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So I guess almost by definition even crazier than the people inside the DNC. And the first thing you notice is they're all wearing masks outside. And I don't want to be mean. Mental illness is real. They're obviously mentally ill. Definitely. But what's so interesting is I never see that in my life. Do you ever see anybody wearing masks outside?


Well, I live near Washington, so. Yes, I see.


You actually do now.


Yeah, but that's, so there are categories of people, I think, who are just neurotic and who've been misled, especially by the left. And they wear the mask still up until this very day.


Do you know how bad that is for your health?


It's awful. It's awful.


It's also which, I'd rather smoke cigarettes any day.


I actually think the cost of socialization is even worse. It's like your health is awful. But what does that say about you and how isolated you are from the rest of society? Yes, that can't be good for your head. And the truth is, I think, I don't think it's for a lot of these people. I don't really think in the end it's really about the health. They maybe soothe themselves by saying that fundamentally it's a political gesture. It's, I'm a part of a club. It's a uniform. It's signaling you're with the left and they're still doing it to this day. It's like crazy.


I think I'm just too out of it. I mean. Cause I see that and I'm like, okay, especially if it's a man. You're totally emasculated and pathetic.




You have no self respect at all. You hate yourself and for good reason. That's the first thing, I think with contempt, but also pity. Like, I just can't. You actually see people with masks outside?


Yeah, yeah, unfortunately. And I do think, like, the people that you're talking about outside the convention.




That's also a means to commit a crime and get away with it.


Well, that's right.


That's really. So a lot of states in our country, I don't know if it's all the states, but a lot of them have anti masking laws, of course, on the books. And the concept is that going back.


To the 1920s, shouldn't, like, a bandit.


Like, be able to just rob a store with a handkerchief tied around your face? So they have anti masking laws, which I think are still on the books, and no one's ever gotten rid of them.


Those were anti Klan laws, I think, in most places.


Well, that would be a useful law in order to prevent that activity. So anyway. But these guys. And they commit crimes. It's the true about antifa. How often did we see a riot committed by antifa where they destroyed things, where they killed people, where they burned. They burned down the third precinct in Minneapolis, all of the chaos. And they're wearing masks in order to prevent people from knowing who they are so that they can be held accountable. And we accept it because the left says, well, mask wearing is necessary.


I don't want to digress too much, which is a problem that I have, but did the FBI ever. I mean, I know we spent a lot of time tracing the roots of christian nationalism and, like, scary middle class grandmothers are still in jail from January 6, et cetera, et cetera. But did anybody in law enforcement ever get to the bottom of antifa?


No. No. And they've shown almost no interest in it in antifa.


In fact, you remember my house and threatened my wife, vandalized my house, killed a bunch of people around the country.




And were just totally ignored.


I remember really clearly. Did the cops ever follow up with you after your house was attacked?


Of course not.


Anyone ever got, I don't want to.


Make it about me or whine about it. It's not about me. Well, no, they didn't hurt me.


You would think again as a victim of it, as your wife being a victim of it. Then maybe you'd be given a readout on what happened.


No, nobody cared. And the cops did come to my house months later, in fact, two black cops, both of whom told me they were voting for Trump in DC. Great guys came to my house and told me to carry a gun when I went outside.


Which the cops told you, you're on your own.


That's what they didn't say, you're on your own. They said, we recommend that you carry a gun.


But that is the message of which.


I did, of course. No, they were actually great. But no, but there was no effort to kind of find out who did this. But it's just interesting. Again, I don't want to make it about me, because it's not. But I just think it's remarkable that you could have this armed militia in the streets that still exists and nobody at the FBI. They really are criminals. The people run the FBI. If I can just say Chris Ray's a freaking criminal. I'm trying not to use the f word, but they don't get to the bottom of it.


Yeah, well, just ask the crisis pregnancy centers around the country. So all the pro life pregnancy centers, the ones who actually help mothers, who actually provide diapers and formula, of course. And who work with them in the early stages of child's life. Yeah, adoption, like angels on earth. Every single person I've interviewed who works with or for a crisis pregnancy center is, first of all, a lot better person than I am.




And you can feel the spirituality come off.


Yes, I totally agree.


The innate goodness come off of them. And all of the crimes against those places, they don't get solved. In fact, they don't even get looked into in any meaningful way. And that includes firebombing, that includes vandalism, smashing windows, attacking these facilities. Meanwhile, if you're singing church hymns outside of an abortion mill, your life will be destroyed. If you're a grandmother singing church hymns outside of an abortion mill, your life will be destroyed. And when Merrick Garland, the attorney general, was asked about this in Congress, like, hey, crisis pregnancy centers being destroyed, old ladies singing outside of abortion mills, he said, well, he didn't say the old lady, but the old lady, her face is out and it's in daylight, so we can catch her. But the antifa people, they do it at night.


So Speaker Mike Johnson, who's constantly telling you what a great christian he is, sort of led the effort to refund the FBI and build them a new headquarters and has done nothing. I mean, the FBI is now a kind of anti christian secret police force and the purportedly christian speaker of the house just sort of rubber stamps their funding every year. And nobody does anything about this. I mean, you can feel the frustration in my voice.


I think it's totally despicable, and I hate dwelling on that. I do, too, because what it starts to do is it creeps into your mind that none of it matters. You start becoming so fatalist about. It's like, I don't care. Whatever the outcome is, it's all going south.


It's totally wrong.


I don't want to be tempted by that thought. I really don't.


That's deep, actually.


Yes, but not that I have any.


Idea what you're talking about, Vince.


It drives me so crazy.


No, I know.


Which is why. Okay, so do you think Trump learned enough lessons from round one in order to do it differently in round two?


I can't answer that question.


You can't? Because I have no idea.


I don't want to.


You don't want to?


You know, you hope so. I mean, I think, like a lot of people. Why am I talking? I'm here to interview you, but since you asked, I think, like a lot of people. Well, first of all, I really like Trump enormously as a person. A b. I think that the alternative is so shocking that I've kind of put on pause all thoughts like the one you just raised. Exactly right. Because it's super clear what's going to happen if the Democratic Party holds power. It's not about Kamala Harris. She's not even. I don't think there's any evidence she's, like, an actual person.




Right. So it's about the party, it's about the collective. It's about the people who really have wrecked the country, continuing to loot it, and to destroy the first and second amendments, the Bill of rights, civil liberties in the United States, for another four years, which will really be kind of the end. And then just a one party state. That's what I foresee. And that's just so bad that I'm not spending a ton of time thinking about the question that you just raised. But I hope so, for sure. Yeah.


But first of all, the chances of both of these scenarios are very high. Like, one where Kamala wins and we head for what you think is the end. Is it that dark for you, do you think?


I have no idea. My ability to foresee the future is, like, non existent. Every political call I've ever made is wrong.


And that's true, by the way, of literally everybody in politics. Yeah.


And I also think just judging from my own brief and not very exciting life, one takeaway from it, though, after 55 years is your victories turn out very often to be your losses, and your losses almost always turn out to be your victories. And we don't see that as people. It's a consistent theme throughout history, throughout the Old and New Testaments. It's like just when you think everything is lost, that is, well, that actually, that's the theme of Christianity. Out of being tortured to death, don't you saved.


Don't you feel like that happened in 2020? So in a sense, the losses of 2020 have definitely hardened, like the world of normal people to the point that they're not playing games anymore, they're not dressing up their language, they're being very clear about their thinking. They know where all of this is going. They're not trying to suck up to everybody else.


No, that's right.


I mean, look, if we had to do 2020 over again, I don't want the outcome that we got. But I will say it's made a lot of people better. And in fact, you and I have talked about it.


It's made a lot of people better. That is absolutely right.


This spiritual component, the religious component in the country took off in a way that I couldn't have foreseen.


No, that's right.


In 2020.


Don't you think I felt it coming? I don't know why, but I actually have not been surprised by it. I've been delighted to see it, but not surprised. But I do think that people I know, I'm really blessed to know are all deeper and smarter and warmer with each other, more real with each other more. I love yous more honest, theyre more intentional, way more. I just know for my own family, and Im not talking about material prosperity. I just mean Im speaking only in terms of love is so much stronger and happier after Covid, after the BLM riots, after all the sadness weve seen after the clearly stolen election, all these bad things happen. But people I know love each other more. Yeah. I'm not going to even guess, I shouldn't even have said all that about the democratic party because I don't know what's going to happen.


Well, I guess if you take the long view, which as a Christian, you should, if you take the long view, in the end, you're not really all that disturbed by the pace of this. I mean, you're disturbed on behalf of your family. Of course you care about your country, but you have this eternal optimism that, well, the Bible does kind of lay out the misery that precedes glory.


Well, that's exactly.


And so in the end, you always wonder, like, at what stage in history are we living through?


Yeah. So I think you have an advantage. Cause you're 15 years younger than me. Ish.


Something like that.


Something like that. Maybe more. But I was born in 69, and so from 69 to 2016, my core assumption was, everything's great and everything's going to get better every year, and bad things don't happen. Our system is totally solid, and they're, of course, bad actors within the system, but they don't control the system. The system's fundamentally real. It is a democracy in some loose sense that people do have a say in how they're governed, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 911 is real, whatever. I just kind of believed everything and. But, you know, the lesson of history is there's always turmoil, and a lot of things are always going to be fake.




And, you know, the lord of the earth is Satan. I mean, that's kind of right. And so it's just like, this is what it is. It's what it's always been. I just think people who are your age are less shocked by that than I am.


Yeah. Yeah.


My main impediment is just being shocked. Like, I can't believe this is happening.


Yeah, that's true.


What? They're putting people in prison for praying at abortion clinics. Like, what? They replaced Easter with trans visibility day. I can't believe this. I know. Which is kind of like, I'm not a boomer, but it is kind of. Thankfully, I'm not a boomer, but it's kind of a boomer response.


The opening ceremonies to the Olympics.




The fact that they would do a fake last supper with all trans people or drag people, it's like, does it get any more brazen? And they're like, oh, it was totally normal. What are you all complaining about? What? I mean, they double barrel, middle finger every Christian on earth, of course, because.


Christianity is the enemy. That's what they hate. That's what they actually hate. Like, all the nonsense. We're here to help black people. We're here to help trans people. We're here to help immigrants. You're not here to help anybody. You're here to oppose Christianity, is what you're here to do, period. That's their goal, whether they know it or not. But don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do, for sure. So what okay, tell me what to make of, speaking of spiritual themes in our politics, the abortion lobby shows up at the DNC this week and sends with them a mobile vasectomy clinic so you can get snipped if you wanted. The DNC. This at a time where the birth rate among native born Americans is, like, not way below replacement, definitely not having babies.




Why would that be your priority?


It's a death cult. It's a total death cult. I mean, every look at the bottom of every one of these policies that they pitch and they sell you as like, a good thing is human suffering at the bottom of all of them?




So a really good example of this is the climate stuff. So let's assume for a moment that all of their climate catastrophizing is correct.




That it's our activity that's making the earth warmer. Okay, well, it turns out that the warmer the planet is, the better it is for humans.




