourdough. And let me tell you, you came dressed today like a piece of sourdough. Like, this look is so. I make sourdough for my family.


I make sourdough successfully. Yes. She has risen since last time you guys saw me, I realized I baked four loaves of bread since Friday's episode.


Okay, it's giving gluten.


It's giving gluten. I made two rolls of sandwich bread, two sourdoughs, one sourdough that didn't rise, one sourdough that did. And the thing is, like, now that I've got it, it's over. Got it. Who needs bread?


Not me.


Really? Even sourdough, which is, like, easier to digest, so it's meant to be healthy.


Oh, sorry, I was hyping you up. I thought you meant who needs bread, like, from the grocery store? Not me.


No. Oh, no, no. I'm saying, like, who needs a loaf of bread? I'll bake you.


Oh, I would love one, ma'am.


I would love to bake you a loaf of sourdough. So I'm still perfecting my course, but, like, the tweaks that I made, we are so on the right path. Like, I can always perfect and perfect. But, like, we have bread. I had a slice of sourdough last night. A little butter, a little salt. Sourdough. Yummy, yummy.


Love that. Love a jingle. And let me just say, I think I speak for everyone listening to the show. Like, we are so happy for you. Isn't it the best feeling to, like, set your mind and just, like, fucking do it?


It really is the best feeling. Halfway through the baking process, you have to, like, take the lid off so that the top of the crust can get golden brown. And when I took the lid off, I saw it that it had rose the way. I've never been so happy, like, screaming in my house, it rose, you guys.


She knew, like, it was in that moment that she knew.


And I have to thank everyone for their support, their genuine interest in my journey. Like, I got so many messages from people being like, I've never been so invested in a stranger's loaf of bread.


Can I tell you something?


Yet here we are.


You know, making your own sourdough is definitely, like, a genre of content. And I'm gonna be honest and say, like, that content has never been for me. It's not the place that I'm at yet in my life. And you did it in such a way. I was Ben's like, what are you laughing at? Giggling. You were being so funny. The bread lame.


The red lame muddle the taylor.


Right? No, no, you were being so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You were being so funny. Like, not you making fiddler on the roof references. Like, it was. Honestly, it was content at its finest. So thank you for that. That's for the sourdough girlies, but the not sourdough girlies too. And just, like, she's getting emotional.


It's very emotional. Thank you for your words of praise. Like, that really means so much. I know. I know that on its face. Like, nobody wants to hear about Jackie's breath.


I wouldn't say that, actually, but continue.


But between the patreon, which gave me so much encouragement, I realized, like, how many of us are on this journey and how many people were like, that was my first loaf. Like, you have to keep going. And let me tell you the best piece of advice that I got, and I think I saw it in reels. If you do a recipe and your bread comes out for cocked, don't keep going to a different recipe. Like, oh, I'm going to try this one next. This one next. Figure out what it is about that recipe that didn't work for you. Like, keep tweaking the recipe. There's not going to be one recipe on a food blog that's going to be perfect for your environment. You. If it doesn't work, what was it? Too sticky? Too dry? Like, then think what you need to change for next time. Don't keep recipe jumping. I did have to jump from ballerina farm because, like, I thought we were way too far apart, which we were. But shout out to ballerina farm. Because if it wasn't for her starter kit, I don't know where I would have started. Like, yeah, now that I'm a professional, I could probably make my own dough and my own starter in my sleep, but, like, her pamphlet in my sleep, but her pamphlet, like, really showed me the ropes so I'm so grateful to her.


Like, I'm not gonna, like, bite the hand that fed me. No way. No how.


Do you feel like we need to start, like, a starter company called the toast. Cause I do.


So, yeah, like, we are in the bread business.




We could start, like, a rehydrated starter company. Just throwing it out there called the toast. I'm gonna wait till my starter gets more mature, but then, yeah, maybe I'll start selling my starter.


Maybe. And what if you did? What if.


You never know where life could take you? Exactly.


Now, where did life take you over this long weekend? It's been such a minute since we all podcasted together. So much has happened. I think we all forget the great roast of Friday's episode. Like, so much happened on Friday, then we just kind of, like, slid into the weekend. But I did want to hop on here and say thank you to everyone for, you know, coming to our defense and just, you know, using code Craig 20, it means the world to my husband. And I felt really. I felt really good after Friday's episode. Like, speaking. Speaking truths is so important, and I think we did just that.


Yeah, I think so, too.


I think a lot of people are wondering if we have heard from anyone. No, no, no.


It is what it is.


It is what it is. We said what we said. My window for receiving an apology has closed. So I'm no longer open.


So she's no longer open. Okay, so we shall see. The battle of the canned cocktails continues.


That it does. That it does.


How was your weekend?


My weekend was kind of amazing. A lot happened. I sit here before you, a changed woman in many, many ways. The first, and I think the most obvious way that, if you follow me on instagram, you probably already know, is that I've decided to take up golf. And I've long been an advocate against golf, and I think a lot of people are like, what the fuck? But it was only a matter of time. You know, it's a sport that doesn't require a lot of physical activity. It occurs outside, and it centers around, you know, lunch and alcohol. Like, I think we all knew it was gonna happen for me. And the outfits, like, are part of, like, the culture, and it's, like, super cute. So, yeah, I took two golf lessons. I played two holes. I loved it. I had the best time, and I'm probably gonna do it again this weekend. So I really don't know what to say. I feel. I feel awkward, honestly.


I feel like, you know, golf. It's fun. Hit the ball. Have a drink, have a laugh. But, like, I. The 18 holes is where it gets crazy. Like, that's too much of one thing.


So on hole number two, the siren sounded because it was raining. And, like, you can play, but if there's lightning, you have to get off the course. So that little siren, and I'm not gonna lie and say I wasn't, like, so happy that lunch was starting and I didn't have to play 16 more holes.


Were you planning on playing 18 holes?


I was, like, planning on seeing where the day took me. Like, no, because Margot was coming to meet us for pickleball, so, like, I had a hard stop, but it's definitely crazy. Like, that first hole took it out of me.


Yeah. I feel like it's actually so crazy when we, like, sit back and reflect on the sport of golf. Like, it's so crazy that they're out there for 18 holes. And, like, the women could never and would never. Like, how are you just gonna be at. And it's mostly grown men, men, families, wives, like, eight. Does it really have to be 18 holes?


And I've definitely gotten myself into some sort of situation because, like, nobody on the planet had a better weekend than my husband. Like, his dream came true. He's been asking me, and I was hesitant to even admit to enjoying it because I didn't want to make him happy. Like, I'm a normal human being like that. But we've always had this, like, general understanding. Like, sure, wild out, but, like, when we have a family, like, this sort of behavior is. It's just not, like, put your clubs in storage. You're not golfing for the next five years. And now I feel like maybe that I'm into it. He thinks I'm reneging on that. Or, like, our plans have changed. My plans have remained the same.


I think it could be the opposite where it's like, oh, yeah, we both golf. So if I'm not golfing. You're not golfing?


Yeah. Or you watch the children. I'm out.


You're going golfing?


Yeah, with the girls. Claudia, turdy and the girls are hitting the links. No.


I feel like this is actually so good. Like, make him think like, we're all golfing, and then when you're not golfing, he shouldn't be golfing either. Yeah, I think that's better.


And I think the golf world was kind of waiting for me. Like, they almost knew because the second I admitted, you know, guiltily, like, I felt definitely awkward, like, admitted to golfing. Oh, everyone wants a piece of turdy.


Sponsorship. Sponsorship, GA Tour titleist.


Yeah, no, I already have my custom clubs. Like, they're being made, and I.


You really?


Yeah, like, from, like, the best company, like, out there. That's what everyone's telecreme. And they also. I told Ben I need a custom bag. You know how the Kardashians, like, had, like, everyone's name. I forget when they bought those houses in Palm Springs, it was like a gift that Chris got everyone.


Yeah, I think it was like Christmas.


I need turdy on a bag.


Like, not to center myself, but, like, I kind of want custom clubs.


