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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Wednesday. That's right. Our hard work, it's starting to pay off. We can't get ahead of ourselves. It's not like Thursday or Friday or anything, but it's not Tuesday.


No, we are making strides. We are ascending the mountain of the week.


Yes, I love that.


The week is a mountain, and it's all about the climb.


And the view is fucking amazing.


And this Wednesday view, we're about to ascend, and that's the best part. Not when you're at the top of the mountain, but when you're almost there.


Yeah, it's euphoric.


And you have everything to look forward to. The hardest of the work is behind you. Wednesday is a mountain, you guys, and we're almost at the peak.


Jackie and I are both wearing sets from our new summer merch shop. I'm wearing the Lilac set. Jackie's wearing the Cerulian, if you will.


The Cerulian blue toasty set that has our graphic design on the back. What would we call that?


It's just our imaging, our brand message.


It has our imaging on the back that is so cute. There's so many Easter eggs, toasty nuggets in there. It'll just keep you smiling throughout the day.


It's giving Jumanji.


It is. We should make a toasty board game. You would love that.


Okay. I had that idea a couple... Maybe a year or two ago. I was in my old apartment, so at least two years ago. I had started... I was thinking of doing a toasty card I didn't know if it should be like, toast-centric or pop culture centric. Then I tried to find the manufacturing and the people, and I gave up after 10 minutes. Where do you start?


Not a card game, though, because if you had said a toasty card game, I would have said no. A board game where there's pieces. It's like Candyland, but Toastyland.


I know. But I do feel like card games are the new frontier. When I walk the game aisle at Target, it's all these different card games. Cards Against Humanity really started apples to apples vibes. Everybody's recreating that with different themes, messaging, things of that nature. And I thought if there was a pop culture one, helmed by the two, the most influential pop culture podcast, I thought perhaps people would like it for our followers, but then also for just people who are into pop culture.


Right. No, but there would have to be swirly jokes in there. A card game would be super easy. Honestly, it's just paper.


Yeah, no, I just didn't know. Seriously, I was online, trying to figure out how to make a custom board game. What is it called? Card game. Card game, sorry. And then I ended up on, you can make one set, a gift for someone. I'm like, No, I need thousands.


Yeah, I almost did that for my husband for his birthday one year. Because he loves Monopoly. So to get him like, Zackopoli.


But there are companies that do that. It's like, $6,000.


Yeah, but it was a big birthday. So I was like, But is that... I don't I don't know why I didn't do it. I might have asked him because I'm not going to do all that work and spend all that money if it's not something he's going to like. And I didn't get the vibe.


He was dying for it. No, but if you go on Wayfair, or no, the one that everybody loves is the one from Pottery Barn. It's not custom, but it's esthetic monopoly that isn't folded up and put in a box. It's meant to be a table centerpiece. It's like wooden mahogany. It's like $3,000.


And at that point, I might as well make Zackopoli and put my thought into it where everything is Zack-themed. Maybe one day. That's also just a fun project for me.


I would really have fun with that. You put the street he grew up on, where he went to school. It's cute.


The Cowboys.


Yeah, the stadium.


Honestly, after last night, I have to put the Panthers because we're We're Panthers fans now. Okay.


Jackie was out and about at a important cultural sports moment last night.


I was. We went to game five of the Stanley Cup, Panthers versus Oilers. It's here in Florida. And thank you to La Croix, who brought me, which was so much fun. And I was already excited to go. I actually have to thank Ariana Grande, because without her, I might never have gone, because it was from that conversation that La Croix gleaned that our girl wanted to go to the game, mostly because I said it, they didn't have to glean much. And that's how it all came together. So I want to thank Ari and SpungeBob for that.


How was it?


It was amazing. First of all, we got there right in the nick of time, and I I really felt like Forest Gump. I was just in the middle of this major cultural moment, and I'm like, How did I get here? How me? It was very exciting. The energy was electric, and it was so Floridian. I really felt like a Floridian, and I was feeling Florida proud. Wow. I haven't lived here that long, so I haven't experienced that many moments. But I was like, these are my people, my country, man. Like, Florida, baby. Florida.


Okay, and they lost, not to be a downer.


So, yes, they lost, which was bad news for the state. Definitely good news for the advertisers because there'll be another game.


If this Florida team had won last night, they would have won the Stanley Cup.


They would have won the Stanley Cup. So they lost, which was a loss for the state, definitely. But it was win for Zack and I because we made the decision with 2 minutes 30 seconds left in the game, the Panthers were down 4-3. But if they had scored, which you can score any minute in hockey, it's not like football where you need a lot of time. If they had scored, it would have gotten to overtime. And if they had won the Stanley Cup last night, it would have been insanity in the stadium, and we would have missed that. But I was like, it's not worth us getting stuck in traffic, getting home an hour later. We had to park so far because we got there pretty late, and the Floridians had already taken up every curb. The way people parked in the stadium. In Florida. Zack was like, I've never seen anything like this in my life. We parked up on the curb. It was hysterical.


That is so funny.


It was so funny. So we're literally, we hear the countdown clock going. We're still walking to our car. We break out in a run. My aura ring is like, We're exercising at midnight? Okay. But they wound up losing, which was good for us. We got out of the stadium before the rush, and it was a breeze.


What is a better feeling than leaving an arena or a stadium and timing it fucking perfectly?


Even our arrival was timed perfectly. We didn't miss the national anthem, which I thought we were going to. Who sang it? She's a burgeoning artist. Her name was Morgan Alex or Alex Morgan. She did a really nice job, and everything was just really great. Hockey is so much fun. It's really stressful. I was really... And anything could change on a dime. So I'm literally sitting there like this, and then I'm like, I feel my smile fall when they take the punk back.


I like where... I like going to hockey games. I've only been to a few, but it's so cold in the arena and that other games, with all the humanity in one facility, it's hot. And you always want to wear a cute bomber jacket. It's hard to maintain your temperature. At a hockey game, you're chilly, and then you just look so small and frail because you're just chittery-chettering your teeth.


Yeah, I was worried about being cold, so I couldn't wear a seam. I had a hard time getting dressed. Also, the Panthers colors are not my colors. So that's something that I'm going to have to deal with. Red or it's not black. It's like a midnight navy blue. Even so, I don't wear navy, let alone darker. It was black and red, which wasn't For me, but I made it work, and it wasn't about me, unfortunately.


Don't say that.


Well, for me, it was. It was just so fun. But I will say I'm shocked that no shade. I love Panthers Strong. But you have to be able to call it your faves. Of course. I am shocked that this team is in the Stanley Cup. They played like ass last night. I don't know if last night was a bad game. No one could make a pass. They were just like, but sing around. I have to imagine they had a really bad night because I was like, this is not beautiful hockey.


Well, here's a million dollar question. Can you name five hockey players?


No. I was like, first of all, when you're in the arena, you don't hear the announcers talking about the players, really. But I really wanted to- Commit. I'm like, I literally was halfway through the game. I'm like, I haven't learned one name. Then I see in front of me everyone's wearing jerseys, Bombrowski. So I'm like, I need to commit some of these names to memory. All I've got from last night was Bombrowski.


And that's a last name?


That's one person's last name. So you don't know his first? No, but then a couple of people were messaging me that I actually should have been rooting for the Oilers because there is a Jew on the Oilers, Zack. Let me get his last name. He's a wonderful Pijam, pro-Israel Jew on the Oilers. Oilers Jewish. I don't think the Panthers can say the same.


Zack Hyman.


Zack Hyman. Yeah, that's it.


He attended the United Synagogue Day School and graduated with the honors from a Jewish high school The Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto. Clardia.


He wrote two children's books, and he wears number 18.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I stand. What state is the oilers? Let me guess. It's giving Baltimore.


Edmonton, Canada. They also sang the Canadian National Anthem. You know that's my third favorite National Anthem.


Yeah, I did know that. I also don't understand that. All of our sports league are National.


National, it's the NHL.


Except in the NBA, there's this weird thing that there's one team for Toronto, right? What's the- Rapids? Yes, very good.


It's a sports podcast.


It's always this weird thing. It's like, You are not a part of this, but okay, we'll allow it. Sure. With hockey, there's a bunch of... It's like a trans-Atlantic League.


