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Welcome to the Tucker Carlson Show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. They're not censored, of course, because we're not gatekeepers. We are honest brokers here to tell you what we think you need to know and do it honestly. Check out all of our content at tuckercarlson. Com. Here's the episode. Let's start at beginning. What just happened?


I'm driving up here to an undisclosed location 1, and I'm getting these phone calls all of a sudden, just like I got random phone calls a week ago that said Donald Trump has been shot, and we didn't even know at the time what was going on. Then suddenly, I'm getting phone calls from my team saying, Hey, Joe Biden has just dropped out. I'm like, What do you mean he dropped dropped out. Is there an oval office address? He's not in the oval office. He's supposed to be in Rehoboth. This very suspicious letter, which is signed by Joe Biden in a signature that is different from all of his other signatures, gets put out. It says that he is dropping out of the race. It doesn't cite a reason. It doesn't cite any specifics as to what's going on, doesn't endorse Kamala Harris in the letter itself, and it's just posted to his Twitter account, just X. It's move. They get with the KGB because they were got... Brejnev had already maneuvered everything, so his guys were in power. They run the full Unhuman's playbook on him and say, You're done. They have him come back when he flies back. They said, We have a meeting to discuss agricultural reports. They come in, KGB intercepts Khrushchev at the airport. They bring him in, and they hand a letter in front of him, and they say, This is the letter. You're going to sign it. Khrushchev at that point goes, You know what? I'm old. I always knew this day was going to come. So he just goes along with it. He just totally lays out.They put him on her house arrest for the rest of his life. He's never seen or heard from again. He gets a memoir that comes out.But that's the Soviet Union. I mean, this is a free and transparent country owned by its own citizens. Oh, yeah. No, that's not the area. Nothing similar like that.Whatever. Go on here. I mean, so you- Sucker, that's a crazy other thing.But what's so bewildering to me is that nobody mentions it.I mean, I- Go look at the media right now. If wired. Com, it's a conspiracy theory to say that this was a coup. There's this whole hageography that's going on right now of, oh, it was this intense decision that Biden was grappling with it. But we don't know any of that. Of course we do. We've been informed by people close to his thinking that This is exactly how it went down. Of course, none of us were in the room. None of us got to see any of this, but we're all told, no, this is exactly what happened. Joe Biden isn't out there himself telling us that any of it's happened. Actually, as of the time of recording, we haven't even heard from Kamala Harris yet, who We're told there isn't anything physically wrong with her. So why isn't Kamala coming out or Jill coming out or anyone coming out and just talking to the American people and at least giving us some semblance of a story as to what's going on?As someone who's thought for the last few years that this was not a democracy, it's an oligarchy, the real business conducted in the shadows, shielded from public scrutiny by lies and classification laws. I thought all that for a while because it's clearly true. But to see that all revealed, they just took the mask off. So what you're seeing- It's shocking.What you're seeing is a layer being pulled back, and the core is never revealed. So in the intelligence community, you would say, All right, if your cover is blown, or you've got an issue with your cover, you've got an issue with our identity, whatever it is. Someone's asking questions about the operation. You never come out and say, Well, you got me. I'm CIA. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Langeley sent me. No. What you would do is that you would peel back a layer and say, Okay, I may have lied about this thing, but here's what's really going on. But you never get to the full truth. So think of it as layers of an onion, for example. So you never get to the core. Just one peel comes off, and now we're going to go with that. So the peel that's coming off right now is, yes, Leviathan does have show itself in order for this move to take place. And that's what's happening. So this idea that you live in, that they promote a lot more than Republicans promote, by the way, that we live in a democracy and the people are the ultimate arbitors of sovereignty and justice in America, and we're fighting to protect our democracy.By the way, we're protecting our democracy from Donald Trump, who's the biggest threat to democracy. But this guy, we don't like him anymore, so we're just going to remove him, and we're going to pull his money, and we're going to pull his delegates. And then actually, the To me, the most interesting thing that I see is when you watch all these delegates, all these delegations are coming out now. North Carolina has decided they're behind Kamala Harris, and New York says they're behind Kamala Harris, and each delegation starts going. This is like watching the election results in North Korea, because what do you mean the delegates are suddenly for Kamala Harris? The delegates were voted for by the people of the Democrat Party, 14 million people or something voted in this election, and suddenly, their votes don't matter anymore. The oligarchs have just It does seem like we're at a point where all of a sudden it happened fast.We're beyond words and rhetoric, beyond politics, beyond process, even. We're dealing with people who are absolutely willing to kill other people for power. That's real. Of course. To stage a coup against an elected president who supposedly got 15 million more votes in any president in history.Where are all the Biden voters?Nobody even cares about all that stuff. None of that was ever real. Now they're admitting it's It's not real. It's just the people with the guns are in charge. It does feel that way.It's 100% true. We have a book about it. When you have an oligarchy that is pushed up against the wall, which, by the way, they are right No. It's a dangerous point, but also they would not be doing this if they didn't have to. If they didn't have to go up against Trump, if the assassin's bullet had been one-half inch, quarter inch to the right, and things had gone a little a bit differently in that field in Butler, Pennsylvania, then they wouldn't be having to make these moves because then it would be, oh, my gosh, this horrible thing, but we're going to trudge on. The election must go on. America must be safe. Joe Biden is the guy, the stable candidate. You'd be hearing the exact opposite from all of them. They'd be talking about how great Biden is presiding over the funeral of Donald Trump and maybe in a state funeral or something like that to appease the right, but of course, never actually give.But I wonder if we'll remember what we're learning right now, which is that everything that Joe Scarborough and Wolf Blitzer and Margaret Brennan, all these people, it's all lies. They'll say anything they need to say. The Democratic Party is not democratic in any sense. Its voters are purely puppets, so are its politicians. It's all fake. Maybe we should just never forget that and say it out loud. None of this means anything. You're yapping about democracy of rule of vantage points. You've got windows, you got all sorts of stuff. Dealey Plaza, we can all do the math on this. They bring in augments from state police. They bring in augments from the local Butler County Sheriff. They bring augments from the Butler Township police and to say, okay, you're going to be working with us.No, every single presidential event is controlled by the secret service. And this woman, Kimberly Sheetle, speaking of female leadership, it tells us that, well, these areas were assigned to the local police, and that's just not true. They may have been in areas that were considered outside the perimeter, but the Secret Service has command of every single hierarchy for a presidential visit, period, full stop. So anyone who's brought into this is working through their operational plan. So the CONOP is done, concept of operations would be done by the Secret Service and then disseminated to these teams. However, we're told that at the basic sync meeting that you would have been having that morning, Secret Service wasn't even there. So the local police say, Okay, Morning of, it's the coach meeting the team before the game.But the secret service is responsible for protecting Trump. Yes. But they couldn't even go to the meeting that morning. Let me ask you a question.And this is the meeting where- That's bizarre. Where you're going through, what frequency are we on, guys? Hey, I'm Jack. Here's Tucker. We're going to be out there. Okay, you got the building. We're going to be in here. So you would be able to communicate. You'd go through a communications plan. You'd go through the basic workflow of the day. You'd go through your pattern of life. You would mention if you, I don't know, saw someone flying a drone around or something like that, that type of information could be disseminated. Or if there were any local groups that they had an eye on, you might put out a six-pack or something like that. Hey, be advised. These are some of the things that we're tracking. These are some of the people that we're looking at. If you had something like that, this is the meeting where you would do that. Secret Service doesn't go.Crazy. Okay. Then what happens?So local law enforcement was siloed, no direct radio contact because they didn't go to the meeting. They had no way of contacting directly to the Secret Service snipers who were inside. So you got these police teams outside.Even during the event, they had no way to contact them?They had to contact them through an intermediary. You'd set up a tactile operations center or a communication. I think it was called the Butler Communication Center in this case, or the talk. You'd go through the talk, and then the talk has a liaison, and liaison goes to the secret service, and then the secret service has to go through their liaison back to the talk, and then the talk goes back to the police, as opposed to just being on the same frequency and saying, Hey, there's a guy crawling on the building.So who was this guy, and how did he get there? What do we know about him?This individual, and I want to skip ahead a little bit in the report because there's a lot in this report. Even, by the way, let me say this real quick. Section 5, Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.Social media are great. They're important. They're the main way we communicate with each other. They're where politics happen in this country. But one of the problems with social media is that the rules change. The people in charge don't want you to say something. They don't tell you that. And the next thing you know, you're without a platform. Well, now you have an option. Parly. Parler. It's back. The original free speech app taken off the internet by the sensors has come back in full force. Parler was the first big app to be pulled off because it was the first big app to make free speech a top priority. Other platforms may be relaxing their policies, and they change a lot, but Parler will not change. Its distinct approach is here to stay. By paving the way for other apps to protect users' free speech, Parler has set the standard in the industry. It is now launched on a hyperscaled private cloud called Parler Cloud, and that means your data are secure. Your words cannot be controlled by third-party companies. It's uncancelable. Again, Parlor has been canceled. They don't plan to be canceled again, and they've taken extensive and very expensive steps to make sure it's not going to happen.Parlor is not at the mercy of other companies that don't believe in free speech. And here's the best part. It's ad-free. You are not the product on Parlor. Parlor is committed to providing a space where you can share and engage without interference of ads or invasive targeting. It's more than just a platform. It is effectively a movement, and its goal is to keep the free flow of information open globally, where everybody can talk without fear of suppression. So it's upholding the values this country was founded on: free expression, open dialog. Also, innovation, by the way. We're on Parlor at Tucker Carlson, and you can go there and find us and stay informed about what's happening in the world. So join a place that embraces your right to say what you actually think and that fosters connections between people. Without free speech, you can't connect with other people. We're all just lying to each other. But Parler offers you that, a seamless social media experience tailored to your needs. You can get Parler from the App Store, Google Play, or visit parler. Com. At Parler, you are valued, you can say what you think, and you're awarded for doing How does that even happen?An outdoor rally with a guy who's a former President of the United States who is eminently becoming the nominee for President of the United States. Someone who we just know, it's just inherent that Donald Trump has multiple credible threats to his life at all times for the last decade or so. They weren't even going to provide counter sniper teams at first to this rally, which, as I just said, is outdoors, which is the most potentially fatal, the most dangerous position a politician can ever put themselves in. We're told the counter sniper team showed up the day before to actually do some of the pacing, not a week prior. I've done presidential visits. I've done overseas stuff with presidents and detailees. You're out there a week before. You're You're going through the motorcade route, you're checking bridges, you're doing all that stuff. None of that was done here. None of it. Eight days before the rally, local police are informed. Five days before the rally, they meet with the secret service, and they're informed that the rally will be held at the Butler Farm Grounds. Three days before the rally, Secret Service conducts a site visit.Just three days before they conducted the site visit. At that point, no counter-sniper teams. On the day of the rally, at 9:00 AM, they hold the briefing. 46-page slide deck only from the local Butler ESU. Local SWAT and sniper units are there, but the staging locations are laid out. Secret Service doesn't attend. According to attendees of the briefing, no Secret Service or other federal law enforcement is present for this briefing. Secret Service had not initially intended to provide sniper units, but changed course for currently unclear reasons. The briefing included an outline of the security perimeter for the event and areas of responsibility or AORs. At 9:27 AM, concurrent, Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, enters a Home Depot located in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Ctv footage shows the shooter entering alone. A couple of minutes later, he purchases a five-foot aluminum dual-platform ladder. That's the only time we see the ladder, by the way, Tucker, in this timeline. The ladder disappears after this. 9:42, he leaves. They identify him. 10:30, snipers are in position. This is interesting.Can I ask, so that morning, Crooks buys the ladder? Yes. That suggests he's already figured out exactly what going to do?He's got an idea.Interesting.Okay. The ladder's in place. 