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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Tuesday. Okay.




Yeah, whatever you say. Say, Yeah, it's Tuesday. To me, it's Thursday.


It could be any day, really. I guess we have to choose that it's the day of the twos. Whatever. Whatever.




Whatever made your loser. It's Tuesday deal with it, okay?


How about that? Honestly, the way Demi Demetria shifted the culture with those fingers. The way she went W-E-M-L. You couldn't stop me from doing that in the sixth grade. Seriously, that was a cultural shift.


It was. And today is definitely giving that energy. I know why for me, we have thunderstorms today, which is very exciting, which is why I'm wearing a big cozy sweatshirt.


Are you going to make a chili?


So I was thinking, technically, usually a cozy day calls for a chili, but it's not in my palate right now. I'm very much in my sourdough, as you all know, eggs and toasting. And I want to save chili. I don't ever want to have a chili when I'm not ready for it.


I know what you should make.




A beef stew. Because remember when we had your beef stew, it was so good with that croissant? No, what was it?


Like a ciabata bread?


What was it? Ciabata. What is this? A panera? What is that? A baguette. Thank you. I I got my French words confused. A baguette, the baguette made it so good. Imagine a fresh piece of sourdough.


But beef stew is so hardy. It's such a winter dish. I can't explain it.


Okay, so you just want to be difficult, essentially.


No, I'm not. I'm just trying to pinpoint, what's a rainy summer dish? Sound off in the comments, for real.


Okay, a ghefpacho? I don't know.


No. But yeah.


Romeo is here at work today. He's taking a little nap because he works so hard, but I just want everyone to know. What does that sound?


I don't know, turtle.


I feel like your roof is about to cave in.


I know from the thunderstorms, but yeah. No, there's definitely... Sound came from an area that's just house. There's no room over there.


Oh, my God. Maybe it's a possum in your walls or something. Stop.


Okay, let's just leave it at that. And hopefully, that was that.


And let's just let the chips fall.


Hopefully, the possum has settled himself.


Yeah, he's getting ready to listen to It's a fabulous episode of The Toast.


Enjoy. Take your time. Maybe there's a go macro bar laying around that you could chew on. Chew on that on Tuesday.


Chew on that, possum.


And just let me get through the show.


Yeah, we have business to attend, too.


We do have business to attend, too. Speaking of business, there's a lot going on over at the Patreon this week because-Oh my God, I totally forgot. Claudia dropped a Patreon episode yesterday, a summer fashion haul, which is It was so exciting. And something that I was doing. So I wrote to Claudia. I was like, I've done so much shopping recently. I'm going to do a summer haul. And she was like, Oh, okay, I'll do one, too. So we both recorded ours yesterday, and Claudia edited hers and posted hers before mine. Okay.


I didn't go rogue, by the way. I said, By the way, my thing is uploaded in Patreon. So whenever you want to schedule the post. Yours can go first. It doesn't matter. But I wanted to get people content. And so sorry.


It's giving the usurper, the haul usurper.


Yes. While It was Jackie's idea to do a haul. Lest we not forget, who invented hauls on the page? I'm like, if we're going to go there, like...


No, we can go there. I'm just saying you usurped my haul. My haul is dropping today, and I'm very excited about it. So we've just been in content land, is what I'm saying about getting down to business.


My haul is getting rave reviews.


I'm in the middle of your haul, but it's really hard to watch someone's haul, a successful haul, and not click to buy everything. Like that first outfit that you're wearing from, She's wearing Abercrombie.


How cute?


I need. I know. The thing is we're the same size, same color. Do I buy my own or do I borrow yours?


No, we'll be together this whole summer and I have it in two colors. But not to- You don't want to wear...


We should wear it at the same time, like Mary Kate and Ashley style in different colors.


Not to pit haul against another haul, but I happen to know a little bit about your haul. I just want to say, if you're looking for some affordable options, you're going to want to check out my haul.


I think that's a generalization.


And Jackie's is giving very much Olivia Jade luxury holiday haul, like what she's famous for. It's important that our channel have both and be balanced.


I have a mix. I feel okay about saying.




That's dropping today from me, Get Excited. From who? Me. It's like, even though Content Week is over, Toast Shark Week ended last week, we still are doing so much content this week because that's who we are.


It's almost like it's our jobs. It's so crazy.


We have already done two vlogs this week. That's major.


It's major. I wanted to update everyone on my educational content journey. I hit a bit of a stall last night. I watched this movie, The Boys in the Boat. I'd been wanting to watch it, but every time we go, Ben's not into it, and he was out last night. So I was like, Okay, I'll watch it. And honestly, I hate to say it. These are the three words that kills me. But Ben was right. The movie stuck. I couldn't even finish it. I think I got through 40 minutes.


I've never even heard of it.


It's apparently a true story about this rowing team at the University of Washington or whatever during the Great Depression that brings the nation joy. I honestly didn't even get there. I don't know what happens. The movie stunk.


My favorite Great Depression film is Annie.


My favorite Great Depression film is petron. Com/thetoast.


Because it's greatly depressing?


No, because it's just my favorite piece of work.


What is your association with the Great Depression in terms of content? What do you know?




There's There's a couple of movies that are set in the Great Depression, of course, Annie, classic. But that one about the boxer, Cinderella Man?


I'm unfamiliar.


Russell Crow.


That's another time period. Am I just making all this up? I currently have some blinders on. I'm not...


If you want to read a book about the Great Depression, Cinderella Man, Set in the Great Depression, played by Russell Crowe.




Go off.


And you said, If I wanted to read a book about the Great Depression, I don't.


The Four Winds by Kristen Hannah would be the one. However, it's dreadful because it was a dreadful time, but I think it would give you a sense of life during the Great Depression.


The thing is, I don't need to read about the Great Depression. I experienced it, 2020. That was our Great Depression, so I don't need to.


So what's funny is we actually read the Four Winds for the Redheads in 2020. And so we were comparing because people were saying that, and no, it wasn't. No, it wasn't.


It was worse then or worse now?


Worse then. Yon worse then. There's no can't afford gas, so you're hitching up your horse again, even though you have a car in the garage, but you can't even drive it.


