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Welcome to Tucker Carlson show. It's become pretty clear that the mainstream media are dying. They can't die quickly enough. And there's a reason they're dying, because they lied. They lied so much it killed them. We're not doing that. comma, we promise to bring you the most honest content, the most honest interviews we can without fear or favorite. Here's the latest. This is her intro video and it's interesting. She's about to speak. We're going to take that for as long as we can bear you. Are you temperamentally prepared for this?


I am ready. I've had enough of this old fashioned.


That I'm, it's just interesting that, you know, 60 days ago, 30 days ago, Kamala Harris was considered by everybody in the Democratic Party as a joke. Like this was unimaginable in July last month. Unimaginable. And now it's just like taken as a matter of course. Of course. It's, it's, Kamala is a great, great stakespin of our time. Here she is. And with that Kamala Harris.


So no Beyonce appearance.


Oh, she slammed the big rumor. I think she's smarter than that. Oh, there's a guy with the gun right behind her. Guns are bad, right? Okay. Is she gonna win?


No. No. We're gonna lose is how I are we gonna lose. Ask you.


Good evening.


There's the man she kissed with the mask on, her purported husband, Doug.


Oh, I thought you were talking about Willie Brown.


No, I, Willie has self respect. I know. I actually like Willie Brown. He would never kiss her with a mask.


What would be the point?


Well, exactly. Do you know Willie Brown?




You'd like Willy Brown.




Yeah. He's just got a great sense of humor. Even you disagree with everything about him, but he's hilarious.


Good evening, everyone. Good evening. Good evening.


She looks happy.


The step daughter that looked, actually look like. I can't stand this.


I know. Exactly. The funny thing is, I hate to say it, Kamo's sister's actually pretty.


And is that who that was?


Because I did.


Very pretty woman. Yeah, that woman right there.


Holy cow. Are you sure that's his sister?


That's her sister.




She is pretty. Correct.


I'd like to get her number.


But now I'm being shallow and mean, but there's something unappealing about Kamaharis, I think.


But I think she looks cool.


Thank you. Thank you.


Oh, yeah. She's perfectly attractive, but there's something in her vibe that looks fake to me.


Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all.


Man, they printed all those signs fast.


They did do that, I think, in March when they were.


Well, that's exactly right. When they called the CNA anchors together and told them the plan after the debate.


Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please. Thank you. Please. Thank you so very much. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Okay, let's get to business. Let's get to business. All right.


It would be hard if she were president, harder than the rest of us.


Let me start by thanking my most incredible husband, Doug.


That's Doug.


Thank you for being an incredible partner to me, an incredible father to Colin, Ella, and happy anniversary, Dougie. I love you so very much. To our president, Joe Biden.


President. Oh, gosh, I can't believe she mentioned Joe Biden.


Path that we have traveled together. Joe, I am filled with gratitude. Your record is extraordinary, as history will show, and your character is inspiring. And Doug and I love you and Jill and are forever thankful to you both. Coach Tim Walls, you are going to be an incredible vice president. And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign, your support is humbling. So, America, the path that led me here in recent weeks was no doubt unexpected, but I'm no stranger to unlikely journeys. So my mother, our mother, Shamala Harris, had one of her own. And I miss her every day, and especially right now. And I know she's looking down, smiling. I know that. So my mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakable dream, to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer. When she finished school, she was supposed to return home to a traditional arranged marriage. But as fate would have it, she met my father, Donald Harris, a student from Jamaica. They fell in love and got married. And that act of self determination made my sister Maya and me growing up, we moved a lot.


I will always remember that big Mayflower truck packed with all our belongings, ready to go to Illinois, to Wisconsin, and wherever our parents jobs took us. My early memories of our parents together are very joyful ones. A home filled with laughter and music. Aretha, Coltrane, and miles at the park, my mother would say, stay close. But my father would say, as he smiled, run, Kamala, run. Don't be afraid. Don't let anything stop you.


There's something so fraudulent about this.


