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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. Happy Friday. Congratulations. It's honestly the energy in this room, and I have felt it since I woke up this morning. Like, the energy in your house is so somber, almost morose. It's like everybody knows that I'm leaving, and they can't help but emulate sadness. So, for me, like, it doesn't really.


Feel like a fry yay.


Like, I don't have that yay energy because, like I said, that morose, somber feeling, it doesn't go away.


Is it feeling fry nay?


It's. Yeah.


I'm so sorry. Well, I just want to say one thing. If you're watching on YouTube, like, the esthetic of today's video is, like, six months in the making. It's unparalleled because Bruno is here, of course, being mommy's angel, working hard, trying to book another trip to the Maldives, even though he's a jew.




So that's gonna be tough.






But he is the elk of dreamers. So Bruno's gonna find a way to the Maldives?


Yes. Bruno is the elk of a dreamer. He never gives up on his dreams. But all that to say, romeo's here today. This is his first time on the show.


It is. So Romeo has been in the house, you know, the entire week. But for recording purposes, I always, you know, put him in the crate. He could take a nap, and I can really focus on my job. But it's Friday. It's our last day. He's been such a good boy. Like, bringing joy to millions here. The whole, like, neighborhood is kind of talking about him. So I felt like he deserved. And we'll see how it goes.


And I feel like this is a good situation for him to be on the show. It's not like you're bringing him to the studio, where if he's there, like, you could always put him in.


Go put him in the craze. If Jackie starts talking and, like, I disappear for, like, 35 seconds, I'm putting Romeo.


Or if there's a cut, and you guys are like, what was cut out? I feel like that happens a lot when there's a cut in the show. There are so many reasons why we might have to cut the show. Like, if there's a siren in the background or my wi fi goes out sometimes, and people really think there's tea. Zachary.


We very, very rarely edit our episode.


So there's out something that was said.


Right. So there's an abrupt cut. There's always people, like, theorizing what we possibly said more often than not, there's, like, a police car outside my window making the loudest siren sound. So we just, like, pause and wait for it to pass or. Yeah, Jackie's been having some Wi Fi issues, so, like, our FaceTime freezes. It's really not. Every now and then, we see something crazy that we're like, let's take out.


But really, nine times out of ten, it's just a tech thing. Or you get a phone call, you know, your exterminator's there.


Or, like, I've been waiting for a delivery all day.


It's always, she's been waiting for a delivery.


So, yes, the vibe in here is premium. I feel like today's episode, I'm gonna be, like, touching. Like, I'm gonna be moving around a lot. Because Romeo, like, of course, is my priority. I have to do the ads. I have my coffee. I'm also wearing my hair au naturally. Like, I didn't even. Like, sometimes I wear it natural, but, like, I flat iron the top, you know, I didn't touch. I showered last night, went to bed with wet hair, and I'm just, like, getting on a plane today. I was not blowing out my hair for the plane, you know?


I understand. But I also feel like you forget that you are the kind of girl that has natural hair that should be worn. Like, growing up. You never had to do your hair. I had to do my hair every day in high school.


No, I didn't. I had, like, nice.


How would you feel if you had to do your hair every day in high school?


I would feel horrible. Like, deadass. Cause I used to, like, be able to wake up later than everyone, right? And, yeah, I forgot about it.


But still, your hair looked better than mine, even though I did it.


But then I got to a place, like, when we were on the breath, I never did my hair. And when I look back on those pictures, I'm seriously, like, aghast.


But not because of your hair.


No, the hair is definitely a huge part of it. Everything else, too. The mole, the chin, the clothes.


Your hair naturally is, like, nice hair. Okay, maybe it's not perfection, like, quaffed, but you have beautiful hair.


Thank you. That's really nice of you.


So it's, like, all's to say, like, you're not that brave.


I never said I was.


Alls to say.


I never said I was bravery.


I don't see her so content.


Week at the toast is coming to an end, but not without one more fabulous fucking episode we've got. Dear. We've got summer house recap. Jackie and I got in bed together last night with a couple of sweet treats and watch the reunion and a.


Couple of sweet boys.


The boys were there. The treats were there.


Really needed a live stream on us because we had commentary on every single thing everyone said. And I'll try to remember all the strong thoughts that the episode elicited, but, like, did you not feel that it elicited strong emotions?


Zachary? I did. We kept pausing to, like, have conversations and, yeah, Jackie made a great call. We needed, like, a people's couch livestream because we were just, like, everything someone.


Said, we're like, liar.


Yeah, no, we were really being crazy. It was really good.


It was good.


And then we also have Queenie and Weenie of the week, our final segment of the week, where we dole out the awards of Queenie of the week and Weenie of the week. And I'm excited for that.


Yeah, excited for that.


And then, of course, the fast five and catching up with the girlies. But I fear content week is coming to a close. I would say, you know, we had contented a little too close to the sun. I feel like every time I come down here, we focus really hard on getting Patreon episodes out.




And this week, we were, like, so focused on getting tick tocks and reels out. We didn't film any Patreon content.


Fiona. It's true. I have a Patreon up my sleeve that I would have filmed this week. But you were here.


No blame.


I'll film. No, but, I mean, it's evergreen, sort of. Actually, it's kind of timely. You guys kind of need it, like, ASAP, right? So I am going to this month, do my sourdough redemption episode, but I don't want to put the cart before the horse. I've had two successful sourdoughs, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. And, yeah, we were just kind of going viral. Like, don't mind us.


Don't mind us, though.


There was a lot that needed to be packaged into content around here. You know, you kind of came in with your list. No, with your, like, third person pov of, like, what's going on in my house? And you needed to show the people. Cause I can't see it from the inside. I'm too in it.


A lot of people say to me, you know, Claudia, the question I always get, if you weren't doing this, like, what job would you be doing? And after this week, like, I would want to be Jackie Ashrae's social media manager. I think I would be so good.


First of all, it would be.


And, yeah, I think it would benefit, like, everyone. So that's the. I officially have an answer to that question.


Like, I think my life would benefit from a social media manager, but I couldn't just hire anyone. The reason why I don't have one is because, like, at present, there's no one who can do it better than me. But I feel comfortable saying, like, you're hired.


Yeah, I think I could bring a lot to the team.


I think it's my personal assistant. Just, like, overall, like, home. Like, you're so, like, great.


Well, I don't want that job, but executive assistant? No, I like the social media. I don't want to be, like, picking up your laundry and stuff.


No, no, you don't have to do laundry. You'd be, like, playing with the kids. That doesn't fall under social media manager.


No, that falls under auntie. And I wouldn't accept a dollar for it.


And you wouldn't do it as my executive assistant. Well, if I bake it into the.


Role, if I'm being salaried, like, 30.


Minutes of Hana, it doesn't feel right. 30 minutes of hakuna matada.


It doesn't feel right to. I would have to do it on my lunch break. Like, it doesn't feel right to accept money.




Oh, speaking of, I've read a ton of novels I'd like to share with the class. I read a couple more this morning.


And now you know why I thought it would be a good idea for a Patreon episode last month to do a book review of children's books. Because there's so much to talk about.


You did bring that up. And I was seriously, like, I laughed in your face. I'm like, no, but I actually have been doing that every day this week. Okay. Yeah, great idea. Yesterday, I read a book that I feel like I knew in my bones. One fish, two fish, redfish, blue fish. And I actually did not finish it.


It was a DNF.


It was a DNF. It's such a piece of shit.




It makes literally no sense. It kind of feels like it was written by a schizophrenic. Like, it's really. I don't know what the message. There was no message because there was no plot, there was no character development. Like, it was a piece of shit.




Then I read brown bear. Brown bear, where do you go? Or whatever. What do you say? And let me tell you, it was repetitive. And I think it was a little below my reading level. I think it's for real babies, for sure.


But repetition is good for children. Keep that in mind.


So while I didn't love it, I understood it. We saw each other.


You understood its purpose. It has a place in the literary ecosystem for the children.


And then today, I read the snee chests and other tales.


So the other tales throw him in the garbage. Okay, let's talk about the sneachs at present.


The sneaks itself, I loved, like the. Like everybody. The message, the animation. The story of the star belly Sylvester.


McBean and his monkey machine.


A story of capitalism. A story of supply and demand.


A story of trying to fit in when you stand out. A story of we're all the same on the inside.


I liked it a lot.


Whether we have stars upon ours or none upon ours.


