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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Friday, gorgeous girls. Happy Friday to all the gorgeous girls out there being gorgeous, being girly, and celebracioning the fact that it's Friday. Yeah, not a big deal. We're so chill about it. It's not a big deal.


Congratulations on graduating the 24th week of the year.


What an amazing accomplishment for everyone. I never-It's so important to celebrate the small wins. I I would never imagined that I, just a little girl from New York City, would be graduating the 24th week of the year. And that's why it's so important to dream big.


The 24th week of 2024. It's really poignant that we mark this milestone. How are you doing, La?


I'm doing so good, so excited about the week ahead, the weekend ahead. So much to be grateful for. And today's one of those days where I'm really Really feeling grateful for my health because I had a bit of a health scare last night. Ben and I hit the town last night, which I don't often do. We hit the town. We had a couple of events to attend. We had dinner, being out and about, fashionistas, it girls, things of that nature. And we got home. We went to sleep. I would say I was asleep for maybe 20, 30 minutes before I woke up wriving in pain. Now, I have heard people say there are stomach pain pain that are so bad, you go to the hospital and it ends up just being gas. I've known that that's a thing. I think as it was happening to me, I knew that it was a- That that was an option. That that was an option. But it was so bad. And I'm still... I'm having residuals right now, but it was so bad that I'm like, No, this is worse than what people talk about. I must be having kidney stones.


It's not where you would expect gas pains to be. To me, they felt like period cramps, but on crack. Oh, my God. I woke Ben up. I'm screaming, crying, throwing up so much pain. And Ben was like, Let's go to the hospital. And I'm like, I'm not going to be a cliché. I'm not going to be one of these people. I'm sorry. And he's like, Okay, take a tum and take Gas-X just in case it's gas. And I felt like him saying it was gas was really minimizing my pain and belittling my feelings. But I'm like, Okay, I'll entertain this clown and take the Gas-X. And I will say within 10 minutes, I knew it was gas because it was getting significantly better, enough to a place where I could go to sleep. But I was shivering. I felt like I had a fever. It was so crazy. It was the worst experience of my fucking life. I couldn't unfurl myself from the fetal position. The fetal position was the only thing keeping me alive.


Did you have heating pad? Okay.


Of course. Yesterday, my heating pad blows out. I get these cheap ones from Amazon. They're totally made in China, but they're huge. They're probably four times the size of a regular heating pad, and I like them. Something I know is that I have to replace them every couple of months, and I've made peace with that. Mine blows out yesterday. I didn't immediately buy a new one because I knew I had another one somewhere in the house. We found it last night, the second one, the second in command. It's also blown out. It's working for 10 minutes at a time, so at least I got that. And I made Ben keep getting up and plugging it back in. Once you take it out, plug it back in. They're janky as fuck, but I know how to work them.


You need one standard heating pad for medical, the way you have a first aid kit in your house. You need a heating pad for issues of the tummy and back.


It seriously saved my life. I have long been an advocate for Gas-X. I think when people talk about over-the-counter drugs. Advil, Tylenol, people are always going on about the top drugs, and Gas-X never gets its shine. I feel like it's constantly being overshadowed by Pepto-Bismol or Tums. Gasex is in its own fucking league.


That's because they don't do the advertising. Like, Pepto-Bismol has their Jingle. It's true. I've never even seen a commercial. Gasex is resting on its laurels of, We don't need to prove to you why we're so good.


I agree with them. Seriously, Gas-X is a life-changing medicine, and I find it difficult to find, especially... I think they're trying to compete with Tums. They came out with their own chewables. A lot of times when you're going to look at the grocery store or the pharmacy, they'll be selling only the chewables. I don't fuck with the chewables. They're capsules. Two capsules can save lives. It happened to me last night. I am tired. I'm growing tired of nobody talking about and giving credence to GasX. It is seriously a miracle drug.


That is so wonderful. We read a book for the Redheads It's Lady Tan, Circle of Women. It's about Eastern Medicine. It wasn't even the book that got me thinking about it. It was the Red Head's discussion because all the girls were talking about what it made them think about Eastern Medicine. I'm like, Oh, I really didn't think that much while I was reading it. But now the discussion among the swirleys, riveting discussion is really making me think more of like, Medicine is great. It's so great to alleviate your symptoms.


I actually can't have this conversation with you because I live with Ben Soffer, and I have this conversation every weekend.


Okay. No, I don't know if you know what I'm going to say next. Thank you. Thank you for the medicine. My symptoms are alleviated. So now we need to be talking about what happened. What is the issue?


That's not what I thought you were going to say.


These are like, bandaids. But what is the root issue? Why did your stomach hurt?


I thought what you were going to say, which Ben talks about all the time, is We, as human beings, are prone naturally to headaches or whatever. And Advil, yes, is amazing. But he firmly believes in nature, and he's really into Eastern medicine. There is a solvent, and you know what I mean? There is a solution. There is a positive and a negative that can definitely be found in nature. Ben believes there is a leaf out there that was literally put on this Earth by God to alleviate headaches. There is something in nature to counteract every human symptom. That's what he believes.


I agree for the natural symptoms, but then I think there are also manmade symptoms. I thought that's what you were going to say he says, where it's like, I have this headache, and so big pharma is going to cure it, but big food created it.


Yeah, no. Ben's not down that conspiracy theory yet either.


I don't know. I saw a clip of Good Guys and Vinnie, and I think they're close.


I agree, by the way, with what you're saying. Oh, my God. I am noticing how often I say, by the way. It's actually bad.


It's okay, by the way.


I wish I knew how to undo it, but I don't.


So there are a lot of different conversations I have some conversations here, and I do feel like sometimes, like a stomach ache, your stomach ache was probably manmade by whatever you ate that day.


Some crap.


So the cure has to be manmade as well. But I do feel like I get migraines, of course. And sometimes I get a headache if I didn't drink enough water that day. I've created this This torture for myself. But also I get hormonal migraines. A lot of women do. And that has nothing. I could be perfect on my scorecard of being healthy, and I'll still get a hormonal migraine. What is the remedy in nature for that? I want to know what I think that Lady Tan would have prescribed me for that.


Yeah, I definitely see you, in this journey that you're on, you definitely getting to a place where you don't take medicine anymore. I feel like you don't even really take medicine that much.


I actually feel like I have my things that I really rely on. I I rely on my migraine medication, Rizotriptan. I'm not interested in trying another way.


No, I mean more like over-the-counter. Advil? I live in a big over-the-counter house. We rely heavily on Tums, on Advil, on Gasox, on Pepto-Bismol. We always have those things fully stocked. We're taking them on a weekly basis. I feel like you don't really fuck with those types of medications.


I don't because I don't think they work when I need them to work. When I have a headache, Advil is no match for my headache. Oh my God.


Advil, seriously, it's hard for which one I love more.


Except I still have my I have my prescription Advils that I got prescribed after I gave birth that are just amazing. They hit different. Actually, because they're stronger. They're my in between between an Advil and my migraine medication.


All that to say, I understand the impact of Big Pharma. I understand the concern. I saw... What was that your quote? Dope sick? Dope sick. I understand they're evil. I'm holding space for two truths. They are evil, but their products I love, and they make my life amazing.


I think there are degrees of the truth. It's not even two. It's not just binary. It's fluid.


Gas-x saved my life. Last night, GasX saved my life.


And I also feel like Tums shouldn't go in that category because they're made of chalk, which can be found in nature.


Tums is an amazing- It's a natural remedy. Tums is amazing.


Also, sometimes when you... I used to get really bad gas-saving pain, so that's why I know what you're talking about. I was one of those people who went to the hospital once. Two Gas-X and a chewable Pepto-obismo. I took- You got to top it off.


I did. I tapped it off with a tum, though.


Oh, okay.


You got that shockey flavor. I was throwing everything at it.