No, Jackie, I'm telling you.


Do you think they'd be interested?


I think they would. Like, I think that, you know, there's a lot of opportunity here.


I'm surrounded by God. I know in my everyday, I actually never even thought to get clubs. No, but, Jackie, like, maybe if I had clubs, I would play.


And it's like, you don't even really have to play. Just, like, being outside. Like, I'm trying to get tan. Like, it's. I'm accomplishing a lot of things while I'm playing golf. Like, quality time with my husband. We love tanning. We love getting some steps in. Super important. Like, I don't know. It's checking a lot of boxes for me. I've had a. I've done a complete 180.


That's so great. It's so great. Harmony in the software household.


Another major theme of my weekend was movies. Ben and I, like, we just got into a groove where every night, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we watched a movie that we hadn't seen. And with the theme of the films, the genre was based on a true story, because I didn't want to just, like, waste my time. So Friday night, I watched Marie Antoinette, which I had never seen. The Kiersten Dunn's Sofia Coppola movie. So good. So good. Loved every minute of it. Like, went down rabbit hole, like, looking into Marie Antoinette. Saturday night, we watched woman in gold, which I'd also never seen. And I had so many thoughts. What a crazy story about, you know, nazi art thievery. Very, you know, very important. Ryan Reynolds was miscast. Like, the lawyer is supposed to be, like, this nerdy jewish guy, first of all. Like, Ryan Reynolds is a lot of things. He ain't jewish. And slap on a pair of glasses. He's still Ryan Reynolds. They were trying to make him, like, nerdy. Like, his tie was loose and he wore glasses. Like, he's still, like, literally the least jewish looking person on the planet. Like, in no world would Ryan Reynolds ever be jewish, and in no world would ever, like, a lawyer, like, a loser lawyer, look like Ryan Reynolds.


Like, it was too unbelievable and not in the good way. Like, as in not believable. He borderline ruined the movie, but the story was so fabulous and so worth telling that I was able to look past Ryan Reynolds miscast.


But also, Helen Mirren is not a jewess.


Helen Mirren is not a jewess. But her being cast in important jewish roles doesn't bother me, because.


Me neither. No, I just want to say, me neither. I just obviously, like, have to hold space for both your. No, I just have to hold a mirror to what you just said, because it's, like, a contradiction.


Yeah. Helen Mirren also played Golda Meyer, the first female prime minister of Israel, in the film Golda, which I also saw, which was incredible. Yeah. And then Ben and I, as we were watching, we were, like, googling, because we're, like, Helen Mirren's Jewish. Right. She's just, like, always taking on these roles, and I feel as though Helen Mirren is not jewish. That's definitely a fact. But I feel as though Helen Mirren wants to tell jewish stories. You know, like, it's important to her. Like, and then I went to her instagram, and she's posting about the hostages. Like, I'm gonna say this. Helen Mirren is a queen and.


And an ally, and I'm not gonna.


Clown on her for not being jewish. And she did the role justice, whereas I feel like Ryan Reynolds, like, seriously took away from the movie.


Like, so it's case dependent. It's not. You don't have to be jewish to play jewish parts.


No. And that's why, like, I'm not really that upset with Maisel. She did such a good job. I thought she was jewish for the first couple of years that show was on. You know, I think she is born. No, Rachel Brosnahan is not jewish. Alex Bornstein is jewish. Jackie, I know this for to be 100% fact, but please look it up. But that's the thing. You think she's jewish. She's doing such a good job. I'll allow it.




If you're gonna, you know, discredit. If you're gonna distract, you have to get out of the film. Ryan Reynolds. But if you're gonna make me literally think you're jewish. Helen Mir and Rachel Brosnahan.




And are you gonna confirm she is not jewish so it's case dependent? Yes.




And then last night, we were watching a movie, and, you know, we all. We watched all these movies on Prime Video, which is a great platform because you can watch both my comedy specials there. But I prefer to buy a movie on prime as opposed to, like, iTunes or Apple TV, even though I have an Apple TV, because they have this fabulous feature, like, I don't know what, you know, AI algorithm they use, but when they say customers also bought, like, that is. It's the best. Right place to find recommendations. Like, I. If I'm in the mood to watch, like, a movie and I know the vibe of the movie I want to watch, I will go to Amazon, select that movie, and go to. Customers also watch, because ten out of ten, the movie I'm looking for is there. So I helped them pick a movie, and we were scrolling in Titanic, and Ben just happened to mention he'd never seen Titanic. I was shocked.




It reminded me of the last time I had that, you know, when you learn something new about your husband that, like, actually, like, freaks you out that you didn't know that, like, something so basic and elemental. That was when I found out a couple of years ago Ben had never seen my cousin Vinny.


Yeah, I think Titanic is crazier. Cause it was the biggest movie of its time. Like, my cousin Vinny, I guess, was also big and also Oscar nominated, but just fells a little more niche.


But my cousin Vinny is, like, so Ben's personality, you know?


Yeah, yeah, whatever.


Yeah. So we watched.


We watched Titanic, which I'm so glad for. For Ben, of course, but I think you needed a refresher, too.


And I knew, like, when. When he said that, I knew that we were gonna watch it, and I knew I was gonna go down a rabbit hole, and I knew we were gonna add it to the list of things Jackie was on to before turdy was, and, oh, my God, the movie really holds up in court. Like, really? That's some good shit. Ben literally loved it. First of all, he cried at the end when, like, they have, like, that scene where, like, after everything happens, you know, they're like, the last scene of the movie where the boat is back and, like, she walks up the stairs and finds Jack, and, like, everyone's watching. But this morning, I'm like, we went to bed. We didn't talk about the movie. And this morning, I'm doing my hair. Ben sits down on the bed. He gets out of the shower, and he's, like, quiet. And he's like, such a good movie. Like, 12 hours later, I was like, no, I know. So good. Now, of course, everyone's sending me that. Oh, sorry. That's how I brought up the movie. I brought up the movie because I was sharing on my instagram, and everyone was like, what did Ben think about Jack also fitting on the door?


Like, my least favorite trope in, like, millennial meme culture is, like, there were room for two of them on the door. And. Okay, so perhaps my least favorite thing.


It's like, one thing can be a joke from the movie, but, like, now the whole movie is distilled down to the door. Like, not even that it was funny for a second. Like, can we move on, Jackie?


Not even that. Like, watch the movie. They literally address it. She gets on the door, and then she tries to help him on the door, and with both of them, it flips over. Like, literally. It wasn't possible. They tried.


Yeah, yeah.


Now, Jackie. I then called to talk about Titanic. Cause who else do you call in a moment like that? And Jackie shared so many interesting facts with me. Some of them I had known, you know, the couple holding each other, Macy's, jewish couple, they didn't want to get on the boats. Yada, yada. Two things she shared that really, really shook. And one borderline ruined the movie for me because part of. Part of the movie that's so infuriating is, like, the classes.


Classism, the class system and the classism, the class ism.


Like, okay, it's life or death now. And we're boarding lifeboats by how much money you have? And then Rose's mom being like, will the lifeboats be boarded? Diverting to class. Like, seriously, shut the fuck up, lady. And, like, how so much of it, it was, like, the wealthy people on the boats listening to the steerage, the folks in steerage, and, like, the third class passengers, like, literally drowning and freezing to death.


And also, there's that scene in the movie where the gate is closed, and they. And it feels like they're being locked.


Out and they're on the bottom level where it's flooded.


Yeah, yeah.


And you shared.


So I shared in the book that I read about the Titanic, is that the emerge. The evacuation really wasn't based on class. Like, a lot more third class passengers died for a couple of reasons. One, there were more third class passengers in general. So, like, the percentages are just. There's more. And two, a lot of them were immigrants and didn't speak English. And, like, there was already chaos and confusion on the boat. And even english speaking passengers, like, didn't understand or believe that the ship was sinking. So then also and more so in third class. Like, they didn't. They're the language barrier. Like, stopped a lot of them from getting on the boats and understanding what was happening. But they weren't barred from getting on the boat.