It's really like a North American League, but I don't think Mexico has a team, so that's rude.


Let's see if he has a girlfriend, Zack Hyman. I'm obsessed.


He does.


He's married.


He has written children's books. Her name is Elana. On the one hand, the Panthers won the first three games, and actually, the fourth game was in Edmonton. And we were a little nervous that the Panthers would win because that would mean that we couldn't go to game five. There wouldn't be one. And then happily, there was a game five that we were able to attend, and they were stinking up the court. And for a second, I was feeling like, Oh, maybe it's us. Maybe we're bad luck. But no, I think we opposite effect. Ever since we moved to Florida, all of our teams have been crushing life. It's you. It's literally me. We're in the Stanley Cup. Fau was in the basketball finals. I think last year, all three Florida football teams made it to the playoff.


Yeah, they did a good job. Okay, wait. I'm learning so much about this guy and his wife. First of all, she's a very high-powered attorney in the Toronto Financial district.


He loves a strong woman.


Where did they meet? Princeton University, where he was playing hockey, and she was a How old is he?


I know someone who went to Princeton, so maybe they're friends.


No, I think that they're older. They met... She's older than me. She graduated law school in 2017.


Okay. I feel like the person we both know-Who?might know him, Dana's husband.


Oh, yeah. I'm obsessed with the With the children's book of it all.


Yeah. What are they called?


I closed the tabs.


I should get one.


You should definitely get one. Support Jewish athletes, support Jewish authors. Yeah. Support Jewish podcasters. Send today's episode to somebody who needs it.


All is to say, it was a great night out. Panthers, you'll get them on the next one. Also, I was saying to Zack, it's so inconvenient that the two teams in the finals are the Florida and the Edmonton because they're going back and forth. That's a long plane ride.


Coast to Coast.


Couldn't be further apart.


So true. Hopefully, they're flying private.


Well, then we were asking that question. I think they get a commercial plane to themselves is what happens. Yeah.


Well, I'm so glad you went. I'm so glad you had a blast. You looked gorge.


Thank you. We had so much fun. We love hockey now. Panthers strong. All is to say, I'm going to include Panthers on Zackopoli, and I just want to give another thank you to La Croix. And the girls were such swirleys who worked for La Croix Toaster, and they were so wonderful. We really had the best time. Thank you.


Yesterday, Jackie and I, we got on the phone later in the evening, and we looked at each other and we said, This has been, hands down, the single most productive day of my life. Yesterday, we were doing so much. We made a lot of big decisions for what's going to be at our live show. They low-key start next week. If you head to thetoastpodcast. Com, Jackie and I are doing, what is it, total nine live shows, four of them in New York City at the Beacon Theater, and the remaining ones are going to be at the West Hampton Beach Performing Art Center. We have released a few more tickets, so head over to thetoastpodcast. Com. We have links to all the shows. No, it's not thetoastpodcast. Com. I'm sorry. It's thetoastpodcast. Com/tour. We have links to everything. Come see us. It's going to be so fabulous. I'm so excited. We were getting some of our music selects ready. Lots of Toasty Bangers being included. Fun Games, trips to the Cape. I'm so excited for that.


Also, when I did my book signing, so many of the girlies were like, We're coming to the Beacon. So many people are coming from far and wide. So we just did release more tickets, as Claudia said. It turns out we don't have as many friends and family as we thought we did.


No, not us, reserving 100 tickets each show for all the people in our life who are going to want to come. So it's 100 for every show. That's 400. We literally put our list together. It's like 11 people. So, yeah, we have tickets to sell.


Which is great news for you guys. If you didn't get tickets, and even if you don't live in the city and you want to plan a trip, now you can do that. All's to say.


June 27th and 28th, literally next week, are the first ones. And then August first and second are the last two in the city. The rest are scattered throughout July in West Hampton, which is going to be fabulous. So it's a swirly summer. We hope to see you there. Thetoastpodcast. Com/tour.


I saw on the Spritz account, they called it Swirly Girl Summer.


Yeah, I love that. That's what you get when you have a Gen Z or working for you, doing the social media.


But is it Swirly Girls Summer?


No, wait. What was the first thing you said? I liked it.


Swirly Girls Summer.


It's Swirly Girls Summer.


It It's really is Swirly Girls Summer. It's ready, feeling that way. We're in our merch, which you can get at shoptoastmerch. Com. Everything's coming up Swirl.


That is definitely true.


Also, title, Swirly Girls Summer, because I'm going to forget that.


Just in case. Yeah, I That's what I'm saying. I'm not going to say that unless something better happens.


You never know.


You never know.


Now that you're caught up on hockey, I'm so cracking up that last week we didn't know shit about hockey. We still don't. We didn't even know that it was happening. And now we have a hockey expert on the podcast.


For sure.


Also, I was sitting close to the media booth, and I had the itch.


Jackie, you are the media booth, please.


I had the itch. I was like, I should be in there.


I'd rather see you in there shaking that thing.


Yeah. So this is a hockey podcast, sports podcast, which it's always been. But now we can add hockey to our roster of things we know so much about.


And that's the thing. Last week, we said, We know nothing about this. And here we are, like you said, having an expert on the show. Don't put yourself in a box.


No. Never stop growing, evolving, and learning.


Be open to all things.


It's so true. I feel like that's always the case with us. We don't know anything about something, and then we really immerse ourselves to become experts. And then it's our new personality.


Jackie? Sourdough. No, and then we seriously enrage a community.


Totally. But just be glad we've arrived. You've been waiting for us.


It's so true. We're We're all on our own timelines.


Run your own race, la.


Run your own race, la.


That's a good motto.


I like that one, run your own race. I just heard another motto from the Céline Dion documentary. It was a good one. She said, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Because she was saying how the people who work with her from all aspects, whether it's in her house or on her tour, she's worked with for over 30 years. Every time she was referring to her live shows, she would be like, When people come to our shows, it's like, Well, it's your show, but that's generous of you.


Yeah. No, I like that.


Me too.


Okay. Now that you've been thoroughly inspired, it is time for the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


And today's sponsor is when we teased at an earlier show. Our show today is brought to you by Resort Pass, which provides exclusive day passes to luxury hotel pools, cabanas, and spas without needing to stay overnight. So Resort Pass partners with over 1,300 of the world's best hotels and offers same and next day booking, and some day passes are starting as low as $25. Jackie, you just used your Resort Pass for Father's Day.


Yes. So when I said that we went to the beach, which we never really do, it was because of Resort Pass. Thank you so much. We went to O Palm Beach, which is- One of our favorite hotels. One of our favorite hotels. It's a beachside resort in Palm Beach. I feel like any time in the past where we wanted to go to a hotel on the beach, we have to book a room, even if we don't even wind up sleeping in it, just to get access. But Well, Resort Pass is literally a genius concept. We went for the afternoon, we got a cabana on the beach, and we had the best day ever. And we live in a state that has a lot of hotels, and it's nice to be able to use them. But I feel the same about New York. So many hotels have amazing spas, amazing gyms, so many great amenities. Use them. Use Resort Pass.


Resort Pass is the best kept secret. I'm low key not wanting to do this ad because I don't want everybody to start taking up my passes, but it really is so brilliant. They make it really easy to turn every day into a vacation. What's great about Resort Pass is that there's no membership fee. Some day passes start as low as $25. Plus, they offer same and next day booking, making it super easy to transform an average Wednesday into an impromptu day, soaking up the sun at a luxury five-star resort. They make it easy. It's endless options for fun. So whether you're looking for a fun-filled family outing, if you want to elevate your day and create vacation memories without the hassle of planning a trip, visit resortpass. Com/toast to learn how to get $20 off your first Resort Pass. Today's episode is also brought to you by Bolen Branch. They are here to help you never They're going to sleep hot again with sheets that are woven to allow airflow and feel cool and crisp to the touch. It's perfect for sleepers who run hot or just human beings who run hot. I love Bolen Branch.


