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Hey, Tucker Carlson fans, it's Megyn Kelly. Tucker and I, as you may know, go way back. If you love justifies in our government, it is taking us back 50 years. Discrimination under the, on the basis of law, discrimination on the basis of skin color. It's bad news, Megan, and I don't think we should go for it.It sounds kind of communist, is what it sounds. And it's pretty alarming that that decision you made you referenced about the Biden Harris administration on the farmers and the ranchers would give the help to black farmers irrespective of their financial situation. So literally, Oprah Winfrey could say she has this ranch out in Montecito and that she wanted to take advantage of the program, and she would get it. And some struggling farmer or rancher in Appalachia would be denied if he happened to be white. It was insane. And discrimination on the basis of race is illegal. And so that's why it was struck down. You know, it wasn't so long ago that the same people piling on you now, Joy Reid, who says you only care about white moms who want to stay at home, even though you're married to a non white mom who is not staying at home.Just crazy talk.They were in love with you after hillbilly elegy until, you know, because they thought you were like a Trump whisperer. You were the guy who could help them understand the evil man who had ascended to the presidency. But there was an interesting exchange that you had on Joy Reid's show back in the day. This is 16 discussing your book. We pulled it up just for kicks. Here it is.Katie, thank you so much for being here. I have read so many think pieces about your book and seen so many interviews with you. I have the book right here. Can't wait to dive into it. But your story, first of all, is fascinating. So the way you went from sort of rust belt country to Yale. But one of the things that's really fascinating about your story, JD, is how similar some of the pathologies you talk about are to the pathologies that normally people assign to African Americans.Right.That, you know, these ideas about the way you're raised. You're raised mostly by your grandparents. The way that you were able to use opportunity like the military to get a college degree. That's very familiar across racial lines. So why do you suppose there's such a huge gulf and distance ideologically between Africana, African Americans and people from where you like, the ones you came from?Well, obviously, a lot of it goes back to 40 or 50 years ago when the two groups sort of diverged because of certain policies that were supported. A big part of it is just that because of the way that black Americans have been discriminated against legally, I think black Americans have tended to focus on a politics of race and which party is going to provide the most racial upload or tear down the most legal barriers, whereas white Americans have typically voted their pocketbook, voted a politics of class. And so they've tended to not necessarily overlap.Pretty fascinating, by the way, you look so young. It's crazy what's happened to you in the past eight years.It was before the beard, Megan. That's a long time ago.Well, yeah. I feel like Usha's done a good job with you, JD. You cannot, you know, you're sharper dressing and you got, I like the bearden.Yeah, you got to chill out with that. She's already arrogant enough about a lot of things. She deserves to be.But I think you were making a good point there. And I think even joy Reid could see it back then. Now, maybe not.Well, look, it's very simple. And actually, I think it started to change. By the way, Megan, I think you see a lot of black and white Americans voting more along class lines, voting more along who's actually best for me. There are a lot of black energy workers who are not going to benefit from the policies of a Harris administration to destroy the american energy industry. So I do think thats slowly starting to change. But it is interesting to sort of hear how fascinated these people were with my story 510 years ago. And now that I am on the presidential ticket, theyve decided that Im the worst possible guy in the world. Its fascinating to me. Its not surprising, Megan. And its kind of what I signed