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Don't you also think, though, that—I feel this way—you can feel whether someone's speaking from affection or dislike? It's just non-verbally, I'd know if you hate me. You know what I mean? Yeah.


That word Jew is a great one. It's Jew or hard J Jew. Then it's like- So the special was called Jew?


. Did you get any complaints about that?


No. It came right after all that Kanye stuff, too. I was a little worried they were going to be hard line on anti-Semitism and just pull everything down.


So you didn't worry about- I worried about a little bit.




A special called Jew.


Yeah, I worried about a little bit, but I tested helpful, looked out for everybody. Really just supportive guy when we all started. And nobody could believe it. I was like, what the fuck? At the time, I was banned from the Comedy Store for beating up Bobby Lee too much. I was angry about a check, and I was taking it on him.Every chance I got, I was punching him. They were like, all right, you're out. You can't be here. I lived two blocks away. I got the call, Freddie Soda died. I was like, what the fuck? And these bands always lasted between a month and six months and then would end. You were always welcome back. But at the time, I was banned. We couldn't understand Freddie Soda dying. It was the first one that died that I knew of. And it was like, I remember walking down the steps in my apartment, then just collapsing on the steps, and then keep walking. And then I met someone in front of the conference or another conference. We just hugged and we sat on the sidewalk. Like with our feet on the street and just sitting there. Don Barris comes up and he goes, I'm glad you're letting the band be enforced. You shouldn't be in here. It's good you're on the street. It was just a cathartic last. He made fun out of a terrible situation And that's what some of us are trying to do. Others are trying to do funny lollypop jokes. That's also cool.It is true that funerals and wakes, memorial services, this saddest get-togethers that we have, they always wind up in hilarious. Yeah.Have you experienced that? Yeah. This guy, Bob Oshack, who ran the memorial for Freddie Soto. It was in the main room of the Comedy Store. When he starts off, he was like, really good friends and best friends. They started together. And he goes, This is a weird time. And he set the tone right away. He goes, I'm It's just weird that it took Freddie dying for me to finally get a main room spot. And just Mitzie starts laughing. It's just like, Hey, we're going to happened to your industry? They're crying.But when you were a kid- That was all it was. Yeah.That was it. You'd watch the Tonight Show monolog.But when you guys get to it, when you and Tim Dylan are having dinner, you're not talking about what Kimmel said.No. Occasionally, we will talk. I'm trying to stay positive. Occasionally, we'll talk about how cool Kimmel used to be and how that is really him, the cool guy. Yeah. And he's, I don't know, playing pretend or whatever. Campbell had a... There was a roast for a local lunatic comedian, Peter Chen. We had a fake roast.As distinct from other comedians? What does that mean?He was a bit crazy. The owner of the commerce store passed him to let everyone else fuck with him. He was a bit of a... Yeah, not me lunatic or you lunatic, but off. And that's- When a stand-up says that, it's real. A terrible, terrible com. No future, no past comedian. Yeah. And so he was just a local. At the commerce store, he was like, You could just fuck with him all the time. He was crazy and angry, driven to anger at all times. It was fun to fuck with him. We had a roast for him. Everyone did their thing. Then it's his turn to get up, and he goes to everybody. He's like, You say this about me, but you are the man. You wear a plain shirt, not straight lines. And like, he thinks he's getting you. And then he goes to, Jimmy Kimmel was on the dais. I mean, it's an 80-seater that's got 30 people in it. He might have already had a show. He might not have. But he goes, And Jimmy, you say I am a snake, you are a snake. And Jimmy Kimmel cracked his beer bottle and was like, I'll fucking kill you.He had to be held back. That's who he is. He's a funny guy. I don't know what that is, but he's a funny guy.What about the other two?Who was it? Fallon?Yeah, Fallon. I can't remember.And the guy from The Daily Show. The guy from The Daily Show. Yeah. I've never seen The Daily Show. His old show was pretty funny, The Fake Republican.Very funny. Yeah.I agree. Yeah, Fallon's a on. And this guy's funny. I want to push him to a big platform instead of what's going to help me book my show. It's interesting. He'll help me. The casual talk talking about the outlawness of stand-up has helped all of us. Whether or not you've been on his show or not, he's made stand-up more popular. So now we can all just... I mean, it's succeeding at a crazy level.So what's effect on a stand-up's career of going on Rogan?Well, one time is not as big as it once was because now there's thousands of episodes. But guys like Theo launched off a good early appearance. Tim Dylan launched off that. Dave Smith really became well known.I know all three good guys.Yeah. You do well on that. Joey D. But it was consistent once. It's like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was a long time ago. They say, You go on there, you're a star, and everyone you talk to from back then, No, no, no. You're eighth time on there, you're a star. But that whole week, people recognize you.But unlike Carson, I mean, Rogan makes the call himself. He doesn't have scouts in the clubs at night.Yeah, he's like, Wow, this lady was like, The email open micer. We were all getting high in the back, and then you got to walk past the original, the room, and you go in there, especially if you're high or drunk. It's great watching some high-level unknown comic. It's great. It's laughs. It's free laughs. Yeah, it's like you're passing by a live stand-up comedy show on your way out of work. It's the best. He's in there laughing. He was, You were great. He was always really great. Carlin was like that. He'd sit in the back. He knew who he was. If you did well, he'd be like, Hey, that was a really good set. He knew not to just keep that to himself. He knew what George Carlin saying good set would mean.Did you know him?I met him once. Never said it to me because I never had a good set in front of him.He didn't like your shit at all.Never had a good set in front of him. But if he was there and he saw you, he tipped me 20 bucks to get him a deli sandwich. I was like, No, the commerce was playing. I was like, I know it's for you. And I desperately needed it. I mean, I was poor. And Rogan was always passing money around.Really?Oh, yeah. Yeah, he kept me in business for a long time. Rogan did? I opened for him for five, six years on the road. Yeah, we're good friends. We're good friends. But like... So, I mean, I can't pay him back. I just try to be... I just try to pass it.How many dates do you do a year?I try to limit it to 24 weeks a year. And the weeks can either be Friday. 24 weeks? It can either be just Friday, Saturday, or for the Edinburgh Festival, it's an entire month.It's four days. How do you not get addicted to heroin doing that? That's so much time on the road?You get to be a booser for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Heroin is always like... One time I had a thought like, because I might not want to try it. But I was like, Okay, I'm going to do it away from home so I can't find a dealer that I can... And then you realize you can just find a dealer.If you're in New York City, you can probably pull that off. Yeah.So I just haven't gotten into it.But how do you keep your life from capsizing?Sometimes it gets bad. You're like, Oh, I got to take that back a little. Pot also. Sometimes like, I messed up a show a little bit. Not completely. It went from an A to an A minus. Be like, Cool it.Being high on stage.Being high, being drunk. You're like, Let's get drunk afterwards. They asked Earthquake once. Do you drink on stage? I love this interview. He goes, Standup Comedy is one of the few jobs that enable you the right to imbibe while you're at work. I like to avail myself of that right. They go, Does it ever make you worse? He goes, Almost every time. But yeah, you just got to keep track of it and not let it get to you. You're your own employee, so it's up to you.Yeah, but there's a disconnection that happens.To justify. There's a lot of sober comics. Are there really? Couldn't handle it. I met Joe List. I met Joe List, great comic. I met him when I moved to New York. It was a separation between New York and LA. I was like, Hey, everybody here in New York talks about you. It reveres you, but I've never heard of you. Coming from LA, He goes, You want to know why I'm not as big as my name? Yeah, he goes, Boos, but I've been sober for six months, and now 12 years. He's crushing it now. But he had to do that for himself. Other guy, I mean, Rogan gets high. All all the time. He can handle it.Yeah, but a lot of... I mean, there's a reason that touring musicians... It's the touring.There was a DJ who quit DJing, a high level. I forget who it was. They were like, he was like, Well, I'm doing too much drugs. I can't do it. So I got to stop DJing. People go, Just don't do drugs while you DJ. And he goes, You just don't know the world. You have to. Yeah, I don't know. He tried to self... But yeah, Rogan, he just rules for it. And it's a way of like, he's like, Pay your opener well. He was paying me $150 a set to MCAP. The standard rate was 50. He was paying 150, and then paying... Joey Diaz would go with us also. He's paying him also 150, and the rate for the middle was 100. Then One day, he called me and Joey, and he goes, Hey, I'm sorry, I'm giving you guys a raise. But I'm like, No one's offering us that much. Definitely not more. He goes, No, you guys are headliners. You should make headliner money. I'm giving you 250 a set. So we'd come home with as much money as I would make, pretty much on my own, headlining, that I never got any work, by the way.But it would have been the same. And also never touched my wallet and went out to the finest restaurants. It was great.That's amazing. Why do you think he does it?I don't know. He's a positive guy. So for a while, he just brought Joey Diaz with him. And Joey was pretty coked up back then. And sometimes he just would not show up. He could bring a local, but he got to be supportive to the scene. He got to help guys that are struggling. He'd bring just Joey. Then Joey, he'd get to the airport. He's like, Joey, where are you? He wouldn't answer his