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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Thursday. Congrats, grads, to all the grads who graduated to the latter half of the week.


Except not to the graduates who are maybe potentially terrorists?


Yeah, definitely not congrats to those grads, but to the grads. By the way, do you know what they call that on TikTok? Talking like that? They call it a crispy R. Say it again. Now that I called it out, I won't be able to do it. Congrats, grads. People who roll their R's in English.


But that's not a roll what you're doing. You're stopping it.


It's a gutter roll. No, I don't know what it is. It's like a long R. They call it like Graham Crocker. That's what that was. I like that. I like it, too. The people on TikTok were saying it's like an ick and a trigger for them. But I don't know. Should I start including crispy R's into my everyday vernacular? I think as a podcaster, people might riot.


No, I think it fits in with our way of speaking. Like, very Moira Rose energy. Yes, that's a good example. Of dragging out a syllabus that need not be dragged.


Yeah, very Moira Rose. That's a good... That need not be dragged by a bebe.


Exactly. So I'm here for it. You have my full support. Turdy Lou.


Honestly, I feel like the crispy R is really perfect for congrats grads, which has become a literal daily- Cornerstone. Yeah, perhaps.


It's become a cornerstone of the show, and we are getting into graduation season.


We are getting into... See? I can't even say it.


I guess it's been a year since we congrats the grads in an earnest way.


No way has it been a whole year that we've been saying congrats grads. I don't think that it has. I don't think that when we started saying it, it was about graduation.


I believe that we made the title of the episode congrats grads, so let's just search in the podcast store.


If it's true that it's been a year, truly time flies when you're having fun with your best friend and sister.


Turtle? A year, almost to the day. May fifth, 2023, our episode was called Congrats Grads.


On Cinco de Mayo, My People's Day.


So this is really graduation season. We are nothing, if not consistent. That's like when you're on your time hop and you realize you wear the exact same outfit a year ago, which I'm the queen of.


I got rid of time hop. I love it as a concept, as an app, but as somebody with severe I have weight fluctuations. I find it either makes me depressed or I don't know. I don't like it. I don't need to know what I looked like a couple of years ago. Nobody else is thinking about what I looked like. Why do I need to see it every day?


I've always been a time hop lover. Me too. A time hop filiac. But with kids, it's even more fun. Oh, that's true. I don't miss a hop. I always, that little crazy nutty dinosaur who's like, a thousand hops in a row.


Yeah, he's nutty. Get a life. He's nutty as fuck.


Yeah, I love Time Up. Also, I saw in Time Up, a lot of Toast Herstry happened this week to the day. One, I guess it was about four years ago at this point, I met Julianne Hough at the Billboard Music Awards.


Oh, that's a cornerstone moment of Toast Herstery.


And on the same day, years before that, we podcasted with Thomas Ravenel and Ashley Jacobs.


Oh, yes. Jackie sent me that picture yesterday, letting me know that the anniversary was upon us. Of the day, seriously, I feel like actually a lot of people who are still listening the show, found us through that interview. We had no idea what we were walking into in that moment. We just got a PR email, Would you like to have New Girly on Southern Charmon? She's dating Thomas. We were like, Okay. And even when we did the interview, shit hadn't blown up on the show yet, but it was the only interview she ended up doing during her time on the show, and people just went back and referenced it. They thought that there was a whole conspiracy about that interview because it was the only thing she did the entire time. It was just truly happenstance that it was ours. People thought we were in on it, that we were a part of Tom. It was so crazy the amount of hate we got for that when, seriously, we were just doing our jobs.


Yeah, I don't remember the hate. I remember the love, love, love, and how it really became a big moment for us. We also didn't realize that she was coming. With Thomas. Bringing Thomas. And then Thomas ended up on the show with us.


Yeah. We had no... And if you were in the trenches during that season of Southern Charm, you know how rare of a interview that was. We didn't know it at the time. We were stumbling on this, what would be a time capsule.


Yeah, I guess that's what we're missing out on by not having guests. And certainly, even if the guests that we do have at this point, we wouldn't be having someone in their first season who's coming on as a... But we used to just have guests pretty much on every show. At the end of the show, we do a little interview. So we're missing out on moments like that. I can live with it, but maybe I'm wrong for that.


And then we did end up, at least I did, getting blocked by Ashley. Do you remember how it went south? Because you're the memory here.


Yeah, I don't remember. I wasn't so invested in this saga. I felt like we did our part and I moved on. And then also, she was so awful to Katherine that I didn't really want any affiliation with her. I wasn't proud that we had had her that didn't age well. Agreed. I ride or die for Katherine.


Yeah. No. And she was saying some really, really horrible things.


And the rest of the season. So after that, I checked out from the interview.


Yeah. No, that was just a thing that we did.


Things we did?


That. That. That's an iconic moment in Toast Herstory. Thanks for bringing that up. Sometimes I do get reminded of things that we've done on this show. I'm mortified, me wearing my wedding veil to interview Derek Path. Hysterical. Hysterical. But then I'm also like, holy shit. Seriously, we don't talk enough about closed on Sunday, and it's obviously such a shame that Kanye is this disgraced person. But the fact that it happens to us, I'm sorry, it's really sick.


It is. But I feel like that's actually something that we do talk about.


I'm so worried no one... People, it's going to get forgotten that I bring it up once a year.


Yeah, that is a crazy thing. Also, don't they start Derek Path?


You know what? I'm so glad you brought that up because wasn't he engaged?


Yeah. I would hope that now he's married.


No, I feel like they broke up. I remember seeing that somewhere, but I was over my Derek Path obsession that I didn't make it a story or anything.




Okay. I haven't thought about- A lot of family photos. A lot of family solo photos. I don't see... Okay. If I'm scrolling through your Instagram, the first 10 photos don't include your fiancé. You're not engaged.


No, he's not. But what's he doing? Does he have a podcast?


His bio just says human being, and I feel like that pretty much sums up what Derek Path is up to.


And that sums up why we're having a hard time assessing.


Wait, he doesn't post. Hold on. His fifth most recent photo is from 2020. His most recent photo is June 2020. Is Derek Path okay? Guys, don't ask how Derek Path. No, I'm freaking out. I'll ask again. I'm just going to Google his name and see what comes up. I hope he's okay. Wait, no. In 2022, he got married. Why would you have no...


He's off Instagram.


But you wouldn't even post about your wedding two years later.


Why don't you look her up?


Yeah, what's her name? Saffron. Okay, hold on. I'm on my way.


What's her name?