Yeah. And then, of course, if you really want to tackle the root issues, it starts with gut health. And you know what's great for gut health? Sourdough.


Very true.


You didn't have those dishes when you were eating good at my house.


No. How's the butter dish? Did you use it yesterday?


I haven't used it yet because I don't know if I was in a dream it came to me or what, but I was like, maybe I should make my You can't put butter for this dish. That would be exciting. Oh, this is why. No, no, let me tell you why. Because the butter that I use at home, and I am so grateful for your gesture, but I use breakstones. How do you put that in a butter dish?


You can't put breakstones in a corner.


It comes in a tub. So I don't use that slab of butter. You don't?


That's the best butter?


Only for cooking.


Oh, and literally, when I was at your house, that's the butter I used.


Because it was out because I was cooking bread.


Well, you need to get on nice butter sticks. But yes, making your own butter, and you can also form it into whatever shape you want. It's actually pretty easy. I see people doing it on TikTok. If you have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, you don't have to do anything.


Because Lauren Elizabeth did it that made me realize that I can do hard things, too.


And making butter, while you make butter, you also make your own heavy cream because you have to separate the liquid from the solids. The solid is the butter, and the liquid is literally milk. You can make your own milk, too.


Wow. But wasn't it originally milk?


Oh, yeah. Wait, you put heavy whipping cream. How do you...


Oh, do you put heavy whipping cream?


So not just whole milk? No, No, you need a very specific... I think it's heavy whipping cream. You whip it, the solids become better, and then the liquid becomes milk.


Okay, that makes sense.


You should do that, by the way. I've seen people do it on TikTok, and it's definitely something I can do.


There's one ingredient- It looks extremely easy. It looks like a thing that looks hard, but it's actually much easier than it looks. It's not like the old days of churn and butter. No, no.


Thanks to the Kitchen Aid mixer.


We have Kitchen Aid for that.


You just need a cheesecloth. Do you own cheesecloths yet? I feel like that's also something in your journey.


No, that's the next step on my journey.


So I'm doing okay. I'm feeling grateful for my health today. I'm just waiting for a big fart to come. That's the thing I also told Ben. I'm like, I felt all this relief, but I didn't fart. I just went to sleep.


You want to know something funny about farts?




It also has to do with my favorite thing, Tesla. My Tesla has... They have these funny apps because Elon's a jokester. So it has this app. I didn't even know about it until Zack pulled it up. It's a Whoopy cushion thing where you can move the Whoopy cushion around. It has the seats of the car, and you put the Whoopy cushion and press it, and it makes it sound like that person in that seat, like ripped ass.


Oh, that's funny. I knew that they had a fart sound effect. You can make it like your horn.


Oh, your horn could sound like a fart.


But I didn't know that you actually could be pulling... Oh, my God.


And then I also learned from Elon's memoirs of an Elon. It's actually not his memoir. It's third person, the third person who tried to ruin the book. But there's a voice command in the Tesla. If you say open butt hole, your trunk opens.


Oh, that's funny. I'm so glad you brought up pranks. I've been wanting to tell a story here. I literally felt like a grandma a couple of days ago. I was a victim of a prank call by these teenagers. And honestly, I wanted to indulge them. It was so obvious that it was a prank, but they had a good angle. I feel like when we were kids, we always pretended to be pizza guy or whatever. They pretended to be the exterminator, which felt personal for sure. I don't know if these people were calling me as Toaster or whatever. It was so lame. They obviously don't know Star 6:7, Their full phone number came up. Apple has this thing now. If somebody calls you, you don't have their number, you literally get their name. I'm like, Hi, Roni. When I said her name, she did freak out. But the first couple of seconds, it was three little girls, and they kept switching the phone. It was so poorly-I love that for them. It was so poorly executed, but I'm glad that that's what kids are still doing, because that is harmless fun, as long as you're not bullying someone from school on the phone.


It was really sweet and endearing, and I gave it to them for the first couple of minutes. I wanted them to... This was a canon event for them. They are going to remember this the rest of their lives.


Yeah, and that was so nice of you to give that to them. And it also speaks to the fact that they probably don't have smartphones. They just have flip phones, cell phones, which is what a lot of parents do for kids when they want their kid to have a phone, but not a smartphone, because then it's the rabbit hole.


Yeah. So, Roni from Florida, I love you. I hope that you and your friends had a nice giggle. And I'm so glad I could have been a part of that extremely important adolescent moment for you. I loved you, but I also felt like such a grandma. It was like, I'm laying home alone in bed, and these girls are all hanging out. I'm the loser in their high school.


Yeah. No, you're not in the high school.


You know I'm a fully grown woman.


Yeah, no. You're the adult in the room.


Yes, I am. How frightening is that?




It's just a little bit about me. Gas, prank calls, things of that nature.


Things of that elk. Well, that's really wonderful.


We are so busy today.


So busy. I'm very excited. We have a lot to do. All the exciting things to do.


I watched Summer House this morning. I am enraged.


I'm actually- Claudia, thank you. I'm enraged.


I took notes, and I'm also glad that I watched it this morning because sometimes you watch something and you can feel really heated about it, but by the next day, you've moved on with your life. I have, I stayed there dust collecting round my pinda pair. I'm still there. I'm right where you left me. I'm fucking furious.


I'm fucking furious. It was infuriating. I don't think I've I felt that- Monique. Angry at a reunion since Monique, yeah.


Real House was a Potomac since they did Monique so goddamn dirty.


The whole cast and Andy.


The whole cast and Andy, but specifically, Amanda and Kyle. And obviously, I hate Kyle, and I'm clearly biased in that. But I actually really like Amanda. I've been able to separate church and state. I think she's just fabulous. She was so unfabulous last night. I mean, talk about living in a glass house and throwing stones. We're criticizing someone's relationship, respectfully, Amanda, you should sit this one out.


Right. Also, I understand Kyle, even though he was infuriating me and shut up. The turping chicken. I understand him backing up Carl. Technically, it's the same thing Paige was doing for Sierra. It was just not as pleasant to watch. But technically, it's the same thing. A friend speaking on behalf of a friend who's hurting. Yeah, I felt like it was different because Cierra was on the verge of tears the whole time.


To me, Cierra is not a liar, and Paige is not a liar. They're trusting In sources. So I know if Paige is saying something, that's exactly how it happened. Because she heard it from Cierra.


Yes, but no, on its face, it's just like a friend speaking for the friend, the injured party. I shouldn't have the issue with it. So I'm going to allow Kyle to be so fucking annoying, whatever. Amanda, so unacceptable.




So far removed from the situation. Please stop chirping in. Also, God forbid, and I hate this term, but where's the girls' girls? I I know Lindsay's not one herself, but being a girls' girl, as they say, it's not conditional. Just because she's not one doesn't mean that you then don't turn into one either. I don't know why everybody had to pile on, especially when the pile on between Carl, Kyle, and Andy-Was enough.was Good enough. So the fact that she has it coming from literally all sides was really infuriating, except for Gabby, my Queen.


Gabby, my Queen.


Gabby, my Queen.


I also feel like last night's episode and the reunion in general was really proof. Because I don't think the cast really needs to be shaken up that much, but there's a lot of people there doing nothing. I don't think Danielle said... She was asked one question.


In the second episode?


Yeah. In the first, she didn't really say much either, except for the... Actually, no, I take that back. She had the whole drama that made her look so bad with selling the story to Elite Daily or whatever.


Yeah. I think as far as people who could go, she would be one of them. But I think she's a good person to have in the house from a production standpoint because you just never know what she's going to say or do. Things pop off when she's around. I think the cast will stay exactly as it is. Yeah.


I could see them being like, We don't have a need for Gabby because she really... She popped up at the reunion, but in this season, but I really need her to stay. I think there's a lot of potential there. It really wouldn't be fair if there's no Nobody on Lindsay's side. Yes.


