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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast and happy Wednesday. A very gyrogeous hump day here at TMT. Am I okay here at TT?


TT. TikTok.


I don't like it.


Is this TikTok headquarters?


I don't like it. That's also what Theo's grandparents used to call him, so it's very triggering. TT.


But we changed our name to the toes, which is the same amount of syllables as TT, less syllables than TMT. So I think we have to be the toast.


Well, if we have to, then we.


Will, and we shall. And we are.


Today's such an exciting day because the official on sale for our toast residency. Yeah, that's right. It's giving Celine Dion. Jackie and I are going to be doing live shows all through New York this summer on Long island and here in New York City, we're doing four shows at the Beacon Theater and four shows at the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts center. All the tickets are now on sale. If you head to the tour, you will get links for all of them. I don't want to. I hate to create panic or sturm and drag, but they're selling. They're selling.


Make haste.


Make haste. Thank you for bringing that up. You just reminded me of something.




I got so much backlash yesterday. An insane amount of backlash for the amount of times I said the word seriously. Somebody said I counted for seven minutes, and she said seriously 18 times.


To what do you attribute I?


Maybe I was feeling very serious.


I think you're maybe feeling very serious. Or maybe I was. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I was making fire points to which you could only respond seriously.


Seriously. I mean, maybe that's my way of, like, shedding annoying. Like, likes, um, you know, maybe that's my way of just sort of shedding my skin. I'll be aware of it. I'll try my best. But seriously. Oh, but there. There are more annoying things than, like, being the girl who says seriously a lot.


For sure. Far sure. And I feel as though we always have a word of the moment, even if it's just, like, totally or agreed, whatever. However we want to. Yeah, emphasize in the sentence. And right now you're feeling serious, and I like a serious swirly.


You're a serious girl. Like, maybe I'm getting it from you.


I am not gonna knock this. And I have to be honest, I didn't notice it, so it can't be that bad. Like, I'm the one who's talking to you, Jackie. I'm bothering me. Then everyone should let up on letter. Okay.


She does a lot coming to my.


She does a lot for the community. She's very serious about it.




Sorry. Come on. Like, seriously, how much are you nitpicking?


No, by the way, like, I'm sorry I take my job so seriously. I'm sorry that I'm committed to delivering, like, the best, most intense episodes every morning. I'll stop. How about that?


That's how you know we're perfect. That's the critique of our show yesterday, is that we said seriously too much.


And, Jackie, I'm not referring to one comment seriously. I guess I do say a lot. There was, like, 25.


I saw some of them. And I guess in place of seriously, it has usurped the word literally. Because all the times you're saying seriously right now, you would have been saying literally. And to me, they're both equally dumb and nonsensical, and so I don't care.


Jackie, when I tell you I spread rented to work today to tell you this story that I overheard the most actually insane, abusive phone conversation. I only heard one side.




This woman on the street.


Okay, okay.


Not dead ass. I just know the person on the other line was a toaster. I'm like, I need to speak to this person. Okay, okay.


Maybe they'll be writing into dear toasters, which will be tomorrow, because we're recapping Vanderpump rules today.


And I don't want to be too descriptive, but, like, if your mom did a workout class this morning and then immediately left and started screaming at you, and today is your birthday. Seriously, like, you have my heart. I overheard seriously? Oh, seriously?


You have my heart. I overheard.


Seriously the most deranged conversation. This woman behind me is like. I'm like, why are you talking so loud? And then I realized she was yelling, but, like, in, like, a normal voice. So she goes, and what did you do today? Okay, so you woke up and then did what? Okay, so let me tell you how it works. You wake up and you call your mother on your birthday. I'm the reason you're in this fucking world. I was like, holy shit. I turned around. I'm like, is this woman kidding? It was so crazy, so deranged. And she was, like, with a friend who was, like, laughing. I'm like, oh, you're both fucking toxic, scary ass moms. She was like, are you gonna apologize? And I'm standing there walking Romeo. Thank God for Romeo. I could, like, stall and, like, literally follow her. I'm like, oh, no, he's walking. Oh, my God. It was so crazy. I got such a pit in my stomach. For the girl on the other line. It's literally her birthday. I would say her mom, she had, like, you know, she had had work done, so it was tough to. She had, like, botox and, like, filler.


So I would say she was about 50. She had a great body. Leaving. Leaving a workout class here. I'll say this. A very trendy workout class.


You do the workout class? No, no loitering.


I was loitering outside the workout facility. And, like, I always see people I know coming in and out. Like, I know. I know this woman's daughter. Like, I always see people I know coming in and out of this class. She was so crazy and so mean. And seriously, I got such a pit in my stomach for the girl whose birthday was like, so you wake up on your birthday, your crazy ass mom calls you, screaming at you that you didn't call her on your birthday.




So I would say the daughter's probably a teenager. Like, that was the age I was getting from just the vibes.


Well, happy birthday to you. If you are a toaster, I hope other than that you're having a great day and that you didn't call your mom. Cause you were so busy doing fabulous things because you're having a great day. That's what I hope for you. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you what else.


Is going on with you? Oh. Oh, we already promoted our tickets. I was like, wait.


Number of things going on with me. One. Number of them. One finished. The teacher by Frieda McFadden.


Plot twist.


Slay all day as she does. The twists were twisting.


I've never accurately predicted a Frieda twist.


No, I know. And because I read half two days ago and the rest last night, I had the whole day yesterday to kind of think about what I think is gonna happen, and I couldn't. And I don't even like trying to spoil the book. Like, I just want to enjoy the read. So I finished it late last night. It was really good. Highly recommend. Like, I'm back in the reading swing of things, and that's great. That's great.


That's great.


I took two days off of my sourdough, and everything kind of fell to pieces. But yesterday I fed them. I have two jars going of two different ratios, and it is clear which one is better is the winner. So now I know what my ratio should be. I shall feed it today. I need to keep feeding it. It's definitely not, like, a ready, active starter. And so I'm on my. I'm back on my journey. I have some answers, and I feel good about that. And I got, like, better sourdough starter jars. I was using mason jars, which are good for a beginner, but if you really want to level up, you need a wide mouth jar so you can really mix. And I got them, which are good for a slob. Yeah, kind of like for a peasant. Sure.


Okay, so beginner. So you're saying you're not a beginner. What would you say you are? Intermediary?


No, no, I'm still a beginner, but, like, beginners beginner. Also, me calling you a peasant, like, this is literally free bread. No, like, I'm being a peasant, right?


No, like, you're making your own bread.


Like, the aristocrats would never, would never.


Whatever. Do I look bald?




Okay. I'm wearing my hair up. And a headband, like, that's not bald. Energy.


I can't see the headband. I was wondering. I got it so pulled.


Okay, here's the trick to getting a pulled ponytail. Wear a fucking headband. I can never get a ponytail, like, on top of my head without. Seriously, 45 bumps. Seriously, without 45 bumps.


Yeah, that wouldn't work for me because that headband is not the same color as my hair. Because I'm saying, like, it looks to be the same color as your hair.


I didn't even realize my brunette privilege.


Brunette privilege. It's true. I. I tizza.


Well, I hope, because I'm getting ready for another day of traversing around this gorgeous town. Yesterday I was at the park. I couldn't be stopped. Yesterday, I did soda method outside. I went to the park. I took tromeo. Like, I couldn't be stopped. Like, seriously, you will not catch me answering an email for the remainder of, like, summer has begun. Do not. I will do the toast every day, and that's literally it. Like, I'm just. I can't be held back to the confines of my nine to five job. Like, I can't.