Saffron? S-a-f-f-r-o-n. Saffron. Is this her?


Model. Yeah. Yeah, she's a model.


Okay, it's just modeling photos. Are they together? They got married two years ago, and give or take a few months.


I feel like there's a world in which they're together, but he has completely shunned social media and doesn't want to be a part of that online world anymore, especially Bachelor.


The last piece of news written about him is the wedding.


Okay, but we've definitely stumbled into something here.


We definitely have. I don't see any photos of him on her Instagram.


I feel like a lot of people and former bachelor people listen to The Toast. If If anybody keeps up with him and his friends with him, just let us know. Just for our own curiosity.


No, I'm dying to know. Please reach out if you have any information on the whereabouts. Where in the world is Tarek Pab?


Claude's fave.


My fave, I was obsessed with him. I used to think, when we were really in the bachelor space, going after the final rose, and I was single, I would have tried to have dated him. I seriously thought he was the most eligible person to ever come out of that show. And I thought that Chase McNerry had the most impressive thought as of anyone to come out of that show.


You still think that. I do. But you also don't really watch the show anymore, so there could be more impressive set of thoughts that you can go about. It's true.


It's true.


It's true. It was for a good time.


Those were good times. The evolution of Jackson turd. It truly knows no bounds.


Knows no bounds. But speaking of our new passions, it used to be The Bachelor. Now, amongst other things, it's reading. Two things I want to mention. You won the new episode of the Redheads dropped this morning, and you absolutely have to listen to it, even if you didn't read the book, and especially if you didn't read the book. But if you did read the book, I apologize, and you absolutely... This episode is your consolation prize. Second thing, you went to a big swanky New York event last night.


Oh, my God, I did. Seriously, there's so much on my mind, and nothing's going on. I totally forgot that I left the house last night, which is not something I really do on a weeknight. I did. Okay, so this major doctor, who we've actually had the opportunity to interview here at the Toast, Dr. Nathan Fox, who is the most precious gem of a man who is so smart and who was Jackie's doctor during her most recent very complicated pregnancy, ended up co-authoring a book about complicated pregnancies with Emily Foster, who I obviously didn't know prior because I'm not a woman of that phase yet. Yeah. But apparently, she's super major.


She's the name. She's the book. Her book, Not What to Expect, Expecting Better, by Emily Oster, is the first book that you would read. It's the only book I read on pregnancy when I was pregnant. And so she's just a major fixture. And she co-authored her third book with Dr. Fox, who we all know here.


And the whole book is about either really complicated, a really common or super rare pregnancy complications, and how there's so little data and so little information. And this book is the first step in normalizing that conversation, because once it's talked about more, there's better care, there's more laws, there's more money. They were talking all about data, data, data.


She's a data girly.


She's a professor.


And she was an economist, and she got pregnant, and she wanted to know about pregnancy, just things like, Can you have sushi? Can you color your hair? And so she looked at all the data and came to these conclusions that some of the things that we think are not necessarily always the case, in fact, rarely the case.


The vibe that I was getting- That's why she wrote her first book. The vibe that I was getting based on the speeches was she's the leading thought leader that pregnant women can eat sushi. She kept making jokes about that. I was like, Oh, okay, cute, cute, cute. But it was so fabulous because we love Dr. Fox and all of his kids, they were at the toast party. So I went to their party, they went to our party. It was just an exchanging of parties. And he made a little speech. It was so cute. And then he's very humble. So Emily Foster made a speech after, and she was just She told this little story that he won't sign books. He has the patient sign the books because they're the real stars. He's so cute. He's so cute. It was so cute. He's so cute. Honestly, I was like, Should I read this book? It sounded low-key interesting.


I'm going to read it because I'm actually the target demo for it because it's also about people who have had complicated pregnancies. What does that mean going forward?


It was also like, I don't know if she said one in three or one in five women will have a complicated pregnancy. Even if it's not you, it's your mother, it's your sister, it's your friend, it's your daughter. It was like an empowering evening, and I actually had a really good A Really Good Time. It was annoying being not the only famous person there. Christie Turlington was there.


Wow. Amy Schumer posted about the book.


I thought Amy Schumer was going to be there because she posted about the book. Dana was like, Is Amy... I'm like, Calm down. No, she's not here. So annoying. But she is doing press for that pop-tar movie, so I'll allow it.


Marjorie Post. I'm sorry, she needs to come on the toes for that. We're the leading experts in Marjorie Post.


It's so true. We should reach out, by the way.


We should. That's a good hook.


That we are Marjorie Post. We are the foremost leading podcast when it comes to talking about Marjorie Post.


We're the foremost leading pop culture podcast when it comes to talking about Marjorie Post.


No, I think podcast, period. Who else is talking about her?


I don't know. Sometimes I'll do a deep dive.


That's episode. We talk about her every day.


I'm sorry. The leading Marjorie Post podcast is the Redheads because we did a whole episode about the book, but it could be a collab. Anyways, she's playing Marjorie Post in a movie, so she needs that pop culture hook, too. We couldn't be more perfect.


No, I'm going to reach out.


Cool. I'll fly in for it.


A thousand %. Yeah. So yes, it was a fabulous event. I loved it. And then Ben got home. And when I walked in the door, I felt seriously like a man from the '50s. My husband was making me a fresh meal, and I had had a long And I'm like, Oh, fix me a scotch, honey. Coming home to a home, it cooked me up, but it was 70% done and I have to wait around and watch, I really felt like, what's his name for Madman? Jon Ham. I loved it.


Yeah, that's nice.


And I think I would have thrived as a man during that age.


I think my husband had that experience last night. He just walked in. He's like, smells good in here. Happy birthday to your husband. Happy birthday to my husband. Happy birthday.


To your husband. Happy birthday. I already got my text in. I was probably the first one. I was so proud of myself.


Oh, that's awesome. We have a fun day.


No, actually, Zack Shapiro posted on Instagram, and I was like, Shit, that reminded me. So Zack Shapiro probably got to him first.


If I do a birthday post on Instagram for anyone, it's literally not coming till 08:00 PM. Don't expect It's not going to happen. I don't expect it any sooner.


That's a really good point. I like that.


Yeah, I don't wake up with my post ready. Maybe I should plan it at 08:00 PM the night before to get it out in the morning, but I'm too authentic for that.


It's not who you are.


And I always hold out hope, we're going to dinner tonight, I'm going to get dressed up. My hope is that we're going to take a picture together that I can post, Happy birthday to my husband. Correct. What's going to happen is either we take a picture and I hate it, or I don't have the balls to ask someone to take our picture, or a waiter takes a really bad tablepick. I'm not posting that. No, by the way. No offense. It's got to be esthetic.