10:30 AM, two local law enforcement snipers are in position on the second floor inside the AGR building, the American Glass Research Building. They don't go to the roof of this building. They go inside the second floor. They sit there, they're looking out the windows, but they never actually go to the roof or, apparently, to the back of the building to see where this guy came up. 5:10 PM. Crooks is first observed by one of the snipers, AGR sniper one at the AGR building, and he takes the picture below of Crooks. Not long after that, and I'll show you these in a second, they can put up, AGR sniper One takes a picture below of a bicycle in what appears to be two bags located near the AGR building. It is unclear what happened to the bicycle and bags after July 13th, 2024. We can take a look at that.So they're saying that Crooks rode a a bicycle to the event?There's a van that's later found outside the event in the parking area that's about a mile distance from this AGR building that is Crooks' van. That van, we're told, contains explosives, homemade explosives, and explosives that are connected to a remote control detonator, which is later found on Crooks' body. The idea being then, if this bicycle is indeed his, parks the van, gets into the bicycle, carries his rifle, slings it on, you could see the bags in the photo, rides the bicycle from where the van is, that mile distance to the back of this building.Okay, so then I'm getting to the next part.I'm sorry to take this- Actually, I'm just realizing that I don't believe in the senator's timeline that they have the drone. What drone? Crooks' drone. Unless I'm missing it.He has a drone, too?It's now been reported that he, at some point prior to 5:10, so around 3:00 in the afternoon or so, when things are still getting prepared, he's there with a drone flying a flight pattern around the area of the Butler Farm Grounds.That's insane. You can't. I mean, I just know from living in DC, you can't just operate drones around law enforcement. It freaks them out.No. Or Don Jr. Told me, and I think he said in one of his recent interviews that when his father was at his house for an event, a family event and a party, that he wanted to put up one of his drones, and the software wouldn't allow the drone to even take off because a Secret Service detail lead was in the vicinity. My cousin was getting married in Southern Pennsylvania, which is pretty close to where Wilmington is, and she wanted to have a drone up at her wedding. And because Biden happened to be in Wilmington at that point, she was within that 30-mile radius. The photographers come to her and say, Hey, we can't do any drones here.This is crazy. And it's also sophisticated. So the guy's got, it seems like he's got a van, explosives, a bicycle, a rifle.A drone.A ladder, a drone.A range finder.A range finder. I'm going to ask you about that in a second. The guy knew this was coming. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing. He's buying the ladder that morning. He's making a It's a shot that everyone is... I know everyone's like, Oh, it's not 140 yards. Not that far. I think it was 140 yards?It's a boot camp shot.Yeah, boot camp shot. Still, I don't know. I fired that rifle yesterday. You have to-With no scope.He had no scope? No scope. Iron rails.Are you sure?Yes.He used iron sights to hit someone- He used iron sights. In the face at 140 yards.My take on that, and just my assessment, was that he knew that because he was lying prone, he knew that a scope or an EO tech or something would present more of a picture to any counter snipers. Of course. So if you wanted to stay lower, if you wanted to stay more out of sight, and he's using the angle of the building to conceal himself, that you wouldn't want something.Okay, I'm calling bullshit on this whole thing. I'm trying not to use swear words. Excuse me. This is not plausible. This kid's a 20-year-old, much bullied, socially awkward, weird kid who washes out of the rifle team because he can't shoot. He's got no social media profile. His search history suggests no research into any of this. He sounds way too sophisticated.The videos that they're not talking about are the fact that he appears in this Black Rock ad, and as well as a number of YouTube videos regarding computer programming.That he was in the pre- Okay, so I know that all your former military, I wasn't even the Boy Scouts, but I shoot a lot, have all my life, and I just disagree with respect with all the former Special Forces and CIA guys and guys like you. I think 140 yards with iron sights, hitting a man in the face, pretty good shot. I'm just saying that. I do. No one else agrees it's a boot camp shot, but this guy didn't go to boot camp. As someone who also didn't go to boot camp but shoots a lot, 2-2-3, a lot, including yesterday, I think it's a decent shot. I do. It's hitting steel the size of a tea saucer at 140 yards with iron sights. That's not... I mean, I could probably do that, but again, I shoot a lot. Well, and Tucker, there's another piece- But for a guy who's 20 years old, how much range time do you have? Where did he learn that?There is some reporting. So this was his father's gun. After flying the drone. He drives all the way back to Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, which is a distance of about an hour, both ways. So he drives an hour back, says, Hey, dad, I'm going to take the gun out. And the dad later tells media, at least as of right now, and caveat to all this stuff, because we're going off of what we have right now, that the dad says, I thought he was going to the range. This sounded like that was a regular thing that he did.It's not a crazy long shot, but you have to commit a little bit to learning how to operate the rifle if you're going to hit it at 140.Listen to this part, because if you want to talk about the shot. A lot of people think that he was just sitting there prone, waiting for the opportune moment. Trump happens to turn the last moment. That's it. That's not what happened. What happened was a couple of these local police officers, and we've gone through the timeline where they take the picture of him, they're radioing the messages back. And Trump's team, the actual team around Donald Trump, doesn't get any of these messages. Because the easiest thing to do would be to say, Hey, let's check that guy out before we bring the President out on stage. They never relay the message to Trump. They never give that to his team, his direct body we truly want.Yeah. I think some people believe that. I think, Simon Sebag Bonafoury wrote the most amazing book about Stalin with access to the internal archives called in the Court of the Red Tsar, I think it's called. But anyway, and we learn from Stalin's personal correspondence that he was actually a true believer. He believed in this. Yes. But I think given the totally consistent track record of revolutions, all of which result in more human suffering, utopia never arrives. The opposite dystopia arrives. I just think at that point, it's obvious there are supernatural forces involved. People are acting against their own interests as people. The point is killing people. If the point is killing people, that's not a human impulse. There are supernatural forces here. That's my view.One of the ways that... And you talk to Spanish Catholic about this. Spanish Catholic- I have. They have their eyes open, I should say, which I have. My wife and I went and visited the Valley of Fallen in research for this book. We walked around and we saw where Franco's original grave was and all of this. You realized that, wait a minute. This was the equivalent to a modern crusade, what happened in the 1930s, because they saw demons, actual demons, taking the form of men and killing priests, raping nuns on the altar, and then taking the nuns' bodies and displaying the skeletons with their habits on in the public square and saying, This is a sign of what we will do to the church, what we will do to you, what we will do to your family. The same forces get unleashed in China in the 1960s.By the help of a lot of Americans, by the way. Abraham Lincoln Brigade and a lot of others.A lot of- Ernst Hemingway. A hundred %. It's like hanging out, Emma Goldman.Yes, George Orwell.But Orwell actually comes out better than most in the wash.It changed his life. He was shot in the throat on century duty. He wrote a wonderful book about it, in which he doesn't mention being shot, I don't think, but called Amish to Catalonia. But that It completely changes his- Which was your reference? You do. It's a great book, but it changes his worldview completely. But my only point is, this wasn't about Spain. No. Do you think Ernest Hemingway or John DeSpastos or all these literary celebrities and leftists from the United States, do you think they knew anything about byzantine Spanish politics, which is so freaking complicated? I've tried to understand it. It's impossible to understand any Spanish politics period always has been. They didn't have any understanding of this at all. They were drawn by an instinct It's the marketing. Toward darkness. No, they were, though.Well, so it's rooted in romanticism. So it's this idea of in the same way that it is Luciferian, right? So the original-Yeah. The original, so original, original. So Lucifer says, I can do better than God. Look what God has created. Look at all these problems. Look at things aren't going well. I don't like this. I can do better than God. I will create utopia on Earth. And so this is what leads him to rebel against the throne. This is why Lucifer comes God. God, of course, destroys him because he's God. So Lucifer and the fallen angels become the demons. And the demons realize that, okay, you can't make open war on God because God will destroy you. So what do you do? You attack his creation. So if God His connection to his creation is through the human heart, and that's where you strike. So you take over through the heart. C. S. Lewis, of course, screwtape letters, all of this, talk about it, how this is how you're able to infiltrate the human heart. And when you infiltrate the human heart, you can suddenly turn it into these madmen, the actual demonic control of individuals through these ideas of what we are doing is for the greater good.What we are doing is for the future. We are smashing the old. And so you require these propaganda operations again and again and again over time and over time to be able to get people to commit some of the most horrific, again, in raping nuns on an altar. Oh, Oh, yeah. It's happened a lot. The bayoneting of the Romanoff children, bayonets against children.People think they were shot. They weren't.Little girls and boys, they were also shot, shot and bayoneted.Yeah, but they were almost all The testimony that came out much later was they were almost all of them alive on the shooting stop.One of the reasons for that is, and it's horrific to say, but so this is the... They're in the Ipetit house in Yucatrenberg. They say the guards aimed too high because the kids weren't tall enough. So the first volley, they see their parents being killed. And they say, by the way, that Alexandra, the Tsarina, that she died making the sign of the cross as her children lied there.Just remember, a lot of the ruling class of Russia supported this crap at first.Well, they supported it. They said, Oh, we need to We don't want to upset the boat.We don't want to be- It was the Black Lives Matter.We don't want to be politically... By the way, Tucker, you see this again and again. You see it in the French Revolution, too, where Louis goes along with it. Of course. Louis goes along with it and says, You know what? Yeah, these are fine. These are just some reforms. At first, it was just some tax stuff. You know what, Jack?We just need sentencing reform, actually.It's just criminal reform. The next stage is they release the criminals. The criminals go in, and this is the anarcho-tyranny. So anarcho-tyranny comes in. By the way, not to necessarily to narrowly destabilize the country or inflame the country. Anarcho-tyranny is used to pacify the middle class. So the criminals are out there and you're supposed to just keep your head down. Oh, the planes have all been shut down again, so I can't fly today because CrowdStrike passed a bad update. Oh, okay. And you just accept more and more and more.I lived in that neighborhood.Totalitarianism. Over and over and over. You accept more violence over and over. And I guess the answer, and we do, by the way, give some hope at the very end of all this, is it doesn't have to be this way. We actually don't have to live this way, as a matter of fact. Every person has the ability, whether it's within your own circle, within your own town, or perhaps you've got a big platform, or you're someone like Trump who's running for office, you have the ability to actually change things. We talk about local libraries and parks and recreation centers. I know it sounds silly, but it's like, your local communists, they're looking at the public library, and they know that if I can get into that library and I can get that front row of books that comes in every time you walk into a library. And currently, it's pretty much every public library in America, by the way, right now, that's how infiltrated we are, you will be hit with political propaganda on racism and DEI and all this and transgenderism when you first walk in, when children walk in. Why? Because the communists recognizes that as a note of power.So the communists will take it over. They will infiltrate it and they'll take it over. Then look at the Parks and Rec Department. So I get that there's this conservative response to say, oh, Dragqueen Story Hour, Dragqueen Story hour. But it's like, but do you understand what's going on? Do you understand you're looking at a system? Do you understand you're looking at a system that's playing out exactly how it was designed to play out? Because the point of the system is what it does. So your local communists is looking at that Parks and Rec Department saying, I've got to get in there, and I've got to start indoctrinate the children, and I've got to turn the children against the parents. Because, again, that's exactly what they do every time. And so you're sowing the seeds for this eventual take take over in total power.Yeah. And if you can't recognize what happened nine days ago as a watershed, they shoot Trump in front of all of us. You don't see that as a turning point, then there's no hope.And think of it. So Trump's assassination attempt, Steve Bannon locked up as a political prisoner. Peter Navarro just gets out as a political prisoner. The palace coups of sitting to the letters. All of this has happened before. All of this, literally, to the letter, has happened before. The only point is, if you're just sitting there going with the flow saying, Oh, my gosh, I can't understand what happens next. No, all of this has happened before. I'll tell you exactly what happens next. And it gets really dark if people don't fight back.Jack, thank you. We're going to put this up. Let's do it.Thanks, man. Appreciate it.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to Tuckerarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.