up for. Right. I mean, I want to make people's lives better. My whole idea here, and the reason I accepted President Trump's invitation to join the ticket is because I think that Americans have been screwed over by a lot of stupid policies. I'd like to change that. And if the cost of changing that, as people like Joy Reid used to say nice things about me and now they lie about me, whatever.As Harry, as Truman said, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I think it's an honor to be here and everything that comes along with it I just see as a necessary part of having to do this job.When Trump named you as his running mate, we did. We revisited some of your bio. And one of the points I made that day was this is a man whose life has been formed by strong women. That's very clear. That's a fact. It's not spin from mama, your grandma to your mom, though. It was a complicated relationship and remains so, I' decided to make her not the most liberal senator? By the time they had labeled her that, her senatorial days were over.So what changed in terms of her liberal senate policies? Nothing. She ran for president. The borders are nonsense. Do you know how many times the mainstream media called her that? And forget that label just said she was in charge of the border. She'd been placed in charge of the border, in the lead position, in charge of the border. Now it's like, what border? What? That was, Mayorkas, that media has decided to make these comments some national hurricane. And it's not going to be just this. We talked about this the other day because Kamala Harris is a woman of mixed race. They are going to make everything about race and gender. Right? She's asian, she's indian, and she's black. Her dad was jamaican and her mom was trying to remember exactly, but she's from India. Um, in any event, everything is going to make is going to be about race and gender. And so any small comment that he's ever made, of course, that Trump's ever made is going to be ginned up and turned into a national news story because this is how they motivate their base. The Republicans are racist, the Republicans are sexist.We're the only good party. Ignore the fact that we're going to mutilate your 14 year olds. Ignore the fact that your daughter's going to face partial paralysis in a volleyball game because we insist on making biological boys have access to her sports and her private spaces. That's pro woman, even if you're too stupid to understand it. The trick is just so old and watching them all rush to condemn, you know, a comment like this, it's just gotten so tiresome. I've seen it so many times now. When it first happens to you and you haven't been out there, maybe some of our young viewers are experiencing this. It might seem genuine. Oh, no. Like they're really mad. Like, this is bad. What he said. Once you get to be my old age, you start to see the patterns for what they are. This is a manipulation. Why do you think the potential vice presidential running mates to her are all over JD Vance? Do you think it's genuine outrage? Sure. Sure. You know, it's just. Not to mention the number of things that the left has said about women that they're fine with. You know, they, what do they.They were calling Casey DeSantis the Walmart Melania. They called Melania Trump in the New York Times a mannequin when Trump was running the first time. They've called Casey DeSantis and others. What is it? The step, not Stepford, the. What's the show? The handmaid's tale. Like that. They're some sort of handmaid tale version of life. Not to mention what they said about Amy Coney Barrett. Same thing. They were wearing those handmade tells outfit at her at her confirmation hearings. That's fine. You can do all of that to republican women. You can say, as Gloria Steinem did about Sarah Palin, a woman only a man could love, that's no problem. But if you use the phrase childless cat lady in sort of a flip moment on Fox News, on a cable news show where, you know, that's, that's where you go to be flipped. You're the devil. All right. We report, you decide. Megan at Megan dot, thanks for listening. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday. Thanks for listening to the Megyn Kelly show. No b's, no agenda and no fear.