Then there were a couple of other stories in the back. Now, I didn't love the one with the pants and the lady who had a bunch of kids named Dave, but I did like the one about the Zacks. And I giggled at the last page. When the Zacks didn't move. They built the highway over the Zacks. Like, that's funny. That's funny. Now, I would really ask that you please don't leave comments saying, well, did you know doctor Seuss was an anti semite racist? Like, I'm sure he was. I'm sure he was. But the books are good, and I'm holding space for two truths.


And I don't stand the books are in my life, not his, like, personal opinions and what, like, politics. The thing is, like, without the Internet, I wouldn't even know that. I would just have the books.


And I think we would be better off, honestly, like. Cause I'm not over here, like, starting a doctor Seuss fan club. But yeah, I might start a Zach's fan club.


See, I've already started a Sneeches fan club. You are the president of the Sneeches fan club. There is actually a spin off called Counselor Snitch. Yeah, counselor Sneech.


By the way, maybe that's the next book, the next iteration. Counselor Sneech.


Counselor sneeches. I'll think about it. But I already got it up my sleeve. I already know what camper's doing next summer.


It's so exciting. So, yeah, that's what I read. We played pickleball last night, just kind of hitting our activity goal. Left, right, and center rush.


My activity goal. What's your calories for today? How many did they tell you to burn.




450. They want me to do some. I have to go to the gym. Yeah, that's rough.


Well, now that I'm leaving, rip, you have all the time, you know, back. And I will say, bringing this conversation full circle, we absolutely slayed the house down boots on our diet slash health journeys this week. Like, right, right.


No, I didn't do one thing that I wouldn't have done in terms of eat maybe that bag of pretzels last night during summer house hunter calories. It's fine, Morgan.


You're fine. I almost went and got us frozen yogurt to, like, celebrate how good we were in our diets, but I didn't want to be a bad influence on you, you know?


Yeah, no. So you're welcome to come back anytime knowing that we can do it together.


We can do it together.


We're stronger than ever, and we hit our activity goals, and we played pickleball, and goals were met.


It's been an amazing week. I hope you guys had an amazing week, and if you didn't, it's over. So, like, we can all be happy. Like, Friday's truly the great equalizer, Fiona, for sure.


Oh, I. Sorry, I thought you saying, like, I hope you guys had an amazing week, like, watching us have an amazing week.


You know, they have lives, too.


I thought you meant, like, enjoying content week, because people have been loving.


Of course they loved content week, but for them, and it genuinely pains me to say this, but, like, you know, people who listen to the show, like, they think about other things besides us, which is devastating.


I thought you were just saying, like, I hope you guys enjoyed this week.


Oh, I know. I know that they did.


From what we've put out from our poor.


I know. I don't even need to say, like.


From the role we play in their lives.


No, we crushed it. I would love to make one more TikTok before we go, and we still.


Need to finish that one.


I know. And if you don't let me, I'm posting the one that you don't like.






It's not that I don't like it. I just think we could do better.


Okay, so we have that one, and I think I need to think of one more, because, like, so much virality I need to take.


Yeah. Oh, and speaking of content, we did our photo shoot yesterday.


We did. Oh, my God. In the 80 degree weather. Like, I seriously was going. I, like, felt nauseous afterwards. But we got the shot.


We got the shots. Photoshopping soon. Just stay tuned for that. We have new merch coming this month. And, like, I just. I'm speechless over it. It's so sickening.


Yeah. And now the photos were like, kind of like everything they were.


So we won't tease too much. You'll see it all next week, Morgan.


And before that, we've got the fast five, we've got weenie of the week, we've got Romeo, we've got Bronio.


We do have them. And so far, ro, I don't want to jinx it.


I was going to say it is.


Up for the job.


Oh, my God. And that's a perfect segue, because do you know who the sponsor of today's show is?


Ro. So he took out an ad.


Oh. Without further ado.


Without further ado, it is time for the past five stories that you need.


To know, and the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by Ro, who is the love of my life, but also a fabulous sponsor. Ro provides access to the most popular weight loss shots on the market. So, as you guys know, I've been very vocal about my love for these medications. I had a fabulous experience with them and I get a lot of questions about, like, where to start if you want to, you know, get started on your journey. The robody program pairs a weekly shot with healthy lifestyle changes, so you can lose 15% to 20% of your weight in a year on average, and actually keep it off. Over 200,000 people have already chosen Roe to help them lose weight. Robody program members have support throughout the process. Their partners handle all the insurance paperwork to help you get your medication covered. If eligible for medication, patients have access to their provider on demand for any questions. I feel like whenever I get asked about my journey on one of these drugs, I end up going on like a spiel about how it's really such a disgrace that the drugs aren't more affordable and so inaccessible and people don't know where to start.


And that's why I love Ro in the robody program, because if you head to their website, you'll be able to get started on everything. You don't need to take. Make a million appointments. It's all done online and it's really, really fabulous. I'm a huge fan of it. So you can sign up online from the comfort of your own home. There's no scheduling. That means that you don't have to go to a doctor's appointment, there's no commute and no waiting rooms. So average weight loss is 15% to 20% in one year with healthy lifestyle changes, BMI and other eligibility criteria apply. Go to ro dot co toast. You'll sign up today and you'll just pay dollar 99 for your first month and $145 a month after that. Medication costs are separate. That's ro dot co toast. Today's episode is also brought to you by Roback. You all know Robach, and we absolutely love their new women's line, robacks. Robacks women's hoodie and jogger sets are incredible. They're super soft. You can't take them off. They're incredibly comfortable. The fabric is literally called v soft because it is that soft. So whether it's a lazy day, we're out running errands or recording our Peabody award winning podcast.


We love wearing our Roback hoodie and jogger sets. Get yourself a stat a set and stay toasty all season. Jackie and I were a big fan of sets. You know, I think they're an amazing thing. I think you can look fabulous. You can look put together like a girl who didn't wake up 35 seconds ago. But it's super easy to get dressed. It's just a great way to look put together and most importantly, comfortable. Because we're out here as business women, we're out here as aunts, we're out here as mothers, we're out here as for mamas. So that requires a lot, especially with our, you know, activity goals. That requires a lot of movement and it requires clothing to be comfortable. Their crew necks, the Swift crew necks are super soft. We love a good crew neck. This might be the best one that we own. They also just restock their active dress, which is made with their signature GTG technology. So you are able to keep your dress on when you're on the go and when you've got to go. It's genius. We don't know how they did it. They are made with light, lightweight, breathable fabrics that are designed to keep you comfortable while you're on the move.


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Thank you, the turd.


I don't know if I love that. I'm not gonna lie some, because people are always like, doesn't it bother you that you're like, nickname is duty. And. No, I never associate it, but putting the. The really points to the duty, like, you know, relation and I don't like it.


Okay, I was just riffing off the toast.


No, I know you love to riff, but you riffed a little too close to the sun.


Okay. But also, I can't. I can't go with turtle. You're putting in a lot, setting a lot of boundaries for me, and you.


Cannot put Jacqueline follet in a box.


You can't.


I'm sorry. You know what? I take it back. Do your thing.


I'm feeling boxed in.


Do your thing.


Are you ready for our first story?


Like, if I'm being honest, no, but.


Sure, it's no, you're ready for this one because it's some music news. So exciting for us and fans of good music everywhere.


What is Kelly Clarkson doing.


Luke Combs has announced he's dropping a new album next Friday, so in a week from today. And it's called fathers and sons, and, you know, it's in celebration of father's day next weekend, and it's all about fathers and sons. His first single, the man he sees in me, is out now, but the rest of the songs include these songs, front door famous in case I ain't around hunting by yourself little country boys? Whoever you turn out to be? Remember him that way? The man he sees in me? All I ever do is leave? Plant a seed ride around heaven? My old man was right. Take me out to the ball game.


No, I seriously am. I prepared to kill myself.


I'm gonna cry just reading the track list.


And let me tell you what's so fabulous about this. Obviously, new Luke Holmes music is amazing to. I love that he only gave us a one week lead time. That's, like, a thing with the music industry. I'm just. I can't get on board with, like, the three month promo for an album.


Or, like, album drop today. Like, you didn't get whether get too.


Much warning or zero. And I don't even like the zero warning because, like, I do need to prepare.


Yeah. Need to clear my schedule.


But also, I feel like we're at this really interesting inflection point in country music. When you think about, like, the big, biggest, you know, stars, I think about, like, you know, Morgan Wallen. I think about Zach Bryan, and I feel like they're all really, like, tick tocky and, like, Gen Z, and they're all kind of fighting for that audience, whereas Luke is just, like, over here, like, embracing his millennial nature. And fatherhood, obviously, is a huge part of that. And I don't know. I just love that he's just kind of, like, on his own level.


