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Probably that's my only real vice with the internet is, why am I watching a woman make chocolate chip cookies again? It's the 10th time. Or my kids will be like, Dad, can we watch candy videos? I'll watch them make the candy when they pour it all the copper, they melt all the sugar and corn stuff together and they pour it over the table and they make candy. The kids are like, Dad, are you watching candy videos? Can we watch them, too? Like, yeah.


So that doesn't sound bad.


No, I don't watch any pornography or anything, but it's still I'm like, Man, I could have read a book this week.


Welcome to Tucker Carlson Show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. They're not censored, of course, because we're not gatekeepers. We are honest brokers here to tell you what we think you need to know and do it honestly. Check out all of our content at tuckercarlson. Com. Here's the episode. How do you live on the internet without having it destroy your brain?


I went through that in 2017, and where I felt like my brain was becoming a little bit dopamine fried. For me, I just said, I'll just do less. I went to DC less, and I did less of... I made myself irrelevant in a way. So there was a point where I was on a real arc to be a big deal. And then my brain was getting fried. I looked at videos of myself. My face was all red. I was just having this inflammation because of cortisol. I was getting calls from people in DC, 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. I was breaking a bunch of stories. I was like, oh, phone, kids. I realized I was losing myself to this world, this digital world. Then I go, Man, I don't want to... This sucks, dude. I'm going to have to figure something out.


Can I ask you, what do you mean it's cortisol? What does that mean?


A stress hormone. When you're under stress, fight or flight response, you're Yeah, they're paired. He's so obsessed with mainstream media that he'll interview these people and talk to them all day, even though they hate him and he gives them ratings. Meanwhile, when he was President, I said, Why don't you just talk to the Daily Caller every day. Give them everything, and then everybody has to watch the Daily Caller. Give it to Breitbarter. Why don't you build the conservative media ecosystem?No, because he's a boomer and he's obsessed with prestige media or what I would call regime media, regime propaganda. So anybody else goes, I'm not walking it into a CNN ambush. The terms of this are stupid. Then the narrative will be Trump won't debate Biden, and that's a good narrative they run with. But instead, Trump said, Oh, you're going to turn off my microphone? Sure. Oh, you're going to make me do this? Okay, sure. Oh, you're going to do this? Sure, sure. So all of the terms led to the debate having to happen, even though it was a setup. And then Biden shows up. We've known for a while he's been sundowning, and they had it at night. They should have had it during the day. That was their fault. There was really nothing they could do. They gave him seven days of rest. They gave him a drug cocktail, but they had to show up. They couldn't have him not show up. And they were hoping maybe he'd have a good night because as you know, people with dementia, sometimes they have a good night. That's right. Sometimes they have a medium night. Biden had a terrible night, but that's the gamble you got to run.So one reason you never despair is the enemy gets a vote. And in this case, Trump was the enemy to the regime. Trump said, Okay, sure. I'll show up your rig thing because I love the media anyway. And Trump already preceded a narrative in Maga World to explain any failures. The whole thing was rigged anyway. So the narrative was already set that if Trump had a bad night, it was because the debate terms were so unconscionable that he never should have did it, but he did it anyway. So he goes in there, presses the advantage. Biden had a bad night, an unusually bad night, probably. And I don't think we need to... Because I don't view the deep state of regime as omniscient. I view them as evil, bad faith actors, but that are actually less smart than we are, and they're less robust. Because for people like us, we've been through the crucible so many times, and we know we're going to be in the crucible again. We conduct ourselves a little bit differently than they do. You have to remember your speeches in high school, Julius Caesar. One of the speeches I had to memorize in high school was, Let me have men about me that are fat, slick-headed men and one that sleeps at Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look.You don't want the lean and hungry look people around you, right? We're the lean and hungry people. We're the people that we know that one misstep, we're in court, dude. We know that the regime will frame us for crimes. So not only are we not doing ethically questionable behavior, because, boy, then we'd really be given our neck. That's for sure. We know these motherfuckers are going to frame us anyway. So we're already like, oh, my God, I wonder whether they're going to make up about me. Shit. Whereas all the fat people, the spiritually fat people, are so weak and debased because they're the ones cooking everything up that they don't know where their weak sides are. So in their fat world, they're thinking, we'll just put Biden up there. Maybe he has a good night and we look out. If it's a bad night, we'll be okay. But they didn't realize how bad it could be. Whereas if someone like you worked for... Because that's also the danger of these people. They don't have any counter narrative. So if they had somebody like you there or me there, we'd have been saying, Maybe this isn't a good idea.Because the problem of the right is we self-place too much. We should self-police maybe a little bit less. The problem of the left is they police away any opposition view, and they allow every crazy in the tent. So for us, we know who the crazies are, and we know who the feds are, and we know to think in those terms. Whereas if you're on the left, nobody It's crazy. Oh, Ilhan Omar, she's great. Oh, what was she doing about October seventh? What's she saying? Wait, Rachida Taleb. No, no, no, no, no, guys. You're not yourself. No, no, no, no, no, Whereas with us, we're used to having to police ourselves and the people around us. So we maybe don't walk into the traps or unforester errors that that Biden debate was. That's a very long way of saying, I don't think the regime is omniscient. I don't think that that was a move to take him out. I think that that was pure human groupthink in action, and they thought that they could get Trump to not take the debate because the terms were so rigged.Very smart analysis, as has everything you've said for the past couple of hours been. So thank you.It's my pleasure.Mike Sernovich. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.