In my earliest years, he taught me to be fearless. But the harmony between my parents did not last. When I was in elementary school, they split up and it was mostly my mother who raised us. Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment in the east bay. In the bay? In the bay. You either live in the hills or the flatlands. We lived in the flats, a beautiful, working class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses, and construction workers, all who tended their lawns with pride. My mother, she worked long hours. And like many working parents, she leaned on a trusted circle to help raise us. Misses Shelton, who ran the daycare below us and became a second mother. Uncle Sherman, Aunt Mary, uncle Freddie, Auntie Chris. None of them family by blood, and all of them family by love. Family who taught us how to make Gumbo, how to play chess, and sometimes even let us win. Family who loved us, believed in us and told us we could be anything and do anything. They instilled in us the values they personified. Community, faith, and the importance of treating others as you would want to be treated, with kindness, respect, and compassion.


My mother was a brilliant, five foot tall brown woman with an accent. And as the eldest child, as the eldest child, I saw how the world would sometimes treat her. But my mother never lost her cool. She was tough, courageous, a trailblazer in the fight for women's health. And she taught Maya and me a lesson that Michelle mentioned the other night. She taught us to never complain about injustice, but do something about it. Do something about it. That was my mother, and she taught us, and she always. She also taught us, and she also taught us. And never do anything half assed. And that is a direct quote. A direct quote. I grew up immersed in the ideals of the civil rights movement. My parents had met at a civil rights gathering, and they made sure that we learned about civil rights leaders, including the lawyers like Thurgood Marshall and Constance Baker Motley, those who battled in the courtroom to make real the promise of America. So at a young age, I decided I wanted to do that work. I wanted to be a lawyer. And when it came time to choose the type of law I would pursue, I reflected on a pivotal moment in my life.


You see, when I was in high school, I started to notice something about my best friend, Wanda. She was sad at school, and there were times she didn't want to go home. So one day I asked if everything was all right, and she confided in me that she was being sexually abused by her stepfather. And I immediately told her she had to come stay with us. And she did. This is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor, to protect people like Wanda, because I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity, and to justice. As a prosecutor, when I had a case, I charged it.


Okay, can we stop for a second here? So give you my thoughts? Right.




Okay. First of all, um, she's more appealing than Hillary, no question. If that's no question about it.


Not a high bar, but not a high bar.


But they should be afraid of her. You know, normal people should be afraid of her. She's actually got her shtick fine tuned a little more than I thought that she would. And so I think she's probably a little more formidable than expected. Two other points. She begins by thanking Joe Biden and then sort of alighting into the current state of affairs by saying, I kind of never expected to be here. But she never explained, like, how did you get to be the nominee? I still have no idea. Honestly. There was some kind of online vote or something because the donors wanted it. I mean, I do think at some point she has to explain, how did I become, with not one person going to a single primary and voting for me, how did I become the nominee? And the third thing I noticed was that in her sort of not terrible explanation of her childhood and parents seem nice or whatever, they're both immigrants, she from India, he from Jamaica. But she says that her mother was lecturing her about injustice and the civil rights movement.




You came to the United States at 19 to become a doctor, to become a research scientist, apparently. What injustice did you suffer exactly? You come from a poor country to a rich country to a subsidized higher education system, and you become a scientist, and, like, you're the victim of. What exactly are you? And what does that have to do with the civil rights movement? I mean, it's not an attack on Kamala Harris to say she's got nothing to do with civil rights movement. She's not from an american family.


She's lying, of course. And again, you don't immigrate to the land of opportunity at 19 years old. Buy yourself a woman. If you think, man, I'm walking into some shithole, and I'm gonna face all this discrimination, a 19 year old woman says, hey, I'm gonna travel overseas to live, pick up by myself, because, man, this place is terrible. I'm not buying that.


Well, and the accent. And just, like, laying claim to a history that's not hers, this, with this, like, fake southern accent. She's from the east bay of San Francisco, but she really grew up in Canada, in Quebec and Montreal. And, which is fine. I'm not attacking her for it, but, like, how did she wind up with a sort of 1962 civil rights movement accent from Alabama? Like, what is this? It's too fake for me.


