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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast and happy Wednesday. A gorgeous. To the gorgeous, gorgeous day here at the toast. It's a celebratory day. We're humping the ones that we love. We're halfway through the week. Honestly, the hardest is definitely behind us.


It is. It's true. We're humping. Even though Romeo and Bruno are not in studio today. Sorry. To your eyes on the YouTube, it's just us ugly old hags.


Yeah, sorry. Real eyes realize real lies, which is.


That Bruno and Romeo should be here.


They should be here.


They should be here standing with their paws around me here.


Have we sang that before? Not paws, no, I actually think we have.


I'm having a podcast too long. Maybe we've been podcasting too long. Do you get deja vu as, like, a clinical symptom?


As somebody who doesn't possess the, you know, ability to remember anything? Like, memory is not something I currently possess. No. I've never experienced deja vu, which is so sad because it sounds like a trip.


It is. And maybe because my memory is too strong. I have deja vu all the time, and it's a hard feeling to explain, but it's like I've been in this moment, feeling these feelings, thinking these thoughts. It's really a trip, man.


Like, the way you describe it, I'm jealous. You know, I love feeling things.


But you know what's also a weird thing to think about? Like, what if what I think is deja vu isn't deja vu because, like, we all can just describe what deja vu is to one another, but what if we're just feeling, like, different things? What if I'm just like, it going through something else?


Okay, I thought what you were gonna say, which I think is, like, a better take on Dejavu, was like, what if it's not deja vu that you're feeling? What if you haven't experienced this moment before? Perhaps you've experienced it in another life.


Oh, okay. Yeah, that's what some people say. You know, your reincarnated self has been here. Perhaps if you believe in reincarnation. But no, like, I'm so grounded in my deja vu. Like, I know it's been in this life. When I'm feeling it, I'm like, oh, that feels like I just. You've had to be there to know the feeling. It's really something you cannot describe.


Do you have any recurring dreams?


Yeah. Recurring themes in dreams?


No, no, but, like, the same dream?


Not the same dream, but, like, something in the dream will be happening. That happens a lot in my dreams.


Yeah, no, that's not really what I was asking.




Like, do you have the same dream ever?


No. No. I said no. Do you? It sounds like a nightmare.


No, no, no. I have, and I keep waiting for it to come back. I'm like, now I'm like. I'm like, I'm onto it, and I need him to come back.


Having the same dream twice, a recurring.


Dream, like, two nights in a row or, like, once in your adolescence and.


Once, you know, I don't think that's a recurring dream. I think, like, people who go to sleep every night and, like, have. That's recurring. Does that happen to people? What does that mean? What does that say about them?


I really think my dreams are, like, seriously some of the most fascinating, fascinating storytelling of our generation. And the fact that, like, my dreams are, first of all, only seen by me and barely remember or are barely remembered, it's a travesty. Like, Steven Spielberg thinks he knows what good movies are. He's never seen my dreams. They're unbelievable. They're incredible. They're so crazy, delusional. And they're extremely telling of, like, how I think of myself. Do you know what I mean?




Like, in any. Every dream, I'm a star, you know?


Okay, what are you doing being a star?


Like, all these celebrities want to be my friend. Like, all these celebrities want to date me. Like, I have. Like, I have at least three dreams a week where, like, a really, you know, handsome leading man is, like, chasing after me. But in my dreams, I'm married, and in my dreams, I stay loyal. I'm like, Zac Efron. I literally can't date you. I'm married.


Yeah. So then is it hard to wake up?


No. Cause I wake up to my husband, who I didn't cheat on, even in my dreams. Like, I'm so loyal.


No, but then, like, there's no Zac Efron. Not the waking up, but, like, the going about your day. Like, is your dream life more fabulous than your regular life?


That's a good way. It's a good question. Sometimes. Yeah.


I can't lie, but I feel like it's, you know, the ebb and flow, because sometimes your dream life is a nightmare. And so it's like, okay, that's not my real life, but also, this isn't my real life. I'll just take my real life things.


Yeah, it's good.


It's good. I don't. Because if you have your dream life, then you also have your nightmare life.




So I'll stay here on this planet.


And I definitely had some interesting dreams because I watched a sort of a titillating film before bed. Nobody recommended it to me on my journey of historical nonfiction or whatever. But I did watch a trailer for Cinderella man, because you brought it up, and it sounded good. And seriously, me and Ben were like, I bet this movie is good. It's one of the worst, most piece of shit trailers on the planet. Like, to make a movie look bad in a trailer is actually hard, and it made us not want to watch it, so we literally didn't.


I don't know if I would recommend that you watch it. Oh, I was just talking about it. I don't know why I said everyone.


In the comments was like, you have to watch Cinderella.


Oh, I think you're okay. And I don't think so.


And then I went to watch Miracle, which you had suggested about, you know, the soviet hockey game. It's a DCOM. Did you know that?


Like, yeah, it's a dcom.


In the same way that, like, we are. What's that Denzel Washington football movie? Remember the titans is, you know.


Right. Or, like, secretariat.


Yeah. So it's, like, a high budget. Like, it was in theaters, produced by the Disney Channel, you know? And again, Ben was, like, not convinced at all.


And what I would feel like he would be for that. Also remember the Titans, secretariat, mighty ducks. Like, those are all fire movies.


I think Ben was really. And I was in a similar boat, like, completely disinterested in the Cold War. Like, we are. We're on the same page in the sense that we know very little about it. But then I did convince him to watch a Cold War movie that actually looked good. It was called Bridge of Spies. I think it was, like, a recent Oscar contender Spielberg film. Tom Hanks, who I just loathe. Like, seriously, I was watching the movie, and I was like, you will never be Forrest Gump. Like, you'll never, like, just stop. You know? He was bothering me a lot. Although the movie was good, and it was based on a true story, and the credits had some fun facts, which, you know, is the telltale sign of a good movie. It was about, you know, spies during the Cold War, communism, et cetera, et cetera. It was good stuff. I actually really enjoyed it, and I did learn a little bit. Not a lot. I learned a little bit.


Okay. Are you interested in exploring this time even more?


Well, I was more so interested in the man that Tom Hanks played. He was just like, this, you know, Brooklyn lawyer, nothing special. And how he ended up being, like, the lead negotiator for, like, hostages and spies in the US was through this, you know, happenstance moment that happens in the movie. I don't want to spoil it. And so I liked learning about that. But, like, Russia itself, actually, everyone was, like, really pissing me off because I guess I learned yesterday that it was called the Cold War because it was kind of cold, you know, there was no, like, battles, no action. It should really be called, like, the paranoia war. Like, everybody was so on edge, like, so paranoid about, like, oh, there's russian spies in the sewers. There's russian spies in the phone. It's like, nobody cares about you, actually. Calm down. It was like giving drama queen energy.


Well, I think they do. Is that called, like, the red scare? They know that they were scared.


Oh, yeah. And then all the kids in school are, like, learning how to survive an atomic bomb, and it's like, again, nobody cares about you. We're not dropping a bomb on you. It was just giving very much everybody making it about themselves.


Or maybe because, like, of diplomatic relations, like, those things didn't come to pass. So then it does look a little dramatic. But if it had happened, it wouldn't have been dramatic. It actually wouldn't have been enough.




The red scare is a period of public fear and anxiety over the supposed rise of communists or socialist ideologies in a non communist state. I feel like we, you know, we had the luxury of looking back and being like, oh, that was dramatic. Because maybe, like, things went as they should, but if it had. If people didn't do their parts, it wouldn't have been so scared. Like, maybe there should have been more of a nazi scare, don't you think?


Yeah. And then Ben and I got to talking about communism. Cause we also watched Oppenheimer, and it was like, oh, my God, if you had even, like, the smell of communism on you, you were seriously, like, expelled from social circles, academia. It was like, the worst fucking thing you could have. And my question is this one, like, why were we so afraid of communism back then? Do you know? I'm asking you, like, yeah, we could think people who, like, believe that were, like, wacky and dumb, but, like, we were literally afraid.


Yeah, well, I guess. Cause there was, like, it depends on what level. Like, if he was in government and are you a spy for a communist regime that is our enemy and we're in, like, a war with them.


And were we in a war with them because they were communists. Or, like, there was other stuff going on.


There was other stuff. Like, we were never the tightest of friends, but then in world War two, like, we came together for a moment to defeat the Nazis. That was major, major key. But then we, like, went back to doing our own things and our own ways of life. And I think, like, you know, they're always concerned that, oh, we're concerned that their ideas are going to bleed over here, and they're concerned we're going to bring democracy over there. So it was just like, stay in your lane.


