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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. Happy Wednesday, happy swirly summer commencement day, and happy beacon Eve to all.


It's a very big day. The end of non swirly summer.


Even though, as stated yesterday, we couldn't.


Possibly be living non swirly if we tried. But the official start to swirly summer is here. So wherever you are, whoever you are, make haste in celebrating. It's a celebration.


It's a celebration. If you're watching on YouTube, you probably see Jax is in New York. We are swirling in the studio. This is kicking off our New York City week of shows. We have a big week. Jackie and I will be doing shows Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in studio here at our toast hq, regular toast regular hq shows.


And we're doing shows.


And then tomorrow night and Friday night, we are kicking off our swirly summer tour, our very first live show ever. We have dresses.


We do.


We have a show.


We have spray tans.


We have spray tans. We actually. We already. You guys are not, like, if you're coming. And by the way, I feel like everybody literally in New York is talking about these shows. I'm walking Romeo yesterday like, I met a million toasters. Like, I'm bending down to pick up. He took the biggest dump. Six logs.


Go, ro.


I'm literally. I have duty in my hand. I'm bending down. And some girl was like, see you Thursday, everyone. The city's kind of abuzz with girly swirly's night out.


It makes sense. And also, we have so much fun stuff prepared for the show. But I was thinking this morning how, like, we've been training for this moment for six years. Like, yes, we do need to get ready. However, I believe that we are ready.


We've been ready.


We've been ready every single day, honing our skills. Ready to take it to the big stage. No.


And I'm just feeling like, you know, it's very rare that we do something that's not recorded, you know? So, of course, when you're sitting down, knowing that this piece of content will exist on the Internet forever, you're a little bit more measured.


Oh, you're excited for the unknown, the crazy variables. Claudia, like, wants to do crazy stuff.


There's an unknown factor. And it's just the sort of unpredictability of girlies. Swirly's night out. I feel like I'm gonna say or do something crazy, and I'm like, I.


Feel like you want to, therefore you will. Cause if you wanted to, you would.


And I might, and you should. Cause it's just gonna kind of be this sort of like, no holds Bart energy fair. That's definitely one of our core tenets and policies of this. The live show is laissez faire energy.


Around and joie de vivre, of course, with also, like, an anti french bent. So it's conflicting. We can hold space for two things.


Thank you for reminding me the french.


Language about my francophobia and our hatred for the french hate.


Unless you're, like, a french toaster who, you know, supports Israel. I'll make an exception asterisk. But for the most part, yes. I'm sweeping with a. What is it? Painting with a broad brush.




Wide strokes.


Both wide strokes with a broad brush.


Wide strokes for different folks, but not french folks. I'm so glad you're in New York. The city has, like, a totally different energy knowing that you're here, you're tan. It's. It's the summer of the swirl, and I just feel like the summer is gonna go by so fast.


It's like a year of the dragon.


And I just feel like it's gonna be, like, August 4. I'm gonna be back here, like, doing by myself shows in the hot sun by myself. And, like, the summer will have just flown by in a blank.


Why are you already talking about the end? Seriously, it begun two minutes ago.


Because I just. I know. I can feel it. Like, I'm gonna be back here by myself. Like, I just know.


You never know. Plus, you're moving studios. Like, you don't even know what your future self looks like.


Well, I am, in a technical sense, moving studios.


You're not in a. It's important to know, practical sense.


I've made no progress. I have no plans. No steps have been taken. So, yes, I'm, quote, moving studios in a. In a metaphysical sense.




Yeah, we've got a great show. It's Wednesday, so we've got dear toasters, we've got stories that are solid.


Solid. But, I mean, I guess we all have a different. I'm realizing how the fast I have is so subjective, personal. Like, people will be like, how'd you not talk about this story? I'm like, I don't give a rip. I don't give a rip. And then someone will be like, I wish you guys had spoken about that. And I was like, oh, I almost picked that. But I thought I was the only one who. You know what I mean? So you really just have to put your blinders on.


But you know what's so great about that is that there are a couple of stories we haven't touched on in the last couple of days that I'm actually saving for the live show. I've, like, written down a couple. I've got a couple of things that I want to discuss exclusively at the live show.


I actually have one, but I feel like it might be too weird. I'll tell you offline.




Cause I don't think you're gonna wanna discuss it.


But, you know, there has been, you know, something Jackie and I sort of an obstacle to us ever doing live shows. Like, we really can't do a live show. What are we gonna do? Like, the fast five? We did it that morning.


We can't do live shows of the fast five if we're doing toast that day. But we never want the toast to not have a show because we're doing a live show. We have to be able to do two shows in one day.


So we have created a show that's pop culture, you know, centric, but it doesn't conflict with the toast.




But there are gonna be a couple of topics I want to discuss on the live show that could have been fodder for the toast, but we missed it. And I'm actually glad because I have some thoughts.


Yeah. So I guess we could give a teaser of one segment that we're doing. Cause we're literally talking about the segment and people will know it.




So we're gonna do the six story award when it's, like a story that didn't make the fast five that way.


And if you don't know what the six story award is, it's a concept that was heavily inspired by Lamar Odom when he won the 6th man award. It's an award they give out in the NBA to somebody who, like, doesn't start. They're not, like, a fast five, but they were almost that. So they're the six man award. It's like, basically, like, honorable mention for a runner up. And so when we do that on Patreon, it's the six story award. It's like a show. A story that should have made the fast five, but it didn't. But it deserves our time.


But also, sometimes it's like something that you're really interested in, like a rabbit hole that you've gone down, that you bring to the surface. And same for me. And I also feel like a lot of times, it becomes kind of. Or one successful six story award are, like, influencer stories that we don't wind up tugging that on the toes because I just, like, feel weird sometimes. And there is a story. That's what I'm thinking of, so I'll tell you after. Cause I don't know if it's, like, too close to home.


Okay. I have no idea what you're talking about.


I think you're gonna knock it down.


Okay, we'll talk about it on Thursday.


We'll talk about. Oh, and if you wanna know, come to the live show.


It's gonna be so fabulous. It's just gonna be a fabulous week. I hope everybody's having sort of week as fabulous as ours. How annoying is it to, like, tune into a podcast where two people are, like, you know, so excited and positive and, like, you're having a miss week. So if you are having a miss week, like, I hear you. I'm sure, you know, Miss Week is in my future, but not this week.


Yeah, but it is the last week of June.


Summer officially started two days ago.




We didn't really acknowledge that.


We didn't acknowledge that because it wasn't swirly summer.




And the solstice didn't line up with my flight.


Right, right. I hate when the solstice should have. Doesn't line up with the swirly affairs.


No. But sometimes it does, you know?




And I feel like it's great to have two starts to summer.


It's true.


There are multiple starts. It's also Memorial Day.


Memorial Day for me. Like, once the Olympics start, like, that's the start of summer.


By then you've missed summer.




Like, that's literally.


When does it start?


It's kind of late. Cause I remember one year we were watching the Olympics, and Olivia was coming home from camp, and I was, like, really excited to see her.


I know the story.


That was the story.


No, no. Going back three minutes on the podcast. I know what you're gonna tell me offline. Okay, this is a clue. Ready?




Okay. Yeah. No, we'll talk about it offline.


Yeah, that's the clue.




It's allowed. Right? We gotta talk about it at the live show.


We gotta talk about it offline.


We have to talk about talking about it.




Yeah. Okay.




Well, all's that to say? Yeah. The Olympics were at the end of camp.