I would love them even if they weren't temperature-regulating because they're just gorgeous and so soft. They get better with every wash. They're buttery soft. But the way they regulate your temperature, I get night sweats. I don't know if it's hormonal or if it's through different phases of the seasons. I'm literally having night sweats in the dead of winter. Even in the summer, when I will put my air on 59 degrees, I will I wake up with night sweats. It ruins my blowout, first of all, which is so annoying. But thanks to Bowl & Branch, those days are behind me. If you get night sweats, you know how terrorizing you get me and just annoying for your beauty routine. The Bowl & Branch sheets are loved by millions of sleepers. Their sheets fit the deepest of mattresses. They're even labeled with the top and bottom tags, so making your bed is way easier. Best of all, Bowl & Branch is giving you a 30-night worry-free guarantee with free shipping and returns on all US orders. So get your coolest, most comfortable sleep with Bowl & Branch. Get 15% off plus free shipping on your Our set of sheets when you use our promo code, Toast, at bolandbranch.


Com. That's Bowlin' Branch, B-O-L-L-A-N-D, Branch. Com. Promo code, Toast, for 15% off, plus free shipping. Exclusions to apply, so see their site for details. That's bolandbranch. Com. Our promo code is Toast. I love their sheets. They go for all bed sizes. They have tons of different colors, styles, so whatever your esthetic is, they've got you covered. Thank you, La. You're welcome, Ja.


Thank you so much. Okay, our first story, the big story of the week, developing story, Justin Timberlake. New information is coming out about his DWI. He had bloodshot eyes and insisted he only drank one martini before the DWI arrest. So more details about his arrest have emerged. In the criminal complaint obtained by Page 6 on Tuesday, the arresting officer of the Sag Harbor Village Police Department in New York, allegedly observed Timberlake, who was driving a 2025 grade BMW, a car from the future, said, fail to stop at a posted stop sign and twice fail to keep to the right side the road. What's also funny is, apparently this police officer was younger.


Like, 22, they say. This part of the police report is going viral.


And he didn't recognize Justin Timberlake because he's too young for you, bro.


Justin Timberlake in in sync, but him, Justin, specifically, is really the image, the face of millennialism.


Yeah. No, this is really telling.


Justin Timberlake is Chuggy.


Yeah. So he pulled the musician over, at which point, quote, It was ascertained that Timberlake was operating said vehicle in an intoxicated condition, in that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy. A strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath. He was unable to divide attention. He had slowed speech. He was on steady foot, and he performed poorly. On all standardized field sobriety tests, yes, his mugshot has emerged. Those eyes are looking glassy.


His Mugshot has emerged, and I think that the Sag Harbor Police Department is using a Canon G7X because I have never seen a mugshot so crystal clear. And well-lit. There's a ring light on there. Everyone's mugshot is a grainy piece of shit. His looks like a passport photo.




His eyes look really glassy, really red. A lot of details that came out went viral. Obviously, the police officer being 22 and not knowing who Justin Timberlake was, took the world by storm. But also there's dialog in some of the body cam footage that has been transcribed. Justin says to himself, Well, this is going to ruin the tour. The policeman says, What tour? He literally doesn't know. Justin's like, The World Tour.


Claudia, that's us.


Like, literally us.


Any minor inconvenience this summer.


Jackie, us realizing that we have 100 tickets for our friends and family.


Me not placing Click to buy on my shopping cart. Actually, for dresses. But I did yesterday, you guys.


So did I. I did Revolve, and I did Zara.


Oh, cute. I did sacks. Com, and now I'm perusing forward/revolve.


Yeah. So just stay tuned for the looks being churned out at the Beacon Theater next week.


Yeah, not us needing nine Bussing looks.


I know. Jackie and I were saying to each other, Are we going to have one tour outfit that we wear at every stop, or are we just going balls to the wall with the wardrobe budget? Of course, Jackie said, We're going balls to the wall with the wardrobe budget, which I did agree with. And that's really tough because I can barely find one dress like that I like, let alone nine.


Right. It's a crazy endeavor.


We're going dresses or are we open to rompers, jumpsuits, tops, things of that nature?


Fancy wear. Fancy wear. Anything nice. Cocktail chic. Yeah. It could be shorts and a blouse. You know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You look nice.


You look good.




Back to Justina.


One martini. Sure.




Yeah. Like, Hey, hey. Also, Jessica Biel was filming a period piece in the city yesterday.


Yeah. So she's just like, those paparazzi pictures came out. She's letting everyone know, I have one on part of this. I was hours away.


I was working. And it's weird that he was in the Hamptons, and she was in the city.


What are you doing in the Hamptons by yourself?


Yeah. Or if she's working in the city, they should either both be out there or both be in the city.


Yeah. No. And it's like, She's working in the city, so why don't you stay home and help with the kids? I don't know. It's weird.


It's weird.


He's weird. No, I literally loathe entirely. Like, hate you, love all these details, keep them coming, love the memes. Everyone's been waiting for this moment, and the Internet has not disappointed. They have gone far above and beyond the call of duty, and I'm grateful as an internet user.


This is going to ruin the tour.


No, literally us.


Okay, well, we'll keep you posted on what Justin does next, but it's not.


Oh, and did you see there's the photo of him in cuffs that's gone viral. He's stepping out the back door of a police station. And I think the cop escorting him, he looks super young, is the cop.


Oh, yes, I did see that picture.


That's the one people are memifying.


Oh, my God.


I don't know why. Somebody's out to get Justin Timber. Every piece of evidence in this case is so crystal clear. It's broad daylight when he leaves the police station. The person is so close to him or is using a 100 millimeter lens. It's crystal fucking clear. The content is supreme.


Yeah, but I guess he was in the drunk tank and couldn't leave till morning. Imagine It's like a local- And by then, the paparazzi already knew he was arrested, so they're out there.


Imagine you're just a local drunkard who frequents the drunk tank on a weekly or bi weekly basis, and you see the regulars, you walk in, and then you see Justin Timberlake.


Are you happy or are you angry?


It depends who you are. Oh, you're happy because you're selling your story for at least 25 grand to the National Enquiry.




Okay. And paydays like that don't come by often.


You have to grab them when they come. I don't know about 25 grand, but you could definitely have a moment. You could definitely, even for some excitement, to tell your story. In your personal life.


For free. Yeah.


Or to do a little video for the local news. Oh, yeah. You could become a local star.


Right. And then perhaps your local news interview goes viral, a la Kimmy Schmidt. They're alive, damn it. It's a miracle.




Things of that nature.


Big things could happen.


What is things of that nature from? Why do we say that?


There's no lure.


There's not a movie reference?


No, I don't think so.


Things of that nature.


It's not...




It's not giving. Oh, by the way, I have had a referendum on our referendum about it's giving.


You want to run an egg? No.


It turns out what we used to say is it feels like or that like, and I think it's giving is a better way to say that more concise. You don't have to say the word like. I'm here for it's giving. It's not like it replaced something that was a good way to say it.


It's Giving, she made a decision.


It feels like, Yeah. It's giving lame sauce.


Lame sauce. That's an old-school jargon.


I sometimes like to have a little bit of lame sauce with a little whatever sauce.


So do I the combo? Some people feel like it's too salty. I I think it's perfectly balanced. Chef's kiss.


When Ben and I open our sandwich shop, which, by the way, Ben really wants to open a sandwich shop with me.


Okay, so two things. One, we haven't spoken about it on the toast, and we need to. Two, you cannot propose a business idea to my husband, even if it's the most piece of shit idea, because he'll get excited about it and he'll literally get to work. I bet he has a business proposal. And you know what? You came to him with an actually incredible idea. Ben has been low-key in a very serious manner, asking me for a while if we can invest in some QSR, quick service restaurant. Apparently, that's how everyone's making their money these days. I'm like, No, even though it's a good idea. He's like, It's really... You're getting quick returns. It's not a heavy investment. I'm like, Okay, Mark Cuban. I don't know what you're talking about. You come to him with an investment opportunity with a QSR and a toasty-spritsy affair. Oh, my God. Literally, Ben is so down, and it's actually an incredible idea.


It is, and it was just boring. I didn't go to him with a business idea. He's making his sandwiches on Reels, or we were FaceTime, and he was showing me his sandwich. And I was like, Ben, I'm so excited for the Hamptons because I'm bringing my sourdose starter. We're going to have fresh bed. We'll have collab sandwiches. He makes the tuna, I make the bread. It's going to be so freaking good. And then that turned into us opening up a sandwich shop. But there's so much, honestly, not to get Ben crazy. There's so much there. Our sandwiches would have whatever sauce on top.