More humans survive in an environment where the earth is warmer. In fact, when the earth is colder, lots of people die. Lots of people die. And so, and there's no, actually, no, there's no challenge to that science whatsoever. It's totally clear, you know, if it's a matter of like, sea level rise, all this other stuff, we have, like, amazing alert systems, hurricanes. The reason people don't die to hurricanes is because we have such a far out advanced notice that they're coming. Our buildings are so much more durable. They never talk about death counts, by the way, when they talk about hurricanes and what they're doing and the climate change, way fewer people die due to hurricanes. Now, it's never at its core about human flourishing ever. So if it's not about human flourishing, it's about the opposite. It's about death. Theyre totally fine with it. In fact, they view us as a cancer on the earth, at least the radical lefts, so called environmental movement and the abortion thing, its a death cult. All sort of like pagan tribal religions have had death rituals.


Of course, human sacrifice, human sacrificial one constant. Yes.


On my radio show, I refer to this as human sacrifice all the time because thats what it is. Breaking yourself of the spell of using their terminology is such a challenging thing to do because it's like everywhere it surrounds you. It's like every newspaper you read, every television show you watch, every social media post you consume. Lots of them in the past, they use the language of the left as it's shifting, as it's modifying. And if you don't use the language you're censored. So it's mind control, as you know. And so the obsession with death and advancing it as a social good is one of the most destructive things that any culture can do. And we're living through it. I mean, this abortion fetish is out of control. And, you know, what's even crazier is that the Kamala campaign, to the extent that one exists, that has a policy agenda, that's their thing. They think that's their number one issue, is abortion. Yeah. And they think that she's a great pitch woman for it. She's so good at abortion.


She's like, so how many abortions would equal freedom and happiness? We don't have enough abortions. That's the. No, but is there, can they, I mean, I always feel like in politics, you know, effective politicians describe the future they will bring you if you vote for them. Yeah, you vote for me and you get, whatever. A new car, fine, I get that. What? But when you run on abortion, it's like, we have a lot. Hundreds of thousands of abortions every year. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of portions of Suez. How many more until we're happy?


I mean, some years we've had, I think, in the vicinity of a million abortions a year, which, for those people who pay attention to immigration, that's about the number of legal immigrants we bring into the country every year. So we're aborting a million Americans and then importing a million workers each year, give or take. That number changes, and it's super disheartening because it's like, well, first of all, you're killing off the next generation of the people who have a vested interest in this country, and then you're importing people who don't at all. It's.


And no tie to its history at all or to its systems or to its creed.


Yeah. It's not.


To its culture, to its language.


They're not even bothering themselves with that question. It's like a sensible immigration system would actually be predicated on those questions. What can you contribute? How much do you adhere? Are you going to assimilate? Are you going to buy into our culture? And Creeddeh, those are the core questions of how you compose a country and allow immigration at the same time. They're not even, they're alighting those. Who cares? Just bring everybody in and forget legal. We'll just, we'll establish an app south of our border. You just like an Uber, you just sign up to come into the country and the Biden administration will human traffic you in.




Which is what they're doing at your expense. Isn't that wild?


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And then convincing Americans that having children is like the worst thing that they could ever do. Who would get a vasectomy at the.


DNC that component of this is the part that makes me think that turning point is paying for it or something. A right wing group set up a vasectomy machine outside of the DNC is pretty funny. But I don't know. I mean, the left has been obsessed.


With abortion for years and birth control.


It hasn't diminished the number of people who buy into the storyline.


It's just so interesting. I mean, I've been pro life, you know, since my twenties anyway, when I had kids and really thought about it.


Yeah, yeah.


Even before then. But I never really connected that to birth control. I mean, I'm protestant. I never had any problem with birth control, practice birth control. But isn't that. I'm not even sure I think of it now, but I know what I think of people who are obsessed with preventing conception and childbirth.




Like, what? Is that? Why the obsession?


Yeah, they're obsessed with it, and then they pretend that there's, like, no moral qualms about it.


Well, they're obsessed with, and then they pretend that everyone else is. Like, you're obsessed with controlling women's bodies. No, I appreciate women's bodies. I don't really want to control anybody.


It's stupid. But that's like, that's misdirection.


Of course it has nothing to do with it.


That's like putting it in, putting the debate in a place that they feel that they can have it safely. But, like, if you were for it, and there are a limited number of people who I've heard make honest arguments, like, yeah, it's extinguishing a human life. Like a human life dies.


Yeah, I think it's worth it.


They try and at least that person is being honest about what's happening. At least that's an honest conversation. Instead, with the left, that's just like. You'd be like, okay, we want to pass a law to prevent late term abortions. No late term abortions, which, by the way, major, the whole country agrees that no babies should be killed in the third trimester. That's a terrible time to do that. It's always a terrible time. But that's where the public, a child.


Who can live outside the womb.


Yes. And so what the left says is, oh, that never happens. Or they'll say, oh, it only happens in very rare, very rare circumstances where the life of the mother's on the line. Really? Because actually that's bullshit. Yeah, that's total bullshit. And the reason I know that is because the gut mocker Institute, which is the leading gatherer of abortion statistics on behalf of the abortion industry says that the majority of abortions that take place late term are healthy babies, healthy mothers, healthy babies, healthy mothers. The majority. Nobody knows this because the media doesn't tell you that. It oftentimes involves women who either didn't know they were pregnant, which suggests that they probably weren't all that healthy, like physically healthy. Or it's women who did that. On the question on whether or not they would get the abortion at all, they eventually, in a very late stage.


Decide to do it or are pressured into it.


Or are pressured into it, which is a means for helping the worst kind of men in our country, of course. And thats really, I mean, at its core, like if you really wanted to attack it, its a deeply misogynist, of course.


You know, women only have value to the extent they work for me at some bank.




I mean, no one ever says the truth, which has to do with labor. But women are amazing employees because theyre more dutiful and reliable than men. And having had a lot of women work for me, I can say that I worked in a business that was mostly women and they're amazing employees.


They're less distracted, they're more task oriented.


And they actually do what they say.


They'Re going to do.


You know what I mean? They don't space out and try to improvise midway through or get high in the men's room and forget. They just like women, just like my daughters as compared to my son. They're just like, they do the job. And so it's great to have women work for you. And they're nice too, especially if you're a man. They're like, just, you just get along with them.


It's great.


And I love working with women, but there's a temptation, like if you were soulless to want to encourage them, like not to have kids, because they get in that kids are a higher priority than whatever stupid job you're offering them, do you know what I mean?




And so the labor market pushes this shit, this anti fertility stuff on women, tells them its liberation. And I'm sorry to say this, but a lot of them, like don't think it through. And they're like, yeah, it's liberation. It's sad. And that's how you wind up with this.


Yeah, there's a group, I think it's based in DC.


It's capitalism, Vince. We have to support it or else we're against free markets.


There's a left wing group in DC that's dedicated to this issue, what you're talking about.






Well, I support them because I agree.


With PPAU, I think is what they call a progressive anti abortion union or something. And at its core is exactly the argument you're making, which is like, why are we telling women to be wage slaves? Why are we telling them that their most important purpose is corporate America?


To work at a bank all the.


Way through their ability all, you were.


Born to work at a bank, literally.


Imagine if you had a window of time where you could perform magic in your life and the magic could only be performed during this 20 year window of time. And some company hired you and said, we'll hire you under this condition. You never use your magic. Never once will you be able to use this magic ability that you'll never be able to do again. You can never use it during the time that you work for us. Okay? In fact, we'll pay for you not to do it, which is what they do. They do this to women and that they have this, like, they have this incredible magic, miraculous ability. And we have huge sectors of our society dedicated to telling them, don't use it. Yeah, don't you dare.


Yeah. You can create life or you can create a spreadsheet, and we think the spreadsheets more important or you can create.


Value for our stock. What would you like to do?


It's so unbelievable. And what's interesting is I'm now, I keep attacking Republicans. I plan to vote for them, just to be clear, don't have an option. But the number of Republicans is sort of leaders I'm talking about, not the voters by and large, but their leaders totally buy into that. And they're like, I wish these pro family, anti abortion people, Christians would just shut up. Just shut up. How does that help? Private equity or war against Iran?




Do you know what I mean? They totally agree with the left on these issues.




Because, and they'll call you a socialist if you're not.


I think part of it is they're too lazy to take the mental inventory necessary to make the argument. I think that's part of it. Honestly, having met, I mean, you've met way more of these guys than I have, but I've met a lot of them.


Oh, they're so disgusting.


And if it's not an issue that's in the headlines right now, there's not a lot of deep thoughts on the subject. No, there's not a lot of existential thinking going on, which is unfortunate. It's really unfortunate because the right, the normal American which I love using, by the way. I think the phrase normal is the best way to, because it really does reflect, like, what we are all thinking. Fundamentally, forget right and left, normal people like babies, right? Normal people like flourishing families. Normal people recognize the value that it's given to them, and they feel awful for the people who've been sold the lies. And so we should just speak up for it. And you should, if you're a conservative politician, republican politician, and you don't have a good argument against the death cult, one, you shouldn't be a politician. You should get out of the game entirely. But to at least sit down, maybe you have a wife, sit down with her and talk about it and come up with some clear answers, and then fight for what's right, and then fight to create a world where people don't feel like they need to kill a baby in order to thrive.


I would like to see, I mean, maybe I'm getting less, I don't know, laissez faire as I get older. But if you see the energy that went in to destroying the lives of all those middle aged, diabetic, lower middle class, white Americans who went to defend the Constitution on January 6, like, really, we harnessed the entire machine to crush them?




As long as that machine exists, why not turn it on any company that encourages its female employees to, quote, freeze their eggs? There's something about that. Like, any company that encourages women to work themselves to death in pursuit of some totally pointless goal, like private equity or banking, and then tells him, but we'll pay for you to freeze your eggs. Why don't we sic the FBI on them? Yeah, as long as we're sick in the FBI on people.


I don't know.


I mean, it's like, sorry, I know I'm not supposed to say that, but I think that, like, those are, like, that's evil. That's totally evil. I mean, give up the one thing that really matters, that will bring you joy in your age in exchange for some shitty job at Citibank.


The January 6 thing is, like, is the perfect, the perfect understanding way to the perfect template for understanding all of this, because remember in the wake of January 6, that Washington Post article about how they were all in debt?


Oh, it was like, I never will forget it. It was the last piece of journalism that paper committed.


It was like, three or four days. It was very close to January 6. They did, like, a basic piece of journalism, like, who are the people in the crowd of. And the answer to that question was that they were all in deep financial distress. Most of them. Not. Not all of them, I guess, but a lot of them, they had bankruptcies and massive amounts of debt and were very. Had a lot of financial discontent. And that was the last time, I think, that that paper treated them as humans. But at its core, what that story tells you is that they don't have the financial means to fight back. If you have the full weight of the federal government against you with the bottomless pit of resources, they can print their own money. There's no chance you who have declared bankruptcy are going to survive in the face of that. No matter how decent you were, no matter how few laws that you actually broke or whatever, it doesn't matter. You're going to be destroyed. But if you're purdue Pharma, you're going to get immunity. If you to litigation, if you make opioids that kill people, of course, and.


The Sacklers are still billionaires, and then.