move. They get with the KGB because they were got... Brejnev had already maneuvered everything, so his guys were in power. They run the full Unhuman's playbook on him and say, You're done. They have him come back when he flies back. They said, We have a meeting to discuss agricultural reports. They come in, KGB intercepts Khrushchev at the airport. They bring him in, and they hand a letter in front of him, and they say, This is the letter. You're going to sign it. Khrushchev at that point goes, You know what? I'm old. I always knew this day was going to come. So he just goes along with it. He just totally lays out.


They put him on her house arrest for the rest of his life. He's never seen or heard from again. He gets a memoir that comes out.


But that's the Soviet Union. I mean, this is a free and transparent country owned by its own citizens. Oh, yeah. No, that's not the area. Nothing similar like that.


Whatever. Go on here. I mean, so you- Sucker, that's a crazy other thing.


But what's so bewildering to me is that nobody mentions it.


I mean, I- Go look at the media right now. If wired. Com, it's a conspiracy theory to say that this was a coup. There's this whole hageography that's going on right now of, oh, it was this intense decision that Biden was grappling with it. But we don't know any of that. Of course we do. We've been informed by people close to his thinking that This is exactly how it went down. Of course, none of us were in the room. None of us got to see any of this, but we're all told, no, this is exactly what happened. Joe Biden isn't out there himself telling us that any of it's happened. Actually, as of the time of recording, we haven't even heard from Kamala Harris yet, who We're told there isn't anything physically wrong with her. So why isn't Kamala coming out or Jill coming out or anyone coming out and just talking to the American people and at least giving us some semblance of a story as to what's going on?


As someone who's thought for the last few years that this was not a democracy, it's an oligarchy, the real business conducted in the shadows, shielded from public scrutiny by lies and classification laws. I thought all that for a while because it's clearly true. But to see that all revealed, they just took the mask off. So what you're seeing- It's shocking.


What you're seeing is a layer being pulled back, and the core is never revealed. So in the intelligence community, you would say, All right, if your cover is blown, or you've got an issue with your cover, you've got an issue with our identity, whatever it is. Someone's asking questions about the operation. You never come out and say, Well, you got me. I'm CIA. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Langeley sent me. No. What you would do is that you would peel back a layer and say, Okay, I may have lied about this thing, but here's what's really going on. But you never get to the full truth. So think of it as layers of an onion, for example. So you never get to the core. Just one peel comes off, and now we're going to go with that. So the peel that's coming off right now is, yes, Leviathan does have show itself in order for this move to take place. And that's what's happening. So this idea that you live in, that they promote a lot more than Republicans promote, by the way, that we live in a democracy and the people are the ultimate arbitors of sovereignty and justice in America, and we're fighting to protect our democracy.


By the way, we're protecting our democracy from Donald Trump, who's the biggest threat to democracy. But this guy, we don't like him anymore, so we're just going to remove him, and we're going to pull his money, and we're going to pull his delegates. And then actually, the To me, the most interesting thing that I see is when you watch all these delegates, all these delegations are coming out now. North Carolina has decided they're behind Kamala Harris, and New York says they're behind Kamala Harris, and each delegation starts going. This is like watching the election results in North Korea, because what do you mean the delegates are suddenly for Kamala Harris? The delegates were voted for by the people of the Democrat Party, 14 million people or something voted in this election, and suddenly, their votes don't matter anymore. The oligarchs have just It does seem like we're at a point where all of a sudden it happened fast.


