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Hey, guys. It's Vivek Ramaswama here, inviting you to listen to my podcast, Truth. We just relaunched it after the campaign, and we are already writing up the podcast charts. Here's why. I think that hard, in-depth conversations about the tough issues is the only way we're going to get this country back. Because make no mistake, we are currently in a war for the future of America, and you cannot win a war unless you're willing to speak the truth. If you want standard conservative talking points, this podcast is not for you. But if you want to go deeper and hear the conversations you're not going to find anywhere else, the conversations that will challenge you, that will challenge me, then subscribe to Truth with Vivek Ramaswami on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. I promise you, you're going to cover terrain that you're not going to hear elsewhere.


Hey, it's Tucker Carlson. Welcome to our podcast. The main way that corporate media lie to you is by not telling you things, ignoring stories completely, particularly the important ones. We promise never to do that. You can check out Tuckercarlson. Com for a complete library of past episodes. Here's today's. So your lawyers have sued the Biden Department of Justice for misconduct. Tell us about the suit, why you filed it, what you hoped to achieve by it.


Yeah, well, my attorney actually had filed a complaint with the Inspector General about the way I was treated by the FBI and DOJ and how they were harassing me, and they didn't receive a response. Surprise, surprise. So after we waited, there was no response. He filed a tort claim, and it's for $10 million. Basically, what the outcome will be, hopefully, is that they will open my FBI files and then expunge them. The criminal case that has been opened against me in Northern California, the one that's will be revealed because that was opened by DOJ and FBI, where they took all my Twitter communications, now X, it's called, but Gmail, you name it, all my social media, was taken under sealed warrants. The only reason I know about the sealed warrants, and it was publicized, is because a Twitter lawyer had called and told me that this has happened, and they had made a motion in court to tell me. And so this case had impaneled a grand jury, so it went pretty far. So it's just shy of indictment. But what are they going to indict me for? Well, they won't tell me. Now, as an American, it's citizen.


That's infuriating, right?


But I think a lot of I am confused I think a lot of people watching this are confused. You, of course, are most famous for recounting in public your experience a sexual assault, and I think it was a sexual assault, by then Senator Joe Biden in an elevator when you worked Not elevator, corridor. A corridor. I beg your pardon. And unlike a lot of people who make these claims, you have contemporaneous evidence in your mother's call to Larry King Live, which came out years later. It's an amazing story, and I think it's a credible story. But what did you do wrong? How did you wind up the subject of a sealed potential indictment of a criminal investigation by the US government? What was your crime?


I think not shutting up. I think because I just wouldn't stop talking. I kept trying to push for an investigation. If you recall Jen Saki? She was asked one question one time. Peter Juicy, I think, asked the question and said about me, about Tara Reid, and she said, Oh, that's been litigated. It was never litigated. She lied outright. It's never been litigated. It's never been investigated. I was asking for an investigation. All they did was pay money to have media hit pieces done on me.


But of course they did. You were attacked. The whole believe all women thing turned out not to be true, I guess.


No, it's not true. There's no me too.


There's no me too. But a criminal investigation into you is a completely separate category and really an escalation of a kind most Americans can't understand. Why would they possibly be criminally investigating you?


Do you know? There were two. The first one was for perjury when I was an expert witness, and it took me lawyers and thousands dollars to clear that. They had to drop that case. And then they came at me with a sealed case, which I can't do anything about because I'm not even supposed to know about it.


And this is the federal government?


Federal, the DOJ FBI. So there is a...


Sealed case. Soviet. It's hard to believe what you're saying is true, but I think it's checkable. There's a sealed case against you. They're investigating you for a crime. They won't tell you what the crime is, but it clearly is a felony, or they claim it's a felony, correct?


I posted the sealed warrant, and that's been in the media. So the sealed warrant is visible. You can see the case number. Journalists have tried to look it up. My attorneys tried to look it up. No one will tell them what it is. Then they started coming at me in more subvert ways, which was basically harassment, death threats, particularly it amped up when Marjorie Taylor-Green and Representative Matt Gates asked me to testify in the whistleblowers panel. I was going to talk about how difficult it is to be a whistleblower because I had so targeted. Then when I was about to testify, I'll get to that part, but when I was about to testify, things really amped up as far as threats and undermining me. It was hard I didn't get a job. People thought I was a security threat. There were innuendos. My reputation was destroyed, and we've talked about this. So my attorney basically said, Okay, that's fat. We're going to fire file this complaint. And this came after when I was here in Moscow, Russia, I came here to publicize my book and to oversee the translation of it. I did an interview with channel One.