We would have special sauce. No, that would be like, Everybody has their magic sauce. Ours would be called the whatever sauce. Ben wants it to be called the celebrity sandwich shop, which honestly, I think is good. Like, celebrity subs.


Yeah. I wanted it to be called something about their.


Something about their. Something About They/ Them. I obviously will have a sandwich named after me.


Or like, swirly sandwiches.


I actually don't like it as much.


I'm just saying, we haven't even sat down for an official brainstorm, and there's so much. It's ripe.


Where is our first location going to be? Because New New York is a tough city for business, brick and mortar. It's tough.


Let's do it down here. There's so much business opportunity down here.


It is. However, New York is our toastiest city. We want to set ourselves up for success.


Okay, I feel like we should not do New York for the reasons you said it. And I think it's hard to do business in New York. They're not looking. Make it easy. Yeah, they just want to take your money. So I think we should find, of our second, third cities, which one is business friendly, potential for... We could... Yeah, business plan.


Which states are investing in small businesses?


Florida. Florida. Claudia, you can't tell me anything about Florida right now. I feel like I've emerged as a Floridian. I'm here.


I think you need a back tattoo.


I need a lower back tattoo, 100%. But also, I don't take kindly to those sorts of stereotypes about my people now.


I agree. Actually, after reading Demon Copperhead, I'm done making jokes and generalizations about certain regions. It's not cool. Or certain groups of people.


It's like, you would never do that to one group of people. What makes it okay to do to another?


No, Demon Copperhead, you will not hear me saying the word ever again.


The H word?


It's a slur.


Yeah. So I'm standing up for my people now.


As you should. Back your ass up.


But I really do think there's places down here that would sandwich shop, check, business friendly environment, check, toastiness, check.


We need to be in an outdoor pavilion Plaza where we have a nice cute little outdoor seating area because I love eating outside.


You know where we could do it, though? I don't know how business friendly the state is. I feel like it's just New York, but the Jersey Shore. Remember when you did your Esther Place show?


Asbury Park? Asbury Park.


That was It was super swirly town.


And it was a beachy, cute. Yeah, I like that, too. The opportunities for franchising are, of course, endless. And honestly, I would love if our sandwich shop was so successful that we would franchise and tosters could become franchise owners. Because the toast is a franchise. We cannot let this episode get to Ben's offer. He's going to put us to work.


No. Or we could also, if we move quickly, we could have a pop-up sandwich shop in the Hamptons this summer. Grab a sandwich for the show.


If you love. But we need to get started on recipes.


Oh, the recipes are pouring out of us. I just made egg salad using... Has everyone known about this, using graded hard boiled eggs to make egg salad?


Yeah, I saw a girl on TikTok doing that. Okay, also, I have another idea for the menu. We have to have a kids It's not my menu, but it's my menu. So it's peanut butter and jelly, but premium. Grill cheese. Those are pretty much the only sandwich I eat. Maybe turkey and lettuce.


Yeah. I feel like... What are my favorite kinds of sandwiches? I love sandwiches. I love a turkey sandwich. I love a turkey sandwich, yeah.


And we will be a kosher... It's so hard because the cheese.


Kosher style. So kosher meat with cheese if you want it or not. Yeah.


Okay. That just adds to our expenses. Honestly, not to be a hater.


Having a more expensive meat. Okay, but I need to be able to eat our sandwiches. No, no, no.


If we were to be completely kosher, I'm saying. Two kitchens,.


We're not completely kosher.


Yeah. A Moshkiah in the back.


Because lay people want cheese on their sandwich. Yeah. And we need to be able to offer grilled cheese. We can't be completely kosher.


No, we can't.


So something about they/them sandwich is coming to you soon.


I love that.


With whatever sauce and lame sauce.


Of course.


On the side.


For me, at least on the side, yeah. That's how I like my sandwiches.


Are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. Another story about Ariana Grande. Who knows what this will lead to for me?


This is about her voice.


This is about her voice. So Ari is addressing criticism over the viral voice change on Penn Badgley's podcast. Addressing the viral moment that's gone viral of Ari changing her voice. She's voice checking on the podcast.


Like her mask, like slipped a little bit.


Yeah. When she first started talking in that clip, I didn't notice anything weird Until then, she raises it and it goes into like, Ari baby voice. Very like Sam and Cat, honestly. And people are in a tizy. She took to the comment section on social media to explain the voice change. She said this, It's a habit, to see speaking like this for two years, and also vocal health. She wrote, adding that she intentionally changes her vocal placement depending on how much singing she's doing as a technique to preserve her voice. She emphasized that it's something she's always done, accompanied by a smiling, crying emoji.


I like this angle of her comment. I'm the most talented vocalist on the planet right now. I have to do these things for my health. You talentless hacks would never understand something like that. I like that. I think that's a good angle. But there is a larger conversation underneath the surface of this. It's the change Ariana Grande has gone through in the last couple of years. Now, of course, everyone's evolving, but your voice?


Oh, No, to me, I don't see this as nefarious whatsoever. I feel like also a good person to think about when we talk about this is Paris Hilton, who has two voices.


Yes, yes, yes.


Who has her persona voice that's light and high, and then her regular voice is actually very deep.


It's very deep, yes.


I think when you're doing a long-form podcast, it's hard to stay in one voice for a while. But I remember when we watched Ari's documentary a few years ago on YouTube, a lot of people were shocked by her regular speaking voice. It's not her.


Had a documentary?


Yeah, it was on YouTube. We watched it. I don't know what it was, but it was like post-Manchester, her going on tour. It was really good.


I don't even remember.


We both watch, and I think we saw a lot of her regular life, and people were surprised by her voice when she's just talking, which is what she was doing on the podcast. To then go back into the high voice is a little random, but if she says it's just to keep her voice It's on its toes, yeah, us slobs wouldn't understand. I just think of Paris Hilton when she does it, I'm like, Go off, queen. Give us Hannah Montana, best of both worlds voice edition.


Yeah, her two voices, the stark difference, it's shocking. I think most people didn't even know that until her documentary, which I would put on the approved celebrity documentary list, the Paris Hilton one. I feel that one actually It really served a purpose. I think it really taught a lot of people about Paris Hilton because you thought you knew her, you know nothing.


Her book, for me, was even better than that. And then she also has a reality show. You can't talk in your show voice all the time, and especially not in your personal life. So we're aware. Some people have two voices. Okay.




Do you have two voices? Do you think you talk different on the show? No.


And I think it's weird. How do you maintain two different voices? It's a lot of work.


I like it. Okay. Oh, because I like it.


Do you have more than one voice?


Well, I have my camper voice.


Yeah, it's true. You do. That's more of a caricature than- Yeah.


That's not like Yeah, it's the opposite. That's my special voice. Actually, am I like, Are you in Paris? No. But when we're FaceTimeming, actually, it's funny because sometimes we'll be on FaceTime and we're like, It sounds like we're doing a podcast.


Yeah, that's different. That's It's more of an attitude than an actual vocal shift.


It's an attitude. It's a gratitude.


Well, we've got that gratitude. Got to have that gratitude. They can never make me hate that movie.


No, they literally couldn't.


No, and they literally tried. We were We did see that movie, Bratz, the movie, when we found out our father died. Probably one of the lowest moments of our life, and I still think the movie is last.


Then we came home and we pressed play. We finished it.


We finished it after the funeral. That movie stands the test of time. You know what? Not all movies can say that.


There's a lot of great characters in that movie, but I think people forget that Chet Hanks is in that movie.


Oh, yes. He's the deaf character, correct?


No, he is the science nerd who does also Crab Maga.


Now, that's some acting. Chet Hanks, the science nerd. I thought you were going to say, The Mom for My Big Fat Greek Wedding is in it, which is, she's the main rats' mom, and she said, Don't get your in a twist. She taught us Spanish. That's who I am who I am because of her, even though I don't even think she's Spanish in real life. It's a star-studded film.


It is. If you haven't watched it, you absolutely should.