Tablepicks? Seriously? Do not ever, ever. The thing is, okay, tablepicks can be taken. They cannot be posted.


Yeah, no, it's just for the mem. Memories. And Even though it's two people like, Okay, so I'll go to his side of the booth and we'll take a picture with what we're not going to ask at the beginning of the meal, and we're going to ask at the end when the table is dirty. Anyways, all that to say, we're not going to get a great picture. Night, that's why not until we get home, am I going to concede that point and post for him on Instagram?


I do need to point out that you have been saying all that to say a lot recently. Is that a new thing?


All that to say? I think that it is.


That's funny. I'm glad you have a lovely night planned. I will be literally on a journey to another land, and I probably won't home till 2:00 in the morning.


Yikes bikes.


Yeah. Your girl's going to Philly, which isn't fun and exciting. Philly toasters. No, it's not like that.


Do you have good seats?


I mean, by the way, Ben knows. If you're going to make me go, I want good seats. I'm a snob like that, but I never go.


Are you courtside?


No, but very close.


Well, that's exciting. How are you getting there? Driving?


Literally, driving through the night.


You guys love to drive.


Well, if you have a car, I would hope so.


I don't know. When I think of Philly, I'm like, So you take the train or the shuttle I'm not taking a flight.


Are you nuts? I agree. Do you want to hear the craziest thing? I don't know if you know. What time would you say an East Coast basketball game starts?


I only know that right now that they start early because it's before bedtime and everyone's got the TV on. I'm like, This won't work for me. It's been starting at seven o'clock.


So most games, and I used to be into basketball. It was seven and then tip off at 7:15. Always seven. I've never heard of a game being any later than that. This game is at 9:00 PM.


Why don't you just stay the night in Philly?


So that's what Ben had suggested. He was like, There's a million hotels. For what?


Yeah. So you're not on the road at 2:00 AM, literally?


But that's when you get home super fast.


That's true.


Not to complain because, of course, it's fun, but it's just definitely not how- And there wasn't a friend that wanted to go with him? No, I'm sure there was. But the thing about Ben- Who should go with him? Who?


Dana. She would absolutely I'd love to.


I'll bring it up. But the thing about Ben, that's so sweet.


He likes spending time with his wife?


He does. I was like, Are you sure you don't want to take Jack or Victor, any of your friends? He was like, No, I want to spend time with you. I'm like, That is so sweet. Okay, I guess we're going to be spending time together. We could also spend time together at our house.


Yeah, but what are things that you drag him to?


That's the thing. I'm not much of a dragger.


Me neither.


Because if there's something I'm really I'm excited about, I want to go with someone who's on my level. And Ben can get excited for me, but he's never going to be screaming, crying, throwing up. Even at Eres, I went with him once, but the other times, I went with others. This is the equivalent. This is Ben's Eres tour. And I was That's my first choice. I feel like that's so sweet. He was literally my fourth for Eres.


Yeah. No, it is sweet. And you'll go, and you'll like it.


Yeah, but Ben knows. To make it premium for me. If something goes wrong and I'm not having and you dragged my ass 2 hours in the car. I will be in a mood. So he's planning. I was like, make sure there's parking. Don't make me walk a million blocks to get to the place.


Make sure there's gas in the car. Make sure the tires are full of air. There's a spare in the trunk.


Figure out timing so that I'm not hungry when I get there. Seriously. So, yeah, you have a job now. Are you sure you don't want to go with Jack?


Snacks in the car.


Oh, yeah. We always have a bag of snacks in the car. Thanks to, very, very randomly. Mark Schönwetter, my best friend, who is also a Holocaust survivor, when I went to his house in Livingston, they literally put in the car for me. They had this little bag of mini water bottles, kind bars, little M&M packs. So I keep it in the car. You never know when you need it. And seriously, it's always in my car. Isn't that crazy?


That's nice.


I know. So thoughtful.




So I'll be out to Philly tonight. Honestly, we might need to start the show a little late tomorrow because I won't be going to bed till 2:00, 3:00 AM.


That should work for me. Tomorrow, you're not going to recognize me, so get used to me now. Why? You're getting Botox? I'm getting a spray tan today. Oh, that's huge. So you just are going to have a glamazon on the show tomorrow, which is exciting for the show.


It's exciting that a big-time model will be stopping by.


Yeah. I'm excited for you guys that you'll get to participate in that.


That's huge.


I'll have my spray tan for my big photo tonight with my husband.


Yeah, but if you're behind the table, you won't be able to see your spray tan legs.


No, I know. I think I have to go out of my comfort zone and when we're outside of the restaurant, ask someone to take a Sure.


And honestly, before the meal, because by the time you leave, it'll be dark, and that's the worst lighting.


Yeah, and I need... My lipstick will be off. I'm not going to put it on just to come home. There's so much that goes into it. And I feel like the husbands don't appreciate that. They're just like, Why didn't you post for me?


It's so true. Well, it's like, Maybe I didn't have anything to work with, sir.


Yeah. But anyways, I'm going to give it everything I got.


We know you will. We're so looking forward to following, and we'll just be waiting. Honestly, I'll be in the car on the way to Philly, refreshing Instagram, looking for the photo.


And Whenever I wind up posting around 10:00 PM, you guys will know what happened.


Oh, around 10:00 PM? I'll be at the game by then.


Still on your phone.


So true. Honestly, the small glimmer of hope, perhaps they'll put me on TV like, Oh, this girl looks beautiful. I wonder who she's rooting for. That's the only thing carrying me through.


Television. Opportunity.


And maybe I'll go viral. There's always those moments. They catch someone on ESPN, maybe that'll be me.


I know. That's just not your luck, turdy. You You have a lot of mazel in your life, and there are things that could only happen to you. But staging your own fake viral moment, everybody's onto you. They can smell you from a mile away.


Once again, it's because I'm far too authentic. They would know that I knew I was about to be on camera.


No, that cameraman can smell that this girl is not going to do anything authentically viral. No.


And by the way, let's say for argument's sake, that I did go viral for something crazy. Because I'm already a media personality, and there's so much Which is like actual proof of me being thirsty, I would get called out. I wouldn't even have a chance to go viral because they would seriously lift the veil on my true intentions.


They would stop you writing your tracks. They would play this episode. Precisely. So that's not in the cards for you. But that's okay. You have amazing other cards. It's true. And you have your curds.