Oh, that's, like, kind of annoying. We won't be together at the end of camp.


I don't know. That was at least that year. The year was 2004. Eight. 2008. 2006.


I've been one of those. Watching Ariel Charnis Instagram Story is, like, I always do, but with a particular keen eye. Because she's documenting the process of her older daughter going to sleepway camp for the first time. And she's, like, having a breakdown every night. But she's sharing photos of her daughter at camp and, like, the way. It's, like, killing me. Like, I'm so jealous of this child she's about to have. The summer of her life and the photos at camp. So many things in life have changed, but camps really have remained the same, which is why they're so great. Cause it's like this tech free, you know, you make your bed every morning literally watching her stories every time she shares. I'm so jealous of this child. Like, what I would do to go back to camp for, like, a full summer.


No, I know. They now do. Like, I mean, of course, camp toast, but that was only a weekend. But they do, like, camps for adults now.


No, I know. And it's like the whole experience is centered around, like, alcohol. Like. No, I want to go back to, like, og camp. Like, and I don't want to be an adult. I want to be seven.




So it'll never be the same.


No, it won't. I do hope, though, that she had a copy of the camper in the counselor. I don't know if she did, but I really think that would have helped the transition for both mother and daughter.


Thousand percent.


I hope she did.


I feel like her daughter's gonna be, like, a little old to be reading the book, like, with pictures and stuff.


No, but it's like, for. It's an eight year old for summer at camp.


I guess we'll send her a coffee.


It's a little late for the next daughter.


We'll send it to Arielle and Arielle can send her to her kid. Yeah. So, yeah. Just so many exciting things to talk about when talking about summer. One very not exciting thing to talk about that I actually, like, really haven't brought up because it's sort of the worst thing to ever happen to me is my birthday.


Dun dun dun. What do you wanna do?


I had dinner with two of my friends from high school the other night who both have birthdays before me. So, like, they both turned. They're older friends, just, like, much older than me.


My friends, like, from college at my age. My peers are so much older than me. They're all born in Q one of our year and onboard in Q four. So there's only, like, three months where we're even the same age. I'm just kind of the baby of the group.


Yeah. No, me too. I'm, like, five years younger than everyone I went to high school with, and they have made the transition to the big three.




And they were telling me all about it at dinner the other night, and it didn't sound compelling. And everybody says this. They're like, once you, like, once it happens, it's, like, literally not a big deal. And, like, you just, like, love it. I'm like, okay, please. The only person who really makes it look and, like, the way she describes it, like, isn't so bad is tinks. She has, like, a whole thing on, like, her thirties.


I think. It's much ado about nothing. Yeah, it's just another day.


The day is not a big deal.


And then also, here, let me. Would you rather be, like, the oldest of the twenties? Like, you're kind of the old sister. Wait, now you're the baby of the group. The youngest, 30 you could possibly be.


That's an amazing spin. Thank you. I love that.


I love that, too. Even just thinking about it. Yeah. I don't want to be the oldest of this group. I want to be the youngest of that group.


Jackie, you've kind of shifted my perspective.


The shift.


The shift by tinks. I love that.


Yeah. You'll be okay, la. You're ready.


Yeah. And I will be celebrating my birthday, like, with everyone I love, which is great. Yada yada.


We do have to make a plan, though.


We don't.


Like, we gotta do a little something.


Yeah. Yeah.


This is classic turks.


I know.


Then all of a sudden, like, we're getting a sprinter van and we're going to Atlantic City. I can't handle it. I need to prepare.


No, for sure, for sure. And I bet I can own the fact that every single year I say I'm not gonna do anything. This one is different because.


And then everybody makes plans for your birthday weekend, and then you're like, darn, these people couldn't come. And it's like you literally told them not to be here.


However, this year is different. Like, I actually mean when I say, like, I don't want to do anything bigger, like, for real.


It doesn't have to be big, but it could be something. Yeah.


Like a family dinner, a little pool party, lavish gifts.


What about a pool party with just people that you actually know and love? Sure, I'll arrange it.


I heard the craziest piece of gossip this morning that I actually meant to tell you, and I'm just not to be so annoying. Like, I will not be sharing it, but I will tell you afterwards. And I just, like, I kind of want to pause the show to tell you. It's the craziest thing.


I think that you should.


No, no. It's like. It's actually a long story, too. Like, the person who told me, like, called me this morning before he got to the studio, and the person who called is, like, a good information, you know?


Okay, I'll just. I'll bide my time and I'll wait.


Yeah. What's more annoying than someone saying that?


No, I'll just forget about it. I'll just compartmentalize.


You're so mature and emotionally intelligent like that.


I think so. I think I can do. So.


Personal update. I've had a canker sore in my mouth for about three days. I've never actually wanted to be dead more. It is the single worst thing that's ever happened to me. And every time I open my lip and look inside of it, like, I feel like I maybe want to take a needle and stab it because it looks like it's, like, big and white. It's fucking bothering me so much. And I just think everyone should know. Like, you're watching me and I look beautiful. I sound smart. You think, wow, this girl's really. What you don't know is that deep inside, I am suffering, and I'm barely getting by.


You never know what people are really.


Going through behind closed doors. Like, I look.


Perfect cover, even though I feel like you can. Don't you feel that way? Like, all those books that have, like, this.


Are you talking about physical books or, like, analogous. Oh, no, I actually. I think that phrase is a phrase for a reason. Because some of the worst books I've ever fucking read have, like, the cutest, swirliest covers.


No, but, like, these days, all book covers go into a box. It's box theory. Book theory?


Like, you're obsessed with tinks.


It's just kind of a tinks coded episode, kind of as things become.


Uh huh.


Like, there's the cartoon.


But you've never met tanks, right?




You're gonna meet her the summer. She's gonna be swirly summering in the hamptons for, like, a bunch of weeks.


Oh, my gosh. I just hope, like, when we meet, like, I need us to plan a meeting where, like, I can get to know her. Not just like, us over a table at a club.


No, no, I'll plan a dinner.


Yeah, I need, like, talking time.


Yeah, yeah, no, I'll take it. Right.


Thank you. Thank you for your birthday.


Me and tanks, like, just. Yeah, that's all I really need. Me, you and tanks.


There's the cartoon covers, which, like, you know what you're gonna get.




You know what you're gonna get. Then there's, like, a woman walking away from you in front of a building. Like, you know, that's gonna be historical swirly fiction.


So true.


And you're never gonna see your face. You're walking back because it's the idea of someone. Then there's the new books that, like, you know, this was, like, stamp for approval by an editor high up somewhere, where it's, like, fun font.




On a quirky design background.


The shift by tinks.


No, like, I'm thinking of. And this is the template for this, but there are a million like it. Like, such a funny. Do you ever read that book?






But yes. Big block letters that take up the whole 00000. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought you were talking about. Yes. That is the sort of swirly font. Yes. Paris apartment is the same thing.


Even the book we're reading right now for redheads, real Americans, it's like font on a wallpaper.


Also, that book that you read for the redheads about the redheaded girl who goes to NYU before we were strangers. Yeah, that has it.


No, but it's not this category of, like, books that are, like, literary fiction. We don't know what to put on.


The COVID but it's that category of coverage.


No, it's not. Because there's a picture of people.


No, but it's, like, blurry. Like, you can't see the people. It's. And then it's, like, swirly font.


When is it called?


It's called we were strangers before we were strangers.


Oh, my God. Like, so many of these books all.