Yeah, well, enjoy the weather.


It's so sick. You guys went for a walk today. I'm kind of, like, starting a walking club with my friends, and a lot of them have babies, so I feel like bringing a baby to the park.


Is like, that's perfect, and that's me.


Being a supportive friend.


Walking with babies, that's, like, half the job.


It's half the job, right. And then I'm probably gonna traverse and find a nice place with an outdoor.


Lunch setup, alfresco dining.


So all I'm saying is, like, don't look for me today. I'm wearing biker shorts, my hocus, and I brought a fanny pack. Like, it's over.


Yeah. And now I'm jealous because I was wearing more, like, athletic clothing this morning for my morning things. And then I ran home and changed and, like, got fancy for the toast. But now I'm like, why did I do that? I was literally dressed so similar to you. I was wearing shorts and oversized girly tee.


I wore that yesterday on my walk. I meant to tell you, like, what's the word attire? Dress code for the remainder of the season here on the toast, at least for me, is, like, a biker short. Like, I'm not getting dressed up in the summer. Like, because I. Seriously, I'm gonna be traversing. Like, I'm gonna get, like, 40,000 steps in a day. Like, don't. You're not gonna catch me looking nice on the toast unless I have something important afterwards.


Oh, okay. I don't love that for, like, both of us.


And then when you come to New York and we end up doing the show together, like, same energy.


Oh, I was thinking, like, seam lot energy.


Oh, my God. We're on different paths. Like, my summer days are gonna be spent outside. Like, I'm literally gonna. Like, I wanna be so tan. I want my legs to be so strong from all the walking that I'm doing.


I guess I'm just used to, like, I do the toast and I immediately change. Like, whatever I'm wearing for the toast that day is not what I'm wearing for the day.


I know, but you toast in your house. I don't. Like, I'm already out.


Yeah, yeah, you're already exactly, so. Okay. Different strokes for different folks.


Different seamless for different Shimla's.


That's us. Shimla's.


So we've got a great show today because last night was part two of the Vanderpump reunion. We will be doing an official tv recap at the end of the fast five. Talking about reunion part two, which was a little slow.


Yeah. But I enjoyed it. Like, I was really looking forward to it all day. I had my dinner, and then I was, like, so excited to sit down for the reunion. It had me off my phone, which is always good, and I enjoyed my time with it, so I'm not complaining, you know.


Oh, I complain about anything. You're just feeling positive today.


Yeah, I'm just like, okay, it was something nice to watch. Next week is the one where they're watching the finale together. It's going down.


You're yelling, timber.


But my tivo cut off the preview for next week, so.


Well, my recording tv, like, yeah, yeah.


It cut off the preview for next week, so I don't even know what's in store.


I actually also have YouTube tv, and mine was also cut off. So I saw, like, the first 5 seconds of Andy being like, none of you have seen those.


And also, my beginning was cut off a little. I didn't get the. Here's what was on last part. I got the tail end of it, actually.


I don't know what mine was.


Maybe it was just a longer episode. Yes.


I also started season three of hacks this week. Such a good show. Although the fatal flaw of it is, like, I cannot fucking stand that girl.


Cannot fucking stand.


She is positively dreadful. And I think she's actually doing a good job as an actress. She's meant to be, like, the worst millennial. Like, there's a roast, and Deborah's getting ready for it, and she's like. I mean, roasts are problematic. Like, shut the fuck up. Like, they're funny. She's just, like, a token, disgruntled, energy, like, blue haired millennial. Like, well, they're all very inclusive. Like, shut up. She's so fucking annoying. I can't stand her. And, like, she's, like. She wears outfits, like, seriously, to bother me. Like, she's walking around in these, like, big jeans and socks. Like, I can't really explain why her jeans bother me so much, but they're quintessential, disgruntled millennial.


Yeah. Yeah. Also, what everyone is talking about right now, I'm not sure if you're gonna watch, is Bridgerton.


I am not gonna watch.


You're done.


It's not that I'm done. I. Seriously, it pains me to say it, but, like, I can't. Do you know why?


Part one, I don't think it's because of this, but this is why I probably won't watch this. Cause, like, it's only part one of this season, and part two drops in a few weeks.


No, literally, this girl has been doing press for Bridgerton for months and has been wearing, literally, the blood of jews on her fucking jacket. She wears that big, red, dumb, stupid hand. Literally. Oh, my God, it bothers me so much. Yes. She's wearing that red pin, which is, like, artists for ceasefire, which is just a bunch of artists who know nothing. And the pin is a red hand. And what is that red hand? Oh, it's from a very famous image of, literally, a palestinian terrorist killing two jews and showing his hands up to everyone being like, look, I have the blood of the jews on my hand. Fuck her. Fuck Bridgerton. Fuck everyone. I'm not watching.


Didn't know that. Fuck her. Fuck Bridgerton. Fuck everyone. I'm not watching. And no offense, I wasn't interested in her storyline, okay? I said.


Oh, she said it.


Like, sorry, but you're not Daphne.


No, I wanted to watch because I love Bridgerton. And, like, they set the scene, like, what's gonna happen between these two friends to lovers? And I've heard.


I literally. I was gonna watch because I enjoyed the first two seasons, but, like, I seriously don't give a rip. Like, if I never characters.


No, worse.


If I never know what happens to her and Colin, I'll be okay.


I ain't watching.


Not watching. Well, thanks. It just took something off my content plate. And now when people are like, why aren't you talking about Bridgerton?


Yeah, no, by the way, I'm literally actively avoiding Bridgerton.




Yeah, I'm divesting from Bridgerton and sanctioning. Yeah. So you might ask. Respectfully, of course. And, yeah, I'm not watching it, so sorry.


Respectfully and seriously, I'm watching hax.


I'm mourning the loss of young Sheldon. I'm keeping up with Vanderpump royals, even.


Though I'm pretty sure I don't want to smear her. But I'm pretty sure your least fave swirly, like, was doing least fave things.


Wait, what?


From hacks? What's the actress's name?


Which one?


The worst one.


Oh, Hannah Einbender.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's, like.


She's jewish, by the way.


She's like, a jewish voice for peace. You know, capital J, capital v, capital P. Yeah, we all want peace. We all want peace.


Oh, my God. Hate. Okay. I knew I was right to hate her.


Yeah. Hold on. Let me just confirm. But I need to. I just need to confirm before I, you know, slander.


Where did you see these things?


It was just so, like, I'm reminded that I saw this, but it's. Nothing's coming up. Hold on.


Nothing on her instagram.


Hold on. Hold the phone.


You take it back.


I take it back. I'm not seeing anything.


Okay, we take it back. Yeah, we can still watch hacks, by the way. I feel like this season in particular, they are really leaning into, like, the Joan Rivers. They have said that, like, yes. The character is inspired by, but, like, it's literally Joan. It's all about late night and the show she lost. Yeah, that's Joan.


That. Yeah.


Like, it is.


So there's the Joan bio pic we were looking for.


And by the way, it's excellent. Like, I'm okay with that.


I couldn't have casted anyone better than.


Than Gene smart. Like, seriously, I fucking love that woman. Like, the show is so good.


It brings. It's confusing. I was gonna say Gene Hackman, because, like, it's hacks. Yeah, but he's the one. I feel like vomiting.


And I do sometimes, like, I speak of vomiting. We are gonna use our platform today to send well wishes to our little.


Sister, Margot Satchel Kratchel.