Lie to them about that. Or, you know, if you're. Heck, even Khalid Sheik Mohammed was headed towards a settlement until, like, there was a national uproar about it. And that guy, the 911 mastermind, how many years out are we from that? And we have January 6 grandmas who are serving years in prison. The guy with the guy who you interviewed, Jacob Chancellor, like, years, like, the sentences that these people have been given, lives destroyed. Khalid Sheik Mohammed still haven't resolved that, the 911 attacks. It's crazy.


Have we? So we got Kevin McCarthy, the former kind of mediocre speaker who is now much missed by me, to give up some of the 911 footage right before I got fired.


But the January 6, rather.


The January 6. Did I say 911? Yeah.


Yeah. I was like, wow, that's a story. Tell me.


Yeah, that is a story. Why are there any 911 documents still classified? Like, what is that?


Why are there any JFK documents?


Well, you know why? To protect people who lied about those events. But anyway, back to January 6. Sorry. Why are we gonna have to wait, you know, 61 years to see the rest of the January 6 footage? It's been almost four years.




So why. Why is the republican speaker continuing to hold all this footage? Why not make it all public?


Sometimes I think that they get so obsessed with controlling the storylines, they're not even good at it, though. But it's like, well, we can't let that become the story. Cause that could be a cost to us. I don't know. What is the evidence that you're great at this? What evidence exists that demonstrates that you are the person that we should rely on to set the timeline for when the public finds out this stuff. That's idiotic. And I'd happen to believe that telling the truth is the most important thing because the more you do that, so long as you actually believe in our system as a place where the voters get the say, they have to have that in order to make those decisions. Of course, that's it. That's the whole ballgame.


You can't have democracy with censorship, period.


Can I? Can I? I know you don't want me to ask you too many questions, but let me ask you one at least. The fact that they replaced Biden made me a little bit hopeful that the election isn't quite as rigged as you might expect. In other words, they were so concerned that the voters really would have their say with Biden in office that they replaced him. They said, we can't, this is too much. And I've talked about this with friends on the right, and some of them are under the opinion that, oh, no, it was too obvious. Like, so if they're going to rig the election, it'd be too obvious because nobody likes Biden and they don't want to give away entirely that it was rigged. That's kind of the, I think the way that they explain this away, I don't think, I think that's, I think that's wrong because the left is completely brazen about their lies. I don't, I don't think they would pause for a moment to be like, oh, no, the public thinks it's rigged because Biden got reelected. I actually think that, at least at this moment, that voters kind of like the way Trump is saying, if they can make it too big to rig, they really do have a say right now, which is why the infowar continues.


The battle, as Alex Jones says. But the battle over the voters minds is still so intense. It suggests to me very strongly that the election system really does work, at least to an extent.


But I think that's true in any system. I mean, what's so striking to me is how just having traveled a lot and looked at a lot of different systems around the world is, there really are no purely totalitarian countries or systems and never have been. I mean, Stalin, who is about as close to an absolute dictator, Mao, same as the world has ever seen. Both of those regimes spent a huge amount of time and money on propaganda. Even though they had absolute power, they could kill anyone they wanted. So you really do end up ruling by consent, whether you want to or not, whether it's manufactured consent or legitimate consent, but you have to control people's brains. You can't just rule indefinitely at the point of a gun. So, you know, I think you make a good point. I want the people in charge to at least try to convince me, because that shows respect.




I'm not sure what is going on, to be honest with you. I mean, I haven't done hallucinogens in 35 years, but I'm getting that kind of weird dream sequence feeling about american politics right now. I'm not quite sure. What the hell is this?


Well, you had Ben Carson on recently.




And he said something stuck with me. I love Ben Carson. He's a great human being. And he's the perfect case study in the way that the media will destroy you as soon as you turn against their interests. Yes, because Ben Carson was a celebrated neurosurgeon, pediatric neurosurgeon up until the moment and to the point that it was in childhood curriculums to learn about Ben Carson's life in schools, and you'd read his book gifted hands and learn all about him. They later made a famous Hollywood movie about his life. And the second he ran for politics, they cast him as a moron. He's an idiot. He's an idiot. He's so stupid. He messed up brain surgeries all the time. Seeing all these, like, stories come out. And he was heralded by places like the New York Times. And then, of course, and then after that, eviscerated, the second he was declared interest in republican politics, and the second, especially, that he spoke up on behalf of life.


That was so on the God frequency, though, as you know. I know you know him. He's like, it doesn't even. It doesn't.


It doesn't bother him. He's got such a great attitude. I love it. It's infectious. So he said to you that this switcheroo that they just pulled off is a test of the media's ability to rig the election.


That's right. Nicely put.


And I love that. I love that because it's true and we're witnessing it right now. So my thought process is, and I wonder about you two, is that at what point does the media's ego get in the way of their partisan priorities? In other words, Kamala is refusing to do interviews. And right now, there are partisan priorities are to get her elected. But you and I both know these people in the press, and if there's one thing that might override their partisan priorities, it's their obsession with themselves, to the point that, like, this drumbeat of like, why isn't she doing an interview? Why isn't she sitting down with CNN? Why isn't she sitting down with ABC? It's enough to be enticing to the people in that world that they're like, you're beginning to see at least little murmurs of it, like, oh, she should do an interview. So, you know, the voters deserve that. You're beginning to see, I think, that their egos may override their.


I hope so, though. I guess the counter argument would be to work at a place like NBC News or CNN, and I've worked at both, now requires total degradation. Total. Like, you can have no self respect at all, or you couldn't work there because you're being told to say things that are obviously untrue, to lie every single day. There's no dissent allowed. And your average adult man wouldn't put up with that because it's like, well, I have opinions, too. And as a, like a human being and not a slave, I get to express my opinions. No, you can't. I think that's an intolerable work environment for anyone with, with any dignity at all. Therefore, the people who work there, most of whom I know, they just don't have any dignity left. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I want everyone to have dignity, but I don't see it. Do you?


No. It's very humiliating.


It's so humiliating. I work at CNN.


Really just, the crimes of omission are.


Really, they're just liars.


And then to go on tv and then to treat people who would support Trump with contempt, which they were doing this very weekend, there's, like, the Sunday shows, like, we interviewed these people, and they have no idea what they're talking about, is basically like, what I know and you do. Living this absurdly pampered life, like, completely away from all of the problems that these people have, very real problems. I saw Don Lamon is running around right now. He's doing man on the street interviews. That's his latest iteration.


For whom?


For Don Lamon. This is DL on his microphone.


For his own.


On his microphone.


I haven't talked to Don in a while. I had high hopes for Don, but he learned nothing.


I know you did.


I know you did because you're good about that.


But when he was talking to these.


We got fired the same day.


Yeah, I know.


I called him right away. But, yeah, I call everyone when they're fired, period. But, yeah, Don, I wanted him because usually getting fired, you learn something about yourself.


It's humbling.


It's so important to be fired regularly, I would say, especially if you're arrogant like I am. So I've really enjoyed getting fired, and I thought, this will be totally good for Don. It'll be totally good for me. Which it was. But Don didn't seem to even pause. No.


And the giveaway was his interview with Elon Musk. It was a total disaster because he refused to take any inventory of his priors. It was entirely a political partisan talking points exercise. It was really embarrassing, actually, because if. Don Lemon. I want to get back to his man on the street thing in a minute. But Don Lemon, a decade ago, was willing to say things on television that his network didn't agree with.




And there's, like, this famous Morgan Freeman interview he did where the two of them were sitting around talking about how obsessing over race actually exacerbates racial division in the country.


That's true.


And we should stop doing that. That's what the two of them sitting there agreeing on that subject. I was like, what happened to that guy? He just sold out. I guess from it far, I don't know him.


But how can you get fired if you're Don Lemon and you're hired at CNN, you're gay, you're black. You obviously can never be fired, obviously, because you can't fire someone in those categories. Ask anyone who runs a business. You can't. You're afraid to, and they fire you anyway. Then at least part of you has to think, like, how did I get fired? Like, what did I do wrong? I must have played some role in this. They suck. Okay, that's fine. I hate my bosses. They humility me, you know, I'm mad at them. I get it. I've certainly been there. But come on, it's like a marriage. Like, if it. If it blows up, each side has some culpability. What's mine? Like, what did I do wrong?


That's true.


I don't think he even. And I had a long conversation with him on the phone, I should have said, don, you know, you've got good. I think Don has good qualities. Great qualities for tv, actually. And I told him that. But you should just really pause and ask yourself, like, yes, CNN sucks. I can confirm that as a former employee. But you kind of sucked, too. So that's what fired people have to ask themselves. But he never did.


Well, the underlying question for, at least for me, watching from the outside was, okay, so now he's free. He doesn't have anybody telling him what he has to say.


I know, it's so great.


The script is gone, and there's nobody, there's no advertisers for you to, in fact, you can build your own. You have to that whole world. And he stuck to the script. I was like, oh. So I guess he truly believes this nonsense. And that gets to this man on the street. He's talking to people, like, all across, I guess across the country. He's going to different places or beach communities that he's staying in. And he just happens to put a microphone in people's faces. I'm not sure, but he's talking to people and he's asking them who you're supporting. And he's getting a lot of people saying, trump, I'm voting for Trump. And a lot of black people responding, I'm voting for Trump. And in one, he confronts the guy who says, I was better off financially under Trump. And he says, that's not true, don Lemon.


That's not true, don Lemon. No, you were, you were happier. He's like, when Trump was in prison.


He'S like, fact check false. Fact check false. Like, did he actually, he didn't say the words fact check false, but he virtually did. He was like, no, no, no. Things are much better now economically. You're like, what world is he living in? And, you know, I guess in some sense, it's definitely, I guess he buys into the facade. If he truly believes it, he buys into the facade because all this conversation about the economy, it's skin deep. It's so crazy.


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No, but can I just ask, even, like, economic analysis aside, the arrogance required to look into someone's face and disagree with his own assessment of his financials, like, no, actually, no, actually, we've never met before, but what you just told me about your life is not true. It can't be true. It's like, shut up and listen. Just listen to people for a second. First of all, it's kind of fun. Second, you learn a lot, but how arrogant would you have to be not to listen?


Just ask a few questions and then bounce your own assumptions off them and see what they say.


Vince, I know you told me that you were diagnosed with cancer recently, but you don't have cancer. We've never met. I'm not a physician, but I just want to say. You don't have cancer, silly man.


That's right. That would be true if I met Corey Bush. Right? She has healing hands. You know that story.


No, what? Wait, stop. What's.




Cori Bush has healing hands?


Corey Bush is convinced that she has the ability to heal illnesses with her hands.




She just placed her hands on you and you're healed.


She said, I believe that that exists.


No, but Corey Bush specifically has this power, and she's been holding out on.


Us, I think because Corey Bush, the congresswoman. The congresswoman just got beaten in the primary.


There's a lot of illness all across the country. Why is she wasting her time not healing it?


Yeah, what is she doing in a committee meeting when she could be fixing pancreatic?


I mean, I thought. Yeah, I thought Biden's whole thing was like curing cancer. The moonshot initiative. Hello. We've got Corey Bush.


Yeah, hello. Cancer rates, which skyrocketed under Biden. Quite incredible.




