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Good morning, millennials. Welcome back to The Toast. Happy Thursday. I am so excited. Yesterday was for the Gen Xers. Today, I feel like my guest needs no introduction. I feel like we literally have the same exact audience, like millennial queens, you guys. It's fucking tinks.


I'm so excited to be here. And can I just say, I've obviously been listening to The Toaster every day because I do every day normally, and I've been listening to all the other co-hosts, and they're fabulous. They're fantastic. They're way more famous than me. They're not. But I need to say something. I'm for The Toaster because I started as a toaster. And this morning, I did look in my phone, and I found the first time that I said Claudia, and it was in 2018. And I was texting my college group chat, as I did when I lived in New York, talking about something hilarious that you said. And so I represent the every toaster, okay? The arc from toaster to friend to co-host. I mean, come on.


Well, there is. Me and Jackie have spoken about this. The toaster to influence her pipeline. Everyone who blows up is a toaster. And sometimes they acknowledge it, and sometimes they pretend like they unsend their DMs. It happens to me all the time. They think they're too good.


I love it. The first time I saw you, I met you for real. I was so embarrassing. I showed you the photo that I forced you to take in a bar in New York in 2019. Obsessed.


We have to post it. We're going to clip this and the photo is right here. Enjoy. I literally die for you. You are one of my favorite people. I'm so excited. I know that the toaster's probably already know you. We really do have very similar audiences. But for those who don't know, you are a queen of TikTok, podcaster, author, radio, fashion, literally all the things. You are You mean the world to me? I love you. No.


I literally, I don't have words for how much I love you. It's you guys, just if you're listening out there, she's funnier in person, if that's even possible. And also so nice. I thought you were nice before, but the way you treated me in Mexico when we met and you were so kind to me, because for those who don't know, we met in Mexico at this party, and I knew three people. And Claudia and Ben were so kind to me. I met them. I was like, Oh, my God, I'm obsessed with you guys. They let me third wheel the entire entire weekend, and I just had the best time of my life.


You think I'm obsessed? Ben.


No, I love Ben, too.


We wake up in the morning in Mexico. He's like, Do you want to get breakfast? I'm like, Yeah. He's like, Should we tell James? Ben was obsessed.


Stage five, Clinger. It was the best weekend of my life. It just was easy. It was easy. It was very easy.


I went to that trip that we met on a million years ago for the first time, and I knew one person, literally one person. And I remember every person who was so kind to me and went out of their way to make me feel included. It meant so much to me. And they're people I'm still friends with. Our friend Stacey was one of those people who knew me from Instagram, put me under her wing, and really made the trip so much more fun. And so I was so excited to meet you on my way there. I think I forgot who was. Someone was like, Tinks is coming. I'm like, The Rich Mom Queen. I'm like, You're lying. So excited. If you say I'm even funnier in person, you are even cooler in person. You radiate. I think that I radiate that energy, and we all know I don't. You are effortlessly cool. Even your outfit, where the fuck did you get that? All of it. You're so cool. I just die for you. I love you so I'm so excited to have you on the toast.


I'm so excited. This is surreal. My college group chat is going wild right now.


Let me tell you, your college group chat was onto something when they became friends with you at college, because let me tell you, there is no one more fun to get liquered up with. There's two different... I feel like we've actually had a couple of nights, and they either go one of two ways. Last night, which is just a low-key cocktail and just gossip, gossip, gossip. Sort of vomiting. We live on different coasts. We don't talk every single day, so we You have a lot to catch up on. Or it's like a shot-ripping, cigarette-chain-smoking night. 100%. Love them both equally.


Love them both equally. You're so fun to drink with because we're the same. When we go, we go. It's really hard to find I feel like girls, especially as we get into our 30s, who are like, they're still willing to go. And like we talked about last night, we don't miss the party. If there's a good party, you have to go. That's the rule of life. If it's a good party. If it's a good party, you have to know.


You're a professional party girl. What is your advice on gaging? I We're seeing a lot of us struggle like, should I get dressed and go to this? We struggle with being FOMO, or we're there and we wish we didn't even go.


A hundred %. For example, I had really bad stagecoach FOMO. I had crippling stagecoach FOMO. I have my FOMO pretty under control. I feel like my gage is pretty good now just because I am seasoned party girl. I know I can tell. Depends what city I'm in, depends who else is going. Stage Coach, I had really bad FOMO next year. We're going together.


So did I.


It's going to be so good next year, though.


Especially through the lens of Margot, who I am so happy that you got to meet because Margot is my ride or die party girl. I'm obsessed with Margot. Margot is obsessed with you.


And also Margot's fits at Stage Coach went off.


It really upset me to watch.


She was living her best life for all of us. I was just like, You're doing it, queen.


A 100 %. And so last night, we are going to Stage Coach.


No, we're going. I'm organizing it. We're going.


Also, last night, you said something that I got home and I was telling Ben about, and I think it was so profound. Honestly, Ben didn't get it. I was trying to explain it to him, and he didn't get it. And I was like, You're not understanding. It's like a girly thing. The reason why I love you is because you're older than me. I'm sorry. Everyone I meet is younger than me, and it makes me really upset. I'm 29 in this space, and it's seriously... It's upsetting to be 29 in this space.


1,000 %. It is. And that's why I talk about it so much, because I became an influencer at age 29. I'm 33 now, and I realized that I had a choice. I could either be one of those girls who don't say their age in public and whatever. Actually, when I moved to LA, I met a few girls who lied about their age, and I was so shook because I was like, That's so silly. It's crazy. It's crazy. And I was like, Or I could just talk about it and really try to change this. Because I think that for me, when I see someone older than me doing something, it validates it completely. For me, it makes me feel so much better. You to me. And I didn't feel like I had an influencer when I was in my late 20s. I was single. I didn't have anyone in their 30s who was single, but having fun, but wanted to find love, but was also happy and grateful for her life. So I was like, Okay, let me just be that and talk about that. So the girls no longer fear turning 30. And we talked that last night, and it's the best.


I am turning 30. I feel like this is a place I can really say that. I couldn't say it with Berk Scofield yesterday. She was too cool and young for me. She's 23, yeah. No, I'm so exciting.


She's so young.


So yes, I am. I am turning 30. You are.


It's fine. And it's honest Honestly, as soon as it happens, what Ashley was saying last night, too, it's like 29. Once you get to 30, you're just like, it's a relief.


And so you gave me great advice, and I said to Ben, and Ben was like, You do this anyway. So Tings was like, Honestly, I bought myself at 30 a tennis necklace. Is that the necklace you're wearing?


I wore it today so that I could show you. Thank you. To encourage you to do it. I love it. And it was all really happening for me at that time. I had just started to make money as an influencer, and I had been previously so nervous to turn 30, and I was like, You know what? I'm going to really change the narrative. I'm going to buy myself a really great present so that I can always look back and think how proud I was of myself at this moment. It was a big moment. I think it's just a big age for a woman. It is. I think it's just so different for men. I think women have much more complicated related relationship with aging.


Biological. 30 is when the doctors start telling you, get it together. No, totally.


Then they're like, Oh, let me count your eggs. You're like, Please don't. And by the way, I've gotten to a place now where talking about egg freezing, which is amazing.


People bring it up to me. I'm like, Well, It's like a choice. Why don't you shut the fuck up? No, I know. Would you ever choose? I'm like, Would you ever shut the fuck up?