Yeah. No, he's not running that race. And even though it's good to have tick tock success, like, there are other people. There's actually more people.




That are. There are more people in the population who are in Gen Z than there are Gen Z.


And they deserve good music, too.


Yeah. I'm so excited for this.


Me too. It feels like it's gonna be emotional.




And any song Luke has written about parenthood or about his parents, like, literally always makes you cry. What's the one? Take you with me take you with me even though I'm leaving, which is about his dad a little bit. Four leaf clover is about his family life.


Four leaf clover.


Anytime he even references in a song, like parenthood or his parents. Like, I'm not okay.




And he has this way of just putting words to these feelings we all feel, but we don't know. Like, we don't know how to say it, you know? I'm really looking forward to this and.


Yeah, me as well, and I hope for you guys as well.


And I just. I just love, you know.


Yeah. Everything he does is just better than the last.


It's true. And it's like. It's literally too much emotionally.


I was just listening to, because I have this really. This dearth of music. Like, I just don't have what to listen to right now. So I've been listening. I was listening to my top songs of 2022, not last year, like, 22 before. It just came up on my Tesla homepage, on Spotify, and it was all Luke. Growing up, the first. Yeah, growing up, the first middle of somewhere, like, forgot. That was my favorite song in your memory. So good.


You know what I've been listening to a lot, weirdly, I, too, feel a dearth. Like, I don't know what to listen to. So I've recently been, like, diving into Keith Urban's catalog because when we saw him at that Austin country music, he.


Didn'T need such an impact on you.


Well, I forgot he finished with this song wasted time, and I was like, that's a song I used to listen to. So I, like, knew a couple of the words. I need to get back into that song. And then I started just doing to the. This is Keith Urban, and I've been running to a bunch of his music. And that song wasted time, like, it's so good. Yeah, it's funny, by the way. Like, listen to the words. It's funny how the best days of my life were all that wasted time. Just, like, doing nothing with the people you love.




It's not, you know, going to the Met gala. Like, it's just the simple things. I'm a simple girl.


You are a simple girl. I didn't know when we were both, like, watching Keith urban that you were, like, having this.


Experiencing something. Yeah.


Yeah. I've been trying to remember, like, artists that I'm like, go listen to them when you're looking for something to listen to. Like Gavin Degras.




Never misses for me.


He's timeless to me, of course.


Kelly. And then, like, rascal flats and lady a. I've been doing a lot of.


Lady a. Rascal Flats is kind of where you go when you have nowhere else to go. He's always there for us.




I've been listening to so much. This is rascal flats on my sonos.


So has Margot.


Yeah, I know. She copied me. I was doing it before. I just wanted to say, it's just.


Weird to have this, like, dearth of music. I feel like I'm always overwhelmed where it's like I'm not keeping up with what's new and there's so much to listen to. But I don't mean because I'm a driver now.


You have all the time in the world.


Yeah. Makes you think. But I'm excited for this one.


Me, too. And just. Thanks.


Thanks, Luke. He's so giving.




Are you ready for our next story?




Which is some exciting news for something about her and kind of full circle.




Because Diane Keaton visited something about her. The place where Ariana Maddox and Katie Maloney named a sandwich after her.


Oh, I didn't know that part. I just knew it was, like, Nancy Myers coated.


Yeah, both. But there is a sandwich on the menu that's named after her, which I'm sure is why she went, but because the restaurant was, like, inspired by Nancy Myers. And that's so Diane Keaton, coastal grandmother. Like, it's very full circle now.


Did she go because she watches Vanderpump rules or she's like, oh, there's this new sandwich shop within with the sandwich. Like, does she know the larger context in the culture?


I'm sure. I don't think she just popped into a sandwich shop. Whether her assistant watches or someone was like, you need to go and take a picture like this. We'll get headline news.




In a positive way for you. I think it was. Because also, Katie's mom was there. I'm sure it was, like, a big day. Diane Keaton's coming.


Morgan. I mean, that is a huge day.


Yeah. Who do you think are their other dream guests? Nancy. Nancy. I think they also have the Meg. Meg Ryan.




Right. That's a sandwich on their menu.


I didn't know that either.


Let me look at the rest of their menu.


Let me think. So funny, because I. Oh, my God. Grandmother with the loud iPad.


Wow. See? Something about her menu.


What's so interesting to me is, like, the whole esthetic of the restaurant. Like, Nancy Myers coastal Grand is literally the antithesis of Katie Maloney's very clear and specific esthetic.


It's true.


Which is, like, emo night vibes.


Yeah. This is, like, very feminine and swirly.


It's like the total opposite. I never put that together until now.


So they have the Diane. That's the first one. Then the Carrie.


The what?


The Diane.


The what?




I think it's pronounced the Diane.


Oh, I'm like. I'm like. I think I pronounced Diane right.


By the way, if you're looking for music to listen to, you should go listen to Cam.


Yeah. The Carrie Washington, the Reese, as in witherspoon.


Okay. What do these have to do with Nancy Myers?


Well, no, I think it's just, like, power. Like great female actresses in a or. Oh. Or. Yeah, I don't know what Carrie was in.




No, it's Carrie with a y. So that's Washington, not Carrie with an eye. That would be Russell.




Scandal. But, like, scandals, not.


Not sandwichy.


Okay. Yeah, agreed. The Reese. So she's like. They would love for her to come through, for sure.


Okay. But Reese, she's just, like, a fabulous.


Woman, I think, like leading ladies. This is all leading ladies.


What are they? Okay, okay.


Can I say all the music and maybe they'll make sense to you as a group. Yeah. The Diane, the Carrie, the Reese, the drew, the Kate, I believe. As in Winslet, the viola, the Nancy, the Meg.


So just actresses, it appears.


Actresses, yeah.


But Katie. And, like, what's their obsession with actresses?


Like sandwich. Like what? Sandwich. What? I see it. Like, something about her was inspired by, like, romantic movies.


It was.


Yes. Nancy Myers. She makes movies.


Yeah, but it wasn't.


It looks like a sandwich shop out of a movie. Yeah.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. You're right.


And then the sandwiches are actresses.


Got it. Okay.


It to me. I see it.


No, I get it, I get it, I get it.


Okay, cool.


Well, that's very cool that Diane Keaton came.


It is. And hopefully more will come.


What's your favorite Diane Keaton movie?


Hmm. I have to google it. What's yours?


I mean, it's a toss up because obviously the obvious answer is something's got to give, and, like, that's definitely up there. But it would be wrong to not say because I said so.


Yeah. Morning glory.


Oh, shit.


Morning glory. Of course.


By the way.


Even though it's, like, not Diane Keaton, but, no, she's amazing in it.


She's the star. A star.


A star. She's a supporting actress. Morning glory.


Yeah. Morning glory. Also the Godfather. Yeah, I also. But she was actually annoying as fuck in the Godfather.


It's like she's always kind of annoying as fuck.


No, but she's like, so, like, you're in the crime family. It's like, yeah, get over it. Get over it. We can. We'll kill people for a living. Grow up. Also, can't forget baby boom. One of my favorites as well.


Hmm. And father of the bride.




She play the mom?


She does. And I think I said this, but a couple of maybe a year ago during chili season, I made a concerted effort to watch all the Nancy Myers movies I hadn't seen. And father of the bride was one of them. And I. And this is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers, but I said this ready on the podcast. Like, piece of shit. Piece of shit. Like, such a bad movie. You. They actually didn't know that you could make me dislike Steve Martin. But here I was.


Well, I watched Father of the bride when I was wedding planning. I was just, like, looking for something much. I was like, oh, I've never seen this. And, yeah, I didn't like it either, because I didn't watch it, like, in the formative period in my life. And when it was a good movie of the time, I felt that way.


Also about single wives, first wives. And she's in that right piece of shit. Yeah, Jackie's right. If you. There are movies like, are. If you're our age that, like, are a core part of who you are. And if you don't watch him when you're young and impressionable, you watch it when you're old and, like, wise, you will think it's like, I'm sure some of our favorite movies, if somebody our age were to watch it right now, they'd be like, that's literally like a bad movie.


Yeah, Bratz.


Well, no, you can't say that about brats. That doesn't apply here.


But, yeah, so. Yum. She went to something about her sandwiches.