Amazing. Wow. So Don is doing. Sorry, just to close out the Don Lamon conversation, he was highly annoyed. He told me that I called him Don Lamon. I thought it was hilarious. And by the way, I said it with affection. Mister Lamon is here. He always reminded me of Ricardo Montabon in Fantasy island. Welcome to Fantasy island.


It is a better pronunciation.


I just always pictured him in, like, an ascot, like, roll with it. Be who you are, you know what I mean? He had a kind of suave, bellow vibe to him that I found hilarious and kind of charming and. Just be that guy. Don't give me a lecture about journalism. You have no idea what it is. You've never practiced it. Just be your kind of seventies self. You know what I mean? Yeah, whatever. But who is he working for now?


I have no idea. I don't know how much money he's generating or what. But I guess it's kind of funny because he's complaining about his relationship with Elon Musk and he thought he had some arrangement. I don't even know what that means, but he's still producing content and posting it to x.


So whatever. My feeling was, and again, I haven't called him, I should. Is that he was kind of running out of options again. If you're Don Lamon and you get fired from CNN, how hard would that be? I mean, how many times did the HR department say when he was hassling female employees, for example, like, we can't. We can't fire this guy. I'm sorry. Like, it had to have been pretty bad.


Yeah. To get that far.


I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's pretty amazing.


So what? Biden's talking tonight at the DNC. What's he gonna say?


I know what he's not gonna say, which is he's not going to hold everything that happened against, to him, against his own party. He's not gonna take it out on them. He is suffering the latest indignity to his presidency, which is the sitting president of the United States is speaking on night one of the Democrat convention. That's as humiliating as it gets.


You're so right.


It's the lowest billing place they can put him. They want to get it done and over with so people don't think about him for the rest of the week. That's the whole thing. And, you know, and they're dressing it up as if. Oh, it's a theme, you know, we have him first and then Obama second and then Clinton third and then Kamala finishes things off. This is what they want to leave you with. But realistically, you understand the tactics here. It's like they want to bury this. They know they've got to feature him, but they want to bury it on night.


If the DNC was a fancy restaurant, Biden would be seated right next to the men's room for sure. That is not a fashionable table.


He's in the last row. And coach really upset that there's a line for the bathroom next to him.


He's in a middle seat. Yeah, that's such a good point. But, I mean, he deserves it and so much more. And he'll get. He'll get what he deserves. But it does seem like prerequisite for party membership is being willing to set aside your own interests, your own self respect, your own dignity on behalf of the collective.


Yeah, I mean, how bitter do you think he is about this in real life?


I don't know. I don't know to what extent he's capable of complex emotions or thoughts like that at the stage. Cause he is impaired. But I know pretty certainly that his wife and his son and his daughter, you know, feel the sting. I mean, how could they not? Yeah, guys, president. Is he still. He is still president, right?


But then Obama stabbed him in the back and in the front. And, you know, Nancy Pelosi stabbed him. They all did. They swooped in and they, and they took him out. And they're not really ashamed of it at all. They're like, they're the, they're pretty nakedly brazen about it. And that's what we're left with. And it is so fundamentally at its core, anti democratic. It's not about, at all about the consent of the governor. In fact, the primary itself was rigged. I mean, Biden should have never even been on their primary ballot. The voters, 14 million, which is not that many people, but 14 million people registered their thoughts on the subject. And they said, we're with Biden. But again, it was rigged. They kept everybody else off the ballot. They wanted to keep RFK away from it. And Dean Phillips and anybody who would possibly even deter from Biden gathering.


My pal Jill Stein.


Yeah, Jill Stein, all of them.


But can I just ask just about the nature of the democratic party? I don't vote Democrat because I don't agree with them on most things. Well, now I don't agree with them on anything, but really I don't vote Democrat because I don't understand the requirements for membership. Like, you've got a couple of brothers, parents, wife, child. You know, you've got a very, I know your family, very close family. If somebody said, you know, in order to remain a conservative or republican or a radio show host in good standing, you have to denounce your brother Fred.


Not a chance.


Like, I think you'd die before you did that.


Not a chance in the world, right?


That's right.


Not a chance. If they told me to reject the tenets of my faith, I wouldn't. If they told me to attack my family, I wouldn't.


Under any circumstances.


No. In fact, that courtesy, that obligation extends to the people I care about who aren't my family members.


Me too. Me too. So that's like, so personal loyalty is more important to you, love is more important to you than any human made structure, correct?








But that's not true for partisan democrats.


It's not true in the Biden family. Just look at what they did with Joe. I know there's no circumstance where I let my senile grandfather run the country, nevertheless drive a car.


I know.


You take away his license and you figure out how to take care of him. How many people do you know where as they had relative advanced to really late stage of losing their faculties, they had to take their guns away or take their license away.


That's right.


It's a super difficult conversation, but it's one that's done out of immense love. It's really hard. And that's not. That's not what happened here. Instead, we all got stuck with the liabilities, the country, that is. And, you know, I do think that, obviously, crystal clear, as you've said for so long, and I've been saying a long time, there's a lot of string pulling going on with Biden.




You're supposed to comfort yourself with this notion that somebody else is actually running the show. Don't worry. The see now guy's not. But I actually think the most dangerous answer is that he is in charge of some things. And I think some of the chaos we've seen is the result of that. I think Afghanistan in a big way was probably as a result of his senility, the fact that we lost all those people, 13. And then he gets there to that dignified transfer of remains, which should be a dignified transfer of remains in Delaware and doesn't for a moment give them the decency that they deserve in light of his decision.


Talks about himself and his own son who died in Iraq in a firefight.


Yeah. Ignores them, stares at his watch. It's some of the most offensive things that any of us have ever seen.


Well, he did something that I saw personally up close several years ago before he ran that I thought was one of the lowest things I've ever seen. He had this daughter in law, his son Hunter's wife, who I thought was a great person. I thought she was a great person. And he winds up having an affair with his sister in law. And, you know, obviously this is devastating to his wife and three children. You know, but these things, you know, whatever I'm trying to judge, but it's a big deal. Right. And it's a big deal in the neighborhood that we live in, in DC at the time. And Joe Biden and his horrible, disgusting, ludicrous, fake doctor wife issued this statement saying, we support Hunter and his new love, you know, our deceased son's widow, and don't even mention his daughter in law, who has been a loyal family member for over 20 years, has traveled a lot with Joe Biden because his wife didn't want to go with him. I saw this. And Kathleen Biden's like, the mother of their three grandchildren. Like, this is not my business. Someone else's family. Okay. I generally try not to judge these things, but he issues a public statement saying, we're on the new chick side.


Well, what about this girl? Was your daughter? I have a daughter in law. Like, I know that's a really intense and important relationship in a family, particularly the father and his daughter in law.


The mother of your grandchildren.


Are you joking?




And they just ignore her like she never existed. I thought I was so offended by that. I just couldn't believe a man would do that.


But then they reiterated it with London Roberts.


Royal good daughter.


They did the same thing with London Roberts and her daughter, Navy Joan Hunter's daughter, just ignoring her existence, not even actually going out of their way to insult her existence with the whole stockings thing at Christmas. They won't even hang her name up. They refuse to acknowledge she exists. And to this day, I just talked to London Roberts not long ago. We interviewed her. She put a book out about the subject, and she still wants to earn her way into their world. I think that's the impression I got. And I don't think she should bother with that at all, because, like, they've been pretty clear about what they think of her and the family.


How could you do that? How could you do that? William F. Buckley did that to his son, had an illegitimate child, his grandson. And William F. Buckley, in his will said, I'm not, you know, no money for him, if I'm remembering this correctly, and I'm sorry, I know everyone reveres William F. Buckley, but I just. I lost all respect. I have no respect for that at all. Your child or grandchild, like, that's really important.


The grandchild's innocent.


Well, I totally agree.


And your blood.


Yeah, I know. Sorry, I don't get.


It's a big deal.


Sidetracked. But, like, I think Joe Biden is actually a really rotten person, I guess, is what I'm saying. I hate to say that, and I think it matters what sort of person you are. I do. Everyone's like, oh, it doesn't matter what matters to me.


Yeah, it does matter. And all of the, like, the, you know, and Trump is a complicated person, of course, and he's got, he has moral failings, no question. But the lies that we're constantly told about his moral failings were, like, absurd. Like, the idea that he's, like, trying to personally profit off of the presidency, like, all of the available evidence demonstrates the complete opposite. Like, he's lost billions of dollars in net worth by doing it. It's endless hassle, endless litigation, endless. What deal has existed that has enriched him as a result of having been in the present?


Well, he's gotten a lot poorer, for sure. It does feel to me like he's gonna go to jail if he doesn't win. They're gonna put him in jail.


They're very desperate for that.


Are they gonna put him in jail before I keep hearing. People keep sending me this stuff.


That sentencing date is mid September.


That's correct. The 18th, I think.


And they really want to, this will come down to, I think, a political assessment, because they don't want to martyr him ahead of it.


So putting a man in jail two months, eight weeks before a presidential election.


No, that's right.


On fake charges. That's right.


But that judge, remember, he kept threatening him with all these gag orders and saying, oh, you violated it. Violated. But he never quite put him in jail, even though he was constantly hanging that threat out there. I think it's because they became aware during the trial that this was backfiring politically. So it wasn't just Biden self immolating. It was that the public started becoming convinced that Trump really is a victim of a rigged system. And that was showing up in the polls throughout that process. And so they have to be cognizant of this now. I won't put it past them to do something tyrannical that's against their political interests, because they have this over.


They can't control themselves.


Yeah, but it's one of the factors. It's so unfortunate that that's it. That's what it's all about.


It's hard to believe. Yeah, I guess this is the disadvantage, as I said earlier, of age. It's like, I refuse to believe that could even happen in the United States. But if it did, I think we.


Could wind up, I mean, that close to the election. I don't know if they'll do it. But this is, here's the thing that still amazes me. July 13, Trump was shot in the head this year, in case you were forgetting. The news cycle lasted maybe a week, maybe two on that subject, and it's evaporated. It's gone. Do you. I mean, I was, I know how quickly news cycles move, so I, and the desire not to talk about that, I could, I could smell it coming a thousand miles away. I knew that they would move on.


From the Trump people didn't want to talk about it, to be honest. But Biden's Secret Service allowed Trump to get shot in the face. They allowed it whether, you know, intentionally or not. So, like, why is that not the biggest story in the world?


But you would think it would be the biggest story all the way through the election, like in, like in once again, normal America, if a presidential candidate gets shot in the head, you would think that the overflowing of sympathy and certainly all of the media attention on that subject would basically put him on a glide path to the election. That for the remainder of the election, which is not that much time left, that we be litigating all of this. How did this happen? How do we prevent it from happening? Why did somebody shoot Trump? The underlying motivations, have you noticed, like, there's no conversation about that anymore? The motive, the motive question disappeared in like 5 seconds. It was like the Vegas shooter, it disappeared.


He was just your average 20 year old with no social media profile whatsoever, no motive at all. No one helped him do it, and there was no real security failure at all. You just couldn't put an agent on a roof with a pitch that steep. It's pretty conventional stuff, 140 yards from the stage. But you saw the Biden administration allow an assassination attempt to shooting. And that's just a fact. That's a fact. They allowed that. And again, I'm not saying they did it on purpose. Seems pretty clear they did. How could, how could that not be on purpose? But I don't have any proof of that. But they, they allowed it. We can say that conclusively and no one ever mentioned it again. And Republicans don't mention it. I don't understand why.