And I have my curds. I'm ready to dive in if you are Jacqueline Follet.


I am ready to get into the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Yeah. Are you ready for our first story?




Dan Schneider is suing the Quiet On Set producers for defamation, calling the Nickelodeon Abuse Docu-Series a, Hit Job. Dan Schneider has filed a defamation lawsuit against the producers of ID's Docu-Series, Quiet On Set, which uncovered alleged abuse and misconduct at Nickelodeon and became Max's biggest streaming title ever. The lawsuit obtained by Variety and by Schneider's attorneys, Janna Moser and Richard McKay, reads in part, quote, Quiet On Set's portrayal of Schneider as a hit job. While it is indisputable that two bona fide child sexual abusers worked on Nickelodian shows, it is likewise indisputable that Schneider had no knowledge of their abuse and was not complicit in the abuse, condemned the abuse once it was discovered, and critically, was not a child sexual abuser himself. But for the sake of click bait, ratings and views, or put differently, money, defendants have destroyed Schneider's reputation and legacy through the false statements and implications that Schneider is exactly that.


In the words of Julia Roberts, big mistake, huge. Because honestly, the documentary, I feel, really did not make Dan Schneider look any worse than we thought he was. I don't feel like it brought anything new to the table in regards to Dan Schneider, specifically. I do also feel the moment has passed. It was a week where everyone was talking about it, and I really haven't thought about it since. Now it's back in the fold. His name is back in the headlines. I actually thought the documentary was really soft on him.


Yeah. I don't know how it came away from it, because I feel like the documentary was a hit job on Dan Schneider, more so about the bullying and just toxic workplace and the mistreatment of children. But then also the stuff about the later years and all those victorious scenes that are really inappropriate. They are drawing a line that there was child sexual misconduct on the set. And then also Dan Schneider had these sexual-Innuendos. So I think he was completely disgraced by this documentary. I think- That's so funny. I don't. People like us knew the allegations about him for years. But in the industry, he resigned in not disgrace. Peacefully. There was an investigation, and then he went, but no one really knew the story. When I see this, I'm like, I actually find it interesting. It makes me think that maybe he really didn't do some of the things that we've always thought that he did.


Well, the fact that they clearly went to great lengths to make a documentary about this time at Nickelodeon, and they were not able to find proof or anyone to speak on record regarding Dan Schneider and any allegations that have floated around about him for years is really bizarre to me.


And I feel like now with this lawsuit, if he did abuse anyone in his day, that person would come forward now because they could be like, Oh, no, it's not defamation. You did that shit. I feel like he's really opening himself. If he did it- He is.


He is.


He's opening himself up right now to be completely finished.


That's so funny. My takeaway from the documentary was it wasn't that bad for Dan Schneider. I feel like they focused so much of the other hours of the documentary on those other two fucking freaks. And by the time they The last episode, they went back to Dan. It was really, it was about toxic workplace, which he went on a interview afterwards and basically admitted, he was a freak. He used to make the girls give him massages. I didn't really feel like it was that bad for him. I thought it was going to be way worse because like you said, for so many years, we've heard these things.


I think something that also helped his image in the documentary was, I think one of the lasting things that people took away from it was Drake Bell's story. And in Drake Bell's story, Dan Schneider is the hero of it.


Not the hero. He's certainly not the villain. Obviously, if you're working on a show, you should have gone more above and beyond.


No, but so there, what more could he have done once he knew?


You know what I mean? Yeah, but then you also think that shit starts at the top. Creating an environment where somebody can so easily, by the way, even with Drake Bell, whose dad was really heavily involved, who can so easily infiltrate a young person. What environment are you fostering? Because you best believe if my ass is producing a fucking kid show, I've got cameras everywhere, and I'm doing full background checks on who I hire. If you really cared.


Yes. You know I agree. That's how I feel. Dan Schneider is not the man, the only person in charge. It's also a kids' network.


Yeah, that's true.


It's a lot of people have failed the children here. Yes, for sure. And I do feel like, even in the way that we're talking, it's all fallen on Dan. And I think for us, that's been fine because of what we've always thought and known about him and what we've heard. And so it's like, oh, well, A equals B and B equals C. So yeah, Dan. But if Dan isn't that person, if you have to just think for a second, if Dan's not that person, then he's been really disgraced.


Yeah. I do feel like him filing this lawsuit is really in Congress with everything that we've known about him. You're 100% right that it completely opens him up to people coming forward, because he's been off the grid. He doesn't really work anymore, and he's very wealthy. He doesn't have to. So no one's talking about him every day.




And even when the documentary came out, you would have thought, if there were more stuff about Dan, people who weren't involved with the documentary might have come forward. But you also don't know what situations the people who could potentially be victims of Dan Schneider find themselves in, or what. Sometimes you sign something.




I don't know.


I don't know either. But also, these lawsuits are very hard to win, typically. Most people don't. And it's not like they said outright anything defamatory. They just drew a line, a thread throughout of- Inferred. Yeah, inappropriate sexual conduct. And there were extreme cases. And then there were the things that Dan was doing, which were It's completely inappropriate in terms of what he was filming with the young girls and those things. I don't even know that they have a case based on that. So I feel like the fact that they're going for it, I don't know. It's unexpected. It's bizarre.


It's bizarre, yeah.


So we shall see.


It's going to take a lot for me to really ever change my mind on Dan Schneider. I know.




You would have to have a whole hell of a lot of proof to to convince my ass that he wasn't doing some weird shit.


But how do you have proof of something that didn't happen?


No, I know. I know.


Yeah. I really feel like Is it even possible? I have to watch a documentary again. I need to be grounded in my- No, I do not need to watch a documentary again.


It was really fucking upsetting. Like, graphic and just- Well, they had those extra episodes that came out, but I don't think they made a lot of waves because I didn't read anything, and I didn't watch them. Me neither.


So we shall see.


Yes, we shall.


Are you ready for our next story? I am. Some sweet news. Princess Charlotte has turned nine, and Kate Middleton and Prince William release a noodle photo for her ninth birthday, as they do for the princesses. And Kate took the photo, and I'm not seeing any AI claims or extra-So her passion for photography was correct. Extra fingers. She's always taken in their childhood photos. And this is just a super sweet one.


Honestly, I don't think they could have handled one more Photoshop fail. I'm glad that the photo is clean. And also, you really don't need to be photoshopping children. No.


And especially when it's one.




Even when it's two, you can find a picture where they're both looking and smiling.