Yum, yum.


Our next story. Pat Sajak bids farewell to Wheel of Fortune in the first look at his final episode. Thank you for allowing me into your lives, he says. It was all just a game at first to Pat Sajak, but then it became something much more meaningful. The longtime Wheel of Fortune hosts final episode heading. The game show airs in just a few hours, and production has released a first look preview ahead of the broadcast in which he expresses his gratitude to his audience.


Yeah, and I saw this clip of vanna, like, it was nice. I don't know. Maybe it's because, I don't know, he's not dying or anything, but the way I feel like about Patsy Jack's departure and the way I felt about Alex Trebek's departure now, Alex Trebek was departing the planet, and, you know, Patsy, Jack is just departing set. But I don't know.


I feel like this should be a job for life. Like, when I saw the headlines his final episode, I was like, oh, right, rip. And now. Then I realized, like, no, he's just, like, moving on from the role. Like, I don't. I feel like it's like, the queen, you know, once you have it. Same with Alex Trebek.


Like, the only reason to not show up for work is because you're dead.


Yeah. It's a job for life.


I don't disagree. But have they announced his replacement?


No, I'm sure it'll be a whole.


Rigamarole, and they'll land with nobody. What did they even end up doing on Jeopardy.


Ken Jennings and my. But I think no more my.


I think it's Ken. Yeah. It's so funny, like, how many hoops they jump through just to not immediately give it to Ken Jennings because he had old tweets about, like, the disabled.


And I think they were also sort of, like, loving the attention and being like, who's it gonna be? We don't know. Aaron.


Aaron Rodgers.


Yeah, maybe it'll be you. And, like, just leaving crumbs for everybody.


Maybe it'll be you.


They just, like, didn't want to make a choice because then that would make the fanfare over, but in turn, they just made everyone disinterested.


They. They grow boss a little too close to the sun.


Yeah. They didn't know. They overplayed their hand of interest.


Yeah, that's a. That's a great point. So hopefully, they don't do that here. But the obvious choice. Did they not say that it was gonna be Ryan Seacrest?


I was gonna say, what's Ryan Seacrest taking over for this pat?


Ryan Seacrest wheel of Fortune we talk about so much, like, dumb, mindless news. Like, it's really hard.


These shows are all the same.


Oh, yeah. No, he is doing it.


Okay. Yeah, I didn't need that. What is it? Pop culture wheel of fortune. Like, no, staying.


I'm ready for the pop culture wheel of Fortune spin off.


Totally. Stay in your lanes because he has many.


Stay in your toy lanes. I think what you mean is staying your linez.


Stay your linez. Ryan Seacrest.




I don't know. So. But, like, bon voyage to pad. I hope you enjoy your time off and whatever you choose to do next.


I know he's, like, did the same job for 41 years, and he showed up every single day. But, like, leaving now does feel lazy. Yeah.


No, because he, like, wants to, like, play golf, retire.


Like, you can do that, by the way, and still host your 25 minutes game show. It just seems like nobody wants to work these days.


It's so true. Except Romeo.


Look at him. He's, like, dying to work. Gorgeous man. By the way, how cute is Romeo?


Romeo's already clocked out.


Look at this face now. Like, now that I'm out of my. I'm really out of the grief. Like, Romeo has truly brought me back to life. Like, I'm so in love, and he's such a good boy. First of all, he looks so much like Theo, right?


And he also looks like Bruno.


He's so gorgeous.


He is a gorgeous man.


I love him so much.


Oh, ro.


I'm really happy. Like, for.


He's had the best time here, and.


He'S been so good. And I can say this because I know my husband, nor yours, listens to the podcast. I was thinking today, when I took Romeo out for his morning dump, I'm like, my good boy didn't embarrass me. He did not have one accident.


I was singing that last night in your house.


He's such a good boy. I'm getting ready this morning. Jackie, text me. There's a poop in the guest room, but better than a pee because it was on the carpet.


So, yeah, no, totally fine. And he's really been great. The kids love him. He's really been keeping them on their toes.


The kids love him. They're like, seriously? They're like, I want to play with Romeo. I want to play with Romeo. I'm like, okay, but don't start running, because then he'll chase you. But their idea of playing with Romeo is running. So he. They start running in the backyard. Romeo thinks we're playing. He's running, and then they're getting chased, and they're screaming, crying, hey, put Romeo away. Put Romeo away. It's like you started with him, and.


Then you know what they say after that? I love Bruno.


No. And then they say, I don't want Romeo to hurt me.


I don't want Romeo to hurt me.


And I'm like, well, you gaslit him, so.


But it's really made them appreciate Bruno for what and who he is and just being this, like, calm force in their life.




But then they also have this. This love and admiration for Romeo, who's like, their new fun.


Fun and games.


Yeah. So there's space for everyone. Oh, ro. Oh. Roll oprah number ten. Like, he doesn't hear me.




Literally. Okay, ready for our next story?


Mm hmm.


Um, major news for people who watch traders. But yes, the cast of the new season of traders came out. And one person in particular has ever run in a tizzy.


Sandoval or Sam Ashkari?


Sam Ashkari. We kind of knew Sandoval was gonna be on traitors, right?




Isn't that what he was filming?


No, that was that other show. Oh, like fortune armed forces. What was it? No, I'm gonna get it. Hold on.


Like, blank forces, special forces.


Got it.


Yeah. And then he also filmed traitors. And Sam Ashkari, who's Britney Spears ex husband, is also on the season.


He's like the only person. There's like a specific resume you need to have in order to be cast on the show. And it doesn't. It's a Peacock show, but they come from all different networks. You know, survivor, big brother, Bravo. Of course, the Bachelor.


Most of them have been reality stars. Oh, I'm sure there's been like one or two that aren't in some way.


Honestly. No. I think the whole premise is that.


Like, I think it started.


It's a reality show kind of competition.




So, yeah, for it to be someone who's not in this space is weird, but for it to be someone who was literally married to Britney Spears is even weirder.


Yes. But page six is reporting why Sam Ashgari can't talk about Britney on the traitors. They're told the actor signed a non disclosure agreement years ago that bars him from going into detail about his marriage to Britney. However, contrary to a newer TMZ report claiming that Sam is not allowed to say anything negative or positive about her, a source tells page six exclusively that there is not a complete ban and also points out that the model has publicly spoken about his former spouse since their divorce. He had said it was a blessing to share life with someone for so long. People grow apart and move on. But overall, he probably won't be talking about Britney all day long on the show because he signed an NDA.


I happen to really, like, I don't watch traitors. Actually. I started it and it's just like, it wasn't for me. Not that means that it's bad. It's just like, I'm not into, like, competition, whatever, but I really like that it gives, like a second life to reality stars because, you know, you can't be the name on everybody's lips forever. And there are so many, I think, like, talented, funny people who kind of like, just fade a little bit, given the nature of reality tv. So I love that it, like, reminds people how fabulous phaedra was. Like, she really had a whole new career after traitors. Same with Mercedes Javi. Like, I love that about traitors. So there are people on this cast who I feel are worthy of that sort of renaissance that the show gives personally. Like, I don't need more Sam Ashkari in my life. I don't need more Tom Sandoval in my life. But run through the cast and let's just give it a quick value. Whatever.


Okay, I'm on my way.


I'm on my way.


Okay. Traders season three cast is Bob Harper from Biggest Loser.


Oh, my God. Okay. Bob Harper. It's so funny. I loved the biggest loser growing up and I know, like, we live in times where that's just, like, not acceptable, but they need to bring that show back. And it's crazy how Bob Harper became, like, this king because Jillian Michaels, like, it's the woat. Like, she's always starting seven now. She's like anti ozempic. So I'm anti Jillian. She hugely, it's lazy. Like, she's being crazy. I mean, what do you expect from literally, like, Jillian Michael? She seems like a nut, but, like, it's really making me hate her.


Fiona. Oh, that's so interesting. Then Bob, the drag queen who won season eight of RuPaul's drag race. Brittany Haynes from Big Brother. Brother. Chanel Ayan from Real Housewives of Dubai, Caroline. Caroline wiger from survivor. Chrishell. Sierra Miller for some from summer house. Oh, yeah. Especially after last night. Especially after I hope she found love and is married from someone she met on traders. Maybe we'll find their name here. Sam. Danielle Reyes from big brother. Dolores Catania, real housewives of New Jersey, Dorinda Medley, real housewives of New York, Dylan Efron, Zac Efron's brother for Sierra.