And then my other question is, like, how did we go from one extreme to the other, you know, in such a short period of time? It's like, you, seriously, if you even breathe the word communist in the wrong circles, like, your life was over. Like, seriously, they killed people. Like, literally put them to death, that spy. And now it's, like, kind of hip to be communist. Like, I just don't understand. Like, seriously. And I guess that's just history repeating itself. Like, that's how these things start. But, like, how did we get here? How do we get out?


How do we get out is a major question. Yeah, I don't know when. Maybe after the cold war. That's when, like, people just let loosened their vibes. Vibes around communism. And, you know, I think as time passes, people forget how bad communism actually is, what it means to live under communism.




And they think it's like this utopian society where it's not. And communism has never worked anywhere, not once. And look at the places that have employed it. But I think the further away you get from it, the younger generation, they're like, what if we are equal?


Well, so I actually was just seeing this on TikTok. Like, this generation of first generation Americans whose parents were immigrants, who fled, like, communist countries and, like, these horrible conditions for a better life so they could send their kids to college to become communists. Yeah, it's the circle. The circle of life.


It's true. Have you ever heard the saying, I.


Love sayings, by the way, hit me with your recipe.


It's a really good saying, and I want to get the order of it. Right. So let me just. Let me just pull up the croak card. Here it is. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times. Good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. I think that's where we are. I think we're in the. You not heard that one before?


No. I love a good phrase. What would you say is your favorite phrase of the moment? That you find yourself using a lot.


And I just wanna say, like, you could say it creates strong people. Like, if you want.


Yeah. Because that's definitely, like, a little bit archaic.


Okay. Hard times create strong people. Strong people create good. That works for me, too.


Yeah, that makes more sense. Like, in.


And I think, as a woman, it applies to me, too.




Like, the hard times make me strong.


So true. You're strong make me weak, and weak times make hard.


Weak me creates hard times.


Okay, whatever. What is a phrase? Like you. What's your phrase of the moment?


I feel like you could tell me what my phrase of the moment is better than I could tell you.


Listening to me, Tink said a good phrase that I haven't been saying a lot, but I've been thinking a lot. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. That's a good one.


I love it, but it's easier said than done. Like, I think a little, and also, a little bit of anger is always good.


I also don't agree with it. Like, I am alive because of my anger. My anger gets me. My anger propels me forward.


It's like drinking a poison that's like, you know, a drug elixir. It's not gonna kill you. Yeah.


For me, like, holding on to anger is like drinking a red bull. Like, it's heavenly.


But that is technically poison. But you're on another level.


I'm on another level.


Yeah. No, someone also said that on a reality show recently, and it stuck with me. Of course. I'm living in your bloom, where you're planted moment.


Of course.


And also one that I love, that I feel like I haven't mentioned in a few years, but I think that people need to know again. And I got it from Robin on Peloton. Sometimes self care looks like hard work.


You do love that one. I would absolutely love if everybody could sound off in the comments, either on YouTube or on our instagram. Like, what is your favorite phrase? What's a phrase? Like a motto. I'm always looking for new mottos.


I feel like I put a motto on my notes app on my computer. Cause I, like, read it in a newsletter.


Oh, wow. She's whipping out her computer. If you guys aren't watching YouTube. What?


It's here. I don't know why I saved it. Okay. It's from someone named Flaubert. Flau.


It's from someone named really, Bert? Really?




You guys, can we sell that story?


Uh, yeah.


I've been saying it all.


And I'm gonna try and figure out why I say.


Okay. What was the phrase?


No, Claudia, I don't want to say this.


Are you embarrassed? Share it.


I'm embarrassed. It's like. It's, like, artistic.


Share it.


I will. I will. But I just want you to know, like, I don't. I don't know.


Is this your Bonnie moment? Sort of.


Okay. Really, Flabbert?


Really, Bert?


This is the quote.


Oh, my God.


And. And it's recent, too, and I think I read it. Not in the only newsletter I get is the free press, so it was in one of their articles, and I just. It resonated with me. Are you guys ready? I don't think you are.


Let's go.


This is like you sharing your yearbook quote.


Oh, did I ever.


You did. Or no, you texted it to me.


No, I think I said it on Patreon.


No, you texted it to me.


Yeah. Okay. Honestly, why did you have to bring that up?


Because I had deja vu. Cause I remember because the deja vu reminded me of this feeling of what it's like to share a quote that you don't really, like. Stand by. Except mine's, like, three weeks old. Okay. Be settled in your life and as ordinary as the bourgeoisie in order to. In order to be violent and original in your work.


Wait, what? Say it again. I literally don't get it.


Be settled in your life and as ordinary as the bourgeois in order to be violent and original in your work.


No, that's honestly worse than baudenue. Like, wait.


I feel like, though I understood. I'm gonna find the article that I was a part of, because maybe that will give context to, like, what this meant to me. Okay. Can't find it. I feel like reading it. Like, I understand why I liked it for a second, but to go out of my way to save it to my notes, that's humiliating.


Like, seriously, that is the craziest thing.


I just. I feel like. I like the message where it's, like, live an ordinary life and then, like, get. Do crazy things in your work, in your creative outlet.


No, I love that. But to say that she's literally a podcaster.


I take my job seriously.




And I take my. I take my creativity seriously. But to save it, really? Flubber.


Okay, you guys. Like, a couple of weeks ago, as always, like, all day, we're always sending pictures in our family, chat, like, of what's going on, the dogs, the kids. And Olivia sent this video of her kids, and it was so cute, and I'm watching it, and they're just, like, playing with each other. And Mikaela gets really in her brother's face, like, really up in his face. And what came out of her mouth was seriously, like, the last thing I would have. And she said it with kind of, like, a british accent. She goes, really Bert? And I said to Olivia, I was like, what the fuck is Bert? Like, who is Burt? And she was like, it's a line from Mary Poppins.


Mary Poppins.


It's like the kid's favorite movie of the moment. She's like, Olivia wasn't shocked by it. I seriously, it was the most shocking thing. If she had said, like, any. Like, nothing could have shocked anymore. Really Bert?


Really Bert?


So she sounded like Moira Rose?


Yeah, yeah. Really Bert. Adam. Like, yeah.


By the way, she is endlessly inspiring to me, endlessly quotable.


And I wonder, too, like, other people, and this is just who we are. We do it with each other, so, like, it makes sense that we do it with the kids now, but, like, do other people with their children, and, like, as much as we do, you.


Know, everything that they are other people doing it.


Right. Like, what is Koja doing?


Doing, like, I don't know if you start to talk like your kids, but it's honestly so fun. Really, Bert? Really?


So I don't know how we got here.


Flo Burt.


Flo Burt. The quote of the moment. So. I wouldn't say that's my quote of the moment, though.


No. Okay. We have an amazing show today. We've got stories. We've got fast five. We've got fun.


Mm hmm. We do.


Anything else you want to chat about before we dive in?


No, I just want to google who Flaubert was. Watch. He's a communist.


No, literally Marx's. Marx's friend.


Okay. Gustave Labert was a french novelist. He's been considered the leading exponent of literary realism in his country and abroad. We stan. We have no choice to stand. Oh, he wrote Madame Bovary.


I meant to tell you. A movie I almost watched before, Bridge of Spies. That was seriously, like, too heavy. And I, like, couldn't was Sarah's key, because, you know, I've never seen it, and I've never, like, read a book or a movie about that incident in France with the, like, soccer stadium, the vendome. The vendome, like, where they, like, put 15,000 Jews in and left them in that stadium to die, and, like, all their. They just, like, literally died of starvation and, like, yeah. Like, just left in there and then the whole, like, town smelled for, like, a year of, like, dead corpses. They just seriously, like, put, like, 15,000 people in this room to die. And I I've been, like, wanting to. I, like, want to know more about it, but it's so graphic.


That's what Sarah's key is about.


It's referenced. I think it's a story of someone from that thing.


It's. A modern day journalist finds her life becoming entwined with a young girl whose family was torn apart during the notorious Valdive roundup.


And it's a part of the Holocaust, like, people don't talk about because it low key wasn't the Nazis. It was people in France who were just like, I'm sick of these Jews. Let's put them in this soccer stadium.


The French didn't need a lot of convincing. No, they needed none. They were like, how can we help?