I don't know where you can purchase it because it's a direct-to-Dvd TV movie made in the back of someone's house for $3. It's still better than The Revenant, which had $100 million budget.


Bratz greater than The Revenant.


I choose Bratz every time.




In any world, in any universe, it's me and the rats.


Yeah. Also, I just wanted to note, Pod crushed got its name because people go on and talk about their crushes. It's about middle school. That's why it's called pod crush. It is? Yeah, they talk about crushes. So you would go on and talk about Maverick.


Of course. And Joe Manginello.


No, but it's more like middle school crushes. Okay. That's the template for the show, and then they talk about other shit. But that's why it's called Pod crushed.


It's like a really weird hook for your podcast.


Okay, let me read the podcast description just so that we can close this loop, because I feel like I described it really poorly.


You did.


No, no, no. But okay, here, Pod crushed. The podcast where Ben Batchley reads your middle school story, explores the heartbreak, anxiety, and self-discovery of being a teenager. The host bring you stories and conversations about middle school, from childhood crushes to battles with body hair to squill yard scuffles. The results are sometimes awkward, sometimes heartwarming, and always relatable. Oh, sales and distribution by Lemonada.




You didn't say it was a Lemonada original.


I do feel like a lot of the times people want to be so different when it comes... Because there's so many podcasts out there that you want your podcast to have a hook and be very specific. I agree because you do want to stand out, but I think sometimes it's so limiting and it puts you in a box. Any Every time I've ever heard about an interview from Podcrush going viral, they're not even talking about it. I know Ariana is talking about Wicked in it, and I saw on the news, she actually starts crying talking about Cynthia Arevo. That's just interesting.


I didn't misrepresent it.


No, you didn't actually at all.


Great. Okay, cool. Are you ready for our next story? What number? It's number three. Yeah. It's layered because first on its face, Katie Perry teases her new single, Woman Woman's World, and just like a new era of KP. She officially announced her return to music on Monday, teasing her forthcoming single on Instagram while wearing metallic armor pants and a white bikini top set. She said, Woman's World, song, July 11th, video, July 12th, pre-save, order, get ready to pop off Katie Perry. Com. Excited. Yeah. New K. P. Era.


Is that the end?


No, there's another piece to this story that's not getting any news, and I can't even find a screenshot of the story. But Cameron West Scott has something to say this because people often forget. Cameron Westcott is imbroyled in a legal battle with Katie Perry because Katie- If you don't know who Cameron Westcott is, she was on the Real House West of Dallas and was arguably one of the best housewives on that franchise. Yes. Her father-in-law Invented 1,800 flowers. Invented 1,800 flowers. He's an older gentleman. He lives in Monte Cido, California. Katie Perry bought his house. However, his house was not for sale. Apparently, he is Not sound of mind. Not sound of mind. Wasn't in a position to sell his house. Now, the West Scotts are in a court battle with Katie Perry over this house.


Saying that they took advantage of his senescence and stole this house from underneath him.


Right. Cameron posted about Katie's new era being like, How dare she do this? Now we're supposed to be in court in July, and now she's going to say she's not able to show up because she has this new music. I think she's dropping something on the week of or day of their court hearing and their case.


So maybe Katie's trying to bury... When you search Katie Perry news that day, it'll be all about her new single, not the case she might be losing. Right.


Or she doesn't want to have to go to court, and so now she has an excuse like, Oh, it's a big day for me.


Interesting. I thought you were going to say the other layer of this, which I have seen, but maybe I'm just on a meaner corner of the internet, is people ripping this sample to shreds.


The sample of the song?


The song, just being like, in the age of music, as we have it right now, the girlies in pop, Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo. This cookie cutter pop song is really not going to cut it. They said the lyrics were just really almost like... What's the word I'm looking for? Cheesy. The beat is giving 10 years ago pop music. People were ripping it to shreds. Now, you can't judge a whole song based on a little snippet.


Sounds like I would like It does sound like you would like it.


But I didn't disagree with what they were saying, just in the sense that the girls of pop music are constantly raising the bar. I think this summer in particular, it's been really... The girls are out here.


Okay, can I listen to it quickly?


Yeah, try not to get it in the mic so we don't get demonetized. Oh, plays it the loudest. Lower it. It's so loud. She heard what she needed to hear.


I heard what I needed to hear. Yeah, it definitely feels like it was left on the cutting room floor of not even Teenage Dream, but a lesser album of hers. Not even.


It sounds like...


I don't even- It sounds like E. T. Or a song like that, but just the fake AI version.


So a lot of people thought it was AI-generated.


That's really funny. Yeah, I agree with you. It's It's that big pop music that the girlies have covered. But I also feel like when you're a pop star, and typically the career trajectory is you make all this music and your sound keeps changing when you're young until you find your sound and who you are as a person, because that's also the journey of-Life.of personhood. Then you get to an age where you know who you are and what you love. For her, I feel like with every song she puts out, she doesn't really have her thing.


Get any closer to finding what her sound is currently.


So now it sounds like she's going back to what used to work for her, but we've all moved on.


No, not only that. She's this evolved woman. She's a mother. She's lived so much life, and now we're just back. And just also trends-wise, that's not how popular music sounds anymore.


Yeah. When the music is reflective of your life, where you are, that's what I was saying about Gabby Barrett yesterday, or even what Luke Holmes did. I'm not in the most pussy-popping place in my life, but here's what's real. Here's me. I am Luke. We get none of that from Katie Perry ever. The more time that goes on, the weirder it gets.


Well, no, I had thought that because so much time has passed, and there's actually a lot of hype for her new era, I had thought she would have heard the feedback from Bon Appetit, from Chain to the Rhythm, from Harleys in Hawaii, where it was just flop. It was so inauthentic. I thought she would have understood that and put her whole actual She's not one of these celebrities who we don't know. Actually, it was just reading/Tiktoking. This thesis somebody had about Dua Lippa, how Dua Lippa has transcended this era. No, not era. This career trope where she gives none of herself to the public. We know nothing about her personality, her personal life. She just releases Bangers. The fact that she is able to be as successful as she is with her music without really making any personal impact on the It's not like her music is about her life. What is it even about? I don't know, Houdini. It's a skill to give nothing of yourself to the public, but also remaining successful. Whereas the women in music that we know who have the most success pour out their hearts of their most embarrassing, their most heartbreaking, Taylor, Olivia Rodrigo.


Their songwriting is so powerful. Dua Lipa has been able to do that while being able to have that success without contributing in a personal sense. It's interesting. No personal references. Katie Perry is not that... We know about her documentary, of course. Don't hear me yet.


No, but she's an American idol. We know her personality.


She's a version of America's Sweetheart. How she gives nothing of herself to her music is confusing to me. She's never afraid to be vulnerable on social media, on American idol. Why is her music so different? Now, we're making a lot of big statements based on a sample.


No, but I could say it about her last music. There's no depth to it. I just feel like when you reach a certain age, you are inherently deeper just because you have more experience and wisdom. For the younger pop stars, we don't need depth because you're just having fun. You're 23, go off. Please, please, please.


But even the 23-year-olds, the successful ones, are getting deep.


Olivia Rodrigo, for sure.


Olivia Rodrigo, for sure.


No, but Espresso.


Yeah, that's true.


That's just like, what's he popping. If Katie Perry released Espresso, it wouldn't be the same. And maybe that's age-ish. Okay, I'll take it.


No, but it's not age-ish. We're close We're at a certain age to Katie Perry than we are to Sabrina Carpenter. And it's like a craving for that depth.




So maybe we're completely wrong, and we'll hear the song, and it'll be... But I don't know why you would release a clip of the worst part of the song.


Yeah. Interesting. Okay.


Lots of hype for KP7, but I don't know if it's going to deliver.


As always, open. Yes, of course. I shall remain. I'm giving you my initial thoughts and just my temperature check, but I will be open because I like music. Katie Perry's music is some of my favorite music of all time. So of course, I want more of that.


I would like to be wrong.


Yeah. I mean, Justice for Cameron and Mr. West Cot senior.


Right. Another just layer to this ever evolving story.


However, I will say in that situation, I really don't know that much. The justice system will have to play out and let wheels of justice turn. I'm not going to weigh in on that matter.