All part of the power of the black identity, black worship. And the only thing you have to really do to be black is promote the victimhood narrative. And so if you're a victim, that makes you black. And if you promote the fact that everybody black is a victim and everybody of color is a victim, you now get to claim you're black. That's the black identity, victimhood, and it empowers you. It makes you a special person. It makes you a magical, to quote Russell, magical Negro. Barack the magical negro. That's why he claims it. That's why Michelle claims it. That's why Oprah Winfrey yesterday, she's worth $3 billion. She's up there talking about all the racism she encountered.


But, okay, so Oprah Winfrey is american. Michelle Obama is american. Barack Obama is not american. I mean, his mother was american from Kansas, but Kamala Harris, I mean, Jamaicans are not Americans. A b, not oppressed in any sense. They're actually very successful in the United States. Caribbeans in general, I think, make more than native born whites. Close, anyway. They're successful, they're entrepreneurial. They're not part of the history of racism and slavery in the United States. Just the opposite. They just showed up here. So this is ridiculous.


It's ridiculous, but it. She's telling the lie that gives her the most power, and people are falling for it because, again, it's a religion. It operates on faith, not facts.


No, you're right. You're right. All right. I had to let that out. So if you're old enough to remember when the Internet started, you remember the promises that accompanied it. This was going to make everything easier. This was going to spark innovation, and this was, above all, going to bring freedom to the world. So back when, using a search engine wasn't some big tech mind control operation, that was true. You'd have to take out your credit card every time you wanted to read a newspaper article. You weren't bombarded by pop ups and cheap foreign ads of some kind. Those days are long gone. Unfortunately, many of us go online knowing the truth. You're being watched, you're being recorded, you're being tracked, you're being manipulated at all times. Depressing as hell. But you can't get around it because you need the Internet to live. Right now, your Internet service provider can probably see your entire browsing history. It's none of their business, but they can see it. And thanks to our public servants in the US Congress, they can even sell that public information to the highest bidder, your private information being sold. And by the way, governments can buy it.


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It's, tucker. Express exp TUCker hey, it's Kimberly Fletcher here from moms for America with some very exciting news. Tucker Carlson is going on a nationwide tour this fall, and Moms for America has the exclusive vip meet and greet experience for you. Before each show, you can have the opportunity to meet Tucker Carlson in person. These tickets are fully tax deductible donations. So go to MomsforAmerica us and get one of our very limited vip meet.


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Five rows, access to a free show, cocktail reception, and individual meet and greetheen and photo with America's most famous conservative and our friend, Tucker Carlson. Visit momsforamerica us today for more information. And to secure your exclusive vip meet and greet tickets. See you on the tour. Hey, guys, Josh Hammer here, the host of America on Trial with Josh Hammer, a podcast for the first podcast network. Look, there are a lot of shows out there that are explaining the political news cycle, what's happening on the hill, to this, to that. There are no other shows that are cutting straight to the point when it comes to the unprecedented law fair, debilitating and affecting the 2024 presidential election. We do all that every single day right here on America on trial with Josh Hammer. Subscribe and download your episodes wherever you get your podcast. America on trial with Josh Hammer. Let's dip.


Back in California, I stood up for women and children against predators who abused them. As attorney general of California, I took on the big banks, delivered $20 billion from middle class families who faced foreclosure, and helped pass a homeowner bill of rights, one of the first of its kind in the nation. I stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for profit colleges, for workers who are being cheated out of their wages, the wages as they were due for seniors facing elder abuse. I fought against the cartels who trafficking guns and drugs and human beings who threatened the security of our border and the safety of our communities. And I will tell you, these fights were not easy, and neither were the elections that put me in those offices. We were underestimated at practically every turn, but we never gave up, because the future is always worth fighting for. And that's the fight we are in right now, a fight for America's future. Fellow Americans, this election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in the life of our nation. In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man.


But the consequences, but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election. Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes. When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol, where they assaulted law enforcement officers.