phone. Then he'd land in the new city. He's like, Where are you? He goes, Something came up. I missed my flight. I was at the airport. He missed your flight. He just... Coke excuses. So he's unreliable. He might not show up. It became too much. But instead of saying, You can't come anymore, he goes, I'll bring a second opener. So if you don't come, I've still got somebody. It's nuts to have an employee go, I just don't show up a lot. I guess I'll hire two employees then instead of just firing the guy. He was like, He's too funny. He's got to be supportive. It's our responsibility.That's remarkable. Yeah.So I try to do that with young comments. It's like, you know. It doesn't...One time I was- Wait, so when your opener gets too high to show up at the airport, you're okay with it?No, I've never had a guy like that. People are two, whatever. But no, I'm I'll pay for your meals. If we're out at a diner after spots, it's like, I got it. Don't worry about it. Because that's what broke... I remember one of those. He was like, brand new to LA. He took us all out for the standard hotel, late night food. He paid three times in a row. I'm brand new to LA. This isn't normal for someone. You get around, but not consistently get rounds. That's weird. We're at Carnies. It was a chilly dog place. I was like, Let me get this one. I was broke. I couldn't afford the standard hotel, but the carnies, it's $3 each. He goes, No, it's okay. I'm like, Dude, please. Let me get it. There's also a man hierarchy thing. You can't campaign for me. I don't know you like that. I insisted. He goes, Okay, thank you. Appreciate that. Then later, we're walking back to the commerce where he goes, Hey, just so you know, it's not a power position when I pay for you. It's just like, that standard meal for me is about a quarter to you.It's about worth five nickels. That's why I pay for it. It's meaningless. It's not for power. I thank you for buying me carnies, but that's all. I have more money, so take some. If I could just go get coffee at your spot. I don't have to ask.When Rogan got attacked, when they tried to claim he was a racist, of all things. Oh, yeah. It didn't seem- It didn't seem- It had no effect.It had no effect. Also, comics supported him. I think this is what you got to do when there's this meteor of hatred coming at anybody. You get it plenty. Other people have gotten to play. It's just It's a solid ball. For a meteor to break up, it needs to start breaking up, and you get the image where it's like a piece falls off, a piece falls off in the atmosphere, a piece falls off, piece falls off. So what support does from other people in your industry, either broadcasting or comedy, is it shoots a fucking hole through that meteor, a little hole, and that starts to break it up a lot faster. If you have a few commerce, you go, Guys, you just don't understand comedy. That's just a joke. It doesn't mean that. You're out of your mind. It creates doubt in the story. Yes, that's right. And then it breaks up really fast. When there's no doubt, it's just fucking all that, sorry, that fucking blows everything up.Then what happened to... Look, I don't know Louis CK, but at the height of that, I always thought he was really talented, so I read about it, and I... Whatever was embarrassing that story, but it was not a crime that I could tell. How did he wind up getting destroyed for that?He became puritanical. I think there's something in society, no matter if you're big, we want you down. I think it's because it says something about me that I'm not big. Instead of, let me rise up to his level, let me take you down. In comedy, it works in a few ways. You're an evil person. You steal jokes. You're hacky. You're racist. Roseanne, racist. Carlos Mencia, steals jokes. Larry the Cable, The guy, hacky. These are all things I don't necessarily agree with or not agree with, but this is what they say. This guy lied about something. This guy did... But they're just like, either way, we're going to take you down. It's not about one thing. If it was about one thing, I'd be like, this society doesn't like that thing. But since it's about lots of things, it's like, what the common factor is, you're big, you're all big. Let's take you down. Yeah, with Roseanne, she offered a legitimate explanation. That lady looks white. I saw a picture of her. She looks like an old Jewish lady. Yeah. Then it's like, that's a believable fucking retort. But it's like, we want you out of here.Do you know her, Roseanne?I've met her a few times.Great person.Yeah, I don't know her that well.But truly a cool, interesting person.Lunatic.Absolutely 100%, but in touch with something deep.She's not a shallow person. I see her catch a vibe on stage, and it's not even jokes. It's just a vibe, and she just gets people on a wave. It's pretty special. But yeah, I don't know. They go off How can they go after Louis? I think it was that. Because what they were going after him for was puritanical. Oh, yeah. It was, you're not doing sex the way we do. But I mean, when I was in college, I started bringing up verbal consent, and it was brought up by virgins who had never really experienced sex. If you ask any normal woman how they feel if a guy is like, may I kiss you? And they say, okay, yes. May I touch your breast? Like, dude, we're done here. Because you're weak. Yeah, you're weak. Go for it and I'll say no. That's how you know. It's not like you're not holding them down. You're just like, okay. I mean, I've gone in for a kiss, but no, no, I don't see you like that. I'm like, okay, it's embarrassing. Yeah. Not going to do again. I feel ashamed. They try to be like, That's okay.When was the last time that happened to you?A long time ago. Good. Just checking. Yeah, a long time ago. But we were like, That doesn't work in real life, verbal consent. And he got verbal consent. May I do this? Yes, you may. Okay, I'm going to do it. Okay. Fuck It's true.It's- And they actually took him out.Yeah, they did. Because then people were like, Well, I can't. I think that... So the friends of his were like, No, we'll defend him. Other people were like, You're putting me in a moral weird spot. You're saying he's this evil guy, and if you defend evil, then you're out. I mean, Norm McDonald saying, Hey, I don't think Roseanne meant that. And they go, Well, now you're off at Tonight Show, Tonight. And he goes, I'm not excusing it. I'm saying it wasn't the right person. If somebody goes to me like, Fuck Seth Rogen. He's anti-trans, and his podcast only has this. I'm like, Oh, I think you mean Joe Rogan. They're like, Fuck you. Don't tell me what to think. You know what I mean? It's like, you can't even argue with You're at the wrong door. You're at the wrong door. That's what happened to... What's her name? That black kid got shot through the fucking wall. They went to the wrong house. What's her name? North Carolina. Say her name. I never did say her name, though, so I can't remember. Yeah, well.It shows you what person I am.But it's like they're going to the wrong house and you're like, You're at the wrong house. Don't you tell me. You're an evil person. So they made people feel weird about even defending Louis. But it was like, What are you talking about? It's crazy. Whatever. But it's also, when you just take a step back from it, it's all comical. If you don't take any personal like, I know that guy. Here's the game I play. It's called Defend Them. That's what I was going to tell you. It doesn't work with full rapists. But anyone else, a Imagine they were your friend and you had to explain to people, Louis is a good example, of why someone's not wrong. There was a comedian in the UK, we're at the Edinburgh Festival, and he was doing it. It was called When Heresy Met Sally. This guy, Finn Taylor. He's a great comic. He takes these long... One year, he did a Whitey McWhiterson, was this hour. It was all about just white people and the culture. He takes every side, South Park style, every side. When Heresy met Sal, he had some great lines in there. He goes, Men are the only ones that rape ourselves.He goes, Women, do you ever have sex with a guy? And it gets weird the next day. He goes, He didn't want to have sex. You raped him. You talked him into it. And he did this thing about Louis, and he goes, he asked some women if he could do that, and they said no, and I guess he did it anyway. And I saw him afterwards. I'm like, Hey, great special. Same thing as the other one. But just so you know, that's not the facts are wrong. Do what you want. Just like that rabbi told me. But they did say yes. He goes, Oh, shit. And to his credit, he changed it. He was like, I don't want to get it wrong. So he changed it. Made it still It's a funny joke, sad alone because I called you a piece of shit. But that's not the real story. We're having a good time.Exactly.Anyway, defend him. It's a fun game.I'm going to play tonight.Yeah, try it.Again, it does not work with raping. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to defend you.Okay. All All right. Yeah.He's a good guy. Yeah. All right, Shafir. Thank you.Buddy, it was great to meet you.It really was.It was great to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. I did not tell my mom I was coming to meet you. Why?She's not a fan? She's a fan.It's all these people. I'm like, he was an anti-war guy at Fox News who followed the dead. He's not... How is he that guy that you think he is?You can't be anti-war. That means you're a fascist. It's racist to be anti-war.I think you're going to be different with the FA. With the what? With the FA. You started saying fascist, I thought you were going to say something else.No, no, no. Because I learn. You can't even call Roger Goodell that.Yeah, exactly.I wonder.But it was great to meet you. I want you to do my Travel Podcast. Done? I know you've been places. You have a Travel Podcast? Yeah, it's called You'd Be Tripping. It's just about a place, no politics.Man, there's one thing I've done a lot of is travel. Yeah. I think it's the most educational thing you can do. I really believe that. I don't know why more people don't do it. I feel like our rich people in this country, I am one, but they don't travel right. They go, they recreate their own lives with better service in a foreign country. But the whole point of travel is to learn how other people live.Yeah. Read the local newspaper if you- A hundred %.Yeah.Instead of, How do I get the New York Times here? Good. Call me.I'd do it. Okay.Perfect. Okay. You ever in New York?No, I don't go to New York.Okay. Well, or whatever. Let's do it. All right. Okay.Thanks, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library. Tucker Carlson complete library. Tuckercarlson. Com.


