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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toes in Happy Choosday. And speaking of choose. You know, actually, there is one other person I might choose to be spending the day with besides you.






Excuse me.


I'm so glad you brought.


You asked why you gotta bring her into this.


I'm so glad you asked. Do I look different today?


Yeah, you're wearing sunglasses on the show. Yeah, we are also twinning because we're both wearing baby blue. How cute are we?


So cute. And speaking of my sunglasses, giving gender reveal. Speaking of my sunglasses, thank you so much for asking.


Speaking of your sunglasses.


Yeah, I walked into the studio today to a box from net a porter from Tinks with a note saying, thank you so much for letting me co host the toast. It was an honor. I know you left your sunglasses at Jackie's. Here is a new pair from Celine. Yeah, okay.


But not the same ones, because you also got back your sunglasses from my house that I found.


Jackie found the glasses and she gave them to me. And I didn't tell Tinkstat, thank God, because I wouldn't have these gorgeous celine sunglasses if I told the truth. And the thing about sunglasses, specifically black ones, you can truly never have enough pairs.


That's just so crazy, because I thought you were sitting there in the sunglasses that I returned to you being excited that I returned to sunglasses. And it's just like, tinks and I are kind of on the same wavelength that we're both battling sunglasses to Turdy.


Battling for Turdy's heart.


No, no, no. We're kind of simpatico.


You guys are battling to the death.


We're kind of, like, so similar.


You are, by the way.


And we have everything in common. Why? Like, we should just talk to each other.


No, I don't think that you should.


I don't think we need charity.


I don't think you should. Well, in that case, maybe I'd have to, you know, get on a plane and hop over to Mary Orton's house.


Mary would love to see you. That's the thing about Mary.


Good one.


And that's the thing about me, too. Like, I would love for you.


Oh, you're so much better than Mary. Okay, great. We got it.


Yeah, great. Kind of like I love you. I love Mary Orton. Like a equals b. B equals c. A equals c. Jax equals tinks. Turd equals Mary Orton. Like, why can't the four of us go to dinner?


So, I love you and I love tinks. And have you two ever talked without me?


Never the twain shall meet.


Seriously, I'll kill both of you in your sleep. How about that?


Never the twain shall meet.


Never the twain shall meet. Now, today's a very exciting day because, obviously, I'm wearing my new digs from tinks, which is just, you know, we're already off to a good start. But yesterday, my new digs, my new sunglasses, like, okay, I said the wrong word.


She bought you a house.


Okay, I said the wrong word. What should we do? Should we kill me? Should we stop the whole show? She stopped the whole show. Cause I said the wrong word.


Wow. That's a good strategy that I should implement against you, because you do it to me all the time.


Well, I just outdid the doer.


No, I just. The show must go on.


So yesterday, we kicked off pre sale for our residency this summer. We're doing live shows in New York City and the Hamptons this summer. And let me tell you something about the Patreon swirly. They showed up and showed out, nearly selling out every single show. And while that's fabulous, everyone else didn't get a chance. So, having said that. Major announcement. Major announcement. We have added two more shows at the Beacon Theater. That's right. Your girl is doing four nights at the Beacon. It's giving Jerry Seinfeld doing a residency, but we're actually doing a residency. Two more nights at Beak at the Beacon Theater August 1 and August 2. And we've added one more show at the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts center in July. So that's six shows total. We have. No. Yeah, no more. Eight shows total. Excuse me. We've added three more. Tickets will go on sale Wednesday tomorrow for everyone at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. Meet and greet is available. I have a feeling it's gonna be a battle to the death. People said, you know, getting tickets for the live show yesterday was worse than Arrows tour and the Jonas Brothers.


That's just what people are saying. Yeah. I was, like. I was in the queue on Ticketmaster. I saw there were over a thousand people. That's right. Like, we're kind of, like, influential.


So, yeah, I mean, everybody just wants and needs a girly, swirly night out. I think that's what we're down to.


We could, like, not even show up, and the night would be a success because the swirlies got dressed and got together, but we are.


And they just needed. They needed to swirl together also. I feel like I'm TTPD, but maybe it's because, like, Taylor loves words and we love words, but I feel like, there are a lot of words that she uses.


Not a lot.


Like, a handful that are swirly words. Like, she says the word to swirl around where? In one of her songs. Oh, my gosh. I'll send it to you the next time I heard it. I thought you had realized, like, she used the word swirl in a way that she didn't need to. Who's giving swirly? Do you think she knows that the swirlies are swirling?


Do you think she knows the best kept secret in all of Hollywood, which is the true meaning of the word swirly?


No, I thought you were gonna say, like, do you think she knows about the toast, about the toast and toast jargon and toast herstory and toasty linguistics.


I don't know if she knows about toast hersory, but, like, in a dead serious sort of manner. Yeah. I think Taylor has heard of the toast, if not just from our cultural impact, than from her friendship with Kelly Taylor, who has been a lifelong fan of the show, and I believe at one point was even a Patreon member. So. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do.


So I don't think those words are so. Like, maybe Kelly Taylor uses the word swirl, and by osmosis, Taylor does. You know what I mean?


Yeah. Yeah. By the way, Kelly Taylor definitely uses toasty jargon in everyday life. Like, she probably is. Like, listen, she's probably texting Taylor. Like, hey, swirly, how's Sweden? Is it a swirly affair in Sweden?


Yeah. That's what happens when you listen to the toast every day. Like, we just all start to talk alike, and then your friends talk like that, too.


Do I feel like I'm in a particularly good mood?


I feel like you're in a particularly particular mood because you're wearing sunglasses.


Sunglasses definitely make me feel, like, a little drunk, honestly. Like, why am I. Is it dark? It's the daylight. Like, it does. It does make me feel a little crazy. But I'm in, like, an amazing mood.




Let me tell you why.




One. Like, I've been doing this thing where I've been waking up probably, like, an hour earlier than I normally do. I started doing it because Romeo was just a lot of work in the mornings. They're kind of hard for him.


And he's not a morning person.


No, he just has a lot of shits to take. And who has so much time to just wait around for the shits? And so I set my alarm a little earlier, but now I find myself waking up even earlier. I've been sitting down, having breakfast.


That's nice. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


I sat my ass down and I had breakfast. And then I hung out with Ben a little bit. I got a little bit of work done. Then I, like, moseyed my way over here, filmed an ad for my instagram. Like, I've literally lived a lifetime before the show. The show used to be, like, the first thing I did in the morning.




And I kind of like that. It's recently become, like, the 11th.


It's become the 11th for me, too. Like, I have a whole mornings before the show, and it's nice to get stuff done. Also, speaking of breakfast, I watched unfrosted with my husband, and I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but, like, now he's buying pop tarts for breakfast. Like, that was not meant to be the wind up from this movie. Like, I don't think there's a worse thing you could eat for breakfast than a pop tart. Pop tart?


I mean. Define worse. You mean more delicious? Yeah. You can't have a more delicious breakfast. Like, but for your health.