We're beyond words and rhetoric, beyond politics, beyond process, even. We're dealing with people who are absolutely willing to kill other people for power. That's real. Of course. To stage a coup against an elected president who supposedly got 15 million more votes in any president in history.


Where are all the Biden voters?


Nobody even cares about all that stuff. None of that was ever real. Now they're admitting it's It's not real. It's just the people with the guns are in charge. It does feel that way.


It's 100% true. We have a book about it. When you have an oligarchy that is pushed up against the wall, which, by the way, they are right No. It's a dangerous point, but also they would not be doing this if they didn't have to. If they didn't have to go up against Trump, if the assassin's bullet had been one-half inch, quarter inch to the right, and things had gone a little a bit differently in that field in Butler, Pennsylvania, then they wouldn't be having to make these moves because then it would be, oh, my gosh, this horrible thing, but we're going to trudge on. The election must go on. America must be safe. Joe Biden is the guy, the stable candidate. You'd be hearing the exact opposite from all of them. They'd be talking about how great Biden is presiding over the funeral of Donald Trump and maybe in a state funeral or something like that to appease the right, but of course, never actually give.


But I wonder if we'll remember what we're learning right now, which is that everything that Joe Scarborough and Wolf Blitzer and Margaret Brennan, all these people, it's all lies. They'll say anything they need to say. The Democratic Party is not democratic in any sense. Its voters are purely puppets, so are its politicians. It's all fake. Maybe we should just never forget that and say it out loud. None of this means anything. You're yapping about democracy of rule of vantage points. You've got windows, you got all sorts of stuff. Dealey Plaza, we can all do the math on this. They bring in augments from state police. They bring in augments from the local Butler County Sheriff. They bring augments from the Butler Township police and to say, okay, you're going to be working with us.No, every single presidential event is controlled by the secret service. And this woman, Kimberly Sheetle, speaking of female leadership, it tells us that, well, these areas were assigned to the local police, and that's just not true. They may have been in areas that were considered outside the perimeter, but the Secret Service has command of every single hierarchy for a presidential visit, period, full stop. So anyone who's brought into this is working through their operational plan. So the CONOP is done, concept of operations would be done by the Secret Service and then disseminated to these teams. However, we're told that at the basic sync meeting that you would have been having that morning, Secret Service wasn't even there. So the local police say, Okay, Morning of, it's the coach meeting the team before the game.But the secret service is responsible for protecting Trump. Yes. But they couldn't even go to the meeting that morning. Let me ask you a question.And this is the meeting where- That's bizarre. Where you're going through, what frequency are we on, guys? Hey, I'm Jack. Here's Tucker. We're going to be out there. Okay, you got the building. We're going to be in here. So you would be able to communicate. You'd go through a communications plan. You'd go through the basic workflow of the day. You'd go through your pattern of life. You would mention if you, I don't know, saw someone flying a drone around or something like that, that type of information could be disseminated. Or if there were any local groups that they had an eye on, you might put out a six-pack or something like that. Hey, be advised. These are some of the things that we're tracking. These are some of the people that we're looking at. If you had something like that, this is the meeting where you would do that. Secret Service doesn't go.Crazy. Okay. Then what happens?So local law enforcement was siloed, no direct radio contact because they didn't go to the meeting. They had no way of contacting directly to the Secret Service snipers who were inside. So you got these police teams outside.Even during the event, they had no way to contact them?They had to contact them through an intermediary. You'd set up a tactile operations center or a communication. I think it was called the Butler Communication Center in this case, or the talk. You'd go through the talk, and then the talk has a liaison, and liaison goes to the secret service, and then the secret service has to go through their liaison back to the talk, and then the talk goes back to the police, as opposed to just being on the same frequency and saying, Hey, there's a guy crawling on the building.So who was this guy, and how did he get there? What do we know about him?This individual, and I want to skip ahead a little bit in the report because there's a lot in this report. Even, by the way, let me say this real quick. Section 5, Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.Social media are great. They're important. They're the main way we communicate with each other. They're where politics happen in this country. But one of the problems with social media is that the rules change. The people in charge don't want you to say something. They don't tell you that. And the next thing you know, you're without a platform. Well, now you have an option. Parly. Parler. It's back. The original free speech app taken off the internet by the sensors has come back in full force. Parler was the first big app to be pulled off because it was the first big app to make free speech a top priority. Other platforms may be relaxing their policies, and they change a lot, but Parler will not change. Its distinct approach is here to stay. By paving the way for other apps to protect users' free speech, Parler has set the standard in the industry. It is now launched on a hyperscaled private cloud called Parler Cloud, and that means your data are secure. Your words cannot be controlled by third-party companies. It's uncancelable. Again, Parlor has been canceled. They don't plan to be canceled again, and they've taken extensive and very expensive steps to make sure it's not going to happen.Parlor is not at the mercy of other companies that don't believe in free speech. And here's the best part. It's ad-free. You are not the product on Parlor. Parlor is committed to providing a space where you can share and engage without interference of ads or invasive targeting. It's more than just a platform. It is effectively a movement, and its goal is to keep the free flow of information open globally, where everybody can talk without fear of suppression. So it's upholding the values this country was founded on: free expression, open dialog. Also, innovation, by the way. We're on Parlor at Tucker Carlson, and you can go there and find us and stay informed about what's happening in the world. So join a place that embraces your right to say what you actually think and that fosters connections between people. Without free speech, you can't connect with other people. We're all just lying to each other. But Parler offers you that, a seamless social media experience tailored to your needs. You can get Parler from the App Store, Google Play, or visit parler. Com. At Parler, you are valued, you can say what you think, and you're awarded for doing How does that even happen?An outdoor rally with a guy who's a former President of the United States who is eminently becoming the nominee for President of the United States. Someone who we just know, it's just inherent that Donald Trump has multiple credible threats to his life at all times for the last decade or so. They weren't even going to provide counter sniper teams at first to this rally, which, as I just said, is outdoors, which is the most potentially fatal, the most dangerous position a politician can ever put themselves in. We're told the counter sniper team showed up the day before to actually do some of the pacing, not a week prior. I've done presidential visits. I've done overseas stuff with presidents and detailees. You're out there a week before. You're You're going through the motorcade route, you're checking bridges, you're doing all that stuff. None of that was done here. None of it. Eight days before the rally, local police are informed. Five days before the rally, they meet with the secret service, and they're informed that the rally will be held at the Butler Farm Grounds. Three days before the rally, Secret Service conducts a site visit.Just three days before they conducted the site visit. At that point, no counter-sniper teams. On the day of the rally, at 9:00 AM, they hold the briefing. 46-page slide deck only from the local Butler ESU. Local SWAT and sniper units are there, but the staging locations are laid out. Secret Service doesn't attend. According to attendees of the briefing, no Secret Service or other federal law enforcement is present for this briefing. Secret Service had not initially intended to provide sniper units, but changed course for currently unclear reasons. The briefing included an outline of the security perimeter for the event and areas of responsibility or AORs. At 9:27 AM, concurrent, Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, enters a Home Depot located in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Ctv footage shows the shooter entering alone. A couple of minutes later, he purchases a five-foot aluminum dual-platform ladder. That's the only time we see the ladder, by the way, Tucker, in this timeline. The ladder disappears after this. 9:42, he leaves. They identify him. 10:30, snipers are in position. This is interesting.Can I ask, so that morning, Crooks buys the ladder? Yes. That suggests he's already figured out exactly what going to do?He's got an idea.Interesting.Okay. The ladder's in place. 10:30 AM, two local law enforcement snipers are in position on the second floor inside the AGR building, the American Glass Research Building. They don't go to the roof of this building. They go inside the second floor. They sit there, they're looking out the windows, but they never actually go to the roof or, apparently, to the back of the building to see where this guy came up. 5:10 PM. Crooks is first observed by one of the snipers, AGR sniper one at the AGR building, and he takes the picture below of Crooks. Not long after that, and I'll show you these in a second, they can put up, AGR sniper One takes a picture below of a bicycle in what appears to be two bags located near the AGR building. It is unclear what happened to the bicycle and bags after July 13th, 2024. We can take a look at that.So they're saying that Crooks rode a a bicycle to the event?There's a van that's later found outside the event in the parking area that's about a mile distance from this AGR building that is Crooks' van. That van, we're told, contains explosives, homemade explosives, and explosives that are connected to a remote control detonator, which is later found on Crooks' body. The idea being then, if this bicycle is indeed his, parks the van, gets into the bicycle, carries his rifle, slings it on, you could see the bags in the photo, rides the bicycle from where the van is, that mile distance to the back of this building.Okay, so then I'm getting to the next part.I'm sorry to take this- Actually, I'm just realizing that I don't believe in the senator's timeline that they have the drone. What drone? Crooks' drone. Unless I'm missing it.He has a drone, too?It's now been reported that he, at some point prior to 5:10, so around 3:00 in the afternoon or so, when things are still getting prepared, he's there with a drone flying a flight pattern around the area of the Butler Farm Grounds.That's insane. You can't. I mean, I just know from living in DC, you can't just operate drones around law enforcement. It freaks them out.No. Or Don Jr. Told me, and I think he said in one of his recent interviews that when his father was at his house for an event, a family event and a party, that he wanted to put up one of his drones, and the software wouldn't allow the drone to even take off because a Secret Service detail lead was in the vicinity. My cousin was getting married in Southern Pennsylvania, which is pretty close to where Wilmington is, and she wanted to have a drone up at her wedding. And because Biden happened to be in Wilmington at that point, she was within that 30-mile radius. The photographers come to her and say, Hey, we can't do any drones here.This is crazy. And it's also sophisticated. So the guy's got, it seems like he's got a van, explosives, a bicycle, a rifle.A drone.A ladder, a drone.A range finder.A range finder. I'm going to ask you about that in a second. The guy knew this was coming. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing. He's buying the ladder that morning. He's making a It's a shot that everyone is... I know everyone's like, Oh, it's not 140 yards. Not that far. I think it was 140 yards?It's a boot camp shot.Yeah, boot camp shot. Still, I don't know. I fired that rifle yesterday. You have to-With no scope.He had no scope? No scope. Iron rails.Are you sure?Yes.He used iron sights to hit someone- He used iron sights. In the face at 140 yards.My take on that, and just my assessment, was that he knew that because he was lying prone, he knew that a scope or an EO tech or something would present more of a picture to any counter snipers. Of course. So if you wanted to stay lower, if you wanted to stay more out of sight, and he's using the angle of the building to conceal himself, that you wouldn't want something.Okay, I'm calling bullshit on this whole thing. I'm trying not to use swear words. Excuse me. This is not plausible. This kid's a 20-year-old, much bullied, socially awkward, weird kid who washes out of the rifle team because he can't shoot. He's got no social media profile. His search history suggests no research into any of this. He sounds way too sophisticated.The videos that they're not talking about are the fact that he appears in this Black Rock ad, and as well as a number of YouTube videos regarding computer programming.That he was in the pre- Okay, so I know that all your former military, I wasn't even the Boy Scouts, but I shoot a lot, have all my life, and I just disagree with respect with all the former Special Forces and CIA guys and guys like you. I think 140 yards with iron sights, hitting a man in the face, pretty good shot. I'm just saying that. I do. No one else agrees it's a boot camp shot, but this guy didn't go to boot camp. As someone who also didn't go to boot camp but shoots a lot, 2-2-3, a lot, including yesterday, I think it's a decent shot. I do. It's hitting steel the size of a tea saucer at 140 yards with iron sights. That's not... I mean, I could probably do that, but again, I shoot a lot. Well, and Tucker, there's another piece- But for a guy who's 20 years old, how much range time do you have? Where did he learn that?There is some reporting. So this was his father's gun. After flying the drone. He drives all the way back to Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, which is a distance of about an hour, both ways. So he drives an hour back, says, Hey, dad, I'm going to take the gun out. And the dad later tells media, at least as of right now, and caveat to all this stuff, because we're going off of what we have right now, that the dad says, I thought he was going to the range. This sounded like that was a regular thing that he did.It's not a crazy long shot, but you have to commit a little bit to learning how to operate the rifle if you're going to hit it at 140.Listen to this part, because if you want to talk about the shot. A lot of people think that he was just sitting there prone, waiting for the opportune moment. Trump happens to turn the last moment. That's it. That's not what happened. What happened was a couple of these local police officers, and we've gone through the timeline where they take the picture of him, they're radioing the messages back. And Trump's team, the actual team around Donald Trump, doesn't get any of these messages. Because the easiest thing to do would be to say, Hey, let's check that guy out before we bring the President out on stage. They never relay the message to Trump. They never give that to his team, his direct body we truly want.Yeah. I think some people believe that. I think, Simon Sebag Bonafoury wrote the most amazing book about Stalin with access to the internal archives called in the Court of the Red Tsar, I think it's called. But anyway, and we learn from Stalin's personal correspondence that he was actually a true believer. He believed in this. Yes. But I think given the totally consistent track record of revolutions, all of which result in more human suffering, utopia never arrives. The opposite dystopia arrives. I just think at that point, it's obvious there are supernatural forces involved. People are acting against their own interests as people. The point is killing people. If the point is killing people, that's not a human impulse. There are supernatural forces here. That's my view.One of the ways that... And you talk to Spanish Catholic about this. Spanish Catholic- I have. They have their eyes open, I should say, which I have. My wife and I went and visited the Valley of Fallen in research for this book. We walked around and we saw where Franco's original grave was and all of this. You realized that, wait a minute. This was the equivalent to a modern crusade, what happened in the 1930s, because they saw demons, actual demons, taking the form of men and killing priests, raping nuns on the altar, and then taking the nuns' bodies and displaying the skeletons with their habits on in the public square and saying, This is a sign of what we will do to the church, what we will do to you, what we will do to your family. The same forces get unleashed in China in the 1960s.By the help of a lot of Americans, by the way. Abraham Lincoln Brigade and a lot of others.A lot of- Ernst Hemingway. A hundred %. It's like hanging out, Emma Goldman.Yes, George Orwell.But Orwell actually comes out better than most in the wash.It changed his life. He was shot in the throat on century duty. He wrote a wonderful book about it, in which he doesn't mention being shot, I don't think, but called Amish to Catalonia. But that It completely changes his- Which was your reference? You do. It's a great book, but it changes his worldview completely. But my only point is, this wasn't about Spain. No. Do you think Ernest Hemingway or John DeSpastos or all these literary celebrities and leftists from the United States, do you think they knew anything about byzantine Spanish politics, which is so freaking complicated? I've tried to understand it. It's impossible to understand any Spanish politics period always has been. They didn't have any understanding of this at all. They were drawn by an instinct It's the marketing. Toward darkness. No, they were, though.Well, so it's rooted in romanticism. So it's this idea of in the same way that it is Luciferian, right? So the original-Yeah. The original, so original, original. So Lucifer says, I can do better than God. Look what God has created. Look at all these problems. Look at things aren't going well. I don't like this. I can do better than God. I will create utopia on Earth. And so this is what leads him to rebel against the throne. This is why Lucifer comes God. God, of course, destroys him because he's God. So Lucifer and the fallen angels become the demons. And the demons realize that, okay, you can't make open war on God because God will destroy you. So what do you do? You attack his creation. So if God His connection to his creation is through the human heart, and that's where you strike. So you take over through the heart. C. S. Lewis, of course, screwtape letters, all of this, talk about it, how this is how you're able to infiltrate the human heart. And when you infiltrate the human heart, you can suddenly turn it into these madmen, the actual demonic control of individuals through these ideas of what we are doing is for the greater good.What we are doing is for the future. We are smashing the old. And so you require these propaganda operations again and again and again over time and over time to be able to get people to commit some of the most horrific, again, in raping nuns on an altar. Oh, Oh, yeah. It's happened a lot. The bayoneting of the Romanoff children, bayonets against children.People think they were shot. They weren't.Little girls and boys, they were also shot, shot and bayoneted.Yeah, but they were almost all The testimony that came out much later was they were almost all of them alive on the shooting stop.One of the reasons for that is, and it's horrific to say, but so this is the... They're in the Ipetit house in Yucatrenberg. They say the guards aimed too high because the kids weren't tall enough. So the first volley, they see their parents being killed. And they say, by the way, that Alexandra, the Tsarina, that she died making the sign of the cross as her children lied there.Just remember, a lot of the ruling class of Russia supported this crap at first.Well, they supported it. They said, Oh, we need to We don't want to upset the boat.We don't want to be- It was the Black Lives Matter.We don't want to be politically... By the way, Tucker, you see this again and again. You see it in the French Revolution, too, where Louis goes along with it. Of course. Louis goes along with it and says, You know what? Yeah, these are fine. These are just some reforms. At first, it was just some tax stuff. You know what, Jack?We just need sentencing reform, actually.It's just criminal reform. The next stage is they release the criminals. The criminals go in, and this is the anarcho-tyranny. So anarcho-tyranny comes in. By the way, not to necessarily to narrowly destabilize the country or inflame the country. Anarcho-tyranny is used to pacify the middle class. So the criminals are out there and you're supposed to just keep your head down. Oh, the planes have all been shut down again, so I can't fly today because CrowdStrike passed a bad update. Oh, okay. And you just accept more and more and more.I lived in that neighborhood.Totalitarianism. Over and over and over. You accept more violence over and over. And I guess the answer, and we do, by the way, give some hope at the very end of all this, is it doesn't have to be this way. We actually don't have to live this way, as a matter of fact. Every person has the ability, whether it's within your own circle, within your own town, or perhaps you've got a big platform, or you're someone like Trump who's running for office, you have the ability to actually change things. We talk about local libraries and parks and recreation centers. I know it sounds silly, but it's like, your local communists, they're looking at the public library, and they know that if I can get into that library and I can get that front row of books that comes in every time you walk into a library. And currently, it's pretty much every public library in America, by the way, right now, that's how infiltrated we are, you will be hit with political propaganda on racism and DEI and all this and transgenderism when you first walk in, when children walk in. Why? Because the communists recognizes that as a note of power.So the communists will take it over. They will infiltrate it and they'll take it over. Then look at the Parks and Rec Department. So I get that there's this conservative response to say, oh, Dragqueen Story Hour, Dragqueen Story hour. But it's like, but do you understand what's going on? Do you understand you're looking at a system? Do you understand you're looking at a system that's playing out exactly how it was designed to play out? Because the point of the system is what it does. So your local communists is looking at that Parks and Rec Department saying, I've got to get in there, and I've got to start indoctrinate the children, and I've got to turn the children against the parents. Because, again, that's exactly what they do every time. And so you're sowing the seeds for this eventual take take over in total power.Yeah. And if you can't recognize what happened nine days ago as a watershed, they shoot Trump in front of all of us. You don't see that as a turning point, then there's no hope.And think of it. So Trump's assassination attempt, Steve Bannon locked up as a political prisoner. Peter Navarro just gets out as a political prisoner. The palace coups of sitting to the letters. All of this has happened before. All of this, literally, to the letter, has happened before. The only point is, if you're just sitting there going with the flow saying, Oh, my gosh, I can't understand what happens next. No, all of this has happened before. I'll tell you exactly what happens next. And it gets really dark if people don't fight back.Jack, thank you. We're going to put this up. Let's do it.Thanks, man. Appreciate it.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to Tuckerarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.