helpful, looked out for everybody. Really just supportive guy when we all started. And nobody could believe it. I was like, what the fuck? At the time, I was banned from the Comedy Store for beating up Bobby Lee too much. I was angry about a check, and I was taking it on him.


Every chance I got, I was punching him. They were like, all right, you're out. You can't be here. I lived two blocks away. I got the call, Freddie Soda died. I was like, what the fuck? And these bands always lasted between a month and six months and then would end. You were always welcome back. But at the time, I was banned. We couldn't understand Freddie Soda dying. It was the first one that died that I knew of. And it was like, I remember walking down the steps in my apartment, then just collapsing on the steps, and then keep walking. And then I met someone in front of the conference or another conference. We just hugged and we sat on the sidewalk. Like with our feet on the street and just sitting there. Don Barris comes up and he goes, I'm glad you're letting the band be enforced. You shouldn't be in here. It's good you're on the street. It was just a cathartic last. He made fun out of a terrible situation And that's what some of us are trying to do. Others are trying to do funny lollypop jokes. That's also cool.


It is true that funerals and wakes, memorial services, this saddest get-togethers that we have, they always wind up in hilarious. Yeah.


Have you experienced that? Yeah. This guy, Bob Oshack, who ran the memorial for Freddie Soto. It was in the main room of the Comedy Store. When he starts off, he was like, really good friends and best friends. They started together. And he goes, This is a weird time. And he set the tone right away. He goes, I'm It's just weird that it took Freddie dying for me to finally get a main room spot. And just Mitzie starts laughing. It's just like, Hey, we're going to happened to your industry? They're crying.But when you were a kid- That was all it was. Yeah.That was it. You'd watch the Tonight Show monolog.But when you guys get to it, when you and Tim Dylan are having dinner, you're not talking about what Kimmel said.No. Occasionally, we will talk. I'm trying to stay positive. Occasionally, we'll talk about how cool Kimmel used to be and how that is really him, the cool guy. Yeah. And he's, I don't know, playing pretend or whatever. Campbell had a... There was a roast for a local lunatic comedian, Peter Chen. We had a fake roast.As distinct from other comedians? What does that mean?He was a bit crazy. The owner of the commerce store passed him to let everyone else fuck with him. He was a bit of a... Yeah, not me lunatic or you lunatic, but off. And that's- When a stand-up says that, it's real. A terrible, terrible com. No future, no past comedian. Yeah. And so he was just a local. At the commerce store, he was like, You could just fuck with him all the time. He was crazy and angry, driven to anger at all times. It was fun to fuck with him. We had a roast for him. Everyone did their thing. Then it's his turn to get up, and he goes to everybody. He's like, You say this about me, but you are the man. You wear a plain shirt, not straight lines. And like, he thinks he's getting you. And then he goes to, Jimmy Kimmel was on the dais. I mean, it's an 80-seater that's got 30 people in it. He might have already had a show. He might not have. But he goes, And Jimmy, you say I am a snake, you are a snake. And Jimmy Kimmel cracked his beer bottle and was like, I'll fucking kill you.He had to be held back. That's who he is. He's a funny guy. I don't know what that is, but he's a funny guy.What about the other two?Who was it? Fallon?Yeah, Fallon. I can't remember.And the guy from The Daily Show. The guy from The Daily Show. Yeah. I've never seen The Daily Show. His old show was pretty funny, The Fake Republican.Very funny. Yeah.I agree. Yeah, Fallon's a on. And this guy's funny. I want to push him to a big platform instead of what's going to help me book my show. It's interesting. He'll help me. The casual talk talking about the outlawness of stand-up has helped all of us. Whether or not you've been on his show or not, he's made stand-up more popular. So now we can all just... I mean, it's succeeding at a crazy level.So what's effect on a stand-up's career of going on Rogan?Well, one time is not as big as it once was because now there's thousands of episodes. But guys like Theo launched off a good early appearance. Tim Dylan launched off that. Dave Smith really became well known.I know all three good guys.Yeah. You do well on that. Joey D. But it was consistent once. It's like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was a long time ago. They say, You go on there, you're a star, and everyone you talk to from back then, No, no, no. You're eighth time on there, you're a star. But that whole week, people recognize you.But unlike Carson, I mean, Rogan makes the call himself. He doesn't have scouts in the clubs at night.Yeah, he's like, Wow, this lady was like, The email open micer. We were all getting high in the back, and then you got to walk past the original, the room, and you go in there, especially if you're high or drunk. It's great watching some high-level unknown comic. It's great. It's laughs. It's free laughs. Yeah, it's like you're passing by a live stand-up comedy show on your way out of work. It's the best. He's in there laughing. He was, You were great. He was always really great. Carlin was like that. He'd sit in the back. He knew who he was. If you did well, he'd be like, Hey, that was a really good set. He knew not to just keep that to himself. He knew what George Carlin saying good set would mean.Did you know him?I met him once. Never said it to me because I never had a good set in front of him.He didn't like your shit at all.Never had a good set in front of him. But if he was there and he saw you, he tipped me 20 bucks to get him a deli sandwich. I was like, No, the commerce was playing. I was like, I know it's for you. And I desperately needed it. I mean, I was poor. And Rogan was always passing money around.Really?Oh, yeah. Yeah, he kept me in business for a long time. Rogan did? I opened for him for five, six years on the road. Yeah, we're good friends. We're good friends. But like... So, I mean, I can't pay him back. I just try to be... I just try to pass it.How many dates do you do a year?I try to limit it to 24 weeks a year. And the weeks can either be Friday. 24 weeks? It can either be just Friday, Saturday, or for the Edinburgh Festival, it's an entire month.It's four days. How do you not get addicted to heroin doing that? That's so much time on the road?You get to be a booser for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Heroin is always like... One time I had a thought like, because I might not want to try it. But I was like, Okay, I'm going to do it away from home so I can't find a dealer that I can... And then you realize you can just find a dealer.If you're in New York City, you can probably pull that off. Yeah.So I just haven't gotten into it.But how do you keep your life from capsizing?Sometimes it gets bad. You're like, Oh, I got to take that back a little. Pot also. Sometimes like, I messed up a show a little bit. Not completely. It went from an A to an A minus. Be like, Cool it.Being high on stage.Being high, being drunk. You're like, Let's get drunk afterwards. They asked Earthquake once. Do you drink on stage? I love this interview. He goes, Standup Comedy is one of the few jobs that enable you the right to imbibe while you're at work. I like to avail myself of that right. They go, Does it ever make you worse? He goes, Almost every time. But yeah, you just got to keep track of it and not let it get to you. You're your own employee, so it's up to you.Yeah, but there's a disconnection that happens.To justify. There's a lot of sober comics. Are there really? Couldn't handle it. I met Joe List. I met Joe List, great comic. I met him when I moved to New York. It was a separation between New York and LA. I was like, Hey, everybody here in New York talks about you. It reveres you, but I've never heard of you. Coming from LA, He goes, You want to know why I'm not as big as my name? Yeah, he goes, Boos, but I've been sober for six months, and now 12 years. He's crushing it now. But he had to do that for himself. Other guy, I mean, Rogan gets high. All all the time. He can handle it.Yeah, but a lot of... I mean, there's a reason that touring musicians... It's the touring.There was a DJ who quit DJing, a high level. I forget who it was. They were like, he was like, Well, I'm doing too much drugs. I can't do it. So I got to stop DJing. People go, Just don't do drugs while you DJ. And he goes, You just don't know the world. You have to. Yeah, I don't know. He tried to self... But yeah, Rogan, he just rules for it. And it's a way of like, he's like, Pay your opener well. He was paying me $150 a set to MCAP. The standard rate was 50. He was paying 150, and then paying... Joey Diaz would go with us also. He's paying him also 150, and the rate for the middle was 100. Then One day, he called me and Joey, and he goes, Hey, I'm sorry, I'm giving you guys a raise. But I'm like, No one's offering us that much. Definitely not more. He goes, No, you guys are headliners. You should make headliner money. I'm giving you 250 a set. So we'd come home with as much money as I would make, pretty much on my own, headlining, that I never got any work, by the way.But it would have been the same. And also never touched my wallet and went out to the finest restaurants. It was great.That's amazing. Why do you think he does it?I don't know. He's a positive guy. So for a while, he just brought Joey Diaz with him. And Joey was pretty coked up back then. And sometimes he just would not show up. He could bring a local, but he got to be supportive to the scene. He got to help guys that are struggling. He'd bring just Joey. Then Joey, he'd get to the airport. He's like, Joey, where are you? He wouldn't answer his phone. Then he'd land in the new city. He's like, Where are you? He goes, Something came up. I missed my flight. I was at the airport. He missed your flight. He just... Coke excuses. So he's unreliable. He might not show up. It became too much. But instead of saying, You can't come anymore, he goes, I'll bring a second opener. So if you