Worst way to start your day. Bad for your health. Like a candy bar for breakfast. No, but it's so good.


Wait, what did you think of unfrosted?


I thought it was so cute. Like, you. There was nothing that was going to be in that movie that was gonna make me dislike it. Like, I didn't care what happened. Like, I'm gonna like the movie because, like, it's historical fiction. Marjorie post girly swirly. They went to the nines with the set. Like, it was a little ridiculous, ridonculous, but it was meant to be. And we don't really. It was in a category of movie that we don't really get. It wasn't like comedy.


No, Jerry was saying that it's like this new. I saw an interview. He did this new genre of film where, like, you're teaching people about something that really happened in a very satirical, almost like parody.


Parody. Yeah, yeah, whatever that is. I like it.


I do too. Except my only issue with the film, and maybe it's cause I take it so seriously because I read the book. It's like, calm down. It's literary pop tarts. I was like, yeah, it's so great. Haha. Marjorie Post. But these kids need to know about Marjorie Post.


Yeah. And the fact that Marjorie Post is the villain in this story. There's so much more to her. But maybe just like, a lot of things, when I watch a movie about someone, I find myself like, googling the ancillary character and going down a rabbit hole about them. Now, I can only hope that for the youth and a great place to start and end really, is the magnificent lives of Marjorie Post Redhead's book club book. Turdy's book club book.


No, I didn't pick it for book club book.


In our hearts.


In our hearts. B I o h. Speaking of book.


In our hearts, I started a new book last night.




Bad teacher by Frieda McFadden. Like, duh.


Oh, I actually haven't read that one.


Frieda McFadden is just, like, the most readable author. Like, she is.


But I got to a place where I read a book that was, like, dumb by her, and I was like, oh, I think I might have out freedaed the Frida.


Oh, I'm back in the Frida. And also bad teacher. That's my favorite movie.


Yeah, I've been seeing it everywhere, by the way.


Like, I started it yesterday already at 50%. Like, classic Frida. I'm gonna finish it today. Makes me feel good. I read a book. I'm back in the reading group. Like, I know what it. I know what it feels like again to be, like, up late at night, like, not wanting to put the book down. And I want to have that feeling again. It just fosters wanting to read more, and that's kind of what I needed to push, because I am so. I've read what. How many months have there been this year? Five. That's how many redheads books. That's how many books I've read this year. Sorry. Only. I've only read for redheads. Thank God for redheads, or else I would have read zero books this year. And thank God for Frida, because now I want to read again.




Thank God for Frida. And her books are, like, free on kindle, unlimited. I hope they pay her millions and millions of dollars. I hope so, too, because that's, like, a great deal.


Also, speaking of things we're consuming, I totally forgot to mention this on yesterday's episode, and I had wanted to talk about it. Young Sheldon came to a finish, and I finished it over the weekend with Ben.


Could you do me the same the favor of not spoiling it for me, even if it means I have to take my headphones off, you know, I.


Won'T spoil it for you. I won't spoil it for anyone. Cause I really feel like you should watch this show, not you. I'm talking to the audience. Like, I. First of all, the episode was so. It was such an amazing way to end the show. Like, perfect filmmaking, cinematography, everything. And I loved it. And I was hysterically crying during the second to last episode. Like, seriously, like, me and Ben, we had a pillow in between us, and, like, we wouldn't move it. Like, we were both sobbing.


Cause you couldn't look at each other crying.


No, just because it was, like, embarrassing to be crying that much over a sitcom.


Yeah. So you actually couldn't see him. I liked that strategy, by the way.


We just happened to have had this big pillow. Nobody put it there.


That's. Seriously? Yeah, that's embarrassed. Like, it's not embalming. No, you shouldn't be embarrassed, but you are embarrassed when that happens.


They ended the show so perfectly. Like, you know, everything in, like, a little bow. And I was thinking, like. Like, seriously, cuz yesterday we were talking about, you know, happy meal, sad meal. Mental health is, like, at an all time low. And seriously, they need to bring young Sheldon back. It needs to be, like, a government funded thing. People need the show, like, joy, laughter, family positivity, educational. It's about science. Like, seriously, it should be on PBS. Like, it is necessary. I think it should be required viewing for everyone in this country. And maybe something would be done, actually, about the mental health crisis. I'm like, I was upset that the show was over, obviously, because I enjoyed it. But also, seriously, I know a couple of people who could use the show, like, for their health.




It was so beautiful. I feel so strongly about the show.


Seriously, such a great show.


Never big.


I'm gonna come back to young Sheldon. I only have good feelings about it, but I needed to take a break from it because it was just, like, I just needed to break any show that I watched during that time period. Like, is at risk of me hating. Like, I can't. So pregnant. So uncomfortable on the most uncomfortable couch in the world. Like, just. That was, like, a hard time. So I need to come out of that, which I feel like I am. So I will get on.


Like, seriously, it's.


I will. But right now, I'm in, like, my summer house era. Tried to watch New Jersey last night, but I was spending too much time on my phone that I was like, I'm not. I'm actually turning this off because I'm not watching. I'm not paying attention.


We also have vanna pump rolls tonight, which we will be watching and recapping part two of the reunion.


And, like, when is summer house? On what days of the week? I have no idea, but I'm waiting anxiously I might start watching the after show for more content. Like, oh, she's obsessed. Summer house has really just, like, taken over. What was the last show that I was watching? When I said, like it, I had such a strong reaction to it. Oh, Beverly Hills. Real housewives of Beverly Hills. Like, I had a really strong reaction to Erica.




Like, a positive. In a positive way. That's how I feel right now. Like, I'm just very invested. So much so that I watched bed it on block, bet it all on blonde. I don't even know if I told everyone.


I think you did speak about it briefly. And we were all gen, like as a community. We were all shocked that you watched it.


Yeah. And I enjoyed it, and I just enjoy her also. I just wanna say, I don't know if you guys will be able to tell this. I don't know what my camera looks like, but I'm wearing a bow in my hair today.


I did see. You look amazing today.


Well, this bow. So I got this new sweater that I was gonna wear. Cause it was new. And then this bow I got from Hill house, one of our new sponsors.


Oh, they're sponsored today.


Oh, my bow is hill house. They sent so many cute wears, and they sent me two bows in the package. And then I was wearing this sweater, and I saw my bow on the mantle, and I was like, that's funny.


They sent you about, they sent me the biggest robe ever with a huge embroidery turdy.


Oh, they sent me a robe. Was it like granny print in a good way?


No, no, mine was very hotel.


Oh, my robe was granny print. But I didn't think, I don't think it's monogrammed. That's so cute. They know us.


They get us.


They really. I'm so excited. They're a sponsor. Okay. I should have saved that little nugget.


And another just, like, little tidbit. If you're wondering why I'm in such a good mood, starting, like, two days ago, it was, like, the time of year where New York is just, like, garchy.