Okay, but there were, like, not enough boats for everyone.


Yes. At the end of the day, there wouldn't have been enough boats for all of the passengers. But even the boats that did go out, the lifeboats, they weren't filled to the brim because, like I said, like, they were having a hard time getting people on the boats. In the beginning, they did not believe that the ship was sinking. Like, you were kind of. If in the first few tens of minutes, like, you were getting on, like, you were the conspiracy theorist that thought the ship was going down. Like, people were like, the ship is unsinkable. It's not going down.


Right, right. I mean, them calling in the unsinkable is, like, literally so crazy. Oh, and then when that little french fuck with the mustache gets on the lifeboat after literally killing all these people, it's 100% his fault. That was really tough. That was really tough.


The good news is, is he lived a miserable life afterwards because also a lot of, like, able bodied men who did survive the Titanic, they were then, like, had a very unhappy life afterwards because people, like, would look at them and think, like, why did you survive? Women and children should have gone first. And it was just. And in some respects, they're right. But there were also open spaces.


Right, right.


So, I mean, in an emergency environment like that, like, where it's absolute chaos, like, it happened. I told you. Also, the length.


The second fact that Jackie shared with me that really shook me to my core.


From the time that the ship hit the iceberg to when it fully sunk. Fully sunk is the exact length of the movie.


Like, the scene where the boat is flooding is the exact length of time that, like, the boat flooded, it took.


For the boat to go down. But also, remember, it hit the iceberg, and then it was like, oh, that was weird. Yeah, no, and then it's, like, flooding in one part, and it's a very big boat. It takes a while to flood. So, like, all of this chaos is happening. And, of course, now we can sit here and be like, well, the men should have done this, and they should have gone, you know, everyone up on the deck. But, like, it was just a chaotic environment where also a lot of people weren't believing what was happening.


Now, Victor Barber slayed the house down boots, and there's an interesting moment where, you know, Rose is running around with Jack, like, trying to get off the boat, and she runs into Victor Garber. And, like, literally an hour before Victor Garber knows the boat is about to sink. Nobody else knows. And the first person he tells is Rose. The fact that she was still on the boat when she was the first person to know that shit was going down. Unexcusable. Unexcusable.


What, you think she should have just jumped ship?


Literally, she was on a lifeboat and she jumps off even though Jack was safe? Like, after she unhung her.


No, but she also wanted to help other people.


She didn't help a single person in the movie except herself. She didn't.


Okay, yeah, she should have. I mean, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of what happened in real life, but, like, she should have run down to Jack's friends in steerage and been like, hey, get up on deck.


Right, right. And that shit. Fiance. Now, I have seen. I had seen Titanic before, but, of course, like, the intricacies and different facts, like, didn't. I didn't remember, but I had seen this musical that's being. It's like an off Broadway musical that's really, really popular in the city. I feel like it's gonna end up on Broadway. It's called Titanique. And it's like if Celine Dion was on the Titanic. And. But they. They. It's like, the movie, too, and they use all the characters, and there's so many, like, funny jokes about the fiance because the fiance was definitely giving, like, in the movie, like, gay. He was, like, so, like, gay, for sure. And the musical, they make it, like, a whole thing. He's, like, played by a gay guy, and it's so funny. And then it reminded me, like, he really does give gay energy in the. In the film, especially.


Cause, like, there's no love between him and Rose. He kind of doesn't care, but he.


Just wants, like, somebody.


He just cares about how it looks like to Society. Yeah, but, like, it's not like he loves her. No, not at all.


So, really good rabbit hole to go down. And then there's actually a new Titanic is in the news again.


Yes. That's a story today. Because you watched Titanic last night. I mean, typically, I would have just sat with it by myself, but. Because you care today.




And there's a story today. It, of course, is our fifth and final.


The window is open.


The Titanic window is open.


How was your weekend? Besides, obviously, bread and, you know, things of that nature.


So my weekend was good. The first half was really strong, like memorial day ting, sun, fun, love, water play. But then the back half, there was some sickness in the house, so that was sad. So then we were more so inside, baking bread.




But I had a little bit of both. Best of both worlds, indoor outdoor play.


And when you got dressed for the toast this morning, did you look at that dress and say, this sleeve says Sourdough. Like it does.


No. When I got dressed for the toast this morning, something else that kind of took over my weekend. I don't even think I told you this because it happened last night and I'm just, like, sometimes you just don't feel like dealing what you know, you saw.


Like a mouse.


No, but of a similar element.




Household issues. Our ac was out. I told you that, actually.


You did. You did. Yeah, you did.


I remember I said. I accidentally said he was out.


Yeah. No, and you facetime me, and you just, like, looks like.


Oh, looks like Tony Soprano. I'm wearing a wife beater in my bed, by the way.


Are you saying wife beater?


Like, what is the word for white tank top?


No, but, like, for a Hanes wife beater, like the classic Tony Soprano. Like, what are we calling that? It doesn't feel right.


The thing is, I never wear a WB. So, like, I'm just gonna say it once a year. It's gonna be a one day only thing. Yeah, because my. My AC was out, so this morning. Our ac is being fixed this morning. But, like, I know it's gonna be a hot box in here. I wanted to go with something light, wear a little romper, a little dress. And so also something that fits well.


J'adore. You look j'adorable.


Thank you. This is a sort of romper. That's, like, cute sitting, not cute standing.


Well, thank God we sit for a living.


TG. TG. And I feel, like, temperature wise, it's. It's the right day for it.


Love that. It's a gorgeous day in New York. It's gonna be a traversing kind of day. I've got my hocus on, you know?


Oh, nice. Yeah, I gotta get some activity in with my oura ring. Have you started yours yet?


It hasn't arrived yet. Wait, major, major news. I feel like I'm about to blow, like, the lid on something huge that's going on in New York City.




You know the kosher grocer?


I do.


It's kind of like the center of my universe. And, like, millions of New Yorkers, I got a picture today from my friend. I don't want to name her. Cause I don't want her to, like, you know, get in trouble for blowing the lid on this thing, but. And it's not. It's not for sale yet, but she sent me a picture. She was there this morning. No, the frozen yogurt machine is in the building. Now, there have long been rumors that they are going to be adding frozen yogurt to the kosher grocer because they've got, like, a bagel stand coffee shop. It's, like, kind of like a little mini market inside there. Fruits, things of that nature. And somebody had told me many, many weeks ago that they were going to start selling frozen yogurt and honestly didn't believe it because, seriously, there's, like, the number one rumor mill is the kosher grocer in this town. Like, you can't believe a word you hear at the kosher grocer. I saw it today with my own eyes.


In the picture. But from someone could have been.


No, no. From someone trustworthy that you trust.


Not someone who would send you the pope in a puffer.


No, no, no. It wasn't AI generated. It was my friend Alicia. She doesn't even know how to, like, work. AI, she's trustworthy.


Okay. Okay.


So that's about to happen. And summer's about to be, like, unstoppable.


Here in New York City, busting cuss. Speaking of kosher grocer, I had to make a soup yesterday.


Because your whole family's sick?


Because my family was sick. So we got, you know, the meats, and it was such a tasty soup.


It's, like, crazy to have soup. What was it, 93 degrees yesterday?


Memorial day weekend, I'm making a soup. I have barbecue in the fridge ready to go out on the grill. Instead, I'm making a chicken soup. But it is what it is. And then I had my own bread to go along with it. I had sandwich bread and sourdough. And that's just. That's on evolving as a person.


That's on evolution, you know what I mean?


Like, I'm just a totally brand new person. Like, not overnight, but it's just crazy how you think of, like, six years ago. Like, I couldn't even make my own avocado toast. I'd order it in.


It's so true.


And now a pickle avocado off the tree.


I feel like that's really, like, the theme of our lives these days. Like, change. Change is good.


Change is good, you know? And it's it's natural. You just gotta embrace it.


Yeah, you do. Just kind of get the tides of change wash over you.


Yeah, but isn't that so crazy? Like, if I woke up and I want an avocado toast, like, I would order it.