One of the ways I think that they allowed it, one of the, because once you're knocking on really important doors and if you start opening a bunch of them, eventually you get to a place where like, man, this is really dark. What we just saw.


It's so dark. I agree.


I think one place that I've been in is that the Biden administration is ruthless in how they wield the government politically, as we know, with the United States Department of Justice. And they resent the fact that Trump gets Secret Service protection at all. They hate that they have to give him, by virtue of the law, as a former president, Secret Service protection. So to the extent that they give him anything, they're just like, whatever, we'll send him something. But protecting him, not a priority. Protecting Doctor Jill when she's doing an event in Pittsburgh in an indoor arena just down the road from Trump, you know, in a really sophisticated way, with all the teams necessary to protect her and going above and beyond 100%. We'll do that.


Yeah. The repulsive fake doctor Harpy wife gets all the bodyguard she wants, but, but the candidate doesn't but the Secret Service.


Director that she handpicked for the role, Kim Cheadle, because Kim Cheadle served on Jill Biden's detail when she was in the White House originally with when Joe Biden was vice president. So they choose Kim Cheadle to run the show. The last thing they're gonna do is concern themselves with how safe is Trump and should we give him what he needs? Screw that guy. We'll give him the bare minimum. Meanwhile, in case you're looking for evidence that Biden and Jill and the Secret Service are political, look no further than RFK. RFK asked for Secret Service protection because he's from the most assassinated family in american political history and because there's actual threats to his life and he actually needs it in order to conduct a presidential campaign. But because they were so petty that they didn't want to dignify his campaign as real, they refused to give him Secret Service protection merely because they didn't want to give him the visual of being considered a presidential candidate. That's it. They were just like, screw that guy. So they're making all these political considerations. They refuse to give RFK protection. And then Trump, they barely give him.


They give him the b squad and he gets shot in the head. That's one interpretation of events.


Yeah. Here are a couple fat girls who don't know how to operate a firearm. Yeah, okay. Most of us, well, actually, all of us, go through our daily lives using all sorts of quote free technology without paying attention to why it's quote free. Who's paying for this? And how. Think about it for a minute. Think about your free email account, the free messenger system used to chat with your friends. The free other weather app or game app you open up and never think about, it's all free. But is it? No, it's not free. These companies aren't developing expensive products and just giving them to you because they love you. They're doing it because their programs take all your information. They hoover up your data, private personal data, and sell it to data brokers and the government. And all of those people who are not your friends are very interested in manipulating you and your personal, political and financial decisions. It's scary as hell and it's happening out in the open without anybody saying anything about it. This is a huge problem. And we've been talking about this problem to our friend Eric Prince for years.


Someone needs to fix this, and he and his partners have. And now we're partners with them. And their company is called Unplugged. It's not a software company. It's a hardware company. They actually make a phone. The phone is called unplugged, and it's more than that. The purpose of the phone is to protect you from having your life stolen, your data stolen. It's designed from a privacy first perspective. It's got an operating system that they made. It's called messenger and other apps that help you take charge of your personal data and prevent it from getting passed around to data brokers and government agencies that will use it to manipulate you. Unplugs commitment is to its customers. They will promise you, and they mean it, that your data are not being sold or monetized or shared with anyone. From basics like its custom Libertas operating system, which they wrote, which was designed from the very first day to keep your personal data on your device. It also has, believe it or not, a true on off switch that shuts off the power. It actually disconnects your battery and ensures that your microphone and your camera are turned off completely when you want them to be.


So they're not spying on you in, say, your bedroom, which your iPhone is. That's a fact. So it is a great way, one of the few ways to actually protect yourself from big tech and big government to reclaim your personal privacy. Without privacy, there is no freedom. The unplugged phone. You can get a $25 discount when you use the code tucker at the checkout. So go to tucker to get yours today. Highly recommended. Yeah, it is. It's so overwhelming that because if you live in a country where the Secret Service is corrupted, and we clearly do live in that country, then it's like, at that point, you know, that's a life or death thing. You know, that's not the education department. That's a core function.


They investigate who left cocaine at the White House, and then they destroy the evidence within weeks. And they say the investigation's closed. There's no chance we'll ever get to the bottom of it. They destroyed it. They didn't keep it. I mean, how much cocaine could they possibly have had? It's not like they were running out of real estate. Just keep it in the evidence room. You know, we can keep this for a while. We'll keep the case open. We'll see if we can get some answers. They destroyed it. What does that tell you?


Yeah, it tells you that, like, maybe the one, the agencies that can never be corrupted, no matter what, that have to remain as pure as any government agency can remain pure. Have been totally. That would include, I'm sorry to say it in your presence. I know you're product of military family, but DoD, FBI, and secret service and, of course, CIA and DiA, and they're.


Working really hard to do it to the Supreme Court right now.


Oh, I know.


They're working very hard to corrupt that institution because it's not serving their power interests, at least not to the extent that they want it to. And so that needs to be corrupted, too. It's a virus, and it just keeps on spreading. It just keeps spreading. And now they're using Kamala as the vehicle for all of this. And she is so dumb. She's shockingly dumb.


Is she?


You can tell, can't you tell?


Well, she seems.


Well, she's dumb in a. She's socially dumb. She doesn't know how to communicate with people. Human beings are alien to her and she really doesn't have time for them. And she tries to figure out a way to condescend to them, and then she just ends up speaking in circles because she doesn't actually know how to communicate.


Well, she kissed her husband with a mask on. And as a married person, I looked at that and I was like, there's kind of no explaining that. That is sort of the end of any potential respect I had for you. Kiss your husband with a mask on.


Tim walz shakes his wife's hand on.


Stage well, Tim Walls. I mean, you know. Yeah, come on now.


Walls out for Kamala.






I mean, Tim walls. I'm sorry that it's so funny to live in a society where you have to deny obvious things. I look at Tim Walls, I'll be like, oh, I know exactly who you are. Like, instantly. Like, instantly. I went to boarding school. I know who Tim Walls is. Um, big time. And, I mean, I actually don't. I don't have zero actual evidence, but having spent four years in a New England boarding school in the eighties, like.


I, you know his type.


Are you kidding? Oh, yes. Oh, I had a couple doormasters. Like, tim walls, for sure. Well, he did show up in your room late night, drunk to talk about stuff.


Yeah. You know, he's like. He's like. He's absurd. He's a cartoon character, and so many is a tyrannical cartoon.


I. Well, of course.


So, like, he did. He did start the gay club at his high school.


I'm very aware of that. Gay straight alliance.


The gay straight alliance, yeah.


Totally normal. He was just sick of bullying. He couldn't handle the bullying.




He was just pretty sure. It's just so funny.


That's funny for a guy who shot his own residence with paintballs for standing on their porsche, who established a snitch line during COVID for non compliance with.


It's all of a piece, I would say. It's all very consistent with what I remember. Oh, I could tell you stories. It was, you know, whatever. I can't even get into this. But the bottom line is I look at Tim balls and I'm like, I know. Exactly. You could have been the dorm master on my hall in 1984, you know, getting all the boys to, let's go boxing Sunday morning. Here's our special athletic supporter that, you know, you have to wear.


But he's a very deceptive human being. Everything about him is.


Does anyone else notice this about Tim walls? I mean, is this. Again, I shouldn't. I'm probably way over my skis. I have zero evidence other than just what seems clear. Like, I. Some of the best advice I ever got, which has turned out to be true all these decades later from a really wise person, is like, trust your instincts on people, okay?


I mean, he allowed american cities to burn to the ground. I think you can mock him a little bit. I think that's allowed, uh, for being.


I know you just hate to say things that you can't. I'm. I'm. I'm doing heavy implication here, but. But the guy. There's something wrong with the guy. I guess that's just really obvious. Does it. Does it matter? He's the running mate. He's the beta. He's in the bitch seat. Does it actually matter politically? Probably not.


Maybe, but maybe I just don't want somebody working out their issues while trying to take charge of the country.


The whole thing. These people are all freaks. There's not like one person who has a normal, happy personal life. And by the way, there are very few on the republican side. JD Vance is one of them, which is one of the reasons I was so enthusiastic. That guy was a pretty normal guy, actually. But I think it really matters if you don't go home to some normal relationship that's based on love and respect and honesty. If you're kissing your husband with a mask on or shaking hands with your wife, you're a freak. And I feel sorry for you, but no, you can't have power. No power for you, freak. That's how I feel.


This weekend, they put Kamala in some small test unscripted moments. Let's see what she can do with this. And it all went disastrously. But one of them was that she was in Pennsylvania. She stopped at a Sheetz gas station. Now, when I think sheets, I think it's basically like a, wow. It's a touchscreen sandwich shop. You go and you enter your order, and then the sandwich show up a few minutes later, somebody makes a. I.


Thought it was a gas station.


Yeah, it's a gas station, but fundamentally, on the inside, if you're going to visit the indoors of it, you'll get your sandwich there on the touchscreen.




Everyone, anyone who lives near a sheets knows that. That's what it's worth. That's what you do. Kamala Harris goes into the sheets gas station. She brings her husband and she brings Tim walls, phony Tim walls. And they go in together. And what does she shop for? A bag of Doritos. She's like, she walks in, they're like.


What are you getting?


What are you getting? And she's like, Doritos, she says, and she walks around like she has no idea where the chips are. She's like staring all around the store. She has no idea. And her husband grabs it and she goes, oh, Dougie. And she reaches and she grabs the bag. She pulls them away. She's like, I'll take those. And she rips them out of her hand, rips the Doritos out of his hands and then cackles and she walks off. Everything about it felt so completely unnatural and controlled.


Well, I think it's. I mean, I've only been to sheets a few times, but the one thing I remember about sheets, they have one of the world's second to Bucky's, but one of the world's largest selections of chewing tobacco. Every kind of dip, like, ever, including, like, some you've never, you know, pomegranate flavored or whatever. I always buy a tin or two there. I don't know how you could pass by the extensive snuff selection to buy Doritos like that itself is disqualifying.


Yeah. And they're not even cool ranch. Like, they were regular Doritos. Like, I'm not a Doritos person, but I know Doritos aficionados. They're all cool ranch people.


Are they? I totally believe that.


The regular Doritos, like, what a poser. And she has no idea what she's doing. And by the way, you're making me think I want to see her in Bucky's. I want to see the Kamala Harris Buckees fusion experience. I'd love to.


I doubt there are many people in Buckees. Buckee's is a truck stop in Texas. I think it's moved to Florida.


It's all over the place now.




And they have more gas station bays than any other conventional.


And the cleanest bathrooms, most famously, a candy selection. I was in there late night.


You can buy artwork in the bathrooms.


For real? Yeah.


The walls of the. Leading into all the bathrooms, they have artwork on the wall with prices. So when you're in the bathroom, you can. You can choose art and buy it off the wall.




It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's a cool place. They make beef jerky and all the fudge you could possibly eat and all the possibly.


I was in a Bucky's. We were doing a book tour in, like, 2018, maybe. I was on the road. Emily Lynn is sitting right there, and we. I had the driver pull over into Bucky's, like, three in the morning. We're driving from, like, Dallas to Houston.