I could see it.


Gabby windy from the bachelorette. Jeremy Collins from survivor. Lord Ivor Mountbatten, a british royal for Sierra Mountbatten. Mountbatten related to Phillip. Yeah. And all of them.


That's really crazy.


That is crazy. Nikki Garcia, formerly Nikki Bella. Boston rob Mariano from survivor. Robin Dixon, real housewives of Potomac, obsessed. Tom Sandoval, Sam Ashgari, Tony blachos from survivor. Wells from bachelor. And that's it. That's a big, people fall in love on this show ever. I'm not getting that vibe the third season and like everyone's different ages, I.


Think there was a couple who I don't I didn't know either of them.


I'm on my way from season two traders romance.


I think it was a girl from Love island or I'm like totally making this up. Like sometimes I just like think of things like that didn't happen.


Love island.


No, wait. Don't write Love island. That might fuck with your traitors.


Romance couple.


Right. Couple.


Season two couple. Peter Weber and Love islands Ekin sue.


Yes, yes, yes, yes.


Oh, wow. I mean, leave it to him. So cute. Okay, so maybe we'll have love this season.


I know.


That is so cute. Okay, so yeah, traders season three. Like that sounds like a good cast.


Yeah. Happy for the Traders fans. Like they've been, you know, excited about this. Yeah. Lots of talk.


Lots of talk. Are you ready for our fifth and final story? A little culture news?




Because Gen Z women are detailing the new craze for a boyfriend this summer. You know, we used to have short king and then there's like, I'm looking.


For a guy looking for this summer.


We're looking for a sexy rat. Gen Z has spoken in the hot rodent man is in and they don't want him fumigated. The concept of the hot rodent man might sound foreign to anyone who has ever worn skinny jeans, but is a term for young people.


That's rude.


Yeah, it's a term for young people used to describe a hipster. A hot rodent man can also be known as a sexy rat boyfriend. They want the hot rodent men, and they're very vocal about it. Online. Someone said hot rodent. Summer rise of the hot rodent. Now let me describe what a hot rodent or a sexy rat because I'm.


Really getting over, like coming up with phrases and new words for things that already exist.


For sure. For sure. We probably have our own word for it. But this is what Gen Z is calling a sexy rat. It is essentially a lanky man or someone more over, someone more bulky. So lank, not skinny, skinny. It's someone with sunken eyes and pale skin that scurries around instead of walking with purpose. Essentially, it's the opposite of a finance bro. So Johnny Depp in the late nineties is a prime example of a hot rodent. He wasn't Brad Pitt. He was still gorgeous. But he looked more afraid of vitamin.


C, more sunken in. Yeah, it's a word cullen coated.


It's a word to describe. But he's also like a little bulk. I think he toes the lightning. So we're to describe someone who is not conventionally handsome. But still hot. So while Chris Hemsworth is conventionally perfect, someone like Matty Healy would be a sexy rodent.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know who else? And I think a lot of people are talking about him. Did you watch Serena Carpenter's new music video? Please, please, please.


No, but I listened to the song, and it's about Barry Keoghan.


Well, he's in. I don't know if it's about him.


But, well, it's about an actor. Like, that she's dating, like, please, like, be, like, decent.


So he's in the music video.


Cute. Life imitating art.


Yeah. So it's like, she gets, like, she gets thrown in the junk tank one night, and she, like, locks eyes with this, like, career criminal, and she keeps bailing him out of jail. And, like, they, like, in, and they, like, ride around. He, like, keeps going back to jail, and she's like, please stop doing bad things. But she's always there to pick him up in a fur coat. She looks so sick. And a lot of people are like, oh, I get it. I understand the Barry Keoghan of it all. Like, he was, like, this hot felon in the music video. People are like, I'm finally seeing it. Like, what Sabrina sees. And I do think he might be a hot rodent.


You think he's a little bulky?


Actually, he's not skinny.


I feel like the sexiest rodent that there is is Timothy Chalamet. He's kings of sexy rodents.


So I am. I'm now here to understand, like, like, rodent is just the opposite of my type. Like, I like conventionally hot, sunlit, you know, men who eat.


Yeah. I think Travis Barker is a sexy rodent.




Someone said you should want to date stuart little.


Okay, wait. This is so funny to me because I just saw this TikTok that I was gonna send to you.


I think this Jeremy Allen white is a sexy rodent.




And look at this picture. He has rodent. Like, I think he goes into the.


Sun, only has sunken in eyes, but he's beefy as hell.


Is he it doesn't he play in that show? The beef?


It's not called the beef. By the way, did you see ballerina farm is pregnant with her 8th child?




Yes. It came up on my TikTok today, 8th. She posted a picture, 2 million views, 8th baby heart, and she looks, like, pretty far along.


Wait, that's Claudia. She just gave birth.


Yeah, I'm aware. Misses USA.


Hold on.


Okay. And then you just reminded me I wanted to play this TikTok. For everyone. It was so funny.


How are you breaking ballerina news to me?


Oh, yeah. I've been in the church chadwicking home a little too long.


She hasn't posted to her instagram.


It's on TikTok.


She hasn't posted on instagram. Are you sure it's not, like her pregnancy announcement from her last baby? Like, there's literally no way.


Okay, here we go. Gaslighting me. Ballerina farm. Oh, wait.


Like, I'm up on her cycle.


I realize that this. I realized this account with 400,000 followers is called ballerina farm fan.


I've hacked into her natural cycles. I know she's not pregnant.


Okay, but wait, it said 8th baby?


Yeah, that was when she just. That's her last baby. Like, this is an old. They're just, like, recycling old content.


Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.


That's okay. Honestly, like, I wasn't ready.


Let me unfollow this fan account that spreads fake news.


It's just, like, out of time Newell.


I wanted to play this tick tock. My literal new favorite person, this guy Cameron on TikTok, he put to words so perfectly, like, how I feel about, what's it called?


Hot rodents.


While I'm on my hot horse complaining, let me say this. Stop giving things that already have a name.


New names.


It already has a name. Talk about some. Oh, my gosh, you guys, I have the best hack to stay organized. It's called time blocking, bitch. You made a schedule. This ain't nothing new. You made a schedule. No, I. Like, I can't, like, strawberry girl summer. Like, stop.


Yeah, time blocking, that's, like, that's a perfect example.


Time blocking. Like, here's a hack. It's literally just called writing things down to make a schedule.


Right? So what would you call the hot rodent?


Bad taste in men. No, I'm kidding.


We would say, like, hipster emo.


Like, it exists. Like, skinny guys.


Yeah, yeah. So hot road in summer.


Having said that, like, I see. I see what they're saying. It's not my type, but I'm glad that we have, you know, came up, coming up with a new word for it. And, like, at least it was, like, different. Like, short king summer was like. I think it was actually fall, but sure, it was like, it was innovative. Like, it was different. Like, everybody has been clowning on short guys forever. It's like, no, let's embrace.


Yeah, yeah.


But like, this moody, artsy. Like, it's been done, you know?


Yeah, it's been done. So that's what the kids are up to. And those were the past five.


And we're gonna dive into our summer house recap. And of course, our queenie and weenie of the week. So the latter half of the show is brought to you by L'Oreal Paris. So, specifically, the L'Oreal Paris lash paradise mascara. If you are in the market for a new mascara that's fabulous, but, you know, affordable and that really works, check out L'Oreal Paris's lash paradise mascara from L'Oreal Paris. It gives so much volume and length. It is perfect for that done up eye look. If you're going out, you want a big smokey eye, perhaps a winged liner, and you need a big, glamorous lash. It's perfect for that, but it's also perfect for me. I think during daytime, I'm really into a more subtle eye look, but big lashes. And the L'Oreal lash paradise mascara is fabulous for that. So whether you're doing the clean girl look, this is perfect for what we, we were just talking about the mob wife look. You know, all these looks that existed, but now we're giving names to clean girl makeup. Mob wife makeup. If you're going for a bold look, something more done up, that's really the style that's in right now.


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It is.


Hill House home is just the destination to go. They've got, you know, pajamas made from the same cotton fabric as their baby onesies, so you'll really be sleeping like a baby. Bathrobes pajamas. Super soft. Perfect for that getting ready moment. What were you.


You came in my pajamas.


So cute.


So cute. And my robe that they sent me is in that pattern of the flowers.




So cute.