Yeah. That is crazy.


That's an insane thing to order.


Yeah, I agree.


Doesn't travel well if you're in that era of your life.


Just know, though, it doesn't last forever. It gets better. Well, we've got a great show today. I believe.


We do have a great show. We have a lot of stories organized into the fast five, and I think we should get on with them.


You know I'm so down. Like, you know me, I'm always down, baby.


Are you down, down, down?


Such a good song.


Yeah. Are you down? Indeed I am. Without further ado, it is time for the fast five stories that you need to know and the fast five stories.


That you need to know are brought to you by State farm. Thank you, State Farm, for supporting today's episode of the toast. We know that the toasters can agree that nothing feels better than a personal win. Like, when you get your final piece of furniture delivered to an apartment and your home finally feels complete. Or hitting like, a new personal best in a workout when you know, like, let's say you're training for a five k. So maybe you're a toaster who managed to stop for a much needed iced coffee and still made it to work on time. Or you found a new pair of jeans that finally fit perfectly. Whatever it is, if you define it as a win, it calls for celebration. And who's cheering right beside you? That's right, State Farm. Because with the state farm personal price plan, you can create an affordable price just for you when you bundle home and auto. So celebrate by. Celebrate by breaking out the confetti and those happy dance moves. Talk to a state farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the personal price plan. That's what I love about State Farm, is personalization.


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You could eat it right out of the bag. Pour all the ingredients in and just like, take it on the go. If that's how you're feeling or if you're in your homesteading trad life era, like, yes, get a nice bowl, perhaps grill up some chicken out of protein if you want. You can eat it on its own. You can customize it. It's really fabulous. And the flavors are so personal, too. Obviously, I'm a Caesar girl. I feel like everybody knows that I'm not very adventurous, but their caesar is fab. Jax, what's your favorite chopped salad flavor from tailored farms?


These days, it is a Caesar. But I also like mediterranean crunch and asian. Or I do mexican street corn on nights where I'm making taco meat.


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Thank you, Taylor.


Thank you.


Our first story, some exciting happy bed. Ben. News. Sophia Richie Grange welcomes her first baby, a girl with her husband, Elliot Grange. So she announced this weekend the news that she gave birth on May 20 to a baby girl named Eloise Samantha Grange. She said 520, 24. Best day of my life.


This was very highly anticipated. I think a lot of the girlies were wondering what she was going to name this baby. I feel like her and Hailey Baldwin are like, highly anticipated for the girls obsessed with names because they're both very creative and trendsetters. Like, everybody copies their makeup, their hair, their clothing. And so now it's like names and we love a real name, you know, very uncommon in celebrity culture. Like, I have heard this name before.


Yes, I think I've heard this name before. And I do like it.


I do. Like, honestly, it's very brand like. It's so her. Like, what do you think of when you think of Eloise at the Plaza? Plaza's class up the ass. And that's so Sophia Richie, you know, clean girl, whatever they call it.


Yeah. No, I love the name. I agree. Also, like, her and Hailey Bieber, they're, like, so trendy and cool and blah, blah, blah. But, like, the thing about a name is that it's forever. So how trendy and cool we want to be here. I know. I think this. I mean, whatever she named her daughter is so beautiful, but I really feel like this is so perfect. Cause it is a classic name that's not, like, the most common name, but not just, like, plucked out of the sky. I'm sure there's also, like, some meaning in her family. And I think it's really beautiful, and I'm really happy for her, and I hope she's enjoying the early days of motherhood.


And when it comes to Hailey Bieber's name, I feel like people forget, like, they're so religious. I feel like she's literally gonna name her kid, like, Moses. Like, something really biblical.


Yeah, but Moses is also cool because that's Gwyneth Paltrow's son.


Yeah. And it can be, like, bob Moses. Like, it can be like, you know.


Yeah. Trendy also. Is she having a girl? I thought I saw her, like, post something that made it seem like she's having a girl.


Hailey Bieber.




You know, it's so funny when people announce their genders.


Like, even I don't think she announced gender, but then she, like, posted something like, me and the girl are going to so and so.


So one day ago, Hailey baby's fans think she revealed the gender for baby with this stylish clue. Oh. She had gotten her nails done, and she captioned her photo. Little cherry blossoms on my nails. Little cherry blossom in my belly. Why would a cherry blossom be a girl? Because it's pink.


Yeah. I don't know.


But, Jackie, you tell me, like, if you had a boy in your belly, which you have twice, would you ever think of describing that boy as a cherry blossom?


No, but I don't describe things as cherry blossoms.


Some people also thought the name perhaps could be blossom.


Yeah, I don't think it's that. I think maybe it's, like.


Maybe she just wanted to, like, tie the theme of her nails.


Yeah. She has, like, this budding flower in her belly.


Yeah, it's. By the way, this is not.


It wasn't. I don't think it was a gender reveal. I don't want.


Me neither.


I don't think she, like, accidentally post stuff.


Same. So, like, I think Chelsea, I think, you know, it's. Sometimes it's just a manicure, you know?


Right. But sometimes it's not.


No. And I do think we've gotten, like, really, like, crazy with celebrity Easter egg. Like, I do blame Taylor Swift because, like, everyone got so accustomed to taking a magnifying glass to everything Taylor Swift puts out, and that's how she wanted it. But not everyone's like that. Like, some people are just getting their nails done.


Yeah. Yeah.


And it's as simple and as complicated as that. True that.


Well, our next story is some children news, and it's a three parter, because Kardashian children are in the news.


Yes, they are.


In a major way. So let's start with Mason Disick joining Instagram. He's 14 years old now. He has an Instagram account, which makes total sense. But I think what's puzzling people is that the whole family is promoting the Instagram account. They all posted on Instagram. Mason's here. Like, give him a follow. You know, just not trying to minimize.


Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was interesting. Like, him being on Instagram.


Like, I guess a 14 year old.


Teacher, like, newsworthy, but there's really nothing crazy about it. Like, that is the age that kids, you know, these days, join the platform. I am surprised that they wanted him to have, like, a public, verified profile and not, like, a private one that he can, like, use for social media, like, how kids do with their friends. Yeah, but this is a family that, like, has built billion dollar businesses on social media. Like, they know the value of it. And Mason Disick already having 500,000 Instagram followers, like, that's a job for. He's, like, set for life. It's like an inheritance in a weird sense. It's like. It's like job security. So, like, I get it. It does feel, like, weird. Just, like, Kim being like, oh, my God, I can't believe my nephew's on Instagram. Follow him. Like, I don't know. It's getting, like, follow train, like, for likes. For likes, you know?


Yeah. I kind of feel, like now, in thinking about it, that the family as a. As a family has made the decision that, like, the next generation will start working. Carry the torch. Yeah. And, like, we're gonna make the most of. Maybe he does even have, like, a more private one, but, like, he's gonna have a public one, and, like, we're gonna keep it going, because that's also how they can, like, stay up with young people.




And I feel like maybe there was, like, a committee that was, like, I think this is what for the future of the family if, like, if the younger ones start to get on Instagram, that, like, keeps us in the loop with young people. And, of course, I'm sure it's monitored in some way.


Yeah. Well, I feel like it can't be this, like, unilateral decision, because each family definitely has their own politics. Like, Kanye's been very vocal about not wanting the kids on TikTok, and, like. And Scott, I feel, is definitely really into, like, influencer culture and is probably really pro Mason being on social media. So I feel like it couldn't have been, like, so unilateral. But it's a good point because it feels like it's all happening now at once. Like, with, you know, north and Penelope on TikTok, north then doing the Lion King thing, Mason being on Instagram, it does feel like it happened at the same time.


But I also feel like if anyone was gonna be less into it, it would have been Courtney.




I don't know. I feel like maybe it's. Yeah. Like, their inheritance, and that's what they're gonna do. It'll be interesting now it's, like, to see what the rest of them do. But I thought the fact that everyone posted it was, like, the most interesting part of this.


Yeah, it feels, like very early stage brand building.