I feel like Lindsay wouldn't go into a house where she doesn't have one friend. They definitely want Lindsay to come back. I think that they're a package deal.


I have so much to say.


Let's save it for the recap. Tap. Without further ado, get into the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


The Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Thank you ASPCA Pet Health Insurance and the Pet Health Insurance program for sponsoring today's episode. Pets, and I meant to tell you this, I had a dream about Bruno last night. Pets are so important to us. Seriously, family isn't even the right... They're my blood. Their health, as we've learned in the last year, very unfortunately, is a priority. If you're a pet is a part of your family, you, of course, want the best for them no matter what. Vet bills can really add up. And that's why you should check out pet insurance. With ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, you can focus on the care that your pet deserves and cover what matters most. In today's world, we insure a lot: cars, homes, cell phones, even travel plans. But What about insurance for your cat or your dog? With ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, you can focus on the care that your pet deserves and cover what matters to you most. The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program offers customizable accident and illness plans, making it easier for pet parents like you to help your pet get care that they may need.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our first story, a little feud news. Food news? Not food news, feud news. Bibi Rexa calls G-Easy an ungrateful loser after being asked to shoot social content with him. So this story is surprising. But Bibi Rexha posted her Instagram story, a screenshot of text messages. It seems like someone on her team asking if she has any interest in shooting social content with G-Easy when in New York. Read me and I, which is a song that they did together years ago.


And I think it must be having an anniversary or something, so they wanted to make some social stuff.


Right. So she took a screenshot, posted to her story, At G-Easy, you have my number. Why don't you text me and ask me yourself, You stuck up on Grateful Loser. You're lucky people are liking you again because I could go in on all the shitty things you've done and how you treated me after giving you your only real hit. By the way, the answer is no. Hope you good.


Then she deleted it and tweeted an explanation.


Then she deleted it and then tweeted this, Someone from my team had me take down my Instagram story. I decided to remove it because it felt very negative and toxic. Sometimes trauma can lead us to react that way in that period of my life was traumatizing. I am writing this because I regret taking it down and I want to say that I still stand by what I said.


I feel like this is not the first time Bibi Rick says, Instagram stories are making waves where she's posting personal conversations and outing people as whatever, and then also deleting it. Both times, I have felt that she handles situations like this really poorly. However, we know G-Easy to be a piece of shit. We all heard that song Halsey wrote about him. I'm so glad I never, ever had a baby with you. There are some pretty heinous allegations out there about him. He is a certified piece of shit. So I stand with B. B. Rex. I can only imagine what working with him was like. However, she really needs to work on her scandal and her public-facing drama. She always handles things really poorly. Posting and deleting is the worst thing you could do.


Agreed. But I do separate this from that conversation thing with her boyfriend about her being fat. I didn't even think about that when thinking about this, because It feels like two different things, especially because that's so personal and this is a business professional public relationship. I think the issue is more so the posting and deleting and then saying, I still stand by it. It's giving willy-nilly, and That's not a feature I like in a person.


The only proof that we have is that screenshot where basically she appears to be angry that G-Easy had his team reach out to her team to shoot social content and not just him texting her, which honestly is not I think that's how a lot of... Even celebrities who are really close, that's how they handle things. That's how you get things on the schedule, your team talking to the other person's team. It's really not a big deal. I don't think her being upset about that is warranted. However, I imagine she has horrible stories about him. I just think she handled this wrong and weird. The hill you're dying on and the thing you're going to share with us is that you're mad that he didn't just text you directly. It's literally not a big deal.


Yeah, and that's what you're going to share with us. And you're saying there might be these really bad experiences. But I don't know, and I can't even honestly think of what it could be. I don't really know anything about G-Easy. Even some of the things you're saying, we all know. I don't know.


Oh, I know. Okay. That song that Halsey released, that really became an anthem for domestic violence.


Oh, is that what it is? Yeah.


And so many people shared their stories. I fucking hate G-Easy. I stand with Halsey.


For sure. I love that song. I never even knew that's what it was about. That's one of my favorite treadmill songs.


No, by the way, it's a really empowering song. Let me read the lyrics.


You Should be Sad. That's the song.


It's called You Should be Sad. Yeah, and here's some of the lyrics. Oh, yeah. And you can't fill the hole inside you with money, drugs, and cars. I want to start out this and say, I got to get this off my chest. Got no anger, got no malice, just a little bit of regret. No, nobody else will tell you, so there's some things I got to say. Going to jot it down and then get it out, and then I'll be on my way. No, you're not half the man.


You're not half the man you think you that you are.


And you can't fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs, and cars. I'm so glad I never... That's really powerful.


I'm so glad I never had a baby with you.


Because you can't love nothing.


I can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you. Okay, one of us has to sing. We can't both sing. Oh, I feel so sad. I feel so sad.


I tried to help you. It just made you meh, yeh, yeh, and I had no warning about who you are. I'm just glad I made it out without breaking down. And then ran So Fucking Far. That you would never, ever touch me again, won't see your Alligator tears because no, I've had enough of them. Such a good song.




And, seriously, I stand with Bibi Rexa here. I don't know the context, but like, Hey, you. So G-Easy. Yeah.


So you do stand with her, even though you're saying the team's- That's what I'm saying.


She handled this badly because if you don't know context and you're just reading this, it's like, that's what you're mad about, that they had your publicist text you. You sound crazy.


Yeah. Yeah.


No. And then have you ever seen the video of Halsey performing on a stage and somebody is shouting G-Easy, and she literally stops the show. She's like, If you fucking say G-Easy's name one more time, I will throw you out of here. She literally finds a person in the crowd like, hate.


No, I don't know their backstory.


Yeah, there's a lot of lore there.


Are Bibi Wrex and Halsey friends?


I don't know.


Maybe Bibi's just had her own negative experiences.


Yes, I think Bibi's trauma that she's referring to has nothing to do with Halsey. I don't know if her and G-Eazy ever dated. I don't know, but he's an animal.


Got it. Okay. Well, she stands by what she said. Good. She wants you to know. Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. Some more Instagram news. Taylor Swift stayed up late to celebrate Travis, Kelsey, and the Kansas City Chief's Ring ceremony, joining the party from Liverpool. So the Ring ceremony was last night, and one of the Chief's wags was livestreaming the ceremony and tailored, logged on from her account to watch. It was 3:00 AM in Liverpool, and she's leaving comments and being super sweet and supportive.


No, it's too much. It's just such a regular degular thing to do. It's crazy. When she wants to watch a livestream, she has to do it from her Instagram account with 200 million followers. It's too much.


She definitely has a finsta, but why hide the fact that... You think? 100%, but why hide the fact that you want to watch...


Your Man.


Your Man. Where's the shame?


It's sad that Taylor couldn't attend that because it's a big community event.


Is it?


Yeah. Everybody gets all dressed up. I saw a bunch of pictures. There's a whole ceremony, and then you open the box.


It's sad for us that she couldn't attend that.


For her, too. But yeah, for us.


For us. The potential. The potential. They still haven't walked a red carpet together.


No, you're right. But they have so many photos together, which is so crazy because of the six-year Joe-Alwyn relationship, and when people reference it, there are three photos. There's one of her in the blue, umbrella blue jacket.


Leaving that event in There's one of them running from that door to get into the car. Yeah.


And then one, it's a screenshot from Miss Americana when she runs off the stage after her first Reputation show and runs into his arms. And so they're just hugging, and he's wearing a black baseball cab. It literally could be anyone. Three photos. Oh, no. There's also one where he's wearing a camera around his neck, and they clearly just went for a hike. Yeah.


I just had a separate thought, but not worth going down. We need red carpet pictures.


That's next for us. What is the next big event?


Well, it would have been this, but we don't even know about things like this. I'm sure there's some Hall of Fame. I feel like they'll probably wind up going to a random thing, not the Grammys, which would be in eight months from now.