justifies in our government, it is taking us back 50 years. Discrimination under the, on the basis of law, discrimination on the basis of skin color. It's bad news, Megan, and I don't think we should go for it.


It sounds kind of communist, is what it sounds. And it's pretty alarming that that decision you made you referenced about the Biden Harris administration on the farmers and the ranchers would give the help to black farmers irrespective of their financial situation. So literally, Oprah Winfrey could say she has this ranch out in Montecito and that she wanted to take advantage of the program, and she would get it. And some struggling farmer or rancher in Appalachia would be denied if he happened to be white. It was insane. And discrimination on the basis of race is illegal. And so that's why it was struck down. You know, it wasn't so long ago that the same people piling on you now, Joy Reid, who says you only care about white moms who want to stay at home, even though you're married to a non white mom who is not staying at home.


Just crazy talk.


They were in love with you after hillbilly elegy until, you know, because they thought you were like a Trump whisperer. You were the guy who could help them understand the evil man who had ascended to the presidency. But there was an interesting exchange that you had on Joy Reid's show back in the day. This is 16 discussing your book. We pulled it up just for kicks. Here it is.


Katie, thank you so much for being here. I have read so many think pieces about your book and seen so many interviews with you. I have the book right here. Can't wait to dive into it. But your story, first of all, is fascinating. So the way you went from sort of rust belt country to Yale. But one of the things that's really fascinating about your story, JD, is how similar some of the pathologies you talk about are to the pathologies that normally people assign to African Americans.




That, you know, these ideas about the way you're raised. You're raised mostly by your grandparents. The way that you were able to use opportunity like the military to get a college degree. That's very familiar across racial lines. So why do you suppose there's such a huge gulf and distance ideologically between Africana, African Americans and people from where you like, the ones you came from?


Well, obviously, a lot of it goes back to 40 or 50 years ago when the two groups sort of diverged because of certain policies that were supported. A big part of it is just that because of the way that black Americans have been discriminated against legally, I think black Americans have tended to focus on a politics of race and which party is going to provide the most racial upload or tear down the most legal barriers, whereas white Americans have typically voted their pocketbook, voted a politics of class. And so they've tended to not necessarily overlap.


Pretty fascinating, by the way, you look so young. It's crazy what's happened to you in the past eight years.


It was before the beard, Megan. That's a long time ago.


Well, yeah. I feel like Usha's done a good job with you, JD. You cannot, you know, you're sharper dressing and you got, I like the bearden.


Yeah, you got to chill out with that. She's already arrogant enough about a lot of things. She deserves to be.


But I think you were making a good point there. And I think even joy Reid could see it back then. Now, maybe not.


Well, look, it's very simple. And actually, I think it started to change. By the way, Megan, I think you see a lot of black and white Americans voting more along class lines, voting more along who's actually best for me. There are a lot of black energy workers who are not going to benefit from the policies of a Harris administration to destroy the american energy industry. So I do think thats slowly starting to change. But it is interesting to sort of hear how fascinated these people were with my story 510 years ago. And now that I am on the presidential ticket, theyve decided that Im the worst possible guy in the world. Its fascinating to me. Its not surprising, Megan. And its kind of what I signed up for. Right. I mean, I want to make people's lives better. My whole idea here, and the reason I accepted President Trump's invitation to join the ticket is because I think that Americans have been screwed over by a lot of stupid policies. I'd like to change that. And if the cost of changing that, as people like Joy Reid used to say nice things about me and now they lie about me, whatever.


As Harry, as Truman said, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I think it's an honor to be here and everything that comes along with it I just see as a necessary part of having to do this job.


When Trump named you as his running mate, we did. We revisited some of your bio. And one of the points I made that day was this is a man whose life has been formed by strong women. That's very clear. That's a fact. It's not spin from mama, your grandma to your mom, though. It was a complicated relationship and remains so, I' decided to make her not the most liberal senator? By the time they had labeled her that, her senatorial days were over.So what changed in terms of her liberal senate policies? Nothing. She ran for president. The borders are nonsense. Do you know how many times the mainstream media called her that? And forget that label just said she was in charge of the border. She'd been placed in charge of the border, in the lead position, in charge of the border. Now it's like, what border? What? That was, Mayorkas, that media has decided to make these comments some national hurricane. And it's not going to be just this. We talked about this the other day because Kamala Harris is a woman of mixed race. They are going to make everything about race and gender. Right? She's asian, she's indian, and she's black. Her dad was jamaican and her mom was trying to remember exactly, but she's from India. Um, in any event, everything is going to make is going to be about race and gender. And so any small comment that he's ever made, of course, that Trump's ever made is going to be ginned up and turned into a national news story because this is how they motivate their base. The Republicans are racist, the Republicans are sexist.We're the only good party. Ignore the fact that we're going to mutilate your 14 year olds. Ignore the fact that your daughter's going to face partial paralysis in a volleyball game because we insist on making biological boys have access to her sports and her private spaces. That's pro woman, even if you're too stupid to understand it. The trick is just so old and watching them all rush to condemn, you know, a comment like this, it's just gotten so tiresome. I've seen it so many times now. When it first happens to you and you haven't been out there, maybe some of our young viewers are experiencing this. It might seem genuine. Oh, no. Like they're really mad. Like, this is bad. What he said. Once you get to be my old age, you start to see the patterns for what they are. This is a manipulation. Why do you think the potential vice presidential running mates to her are all over JD Vance? Do you think it's genuine outrage? Sure. Sure. You know, it's just. Not to mention the number of things that the left has said about women that they're fine with. You know, they, what do they.They were calling Casey DeSantis the Walmart Melania. They called Melania Trump in the New York Times a mannequin when Trump was running the first time. They've called Casey DeSantis and others. What is it? The step, not Stepford, the. What's the show? The handmaid's tale. Like that. They're some sort of handmaid tale version of life. Not to mention what they said about Amy Coney Barrett. Same thing. They were wearing those handmade tells outfit at her at her confirmation hearings. That's fine. You can do all of that to republican women. You can say, as Gloria Steinem did about Sarah Palin, a woman only a man could love, that's no problem. But if you use the phrase childless cat lady in sort of a flip moment on Fox News, on a cable news show where, you know, that's, that's where you go to be flipped. You're the devil. All right. We report, you decide. Megan at Megan dot, thanks for listening. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday. Thanks for listening to the Megyn Kelly show. No b's, no agenda and no fear.