Oh, man. Yeah, leak. So Yeah, that was the movie I watched. It stunk. But I won't be discouraged. Tonight's another night, another opportunity to learn. I also watched The Real Husband of New Jersey, which was so good. It is so good. I have some thoughts. Specifically, a lot of people wanted I want to know my thoughts on John Fuda. Rachel Fuda's husband is a main character. He's beefing hard with Theresa and Louis, and they organize this sit down between the couples. Theresa and Louis meet John and Rachel Fuda at some restaurant in a back private room. They literally think they're in the God The Godfather. And John Fuda really thinks he's in the Godfather. So let me say this about John Fuda, because he's super cringe. The way he talks, he seriously is in an off- Broadway production of The Godfather: The Musical. He's You talk about my family. My family. I'm like, Okay, stop. And he has had this major glow up, and he got brand new teeth, and they just don't fit in his mouth. So it's like teeth. It's off-Broadway. It's a lot. But in the context of the argument, I 100% agree with him, but he's hard to champion because he's so cringe.


Theresa owe him an apology. There's no way around that. She brought up... I guess when he was a kid, he got arrested for selling marijuana. It was this his Roman Empire, and he rebuilt his life. They're not ashamed of it. It wasn't a secret. But Therese is now going around saying he used to be the biggest drug dealer in Bergen County.


Yeah, but when she said it, by the way, she didn't even say used to. She just called him the biggest drug dealer. Then there was an insinuation like, John Fuda sells drugs.


Then they're like, Well, did you say he was or he is? Rachel Fuda was like, It doesn't matter either way. You're weaponizing something that my husband went through. You're a piece of shit, and you've fucking been to prison. She literally said that. No, she kills it. Her husband doesn't have the same power with the words. She's really good, and she's very even-tempered. Theresa was like, Well, if you heard me say that... He's not letting it go. Maybe someone else would be like, Thank you. Because Theresa did say the words, Sorry, and I apologize. I apologize if you think you heard that. That's not an apology. And he's not fucking letting it go. And then, of course, the episode ends where it's like, they get up and leave. They're screaming, You are the face of mortgage fraud. It doesn't finish yet. But I'm having a really hard time. I stand firmly on the Fuda team. I'm having a hard time getting behind John Fuda. He's just a little corny.


Okay. There's worse crimes.


There are worse crimes, selling drugs.


Yes. Or a mortgage fraud.




I'm watching The Valley. I keep ending in the middle of an episode, and then watch. I don't watch episode 2. I watch half of episode 2 and half of episode 3. It's really, it's going crazy, these Valley kids. Like, really, it's Buck Wild. I'm having a really hard time following. Like, the core drama right now in this moment is she said, she said, he said, she said, she said that she's racist. And it's the craziest thing to follow because like, Kristen said that, Zack said that, Jasmine said that Janet said that Michelle is maybe a racist, even though like Janet said she never said that. Jasmine said, I never said that. And then Kristen's like, You all said that. And we don't know these people. We only know Kristen. And it's like, Kristen has a track record of being capable of lying. So I'm not inclined to believe her. And I also think it was a bad game of telephone where it was inferring Racism? Just because of something else she once might have said. It's just really hard to follow, and a very strange fight. And I don't know where we go from here.


I didn't realize they were tackling big topics like racism on the valley.


I knew that there was a big fight because someone calls someone a Republican.


Oh, my God. I had no idea.


Oh, my God. So I had seen that was somewhere. And then when Megan McCain was on the watch what happens live, Andy asked her about that plot line. What did you think? And she was like, no, my friends in DC, we're in a Republican chat, and we were so upset about... Because it was a crazy The Valley is making waves in Washington. The Valley is so political. It was this crazy leap and inference of she was like, She's a Republican, and so she's probably racist. It was just like...


Oh, that's not cool.


Yeah, and it just... A game of telephone. It was like... And I don't think anybody at the table thinks that person is a racist. So that's not the issue. The issue is everything that was said, and then Kristen bringing it up in the worst, most diabolical way.


I mean, that's literally what she's there for.


So at least she's doing her job. And then it's so crazy, because then the girl who's accused of racism, her husband was like, Michelle's not a racist, and you should know how damaging that is because you were thrown off the show for being a racist. Oh, right. And the way Kristen breaks down, that's crossed the line. And then in her interview, she starts crying. She's like, Why would someone bring this up? It's like, You brought the R-word into this conversation when the original fight was like-What's the R-word? Racism.


Oh, I thought we were then going into ableism. I can't follow.


Like, literally, we could have. That's how all over place this fight is. By the way, Kristen lobbied this accusation because the original fight, Brittany, they had a girls night and a boys night. At boys night, Jacks invites Kristen's new boyfriend who doesn't like, but he's also friends with Kristen's ex. So Jacks does his Jacks thing and invites the ex, too, even though he has no business being on the show. At girls night, Brittany tells Kristen, by the way, I think Alex is going to be there tonight. Jackson invited. Kristen's so upset. And then she's like, everyone's stirring stuff up. Janet said Michelle's up racist. We're like, What? What does that have to do? It was like she was back into a corner, so she starts slinging stuff. So she brought it up. And then in her interview, she's just devastated that someone would bring up the Racism, Manor, Pump, Rules thing. And it's like, you brought up this entire conversation.


No. And also, now that our conversation is being had. How do you not bring up the biggest piece of evidence?


It's like, you know how damaging it is to have that word associated with your name. Why would you be the one?


Yeah. Yikes.


Yikes, bikes. It's so crazy. I'm so not team Kristen. I don't even know where people are at in episode four, but I feel like so much more happens throughout the season. This is from weeks ago. I don't know if two couples even are surviving this season.


No. And by the end of the season, I'm pretty sure it's all about the deconstruction of Jackson-Bernie's marriage in real-time. Right.


But then, are they the only couple that didn't survive season one? Because there's another couple that's certainly on the fritz.


I don't think in an official capacity that they're separated I'm waiting for them, but they have a hard road ahead of them. Are they the one whose baby is on Young Cheldon?


No. Oh, my God. That couple, so in love they are. Danny and Nia, such a sweet couple. And he keeps saying it, and everyone thinks he's annoying, but it's such a big... They have three kids under two because they have an 18-month-old and twins that are six weeks old. That's crazy. He was that guy who was an actor on Hannah Montana and I, Carly. If you saw his face, you would know him. His name is Danny. Danny something. Just search Danny to Valley. He's like a teen hard job.


The show sounds amazing.


Claudia, there's so many layers here. Jasmine Good from The Bachelor is on it.


Oh my God, wait. Danny Buker. Wait, does he only look familiar to me now from the Valley?


No, go to He has a teenage pictures of him. He's a working actor for 18 years. He has a voice booth.


Oh, wait, by the way, 1,000 %. And let me tell you, when he was young, he was so hot. I mean, he's still very good-looking.


