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Welcome to Tucker Carlson show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. And they're not censored, of course, because we're not gatekeepers. We are honest brokers here to tell.


You what we think you need to.


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Here's the episode. What do you think of Kamala Harris?


I think she is a politician.




And she's interested in the accumulation of power and control.


Do you think she believes in anything?


I think she believes in government, like most Marxists. Yes, I think she is a marxist.


Do you think that she can win?


Absolutely she can win. This is going to be a great test of the power of the media to take someone who Doesn't, I mean, that it's not obvious why she would be the choice of African Americans, I guess.No, it's the perceptions. And of course, a lot of it will be driven by the media who will try to make her seem like, you know, she's the second coming of Christ. But I just don't think that that's going to work in this particular case. Not to mention the fact that in the past at least, she has not been an inspirational individual. And her speeches have certainly not been the kind that would have people fired up and saying, yes, we will go to the end of the earth for this woman. So I hope she has some really good speech writers.Yeah, I mean, it's just, it's interesting. If you can get Kamala Harris elected president, you know, you've kind of proven that the democracy's fake, I think.Well, you know, Nancy Pelosi once said, I can take this glass of water and I can put a d behind it and get it elected. There's no question there is a machine and there is a mechanism for doing things here. You saw how effective it was in Pennsylvania for Fetterman at a time when, before he recovered from his stroke, he was a basket case. He couldn't talk, and yet he was still able to be elected over someone who was very articulate and very logical. Doctor Oz. So no one should underestimate the impact of that machine and what it can do.I don't think we're allowed to talk about voter fraud on YouTube, which tells you that it's real. But are you concerned that letting in tens of millions of people illegally will have an effect on the outcome of this election?Well, of course it will. I mean, that's the whole purpose of it. And I've talked to people who told me, you know, they in Baltimore, go into the voting station and just vote. They didn't have to show any id. They didn't have to do anything. I remember one person who worked with me, so I went in there, and they told me, she said, do you want to see my id? And they said, no, we don't need to see your id. So think about that and multiply that by hundreds of thousands or millions of people. It can have a profound effect on the election. But also think about the fact that when people come in here illegally, they get legally counted in the census, which then is used to help determine how many representatives they have. So it has an impact that way also. So it definitely has an impact. It's just a matter of how great that impact will be. And as time goes on and you get more representatives who lean left than you get legislation past that, becomes very friendly to people who've entered this country illegally, and you can profoundly change it to a point where it will never move in a different direction.How far away from that are we now, do you think?I think we're one or two elections away from that. And that's why it's so vitally important that we have people who can explain this in a way that people who are not legal or political scholars understand what's going on and are not so easily manipulated. We have to recognize that we're being manipulated. And this goes back a long way. There have always been people who have not been happy with the United States and with the way that we do things. And you can go all the way back to 1963 and look at the congressional record. January 10, 1963. Congressman Herlong of Florida read into the record the 45 goals of communism in America and how they plan to fundamentally change our society. It was derived from a book called the Naked Communists by W. Cleon Skossen, who was a CIA agent and had done a lot of study on communism and its effect. And you look at those 45 goals. It was things like gaining control of the public school system and the teacher unions so that you can indoctrinate the kids, gaining control of the news media and Hollywood so that you could manipulate the opinions of people, denigrating the role of the family, denigrating the role of the church, getting into the churches, and changing the real gospel to the social gospel, making sexual perversion normal, natural, and healthy.I mean, just right down the line, all the things and the things that are happening in our society right now, and we, the american people, are the pawns who are being manipulated. And it's one of the reasons that Khrushchev was so confident when he talked to Eisenhower and said that your grandchildren's children will live under our system. We won't have to fight a war because we think we want a cold war. But they had a much better plan on how to actually change us. And we're falling for it. And we, the american people, have got to wake up before it's too late. And we've got to understand that part of the goal to overcome us is to divide us on the basis of race, age, income, gender, political affiliation, religion. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus said it, Abraham Lincoln reiterated it. And it's absolutely true. And you look and you see what's happening to our society. You know, we are neighbors and friends and coworkers and colleagues. We are not enemies. And look at the first letter of each of those words. We are not enemies. W a n e wane.We've allowed hatred and division to wax for a long time. Now it's time to let it wane and come together once again. It's okay to disagree about things. It doesn't make someone your enemy just because they have a different yard sign or a different opinion. It doesn't change the fact that that's your neighbor. And you think about the early days in our country when you had communities, sometimes of 50 or 100 families. They came from different areas of the world. In many cases they could barely talk to each other because they spoke different languages. But they understood a concept called the common good. That's language that you see in much of the writings of our founders. The common good, what's good for all of us, not what's good for the polish section or the german section or the african section, but what's good for everybody. And that was one of the things that made the difference. You know, if it was harvest time and Mister Johnson broke his leg, everybody else harvested his crops. They didn't say, are you a Democrat or a Republican? What's your religion? No, they said, you're my neighbor and you need help.That was one of the real strengths of our nation and we're allowing that to be destroyed. We're being manipulated. And one of the reasons I believe that that's happening is because we are the major obstacle to one world government and one world domination. But we cannot be overcome militarily. So you have to overcome us by destroying us from within.One of the reasons that people talked about the common good and believed that it was important is because they were Christians and