No, no, that's a line from Reba that seriously made me laugh so hard. It's like, barbara Jean. Okay, Barbara Jean, I sent you a video of it. Do you remember?




Whatever. BArbaRa Jean and her husband, like, are, like, planning to, like, have a hard conversation with someone, and the second they sit down, the husband, like, rolls over, and it's just like. So the person leaves. Barbara Jean turns around, and she's like, thanks a lot, France. Oh, my God. It's so unexpected. It's so funny. And, yeah, you're right. Like, it's. It was 100% accurate.


Yeah. This is, by the way, a history podcast.


Yeah, we have different eras, of course. I think we all remember fondly our sports era, and I think that is definitely, you know, due for a renaissance with football season, you know, coming, coming soon. But we're definitely. I feel like you've been trying to make this a history podcast, and I've been, like, trying to get. Tell you to shut the fuck up for, like, three years now. It's definitely a history podcast.


Isn't history fascinating law?


It is. It really is. It's maddening.


It is maddening. But what's so crazy is, as they say, history repeats itself. And, you know, it's never word for word, but it rhymes. There, that's in a more succinct quote.


But I. Oh, wait, say it again.


Like, hold on. Let me get the proper quote. This is just like, are we a quote card?


Are we a quote podcast?


Hold on.


I like that. History doesn't repeat itself. It rhymes.


Yeah, Mark Twain. History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


Right? Like, similar vibes is what Mark Twain was right.


It's never gonna be apples to apples, but it rhymes.


It's gonna be green apples to yellow apples.


Because also, like, human. The nature of human beings is the same. Like, I feel like you look back at people from hundreds of years ago, and you're like, I could never be that. They were horrible people like that. And you think, like, you live in, like, the best, most moral generation, and then, like, oh, it turns out, like, oh, you would have actually been nazi.


No. And then also, you think now, like, in a hundred years, when we are the history that people are learning about.


Claudia, what are we doing now?


Like, you know, commonplace things like slavery.


Claudia, I know what they are.


You do?


Yeah, but, like, they're so commonplace, you can't even speak out against them.




Chilling, chilling stuff.


Oh, my God. I forgot to share something so major that happened to me.




Sabrina Carpenter reposted one of my TikToks.


What do you mean?


There's a repost feature on TikTok? I don't know if you know that.


It's like, retweet on x.


Exactly. And she reposted one of my tikToks. I was using her song, please, please, please, skin. No, I wish. Please, please, please.


How many times does she repost stuff?


I'm not sure, but, like, the impact was there. Like, it had had about 200,000 views, and now it's at, like, over three. Yeah.


Over 300,000.




Oh, what were you doing in the video?


Singing and dancing to please, please.


Oh, cool.


And I just, like, happened to look particularly gorgeous, like, it was naturally lit.


I love that for you. I'm happy for you.








Okay, now I think I can close out of all my red scare tabs, and we can get into the fast five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, Turdy.


You're welcome.


Jazzy, by the way. Of course, on my phone, I have a list of quotes that we like that you make me start a list. And some of them are more like phrases, and they're like TikTok y, but one that we love that I just want to resurface. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.




Obsessed beyond. And then I also have on another tab called quotes from April 2020. Just one quote.


April 2020.


It's a just. That's how long ago it is. But I think.


But where were we during April 2020? Was that. That was the beginning of COVID right?


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh, so this makes us extra sad, right?


Right. Context is important.


This is all it says. I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town.


Yikes. That's, like, not like a quote. It's a lyric. And of all the ones, why do we write that one down? Because of all, like, the Taylor Swift. Like, for me, there are Taylor swift lyrics that seriously, like, I live by. One of them being I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me. Dear reader, bend when you can, snap when you have to. And you introduced me to that one. And, of course, my favorite one. My favorite one of all time. Pass me. I want to tell you not to get lost in these petty things. You nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing. Chilling.


Chilling. We should actually keep a list of, like, Taylor lyrics that, like. Really? And I guess that first one can start out the list. It's cute. Yeah, I like it. I'm shining like fireworks over your. It's a nice visual.


People love rocks. People throw rocks at things that. People throw rocks at things that shine.


Yeah, you can definitely get, like, an apron with that on. Etsy.


Yeah. Like, if you're a person in this world, if you're a person in this world who has even one hater, there is a Taylor swift lyric for you. Like, a lot of them are about, like, scrutiny. But I guess even if you're not a person, like, with haters, like, in your life, you have, like, detractors.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, now let's get into the stories. Our first story, Ariana Grande is on Penn Badgley's podcast called Pod Crush, and she's talking about quiet on set.


Oh, my God.


Yes. So Ariana says that the environment needs to be made safer for kids in the industry and believes therapy should be mandatory. So she went on Penn Badgley's podcast called Pod Crush, which was released today. So there's a lot of quotes coming out. I haven't had a chance to watch it, but there's a lot that she's talking about. She talked about the docu series quiet on set, and this is what she said, quote, a lot of people don't have the support that they need to get through performing at that level at such a young age, but also dealing with some of the things that the survivors who have come forward. There's not a word for how devastating that is to hear. I think that the environment needs to be made safer if kids are going to be acting. And I think there should be therapists, I think there should be parents allowed to be wherever they want to be, she continued, adding that parents should be permitted everywhere, not only on kids sets. She said, I think if anybody wants to do this or music or anything at that level of exposure, that it means to be on tv or to do music with a major label or whatever, it should be in the contract.


She said that young performers are vulnerable to reactions to their performances from adults on set, which creates a, quote, strange pattern that occurs where it's really taking advantage of how much it means to the young performer to get a laugh. From video Village, you're like, oh, shit, I'm doing something great. Like, this is funny. This is good. But she recognized that she's speaking from her own experience on the show, noting how she and her castmates push the envelope with their humor, she said, quote, and the innuendos were like we were told and convinced as well that it was the cool differentiation. And I don't know, I think it all just happened so quickly. And now looking back on some of those clips, I'm like, that's damn. Really? The things that weren't approved for the network were snuck onto, like our website or whatever it was, and that is. Oh, my God, that's another discovery. But I'm going into it. I guess I'm upset. She said she believes that for those pursuing these career trajectories with large scales, there should be an element that is mandatory of therapy, of a professional person to unpack what this experience of your life changing so drastically does to you at a young age or at any age.


Yeah, I honestly never thought we would hear her take on it because, like, the window of, you know, speaking out, I feel I thought had passed. I think doing it on a podcast is a fabulous medium for it. And I think her and Penn Badgie, like, oddly, have a friendship. He's in the music video she just released, so they're obviously, like, working together, and she obviously felt comfortable enough to, like, agree to go on his podcast and talk about this. So I first of all, love this friendship. I kind of ship.


Like, how did they meet, do you think?


Let's play those.


You think his music. From his music? Madhuksir.


No, no. Maybe. She's a really big fan of his tv show. I feel like the you show on Netflix.


I feel like she'd be a bigger fan of you than of Gossip Girl.


Yeah, for sure.




That's re so interesting. I didn't really put together that, like, though that weird footage from the, you know, icarly and whatever Sam and Cad website that. That they showed in the documentary was footage that was, like, not approved by the network. That's, like, really scary.


Yeah. And I feel like when we were talking about quiet on set, you know, of course you want to hear from the big people who are still around, like, what their thoughts on the documentary or just their overall experience. But then with Ariana, like, there was also that piece of, like, those videos for the website.




And overall, it seems like she had a. She looks back on her time, finally. Like, she's still close with Dan Schneider. I think so. I think now she might be, like, looking at it from a different lens, though.


I think that happens a lot. And especially when you're a kid, you don't remember everything that ever happened to you as a kid. That's just a part of childhood. And so for it to be played out in a documentary and sort of explained to you, it's weird when it's like something happened to you. You were there, but you can see it differently now as an adult. It does make sense that now she's angry, whereas before, maybe she didn't even think about it.




Cause that's what you do. That's human nature to, like, be a kid. You just. I think it's like, a means of, like, protecting yourself. You just sort of keep going.


Yeah. But you also just, like, trust that the adults know what they're doing.




That they're looking out for you.




So, yeah. Interesting that she went on Penn Badgley's podcast, but I think his podcast is new, too.


No, it's, like, a couple of years old. Really? Always. He's always randomly, like, making waves with it because a couple of months ago, he had Taylor Momsen on, and they talked about, like, you know, Dan and Jenny, and it was. Everyone was, you know, loving it. And he gets very good guests, people really. It's called Pod crushed, right?