Have the same title.


No, no, no, it's not before we were strangers. When we were strangers.


I'm pretty sure it's before her. Renee Carlino.


Yeah. Oh, my God. Hold on now. I. Before we were strangers. Renee Carlino.


What did I say?


Yeah. No, this. It's different. It's different. No, it's like, this literary fiction. Like, if your book is chosen, you get a cover like that.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And also, speaking of books, I'm almost. Well, we're recording redheads today. Don't tell them I haven't finished. I'm, like, 90%. I was reading this morning. I'll finish it, and then I'll get the outline. We always get her done at the redheads. This book was so not what I thought it was gonna be. I actually need to finish it so that I can process it before the episode, because there's a lot to process of what I thought it was gonna be versus, like, what it is.


And the redheads are recording IRL together, which is sort of a quarterly occurrence.


Yeah. It's a historic, momentous occasion. So email your questions about this book, or just books in general, to the


And before you do that, stay tuned for a fabulous episode. I'm ready to dive in. We've dillied, we've dallied, and now it's time we do ta do.


Yeah, I love that do Dadu. The fast five stories that you need.


To know and the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by my lady Jane. We may have just found our new tv obsession on prime. Have you guys heard about my Lady Jane? It's inspired by a best selling book. This series has a history bending romantic about Lady Jane Gray. She's known as the nine days Queen. Jane was the queen of England for nine days, and then she was beheaded, giving, you know, damsel in distress energy. My lady Jane. The show tells her story about the way it should have happened. You'll meet Jane, who's a know it all tutor, noblewoman with a sharp tongue and a warm heart. And then there's Guildford, an intriguing scoundrel with a dark secret. They have undeniable chemistry. So get ready to ship these star crossed lovers in an epic tale of true love and high adventure, all set in an alt universe of action, comedy, romance, and lust at first sight. Oh, and it's all set to a modern soundtrack. Prepare thyself for my Lady Jane, which arrives June 27 on Prime Video. That is tomorrow. And I want to say, like, turning a book into a series or a movie is always a risk.


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Our first story, the episode of new Heights post London eras has dropped so many fascinating tidbits from the episode, talking about their experience. Among them, they're talking about meeting Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. So Travis Kelsey said he met the coolest motherfucker at Taylor Swift's London eras tour show, Prince William. He gushed about the Prince of Wales on his new Heights podcast Wednesday Wednesday, noting that he wasn't sure whether he was allowed to talk about the major moment. But he said he was there with little George and Charlotte. They were absolutely a delight to meet. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bow to them, curtsy, just be an american idiot and shake their hands like sup, dude? We wanted to be polite. But Jason clarified, because they weren't at an official royal event, they did not need to bow. I am sure they still bow, though.


Like, no, Jason said that they didn't bow, but they referred to them as your royal Highness, like the entire time. And Jason was like, I've never really felt like emasculated before in my life. But like saying your royal Highness, like really made me feel some type of way, the way they were describing and I had no idea Jason met them. I just saw the picture and assumed it was just Travis. But the fact that Jason and Kylie did like is so crazy.


And Jason said the highlight for him was Princess Charlotte.


Yeah. And he was like, maybe it's because I have three girls now. But she was so excited and asking so many questions, like, so engaged. And he was like, she was seriously, like, out of all them, like, I was the most excited to meet her. He was like, george was great, too. William was great. But, like, really?


Charlotte, that's so cute. And Travis's was William.




And it just gets better and better.


I know. Like, I love that they have a podcast. Like, I know it's not a revolutionary thought, but, like, the sheer fact, like, crate and this was happening during the NFL season. Like, every Sunday there was a game, and it was crazy things happening, a with, like, Taylor coming on the field and also just with the games and the fact that the next day they, like, had to sit down and talk about it. It's so amazing to be, like, a fan of this relationship. And so the fact that they had this, you know, banner Weekend in London, and all I want to do is hear, like, a full blown podcast recap of it, and it exists. It's so fabulous. They recorded it while still in London. I do believe it was because before.


Travis went on stage, because there was.


A Friday show, a Saturday show, and a Sunday show Jason and Kylie went to Friday and Saturday. I feel like they recorded it, like, Sunday morning while, like, Taylor was getting ready for the show. So they didn't recap, like, him on stage, which maybe will be next week's episode.


That's fine. I'm happy to have, like, the royal moment, to have its own moment. And then also just Jason talking about seeing the show for the first time. He said he was literally tearing up during the 22 when this girl's dreams were coming true for getting the hat. And he was just so impressed with her. And the.


His favorite part was the acoustic set I love. And this is what we were talking about yesterday. I love hearing people, mostly, like, straight men who don't know, like, the history, the lore, just giving their sort of, like, watered down take on Taylor Swift, who to us is like, this complex, you know, historical figure. And for them, it's just like, the way they describe it is so much more simple. And it's always very sweet to hear, especially when they have daughters, because I think a lot of men are familiar with random Taylor Swift things through their daughters. So I just loved hearing Jason's take. He loved the show. He was talking about the bracelets. He was, oh, my God. And he was being so funny. He's like, I just can't get over, like, how long the show is. He was like, if I did what she did in one song, like, I seriously would have to change my clothes. And he was like, you don't understand. Like, I was getting tired, like, drinking beers and standing up. Like, I could only imagine how she was feeling.




And so for an athlete to respect her, like, physical shape, that's got to feel that way.


JJ Watts said the same thing when he went to the show. Also, speaking of podcasts, Travis is bussing with the boys. Did you see that? They said they didn't put the episode out yet. So the host of the show, because he responded to that clip of ten full minutes of Taylor talking, he said, absolutely no clue how this got leaked. We are working to get the episode up shortly, but the swifties have infiltrated our cybersecurity system.


Question mark.


Question wait.


The episode wasn't even out? That sucks for them.


I don't even know. I saw that tweet and I was so confused.


I saw Travis responded to it. I thought it was a joke.


I don't know. Then the fan account replied with help. I'm so sorry. It was just on YouTube, like, for 6 hours. So I thought we got a treat.


So maybe they're dumb and didn't realize their episode was up. Like, seriously?


Yeah, but it, like, maybe they put.


It up as, like, unlisted, thinking, like, no one would find it until they said it public. But you can find it if you're like.


And I don't think that the swifties hacked the system.


No, me neither. You really can't hack YouTube.


No. Or their email account, like, Dropbox.


I think that, like, these people have a podcast and they, like, get their episodes up and they schedule them to go public at, like, noon on a Monday. And no one at 1150 on a Monday is, like, searching desperately. But there's a lot of hype around this. And maybe, like, you know, them setting it to unlisted on YouTube. That's literally the only way I can think of. Because the girl responded, being like, it was on YouTube.


Yeah. I don't know. Weird.


That's so crazy. And, yeah, sucks for their advertisers.


Yeah, I. But I feel like they have stuff all over their studio. No, you.


But, like, the actual ads, like. Like, of the podcast, you get paid for how many listens you get?


Like, yeah. Yeah.


It's just unfortunate.


It is. And anything else from new heights, it was very sweet.


You know, I never really, like, listen to their show. I'm, like, not shockingly, like, a big podcast listener. And whenever we talk about it, like.


I don't listen to podcasts.