I chose to talk about it on my pod because I chose not to freeze my eggs because it just was not the right choice for me. I want to go listen to the episode about why. Just decided not to. But it is a lot, and everybody loves to talk about it all the time. And when you get to this age, you get in a group of girls, you haven't seen your friends for a while. It's all egg freezing this. And it's overwhelming. Whatever path you're taking, whatever your goals are in life, it is overwhelming.


A thousand %. Even if you look at someone who has done it more traditionally. At 30, they have the two kids. They have their own shit, too.


Exactly. Everybody's going through much. I mean, women are going through so much. We just have this more complicated relationship with life in general, I think, which is why I think it's important to buy yourself a really good birthday present.


So I told Ben, I'm like, Tinks made me feel so much better. I'm going to buy myself something. And he was like, You literally deny yourself nothing. You bought a Kelly the other day. You are fine. He's like, What would you even get? I'm like, Well, Tinks got a ton of stuff.


No, you need a ton of stuff. I I'm getting it. I don't have one.


You need it. I'm getting one. Thank you so much for making me feel better about it. I could literally podcast with you for an eternity.


Well, that's good because we have one this afternoon.


Yes. I'm going on a Tink to show later today, which I'm so excited about. So on the very off chance that someone's not familiar, you You currently host a show on SiriusXM. Yes.


I wrote a book.


You wrote a book. It's me. Oh, no. The Shift. The Shift.


People loved it. That was the thing that I'm most proud of and that I felt like most myself doing.


I really loved it. But you got your start on TikTok.


Got my start on TikTok.


Can you give me your brief elevator stick? Super quick.


Yeah, it was 2020. I had just moved to LA. I was not really working. I was consulting, which is LA code for you don't have a job. I'm employed. I was getting a lot of matcha lattes by myself. Then the I have a kid, and my family lives in London, so I was going to have to move home because I was like, I'm not going to be able to pay my rent. I'm so stressed out. We're all going to die. And I'm a really dramatic, anxious person, so I genuinely thought that it was the end of the world. So I was like, I no longer fear judgment. I might as well just download this app called TikTok. Fuck it. And just fuck it and make these videos. And I had nothing to do. When I say I had three friends and they wouldn't see me because quarantine, and my family wasn't there, and I lived in a studio apartment, I had nothing to do. So I just TikTok TikTok. Right away, I was like, Wow, I find this really fun and fulfilling, and I love it, and it's funny, and I'm getting a little traction, so I'll just keep going.


And I honestly... It was just like, right place, right time, because in that time, everyone was on their phones for 19 hours a day. And TikTok was really... It was a different TikTok back then. More fun. I was more fond of it then. I just felt like it was more funny and light-hearted and more about like, comedy and skits and being silly. And also I was in a different place. And Misrila loves company, and I was the whole time about how I was drunk all the time by myself. I was remembering that I used to get black out on live.


Okay, by the way, I used to do that, too. And I, seriously, I have such a pit for myself. I don't even know what could come out of my mouth. I have a specific memory of being completely blacked out in Houston after a show going through the Water burger Drive through on Instagram Live with Brian Kelly. Seriously, the fact that I didn't hurl in the back of the car, I have chills for how dumb I was. No, truly. There's so many advantages to growing up on the internet. But one of the major disadvantages, and I have experienced this, and I know you have, too, is that shit coming back to bite you in the ass.


A thousand %. It all does. And when you're new on the internet, you just think you'll do anything for a laugh. Attention. Attention. And so it was crazy. And I was like, Honestly, exploiting my personal life at that time, too. Because everybody likes to talk about dating, and so do I. But it gets so messy so fast. So I was talking about how I was in love with my best friend and dating this other guy, and that's really brutal for the guy I was dating. So that was the best of It was the worst of times.


But at the end of the day, it got you here. I feel like you're in such a good place now and your career, you're killing it. The girlies love you. They would seriously lay their life out on the lines for you. I get it. I would, too. And you're just killing it. I love to see it, especially to see someone who went through an experience of backlash, which I, obviously, it's all I fucking talk about. My Roman Empire is getting canceled. And as they say, likeability is a prison. You were at the top of your game. Like, brand deal, brand deal, Chipotle.


It was the weekend after Coachella. I had just come back. It's always the weekend after. I had taken 12 of my friends to Coachella, organized everything, gotten everyone. I was just like- Balling. I was balling. I was literally just everything was good in my life. And I got back and like- Destruction. Destruction. Like, the worst time in my life. You were also so nice to me. You've given me more helpful advice about that than anyone else.


That's literally my skill in life.


It was the worst time in my life.


But let me ask you a question. I'm more far out from mine than you are. I look back on that time now with immense gratitude. I think I'm at the top of my game right now. I think I'm killing it. I would not be here. I don't know where the fuck I would be. I might even not be influencing at the time. I wasn't even that big when it happened. It made me a star. So I look back on that time, lessons learned. It's almost like a baptism by fire. I don't give a fuck now because I went through it. Are you at the place now where you look back on all that hate you received and you can look at it through rose-colored lenses now? A lot of people can.


I don't know. I'm a really sensitive person. I think I understand everything that happened And I get why it happened. Intellectually, I think it makes sense. I was at the top of my game, and then it was like, Yeah, people hate that. Likeability is a present. Why not go through 20,000 tweets to find four from 10 years ago? But I don't know. I'm really sensitive, and it still makes me sad sometimes. How it went down. And I think being misunderstood is a frustrating experience. Oh my God. I don't know.


Just to be honest. No, being misunderstood, that's how I felt for so long, and it was so frustrating. And we get into this game. Everyone gets into influencing and content creating in their own way. But at the end of the day, we get into it because we want to be liked. Totally. And we want to be popular.


We're all people-pleasers. That's the thing about us. Of course, we're all people-pleasers. We're the court jesters. We do anything for a laugh. Dance monkey. And so that's another angle of it, where it's like, to think that we would be here for anything other than to joy and make people laugh is so painful.


Yeah. No. And so when your goal is to become universally liked, and then you end up being hated, that's Earth-shattering for someone who cares.


For someone who cares. And I care so much. Normalize caring. Normalize caring. I can't believe when people are like, Oh, I don't care about this and that. I'm like, I care so much. You know who doesn't care?




Jackie. Why am I obsessed with her? Obviously.


She's more elevated than us.


She's so much more elevated. She doesn't give a shit. And I'm just like, that's why I'm mesmerized by everything Jackie says, because she says it with this air of not caring. And it's the most attractive quality I think a human can have.


She says it with her whole fucking chest, too.


With her whole fucking chest. And I still second guess myself, and I'm like, oh, my God. But it's from a good place, or at least I think it is. Maybe it's from a narcissistic place. I don't know. But I care a lot.


And I think it's totally fine. But I also think it's important to get out of your own head once in a while. A thousand %. So me as an outsider, I want to tell you. I watch one of your stories at the first. You come up before my family. I'm obsessed. You, from an outsider's perspective, you seem so successful, so sure of yourself. Thank you. So self-aware in a good way. It's important being critical of yourself is just a part of the job, but it's important to know how other people see you. I'm a normal, level-headed person, and I think you're just killing it.


Thank you. That's so nice.