Armed? They were armed. What the hell is she talking about?


His own party begged him to call off the mob and send help. He did the opposite. He fanned the flames. And now for an entirely different set of crimes. He was found guilty of fraud by a jury of everyday Americans, and separately and separately, found liable for committing sexual abuse. And consider what he intends to do if we give him power again. Consider his explicit intent to set free violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers, officers at the Capitol, his explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents, and anyone he sees as the enemy.


Can I just interject here for a second? This woman's really scary. She could easily get elected president. She's much more skillful than I have ever seen. She's a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue, they're the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil. She's an extremist. She'll say anything. She's much more like Gavin Newsom than I ever realized. I could go through a whole litany of what she's saying is not true. It wasn't an armed mob. There was not one person inside the Capitol with a firearm, period. The only person who was shot in the capital was an unarmed woman shot by one of Nancy Pelosi's bodyguards. So again, again and again, she's telling us that she fought the cartels to secure the border. She's the border czar, and the border is controlled by the cartels.


Um, she argued that Donald Trump, quote, tried to throw away your votes. Didn't the Democrat party just throw away all the votes and install her?


Well, exactly. She. She's saying that Donald Trump will free from prison violent extremists, meaning, like, 75 year old lower middle class women with diabetes, when she endorsed defunding the police and opening the prisons to allow actual criminals out, which is why the crime rate has spiked to allow the population of Venezuela's prisons. Caracas prisons, are now living in the United States because of her. I mean, I guess what I'm saying is, and I don't want to sound like I'm whining or fact checking, which I hate, but what she's saying is the mirror image of the truth. She doesn't care. She's got no reference points in the truth, and she's an extremist. And she's a former prosecutor, which is. And no former prosecutor should hold power, period. I've covered them my whole life. I've intensely disliked every single one of them for good reason. I think they're scary, they're liars, and they're megalomaniacal, and they put people in prison for political reasons. I've seen it again and again and again, and she's one of them. And people will go to prison. Gee, Trump wants to jail journalists. I have friends who are journalists. One of them's in prison now for thought crimes under her administration.


So this is, it's, sorry, we can.


Go back preschool and childcare for our children. America, we are not going back. And we are charting and we are charting a new way forward. Forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class. Because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success. And building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. And I'll tell you, this is personal for me. The middle class is where I come from. My mother kept a strict budget. We lived within our means, yet we wanted for little. And she expected us to make the most of the opportunities that were available to us and to be grateful for them. Because as she taught us, opportunity is not available to everyone. That's why we will create what I call an opportunity economy. An opportunity economy where everyone has the chance to compete and a chance to succeed, whether you live in a rural area, small town or big city. And as president, I will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and american companies to create jobs to grow our economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs like healthcare and housing and groceries.


We will provide access to capital for small business owners and entrepreneurs and founders. And we will end America's housing shortage and protect Social Security and Medicare.


I'm sure I can't control myself again. We're going to end America's housing shortage. You just let in over 10 million people illegally and you put them all on housing vouchers and food stamps and gave them free plane tickets and free cell phones and all of them have to live somewhere. You caused America's housing shortage. If you care about the cost of housing, limit the population certainly don't expand it through uncontrolled immigration, through open borders, which is exactly what they did. She's responsible for it. And her donors at Blackrock are buying up the houses in your neighborhood. And her donors at Airbnb are turning your neighborhood into a completely unmanageable garbage. A place filled with transients where there's no social connection at all between people. Those are her donors. Those are her policies. For her to lecture us on the housing shortage that she caused is. It's almost too much. I can't sit here.


Made a suggestion, I think, in the past week about taxing unrealized capital gains included on your house. So, no, she's not going to. That's not her job.


The housing, it's. This is like very simple math. There's a certain number of houses were capable of building a certain number more each year. And if you flood the country with new people, poor people, you are going to have a housing crisis, you're going to have a crunch. There are more people than there are available houses, and so houses become more expensive for native born Americans. Like, it's that simple. It's supply and demand and whatever. If you're Kamala Harris, you just ignore that. But she doesn't ignore it. She acts like Trump caused it somehow and she's going to fix it. It's like, bewildering to me.