He was the classic good-looking guy in that show. He's been a working actor for 18 years. He has a voice booth in house. He does working at... He's classic sagastra to me. And then his wife, Nia, who is just so precious. She gave birth to twins six weeks ago, on the show, pumping, dumping, just doing it all. And they're so in love. And even in They're just so sweet to each other. They're a really sweet couple. And she's a former Miss USA. So he's an actor who's had success and good times in the industry. Sure, their twins should be on TV. And their reality... They're just industry people.


Yeah, they're industry folk.


But they have a really sweet relationship, and it's definitely nice because a lot of the other ones are tumultuous. Deteriorating. So yeah, Michelle and Jason are having a hard time.


I want to watch it.


Yeah. And then the other couple would be Janet and Jason. She's pregnant, and they seem really... I think the voice is of reason on the show.


However- That's not true.


It's not.


Because then- The limited things that I know about the Valley is Janet is turned.


So far, I like Janet. That tracks. But then Zack said something, but I don't know her. In her confessional, she makes sense. I like people like one plus one equals two, not Sock. Kristen, it's always Sock over there. It's Sock. But then Zack was like, Janet is so manipulative. He just put it in my head that She can't be trusted. So now I'm like, okay, I'll keep that in mind. But so far, she hasn't done anything.


We'll see. Yeah. And Zack is Brittany's friend from Kentucky, correct?


Yes. But now he's, I think, even closer with Kristen and Jasmine. Kristen. Kristen. Jasmine. That's nice. Yeah. Everyone's best friends, but then they say the nastiest shit about it. I don't know where people's allegiances lie, but I think they've thrown their allegiances by the wayside because they want season 2.


I love that. I love people who are committed.


That energy is really dominant in the show. I love that. Yeah. So I'm enjoying myself.


I'm so glad to hear that. I would love to know what the story's vibe is today.


I would say the vibe is interesting, but light fare. Iblf. Iblf, yeah. Can you dig it?


I can. I'm down for anything. I'm such a good time gal. I'm so easygoing, very much go with the flow.


Never complains.


Have I ever told this story? Do you know what? Actually, never mind. Just ignore what I said.


Okay. With that, should I ignore all the way into the fast five stories that we need to know?


I guess. The part of the show where we talk about ourselves is over.


It's just devastating. Is there anything more you want to share about yourself?


I wish that there was.


Yeah. Maybe tomorrow's a new day. Maybe there'll be more turdy updates. How's your order ring?


Oh, I actually, on the way to the toast today, meant to tell you this and just declare publicly, the Aura Ring is the single greatest thing that's ever happened to me in my life. The love I have for this ring is so crazy. I think I owe To all my happiness and joy in my life.


And your Aura with an A, to your Aura with an O?


To my Aura. I absolutely crushed you yesterday. It was so gorgeous outside. It wasn't hot. It was just perfect. Romeo had to go to the doctor. We walked around, we went to the I'm going to go to the grocery or grocery, 14,000 steps. Seriously, you can't compete with me.


How many did your phone pick up? You would have thought, Oh, I had a 6,000-step day.


That's what's so crazy. Okay, so yesterday, I had 14,000 850 on my Or ring. And then on my phone, 10,000. Especially because when I walk to Romeo, I don't take my phone because if I'm on my phone, when I'm walking him, he'll pee and I won't see it. And I'll be walking around for another 20 minutes being like, Go pee.




No, I just... I can't... Seriously, can't stress enough how life-changing this ring is. So thank you.


You're welcome. It's already on the list. Don't worry.




Of things that I've been trying to tell you about that I thought you would like.


That's just great.


So now, without further ado, it's time for the Fast-Five Stories that you need to know.


And the Fast-Five Stories that you need to know are brought to you by Taylor Farms. Now, you know we love Taylor Farms Salads. But I have recently discovered they have...


Do you know this, Shaggy? I do know because I got a big box of it to my house. We were eating it that day at my house, and we did a photoshoot. It was craft services.


They have vegetable trays like crudités vibes, okay? They're filled with fresh, cleaned vegetables. It's perfect for a potluck, a picnic, anything you need to bring something to, or you just want to bring a healthy option. As you guys know, Taylor Farms is a family-owned company on a mission to create healthy lives through fresh, delicious food. Their veg trays have a peel and reseal lid. If you actually want to bring it somewhere, of course, you can just rip the top off and leave it there on the spread. But if you're buying it for your house, you can open it up and they have great sauces in the middle. Ben was loving their ranch. Dip it up, and then you could seal it back and put it back in the fridge. I love this for a multitude of reasons. One, because any event, whether it be potluck or just you want to bring something to someone's house, we all know I'm not successfully baking a cake for someone, a bunch of cake or whatever. Picking one of these up, know that it's washed, it's clean, it's good, it's fresh. I don't know why I was so shocked that they made these, but I think it's brilliant.


No, I was thankful. That's for sure.


You were thankful. It's perfect for... It's grad season and dad season. For the grads and the dads, get a veg tray from Taylor Farms. As you guys know, you can purchase Taylor Farms and their veg trays in the produce department, wherever you like to shop. It's available at all major grocery stores. Slay, slay the house down. That's Taylor Farms, available at all major grocery stores. Today's episode is also brought to you by Liquid IV. Summer is jam-packed and the heat is no joke, so we have to prioritize hydration. We are made of 60 to 70% water, so when we're dehydrated, we will feel imbalanced. You know the signs, fogginess, fatigue. For me, it's migraine. A lot of people, it's nausea. You can even faint. With all the drinks out there, you want hydration that works. Liquid IV delivers extraordinary hydration with advanced science, thanks to the LIV Hydroscience, an optimized ratio of electrolytes, vitamins, and nutrients. One stick of Liquid IV delivers superior hydration to water alone. It has three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. It's hydration for endurance, for mental clarity, and overall well-being. Yes, on top of my electrolyte game, given the fact that I'm a runner, yeah, I'm on week three of my 12-week running program.


But also just in the heat, no matter who you are, liquid IV is great for Great for people with an active lifestyle, great for people who live in warm climates, great for people who are hung over. There's really no bad time to take a liquid IV. I always have one in my purse. The flavors are really good. If you travel a lot, I always drink one on a plane because I'm prone to headaches on planes. It's the number one powered hydration brand in America. It's got three times the electrolyte lights. You basically tear it, pour it in your water, and then live more. One stick goes into 16 ounces of water. It hydrates you better than water alone. They also have four delicious sugar-free flavors: white peach, green grape, rosemary melon, and lemon lime. Lemon lime is my favorite. Turn your extraordinary water into extraordinary hydration with Liquidiv. Get 20% off your first order of Liquidiv when you go to liquidiv. Com and use our code toast at checkout. That's 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code toast at liquidiv. Com. Today's episode is also brought to you by Macy's.