don't come, I've still got somebody. It's nuts to have an employee go, I just don't show up a lot. I guess I'll hire two employees then instead of just firing the guy. He was like, He's too funny. He's got to be supportive. It's our responsibility.That's remarkable. Yeah.So I try to do that with young comments. It's like, you know. It doesn't...One time I was- Wait, so when your opener gets too high to show up at the airport, you're okay with it?No, I've never had a guy like that. People are two, whatever. But no, I'm I'll pay for your meals. If we're out at a diner after spots, it's like, I got it. Don't worry about it. Because that's what broke... I remember one of those. He was like, brand new to LA. He took us all out for the standard hotel, late night food. He paid three times in a row. I'm brand new to LA. This isn't normal for someone. You get around, but not consistently get rounds. That's weird. We're at Carnies. It was a chilly dog place. I was like, Let me get this one. I was broke. I couldn't afford the standard hotel, but the carnies, it's $3 each. He goes, No, it's okay. I'm like, Dude, please. Let me get it. There's also a man hierarchy thing. You can't campaign for me. I don't know you like that. I insisted. He goes, Okay, thank you. Appreciate that. Then later, we're walking back to the commerce where he goes, Hey, just so you know, it's not a power position when I pay for you. It's just like, that standard meal for me is about a quarter to you.It's about worth five nickels. That's why I pay for it. It's meaningless. It's not for power. I thank you for buying me carnies, but that's all. I have more money, so take some. If I could just go get coffee at your spot. I don't have to ask.When Rogan got attacked, when they tried to claim he was a racist, of all things. Oh, yeah. It didn't seem- It didn't seem- It had no effect.It had no effect. Also, comics supported him. I think this is what you got to do when there's this meteor of hatred coming at anybody. You get it plenty. Other people have gotten to play. It's just It's a solid ball. For a meteor to break up, it needs to start breaking up, and you get the image where it's like a piece falls off, a piece falls off in the atmosphere, a piece falls off, piece falls off. So what support does from other people in your industry, either broadcasting or comedy, is it shoots a fucking hole through that meteor, a little hole, and that starts to break it up a lot faster. If you have a few commerce, you go, Guys, you just don't understand comedy. That's just a joke. It doesn't mean that. You're out of your mind. It creates doubt in the story. Yes, that's right. And then it breaks up really fast. When there's no doubt, it's just fucking all that, sorry, that fucking blows everything up.Then what happened to... Look, I don't know Louis CK, but at the height of that, I always thought he was really talented, so I read about it, and I... Whatever was embarrassing that story, but it was not a crime that I could tell. How did he wind up getting destroyed for that?He became puritanical. I think there's something in society, no matter if you're big, we want you down. I think it's because it says something about me that I'm not big. Instead of, let me rise up to his level, let me take you down. In comedy, it works in a few ways. You're an evil person. You steal jokes. You're hacky. You're racist. Roseanne, racist. Carlos Mencia, steals jokes. Larry the Cable, The guy, hacky. These are all things I don't necessarily agree with or not agree with, but this is what they say. This guy lied about something. This guy did... But they're just like, either way, we're going to take you down. It's not about one thing. If it was about one thing, I'd be like, this society doesn't like that thing. But since it's about lots of things, it's like, what the common factor is, you're big, you're all big. Let's take you down. Yeah, with Roseanne, she offered a legitimate explanation. That lady looks white. I saw a picture of her. She looks like an old Jewish lady. Yeah. Then it's like, that's a believable fucking retort. But it's like, we want you out of here.Do you know her, Roseanne?I've met her a few times.Great person.Yeah, I don't know her that well.But truly a cool, interesting person.Lunatic.Absolutely 100%, but in touch with something deep.She's not a shallow person. I see her catch a vibe on stage, and it's not even jokes. It's just a vibe, and she just gets people on a wave. It's pretty special. But yeah, I don't know. They go off How can they go after Louis? I think it was that. Because what they were going after him for was puritanical. Oh, yeah. It was, you're not doing sex the way we do. But I mean, when I was in college, I started bringing up verbal consent, and it was brought up by virgins who had never really experienced sex. If you ask any normal woman how they feel if a guy is like, may I kiss you? And they say, okay, yes. May I touch your breast? Like, dude, we're done here. Because you're weak. Yeah, you're weak. Go for it and I'll say no. That's how you know. It's not like you're not holding them down. You're just like, okay. I mean, I've gone in for a kiss, but no, no, I don't see you like that. I'm like, okay, it's embarrassing. Yeah. Not going to do again. I feel ashamed. They try to be like, That's okay.When was the last time that happened to you?A long time ago. Good. Just checking. Yeah, a long time ago. But we were like, That doesn't work in real life, verbal consent. And he got verbal consent. May I do this? Yes, you may. Okay, I'm going to do it. Okay. Fuck It's true.It's- And they actually took him out.Yeah, they did. Because then people were like, Well, I can't. I think that... So the friends of his were like, No, we'll defend him. Other people were like, You're putting me in a moral weird spot. You're saying he's this evil guy, and if you defend evil, then you're out. I mean, Norm McDonald saying, Hey, I don't think Roseanne meant that. And they go, Well, now you're off at Tonight Show, Tonight. And he goes, I'm not excusing it. I'm saying it wasn't the right person. If somebody goes to me like, Fuck Seth Rogen. He's anti-trans, and his podcast only has this. I'm like, Oh, I think you mean Joe Rogan. They're like, Fuck you. Don't tell me what to think. You know what I mean? It's like, you can't even argue with You're at the wrong door. You're at the wrong door. That's what happened to... What's her name? That black kid got shot through the fucking wall. They went to the wrong house. What's her name? North Carolina. Say her name. I never did say her name, though, so I can't remember. Yeah, well.It shows you what person I am.But it's like they're going to the wrong house and you're like, You're at the wrong house. Don't you tell me. You're an evil person. So they made people feel weird about even defending Louis. But it was like, What are you talking about? It's crazy. Whatever. But it's also, when you just take a step back from it, it's all comical. If you don't take any personal like, I know that guy. Here's the game I play. It's called Defend Them. That's what I was going to tell you. It doesn't work with full rapists. But anyone else, a Imagine they were your friend and you had to explain to people, Louis is a good example, of why someone's not wrong. There was a comedian in the UK, we're at the Edinburgh Festival, and he was doing it. It was called When Heresy Met Sally. This guy, Finn Taylor. He's a great comic. He takes these long... One year, he did a Whitey McWhiterson, was this hour. It was all about just white people and the culture. He takes every side, South Park style, every side. When Heresy met Sal, he had some great lines in there. He goes, Men are the only ones that rape ourselves.He goes, Women, do you ever have sex with a guy? And it gets weird the next day. He goes, He didn't want to have sex. You raped him. You talked him into it. And he did this thing about Louis, and he goes, he asked some women if he could do that, and they said no, and I guess he did it anyway. And I saw him afterwards. I'm like, Hey, great special. Same thing as the other one. But just so you know, that's not the facts are wrong. Do what you want. Just like that rabbi told me. But they did say yes. He goes, Oh, shit. And to his credit, he changed it. He was like, I don't want to get it wrong. So he changed it. Made it still It's a funny joke, sad alone because I called you a piece of shit. But that's not the real story. We're having a good time.Exactly.Anyway, defend him. It's a fun game.I'm going to play tonight.Yeah, try it.Again, it does not work with raping. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to defend you.Okay. All All right. Yeah.He's a good guy. Yeah. All right, Shafir. Thank you.Buddy, it was great to meet you.It really was.It was great to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. I did not tell my mom I was coming to meet you. Why?She's not a fan? She's a fan.It's all these people. I'm like, he was an anti-war guy at Fox News who followed the dead. He's not... How is he that guy that you think he is?You can't be anti-war. That means you're a fascist. It's racist to be anti-war.I think you're going to be different with the FA. With the what? With the FA. You started saying fascist, I thought you were going to say something else.No, no, no. Because I learn. You can't even call Roger Goodell that.Yeah, exactly.I wonder.But it was great to meet you. I want you to do my Travel Podcast. Done? I know you've been places. You have a Travel Podcast? Yeah, it's called You'd Be Tripping. It's just about a place, no politics.Man, there's one thing I've done a lot of is travel. Yeah. I think it's the most educational thing you can do. I really believe that. I don't know why more people don't do it. I feel like our rich people in this country, I am one, but they don't travel right. They go, they recreate their own lives with better service in a foreign country. But the whole point of travel is to learn how other people live.Yeah. Read the local newspaper if you- A hundred %.Yeah.Instead of, How do I get the New York Times here? Good. Call me.I'd do it. Okay.Perfect. Okay. You ever in New York?No, I don't go to New York.Okay. Well, or whatever. Let's do it. All right. Okay.Thanks, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library. Tucker Carlson complete library. Tuckercarlson. Com.