I'm so honored that you came here. Your timing couldn't be better because we haven't done a lot of Mech Ella this week because of co-hosts. I want to talk a little bit about the fashion, and you're such a fashion girly. Mostly, I want you to explain the theme to me because I literally don't get it. Now people are like, It's not a theme. It's the dress code. I don't fucking get it.


I know. You know what? It wasn't my favorite theme. My favorite theme was heavenly bodies. I agree. That slayed because I love room to be a little slutty and naughty, but it was just the right amount of confusing. I don't know. I feel like people took it so literally.


Was it garden or was it time?


Exactly. I feel like people were like, Okay, flowers. They were like, Florals for the ground-breaking. Florals for spring. Yeah, I don't know. It was good. Felt like we were missing a few A-listers.


That's what you and I were saying last night. Where were the girlies? Where's Beyoncé? Where's Beyoncé? Where's Rihanna? Of course, where in the world is Taylor Swift?


Yeah, I don't think I know you spoke about this briefly, but I don't think we'll see. In our lifetime. It's four of the Kardashian's. If it's an event where it's like, Okay, one of them. Yeah, they can organize it so they don't see each other. Four of them popping around there. It's like their time. It's their day.


They have made it, and good for them because they started at a place where Kim wasn't even welcome. Now it's literally their bat mitzvah. It's the Kardashian's event. It's like their social circle, too. Lala's at the top of the... Totally. They've got the event on lock. You know what? When Kim went to the Super Bowl, was Taylor's of Super Bowl. A hundred %. And it's Kim's Mechela. And the thing is, it's the Montagues and the Capulets. It literally is. And the never the twain shall meet. You know? Fair. So, Tinks, having said that, I have a question for you. Are you ready One of the fast five stories that you need to know.


I've never been more ready in my life.


Today's episode of The Toast is brought to you by Skims. Finding the perfect T-shirt can be such a challenge. We've always had problems, whether it was the fit or the quality or just not looking good. And luckily, the perfect T-shirt does exist, and you can find it at Skims as a shock to nobody. They are killing the shapewear game, and now they are killing the clothing game. From crop silhouettes to long sleeve layering tees, there's a style for everyone. Skims has just become one of those brands where if I need something and they sell it, I'm going to get it from Skims. I feel like once it has a Skims stamp of approval, the fabric is so good, the fit is so good. I just love it, and they're super size inclusive. The cotton jersey T-shirt is what I have. It's become one of my wardrobe staples. I reach for it pretty much every day. I've washed it a million times. It wears really well. Cannot stop wearing it. The boyfriend t-shirt is another favorite of ours, but really that cotton jersey long sleeve tee, I love. Of course, you guys know we're obsessed with the bras, the underwear, shapewear from Skims, and I really love their clothing.


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I'm sorry, I can't make good choices. There's no coming back for me. With GNC, I have so many great products. They make a brand of Total Lean Shakes. The GNC Total Lean Shakes, they have 25 grams of protein. I usually start my days with one. Sometimes you'll see me drinking it on the toast. I love, love, love their shakes. They have so many good flavors. I really like the cookies and cream. If you're looking for an overall gut and immune boost, you want a high-quality probiotic, you can get that from GNC. I also got great protein bars from GNC. You can find the high-quality gut health supplements you need at GNC. Plus, you can get 25% off hunger satisfying snacks from GNC Total Lean when you use code toast25@gnc. Com/toast. The code is T-O-A-S-T-2-5, and the link is gnc. Com/gnc. T-o-a-s-t. I love that we started working with GNC because I was shopping there anyways in my health journey. Now that they work with us, it's been so fabulous. Cannot recommend those shakes enough. And just shopping there for any of your supplement needs. Oh, wait. One more thing I wanted to talk to you about.


I wrote it all down. No, talk You're second secret life of being a DJ.


Oh, my gosh. I became a DJ. Late in life DJ. Yes. Late in life DJ. It's truly... It was Lucas and I were at Coachella last year. Lucas is your best friend. He's my best friend. I have a hot, sexy, straight man best friend, which is like such a slay. You would.


I would. It's such a slay. I had one, too, and now he's gay.


Well, Lucas. No, he's straight as can be. I have tested that theory. But anyway, we were watching Sophie Tucker in Coachella, and we were like, That looks so fun. It does. I wish I had a deeper story to say. I wish I could say, I've loved music from a young age. I have. But more, we were looking at Sophie Tucker, and we thought, That looks so fun. What if we got paid to fly around the world and create parties for our friends? Let's do it. And a year later, we played three parties at Coachella.


And I have seen you DJ. It was so fun. You DJed at Lucy's in New York. You would. Her first gig in New York. It's a really cool club. It's not like some hole in the wall. You were It was so fun. Amazing. We had the best time. I was hung over, seriously, for a month.


I was hung over for a month. It was so fun. I'm so glad you came. It was just so fun to look out and see all of my friends there. It's just fun. It's not that deep. I'm not having a midlife crisis as everyone online is suggesting. I literally just like having fun. I'm also a control freak, so if I can control the music. And I also love attention, so I'm like, Obviously, if you're up there, people are taking your-Cute outfit. Yeah, it's an amazing chance to rock really cute outfits.


You looked so cute when I saw you. I think when you I explained it, it made a lot of sense. Yeah, it's fine. And normalize doing things that make you happy.


And also just learning a new skill. I mean, you just ran a 5K. I did. Oh, my God. Congratulations. Thank you for bringing it up. Congratulations again. You decided, we talked about this last night, but you decided you wanted to do it and you did it. And there is actually no better feeling in the world than accomplishing something that you want to accomplish, like a 5K, like learning to DJ. And it's really good for us, I think, as adults to do that stuff because we just get stuck in our routines and we're like, Okay, I'll do what I'm good at. But it's good to push yourself.


I completely I agree. It's all fun, I think, in your early 20s, but then you really... And so many people are shocked by the transformation I've made. And Jackie had a lot of influence on it because she's always evolving. She's always trying to be a better version of herself. And then really, it was the first time I finished a book when I was so anti-reading. And then I was like, Holy shit, I just read a fucking book. You couldn't have paid me a million dollars in high school to read a book. And you just feel, honestly, better than other people.


You do. And you feel so good about yourself. And it's how you raise your confidence and your self-esteem. And also, when I look at other people like Jackie, who are always evolving and bettering themselves, I'm like, That's so cool. And that makes me like that person more. So then I should want to do it as well.


And I think if you get so stuck in your ways, for me, I was always afraid of change. One, because especially online, when people get used to a certain type of content from you. Oh, my God. And my content was very young girl, not taking care of her body, partying so much, not working out, not eating right, and just general rotting. And I was like, Okay, well, that's what people have come to expect from me. And I was afraid if I above... And I hate that. I hate when you get to a place in your influencing where you start making decisions in your personal life based on what people online will think. I know. It's dangerous. Every person I meet who's like, young, Jackie always calls me the influencer mentor. But that's probably the one piece of advice I foiced upon people. I was just at Jake Shane's. I'm like, You better not. Book Scofield. I was literally lecturing her because you get to a place.


Of course you do. Yeah, you do. And you're like, Oh, I don't want to change this. Or there's been things in my content where... Bye. Bye. There's been in my content where I'm like, Oh, they want this side of me so much. But you're just different. You're not there. You're just not there anymore. It's the same thing that I was saying. I'm not in my studio apartment anymore with no job, making videos all day. I literally can't make that content anymore because I've changed.