Macy's is out here reminding you that Father's Day is so incredibly soon. It's June 16th. That's this weekend. That's this Sunday. Macy's is offering the ultimate gift guide to make selecting something special for dad super easy this year. I don't think there's a harder day to shop for. Then Father's Day. Men are so complicated. They're actually not. They're incredibly simple, and that's why, what do you get them? What do they even like? How many pairs of golf shoes can you get them? Well, Macy's is a gift guide, giving you great ideas, and then they also make it super easy to shop. You can shop by price. You can go $25 and under, $50 and under, $100, and then lux. You can also shop by category, cologne, watches, leather goods. The thing I love about Macy's is you can shop for anything for Macy's. Whether you're looking for clothes, home stuff, fragrances, anything for dad that you could positively think of will be sold at Macy's. It's the best place to shop. Their gift guide is really, really helpful. They have different gift lists. If you have a golfer in your life or a griller, somebody who loves to grill it up, some of their top gifts include Beats headphones, the JBL portable speaker, which I have is fabulous, Nintendo Switch, and more.


Maybe the father in your life is a gamer. So head to macys. Com/giftfinder to shop brands like Calvin Klein, Lego, Lecruce, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo, Ralph Lauren, Columbia, and more. That's macys. Com/giftfinder, M-A-C-Y-S. Com/giftfinder.


Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


I was at Macy's yesterday. They had so many cute things.


Oh, I heard you were at the mall.


I was. My haul vlog made me realize how many more things I need. That's so funny. Classic. Classic stuff. Our first story, surprising news. Joe Jonas was spotted cozy up to a new leading lady, actress Leila Abdallah, in Greece after his breakup with Stormy Bre. That was confirmed two weeks ago. So who knows when they actually broke up. They couldn't have been that long ago. They've been spotted together. But Joe Jonas is burning up in Greece. He's hot, you're cold, you go around like you know. Oh, God.


Who wrote this?


No, no, no. That was just me.


I thought you were reading. You know when these articles are trying to be funny and millennial?


It started with Joe Jonas is burning up in Greece. Page 6, Jack Yashay. He's hot, you're cold.


Oh my God. I literally have this bathing suit. The blue one? That she's wearing.


Where's it from?


I'm pretty sure it's from Kenny flowers. I just got it in...


It's so not you.


No, I know. I got it in PR.


Oh, cute.


Wait, I need to double check.


I like it for me.


I feel like it's very me. Okay, my God. Can I have one? You can have it.


It's just me more than you. But Joe was photographed getting touchy feely with actress Leila Abdallah on Sunday, less than two weeks after his split was confirmed with Stormy Bre. Joe went shirtless, spotting green swim trucks in a matching cap while hanging in the ocean with the brunette. There's hugs, there's touching of the nose.


I see.


There's touching of the hands. Is that a foot? No, that's a hand. I thought it was giving Sarah Ferguson for a second. Yeah, so he's having a little It's a holiday romance. This is crazy, don't you think?


It is. It's so crazy. There was a time in my life where I would have seriously laid down in front of traffic for Joe Jonas to notice me. For most of my young adult life, I was in love with this man. And the way I'm so icked out by him now, I don't know. I just don't like him.


And I just feel it's important to hold each of them to the same standard. And if Sophie Turner broke up with her aristocrat, and two weeks later was in the ocean with another man, She would literally get her ass handed to her and like, this is no different to me. I think, honestly, it's weird.


I agree.


And he was dating Stormy for a few months. For a while. Take a beat, man. Be by yourself. How about that?


No, it begs the question, Joe Jonas, what are you running from?


Like, does Joe Jonas know how to be by himself? And now that you think about it, has he ever been single? He's always in a relationship. I feel like if he were a girl, we would have noticed this a long time ago. But it was like, we're always talking about Joe Jonas's girlfriends.


It's so true. I mean, to name a few, Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, Swayze Rees, Sophie Turner. Ashley Green. Wait, Joe Jonas dated Alice from twilight?


Yeah, they were like the.


They were?


Oh my God, wait. I feel like everyone that he dates is like the. You think that's going to be it because he's like a serial dater.


Oh my God, they were so young. Wait, I'm dying. I mean, This era. Demi Lovato. He had spiky hair. That was definitely- Demi Lovato.


My era.


He's so cute.


Demi Lovato.


I've just started to see things differently. Do you know what I mean? When it comes to this man, and I'm glad you brought up that interesting statistic about... And there's nothing wrong with being in a lot of relationships, but it's just worth noting.


Meanwhile, Sophie Turner is in her production of Aristicats, having a grand old time.


No, it's It's so funny. It all comes out in the wash.


Yeah, always the chips fall where they may. Time tells all.


I'm glad we were able to let the chips fall where they may because they fell. Yeah. Yeah.


So cool. Yeah, Joe Jonas having a summer romance. Summer love. I'm not going to get too attached.


Me neither. Clearly, it's meaningless to him. Clearly, women are just accessories to him. Noted.


Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. It's a reality TV news. Denise Richards is returning to reality TV in a new family series called Denise Richard and the Wild Things. It will air on E in 2025. Lights camera, Denise Richards is coming back to TV. On Monday, E announced that the actress is making her return to reality TV alongside her family for a new docuseries titled Denise and the Wild Things. The Half-Hour comic series will be executive-produced by Denise and follow her and her family, including her daughters, Sammie and Lola, whom she shares with ex-husband Charlie Sheen, and Eloise, whom she adopted, and her husband, Aaron, will also be a part of the series.


When will the E-Network learn? They've been trying this same thing for 20 years, and they hit once with the Kardashian's, and they've been trying to reclaim that family TV magic ever since. I don't think Denise Richards is going to be it. Because Denise Richards on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was compelling, mostly due to her celebrity status and the way the other women acted around her. But I wouldn't say she was so... Even her home scenes with Aaron and him thinking that people were hunting him down for his machines against cancer, radiation. I don't know if it He was begging for a spinoff.


I have a lot of thoughts, but first, you don't have more respect for Aaron after you were told that he could save Theo. Can I say that story on the toes? I feel like you did.