No. Jackie came into the kitchen for breakfast, like, in this cute little, just cute ass set of pajamas, and I was like, where is that from? She was like, hill house home. You get 15% off your order of dollar 100 or dot use our code toast 15. Again, that's code toast 15 for 15% off your order at hillhouse


Thank you, la.


You're welcome. All right, summer house first, correct?




Oh, my God.


So, overall, thoughts, and we'll get into specific conversations, is, I feel as though the reunion so far is being mismanaged. Zachary.


I agree. Jackie and I had, like, we're taking so much umbrage with Andy's, like, bad line of questioning his bad faith actor ness. Like, I feel like he really came in wanting to, like, gotcha, Lindsey.


Yeah. And he was jumping all over the place. I actually didn't even expect that we would get to Lindsay and Carl until part three. That's usually what they do, just like with Sandoval. But we open with Lindsay and Carl. Then he asks Sierra question about west. She gives an answer that obviously is loaded. More questioning. And he's like, we'll get back to it. So it's like, why did you ask that one question to begin with at that time, Zachary.


I feel like maybe it wasn't Andy. I feel like it was edited poorly because, like, andy's actually been known to be, you know, very good at his job. And it did feel like there was just somebody would say something very loaded and we just left it hanging there. And that's not really Andy's style. He's kind of like a leech. Like, he'll go in. So I feel like it was edited poorly because you were also remarking a lot of people are, like, clowning on Danielle for her hair and makeup because it looks so crazy.


Sheller saying that too.






She's so poorly lit.




I don't think she was actually wearing that much blush. I think, like, seriously, there shadows all over her face.




And a couple of people look like they're lit poorly.


Yeah. I think the further away you are from Andy, the worse your lighting is. So I think Danielle's is the worst. Jesse Solomon had, like, a little bit of weirdness.


And Paige had also, like, a big shadow on her face.


Right. And then everyone gets better from there. The other side. Because Gabby was on the end of the other couch and she looked perfectly happy. Yeah.


First of all, I feel like Gabby hasn't been, like, a real conversation piece throughout this season. I feel like she's kind of slipping through the cracks. It's just like Lindsay's mouthpiece. And while she was being Lindsey's mouthpiece last night, she, like, first of all, looked so insane. Her body, like, I died. She really, like, came. I don't know what her goal was, but she came to get airtime and she did. And I thought she was spitting fucking fast. Oh.


I didn't even think she was is coming to get airtime sort of way.


I don't that negatively, by the way.


No. Like, I loved everything that you had to say. I feel like when it comes to someone's relationship, there are things, like sometimes it's emotional to talk about. Like, you need your friend to speak up for you. Like, Paige and Sierra Page was technically being Sierra's mouthpiece. Like, good. That's what a friend does. And I felt I'm most happy for Lindsay that she has a friend like Gabby to do that for her because, of course, like, Danielle isn't going to do that because she's more interested in, like, what the guys think about her. But I thought. So the outline of the reunion was frustrating to follow. We were jumping around a lot. I felt like Andy's questions were, like, meant to be. Gotcha. Towards Lindsay, because I do feel like he aligns himself. When there's a show that is men and women, he really favors the men. That's just a fact. We've said it, like, since the beginning. You can see it, like, on southern charm, on Vanderpump rules, and he's, like, being buddy buddy with Carl and Kyle. But, like, Lindsey to me last night, like, was completely on point. And everything she had to say in her relationship, everything she had to say.


Perry, the only thing that I need more clarity on is that thing with Paige and the photo shoot. Yeah, I like that. Makes me sad that they're not getting along, because I really liked when they were getting along this summer. And I just want to say, I'm sure there's more to the story and why they didn't show us more of that, and they left it so confusing. But, like, pretty much Paige heard from Carl this conversation he overheard of Lindsey's, like, one, Carl is a liar. We've saw that. When he said, lindsey wouldn't let Kyle be in my best man or two, even he's not lying. He's so confused because he colors everything with his feelings on top of it. Maybe he felt like he heard Lindsey saying, she wanted to sabotage your photo shoot. Like, Paige couldn't have just taken Carl's word, because Carl's word needs nothing. But I know Paige is, like, she probably didn't, but they didn't tell us anything.


The annoying thing is that Carl's word, like, still carries weight in the group, even though. And maybe it's just because we're watching it now, like, a year out. Like, Carl is such a liar. And when he gets caught, when he got called out in a lie last night, literally for the groomsman thing or even the fight that they had, that was interesting. Before they broke up on camera, she came into that bedroom and was like, carl, why are we filming? And they got into this huge, explosive fight, and he was like, yeah, I was very angry. And he got called out again.




He got called out for being a liar so many times. And then he just. His way of reconciling, that was like, well, that's how I experienced it. That's what my feelings.


Yeah, that's how I felt. Like I. You know, Lindsay didn't say that car. Kyle couldn't be a groomsman, but I felt like she felt that way when it's like, Lindsay is fucking clear about how she. Yeah, she's not someone who's, like, passive aggressive. If she needs to be, she's just straight up aggressive. And so when she's was like, that morning, I asked, why are we filming? You started shouting at me. And he was like, you were shouting at me. We were. And he's like, no, no. You were shouting at her. Why were you shouting at me?


Yeah. And I. It was bothering me that, like, carl's was still having an impact on, like, what page and other kids words. Still. It means nothing to me. He's such a crazy liar. And I think part of it is like, yes, he is lying, because I do think he wants to make his fiancee look bad. But I also think he lives in, like, a deranged. Like, I think he's delusional. I think sometimes he says things and he really believes them to be true.


Oh, yeah, for sure. Like, everything's, like, colored by his feelings, which is why you just, like, can't take his word at face value. So I don't know what happened with the photo shoot and Lindsey, but I also feel like we saw this a year ago at the reunion where Lindsey's accused of something. She said, I didn't do it. She doesn't offer proof to why she didn't do it or who did it instead. But it just kind of sits there as this, like, hindrance and this hindrance in her friendships, and then it. The truth comes out. So I'm kind of leaving space for that where it's like, I don't know what happened at this photo. She'd be like, maybe it's. Maybe we should believe Lindsey a little bit for a second. Maybe there's. It's not exactly what she was accused of. Just like with.


That's an amazing comparison article about Craig.


Being drunk at the wedding.


I'm so excited we're talking about that because, first of all, Danielle is the worst person on this cast, and she has been for a while. But the fact that she, first of all, sat through last year's reunion, where there was this whole conversation about Lindsay being accused of something, and it's like she literally did it. And then last night, she admitted that she did it. How everyone doesn't run from her. Like, you're all in the public eye, and one of you just admitted to being a leak, which is, like, the worst thing you can be.


Seriously, right?


You want someone like that around, you have to live in a house for a summer with that person. Like, to me, the fact that she admitted it was so crazy. The fact that she had the absolute gall to be mad at Lindsay for throwing her under the bus when Lindsay wasn't even mad at her for letting Lindsey take the fall.




Literally. Lindsay got dragged last season during the reunion, and actually, I literally believed that she did it. That's how, like, everyone was just like, you did it, Lindsay. We know now the fact that Danielle let her do that and had the absolute audacity to get mad. Like, seriously. I agree. And why. Why is it wrong for Lindsey to want to clear her name? Everyone was, like, mad at her last night for that.


Right? No. She should continue to have issues with Paige and just for Danielle and then Danielle, like, I feel a little bad for Danielle because, like, I feel like, with these girls, like, she's a little out of her league in terms of, like, level of fighting and fighting and just, like, words were. Yeah. And maybe that's why she gravitates towards the guys a little bit, because it's just, like, a more casual environment where the bar isn't so high, like, every single one. Like, at the end, when Paige was defending Sierra was just like, I'm deceased on the floor, west. Like, I'm sorry. Do you even get a season two? Why don't you take your New York Times article and put it in the shredder and then make a duty on it? Because it means nothing at this point, because page just eviscerated you.


So when Paige said to Danielle, I don't hate you. I just see you.


So I feel like Paige is just, like, on this level. Lindsay is an alpha.


She knows how to argue.


She's on that level. Sierra is so strong and so confident who she is, and then we have Gabby, same way. And, like, just. Just. She doesn't say much all the time. Like, when she does, like, you better be listening.


No. And she's. You might not agree with her, but then she says her side, and you're like, oh, no, totally.




She's convincing.


Just ding, y'all.


Like, doesn't possess the vernacular that she thinks she possesses.


It's really true. So it was just like, yeah, that.


Craig thing, like, actually really bothered me.