happened to your industry? They're crying.


But when you were a kid- That was all it was. Yeah.


That was it. You'd watch the Tonight Show monolog.


But when you guys get to it, when you and Tim Dylan are having dinner, you're not talking about what Kimmel said.


No. Occasionally, we will talk. I'm trying to stay positive. Occasionally, we'll talk about how cool Kimmel used to be and how that is really him, the cool guy. Yeah. And he's, I don't know, playing pretend or whatever. Campbell had a... There was a roast for a local lunatic comedian, Peter Chen. We had a fake roast.


As distinct from other comedians? What does that mean?


He was a bit crazy. The owner of the commerce store passed him to let everyone else fuck with him. He was a bit of a... Yeah, not me lunatic or you lunatic, but off. And that's- When a stand-up says that, it's real. A terrible, terrible com. No future, no past comedian. Yeah. And so he was just a local. At the commerce store, he was like, You could just fuck with him all the time. He was crazy and angry, driven to anger at all times. It was fun to fuck with him. We had a roast for him. Everyone did their thing. Then it's his turn to get up, and he goes to everybody. He's like, You say this about me, but you are the man. You wear a plain shirt, not straight lines. And like, he thinks he's getting you. And then he goes to, Jimmy Kimmel was on the dais. I mean, it's an 80-seater that's got 30 people in it. He might have already had a show. He might not have. But he goes, And Jimmy, you say I am a snake, you are a snake. And Jimmy Kimmel cracked his beer bottle and was like, I'll fucking kill you.


He had to be held back. That's who he is. He's a funny guy. I don't know what that is, but he's a funny guy.


What about the other two?


Who was it? Fallon?


Yeah, Fallon. I can't remember.


And the guy from The Daily Show. The guy from The Daily Show. Yeah. I've never seen The Daily Show. His old show was pretty funny, The Fake Republican.


Very funny. Yeah.