Apparently, people- He's making waves. People in LA... I don't want to say who told me this because I just feel like, I don't know why. Aaron, I feel like I'm going to start getting hunting down by the government.


You're saying good things about him.


Apparently, he does possess some cancer beating technology. That is seriously what I heard from somebody actually. In the know.


And if you had brought to Aaron, he could have helped.


I also heard, just totally separately, I heard a crazy thing from an extremely legitimate source. I told you this. Okay. I don't know if I should say it, but I haven't seen it out there yet. But apparently, allegedly, Morgan Wallen is hooking up with Lana Del Rey.


Oh, I saw that, too, but I don't know where I saw it.


You saw it? I told you that.


It's not out there. That's where I saw it in my text. Let me check my text. I'll see where I saw it.


But it's not... Wait. Or is it out there already? And am I just saying stuff?


It's not in my text.


Let's see. No, there's no news about it. I just...


Oh, my text. I heard that. I searched Wallen in my text. Me, I want to go to Morgan Wallen at MetLife. Me a year before. Morgan Wallen at MetLife, May 2024.


And then she didn't even come.


Me a year before. Oh, Morgan Wallen is playing Palm Beach, May fifth.


L-o-l. So Yeah, that was just some good tea that I heard, allegedly.


Yeah, I heard it in a haze, but probably in the same place you did.


Who do we talk to? No, you didn't. What are you talking about, Jackie? I heard it from... I spoke to somebody. They told me. And I told you.


You just told me verbally?


On FaceTime or when we were together. Okay. No, when we were together, when we were getting ready for the show.


And who told you? Give me a clue, just to jog my memory. No. Okay. Rude.


I don't reveal my sources.


Okay, rude. I'll tell you after. All's to say, I don't chip. Me neither. And I offer no explanation.


No, I get. I think a thought as succinct and poignant as that requires no explanation.


They both seem cool. I wouldn't put them together. That's all.


Back to Denise Richards on Reality TV.


I do want to hear your thoughts. The rest of my thoughts. I think for Denise, this is a major W. To go from an ensemble show where they threw you to the Wolves. She left. When she first left.


She returned leading the pack.


She returned leading the pack. When she first left, she left in Disgrace. When she came back and fought with Erica, once again, she left in Double Disgrace. Now she's coming to a legitimate network with a show that she's at the helm of. This is a great look for Denise.


It is, pending that the show doesn't- No, even if it's a one-season wonder- Go away after one season.


But it's a good next move. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Just acknowledge the space that we're in. Denise Richards got a reality show. That's a W for anyone in the industry. It is. And an E-reality show at that. I think a lot of the women- Not TLC, Alec Baldwin.


I think a lot of women on that network also- Would kill, would literally kill- They'd gun for it.


They would kill a person for their own show.


Lisa Rinna Lisa Rinna thought her and her daughters were going to be the next big hop thing. They all positioned themselves. And in some of the franchises, it happens. Candy Burris got her own spinoff, Kim Zolciak. So yeah, this definitely... Lisa Rinna is having a bad day.


Yeah. So I'm happy for Denise because she's taken a couple Ls in the last few years in the reality TV space, and this is a major W. I do echo what you've said that I don't know that this is going to be amazing, but I hold space for the potential that it could be.


What happened to the Bradshaw Bunch? Every couple of years, E puts their whole pussy behind some family network TV show. They didn't let the Bradshaw Bunch go down for a while. They kept giving them more seasons. I don't know one person that watched it. I never saw one second of that show. Neither. But they always act like, Oh, we're back. Remember, it was like, after Kardashian's up, they were like, Nicki Glazer, this is our big new show, never renewed for a second season. They can't get arrested. Ever since the Kardashian, they have not been able to do one thing successfully.


A couple of three seasons. Moments. Very Cavalari. Brought us Shannon.


Very famously single. What happened to that show?


I love that show.


I know.


But I don't know. I don't know a lot.


It's so bizarre.


Yeah, they should try something new. I don't know why it's so hard for studios or networks to see what's going on in the culture and immediately, immediately pick up on it. Why doesn't Nara Smith have a cooking show yet? Yeah. Like, easy, done.


Yeah, it's so true.


Did your job for you.


They really need to work on how that takes three years. Yeah, they do. Did you see? By the way, speaking of today's sponsor, Nara Smith did a sponsored post with Liquid Ivy.


No, I did not.


She drank a peach elixir and then made her own peach gem because it inspired her so much. Oh, my God.


I love that. It's so authentic.


And, of course, with some homemade bread.


Of course. I'll have to go look.




I love that.


So, yeah, not us and Nara Smith having lots in common. We both drink Liquid Ivy and make our own bread.


It's nice to know that the ingredients are Nara approved.


I know. I thought that was a huge win for Liquid Ivy.


Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. Which is a story for me and a handful of other people who I know are going to be really affected and devastated by this news because ladies of- What trash show got canceled? Worst. Ladies of London, Marissa Hermer files for divorce from her husband, Matt, after 14 years of marriage. No. Yeah, this is shocking, especially to those of us who watch the show because they were solid as a rock.


Power couple. Power couple.


Ladies of London, star Marissa Hermer, filed for divorce from husband Matt Hermer. Us Weekly can confirm. They put out a statement to Us Weekly on Monday saying, Together, through tremendous soul searching, we have evolved our relationship to a place that gives us space to raise our family, support each other, and grow our businesses. While our marriage was a success, it is now complete, and we've made the decision to separate. The love we share for our family and mutual respect for each other will continue to grow into our next chapter as we are committed to being parents, best friends, and business partners.


I'm devastated about this. They moved out of London a couple of years ago and really took LA by the balls. They're super successful. Bunch of restaurants. I love her restaurant, Oliveada. This is devastating. Seriously.


From what we saw on the show, their dynamic was so sweet, so in love. I would never, if I had to I think of a couple that was getting divorced from that show, they would be the last guests. This is said, they have three kids together that are 12, 10, and 8. We remember Sadie was born on Ladies of London.


I do often wonder why She was never cast on Beverly Hills housewives.


She's perfect for it.


She's obviously open to reality TV because I think she had a good experience on that show, and I think that show was really good for her business.


Yeah. Maybe that could be in the cards one day.


I think she would be perfect. I think she operates not in the same social circles, but adjacent circles. Yeah.


Well, maybe now that would be something she'd want to do. Maybe she's just been working hard. Who do you think about- It's also you forget, Housewives is fun, but it's a full-time job.


Who do you think of most when you reflect back on that time? Who do you wonder about the most? Because for me, the star of Ladies of London has and always will be Caprice.