And then for Danielle to say, well, I was waiting for you to bring it up to me. Like, first of all, we all had a conversation about. And the time to speak about it was last year at the reunion, but you, like, sat in the corner and, like, cowered and let Lindsey take the fall. So now that Paige knows it was you, it's on page to go to you and say something to you about it. Like, what's to say? I know the truth.


Yeah. No, that's the thing. Like, Paige doesn't really. That's what she was saying. She doesn't hate Danielle. She doesn't consider Danielle.




So why would I have a conversation like, I literally don't even know you? Like, it's not someone that Paige cares about enough to even have the conversation. I think that's what bothers Danielle the most, because Paige having this big piece of information about Danielle in the context of a tv show and not sitting her down to, like, it's like you're not a relevant cast member enough or not even a relevant friend enough for me to have that conversation. And that probably hurts more than someone disliking you. You.




It's like, it's not, it isn't love. It isn't hate. It's just indifference.


And Danielle can be upset about that, but that's what she's doing to Amanda. That's what she did to Amanda this season. Not even, like, when they were the two left in the conversation, she walked out of the room. Like, doesn't. She has those feelings about other people, too, so you can't even be mad about it.


Yeah. I love that. The first person to criticize Kyle Cook is Amanda Batula. Like, that, to me, is one of my favorite qualities about her because she's so level headed and she's so fabulous. This. And he's just, like, awful. Like, just an oaf and really just like, like, mean, too. And he's always wrong. And that must be tough because, you know, you want to be a good partner, but you also want to be a good reality star, and you also want people to know, like, you're not like that too. So I love that. When the groomsman conversation, she chimed in at the end, it was like, by the way, if you did say, and I'm not saying that you did, but if you did say, I want Kyle nowhere near this wedding, like, I would agree with you.




Thank you. Like, gee, that fight was so stupid because she didn't say that that. But even if she did, she would have been 1000% justified.


Right? And Andy, like, being like, well, you just said.


He tried to say, like, gotcha.


No. First of all, I understood it when they spoke about it on the season. Lindsay never said, carl, Kyle can't be this or that. But it was her idea that they be flower boys so as to include the summer house boys in the procession. So then Carl takes it as Lindsey wanted you to be the flower boy. Like, that is so misleading and such, like, okay, so you didn't understand it during the season. And now she's explaining it again, and he's like, so you did say. I'm like, am I? Are we all speaking the same language?


No, it was really. That part was frustrating.


More clear. And it's not even like Carl was contradicting her, being like, no, you said I couldn't have him. She never. I'm sure she was just like, I want, like, carl's, like, all over the place. I was just like, I want you to be happy. Do what you want. Just hit nine.


I also think Lindsay was just, like, so happy to be getting married because that's something she's, like, been vocal about wanting.


And you. You can't pick every battle like that. And I think she's pretty good about that. I think the one thing sticking point for her was, like, her husband's career, which is always going to be something we're going to have to talk about. Yeah, but everything else, she was really letting everything else go this season.


I know, and I think people were, like, shocked by that. But I think she was just, like, happy. Even though the relationship was not in a great place, I think she really loved Carl. I'm just happy to be getting married. And, yeah, they had problems, but she wasn't worried about it. We were going to fix it.


Yeah. And these are our problems of today. And relationships change, and anyone's fortune could change on a dime. He could have a great job. And then. And this goes by the wayside, and maybe we could go back to being the friends that we've been for eight years. And I also feel like it's frustrating the reunion in hindsight, because everyone's like, I'm so glad you didn't get married. And because they're former fiancees, like, they're saying really nasty things to each other, which is, like, proving why they shouldn't get married. Right. But if any other couple was having, like, if Kyle and Amanda wound up not getting married, we would have had.


The same conversation at that reunion, and.


He would've been like, I'm so glad you guys didn't get married. Even though they clearly should be married. They are married. And then if they were no longer together, they would be like. Like, saying really nasty stuff about that each other and everyone be like, you see, you shouldn't have gotten married. Yeah, but it's like, it's only because you didn't get married.


Yeah. The last quarter of the reunion was so jaw dropping. West, we got, like, an update on what happened between Sierra and West. And while that was interesting to me, the absolute. Like, west from the get go became just beloved by the audience, the New York Times, for not really doing much. It was very classic. Like, a woman is out here doing so much. Like, could Paige be doing more? Where's her spread? Know? And west just, like, shows up and, like, has a mullet, looks a little different, and acts funny, and it's, like, America's sweetheart. And to reach that level of, like, universal belovedness that people on that show had been. Have been, like, striving for. For years to squander it so quickly.


I was saying here, like, last week, let's see how he does second season. He couldn't even hack a reunion without fumbling. I've never seen such a fumble. And what's so crazy is he, like, outlined his whole all offseason to prepare for the season and the show. And so he's clearly very conscious of how he's gonna come off and very conscious of the fame and, like, looking forward to embracing the opportunities, which. There's nothing wrong with that, but that he would be so aware of all of it and then completely shit the bed.


No. And Paige said it best. Like, the fact that you made real life decisions based on the cameras, like, that speaks to, like, a real, like, she didn't say this, but that's how I feel, and I feel that way about all different. Like, not even just reality stars. Like, when you start living your life for how people are gonna perceive it because you have, like, a platform or whatever, like, you have lost the plot. You have completely given up. And it speaks, like, a real, I think, moral depravity that you care more about what people think than your own happiness. And the fact that he was. And the speech Ciara gave about how she's, like, a little bit more traditional. She's not looking for notches in her bed post, like, sex to her, like, is a big deal. It was so groundbreaking, like, because we live in a culture where it's, like. And it's. It was. I think it was born out of, like, you know, you shouldn't be shamed for having multiple. And. But then it was like, if you. If you aren't, you know, sexy and out there like that, it's like, well, wrong with you.


And there's not really, like, a platform for women who are more reserved sexually and traditional in that sense. And. And for Sierra to be out there looking so sexy and saying these things, I was. I seriously, I was like, I was really moved by it. Yeah, because nobody says that. It's not, like, cool to be, like, virginal, not that she's a virgin.


Feel. Like in the culture, it's. It's two extremes. Like either your celibate virgin Colton Underwood on the bachelor Virgin Virginia, or, you know, I'm liberated and this, you know, I'm free. And there's not really some people or a lot of role models in the middle who are like, yeah, modern, but I'm traditional in a lot of ways. And I thought she made her feelings and herself so understood, and I didn't.


Know that about her.


Right. I didn't know that about her either. But, like, why would we? And it also really bothered me that Andy kept, like, ask, and now we know this about her. We know it from the whole season. And Andy's asking if they've had sex. Like, this is national tv. Like, this girl, clearly, it was a huge deal for her. Like, we can all surmise it was disgusting that they'd have sex, but, like, to make her talk about it and admit it, like, just felt so unnecessary. And it's like, are you not hearing her when she says that she has this boundary?




Like, why? Why do everyone in the cast is held to this standard of. Or should be held to the standard of, like, what? Jesse Solomon shouldn't have asked her that night, and he shouldn't have. But, andy, like, you're the adult in the room. Why are you asking her? We fucking know.


No, it's true. Like, they dated, and I was really surprised to hear, like, the lengths at which they dated. Like, going home to the farm, meeting the parents, go to a wedding together, the brother. And I can't believe they did all that, even not being, like, defined as boyfriend or girlfriend.


Yeah. And to me, like, west, I feel like maybe it was a clip from, like, vile files where they were talking about him on the season. They were like, he's, like, the modern man. Like, this guy who's, like, fun and this and that, and he likes, but he won't really commit. And, like, and I feel like he is that. And it's such a negative thing. Like, he's just there to have fun, like, grow up. Like, how old are you? What have you done? Like, make a choice. Like, this is a good woman.


Like, if he did want to just have fun, whatever, that's, like, fine. But Sierra sharing that they had that conversation offline, off camera after the horseback riding thing, being like, listen, if you do just want this to be, like, a summer fling, fun, whatever, just like, I'm totally fine with that. But, like, just let me know now, like, this is the time. And he said no.


No, because he still wanted fun with Sierra. And so I. Jesse Solomon's point of being, like, he was seeing it out and, like, you can't just, like, have fun at no expense. Like, when there's people involved in people's emotions, especially someone who's been very clear about, like, their boundaries. Their boundaries. And not wanting to, like, fall into something that she's not gonna be able to come out of. And so just to, like, do everything for the sake of fun, like, seriously grow up. Like, we're grown ups. These are people's real lives. And, like, at a certain point, relations, they go, no. And it's like, you can't just have fun with someone and fuck around, be some. My boyfriend girlfriend. I don't know what we are for the rest of our lives. Like, and to do that for five months total is way too long to be with each other every single day and still. And meet the parents and go to the wedding and still say, well, I don't think we were boyfriend girlfriend. Like, yeah, you were.