Yeah, yeah.


People really like it. It's big on TikTok.


What does the name mean? Do you know?


I am so glad you asked because.


I feel like that's, like, the name of a podcast that, like, a generic podcast network would put out about, like, you know, something silly. Like, he seems not silly. He seems, like, serious.


Yeah. And it's like, it's in depth interviews, and it's. They tackle serious stuff a lot, so I don't know.


Yeah. It's hard to come up with a name for your podcast, though. I'm always surprised when people do it. Like, because podcasts come. Like, everyone starts a podcast every day, and some people get, like, really good names for themselves. I'm like, oh, nice. That's good.


Oh, I'm so glad you brought up this conversation because I've been wanting to talk about, you know, Teresa Giudice rebranded her podcast, and I have to say her previous podcast was called Namaste, bitches. Like, I would say probably top three worst podcast names like you ever could have come up with. Especially this is a person who has so much lore, so many, like, words, associated phrases, merch, merchy type things. Like, she couldn't have come up with a worse name for her podcast if she tried. Like, seriously, a piece of duty would have been a better name than namaste, bitches. And that was because one season she did yoga, and she's rebranded it now, which is much needed, to a fabulous name called turning the tables.


I saw a clip from turning the tables on my feed this morning, and I didn't know I actually, like, meant to. I watched the clip, and it just talked about her like, it was 10 seconds. She was talking about how she never thought housewives would be what it is like. So I thought maybe it was like someone else's book or something. I didn't realize that she rebranded her podcast.


It's a much better name.


You want to play a fun game?




Going through podcast names.


Okay, what do you mean?


Like, other shows. I feel like someone.


I have a hot take.




I think, seriously, one of the worst titled podcast is smart less. It's literally not a word. Like, I don't fucking get it.


Damn dirty. Hmm. Let's go. Oh, I like vile files. That's always been a strong one.


You know what I like, and I like it also because of history as a name. I think giggly squad is like, the funniest, cutest name.


Yeah, and it's like, kyle called them that on the show. I never saw that episode.


Jackie, never interrupt your enemies when they're. What?


Making a mistake.


That was Larry. Kyle Cook. Like, he handed them this gorgeous platter of, like. And now, like, giggly, like, everything. Genius.


Yeah, real good.


What are other, like. Well, the Joe Rogan experience. That's not an amazing podcast.


No, but, like, the. When it's you. When your personality and you just have, like, the blank show, that's fine by me. You don't need to, like, reinvent the wheel. But I do think some people, like, really pigeonhole themselves with, like, really niche names.


I agree.


Now I'm looking at top. Oh, there we are. The toast. The cutest name.


Wait, I gotta. What is this?


And I also, like, I don't wanna, like, shade anyone, so I'll just.


Oh, I do. Okay, I'm on my way to the charts. Okay, I'm here. Oh, you know whose name I think is bad and she's always at the top? Julia Louis Dreyfus.


Wiser than me.




Wisser than me. I don't. I don't mind it. Cause I think the premise is, like, talking to wise older people.


You know what I think is a good name? Armchair expert. I actually think it's an excellent name.


That is an excellent name. Of course. Our favorite. Huberman lab.


So good.


Two bears, one cave is funny. Throwback. Oh, what about two t's in a podium?


I don't like it at all. Like, really? I don't.


But it's not held them back from finding success in the space.


It hasn't. Um, how did we get here? Oh, pod crushed.


Pod crushed. Yeah, exactly. Crushed. Okay, we could do this another time.


Are you sure? I mean, money. I don't. Let me interrupt you leisurely scrolling on your phone.


I'm enjoy. Like, yeah, but the ones that are cringe. Like, I don't want to call them out. I don't even know these people. Like, and they're trying to make it in the industry. Like, it's not for me to put them down. Okay, so Ari has spoken. Thank you to Ari.


Ari, we think.


Are you ready for our next story?


Mm hmm.


A little engagement news. The 1970 five's Maddie Healy is engaged to model Gabriet Bechto. As in the Bechdel test.


That's what I was thinking.




Well, this story do not pass the Bechdel test. For sure we are.


We broke the Becca DL test.


Yeah, we literally said the standard for the Bechdel test.


This story does not pass the Bechdel test.




No, because the only woman involved is centered around a man. But you know what? Like, fine. That doesn't mean it's not, like, not everything has to pass the Bechdel test.


No, no.


When it does, like, excuse us for being girly, like, we pass the backdoor. That's, like, it's just a level above.




What kind of test is that?


I don't know. And it's like, why can we stop monitoring, like, what women want to talk about?


It's so. No, but I think it's meant to be, you know, things that are created by anyone, man or woman.


You know, I get it in, like. Yeah. In, like, movies and film and art. But, like, in my life, like, if me and my girl is just want to sit around and talk about guys, like, we're fine.


And also, I don't think every movie needs to pass the Bechdel test. Like, I think there are stories about men where the women, like. No offense. Or just, like, their wives.


Right, right.


But I think there are also stories about women where the men, no offense, are just their husbands. And also, if we want, like, real equality, what's the Bechdel test for men?


The Mechdel test.


The Mechdel test. I guess we don't need it, because everything would pass. It is the point.




Maddie Healy's engaged to his girlfriend, Gabriette Bechtel. Test. The two announced their engagement late Tuesday night after attending mutual friend Charlie XcX's brat show in Brooklyn with Bechdel test sharing photos of herself wearing the ring featuring a black gem surrounded by pave diamonds around both the stone and band. She said, marrying the 1975 is very brat.


Now, I don't care, you know, like, what this person does in his personal life. I don't know this woman. I'm sorry to this woman. But I. Of course, you know, it begs the question, how does Taylor Swift feel about this? And Taylor Swift is so happy in her life. Like, she's at the height of her career. She's in this amazing relationship. But I definitely think this news, like, still penetrates, because. And we know this from her work, marriage is something, like, that's deeply important to her. Like, she wants to get married. It was a huge, I think, reason why her and Joe didn't end up working out. And in a lyric from TTPD, she says that Maddie Healy, like, would put an imaginary ring on her finger. And it's the closest I've come to my heart exploding. Like, I feel like this hurts.


I feel like not to take away from any of this, and I don't know these people. So this is just, like, my take as, like, you know, given the content that was given to me. So I got TTPD, and then a few months, a month and a half later, I'm getting an engagement announcement from the person who was, like, in the album saying that, like, he couldn't commit. Like, no ring, smallest man who ever lived, and, like, maybe he would have been getting married to bechdel test anyway. But I feel like this sort of is good pr against the narrative of the album.


Like, oh, you think this is his way of combating the narrative of just.


Being like, yeah, no, I'm not that guy. Look, I got engaged, perhaps. Perhaps not to take away, and maybe they still would have gotten engaged, you know? But it definitely kind of shuts down some of the claims on the album. If he's settling down now and the timing just makes you think, yeah, yeah.


And this is also the Instagram star that she references, also in another lyric.


Oh, really?


Yeah. If you have babies with an intern and you know that with an Internet star, it's the same girl, so that's cool.


Yeah. I just. I feel like it doesn't hurt his camp that, like, now he's gotten serious with him.


I feel like he has, like, a camp. Like, I don't think he plays into it. That's sort of his thing. That's why he's super controversial and, you know, kind of disliked in some. In some circles. Not his camp, but he's, like, sort of renegade.


Not his people, but it helps him.


His image.


Image, yeah, yeah. That he's, like, settling down and not the person that maybe she made him out to be on the album if he's doing something like this. But maybe he's doing, like, something like this because of what was said.


And so did you see this press conference where Travis was asked, like, it's for football, and he was asking, oh, are you ready? God. Okay. Not me having my finger on the pulse.


Also, all of our stories need to pass the swiftle test. Like, can we make this story not about Taylor Swift?






There actually is, like, a huge line of thinking when it comes to Taylor stories, because we could have a Taylor story every single day. Now. We don't want that. Like, there's some people who don't want to talk about Taylor Swift, which is so crazy. So it's a delicate balance. It's an equation.


Yeah. Of when to select when to not. But Travis is weird. Like, Travis had a press conference. Of course, he was asked about Miss Taylor, and he was at the question, like, what do you and Taylor Cook?


There's a video Taylor did, a partnership with YouTube shorts. And it's, like, this compilation of moments in her life, I would say, over, like, the last year put to her music. And in this, everyone has deconstructed the video, like, a thousand times. And they pulled this moment where she's cooking on the stove, and Travis comes over and kisses her. It's so cute.