Next level. Sickening. I was in the park yesterday for 3 hours. Have you ever known me to sit in the park? I'm going again today. I'm starting a walking club. Like, seriously, the park was so gorgeous. Everyone was out and about, like, just walking their dogs, getting a tan. I, like, was walking past, like, a little softball game. Like, it's so sickening. And I feel like it's the time of year where. Where you live, like, becomes truly horrendous, dreadful.


That's what I was just about to say. Like, it's. I'm happy for you, and I feel like you're do your flowers. Literally, the flowers are blooming. And that was how I was feeling a few months ago when daylight savings ended. It was so nice here. We had more daylight, and now, like, it is almost too hot to spend time outside. But the good news is. And now I can share with everyone. Cause you probably have inferred this, that I'm gonna be in New York for the summer.


Woo hoo. Cause we're doing a residency for our.


Residency, so I'm gonna be in New York. So, like, I just have to get to that place.


You should come sooner. Like, it's so gorgeous. Like, I was walking around the park, and I'm like, I should be here with the kids. There was so much going on. I have an extra bedroom. Like, your whole family can stay in one bedroom, Romeo. I'll move Romeo out of that room.


That's a nice idea.


No, it's seriously, like, it's so gorgeous out. Oh, and a huge major life update that, like, seriously has taken over my whole week is. And seriously, like, probably the best thing to ever happen to my husband in his life is that we joined, like, a golf club. And, like, seriously, Ben is never in his life. He's always wanted it. And I don't know, it just never seemed really worth it.


You're so wrong for that.


I'm so wrong for that.


And I know, like, the minute. I'm sure, I hope you already feel this way now. You haven't even gone and set foot. But, like, you're gonna wish you did it, that you had done it sooner. Like, you should have done this years ago.


And then I got, like, a schedule for, like, what's going on at the club, like, meals wise. There's a clam bake. Like, serious trips to the cape, Jackie. There's a carnival, like, for the kids. You need to come. Like, just come.


I will. I'm so glad that you did it. You actually should have done it years ago. Years wasted of your life. So much golf that could have gone down. Carnivals, trips to the cape. But better late than never.


Yeah, I get it. No, I'm excited. So, like, it's like, seriously, I'm gonna be so tan this summer. Like, I'm gonna spend the whole summer outside. Summer between my jogs, things of that.


Nature, things of which to jog, things.


Of which to jog. So I'm just, like, kind of an amazing mood. I can't wait to see. Like, I can't wait to see, like, what deteriorates it. Like, something's gonna ruin my day. You know, it's bad.


That's the next thing I'm gonna say.




Which is that I would like to advocate, since you're in such a great mood and we want to see, like, that joy in your eyes. I would like to advocate for you to take off your sunglasses.


It's a fair question, but I am worried that, like, the good mood is something, like, just about the lights. Like, I don't know why I feel like. Like, the lights in here where they're good for, like, the show also. I'm really so.


Right. Yeah. Like, we're gonna. When we're older, there will be some adverse effect for having sat in front of these lights for so long. Sometimes when we do, like, back to back episodes, and I'm just, like, in the studio for your free hours with the lights on, I go downstairs and, like, I'm seeing spots.


I should go to an ophthalmologist, like, get my eyes checked. Just actually. Oh, my God. Is anyone gonna talk about what's going on in this country?


I mean, there's a lot to talk about. So where do you want to start?


Okay, so I'm turning, you know, a certain age sometime soon, and I guess my license expires. And, like, I don't know when the last time my license expired was, but I remember just being so dazzled that it just showed up at my door. Like, thank you. Like, not making me. I guess it's been an x amount of time. I gotta get my eyes checked, which is annoying, but I guess that's good. It keeps you hair, keeps blind people off the road. Like, yeah, but I'm reading this paper. They sent me real id. Do you know that? Is that New York, or is it ever. No, it's a federal.


It's everywhere. I saw it at the airport down here. Real Aldi.


My old school license is no longer a valid form of federal identification. I have to get. And by the way, if I want to renew my license and get just, like, the regular version, it will come with a big thing on. Its not for federal purposes, and federal purposes like that.


Travel the airport. TSA. You know, they tried to do this in 2020 before COVID They were like, by October 2020, everyone needs. You either need your passport or real id, and you won't be able to use your nonsense anymore. But then because of COVID like, not everyone could just go out and get real id. And they were like, oh, okay, forget it. Yeah, at least that's how I experienced it. That's not like, something I read somewhere. I just remember them being, like, October 2020. Like, no, more this or that. And now I guess they're dropping the hammer.


Oh, my God. Like, the amount of hoops I'm gonna have to jump through to get a fucking license that I can travel with. Like, seriously, shoot me now. Not only do I have to go to the DMV, I have to fill out all this paperwork and get my eyes checked. Like, seriously, the government, and I mean this with every fiber of my being, grab a fucking spoon and eat my ass, bitch. Like, seriously, I'm gonna start time traveling. I'm not traveling on a plane. Like, I'm gonna be taking planes. I'm gonna take trains and automobiles. Seriously? This is bullshit. Bullshit. Oh, and of course, like, it's gonna cost me money too.


Of course. Of course. With their little team.


I'm sick from this.


Can't you just travel with your passport or a passport card?


Yes, I can. I can.


Okay. I know when people don't want to travel with a passport, but, like, you could get a passport card.


Yeah, no, I can. I can. But, like, more hoops.


Yeah, no, and, like, how many forms of id do you need, like, as a law abiding citizen? Like, yeah, what do you ever do?


I'm being treated seriously like a criminal.


Common criminal. And the criminals aren't. That's the problem.


They're walking the streets. I'm sick from this. Real id. More like fake. Fake?


Yeah, it's giving scheme.


There's the thing.


What's the thing?


There it is.


The title.


No, the thing that was gonna deteriorate my good mood.


Oh. Oh, no, no.




It always can.


The real idea. I'm reading the stupid fuck. I almost threw it out. It looked so fake.


But go to the library. Like, if you. If you need to. Like, if you need to stabilize.


Okay. However, like, there's one major, major library in New York. Obviously, the New York Public Library is very sex in the city, and it's, like, so sickening. There's like, four books in there. That's, like, not where people actually go.


It's not about, like, the library experience. It's more of, like, you know, landmark. Yeah, monument. It's like going to see the Liberty bells.


And there are other libraries around the city that are much smaller, but they're.


All, like, less fabulous.


They're all affiliated, they're all NYPL. But when you think of the New York public Library. You think of the. It looks like the. Like, it's literally insane. Like, nobody goes there to read. Everybody goes to the other ones, like the satellite NYPls, and they're not nearly as good.


Yeah. Because NYPL is just not doing library tings. And I feel like. Yeah. In the city, you don't get that small town library experience. And so much of us have come to love and rely on.




And there was something else.


When it gets really hot where you are, that's a good summertime activity library.


I know. But there was something else recently that was giving government that I wasn't disliking.


I would love to hear.


Me, too. I would love to remember if I ever remember. It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?




Okay. I think it's time for the fast five stories.