Yeah. But I seriously think the monarchy would have crumbled if there had been one more fucking Photoshop fail. They are seriously, they're one Photoshop fail away from anarchy, okay? Why?


I feel like they should have made a Photoshop fail in this picture just to, one, like normalize Photoshop fails. And it definitely takes the heat off of the last one. It's like, oh, that's just a fail and a string of fails, not a larger conspiracy.


Right. I also feel like I haven't thought about Kate Middleton in a while. I feel like everybody really left her alone, which is so nice.


People are giving her the privacy that she requested.


And the grace that she so gracefully deserves.


Yeah. Well, she's having, oh, I guess Princess Charlotte has the same birthday as my husband. So does David Beckham, I learned this morning.




And The Rock.


I feel like your husband would love those two being his birthday buddies. If birthday buddies mean as much to him as they do to me, I bet that he's a really happy birthday boy.


Well, you know how I know that those are his birthday parties is because he told me this morning.


Oh, so it's obviously something he cares about.


Yeah. He's like, Oh, I just remembered. It's David Beckham's birthday, too. And The Rock.


I should wish him a happy birthday.


And then I saw Victoria's post for David, and I said, Oh, my husband wasn't making that up.


Well, a happy birthday Happy to David. Like I've always said, they're not trying, but they can never make me hate you.


Happy birthday to David. Happy birthday to Dwayne. Happy birthday to Charlotte. Happy birthday to Zack.


It's like a bus in birthday.


I feel like May, in general, is bussing. I saw Molly May's story today, and she said that May is a really major month for their family. It's Tommy's birthday, it's her birthday. It's Tommy's dad's birthday, and Tommy's mom's birthday. And she's just really excited that it's May. I also feel like- Molly May.


I also I feel like in the rankings of months, May is definitely top five. It's an amazing month.


It's an elite month.


I would say maybe it's even top three.


I would agree with that. What do you think is the number one month? I want to say it's subjective, but I think it's not subjective that May is top three.


Agreed. Everyone would put their own birthday month in, but no. I think December is really up there. It's an amazing month. Nobody works. The snow, the Christmas vibes. Okay.


And there's always treats around. So true. Everyone's providing treats. You can't walk a block without a candy bowl.


Well, actually, that's more like October.


No, but I just feel like in December, I was trying to hide it, and I couldn't because there was seriously... Or your fellow workers send you a holiday basket. We love to send a basket to our colleagues.


To all of our...


We do. And then when we do that, we also send one to ourselves.


Because who works harder than us?


And the baskets, when we're We're choosing them for our colleagues. I want that. I want that chocolate-covered pair. We're choosing it for us.


No, we want... Remember that cookie one we did? That one was really major. Everyone was talking about it. I agree.


I think, objectively, December is number one.


I think so, too.


Then what's another strong month for you?


November. I love... It's like it's just December light. It's December light.


Yeah, I agree with that.


We have Thanksgiving. We have the same energy. People have their Christmas trees up. It also has that It's all so far away.


It feels like we've got all the time in the world.


A lot of people feel that way about October. I don't feel that way because I don't love those spooky vibes. People love these. They think that esthetically, Halloween is a good vibe, too. It's not for me, so I wouldn't include it. I would go the order of the month. Tell me if you agree with this. December, May, November. Top three months.


Top three. I might go December, November, May.




But I agree, those are top three. Actually, if we want to acknowledge the space that we're in, I feel like we just came off of some of the hardest months.


Yes, that's what I said earlier in the week. The first quarter is the worst. There's not a lot of holidays. It's terrible weather. Everyone's really back at work, working super, super fucking hard. We are out of the woods. When people talk about seasonal depression, they're literally talking about January, February, March.


And April, too. April gets off unscathed.


No, we have Passover and Easter. There days off.


That's true. But Easter was in March this year. And Passover is hard, low-key.


And we didn't take off. Now, fuck that. I was talking to somebody last night, actually, at the party. They were talking about Passover, of course. And I think I realized Passover is my least favorite Jewish holiday. The bread thing is really hard for me.


I think you said two weeks ago that it's your favorite.


Well, I didn't say that. I said that the satirs, which only happen on night one and night two, of literally 10 days, by the way, or eight. I love. I really do love those satirs. I just love the vibes, love the songs, friends, family, et cetera. But yeah, now, looking at it from a glance, I didn't know what I was in for on day one. At day eight, yeah, I'm going to say it's one of my least favorites.


And I feel like it really messed with my wellness journey because you would think, no bread, that's going to help you. But I don't know, I really got accustomed to having a turkey sandwich for lunch. And it sounds like a big lunch, but it's actually not. And it felt like a big lunch, but it wasn't. And then I just didn't know what to have for lunch anymore. So I wouldn't have lunch. And then I just wait and get so hungry and then flop on my wellness journey.


What did you break the bread fast on?


I didn't do a big breaking because honestly, I'm not that stringent with it. I'll be honest because I'm authentic. Do it. I won't outright eat a piece of bread because I think that's disrespectful to our ancestors who couldn't have a piece of bread. But what did I? Cracker? Sure. Right. I know what you mean. Anything that's grab and go, it's like, well, they would have grabbed a bag of pretzels if they could, even though I tried to stay away from pretzels. But I had popcorn. Apparently, we can't have corn. I don't go that far, is what I'm saying.


That's so fair, by the way.


I think some of the Taylor Farms I had had little crunchies on top. Had them.


If they could have chosen a Taylor Farms to grab and go while fleeing slavery in Egypt, they would have, just so you know.


Yeah. And if you had a Taylor Farms, you would know what it's like to not want to leave those crunchies off. That's the best part.


Right. What was the story?


It was about Princess Charlotte, and there wasn't much story there. So I'm glad that we made it our own.


And that's what we do. We make a mountain out of a molehill. That's exactly what we just did. We made lemonade out of seriously, like Rotten Lemons.


I'm trying to think how we got there talking about the best months, talking about May is bussing. May, birthdays. It's going to be May.


Did you see the video of Justin Timberlake's concert that's going viral?


No, because my algorithm, like, knows I don't give a rip about Justin Timberlake, and you don't like him, but you do give rips because- Well, so he goes viral, and the circles that it goes viral for me in is in a negative way.


So of course, that's going to make its way to me.


Yeah, that's still the opposite of love isn't hate.