And no one had been to Bucky's. And I was like, Bucky's is the greatest. Cause I always buy all the weird chewing tobacco there. So we're wandering through Bucky's, and I get to the candy area. I love candy.






And they have, like, old fashioned candy.


They've got, like, I was going, and I. They had, like, a thing, like, malted milk balls. Yeah, it was, like, $4 for four pounds. And I'm getting this thing, and Emily comes up and takes my arm, and.


She'S like, I think that's enough.


It's like, thank God you're here.


No, you do need. That's true. You do need a woman. You're buying.


You do.


You do impose strain upon you.


Totally do.


My wife was kind of rushing me out. I'm like, but wait, there's like. And you could buy, like, housewares there.


Oh, 100%. So.


And then I would get distracted.


Mesquite, barbecue, charcoal. I mean, it's just.


And I had my dog in the car with me. We were traveling, and we just this past week or so, and we were. We were gonna. You know when you have a dog in the car, you put a water bowl, usually, like, outside the vehicle, like, on the ground, and let the dog drink. And I didn't need to. Cause Bucky's had a water fountain for dogs. Like, they had a regular water fountain. And right on the ground, they had a little unit for dogs. So you could just get the water fountain going, and the dog can drink right from there.


So that's. That okay. Bucky's is the kind of capitalism we were promised.




And Blackrock is the kind that we got.




And I feel let's get more Bucky's, less blackrock.






Yeah. Someplace that you enjoy going that doesn't SAP your soul when you're there.


That is interested in what you want, is trying to serve you in some way, you know, is not like buying every house on your street and turning them into rentals or, like, really wrecking your life.


Well, they have a chick fil a style. Enthusiasm.




So when you walk in, they say hello, and they like.


But wasn't that the whole point of market capitalism? It was going to serve what people wanted. It was going to respond to the needs and desires of the population.




Not redefine them. And actually, what, you. You don't want grandchildren. You want a trans kid.




Like, I don't know how we got there. You don't. No, you don't. You don't want that, Vince. What you want is density in your neighborhood. You want public housing on your street. You want that. And if you don't want that, you're a racist.


Right. Right.


Like, that's actually what we got.


Yeah. Yeah.


We got gay race communism, but it was supposed to be Bucky's with, like, super clean bathrooms and dog water fountains and, like, massive malted milk ball supplies and, like, every kind of dip, not just, you know, Skoal and Copenhagen, but, like, getting into the serious esoteric chewing tomato. That's right.


By chewing tobacco for every man.


Yeah. With no lecturing about it either.


No, not at all.


Yeah, I'd like the kiwi fruit. Okay. Coming right up, sir. That's awesome.


That is awesome. And no judgment. I mean. Yeah, it's. I don't know. I mean, you talk about this a lot, but I just spent the last almost two weeks driving through most of East Coast America. I was all the way up from. From Maine to Florida, back and forth.


Did you really?




And what did you think?


I felt sadness for a lot of what I saw. Well, actually, I love the country, so I found so much of it to be beautiful.


And you grew up, your dad was a marine corps. You grew up everywhere.


Yeah, most of the east coast. Hawaii was our one detour away from that, but almost the east coast my entire life. And the country is beautiful. I love driving through it. I love seeing how much there's so much land and there's so much to drive through and really neat and cool people. But then you see so many communities where things are completely falling apart. Completely.


What were the signs of that?


All of the elements get through your home. The roofs are falling apart. The water clearly must pour in every time it rains.




Yeah. And.


Oh, so it's not. It's not just you, like, saw junkies at a gas station. It's like you saw people with holes in their roofs.


Yeah, yeah. All over the place.


Like pot, like actual poverty. If there's a hole in your roof, you're impoverished. I think we can say that.


If your house is leaning over, you know, you've got some. You got a real issue. Like, you live in a death trap. So, yeah, there's a lot of that out there. And should you.


If you.


And I saw, by the way, in a lot of those yards, I saw Trump flags as a political measure.


So we're paying for the pensions, the guaranteed retirement of bureaucrats in the Ukraine who work for the corrupt government of Ukraine run by the anti american, anti Christian Zelenskyy. We're paying their retirement. We're paying the civil servants of Ukraine.


The whole government, everybody. But we're paying for businesses in Ukraine to stay open.




Yeah. I'm almost. I got to go back to my notes, but I had a piece a while ago about this, and I keep notes every day for my radio show, and I remember I shared this on the air that we were paying, I think, subsidies to keep small businesses open in Ukraine. So, yeah, we're paying for everything.


So grotesque, it's hard to metabolize it. But you drove through our own country in the last two weeks, and you see people who don't have patched roofs.


Yeah, yeah. And so the country's not doing well is an understatement. And there's lots of people who are suffering, and that's why we kind of glanced off of the economic discussion earlier. But I really think it matters that we are at a point right now where the country is at over a trillion dollars in credit card debt. This is a record. We've never had this much credit card debt in our nation's history. And credit card debt is totally destructive. You're looking at 1618, 2022, 25% rates.




Close to 30 on these. And that means people are being destroyed and they can't make ends meet. The unemployment numbers are all a scam. Would that really.


Can I just ask? We used to put people in prison back when the mafia was offering loans at lower interest rates than those. Yeah.




Yeah. Usury and loan sharking, we called it.




And all these sort of nice italian guys wind up in jail.




But it's cool when the credit card companies do that. How does that work?


Joe Biden.


Yeah, you're right.


Joe Biden, the senator from Delaware, making that happen. Yeah, that's how that works. But people are in massive amounts of debt and the unemployment numbers are a scam because really what they represent is that there are people working multiple part time jobs to make ends meet. That's what that means. So all this stuff about like, oh, unemployment's low. No, it's not. People are working multiple jobs in order to pay for just how expensive their lives have been.


And all the employment gains have been among immigrants. All of them net, I mean, net zero gains among native born.


Yeah. Native born Americans losing jobs, immigrants, foreign born workers gaining all. So it's a, you know, my cousin EJ Antoni is, I think, the single best economist on this subject.




And he's just been amazing on it. He stopped all of the available evidence, demonstrates he's right. And no american needs a government report to tell them that they're miserable. By the way, I love that the media sort of waits for unemployment reports to tell, like, don Lemon, like, telling you you shouldn't be miserable. No, the data says that you're not miserable. You're fine. Like, what? Those, all of that government stuff is one, cooked and two, a trailing indicator of what's actually happening.


But a drive from where did you go? Like, you went from where to where in the United States?


So I was in from Greenville, Maine, was as far north as I was. Great place, all the way to southwest Florida.




Yeah. And so I got to see a bunch of places that was in the Atlanta area I went to.


And you drove that whole way?


I flew some of it at the beginning, and then I drove most of it. I drove in order to get to Maine. I flew into Boston. I drove the four and a half hours, whatever it is, to Greenville. I was in Atlanta. I was driving in the Atlanta suburbs. I went to southwest Florida, drove all the way up past Tampa, went to Jacksonville, Florida, drove from there, went to coastal North Carolina, drove from there back to Washington, DC. And I flew to be here with you get to see a lot of places. And like I said, it's a beautiful country, but it's disturbing how much of it is in disrepair. And you just sink yourself. There's a part of you that's like, I don't know what you could possibly do to get things back on track.


I don't fly very much at all I try not to travel at all, but I've taken a couple flights recently, commercial flights, and I'm shocked by the airports, and I'm shocked by how disorganized they are. The TSA screening, I don't remember it being that bad. I've taken about four years off from really flying that much. And then I thought to myself, wow, I didn't know how degrading and stupid this was or I'd forgotten how degrading and stupid it was. And then I thought, the people making decisions about the way this country is run, they don't have any contact with us. There's no donor to either party who flies commercial? Nobody flies commercial with money in this country. It's crazy. I grew up in a rich area in a world of rich people. Everyone flew commercial. Nobody had a plane, nobody. Now everybody flies private. It's crazy. And one of the effects of that is people who are making these decisions, who are paying for these politicians, they just don't know. They don't see it at all. And they definitely don't drive from Tampa to coastal North Carolina and then DC. They just don't.




Do you think that has some effect?


Like, as a huge bearing? I mean, look, TSA conditions the rest of us to be compliant. I mean, that's like, so if that's not your experience, you kind of feel.


What is the facial that we stare into a camera? This happened to me yesterday. I had to fly yesterday or two days ago, and they're like, will you look into the ground? It's like, no, thank you. Yeah, but you don't have to, like, what is that? I'm sorry. I know I'm showing how out of touch I am. I just don't travel very much.


Is it security theater? And, like, you know, what is the, first of all, what is the id checker assessing? What are they doing? Like, a compelling background check on you or something? What's your history of terrorism? I mean, the whole thing is really stupid and degrading and super annoying. Like, why am I standing? It was all 911 to get on a flight.


It was all 911. George W. Bush created all of this right after 911. And we had to because there was an imminent threat and we were under attack by terrorists. And then you fast forward 23 years later, and I the Taliban still run Afghanistan. They're way better armed with our money, and their infrastructure is much better because we built it and they're still in charge. And we're left in this decaying country with fewer civil liberties having to be humiliated at the freaking airport. Like, why shouldn't we see all the 911 documents? Like, why? You know, if anything justifies another January 6, which is to say, people just, like, moving up to the Capitol and demanding something, why wouldn't it be seeing those documents? That event changed this country profoundly and forever. We're its citizens. We pay for it. It's being done in our name, and we can't know what exactly happened because why.


And it's changed in really stupid, tyrannical, and in official ways, but predictable ways. Like, TSA doesn't catch anything, right? So they do their annual screenings where they practice. Will you catch the weapons that we put through? They put actual weapons through the x ray machines, and the TSA agents don't catch them. Their fail rate is astronomical.




Yeah. So they're not actually even catching the things that they're tested on. And we're all subjected to do this as if it's keeping us safe, which, of course, it isn't. Why are we doing this? Like, I would settle for if you want to make one modification, locks on the cockpit door, totally fine. I'm good with that. Beyond that, why are we doing the rest of this? I'm willing to take the risk. I am. I'd rather live in that world. It's a happier world. It's more spiritually compelling, and it demonstrates a cohesive society. You don't need that. And, in fact, the more they make the society more chaotic, the more they justify all of this, the more that they import incompatible cultures and make everyone live in squalor. Eventually, they're increasing social distrust so much that they're offering a justification for the system that they.


Right. It's self licking ice cream cone.




What happens at the Democratic National Convention this week?


Well, I think it's gonna be a big demonstration, if you're clear thinking about this, if you stare at it and you're just, like, objective, what you're gonna witness is chaos. You're witnessing. First of all, why are they doing it in Chicago? And, like, what world do you appeal to the broad american middle by having a Democrat convention in Chicago, Illinois.


Because none of us can ever, during the course of our lifetimes, escape the year 1968. Everything is in reference to that year.




And so I just. Why not? I mean, they should have another march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, too. I mean, everything is like. Everything is a replay of that period. It's weird.


Yeah. So now Kamala Harris is the nominee. Amazingly, by the way, this whole convention is fake because she was made the nominee weeks ago in secret in an online vote. So this whole thing is like a scam. Everything about it is a facade. Even the votes are fake because the votes were taken weeks ago.