Which is a Russian TV channel. Channel One is sanctioned, apparently. Apparently, I was here for vacation, so I had packed literally for seven days, five days, didn't have much with me. Then about midway through, I started getting messages from former intelligence. They were trying to get me messages, whistleblowers. Like, Look, you're in danger of being indicted if you go back.I talked to my lawyers about it.In.


Guided for what?


For Fara, the Foreign Registration Act, which is the same thing they went after Maria Butina for.And Paul Maniford.And Paul Maniford. And Paul Maniford. And Maria Butina, if you read, there's a really good article called The Spy Who Wasn't, who really lays out why she wasn't a spy, and she wasn't. She's now working for the state Duma, but she was definitely targeted. But that set the precedent, Paul Maniford, in her case.


But wait, just to be clear, you're an American who has accused the sitting President of sexually assaulting you while you worked for him as a young woman, and you have evidence to prove that that's true. Contemporaneous evidence, which I think is key. And all of a sudden, you're the criminal because you wind up in a foreign city and you do a TV interview. Am I missing something?


Well, in 2019, if you recall, one of the smears that they made against me was that I was a Russian asset, even though I had no ties to Russia. Immediately out the gate. That was the Biden campaign told that to the New York Times. They said that was their first response. Not a denial, not anything else. They said, Oh, she's a Russian asset. And that started in 2019 and got spread around, and then it continued on and had a life of its own because it was spread by former Obama staff, Edward, Isaac Dovier, people like that who have some clout on social media and people listen. Unfortunately, there was that overhanging it. When I came to Moscow-So you make this allegation against the President of the United States, then a candidate, a credible allegation, once again.


I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't think it was credible. I think it is credible. I think it's true. And they don't even respond. Or they just accuse you of being a traitor to your country.


Immediately. That was the first response, not even a denial at first. So I thought that was interesting.


And the media amplify this.


Oh, yes. The New York Times amplified it. Washington Post did. Everyone did. Politico, they did their due diligence for the empire, I guess. I didn't really understand the media at that time. Now, you have to understand I'm a regular citizen. I don't have a PR team. I don't have lawyers. Now I have a lawyer, but Then I didn't. I didn't have resources. Where were you living? I was living in California, and I was really naive about the media, and now I understand. I think a lot of people in 2019, 2020 were still a little naive.


Just to be clear, it sounds like you've been a fairly liberal Democrat your whole life.


I was. I really had really believed. I worked for Leon Paneta as an intern. I worked for Joe Biden. I worked as a Democratic operative on congressional campaigns. I was trained by Homeland Security. I was trained by Seattle Police to help with domestic violence. I was a train of trainer. I donated my time. I worked for Democrats. I believed in it, believed in it, hold-heartedly. And so it's been heartbreaking when I came forward with evidence how I was treated, how I was still treated. To this day, I just get... I mean, I get called right now a defector, a traitor. I did back then before I left the US.


I keep stepping on your story, and I'm sorry. It's just a remarkable story. When you lay it out and give the timeline, it's amazing what's happened to you. Just back to where you were before I interrupted you. You're here on vacation to get a translation of your book done. Yes. You do an interview with local TV, and then you start getting messages from informed people who you trust. Tara, you're in danger of being indicted. What happens then?


Well, I would be put into a cage because with the Farr Act, it's a backdoor to the Espionage Act, essentially. It's the Federal Registration Act. You have to register as a foreign agent.


Foreign Agent Registration Act.


It's administrative. They never used to even use it, but now they're using it as a backdoor to espionage. You might recall the HURU Group, right? Very well. Yes.


The black nationalists that we defended.


Right. They're being sentenced this month, up to 10 years in prison. I've read through all their whole legal case, and I have a lot of grace. I'm interested in those things. You know what the charge is? Sowing Discord. I want people to really hear this because sowing Discord shouldn't be a crime, and they shouldn't be But they're being actually-Sowing Discord? Sowing Discord. That's the term under the Fara Act and the backdorn to the Espionage Act. They're facing up to 10 years in prison or more. Their passports have been taken away. The sentencing happens this month. They have no ties to Russia. They simply spoke out against the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine. For that, they've been punished. What I want people to hear is that it's not just January sixth people that are being targeted by the DOJ. No. It's to the left. It's to the right. That's right. It's someone like me that just had a claim against my former employer that should have been investigated properly and should have been adjudicated in a proper way. I should have been treated with some dignity instead of having my life torn to pieces.