I just make them. I watch, like, clips and stuff, but this time I, like, sat down and, like, listened to the audio and, like, pot calling the kettle. I totally understand. They were talking over each other so much, and it was only bothering me because Travis was, like, kind of dropping pearls, and then, like, they were, like, just. There was so much going on. So, like, things just sort of went unacknowledged. Like, when they were talking about the number 13, someone in the studio was running, like, a 13 or whatever, and Travis was like, oh, you know, I know someone whose number that is, too. 87 plus 13. And then, like, Jason was talking about something completely different. So we just. We didn't get to, like, harp on that.


But what's to say?


I don't know, but there was just. There were just a couple of moments where, like, he whispered something under his breath or he said something while Jason was talking, and I was like, can you just repeat that, sir? And maybe go back. Circle back to that? Yeah, but of course I understand. That's just sometimes what happens.


It's sometimes what happens and what the listeners find or hear us say. Like, sometimes we don't even hear each other say.


Maybe that's what they were experiencing.


Yeah, no, that happens all the time with us, where someone will call out something that you said or I said. I'm like, oh, she said that. That's so funny.


No, totally.


I was sitting right here. I didn't even hear it.


Totally. Cause this is a balancing act.


No, and it's also about moving the conversation forward. We're not just gonna keep getting stuck on every funny like. So there. You said a funny thing.


No. And if we stopped every time we said something funny, the show would never go on.


The show must go on.


So true.


Are you ready for our next story? Some exciting chiefs adjacent news. Ca.


I don't know if I would say exciting.


So exciting. Hallmark and the Kansas City Chiefs are teaming up for a new Christmas movie called Holiday Touchdown, a Chiefs love story. So move over, Taylor and Travis. There's a new love story coming to Kansas City. On June 25, Hallmark announced a new partnership with the Kansas City Chiefs that will see actors Tyler Hines and Hunter King.


Actors Tyler Drift and Davis Wellesley literally.


Bring a Chiefs inspired love story to life in true Hallmark fashion. So, in holiday touchdown, a Chiefs love story king. That's the girl. Stars as a Chiefs superfan who will stop at nothing to win the team's fan of the year contest on behalf of. Of her family of lifelong fans. As Derek, the director of fan engagement for the contest.


Jackie's grinning from ear to ear. If you guys are just listening.


The man is tasked with evaluating how Alana and her family stack up against the other two finalists. As the pair spends time together, it's clear there's a spark between them.


So it seems as though Alana's sleeping her way to the top of this competition.




It's a story about nepotism.


It's a tale as old as time and favoritism.


Okay, so, like, actually, the concept of the movie is really not inspired by Taylor or Travis. Not like a pop star comes to a small town. Like, it's actually a cute concept for a movie. Yeah.


And this is also the second time the chiefs have partnered with Hallmark, which is so random.


Okay. Okay. By the way, that changes things, because I just really worry about getting to a place where it's too much. Like, for me, it's not too much for a lot of people. I know they have, like, a different bar for, like, when this is gonna become too much. So the fact that they have done this before, like, this isn't a new concept does make me feel better. And it really is not inspired by Taylor, like, at all. But the way it's positioned, like, in the headlines, this morning's love story. Right.


There's only.


It already exists.




So upon father further. Further investigation, I'm okay with this. But at first, I was like, shit, we might. We might be girl bossing too close.


To the sun, but it's like, why does the Hallmark network need to partner with a football team to use the logo?


Literally, that's why.


But they don't use the logo for anything. Like, it's so.


Yeah, everything they do is generic brand. Like, seriously, like, if Hallmark was, like.


If I thought of literally 100 Hallmark partnerships, I wouldn't think of a football team.


No, not at all. But maybe this is gonna be, like, a little bit of a bigger scale, bigger production, and it would be nice. You know, every time they mention, like, a. A brand in a Hallmark movie, it's, like, on Riverdale, how they were, like, the five seasons, you know, like, they're always. They're not allowed to use because they're, like, low budget productions, because they churn out so many movies per year. So they're partnering with the NFL, have NFL licensing. Like, how nice that they can go to, like, a fake football game, and everybody's wearing the real logo. Like, in Hallmark movies. Like, if you look around, like, you'll see, like, it's off. It's all generic brand. It's all off brand. It's all fake. Like, this is great.


Yeah. They'll also be able to film at Arrowhead and rock the stage at Arrowhead, which is key.


Do you know for sure that they'll be rocking the stage at Arrowhead?


Well, filming is starting in July, so it's to be determined if they will rock the stage.


And I do want to say, like, Kansas City is this, like, snowy town, right? Does it get snowy in Kansas City? Like, I could see it being, like.


Magical during Christmas, for sure. I think it probably gets snow.


Yeah. Missouri.


Most places do. At some point.


I could see there being, like, a really cute small town. I like it.


Yeah. Yeah. So this is exciting. We love partnerships. Like, I'm not giving it a toasting lions award because, like, I'm still really kind of confused.




But I'm here for it.


I would love if they had perhaps cast someone a little bit more well known. Like, I've never heard of any of these actors. No.


But they're really nice looking, and that's really important for a Hallmark movie.


Well, that's kind of what Hallmark does, is that they'll find good looking actors who look really similar to incredibly famous people. Like, they're basically, like, casting Fennifer Florence.


Yes. And they take people from your favorite show growing up. Like, 90210. The sequel is on Hallmark.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're tapping into niche fan.


Like, Gretchen wieners.


She is a full time.


Sit there.


Becca Tobin has been doing Hallmark movies. Show me those two actresses. Actors actresses.


She's so pretty. He's handsome.


So pretty. So handsome. No notes to see it. No notes.


Like, yeah, I'm judging book by the COVID When I'm watching a Hallmark movie, like, I'm seriously looking at what the leads look like.


A thousand percent. I've watched a Hallmark movie in a while.


I know. It's. They've been flopping.


They got too popular too fast. Like, when. When they were just doing their thing at Hallmark and, like, no one was watching. That's when it was good. And then people discovered it and Netflix copied it and became, like, too many eyeballs better.


And so we went to Netflix, and then Netflix made it worse and ruined the genre.




And the genre was ruined.


Yeah. That's kind of like what Netflix does.


Yes. Are you ready for our next story?




Which is so random. And I'm gonna need a little bit of explaining because I know this is a big deal. And also, you were posting about it on your Instagram. I was so the hawk to a girl.


Oh, my God. Okay.


Signs with Hollywood talent agency UTa.


Oh, wow.


So I saw.


It's disgusting.


In our chat. Olivia asked in our sister chat, what is hawk Tua? I didn't even know that Hawk Tua was a thing that we should be asking, what is it even? And then you explain what it was and it's like, so this girl was.


You know, all these extreme interviews. You know, people, like, asking people shit on the street. And this girl got interviewed and she was referencing, like, it's not hawk tua, you guys. It's hoc. Like, the sound you make when you spin. She was referencing, you know, fellatio and how the hoc is kind of like a signature move. Whatever. It's like, it's, you know. And I believe she, like, was a teacher. She was like, the video went super viral. I believe she got fired, so I didn't. And she's just, like, having a viral moment. I didn't know that she had signed with an agency. And I don't know why this particular viral moment is different than all other viral moments because a lot of things become super viral. You know, the phrase is repeated, but those people don't end up, you know, with agents. So I'm not entirely sure. But I did not hear that she got signed to Uta.


Yeah, so page six heard that the hawk chew, a girl, I guess, is what she's known as, who shot to viral fame a week or so ago after evocatively advising the Internet on the secret to giving good fellatio, has signed an all areas deal with Talon giant Uta. So prepare for a book, a movie, an album, and a live experience the Hawk tour in the future.