I do, too.


And I think it's time for the sunglasses to come off.


Why? Okay.


I'm gonna look you in the eyes. Oh, I know why. And tell you that I love you.


You wanna come between me and Tinks?


Everything's all right. Okay.


Jackie wants to say the number one girly in my life, so I'll take them off for you. I know.


I know that you want me to beef with Tinks, but I love your friendship with Tinks. I think it's so good for you.




She seems like a really great influence in your life.


I love that. I agree.


I feel like she's always, like, pushing you to do things that I endorse.




So there's no. No hate. No shade from me.




No he. No shade.




And that's my. And by the way, like, what are the odds? That's my favorite word. Tinks.




Now, without further ado, here are the fast five stories that you need to know.


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Their crew necks are equally as soft. It's the swift crew necks. We don't typically wear crewnecks, but we cannot take the crewnecks off from Roback. And they just restocked their active dress, which is, like, probably their most viral popular product. It's made with their signature GTG technology. You're able to keep your dress on when you're on the go, and when you've got to go, it's genius. So they're made with lightweight, breathable fabrics that are designed to keep you comfortable while you're on the move. It's also just great to have either their dress or some of their sets on throughout the day. It makes you look put together. But in the morning, if you're feeling rushed because your dog won't poop, I don't want to talk about it. You can just throw on one of their sets and you'll look super put together, like throw your hair in a cute little bun or a pony sneakers purse, you're fabulous. If you haven't already, it is now time to try out roback. Use the code toast on for a generous 20% off your first order through the end of this week. That's spelled rhoback and that'll get you 20% off hoodies and joggers with code toast.


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Also, a cliffhanger from yesterday's episode was will did I get norovirus? And I just want to let everyone know that I was okay after that. GTG TG I feel like still, it's too soon to say like, I'm out of the woods in general, but I didn't get it that day, so just want to clear that up. Our first story, an angered Scarlett Johansson has declined had declined an offer from OpenAI before the company used a voice eerily similar to hers. So major drama between Scarjo and Sam Altman OpenAI chat GPT Sam Altman is.


Becoming like so crazy.


The villain in this story. Yeah, when he kind of started as the people's champion for a second, I think cause like no one knew what gone on and it just like looked bad that he started the company. Then it was ousted and Ilya took over and it was giving coup. But then I read Elon's book and Sam doesn't seem like the good guy. The good guy. The Scarjo says she declined an offer from OpenAI to voice, the artificial intelligence research organization's new chat GPT 4.0 system called sky, which now she feels sounds exactly like her. So she told Page Six in a statement on Monday that she received an offer from Sam Altman in September 2023 to be the voice of their talking AI. Like their Siri voice. He wanted to be Scarjo because of her role in that movie, her where she did play a robot, and she also has like a very nice sounding voice. But he said he, she said, he told me that he felt that by me voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and AI.


He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people. After much consideration and for personal reasons, I declined the offer. After OpenAI AI held a live demonstration of the Voice last week, Scarlett said her friends, family, and the general public all noted how much the newest system named sky sounded like her. In fact, she pointed out that many compared sky to her voice in the 2013 film her, which is about a man who falls in love with Samantha, the female voice of his computer's operating system, she said. When I heard the release demo, I was shocked, angered, and in disbelief that Mister Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. She told Page Six, going on to mention that Altman even insinuated that the similarity was intentional when he tweeted the word her after the company announced the new chat GPT version.


By the way, all signs point to them, you know, obviously, even the name Sky Scarlett, like it's the tweet. Everything I just want to say, I don't hear.


You don't hear it?


I don't hear her in there at all.


So when I listen to it now, I'm seeing scar nodes of Scarlet. I'm hearing notes of Scarlet. But if I had listened on my own, I think maybe I would have been like, this sounds like Scarlett Johansson. But I feel like, yeah, maybe her friends and family, they're so used to hearing her voice, they could hear it anywhere. But it's clear that, like, he had an idea. He wanted her voice. She said no, so he got far lift fo Hansen, and that's the vibe he wanted.


Like, I just want to say I'm not hearing Scarlet at all. Like, and she has a really distinct voice. It's, like, kind of lower register.


It is. But I feel like in the movie, maybe she. She went with her higher register and, like, her sweetie voice, perhaps I didn't hear it whatsoever.


And I do wonder, like, what the. First of all, I thought it very interesting that she declined the offer. Cause I'm sure it was a shit ton of money.


Yeah. But I understand why she. I feel like she probably has reasons, but I also feel if it were me, it's like, who knows how AI is gonna go? It's kind of like one of the biggest questions, like, is it AI gonna change the world for the better? Or is it gonna be the end of civilization and humanity? Is it going to kill us all? And do I want my voice to be the poster a part of it? No. I would have said no.


I would have said no to. And I have to imagine, like, the offer was, like, millions and millions of dollars. Yeah, maybe I wouldn't have said no. So interesting that you said no. I don't necessarily hear it, but all the details of this story, the tweet, the name, them previously having made an offer, like, obviously it's giving Scarlet.


Yeah, that's, like, they. That's the voice that they wanted. They were inspired by her even when she said no.


So funny that, like, that's the voice that they had in mind. He's obviously, like, has this weird obsession. He probably, like, jerks off to that movie. Like, for sure he has something for Scarlett. And I get it. She's, like, a gorgeous jewess. I get it. But her voice, like, I guess she does do a lot of voice over work.


Yeah, maybe he loves sing also.


Sing. That's what she's in. That song is so good. Sing it for me.


Because she's a porcupine.


Her original porcupine. Song.


My heart into the fire. God, yes. Down by desire. I'm into David.


I've watched that movie a million times with Michaela. That song is good.


That song is good. That was, like, the one movie. When I saw the movie, I saw it in theaters, like, the things, like I used to do with my free time. And I remember, like, that song I added to my playlist. That's why I, like, I know it so well.


It's really good.




How does the chorus go?


Yeah, let me just.


Is that. Sing one or two. I think one.


That's. Sing one.


And then her porcupine needles start to, like, project into the audience.


In sing two, I think she sings. Oh, set it all free. Set it all free.




In sing two, I'm pretty sure she sings that song that's originally by that band, the stripe or whatever. But the song is. Or. No, I think Halsey sings it in sing too, but it's just what it. Halsey's in sing to right.


Wrong tree. Wrong tree.


Oh, true. I've got to text Olivia.


Yeah. Olivia knows everything to know about the franchise.


Could have me. Could have been me.


It could have been that underrated kids franchise. I feel like it kind of, like, it gives, you know what it gives, like, generic brand cereal. You know? It's like, I don't feel like. I don't feel like the sing franchise was put on by, like, a Pixar or a Disney. I feel like it was just kind of giving, like, third party energy.


It's giving, like, movie made by AI. We don't have original ideas of our own. We're gonna repurpose great songs. Like, we're great at curating and finding the songs, but it's, like, just a talent show for us to, like, license these songs and make more money from them.


Oh. So the reason why.