Yes. And so the reporter asked what he likes to make with her in the kitchen based on that video, and he said, I respect that question, but I'm going to keep that one to myself. It's something I'd rather just keep personal. Then at the end of the interview, he circled back to the question as he exited the stage, and he told the audience, Taylor makes a great pop tart and cinnamon roll.


Okay, now, I want to start off by saying the state of journalism across all sectors, you know, it's not just sports. It's all journalism. But this is a perfect example. Like, seriously, a bad question? A dumb question. Seriously, like, disgraceful.


I know when. I'm sorry.


It is disrespectful. Like, this person is up there for their skill of football. Like, what to ask? Like, a roundabout. We would be mad if they did it to a woman. And, you know, it's. It's disrespectful. Like, he's not there to talk about Taylor. Like, and so any question about Taylor is annoying in this skate, in this scenario, a question as dumb and mindless and, like, stupid, seriously disgraceful. Like, she should. Like, I think it was a woman who asked a question. Like, you should be asked to leave. Like, it's a bad. You're not a reporter. You're not a serious journalist.


Well, I feel like he's, like, been so patient and, like, kind, and people ask these really dumb questions. Like, I would. I would be embarrassed to ask some of these questions, but he answers. He answers them because he's, like, a nice person, and he's not gonna be one of those guys. It's like, don't ask me about my.


But, like, it makes him look, like, very beta to be, like, I'm here to talk about myself. Like, we don't care.


Right? And he's not ever once done that. And even the way he answered this question was, like, so, so sweet in a non answer way. But it. The fact that he's never done that. Gives, like, these journalists, like, license to, like, ask these stupid questions, and they're getting, like, worse and worse and further away from, like, you could say, like, what Taylor songs do you like to rev up for the game? Like, bring it back to the fucking sport here.


Yeah, they're. They're so out of line. And you're right. Like, he's gotten a reputation because he's so magnanimous. Like, you could never catch me being that patient with such idiots. Like, and it's like, you give someone an inch, they take a mile. So the questions are getting worse. They're getting more frequent. I'm surprised he gets asked anything about football. Like, it's. It's really. It's not fair and it's wrong.


Yeah. So he didn't answer the question. And then I wonder if he, like, felt like he was being rude, right? So then he gave them a little something, which was sweet, but he really doesn't need to do that.


No, he doesn't. And seriously, like, I need him to start being rude.


And I just want to say Taylor makes her own pop tarts. Like, that's the sign. It's giving traditional. I don't even know.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's giving unfrosted.


Do you think?


No, I think she 1000% read the book the marvelous Marjorie post. Like, we know she likes to read. And I think definitely during her evermore era, she was reading a lot, and I could see her having. She loves, you know, strong, powerful woman, a business woman. I think she definitely read Marjorie post.


You think so? That she reads, like, swirly biographies like, that?


Yes, yes. She's very into. Like, that's how she knows random things and can write a song called Clara Bow. Like, some famous statue. Like, she knows weird, random historical things, for sure.


What books do we know that she likes?


We know that she likes. Oh, that's a good question. Like, has she ever been spotted with a book?


Like, I feel like she likes Colleen Hoover.


Oh, for sure.


I mean, because who doesn't, really? And for sure.


But also, yeah, by the way, literally, there's a blog post. Books. Somebody made a list. Books Taylor Swift has mentioned. No particular order. Okay, great. Gatsby. Of course. Jane Eyre.


That's not what I'm talking about.


Rebecca by Daphne Damorer.


Is that Rebecca of Holiday House?


Oh, for sure.


A swirly biography on Rebecca gone girl.


I'm skipping some. Like, the sun also rises.


Yeah, like, of course she read them in high school.


Wear the crawdads why? Just because she wrote a song for it or. No, she definitely read the book.


She 100% read the book if she's a reader and it was the biggest book of the year and subsequent years. And yeah, she wrote a song for the movie. Like she cares about it.


All the twilight books are in here, I believe that. And the rest are just classics like Charlotte's web.


So if she read crawdads, then she is like a modern reader, right? Definitely read seven husbands.


It wasn't on that list. But there was a book about Elizabeth Taylor and her marriages on there.


Yeah, I think she reads the modern classics. Verity, seven husbands, Daisy Jones.


She reads a lot of poetry according to this Reddit thread.


Did she read flabbert?


I don't know, but I think she thinks. Really, Bert?


I think she reads Madame Bovary for sure.


I would love to know what books Taylor reads.


Maybe a journalist could ask Travis that.


That's a good question.


Yeah. You could tell so much about someone from what they read. Don't you find, Turtle? Ooh, for sure. Like she definitely read demon copperhead.


You think? Think?


Yeah, because it's like was one of the number one books. I wonder if she follows like a Reese's book club, right?


Is she like a huge reader even? Like you have to be when you're that smart and like good with words. You read books. That's how you learn words.


Like, I wonder if, like she would like the redheads is all I'm gonna say.


She travels a lot too.


Like she would like Lady Tan, circle of women that we just read.


If you could recommend one book to Taylor Swift. That's a good question.


Girl with no job.


Okay, that's so sweet. Our. Excluding our books, our published works.


Okay, wait, can I. Can I do a little research quickly?


Yeah, me too. Okay.


And maybe I'll recommend a redheads book just so that I could like, then have her listen to the pod.


That's smart.


We've read so many good books recently. Like she would love like strange Sally diamond, even, you know, strange Sally diamond was very good.


But that's. If you had one book.


No, no, no. If I had one book. It's so hard to do this for anyone. La.


It is, it is.


Oh, lessons in chemistry. Like, I know she would like that. I know she would like that.


I think I would recommend. You know what? I actually know she would love. Love, in other words, by Christina Lauren. Like seriously, one of the best books I've ever read. It's like so sweet and nostalgic and lovey. And. And she would love it.


And what about it happened one summer?


Remind me which one that is.


The one.


Oh, that's the one. Yeah. Taylor Swift definitely would like smut, for sure.


I think she does.


Yeah. But Marjorie posts like I could see her liking. Yeah, that's a fun game. Sign off in the comments. What book would you recommend to Taylor Swift?


That is a fun game.


And back to this reporter, like, seriously shameful. We need to bring back shame. I heard somebody say that once, and I thought it the other day when I saw a grown woman pull her pants down in the street, lean up against a car, and, like, squat, and just start peeing right outside Bloomingdale's. Like, not even in a side I like on a major, major street. And I really thought to myself, like, we need to bring back shame. People need to act embarrassed. People need to know what humiliation feels like, because we've sort of just foregone that feeling, and people feel the freedom to act however they want to, say whatever they want, and we need to start restricting people again. Like, I don't believe in freedom anymore.




I believe in shame.


Wow. Can't you have both?


No, clearly not. Look around, Jackie.


Freedom to be ashamed.


No, we need to bring back shame. And I apologize. I forget who said that. And I thought it was such a poignant way of saying it because you used to be fearful of what other people thought of you, and so you acted in a way that was, you know, in accordance with social conduct, and we no longer have that. We are boundless in our shamelessness, and I'm not here for it.


Yeah, okay.


Like, the things I see, just, like, walking Romeo, you know, it's. We need to bring back shame.


Also on the Internet, you know, just the way people, like, even. Not even people being, like, crazy, like, just, like, no shame.


And that's, like, keep bringing you back to the girl who flashed her titties at the Dublin portal. But, like, if she had felt. If she had the capability to feel shame, she wouldn't have shut down the portal.


Shut down the portal.


And the guy who, you know, spread his cheeks on the portal, like, ugh, stop.


Stop. I know the portal is like your roman empire.


To me. The portal is emblematic.


You know how there's that shopping cart theory?


Yes. Well.


You, Chucky.


Do you know, like, yeah, bitch, I told you about it.


Yeah, yeah. But I'm just, like, trying to say.


For the sake of conversation, for the sake of conversation.


But also, like, that's what it's called. Shopping cart. Theory.




Okay. Which, by the way, I have issues with shopping cart theory. I just want those who don't know.


The shopping cart theory is like, when you're shopping for groceries, you have everything in the cart. You go back to your car, you unload the groceries into the trunk. What do you do with that grocery cart when nobody's looking? That is like the true telltale sign of the type of person you are.