I do think it'll be at a Travis event, an event for Travis, because Taylor is very, I think... She's very proud. She's this woman who's accomplished these these insane things. I think she's very careful to not ever let a boyfriend or a relationship be the moment when it's like, No, I'm being celebrated for my work and my ethic and my talent and my business. But I think she'd be more than happy to have it be a moment for Travis. It's like she's lifting him up because she's the alpha.


Yeah, but also I feel like when a... Especially a female artist goes to a Grammys or a red carpet, and they have albums that are coming out, especially with her most recent look at the Grammys. It's very much a piece of art, and it's the moment of like, this is, there's codes in here, and I stand on my own and the outfit is a work of art. And it doesn't really work when you're posing with your man and that.


No, nothing ruins an outfit more.


She could go to an event for him, get a dress off the rack.


Super cute. Nothing ruins an outfit more that you've worked really hard on than a man next to you in a photo, grabbing your arm and your waist in a photo in a way that's not flattering. Fuck off.


Fuck off. I don't want to turn to the side. I don't know what to do with my arm. You just look at the dress. Yeah. So I agree it would be something for him, and probably not something that we'll even expect.


Yeah, not something big, flashy, like one of these random sports things that Travis goes to all the time, and nobody thinks much of them, and they don't make the news.


Yeah, or NFL honors.


No, that's a big one.


That is a big one, but that's big, fancy events in his realm. Yeah.


Wait, I also... Actually, again, not another conversation I want to have. It's so uninteresting.


No, mine wasn't uninteresting. It's just like, I can't explain why.


No, I would say it, and then you would be like, cool. Okay, moving on.


Okay, now you have to say it, and I'll say mine.


Okay. I was saying, because speaking of football, when we were talking about Xandra yesterday, another connection that I hadn't thought of is that Xandra potentially dating Danny Amandola. Of course, Danny Amandola is notoriously Olivia Colpo's ex-boyfriend. Right. Alex Earle also has this crazy connection to the Colpo family because Braxton famously dated Sofia Colpo for 10 years and then, allegedly- Ten years, two. Yeah, you know what I mean. Then left her on the side of the road. That's how she describes it.


Yeah, dispute about when they broke up, when he was seen with someone else. Was that cheating? Very contentious breakup.


Yeah, exactly. And public. So just like another, these Zandra and Alex, they can't get away from each other. They're inextricably linked. I think it's a small circle.


I also think it's just a small circle. It's a small world, especially when you live in the same city and you like the same guys.


Also, I started following Zandra on Instagram, and she posted a photo dump yesterday. In the middle of it, we're a picture of her and Camille at that event, and then a picture of Tom braided on stage. I confirmed she was there.


Okay, good.


Good. Glad to close the loop on that. I love that for her. Yeah, me too. What were you going to say?


Mine was something different, but just when you were talking about Taylor and Travis were ready for a red carpet picture, you're like, They have so many pictures together. And you were like, But with Joe, she only had three. I feel like the privacy I see what Joe gets really clowned on right now because he was the one who wanted privacy, and she's unabashed in her love for Travis right now. But I could see a point. And I just feel like in some ways, it makes you look back fondly To have a private relationship, it's not all bad. I feel like it's been chalked up to be all bad now where he was hiding her. But it's like, no, you have this thing for yourself. Right now, her relationship is so for the public, and in so many ways, that's so good for her because she's living her life unabashed. But there is a negative to that that I think she was trying to avoid with Joe and being private. Then, of course, there's the there's negative to secrecy. But I think that having that special thing for you, it's not all bad.


The narrative about the privacy of her and Joe's relationship has completely shifted. Yes. Because during the relationship, we were all like, We respect. We think the fact that they're so private speaks to the seriousness and the specialness of the relationship. It's totally Taylor's doing. Why wouldn't he want Taylor come to his indie film premiere, it would give the film that nobody's talking about something to talk about. And yes, since they broke up, the narrative has completely shifted. And I think part of that is people decoding some of the lyrics. I don't know where the shift... People just decided, no, it actually was never like that. It was never special. It was always Joe hiding her. I don't know where people get that certainty and confirmation from, but you're right. You are right about that.


I think we've learned that... You would have thought the privacy was what Taylor wanted. We've learned that's more of what Joe wanted. But I don't think it has to be either extreme. I think it's somewhere in the middle where it was really nice. There were some things I would have wanted to go to with you that you didn't want to go to, but it's a nice thing. And that also doesn't mean that her thing with Travis isn't special. It's different. I would imagine you could look back now and be like, Oh, privacy was nice for a second.


But also privacy in a relationship is not something Taylor Swift is currently eligible for. You have to think about also the timeline. There was a time, and especially a A couple of years, when she was dating Joe that were a low in her career, the lover era. There wasn't this insane global search for, Where is Taylor? What is Taylor doing? What is Taylor eating? What is Taylor wearing? Who is Taylor with? She actually probably had access to a little bit more privacy during that time because she wasn't the number one star in the world. She was a relatively big pop star. But even Ariana Grande can leave the house these days and not get photographed. Taylor Swift cannot leave the house now and not get photographed.


Yeah, but that's also because of the relationship, too, now. What came first?


Actually, what he first was her success.


Yeah, was Ares. That's why he gave her his number. Which number?


Right. Right.


Okay. Well, I'm glad we shared our innermost thoughts, turdies.


Me, too. You know what? They both led to interesting conversation. We shouldn't doubt ourselves. We are interesting.


I wasn't feeling doubtful. I was just like, do I need to make this point? Does every point need to be made all the time?


Sound off in the comments. Did either of our points need to be made?


I don't think that they did. I don't think it took away from the show in any way. Me neither. But I think people will I understand why. Oh, okay. Yeah. Now I know why sometimes you don't say everything. It's on your mind. It's just like, not everything needs to be said. Yeah.


This isn't the best episode we've ever done because of those conversations we just had.


No. And I think our honesty and candor about nature of conversation is appreciated and it could lead to the best episode ever.


And we're lifting the veil because people always ask, what's your process? You just saw it. You just saw it.


You're so authentic. Are you ready for our next story? What number?


Four? Three. Yeah.


It goes like this if you're watching on YouTube.


She's breaking her heart hands.


I'm breaking my heart hands, but though they're not my heart hands, they're Giselle and Waakeem Valente's heart hands. Giselle and Waqim have reportedly split. That's the first part of the story. Then it's rumored due to the stress after Tom Brady's roast.


Okay, I want to say, because that sounds so stupid. That's obviously not the reason. However, however, do you remember that police footage of Giselle getting pulled over? She was distressed. She actually is, I feel, someone who is currently extremely stressed based on that video.


Was that before or after the roast?


It was a little bit before. The roast I would have put her over the edge. Honestly, it sounds stupid, but maybe it's not.


Maybe that was like most things are, the straw that broke the camel's back, but there are a ton of other things. If it was just that thing alone, it wouldn't be that.


To be completely honest, I'm shedding no tears over this relationship ending. Giselle can do better than a no-name Krav Maga instructor, especially if Tom braided is going to be out here dating Irina Shay, whatever. He's being linked to all these supermodels. Giselle needs to seriously start dating. The thing is, who? And this is the game.


For sure. But let me challenge you. Why?


To win.


Win what?


The divorce. Everybody knows.


No, I know. But really, how do you win the divorce? By being genuinely happy and moved on. I actually think that dating someone in the spotlight is more- No.


I'm kidding.


No, I know. But if you're actually talking about real joy and happiness, then great, the jiu-jitsu instructor. If she's happy and she loves him, it doesn't have to be tip for tat.


No, it does. Leo. Leo, right. Yeah. Even though, didn't she date Leo?


She had. No, that's why it's funny.


There's nothing better than going back with an ex.


Yeah, but she's 43.


Aged out of the program.


Let's fill up the list. Okay, fine.


Add her to our Joe Manginella.