Early stage brand building, right. Percent. Yeah. Well, speaking of brand building, also, north was in the news this weekend because she performed at the Hollywood bowl as Simba Young Simba in the Lion King during the Lion King's 30th anniversary concert. So this has been the topic of discussion all weekend. North, there's video of her performing. I just can't wait to be king. Super cute. Now she's getting dragged.




For being, like a nipple baby. She didn't deserve the part. People are sharing auditions of other kids who auditioned for the role. Their parents are making videos, like, talking about the audition process and how it's not fair that Kim pulled strings and that north got the part, and it's.


A mess looking for, like, justice and equality and fairdom in the show business industry. Like, I really need to start barking up another tree. Like, oh, this is so shocking. Show business isn't fair. Yeah, we know, like, show business isn't ethical. Yeah, we know. Like, have you not been paying attention? Like, so don't go searching for, like, a fair shot in show business if.


You want to be, like, in a fair. Yeah. You want to be in a fair industry where your kid is going to have an equal playing field. Like, that's not the one.


No, it's not. Like, we. We've been knowing this show business is not a meritocracy. Like, it's all about connections. It's all about family. It's all about who you know. Like, and that's a conversation that's been had. So, like, this isn't shocking. I think coming for a kid is wrong. I thought she did, like, a really good job. Like. Yeah. Was that kid who auditioned better vocally? Yeah, she's not a singer, but we're talking about the Lion King 30th anniversary when we never would have been talking about it before, and it kind of looked good. And now I kind of want to go, like, there's a reason why she got the role over other people who might have been more qualified for her. She brings something that other people don't bring.


Fiona. Yeah. I also think, like, people have gotten seriously out of hand. Like, she's a child. People who are, like. Like, commenting on her talent and her abilities. Like, calm down. Seriously, seriously, calm down. If you want to be mad at, like, some of the adults who made these choices, go ahead. But, like, to say anything about her and how she did when, like, she's clearly having fun. This is obviously something that she wants to do. She likes being on stage. Like, it's not that fucking serious, and she's a child. Like, calm down.


Jackie said the f word. Jackie said the f word.


She's so, like, imagine, like, seeing a kid singing and dancing and, like, having some, like, taking moral high ground, having a big problem with it and taking it out on her.


Yeah, no facts on facts.


It's just. It's really.




Well, so unnecessary and, like, mean spirited.


It is. Especially because, like, the big comparison that people made was northwest and blue ivy, because Blue Ivy was also a part of her mom's tour, which is different. It's not nepotism, because it's, like, her mom's tour. It's not like she got that job over someone else. Like, she doesn't have, you know, another.


Gone to anyone that age who dances.




No, it's not like she was in the business of hiring, like, a 15 year old dancer in her show.


Right. Like, if it wasn't Blythe there would have been nobody there.




But comparing, like, talent wise and levels of skill, like, it's just. It's wrong. Like, leave the kids alone. And again, if you're, like, a parent making a TikTok, like, about how your kid didn't book a role that you wanted him to, like, I mean, no. Like, it's giving stage mom, it's giving documentary. Like, maybe go put the kid in school and stop complaining.


Yeah. And this is a good lesson to learn. Like, it's not a fair industry. No, nepo.


Babies shall rise, and they will, and they have.


And it's not always about who's the best, who you think is the best for the role. Like, now you know.


No. And by the way, while, yes, people are critiquing, like, her singing and her dancing, I just want to say, how old is she?




To get on the stage at the Hollywood bowl as a ten year old and not look even one bit nervous and have so much confidence, like, that's major.




So, like, leave the kid alone.


Yeah. Are you ready for. Oh, there's one more Kardashian child baby news story. Because Kourtney was doing a little Q and a on her instagram, and she admitted, yes, she's talking about, like, postpartum things, and she admits that she sleeps with her six month old son, Rocky. So we have another advocate in the co sleeping.


Oh, my God, this is department. This is so crazy. Of all the, like, scandals and, like, crazy things we've said on the show, the co sleeping thing, which I obviously have no horse in this race on, has shaken up this community.


Well, Courtney has entered the chat because someone asked on her stories, like, looking for advice as a new mama. She has a baby who only likes to be held to take a nap. And then Courtney took a picture of his crib, and she wrote, enjoy. Every second we do the same. He's never been in his crib. It's my favorite thing in the world.


Oh, so that's, like, a very roundabout way of saying, like, we're co sleeping.


Oh, yeah. He's never substance crib, because he sleeps on them, with them. Because this person was like, how could white, like, looking for advice? Like, my baby will only nap on me? And I loved Courtney's, like, spin on it. Like, enjoy. Yeah. Thing in the world.


Yeah. But that's, like, so on brand for Courtney.


Oh, for sure. And I feel like she's been.


Never been anything other than, like herself in that sense.


I feel like she's said that before, but it's making waves again now. And I just feel like for anyone who's co sleeping and might want to hear that.


Co sleeping in secret.


Co sleeping in secret. Yeah. Aren't we all?


No, actually, I'm not. Actually. Me and Romeo are co sleeping. Actually, we're not. We're not.


Oh, yeah. You're not. Bruno's co sleeping, though.


Bruno's co sleeping. Romeo's still in his crib.


That's good.




And then it's the opposite for Romeo. He starts in the crib and then he goes, sleeps. Yes, people, it's the opposite. So anyways, that's super cute. Oh, and I watched Kardashians and I watched the first episode. It was cute. There was a lot of, like, Courtney Travis, like, the baby shower stuff, which was, like, fun to watch. Kim. The theme is, like, Kim won't stop working. She said last season, like, I'm a workaholic. And now, like, her whole personality is how much she works. And she's like, I don't see why people have a problem with that. I don't think people have a problem with it.


I don't.


But it's just all about, like, work, work, work. And she's taking on more. Chloe is, like, kind of having not a hard time, but, like, she is very, like, in her routine every single day, and she, like, won't deviate from it. Of, like, the kids school.




This the house. Like, she won't go to Milan for 12 hours. Hate when that happens.


No, and I understand that because, like, when people offer me to go to Milan for 12 hours, I can't do it. Cause my routine, like, my, you know, Romeo and needs his walks and going for a jog in the park, you know, my five k's trending, things like that.


Yeah. So it was cute. I'll watch the next one.


Cool. I didn't watch.


Are you ready for our third story?


I am.


Great. Brittany Cartwright is hinting at deeper marital issues behind closed doors after Jax Taylor steps out with model Paige Woolen. So a lot of Valley Jax and Britney news this weekend.


I know. And, like, the way Jax and Britney are addressing and, like, telling their story of their divorce is incredibly bizarre. Like, news is being made because Britney's, like, responding to people's instagram stories.


Like, I feel like though, they are just leaning in to the show and to, like, doing things in the public. Like, I think it's just, like, good for their business and. Okay, so it's a business now. Like, these things are happening and let's at least make the most of it. Sort of.


It's really crazy. Do you know what it's giving to?




I really hope that you know what I'm about to say. Like, just their marital woes played out in the public eye and, like, the way they're leaning into it so much.




Who does it remind you of?


I can't remember. But, like, I know we've had this conversation before.


Tori spelling.


Yeah. We just never talk about her.


But they are the millennial equivalent of Tori. And I don't even know her husband's name, who she's always fighting with.


Yeah, but I think Tori spelling, like, does really well from, like, that sort.


Of pays the bills.


Yeah. And I think when it does, then you ask yourself the question, like, is this worth it? And they're on the show already. So Jax has just stepped out with, like, a new leading lady, I guess. Birthday. Yeah, she's a model.


Her brother's birthday, Jeremy.


Yeah. Yeah. Meanwhile, Britney reposted a video of, like, a creator talking about the valley and how Jax treats Britney. And she wrote thank you in just a. Imagine what I've been through behind closed doors. I mean, the way, like, I was already. I still plan on watching the valley, and I need to write it down somewhere because I've sat in front of my tv a couple times being like, what did I mean to watch the valley?