decided to make her not the most liberal senator? By the time they had labeled her that, her senatorial days were over.


So what changed in terms of her liberal senate policies? Nothing. She ran for president. The borders are nonsense. Do you know how many times the mainstream media called her that? And forget that label just said she was in charge of the border. She'd been placed in charge of the border, in the lead position, in charge of the border. Now it's like, what border? What? That was, Mayorkas, that media has decided to make these comments some national hurricane. And it's not going to be just this. We talked about this the other day because Kamala Harris is a woman of mixed race. They are going to make everything about race and gender. Right? She's asian, she's indian, and she's black. Her dad was jamaican and her mom was trying to remember exactly, but she's from India. Um, in any event, everything is going to make is going to be about race and gender. And so any small comment that he's ever made, of course, that Trump's ever made is going to be ginned up and turned into a national news story because this is how they motivate their base. The Republicans are racist, the Republicans are sexist.


We're the only good party. Ignore the fact that we're going to mutilate your 14 year olds. Ignore the fact that your daughter's going to face partial paralysis in a volleyball game because we insist on making biological boys have access to her sports and her private spaces. That's pro woman, even if you're too stupid to understand it. The trick is just so old and watching them all rush to condemn, you know, a comment like this, it's just gotten so tiresome. I've seen it so many times now. When it first happens to you and you haven't been out there, maybe some of our young viewers are experiencing this. It might seem genuine. Oh, no. Like they're really mad. Like, this is bad. What he said. Once you get to be my old age, you start to see the patterns for what they are. This is a manipulation. Why do you think the potential vice presidential running mates to her are all over JD Vance? Do you think it's genuine outrage? Sure. Sure. You know, it's just. Not to mention the number of things that the left has said about women that they're fine with. You know, they, what do they.


They were calling Casey DeSantis the Walmart Melania. They called Melania Trump in the New York Times a mannequin when Trump was running the first time. They've called Casey DeSantis and others. What is it? The step, not Stepford, the. What's the show? The handmaid's tale. Like that. They're some sort of handmaid tale version of life. Not to mention what they said about Amy Coney Barrett. Same thing. They were wearing those handmade tells outfit at her at her confirmation hearings. That's fine. You can do all of that to republican women. You can say, as Gloria Steinem did about Sarah Palin, a woman only a man could love, that's no problem. But if you use the phrase childless cat lady in sort of a flip moment on Fox News, on a cable news show where, you know, that's, that's where you go to be flipped. You're the devil. All right. We report, you decide. Megan at Megan dot, thanks for listening. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday. Thanks for listening to the Megyn Kelly show. No b's, no agenda and no fear.