vantage points. You've got windows, you got all sorts of stuff. Dealey Plaza, we can all do the math on this. They bring in augments from state police. They bring in augments from the local Butler County Sheriff. They bring augments from the Butler Township police and to say, okay, you're going to be working with us.


No, every single presidential event is controlled by the secret service. And this woman, Kimberly Sheetle, speaking of female leadership, it tells us that, well, these areas were assigned to the local police, and that's just not true. They may have been in areas that were considered outside the perimeter, but the Secret Service has command of every single hierarchy for a presidential visit, period, full stop. So anyone who's brought into this is working through their operational plan. So the CONOP is done, concept of operations would be done by the Secret Service and then disseminated to these teams. However, we're told that at the basic sync meeting that you would have been having that morning, Secret Service wasn't even there. So the local police say, Okay, Morning of, it's the coach meeting the team before the game.


But the secret service is responsible for protecting Trump. Yes. But they couldn't even go to the meeting that morning. Let me ask you a question.


And this is the meeting where- That's bizarre. Where you're going through, what frequency are we on, guys? Hey, I'm Jack. Here's Tucker. We're going to be out there. Okay, you got the building. We're going to be in here. So you would be able to communicate. You'd go through a communications plan. You'd go through the basic workflow of the day. You'd go through your pattern of life. You would mention if you, I don't know, saw someone flying a drone around or something like that, that type of information could be disseminated. Or if there were any local groups that they had an eye on, you might put out a six-pack or something like that. Hey, be advised. These are some of the things that we're tracking. These are some of the people that we're looking at. If you had something like that, this is the meeting where you would do that. Secret Service doesn't go.


Crazy. Okay. Then what happens?


So local law enforcement was siloed, no direct radio contact because they didn't go to the meeting. They had no way of contacting directly to the Secret Service snipers who were inside. So you got these police teams outside.


Even during the event, they had no way to contact them?


They had to contact them through an intermediary. You'd set up a tactile operations center or a communication. I think it was called the Butler Communication Center in this case, or the talk. You'd go through the talk, and then the talk has a liaison, and liaison goes to the secret service, and then the secret service has to go through their liaison back to the talk, and then the talk goes back to the police, as opposed to just being on the same frequency and saying, Hey, there's a guy crawling on the building.


So who was this guy, and how did he get there? What do we know about him?


This individual, and I want to skip ahead a little bit in the report because there's a lot in this report. Even, by the way, let me say this real quick. Section 5, Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.


Social media are great. They're important. They're the main way we communicate with each other. They're where politics happen in this country. But one of the problems with social media is that the rules change. The people in charge don't want you to say something. They don't tell you that. And the next thing you know, you're without a platform. Well, now you have an option. Parly. Parler. It's back. The original free speech app taken off the internet by the sensors has come back in full force. Parler was the first big app to be pulled off because it was the first big app to make free speech a top priority. Other platforms may be relaxing their policies, and they change a lot, but Parler will not change. Its distinct approach is here to stay. By paving the way for other apps to protect users' free speech, Parler has set the standard in the industry. It is now launched on a hyperscaled private cloud called Parler Cloud, and that means your data are secure. Your words cannot be controlled by third-party companies. It's uncancelable. Again, Parlor has been canceled. They don't plan to be canceled again, and they've taken extensive and very expensive steps to make sure it's not going to happen.


Parlor is not at the mercy of other companies that don't believe in free speech. And here's the best part. It's ad-free. You are not the product on Parlor. Parlor is committed to providing a space where you can share and engage without interference of ads or invasive targeting. It's more than just a platform. It is effectively a movement, and its goal is to keep the free flow of information open globally, where everybody can talk without fear of suppression. So it's upholding the values this country was founded on: free expression, open dialog. Also, innovation, by the way. We're on Parlor at Tucker Carlson, and you can go there and find us and stay informed about what's happening in the world. So join a place that embraces your right to say what you actually think and that fosters connections between people. Without free speech, you can't connect with other people. We're all just lying to each other. But Parler offers you that, a seamless social media experience tailored to your needs. You can get Parler from the App Store, Google Play, or visit parler. Com. At Parler, you are valued, you can say what you think, and you're awarded for doing How does that even happen?


An outdoor rally with a guy who's a former President of the United States who is eminently becoming the nominee for President of the United States. Someone who we just know, it's just inherent that Donald Trump has multiple credible threats to his life at all times for the last decade or so. They weren't even going to provide counter sniper teams at first to this rally, which, as I just said, is outdoors, which is the most potentially fatal, the most dangerous position a politician can ever put themselves in. We're told the counter sniper team showed up the day before to actually do some of the pacing, not a week prior. I've done presidential visits. I've done overseas stuff with presidents and detailees. You're out there a week before. You're You're going through the motorcade route, you're checking bridges, you're doing all that stuff. None of that was done here. None of it. Eight days before the rally, local police are informed. Five days before the rally, they meet with the secret service, and they're informed that the rally will be held at the Butler Farm Grounds. Three days before the rally, Secret Service conducts a site visit.


Just three days before they conducted the site visit. At that point, no counter-sniper teams. On the day of the rally, at 9:00 AM, they hold the briefing. 46-page slide deck only from the local Butler ESU. Local SWAT and sniper units are there, but the staging locations are laid out. Secret Service doesn't attend. According to attendees of the briefing, no Secret Service or other federal law enforcement is present for this briefing. Secret Service had not initially intended to provide sniper units, but changed course for currently unclear reasons. The briefing included an outline of the security perimeter for the event and areas of responsibility or AORs. At 9:27 AM, concurrent, Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, enters a Home Depot located in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Ctv footage shows the shooter entering alone. A couple of minutes later, he purchases a five-foot aluminum dual-platform ladder. That's the only time we see the ladder, by the way, Tucker, in this timeline. The ladder disappears after this. 9:42, he leaves. They identify him. 10:30, snipers are in position. This is interesting.


Can I ask, so that morning, Crooks buys the ladder? Yes. That suggests he's already figured out exactly what going to do?


He's got an idea.




Okay. The ladder's in place. 10:30 AM, two local law enforcement snipers are in position on the second floor inside the AGR building, the American Glass Research Building. They don't go to the roof of this building. They go inside the second floor. They sit there, they're looking out the windows, but they never actually go to the roof or, apparently, to the back of the building to see where this guy came up. 5:10 PM. Crooks is first observed by one of the snipers, AGR sniper one at the AGR building, and he takes the picture below of Crooks. Not long after that, and I'll show you these in a second, they can put up, AGR sniper One takes a picture below of a bicycle in what appears to be two bags located near the AGR building. It is unclear what happened to the bicycle and bags after July 13th, 2024. We can take a look at that.


So they're saying that Crooks rode a a bicycle to the event?


There's a van that's later found outside the event in the parking area that's about a mile distance from this AGR building that is Crooks' van. That van, we're told, contains explosives, homemade explosives, and explosives that are connected to a remote control detonator, which is later found on Crooks' body. The idea being then, if this bicycle is indeed his, parks the van, gets into the bicycle, carries his rifle, slings it on, you could see the bags in the photo, rides the bicycle from where the van is, that mile distance to the back of this building.