therefore they believed in the moral equality of mankind, because every person is created by God. That doesn't seem to be a common view in the way that it was even 20 years ago. And at the same time the us government seems openly hostile to Christianity, particularly the Biden Harris administration replacing Easter with trans Visibility day, et cetera, putting people in prison for praying in abortion clinics, et cetera, et cetera. Do you notice this, this hostility toward.Oh, without question. But recognize that that's part of the overall plan of Marxism. Marxism and communism is very anti religion because they want you to be dependent on government. They don't want you to be dependent on God and they want you to believe that they have the ultimate say in everything. So naturally they're going to be anti religion and anti God. And it's sad to see, I mean when you look at television the way that they mock Christians and Christianity and you saw all of the protests that occurred recently when the governor of Louisiana said we're going to have the Ten Commandments in the schools and the governor of Oklahoma and the legislature said we're going to teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments. Oh no, no, you can't do that. This is horrible. Separation of church and state. You know, the constitution says nothing about separation of church and state, by the way, that's been distorted tremendously. But I like to ask these people exactly why don't you want the Ten Commandments to be taught? What is wrong with thou shalt not kill. What's wrong with thou shalt not still, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not envy, honor your parents?What's wrong with those things? And of course they never have a good answer for what's wrong with them because there is nothing that's wrong with them. And these are basic principles of civilization. And you can go to the deepest, darkest jungle of Borneo and if you find a thief, what does he do? He waits until nighttime when nobody can see him and he goes. And still, why did he do that? Because he knows it's wrong. There is such a thing as right and wrong and there's nothing wrong with us teaching that to our children.I don't think they've gotten rid of religion in the public square. They've just changed the religion and it's now transgenderism and environmentalism. Right, but it's recognizable to immediately as a theology.No, it is. And their belief in it is very strong and they go so far as to want to punish those who disagree with them and make life very difficult for them. I think we're in a situation now where our society, to a large degree, actually thinks logically and understands the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. But we have people who are afraid. They're afraid to express their ideals because of the punishment, because of cancelation, because somebody might call them a bad name, because somebody might make life difficult for their family. But what we have to recognize is when you stand up for what you believe in, you give license and encouragement for others to do the same thing. And remember, you cannot be the land of the free if you're not the home of the brave.Well, here's a secret that can get 50% cut right off your phone bill every month, which for a lot of Americans is a big savings. Here's the secret. Verizon, at and T and T Mobile want you to believe that you need something called unlimited data.Unlimited data.But the fact is that most people don't need unlimited data, and nobody should be forced to pay for it. It's really expensive. That's where pure talk comes in. Pure talk only charges you for the data you want. How's that for an idea? So talk, text, and five gigs of data is just $25 per month. How much is five gigs of data? Well, you can browse the Internet for 135 hours. You can stream 1000 songs, you can watch 10 hours of video. So you're probably overpaying for what you use. You don't have to anymore. Switch to PureTalk and America's most dependable 5g network for just dollar 25 a.Month, and you can feel good about it.Because PureTalk is proudly veteran led and supports american jobs. Their whole customer service team is here in the United States of America, where you live. There's no offshoring. The average family saves almost $1,000 a year by switching to pure talk. There's no contract, no cancelation fees. There's a 30 day money day back guarantee. It makes switching wireless companies easy. So go to tucker, and you save an additional 50% off your very first month. That's tucker, to switch your cell phone service to a company you can be proud and happy to do business with.Summer scorchers are back at eurogiant. Dive into the fun with our wide range of summer essentials. Whatever the weather, from quality barbecues and gardening essentials to great value summer toys and games. Shop in store or online at Eurogiant, ie. Was it strange for you to go? You were, well, actually like Trump. You were very famous before you entered politics. And also like Trump, but to a greater extent, really, than Trump. You were loved. Bye the media and by our institutions. Was it strange to go from being a hero to a villain basically overnight?It wasn't strange. It was expected. I recognize that that would likely occur. But then I had to ask myself, what are you here for, and why has God used you in this way, and why has he given you such amazing accomplishments on a platform? And obviously, it was not to look for the approval and adulation of mankind. It was to fulfill your duty to God and bring praise and honor and glory to his name. So it never really bothered me, particularly when a lot of the mainstream said, he's a horrible person, and he's a horrible person. Never mind the fact that he saved thousands of lives and came up with all kinds of new ways to do wonderful things. He's a horrible person because whatever they believe is not what he believes. And the good thing is that I don't encounter a lot of people who feel that way. You know, when I go to the airport, when I came in here yesterday and I went to the airport, I had a line of people waiting to take pictures with me and to shake my hand happened. So that raises the question, well, when we get another pandemic, which we will, will anyone trust the authorities? Will the authorities have, you know, trustworthiness? I mean, what's going to happen next time?Well, certainly no one trusts them right now.Yeah.And hopefully we'll get a new administration next year and we can start rebuilding that trust. But that requires transparency and actually explaining things. One of the things that lets you know when what you didn't do? So I think we have a responsibility when we know something is right or wrong, we have a responsibility to speak up.I'm amazed that you would talk like this in a hospital, medical school operating room. I mean, that cannot be a popular view.And it wasn't. But, you know, I a long time ago decided that I'm going to speak out for what I believe in. And even if people try to persecute you, this comes back to my faith. What is that? Little persecution against the backdrop of eternity. So I don't really worry about that too much.I don't think I can improve on that. Doctor Carson, thank you.It's been wonderful talking.It has been. Thank you very much.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to to see everything that we have made. The complete library.