But I don't think any, like, any kids are, like, sleeping with a plush doll of Buster Moon.


Olivia's kids might be, like, deadass. They love, and they. When they're in the car, they're like, buster Moon, Buster. Like, they want to listen to Buster Moon.


Buster Moon is so fucking annoying.


I agree. Worst fucking character in the movie.


Yeah, it always is. The protagonist.


Who do you identify with? Because I'm obviously Tori Kelly the elephant who can sing.


Yeah, you are. I like Johnny the Gorilla. Mm hmm.


Yeah. Taryn Egerton voices that character. It's a star studded affair.


I mean, Reese Witherspoon, like, Witherspoon plays, like, the mother who's, like, too stressed out, like, the homesteading trad wife who has the voice of an angel and just.


She's a homesteading trad wife pig with.


The voice of nature who wants to sing with her pig friend Nick roll.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The movie's really good.


Like, it is really good, but there's really, like. Oh, and also, like, the best actor of our time and singer and just trifecta, Seth McFarlane.


He. Is he Buster Moon?


No, he plays the mouse. Buster Moon is McConaughey.


Oh, yeah. No, I'm telling you. I don't know. What about it gives generic, off brand, like, Pixar because, like, there's no big media company behind it.


It's that I feel like the characters are kind of two dimensional because there are so many that we don't really. Okay, so, like, yeah, she shy in their personal stories. She's shy now. She sings. Yeah, she's the mom, and then she.


Sings like she's the nerd who takes off his glasses and realizes he's handsome.


Like, it's literally two dimensions. Mom sings. Shy. Sings.


By the way, the reason I brought up sing, I just want to bring it back to my original point is when I think of, like, iconic voices, I really don't think of Scarlett Johansson, obviously, like, Morgan Freeman comes to mind, but. Okay, maybe they wanted a woman, like, whose voice is so distinct in the culture, you know, and not annoying, like.


And not, like, silly cartoon.


Right? Like, who's always getting tapped for Pixar shit.


I feel like Ellen.


Honestly. Ellen, she would have done it.


Oh, for sure.


She would have taken the money and ran.


Oh, for sure. For sure. So I know you don't hear the scar Joe comparison. I do feel like that's a kind of a cop out to having a take on this story.


Oh, my God. You think I'm. Let me listen to one more time. Hold on. Let me pull it up on, like, tick tock. That's where I saw it, cuz.


Like, whose side you gonna take?


I'll tell you. Okay, let me listen one more time.


I feel like I'm taking scar Joe side because I want to and because more so that I feel like Sam Altman is a bad faith actor. That's why I said.


Easier. Okay, now it sounds like her. Yeah, it sounds like her.


So what do you think now?


I think it's not cool. I think it is reflective, dare I say, emblematic of Sam Altman's nefarious intentions with. With society.


Yeah. And chessy.


I stand with Scarjo and firmly against AI, although I will continue to use AI where it benefits me.


Can I tell you my recent beef with AI?


I mean, that's the purpose of this show. Of course you can.


I feel like so many companies now, like, when I think of AI, like, to me, there's just like, something magical about it where it just, like, does these things that you can't explain, and it just does. And I feel like so many companies now, like, claim that they have AI built into their products. And it's like, actually, it's not giving AI. Like, it's, it's very technical, and I feel like it's telling technology that's been around for a while. And I feel like everything's claiming to have an AI integration when it doesn't. And I feel like I'm getting scared. Like, I downloaded a video editing app and they were like, we have, it's an AI video editing app. So I'm like, oh, great magic for my video. Thanks. And it was literally imovie, the AI was not in the room with us.


But I do use AI for work in like, a few different capacities. One that I thought was so major is, like, when you have multi camera angles, like, not how we set it up, but if we were both in the same room and we have three different cameras to splice together, those three different cameras probably would take someone, like, even a proficient video editor, minimum 2 hours of an hour long show. And there is a tech where they, they can use AI to do it in like 60 seconds. Take three camera angles and perfectly, like, when you're solo camera, when you're talking, it'll go to your solo camera. It was really brilliant. And so I don't feel bad about using AI, like, to streamline my work or. And a lot of people like, well, it's putting people out of jobs. So did the assembly line, you know, the factory, like, like, that's, that's industrialization. That's just the world we live in. Then when it gets to, like, you know, taking over the world. Yeah. No, I stand firmly against AI, but, like, to make sure things in my life easier. Yeah. And cheaper. Yeah.


And my feeling is AI is going to AI. You know, it's out there, the ball is in motion. Why not? While I'm still not been replaced by a robot, take advantage of some of these things.


But I feel good. And I know we always say this knowing, like, my job is safe in a world of AI.


Yes. At least as AI stands right now.




And that's where we stand right now. So I don't know what's next for scar Joe. And a part of me, like, I feel like Sam Altman also is the type of person who's, like, into the fame, you know, and, like, wanted a big name for his platform, because if he really just liked her voice, he could have done a modified version of her voice without ever, like, telling. Like, he could have had it inspired by it, and maybe it would have been a little weird and similar, but, like, the fact that he asked her, she said no, and he still copied it.


Yeah, no, it's. It's loser. And he definitely gives one of those, like, really toxic founders, like, who's obsessed with his name in the press.


Yeah. And I'm sure that's why he was usurped at one point.


Yeah, the usurper.


And I just want to say, like, Elon tried to tell us, and no one was listening, but I'm listening and learning so much about the tech world. But I definitely hit a seat. Definitely. I definitely hit a ceiling with, like, how much I care about, like, Silicon Valley antics. Like, I don't care that much.


It's giving, you know, first world problems.


Yeah. And it's giving, like, you guys create the problems, and then you complain about them. I don't care about them.


Voiced them onto us. Like, seriously, go fuck yourself.


Like, we're just lay people.


We're all just, like, trying to make it to the end of the day.


Yeah. And you guys are just, like, zooms, like, masters of the universal puppeteers and.


Leave us out of it.


Complaining when, like, you played with your dolls and then you didn't have fun.


No. Leave us alone. Like, you puppeteer too close to the sun, and now it's our problem.


It's not. I refuse. I'm voicing it back.


You know, I reject. I reject. You're voiced.


Are you ready for our next story, which is some romance news?




Breakup news.




Heartbroken news. Harry Styles and his girlfriend, Taylor Russell have broken up after one year of dating. So Harry Styles and his girlfriend Taylor Russell have broken up. A source says they went through a rough patch after their trip to Japan in April and are taking some time apart. They added that the couple's happy relationship became straightened recently.


I want to say that I was never particularly invested in this relationship. It didn't, like, do much for me, except it introduced me to Taylor Russell. I hadn't heard of her prior to Harry Styles, and then I think she was probably one of the best dressed people at the Met gala. She's kind of, like, an it girl in fashion. And I am grateful to know her now. And I'm sorry that the relationship ended, but, you know, there is hope yet for us.