I am, you know, definitely, because this is, you know, what I do for a living. Super interested to see how. Because there were a lot of viral people. And it's really crazy when you think about, like, things that were so viral at the time and where those people are now. Like, literally the other day, Ben was like, where is damn Daniel? And I'm like, I'm pretty sure he, like, donated all the shoes that he got from Vance to, like, kids in Africa and then, like, quit his job and, like, lives off the grid. Remember Alex from target?




Like, there are so many. And sometimes those people do end up, like, as, like, full time influencers, Ramsay. And we had completely forgotten exactly the thing. And then sometimes they just completely fall off the. And there's really no formula as to who or why. I feel like a really good. Like, I don't even know. So, like, it's.


And I also. I think it has to do more so with the person and what they want and then also, like, then the teams that they put in place. So if this girl, like, wants to be an influencer and she signed with UTa, I think she'll be successful.




But I think also sometimes people don't really want it. They're like, oh, that was fun. They, you know, it's like, a fun.


Part of their life.


Issues and. And move on.




Or sometimes they just surround themselves with people who don't know how to, like, make the most of the moment, and then the moment passes them by, and then they're, like, trying to recreate it for years.


And that's really, like, the worst way something like that can work out.




When they're just, like, constantly referencing the one thing, I hate to say it, backpack kid. I mean, I believe he recently got arrested, so things are obviously not working out well for himself. He said, oh, or was it selfie kid?


Was selfie kid.


Backpack kid.


No, backpack kid, I think, was a dancer in that halftime show.




And he, like, did the.


No, he wasn't in the halftime show.


Selfie kid was no, selfie kid was walking. He was in the stands and just didn't timber, like, walk past him. Yeah, but, like, he just took a selfie.


The bar used to be really low for, like, what would go viral now, because there's, like, so much stuff on the Internet, like, you really can't go viral like, that big.


The backpack kid is the creator of the floss fan.


Yes, yes, yes.


And I think that he was in the background of Justin Timberlake's halftime show.


We should have known then that Justin Timberlake was, like, a talent, but that.


I feel like I might just be conflating. You are.


I don't think he was in the halftime show. Oh, he was in Katy. Oh, he was in Katy Perry's SNL performance. That's weird. By the way, I need to talk about Katy Perry because we, like, dragged a snippet of her song on this show. There was another snippet release. Jackie, it's the best song I've ever heard. Can I play it for you?




It's a woman's word. Like, it's literally so good.


And then she told you I was staying open.


No. By the way, you were a hater, just like me. Don't leave me out here alone.


But I was saying. I said I was open, and the.


Comments on this were like, girl, why don't you release this snippet first? Literally, the comments. This is gonna go triple platinum. Why don't you share this one first, girl? Okay, ready? She's a mother. Open your eyes, just look around, and you'll discover you never. How good.


So good. And the song for the moms, why, the first lyric was, she's a mother.


Oh, I didn't hear that. Sorry.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was saying last week. Like, we need Luke combs.


Wait, no, no.


Female edition.


I think, like, songs for the mom. I think all myself included. Like, oh, Katy Perry, an apology. Like, that song sounds so good. I've listened to this in a thousand times. Like, it sounds like Lady Gaga, I think.


July 11.


Okay. I guess we'll be playing it at my pool birthday party.


That's her court date with Mister Westcott.


Oh, yeah. Katy Perry's, like, killing it. She's at. I forget which fashion week is going on right now. And she's, like, stunting on these hoes.


With all these JLo flu commercial.


Oh, yeah. But she flew to Italy, though. Is it Milan fashion week? She flew from Naples to, oh, Paris.


And Kylie's in Paris. Wherever Kylie is is where it's happening.


The Balenciaga show was us. And, like, everyone, there was, like, a whole photo of, like, all these iconic women in the front row. Nicole Kidman was there. Like, that was a tough loss.


She walked in the show.


She's like, that's like, Kim Nicole Kidman, Joey King. I can't remember who else was in the photo. Derek Glassburg posted, like, a million Kerry Washington.


It's so crazy how all these celebrities could be so out of touch because really, like, everyone is out. All the common people, the lay people are out on Balenciaga. Every time I go shopping, they're the only bags on sale.




In the little, like, when you go to a department store and they have, like, little miniature stores of other brands. It's empty. There's not even a person working in there. It's so crazy. And I really think it shows how celebrities are so out of touch because, like, to boycott Blenciaga would be good for your Q score.




It's just something like, we all agree on.


Katy Perry, Joey King, Nicole Kidman, Kerry Washington. Wait, I need everyone to stop moving. Who is this lady? Like, she's so classic. I like that blonde actress, Carrie Mulligan. Okay, so I thought it was Carrie Mulligan, but I don't think it is. She, like, is fairy Fuligan. Who is that? Like, that classic Christine Quinn. No, no. Like, is it Naomi Watts.


It's Christine Quinn, I think.


No, it's not.


It could be anyone. She's wearing sunglasses.


They're all wearing sunglasses.


And Christine Quinn does a lot with Balenciaga.


It's not Christine Quinn. Stop saying that.


Why not? Why couldn't it be her? No, but it's not. It's not on her page.


But all that to say, loving this moment Katy Perry's having. And I do apologize. Like, I. I've been wrong a couple of times in my life. Most notably, like, about Taylor and Travis. Remember that?




So I can admit when I'm wrong. And I was definitely wrong about women's world. It's a woman's world. And you look like it sounds so good.




Oh, but there's also drama.




Do you know who she worked with for the song?


Doctor Luke.


Doctor Luke? Kesha was asked about it. She seemed really upset. Like, that's very nice. I mean, Katie's, like, going to Balenciaga and working with Doctor Luke. Like, Katie don't give a fuck.




Is she okay? But I do want to say, like, the song is good, so, like, two things can be true. I'm holding space for two truths. But, like, why in the world when there are so many. There are so many, like, good producers. Like, she could work with Max Martin. Like, she's Katy Perry.




Why would she work with the alleged.


Yeah, yeah. Okay.


Especially when the song sounds so much.


Like, sort of, like, sours the song.


Sorry. Well, it's. The song sounds so much like Lady Gaga. And Lady Gaga is, like, kind of one of the most famous. Doctor Luke peeps.


Anti Doctor Luke.






So just, like, weird. Katy Perry's, like, doing weird things. Stealing homes from the elderly, working with Doctor Luke. So just good to know when you listen to the song. Sorry if I ruined it for you.


Well, do you want to know some good music news? Because then we can all get behind.




One of my favorite people. Favorite musicians. I feel like if I gave you enough guesses, you would guess. We have Harry Edwards. We don't talk about him a lot on the show.


Him jamousy.


No, no, no. Like, it's more long standing than that.


Hunter Hayes, great guests. Who?


Gavin Degraw.


Oh, literally.


Same thing is re releasing his chariot album. Oh, so he's re recording chariot. It's called Chariot 20, and it'll be out in September. And he's re recorded all of the.


Songs for a modern Taylor Swift influence.




Normalized. Like, re releasing music.


No. And also it's like, these songs are so good, and if you just, like, remix them a little bit, they're, like, fresh, and we get to enjoy them all over again, bringing them into the 21st century. All of his music is so good. Even he just released his last album, freedom, which was, like, just so good and really more stream of consciousness, you know, not trying to, like, make it big on the radio. And so I don't feel like he's someone who just, like, keeps going back, like, jesse McCartney, like, to that song. I feel like this is really for the fans, but also for him, it's, like, a fun artistic project to work on your own stuff.