Right? And I think people are like, I put it away when no one's looking. I'm a good person. I'm an empath. And they're like, the nastiest motherfucker. And I don't think that that is how to tell a good person from a bad one, first of all. And just to say I always put the cart either back on the rack or on the sidewalk where it's not disturbing someone's way. Someone else. So, like, I am. I passed the shopping cart test. But there are some times when people can't put their cart back. Like, there are people.


Well, that's what there was this conversation being had on TikTok about it because this woman was like, when I'm shopping with my two kids, like, I'm sorry, I'm literally just leaving.


Literally leave your car. Like, someone else can park a little further down who's like, able bodied and not with kids, and they're going to be okay. Other people are disabled. There's people. Things going on in people's lives. And just putting the car back or not putting the car back doesn't make you a good person or a bad one. If you really think that it's that simple, like, then you don't know what it means to actually be a good person.


Jackie, I think that when people ask, say the shopping cart thing, it's one. Yeah. Cuz you could be blocking someone else's, like, parking spot if you just leave it. But it's also like, I think we're referencing the person whose job it is to accrue the shopping carts and, like, put them back. The person who works for the store.


Yeah, that, like, people are acting like it's this cardinal sin that that person now has to take three steps to go get another cartoon when, like, their job is getting carts. Like, why is that the worst thing you could do to another person is the cart over there versus the cart over here when there's so many, like, other just behaviors. What did you do in the store? Were you an animal in the store? But you're back?


You know, I don't think it's a perfect theory.


Yeah, I just think people, like, really pat themselves on the back. Like, I put my card away, I'm good. Like, no, no.


Then they go, like, get in their car and they start, like, hitting their kids. Like, like, everybody get in their car.


And they get on the phone, they leave, like, a nasty comment on someone's instagram little picture. A bad person.


Yeah, no, totally. It's not a one size fits all theory.


Right. I was gonna say, like, that theory also could be applied to the portal. Like, what do you do when you get in front of the portal that says who you are?


I completely agree.


What would you do in front of the portal? It's just you on the portal and a bunch of people in Ireland.


Can they hear me or just see me?


Just see. Damn.


Okay. Cuz I would have started singing. I probably would have like, danced a little bit. Like, oh, cute.


You're an entertainer.


Like, shake like a little booty.


Like, you know, you're an entertainer at heart. That's what it says about you.


A thousand percent. I would have done like a tick the renegade or something.


So cute. You are.


What would you do?


Like, peace wave?


Yeah, no, she would have been like, you know, mmm.


What's up? Yeah.


Hey, how y'all doing?


Just like cutie.




So that's what that says about me is what if you spread your cheeks? There you go. Are you ready for our next story?


Oh, my God. Is it not even number? It's four. Oh, my God. We are being leisurely today.


We really are. Can the Kurds handle it? I think, like, no. Well, the fifth story will be a short one, but anyways, bravo. Feud going on. Real houses of New York alum Carol Radzwell is clapping back at nasty Andy Cohen after he outs her as an anonymous source.


Oh, my God. Wait, what?


This story is layered. Carol slammed Andy on X on Tuesday after he claimed that she was the anonymous Roni star who shaded him in his recent New York magazine profile. So in the profile about him, there were some anonymous quotes, and he said on radio, andy, oh, that was 100% Carol who said that?


Oh, my God.


So then she wrote on X saying, someone can make a truthful observation. And there's always one shortish dude waiting to be offended. She said, at this point, why would any normal person use their name? They're all so vindictive. Which I believe is the point of the quote and confirmed by Andy's nasty response. In other follow up tweets, she called him condescending and absurd and said he should apologize for calling her out. So the quote in the story was this. The unnamed former Bravo star diss Real Housewives of New York saying, quote, the show went from silly humor about middle aged women getting drunk and being delusional about their status and having funny, petty arguments to housewives investigating and doing opposition research and making up false storylines and leaking stories on each other. Then the person went on to critique Andy's baby shower, specifically the part where Lisa Rinna encouraged people to get up and dance for Andy and his baby, which we all remember that moment.




And this person said, quote, I just thought it was such a cringe moment because that's the dynamic everyone just dances for. Andy Cohen.


Now, I am going to put Carol Radzwell into a box. Now, this box is filled with only one other person, and it's Billy Eilish. And it's just every time we're talking about Carol Radzwell or, you know, we're reading something that she said, it's so negative. She's so dreadful. And she is officially in my fabissa napunam box. Like, just kind of this, like, long face Drake cup misery. Like, and how you could look at that baby shower, which was seriously such a culmination of, like, love and joy. And everyone, everyone who was there said they had the best time. Like, there has not been one bad things. If you can find something nasty to say about it, like, you are a fabiss and a punum. So I love, love that Andy called her out. Like, he obviously figured out who it was. Yeah, he said it was.


He said it wasn't hard to figure out. We've not fired that many Real housewives of New York. He said, it's Carol Radzwell. No question. It's the one mean quote in there and it's the only anonymous quote. There are 18 reasons why it's carol.




I think that was just like, oh.


I thought it was like, a subliminal. I'm not watching too many Taylor swift.


Eastern too is.


No, I thought, like, Carol Radzwell, like, is number 18 or something. I don't know. Whatever.


Yeah, yeah. Also, it's kind of weird that. And he also said he thought it was so weird that Carol would have kept herself anonymous, especially after all the times she shaded him publicly. He said, carol has said a lot of unkind things about me that she has tweeted and been quoted about. So I was like, why are you going off the record here? It was so weird to me. I didn't understand. And also, we haven't really fired that many New York Housewives. It's very obvious.


Got it. Right.




Yeah. Because, like, even Kristen Takeman came back. Like, everybody does.


Right. And the quote, it's not even, like, it was so hot that she had to go anonymous for it, especially cause she's been out there saying, well, I don't know.


Saying the thing about the baby shower is, like, a particularly mean thing.


Yeah, I agree. But the first part about why she thinks Roni failed, I just.


That's not a criticism of Andy, though.


No, and I disagree with why. Like, that's why the show was no longer good. Doing opposition research and making up false storylines and leaking stories. Like, that's not.


No, that was, like, good. And the thing. The thing she said at the beginning, like, all these older women drinking a lot, that was when the show was bad.


Right. And being delusional about their sex status and having ready arguments like, that was painful.


That was painful. Where they would have these insane arguments the next morning, not remember anything, and it was like, all for nothing. Why did we even watch that?




What she described is, like, the good years were horrible. No. And this is, like, classic carol, like, always making the worst takes. It's really interesting, her relationship with Andy, like, how it deteriorated because she was one of those housewives that didn't need the show, that really had to be convinced to be on the show. And she knew Andy before, so I don't know, like, what went down. And Bethany obviously, like, played a huge part in it, but she's just, like, a hater.


Yeah. I think it started when she felt like Andy took Bethany side in their feud because they were both, like, tight with Andy.


Yeah. But I will say, like, the Carol and Bethany years on Bravo. Like, those were great years.




Like, those years of housewives before it all fell apart in Columbia. Like, that was a great, great time.


It was.


She was a very good housewife, Carol. She brought a lot to the show. Like, but the way, like, it's like, how she left was so, like, unnecessarily messy, and she kind of, like, doesn't let it go.


How did she leave?


She was. Remember she snapped at Andy at the reunion because she felt like Andy was taking Bethany's side in that argument, and she did get fired. And then she just, like, constantly is tweeting about it. I don't know what other platform she uses. Every time she's making news, it's on Twitter. And she's just always, like, saying stuff.


Got it. Yeah, well, that's the latest beef.


Damn. I didn't know that. And then I love that Andy called her out.


Our fifth and final story is a quickie because Kevin Jonas undergoes a surgery to remove his skin cancer. And he said, it's a reminder to get your moles checked.


It is. Ugh. I got to do that.


Yeah. I feel like we have at least one story, two stories a year about this, and it's like a reminder for us or reminder for us to remind people, because he just underwent surgery to remove a skin cancer. He said, so today I'm getting a basal cell carcinoma removed from my head. He moved the camera to show the mole at the top of his forehead and continued. Yes, that is an actual little skin cancer guy that has started to grow, and now I have to get surgery to remove it. So here we go.


Damn. Well, riff Roche Lima. And thanks to the reminder, I gotta get that full body check. It's so uncomfortable. Like, seriously, it's so awkward, but it's beyond necessary. And every time I do it, I feel, like, such a sigh of relief.


Yeah. Yeah. So just a good reminder. Thanks, Kevin. Jonas.