I agree. Yeah, Fallon's a on. And this guy's funny. I want to push him to a big platform instead of what's going to help me book my show. It's interesting. He'll help me. The casual talk talking about the outlawness of stand-up has helped all of us. Whether or not you've been on his show or not, he's made stand-up more popular. So now we can all just... I mean, it's succeeding at a crazy level.So what's effect on a stand-up's career of going on Rogan?Well, one time is not as big as it once was because now there's thousands of episodes. But guys like Theo launched off a good early appearance. Tim Dylan launched off that. Dave Smith really became well known.I know all three good guys.Yeah. You do well on that. Joey D. But it was consistent once. It's like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was a long time ago. They say, You go on there, you're a star, and everyone you talk to from back then, No, no, no. You're eighth time on there, you're a star. But that whole week, people recognize you.But unlike Carson, I mean, Rogan makes the call himself. He doesn't have scouts in the clubs at night.Yeah, he's like, Wow, this lady was like, The email open micer. We were all getting high in the back, and then you got to walk past the original, the room, and you go in there, especially if you're high or drunk. It's great watching some high-level unknown comic. It's great. It's laughs. It's free laughs. Yeah, it's like you're passing by a live stand-up comedy show on your way out of work. It's the best. He's in there laughing. He was, You were great. He was always really great. Carlin was like that. He'd sit in the back. He knew who he was. If you did well, he'd be like, Hey, that was a really good set. He knew not to just keep that to himself. He knew what George Carlin saying good set would mean.Did you know him?I met him once. Never said it to me because I never had a good set in front of him.He didn't like your shit at all.Never had a good set in front of him. But if he was there and he saw you, he tipped me 20 bucks to get him a deli sandwich. I was like, No, the commerce was playing. I was like, I know it's for you. And I desperately needed it. I mean, I was poor. And Rogan was always passing money around.Really?Oh, yeah. Yeah, he kept me in business for a long time. Rogan did? I opened for him for five, six years on the road. Yeah, we're good friends. We're good friends. But like... So, I mean, I can't pay him back. I just try to be... I just try to pass it.How many dates do you do a year?I try to limit it to 24 weeks a year. And the weeks can either be Friday. 24 weeks? It can either be just Friday, Saturday, or for the Edinburgh Festival, it's an entire month.It's four days. How do you not get addicted to heroin doing that? That's so much time on the road?You get to be a booser for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Heroin is always like... One time I had a thought like, because I might not want to try it. But I was like, Okay, I'm going to do it away from home so I can't find a dealer that I can... And then you realize you can just find a dealer.If you're in New York City, you can probably pull that off. Yeah.So I just haven't gotten into it.But how do you keep your life from capsizing?Sometimes it gets bad. You're like, Oh, I got to take that back a little. Pot also. Sometimes like, I messed up a show a little bit. Not completely. It went from an A to an A minus. Be like, Cool it.Being high on stage.Being high, being drunk. You're like, Let's get drunk afterwards. They asked Earthquake once. Do you drink on stage? I love this interview. He goes, Standup Comedy is one of the few jobs that enable you the right to imbibe while you're at work. I like to avail myself of that right. They go, Does it ever make you worse? He goes, Almost every time. But yeah, you just got to keep track of it and not let it get to you. You're your own employee, so it's up to you.Yeah, but there's a disconnection that happens.To justify. There's a lot of sober comics. Are there really? Couldn't handle it. I met Joe List. I met Joe List, great comic. I met him when I moved to New York. It was a separation between New York and LA. I was like, Hey, everybody here in New York talks about you. It reveres you, but I've never heard of you. Coming from LA, He goes, You want to know why I'm not as big as my name? Yeah, he goes, Boos, but I've been sober for six months, and now 12 years. He's crushing it now. But he had to do that for himself. Other guy, I mean, Rogan gets high. All all the time. He can handle it.Yeah, but a lot of... I mean, there's a reason that touring musicians... It's the touring.There was a DJ who quit DJing, a high level. I forget who it was. They were like, he was like, Well, I'm doing too much drugs. I can't do it. So I got to stop DJing. People go, Just don't do drugs while you DJ. And he goes, You just don't know the world. You have to. Yeah, I don't know. He tried to self... But yeah, Rogan, he just rules for it. And it's a way of like, he's like, Pay your opener well. He was paying me $150 a set to MCAP. The standard rate was 50. He was paying 150, and then paying... Joey Diaz would go with us also. He's paying him also 150, and the rate for the middle was 100. Then One day, he called me and Joey, and he goes, Hey, I'm sorry, I'm giving you guys a raise. But I'm like, No one's offering us that much. Definitely not more. He goes, No, you guys are headliners. You should make headliner money. I'm giving you 250 a set. So we'd come home with as much money as I would make, pretty much on my own, headlining, that I never got any work, by the way.But it would have been the same. And also never touched my wallet and went out to the finest restaurants. It was great.That's amazing. Why do you think he does it?I don't know. He's a positive guy. So for a while, he just brought Joey Diaz with him. And Joey was pretty coked up back then. And sometimes he just would not show up. He could bring a local, but he got to be supportive to the scene. He got to help guys that are struggling. He'd bring just Joey. Then Joey, he'd get to the airport. He's like, Joey, where are you? He wouldn't answer his phone. Then he'd land in the new city. He's like, Where are you? He goes, Something came up. I missed my flight. I was at the airport. He missed your flight. He just... Coke excuses. So he's unreliable. He might not show up. It became too much. But instead of saying, You can't come anymore, he goes, I'll bring a second opener. So if you don't come, I've still got somebody. It's nuts to have an employee go, I just don't show up a lot. I guess I'll hire two employees then instead of just firing the guy. He was like, He's too funny. He's got to be supportive. It's our responsibility.That's remarkable. Yeah.So I try to do that with young comments. It's like, you know. It doesn't...One time I was- Wait, so when your opener gets too high to show up at the airport, you're okay with it?No, I've never had a guy like that. People are two, whatever. But no, I'm I'll pay for your meals. If we're out at a diner after spots, it's like, I got it. Don't worry about it. Because that's what broke... I remember one of those. He was like, brand new to LA. He took us all out for the standard hotel, late night food. He paid three times in a row. I'm brand new to LA. This isn't normal for someone. You get around, but not consistently get rounds. That's weird. We're at Carnies. It was a chilly dog place. I was like, Let me get this one. I was broke. I couldn't afford the standard hotel, but the carnies, it's $3 each. He goes, No, it's okay. I'm like, Dude, please. Let me get it. There's also a man hierarchy thing. You can't campaign for me. I don't know you like that. I insisted. He goes, Okay, thank you. Appreciate that. Then later, we're walking back to the commerce where he goes, Hey, just so you know, it's not a power position when I pay for you. It's just like, that standard meal for me is about a quarter to you.It's about worth five nickels. That's why I pay for it. It's meaningless. It's not for power. I thank you for buying me carnies, but that's all. I have more money, so take some. If I could just go get coffee at your spot. I don't have to ask.When Rogan got attacked, when they tried to claim he was a racist, of all things. Oh, yeah. It didn't seem- It didn't seem- It had no effect.It had no effect. Also, comics supported him. I think this is what you got to do when there's this meteor of hatred coming at anybody. You get it plenty. Other people have gotten to play. It's just It's a solid ball. For a meteor to break up, it needs to start breaking up, and you get the image where it's like a piece falls off, a piece falls off in the atmosphere, a piece falls off, piece falls off. So what support does from other people in your industry, either broadcasting or comedy, is it shoots a fucking hole through that meteor, a little hole, and that starts to break it up a lot faster. If you have a few commerce, you go, Guys, you just don't understand comedy. That's just a joke. It doesn't mean that. You're out of your mind. It creates doubt in the story. Yes, that's right. And then it breaks up really fast. When there's no doubt, it's just fucking all that, sorry, that fucking blows everything up.Then what happened to... Look, I don't know Louis CK, but at the height of that, I always thought he was really talented, so I read about it, and I... Whatever was embarrassing that story, but it was not a crime that I could tell. How did he wind up getting destroyed for that?He became puritanical. I think there's something in society, no matter if you're big, we want you down. I think it's because it says something about me that I'm not big. Instead of, let me rise up to his level, let me take you down. In comedy, it works in a few ways. You're an evil person. You steal jokes. You're hacky. You're racist. Roseanne, racist. Carlos Mencia, steals jokes. Larry the Cable, The guy, hacky. These are all things I don't necessarily agree with or not agree with, but this is what they say. This guy lied about something. This guy did... But they're just like, either way, we're going to take you down. It's not about one thing. If it was about one thing, I'd be like, this society doesn't like that thing. But since it's about lots of things, it's like, what the common factor is, you're big, you're all big. Let's take you down. Yeah, with Roseanne, she offered a legitimate explanation. That lady looks white. I saw a picture of her. She looks like an old Jewish lady. Yeah. Then it's like, that's a believable fucking retort. But it's like, we want you out of here.Do you know her, Roseanne?I've met her a few times.Great person.Yeah, I don't know her that well.But truly a cool, interesting person.Lunatic.Absolutely 100%, but in touch with something deep.She's not a shallow person. I see her catch a vibe on stage, and it's not even jokes. It's just a vibe, and she just gets people on a wave. It's pretty special. But yeah, I don't know. They go off How can they go after Louis? I think it was that. Because what they were going after him for was puritanical. Oh, yeah. It was, you're not doing sex the way we do. But I mean, when I was in college, I started bringing up verbal consent, and it was brought up by virgins who had never really experienced sex. If you ask any normal woman how they feel if a guy is like, may I kiss you? And they say, okay, yes. May I touch your breast? Like, dude, we're done here. Because you're weak. Yeah, you're weak. Go for it and I'll say no. That's how you know. It's not like you're not holding them down. You're just like, okay. I mean, I've gone in for a kiss, but no, no, I don't see you like that. I'm like, okay, it's embarrassing. Yeah. Not going to do again. I feel ashamed. They try to be like, That's okay.When was the last time that happened to you?A long time ago. Good. Just checking. Yeah, a long time ago. But we were like, That doesn't work in real life, verbal consent. And he got verbal consent. May I do this? Yes, you may. Okay, I'm going to do it. Okay. Fuck It's true.It's- And they actually took him out.Yeah, they did. Because then people were like, Well, I can't. I think that... So the friends of his were like, No, we'll defend him. Other people were like, You're putting me in a moral weird spot. You're saying he's this evil guy, and if you defend evil, then you're out. I mean, Norm McDonald saying, Hey, I don't think Roseanne meant that. And they go, Well, now you're off at Tonight Show, Tonight. And he goes, I'm not excusing it. I'm saying it wasn't the right person. If somebody goes to me like, Fuck Seth Rogen. He's anti-trans, and his podcast only has this. I'm like, Oh, I think you mean Joe Rogan. They're like, Fuck you. Don't tell me what to think. You know what I mean? It's like, you can't even argue with You're at the wrong door. You're at the wrong door. That's what happened to... What's her name? That black kid got shot through the fucking wall. They went to the wrong house. What's her name? North Carolina. Say her name. I never did say her name, though, so I can't remember. Yeah, well.It shows you what person I am.But it's like they're going to the wrong house and you're like, You're at the wrong house. Don't you tell me. You're an evil person. So they made people feel weird about even defending Louis. But it was like, What are you talking about? It's crazy. Whatever. But it's also, when you just take a step back from it, it's all comical. If you don't take any personal like, I know that guy. Here's the game I play. It's called Defend Them. That's what I was going to tell you. It doesn't work with full rapists. But anyone else, a Imagine they were your friend and you had to explain to people, Louis is a good example, of why someone's not wrong. There was a comedian in the UK, we're at the Edinburgh Festival, and he was doing it. It was called When Heresy Met Sally. This guy, Finn Taylor. He's a great comic. He takes these long... One year, he did a Whitey McWhiterson, was this hour. It was all about just white people and the culture. He takes every side, South Park style, every side. When Heresy met Sal, he had some great lines in there. He goes, Men are the only ones that rape ourselves.He goes, Women, do you ever have sex with a guy? And it gets weird the next day. He goes, He didn't want to have sex. You raped him. You talked him into it. And he did this thing about Louis, and he goes, he asked some women if he could do that, and they said no, and I guess he did it anyway. And I saw him afterwards. I'm like, Hey, great special. Same thing as the other one. But just so you know, that's not the facts are wrong. Do what you want. Just like that rabbi told me. But they did say yes. He goes, Oh, shit. And to his credit, he changed it. He was like, I don't want to get it wrong. So he changed it. Made it still It's a funny joke, sad alone because I called you a piece of shit. But that's not the real story. We're having a good time.Exactly.Anyway, defend him. It's a fun game.I'm going to play tonight.Yeah, try it.Again, it does not work with raping. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to defend you.Okay. All All right. Yeah.He's a good guy. Yeah. All right, Shafir. Thank you.Buddy, it was great to meet you.It really was.It was great to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. I did not tell my mom I was coming to meet you. Why?She's not a fan? She's a fan.It's all these people. I'm like, he was an anti-war guy at Fox News who followed the dead. He's not... How is he that guy that you think he is?You can't be anti-war. That means you're a fascist. It's racist to be anti-war.I think you're going to be different with the FA. With the what? With the FA. You started saying fascist, I thought you were going to say something else.No, no, no. Because I learn. You can't even call Roger Goodell that.Yeah, exactly.I wonder.But it was great to meet you. I want you to do my Travel Podcast. Done? I know you've been places. You have a Travel Podcast? Yeah, it's called You'd Be Tripping. It's just about a place, no politics.Man, there's one thing I've done a lot of is travel. Yeah. I think it's the most educational thing you can do. I really believe that. I don't know why more people don't do it. I feel like our rich people in this country, I am one, but they don't travel right. They go, they recreate their own lives with better service in a foreign country. But the whole point of travel is to learn how other people live.Yeah. Read the local newspaper if you- A hundred %.Yeah.Instead of, How do I get the New York Times here? Good. Call me.I'd do it. Okay.Perfect. Okay. You ever in New York?No, I don't go to New York.Okay. Well, or whatever. Let's do it. All right. Okay.Thanks, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library. Tucker Carlson complete library. Tuckercarlson. Com.


on. And this guy's funny. I want to push him to a big platform instead of what's going to help me book my show. It's interesting. He'll help me. The casual talk talking about the outlawness of stand-up has helped all of us. Whether or not you've been on his show or not, he's made stand-up more popular. So now we can all just... I mean, it's succeeding at a crazy level.