And so that's the influencer cycle where you get super popular for just being relatable. But then that popularity elevates you to a place where you're not relatable. You're making a lot of money. You're wearing different things. You're acting different things. You're taking big trips. And people You come to resent that because you used to be just their friend.


And so what's your take on who makes it through that? How do you push through and who doesn't?


Okay. So I feel like, yes, my life is super different now than when I started. I was super young. I was in college when I started. And now, obviously, I live a different life. But on the inside, I'm exactly the fucking same. I am seriously a tacky ass bitch. All my clothes are from Amazon. I feel like, yes, everything on the outside has changed, but on the inside, I'm still such a rat. I'm slipping vodka from the floor. I have not elevated it in a personal way. On the inside, I have elevated it on the outside.


That's true. Actually, that's true for me, too. I'm still a slob. I'm still a mess. I still love to party. I'm just doing it in better clothes. But you just have a cold plunge in your backyard.


Yeah, exactly. You're doing it in better clothes. I love that. Well, speaking of clothes, Mechela. Let's do it. I wanted you a couple stories from the Mechela because obviously things are happening, and Cardi B is getting in trouble. I don't know if you saw, she She was interviewed about her dress, and she didn't know the name of the designer, which is a faux pas. But then what she said made it a lot worse. She was interviewed by Emma Chamberlain at the top of the carpet. She said, Do you feel amazing? Who made this dress? Then Cardi B said, I feel amazing. It's this amazing designer. They're Asian and everything. So not only not knowing the designer is really a faux pas, I feel. Just calling them Asian when they're obviously probably so much more than that.


It's not okay.


The thing is, this is a It's a cancelable offense, especially within fashion. Cardi B, I feel, is uncancelable.


She's completely uncancelable. I feel like she could say literally anything and she could just go on live and be like, So anyway, I just don't care. And everyone will be like, Okay, well, it's Cardi.


And I love that.


Yeah. I think she has really carved out a niche for herself. I'm jealous of her uncancelability. I think she should probably apologize and be like, This is the designer. They are amazing. I'm so honored to have worn their dress.


Right. And for those who I don't know. The way you get invited to the Met Gala is by a designer. It's a whole partnership with celebrities and designers. So the night is more supposed to be about the designers than the celebrities.


It's supposed to be about... Yeah, exactly.


So that makes this 10 times worse.


Because if you just raw dog a ticket, apparently, it's $75,000.


Oh, yes. And so there There are people there who aren't celebrities. There are patrons of the Met, big donors of the Met.


Can you imagine paying $75,000 for a ticket?


Yeah. To a billionaire, $75,000 is like an $100 ticket for us. That's actually true. I would spend $100 to go see.


If you were a billionaire.


Yeah. So love that for them. Yeah. And I wonder, the tables are so... And Anna is known for her seating where it's like, if you come with a date, she separates you from her date. You have to talk to other people, meet new people. Which sounds seriously like a nightmare. I think I would actually have the worst time at the Met Gala.


No, I think I would, too, because it's so high stress. And I get stress anyway, even if little old me does a red carpet, I get literally the worst anxiety because it's stressful. You don't know where to look. It's so humiliating when you do it and you're not sure if they're taking a photo of you or they don't raise their camera for you. We've all been there. You know, whatever. Whatever, whatever. So if, let's just say, hell froze over and we went to the Mecca.


Which, by the way, if they knew what was good for them- Yeah, you never know.


So I would be freaking out, and then you go inside and you're not even seated with your date, and you're wearing some huge dress. You can't walk. You're sweating profusely. I would definitely be sweating through whatever I was in. A hundred %. And it would just be stressful. And I don't know. I just don't know what really goes down in there.


Well, so you and I were talking last night about how this Met Gala felt different for so many reasons. One that really felt like a lack of A-listers. I don't know if it felt different for me because I'm always in New York and the city's a buzz. I'm in LA, it's a different time. I was running a 5K. I'm like, I don't care about these people. Or if this one just felt like it lacked energy.


I think that's a really good way to put it. It lacked energy. Maybe it was because it was literally Sleeping Beauty themed or whatever. But it was literally, I was just like, it just seemed a little bit muted.


And then we had talked leading up to the event that a lot of controversy was that TikTok was a sponsor and how that would affect and if there were TikTokers, and there actually weren't a lot of TikTokers. They're actually I know. Where were Charlie, Dixie, and Addison?


I know. I'm shocked that they didn't go.


And where in the world was Brittany Xavier?


I thought that was a great call on your part, and I know you think Poogie should have been there, and I agree with you.


Jackie was the one who said Poogie should have been there.


Okay, fine.


Brittany Xavier actually DMed me. She was like, That's literally the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me. No, I'm not going to the Met Gala. I was like, Fuck.


She's such a good fashion TikToke. I will say that... Do you know who Wisdom K is? He's a TikTokeer. He's so fashiony. And he went. It was his first Met Gala. And he slayed on the red carpet, wore this insane custom outfit. And he's, to me, fashion on TikTok. So I was very glad to see that they took him. Good. And he just did such a good job. His content is insane. He deserved to be there.


And I think a part of the partnership, and I have to... It's not proof, but Ariana Grande shared four TikToks, which she never really does. Okay. Do you think that was it? I think it was a part of the TikTok sponsorship. Tiktok had to get some exclusive on their platform. So Ariana Grande, I think, was forced, honestly. And I think she probably wanted to, too. But a part of her performance was that she had to post a four-part series on her TikTok of the performance. We have never seen the inside of the Met Gala. There's literally that one video of Bleachella, Taylor Swift, dancing with Tom Hiddleston, and that's the getaway car moment.


No, totally. And they didn't even do a bathroom selfie this year. Right.


But this was the first time we saw truly the tables.


I know. I was trying to look at who's sitting with who.


Same, but I hated it. I was like, Oh, it's literally just like, it looks like charity.


It's just like a charity gala, a normal one.


And I feel like a lot of people were worried that TikTok being the partner and exploiting might ruin the sanctity. I felt like it did. I loved seeing Ariana's performance. You will when you believe her and Cynthia Areva. They are the Mariah and Whitney of our generation. I was obsessed. I need a high definition, not some janky ass iPhone footage.


But that was the confusing part is I was like, if you're going to do it, then do it. Film her like, get a good camera. With a good camera. Get a good camera and a microphone.


I don't know. I hated it.


Also, it's just so complicated with what's going on on TikTok in the government. The fact that Vogue or whatever, they're just like, Yeah, we're doing it.


The partnership was before all the drama, but it does feel like an endorsement from Vogue, which I feel like that wasn't her goal, but she needs the money.


No, it's not.


But hey, Vogue low-key has no money. You need to do it, too, for a check. Of course. I loved when they did the YouTube one. That was great. That was great. That was the Derek Glassberg years, and he got Nicki Tutorials. Loved, loved. Those were really good years.


I agree.


Those were really good years. But now it's the only companies that have that money.


Literally, who else is that rich?


No, literally.


It's meta. You know who could do it is Amazon.


Imagine because- Page to Sorbo at the McElla. I would die. I would die. No, you're right, by the way. And Amazon's really into fashion.


Because I feel like Lauren Sanchez would love that.


She was there, by the way, and I'm surprised she hasn't pushed Jeff to become the sponsor.