Satchel Kratchel, who we adore. You know, she works so hard. She's hustling. She's at a work trip. She's on a flight. She's on the flight last night, and she fainted. She's never fainted before in her life. And it's actually, the way she was describing it to us, really scary. She said, I literally just walk up on the floor. I don't even remember the moments leading up to it.


That's so, so scary.


So we're sending healing wishes, positive energy, and refwash Lima to our sister.


And you snitches always write to her when we say anything about her. So make sure you send that to us to use snitches to send it to the snitch.


Yeah, capital s. Get well soon.


Reflewish layma. And now I do think, without further ado, it's time for the stories. Cause I really wanna talk about vanderpump rules. So, without further ado, it's time for the fast five stories that you need to know so that we can talk about vanderpump rules and the vast I.


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Guadanti our first story, something that's becoming a bit of a pattern, and it's not a good one for Kelly Rowland, who was spotted scolding a security guard on the cam film festival red carpet. Do you see this video?


Oh, my God. No.


You didn't see this?


No, I didn't. And, you know, I see everything, especially.


If I saw it.


No, literally. And by the way, this. And because this is something that would come across my desk, like, this is a developing story.




By the way, Daily mails is saying it was an assistant, but then it's both bad.


It was a working person on the carpet in a suit, a woman.


And look at that finger.


Yeah, watch. There's a video that's going viral of her clearly speaking harshly to someone working on the Cannes film festival red carpet.




Yeah. So a report from page six has come out. Kelly Rowland scolded a Cannes film festival security guard because she was coming. The security guard was becoming too, quote, aggressive. And the singer, quote, doesn't care if she's coming off as a diva. The destiny's child alum had been attending the primary premiere of the french film Marcelo Meot on Tuesday when a female guard held up her arm to guide Roland up the famed red steps. The gesture didn't appear to sit well with Kelly Rowland, who scolded and held up her left index finger to admonish the woman in front of everyone. And now an insider has claimed to the Daily Mail that the performer had had it with the staff on the carpet. An insider says the people who are assigned to help stars walk the carpet were being aggressive and Kelly was trying to ignore it. By the time she got to the last woman, she had had it because she scolded Kelly and told her to move when she was trying to wave to fans and help the paparazzi get their shot. The source added that the actress wanted to set a clear boundary with the security staffer.


The source said, she doesn't care if she comes across like a diva if she knows that she's advocating for herself. She isn't fake.


Oh, my God. So I'm watching it, by the way, it's a lot of, like, annoying people. Like, yeah, this one. Like, the people are definitely being annoying, but, like, obviously it's their job and they know. Oh, okay, hold on. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. My God. I just want to say, like, like, hands down, this woman was being incredibly annoying. But this woman was literally doing her job and there was another guy doing it with her. But Kelly Rowland is literally standing in front of thousands of media camera. Right. The world media. And so for her to act like that in public, like, dead ass. I can only imagine what a nightmare she is behind the scenes. Like, I'm sorry. Once. Once can be explained away twice in.


A couple of months of that GMA thing. And the dressing room wasn't nice enough. And, like, can literally is one of the biggest red carpets and stages in the world. Like, the biggest.


And they've got it down to a science. Like, you're gonna get your picture, don't worry.


No. And the biggest people come through there, like, yeah. And they can find a way to not yell at people. Like, I'm sure it's frustrating, but I'm sure the people working the event are. I'm sure it takes a lot to put on this carpet.


No, no. By the way, we can say however many times or however many different ways. Like, yeah, those people were being annoying. They were doing their job. And at the end of the day, even if they weren't, let's say they were, they were doing their job incorrectly. In no world are you as a grown woman allowed to talk to another person like that. Like, seriously, who the fuck do you think you are? Like, seriously, calm down.


Yeah, I mean, this as far as, like, a pr spin goes, I think this is an interesting good one to say. She doesn't care if she comes across like a diva if she knows that she's advocating for herself. And I feel like advocating for yourself.


That's literally gaslighting.


Like, I know. Like, typically we're like, yeah, advocate for yourself. But now it's like. But also, don't be rude to others. So these are conflicting.


No. Also throwing in, like, she's trying to say hi to the fans. Like, makes her look like a woman of the people. It's kind of a brilliantly crafted statement.


No. And she's helping the paparazzi get their shot.


Right? Like, as if they've ever needed help.


As if they can't, they didn't get it. Like, it's literally a 0.5 2nd thing.


As if it isn't their literal job. And you're literally one of a hundred famous people on that carpet. And not. Not to be weird, you're literally, like, not even the most famous one there.


Not by a mile.


And like, did you see that insane video of Anya Taylor Joy in Cannes?




For some reason, she's, like, walking the streets with no security and, like, one person is with her. And this person is so ill equipped for what happens. And she's wearing this enormous hat, like, seriously, it's like 12ft wide and the paparazzi, like, seriously, are inches from her and she's just like, walking down the street trying to get to her car and she remains so, like, seriously, I would have punched someone in the fucking throat. She remains so calm and actually to the point where she looked scared. Like, it was scary.


Go see it.


Like, people in, like, the media and Cannes are obviously nutty is the point I'm trying to make. But this is like, that was on the streets. Like, in lawlessness. The red carpet is an extremely organized event. This isn't the first Cannes film festival to ever happen. It's not going to be the last. I am sure they've got it down to a science. So I'm sorry, I'm just really. I'm not gonna make an. I, like, love Kelly Rowland and, you know, I love to make excuses for people that I like, but there's really no excuse to talk to somebody like that. Like, seriously, it's so rude and, like, demeaning.




When this person's literally just doing their.


Job, especially, like, what? Talk about a power imbalance, you know?


Right. No, and Kelly, like, she didn't put her hands on Kelly. She was just like, gesturing and being fucking annoying, for sure. But seriously, you can't talk to people like that. It's really rude.




So, so the, so, like, the jury's out on whether Kelly Rowland, like, is this, like, nasty diva, but all signs are pointing to. Yeah. Like, how many pieces of evidence do we need?


Right? And it's not.


I'm still holding out, like, a tiny bit of hope.


And it's not even, like, the. The source is saying is not denying it. I mean, what can you deny? We saw the video, but, like, there could have been a spin. This has just been like, yeah, she did that shit. What are you gonna do about it? She has boundaries. That's another thing. Like, boundaries. We. We typically want boundaries.


No, no. To use therapy talk in your defense is brilliant. Like, what are we gonna say? Yeah, you shouldn't advocate for yourself like, you should, but yelling at someone who's trying to help you isn't advocacy for yourself.


But no, it's a. It's a pretty good spin.


No, the next time, like, I get backlash, I'm gonna say, listen, I'm putting out my boundaries and I'm advocating for myself. And seriously, like.


Yeah, period. Seriously. That's like when everyone said, you said seriously too much. You're advocating for yourself in a serious manner. Like, who are you to thank you. Look down at that.


I just feel like the more buzzy therapy words you have in your statement, the less likely you are to get backlashing. She really kind of did. What's the word I'm looking for? Detonate. Like, a little bit. Was that the word?




No, not detonate. What's opposite views? Yes. She defused the bomb a little bit. We were all about to be like, I don't like, wait, she's setting boundaries.


She's setting.


Oh, well, you didn't say you were setting boundaries. Yeah. So you did.


So funny.


So funny. It's almost as if that lady working at the Cannes film Festival was also setting boundaries. She was like Kelly used to be.


She was to be actual boundary. But it's also like, if you don't want people in your space and people surrounding you and, like, you want to set boundaries, like, maybe don't walk like the biggest red carpet in the world, stay home in front of thousands of cameras and adoring fans and people, like, set your boundaries and stay home.