There's a boldness to what they're doing in terms of. They accuse Trump of everything they're doing. They say Trump's gonna do it. Now, where are the actually people doing it? But we're gonna tell you that.


What is that? It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I've lied in my life. When I'm cornered or caught doing something I'm embarrassed of, I lie. But I've never in my life, it's never even occurred to me to accuse the person who caught me doing something wrong, of doing the thing that I'm doing wrong. I just. I've never even thought of that before. What is that?


It's chess. It's a brilliant. It's brilliant strategy. It's a great deflection. It's great propaganda. It blinds people because they're looking in the wrong direction. This person's telling me that person is no different. Like, hey, that group over there, they're racist. Now, we think you black people can't compete with us, so we must lower all standards so you can compete. So we're going to do something racist, but we're going to tell you they're the racist.


Well, you're absolutely right. No, you're absolutely right. We're so marinating in deception that it's hard sometimes to see it. The big tech companies censor our content. I hate to tell you that it's still going on in 2024, but you know what? They can't censor live events. And that's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of September, coast to coast. We will be in cities across the United States. We'll be in Phoenix with Russell Brand. Anaheim, California, with a vague Ramaswami. Colorado springs with Tulsi Gabbard. Salt Lake City with Glenn Beck. Tulsa, Oklahoma, with Dan Bongino. Kansas City with Megyn Kelly. Wichita with Charlie Kirk. Milwaukee with Larry Elder Rosenberg, Texas, with Jesse Kelly. Grand Rapids with Kid Rock, Redding, Pennsylvania, with Alex Jones. Fort Worth, Texas, with Roseanne Barr. Greenville, South Carolina, with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sunrise, Florida, with John Rich, Jacksonville, Florida, with Donald Trump junior. You can get hope to see you there. Sorry. We can go back to Kamala Harris.


Ban medication abortion and enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress. And get this, get this. He plans to create a national anti abortion coordinator and force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions. Simply put, they are out of their minds. And one must ask, one must ask, why exactly is it that they don't trust women? Well, we trust women. We trust women. Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom. As president of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law in this election. Many other fundamental freedoms are at stake. The freedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools, communities and places of worship. The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. The freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis and the freedom that unlocks all the others. The freedom to vote. With this election, we finally have the opportunity to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights act and the freedom to vote act.


They should be very afraid of this woman. Very afraid. And anyone who's telling you that, that she's a moron, playing those clips that I played for years on Fox of her stumbling through her school bus talk or trying to explain where Ukraine is, you know, and dismissing her as a buffoon. She's not a buffoon. She's a demagogue. She's actually surprisingly slick and composed, which makes her a lot scarier. She's the female Gavin Newsom. They're from the same state. They didn't win any elections. It's a one party state. They were chosen by the unions in California and installed in those jobs. There is no democracy in California. It's fake. And anyone from there can tell you that this woman is a product of machine politics in a one party state. That's her attitude. And she's absolutely capable of winning. That's, that's the takeaway from this for me.


She's capable of winning. I think she's capable of being carried across the finish line.


Yes, that's right.


And, you know, they have a system in place to manipulate voting and all that. And they think, and maybe they're right, that they've dumbed down America enough that this, what they're putting out there, all this symbolism and all the celebrities are with us and people that are normal, let's call them weird. That's another little, their mind trick of, you know, their making normal behavior seem weird and they're the normal people.


Yeah. If that walls guy is calling anyone weird, I get the strongest creepy vibes off that guy.




Yeah, obviously. Obviously. That guy's a freak, and I can just smell it anyway, if he's calling anyone weird. But the point is, I think anyone running against this woman should take her seriously, should think very carefully about how to oppose and expose her, and not imagine that she's going to be easily spanked in a debate.


You follow elections closer and longer than I have. Have elections always been this focused on, hey, you should like this person. You should dislike this person. Rather than a conversation that's devoid of policy conversations.