So what's effect on a stand-up's career of going on Rogan?


Well, one time is not as big as it once was because now there's thousands of episodes. But guys like Theo launched off a good early appearance. Tim Dylan launched off that. Dave Smith really became well known.


I know all three good guys.


Yeah. You do well on that. Joey D. But it was consistent once. It's like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was a long time ago. They say, You go on there, you're a star, and everyone you talk to from back then, No, no, no. You're eighth time on there, you're a star. But that whole week, people recognize you.


But unlike Carson, I mean, Rogan makes the call himself. He doesn't have scouts in the clubs at night.


Yeah, he's like, Wow, this lady was like, The email open micer. We were all getting high in the back, and then you got to walk past the original, the room, and you go in there, especially if you're high or drunk. It's great watching some high-level unknown comic. It's great. It's laughs. It's free laughs. Yeah, it's like you're passing by a live stand-up comedy show on your way out of work. It's the best. He's in there laughing. He was, You were great. He was always really great. Carlin was like that. He'd sit in the back. He knew who he was. If you did well, he'd be like, Hey, that was a really good set. He knew not to just keep that to himself. He knew what George Carlin saying good set would mean.


Did you know him?


I met him once. Never said it to me because I never had a good set in front of him.


He didn't like your shit at all.


Never had a good set in front of him. But if he was there and he saw you, he tipped me 20 bucks to get him a deli sandwich. I was like, No, the commerce was playing. I was like, I know it's for you. And I desperately needed it. I mean, I was poor. And Rogan was always passing money around.




Oh, yeah. Yeah, he kept me in business for a long time. Rogan did? I opened for him for five, six years on the road. Yeah, we're good friends. We're good friends. But like... So, I mean, I can't pay him back. I just try to be... I just try to pass it.


How many dates do you do a year?


I try to limit it to 24 weeks a year. And the weeks can either be Friday. 24 weeks? It can either be just Friday, Saturday, or for the Edinburgh Festival, it's an entire month.


It's four days. How do you not get addicted to heroin doing that? That's so much time on the road?


You get to be a booser for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Heroin is always like... One time I had a thought like, because I might not want to try it. But I was like, Okay, I'm going to do it away from home so I can't find a dealer that I can... And then you realize you can just find a dealer.


If you're in New York City, you can probably pull that off. Yeah.


So I just haven't gotten into it.


But how do you keep your life from capsizing?


Sometimes it gets bad. You're like, Oh, I got to take that back a little. Pot also. Sometimes like, I messed up a show a little bit. Not completely. It went from an A to an A minus. Be like, Cool it.


Being high on stage.


Being high, being drunk. You're like, Let's get drunk afterwards. They asked Earthquake once. Do you drink on stage? I love this interview. He goes, Standup Comedy is one of the few jobs that enable you the right to imbibe while you're at work. I like to avail myself of that right. They go, Does it ever make you worse? He goes, Almost every time. But yeah, you just got to keep track of it and not let it get to you. You're your own employee, so it's up to you.


Yeah, but there's a disconnection that happens.


To justify. There's a lot of sober comics. Are there really? Couldn't handle it. I met Joe List. I met Joe List, great comic. I met him when I moved to New York. It was a separation between New York and LA. I was like, Hey, everybody here in New York talks about you. It reveres you, but I've never heard of you. Coming from LA, He goes, You want to know why I'm not as big as my name? Yeah, he goes, Boos, but I've been sober for six months, and now 12 years. He's crushing it now. But he had to do that for himself. Other guy, I mean, Rogan gets high. All all the time. He can handle it.


Yeah, but a lot of... I mean, there's a reason that touring musicians... It's the touring.


There was a DJ who quit DJing, a high level. I forget who it was. They were like, he was like, Well, I'm doing too much drugs. I can't do it. So I got to stop DJing. People go, Just don't do drugs while you DJ. And he goes, You just don't know the world. You have to. Yeah, I don't know. He tried to self... But yeah, Rogan, he just rules for it. And it's a way of like, he's like, Pay your opener well. He was paying me $150 a set to MCAP. The standard rate was 50. He was paying 150, and then paying... Joey Diaz would go with us also. He's paying him also 150, and the rate for the middle was 100. Then One day, he called me and Joey, and he goes, Hey, I'm sorry, I'm giving you guys a raise. But I'm like, No one's offering us that much. Definitely not more. He goes, No, you guys are headliners. You should make headliner money. I'm giving you 250 a set. So we'd come home with as much money as I would make, pretty much on my own, headlining, that I never got any work, by the way.


But it would have been the same. And also never touched my wallet and went out to the finest restaurants. It was great.


That's amazing. Why do you think he does it?


I don't know. He's a positive guy. So for a while, he just brought Joey Diaz with him. And Joey was pretty coked up back then. And sometimes he just would not show up. He could bring a local, but he got to be supportive to the scene. He got to help guys that are struggling. He'd bring just Joey. Then Joey, he'd get to the airport. He's like, Joey, where are you? He wouldn't answer his phone. Then he'd land in the new city. He's like, Where are you? He goes, Something came up. I missed my flight. I was at the airport. He missed your flight. He just... Coke excuses. So he's unreliable. He might not show up. It became too much. But instead of saying, You can't come anymore, he goes, I'll bring a second opener. So if you don't come, I've still got somebody. It's nuts to have an employee go, I just don't show up a lot. I guess I'll hire two employees then instead of just firing the guy. He was like, He's too funny. He's got to be supportive. It's our responsibility.


That's remarkable. Yeah.


So I try to do that with young comments. It's like, you know. It doesn't...


One time I was- Wait, so when your opener gets too high to show up at the airport, you're okay with it?


No, I've never had a guy like that. People are two, whatever. But no, I'm I'll pay for your meals. If we're out at a diner after spots, it's like, I got it. Don't worry about it. Because that's what broke... I remember one of those. He was like, brand new to LA. He took us all out for the standard hotel, late night food. He paid three times in a row. I'm brand new to LA. This isn't normal for someone. You get around, but not consistently get rounds. That's weird. We're at Carnies. It was a chilly dog place. I was like, Let me get this one. I was broke. I couldn't afford the standard hotel, but the carnies, it's $3 each. He goes, No, it's okay. I'm like, Dude, please. Let me get it. There's also a man hierarchy thing. You can't campaign for me. I don't know you like that. I insisted. He goes, Okay, thank you. Appreciate that. Then later, we're walking back to the commerce where he goes, Hey, just so you know, it's not a power position when I pay for you. It's just like, that standard meal for me is about a quarter to you.


It's about worth five nickels. That's why I pay for it. It's meaningless. It's not for power. I thank you for buying me carnies, but that's all. I have more money, so take some. If I could just go get coffee at your spot. I don't have to ask.


When Rogan got attacked, when they tried to claim he was a racist, of all things. Oh, yeah. It didn't seem- It didn't seem- It had no effect.


It had no effect. Also, comics supported him. I think this is what you got to do when there's this meteor of hatred coming at anybody. You get it plenty. Other people have gotten to play. It's just It's a solid ball. For a meteor to break up, it needs to start breaking up, and you get the image where it's like a piece falls off, a piece falls off in the atmosphere, a piece falls off, piece falls off. So what support does from other people in your industry, either broadcasting or comedy, is it shoots a fucking hole through that meteor, a little hole, and that starts to break it up a lot faster. If you have a few commerce, you go, Guys, you just don't understand comedy. That's just a joke. It doesn't mean that. You're out of your mind. It creates doubt in the story. Yes, that's right. And then it breaks up really fast. When there's no doubt, it's just fucking all that, sorry, that fucking blows everything up.