Like, sounds like no one can really.


No one can violate your boundaries if you're just home alone by yourself.


Also, nobody can violate your boundaries if you're boundless, which I kind of am.


Yeah. I feel like I have a couple boundaries.


Yeah. Mine's like, kind of my goodreads. And that's it. My goodreads is gonna stay private. And I hear the cries of my adoring fans. Turdy, turdy. We need to know what you're reading. I don't know. What about it? Having a public goodreads actually made me feel uncomfortable.


Okay. She said in Mauser she's advocating for herself. And we actually talked about this on the Patreon episode that dropped yesterday. Claudia and I just did, like, a little podcast episode. General Q and A. On our Patreon. People ask us questions. We answer them. Not from the bath.


As honestly as we could.


Not from the bath.


Not from the bath. But that would be a fun segment one day.


Are you ready for our next story? A little more Kelly news Clarkson. No, actually.






Kelly Pickler?




Kelly Cotrone?




Kelly Teller? No. Fuck Kelly.


Like, this person is Ripper. No, but that's a really good guess. This person is actually not a Kelly, now that I think about it. Like, her name is Kelly, but she doesn't have that Kelly energy.


Oh, but it's a her. Okay.


Oh, yeah.


Kelly. Okay. I don't know. It's really bothering me.


Kelly Osborne.


In the sense that.


Yeah, in the sense that Kelly Osborne is dismissing and talking about her former fashion police co host Juliana Rancic. In a most recent episode of her family's podcast, the Osbournes podcast, they talk about Juliana. So what? Juliana, Juliana, I drink a lot of water. So they mentioned Juliana on the show, and her brother said, I have not seen anything from Juliana in a very long time. To which Kelly replied that she wouldn't know because as far as I'm concerned, she doesn't exist. Oh, yeah, she said, 1 second. She said, we don't need to give her fucking anything about Juliana Rancic. They were just, like, talking about her. And the ordeal with Zendaya from back in the day, that, like, Julio. Yeah, that ended the show. Fashion police, that was just like, the.


Way fashion police went down in, like, a blaze of disglory and how that was after Joan ended. Right? So nobody really even cared anymore. Did I say after Joan ended? After Joan died. Excuse me.




And then, like, Melissa sat in and it's like, please. And like, where in the world is George Katziopoulos? And the fact that there's literally a man named George Katziopoulos and George Stephanopoulos and they both work in media is, like, crazy to me.


I guess you're right.


And they kind of look like they're like short, greek brunette men. George Stephanopoulos is, like, news. Yeah. And I actually recently got a manicure. I sat next to him. Did I say that story on the toast?


No, that's something you would have shared with us.


Yeah, I got a manicure and I was like, 90% sure it was him. Like. And then I posted, I think I said, no, no. I said, I said on my instagram, I was like, I think I just got a manicure next to George Stephanopoulos. And somebody dm me, she's like, yeah, I'm a pa at whatever show. And he does get manicures. And he does. She happens, like, nowhere I live. But I got confirmation.


And then Catzy Opelous is like an entertainment reporter. Fashion swirly.


Like, not, I don't even think he was an entertainment reporter. I think he was, like a stylist with a good personality. That was a great cast. Like, we hadn't really heard of him, but he obviously had insider like info.


And he was not, you know, you need a mix.


But he, I don't think he, like, went on to do more media stuff.


Would, you know if he did?




So anyways, let me get to the story. So Kelly Osborne dismissed Juliana as irrelevant in her family's podcast. She said, we don't need to give her fucking anything. After Sharon Osborne mentioned Juliana, Kelly's brother Jack and their father, Ozzie recalled when Kelly was wrongly accused of making the, quote, fucking racist comment about Zendaya's hair on the talk show.


Said it.


Juliana said it. But then Zendaya was like, I mean, sorry. Kelly was, like, accused. People got confused and thought it was Kelly. I guess Kelly got some of the backlash, like, splashed onto her, when in reality, it was Juliana who said that Zendaya, Zendaya hair smelled like patchouli oil and weed. Yes.


That's a fucking crazy thing to say, right?


So then Jack said he hasn't seen anything from her in a long time, to which Kelly replied, she wouldn't know. As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't exist. Zendaya had condemned the comment at the time, as did Kelly. But, like, clearly, Kelly and Juliana do not speak.


Never worked past it.


Bad blood. But that's actually kind of surprising from Kelly that she would not be able to, like, give grace and forgive and move on from the situation when, like, what she said was worse was gonna be cleaning your toilets. Donald Trump.


Donald Trump. Yeah.


Was worse. And so she knows what if. What it's like to, like, feel, to try and say something and feel misunderstood.


And if you kick every latino out of this country, then who's gonna clean your toilets? Donald Trump. Oh, no, that's not. I mean, in the sense that. Seriously.


So there must be, like, other stuff. I mean, I at least, I think, like, if she's really holding on to that when she's been on that position and, like, knows her heart, so there has to be other stuff where, like, she thinks she knows Juliana's heart and she's like, that's not someone I want to associate with outside of that one comment, because to end things, like, over one comment, when she literally knows how it feels.




To say something and not mean it that way, but it comes off that way.


Zachary I also recently did go on a Juliana Rancic stock. She seems to be doing well. You know, she's got her restaurants that are super, super popular. She's like a chain of steakhouses, italian, something in, in Chicago that are super pops. I think she also does QVC, and her and Bill are just, you know, empire building, family building, and I think they live a nice, quiet life.


Good, good. Also, what was I going to say about Miss Kelly O.


So funny. You're right. She's not a Kelly. No, not in the sense that, you know, Clarkson Ripa and Teller are right.


Exactly. So that also, all to say, like, the Osborne family has a podcast, right?


That's good to know.


If you wanted to go listen.


I didn't, but thank you.


Are you ready for our next story?


I am.


Some of your least favorite news.




DUI. Don't say that about food.


Oh, yeah.


Southern charm alum Katharine Dennis has been arrested and charged with a DUI. Katherine Dennis was arrested in South Carolina and charged with driving under the influence. The former southern charm star was stopped by the Goose Creek Police Department in Berkeley deportment in Berkeley, South Carolina, just after 10:00 p.m. local time and issued a traffic ticket on May 20, according to a police report obtained by people charged with a DUI for the transport of alcohol that had been opened. Per police, one of the responding officers told a colleague that Dennis was possibly impaired upon stopping her, and another officer wrote in the report that she had glass, glossy eyes. Do they mean glassy? I guess both work. Glossy eyes and an odor of alcohol coming from her. She was then arrested for driving under the influence. She's scheduled to be appear in court on June 4. Yikes. Bikes. Yikes, bike spikes. Should have drove a bike.


Should have driven. Anything else? Drove in. No, like, sorry, I have no choice but to hate. And also the fact that, you know, this is a person who's really struggled custody wise, this does not bode well for whatever case. It's always ongoing. I feel like Thomas is always trying to screw her, and now he has, like, a legitimate legal leg to stand on. And I mean this in the most unironic way. Do better.


Yeah. I was just looking at her instagram the other day because she posted, like, a cute photo and with her son and her brother and her son, like, is just so big now. And I was just like, oh, wow, things are going well for Katherine, but things are not.


No, you jinxed it. Not to blame you.


No, I didn't say it, though. I just, like, thought it, and I enjoyed their photo, and I moved on. And I'm sad to see this. You know, I've always written for Katherine.


I know you have, but you have to officially, like.