Oh, okay. I didn't know that he had a girlfriend. I did not know that this was his girlfriend. I saw her at the Met gala. I'm pretty sure she is the person who, every single person who I like who has a take on these things loved her dress. She was wearing Loewe, right?


Yeah, she was definitely like the best dress.


Like, you know, if you add up everyone's score, Eurovision style, she had the highest. Everybody love what you are. I love what she wore. And now I'm. The thing is, like, I didn't know they were dating. I didn't have a thought about their relationship. And now I'm sad.


Yeah, I know. Like now I hadn't heard of her.


Now I have to mourn a relationship that I never even got to celebrate.


I hadn't heard of her before she dated Harry Styles. So let's not more, let's not be sad that it's over. Let's be glad that it happened. And now we have like an it girly to follow.




And she like, she had a couple of like major moments. She wore that like cement jacket to that Paris fashion Week show and got seated next to Anna Wintour. And that video of her taking the jacket off like went super viral cuz I. Anna was like freaking out. Do you know I'm talking about. No, just google Taylor Russell, Anna Wintour.


I will. That seems like something that like went viral on tick tock, you know? And that's the sort of stuff I miss not being on it.


She's just like an it girly of the moment. And I hope she continues to have that sort of energy even though she's not dating her styles anymore. But I read that they had broken up because he like desperately wanted kids. Did you see that?


I saw a take that like, he. He wants kids. And. Yeah, I mean, that makes sense kind of because he's what, 28 and he.


Did just come in a relationship where he was like being a stepfather for many years.


Yeah, he's 30. That's an age where a man might be like, I'm ready to start a family. And that's also an age, she's 29, where she might be like, I'm not ready today. Yeah, let's go our separate ways. And I know, like, there are a lot of women out there who want to give Harry Styles children.


No, but just like imagine not wanting to like seriously, be impregnated by Harry Styles. Like, she's genuinely too cool. Yeah. Like this is like the most on brand thing because what do we know about her? Not much, except that she's exceptionally cool and. Yeah. Oh, Harry. No, I'm not really interested in having your children. Cool.




Could never be me.




Could never be any of us.


Right, so. But hopefully the, you know, the next one's the one. Should we go to the list?


Well, we should definitely add him to the list. I don't know if there's anyone on the list that.


The list kind of skews a little older. Like a lot of with children. Don't you agree?


We should start like an under 35 and an over 35 list.


Did they already date Kami Marone?


They didn't.


They should.


They should.




And I think they're both like the same age ish and on the same level. I feel like she would be down. She's like. I feel like she would be down.


She settled down. She seems mature. Yeah, I think she's 26. Cause isn't that like when Leo Caps calls it a day?


Yeah, but that was like two years ago, so maybe she's like 27.


No, I feel like it was a year ago and she was. His cap is 25. Let's see. Tammy Marrone, age.




26. Okay. Love it.






I do. I think that's actually a good ship too.


Me too.


But if she is 26, like, you know, that is a little bit younger. Maybe she's not ready for kids yet either. But you're right. I don't know why. Maybe I just think that because of the character she played in Daisy Jones, but she feels really mature.


She feels mature and ready for children. And like, the way she dresses too.


She doesn't dress like super young and thotty. She's like very mature.


No. Able to have a rock star as babies, be there as a support system.


Yeah, she's kind of like. This was like kind of the role of a lifetime.


Yeah. She was so good at it because it came so naturally correct. Are you ready for our next story?


What, number three? Yeah.


Charlie Puth is finally reacting to Taylor Swift name dropping him on the tortured poets department.




Sort of. So Taylor Swift, obviously name dropped Charlie Puth in her latest album, TTpd. And he told his Instagram followers on Tuesday he's releasing a new song. My new song, hero, is about when you see someone you love hurting themselves, ruining the things in their life that are good, but you just can't see them. He called it one of the hardest songs he's ever written. He said, I wrote it hoping that you've gone through something similar in your life and that it can fill in the blank for you like it did for me. I'm very excited to share my next album with you, especially this song, because it's a great representation of what's to come. While noting that he has never put out a song like this before, he gave her a shout out, tailored. He said, it's very difficult for me, but I want to thank Taylor Swift for letting me know musically that I just couldn't keep this on my hard drive any longer. Here.


I know I'm obsessed that I didn't know where this was going. I'm like, what the fuck does this song have to do with Taylor Swift? She gave him the confidence. I'm obsessed.


Either she gave him the confidence, like, just because of that lyric, or that lyric inspired a conversation between the two of them. Like, he sent her some new music, and she was like, you have to drop this.


No, I think it's just, like, I don't think we need to look any further than what he's saying. Like, she literally released a song, like, basically saying he's talented and he should be way more popular than he is. And then he said to himself, I am talented. Yeah, I should be more popular than I am.


So I think this song is really good between, like, the swifties who are invested in this whole story. Like, it could be a major song, and there's a reason why it shouldn't be good. He's, like, pitch perfect. He has a perfect voice. He's got, like, music in their talent. He's got the music in his bones.


And, like, this is also just brilliant marketing. We wouldn't be talking about Charlie song.


Of course.


He saved it. He saved the moment for. So he could use it in a promotional way. I respect the hustle.


I seriously do, too. Like, I'm like, May 24 can't come soon enough.


Three days away yeah, three days away.


Till hero drops and I, by the way, I love that word TDth.


Three days till hero.


Don't you love the word hero? It's a word that, like, still means something.


And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside but you know you can survive so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and then you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you yes, I agree. It hasn't been destroyed yet. Like, you're a hero.


Yeah. No, it has not been hero, Gibbs.


Like, running into a burning building.


Yeah. Yeah, sure.




Oh, that's such a big question, turdy Lou.


I would agree. I would say that turdy lose my hero, too.


Also, speaking of ships that have been risen in the waters of swift, Sabrina Carpenter was on SNL. Not a story, just a note. I saw some clips of her performance, and she's just too much.


No, no.


It's so crazy to me that someone who's, like, that adorable and perfect, like, is actually having success, because I feel like it's always, like, you know, I'm always rooting for the Sabrinas of the world, and they never get their flowers, and it's always just like, you know, people who are doing, like, ugly, dark things.


Yeah. Darkness always wins dark.


And, like, she's the light. And I'm, like, so happy that everyone is seeing the light.


And I just read a story. She's slated to announce an arena tour. Like, I couldn't be happier for this girl's success. I completely agree. Girls like her never win. Like, her whole vibe is, like, baby doll. Her esthetic, like, her point of view. And I actually think it's just, like, her genuine, like, interests and esthetic. I love it. Like, the baby doll, the bright colors, feathery.


Like, the vintage feminine girl. Yes. Swirly.


The music matches, the makeup matches. The hair matches.


A girl matches it now. Matches every soul of the girl.