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So again, back to the story. You're in Moscow, where we are now, and you hear that you could be indicted or punished under the Foreign Agent Registration Act for giving this interview with a local TV station. And what do you do? How do you That's fine.


Well, I wanted to look at all the data points. I'm not an impulsive person. I like to think, and I didn't have a lot of time. I mean, we're talking, I had to make this in a 48-hour window, right? And so this was a lot of pressure, but I did. I took the time. I talked to my daughter for hours. I talked to my lawyer. I got more data points of other people who had opinions that were educated. And then I talked to Matt Gates, and I am forever grateful that he took my call. I want to give him some credit here. The congressman from Florida? Yeah, because I was supposed to go the first week of June and walk with him on the Senate floor to get my Senate thing opened, and I wanted to do that. He advised me. He didn't advise me. I should rephrase that. He gave me information. He basically just said, I'm worried about you. I'm worried about your personal safety, and you're good where you are, that thing. He just said he knew how those people operated, and so he was concerned about me.


Those people being employees of the US government. Right.


He sits on the intelligence committee. When a US congressman tells you something like that, that's a remarkable data point, right? It is. That's a remarkable data point, and I trusted him because he could have easily just said, Oh, sure, it'll be fine. I did ask him. I said, Please, congressman, can you help me? Can you get me off these charges? He said, No, I can't. I'm sorry. My hands are I don't even know what they are. Sometimes, some of this intelligence isn't shared. But what I can tell you is just that I understand how these people operate. I'm really worried about your personal safety because I had received death threats at that point. You think about it, I'm not that well known. I would have been in the news maybe a day or two. Maybe you or someone else might have talked about me for a couple of times, but it would have been considered a conspiracy theory, like Adam Rich, right? His death. Seth Rich. Seth Rich, yeah.


What I find so compelling and shocking about your story is that I still don't understand what you did wrong.


In their eyes, they see me as somehow being a traitorist is the words that they use. I think in the USA today, there was a former CIA agent who gave a quote saying that my thoughts about America made him viscerally angry. Because I was talking about inflation. I was talking about the fact that there's 600,000 homeless. I was talking about the fact I'm involved with geopolitics. I have a law degree. I'm interested in it.


But you're an American. You spent your whole life in the United States. You worked for the sitting President who, you say, sexually assaulted you. You're upset about the state of our economy. How does that make you a traitor?


Apparently, it does. And apparently, my views about the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine. And in 2019, I had said, and this is true, that if Joe Biden was elected, that he would go to war with Russia.


You were right. Yeah. So just to bottom line, the path that you took for people who are hearing this for the first time, you decided you could not come home after that.


I decided then, and then I had to figure out, well, what does one do? Because you can't just decide to stay in a country without proper paperwork a visa. You can't just like, Oh, I'm just going to hang out here.


That would make you a stateless person.


Yes. I reached out, and I'm forever grateful to Maria Butina because Masha helped me, and she helped me with the process of just the how-to of applying for political asylum, which I did. It took a few weeks. Only 10% of those cases get accepted, but they do their due diligence, and they felt that there was enough of a problem where they had to give me asylum.


This is after speaking to a US congressman who sits on the House Intel Committee who told you he was worried about your safety. Correct. How hard a decision was that for you? That's a big decision.


It was a big decision, but it wasn't just what he said, and I don't want to put this all on Matt Gates shoulders. Of course not. Yeah. It was several people's. One, I can't really say who it was, but went to great risk to send me a message to say, If you get off that plane, they're going to take you into custody. For what? And violation of the Farr Act, They were talking about violation of sanctions. There was talk that I had red notices, which are arrest warrants. I could have been picked up in Istanbul.


By whom and for what?


By the US proxy, by That's how they do it with Interpol. They arrest on behalf of the US, in the UAE in Dubai. I had a lawyer who actually specialized in people that have that happen to them. She got the red notices pulled. And so now those are gone now that I'm under asylum. But they'll extradite you from every country. So the only two countries that will not extradite an American back to America is Iran and Russia.


This is a really crazy story. Yeah. It sounds like you don't have any way to get your story to an American audience.


No. No, it's very difficult. I mean, I have a large Twitter following, and I have a podcast that I do. But no one has called...