No, I'm telling you this. I bet that that could happen.


The thing is, I do feel like they have to draw a line somewhere. And Amazon is so fast fashion. It's like the opposite. No, I know, but those are the- I know what TikTok is, random misinformation. No, it's so true. But honestly, I do feel like they have to draw the line somewhere. That would seriously be H&M sponsoring the McCale.


People were H&M on the- Yeah, H&M now does high fashion.


You know what I mean? It would be like Shein.


I could see it.


That would be so crazy.


I would love it. By the way, I have an Amazon storefront. Invite me.


By the way, same. I love an Amazon I'm live. Okay, so Cardi B is getting canceled. But Pamela Anderson, everyone's talking about. She is having this- Pamasons. Pamasons. I love that. But everyone's talking about that she wore makeup.


Okay, I saw that. I know. I was like, See, this is the thing. It's hard. But I feel for her because I change my mind all the time. Normalize it. All the time. You changed my mind on something last night. I can't remember what it was. You just explained it to me. I was like, No, I agree with you now.


That's also a thing about getting older, is being really open to changing your mind.


100 %. And when you're younger, you're just so set in your own ways, and you're just like- You think you're so right. You think you're so right. And now I'm like, Oh, I learned new information. I'll change my mind. Whatever. So I feel for her because I've said stuff online, and then I've completely changed my mind about it. And so I mean, I don't blame her. I would want to wear makeup to the Metgala, too. Of course, no.


And This is like, very Alicia Keys coded. You get to a place where you want to make a statement. I'm not wearing makeup because seriously, the fact that I have to sit and glam for 6 hours and my husband rolls out of bed 30 minutes before is unfair. It's an unfair beauty standard, and they're trying to make a difference and make a change. But sometimes you just want to look nice and it's okay to put on lipstick. 100%. Alicia Keys, they made such a big deal of that whole thing. I know. And over the last couple of years, it's like, she is wearing makeup. She's wearing a light mascara, an eyebrow gel, and perhaps a little foundation. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. But now people are like, Well, you are wearing makeup. It's like, you can't even say it because they're going to hold your feet to the fire. So they're like, I think I see a lip gloss.


And if she had just showed up with no makeup one day, they would have asked her a million questions. She probably felt like she had to say. It's like you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. You can't just ever just have a day where you're like, I don't feel like it.


What are your thoughts on I'm glam. I think a lot of people are like, I could live without it. No, I love glam.


I love glam. I remember the first time I got in and I was like, I am pretty- Like, hardcore professional. Yeah, it's actually so crazy. It makes It makes you feel so good. It makes you have a suit of armor. Alter ego. And that's why you can't compare yourself to people online. You seriously can't because it takes hours of a professional artist painting our faces. And that's why you look good in photos.


A hundred %. But it's the best. I love it. Wait, I can't believe we've talked this long without talking about Shannon Ford.


Oh my God. You brokered the influencer of the century.


Well, because I was hanging out to- And by the way, I'm obsessed with her now.


I know. That's the irony is she comes up first on my stories. I'm obsessed with her life. I know. I'm obsessed with her clothes. I'm obsessed with her hair. She has such good stories.


And so I was hanging out with you and she was DMing me, and the story sounded familiar. I feel like I remembered her telling me it a year ago, but the worst memory. And she was like, Wait, what's the T? Did Tings bring me up? And I'm like, What the fuck are you talking about? And then I was like, What the hell is going on? And you guys had beef. You had her blocked.


I know, but I, hand to God, don't remember why.


So people on the internet said it was box theory. Can you explain what that is?


Okay, box theory is my theory that when a guy meets a girl in a romantic setting, he puts her into one of three boxes. He either wants to date her, he wants to talk up with her, or he wants nothing to do with her. The last one, very easy, you should know.


And if you don't, seriously, work on that.


Where people get confused is between dating and hooking up. And it's like, you can't move from box to box.


So once you're in a box, you're in a box. Yeah.


And so it's like, you know what? A good example would be if you... A good example is in Sex and City, I believe Carrie was never in big state box. She was always in the hookup box, but she strung out and hung on to him for 10 years in whatever. But Carrie was always in Aiden's date box. Even after she cheated on him, he was like, I'm still down to date you. So true. So people just get confused about that. But anyway, I literally don't remember what it was. I'm quick to block, by the way, and I'm very open about that. Very Jack's Taylor of you. I am. I'm just like, You know what? So I don't remember. But anyway, I love her the most.


And so I was like, You two. You hated her, she hated you. But for such a dumb fake reason, you guys had never met. And I said to both of you individually, I'm I need you to trust me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said, Shannon, Tinks is a girl. She's a girly girl. We could have a night with her. Trust me when I'd say, This is your type of bitch. And I said, Tinks, the exact same thing. And I said to both of you, Are you just willing to completely drop it? We don't need to work it out. We don't need to apologize. Just forget about it. You both said yes. We had dinner in New York. And was I right?


No, you were beyond right. And I'm just so grateful because I love her so much. And you have really good instincts. You know.


Yes. And I feel like- You said with other people I have beef with, you're like, die with. Exactly. Other people you have beef with. I've actually been like, You know I happen to know them, and I don't think... Not everyone's going to be friends. Not everyone's going to be friends. And that's totally fine. So I wasn't going to die on that hill.


No, but it's good. And it's important to trust your friends. And also, that's another good thing about getting older, is sometimes you're like, Ed, just drop it.


It's so true.


It's better to be happy than right. I like that. I I love that mindset. I like that. I don't care.


I feel like you have so many mantras.


I'm a big mantra girly.


What's your mantra of the moment right now?


I need a mantra. My gosh. My go-to one is always, Comparison is the Thief of Joy. I love that. It's just really good because it's like- I love that. Anytime you're comparing yourself, and I have to remind myself of it all the time, especially with career stuff. I'm like, If you compare yourself to other people, it will literally rob you of your joy. You're not doing analysis. You're not getting ideas. You're literally just comparing yourself, and it will rob you of your joy. And that's the same with looking at how people look online or being jealous of someone's looks, wait, all that shit. It will rob you of your joy. I love that. That's my main one. I love it. I have a list. I'll send them to you.


I need mantras. I need mantras. Because I don't have any. That's so not my thing. And if I did I would forget it.


No, when I love that other one, it's better to be happy than right. That's a good one. Where it's just like, let it go.


Jackie's always saying stuff like, bloom where you're planted.


I love...


Jackie has a lot of good mantras. I know. She's so smart. I'm trying to remember what other one she taught me, but bloom where you're planted, I really love.


Another one I like is the grass is greener where you water it. Love that. Which is really good as well because it's all just like... Work on yourself. Work on yourself. Yeah. Okay.


Next story. Are you ready? Oh, you're a big Bravo girly, right? Huge. Have you been following a lot of the allegations about Andy? Like, he He has a lawsuit. Brandee Glenville.


I saw that an article came out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So he's talking about it. He did a big story and photoshoot with Hollywood Reporters. I love the photos. And the Bravo exec made it clear that he has no regrets about the way he has handled things over the years. He He's facing sexual harassment accusations from former Real Housewives. Here's what he said, I think most people involved with these shows have been very grateful for the platform, but there will always be a few complaints. He went on to say, Obviously, it's been no fun to be a target. He's called the recent claims about his behavior hurtful. The 55-year-old wouldn't talk about the specific lawsuits for legal reasons, but he went on to explain how he maintains a positive mindset during the litigation. He said, I think everything that happens in your life informs the next thing that happens in your life. And that's the way I look at it. I know what the truth is, and I know how I've conducted myself, and I walk tall every day on that. Kind of love that.