It's right. Indifference. That's true. Maybe I'm a Justin Timberlake fan. So he did a show in Vancouver, and he has this crazy-ass stage. It's this big square, and it lifts, and he's in the sky, and then it tilts forward, and he's literally levitating over people. And it went viral because it's like, Is that absolutely necessary? For real? I think it's at the end of the show when he's singing Mirrors. I don't want to lose you now. That's Mirrors, right? Half of me. I'm in the center of my heart. It's been so now you're home. Tell me how to five and a half.


I'm looking right at the other half of me. Like I'm a mirror. Yeah. Oh. Okay, I just want to say, you guys know how I feel about Justin Timberlake, but how come he can't have sweet moments at his concert where people do the craziest things, and it's never like, Was this necessary? But Justin tries to turn his stage, and people are like, All of a sudden, it's too much.


People do that about pink. They're like, when she's flying through the air with the greatest of ease, they're all saying to one another. Is that of the absolute necessity?


Right, but that's not... Maybe they say it to one another, but it's not become what everyone that one is saying. You know what I mean?


By the way, yes, it has for pink. Oh, really? It's like a running joke on the internet. Whenever you see somebody at the circus on a trapeze, they're like, Oh, it's pink.


Oh, interesting. Of course, I don't see her that way as a true fan.


Oh, wow. Yeah, no, of course.


I'm a true fan. I'm here till the end.


You put me aside when something ain't right. Honestly, nobody has made better music music, sonically, rhythmically, lyrically, since Hannah Montana, the television show. And honestly, I think you can say what you want about Billy Ray Cyrus, but he was the creative genius behind those songs. No.


You don't think? No. There was like Disney machine machine. And it, of course, had-Oh, wait.


Not me, by the way. In the TV show, the dad writes all the songs, not me thinking that was real.


No, but of course Hannah Montana is my number one. But that era, we got so much great music, Camp Rock. That's true. I was actually just listening to a song from Camp Rock, and I was taken with how-What do you think is the best song to come out of Camp Rock?


Because I know what it is.


Well, the song I was just singing, You, Me, We're Face to Face, But We Bonesy Outta I.


We Bones, We Bones.


We're like fire and rain. I'm sorry. That song is insane.


Yeah, but I don't think it's the best song to come out of.


That song is insane. He literally... And I can't say mad at you for anything.


Let me tell you the best song to come out of any of the Camp Rock movies, and perhaps the best My favorite Jonas Brothers song ever written is Play My Music.


Beautiful song, but my- It's so good. My favorite Jonas Brothers song is Fly With Me.


I thought you were going to say Roller Coaster.


Oh, I love that song. No, but Fly With Me just added to the list of songs that are my favorite songs.


It's really sick.


It's really sick. No, so whoever was writing that music, where are those people? They didn't just go away because those shows went away. That was when we looked up who wrote The Climb, and then we found out it's this Nashville songwriter, and we looked at all their other songs. And not only were they other songs that we also love, but then there were songs we hadn't heard of that I listened to that I love.


Okay, they said it was written by the Jonas Brothers and Greg Garbausky. So let's look at Greg. He's known as Garbo. Let's see what he's written. He wrote a lot of those Jonas Brothers songs from Lines, Vines, and Trying Times, a little bit longer.


Okay, now look up who wrote Nobody's Perfect.


That's an amazing question. Yeah.


Because Greg seems Jonas Brothers-specific.


Yeah. No, I was thinking the same. It was written by Matthew Gerard and Robbie Neville. So Matthew Gerard- I'm looking at Matthew Gerard.


You look up Robbie Neville.


Oh, Matthew Gerard has written for The Bratz movie, Hilary Duff, Big Time Rush, Camp Rock, Christie Carlson Romano, Corbin Blue, The Cheetah Girls, This is the guy. Nick Carter, Miley Cyrus. Oh, he wrote, Best of both worlds, Nobody's Perfect, Life's What You Make It, and other various ones. He obviously wrote, With Robbie Neville, when it came to Miley Cyrus.


This is the guy we're looking for.


Yeah. Robbie Neville wrote, Sey la vee, say you will, say you won't. Bewitch? Yeah.


Oh, my goodness. And what are they doing now?


I don't know. It says he hasn't written a song in a while.


I can't find anything about these people, but I'm probably spelling everything wrong.


Yeah, you are. Oh, by the way, the other guy, what was his first guy's name? Matthew Gerard. He also wrote Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway. I thought they always said Avril Lavigne wrote that song. Did they? That's the thing that Avril Lavigne wrote. No, am I wrong? What's the Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson thing?


I don't know, but I'm not giving-No, yes.


Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson was originally written for and by Avril Lavigne, but they gave it to Kelly.


Okay, what else is Matthew Gerard working on?


Jessica Simpson's Underneath. I don't know that one.


I'm sure it's amazing.


That's really it. I named all of them. A Jessica Simpson A David Archeletta song, I don't know, a David Archaletta song I don't know, and a Jonas Brothers song I don't know. Drive. If I were to write a song, seriously, I mean, I have, but next time I write a song, I'm calling up Matthew Gerard. You better. Oh, my God, he did burlesque.


Claudia, this is our person.


So when people ask, what is the genre of music that you like? And who's your favorite singer? Seriously, Matthew Gerard.


Who's your favorite songwriter? Matthew Gerard.


I desperately hope that this episode makes its way to Matthew Gerard. Matthew, please reach out. I would absolutely love to do a song. Please, seriously, Matthew, please find me. I'm available.


Oh my God. Why What does this take so hard for us to figure out? Those are the best songs. What happened to those people who were writing them?


Literally. They're still around.


Doing what? I want to listen.




I'm glad we got to the bottom of that.


Seriously. Thanks, Princess Charlotte.


That was seriously satisfying. Thanks, Princess Charlotte.


That's funny.


Are you ready for our next story?




Story that you're going to love because Normani did a big wide-ranging interview with The Cut. Yeah, I'm obsessed. And of course, something that has been plucked out from the interview is a question, line of questioning about Normani running her own fan account. So in the interview, they reference the incident, the viral moment.


I like incident better. This is an incident report.


So here's the paragraph. It said, Even today, she says she... It's a very long, extensive interview, and it's a shame that people and us are only focusing on this part. If you want to know more about Noremani, Go Read the Interview. Talks about why she hasn't put out an album in the five years. Talks about her whole origin story, what's important to her. Here's what's important to us. Even today, she says she prefers to leave social via to her management. Her posts have a cool, measured remove to them and rarely reveal too much about her personal life. She said, I'm not on social media, but I do see a lot and I'm very tapped into what you all are saying. Recently, one of her more popular fan pages, @NormaniNation, tweeted a screenshot of her Instagram Normani had just deleted all of her posts. What is happening? They wrote. People quickly noticed the screenshot showed the user was signed into Normani's own account, suggesting that the artist or her team might be running her own fan page. Normani said, No, I mean, I'm definitely heavily involved, she says calmly when I ask about her relationship to her fan accounts.