What's so interesting to me is we have a supposedly free media in the United States as a backstop against a check against government overreach, too much power in the hands of too few. And so it's supposed to be a self-correcting system. If something truly crazy and totalitarian happens to an American citizen, our media is supposed to take an interest and alert the rest of the country so they know what's going on. They can say, I may not like Tara Reid, and I don't agree with her, or whatever, but you can't do that. You can't arrest someone for no crime or for complaining about the president. Has anyone from the New York Times called you? No. Or Politico, Politico?




The Daily Beast to say, Tell us what's happened with you.


No, of course not. They only do hit pieces, and they're working for the empire. There's no question. They're just working as proxies to US government. I think some of the reporting that Matt Taibi and Michael Schellenberger have been doing has been really valuable. Yes. Because they've been showing how there's think tanks, actual think tanks that basically put out articles to these, and then they reprint them. They don't even change them that much. So these are planted articles. There was all kinds of lies told about me, that I lied about my education. Now, I never lied about my education that I defected to Russia. I didn't defect to Russia. I was threatened with my life and my family, and I didn't want my family harmed. I didn't want to be at risk of being put in a cage. I can't tell you what that conversation was like with my daughter, that it was hard.


Have you seen her?


No. Why? I can't. Under political asylum, I can't leave the borders of Russia. Because I'm under the protection. To be frank, I don't know when I can ever go back to the US. I don't know when there's a safe path.


But what have you done?


In their eyes, I've committed some crime, and I haven't done anything. That's the thing. I've never committed a crime. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a spy. I'm not a spy for Russia. I don't have tons of resources. I don't have a PR team. I just told the truth about Joe Biden. I told the truth about what he did to me, and I told the truth about the corruption, and I wouldn't be quiet about it. And I was demanding to be heard. But let's say I'm not going to get $83 million like Eugene Carroll or a perfume line like Stormy Daniels, right? Or treated with dignity in the press like those women were because they accused a Republican. No, I was attacked and destroyed.


No one has defended you?


Not really. Rose McGowan She really has. Megan Kelly gave me a platform a couple of times. Of course, you have, other than that, independent media, even the lefties, even though the Me Too reporters, Silence. You don't see any Me Too reporters coming and telling my story, do you? Never once. They protect Biden. This is all about catch and kill. And if you recall, I went to Times Up for help, right? Times Up Roberta Kaplan, who just represented E. Jean Carroll. Roberta Kaplan had to resign from Times Up because she was smearing me and the Cuomo, survivors, the people that talked about Cuomo. Because she did that, she had to resign. Times Up was dismantled. She went on to represent Eugene Carroll, and Eugene Carroll publicly said that she was going to now support Biden and give him money. It's unbelievable.


It's totally evil. It's completely evil. It is evil. Where does it... I just can't get past this question, and I don't want to upset you, but of your daughter. You have a child in the United States.


Yeah, that's been hard. I missed her graduation. She got her masters. They went after her, actually, while I was here in Russia. The first month I was here, a bunch of Democratic troll farms or whatever doxed her photo, her work address She tried to get her fired. She was interning as a therapist. She's a therapist with children. She works with play therapy with children who have been traumatized. They tried to get her fired, and they were saying it out loud and calling the work. But luckily, my daughter's work is not interested in those kinds of smears. So my daughter's fine. But having her face plastered everywhere because she's associated with me. My horse was almost kidnapped. They literally came and took him almost on a trailer. Luckily, the owners of the stable were there. So I'm getting these calls at 3:00 in the morning in Moscow that my horse is being loaded on a trailer by someone I don't know who's going to take him for Joe Biden. That was what they were saying. They were taking him for Joe. Luckily, he's safe. But it's been relentless. I know public figures, I don't consider myself a public figure, but other public figures do get harassed like that.


But when you're a regular citizen like I am, it's really daunting, especially if we don't have the resources to protect yourself, which I didn't.


Do you expect to be able to see your daughter anytime soon?


I don't I don't feel comfortable putting her in the spotlight again. She's about to get married.


Can you go to the wedding? I can't go to the wedding.


I'm upset, and I don't want to be a victim here. I'm angry, and I want Joe Biden to be held accountable. He's taken years of my life. He's destroyed it three times over, and I'm going to continue to fight.


Tara Reid, thank you very much for talking to us. Thank you. Thanks for listening to the Tucker Carlson podcast. If you liked it, be sure to hit subscribe and leave a review. Remember, we only release some of our interviews as podcast. The only place you can get all of it, including past episodes, is tuckercarlson. Com, and we hope you will.