And that's also why I'm in a good mood. Not me popping down to the studio to my Airpods, and that's that. Me espresso. Simeon. I. Oh, emigio espresso. I couldn't be happier for her success. Like, seriously, I love her. I agree. And she killed it on SNL. A lot of people were like, is she gonna reference? You know, and then they were like, Sabrina didn't do anything about Jake Gyllenhaal, like, in her outro, and she gave him a hug. Why should whatever happened between Taylor and Joe outshine this huge moment for her? Like, seriously, I'm glad she didn't, actually. And I don't think Taylor would have wanted that for her either. Like, this is a huge moment. Let's let it be about Sabrina.


Yeah. Except I thought that hug was really friendly for, like, I thought it was definitely, like, your bestie fucking hates ten minute song.


Yeah, but you know what they say about SNL. It's like, that week that you're there, you're, like, in the trenches. It's like camp.


Camp friends. Yeah, yeah.


You have, like, kind of, like, survivors. Like, this bond. Like, I don't know. I could see them having, like, spent long nights. Not love or anything, but you just end up with, like, a real bond to sisterhood.


I feel like he loves her, but she doesn't want him.


I mean, who couldn't love Sabrina?


And he likes, like, a young girl.


I love her and Barry Keoghan, by the way.


Oh, yeah. No, I don't think she looked twice at Jake Gyllenhaal. I think she's like, who's this dirty old man?


No, by the way, he's low key, short. Like, see her next to him.


Based on what we know about him, like, he likes him young and sweet and innocent. That's literally her thing. She's like, he loves.


She's not sweet and innocent, though. I actually think, like, no, no, no. She's too much woman for Jake Gyllenhaal.


She act. It's. It's true. Everything we're talking about, her brand, like, there is also, like, a strength. A strength, no, but also, like, there's maturity there and a little bit of, like, sexual and not a little bit. A lot of sexual innuendo. But she's, you know, a grown woman.




So that's fine. But I feel like he fell in love with her.




And she didn't even notice because, like, ew. Who are you?


Agreed. Grandpa.


Are you ready for our fourth story?


Is it the fourth story that's brought to you by Hill House, the company of your bow today it is. So you guys might know. Hill House. Hill House home. They invented the viral nap dress. It has the most flattering and comfortable fit with their signature smocking. And Hill House is now the ultimate destination for dress girls with the perfect dresses for the summer season. So whether you have a wedding, a vacation, or you just need something comfortable to survive, the heat in Hill House home makes fun fashion. That makes you feel good. And one of our favorite things about Hill House dresses is how easy and versatile they are. You could wear the same dress that you'd wear running errands during the day to a party or a nicer occasion. You can also wear it to work all summer long, and it's a celeb favorite brand. Taylor Swift has worn it. Olivia Rodrigo has been spotted in it. Their commitment to comfort and style applies to all categories, so they sell amazing bedding, robes, pajamas, swim shoes, and then, of course, dresses. I have their pajamas, I have a dress from them, and I also have a robe from them.


They're one of the brands now it's like, okay, everything they make isn't crap. It's amazing. Oh, I need new x. They sell it from Hill House. I'll go get it. They kind of just have that stamp of approval.




I love everything. Everything that I have from them. Their best selling styles are the Ellie, the Ophelia, the Matilda, and the Scarlet. Scarlet's kind of the name on everyone's lips today.




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Thank you.


That's that.


Me espresso our next story, a little, a little drama. Elvis granddaughter Riley Keough is calling Graceland foreclosure sale attempt fraudulent in court docs. So it's a lot of legal organ drama, real estate drama.


Okay, how is it going into foreclosure? Like, pay your bills, I know.


Well, so Riley Keough, Elvis's granddaughter and the heir to Graceland heiress, is calling a foreclosure sale of the famed property fraudulent in a recently filed complaint. The 34 year old is the trustee of the Promenade trust and is seeking to block no Sani investments in private lending LLC from selling Presley's iconic Memphis home in a non judicial sale scheduled for Thursday, May 23. Keough also claims in the complaint that the LLC may not even be a real entity. Her 60 page lawsuit obtained by people on Monday was filed in response to that LLC, the other one, long name, claiming that her late mother, Lisa Marie Presley, borrowed $3.8 million and gave them a deed of trust, encumbering Graceland as security before her 2023 death. Riley alleges that the note and deed of trust are fraudulent and unenforceable. The purported note, indeed of trust, are products of fraud, and those individuals who are involved in the creation of such documents are believed to be guilty of the crime of forgery. She asked that the court straining order against that LLC or any party acting in concert with them from conducting any non judicial sale of the property.


Okay, so she's saying, like, this company's fake, they never worked with Lisa, and they're just like trying fraudulent pull Grayson out from underneath her. That's like really crazy.


Yeah, really crazy.


So at the very least, like, her grand made some poor financial decisions and like, perhaps this company is entitled.


Yeah, well, if that's the case, then they are. But she's saying that's not the case. This isn't even a real LLC. And at the very least, she's getting a restraining order to, I think, halt the foreclosure sale so that the judicial system can figure this out.


You know, I feel like there's so many, like, Elvis estate, I feel like for many years was mishandled, like, it's, like, low key, messy over there. And now that Riley's, like, the sole heir, like, I really hope she gets it together. Like, has Elvis not been through enough? Like, when that guy was stealing from him, his manager, like, literally stole all of his money. Like, can the man rest in peace?


Yeah. Also, I feel like Graceland is landmark. Should be landmark.


It's something.


It's definitely. So who knows? But, yeah, I think she's got a lot of work ahead of her of, like, cleaning this up, but I think she's up for the task.


Yeah. It's, like, really crazy that she's just, like, this girl, like, who was in that Amazon show, but she's, like, the heir to Graceland. It's really crazy to me.


It's not crazy because to me, she was always the heir to Graceland. And then she got an Amazon show.


I had never heard of her. Like, really? I had heard of her, but, like.


I got the role of Daisy Jones. It was Elvis's granddaughter got the role, of course. And I'm sure she was having success in her career and ready to bust out from being Elvis's granddaughter. And now she has to do all this stuff, and her name's constantly. And that's why with Elvis, that's my.


Issue, seriously, with nepotism. Like, it doesn't bother me that they get opportunities when they act like they're not. Like, let's be fucking real. She would never have gotten that role. She would never have gotten that role.


Oh, I agree. I don't think she's acting like she's not. I think she's just like, yes, I am. And also, I'm my own person, and here's what I'm doing. That's great. And she's doing those other things, but now I don't like that she's being pulled back into the Elvis sphere. Zachary.


I don't like when, like, nepo kids, like, want to get out from that. Like, sorry. That's why you're here.


And you'll stay, like, go on tour with his hologram, sing next to him. Elder. One night only, Vegas together, singing the hits. Like, sure.


Are they. Elvis never met. Did he meet his granddaughter? No.




That's also crazy.


Yeah. Because there's two. Yeah. Lisa Marie was like a child, I think.




Yeah. And Priscilla is still alive, right?


Yeah. Riley's mom died, but I think her grandma's alive.


Yes. Yes. But there's, like, contention.




Anyway, so we're constantly talking about her in concert with the Presleys.