Yeah, they're paired. He's so obsessed with mainstream media that he'll interview these people and talk to them all day, even though they hate him and he gives them ratings. Meanwhile, when he was President, I said, Why don't you just talk to the Daily Caller every day. Give them everything, and then everybody has to watch the Daily Caller. Give it to Breitbarter. Why don't you build the conservative media ecosystem?


No, because he's a boomer and he's obsessed with prestige media or what I would call regime media, regime propaganda. So anybody else goes, I'm not walking it into a CNN ambush. The terms of this are stupid. Then the narrative will be Trump won't debate Biden, and that's a good narrative they run with. But instead, Trump said, Oh, you're going to turn off my microphone? Sure. Oh, you're going to make me do this? Okay, sure. Oh, you're going to do this? Sure, sure. So all of the terms led to the debate having to happen, even though it was a setup. And then Biden shows up. We've known for a while he's been sundowning, and they had it at night. They should have had it during the day. That was their fault. There was really nothing they could do. They gave him seven days of rest. They gave him a drug cocktail, but they had to show up. They couldn't have him not show up. And they were hoping maybe he'd have a good night because as you know, people with dementia, sometimes they have a good night. That's right. Sometimes they have a medium night. Biden had a terrible night, but that's the gamble you got to run.


So one reason you never despair is the enemy gets a vote. And in this case, Trump was the enemy to the regime. Trump said, Okay, sure. I'll show up your rig thing because I love the media anyway. And Trump already preceded a narrative in Maga World to explain any failures. The whole thing was rigged anyway. So the narrative was already set that if Trump had a bad night, it was because the debate terms were so unconscionable that he never should have did it, but he did it anyway. So he goes in there, presses the advantage. Biden had a bad night, an unusually bad night, probably. And I don't think we need to... Because I don't view the deep state of regime as omniscient. I view them as evil, bad faith actors, but that are actually less smart than we are, and they're less robust. Because for people like us, we've been through the crucible so many times, and we know we're going to be in the crucible again. We conduct ourselves a little bit differently than they do. You have to remember your speeches in high school, Julius Caesar. One of the speeches I had to memorize in high school was, Let me have men about me that are fat, slick-headed men and one that sleeps at Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look.


You don't want the lean and hungry look people around you, right? We're the lean and hungry people. We're the people that we know that one misstep, we're in court, dude. We know that the regime will frame us for crimes. So not only are we not doing ethically questionable behavior, because, boy, then we'd really be given our neck. That's for sure. We know these motherfuckers are going to frame us anyway. So we're already like, oh, my God, I wonder whether they're going to make up about me. Shit. Whereas all the fat people, the spiritually fat people, are so weak and debased because they're the ones cooking everything up that they don't know where their weak sides are. So in their fat world, they're thinking, we'll just put Biden up there. Maybe he has a good night and we look out. If it's a bad night, we'll be okay. But they didn't realize how bad it could be. Whereas if someone like you worked for... Because that's also the danger of these people. They don't have any counter narrative. So if they had somebody like you there or me there, we'd have been saying, Maybe this isn't a good idea.


Because the problem of the right is we self-place too much. We should self-police maybe a little bit less. The problem of the left is they police away any opposition view, and they allow every crazy in the tent. So for us, we know who the crazies are, and we know who the feds are, and we know to think in those terms. Whereas if you're on the left, nobody It's crazy. Oh, Ilhan Omar, she's great. Oh, what was she doing about October seventh? What's she saying? Wait, Rachida Taleb. No, no, no, no, no, guys. You're not yourself. No, no, no, no, no, Whereas with us, we're used to having to police ourselves and the people around us. So we maybe don't walk into the traps or unforester errors that that Biden debate was. That's a very long way of saying, I don't think the regime is omniscient. I don't think that that was a move to take him out. I think that that was pure human groupthink in action, and they thought that they could get Trump to not take the debate because the terms were so rigged.


Very smart analysis, as has everything you've said for the past couple of hours been. So thank you.


It's my pleasure.


Mike Sernovich. Thanks for listening to Tucker Carlson's show. If you enjoyed it, you can go to tuckercarlson. Com to see everything that we have made, the complete library, tuckercarlson. Com.