Yeah, because part of me, part of me, is like with Katie Perry.


She bought a house.


A sale is a sale. I don't fucking know this guy. Yeah.


Whatever internal drama is going on with this family, not my problem. It's literally not my fucking problem. I like your house.


It's beyond unfortunate, and you have my well wishes, Ruff-a-wash, Chaleamache, you and your family.


But we're already moved in. My kid likes it here. We're not going anywhere.


What's done is done.


Yeah. I see both sides, all to say.


As do I.


Are you ready for our fourth story.




Tv host, Surrey Hall shuts down Travis-Kelsey dating rumors and gushes over his Taylor Swift romance.


Oh, they never dated?


So, yeah, she is saying, more or less, that they never dated, but she's not saying completely. I'll tell you what she said. She chatted with Page 6's virtual reality on Tuesday at 2024 Cannes Lion's Festival, and she shut down speculation that she had a fling with Travis before he had ever been involved with Taylor Swift. I think that, I don't know if we spoke about it on the show, but that is something that we had heard, too.


It was just confirmed for me that one of his exes was Zuri Hall. He used to date her.


At one point, we're like, who is he dating? Oh, I heard he's dating Zuri Hall. That was it. Yeah. She said, quote, he is an Ohio guy. Shout out to Trav, definitely the homie. She said that she's enjoying watching his romance play out with Taylor in public. She said, I love him and Taylor together. It's been really fun watching that blossom and bloom in public. And yeah, Ohio all day. She had sat with his family in a suite at a Chief's game in October 2022, sparking questions about their relationship status. The pair was later seen together in the background of a video shared by one of his friends. But there was nothing going on between the two, she emphasized. She said, I laugh that stuff off, particularly when rumors aren't true. So yeah, I just let it all slide off my back, she said, of the romance gossip.


Okay, but can we get an explanation for why she was in the box with his family and in the video with him afterwards? I believe her. I don't know why anyone would say they didn't. I would lie and say I did date Travis Elsie. So I don't think she's lying, but I just- I don't think she's lying, but I just don't think that's a hard enough to say, Oh, the rumors.


You didn't say they're like, Well, let me see again what she said.


No, and she said Ohio like six times.


She said, Okay, there's so much room for vagueness here. It's a beautiful statement. She's one smart cookie. I laugh that stuff off, particularly when rumors aren't true. So yeah, I too laugh when rumors aren't true. I'm I'm not talking about this one. I'm just saying the concept of untrue rumors is funny.


I love when rumors aren't true. Change the subject. So when it comes to me and Travis, yeah, no, it's very good. Wortsmith.


Wortsmith-ery. Wortsmith-ery. And I I feel like maybe it was the beginning, some smoke there. It didn't go on to be a big relationship. But she also comments on culture. I'm sure she doesn't want people to think that she had something with Travis. If she's going to go on E-News and talk about as a couple, that is awkward.


She wouldn't be considered a reputable unbiased source because maybe she's still holding feelings for him.


People would think that.


Yeah, so she's got to get out in front of it for the sake of her credibility.


I think this was brilliantly played, but it is making me feel more than ever. But maybe there's nothing she could say that would make me feel like they weren't because she was in- In my mind, they just weren't.


I didn't think much of it. I was like, Oh, yeah. One of the girls he used to date was Zari Hall. When we talk about his exes, there's three who we know.


I don't think they were ever boyfriend, girlfriend. I think they Yeah. Maybe they were set up. Maybe someone thought they would be a good couple. Maybe they went on two dates, three dates, but to be with the family. No, I don't think she was ever his girlfriend.


No, me neither, because it sounds like a big deal going to his game, seeing his family. But it's literally his job, and they're every single week. So if you want to spend the weekend with someone, you're going to have to come to my game.


I just want to say her previous boyfriend was a charger's tight end.


Oh, so she has a tight.


Travis's tight end, right? Yes. She really has a tight. That, to me, is more confirmation that they were in a romantic capacity, whether or not it worked out, which it obviously didn't.


The plot thickens. Yeah. Good to know. Good to know.


But she obviously wants us to think they weren't. So I'll say they weren't, but just know. Me too.


Because we have to support another woman in entertainment journalism.


Yeah, for sure. Women in media, we've got to stick together.


That's for damn sure.


So... Yeah.


It was a classy response.


Very classy.


Very classy.


Very. Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


Is it our fifth and final story that's brought to you by splash?


Tis. Your life is brought to you by splash.


No, literally. I went to a meeting yesterday at my agency, met with a bunch of people on my team, and they had 35 splashs in the middle of the conference room table because they know me. I drink one pretty much every day on the toast if I'm not drinking a protein shake. What is splash refresher, you ask? It's flavored water. Do you have a hard time staying hydrated because drinking water is the bane of your existence and it's It's really so disgusting? Check out splash refreshers. My life has changed. This is a brand I was not familiar with prior to them partnering with The Toast. I just got another delivery. I don't know if you know this, literally a crate delivered to our house in the Hamptons in July. Seriously, I had a scheduled delivery. I have deliveries to my house every single week. I go through them like water. It's flavor water. For me, the mixed berry flavor is supreme, but I know it's very personal. A lot of people like the grape acai. That's like Ben. The flavors are so good. They've got mandarin. They've got tons of different flavors. If you have a hard time staying hydrated, splash refresher might just be for you.


Because we respect a good cup of water, but I swear to God, if it's not spicy at all, I can't chug it. Splash refresher has zero calories. It's almost too good to be true. It's delicious. It's bright. It's flavorful, and it has zero calories. You can shop splash refresher pretty much anywhere. I get them on Instacart. You can shop them at Sam's Club, Walmart, Kroger, your other favorite retailers. They're available Well, pretty much anywhere. You can get your groceries at the major retailers. The flavors are wildberry, acai, great pineapple, mango, lemon, and mandarin orange. Thank you, Splash Refresher, for sponsoring the rest of the show, but also for just bringing me back to life. Today's episode is also brought to you by Macy's. The lowest prices of the season have arrived at Macy's. 40 to 60% off throughout the store from the 19th, which is today, until the 23rd. You have four days in June. Today, tomorrow, the next day, the day Look at that. Don't miss out. Shop online at macys. Com or in store from June 19th to the 23rd to shop the lowest prices of the season sale. It's four days. It's like a big deal at Macy's.


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It is the lowest prices of the season's sale. Don't miss out. Take advantage of this opportunity.


Thank you, La.


Thank you, Macy's.


Thank you, Macy's. Our fifth and final story, another Game of Thrones spinoff, and has begun filming. It is called A Night of the Seven Kingdoms. So the tales of Duncan egg are underway. Production of HBO's Game of Thrones spinoff series, A Night of the Seven Kingdoms, has started in Belfast, Ireland. Five actors are joining the cast that they've revealed. Four of them, I don't know, but one of them played Tony Blair in the Crown.


Yeah, the Prime Minister. Yeah.


Sarah Dina Smith will direct three of the episodes, and she directed Lessons in Chemistry, so that's a major slay. I also just realized that I don't think I ever finish Lessons in Chemistry, even though it was my favorite show of last year.


I didn't even start it, which is crazy.


But it's so amazing. It's so amazing.


I need to.


Anyways, here is the premise of A Night of the Seven Kingdoms. It's adapted from George R. R. Martin's novella, The Hedge Night. It will follow the exploits of Night Sir Duncan the Tall and his young squire, Egg, roughly 100 years before the events of Game of Thrones, and 100 years after House of the Dragon. So in between that time period. Okay. Their journey will take them to a competition in which they encounter several members of the Targarian dynasty, along with another night known as the laughing Storm. It's after the last dragon has already died, but the Targarians are still on the throne.


Is there ever going to be a show about the Mad King? I feel like that was why none of the prequels have been of that era? Because that's like such a cornerstone of the original Game of Thrones series.


Yeah, but which part?


Why do we- Just everything. How did he get there? The whole thing.


Yeah. Then I guess Robert Barathean. Right. Lack of hair.


Lack of hair. Is this Is it going to be on cable? Is it a- HBO. Hbo. Original? It's just like another house of the dragon.