And when that album came out, like, we all fixated on, like, two songs. Right. Chariot. And I don't want to be.




But I imagine the rest of the album probably has similar bangers.




That we all just sort of looked over because we were, like, obsessed with these one or two songs. So it's probably an exciting project for him to reintroduce what he maybe consider some of his better songs.


And literally all of the songs follow through. You know it, because you have to follow through. Chariot.


Oh, chariot.


Just friends.


I'm thinking of it.


I think you do. But I'm not gonna play it because we'll already, like, get Katie.


We're already, like, on the brink of expulsion.


Nice to meet you anyway.


Yes, that actually, I kind of do know, like, a lot of songs in the album. Like, for me, when I hear that song, like, I am on my way to school, do you know what I mean? There are certain songs that just transport you to very, very specific times in your life. And that one. Which one did you just sing?


Nice to meet you.


Anyway, like, to me, I'm. I'm en route to the fourth grade.


Very exciting.


I've got iPad nano. Maverick is waiting for me, actually. And I've got an iPad nano. And, like, the world is sort of my oyster.


Yeah, those were the days.


Those were the days.


So it'd be fun to relive that. The same that we've had that with Taylor's version, but also reminds me of Demi Lovato, who did, like, a rock version of her songs.


I think that's actually, like, an example of it being done poorly and not going well and, like, sort of flopping.


I never listened to it, but I still stand by that. I like the idea.


You and millions of others.


I like the idea.




But also, I don't like.


I don't love, like, a shift in genre.


No, but. And the genre being rock like, if she had made them all country. Okay. Yeah, I'm listening.


Honestly, even then. No.


Well, I look forward to seeing what Gavin's gonna do because he's so musically talented.


Yeah. Like, in terms of people really sleep.


On him, but not us. Day one, Gavin stands. Like, when we go to the concerts, we all see each other.




And we know each other.


Sort of like a meeting of the mind.


Yeah. Like, we, you know, the fellow Gavin fans, and I'm. I'm a lower tier. I just go passively to the concerts. Like, I don't do the, like, meetups with fellow fans. Dana and I, like, kind of do our own thing with Margot, but you can see that the others, like, know each other from the Gavin circuit. I'm not even kidding. Like, there's. He seriously has this groundswell, this Gavin circuit. He has this groundswell of fandom.


I love that.




It's giving toaster energy.


It's. It is toaster energy. Every time I go to a concert, so many toasters.


For sure. There's definitely an overlap.


So I'm excited about that in September. That's something to look forward to after swirly summer.


That's true. When I'm back here, of things like we to live for. I mean, I guess something huge to live for post swirly summer is the holiday season and the fall.


NFL chill Ellie season.


Oh, my God. NFL.


Claudia. Like, it's gonna be a great.


Also, the US Open.


Q four. Sure.


I like the US Open. Okay. Can't wait for summer to be over.


Are you ready for visiting final story, which is actually some summer news.




Summer house.


Yes. We didn't even talk about this, you and I, offline.


I didn't see it until I was choosing stories this morning. I was, like, really buried it.


Was she kind of got away with, like, nobody caring.


No. I'm in shock. I'm in tears. So, Danielle, maybe we should say what the news is. Yeah. Danielle Oliveira from summer house is leaving summer house after seven seasons. So Danielle is leaving summer house, at least as a regular cast member after seven seasons. She announced her departure from the show ahead of season nine. She had joined the series in season two and just recently made her first appearance on season three of the spin off Winter House. She shared the news of her exit with her more than 260,000 followers, calling it a heartbreaking choice and sharing that she is thankful for the platform that the show has given her thus far. Quote, hello, my sweet loves. I wanted to share that I've come to the heartbreaking decision to not return as a full time cast member on the upcoming season of Summer House. Okay. Full time cast member. She could still be out there on weekends. Yeah.


Kind of maybe giving, like, Andrea comes for, like, a dinner.


Yeah. But I just feel like if that's the case, she's gonna go so hard on those weekends, like, to come back.


Jackie, there is literally no way this was her choice.


Like, no Harpyro.


Very generous of Bravo and production to let her put her own sort of Danielle's twist on it, like, going out in a way that's like, she.


Do you want to resign, or do we have to fire you?


Right. So that was kind, but I don't think anyone would really believe that she would leave on her own accord. I think she loves being a reality star. I think she loves the platform. Exactly. And it's not like she's, you know, it took off so much that she's incapable of balancing. And also, summer House is one of those rare shows where it's actually very.


Probably the most work life balance show.


Yeah. Because it's just the weekends.


Yeah. She said. Obviously, this decision didn't come without a tremendous amount of thought. Ultimately, I just needed to trust my gut. If I can't put 100% of myself into filming genuinely and authentically, it really doesn't feel right doing it in a full time capacity. The network production, my cast, and especially all of you deserve that.


I just feel like this is kind of my least favorite way for someone to leave a show because it's giving very Jackie Goldschneider, like, letting them, quote unquote, resign but still being a part of the show in any capacity, because if you're keeping them around and this is a person who was fired and they don't want to be, it creates this sort of monster of, like, jealousy and desperation.


No. And the desperation, like, leads to just crazy behavior that creates inauthentic storylines, like.


Jackie Goldstein or deciding she wants to be best friends with Teresa. Please.


But she did say she was fortunate enough to take a step back season four as well, and it ended up working out better than she imagined, and she came back, so maybe she'll remember that. I just want to say, I know that she's, like, not our fave. I don't think this is necessary. Bravo's part, I think last season was so great.


I mean, perfect.


And I wouldn't have changed one thing about the cast, and I do think that Danielle is the wild card within the cast. Cause she has some allegiances, but she's like, a bridge between the girls and the boys. But there are all these dynamics with her, and especially as Lindsay and Carl play out in whatever way she's weirdly.


A part of it.


She is. And I just, I realize now, so often when I don't like someone on a show, I'm like, they need to go. But the show does suffer when one person that everyone agrees on, like, the villain. Yeah. Leaving. Like, even, like, Lisa Rinna or Lisa Vanderpump. Like, I think you necessary evil. We're not supposed to, like, the entire cast.


I completely agree.


Turn on each other. It's, like, frustrating for the viewers. So I feel like they should have kept the cast copy and paste because last season was such a success.


Completely agree. Nothing. They shouldn't have changed one hair on the head of this season. But also, you're right. And that's, like, the frustrating part about being such an avid watcher of reality tv is, like, your least faves. Like, you obviously don't want to see them, but they are the only thing we're talking about, and they move things forward. You know, you could say what you want about Danielle, but she definitely, especially in the last couple of seasons with Lindsay and Carl, like, how many times did we die over her reaction to their engagement? Like, seriously psychotic behavior? That's what we're tuning in for.


Yeah. No. I had so many audible reactions to her in the last two seasons that made me feel things, and that's her job. Yeah.


So she's actually doing a good job at her job.




And I agree. There's no need to change anything. So maybe it was her decision, but I really don't think so.


In some ways, it sounds like, I know she wants us to think that it is, but she said. What did she say?


A full time cast member.


Right now, I need to protect and prioritize the things that matter most to me, my company, my people, and, of course, myself.


So maybe she's going through something personally.