But does she run any of them? Does her team at RCA, her publicist steps in and says, Yeah, I think we can skip this question.


This was so poorly handled because I actually feel as somebody who understands how the world works, a new way of artists managing themselves is having headquarters for their fandoms and it being a part of their management. Taylor Nation, HSHQ for Harry Style. So many fans have basically their fan clubs run by their own team. It's not a big deal. Normani Nation, nobody thinks someone else is running Taylor Nation. They think it's coming from Taylor and her HQ. The fact that she couldn't just explain that now makes her look seriously like a huge loser.


Yeah. And then her team, which is the same people that got her into trouble with this, because again, I don't think it was Normani on her actual phone, right? Me neither. Screenshotting and saying what is happening. It was her team on her account, trying to drum up Some hype. And then them stepping in again to make her look bad again. The team needs to go. Where are the firemen? And I also need to know, in order to sleep at night, that the person who did that on Normani's team for her management label, what happened to that person? No, seriously- They shouldn't work in social media.


This has been so grossly mismanaged. You're right. I don't think Normani was the one who physically took the screenshot and then tweeted, No, her team has obviously signed into her account. It's literally not a big deal. But the jumping through hoops to lie about it, now she looks seriously like she screenshotted it herself, posted it herself, when I don't think that was even what happened.


Yeah, I feel like I get what you're saying, where it's like there's nothing wrong with it. And in fact, It's actually a good thing to own your fan account. But if up until now, they've been pretending it's just an anonymous fan, how can you backtrack on that now? I feel like she should have in this case, and usually I'm against this, but I think she should have thrown someone under the bus and been like, Oh, yeah, there was someone on my team who did that. We had no idea they were doing that. They've been let go.


Yeah, and you don't even have to let anyone go. It's just an imaginary person.


Yeah. So it's like an imaginary throwing of the bus.


The thing is, we could wax on and off about different ways this It could have been handled, and all of them would have been better than what just happened. You should know better. They're cutting. They're vicious. They're snarky. They're not a friendly. You had to know that they were going to keep that in. They, I believe, were also the... Who was the publication that kept in the Ben Platt publicist stepping in about nepo babies in the article in The New Yorker? I think it was also the cut. They are known for being snarky.


Yeah. Even though this article, the piece on her, I read a lot of it, but I did to get to this part. It seems meant to be friendly. I think she's sitting down with them.


How can it not be? Normani is not a bad person.


No, but I think she could have given a wide-ranging interview to a number of places. This is the bridge to get from understanding the last five years to now her new album that's coming out in June. She's giving them a big moment. I don't think they meant to be incredibly shady, but how else could you handle this?


Yeah. Grossly mismanaged, seriously.


All's to say, what is happening?


No. All's to say, what is happening?


I feel like thationa Hill meme.


Yes. By the way, that's literally what they wanted us to visualize when they were trying to pull one over on us.


Thankfully, it is what I visualize, but not in the way they intended.


What is happening? Literally.


Well, countdown to Normani's debut album, June 14th. See you there.


See you there, maybe.


Are you ready for our next story?


If it's the next story that's brought to you by Maybelline, is that correct? Mm-hmm. So this episode of The Toast is brought to you by Maybelline. For over a century, Maybelline has provided accessible makeup to give everyone the self-confidence to express themselves. As a number one makeup brand in the world, Maybelline is a platform and the power to make an impact from the inside out. That's why they've created braveTogether, an initiative designed to help those facing anxiety and depression by funding professional one-on-one support so that no one has to struggle alone. Mental health challenges like anxiety or depression can be so difficult to manage on your own. If you are someone who hasn't struggled, I'm sure you know someone who struggled, like a friend who struggled with anxiety, and you don't really know what to say you don't know how to help or just be there for them. So Maybelline New York created the brave talk training to help people navigate mental health conversations with their friends. It's five easy steps to having a brave talk, B-R-A-V-E. Be present, write setting, ask questions, validate feelings, and encourage action. It's brave to ask for help, so let's be brave together.


Maybelline is committed to donating $10 million to NGO partners and providing free access to one-on-one professional support to 3 million people by 2025 so that no one has to struggle alone. They recently filmed a mini-docuseries that is presented by the Who Foundation. The brand is spotlighting their meaningful efforts to impact global mental health by working with local NGOs nationwide. If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety or depression, Maybelline New York is funding free confidential support. Text together to 741-741 or visit maybelline. Com/bravetogether to learn more. Today's episode is brought to you also by ZocDoc. You know you get cornered by that family, Anna, in a gathering, and you feel like you have to bend the truth. You know the one who asked when you're getting married, when you're getting a promotion, only for her to not really listen and just judge you. While you have to grin and bear it with your family, you shouldn't feel that way when talking to a doctor. So enter ZocDoc, the place where you can find and book doctors who will make you feel comfortable and actually listen to you. We're not talking about a few doctors.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our next story, a little casting news. Okay. Rosie O'Donald has joined in just like that, Season 3. Okay. Saying, Here comes Mary. Mary? Yeah, that's the name of her character. She posted on Instagram a picture of her script. Her name is Mary on the show. She'll be in episode She said, Here comes Mary, hashtag and just like that.


Okay, so I have to imagine Rosie's an iconic lesbian, and Miranda's just had a late in life lesbian discovery. I think at the end of the She's in, spoiler alert. Her and her girlfriend broke up.


And she's not back on the show.


Oh, right. Maybe I will watch it. Perhaps Rosie is maybe... I don't know. How old is Cynthia Nixon in the show? Could Rosie be a mentor for her, or is it a romantic relationship? I'm not sure.


I'm not sure either. I guess it could be romantic.


Yeah. Who I don't know. I forgot where the show left off. I just remember really not enjoying a single minute of it.


No, it's seriously so, so, so bad. I never even watched, but my husband would watch it, and so I would just catch a scene here or there. It was It was an insane television.


It was an insane television. That's a perfect way of putting it. It's so crazy to really disgrace the legacy of such... I mean, we were talking about it yesterday. It's still so relevant. It still has such influence over a new generation. To completely disgrace And especially, they nailed it with the movies. I'm sorry, the movies were amazing. I wouldn't touch a hair on the movie's heads.


Yes, agreed.


They gave people more- So they kept the legacy intact.