I love Andy Cohen. I love Bravo. I think what he's created is-Unreal. It's truly... I don't think that you were just saying this about something on the toast. You were like, you don't realize how big something is until it's over, whatever. And it's like, when we step back in, I don't know, 20 years and look at the empire that he created, look at all the effect he had on pop culture and reality TV. I don't think we understand the magnitude of it.


No. Now, reality is such a thing. Netflix does every... And there are huge shows on other platforms. It was Bravo. It's the Bravo influence.


It's the Bravo influence. It's an entire universe. There's BravoCon, there's BravoLebrities.


Have you been to BravoCon?


No, I'm dying to go.


It's the craziest thing on the planet. Is it really? Actually, if you're a diehard Bravo fan, it is so worth the money because his tickets are expensive. But the way everyone's just walking around, it's not like- I'm sure it's insane. It's not like everyone's backstage. They are just walking around. I want to go. It's literally like So fun.


I'm dying to go.


I love how he's handled this. I think a lot of us are watching and waiting, being like, Is this going to be the end of Andy? But to be honest, if you actually had something to hide, you wouldn't do, first of all, a sit down interview addressing it. I agree with you. So that's how I felt about Sasha baron Cohen and Rebel Wilson. He came out fucking swinging. He was not taking these allegations lightly. And I feel like when people just huddle and go away, it's like, Oh, you're guilty. Exactly. And so coming back, punching, and then with Rebel Wilson in the UK, her book actually had to have pages redacted. I'm like, Oh, maybe she was lying. Or maybe her truth isn't the truth. That happens a lot. Totally.


There's always three sides to it. Yeah. And I think that when you deal with so many people in who have huge personalities and egos who you've decided their fate, if they're on TV or not on TV.


You're going to be a target, regardless.


Yeah. It's going to be... But I like how he's handling it, too.


Me, too. And he talks about it a lot in his books, especially the early ones, when he was really involved in casting. I feel like he's not so much anymore. How the husbands would call when he would fire a housewife because these families, the men quit their jobs. They started managing the wives. And it was a year or two before they got, and they would literally call Andy, begging, screaming, crying, throwing up. And it was heartbreaking. So there's a lot riding on a housewife. And I think when they become successful and then that gets pulled out from underneath them, the whole family is affected.


Is affected, totally. And you get a taste of Fame. You have this good life. You're connected. And then it just all comes crumbling down. But it's not just him. And I feel like he's probably in a really difficult and unfair position because everybody thinks that it's literally him going, yes, no, yes, no. But it's not. It's hundreds of people who are deciding this and high up, whatever.


As a woman who supports other women, what is your take on the argument that housewives has been so bad for women? I feel like Gloria Steinem went on some soapbox, and a lot of people just like, women fighting and looking stupid online. What is your take on that? Because I vehemently disagree with it.


I vehemently disagree. And I actually think that it has spread light on the lives of women after a certain age or after they get married. And this is, by the way, something that I've always been obsessed with. Even when I was a little girl, I used to look at women, I used to look at the moms, and I'd be like, Which ones are happy and which ones are not? To our conversation before, I think women have a much more complicated relationship with aging and life than men do. And I think that Real Housewives has really shown that. And it's been informative, and it's been a jumping off discussion point for so many women out there going, Okay, oh, my gosh. Take even cheating, for example. If other women can see, Oh, this beautiful rich lady got cheated on, it's not my fault, or whatever. It's just like, it's really been illuminating. And I think I'm obsessed with it.


And you love to see a year old famous woman?


A hundred %.


You'd love to see Theresa Giudice at Coachella meeting Taylor Swift?


3,000 %, by the way, I met her, too. Taylor? No.


Oh. Theresa. Oh, my God. My heart just fucking stopped. I know. Oh, by the way, what did you think?


She was She's so pretty and so nice.


She's very pretty.


We were at John Summit, and she was having the best time making out with her husband. Looked so pretty and was like, Hey.


And I was like, Oh, wow. You guys can add this to the list of Claudia's favorite stories, but I think one of my favorite things to cite is a million years ago, Melissa came on the toast, and she was like, You guys don't understand. Before housewives, I was an actual housewife. I just woke up every day, made the kids lunch, drove them to school, didn't have a job, waited for my husband to come home, made dinner. And this completely liberated me. I'm a businesswoman now. Yes, now I have My kids are older, but I'm also not responsible 9:00 to 5:00 for their every- Totally. And the way she put it, it was like, Oh, my God. Yeah. This is a job for them. And a lot of these women who have been married for a long time and have settled into the role of housewife, which is a completely valid way of life, but they sometimes want more. The way she explained it gave me chills. I was like, yes. She's like, I'm out every night.


I love her, by the way. She's so nice. And I think it's also really important for women to see that you can have different chapters. And exactly as you said, just because you decided you wanted to stop working when you had your kids, that doesn't mean that you can't pick up a new project when your kids are off to college or whatever. You just wake up one day and you decide you want something new. And this show has shown that you don't have to just give up and just fade into the darkness. And I love it. And that's why New York, O'Gees will always be my favorite franchise because I just relate to the women the most. And I also just think to see these women and everything that they've gone through. Women just go through shit, man.


No, it's so true. When you sit back and think of Sonia Morgan's life- Sonia Morgan's life, Ramona, just all of the shit that they've been through.


But yet, they keep showing up, and they do show up for each other. And I'm sorry. I literally will defend housewives forever.


No, same. Let me ask you a question, and I feel like this is just a litmus test, if we're going to be best friends forever. Back in the day when it was Bethany v. Jill, whose team were you on? I'm scared to say.


Were you Jill?


I'm not going to say until you say.


This is not a cop-out answer. I was just so sad because I truly didn't get what the fight was about. Nobody did. When I think about Bethany and Jill, I think about them in season two or three, both being in Jill's bed in the Hamptons. And I think I felt like that being... I'm like, that's girlhood. Goals for friendship. Yeah. And I was just like, They were such good friends. And even when they did the Bethany's pod recently, I was like, You guys, I still don't even get what the fight is about. It's the dumbest shit ever.


I will say at the time, I I was so ride or die for Jill. I just saw myself and Jill. Honestly, she was this New York Jewish girl. During COVID, I rewatched it, and it wasn't as black and white, honestly. And then I became so obsessed with Bethany in the Carol years. I can't believe that she broke up with me. I know.


I'm dead by that. Why? I don't know. That was so crazy. I don't know. I honestly love both of them. That's truly not a cop-out. I hoped and wish that after they did Bethany's pod, they would rekindle and be friends.


I do feel like over. It's never going to happen. And I think that's actually okay. I know. I think maybe they're in such different places now that if they were friends, it wouldn't be as magical. No, totally.


But I basically only rewatch Housewives. I don't really watch new shows. I just rewatch old ones. And that's my most comforting one is when they were just like... And it's just like, Gill was so comforting to her because she was still single and she was going through it.


No, those were the days.


Those were the days. I agree.


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So I got back from my Miami trip, and I did spend four hours trying to get to the bottom of it. It is very complex.