But I unmount the whole, I can hold my faves accountable. So not good. A really disappointed custody situation, especially because, like, in the early days of the custody situation, like, her drinking was the issue. She had, like, had to go to rehab, and she had to stay sober. And so for then it to become a pattern does not. It's good for her, nor is it good it doesn't look good, and it isn't good.


And Thomas isn't the type to, like, let it go. He's gonna use this to his advantage. He's like a litigious prick. Yeah, but actually, and I. And I know they're like, seriously, he's a horrible person too, but it's like, where would the kids seriously be better off if she's drinking and driving? Yeah, but he's also a freak who, like, fucking dates, like, eleven year olds. I don't know.


No, and he's like, there's a lot of allegations he's never been, like, held to court in anything, so can't, like, swing it. But the nanny, there was bad stuff.


Yeah, there was very bad stuff.


So, yeah, do better. For real.


Like, seriously, like, I hope you're listening and unironically learning.


Mm hmm. Are you ready for our next story? Which is what? Fashion news number four. Did you see Anne Hathaway paired a gap shirt dressed with millions of dollars in Bulgari diamonds?


Not me missing, like, all the stories today. Usually when you're like, did you see? I saw two days ago and I.


Saw this a couple times before. I was like, you know what? This is pretty fabulous and I'm choosing it.


Okay, I'm looking.


She was at a Bulgari jewelry event in Rome on Monday and she stepped out in a glamorous white shirt dress from gap. She looked unreal. And it's just ironic, she's also wearing millions of dollars in jewelry.


Okay. I was like, looking for these photos and I'm like, scrolling through pictures, I'm like, okay, this is obviously not it. Not in the white dress. I thought you wore like a seriously, like a gap sweatshirt.


No, no.


Like, it's gap on it.


It's a summer dress from gap. It's a custom creation by Zach Posen, gaps recently appointed creative director and executive vice president.


I didn't know that, by the way.


Me neither. But this is a great advertisement. I love this dress.


I mean, she looks sick. She. She's had such an interesting transition over the last couple of years. Like, obviously, you know, there was a time when she was, like, so hated and like, people just thought she was so annoying. And then, yes, she's come out of that, which is super impressive. But like, how she also came out of it. It's like the it girl of fashion.




Was she at the Met gala?


I don't think this year.


That's so weird cuz she's so fashiony.




No, I think you're right. I don't.


I don't. If she was, I don't remember.


No, the last time she was, I think, was last year where she wear that Versace dress, like, all the pins in it.


She looks amazing.


She did look amazing. I wonder why she wasn't there this year. Because she's, like, doing promo and, like, a lot of things. Like.


Yeah, she is. Well, maybe she was just, like, busy in Roma.


In Roma, she's, like, never in America. Does anybody else feel that? Anytime I see a picture of Anne Hathaway, she's in, like, a european city.


Yeah, it's true. I feel like she actually. She, like, emerges, and she's everywhere for a second, but then she kind of hibernates, and I feel like she's a good work life. She has, like, a lot of peace in her life, I feel.


I think.


She's not out there. Like, we don't think about her. We don't talk to her. We don't say, like, where is she? She's kind of left alone. She's carved out a nice place for herself.


Yeah. And, like, when it comes to her personal life, I know she's, like, married with x amount of kids. I don't know her kids names. I don't know how many she has. I don't know the name of her husband. I actually agree. I think she has, like, a private, private life.




While also being, like, incredibly famous and successful. And I think getting all that hate taught her that. Like, she. The things that are actually important to her, like, her kids and her husband. Like, she doesn't want them to be a part of that.


No, but, like, literally, she's not been in anything. Maybe one or two things. I'll go to her IMDb that's flopped. Like, she knows how to pick them, and she, like. No, she's a great actress, so it doesn't flop because she's, like, holding it down.


Yeah. Les Mis. The idea of you. Devil wears Prada, princess diaries, the intern.


Our favorite movie. Bride wars.


Oh, good.


I'm sorry, there's one flop in here.




The hustle with Rebel Wilson. Did you ever see it?


No, I didn't. But that was. I feel like that was actually, like, a bad time in her career.


That was a really.


I'm sorry. I did see it.


It was so bad. Yeah, it was offensively bad.




Princess diaries. Did you say that?




Broke back Mountain. Didn't know she was in that. Have you?


Oh, my God, yes. Okay. I saw it for the first time recently. Not recently. Like, during COVID I was like, I've never seen Brokeback Mountain, and I call myself an ally. Jackie. It was so fucking good.




It was so good.


Well, that makes sense. It, like, won so many awards.


No, and I know, like, for, like, gay men, like, that scene where they're, like, fucking in the tent is, like. It was, like, a coming out moment for, like, so. So many guys, like, realized they were gay, and, like, I got it. Like, the movie was incredible, by the way. It was so sad. Oh, my God. Like, just these two gay cowboys who, like, couldn't and wouldn't. Like, they would not live that life. Like, and so Anne Hathaway plays one of their wives. I forget which one. I think she's Heath Ledger's wife. And so they go, like, literally, they, like, fall in love once. I forget where they meet. And then every year, they take a fishing trip, and they're like, I'm going fishing with my buddy, and it's like.


This gay thing, and they're fucking.


And then. Can I spoil it for you?


Well, sure, because I probably won't watch it. But you've made it. I do want to, but spoil it. Go ahead.


And at the end of the movie, like, jake Gyllenhaal, it's like, it's 15 years go by, and on the 15th camping trip, he's like, I can't fucking do this anymore. Like, I'm gay. I love you, and, like, let's go be gay. And I know it'll be hard. I'm like, well, get beat up, but it'll be worth it. And Heath Ledger's like, fuck, no. We are not, like, being gay.


What time period is it set in? That's a good. A period piece.


No, no, it's not a period piece, but it's. It's not current.


I feel like it's, like, 1963. Okay.


Oh, wow. Okay. That was later. That's, like, technically a yeah. Yes, it is. So after this fishing trip, Jake Gyllenhaal's like, listen, if you won't be with me, like, we're not doing this anymore. I'm out. And Heath Ledger's like, fine, you're out. Bye. Heath Ledger's just, like, really toxically closeted. Like, he, like, is, like, kind of like a, you know, like one of those guys who, like, you know, beats up gays but is also gay.


You know, like that guy from glee.


Exactly. But I don't think in the movie, he's. Ledger beats anyone's up. He kind of minds his own business, but so he goes back to his wife, Anne Hathaway, and, oh, she knows, because they get. They're getting messy. She's helping him pack up his things. He comes back from the fishing thing. She takes a box of tackle back. It hasn't even been touched. Then the next year, Jake Gyllenhaal comes to be to pick him up. And they're getting sloppy. They're kissing in the. In the dumpster like she sees it. So he comes back, and then Jake Gyllenhaal, you know, goes on his merry way, and Heath Ledger's, like, living in regret. He's, like, so upset. And I think he goes to find Jake Gyllenhaal and tell him the truth. But at that point, Jake Gyllenhaal has left his wife, is living the gay life and gets killed, and it's too late for them. And Heath Ledger's just crying. Crying. It was very powerful.




Oh. And they meet because they both get this, like, weird job being, like, park rangers or something, and they have to, like, watch. Oh, they're like, they're sheepmen. They have to watch the sheep so that the sheep don't disappear. But then there's this one scene where they get kind of carried away and start fucking. And they stop looking after the sheep.


And the sheep run amok.


The sheep run amok. They're herders. Herders. Right. You have to keep the sheep in a herd. It's an amazing movie.