But, like, all of this stuff really also gets me to want to watch the valley. Which, like, them being guaranteed is good. That's their livelihood. Like, this is them doing a good job at their job.


Yeah. No, it's a guaranteed renewal, that's for sure. Cause there's so much going on offline. And there was, like, a viral, like, a video that went viral from Jeremy Maddox, his birthday party. Someone's just, like, filming him blowing out his candles and, like, panning to everyone. Jax is standing there with his new girl, and she, like, blurts out, I'm pregnant.


Yes. She's, like, joking about being pregnant. I don't know.


I'm not sure. But that one sent the valley viewers into a tizzy.


Into a tizzy. And maybe this girl wants to be on the valley, but there's just been.


A lot, like, people thought that Jax was having an affair with his publicist, but now he's dating another girl. So I don't know.


I don't know either. But we're talking about him.


Yeah. It's a strategy, this.


It's hard for me to get over Jackson Britney. I'm not. I know. People are gonna be like, what do you mean? We all could see it.


They were toxic.


Even when a couple, like, seems like a mismatch, when they're together for so long, they really, like, dig in and put roots down. Like, at a certain point, I, like, put them in the box in my head of, like, okay, we're settled. Yeah.


You just, like, believe.


Yeah. And that's where I thought that they were at. And they have a young child, and I just. I didn't see this happening now. I thought they were in, like, the best place that they've been in.


And when you, like, get past so many toxic years, like, especially on tv with the faith thing, the affair, like, you can get past that, like, work together forever. Yeah, no, it's definitely sad. Like, and I think I'm oddly happy for them because I think being back in, like, the Bravo swing of things and being talked about was their goal, but at what cost?


At what cost? And I also think if I watch the valley, maybe, like, it will cure me of being sad that they're done. Like, I might watch it and be like, oh, she needs to leave him. Which she did good, right?


Yeah, no, there's definitely, like, a toxicity there that we're unfamiliar with because we don't watch, but apparently it's been quite prevalent.


Yeah. Yeah.


On the show.


Okay, well, are you ready for our fourth story?


If it's our fourth story, that's brought to you by GNC, which is one of my new favorite brands. Well, not new, but they recently started sponsoring the toast. But for. For me, they've been a huge resource because, you know, we all make jokes. Trudy only talks about her time on GLP one medications, but they really, really changed my life. And I made the decision to stop taking them, which some people do, some people don't. There's not one, you know, good way or the other. But the question was, like, what are you gonna do after it? And that was obviously, like, a big concern of mine. And GNC has been a huge resource for me because pretty much I wake up every day now, and, like, my goal is to stay full. I can't starve myself. That's just not something I want to do or I'm really capable of doing, but I need to make good decisions. And so having really good, like, snacks that stave off hunger, protein shakes, having all that stocked up in my house, good supplements. Because when I was on the GLP one medications, it is, if you've been on, like, you know, you need to be taking fiber and then I got into the habit of taking fiber, and I liked the, you know, regularity of it, if you will.


So just having a place where I can shop for everything that I need post GLP one has been really, really helpful, and GNC has been that place for me. So GNC specializes in satisfying, indulgent, real protein bars, shakes, and snacks in amazing dessert flavors. So on the go, in your bag, they're ready when you're actually hungry. GNC's number one best selling weight management lineup is GNC total lean. They're packed with protein, some fiber, and we can guarantee your favorite flavor of anything. So, yeah, GNC sells a lot of different products, but their brand of, like, shakes bars is called total lean. I love the shakes. Having them, I have them at the studio, and I also have them at my house and just having them for, like, that midday crush, because for me, I get to a place if I'm really, really hungry, and I hit, like, a certain point, seriously, it's over. Like, I'm eating everything and I'm just kind of undoing my whole day. So making sure I don't get to that place is super important. So eating, like, really high protein bars or shakes daily is really important for me. So the total lean, layered lean bars, those are their protein bars.


They're packed with 16 grams of high quality protein, and they have 200 calories or less. They are rich dessert y goodness. The peanut butter pie and the cookie dough are probably my favorites. I would say maybe the cookie dough. Also, GNC is great for, like, shopping their brand, which is called totally, but they also carry other brands, and it's great for, like, discovering brands that you love. Like, for me, I discovered bare bells.


Me too.


From GNC. And just, like, shopping, there is a great resource for, like, okay, so this is GNC approved. And let me stock up on it, because honestly, if I don't, I could undo all the progress that I've made. They also have the lean shake burn meal replacement that come in vanilla latte and chocolate mocha. And then their best selling lean shake, 25. The 25 stands for 25 grams of protein, which is really significant. And I have found that, like, other brands, the more protein they have, the more calories they have. And so, like, that's something that I'm trying to balance. I'm really high protein but not super caloric. And that's why I really like total lean. So it's 25 grams of protein, but 170 calories. All of the flavors have zero added sugar. So swiss chocolate cookies and cream cookies and cream has been my flavor of choice. And then Olivia was, like, getting on me about taking that cookies and cream and putting it, like, in an ice cream maker and making, like, protein ice cream. It's kind of a good idea. I really want to do that. So that's what I mean. Like, you can still live and, like, eat well, but just making better choices.


And I have found that shopping at GNC over the last couple of months has really, really helped me in my post glp one medication, because controlling hunger is, you know, for me, the number one priority in maintaining that weight loss. Because I think, like, many people who had amazing success with the drug and decided to go off of it, that's a huge concern. You know, like, not just bouncing back immediately and, like, how do we apply all the things that we learned on the meds, post meds, and being prepared and being stocked up is super important. GNC is my favorite place to shop for everything that I need. I just think that it's, like, the website is really user friendly and shopping for what you want. And I get, like, a big box delivered, I would say, like, every two weeks. And it has really, really helped me, especially working out. You need to eat a lot of protein. I'm over here feeling depleted when I don't. Like, I now that fitness is a part of my life, I just need to account for that in my diet, and GNC is the perfect place for that.


So we've recently partnered with GNC. I'm really excited about it, and we do have a code. So it's toast, and you can use the code toast 25. Toast 25 at checkout. That'll get you 25% off your order of GNC. Total lien. That's toast. Use code toast 25 for 25% off today. Jax, are you more of a peanut butter pie or a cookie dough girl when it comes to peanut butter? The lean, I think peanut butter in protein is, like, my favorite flavor. It just does a way of, like, not tasting, you know, that protein y, like, gross taste so many brands have. Total lean does not. And I feel like the peanut butter flavor does such a good job of, like, really just tasting like. Like a good snack.


Yeah. Like a good, healthy snack.


So that's toast letters. toast. Our code is toast 25. That's toast. 25 for 25% off. Today, just placing the order and having it on hand in your house is really going to help you, because when you're out of stuff and you hit that wall of hunger. Like, you're screwed. Yeah, at least for me, that's how it is. Like, I am so screwed if I am not prepared. And so being prepared, being fully stocked on everything that I need, bars, shakes, supplements,, toast code toast 25.


Great. Thank you for that, Claudia.


You're welcome.


Our next story, Nicki Minaj is apologizing to fans following a drug arrest and blaming Amsterdam copyright for her concert cancelation. So Nicki Minaj was majorly in the news this weekend. She was arrested in Amsterdam and she livestreamed her encounter with the Amsterdam cops. But she wound up having to cancel her Manchester concert because she couldn't get there in time. So she has apologized to fans after canceling the concert following her arrest on drug possession charges in Amsterdam on Saturday, she said, please, please, please accept my deepest and most sincere apologies. She wrote that she just arrived at her hotel after spending 6 hours in an Amsterdam jail. She'd been taken into police custody at Amsterdam Sheephole airport on Saturday morning on suspicion of exporting soft drugs. With the lyricist confirming that they had found marijuana in her luggage, she blamed Amsterdam officials for nixing the concert. They succeeded at their plan to not let me get on that stage tonight. I succeeded at getting to the root of it all by recording them and posting everything in real time. She added that she plans to take legal action against the Amsterdam authorities, writing, I have so much video evidence, you wouldn't believe it if I told you.