Perhaps, in which case that makes sense, because I think Bravo. Demoting her doesn't make sense for the show. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


And it's also just annoying when they do that. Like, if she is desperate to stay on and they put her on as, like, a friend of, you know, the only time I think it's really ever worked out is when Luann was demoted one season. It lit a fire under her ass that's still burning.


Agreed. So those are fast. Five stories.


And what's so amazing is the show is so far from over. Because it is time for the latter half of the show, which is brought to you by State Farm. Now it is time for a special segment of the toast called personal wins, which is sponsored by State Farm. We know that you guys can agree nothing feels better than a personal win like hitting 14,000 steps a day, creating the perfect sourdough from scratch. Jacqueline, filet, whatever it is that you define it as a win, it calls for a celebration. And who's there celebrating right with you?


State Farm.


Let me give you a hint. No, you're wrong. Let me give you a hint. Like a good neighbor, state farm, is there.


Who's celebrating right beside you, like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.


Jax, what's the personal win you've had this week?


Well, speaking of sourdough, one, I successfully brought my sourdough to New York. I saw for sourdough summer. And two, a friend of mine has asked for some starter because she wants to start her own.


Influencing others.


I'm influencing others. And that's the great thing about having starter. It's so regenerative that I'm happy to give some away. It cuts months off of someone else's timeline, and I'm helping gut health for others. It's such. It's so flattering when someone asks me for my starter.




So that was a win, a personal.


Win I had this week. Is that on Monday, when I was shopping for dresses for our live show, I was, like, running around the city so much, I did 20,000 steps. I think that might be the most steps I've ever done in my life. And I probably, you know, wouldn't know it without you. Thank you for this gift that you gave me. But, yeah, 20,000 steps.




With the state farm personal price plan, you can create an affordable price just for you when you bundle home and auto. So Jackie and I obviously are super similar. We finish each other's sandwiches, strawberries made.


Of stranberries and sourdough, and we pretty.


Much have lived the same life experience. We have the same opinion on everything. But with our insurance needs, what's more personal than insurance? I mean, we're so similar, and we couldn't have more different insurance needs. Like, you're a homeowner, you live in a different state. There are different roles. You have a Tesla or an electric vehicle. You have very specific needs. I'm a renter. You know, I have other things in my life. Maybe not as much as you, but other things. And I need different. I have different rent, different insurance needs, and state farm totally gets that. They understand that insurance is personal, and that's why the state farm personal price price plan is so fabulous, because you can create an affordable price just for you. When you're bundling home and auto, there are a lot of moments in life that call for celebration, and creating your state farm personal price plan can be one of them. You can celebrate choosing the insurance coverage that fits your needs at a price that you can afford. So talk to a state farm agent today to learn how to bundle and save with the personal price plan.


Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. And the best thing about State Farm is there's so many different methods of communication when you want to, you know, get started. If you're an old school swirly like Jackie, perhaps picking up the phone or even driving your electric vehicle to a local agent and talking to them. I'm very tech savvy. I'm very young in that sense. So I love the app and the website for State Farm. So they've really got methods of communications for all the swirlies. Prices are based on ratings plans that vary by state. Coverage options are selected by the customer, availability, amount of discounts, and savings and eligibility vary by state. Like a good neighbor state farm is there.


Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.


And State Farm is so excited to sponsor the dear toasters episode. I mean, episode, excuse me, segment. They did request that we put some respect on their name. So this is going to be dear neighbor. Okay.


I love that.


We've actually got some great submissions. And as a reminder, you can submit if you need advice from us. You say, oh, I love this show. Those girls seem so sound of mind. I would love to know what they think about x going on in my life. Shoot us an email we keep it anonymous, of course, anything that's going on in your life, we'd be more than happy to help. Are you ready?


I'm ready for dear neighbor. Bend when you can, snap when you have to.


We've got an interesting one, a tushy related one.


I mean, we're the tushy girls these.


Days are the tushy girls. Hey, Swirly's. I've got an interesting one for you. I've been married for almost three years with a six month old baby. My husband has made comments over the years that I quote, need a bigger butt. I work out daily. I've always had an athletic figure, but it's never been enough for him. He purchases workout equipment for me and tells me that I need to be doing more, quote, butt exercises. Last night, he offered to give me a massage, and when I looked at the bottle of lotion, it was a butt enhancement cream. Am I being sensitive, or is this really hurtful? I worked my butt off, literally, to get back in shape after having my son, but knowing that he's either disgusted by how I look or just wishing I looked different in general is really hurting my feelings.


I'm sorry. Freak.


Okay, I want to say something that, like, maybe this is, like, the biggest assumption, but, like, you know, I do hang out with, like, a lot of gay men, and, like, tushy's in gay culture. Like, they're upset. Like, that's their thing. Like, they love tushies. I feel like. Like, it's giving me a little gay.


Oh, that's not what I got. Like, some guys.


Some. And by the way, that's an assumption, because some straight guys, like, just, like, our ass guys.


And did something happen to your butt? I mean, I don't think he, like, literally needs to marry the best, but that he found, but maybe he's become a but guy. I really wasn't getting gay. I was just getting, like, into something that my wife is not currently. And I don't think you need to now go do bench presses and get a BBL because he's into this.


I think, first of all, it goes without saying, like, the problem is him, not you. You're beautiful.


Like, and there's not even a problem. So he likes a little booty. No.


And the thing is, is, like, did.


He like your butt before you lost the baby? Like, when you were pregnant? Maybe he got used to.


No, she said, like, he's always had, but he's gotten, like, really crazy. But also, like. But. Buts are not, like, whatever it is that we're talking about. Like, a husband. Like, having this obsession with, like, a part of his wife's body. Like, it's like, it's not even about the butt. It's more about the concept. And it's like. Yeah, it's like, you're a freak.


No, and it's, like, immature. We've been together for so long. Like, get over it.


Like, this is my ass.


I know, but what do you do with him?


I feel bad that I said maybe he was gay, but, like, he's definitely not. But I just.


No, no, I think it's.


That's where my head went gay. I'm sorry.


I think it's good to just throw that out there.




Yeah, because then she'll know if it's.


Yeah, just keep your eye out for now. Like, for, like, gay things.


Yeah, but I don't think it's that. I think it's more like fetishy. Yeah, but how come this wasn't ever an issue before? Now he's like, get in the gym.


And I'm all for, like, you know, fetishes. And I'm not gonna kink shame, whatever you're into, but, like, at some point, you know, we're parents. Like, who has time? Who's the energy? Like, could we just go to sleep?


No. And also, so it's like, have your fetishes whatever you want, but, like, don't make me go to the gym for it.


Don't bring me into this. Like.


And we were saying this about something else, about the person bringing your own Ac to the Olympics. Like, you can have the things that you need, but make it your problem, not someone else's.


It's true. Like, if you need X to get to y, like, figure it out.


Bring X.


Don't bring me into this.


Don't make me go and get X. Yeah.


So there's nothing wrong with you. And what's the best way to handle this? You seriously need to tell him to seriously stop.


Yeah, just be like, what's all this about? Where is this coming from? Assuming it's not gay, as turt said. And it's more like he's just looking for something that's not there.




Yeah, like, be like, what's going on with this? Like, let's talk about it, right?


Is there something deeper going on?


Like, maybe he. Not to make you feel worse, like, maybe he had an affair with someone with a big butt, and now he's, like, trying to come back home.


Once you go big, but you can't miss that big. Yeah. Yeah. Once you go big, but you end up in a wheelchair, as they say, so. Yeah.


Right. So I think a conversation needs to be had.