Wow. It sounds really good.


I forgot Anne Hathaway was in it. Cause let's be real. It's so not about her.


Yeah. Hmm. Maybe I will watch it once enough time has passed. And I forgot your recap.


Yeah. Cause I did just, like, spoil it. Cause I had no idea. And then when Heath ledger goes to find Jake Gyllenhaal and he's literally dead, I'm like, you're kidding.




It was giving, you know, right person wrong time.


Yeah. It's. To say the least.




Well, she was also Inela enchanted, a classic.


Like, it. Like I said, the queen doesn't flop.


Ocean's eight. Where did we all land on that? As a society, you and I saw.


It together in theaters. Right? I know I saw it in theaters.


I know I saw it in theaters. So, yeah, maybe we're next to each other. I liked it.


I enjoyed it. And I think as a society, that's it was done right. Like, if you're gonna do a man's thing as a woman, like, you can't fuck it up. Like. Cause then they'll be like, this is why women shouldn't do things. So don't do something unless you're gonna make it amazing. And that movie was incredible, for sure.


But don't they do that all the time, like Madam Webb?


Yeah. No, and seriously, it's bad for women.


Yeah, no, but I feel like I really enjoyed the movie, but. And then it actually got me watching other oceans movies, and I'm like, oh, this is a good franchise. You guys have a nice going on here.


I think that another good example of doing it was like, wonder Woman. How many, I don't think there had ever been a female led Marvel DC, and that one blew everyone's out of the water. It was like, actually a good movie. It was nominated for an Oscar, I think, and it broke all the records and people loved it. One and two. So, yeah, then they got a bunch of girlies who were never watching DC and Marvel into that sort of shit.




So if you're gonna. If you're gonna join, like, a man's space as a woman, you gotta crush it. And if not, seriously, it's bad for women.


Agreed. And then Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. How did that do?


Crushed on the heels of Wonder Woman.


Great. Great. Elizabeth Zod.


And Wonder Woman was also directed by a woman. So they really. They put their whole, for lack of a better word, pussy into it and crushed it.


Yeah. Even though you've never seen Wonder Woman.


No, but I know the cultural impact. I really need to see it.


You should see it. I think you would like it. It's historical fiction.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's your time period, too.


I'm on it.


Yeah. Our fifth and final story. A little content news.


Is it a little content news that's brought to you by Nurx, perchance?


Perchance it is.


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Thank you, la.


You're welcome.


Our fifth and final story, little content news. Nicole Brown Simpson sisters are revealing why they're finally sharing her story in a new documentary. Okay, so in an upcoming lifetime documentary series based on the life and violent death of Nicole Brown Simpson, her three sisters are sharing her story. On June 12, her sisters will mark the 30th anniversary of the brutal 1994 murder of Nicole, a woman better known for her tumultuous marriage to football superstar OJ Simpson and the gruesome way her life ended, rather than for how beautifully they say it was lived. The life and murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, which will air on June 1 and second, features interviews with 50 people, including Nicole's sisters and other family members and friends, as well as never before seen footage of her other anniversaries. Just didn't feel right, they said. But we decided 30 years was probably the best and last time to hear her voice and tell her story.


Also, I think, like, in the last couple of years, there have been so many with OJ, like, getting out of prison and then dying. Like, it's been spoken about a lot. And there was the Ryan Murphy. And I feel like it probably is enormously frustrating for, like, the biggest tragedy in your life to a become, like, entertainment for people. People watch, like, a scripted show, a documentary. There's been many documentaries, but then also, it just kind of became like a joke in culture, you know? And you forget, like, these are people and they have families who still are here. And for Nicole's side, from, like, I feel like a lot of times when there's documentaries and they're done right, it's told from the perspective of the victim, and the victim kind of gets like a. A light shone on them, like, what their life was like before and justice. And I feel like we never really got that for Nicole, it's just sort.


Of become like, a trial and about, like, her last days, not her entire life.


And we certainly never got that for Ron Goldman.


Right, right.


Because he was sort of, like, an ancillary. He wasn't famous. You know, Nicole was the one married, and Nicole was the one friends with Kris Jenner, and Nicole was the one. And real, like, where's the justice for Ron Goldman and his family?


Yeah. I wonder if Chris and Faye will be in this. I feel like they would be. If there's 30 family and friends and they're her closest friends, it's put on by the sisters, so it's friendly.


Yeah. It would definitely be crazy if Kris Jenner was in it. But, yes, Chris testified for her.


Yeah. Like, why wouldn't she be in it? Especially if the sisters, like, we're asking her friends.




So June 1 and second on lifetime.


And I feel like the girls, the Kardashian girls have maintained over the years that they are, like, friendly with Nicole's family, and that's why they're always, like, hesitant to ever speak out and be disrespectful.


Yeah, and the kids.


Yeah, and the kids. So I would love to hear from. I wonder what the kids, like, thoughts are. Like.




Do the kids think that OJ did it?


I don't know. And that's also, like, up until, you know, two weeks ago was, like, their one living parent.




I don't know.


Did OJ ever see them at post prison? Like, would we even know that?


I'm sure some. Yeah, I feel like we would know. He was, like, pretty public, like, always, like, tweeting and stuff.


Yeah, no, like, videoing himself from the golf course, like, talking about his thoughts and feelings.


Yeah, yeah. He was kind of an influencer, a content creator.


A content creator. Yeah, because he had no influence.


Speaking of content in that world, like, where's Lamar's and Caitlin's podcast? I'm waiting.


Keeping up with sports.


Keeping up with sports. Where is it?


Maybe it came out and, like, is making.


No, there's no way, you know, that they would have said something, like, newsworthy in their first sports. Like, this sort of lead time for a podcast is unacceptable.


Disgraceful. Okay, so the show is up on. They released a sizzle in March.






People always ask us, like, our advice for starting a podcast, and it's like, just start. Like, don't announce it. Don't make a big party. Don't make it a big deal. Like, you have to start.


And, no, this doesn't bode well.


This is a testament to that. I'm losing my patience keeping up with sports.


This doesn't bode well. And a minute. A minute long sizzle, and then nothing else.


That's, like, seriously, one of my favorite stories. You know how at the end of the year, we do, like, our top five favorite stories of the year?


You putting that one, like, that's how.


I feel about it right now. Like, it makes me laugh so hard.


Okay, that's so funny. My top. One of my top favorite stories is, like, the fact that this year, Kelly Osborne, and maybe it's just because it's top of mind, she, like, actually spoke about, like, her viral moment, and the viral moment, like, got an even bigger platform this year. That probably would be in my top five.


No, my top five would just be moment still. Like, of course it'll be. It'll be, like, the story of the year for eternity.


The story of every year.


The story of every year. Also, one of your stories of the year at this junction would be the Dublin portal.


Yes. That's my roman empire.


Yeah. You. You love the Dublin portal?


I love more what the Dublin portal stands for, and, like, what we can learn about society if we extrapolate and sort of, you know, look at the portal at a glance and what does.


It say to you?


This is why we can't have nice things. People are seriously, like, the worst. Like, just awful. I have no faith in humanity, and we're all collectively not we, because I don't, like, associate myself or really relate to the people around me, but the people around me, like, you're disgusting.


Yeah. And what do you think about the portal in general? Like, the interconnectivity and the connecting of.


Of, like, stupid and sweet. Like, it was supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be nice.




Should we dive into the tv recap? Part two of the Vanderpump rules reunion aired last night.


I would love to.


So part two of the Vanderpump rules reunion aired last night. We got Ally and Joe.