Jo Manginella. Yeah, I guess she could do that to be petty, but that just speaks a real I've moved on. I know. I'm not playing these games. You I know.


I do know.


I feel like if you really think about it, not on the surface, but deep down, she's winning the divorce because she doesn't care. The opposite of a love is in hate.


It's It's just an indifference. It's not a thing. It is in love, it is in hate. It's just indifference.


Yeah. Taylor Swift. Is that Taylor?


The great Taylor Swift once said. Okay, I hear you, but as it pertains to the story, I'm personally not crying. I'm not this.


I'm not this. I said these hands are symbolic.


You know what they are? They're just hands. I haven't quoted that infamously on Lock and Line in a while. I need to bring that back into my repertoire.


I feel like now it will come back as they do.


And you know what I'm going to do after this? I'll probably go get my dick sucked at the roundup.


You should.




You deserve it. Because they're just hands. I'm ready for it.


I You deserve it. Sorry, that just I missed that. I do. Thank you. I hear he gets his dick sucked at the roundup.


And I know the boys who did it. Oh, yes.


And I know the boys who did it. She was so iconic, seriously. I know she went out in a blaze of disgracefulness for low-key being so racist. However, I'm holding space for two truths. She did the work on that show.


No, the graph of the And then it's departure and the show ending, they're just parallel.


They're congruised, yeah.


It's just one line, actually.


No. And that whole chirping Mexican thing, she was so wrong for that. So crazy wrong for that. And especially, those are my people. And I don't fuck with any slander. Seriously comfort by people. You guys know me. I'm so loyal. Or as my people say, I'm a loyalita. However, they're just hands.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. It's a little casting news, a little picture next to picture. Who's Playing Who.


Okay, tell me. Is it a biopic?


It is a limited series. Oh, and it's actually a recast. I guess we already did this story, and we said it was someone else.




No. Amanda Knox, which I know is a gap for you in your knowledge.


It's a gap in the cultural landscape of a story that's so big that has so many people in a show code that I seriously, I couldn't be bothered to care less about. I don't even know what she was accused of doing. And did she do it?


She was accused of murdering her roommate, and I don't think she did it. And she was acquitted. In Italy. She was acquitted. Okay. Because the glove did not fit, so they must acquit. But it was going to be Margaret Qualey playing Amanda Knox. I'm sure you know what Amanda Knox looks like.


Yeah, a very regular, regular brunette girl. And honestly, Margaret Qualey is a perfect cast.


So she exited from that. And instead, someone who looks even more like Amanda Knox, Grace Van Patten from Tell Me Lies, will be playing Amanda Knox.


She's also a phenomenal actress, and I just also love her getting work. I like this. I like this a lot.


I like this a lot. I already forgotten about the Margaret quality thing, and I think she looks more like Amanda. I think she needs her next big role.


Maybe this role is where I finally start learning about Amanda Knox. I do love a limited series.


Well, the rest of us watch a documentary on Netflix. Most of people, not me, because we were young, but most people followed the- Lived it. Story. It wasn't that long ago. Then recently, she had a documentary on Netflix. Now, she has a podcast. She was on Joe Rogan. I listened to a lot of her on Joe Rogan. Now, we're going, here we go again. I guess we haven't had a dramatized version, just the documentary so far. I don't know how many times you can tell this story, but also I saw last week, she's being accused of something again in Italy. She might have to go back. I think she's being accused of defamation.


Okay, by the way, I did see that, too. It's like, Can this girl just stay out of Italy?


No, she and Brittany Griner and their passport in the garbage. They need to be burned at the stake. Yeah. Can they even get her, arrest her in Italy if she safe here?


Do we have extradition? That's what it's called. Extradition laws?


I think that we do. People who commit a crime here can't just run off to Italy, right?


You'd have to ask Joe Giudice.


Oh, that's so...


Because he He literally committed a crime here and ran off to Italy. Now, ran off, I do mean deported. Right. But-let's look. Where does he live now? Bahamas?


In the Bahamas, yeah. So he could be close to America.


Is that the closest? Wouldn't Toronto be a 45-minute flight?


Toronto? Oh, to New Jersey?




Sorry. Probably. But do you see Joe living in Canada? No, he wants to be Bahamian- Not any more than I live in the Bahamas.


If you're like, What are you doing in the Bahamas?


Do the girls always want to be going to Canada? At least now when they go visit their dad, it's like, Let's go. Leap of faith at the Atlantis.


No, for sure.


He's become the mayor of the Bahamas. It's like, anytime someone, a celebrity or anyone goes to the Bahamas, they see him, and they have to pay their respects.


It's really crazy. So once you get deported, are you allowed to visit?




Okay. I think you just get heard it from living here.


Being here. I just feel like he got a raw- Because you could come back and sneak in.


I do feel like he got a raw deal. Now, in hindsight, he definitely was guilty, but he wasn't guilty of a dangerous crime. He was guilty of being a thief.




There are people walking among us.


It was the highest letter to the law that they punished him with and made an example out of him.


Yeah. He has four daughters.


Violent criminals are running a muck every I just feel like we don't talk enough about-illegal. Who aren't citizens here, they're not getting deported.


I feel like we don't talk enough about how... That was wrong. He literally has a whole family here that he can't say because he committed mortgage fraud. The victim of his crime was the government and a bank. Do we give a fuck?


I mean, that's why they were extra salty.


Yeah. Personally, as a taxpayer, I don't give a fuck.


Yeah. Meanwhile, I don't know. I'm on the US State Department website. They're telling about the treaty between the Italian Republic and America when it regards to extradition. I'm not going to get my answer in a switch manner. No. Wait, does the US extradite to Italy? The US Italy Treaty allows extradition only for offenses punishable by a custodial sentence of more than one year or a more severe penalty under the law of both states. So yes. So it's case dependent. I don't know about her- But she wouldn't be going to prison even if she got- She wouldn't?


No. For defamation, you wouldn't go to prison. Oh, that's so true. So she doesn't have to go, actually.


Great. Happy for her. Stay put, Amanda.


Stay put.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story? No. Which is going to lead into a summer house recap.




Okay. Are you? So let's get ready, La. I'm ready.


The latter half of the show is brought to you by GNC, which... Thank you, because the latter half of the show is about to pop all the way off. We've got Queenie and Meanie of the Week, and we've got our Summerhouse highly anticipated recap. But before we get into that, let's talk about GNC, a sponsor here, but also a sponsor of my life. I don't mean that in a financial sense. I mean in a wellness sense.


Yes. Everything we do is GNC, and especially for you.


Yes. I've been lauded as somewhat of a champion of the GLP-1 community. I was on a GLP-1 medication, specifically. I teetered between Semaglutide and Ozempic, by brand name, for a year, and it completely changed my life. I won't go into all the nitty-gritty. You guys know I lost about, depending on the day, because I've I fluctuated a little bit recently. I lost about 70 pounds. Completely changed my life. I had been wanting to lose weight pretty much most of my adult life and was never able to do it. These drugs are life-changing, but they also come with their challenges while you're on the drugs, also after being on the drugs. I We had so many questions about what it was like to be on the drugs, how I'm doing after being on the drugs. I just wanted to talk about in partnership with GNC because they've been a huge resource for me, just talk about life on GLP-1, life after GLP-1, and addressing some of the most common questions that I get.


Well, I feel like one really common question is, are you worried that you're going to gain the weight back after you've lost it and being off of the drug?


Of course, yeah. It's literally all I think about. I think a lot of people use that fear as a roadblock for them. They're like, Well, I'm not going to go on this journey because I'll just gain it all back. I haven't gained it all back. Now, I'm struggling with the last 10 pounds, but compared to where I started, that's a huge accomplishment. I've taken on a really, not strict regimen, but an important routine for me. And for me, shopping at GNC and being stocked up on certain things have completely changed the trajectory of my journey. I definitely could have been one of those people who bounce back, but I made a commitment to myself, and I'm like, If I can stay on a decent path, I will be able to make this transition fully. For me, it's really important that I don't get to a place of hunger. You guys know the feeling. Yeah, of course, I'm hungry. I'm hungry, I'm hungry. But I get to a place where a flip switch is.