It's another house of the dragon, and it's called a Night of the Seven Kingdoms.


It sounds like a Court of the Thorn and Roses.


Yeah, but it's based on another George book, and the world continues.


Will there be two shows on at the same time, House of the Dragon, or is this... I feel like...


I don't know how long House of the Dragon is going to run. I would imagine that it would be in the offseason, the two years when we don't have a show.


I don't feel like there should be two shows airing at the same... I think House of the Dragon needs to end completely before this new one pops off.


But there's also another show. I don't remember if there was a Charlie's Theran Game of Thrones type show. I don't know if it got canceled. A couple of them have gotten canceled before even leaving the ground. When Stasi was on the toast, we had a story. Kit Harrington was supposed to get a spinoff, a Game of Thrones spin-off, like the adventures of Jon Snow, thing.




Yes, he was going to be in it.


No, but I mean, like Jon Snow after- I think so.


I don't know what it was going to be, but it didn't happen. And that's a major L for him because- I don't think it It would have been that, though. Yes, Dossy didn't either.


The end of Game of Thrones should be the end. They can make all the spin offs they want about what happened in the thousands of years before that. But the way it ended, the world... It has to be over there.


Yeah. Right? Where it has to be super far out. But no, I guess John just living north of the wall.


John gives... Actually, no, he doesn't. But you're right, it's like an L for him career-wise, because there was a moment where the name on everybody's lips was Kit Harrington. And what has he done in the time? Because I was going to say it reminds me a little bit of Réjé Jean.


No, it's the opposite.


Because it's actually like, work.


He really wants to make Fetch happen again. Sassi was saying, it's giving sad.


Yeah, because he leans into the character. Yeah, he wants to do another show. Where he wants to do another show.


And that was definitely devastating news that it's not going to happen. But wait, there's one other show that I just wanted to get Clarity on. I thought that Charlize Theron was going to be in it. Let's see.


I have no memory of this.


Something about... Her? No, the White Queen or something. Spinoffs.


I think you're thinking of Snow White, where she was actually in it. No.


Here are all the Game of Thrones spinoffs in the works. Thank you, Entertainment Weekly. House of the Dragon, currently on air. A Night of the Seven Kingdoms, filming. Agon's Conquest, in development. Interesting. The Sea Snake/9 Voyages, in development. Oh, that's about Coralis. They're giving everyone a show.


Yeah, it's like that's special.


10,000 Ships, in development. Snow, that was about Jon Snow, indefinitely Shelved. Yikes. The Golden Empire, TBD. Blood Moon, oh, it's Naomi Watts, canceled. That's the one.


Very similar to Charlie's, Sarah, and I see the confusion.


Fleabottom, canceled. Robert's Rebellion. I think it's too much. I would actually watch Roberts Rebellion. Me too, actually. But status is unknown. I just want to say thank you, Entertainment Weekly, for this.


A conversation- Concise write-up.


A conversation that would have been 15 minutes of searching. But that's a lot of spinoffs.


No, and we don't have time for 15 minutes of searching because today's Wednesday, Jack, so I don't know if you know, the girlies are in need.


They're always, and we're always here for you. Not to say you're always in need.


A lot of you are settled. So Wednesdays, we do our segment, Dear Toaster, where we read three submissions from girlies who are in dire need of our help. So if you've ever been through a problem and thought to yourself, My God, those really well adjusted queens over at the Toast I would love to get their thoughts on this. You actually can. So email us, deartoosters@gmail. Com, or head to our website, thetoastpodcast. Com. All of your submissions will remain anonymous. Are you ready, kids?


Hi, hi, turdy.


Hey, swirleys. I need some advice. I've been with my husband for eight years, and I hate going to my in-law's house. Basically, when me and my husband go back to his parents house for a night or a weekend to escape the city for the suburbs, I hate sleeping there. His childhood bedroom only has a curtain, not a door. It's not a money thing as his family is very well off. It's just weird. I don't ever feel like I have any privacy when I go to his house because of this flimsy curtain. His room is on the opposite side of the house from his parents. It's his own wing, but there's no door for privacy. And as a married woman, I feel like we deserve privacy. My husband has brought it up a million times that they should get a door, but his parents just won't budge, and they just brush it off whenever he brings it up. I am not confrontational, so I'm not sure how to go about it. We would probably spend more time in his parents house since we love hanging out with them if I had a damn door. Is this something I have to live with, or can I make a stink about it?


That is so weird.


It's also uncomfortable because it's not like they want you to stay there. You guys want to go there because you want to get out of the city and have a place to go. But if they were begging you to come and you said, Listen, we're going to have to stay at a hotel, you would have leverage. But you're the one... Because my advice initially was going to be like, Say, We'll stop coming. But It's not even like they're begging. You want to go because you actually enjoy getting out of the city. They're doing you a favor.


Could you guys bring in a door guy yourself? Just be like, Hey, we love being here. We need a door. We found this guy. Even if you have to pay for it, is that an option?


Yeah, I do feel like this is your husband's problem. It's his parents. And yes, you can feel strongly about it, but all your communications have to go through him, and you also need to just push him to be a little bit more aggressive. What you're asking for is... It's basically It's not a human right. It's not unreasonable. You're asking seriously for a door.


People put up a wall all the time in New York City apartment, when you move it out of college. It's not a big deal to put up a wall.


Yeah, ugly putting up a wall. And if you say they're well off, you can get a wall put up for $1,000 if you find someone like on friends list. With a door. With a door, and maybe even a little window if you wanted. It's not a big deal. You would think wall, construction. No, doors are actually not a big deal.


So I would offer for you guys to just take it on as long as they're okay with you doing a little construction in their house.


But again, you're not unreasonable. But also when you have- And you should really urge your husband. It's his job in this dynamic to be the advocate.


I do think also it's a problem that might solve itself eventually, because I don't know if you have kids, and I guess it hasn't been an issue, but when you have kids, you need a door, they could just push the curtain open and start running through the house.


Fall down the stairs.


Yeah, or go wake up the grandparents too early.


Yeah. Maybe you should go over and be really loud at five in the morning. So that they say maybe they can come to the conclusion on their own. Damn, I wish I woke up a little bit later, perhaps if my son-in-law and daughter had a door.


Yes, usually I like a passive-aggressive approach. But I do think here, there's no reason not to be direct as long as you're willing to take it on. If you want to go out and get the things that you need, in general, when you have a problem, as long as you're the one solving it, okay, great.


Yeah, that's so true.


You're not making it someone else's problem.


If you're waiting, it's just I feel like a life thing, too. If there's something in your life that needs to be done and you're not going to be proactive about it, you can't sit around and complain that it's not getting done. Yeah.


I think you're good.


You could do it. Yeah. Also, it's just giving Lindsay Lohan's Mom in Confessions of a Shopaholic. She had this weird thing against my grave. They have a weird thing against stores. Although I understand the microrave thing.


No, I don't think they have a thing against stores. I think this is just the setup.


I guess these people come to town once every couple of months.


They could live without a door. Yeah, and sometimes when you're... He grew up and it was a curtain for whatever reason. But I think sometimes you just don't realize, Oh, that's actually weird.


Yeah. Okay. Girly Swirly's. I'm in need of your immediate advice. Last time, I hired a full-time nanny. I mean, last week, I hired a full-time nanny for my baby. The Nanny is so sweet. My baby girl adores her. However, the Nanny is a natural girly, and she does not wear deodorant. I love that journey for her, but on her second day, she handed me my baby back, and the baby reeked of B. O. I cannot live with my home and my new child smelling this way, but I do not want to hurt her feelings. How do you handle this? This is an episode of Curb, When the Nanny Wouldn't Wear a Bra.


That's so funny. No, you have to say it's important that you wear deodorant, and if it goes against her beliefs, which it might, if she's a natural girly, that I'm sorry, you have to part ways. Your baby can't be- Really?


I feel like finding a nanny is so hard.


It is, but you can't have your baby smelling like another person's B. O. That's just gross. It's gross for everyone involved. Sometimes, I don't know how serious she takes being natural. I would say a natural deodorant, sometimes it doesn't- Doesn't work. You could start with that. You could try a It's not natural deodorant. But I'm sorry, if this person has such strong BIO that it's onto your baby, they need clinical deodorant.