And I just want to say, like, jo, like, makes me cry. And by the way, her end, Tom Schwartz, are quite literally perfect for each other. He's such a dick. And the way he, like, wouldn't even acknowledge, like, what happened between them, like, was a relationship and the, like, just throw her a bone. Like, you're in a new relationship. Just call her your girlfriend. Like, call her what she was.


That segment was so chaotic. She can't.


Oh, my God.


Everybody talking on top of each other. But even when just Tom and Joe were talking, like, they were talking on top of each other, saying half sentences like, she can't be on the show because, like, she doesn't know how to, like, talk on tv, which not most people don't know, but, like, it was infuriating to watch. And then Lisa's chiming in and Lala's chime in. I'm like, there are people talking about. And Andy. I couldn't make any. I thank God I was watching with subtitles because I think, God, they put.


Subtitles when people were talking over.


Right. But I'm glad I have my own too, because I needed them twice.


Can I ask you a question? Because I know you, like, ride hard for Lala and, like, when it comes, like, the arguments she was making, like, I saw her side, but did you feel like she was being really annoying? Like, chatting when it wasn't about her? Like. Like with Joe and Tom. Like, she just kept part of the reason why there. There was chaos, people talking over each other. You could count ten out of ten. Lala was gonna be one of the people talking over someone.


Oh, for sure. Maybe if it was someone else, it would have bothered me. But in that moment, like, Lala was saying and asking the things that were literally coming out of my mouth. Like, what?


Lala was being Andy.


Being Andy. But it was like, when?




How? Like, they were making no sense. They needed a translator. And I felt like she was the voice of the people. At the very least, my voice, because I did not know what they were saying. And neither did you?


No. I found it immensely frustrating to watch. And, like, at one point, I had no idea what was going on.


Yeah, I think by the end of it, what my more. So my issue was, like, they would talk about, you know, it was two weeks until they started having sex. Like, when this season or last season? Like, when was any of this?


And I guess, like, last season at the reunion when they were, like, arguing about Joe. He was secretly dating her then, right?


And then he was also secretly dating her at the beginning of this season. So they were literally secretly dating for, like, six months. That's a long time. Like, I just. I'm still confused on the timeline.


I just feel like ever, like Joe was just a person who can't communicate. And this group of people, like, especially if you have a strong personality, like Katie, like, they just ate her alive. I felt so bad. Like, when she just started crying. Ben was watching too. And Ben doesn't, like, know everything. He just saw. Like, what on the surface is, like, this person with a really strong personality who's like, really angry. Taking all of that anger out on Joe. Like, it was so sad. And in, in that relationship, like, I just really, like, I have a lot of sympathy for Jo. And yes, Katie and Joe would never be friends.


Yeah. No, the thing is, in that situation, like, Katie's 100% right. Like, this girl, like, moved shadily moved in on her husband, slept on in his spare bedroom when they barely knew each other, and then started having sex two weeks later. Like, that's not someone who was. You really can't be, like, that dumb to think that, like, that. That just happens. You don't, like, literally fall into someone's lap. However, it's unfortunate for Katie that she is, like, the worst possible adversary because she's so weak and she's so sad and so pathetic.


Katie just comes off looking like a villain.


Katie just comes up looking really bad. Even though, like, she's right in her anger.


I want to say I thought, like, the person who had the best showing last night was Ariana because people had, like, issues with her. She had a conversation with Lala and I just thought the way she explained her herself, because I agree with Lala, it's like, it's infuriating. Like, we have to film with this person. We can't look him one way and we get in trouble. But you're literally living with him. Like, how are we supposed to respect your boundaries if we don't understand them? And I just thought the way Ariana, like, super calmly explained herself, like, I thought she came off looking really rational, really mature, and, like, I had a lot of respect for how she handled that situation because it's all very emotional and she kept her composure, like an expert.


I agree. And I feel like she, you know, conceded points that she needed to. Like, when she was talking about China and she was like, it took Lala saying something for me, for me to see it that way. I didn't see it. Like, I felt like, I felt the same way where she explained herself really well. I thought she came off looking really good. It's, what's so crazy is like, the whole scandal. It was just like this big tumultuous storm. And, like, she never did, like, aside from, like, the two conversations, what they had while they were filming, while she, like, screamed at him was like, I hope you die. And I don't give a fuck about Raquel. Like, never did anything to him.




So she really is very mature for that. And I want to say, like, too mature for the show.


Agreed. Like, she was giving Queenie energy. And while that's admirable, like, she feels above it because she's acting above it. Nobody else would act this way.




Also, I did have one small issue with Lala, and because I agree with what she's saying when it comes to Katie and everyone, that's like, look, we're all bleeding out and you can't, you know, hide to something. Like, because it's inconvenient for the storyline. Like, I agree with that. But, like, I feel like people have hidden things over the years and people have let them get away with it, you know, especially Lala. Lala keeps a lot of her stuff private. Lala kept her relationship private before he came on the show. And everybody sort of just, like, you know, allows there are certain things people don't come on and share and, like, it's sort of this, like, understood thing, but. So for her to, like, now be like, we're being transparent. Like, but it hasn't always been that way.


Yes, but I think she's saying, like, we're being transparent about, like, the dynamics within the group on this show. Like, if you. If Katie wanted to have a boyfriend and he didn't want to film, I don't think Lala would be mad about that. That's, like, what Lala was doing. And she's owned up to the fact that, like, she was dishonest for a period in time. And I just want to say, like, her dishonesty was, like, great for the storyline. Like, is Lala Sugar baby? You know what I mean? As opposed to, like, if she just rolled up with a boyfriend, that was kosher for everyone. So I think what she's saying, and I thought when Katie was gonna say to her, like, and someone said, isn't it fair that she, like, has these thoughts and she doesn't want to share them on the show? And I was like, yeah, lala, isn't that fair? Like, she's allowed to, like, have private thoughts. Lala was like, yeah. And if she had came to me and said, like, this is how I feel, but I don't want to say it because of our business, and I have a lot invested with her, I would have been like, okay.


But instead she said, this is true, and if you say it, I'm gonna ruin your business. That's not a fucking friend.


That's, by the way, that's the difference.


And that's it. Like, she treats me like an enemy. That's what you say to your enemy, not to your friend ever.


And Lala finds, like, of course destroying anyone's business is like wrong. But Lala's business is so personal to her because she's like a single mom supporting her kid and fighting this custody battle. So it all comes back to that. Actually that's a great point.


Yeah. And I would never have seen that if she didn't like spell it out that way. And I also think people love to compare like Lala's treatment of Randall to Ariana's treatment of Tom. And, and Lala said the biggest difference for her is that she has a child with kid. I feel like one of the biggest differences is that Tom is everyone's friend before, during, after. Not after so much. His relationship with Ariana.


He was in the group before. He'll be in the group.


It was Lala's. Plus he, like, you guys can live without his friendship. You never had it before. You barely had it. While we like it doesn't make sense for you guys to be friends with Randall now.


Yeah. And I think Sheena also brought up a really good point. Like the comparison of Randall and Tom Schwartz is. I mean, Tom Sandoval, excuse me, is actually unfair to Tom Sandoval. Like Tom Sandoval's a prick. Tom Sandoval's a cheater but he's not a criminal. And there was. So besides him cheating on Lala, there was a lot in that LA Times article. There was a literary documentary about his, you know, drugs, underage women. Like it goes far beyond being unfaithful in a relationship. So I think we really need to stop comparing these two. Like dead.