No, but it's like, you can talk about sex in the city and talk about in Just Like That. To me, they're two separate things. They are. Sex in the City doesn't know In Just Like That, doesn't claim In Just Like That.


No. And honestly, I think when they announced the show and they said that the name was going to be In Just Like That, I remember being on the toast like, Why? It's such an iconic name. Thank God for that.


Yeah. No, the show is- Because they're burning it to the ground. Is an absolute train wreck.


It's some of the worst acting, the worst plot. It's just fucking horrible.


And who's watching it? Did they even have a third season? Me. Did you finish last season?


Yeah. No, I'm literally watching it.


Still? Yeah. Why? Yeah.


Oh, right. Aiden. Because they get you. They get you. Because seriously, at the end of the day, the characters themselves are beloved. And even when you watch a show, it's not the characters. Charlotte, who doesn't love Charlotte? Seriously, it's like she got a lobotomy. She's such a bad actress. It's horrible. There's nothing connecting the original characters to the characters who we know and love. I can't stop watching it.




It's crazy.




Yeah. No, it's crazy. And especially now Che is out, seriously, you can't stop me from watching it. Seriously.


Well, are you ready for our fifth and final story, which is some more content news that's really going to have the swirlys excited? Okay. It's swirly content news.


Oh, obsessed.


Colleen Hoover's Verdi Verdi. Film adaptation is in development at Amazon MGM. A film adaptation of author, Colleen Hoover's best-selling romantic thriller, Verdi, is in development at Amazon MGM Studios. Hillary Sites is currently writing the script. Who knows what shall be.


I'm cautiously optimistic. Obviously, we're all waiting for it ends with us. The crumbs that we've gotten are really disturbing and genuinely- Frightful.


What'd you say? Frightful.


Frightful. I don't even know what the right word is. It's disheartening, honestly.


I feel like Colleen Hoover should have signed a deal with a studio that would keep the world of Colleen together. Because on the one hand, it's good because it ends with us. It looks like a piece of shite. Great. We can write that off. But Verdi is going to Amazon with new people, and it's all different. And maybe Verdi stands a chance to be properly cast and look good. But I feel like it's weird that she would be all over the place in terms... Not that the books have anything to do with one another. But we could have a coquets of- A universe. Kaleen Hoover esthetic, Nancy Meyers. Instead, I just feel like she's taking whatever deal she could get, honestly.


That's actually a really good point. The books have nothing to do with one another, except for the fact that they're a part of the Kaleen Hoover universe. Narrative-wise, they're not connected.


Nancy Meyers' movies don't have anything to do with each other, but there's a common thread.


That's actually so true. It is just like, Whac-amole, take this deal, that deal. It doesn't feel cohesive. I'm glad that she didn't give all the rights to the first deal because Lord knows what that movie is going to end up looking and being. But no, you're right. It would have been major, and they have the money. It should have been a one-on-one Hello Sunshine, something.


Yeah, that would be really great. I feel like Colleen has power. Not I feel like, she does. She seems to be someone who's just so excited to be here. I'm glad you guys like my books, but she dominates me. She sold millions and millions of copies. Everybody wants these book rights.


And notoriously, if you sell the rights to your book, you have no power. You're basically giving it up for other people to creatively... But Colleen is in a very privileged position.


And I feel like she has choices. She could have made demands, but it doesn't seem like she's... I don't know. Not that she doesn't care about the movies, but she just trusts the process. I don't know that she should, but let's reserve judgment till August.


That's true. We're saying these are strong words, and we've never seen a lick. We saw, actually, this week, they released a couple of new photos stills from the movie. It looks just as crazy. She looks like brave.


Princess Marida.


It just isn't giving what we all visualize. Now people are like, Well, if you read the book, you would know. Great. She is like, artsy-fartzy.


We all read the book. That's not what we visualize.


Thank you.


I'll see you in August. I'm going to stop trashing it until August. I agree. Unless I have to because it's a story or something.


Unless your job requires interview. Yeah.


But I'm excited. Verdi is probably my favorite Colleen Hoover book. Not a hot take. It's so good. Not a hot take. Everybody loves it. Yeah. So much they could do with I hope that it is an instant classic.


It's also, I think, the most different of her books. A lot of her books follow similar tropes, damsel in distress energy. This one's very thriller while still having that classic Colleen Hoover romance. But it is a crazy mystery.


Yeah, it could be the next Gone Girl, if done right.


A thousand fucking %, by the way. I think in terms of actually making a good movie, this is a better book for a movie than It Ends With Us. It Ends With Us just was the obvious choice because it was a more popular book. Yeah.


And already, millions of people are going to watch a movie because they love the book. So it'll be good regardless. It'll be successful regardless, sorry. But an iconic movie, I don't know.


Well, those were actually amazing stories, by the way. I enjoyed them a lot today. And pretty deec for a therse.


T-y. T-y. I had some food news that got the boot at the last minute.


Honestly, TGFT. Thank God for that.


Yeah, I just wasn't in the mood to let you know where you could get a free Krispy Kreme donut today.


How does Krispy Kreme seriously keep the lights on? They're always giving out free donuts.


Maybe that's why you got to spend money to make money.


I also want to say I've ended up on crumble Cookie Talk. Do you know about crumble Cookie? No. It's like the new insomnia. It's super trendy. People love it. It's different because they drop six cookies a week, different flavors. I don't know if you can get just a chocolate chip there every time, but they have six big cookies, and people do taste testing every week, and it's in this pink cute box. They look so fucking good. It has been on my list. I need to. Maybe we'll do it Mukbang style for the Patreon. Love that.


Next time, I'm with you. Love that. Well, where do you get them?


They're locations everywhere. Cool. I bet there's one near you.


I'm still on Crums. Crums? Yeah, that cupcake shop. What was it called? Oh, you are? I just thought it was so good. Why did it have to go? I agree.


They actually recently made a return, and they're kosher. They were always kosher, by the way.


Yeah. Why do they need to be not?


Well, why does anything need to be not unless you're serving pork?


Yeah, or gelatin.


Yeah, no. But crumbs was like a New York City Jewish community staple because they did have a haksher.




Slay. I'm starving, so thanks for that. Love you guys so much. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast of the Millennium Morning Show, where we deliver the fast five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video, a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast, Anywhere podcast. Can you find us at Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Video, iRevenue, Castbox, all the places we have listened to podcast. Find us at Toast TV, fast drive you about a beautiful setting and wickedly talented we are. Have a video. Amazing day, you guys.


Love you. Bye.