It's like blind hunger.


Everything I've done that day, everything I've learned, goes out the window, and I need to get my face in a cake the minute that I can. I used to be a house with no groceries. Shopping and being stacked up on good snacks, protein-filled snacks, is literally a life-changing part of this journey. I've talked a lot about protein shakes. I have one every single morning. The GNC brand, so it's the Total Lean Lean Shake. They come in a bunch of different flavors. Personally, I'm exclusively drinking cookies and cream. You guys know how specific and picky I am. I love cookies and cream. This is the only brand I've seen that actually makes cookies and cream-flavored protein shakes. I have one a day. Sometimes I'll drink it just plain, sometimes I'll put it in my coffee. Olivia has been wanting me to get an ice cream maker because you can make protein ice cream with these shakes. And honestly, why not?


Honestly, why not?


So Jancy has their own brand. It's called Total Lean, and they make bars, they make shakes. I love the bars and the shakes. I also have one of the bars here. This is the It's a birthday cake flavor, right? Vanilla birthday cake.


I love birthday cake. Happy birthday to you.


Thank you so much. Flavors are so personal. I'm not going to say this is the best flavor, but it's my favorite.


I appreciate that. It's very subjective.


So these keep me full. Sometimes, not for me, but for some people, they are meal replacements. Also, if you're just on the go and you don't have time to stop for a big lunch, having this on hand, it will help you just get through the day. For me, my journey is at the point where I'm just trying to get through the day without reaching that point. That's like a radioactive red zone, alert, alert, and having protein filled snacks. The shake has 25 grams of protein and only 170 calories. The bar has 15 grams of protein and 180 calories. That is substantial. That keeps me full. That keeps me from the line. You know what I mean? The point of no I've heard.


Yeah. Have you experienced any side effects since going off?


Well, I experience side effects on the drugs. I think a lot of people talk about the digestive, let's say that. I was told the second I left the office with the prescription Dr. Gizu was like, Get on a supplement. I think a lot of people wait for the problem to come before being proactive. My biggest tip to people is get on it. Gnc is the destination for supplements. I love fiber supplements. The Total Lean brand, that's the same brand as the shakes and the bars, has a dietary supplement, too, that I take. It's fabulous. Just shopping there for all of your needs. Obviously, the Total Lean brand is fabulous. That's their brand. But also, I discovered other brands. Also, staying hydrated, I shop my liquid IV from GNC. I shop my Bear Bell Protein Bar.


It's like, I- Quest Protein Chips.


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Yes, it is. Our fifth and final story is Summerhouse Recap. The reunion concluded. It was a two-part reunion, which I guess- Let me pull up my notes. Didn't need to be three parts, especially if they were going to all act so foul and infuriating. I genuinely am angry. I don't know where to take my eye, or I guess it's good that we have this show so I can spew everything that I'm feeling. I can't imagine how people who don't have a podcast felt after watching that.


I think that the favoritism and... Actually, the deep-rooted misogyny was really on display last night because the fact that we went through this whole reunion, and literally, Kyle was never once asked about him calling his wife a fucking bitch.


And lazy, and he's throwing, and he's having a temper tantrum.


No, but we addressed the lazy. And his answer was insufficient, but we did address it. Literally, the moment where he called her a fucking bitch was not addressed. And for me, that was a peak moment of the season. I think for a lot of people, it was.


Right. And it wasn't just one fight over the summer. The two of them also had a pretty Ms. Summer as a couple. I feel like because Amanda opened up about what she had been going through, what can you really... You don't want to poke and prod after that.


Yeah, but I think it also makes Kyle's comments even worse. Because he had known after the wedding that she had, and that this is something that runs in her family, and she has spoken to him about her anxiety before. So he knows this is something she's susceptible to, and he knows that it's been going on. So you're calling your wife, who is struggling with her mental health, you're calling her lazy. That's even worse.


No, and you're saying you're lonely Oh, my God.


It's like, how to... Kyle puts me to shame for making things about himself. I mean, it was absurd.


I feel like Amanda is not the issue in the fight. She doesn't say things. She's very even-tempered and very measured. But why can't we continue to ask Kyle what is going on with him and why he would act like that? Also, he would seem so stressed the whole season. Nothing. No feet to the fire, nothing. No.


The conversation in particular about when it pertained to Lindsay and Carl and Kyle just chiming in the entire fucking time about cocaine Carl, which Lindsay definitely was wrong for. However, I watched on Peacock, by the way, and they had some footage in there that I read on Twitter that was not in the original footage. Lindsay shared that Carl smokes weed, and before the summer, he had taken mushrooms. Was that on the regular episode?


No, it wasn't. They had mentioned that at some point in the season, that he smokes weed. So when she asked, Are you on drugs?


It wasn't out of the blue.


It wasn't out of the blue. And that is so germane to the fucking conversation. I'm sorry.


When your entire position on the show for the last couple of years is surrounded around your sobriety, which is so important, your sobriety is fair game. Lindsay sharing that they had went to a festival and taken mushrooms, and actually, Carl said he really didn't like it, he didn't want to do it again. That's important because a sober person is a sober person. If you're California sober, Who said that on Van der Pumper rolls? We were all clowning on him. James Kennedy. That's a thing people do. But you have brought your sobriety to the table, so we're going to talk about it now. You're actually not completely sober if you smoke weed. That's just something to talk about. The conversation about cooking Carl was bothering me so much because have we all fucking forgotten who outed Carl's journey on cocaine and that he came to work on cocaine? Kyle. Kyle. Kyle having the absolute fucking gall to sit there and be like, Apologize, apologize. We're literally talking about his journey, Carl's journey with cocaine because of you. You brought it on this show, and you literally destroyed your friendship with Carl because of it. So respectfully, shut the fuck up.


Yeah, just be quiet on this one. It also really bothered me. I felt like, first of all, Lindsay didn't call him Cocaine Carl to his face. She's talking to her girlfriend, and she said, and it's not a kind thing to say, but she said he's acting like cocaine Carl. That's not accusing him of being on cocaine. That's saying he's acting so aggressive and crazy like how he used to act. Not saying, I think he's on cocaine, but just like, that's how elevated he was. They made it like what she said. To me, her calling him Cocaine Carl behind his back is no different than Kyle calling Amanda a fucking bitch. Rude thing to say, rude thing to say. But she's burned at the stake, and he's like, Oh, sorry. Oops.


The part that probably bothered me the most when everyone was chiming in, just basically being like, Lindsay, this is your life. Carl actually didn't set you up to break up with you on camera. But even if he did, why should this not be father for the show? You signed up for this, basically. I just feel of all the people to say that to, when Lindsay is, hands down, maybe Carl, too, has been through the most on this show. She shared everything. She's been dragged. She shared her miscarriage, things you don't have to share. To even insinuate that Lindsay would hide something from the show is so fucking disrespectful. Lindsay has bled out more than anyone. If only maybe Carl, too. Carl with his brother and his sobriety. There are people on the show who hide. There are people on the show who really don't share much. We don't know much about them, but they're interesting.


No, to make to level that accusation at her. I think also the only other people who had put in that bucket of we see a lot about them not in a pretty light is Kyle and Amanda, too. Their relationship is always just like, splayed out. But everyone else, like Danielle has got her Robert. He comes once a weekend. We We don't know what goes on there. We don't know who the other people are dating or really what's going on with them. So to act like she's so wrong for trying to conceal this. And it's like, no, I gave you my whole fucking summer. I gave you every weekend. Summer was over. They also didn't say that. They didn't say that. We're out of the house.