The show is not over, Jonas. It's Hump day. And hump day is a fabulous day here because we have deer toasters, our weekly advice segment. And dear toasters, today is brought to you by splash refresher. I'm actually drinking one right here. I drink one pretty much every day on the toast. And something you might have noticed about me, Jackie. In the last maybe month, I. Seriously, after we finish the podcast, I run to the bathroom. I am so hydrated. I probably have at least four of these a day. So I'm drinking the splash refresher. For those who don't know what splash refreshers are, it's flavored water. Juliana.


I drink a lot of flavored water.


I do. Everyone knows, sort of a fun fact about me is I'm genuinely incapable of drinking water. It's insane to me how quickly I down these splash refreshers. Do you know how long it would take me to drink, like, a regular bottle of water of this size? Yeah, the whole day.


No, when you were at my house, I have so many splash refreshers, and my husband loves them. And you guys were, like, fighting over your flavor favors. You were literally, like, allocating them, like, mafia style. Like, you can have the mandarin orange. I shall keep the wild berry. We can split the grape if you're nice to me, Fiona.


And also, Zach and I were, like, extremely suspicious because they have zero calories. Like, there's just no way. We're like, what's wrong with them? They're so good. They literally are too good to be true. I like the wild berry flavor the best, but shout out to Mandarin. Yes. Extremely good.


You were gracious enough to let him drink those in his own home.


I was. I was. Well, I feel like he forgot that they were in the garage, and then when I found them, I put them in the fridge, and he was like, where'd you find these? I was like, oh, what did you like to know?


Well, he was shocked that there were drinks in the fridge because that's his department, and they never wind up there. I have to talk to my beverage coordinator.


We have so many at the studio. They're literally so good, and I can't stress enough the fact that they're actually keeping me alive.


Yeah, no, she's finally drinking water. She's radiating, glowing from the inside out. Hydrated.


And it's crazy. Cause I think this is, like, how much water. What I'm drinking out, like, normal people drink. I'm peeing so much. I have to pee so bad right now at the beginning of every episode and at the end of every episode, like, I have to pee.


That's great.


It is great. I feel like I'm flushing out my system, and I'm doing it in a delicious and refreshing way.


Yeah. Everyone needs hacks to get through life, whatever it is. Someone who struggles to drink water or you want to drink more water, taste your water.




It can be hard to drink sometimes. It really can be like, splash refreshers are what we're drinking.


And then, like, the internal struggle of being like, oh, my God, I need to drink more water. Because obviously being hydrated is so good for, like, your skin, everything. And, like, you feel like, does anybody else feel this, like, sickening, disgusting pressure? And when it's, like, the end of the day and I realize I haven't drank a lot of water, like, I have a pit. I'm, like, not taking care of my body. I haven't felt that way. Like, the ease at which I just sort of, like, feel these days, because I'm so. It's. I can't believe. And by the way, this is a brand I had not heard of prior. That's why I love doing this show. They were like, do you want to try these beverages? I was like, yeah, sure. This big thing came to the toast. They're gone, I discovered, and they sell them everywhere. I can't believe I hadn't seen them before. Every time I do a grocery order, they have them everywhere. They're so good.


Also on our weight loss journeys, like, drinking water is so great for helping with weight loss. And if you're, like, even doing all the right things, but you're not drinking enough water, like, you're gonna get stalled. And so this is, like, another major key hack. Hack tool in our toolkit, because it takes a lot.


Yeah. Let me tell you the flavors. Wild berry, which is my personal favorite, but it's very personal. When I told Zach Wildberry was my favorite, he was kind of shocked.




He's more of a mandarin man himself. So wild berry, acai grape, which I am not into grape flavoring. Who is? Ben zoffer. Like, Ben loves grape. He loves the acai grape, pineapple, mango, lemon, and mandarin orange. They are delicious, bright, flavorful, and hydrating, and most importantly, zero calories. Like, I actually can't believe it.


I like a lemon. I love a lemon water.


They are available to shop at tons of grocery stores. Sam's club, Walmart, Kroger, your other favorite retailers. Look for them. You might not have noticed them, but now you will. And this is one of the things people keep tagging me in because I keep drinking them. Like, there's always an empty one on my nightstand. Like, I'm just kind of starting a movement.






Thank you. Turdy. Yes. So good.


So good. So, again, the brand is called splash refreshers. This is the wild berry flavor. You can get them at Kroger, Sam's club, Walmart, your other favorite retailers. They come in a bunch of different flavors, like wild berry, acai grape, pineapple, mango, lemon, mandarin orange. They have zero calories. And if you're just, like, a girly who's always a little dehydrated. It is what it is. It's just, like, we're always, like, a little malnourished. In that sense. You can turn your life around. I am the face of what it looks like. I am on the other side. I have solved the problem, and I. And I did all the things, you know, everybody was like, if you get a big water bottle and leave it by. So I did, and it helped for, like, a couple of days. But ask me when the last time I touched on it. Yeah, of course. It's a job. No. And sometimes I'll make it nice. Like, I'll put this in a cup of ice, whatever. But it's also just good straight out of the bottle. Okay.




I love splash refresher, and I'm so excited because they are the sponsor of today's dear toasters. Let me pull that up. Are you ready?


I am ready.


For those who don't know, dear toasters is our weekly advice segment where you can write in for a chance to get advice from two extremely well adjusted human beings. You can write to us, or head to our website, you'll be able to get the chance. Hey, Jackson Turdy. I need help from a la trostada. This one is spicy. I'm 35 years old, and I'm in a relationship with my P. John boyfriend going on 13 years. I went on his Apple music playlist recently to change a song the other day, and I saw that he had been listening to and subscribed to a few podcasts about swinging.


It's always the p. John boyfriend, right?


Yeah, of course. My pijon boyfriend stabbed me in my sleep last night. Should I be mad? I think you should. We've never discussed this before. Should I be worried that he's gonna do that? He's gonna want to do that. Please help. Like, yeah, you don't listen to podcasts. Like, people listen to Huberman because they're interested in science. People listen to the toast because they're interested in. People listen to podcasts about swinging because they're interested in swinging.


Now I'm going to look at podcasts about swinging just to see if there's another.


I didn't know that they had. Like, this is the thing that's amazing about podcasting. There's something for everyone.


Mister and misses w are swinging adventures.


Oh, gotta listen.


New Swingers podcast. We are new swingers. Merely documenting and discussing our swinger journey and talking about the experiences we're having and the lessons we're learning. I just want to say, like, there is a tiny percent chance. Like, this does sound just interesting, entertaining.


Yeah, but like, no, you know, no.


There's midlife craving.


I followed. I didn't follow. This woman came up on my TikTok. She was like, spend the day with me on a swingers cruise. And it was like this cruise of swingers, like, taking over this enormous cruise ship, and she was like, showing the food and stuff.


And just because you watched it doesn't mean you want to swing. But that does sound like interesting content. There's also swing nation.


It actually was interesting. I didn't know that there were podcasts for swingers, but I also didn't know there was a cruise for swingers. So you truly learn something new every day.


Diary of a swinging couple.


Can we help this girl, by the way, instead of promoting shows that aren't ours?


Um, talk. Um, don't talk to him. Cause.


No, I think you can talk to him.


You were snooping for you to listen to Diary of a swinging couple and the toast. Like, I don't feel competitive with them, okay.


For sure. But there's not space for your partner to be listening to a podcast about swinging. Like, I'm gonna draw a hard line here.


Yeah. Unless it's, like, you know, the new cereal and everyone's talking about it.


But we haven't. Have we heard anything? No.


Yeah. And then I guess you don't want to bring it up to him because you don't want to. Like, you don't want to bring swinging into it. I guess swinging. The good thing about swinging is, like, he can't do it without you, you know? Because then that's just, like, then he would be cheating, and he would listen to a cheating podcast, like, you do it together, so he can't go and swing without you. So he will have to talk to you about it eventually.


Yeah. Do you wait for him to come to you?


Like. Yeah, because if you broach the subject, then all of a sudden you're, like, considering swinging before you even had to consider it.


Yeah, but if you give him more time, like, he's really gonna convince himself that this is something that he wants. Do you know what I mean?




And this is absolutely no. No shade to anybody who chooses to live their life in the way of swinging. It's.


You know, clearly there's a lot of.


Swingers, but, you know, you shouldn't feel like you have to start swinging because your husband, like, heard it on a podcast, you know?


Right. And it takes two to swing.