Doesn't, I mean, that it's not obvious why she would be the choice of African Americans, I guess.


No, it's the perceptions. And of course, a lot of it will be driven by the media who will try to make her seem like, you know, she's the second coming of Christ. But I just don't think that that's going to work in this particular case. Not to mention the fact that in the past at least, she has not been an inspirational individual. And her speeches have certainly not been the kind that would have people fired up and saying, yes, we will go to the end of the earth for this woman. So I hope she has some really good speech writers.


Yeah, I mean, it's just, it's interesting. If you can get Kamala Harris elected president, you know, you've kind of proven that the democracy's fake, I think.


Well, you know, Nancy Pelosi once said, I can take this glass of water and I can put a d behind it and get it elected. There's no question there is a machine and there is a mechanism for doing things here. You saw how effective it was in Pennsylvania for Fetterman at a time when, before he recovered from his stroke, he was a basket case. He couldn't talk, and yet he was still able to be elected over someone who was very articulate and very logical. Doctor Oz. So no one should underestimate the impact of that machine and what it can do.


I don't think we're allowed to talk about voter fraud on YouTube, which tells you that it's real. But are you concerned that letting in tens of millions of people illegally will have an effect on the outcome of this election?


Well, of course it will. I mean, that's the whole purpose of it. And I've talked to people who told me, you know, they in Baltimore, go into the voting station and just vote. They didn't have to show any id. They didn't have to do anything. I remember one person who worked with me, so I went in there, and they told me, she said, do you want to see my id? And they said, no, we don't need to see your id. So think about that and multiply that by hundreds of thousands or millions of people. It can have a profound effect on the election. But also think about the fact that when people come in here illegally, they get legally counted in the census, which then is used to help determine how many representatives they have. So it has an impact that way also. So it definitely has an impact. It's just a matter of how great that impact will be. And as time goes on and you get more representatives who lean left than you get legislation past that, becomes very friendly to people who've entered this country illegally, and you can profoundly change it to a point where it will never move in a different direction.


How far away from that are we now, do you think?


I think we're one or two elections away from that. And that's why it's so vitally important that we have people who can explain this in a way that people who are not legal or political scholars understand what's going on and are not so easily manipulated. We have to recognize that we're being manipulated. And this goes back a long way. There have always been people who have not been happy with the United States and with the way that we do things. And you can go all the way back to 1963 and look at the congressional record. January 10, 1963. Congressman Herlong of Florida read into the record the 45 goals of communism in America and how they plan to fundamentally change our society. It was derived from a book called the Naked Communists by W. Cleon Skossen, who was a CIA agent and had done a lot of study on communism and its effect. And you look at those 45 goals. It was things like gaining control of the public school system and the teacher unions so that you can indoctrinate the kids, gaining control of the news media and Hollywood so that you could manipulate the opinions of people, denigrating the role of the family, denigrating the role of the church, getting into the churches, and changing the real gospel to the social gospel, making sexual perversion normal, natural, and healthy.