Then what happened to... Look, I don't know Louis CK, but at the height of that, I always thought he was really talented, so I read about it, and I... Whatever was embarrassing that story, but it was not a crime that I could tell. How did he wind up getting destroyed for that?


He became puritanical. I think there's something in society, no matter if you're big, we want you down. I think it's because it says something about me that I'm not big. Instead of, let me rise up to his level, let me take you down. In comedy, it works in a few ways. You're an evil person. You steal jokes. You're hacky. You're racist. Roseanne, racist. Carlos Mencia, steals jokes. Larry the Cable, The guy, hacky. These are all things I don't necessarily agree with or not agree with, but this is what they say. This guy lied about something. This guy did... But they're just like, either way, we're going to take you down. It's not about one thing. If it was about one thing, I'd be like, this society doesn't like that thing. But since it's about lots of things, it's like, what the common factor is, you're big, you're all big. Let's take you down. Yeah, with Roseanne, she offered a legitimate explanation. That lady looks white. I saw a picture of her. She looks like an old Jewish lady. Yeah. Then it's like, that's a believable fucking retort. But it's like, we want you out of here.


Do you know her, Roseanne?


I've met her a few times.


Great person.


Yeah, I don't know her that well.


But truly a cool, interesting person.




Absolutely 100%, but in touch with something deep.


She's not a shallow person. I see her catch a vibe on stage, and it's not even jokes. It's just a vibe, and she just gets people on a wave. It's pretty special. But yeah, I don't know. They go off How can they go after Louis? I think it was that. Because what they were going after him for was puritanical. Oh, yeah. It was, you're not doing sex the way we do. But I mean, when I was in college, I started bringing up verbal consent, and it was brought up by virgins who had never really experienced sex. If you ask any normal woman how they feel if a guy is like, may I kiss you? And they say, okay, yes. May I touch your breast? Like, dude, we're done here. Because you're weak. Yeah, you're weak. Go for it and I'll say no. That's how you know. It's not like you're not holding them down. You're just like, okay. I mean, I've gone in for a kiss, but no, no, I don't see you like that. I'm like, okay, it's embarrassing. Yeah. Not going to do again. I feel ashamed. They try to be like, That's okay.


When was the last time that happened to you?


A long time ago. Good. Just checking. Yeah, a long time ago. But we were like, That doesn't work in real life, verbal consent. And he got verbal consent. May I do this? Yes, you may. Okay, I'm going to do it. Okay. Fuck It's true.


It's- And they actually took him out.


Yeah, they did. Because then people were like, Well, I can't. I think that... So the friends of his were like, No, we'll defend him. Other people were like, You're putting me in a moral weird spot. You're saying he's this evil guy, and if you defend evil, then you're out. I mean, Norm McDonald saying, Hey, I don't think Roseanne meant that. And they go, Well, now you're off at Tonight Show, Tonight. And he goes, I'm not excusing it. I'm saying it wasn't the right person. If somebody goes to me like, Fuck Seth Rogen. He's anti-trans, and his podcast only has this. I'm like, Oh, I think you mean Joe Rogan. They're like, Fuck you. Don't tell me what to think. You know what I mean? It's like, you can't even argue with You're at the wrong door. You're at the wrong door. That's what happened to... What's her name? That black kid got shot through the fucking wall. They went to the wrong house. What's her name? North Carolina. Say her name. I never did say her name, though, so I can't remember. Yeah, well.


It shows you what person I am.


But it's like they're going to the wrong house and you're like, You're at the wrong house. Don't you tell me. You're an evil person. So they made people feel weird about even defending Louis. But it was like, What are you talking about? It's crazy. Whatever. But it's also, when you just take a step back from it, it's all comical. If you don't take any personal like, I know that guy. Here's the game I play. It's called Defend Them. That's what I was going to tell you. It doesn't work with full rapists. But anyone else, a Imagine they were your friend and you had to explain to people, Louis is a good example, of why someone's not wrong. There was a comedian in the UK, we're at the Edinburgh Festival, and he was doing it. It was called When Heresy Met Sally. This guy, Finn Taylor. He's a great comic. He takes these long... One year, he did a Whitey McWhiterson, was this hour. It was all about just white people and the culture. He takes every side, South Park style, every side. When Heresy met Sal, he had some great lines in there. He goes, Men are the only ones that rape ourselves.


He goes, Women, do you ever have sex with a guy? And it gets weird the next day. He goes, He didn't want to have sex. You raped him. You talked him into it. And he did this thing about Louis, and he goes, he asked some women if he could do that, and they said no, and I guess he did it anyway. And I saw him afterwards. I'm like, Hey, great special. Same thing as the other one. But just so you know, that's not the facts are wrong. Do what you want. Just like that rabbi told me. But they did say yes. He goes, Oh, shit. And to his credit, he changed it. He was like, I don't want to get it wrong. So he changed it. Made it still It's a funny joke, sad alone because I called you a piece of shit. But that's not the real story. We're having a good time.Exactly.Anyway, defend him. It's a fun game.I'm going to play tonight.Yeah, try it.Again, it does not work with raping. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to defend you.Okay. All All right. Yeah.He's a good guy. Yeah. All right, Shafir. Thank you.Buddy, it was great to meet you.It really was.It was great to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. I did not tell my mom I was coming to meet you. Why?She's not a fan? She's a fan.It's all these people. I'm like, he was an anti-war guy at Fox News who followed the dead. He's not... How is he that guy that you think he is?You can't be anti-war. That means you're a fascist. It's racist to be anti-war.I think you're going to be different with the FA. With the what? With the FA. You started saying fascist, I thought you were going to say something else.No, no, no. Because I learn. You can't even call Roger Goodell that.Yeah, exactly.I wonder.But it was great to meet you. I want you to do my Travel Podcast. Done? I know you've been places. You have a Travel Podcast? Yeah, it's called You'd Be Tripping. It's just about a place, no politics.Man, there's one thing I've done a lot of is travel. Yeah. I think it's the most educational thing you can do. I really believe that. I don't know why more people don't do it. I feel like our rich people in this country, I am one, but they don't travel right. They go, they recreate their own lives with better service in a foreign country. But the whole point of travel is to learn how other people live.Yeah. Read the local newspaper if you- A hundred %.Yeah.Instead of, How do I get the New York Times here? Good. Call me.I'd do it. Okay.Perfect. Okay. You ever in New York?No, I don't go to New York.Okay. Well, or whatever. Let's do it. All right. Okay.Thanks, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library. Tucker Carlson complete library. Tuckercarlson. Com.


sad alone because I called you a piece of shit. But that's not the real story. We're having a good time.




Anyway, defend him. It's a fun game.


I'm going to play tonight.


Yeah, try it.


Again, it does not work with raping. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to defend you.


Okay. All All right. Yeah.


He's a good guy. Yeah. All right, Shafir. Thank you.


Buddy, it was great to meet you.


It really was.


It was great to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. I did not tell my mom I was coming to meet you. Why?


She's not a fan? She's a fan.


It's all these people. I'm like, he was an anti-war guy at Fox News who followed the dead. He's not... How is he that guy that you think he is?


You can't be anti-war. That means you're a fascist. It's racist to be anti-war.


I think you're going to be different with the FA. With the what? With the FA. You started saying fascist, I thought you were going to say something else.


No, no, no. Because I learn. You can't even call Roger Goodell that.


Yeah, exactly.


I wonder.


But it was great to meet you. I want you to do my Travel Podcast. Done? I know you've been places. You have a Travel Podcast? Yeah, it's called You'd Be Tripping. It's just about a place, no politics.


Man, there's one thing I've done a lot of is travel. Yeah. I think it's the most educational thing you can do. I really believe that. I don't know why more people don't do it. I feel like our rich people in this country, I am one, but they don't travel right. They go, they recreate their own lives with better service in a foreign country. But the whole point of travel is to learn how other people live.


Yeah. Read the local newspaper if you- A hundred %.




Instead of, How do I get the New York Times here? Good. Call me.


I'd do it. Okay.


Perfect. Okay. You ever in New York?


No, I don't go to New York.


Okay. Well, or whatever. Let's do it. All right. Okay.


Thanks, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library. Tucker Carlson complete library. Tuckercarlson. Com.