I'll have the lawyers and God take it from here, though.


I thought pot was illegal. Right.


And she said that in her initial, like, when it was all going down, and she was, like, tweeting, she was.


Like, it's legal here, but is traveling out of the country with it not. Cause she said she was going to Manchester. That's the UK, right?


Yeah. So she was saying, like, the whole thing with, like, the bags, like, they were. They had, like, searched some of their bags and then, like, get them, like, on and off the plane. Like, it was all very shady. Sus. Yeah. And, but as she says, she has a video of everything. And I mean, the footage of her.


Like, literally being arrested on Instagram Live is so crazy.




And, like, what a power move to, like, not just film it, but do it live on Instagram.


Yeah. Yeah. Just really a crazy turn of events. And I hope that, you know, there's justice for her and, like, that she had to miss the concert. Everyone missed the concert. She has to postpone the concert.


Yeah. It's like, so. It's so much work and such, like, unnecessary paperwork. For what? Because she had pot in a country where pot is legal. Like, make it make sense.


The flight was 50 minutes. 50.


Make it make sense.


That's what she said.


Was it a private flight, I assume? Yes.


Yeah. She was talking about the jet.


They were, like, starting stuff.


Yeah. She was also, like, saying that some of the people who might have, like, formerly worked for her might have, I don't know, had a role to play in, like, the blame. So. I don't know.


It's layered.


It's layered.


But I'm glad she's out of.


Yeah, me too.


And it reminds me of my favorite.


Show, locked up abroad, which she was.


Which she was. And which, seriously, if you've watched a show, you never want to be locked up abroad. I mean, I don't think you want to be locked up broad, but definitely not abroad.




Like, period.


Mm hmm.


Mm hmm.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story? Some Titanic news?


Oh, my God.




Our time together is coming to a close, and when I climb into bed, I start feeling sad.


Turdy took the words out of my mouth, but an Ohio billionaire named Larry Connor plans to take a $20 million sub to the Titanic site to prove the industry safer after the ocean gate expanded explosion. So the pressure is on. An Ohio billionaire is planning to take a deep sea submersible to titanic depths to prove the industry is safer in the wake of the doomed ocean gate vessel that imploded last year. Real estate investor Larry O'Connor said he and Triton Submarines co founder Patrick Leahy will plunge more than 2.3 miles to the shipwreck site in a two person submersible. He said, I want to show people worldwide that while the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and really kind of life changing if you go about it the right way.


I don't think anybody, like, is mad at the ocean, you know?




And that wasn't the takeaway from the submersible tragedy. It was like, you know, that company was sade as hell and, like, poor decision making from literally everyone involved. And I feel like the integrity and reputation of the ocean remained intact post submersible saga. Now I'm questioning the sanity and well being of this billionaire from Ohio. Like, are you okay?


Right. And I think also, while the operations, like, we're not up to code, in the last one, it did sort of, like, beg the question of, like, is it necessary? Why would do we need to do this? Maybe just, like, let it rest. Like, this Titanic obsession like, yeah. And so, yeah, I don't think he needs to prove that, like, ocean travel is safe. People are on cruises every day, right?


No, and I wasn't even my takeaway from submersible, like, wasn't that, you know, submersible travel in general, like, if NASA put together a submersible, I'd trust it.


You know, not to say that submersible travel is, like, recreational. Submersible travel is unsafe. It's just a bit.


It's like a PlayStation controller being held together with duct tape. Like, I think, you know, using logic and reasoning is of the utmost importance in a situation like that. And I don't know what's gonna happen to this man. I wish him a safe journey, but this is so beyond unnecessary. And this is, like, classic. Like, like, these wealthy men, like, sometimes they're so not okay. Like, they think they're so untouchable. You're literally not. The ocean doesn't give a fuck how much money you have.


Yeah. And there's just. I can't see, like, what's one upside to going and seeing the Titanic?


I guess, like, the experience of seeing it, but it's all on video and just watch a movie. It's even better.


No, and, like, no one is as into interested in the Titanic as me. And I don't feel that I need to go down there.


Yeah. It's also, like, let's say NASA was going. It was a tippity top. Elon was involved. Like, it was guaranteed that you were gonna make it out there. Yeah. Elon and NASA. And you are guaranteed that you're gonna make it to and fro alive. I still don't think I would want to go. The idea of being how many miles down below?


2.3 miles down below. 2400ft.


Like, I'm all set, you know? And I think the Titanic is super interesting. Like, I don't feel like that would be an enjoyable experience for me. You know, it's the same reason I don't go bungee jumping, even though, you know, millions of people do it and it's totally safe. Like, I'm not interested in feeling that sort of pain.


Yeah. Thrill.


Not for me.


Not for me. So, I mean, good luck to them. But it's.


Honestly, at this point, I feel like he's doing it for attention.


It's a good way to get attention. I feel like anything that, like, people.




Yeah, Titanic really captures people.


Yeah, it's definitely like, he's not a thrill seeker. He's an attention seeker. And I really am like, mad that we gave it to him.


You say, oh, I know, but I can't help. Like, you'll get. Of course, I walk right into the trap.


No. And the timing of me watching Titanic last night and this story coming out. How could we not? We're doing.


And then after Ben saw Titanic, like, did he have any more thoughts about the submersible thing?


No. Ben, you know, it's not really into, like, current events, you know, so I'm not. It didn't come up in our conversation. Maybe tonight over dinner, I'll just ask him if he had any deeper thoughts on the submersible. But am I correct in remembering when the submersible story first came out? Like, day one, we were reporting on it. We called it a submersible.


That feels right.


Yeah, TFR.


Yeah. Sub subway.


And I just. It was like. It was crazy that at that time, it was just commonplace knowledge, I guess, for everyone to know how to pronounce submersible. Now. It was in the movie Titanic, they are on a submersible. That guy on the big boat, he's using submersibles. So I guess that's where people knew the pronunciation. But I just thought it was so crazy. Like, one day everybody woke up and knew how to pronounce it, and we were dumb for not.


Yeah. You know what else is, like, a part of the movie that just doesn't do it for me? But I guess it's like, the whole movie. What, the next.


Oh, yeah. Me neither. Although that was, like, low key. Kind of crazy of the lady to just dump it in the ocean, like.


There, but historically inaccurate.


Well, there wasn't a real necklace.


No, I don't think so.


No, it was just. I read about it last night. It was like this storyline, like, inspired by the hope diamond. Yeah, but wait, back to what were you saying right before this? Oh, yeah, the necklace storyline didn't do it for you.


Like, where's the necklace? Like, I don't care.


Yeah, no, I wasn't, like, searching for it. And when she, like, finally whipped it out of her old wrinkly hand, it wasn't like, plot twists of the century. It was just like, oh, cool. Love that for you.


How did Ben feel about it?


He didn't make a peep. I was like, I wonder if he's, like. He didn't say because I don't think you care.


Also, like, I just know that it's. The old lady has a necklace, cuz. Like that Britney Spears song, you know, like, we know that she.


Yes, yes.


It's kind of a spoiler for the whole movie. Like, I've never not known her to have it. Just like how I watch gone girl starting from the middle of the movie. Like, I never had a thought for a second that, like, maybe she was gone. Like, I knew she was in her car.


You knew she was the girl.


Yeah. Girl was not gone.


Okay, that's interesting. Yes, Britney Spears, definitely.


Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert.


And helpful. But also, maybe this is, like, me being dumb. Why did she throw it in the ocean?


That's where it belonged. Like no one else should have.


Cause it was called the heart of the ocean.


No, but, like, just to put the whole thing to rest. I don't know. Poetic justice.


Because at first I was like, oh, she's putting the necklace back in the ocean. That's where Jack is. But Jack actually didn't give her the necklace. Like, it's not Jack's necklace. Yeah, it's Cal's.


I think it was just, like, the closing, like, of a chapter. Like, she was that person. That necklaces symbolizes that person, and that person should. Because she, like, wound up pretending to be someone else for the rest of her life. Right. Not like Rose Dawson.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Right. So, like, Rosie aristocrat is at the bottom of the sea, technically, and her necklace should be there, too. I mean, couldn't be me.