Yeah. And. But then also just went like, sandoval's crime of cheating was a little bit worse than Randall's cheating because it was with the best friend. So it's more serious in that way.


I don't know if I agree with that, actually. Like Randall was accused of cheating with multiple women and underage girls. Like I think that's worse than sleeping with someone's best friend.


I don't know. Dan Deval wouldn't have been as big as it was if Tom was cheating with someone we didn't know.


But for sure, I think from like an. This is like fucked up to say from like an entertainment perspective. Yeah. Like it being the best friend made it juicier. But I don't think it makes it more ethically wrong then I think it does. What Randall did, I don't know.


Nothing. What Randall did. Sorry. Is it more wrong? Is it the same level of wrong to just cheat or to like cheat with someone's best friend. It's more wrong with someone.


But I'm talking about Randall versus Tom.


No, but I'm just saying Tom's cheating has, like, more points against it. Not more than Randall, but then standard points.


Yeah, it goes standard cheating. Cheating with the best friend. What Randall did.


Yes. Great.


I'm so glad we worked out what else happened in the reunion, by the way. Like Tom Sandoval. I shit out a condom.


Excuse me? And that lockjaw. What is that fucking.


I lockjaw the next morning and shit out a condom two weeks later. I think he was trying to say that Sheena has a dick.


Yeah, that was like some sort. What?


And, like, it was like a joke for Andy. Maybe that's something like gay people say, but I hang out with a lot of gay folk. I've never heard that phrase in my life.


Yeah, and that's not like Sheena. When I think of Sheena, it's not like, yeah, she straps it on, like, no, she's just a girl.


It's like him trying to be funny.


It was so weird to me.


Maybe I found the episode boring because my boyfriend Brock didn't say one word I seriously, like, would take a bullet. I love him.


I know. Does he have any friends for Lala?


Did you see that Lala and Sheena spent mother's Day together.


I love them.


No. And it was like the cutest with the girls. And the girls wore matching dresses and they ran to each other from the parking lot.


No, because I don't know if I follow Sheena.


I do. I think that's where I saw it.


Actually, because I follow Lala. No, you know what? I'm gonna hit her with the follow.


I feel like Lala's the mom who reposts the content. Sheena's the one who takes it.


Yeah, Lala doesn't, like, post that much. I bet Sheena's, like a full time content creator. She like vlogs. I'm sure you start watching her YouTube channel soon if you want to see Brock, by the way.


Literally. No, I follow Brock on TikTok. He's. You're gonna die. He's. They bought a house and he is doing like a outdoor diy, like, side yard project. It's going really well.


Oh, that's really exciting and fun.


Yeah, it's actually. It's really good content because he just doesn't make me wait. He's like, all right, here. Today I'm gonna put in the cement. And then by the end of the video, the cement is in there's no part two. I hate that shit.


Oh, that's really great. And I also want to say one of the bigger plot twists of the show in general is that like, allie is OTP.




Like when James showed up, like literally two days later with a new girlfriend, it was like after being in gate, he was engaged to Raquel.


No. And then it's like a girlfriend who does like astrology reading.


No. And like she had met him at like one of his shows.


It was. It was not serious.


If I was a betting woman, not for 1 second would I have bet on them going the distance. But like, I. I ship harder than they might be. The Sheena and Brock are also a great couple but like, they're extremely functional relationship.


I have one thing to say. I forgot Ariana was only wrong about one thing last night. And I get that it's so personal to her. But the thing with the attempted dog killer, like, she is wrong for.


She'S not. And Tom Sandoval lame lies with everyone.


And because Andy being. Andy being like, what could have gone differently? Like, to have avoided this, like. And the fact that her initial reaction wasn't like, I should have cleaned my room and it was like I needed to be consulted more about when the air conditioning guy was coming. Like, they're coming to fix the AC. We got to live with AC. Like, I think she was wrong.


I don't think she's wrong for like having chicken skewers in her room. I think she's wrong for putting all the blame on Sandoval when it's a mix of, like, Sandoval and, and also Ariana living with someone who she doesn't communicate with. And this is what's going to happen if the home is not a harmonious space.


But also Ariana living in a pig sky. I thought that's what you're gonna say.


Oh, yeah. But no, like, you can't like have a functioning household when people aren't communicating and like there's. You can't go into one room and you don't know what's going on and what's bad. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, that's not gonna work out. So I think she was just like wrong for being so angry with Tom about that because it wasn't his fault alone. But I don't think it was her fault alone either.


No, me neither. But calling him an attempted dog murderer, like, being extreme, putting all the blame on him, she's wrong for that.


I agree with that.


So part three, next week it looks great.


Mm hmm. But they always, even though my TiVo cut it off. But, like, they were referencing something this episode. Oh. Because they talked about how Schwartz was the only one who said something about Ariana. Like, you're not the queen of the group. Right. They were like, Schwartz was the only one who said that.


Ego. Schwartz was one who said ego.


And then they, like, pan to Lala because we know in the last episode, like, after Ariana storms out, she says, I don't know anyone who gets cheated on. All of a sudden they become God.


Yeah, no, that is going to really shake things up.


Yeah. And it would have shaken things up if they watched it, like, privately and filmed the reunion a week later. But, like, to get their.


I love this idea.


I love processing them. Like, it's too much.


Especially knowing that Ariana didn't watch any of the seasons.


Yeah. Which I'm coming to more and more appreciate. Like, she doesn't need to see everyone in their internal battles about Tom and, like, it's hurtful to her and she's right to be hurt, but they're also right to feel that way. I don't like, I'm glad she didn't see all that. But I also thought what was so crazy and Lala had a firepoint, as she always does, was when Charlie said about Lala and Ariana sat there and laughed.


Zachary. No, I thought that made Lala look really, really petty because. Yeah, that scene made Ariana look so bad. Like, it was awful. But that conversation that they had at the plant store, like, put it to bed. And I thought Ariana really understood why she was wrong. And I thought her apology was really genuine in that moment, why we never saw that.


Yeah, I felt like at the plan store, what we saw was, like, not enough of a conversation of the severity of what was said. Like, it was just like Ariana said, that's over the top. And I should have said, that's over the top. No, like, that was fucking wicked to say a wicked Charlie. And if you could sit there and hear that about your friend and, like, you don't have to stand. Like, some people are confidential, so you don't have to say something. But, like.


But she was like, like, laugh.


Like, that's not your friend.


That's not your friend. Yeah, but the fact that it was handled and then they cut to that scene made Lala look petty.


Like just sort of break it up. But, yeah, I'm glad she brought it up, though, because I had for. I didn't know that.


I mean, either. And it made Ariana look really fucking bad.




When she's like this woman who supports women, you know, that's not. They were talking about her kid. Like, it was bad.


It was wicked.


It was wicked that Charlie's a little rat. Like, she's awful. Okay, well, that's our show, you guys. That's a Vader prep worlds recap. I'm off to traverse the city, so if you're looking for turdy, she'll be out and about. Hope everybody has a great enjoy this gorgeous summer day. Thank you so much. Listening to the toast on Monday morning show where we deliver the fastest race, you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe. Subscribing this video thumbs up. We're also available as podcasts and more podcasts we found so it's notified. Tune sister public radio. I ready cast talks all the places and podcasts, but also totally even five star review. But I'm gonna be listening. And wickedly talented. We are. Have an amazing day and we'll see you tomorrow. For Thursday, get your tickets to come see us live in New York City at the Beacon Theater and in West Hampton beach at the Performing Arts center. Head tour for those tickets. Love ya.


Love ya. Bye.