The rental agreement is up.


I'm off the clock. I thought Andy was being so misleading, too. Oh, my God. He's infuriating. What's so crazy? Andy's going through it in his personal brand right now. I think Anderson Cooper was saying about Andy. He looks like a swam, but he's fucking paddling underwater to stay up and not get canceled. I think one of a legitimate criticism of Andy is the misogyny. It's so glaring. And this was on full display in the Summerhouse reunion. And this is a myth. Everything that people are saying about him, you would think he would at least try and act and pretend like he gives a shit about the women and isn't playing favorites with all the boys.


No. Lindsay, to me, I was reading people were making such fire points. I think, were on the same level as people because I went to Twitter. I always like to see what people are saying. People are just like, Bravo is this network that really built itself on the backs of women like Lindsay, giving 10 years of her life to the show, going through probably the lowest points of your life and sharing I'm not doing that on the show. For Andy, and even the cast, just to turn on her in this moment was so disappointing because... I'm not a Lindsay apologist. Lindsay's toxic as hell. We could go into that. But in this moment, for everyone to be like, Carl Carl's the victim and coddle him. I think it was so... The most indicative moment was Carl sitting there being like, Lindsay, you have a boyfriend. You've been in a relationship since January. I haven't kissed anyone since our relationship ended. That's embarrassing. Everyone was like, Carl, no. Am I the only one seeing through this? And by the way, I'm sure you don't know this, but Captain Lee from Below Deck recently did a podcast where he told this story, and he basically said, I just want to say I believe everything Lindsay's saying.


I had the craziest fucking experience with Carl Radke. I've known him for a while. We're actually friends. He came on the podcast. It was great. We had a great conversation. He didn't ask for anything to be I got out. I think I promoted it on Tuesday that he was coming on on Wednesday. Carl fucking calls me and lights me the fuck up, screaming angry. He said, I've never seen somebody so crazy and angry in my life. Basically saying that Captain Lee is using him like cloud chasing, whatever, and not to run the interview.


Captain Lee is cloud chasing.Right..


And Carl... And Captain Lee was like, It was so crazy. It was such a flip. And it was very similar to what Lindsay describes. He's like, We didn't really see the interview, and I want nothing to do. He's fucking crazy. And that's Captain Lee, who's not a shitster. He's literally probably the most honest man on the network.


Right. So just back to what Andy was trying to clarify about production. He's saying, Carl didn't call production and say, I'm ending my engagement. And I think that's probably true. And Andy said, You had a bad weekend, so we I just wanted to follow up. And there could be a follow up conversation with Carl and Lindsay, and it doesn't go well. But to end it... I know everyone's like, How could you be blindsided? We're fighting all summer. But I feel like when you're about to end an engagement, I would imagine there are more stages where it's like you're questioning. I don't think Lindsay questioned at any point if the engagement was going to end. I think the question she was asking her the whole time is, How can I make this work? I don't know. Maybe some people take a break Maybe someone moves out for a week, cool off. To just abruptly end the relationship and to say that he went into that conversation just wanting to talk to her is so untrue because she couldn't have been more even keel calm and understanding. What was he hoping that she would say that would have stopped him from ending the engagement.


It's really crazy when you think about how the whole cast and Andy last night were just coddling Carl and not really holding him or Kyle accountable for anything that they did this season. Then I think back to last week We're like, seriously, one of the worst roastings of a person ever, Wes. Everyone just sat in silence while he was being eviscerated, and we lived for it because he deserved it. But his crimes, comparatively, are not even remotely close to Kyle calling his wife a fucking bitch, calling her lonely when she's going through... Calling her lazy when she's going through a deep depression. Carl, seriously being the fucking worst. Neither one of them got even the remote ass handing that they needed. But when you think about West, now it feels harsh.


Yeah. West's crime is leading on a person not being serious. West is my least favorite person, but I feel like no one in the group, especially the women, have no compassion for the fact that Lindsay is a 38-year-old woman who just had her engagement ended. These are real things that we know she wants children. Regardless of you guys fought and it was bad and you really thought you should get married, she's starting from zero from scratch at 38 years old when the things that she wants, she's on a biological clock for. Have some fucking sympathy.


There is a substantial rumor out there. I saw it on a bunch of blogs that Lindsay is currently pregnant.


I hope so.


I fucking hope so, too.


Oh, my God. With triplets. What? With triplets. I was so glad to hear that she's in a relationship. I feel like people were like, first of all, their engagement ended in what? August, September. She started dating someone in January. You've got to make hast. She's 38 years old and she wants children. What are you What do you guys think is going to happen?


No, I'm sorry. They could never make me hate her.


Carl has the luxury of not kissing anyone.


Right. Such victim energy.


And that's misogyny. He has that luxury, and she doesn't. Searching for a victim, Colin. There's your misogyny.


The Carl Radke story. I can't stand him. Also, it really bothered me whenever... And especially the women on the cast, they know the value of content creation because they all do brand deals.


This was infuriating.


For them to even compare Lindsay's as a full-time content creator to Carl doing three brand deals in one year, stop.


No. Also, they both make money from the show, and they're both influencers, though Lindsay's having enough success with it to stay in the apartment by herself. She's doing really well with it. No, it's not acceptable for that to be Carl's full-time job. He needs to... And also when she- By the way, it's exactly what we were saying yesterday.


Influencing, I'm sorry, is a job for women, and it's a job where women make more money. Carl doing it being like, Look, I did a brand deal. It's not the same as Lindsay building a legitimate business. And lest me not forget, Lindsay came onto the show with a real fucking job that she left for because she was making more money doing content creation and being a reality star than she was at her actually very legitimate, successful high paying job.


So it's not the same. Lindsay said all summer, Ambition is sexy to me. If we have the same job and you're more beta at it, that's not hot to her.




Yeah. So I feel like nothing she said was inconsistent. It wasn't like there was this big thing that we didn't know, and everyone's making her feel so crazy Lindsay for saying Carl didn't have a job when he needed to get a full-time job. Also, Lindsay can be a mom and an influencer and a reality star. Great. Carl should be doing more, too. Full-time.




Seriously, disappointing on the entire... I don't expect anything from Carl and Kyle and whatever. They've got to protect their boy. But Andy and the rest of the group just piling on Lindsay. And the girls. Yeah, and the girls. I know that they have their issues with her, and she sabotaged Paige's photoshoot, says Carl, who's a liar, and sees things through the lens of his own feelings. Maybe he felt like she said that. I don't know.


It's all about his feelings.


So that was really frustrating. And so now Lindsay's in a serious relationship. She may or may not be pregnant. I don't think she should come back to the show.


I completely agree.


She should say, Fuck you all. Try and have a show without me. The only thing you can all agree on is how much you dislike me. Go ahead. Go have fun.


No, it's true. And also, you have to think about, the show is having a moment now, but the show really was on three wheels for many years. They tried really hard to make Summerhouse a thing, and it has recently become a thing. Lindsay has been there from day one, bleeding out when no one was watching. How many sandwiches have you made me? She really, I'm sorry, is the backbone of this show, and she's toxic as hell, and she's been crazy. But I'm sorry, there's something to be said for growth.


I just wanted to say, all the time I've been watching Summer House, which isn't very long, literally three seasons. I've not seen her be toxic, but I know I'm missing something.


But I feel like anytime you want to defend Lindsay, you have to caveat it with, Well, yeah, she's Lindsay.


I'm like, She's a girl doing her best in the world, okay? It's so true. It's hard out there.


It's so true. You're right. It was enormously disappointing. Because Kyle was annoying me, too, but it's understandable. Everybody, you're right, gets a mouthpiece. She's not going to be, but she definitely was a contender to be weaning of the week. It was Amanda Batul for last night's behavior, especially given what's going on. I think people have been speculating all week that her and Kyle are divorced.


Really? Oh my God. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. Because there was that video.