All to foreclose on the obvious chaos that's gonna happen anyway. We're already seeing it. That's right. I mean, like, and this is, you know, God, I want republicans to be so much better than they are, but insofar as they exist now, the way they do. Milwaukee was, like, placid.




It was peaceful, it was orderly, it was compelling.


It was great speakers.


I mean, you were there. You saw it. You had better billing than Joe Biden does.


I didn't think that. I wasn't planning to go, actually, at all. I didn't want to go. I've been to every convention since 96. I didn't want to go to any more conventions. They asked me to speak. I wasn't going to do it then. I was like, I should do that and make myself do it. I loved it. I had, like, the best time ever.


Yeah. Why?


Because I like the vibe. I like the people. I mean, obviously, I've been around it my whole life, so I saw everyone I've ever met was there. But also, I just. I thought it was a happy, happy, happy time. And I think it really. Trump survived getting shot in the face, and that's motivating. Yeah. I mean, that just changed everything. I know it feels like that was 40 years ago, but it was last month that that happened. It was. It was just. It was happy. Anyway, it was a great time. I thought so. They always tell you it's the most important election of your lifetime. But of course, this one actually is. That's demonstrable. And it's also because it is so important being censored at every level by the tech companies. So we were thinking about this a couple of months ago, and we thought, why not get on the road, live in front of actual people, live audiences coast to coast, a nationwide tour where we can't be censored. That'd be good. It would also be fun. So we're doing it. We're going to be on stage with some of our friends, some of the most fascinating people we know, the most recognizable people we know, responding to what is happening in America.


This September, in real time. It'll be just like the podcast, but it's going to be live. So we're excited to announce our friend Larry Elder is coming to join us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our friend John Richen will be there with us in sunrise, Florida. We're adding more stops. We just added another stadium show in Reading, Pennsylvania. We'll be joined on stage by Alex Jones. They tell you what Alex Jones is like. Have you seen him in person? You should make up your own mind. It's going to be fun as hell and interesting and intense, and we hope you will join us. Go to right now to get your tickets. See you there.


After Trump got shot, I realized I liked him more.




And my views about him became less complex.


I agree.


Did you have the same sense? In other words, I always try and maintain some objective distance. Like, I don't like about this guy. I wish he would do this differently. I wish he didn't do that. I wish he hired better people. Whatever criticism you want to level against him, and by the way, you should, is your right as an american to do that, because the end goal should be to make him better. And Trump is the rare politician who actually does listen to people. No matter their station in life, no matter where they come from. He's actually interested in what you think. So that's a good sign he'll actually change when given advice. But my views about him became less complex after that. I was like, I really like this guy. Legitimately. I agree, because what he displayed was unusual and aspirational. Did you feel like that?


I felt that way really strongly. I hate complaining. I don't think men should complain. I really mean that. It's one of my core beliefs. It's how I was raised. And I will never shake that belief, that conviction, that, stop complaining. What did you think this was? And I will never not admire physical, courageous. I just admire that. And I want to have it myself. I don't know if I do. I haven't been tested very often in my life. But I would like to think that if I was ever shot in the way that Trump was, that I would behave as manfully as he did. I don't know that I would. You can't know. But he did. He was tested in a way that was very meaningful to me, leaving aside the politics. But, like, all of a sudden, you're talking and Bangdan, you get hit with something, it's clearly a bullet. You don't know if you're dead or not.




And then you stand up and, yeah, that's the acid test for me. Because it really matters what you're like as a person. It matters to me. I'm not a Democrat. I don't care about your stupid party. And the point of the exercise is not to huddle together for increased power, because I don't feel powerless as a person. I have a family. I don't need a party to make me feel whole, unlike liberals. And so what really matters to me is what you're like and do you have virtue? And, you know, Trump is a mixed bag on that question. But part of virtue is bravery. It's a big part of virtue, actually. It turns out much bigger than I understood as a younger man. And he's brave. Like, actually brave, not fake brave. Oh, he's so brave. Oh, they're so courageous. Kamala is so courageous. She's a coward. She's terrified. She's clearly terrified, and he's not. And that, like, okay, I'm voting for the guy who's brave over the coward. Yeah.


And on Trump being a mixed bag in terms of, like, virtue and things, I always remember, let me just say.


I'm a mixed bag on virtue.


We all are, right? So I thought, okay, in fact, that's a christian admission, and, well, it's a true admission. Here's the thing. I always think about my dad, who you mentioned is Marine Corps officer, and at one point, he worked very closely, as you do, with the chaplain in his unit, a guy, great American, who has the same name twice. His name is Allen. Allen. Chaplain Allen. Allen. And he's a great human being. And my dad was once complaining to him about various chaplains in the military and how some of them are not so impressive, and he wishes they were better and more christian and more virtue and that kind of thing. And he said. He said, vinny, I think they were the same rank. He said, vinny, remember, jesus chose twelve sinners to follow him.


That's right.


Twelve sinners. And he was right about that. And I always keep that in mind. It's like, before I start judging other people for their moral failures.


I agree.


The people who are tasked with advancing the greatest message humanity's ever known were. Had immense failings. Paul. Paul murdered christians.




And Peter was a coward. Yeah.


I mean, it's just denied Jesus three times as predicted, because he was too afraid. Yeah, I agree completely. The most important apostle.


So they choose. They just, you know, God chooses unusual vehicles.


I think. I think that's right. And I just. In a time where, you know, reality itself is hard to identify or even define, you know, in a digital world, in an AI world, it's hard to know what is real. Everyone is struggling with this. One thing that is absolutely real is that when you're shot in the face, unexpectedly, we can see something deep about who you are. And we saw Trump live on camera. We saw something about him that was just remarkable. Was absolutely remarkable.


It was animal. It was like, in a good way. It was, it was just like, he just, it was great. It was totally great.


And I must say, I talked to him that night and the night he was shot, that Saturday night, maybe. Yeah, I think. And I was in maine, but I talked to him and he didn't, I mean, he didn't mention anything about himself. That's just a fact. I mean, look, I'm not flacking for Trump, but this is just a fact. It was like, did you see the crowd? They were so brave. They didn't run. That's the first thing he said. I was like, wow.


Yeah. They also, they also saved his life. Because the people who were outside the perimeter who began shouting up about Thomas crooks being on the roof, the Trump supporters, they were the only ones who were raising the loud alarm about what was happening. And they were the predicate to that cop getting his head over the roof and scaring Thomas crooks into taking action at that moment.


It's so perfect, though. It's like only the Trump voters are willing to notice the obvious.




They haven't been trained to deny what their senses perceive.


No, in fact, their senses.


Wait, there's a guy on the roof with a gun. What?


In fact, their senses are elevated to the peril.


No, that's right.


And they can smell it. And so it's not just some lookie Lou who's up on the roof, who's just trying to see what's going on on the stage. They're worried about Trump's safety and they're yelling out, he's on the roof. He's on the roof, officer. They're screaming, they saved Trump's life. Every element of that. I know we keep returning to this, but it's such an amazing moment in history.


It is amazing.


Every element of it conspired to save him. Every element of it. From the people shouting, the cop getting his head above the roof, the frenzied rush to take the shot by Thomas Crooks. As a result, Trump's head turned towards a chart. Tang moments before. Take me off teleprompter. I don't even care. I'm going to do the chart. And just all of those things, they conspired in a way that can only be divine, that can only be the product of divine intervention. And I saw that and it's one so I had simpler views about Trump after that, and I had more grateful views about God after that.


I agree with both those things and his. You know, I would. I talk about myself way too much as it is, but I try not to because I think it's such an unattractive, the most unattractive quality in a man. But I think if I was shot, like he was shot, I'd be, like, talking about myself, like, oh, I can't believe I got shot. And Trump, who's like, famously, everyone's like, Trump's such a narcissist. He didn't. Well, at least when I talked to him, he didn't mention himself. It was only about this audience.


Yeah. Wow.


And there's no one else listening to this conversation? Well, other than, obviously, NSA's listening to it.


Besides them. Yeah.


Besides criminals. But anyway. But he's not doing it for an audience. Just me. No expectation. I'll repeat it, you know what I mean? And he didn't mention himself. It's only about the other people. And I thought, man, I just thought it was so revealing. It was in a way that's not fakeable, you know? AI didn't do that.


Yeah, it's cool. And then you talked about that at the convention.


I did.


Which was cool.




I believe those were the. That was the substance of your remarks, talking about what he was like, oh.


Like, I ad lib that speech. So I actually. I have no memory.


You don't have any memory? I was.




So I guess it renders moot the following question, and I wonder, is there any point, do you ever give a speech where you feel the gravity of it? Or are you at the point where you're so used to giving speeches that even speaking on the republican convention stage with every network in the United States concentrated on your remarks? None of that.


Oh, I felt the gravity of it. Well, in the sense that they told me to write a speech. I mean, I'm a writer. I can. I've certainly written a lot, but I don't write speech, is the one thing. I just don't write speeches. I never have one time in my life. But I felt like, well, I want to be the obedient little bitch or whatever. I want to do what I'm told, I guess. I don't know.


I knew you weren't going to write it. I know. I actually, I knew it. In fact, I told as soon as I heard that you were given an address, I said, he's not going to write it. He's just going to do it.


Well, I made a good faith effort, and there was no sauna at my hotel, so I said, I can't write, obviously, without my sauna, but I did actually spend like 8 hours fretting about it and trying to write it on my iPhone. And then I was like, I can't write a speech for myself. I could write a speech for someone else, but I gotta say whatever. I'm not going to. So I didn't.


I guess I know you're a good writer, obviously, like, your whole career has been writing. Even when you were on television, I would laugh at people, be like, I wish Chuck should get back to writing. I'm like, I don't think you're familiar with what he's doing on a daily basis. He's literally writing all the time. I just knew that you wouldn't do it because it's just. I don't know, maybe it's your ego. You're going to give this speech off teleprompter and you're just going to say what's on your mind. And I knew kind of reflexively, there's no. This is the one venue. It's just, honestly, I kind of felt like you're just like, no, screw you. I'm not doing a speech. I'm not writing a speech.


Well, ultimately I said that in a much more polite way to all the staff at the, you know, the really nice people who are, you know, doing the run through and whatever. And I was like, I just can't do this. No, I don't like to write speeches because then you don't learn anything. There's something about speaking in conversation or. I really believe that words have lucidated, words spoken. Words have spiritual power. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. And the word was God. What does that even mean? I'm not sure what it means. The word, I guess, is Jesus, but speaking of John. But there's something about we tell the truth, and we don't just know the truth or believe the truth, we tell the truth. There's something about using the one thing that we have that the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't have, which is the power of speech that makes things real and that gives them power anyway. I find that when I talk, or I think everyone finds this, if you think about it, that saying something out loud allows you to understand things like you learn.


In other words, we think of language as something that we use to inform or educate others. I'm gonna tell you something. I do it for a living. Here are my views. But what we miss is that we're being educated too. Like, we're learning. The speaker is learning as he speaks. Well, do you ever experience this?


Words have immense power. For sure. Words are so for the reasons you.


Just like, but they change the speaker, not just the listener.


And they. Yeah. And especially, like, you know, when you repeat something over and over, it establishes a groove in your mind so that you kind of can draw upon it.