No. Especially because, you know, her mom was the woke. Like, the wodiest woat of all. But we do learn why she was that way. Their father had passed away, her husband, and they didn't know. Like, they had a good family name, but they had no money. Like, they were in crazy debt. And so her marrying this, you know, steel tycoon, you know, he was the worst was a remedy of that. And that's what the culture was in the 19 hundreds. Like, that's what she did. And so I understood the mother a little bit better. And that necklace could have helped the mother a great deal because the mom in the movie did survive. So she just given the necklace to her mom because it meant a lot to her.


Yeah, but the mom's also, like, forcing her to marry an abusive man. So, like, no necklace for you.


Nnfu. No necklace for you.


So, like, all's to say, no one deserves it, right?


And I guess the theme is, like, money is the root of all evil, I guess.


Oh, I wasn't getting that. I was getting, like, let sleeping dogs lie.


Well, no, in the movie. Because. And you say in the book that it actually wasn't like that, but so much of the emphasis of the movie is, like, rich people getting priority, like, their lives basically being more valuable than people in steerage and the poor people. So maybe for her, the necklace represented that.


Perhaps, but also, like, the ship, when it was floating, was incredibly classist. Yeah, we're classes.


Yeah, but, like, so was an airplane. Like, we still have the class system.


Yeah. Not all airlines, I guess, even all except for one.


Pay more.


Yeah, you can pay more to board first. But I. Yeah. And now they charge you, like, oh, you don't want to sit in a middle seat. Pay more.


Yeah, it's crazy.


They'll charge you for everything. You're bringing a luggage. Pay more.


Water. A basic human right.


No, it's serious. Oh, you don't want to sit that far back. Pay more.


Right. Main cabin. Main cabin. Plus, it's really crazy.


It's really crazy.


I would argue that, like, the modern flight travel industry is more classist than the Titanic.


Yeah. Whoa.


Hot take. Do better.


Yeah. But not totally untrue. And then also, what were we saying before that?


The necklace.


Britney necklace. Let sleeping dogs lie.


Submersible. Knowing the pronunciation. He flew in a submersible in the movie. Oh, and I said this to you on the phone, but something so interesting about the movie Titanic is that there's two films going on, right? They're telling the story of what happened in 1912, and then it's like 2000. And whenever the movie came out, 2000.


819, 98.


Oh, wow.


I think it came out in the nineties. Play the house down boots with that song.


And it's crazy that these. The modern parts of the film, which are, like, 5% of the movie, but this is the biggest movie of all time. Literally. It's a multi generational. It's, like the biggest thing. And all the actors who play, like, the submersible guy and his team and Nana. And Nana's granddaughter, I've never seen these people act ever again. Like, you would think this would have been a movie that launched their careers. Like, they're seriously, like, you would think Jennifer Aniston would be in it. Like, who the fuck are these people?


No, like, did they even get the invite to the Oscars?


Did they even get the invite to the premiere? Like, I know Jack, I know Rose, I know Celine Dion. I know Kathy Bates. I know Victor Garber. Who the fuck are these other people?




In the modern times, makes you think, like, you think it would have been, like, the job of a lifetime, but it kind of feels like a curse.


Yeah, it's a great question.


And then my final thought, which I also shared with you and you agreed with, was that I felt like Rose was miscast.


I do feel that way. I. Mm. So this is what I said to you. Like, I feel like her, Kate Winslet and Leo, like, were not a match. And so one of them has to go. And I think Leo really shines in the movie, so, like, he'll stay, which means we have to recast Rose. But I think, like, thinking about an aristocratic young woman in the 19 twelves, like, that's Kate Winslet.


Yeah. And thinking of, like, a poor midwestern american boy with, you know. No, like, kind of untethered his family. It was so Leo at the time. Like, the long blonde hair, just the very chiseled face, like, so all american.


Yeah, but, like, they. I don't know how they passed the chemistry test.


Yeah, yeah. Like, even. And. And she felt a lot older than him. No.




And the scene where they have sex in that car. I don't know, it's giving, like, the idea of you energy.


Let's just look at their ages quickly. I'm sure you know, the same age. I think on paper they were their correct casting, but together, no, he had.


This, like, really young, boyish energy, and she had the total opposite, sort of, like, maternal energy. Matronly, if you will.


Yeah. So she's 48 and he's 49.


Yeah. No, they're older. Oh, he's older. I don't know. Facts remain, but I still feel like they were a mismatch.


I agree, and I don't think that's a hot take.


And you know what? I just did want to look up really quickly. Actresses who almost played Rose in the Titanic. Like, who else was a Reese Witherspoon? She doesn't give aristocrat.


No, she's like, female jack. She's Jackie Dawson.


I just want to say, all these people kind of stink.




Angelina Jolie. No. Jennifer Connelly. I don't really know what she looked like when she was young, but no.


Pearl Harbor.


Uma Thurman. Oh, Pearl harbor. Honestly, like, Kate Beckinsale.


Oh, she's Pearl harbor. They're both Pearl harbor.


Oh, I don't know. But Kate Beckinsale would have been good. Jennifer. No, I want min.


I do want a real Brit.


Rose wasn't british.


She wasn't. She was a man. Yeah. Philly.


Jennifer Connelly. Um, go back.


Okay. For sure. Reese Witherspoon. I'll take any of them.


Madonna. No. Nicole Kidman? Jennifer Aniston? Charlize theron Gwyneth.




She had just played seven and Emma, and that's why she was offered the role. She turned it down, but then won an Oscar for Shakespeare in love. So she couldn't have done both. But Titanic is obviously bigger. But Shakespeare. Oh, and here's who auditioned for the role of Jack. Johnny Depp. I could see it.




You know, he loves a roll out of boat. Christian Bale also could have seen it. Chris O'Donnell from CSI. Like, you definitely don't even know.


He is like, what if he did Titanic?




Brad Pitt would have been Brad and Gwyneth.


Macaulay Culkin. No, I didn't realize it was a.


Movie about two Americans.


Yeah. I also did wonder why she was in London. They never addressed that because he was also american. He was from Pittsburgh. Her husband, fiance. And she and her family were american.


And she was engaged.


They were engaged. Traveling from the UK to back to New York. But why?


Maybe they were shopping for her wedding, like, getting her dress made.


They never really addressed that.


Maybe they were just on holiday, as you do.


Or maybe they seriously went to London so that they could get on the Titanic. Like it was that big of a deal.


Yeah. Or they were just there for the season.


Yeah. Oh, the season. That's a thing.


And. No, but the season movie. Summer. And it's April.


No, I'm telling you, they definitely, like, went to London so that they could go back on this historic voyage.




They plan, like, some FIcaq trip. Oh, and then I also looked up, like, what did first class cost, like today? What would it have cost? So a first class suite, which I don't know if that's what Rose and her man had, because that was, like, more than a suite. They had, like, their own deck or whatever. But a first class suite cost $4,000, which today is 84 grand for. What was it, like, seven to ten days?


Yeah. Whoa.


Yeah, that, I guess, feels right. That feels like what rich people spend on, like, crazy trips.


Yeah. Like, in crazy amount.


Yeah, yeah.


Per person or for the suite. And you can just like.


Good question. That's what it said a ticket costs. But I don't know if that means, like, a room. I don't know.


Hmm. Fascinating. You should read the book I read. It's called Dreams by Gareth Nemeth. That doesn't sound right.


Gareth Nemeth. I don't think his parents would have named in that.


Let me just clear that up. The ship of Dreams book by Gareth Russell.




Feels right, you guys.


That's our show. Thank you so much for being here with us. Thank you so much for listening. Hope you enjoyed. And thank you so much for listening to the toast on Monday morning show where we deliver the past five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday, YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you subscribe this video, thumbs up, also available. Me fans that's. But if I do, but I'm beautiful about how stunning, about how wickedly talented we are. Have an amazing day, guys. Love you.


Love you. Bye.