Okay, so then I'm getting to the next part.


I'm sorry to take this- Actually, I'm just realizing that I don't believe in the senator's timeline that they have the drone. What drone? Crooks' drone. Unless I'm missing it.


He has a drone, too?


It's now been reported that he, at some point prior to 5:10, so around 3:00 in the afternoon or so, when things are still getting prepared, he's there with a drone flying a flight pattern around the area of the Butler Farm Grounds.


That's insane. You can't. I mean, I just know from living in DC, you can't just operate drones around law enforcement. It freaks them out.


No. Or Don Jr. Told me, and I think he said in one of his recent interviews that when his father was at his house for an event, a family event and a party, that he wanted to put up one of his drones, and the software wouldn't allow the drone to even take off because a Secret Service detail lead was in the vicinity. My cousin was getting married in Southern Pennsylvania, which is pretty close to where Wilmington is, and she wanted to have a drone up at her wedding. And because Biden happened to be in Wilmington at that point, she was within that 30-mile radius. The photographers come to her and say, Hey, we can't do any drones here.


This is crazy. And it's also sophisticated. So the guy's got, it seems like he's got a van, explosives, a bicycle, a rifle.


A drone.


A ladder, a drone.


A range finder.


A range finder. I'm going to ask you about that in a second. The guy knew this was coming. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing. He's buying the ladder that morning. He's making a It's a shot that everyone is... I know everyone's like, Oh, it's not 140 yards. Not that far. I think it was 140 yards?


It's a boot camp shot.


Yeah, boot camp shot. Still, I don't know. I fired that rifle yesterday. You have to-With no scope.


He had no scope? No scope. Iron rails.


Are you sure?




He used iron sights to hit someone- He used iron sights. In the face at 140 yards.


My take on that, and just my assessment, was that he knew that because he was lying prone, he knew that a scope or an EO tech or something would present more of a picture to any counter snipers. Of course. So if you wanted to stay lower, if you wanted to stay more out of sight, and he's using the angle of the building to conceal himself, that you wouldn't want something.


Okay, I'm calling bullshit on this whole thing. I'm trying not to use swear words. Excuse me. This is not plausible. This kid's a 20-year-old, much bullied, socially awkward, weird kid who washes out of the rifle team because he can't shoot. He's got no social media profile. His search history suggests no research into any of this. He sounds way too sophisticated.


The videos that they're not talking about are the fact that he appears in this Black Rock ad, and as well as a number of YouTube videos regarding computer programming.


That he was in the pre- Okay, so I know that all your former military, I wasn't even the Boy Scouts, but I shoot a lot, have all my life, and I just disagree with respect with all the former Special Forces and CIA guys and guys like you. I think 140 yards with iron sights, hitting a man in the face, pretty good shot. I'm just saying that. I do. No one else agrees it's a boot camp shot, but this guy didn't go to boot camp. As someone who also didn't go to boot camp but shoots a lot, 2-2-3, a lot, including yesterday, I think it's a decent shot. I do. It's hitting steel the size of a tea saucer at 140 yards with iron sights. That's not... I mean, I could probably do that, but again, I shoot a lot. Well, and Tucker, there's another piece- But for a guy who's 20 years old, how much range time do you have? Where did he learn that?


There is some reporting. So this was his father's gun. After flying the drone. He drives all the way back to Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, which is a distance of about an hour, both ways. So he drives an hour back, says, Hey, dad, I'm going to take the gun out. And the dad later tells media, at least as of right now, and caveat to all this stuff, because we're going off of what we have right now, that the dad says, I thought he was going to the range. This sounded like that was a regular thing that he did.


It's not a crazy long shot, but you have to commit a little bit to learning how to operate the rifle if you're going to hit it at 140.


Listen to this part, because if you want to talk about the shot. A lot of people think that he was just sitting there prone, waiting for the opportune moment. Trump happens to turn the last moment. That's it. That's not what happened. What happened was a couple of these local police officers, and we've gone through the timeline where they take the picture of him, they're radioing the messages back. And Trump's team, the actual team around Donald Trump, doesn't get any of these messages. Because the easiest thing to do would be to say, Hey, let's check that guy out before we bring the President out on stage. They never relay the message to Trump. They never give that to his team, his direct body we truly want.Yeah. I think some people believe that. I think, Simon Sebag Bonafoury wrote the most amazing book about Stalin with access to the internal archives called in the Court of the Red Tsar, I think it's called. But anyway, and we learn from Stalin's personal correspondence that he was actually a true believer. He believed in this. Yes. But I think given the totally consistent track record of revolutions, all of which result in more human suffering, utopia never arrives. The opposite dystopia arrives. I just think at that point, it's obvious there are supernatural forces involved. People are acting against their own interests as people. The point is killing people. If the point is killing people, that's not a human impulse. There are supernatural forces here. That's my view.One of the ways that... And you talk to Spanish Catholic about this. Spanish Catholic- I have. They have their eyes open, I should say, which I have. My wife and I went and visited the Valley of Fallen in research for this book. We walked around and we saw where Franco's original grave was and all of this. You realized that, wait a minute. This was the equivalent to a modern crusade, what happened in the 1930s, because they saw demons, actual demons, taking the form of men and killing priests, raping nuns on the altar, and then taking the nuns' bodies and displaying the skeletons with their habits on in the public square and saying, This is a sign of what we will do to the church, what we will do to you, what we will do to your family. The same forces get unleashed in China in the 1960s.By the help of a lot of Americans, by the way. Abraham Lincoln Brigade and a lot of others.A lot of- Ernst Hemingway. A hundred %. It's like hanging out, Emma Goldman.Yes, George Orwell.But Orwell actually comes out better than most in the wash.It changed his life. He was shot in the throat on century duty. He wrote a wonderful book about it, in which he doesn't mention being shot, I don't think, but called Amish to Catalonia. But that It completely changes his- Which was your reference? You do. It's a great book, but it changes his worldview completely. But my only point is, this wasn't about Spain. No. Do you think Ernest Hemingway or John DeSpastos or all these literary celebrities and leftists from the United States, do you think they knew anything about byzantine Spanish politics, which is so freaking complicated? I've tried to understand it. It's impossible to understand any Spanish politics period always has been. They didn't have any understanding of this at all. They were drawn by an instinct It's the marketing. Toward darkness. No, they were, though.Well, so it's rooted in romanticism. So it's this idea of in the same way that it is Luciferian, right? So the original-Yeah. The original, so original, original. So Lucifer says, I can do better than God. Look what God has created. Look at all these problems. Look at things aren't going well. I don't like this. I can do better than God. I will create utopia on Earth. And so this is what leads him to rebel against the throne. This is why Lucifer comes God. God, of course, destroys him because he's God. So Lucifer and the fallen angels become the demons. And the demons realize that, okay, you can't make open war on God because God will destroy you. So what do you do? You attack his creation. So if God His connection to his creation is through the human heart, and that's where you strike. So you take over through the heart. C. S. Lewis, of course, screwtape letters, all of this, talk about it, how this is how you're able to infiltrate the human heart. And when you infiltrate the human heart, you can suddenly turn it into these madmen, the actual demonic control of individuals through these ideas of what we are doing is for the greater good.What we are doing is for the future. We are smashing the old. And so you require these propaganda operations again and again and again over time and over time to be able to get people to commit some of the most horrific, again, in raping nuns on an altar. Oh, Oh, yeah. It's happened a lot. The bayoneting of the Romanoff children, bayonets against children.People think they were shot. They weren't.Little girls and boys, they were also shot, shot and bayoneted.Yeah, but they were almost all The testimony that came out much later was they were almost all of them alive on the shooting stop.One of the reasons for that is, and it's horrific to say, but so this is the... They're in the Ipetit house in Yucatrenberg. They say the guards aimed too high because the kids weren't tall enough. So the first volley, they see their parents being killed. And they say, by the way, that Alexandra, the Tsarina, that she died making the sign of the cross as her children lied there.Just remember, a lot of the ruling class of Russia supported this crap at first.Well, they supported it. They said, Oh, we need to We don't want to upset the boat.We don't want to be- It was the Black Lives Matter.We don't want to be politically... By the way, Tucker, you see this again and again. You see it in the French Revolution, too, where Louis goes along with it. Of course. Louis goes along with it and says, You know what? Yeah, these are fine. These are just some reforms. At first, it was just some tax stuff. You know what, Jack?We just need sentencing reform, actually.It's just criminal reform. The next stage is they release the criminals. The criminals go in, and this is the anarcho-tyranny. So anarcho-tyranny comes in. By the way, not to necessarily to narrowly destabilize the country or inflame the country. Anarcho-tyranny is used to pacify the middle class. So the criminals are out there and you're supposed to just keep your head down. Oh, the planes have all been shut down again, so I can't fly today because CrowdStrike passed a bad update. Oh, okay. And you just accept more and more and more.I lived in that neighborhood.Totalitarianism. Over and over and over. You accept more violence over and over. And I guess the answer, and we do, by the way, give some hope at the very end of all this, is it doesn't have to be this way. We actually don't have to live this way, as a matter of fact. Every person has the ability, whether it's within your own circle, within your own town, or perhaps you've got a big platform, or you're someone like Trump who's running for office, you have the ability to actually change things. We talk about local libraries and parks and recreation centers. I know it sounds silly, but it's like, your local communists, they're looking at the public library, and they know that if I can get into that library and I can get that front row of books that comes in every time you walk into a library. And currently, it's pretty much every public library in America, by the way, right now, that's how infiltrated we are, you will be hit with political propaganda on racism and DEI and all this and transgenderism when you first walk in, when children walk in. Why? Because the communists recognizes that as a note of power.So the communists will take it over. They will infiltrate it and they'll take it over. Then look at the Parks and Rec Department. So I get that there's this conservative response to say, oh, Dragqueen Story Hour, Dragqueen Story hour. But it's like, but do you understand what's going on? Do you understand you're looking at a system? Do you understand you're looking at a system that's playing out exactly how it was designed to play out? Because the point of the system is what it does. So your local communists is looking at that Parks and Rec Department saying, I've got to get in there, and I've got to start indoctrinate the children, and I've got to turn the children against the parents. Because, again, that's exactly what they do every time. And so you're sowing the seeds for this eventual take take over in total power.Yeah. And if you can't recognize what happened nine days ago as a watershed, they shoot Trump in front of all of us. You don't see that as a turning point, then there's no hope.And think of it. So Trump's assassination attempt, Steve Bannon locked up as a political prisoner. Peter Navarro just gets out as a political prisoner. The palace coups of sitting to the letters. All of this has happened before. All of this, literally, to the letter, has happened before. The only point is, if you're just sitting there going with the flow saying, Oh, my gosh, I can't understand what happens next. No, all of this has happened before. I'll tell you exactly what happens next. And it gets really dark if people don't fight back.Jack, thank you. We're going to put this up. Let's do it.Thanks, man. Appreciate it.Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to Tuckerarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.