I mean, just right down the line, all the things and the things that are happening in our society right now, and we, the american people, are the pawns who are being manipulated. And it's one of the reasons that Khrushchev was so confident when he talked to Eisenhower and said that your grandchildren's children will live under our system. We won't have to fight a war because we think we want a cold war. But they had a much better plan on how to actually change us. And we're falling for it. And we, the american people, have got to wake up before it's too late. And we've got to understand that part of the goal to overcome us is to divide us on the basis of race, age, income, gender, political affiliation, religion. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus said it, Abraham Lincoln reiterated it. And it's absolutely true. And you look and you see what's happening to our society. You know, we are neighbors and friends and coworkers and colleagues. We are not enemies. And look at the first letter of each of those words. We are not enemies. W a n e wane.


We've allowed hatred and division to wax for a long time. Now it's time to let it wane and come together once again. It's okay to disagree about things. It doesn't make someone your enemy just because they have a different yard sign or a different opinion. It doesn't change the fact that that's your neighbor. And you think about the early days in our country when you had communities, sometimes of 50 or 100 families. They came from different areas of the world. In many cases they could barely talk to each other because they spoke different languages. But they understood a concept called the common good. That's language that you see in much of the writings of our founders. The common good, what's good for all of us, not what's good for the polish section or the german section or the african section, but what's good for everybody. And that was one of the things that made the difference. You know, if it was harvest time and Mister Johnson broke his leg, everybody else harvested his crops. They didn't say, are you a Democrat or a Republican? What's your religion? No, they said, you're my neighbor and you need help.


That was one of the real strengths of our nation and we're allowing that to be destroyed. We're being manipulated. And one of the reasons I believe that that's happening is because we are the major obstacle to one world government and one world domination. But we cannot be overcome militarily. So you have to overcome us by destroying us from within.


One of the reasons that people talked about the common good and believed that it was important is because they were Christians and therefore they believed in the moral equality of mankind, because every person is created by God. That doesn't seem to be a common view in the way that it was even 20 years ago. And at the same time the us government seems openly hostile to Christianity, particularly the Biden Harris administration replacing Easter with trans Visibility day, et cetera, putting people in prison for praying in abortion clinics, et cetera, et cetera. Do you notice this, this hostility toward.


Oh, without question. But recognize that that's part of the overall plan of Marxism. Marxism and communism is very anti religion because they want you to be dependent on government. They don't want you to be dependent on God and they want you to believe that they have the ultimate say in everything. So naturally they're going to be anti religion and anti God. And it's sad to see, I mean when you look at television the way that they mock Christians and Christianity and you saw all of the protests that occurred recently when the governor of Louisiana said we're going to have the Ten Commandments in the schools and the governor of Oklahoma and the legislature said we're going to teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments. Oh no, no, you can't do that. This is horrible. Separation of church and state. You know, the constitution says nothing about separation of church and state, by the way, that's been distorted tremendously. But I like to ask these people exactly why don't you want the Ten Commandments to be taught? What is wrong with thou shalt not kill. What's wrong with thou shalt not still, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not envy, honor your parents?


What's wrong with those things? And of course they never have a good answer for what's wrong with them because there is nothing that's wrong with them. And these are basic principles of civilization. And you can go to the deepest, darkest jungle of Borneo and if you find a thief, what does he do? He waits until nighttime when nobody can see him and he goes. And still, why did he do that? Because he knows it's wrong. There is such a thing as right and wrong and there's nothing wrong with us teaching that to our children.


I don't think they've gotten rid of religion in the public square. They've just changed the religion and it's now transgenderism and environmentalism. Right, but it's recognizable to immediately as a theology.


No, it is. And their belief in it is very strong and they go so far as to want to punish those who disagree with them and make life very difficult for them. I think we're in a situation now where our society, to a large degree, actually thinks logically and understands the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. But we have people who are afraid. They're afraid to express their ideals because of the punishment, because of cancelation, because somebody might call them a bad name, because somebody might make life difficult for their family. But what we have to recognize is when you stand up for what you believe in, you give license and encouragement for others to do the same thing. And remember, you cannot be the land of the free if you're not the home of the brave.


Well, here's a secret that can get 50% cut right off your phone bill every month, which for a lot of Americans is a big savings. Here's the secret. Verizon, at and T and T Mobile want you to believe that you need something called unlimited data.


Unlimited data.