I know that for you that she is, but there's so much in Ladies of London. First of all, Caroline Stanbury. For me, number one, she's the star of the show, but I'm so glad. She has a podcast. She's on Real House as of Dubai. She is an influencer. I get my fix.


And who was Sophie Stanbury? Was that her sister-in-law?


I have a sister-in-law, but they were divorcing. But Sophie... I rewatched Ladies of London two years ago, and Sophie stabbed Caroline in the back. I know Sophie was at her wedding recently, but I just know their relationship was never the same after literally Sophie came on TV and threw her sister under When literally, Caroline- I don't remember much about Sophie. Caroline was taking Sophie's side in the divorce over her own brother. That's how good of a friend she was.


I don't remember much about Sophie, other than the fact that she had some of the most phenomenal hair ever on television.


Yeah, that's really what there is to know. Then also, Noel. Do you remember Noel? She was the American girl. She really was trying to get into her high society. She was dating a guy who was a billionaire, but all of his money was frozen because he was being investigated. No. Then he was found dead. I think he was allegedly murdered because there was a lot. Oh, my God. There's a lot there.


No, I also remember Annabelle. Whose muse was she? Mcqueen. Then did McQueen die while that show was on?


Maybe a few years before or very recently. But then she passed away, too.


Oh, yes.


That show was not real. No, I know. Then, of course, Thurl of Sandwich. Then, of course, Thurl of Sandwich. Then, of course, Thurl of Sandwich. At Julie Montagu.


I follow her on TikTok because she lives in one of those- Estates, working estates. Country-side palaces like downtown Abbey. She makes a lot of videos about what it takes to run a home like that. It's very interesting.


She's a major content creator now. I think she has a little YouTube channel, not even little. It's called like, Viscountess.


Oh, the American Viscountess. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


She makes historical English swirly content.


Those other women hated her because she was like this American who was more in the noble aristocrat scene than any of them?


She wanted them to hate her because of that. She felt like everybody hates me because I'm just Julie's balls. But she had her protein balls, and she was riding her bicycle. Meanwhile, she's like a bicountess in waiting. She's like, They all hate me because I have... It's like, No, we just hate you because you suck.


Yeah, there's a huge distinction to be made.


She wanted that to be the reason why no one liked her when the real reason is, We just don't want to with you.


I just want everyone to know if you're watching on YouTube and you see Romeo, he's really zonkt out. He got his final round of vaccines yesterday, even though he's anti-vax, and he said, Mom, don't make me go. Don't make me go. One of the side effects is major loopiness. Do you see this loopy boy?


Look at him. I can't see him on my screen.


Oh, that's so unfortunate for you.


But they could really put anything in pet vaccines, and we would never know.


I know. It's not regulated.


It could literally just be water, and you have to get five of them. They each cost $1,000. Like, literally, we would never know.


No, I trust that my boy is getting the most premium medical care on the planet.


But it might not be... Like, your doctor might not even know. It could be big pet because that's-Oh, my God. You and your theory No, just listen. Just listen to me because honestly, why wouldn't they do that? That's free money. Everyone's going to give their pet vaccines because the standing water in New York and rabies, of course, we're going to do it. It could just be a racket. Just saying. Something to think about. Also, Bruno got his vaccine.


I have enough to think about.


I know. Okay. Bruno got his vaccines in December. After everything that happened with Theo, we got him for the full workup and vaccines.


You never had his vaccines?


He just needed refreshers because big pet makes you get your boosters. They do.


You have to get boosted for rabies.


He was sick as a dog when we were away, remember? That was literally just because he just had his shots. He'd never experienced something like that. Then we had to go back to the pet hospital and rack up more fees by big pet. Thanks.


Yeah. Do you have pet insurance?


I think so. But they don't cover everything.


No, everything. They cover nothing. Pet insurance is so tough. It's so tough.


Yeah. Well, you know what? That's actually an amazing segue into our next story. Like, literally-What number? It's number four, but I couldn't have scripted it any better.


But it's number four.


I'm going to take a chance that we can do 15 minutes of content. Oh, okay. Go for it. Because the segue is too good. Petbrandrover. Com has created a pre-pup agreement to help pet owners co-parent in healthy ways during a breakup. So it's like a prenup for your pet. It's also just like marketing gimmick that I've fallen for because it's funny. Romantic relationships aren't always forever, but your commitment to your pet should be. To help couples planning to get a pet together, prepare for the future, rova. Com created a pre-pup checklist. A prenuptual agreement requires couples to consider what they want to have into their assets if their marriage ends in death or divorce. Rova's pre-pup checklist encourages couples to consider how they would handle the responsibilities of pet ownership if they were to split while caring for an animal. I feel like this is a really big issue on reality TV.


Yeah, there's a very elite sect of people whom this is an issue for. But actually, no. Obviously, you think of Tom and Katie.


We also get a lot of deer tosters about this thing.


No, and It is tough, especially... Sometimes you come into a relationship with the dog, and then it's very clear. Even though we were together for 10 years and you love this dog, he was mine, bitch.


I'm out. I'm taking the dog, dumbass. That's clear-cut.


That's clear-cut. When you acquire a pet during the relationship, it's very tough. I acquired Theo a month before our wedding. You bet your ass I put my credit card down. I couldn't put it down fast enough. I'm like, Just in case, you never know, there will be a paper trail.




This dog belongs to me financially.


I feel like when couples break up, because I guess if you are getting divorced and you have kids, then the dog just goes where the kid is part of custody agreement. Great, that's good. But if you're breaking up and you would never speak to each other again, otherwise, except for this dog, I really think that a choice needs to be made. Someone loves the dog more, and the dog loves someone more.


Yeah, and the dog will be happy at either place.


It's not about the dog. It's about the They're not doing it because the dog needs to see me. They're doing it because I want to see the dog.


No, and how long? Okay, right when you break up, we'll go back and forth week after week.


We're going to wean. Sure, sure, sure. We're weaning.


I feel like that happened with Kaitlyn Bristol and Sean Booth, because everybody was obsessed with their Tucker Doodle. That was Sean's dog in the relationship. He brought the dog to the relationship. I think after they broke up, he was obviously going back with Sean, but they shared for a little bit, and then that completely stopped.


And then she got ramen Noodle. Yeah.


How long do you do that? Because it's silly.


I would say six weeks, three months max.


Also, I saw TikTok, Sean Booth had a baby.


I did.


And he went to the grocery store, wearing the baby on his chest, and seriously.


Were you okay?