No and no. Not at all. And not at all. And I'm hardly an expert on election. I usually call them wrong, but with that caveat, I've certainly been around them my whole life. I mean, I was at Reagan's last rally in 1980 at the Del Mar racetrack. So, yeah, I've been to a lot of political events and. No, I mean, up until back when it was a functioning, well educated country, politicians did. I mean, Fritz Mondale in 84 made a real case for his tax program, for example, even Mike Takakis in 88, Bill Clinton made policy arguments like, vote for me and you'll get this, and here's how I'm gonna give it to you. I don't, I didn't believe them, but he made those arguments. This is just slogan after. This is a tick tock level speech.


But it's really just like, hey, he's a bad guy. I'm a good person. Vote. And it's, I. That's all they're offering. And you can't get me to buy that. She's a good person just based off of just geography. She's a San Francisco politician. When I go look at San Francisco, that's not what I want for the rest of the country. And so the argument that I was making on your show ten years ago is like, hey, the whole left has been hijacked by San Francisco. These are no longer New York liberals. Trump is a New York liberal. She's a San Francisco liberal. They're revolutionary. And this whole, whoever it was earlier got then said that, you know, Democrats are. It was Kissinger. They're just as patriotic as Republicans. I'm like, well, hold on, this party wants to rewrite the constitution.


How impact the Supreme Court?


Yeah, how are they?


Well, they hate the country. They degraded the country. They hate its history, they hate its culture, they hate its people. That's why they're replacing them.


She was raising money for the people, people that were burning and looting the country all during the summer of George Floyd and all that other stuff. This group hates America says its founding was wrong. They've rewritten history. They paid another delusional woman of mixed race heritage, Hannah Nicole Jones, or Nicole Hannah Jones from the New York Times, to rewrite the entirety of american history backed by the New York Times. These aren't accidents. These aren't coincidences. Who is Hannah Nicole Jones? Mixed breed, half black, half white woman. What are her credentials? How did she get elected to rewrite the entirety of american history? Frame America as founded in racism. And it started in 16. She rewrote the whole thing. Who is she? Other than she gets away? It's a black woman. Don't question.


Well, she's a.


Give her the peel of the tool.


Of others, of course. So Kamala Harris just said, I could hear my ear, that if elected president, she will secure the border. So, like, imagine the balls required, you know, again, I've told lies, and I'm sure I will. Again, I try, really try not to, but I'm sure I will be weak and lie about something to somebody at some point. But if I ever told a lie like that, that was precisely the opposite truth. I mean, I'd be worried at getting struck by lightning or something. Normal person can't lie like that. So I'm gonna secure the border. She's the border czar. We have an open border, like what they have.


I'm just. I literally just thinking this. In real time, politics was a game of football, contact, sport, real consequences. They've turned it into gymnastics. And there's some judges that we don't really understand, and they score things and say, this person was better than that person. It's very subjective. And that's what this is. It's. They're putting on a four day concert tour show. How did we make you feel? She's an attractive woman. She's speaking in complete sentences, and, you know, this looks better, feels better. Just go with that. And I. I'm so afraid for all of us. And most important, you know, I've never voted, Tucker, I'm gonna vote. And it's primarily the number. I literally just came to this conclusion yesterday. Two days ago, an interview with Eric Metastas, where I was just like, hey, man, if Trump doesn't get elected, those people on January 6 are gonna sit in prison. I, for God knows how long. He's our only hope to pardon these people and free them. And it just helped me just understand, like, man, these consequences are so real. And the other thing that just, it's like, people don't understand why even with his flaws, his flaws are actually good things for us in this time.


And I know that that sounds delusional, or it sounds like I'm just caping up for Trump, but I'm not. Who was it? Yeah, Michelle Obama, the affirmative action of generational wealth. And, oh, everybody loves it because we're all prone to not liking the rich kid. Someone like me that grew up poor, the rich kid, blah, blah. But in this instance, the rich kid, the reason we didn't like him is because, hey, he's kind of uncontrollable. He does whatever he wants because, you know, his daddy can cover for him and the consequences don't matter. And it just so happens we're at a time in history where we need a rich kid who's uncontrollable.