But the fact is that most people don't need unlimited data, and nobody should be forced to pay for it. It's really expensive. That's where pure talk comes in. Pure talk only charges you for the data you want. How's that for an idea? So talk, text, and five gigs of data is just $25 per month. How much is five gigs of data? Well, you can browse the Internet for 135 hours. You can stream 1000 songs, you can watch 10 hours of video. So you're probably overpaying for what you use. You don't have to anymore. Switch to PureTalk and America's most dependable 5g network for just dollar 25 a.


Month, and you can feel good about it.


Because PureTalk is proudly veteran led and supports american jobs. Their whole customer service team is here in the United States of America, where you live. There's no offshoring. The average family saves almost $1,000 a year by switching to pure talk. There's no contract, no cancelation fees. There's a 30 day money day back guarantee. It makes switching wireless companies easy. So go to tucker, and you save an additional 50% off your very first month. That's tucker, to switch your cell phone service to a company you can be proud and happy to do business with.


Summer scorchers are back at eurogiant. Dive into the fun with our wide range of summer essentials. Whatever the weather, from quality barbecues and gardening essentials to great value summer toys and games. Shop in store or online at Eurogiant, ie. Was it strange for you to go? You were, well, actually like Trump. You were very famous before you entered politics. And also like Trump, but to a greater extent, really, than Trump. You were loved. Bye the media and by our institutions. Was it strange to go from being a hero to a villain basically overnight?


It wasn't strange. It was expected. I recognize that that would likely occur. But then I had to ask myself, what are you here for, and why has God used you in this way, and why has he given you such amazing accomplishments on a platform? And obviously, it was not to look for the approval and adulation of mankind. It was to fulfill your duty to God and bring praise and honor and glory to his name. So it never really bothered me, particularly when a lot of the mainstream said, he's a horrible person, and he's a horrible person. Never mind the fact that he saved thousands of lives and came up with all kinds of new ways to do wonderful things. He's a horrible person because whatever they believe is not what he believes. And the good thing is that I don't encounter a lot of people who feel that way. You know, when I go to the airport, when I came in here yesterday and I went to the airport, I had a line of people waiting to take pictures with me and to shake my hand happened. So that raises the question, well, when we get another pandemic, which we will, will anyone trust the authorities? Will the authorities have, you know, trustworthiness? I mean, what's going to happen next time?Well, certainly no one trusts them right now.Yeah.And hopefully we'll get a new administration next year and we can start rebuilding that trust. But that requires transparency and actually explaining things. One of the things that lets you know when what you didn't do? So I think we have a responsibility when we know something is right or wrong, we have a responsibility to speak up.I'm amazed that you would talk like this in a hospital, medical school operating room. I mean, that cannot be a popular view.And it wasn't. But, you know, I a long time ago decided that I'm going to speak out for what I believe in. And even if people try to persecute you, this comes back to my faith. What is that? Little persecution against the backdrop of eternity. So I don't really worry about that too much.I don't think I can improve on that. Doctor Carson, thank you.It's been wonderful talking.It has been. Thank you very much.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to to see everything that we have made. The complete library.


happened. So that raises the question, well, when we get another pandemic, which we will, will anyone trust the authorities? Will the authorities have, you know, trustworthiness? I mean, what's going to happen next time?


Well, certainly no one trusts them right now.




And hopefully we'll get a new administration next year and we can start rebuilding that trust. But that requires transparency and actually explaining things. One of the things that lets you know when what you didn't do? So I think we have a responsibility when we know something is right or wrong, we have a responsibility to speak up.I'm amazed that you would talk like this in a hospital, medical school operating room. I mean, that cannot be a popular view.And it wasn't. But, you know, I a long time ago decided that I'm going to speak out for what I believe in. And even if people try to persecute you, this comes back to my faith. What is that? Little persecution against the backdrop of eternity. So I don't really worry about that too much.I don't think I can improve on that. Doctor Carson, thank you.It's been wonderful talking.It has been. Thank you very much.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to to see everything that we have made. The complete library.


what you didn't do? So I think we have a responsibility when we know something is right or wrong, we have a responsibility to speak up.


I'm amazed that you would talk like this in a hospital, medical school operating room. I mean, that cannot be a popular view.


And it wasn't. But, you know, I a long time ago decided that I'm going to speak out for what I believe in. And even if people try to persecute you, this comes back to my faith. What is that? Little persecution against the backdrop of eternity. So I don't really worry about that too much.


I don't think I can improve on that. Doctor Carson, thank you.


It's been wonderful talking.


It has been. Thank you very much.


Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to to see everything that we have made. The complete library.