Such a good-looking man.


I'm on my way.


And to see him just embrace fatherhood so naturally, it was really It was gorgeous. It was a really nice video. I hope you enjoy it.


I'm on my way. I'm not seeing the grocery store, but I am seeing a lot of it. Yeah, I'm just seeing Baby and Him. Really, really cute.


Are you seeing baby wearing?


I'm seeing- I'll find the video and send it to you. Okay, no, I'm seeing Shopping for Strollers. Oh, I'm seeing Tucker Doodle and the Baby. Oh, that's cute. Oh, my God, the dog is sleep. Oh, my God, Claudia, I'm sending you this video. Claudia, you're not okay. No, I'm telling you.


By the way, I found it right here. It's a second... Oh, you don't have TikTok. I can't share things with you. Seriously, your lack of TikTok is coming between us.


Also, I used to be able to just watch a TikTok on Safari when you send me the link, but now TikTok won't let me watch TikToks without downloading the app.


Let me see if he put it on the app.


If I absolutelyOh, this is so cute.


He didn't put it on reels. He didn't put it on reels. No, it's too cute for words.


So cute. I was actually just thinking how... Sometimes when someone has a baby, their content just goes through the roof for me. It depends. Actually, no, it really is lovely to watch most of the time.


Yeah, that's how I feel when I see somebody sharing their Ozempic journey. You love. It's called being relatable to you.




When I see somebody I have a baby, I'm so happy for them, but it doesn't endear them to me in a different way.


It depends what content they're posting, but it's pretty... You have 95% chance that I'm going to enjoy it. But you don't find that people who might share their Ozempic journey might do stuff. You don't feel really protective over that, actually, where it's like...


I do, only if you're doing it in the right way.


I feel like some people could really piss you off.


Oh, for sure. Even though if you're taking Ozempic and sharing that with the world, you're so brave.


Okay, so right. There's a 95% chance you're going to like it. But I feel like there could be a take that you wouldn't like. A lot of takes, actually.


Oh, yeah, of course.


Yeah. Okay, cute. Oh, so your thoughts on the pre-pup?


Oh, Honestly, it's a good idea. I know it's a marketing gimmick, but this is an actual problem. I like when people are out here solving problems. This is something people actually deal with and struggle with, and there's really no universal solution. So this is a good idea. Yeah.


Okay, now it's time for our fifth and final story that we're going to make 15 minutes of content out of.


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Thank you so much, Jackie. I love Buyheart as a new sponsor here. We love babies here, and what we put in our babies is so important. I mean, you know that better than anyone.


That's why we never want to skim.


No, and you never skim on anything. You're such a good mom, Jack. I know you know that. I'm a turtle, though. Thank you.


You're a great Auntie.


I mean, I think we all know that. Stop. And Byhardt is a great option. So thank you, Buyheart, for sponsoring today's episode. Yes.


So our fifth and final story, something that we need to close the loop on. I'm sure you've seen it, but we need to finish out a conversation from last week about Trista and Ryan Sutter.


I actually haven't seen it because I don't care about these people. But continue.


So as we talked about last week, he posted a very cryptic Mother's Day message for her. It was giving either my wife tragically passed away or she is missing. And then she came back and said, I'm back. It took some time for myself. And where had she gone that entire time, turtle Lou?


To film a reality show.


To film a reality show called Special Forces, which is where reality stars go when the time is right, if they're not cast on traitors, or if they just want something a little more physical.


When they're moving on to greener pastures. Actually, I don't watch this show, but this show made a really big...




Made Waves its first season. People were really into it. It's a crazy concept, and they had a very good cast. They had Tom Sandoval, Jojo Siwa, Tyler Cee. Good on her because I feel like they cast an elite group.


She was allegedly filming the reality TV show Special Forces when her husband, Ryan Sutter, was posting cryptic messages about her whereabouts. She'll be on season three of Fox's Hitch Show, Special Forces: World's Toughest Test.


I'm glad that She's not missing because that is what her husband wanted us to think.


Yeah, it's weird.


However, I'm now annoyed with these two. When I never really thought about them prior, now they're playing with me, and I don't appreciate that.


Would you rather go on Special Forces or Traitors? One, I think is mind games, and the other is physical games.


Traitors, 1,000%. One, everyone watches Traitors. I really don't know anybody who watches Special Forces. Two, seriously, kill me. Kill me. Going through army training, I can barely get through the Soda method. You have your worry ring right there by your side. But I don't think I would have my phone, so I wouldn't be able to see my results.


I couldn't see your insights until the end.


Yeah, I don't know. Would you rather go on... Actually, I think I would also be very good at traders. I'm extremely manipulative, and I'm an amazing liar. You think you are. And that's the type of... No, no, no. By the way, you've never played that game with me because you don't like to play games. The Faker? No. Ask Olivia Shapiro. I'm diabolically good at that game. I would win traitors in two seconds.


I know your tells. You couldn't win with me, but everyone else, yeah.


Okay, what are my tells?


You want me to tell the world? What if you go on traitors? I know what you're going to say. I feel like you could go on traitors. I feel like eventually pop culture personalities would be on. Yeah. Do you know what I'm going to say? When people stop watching the show. You knew what I was going to say?


Yeah. You think my tells are that when I'm lying, I look up and that my voice gets high. The fact that I know that, I use it against you. I'm an amazing liar. I should get into poker. Okay. Okay. Karma's a bitch.


I wonder if you lose weight on Special Forces like dancing with stars.


1,000 %.


Would you rather go on Traitors or dancing with stars?


These days, like today?


Okay. I know it's about numbers. Traitors. Okay, but can you- It is.


It's about Fame. This is a job, Jackie.


Okay, let's take that out of it. We're just going with the format of the show.


The show. Traitors. I just lay in the house all day.


Not even a house, a castle. It's like a Scottish palace. That's a palace.


Yeah. Dance with the stars. You have to live in some rinky-dink apartment near the studio, and you have to work out all day, every day. No, thanks.


And traitors are like, Earl of Sandwich.


Yeah. No, traitors, I think I get to go outside.


Yeah. And it's like, lush.


Okay. Which show would you rather go on? Big Brother? No. Or The Amazing Race.


I hate traveling.


I know. Oh, my God. But Big Brother, you can't even poop in privacy.


Oh, my God. Why'd you give me bad ones? I was giving you fun ideas, and you just made it not fun. I think I have to do Big Brother. I'm sorry. Going to the airport, running through the airport is one of my least favorite things on Earth. Laying in bed and talking shit? Sure.