Yeah. No, that was weird.


When people I can't recognize, it's like, that's called a relationship. And by the way, it is fun. You think. You think we can't be in a relationship because you want to have fun, but, like, this.


How much fun did we have at that wedding?


Fun is the relationship.




I just feel like it's such a symbol of, like, modern dating and how, like, it's gotten really dark. Yeah. And just everyone's interested in having fun. Like, not everything is supposed to be all fun all the time.


No. And the, like, pr for relationships being boring and bad. No, that's what Sierra was saying. Like, it's fun.


Yeah. And they could have just done more of this. And so then him saying that he broke up with her before watch parties for watch parties.


I still didn't understand at all what he was saying. Do you?


I think what he was trying to say. I don't know what he means in his heart, why he actually broke up with her, because I think it had more to do with, like, I want to have fun. I do. I think he's commitment phobic, for sure. But I think what he wanted us to understand is, like, he felt like when the show came out, he would be doing, like, watch parties and stuff. And if he was with Sierra, then, like, someone might say, oh, he had his arm around me at the white. Cause all this, like, drama. For him to be, like, a public figure in a female space while he has a girlfriend. But it's like, bravo has been going on. This show has been going on for, what, seven years? Bravo has been doing this for 2015 years. Like. Like, everyone goes to watch parties. Plenty of people are in relationships. And Paige was like, you're talking to the wrong audience. We all understand. Amanda was like, Kyle goes to lover boy parties all the time. Like, you're seriously putting the cart before the horse, bro. And if you're really worried about, like.


The watch parties, don't go.


Don't go to the watch party.


When you said watch party, I was.


Like, I feel sad.


No, I seriously thought. I was like, do I not understand English? Like, I literally did. I. He was speaking, but he wasn't saying anything. Like, I was so confused. It's really, like, it's a case study. It's one of the biggest fumbles, like, of the century. It's shocking to me. And we were just remarking last week, it's like, we all love west. Even the New York times love west. And we were like, but why? And I remember saying, like, when he was saying he's still sleep, like, texting other people. Like, I hate that shit. Just, like, be with one person. Like, why is that a big deal? And it really. It. That was clearly, like, a microcosm of what was really going on.




And, like, I hate.


Yeah. And I think we all liked Wes, and it was just like Jesse Solomon was saying. He wasn't saying it about Wesley, but when Andy was like, why do you think you had a harder time coming into the house and with the viewers? They didn't. People really didn't, like, love him until a few episodes in. And it was because Jesse's just, like, out here on his own, like, standing on his own personality by himself. And he has a really good and big personality, but not even as good and big as west. Plus, west attached himself to someone who is really beloved in the house and among the cast members. So, of course we like west, too. I like Sierra. I like her, man.


Morgan. Yeah. No, I love Jesse Salomon.


He's making Sierra happy. We're seeing a side of Sierra that we haven't seen in so long, especially after the heartbreak of Austin, like, redemption.




But we didn't realize, like, we like west because we like Sierra. So now when Sierra doesn't like you, we don't like you.


Yeah. No. And I just loved Paige in that moment.




It's hard to verbalize exactly. Like, when you're so upset and, like, your emotions take over but she was probably there for all of it.


Right? And also, like, I don't think Sierra, like, she said she didn't want him to see her cry. Like, I don't think she wants to give him. Like, some people, they think the more you. They. More you cry and, like, the more you sing accusations and, like, you know, are sad. That's winning, then people feel that way. But, like, Sierra is the type strength. She, like, sees strength as being victorious. And, like, I'm not going to give him, like, all of my sadness and let him know how much I care. But Paige knows. And, like, Paige will say, but it isn't a reflection on, like, Sierra. And I thought the two of them, just, like, we needed the facts from Paige and the feelings. The feelings from Sierra. And, like, I got the picture. And, wes, like, seriously, don't come back next summer.


No. And I think it goes without saying that the universal queenie of the week is Sierra.




Like, that little monolog was so. It was empowering. It was like a Rosie the riveter. Oh, I'm so glad you brought that up. Kyle crying. Was he crying, or did he, like, have an itch in his eye?


I think he was tearing.


They cut to him twice, like, going like this.


I think he was tearing. It was emotional.


You know what? Because, you know, I, like, absolutely loathe Kyle cook with the intensity of 10,000 sons. Like, he's on my list of enemies. Two people.


Right, right. Well, you have to take all that stuff out of it, too. And just recapping the show.


I can't watch the show. I even does something on the show that, like, is objectively funny. Like, I personally can't see it because I'm blinded by hatred.


Like, deep, deep from a spritz stuff or.


Okay, not even spritz up. Saying, calling my husband.




Shady. Like, seriously, till the day I die, I will despise you. Why did I start talking about. Oh, right. So I just see everything he does for, like, who he really is, which is a piece of shit. And so I see through everything. Like, he's not funny. He's not friendly. Like, he's an ass. So I don't think he was crying. I don't think he's really capable of, like, genuine emotion.


Oh, interesting.


Also, that's not about him.


Got it. Starting off the episode about the mullet and, like, whether or not we're gonna cut it. Like, are you fucking serious?


How low is the bar for entertainment?


No one is like, we have a season here. Like, can you stop.


No, it's true. And, like, we have a season here doing no part to Kyle Cook. So, like, why are we starting with Kyle making him the star? It's not about him. It's about Lindsay.


I don't care less if he cuts his millet off or not. Like, seriously, I don't care.


Don't care. But you're right. That point, that's, like, harks back to what you were talking about. Like, the true unbridled favoritism from Andy in these shows, like, vanderpump rule, southern charm that have blended casts.




It's unfair.


It is.


And are we doing Wes weenie? Weenie.


Wes Claudia?


Yes. Like, by the way, it's the four. Wow. Weenie. No, sorry. It's a three W's. Weenie west watch party of the week. Weenie week. West watch party watch party.


Oh, my God. It was a train wreck for him.


And I'm so looking forward to part two.


Yeah, me as well. And I guess that's everything from the. Like.


And that's what you missed on glee.


It was a trademark.


Like, I loved every minute of it. Like, seriously was so good.




Oh, wait, when Paige. No, Paige, like, Paige was. Paige and Lizzie. Aren't they Sierra, too? No. Okay, I don't know who's tied for.


First, but of what your favorites.


Who slayed the hardest at the reunion? But when Paige said, you're writing in our group chat, this is the highest rated season. The viewers are loving it. Like, in that moment, I think it really put into perspective how obsessed Wes was with what people thought of him. Now it's as reality starts, hell, it's. It's normal to have a healthy dose of concern about how you look and you definitely act a certain way. But he's making decisions in his real life based on that. He's obsessed. Watching the ratings. Like, okay, no.


And she said, like, two people's lives are falling apart and, like, you're giddy over it.


Rest in peace. To west.


Where does West coast from here? Because how can he. I feel like he'll come back to the house because, like, the producers will want him because it will be like, him and Sierra.


If he doesn't come back, it'll be because he doesn't want to. Like, he seriously got so much wants to.


Like, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. He was in your.


But he always wanted was the love. And by the way, up until now, it's in the best thing that's ever happened to him. Yes. Yeah, but starting today.


Yeah. Yeah. I didn't even see, like, what people are saying. What are people saying? Hey, loser. Yeah. Um. Oh. Like, I don't know how he's gonna come into the house. Like, the girls are going to hate him on behalf of Sierra, and they told him that they would hate him. Maybe. I guess he has Jesse. He's gonna come back. He's not. Like, he's. He's got the bug.


I can't wait for Parteo.


Like, truly, like, the fact that he couldn't hide it better. His. His excitement for the fate. Like, everyone's excited.


Tell your brother or whatever.


Like, yeah, no. And I forget the word that she used, but it just. It really. It spoke to, like, a lack of spatial awareness, like, not reading the room, like, not being emotionally intelligent.


This is our real life. In addition to a reality show for you. It's like, this part you're playing.




Loved it.


Mm hmm.


That's a rack wrap on toast content week. I have enjoyed every minute.


Yeah, me, too.


I'll miss you so much. But we'll be together in, like, really soon.


Yeah, very soon.


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