That's kind of, like, the whole problem.


Yeah. So it's.


Therein lies the issue.


You have to want to also, I think.


And I'm gonna assume that you don't.


You just have to, like, sit and pray. Pray it away.


Yeah, pray the gay away.


Pray the swing away.


Pray this way away. Sorry if that's, like, don't do anything you're. It's not, but sorry, like, don't do anything you're not comfortable with. And seriously, like, when he. What's a good reaction to something like this? I think you need to be, like, really dramatic, like, at the absurdity of it all. So he feels stupid. Like.


Yeah, but then. Are you yucking his yums?


Sorry. Like, we entered into this deal, like, with monogamy first, so it's not a yummy. Unacceptable.




Like, seriously, if Ben came to me and was like, I want to start swinging, I'd be like, okay, so go outside.




Like, go on the swings. Like, it's so foreign. But I guess, like, in certain, you know, subdivisions of this country, it's actually extremely common.


Yeah. They've been together 13 years, which does feel premature for what I think I know about swinging. You know that party on the OC where they all put their watches in a bowl? Like, they were all older, and then.


Sandy took his watch out.


And that's what I know about swinging.


What I know about swinging is from what was I watching? Oh, that terrible show, sex life. They, like, go to a swingers party with, like, this in this I kind of wealthy neighborhood. It kind of looked fun.


But I think people like swing.


I think they do, too. And there's, like, a lot of hidden signals. Like, if you're at your local grocery store and you buy a pineapple.




Do you know this?


I think I've seen this. What do you do?


And you put your pineapple upside down in the grocery cart that, like, lets other people know. It's like a virtue signal. Like, I swing. Contact me.


Okay. But then if you don't put your card away, they're watching you, and they don't want to be friends with you. What?


Or they're watching you. Okay, wait, this next one is, like, kind of crazy. Hey, Jackson turd. Love you both so much. I'm an OG toaster. I've got a short and sweet one here. A bit of a first world problem, but it's really bothering me. I travel for work a lot with my CEO. About one trip per month, just the two of us.


Sounds like a smut novel.


Not at all ready. She keeps upgrading her flights to first class.




Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you thought it was a man. Oh, my God. Look at Jackie's confirmation bias.


Yeah. Okay, so she didn't say right, and.


It'S confusing when you didn't say my girl boss and she o. Yeah.


She didn't use the CEO pronouns, so.


My boss keeps upgrading her flights to first class. Not using points, using the company card, but not upgrading mine. I made a joke of it the last trip and asked to be upgrade to upgraded to, and she just laughed. Like, is this rude, or am I being entitled? I'm a VP and it's a small company.


I think you're not. Right? Yeah, like, I guess a VP. Like, I think you get perks, but every company has, like, their framework for, like, how much you can spend on flights. Who gets upgraded? Like, they literally have in the companies. Like, only CEO's bylaws, vps get upgraded or can fly first class, and directors fly this level. So it's a small company, so maybe they don't have that. But, like, she's the CEO, and she's saying, like, haha. It's ha ha.


Yeah, like, you tried, like, making sure.


What she said you didn't get.


Love the confidence. Cause, like, it's kind of, like, a really crazy thing to do. And say you tried. You were brutally rebuffed. And, like, you really can't be mad that she's, like, she's obviously. Well, she's. If she's doing it with the company card, she's well within her legal race.


She makes the rules.


Yeah. Yeah. Like, and, you know, it wouldn't be nice of her, you know, two girl bosses out on a trip, traveling solo. Yeah, it would be nice of her to upgrade you, but she has no sort of obligation to do that. And you being mad is. Yes, to use your words, not mine. It's extremely entitled.


And I just want to say, like, I feel like she's telling her friends, like, this girl that works at my company just asked why she's not sitting with me in first class. Like, and she's like, just be glad. Like, if nothing changes between the two of you.


Yeah. And let me just say, like, that sucks, you know, like, to travel with someone and they be in first class and you not, like, sucks, but, like, you're fine.


No, it's not like your friend or your partner. Like, it's work.






Right. There's a hierarchy.


You're traveling.


Like, just. No, but, like, from a human perspective, like, yeah, that sucks. Like, okay, but it's not wrong.




Our third and final. Are you ready? Something I personally have zero experience with. I just. I can't.


Do. I have experience.






Good morning, Jackson. Dirty. I'm a Gen Z swirly, and I need your help. I joined an encampment, and I don't know how to get. No kidding. But I think I'm Gen Z. I just think of encampments. Okay. Gen Z swirly here. I need.




I'm really fine. I don't know how to get that. But also, like, why are there still encampments? Isn't it summer? Yeah. No, like, tell me you're a loser without telling me.


Didn't we always already have to suffer.


Through their graduation protests.


Like, why are you still on? Go home.


Okay. I actually really do want to get to this. My fiance. My fiance thinks that he can sing, and I've really never told him that he can't. There was never a reason to tell him, and he was never straight up.


Like, asking me if he thought. If I thought he was a good singer.


But now he wants to sing in our wedding. Oh, my God. I don't know what to tell him.


Please help me. Do I tell him that he can't sing? Do I just let him sing? He really wants to, and he thinks it would be really. I just have to say, like, if.


I didn't sing at my own wedding, there's literally no excuse for anybody else, too. Like, I think even if you marry Celine Dion, like, you shouldn't be singing at your own wedding, like, deadass. And so the fact that your husband, like, can't even sing is just cherry on top. I don't think people should be, like, singing themselves down the aisle. I. Like, I don't like that. I also think that, like, how you handle this moment will set the tone for your relationship. Like, if you want to be like Simon cow in a good way, like, you could be like, listen, I love you. I'm so excited to marry you. You're not singing at our wedding. Like, I think you need to be really strong about. And that also then, like, gives you Runway to, like, be strong in other areas down the line and other problematic things. So I don't even think you need.


To, like, cushion this for him. Like, I think it would be set good precedent of you laying down the law. Yeah, no, directness is never a.


You're right.


Cushion is the perfect word. Like, say it nicely, because. No, no, I'm saying don't cushion it. Oh, I'm saying just, like, lay down the law. Like, this is absurd. No, it is absurd. Like, we're grown ups. We're literally getting married. But, like, how do you tell someone? He obviously thinks he has a good voice because he wants to sing in his own wedding in front of hundreds of. So you could start with being like, I want you and I to. You could try and, like, do a little libra.


It's like, I want it to be about you and I. If you're singing, you're going to be worried about your performance. Like, thinking you're gonna be backstage, like, doing sound check when we're supposed to.


Be, like, having our moments together, and I don't want that to take away from our special day. So you could, like, give a little eye. And then if he's like, no, I.


Really want to, and he's like, being a baby about it, then you could be like, and you're not a good singer. You're not a good enough singer to sing at our wedding because I'm sure he's fine.


I just want to say, like, I, like, you know, think I have a great voice. Much like this guy. I happen to know I'm, like, very in tune with reality. So I know that I do. Sat me down and you were like, claudia, do you know, like, this whole time, you've never had a good voice. Like, you actually, like, are a bad singer. I actually can't even visualize it because it's so not true. But, like, I would be crushed. I don't think it's necessary to say that. I think if you have to get really honest, you could say, like, your.


Voice isn't good enough to sing at our wedding. Like, you're not Andrea Bocelli. Also, Claudia, you sang at my wedding. And if you remember, because I do. Like, it hindered some of your experience. You felt like you couldn't start drinking until after your performance. You were, no. And when they told me, I sat down for dinner and they were like, you're sitting, you're eating after dessert. I'm like, after dessert? Like, you were nervous. Yeah. You were in there for sound check while other people were having cocktail hour. Like, logistically.


And so you can say this. You can make this the excuse. Even if he did have an amazing voice, like, it would take away from his experience on the day. There are a million things that you can say. This man's not singing at your wedding and you need to put your foot down. No. It's sometimes, like, really many to be told, like, and this might be one of those situations, like, it's really absurd. Even voice, like, singing at your own wedding.


I'm sorry. Is like, top ten cringiest things you could do. Yeah. I really like making it about it.


Taking away from his experience on the day because it's so true. Even if you had an amazing voice. Yeah, it's true. It is true. I lived it, learned from my experience. Yeah. So you do have experience with it all, is to say, oh, it's true. It's true. That is. Dear toasters, our weekly advice segment.


Again, you can email us or head to our website, that is our episode. Jax, it's a pleasure. Thank you, guys.


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