It's also running through the airport. It's genuinely humiliating. You just No. I've never not run through the airport and felt a deep sense of shame. It's like, you couldn't even get here on time. You're disgusting. And the running, and the huffing, and the popping in the backpack, and the red shirt, and the sweating, and the red face. I can't imagine that being televised.


No. And the likelihood that I'm going to win after this run through the airport is very slim. I know I probably wouldn't. So it's like I ran just to be a loser. Yikes.


I just ran to humiliate myself. Yeah.


No, I could not go on the amazing race. I would have to choose Big Brother by default.


Yeah. I guess I could get out of Big Brother completely unscathed if I laid in my bed and spoke to nobody. Because one thing about shows like that, and I think this happens a lot on Housewives, is you genuinely forget that you're miced. Who knows what the fuck could come out of my mouth?


You have to. You have to let go.


To be the best reality story.


Yeah. To even have a show. If everyone is just sitting around a wear, they are not going to go for it. I think that's for the best.


Oh, Karma's a Bitch.




Do you know that Jojo Siwa song? Thou Shal not lie, thou shal not cheat. No.


Excuse me. I have unsubstant I'm subscribed from Joja Siwa updates. I don't keep up. Joja. I don't keep up. I heard she was saying... I saw a quote in a headline of something that she said. I was like, Nope.


Oh, so then you didn't see that Joja Siwa performed somewhere with a bottle of Titos in her hand and was swigging it? No, I didn't. To her new original song, Thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not cheat, or you'll end up just like me. Oh, karma's a bitch. I should have known better.


I have blinders on. And when I see Jojo Siwa coming down the way, in any way, a song of hers... Not for any malicious reason. It's just not for me. I'm not engaging. You have blinders on? I'm disengaging.


In the words of Sydney Sweeney, You have never, ever been happier.


Not because of that. I'm just saying you have to know thyself and what is meant for you will find you. This was not meant for me. When it finds me, I'm like, you know.


Get out of my way.


That's our show.


Yeah, it is our show, and you can't take that away from us.


No, you can't. Why are you laughing?


Why are Are you laughing?


I don't know.


Okay, I know why I'm laughing. Why? But I don't want to say it. Okay. We need to talk for a few more minutes.


I'm sure that no one- Because you made us move the ad break to after the course. That's fine. This is what I was trying to avoid yesterday. But you saw how I had to do that pet story when we were talking about big pet.


Yes, I did. But had I known that the fifth story would have been about such irrelevant losers, I I would have pushed.


I would have pushed. I would have urged. I understand. That's fine. I will take accountability for that, for the mismanagement.


What are you going on the rest of the day? I actually have an exciting affair.


What's the affair that you have? Is it a swirly affair?


No, it's just a fitting. Excuse me? I have a fitting with a fashion. For what?


What do you have? Alteration Specialist coming?


No, don't be fucking rude. I'm being dressed for an event by a famous designer.


You have to tell more, or else no one's going to believe you.


I guess, well, you just have to follow my social media.


Okay. Well, tell Alteration Specialist I say hi.


So jealous.


What do I have? Yeah, I'm just being jealous. Well, actually, after this, I'm going to upload my vlog, which I'm really excited about.


That's huge.


Major news. I have a lot of cooking to do today. And grocery shopping, you cleared me out, turdy.


Okay, also rude.


I didn't really eat that much. Of all my healthy things. I'm so skinny. There's no more apples left and oranges.


Well, that's true. I actually didn't eat any oranges, but I ate all of your apples and your bananas.


Exactly. No, you cleared me out because you eat so healthy, and you ate all my healthy stuff.


You have fruits and vegetables? Fruits and vegetables hate her.


And my house is so noisy right now. I hope it's not picking up on the microphone.


Well, I don't know if it is, but keep talking.


All of a sudden, you've got a couple more minutes. It's so hard for us. Well, actually, this is a great time to promote the Redheads because the new episode is out, and I don't know if you guys saw, but we broke It's like major news on the Redheads.


Can we just talk about it now? Now that the spoiler is out.


Yes. Dana announced that she's pregnant, and it's just very exciting.


I didn't know that babies could have babies. It's amazing. It's a medical marvel. I'm so happy for Dana. She looks so cute. At Margot's birthday party, she was wearing this incredibly cute black jumpsuit, and I was like, Where on earth did you get that? She's like, Oh, Josh's sister dropped off a bunch of maternity clothes. She's like, It's so crazy. I didn't think any of it would fit because Josh's sister is so tall, and I'm obviously 4'8. I was like, Dana, I'm pretty sure you're wearing a pair of pants as a jumpsuit, and that's why it fits you from this really tall girl.


Is Josh's sister 5'12?


No, she's super, super tall. She's 5'12. She's 5'12. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just been fabulous to see Dana on her journey. Yeah.


The book that we read last month was all about women's health, midwifery, Did you know that midwifery is called midwifery?


I had no idea, but did you know that midwifery... I think it feel like it's been rebranded to doulaism.


No, it's two different things. Doulas don't deliver babies. They help coach you through it. Midwives deliver babies.


Well, I was just reading actually Erin Foster's birth story. She did midwifery. She did home birth. Her retelling of it was actually pretty funny, but she decided to go completely naturally. Apparently, it's very common that when you do a home birth and you forego drugs, when things start getting heated, you tell everyone, Fuck this. We're going to the hospital. They are prepared to ignore you, which is seriously my worst nightmare. What if you actually change your mind in that moment?


First of all, you can't. They're too far gone because if you're in the ring of fire, like baby's almost here, you couldn't make it to the hospital. It's always darkest before the dawn. But that's really funny. I mean, and that's amazing that she did a home birth for her first. I feel like that's something people do after a few in the bank. I could do this at home. No need to waste the gas.


But I didn't know you can't change your mind. Because I think she said she was in labor for 24 hours, so she's just in this room. I don't know if it was her house or a hotel with all these people in the tub and the water. She was thanking everyone in her caption, my husband and the doula in the I'm good wife, and this person. She's like, For not listening to me when I said, take me to the hospital. I was like, what?


Yeah, that makes sense. That feels right.




Yeah, but amazing. Also a home birth is something I'll follow for a creator.


Yeah, I definitely could see a world in which a couple of years down the line, Jackie's birthing at home, and I'm over here being a doula.


I really don't think so, but I'm so fascinating. As I said, with Josh Peck, when we were podcasting, I'm home birth curious for sure. But that's how it starts. That's always how it starts.


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