I wish in concert. That was like the wrong choice of word because it was confusing.


It was pun.


It was pun.


But it was no pun intended.


It was pun.


It was pun.


It was pun. Twas giving. I have purse.




It's a tick tock joke. You don't get it.


What did you say, though? I couldn't.


I have purse.


It's giving. I have a purse.


I have purse.


Yes. I have.




Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


My God. Our time to. I don't know. I'm feeling a little bright now. I think I'm ready.


Can't see the haters blocking them out. Our fifth and final story. Some content production news we've been waiting for. Yellowstone begins production on their final episodes ahead of slated November 2024.


I have such a hot take.


Don't say it. Let me say this first. Let me just say the deets. Otherwise, I never will.


On May 20, I saw Kevin Costner on the COVID of GQ and his underwear or whatever magazine it was. And it's seriously, like, put your pants on to get to work.


Get on your horse, save the ranch. Stop it.


Put your pants on and go home.


Put your hat on and get these grifters out in Montana.


No, like, actually, like, put your big boy pants on, get the fuck up and go to work.




Seems like nobody wants to work these days.


On May 20, Paramount announced that the second half of season five of the hit western series has started production as filming has begun in Montana. As previously announced, the episodes are still slated to return in November. The second half of the season was initially slated for last November, but due to the writers strike, production was delayed despite much of the cast expressing their desire to return. And then also there was just, like, vibes and inner turmoil.


Bad vibes.


Bad vibes. Kevin was getting a little too big for his britches. Like, Matthew McConaughey is coming in.


And then he also, like, was going through this really, really nasty divorce at the time of all of this.


And, like, doing another movie when it's like, no, you're here to forge on Dutton.


And so my hot take. Cause remind me again, when was the last episode aired? They did a midseason finale.






Like a year ago.


More. More.


Yeah. And then I was.


Because I was in my old apartment, like, seriously? Like, way more. And my hot take is like, seriously. I don't even know if I care anymore. I don't know if I do. I'll have to see when the episode comes back. Like, I'll have to see seriously, if.


I care, I will watch it, and I care. And that show had become, like, a comfort show was becoming like a soap opera towards the end, which I like. Like, it's giving dynasty. Um, my issue is that the magic is ruined a little bit. Like, knowing that everyone kind of fucking hates each other and nobody wants to really be a cowboy anymore.




Like, you had magic in a bottle, and it's not good enough for you.


I agree. It's giving. Like, where's the gratitude? And I think that might emulate. When we watch it, it's like, I'm gonna be thinking, like, no one's here. No one here is grateful.


And there's also, like, competing coffee companies, right?


No, well, there was competing logos, like.


Right, right.


Rip was being sued. Right.


By Taylor Sheridan.


Taylor Sheridan for Rip started a coffee company called Free Reign coffee that had a logo, and the logo obviously looked a lot like ranchy vibes, and it looked a lot like the logo of Taylor Sheridan's coffee worth.


Oh, was it not his boss ranch kraft coffee?


It was coffee wars. It was coffee wars.


It was the coffee wars. Like, that's not good.


Tng. It's gonna make for awkward set atmosphere.


There's not harmony. Harmony. There's acrimony.


That's the perfect use of the word. The set will have an acrimonious atmosphere.


Meanwhile, Kevin's, like, kind of spiraling, hates the show. I feel. This is my feeling, like, at the top of a hat. Like, Matthew McConaughey is, like, waiting in the stable to take over.


Kevin Costner is counting down the minutes to the show ends so he can get paid and go home.


I don't like it.


Not one bit.


Meanwhile, Taylor Sheridan, like, has a whole universe now, so he's kind of, like.


Checked out Zachary, for sure. He's also probably still, like, mentally affected by, you know, like, seeing me at stagecoach and running the other way. Like, he probably is, like, working through that in an emotional sense. So I feel for him. I do.




Cause he was obviously, like, so taken with my beauty that he just had to seriously run the other way and, like, not want to meet me. So I get it.


You know, I just, like, it bothers me that everyone couldn't just keep it together until the show was over and, like. Cause the magic is ruined now.


You know what it's giving, for lack of a better word.




Dublin portal. Like, we can't just have something nice. We can't just have something good.




Yeah. Without humanity pulling its pants down and taking a big dump. On it, literally.


I don't know.


There's, by the way, the portals back. The portals returned with 24 hours surveillance. There's a guard who stands there, and.


What will the guard even do if someone whips out?


Whips a titty out?


Like, you can't touch a person.


Yeah. I don't know, but maybe someone would feel less inclined to do that with, like, a guard. I don't know.


And it's really that important that we talk to Dublin.


That's definitely an interesting way of looking at the situation. Like, what. What do we have to say to one another? And, like, me, what do we have to say that hasn't already been said?


It's so true. And, like, I be down, like, take the portal somewhere else. Like, let's see what the vibes would be if they'd be showing 911 constantly moved. If in Madrid. What's happening in Madrid?


You know what? I definitely would love to see what's going on in Madrid way more than I would like to see what's going on in Dublin. Like, no. Hate to Dublin, but, like. But, hey, you know?


Yeah. I feel like we saw what we needed to see. They saw what they needed to see. And we can call it, like, there's a reason we don't live together.


We can call it. Yeah.


Or, like, what about New York to LA?


No, I'm really not interested in seeing what those freaks are up to. Like, seriously, put me. Put it seriously, like, in the ocean. I would love to watch what goes on in the ocean. You know what I mean? Like, that's interesting. But that's basically just, like, an episode of Planet Earth.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's not a live stream, but still.


Yeah, I would want, like, a live stream to, like, a cool climate. What about, like, Antarctica?




Like, literally. I'm Lisa Vanderpump. I'm in love with dogs, but I'm not crazy about bitches. Like, show me the animals.




Take the. Take the portal to the safari to the Amazon.


Well, there is that new.


And it should be sponsored by Amazon.


There's a new documentary coming out for, like, planet Earth. Do you see that?


For queer animals.


For queer. Yeah.


You know what it reminded me of instantly? Tell me if anybody else had this thought. The monolog from Chuck and Larry.


What's. Oh, dolphins, seahorses.


You know when she says, like, all the queer, all the mammals that, like, mate with the same gender?


Oh, no, I only saw. That was, like, once.


It's this girl's monolog come to life.


That is so funny. Yeah, it's for a pride month. They're doing like queer transparency. Animals out in the wild.


Okay. Trend. The trends.


Trans. Yeah, they said trans. So cool. That'll be interesting.


Yeah. Thank you guys so much for watching the show. I hope everybody has an amazing day. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for listening to the toast of money morning show where we deliver the fastest. I didn't use my reminder. If you watch, if you're watching this on YouTube, please help me subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found. So it's about iTunes. Hit your public radio. I already cast box all the places podcast funnels to five star video. But if you know how stunning, how wickedly talented we are, hope you guys have an amazing day. We'll see you tomorrow for hump day.


Can't friggin wait.


Can't frickin wait.


Love ya. Bye.