we truly want.


Yeah. I think some people believe that. I think, Simon Sebag Bonafoury wrote the most amazing book about Stalin with access to the internal archives called in the Court of the Red Tsar, I think it's called. But anyway, and we learn from Stalin's personal correspondence that he was actually a true believer. He believed in this. Yes. But I think given the totally consistent track record of revolutions, all of which result in more human suffering, utopia never arrives. The opposite dystopia arrives. I just think at that point, it's obvious there are supernatural forces involved. People are acting against their own interests as people. The point is killing people. If the point is killing people, that's not a human impulse. There are supernatural forces here. That's my view.


One of the ways that... And you talk to Spanish Catholic about this. Spanish Catholic- I have. They have their eyes open, I should say, which I have. My wife and I went and visited the Valley of Fallen in research for this book. We walked around and we saw where Franco's original grave was and all of this. You realized that, wait a minute. This was the equivalent to a modern crusade, what happened in the 1930s, because they saw demons, actual demons, taking the form of men and killing priests, raping nuns on the altar, and then taking the nuns' bodies and displaying the skeletons with their habits on in the public square and saying, This is a sign of what we will do to the church, what we will do to you, what we will do to your family. The same forces get unleashed in China in the 1960s.


By the help of a lot of Americans, by the way. Abraham Lincoln Brigade and a lot of others.


A lot of- Ernst Hemingway. A hundred %. It's like hanging out, Emma Goldman.


Yes, George Orwell.


But Orwell actually comes out better than most in the wash.


It changed his life. He was shot in the throat on century duty. He wrote a wonderful book about it, in which he doesn't mention being shot, I don't think, but called Amish to Catalonia. But that It completely changes his- Which was your reference? You do. It's a great book, but it changes his worldview completely. But my only point is, this wasn't about Spain. No. Do you think Ernest Hemingway or John DeSpastos or all these literary celebrities and leftists from the United States, do you think they knew anything about byzantine Spanish politics, which is so freaking complicated? I've tried to understand it. It's impossible to understand any Spanish politics period always has been. They didn't have any understanding of this at all. They were drawn by an instinct It's the marketing. Toward darkness. No, they were, though.


Well, so it's rooted in romanticism. So it's this idea of in the same way that it is Luciferian, right? So the original-Yeah. The original, so original, original. So Lucifer says, I can do better than God. Look what God has created. Look at all these problems. Look at things aren't going well. I don't like this. I can do better than God. I will create utopia on Earth. And so this is what leads him to rebel against the throne. This is why Lucifer comes God. God, of course, destroys him because he's God. So Lucifer and the fallen angels become the demons. And the demons realize that, okay, you can't make open war on God because God will destroy you. So what do you do? You attack his creation. So if God His connection to his creation is through the human heart, and that's where you strike. So you take over through the heart. C. S. Lewis, of course, screwtape letters, all of this, talk about it, how this is how you're able to infiltrate the human heart. And when you infiltrate the human heart, you can suddenly turn it into these madmen, the actual demonic control of individuals through these ideas of what we are doing is for the greater good.


What we are doing is for the future. We are smashing the old. And so you require these propaganda operations again and again and again over time and over time to be able to get people to commit some of the most horrific, again, in raping nuns on an altar. Oh, Oh, yeah. It's happened a lot. The bayoneting of the Romanoff children, bayonets against children.


People think they were shot. They weren't.


Little girls and boys, they were also shot, shot and bayoneted.


Yeah, but they were almost all The testimony that came out much later was they were almost all of them alive on the shooting stop.


One of the reasons for that is, and it's horrific to say, but so this is the... They're in the Ipetit house in Yucatrenberg. They say the guards aimed too high because the kids weren't tall enough. So the first volley, they see their parents being killed. And they say, by the way, that Alexandra, the Tsarina, that she died making the sign of the cross as her children lied there.


Just remember, a lot of the ruling class of Russia supported this crap at first.


Well, they supported it. They said, Oh, we need to We don't want to upset the boat.


We don't want to be- It was the Black Lives Matter.


We don't want to be politically... By the way, Tucker, you see this again and again. You see it in the French Revolution, too, where Louis goes along with it. Of course. Louis goes along with it and says, You know what? Yeah, these are fine. These are just some reforms. At first, it was just some tax stuff. You know what, Jack?


We just need sentencing reform, actually.


It's just criminal reform. The next stage is they release the criminals. The criminals go in, and this is the anarcho-tyranny. So anarcho-tyranny comes in. By the way, not to necessarily to narrowly destabilize the country or inflame the country. Anarcho-tyranny is used to pacify the middle class. So the criminals are out there and you're supposed to just keep your head down. Oh, the planes have all been shut down again, so I can't fly today because CrowdStrike passed a bad update. Oh, okay. And you just accept more and more and more.


I lived in that neighborhood.


Totalitarianism. Over and over and over. You accept more violence over and over. And I guess the answer, and we do, by the way, give some hope at the very end of all this, is it doesn't have to be this way. We actually don't have to live this way, as a matter of fact. Every person has the ability, whether it's within your own circle, within your own town, or perhaps you've got a big platform, or you're someone like Trump who's running for office, you have the ability to actually change things. We talk about local libraries and parks and recreation centers. I know it sounds silly, but it's like, your local communists, they're looking at the public library, and they know that if I can get into that library and I can get that front row of books that comes in every time you walk into a library. And currently, it's pretty much every public library in America, by the way, right now, that's how infiltrated we are, you will be hit with political propaganda on racism and DEI and all this and transgenderism when you first walk in, when children walk in. Why? Because the communists recognizes that as a note of power.


So the communists will take it over. They will infiltrate it and they'll take it over. Then look at the Parks and Rec Department. So I get that there's this conservative response to say, oh, Dragqueen Story Hour, Dragqueen Story hour. But it's like, but do you understand what's going on? Do you understand you're looking at a system? Do you understand you're looking at a system that's playing out exactly how it was designed to play out? Because the point of the system is what it does. So your local communists is looking at that Parks and Rec Department saying, I've got to get in there, and I've got to start indoctrinate the children, and I've got to turn the children against the parents. Because, again, that's exactly what they do every time. And so you're sowing the seeds for this eventual take take over in total power.


Yeah. And if you can't recognize what happened nine days ago as a watershed, they shoot Trump in front of all of us. You don't see that as a turning point, then there's no hope.


And think of it. So Trump's assassination attempt, Steve Bannon locked up as a political prisoner. Peter Navarro just gets out as a political prisoner. The palace coups of sitting to the letters. All of this has happened before. All of this, literally, to the letter, has happened before. The only point is, if you're just sitting there going with the flow saying, Oh, my gosh, I can't understand what happens next. No, all of this has happened before. I'll tell you exactly what happens next. And it gets really dark if people don't fight back.


Jack, thank you. We're going to put this up. Let's do it.


Thanks, man. Appreciate it.


Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to Tuckerarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.