Okay, I literally don't get it.


And the allegations are really bad. Panice. So I feel stressed talking about it because I'm like, if any of them are at all true, there's like, pedophilia, there's wife hitting, there's a lot of bad stuff. So everyone's making all these jokey TikToks about it. And I'm like, But is this true?


Because this is so bad. No, no. And it's literally been taken to an X level someone was shot at Drake's home. His security guard was shot, and he was really badly injured. He's still alive. And now it's not fun anymore. I don't want to make TikToks about it. Seriously, grow up. What are you doing? You're shooting each other? That's insane. It's insane. Justin Sylvester had the best take because I was asking him before the show. He didn't say this on the show. I was like, Are you following the beef? He's like, Honestly, no. I can't keep up. He's like, Honestly, I so prefer to watch girls fighting than guys. He's like, This doesn't do it for me. I'm like, Actually, I completely agree. If this was two women, the way I would know everything, and I would be making the TikToks, and I'd be doing episodes about it.


Seriously, grow up. It's for the girls.


Yeah, it's for the girls. Honestly, it's giving me the ick.


Yeah, it's giving me the ick. Please stop. I hope everything is not true. I hope you're just like... No.


And it's like they're slinging really low insults. Really low. And now someone's been shot. And so for me, I'm out.


I'm out. I agree. I think that's a good... I think we leave it here. Yeah.


I was already out with the pedophilia. And that's such a serious accusation, and you're singing about it.


No, it's like, why are you singing about it?


That's so serious.


And making rimes about a minor. I was like, this is outrageous.


No, no. It's like, if you know something, if you see something, say something. So you've been sitting on this information, and instead of, I don't know, calling the police, you're writing a song about it. Seriously, I'm out.


You're like, What rimes with pedophilia? I'm like, This is serious.


I'm out, but I'm so happy the security guard's okay.


Thank goodness.


And seriously, stop it.




I'm not even contributing more to the story. And we're so behind. I still have one more story. And this is perplexing me because it's not the craziest career progression. Travis Kelsey is being cast in some project.


I saw that.


But it's Ryan Murphy's grotesquery. So he's working on a Ryan Murphy project. Him going into acting feels very natural. It's not a big deal. But I feel like, not to bring everything back to Taylor and Kim, but Ryan Murphy is very much like Kim's territory. I know.


What does it mean? What does it mean? I don't know what it means. I think he was always bound to go into acting. He just can't wait to get his hands on that.


He's got such a personality. Totally. And he's in this place, I'm so jealous of Universal. He's beloved.


He can do whatever he wants.


And he's going into acting, which obviously makes sense.


Why does everybody want to go into acting?


I don't know. As a content creator, have there been... Do you get random I did a few auditions for stuff?


I did a few auditions, and it was so humiliating. Okay, there was one we did where my entire team thought I was going to get it. It was for some random... I think I was Australian in it.


Oh, no. It was so bad.


If I ever want to completely cringe myself out, I rewatch the tape. Couldn't be more embarrassing. It was so awful. But anyway, famous last words, but literally everybody wants to be an actor. Even if you're at the top of your game in something else, they're all like, Harry Sals wants to be an actor.


It's so true. Even Taylor Swift, She was in that movie.


Literally, you're the best football player in the world. Why would you... I'm sure that I'm going to get in trouble. Sorry. No, he's the best tight-end. He's the best tight-end. Most high as paid. I know that. I'm getting into sports.


Why? I don't know.


I will say- Do people think it's that fun?


Like you said, the self-taping and the things you have to do, the auditions, it's humiliating. I always tell this story, but literally a million years ago when I first started influencing, I was all about SVU, SVU, and there was an influencer role. I didn't get it, but I seriously worked so hard on the audition, and it was in-person audition, which was one of the worst experiences of my life. Different. You think it's awkward filming yourself? Going into that? Oh, my God. And seriously, the episode plays all the time. I know the monolog by heart, and not getting it is seriously one of the most devastating things that's ever happened to me.


Yeah. No, it's tough. I would like to do it. Okay, see, I'm already changing my mind. I would like to do a little cameo. I would love to be cast in something where I played an influencer, where they don't make me audition.


That always happens to me. I keep getting... They're casting an influencer, and they want a real influencer. And I literally just did one the other day. I really want to get into voiceover because obviously, I'm a podcaster. And I actually booked a huge Disney Plus show. It got canceled. Seriously, I went and I did all the work. That's so upsetting. I played a character, seriously, and the show got canceled. They never even made it onto the platform. I was so fucking upset, literally crying in the bathtub. Then the other day, I got another one. It was like an influencer in this. Seriously, I loved it. V. O. Is so different than acting. A hundred %. I totally understand why people at the top of their game in acting get into voiceover work because it's so much less physical work. You don't have to show your face. It's so much money if you get in on one of those franchises.


I would love to. I would love to voice a cartoon cat or something.


I'm so glad you brought that up.


I know. I knew we were going to have to talk about this eventually.


I actually forget about it because I tried to not think about it.


About me being a cat person?


We are just so similar on so many things.


I know.


But honestly- And I'm going to your house later, and I meant to tell you, you know you have to- They're going to be locked away.


You won't see them.


I will seriously start crying.


I know. Is it a fear? Petrified. They're going to be locked away. You won't see them. But I do feel like some cat representation on the toes is important. Please.


Yesterday's episode, I actually think like, Book Scofield was offended at my reaction. I was just shocked when she said she had a cat.


No, you're such a dog I'm such a cat person.


I'm not even such a dog person. I'm such an anti cat person.


That's what you are. Yeah, exactly. Whereas there's the meme that's like, cat people are always like, Yeah, I mean, I like dogs, too. They're nice. And then a dog person is like, One time, a cat murdered my whole family.


No, but you're right. The Good Morning Miaoulianials, which is what they call themselves, they never get their shine. Stop. Yeah, Good Morning Miaoulianials. I feel like- That's you.


That's me.


So please, I'll be quiet, and you maybe just wax on about how being a cat mom is amazing because I always, I drag on them. It's not fair.


It's nice. We're low key. We need to do less work. It's very easy.


It's a lot less work.


Anyway, I would love to be a cartoon cat. I would love to do it, but it just is so confusing to me. If you're the best in your game, why pivot to acting? Do you think that actors are the most respected of all the celebrities before singers?


No. Maybe. Because I think singers... Let me ask you a question. If you could be doing something else, because I always say whenever I go on tour, I would seriously so much rather be going out for singing. I just love to sing. My dream, if I could be anything in this world- But you're a good singer. Right. My dream is to be a pop star. If I had to do another career, I would seriously try and be a singer. I would try and crack the music industry. What would you be doing?


If I wasn't doing this? Yeah. I would love to be a therapist.


Interesting. I would love that. Yeah. I would love to be- But do you think you could seriously keep your mouth shut? Because you love to gossip.


I know I love to gossip, but no, I would.


That attorney-client privilege. I know.


I'm a Virgo. I'm a good secret keeper. I would love It would just make me feel so happy, and I'd be so interested, and I get so invested in helping people and share their problem. That's true. I love that. So I think that would be really cool.


That's a good answer. Is that your dream job?


It's not my dream job. I think my dream job would be to run a... There's so many dream jobs, and I think I'll do different iterations of them. Not to trigger you, but I would love to do a rescue center for cats. I would love to run it.