No, not us giving this girl, like, such bigger things to worry about. Your husband's gay, and he's having an affair with a big, fat ass man.


Like, yeah, but the good news is, if it's not those things and it's just like, he likes a little junk in the trunk, it's much better. We've already set you up for.


Right? No, we're setting the right. We're making things so much worse. Like, when in reality, he's just, like, a free who likes asses. Like, girl asses. You'll be so relieved this will stop bothering you. Thank God he's not gay.


No, I agree.


All right, next up, we've got some mother in law drama. Hey, girlies, I need some advice. My daughter looks a lot like me. Every time someone says, she looks just like me, my mother in law always says, yeah, she looks like her, but we hope she has my son's personality. My husband says, she doesn't mean it in a mean way, but I'm extremely hurt, and I find it very rude. Should I dress list? Let it roll off my back? Should I push my husband to say something to her instead? Thanks for the help. Your brother in law's a bitch. Like, a big bitch.


And I just. You have to know thyself, know thy husband, and know thy mother in law. Will addressing it do anything? Does it just make you look smaller? Can you, like, just swallow it, ignore it? How often are you with her? How often is she saying this? Like, you just gotta assess risk and reward?


Yeah, but I'm all for saying something like, people have gotten really comfortable being rude.


Yeah, I think.


And when you go unchecked, you continue that behavior. You're almost enabling.


I feel like what you could do is the next time she says it, you could, in that moment, be like. That's kind of a crazy thing to say.


Yeah. No, you have to call it out in the moment, first of all. Because if you're, like, sitting there, like, days later and you bring it up to her, like, you sound a little nuts, like you're still thinking about that.


You'Re making a mountain mad of a molehill, and she'll be able to, like, shut you down right quick.


Yeah. Address it in the moment and do it perhaps in front of the person she's saying it to, like, to make her feel embarrassed.


Yeah. And in sort of a passive aggressive way, not just like, that. Hurt my feelings.


Yeah. Or maybe you one up her. So you say, oh, your daughter looks just like you. Yeah, well, we're hoping she has my son's personality. And then you can chime in and say, and definitely not my mother in law's receding hairline, like.


Or definitely not like my mother in law's insulting nature sense of decorum. Right. Something chimes, I say, or hopefully not your manners.


Oh, that's good. That's good. That's good. Yeah, you're right. Receding hairline. Of course. That's so me. Like, I take things too far, but below the belt. She's fucking started it.


Bitch. An eye for an eye, church.


Okay, Jackie's right.


Say it again and hopefully not your manners.


Yeah, but if you're talking to the stranger, you should say, or hopefully not her grandmother's manners. Yeah, I like that bitch then bitch. And if that doesn't work, then you go for the receding hairline. Then you go for the jugular.


Yeah. Or if she says something to you about what you said, be like, what do you mean?


Why is that different than what you said?


Right? Love it. We got it.


Love it. Got him. Ready for a third and final?




I hate when somebody writes in and, like, I have no choice but for my answer to be divorced. You know what I mean? Because what they're writing in about, like, isn't. It's not like my husband stabbed me.




But it points to such a character flaw that the only option is divorce.


Such a moral rot.




What's worse? That when you have to say divorce or when you have to tell someone that they're wrong?


Actually, those are my favorites when somebody writes in. And because to be clear, like, the point of this segment is to actually help people and letting someone know that, like, they don't have to go have a sit down conversation with their husband like, that. You're actually the problem. I feel like that's helpful to them.


Yeah. It depends who they are, but, yeah.


And for me, like, I love. Like, I love the little twist. I'm like, wait, it's you. Yeah, it's you. Hi. Okay. My fiance hangs. Dear neighbor. My fiance hangs up on me all the time. Not like, okay, gotta go by. But if we're in a disagreement or he just doesn't want to be bothered by what I'm saying, he'll just hang up on me. I've been asking him to stop doing it for years, but he always says, well, you can't force me to listen to you. Or he just talks over me and then hangs up. It upsets me so, so deeply. And when I finally get mad, he blocks my number. Then I'll text him upset, and he'll show people. He says, he doesn't have to listen to me. He's a grown man, so I can't force him to be on the phone. I just want to be able to say what I'm feeling sometimes without it escalating into an all day thing where I end up looking. Looking crazy. What do I do?


So before we even talk about the moral rock, why are you guys fighting so much, especially, like, on the phone? Most people, like, fight in person.




Like, to have that many conversations on the phone where you're fighting. Are you long distance, you're showing up. No, but they're engaged.


You can be long distance engaged.


You shouldn't be fighting that much. The fact where it's the. You're spilling over every phone conversation is a fight.


That's a really good point. And for me, like, when you say, what do I do? In the words of Florence and her machine, run fastball, you mud. Like, your fiance sounds like the biggest dick. And I actually feel like when you're writing this, like you're still trying to protect him. You're like, he's literally a dick. Like, he's one of the rudest people I've hanging up on someone is so fucking rude.


Showing people text messages because it's like you can't get him to listen to you. So if I put it in writing, you can read it at your leisure. I get that. And then he's showing people and it's like he's probably not even ingesting the message. Like, you're too good for him. He doesn't deserve you.


You're not even married yet. Like, there is time. We. We have found this submission at the perfect time. Run. Yeah, like, that's so fucking rude. First of all, like, hanging up is like a nasty thing. Like, to do it, like, to have a pattern of doing it. And then your response is like, you don't have to force me to talk to you. Actually, I do. Yeah, you do have to talk to me. I'm literally your fiance.


Yeah. And like, so say it was a perfect relationship. Otherwise, just he has this weird thing where he doesn't sign off and if the convert, he doesn't like, it be.


A perfect relationship if he hangs up every time, like. Like, I know what you're saying hypothetically.


But it's because if that were the case, I'd say, okay, well, stop talking on the phone because clearly, like talking on the phone, it's. People speak different languages on the phone. You don't want to talk to me on the phone. Yeah, I'm so formal. I'm like, what is this regarding?


Yeah, okay, but is this regarding you?


Yeah, goodbye.


Good day, sir.


Yeah, like, I'm not there to chit chat. Yeah, I won't hang up on you, but you're not getting anything from me, right?


No, I'm not like laissez faire.


Yeah, like, I'm not like, you just want to gab right now. Now, not unless it's a Facetime, but.


There'S no way that your relationship is perfect. You just have this, like, phone communication issue because he's obviously a person who doesn't respect you. Like, you don't hang up on someone you like, are in love with and you respect and admire. Like, it's so derogatory.




And then your response being like, you can't force me to listen to you. Like, what is he, your toddler?


And it just, why are there so many fights? That this is like a reoccurring over the phone. That's like, then it's spilling out from like IRL fights. It's just a lot of fights.


It's, dare I say, too many fights.


Yeah. So it. I don't know what your situation is, but I think, cut him loose if you can. I think you should.


And I think that you're conditioned to being treated this way because you're submission wasn't even so alarming. Like, you're just like, how do I.


Get him to stay on the phone?


Like, you break up with him. That's how.


Yeah, it actually is.


In the words of Ariana Grande, break up with your boyfriend. Yeah.


And he might like, be like, I'll change and I'll come back. And then you. That's your decision to make. If you want to give him a chance, which I'm fine with, by the way.




Because people, it's hard. It doesn't happen often, but people can change.


They can.


That's like, it's the exception, not the rule.


What she said. That's our show. And that's that on that.


That's that on that. We shall see you tomorrow.


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