Well, let me ask you another question. And this is just me being devil's advocate, trying to put a positive spin on a sticky situation. Perhaps we embrace the natural body odor because she radiates the woman. If she was wearing deodorant, perhaps she would be radiating some of those toxic chemicals, the aluminum. Is that an angle we can take?


No, that's a good angle, but it doesn't sound like this mama is a non-toxic mama because then she would be like, She's natural, too. She smells and everyone smells.


Yeah, but if the mom smells and the baby smells like the mom's B. O, that's beautiful.


You actually don't smell it because you don't really smell yourself. So that's beautiful. But I'm sorry, a little baby smelling like someone else's B. O, to me, deal breaker.


I feel like that ruins the whole point of having a baby, because to me, the best thing about having a baby is the way that they smell.


Yeah, but I think that you could just be upfront. We would not even prefer. We ask that you wear deodorant. See what she says. If it's a deal breaker for her, too, I just don't think this is going to work.


Yeah. Is it more respectful or less to purchase the deodorants? A couple of options.


I would purchase it to make sure that she got a strong one.


Right. Well, if you need it, I think... Here, let's give some actual tactical tips. I think the best working deodorant for really strong B. O. Is the brand dry idea.


Okay, great. I change deodorants often. I feel like you got to... You got to keep your glands on their toes. Yeah. Right now, I'm in my dub clinical deodorant. Which, by the way, I'm sure these things have so many chemicals. Do not even tell me. That's something that I can't compromise.


You can't live without.


I sometimes use my husband's. Oh, me too. Yeah, I think he's certain dry or something like that.


My My husband has been using my female women's deodorant, Dove, for probably two years. Ben hasn't bought it, and I buy him because I know he likes brute. I buy it for him. He's like, No, I don't really like it anymore. And he exclusively... We share a deodorant.


Isn't that crazy? Sometimes my husband and I share a deodorant that's his.


No, no. And so Ben always carries deodorant. That is hysterical. Ben always carries deodorant in his work bag, and I was cleaning out his work bag for him, and the one he bought was my brand, Dove Women's.


I'm cracking up. I'm actually, now that I'm smelling and I'm aware of my deodorant, I'm wearing Zack deodorant today because I ran out of mine.


I love deodorant. I will never give it up.


And my husband buys, like most things, but deodorant, too, in bulk. He has six deodorants in his drawer. I go to the store, I buy one at a time. So mine just finished. I don't know when I'm getting to the store again. Also, if you do want to give her- I'll be using his for the next month.


Also, if you do want to give her a natural alternative, the Kopari one is very good. I actually used it. It takes a little while to acclimate to your body, so it won't work the first week, I'd say. But I used it for a while, and it did It's good work for me.


Yeah. There are a lot of good natural ones. There are.


But there is a period of acclamation.


It's never going to be what those chemicals can do.


No, those chemicals are amazing.


The chemicals were invented for a reason. I do think a lot of brands and companies abuse the privilege, but when it comes to deodorant, I don't give a rip.


Add more. Do it again. All right, ready for our third and final Deer Toaster? Yeah. Hey, Terry and Jacks. I'm an East Coast It's girly, and I'm writing in with a work predicament. I just started a new job a few months ago, and I am loving it. Yesterday, my boss sat me down to check in with me. He told me he is very happy with my work. Said he loved my drive, but noted one issue, and it's that I constantly interrupt people. He said he doesn't think it's something I'm consciously doing, but it comes across as very rude. I took the note in stride, though I wanted to cry, which he appreciated and said I would work on it, but now I feel so embarrassed. How do I stop interrupting people? I realized it was so unconscious, I just think it's a bad habit that I didn't notice. Please help a girly who loves her new job and doesn't want to get fired or end up being the toxic coworker. Did I write this? Literally. Are you my boss who sat me down? I do want to say, just really quickly, and I can't give you any tactical tips, obviously, but maybe Jackie can.


Why? I don't have the problem. As someone with the problem.


You can give the tips to how to stop doing it. I don't know.


But I never do it. It's not innate in me.


I do want to say, though, from an HR perspective, I do feel like this was an inappropriate comment.


I don't think so.


Because it's a comment on your personality. Do you know what I mean? I disagree. If somebody was over here being a one-upper, which is a really bad personality trait, your boss wouldn't bring that up.


They're not the same thing. And also, it's like you're disrespecting your coworkers. You don't let them speak. I think it's something that needs to be said. And if he didn't say it, then he would maybe just fire her to protect her feelings. But you can't work with someone like this. So he's actually doing a favor by giving her some warning and giving her a chance to change. Because especially if you meet with clients and stuff, you can't just have some obnoxious chatterbox talking over everyone.


I will say, it's not a podcast. Him saying this to you and embarrassing you will help you naturally stop. It'll just be in your brain. That is, I think, one actual tactical way that you will stop doing this.


You're going to have to really exercise mental control. When you're in a meeting, before you even speak, whether it's when no one's speaking or when someone's speaking, you'll have to just stop yourself. I think eventually with practice, you can become more natural at it. But I would, for a while, not speak really at all, just so that you can see. Plan to not speak so you can feel when you were about to interject and see that someone else was speaking.


I googled how to stop interrupting people, okay? They actually have some good tips. Pause a few seconds before you speak. Always take a break, which is obvious. I like this one. Write down your thoughts. I feel like a lot of times you speak, at least for me, I'm worried I'm going to forget it because my memory's so bad. I like that one. Always have a pen and paper with you. It says, If you're worried that you'll forget what you need to say, write it down. Take notes during a meeting about points other people say and your thoughts on the matter.


I love that because the other one of the one that's like, Don't do it. It's not that easy. It's a reflex. You can't even help yourself because if you were aware that you were doing it, you wouldn't do it. So I think that that- You're like, Thanks. I think that that is a very good advice. Just write everything down.


This is a good one, too, because I think a lot of the times my interruptions are questions. So if you find that a lot of your interruptions are questions, not on the podcast, I mean, in regular life, when someone's having a conversation, I'm like, Oh, by the way, did you ever get that thing? And if they are questions, writing it down is helpful, too. Just get to know yourself a little bit in this phase of discovery. It says, Ask for help. I don't think that's necessary.


I don't think so either.


Apologize if you do interrupt. That's a good one, too. That's just also like a social decorum type of thing. Here, read it. I want to learn how to stop interrupting people. It's great that you have the insight to change this behavior. This guy did you a favor, by the way. Try to listen and really understand what the person is saying. That's good because I feel like when other people talk, for me, it's just an allotted amount of time that I have to wait till I can start talking.




But if you're genuinely listening, you might have less of an inclination.


You're going to want them to finish the thought.


That's the general consensus on this record, on this Reddit thread. Focus on your ears, like the understanding part, versus the waiting for my part to talk.


Yeah, that's why I'm saying maybe just do one meeting where you plan to say nothing at all so you can practice your listening.


A lot of people recommend meditation. That's just getting you probably more comfortable in the habit of silence and of listening to your body or listening to something else.


And patience and not speaking.


Because you know what? I interrupt people a lot, and I'm incapable of meditation. So I think the two are inextricably linked.


I like this. Tangible things.


Good luck with that. That's actually my worst nightmare, and that's why I never got a job. That's why I do this.


Yeah. Are you going to start meditating?


No. No. I don't- Have a problem with my interrupting?


No, not when we're recording. I feel like I only notice it when I listen back sometimes. But I'm sitting here, no problemo. Great. Glad we settled that. Things are working nicely.


Now, as a reminder, shop toastmerch. Com. All the merch from... Well, some of the items are sold out, but the tote is still there. The hat is gone, the T-shirt is gone. The sets are available, and as is the tote, which is severely underrated. Our podcast live shows start next week. If you would like to join us, head to thetoastpodcast. Com/tour. There are tickets available because Jackie and I grossly overestimated how many friends we have. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast Millennial Morning Show, where we deliver the Fast Five stories. You need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe and give us a video of a thumbs up. We're. It's a public video, our radiocast, box, all the places, web. You listen to podcast, find out Toast, TV5, star, review about beautiful, about us, stunning, about how wicked we are.


Love you. Bye.