And I'll open one up right across the street. It's a rescue for dogs.


Yeah, no. But by the way, dogs are welcome in mine.


I know the same is not true. Cats are not welcome in my facility. That's 100% true.


I would love to be a sommelier and learn about wine and food. I don't know. There's a million jobs that I think I... I'm honestly pretty adaptable, but I love my job.


It's my favorite job I've ever had. Same. And me and Jackie always say, When your current job is your dream job, how lucky are we?


We're very lucky.


No, it's nice. Although I would love to run a summer camp one day.


Oh, that's so fun. I love that. Yeah.


Did you go to camp? No.


No, because I grew up in England.


And you don't have an accent.


No, I know. My parents are American. Got it.


And so you growing up in London, camp is not a thing.


It's not a thing. We used to come to America in the summers, and we would live at my grandparents house in Florida. So I am a big Florida girl. I thought that that was all of America. It was in Naples, Florida.


I was like, yeah. What more do you need?


What more do you need? I would bring back Abercrombie from like...


He's wearing Abercrombie.


It was funny. But so I did know about America when I was living there, but we didn't do camp.


Damn. I feel like you so would have been a camp girl.


I would have thrown because I love- It's girlhood at its essence. A controlled environment. I love a social structure. A hundred and ten %.


I would have loved it. So many firsts happen for girls at camp. Like, first kiss, I put my first tampon in. Seriously, I- And I love that shit. And I think you would be like, you're such a low key, even though you're very glam. I could see you thriving in a bunk setting, doing the girls eyeliner, flattening their hair. I wish you went to camp. No, same.


I would love it.


Because you want to know what it is? I just put it together. You feel like my camp friend.


Thank you. Okay, yes. Someone we have old memories together.


I don't see you all the time, but when we do, it's classic. The best. Oh my God. Honestly, maybe we'd bring back Camp Toast only if you would come.


I was going to say I would a thousand % come. I would love it.


Camp Toast was so fucking fun.


I love a trip. That's why I love Mexico so much is I love the memories from it. I always make a list of the private... From every group trip that I do with my friends, we have a list of private jokes so that I remember them all.


I love that shit. You're so good about writing things down, I feel. Yesterday, I asked you something. You were like, I have them I have it written down. I have a very nostalgic- You're demon night.


Oh, demon night. Yeah, because I was saying that I had a demon night. You know one of those nights where truly your soul leaves your body and you become... It's not like sloppy drunk. It's not like, Oh, I'm tired. It's not beer tears. You become a demon.


You're still fully functioning. You're just an awful fucking person.


You're an awful annoying, rude, awful bad person. I had one on Sunday night, one of the worst demon nights that I've ever had. I was saying that I wrote down my memories because I do know even when I'm at full demon activated, I know that I'm blacking out. So I write down my things.


That's a big of you. Yeah.


I've always had this dream to do an art show of all of my blackout notes because I also have videos. I used to make my videos in college, and it was just me being like, You hooked up with this person. And I would do an art show where it was all of them. And if you stand in front of them, it would be me reading them. It would like...


I'm obsessed.


Isn't that good? Okay, Galeries, hit me up. Okay, Gallery Girls. Did you ever watch Gallery Girls?


Of course, I watched Gallery Girls. Oh, my God. One of the best shows ever. And now all of those shows are on Peacock. So NYC Prep people are watching. Did you watch NYC Prep?


I burn, I pine, I perish. I love NYC Prep. I actually just read an article about where are they now.


I know. It's sad. I know. For that one girl.


But that was like, I was just obsessed with that show.


No, it was not real. That was the best type of reality TV. And being in high school in New York City while that show was on, I was like, This is not real. It's amazing. And I grew up in a normal house. I'm like, How are these kids? Where are their parents? I was like, This is not real. I They definitely tried to emulate it after Gossip Girl. For sure. Are you a Blaire or Serena?


I'm a Blaire. Okay, good. I'm not annoying. Yeah, thank you. I'm not a pick me with too much hair.


You are not. Do you ever watch the OC?


That's why I moved to America. I'm so No, I'm being so serious. I watched the OC and I watched Laguna Beach a lot in high school. And I was like, I am living a very different life to these people. I want to go where they are. I want to drive a convertible and go get for a year with them all. I want this so... I went to an all-girls school with a uniform It was a British school. Yeah, that's not the same. It looked like a dungeon. I wore a brown uniform, just no boys, no nothing. I would come home, and I was also pale as a ghost because I lived in England. I would look at these girls, and Kristen would be like, Stay back, wearing her little choker. I was like, I need to go to California and reinvent myself.


Tinks was born. There she was. And last question for you, did you watch Desperate Housewives? You've never seen it?


I never watched it.


Wait, by the way, that's amazing. That's in your future.


I know. Okay, because I know you- Oh, my God.


I know.


You will fucking love it. I think I'll love it. I know. I don't know why I didn't watch it.


It's on Hulu.


Okay, perfect. Done.


I love that journey for you. And you could do a million episodes about it. I know you're in your Sex in the City rewatch era, and you're doing a lot of podcasts on it, which Jackie and I were saying, we love that the young kids are watching Sex in the City because they didn't hold punches. It wasn't like, Oh, you're feeling sad. Let me validate your feelings. Sex in the City is very tough law of energy. One thousand %. And the generation Gen Z currently needs that.


They need that.


So I feel like you could do a lot with Desperate Housewives.


I'm done.


I mean, I could think you could write a whole book, seriously on Tom and Lynette. Fuck Tom. I'm excited. I feel like podcasting with you was even better than I imagined.


No, I can't believe I was nervous. It feels like a dream.


It feels like a fish in water. And now we're going to do your show.


We're all warmed up.


We're all warmed up. I can't wait. I'm going to Tinks's house. Yeah, that's right. I'm going to Tinks's house. I'm going to try Spritz. You're going to try Spritz. And I just can't wait to see the coolest girl on the planet, where she lives. My house.


I know. I'm scared. I'm obsessed.


You guys, make sure to follow Tinks on all social media platforms. I'm sure you already do. On Instagram, it's @meTinks or just Tinks.


It's just Tinks on everything. Oh, my God.


She's so cool. She has a nickname.


I had to suck a lot to dig in Instagram to get that.


No. And it's the coolest thing on the planet. I'm obsessed with nicknames. And I'm getting to a place where, seriously, I'm going to change all my usernames to Turdilou.


I know. I was- Should I? Would you?


I'm not over girl with no job.


No, I know, but that's so iconic.


I know, but it's like- Does anyone have Tarty Lou? I don't know. Honestly, before I put up this episode, I am going to- You need to check. Yeah. Obsessed. So follow Tinks Everywhere. Listen to her show on SiriusXM. You do have any episodes a week?


I do three shows a week.


And there's two live shows in that?


One live show, two pre-recorded.


And you can call in, get advice from big cis Tinks. So the show is called It's Me, Tinks. Show is called It's Me, Tinks. And if you don't have serious XM, you can listen to it as a podcast. Of course. Thank you so much for being here.


I love you so much.


Thank you so much for listening to the Tosal Millennial Morning Show where we deliver the fast five stories. You need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast, and our podcast will be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Social, or public video. I already cast box all the places where you listen to podcast. Find us a Tosal 5-star view. I'm really talented. We Love you. Bye.