Yes. There's a video of Kyle and then Amanda's statement from last night's episode, which she was clearly addressing her opening up about her depression. But her statement now People are thinking it's really weird timing. He's not been in a lot of her photos. People think she's on the brink of divorce, but she's out here pointing fingers. Seriously, take a seat. Take a seat. Your husband called you a fucking bitch on national television. Who were you to criticize?


Yeah. And then the mullet, even though he looks so much better without it.


Oh, my God. I didn't even realize. He's actually a very handsome guy. Oh, my God. What an actual mongrel he was looking like all season long. The haircuts on girls are so major. On a guy, I never even noticed. Oh, my God. Who the fuck let him walk around like that? Disgraceful.


Yeah. No, I'm seriously angry.


Him becoming a DJ. When Andy was like, Oh, DJ James Kennedy. Ready for this. How is Kyle becoming a DJ, the Bravo DJ, any different than Craig investing in another canned cocktail company?




Just feels similar, no?


Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of dynamics for this next season. Summer's around the corner. They're going to start... They always filmed July fourth and maybe the weekend before. It could probably start filming in the next two weeks. This weekend, yeah. Kyle and Carl and Paige, that's a wild one. This video of Kyle that just came out. Cierra and West, how are they going to be in the same house? West was on Vile files. I only saw clips on reels, but like- Okay, what is up with nick Vial dying on the hill of West?


He's out here making all these TikToks defending him.


You think?


Oh, my God, have you not seen? He got roasted on TikTok.


No, I saw one video from the show where it felt like nick was trying to give him advice and be like, You done, fucked up.


They recap on their show part one, and he just basically was like, Sierra will see this in a few years. It was all It was her fault. It was a really crazy bad take. It was such a bad take, and it was shocking because nick has good takes. I feel like he's actually very leveled, and I really like his wife, and I feel like she's really smart, too. She did the funniest clip, She fucking hates Kyle. I feel like they were actually... They're in a unique space where their job is to critique reality TV. But they're also friends with a lot of these people, and they come on as guests. It's an awkward balance sometimes to criticize someone that you're friends with. But they always tell the truth, and I actually really respect that. He just came out of left field with the worst take on West, which, of course, he's entitled to.


That's not what I saw, but I believe you that that's what's out there. But from what I saw, it was a drilling and also, Here's how you can be a better man. Maybe nick even sees a little bit of himself in West because he took a while to settle down. But I feel like he was always more intentional, serious monogamous Oasis. I don't know.


I'll send you the clip where they're recapping the Sierra West thing after part one, and it's just the worst take a person could have.


But you can never make me hate the Vials. You can never make me- Natalie is my postpartum queen right now.


I I love her.


I love her. I love their family. I love their wedding.


Her life is seriously not relatable to me. She's in a tone, but I just love her.


Wait, how is it not relatable to you? You're a podcasting wife duo.


No, she's a mom. You're saying you like her motherhood content, even though it's not for you. I do. I love that she got married. I think a lot of people would wait till they're fully out of a postpartum. She had to release a statement of people being like, Your boobs look so big. She's like, I'm literally breastfeeding at my wedding. Fuck off. Some girls would wait for that to be done. I feel like she's so embracing Missing Mother. She doesn't give a fuck. I love her.


No, I love. That's been one of my favorite follows recently.


I've met her once, and she's just gorgeous in person and so nice.


You love to hear it.


You love to hear it. All that to say, there's a lot of interesting dynamics at play, yes.


And was Wes grilled? I don't know. But what's also so crazy is West was the star of the season. He only spoke in the reunion when he was getting his ass handed to him. He didn't even say anything in the second part. It's like, woof. And then even on the clip of him in Vial files, he's shrinking into the couch. We barely see his face. It's so crazy how he's such a different person when it's not all fun and games. He's not up for the task.


Did you also feel like production-wise in terms... Because we talked last week about the lighting being really off on a lot of people. And then when West showed everyone his pit stains, was that in the uncut version? Yeah. That was an abnormal pit stain and how everyone had to be fanning themselves with those cards. I've never seen that before. I feel like this was a janky reunion.


I thought the lighting on Jesse Solomon was really bad.


They couldn't make me ever hate him.


No, never.


What would Jesse Solomon do?


No matter how many times he jumps in to defend West or Carl. I don't care. I literally don't care. I don't care. That's just Jesse.


That's just... Hey, Jessie.


That's just Jessie. It's the wrong side he can see.


No, no. Hey, Jessie.


What's that?


From the Jessie Disney channel original show, starring Debbie Ryan.


I thought you were doing like, Hey, Jessie.


No, I wasn't. Let's move into our Queeny and Weanie of the Week. Let's move in. Let's move in. Where Jackie and I dole out basically the biggest awards in podcasting, and we do it weekly. We give somebody the honor of being Queenie of the week and Weanie of the week. It's just as it sounds. Were you acting like a queeny this week? Well, you might be eligible for queeny of the week. Were you acting in major weanie-like energy? Were you operating in weanie spaces? You perhaps Perhaps could be eligible for weanie of the week. Now, it's important to keep in mind, weanie and queeny of the week are not permanent.


It's a seven-day term. It's not a big deal.


Don't get comfortable. You can be queeny one week and seriously, weanie the next. You can be weanie one week and queeny the next. Have we ever had somebody be both?


I think so. Maybe.


It's possible is all I'm saying. So, Jax, why do you start us off with Queenie of the Week?


After this conversation, I'm so tempted to make it Lindsay Hubbard because I thought she handled herself in a Queenie-like manner. I'm really rooting for her, and I'm wishing her lots of love. But I had written down Kaitlyn Clarke, another one who handled herself with such grace this week. I feel like she's been taking a lot of heat in the space. She has. And she's really handling herself in a graceful manner. In a queeny-like manner.


I like that. I like that a lot. And who's your weenie?


You don't want to do your queenie?


One thing about me, I have a really hard time coming up with a queenie. Obviously, Lindsay is an obvious choice, but I I feel like last week we did all summer house people, too, when it's like, we need to move on.


It's just because it's the conversation right before the segment, and we're heated.


Yeah. But we have to think about the whole week of shows.


At a time.


For me, weenie is always super easy. For me, this week, it's going to be Annalise Vanderpull.


That's so funny. For me, I had a tie, and it was the two perpetrators of Loser/Loser crime, and it was Annalise and Jojo.


No, Annalise, she's been a sleeper, Weenie. I've been seeing her content for an actual two years.


But her weaning-likeness flew under the radar, you're saying?


I mean, there was just always somebody being a bigger weaning. But I think this week it came to a weaning head.


Yeah, because it made the fast five.


That's why. It made the fast five, which is like... We have a high bar.


We do. I think it's the both of them.


Yeah. And then my queenie of the week. It's so hard. Who is my queenie of the week? I'm just so negative. Gasex. Thank you. It's also hard to not just deliver Queen and Me for Friday. We need to do the segment every day. We actually do because... Yes. But nothing gave me more joy and relief and love this week than Gas-X. So yes.


I think that's beautiful.


Thank you. That's our show. That's our week. We've got a really fun week next week. We are dropping a merch collection that you will start to see sprinkles of. So make sure you're following us on social media because we did a seconding photoshoot that we're really excited about. It's probably some of our best merch to date. I'm not going to lie. I don't lie.


Best merch, best shoot. It's going to be so fun. Summer collection. Summer, here we come. You guys, we're living for summer. We're like toxically summer people right now. Summer. Summer. Summer.


Thank you guys so much for listening to The Toast on Monday Morning Show, where you deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video of thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast, and our podcast can be found. So Spotify, iTunes, Twitter, public video, I heard, RadioCast, box, all the places. Why don't you listen to podcast? Find us The Toast. Leave me a five-star view. But I'm beautiful, but outstanding about how weekly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing day, and we'll see you tomorrow.


Love you. Bye.