Well, sure.


And so her generational wealth come. It just landed flat with me. It's like. And she probably does understand, but, like, the audience doesn't understand, is that. That's why Trump is valuable, because he is the rich, kidde. That's uncontrollable. It's why, and I apologize for saying this without warning you, but it's just like me trying to understand how you got where you're at. Why are you uncontrollable? And you grew up a rich kid. You were probably a little uncontrollable as a kid, and that's just part of your nature.


Well, I've been around all these people my whole life, and they don't have anything that I want, and I know them and I know what they're like. I know what a scam this whole thing is. And because I lived in DC for 35 years, and so this is, none of this is mysterious to me. And I concluded through experience that it was mostly fake. And I was shocked by that and angered by that. And so they're not going to fool me because I live there. I know what this is. It's a lie. And I'm just completely sick of it. Completely sick of it. My kids are grown, I don't have a mortgage. And, like, I just don't care. You know what I mean?


Yes. And that's why I'm looking at Trump in terms of he's old, in terms of, like, you reach an age and you have enough memories where you're like, you know what? If I died, I can't say life was unfair to me. Yeah. And Trump is clearly there. He can't concede life was unfair. His youngest son is 1819 years old, I believe. You know, it would be terrible if he left, and I know that. But he's like, no, I look around, my kids are good, and life has been very fair to me. You know, I'm willing to take this risk.


I agree.


And then you got the uncontrollable streak in him, and that's why. And you can look, and she's unpacking. I grew up poor, and I did this and do that. You know what that screams to me is like, you can be easily compromised because you want all this power and wealth, and you'll do anything for it. He's already had it. He's so used to, he just doesn't care about it nearly as much as she does. And it's not that I'm against the underdog, because I'm certainly one. And my mother was a factory worker. My dad didn't graduate high school. I'm pro underdog. But right now, we have so many compromised politicians, so many politicians willing to cut a deal for their own personal gain, that the little underdog story and I, came from nothing. It just doesn't ring well, also, in.


Her case, it's basically fraudulent. I mean, her parents were college professors. I mean, you know, they're not rich. That's true. But to get an oppression lecture from the daughter of foreign born college professors is too much. Like, I can't. I just can't deal with it. Like, it's just too fake. All right, I think she's wrapping up. Oh, there she is, wrapping up.


Oh, credit to her.


Well, we missed a lot of what she said, so catch it over twin. So, yeah, I'm kind of glad we missed a lot of it. It was. What we heard was enough. So, what would be your. Your summation, your final thoughts on this?


My. I'll go back to where I began at the beginning. This is a religious cult of racial idolatry and abortion, and it's a celebration of the matriarchy and female leadership. And it's a group of people that will sacrifice all of our freedoms for the belief they'll be more safe, and they're gonna be shocked at how unsafe they are and how little freedom they have if we continue down this path constraint. Those of you in this arena, you're gonna get shit on just like everybody else. And I will say what is sad, though, is I think some people are getting so normalized with their lack of. Of freedom that they won't even know what they're giving up. And that's what is really scary to me. But they'll figure the next pandemic they orchestrate. And if they ever take or take our guns away from us, there they'll be shoving those needles in you at gunpoint, and you'll be wishing you hadn't given up your guns. You wish you hadn't fallen for this b's.


Jason. Well, look, I can't add a single word or punctuation mark to that summary of what we just saw. I agree with all of it, unfortunately. And I really appreciate you're taking all this time.


Awesome. Glad to be here. Loved your studio. You gave me some ideas. I'm remodeling or I'm renovating a house, putting a studio in. It. Won't be this big, but, well, this.


Is a barn, actually. Dinner at this table. So my recommendation to you is do it from your kitchen table. Wherever you're comfortable is the best place.


I'm trying to stay away from my kitchen.


Me, too. Tell me about it. Thank you.


Thank you.


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