That's right. Exactly.


To use it again. So speaking is very helpful in that way. You know, repetition is a good way to learn anything, but if you're deprived of the tools, it's disorienting, and it leads.


What does that mean?


Meaning, like, the left's current program, which has been a program for a while that many of us were late to detect.


Shut up racist.


Was to change language in such a way. Yeah, shut up racist is a perfect example. To change language in such a way that you can't even think clearly about what's going on. That reality is so distorted by your lack of vocabulary or by your distorted vocabulary that you're incapable of resolving the problem. You can smell that there's a problem, but you don't actually know how to navigate out of it. This is like gender affirming. Care is a perfect example of that. Gender affirming. First of all, it's already a lie because it's. It's establishing that your body is a mistake and that what is correct is for you to mutilate it. Like, it's like what?


We're just affirming something that pre existed this decision, and you scare people into.


Compliance, and then they begin to lose the vocabulary necessary to untangle it. Right.


Sowell wrote about this at length.


Yes, totally. And he was the best at writing about it. And that's why it matters so much, because it's mind control.




Words are mind control, 100%. And the ability to speak to an audience and then to, first of all, learn for yourself, but also to detect what they're actually picking up.




Is a skill that you have for sure, and it's made you successful. It's a skill that Kamala Harris does not have. That's the skill she doesn't have. She doesn't have that skill. She can't do it. She can't talk to an audience and see that they're receiving her. She doesn't know what they're receiving. She can't read their body language. She doesn't know how to change her tone. Have you ever noticed? She tells these jokes, nobody laughs, and then she cackles to herself. It's because she isn't able to connect on a human level, because she's not all that interested in what they're saying through their expressions, through their reactions.


Well, she's certainly missing out on one of life's greatest and richest experiences, which is to feel the vibe of other people. I mean, that's kind of the only reason to be alive, really. And it's like the most beautiful, great, fun thing ever. And speaking in public is the easiest thing you could ever do. You just can't worry about it. And as long as you don't worry about it, everyone would be great at it, actually, including Kamala Harris. I don't know her. I've never even met her. I have relatives who know her. Actually, whatever they say, she's kind of amusing. They don't hate her, but she's obviously terrified. She's obviously afraid. I look at her, I'm like, ooh, you're afraid.


She's scared to death.


She's scared to death. That's the first thing I register when I see her.




That woman is afraid because she knows that she's fraudulent and like a caged.


Animal that will hurt someone.


Well, she's a fascist. There's no doubt. No one ever mentions that. Biden just had 50 years of life in Washington. Kind of the precedent of how things are done in a restrained republic kind of seeped into him. She's coming from a different world. She's coming from California, which is post political. It's a one party state, and she has no problem using force at all. And all the fascists around her are the same. So. But I just feel. I do feel sorry for Kamala Harris. Again, I don't know where I'm just making these judgments on the basis of watching her, but I feel like this is someone who can't admit who she really is, what she really thinks of is and is really, really afraid. And you feel sorry for people like that.


Yes. Which is why I loved Trump at the National association for Black Journalists when.


He went, I don't think you're allowed to love that. As opposed to disapproval.


I adored it, and here's why.


Tell me.


So think about the weeks leading up to that. The weeks leading up to it put the Trump campaign on its heels. Cause one, the narrative was so disrupted by the fact that they just replaced Joe with Kamala.




And then the media went all in on selling her. It was like, she's so great. She's wonderful.


It's all about joy, Vince.


And then they adopted this line of attack that JD Vance and Donald Trump are weird. Remember this very well.




Okay, so they were, like, weird. Now, I love laughing that off because of how absurd the use of that word coming from those people is.


The abortion worshippers are telling you JD Vance is weird. Yeah.


The men in dresses crew, like. Like, oh, yeah, it's so weird.


Okay. Okay, here's our tranny admiral.


Not weird, but you have to be honest enough to admit it's an effective line of attack insofar as it's the kind of thing that, it's like the language of the teenage girl. It doesn't require a deep assessment of what's going on. You use weird. It's a way to make somebody toxic, and it's effective. It's an effective weapon. So there's going to be a category of voter that definitely cares a lot about the policies. Curious. And specifically the ways in which they affect them and their bottom line. But there are also broad categories of voters who really do kind of ride the vibes of an election. Who is this person? And I don't mean vote switchers. I mean whether or not they'll show up to the polls at all, you know? And so, okay, weird's one line of attack. What's the line of attack on Kamala? She's a phony. She's fraudulent.


She's fake.


Now, if Trump gets up on a stage and he goes, Kamala Harris is a phony. Does CNN cover that? Does the New York Times put it on a one? Does Washington Post any of these news atlas? No, but if Trump goes on stage and goes, she's black, like, five minutes ago she was indian, now she's black. I don't know. I love them both, but somebody's got to answer that question. Everyone went crazy. And it was perfect. And the reason it was perfect was because it forced all of the places that hate Trump to Kerry. His remarks. And it fed an underlying. The subtext of that entire exchange is Kamayusha Zaphony, and it implants it right into the lifeblood of the, of the United States. Like, people get to see it no matter where you can see.


I wish they'd done that with Obama. He, I mean, he's half white, raised by white people. He's more white than he is black.




Culturally. And he is exactly one half white.




So why did republicans not say our half white president or half black president? Like, why do they have to be like, the first black president just buy into the lie. It's a lie. And it gave him moral power because it made him. It gave him claim to the civil rights movement, which is the one holy story in american history, supposedly itself a lie. But whatever. Everyone's been taught that, and he got to lay claim to that, but no one else had the balls to puncture it.


But also, like, Kamala, his family didn't come from.


Wasn't aware the whole thing was fraudulent. But. But just as a factual matter, as a genetic matter, I'm not attacking anybody, obviously. I'm just saying, like, he's half white, and. But no one that was considered so outrageous, that'd be, like, white lives matter, or all lives matter. Another demonstrably, factually true phrase that became a criminal offense. Literally a criminal offense. Like, the FBI investigated people for saying white lives matter.


Yeah, but.


And nobody pushed back.


And these categories don't exist for any practical, sort of descriptive reason. They only exist for political power because, like, like, you know, if you call Elon Musk an African American, like, people are like, that's like a total violation. You're not allowed to say that despite.


The fact that he is.


Or if, like, you know, George Carlin once cited this. Like, if you come from Egypt, right? You're technically, you're an African American. Are we allowed to say that if you're an egyptian or you called somebody in Africa? No, not in american political discourse.


But what does it mean aloud? Why not just tell the truth? Like, why are we such cow. If you allow lies to go unchallenged, they harden and then they become, you know, they become the instruments of torture that you'll suffer under. That's a fact.




So, like, why are we playing along with this?


We shouldn't.


What cowards are we? I never called Obama. I was on tv every day of the Obama administration. I never said our half white press. He's half black, which is a fact. Like, I didn't have the balls to say that. What's wrong with me?


Yeah, and, like, you, like, how, like, people get mad if. If Trump refers to him as Barack Hussein Obama, he'll say Barack Hussein Obama, which is actually his middle name.




And you can't. Oh, how racist is he for saying that?


Why am I playing by your rules anyway?


Because somebody was named Saddam Hussein. Now I can't say Barack Hussein Obama. Like, what is.


It actually matters, though, if you. If you decide that you're gonna lie because someone is make, quote, making you, like, whose fault is that? It's yours?


Yeah. Yeah. And there's a lot of that going on, unfortunately.


So I keep interrupting you. What is going to be the theme of this convention? It starts today.


I mean, it's going to be, I mean, you'll see the chaos on the outside, but on the inside, you're going to be served an endless stream of lies about the current state of our country. They'll tell you that the misery that exists within it is not actually happening, that people are far happier, that things are fine. Also, you're going to get this weird.


So she's going to run as the incumbent.


Basically, they want everything. They want it both ways because they're going to lie to you about the current state of affairs, and then they're going to tell you what her day one agenda is, as if she didn't have power to begin with.




So they're doing, and the Trump campaign has been great on this. They said her day one was three and a half years ago. So let's stop pretending that it's starting.


So that's why. I mean, they could make her president. I mean, they could. 25th Amendment, Biden. I mean, they basically already have, in effect, if nothing, not literally, but they could just make her president. They probably, by all rights should, because she does seem non senile, but they won't because they don't want her to have to take responsibility for the current state of the country. Is that, that's my guess. I don't know.


Yeah. Or they're so wrapped up in the idea that, oh, we shouldn't give it to her this way because we give it to her with the election. That's more legitimate or something. Like, the woman shouldn't have to be made president by virtue of the 25th amendment, the first woman president. But just, you know, we settled on her. I don't know what their thinking is on that.


Oh, are they doing the first woman thing?


They're doing the first everything.




Yeah, of course. Oh, my goodness. They're gonna, that's gonna be a big theme this week.


First woman.


The first woman president.






It's just crazy that, like, since we've already established that there's no definition of woman, like, why should I care? Tell me why I should care.




You don't. I mean, there's no such thing as a woman. So, like, why is it meaningful that we have one as president and there's no difference between a woman and a man? None. They can be navy Seals. So, like, what, what's the mean? What's the significance of this.


There is none anymore. I mean, they've erased. There's the, the attacks on women that have been led by Biden and Harris are, I think, I think, are unprecedented, actually, in american history. I mean, if this is another area where it's like, Republicans really should sink their teeth into this in every possible way, so stupid. But title ix, the fact that the Biden administration came along and said that women are not a real category and that men can be in their locker rooms and take their sports teams and be on and all of those things, why isn't there like a nonstop campaign against that atrocity? There should be. Why do we have women's sports then? What's the point of that? Why do we have any separate category for women to participate and succeed on an equal playing field? We shouldn't under that notion. And so the Biden administration is leaning an all out assault on the very existence of women.




And then, of course, once the credit for the first woman president, should that occur? So it's incoherent, obviously. It's got all the markers of Marxism as it presents itself throughout history, which.


Is just deceptive to its core. It doesn't. It's shapeshifting. There are no fixed meanings to anything. It's just, I need to be in power. You need to obey, and those are the only immutable rules.




I mean, it is very much like my body, my choice. Here, take the COVID vaccine. I'll kill you.




Wait, what I thought was my body, my choice? No, only when you're killing your kids, not when you're. I'm forcing some.


Yeah, it's every single. I mean, it's like, I almost called.


It poison, but I would be censored by YouTube if I did that. So I just want to be clear. I'm not calling any substance that was federally mandated poison.


Okay, good. Thank you for that. And so, I mean, it's like guns, too. They're the same way on guns that you don't need them, but we do. They'll protect us.


It's all, is she going to get elected?


Kamala Harris? I think it's a lot closer than I want it to be.


There are 30 states that are. Can we fill with drop boxes?


That seems like a problem. And there have been some positive advances, like banning Zuckerbucks in 27 states. You saw, like, states like Georgia and Texas have passed real voter integrity laws that have increased the quality of their election system. But then there are states like Pennsylvania, where things are still a little too chaotic where you have these drop boxes across the country, Wisconsin, of course, these.


Are pivotal states, but no state that has drop boxes can be considered legitimate. How can I believe an election result in a state with dropboxes? Right?


Yeah. No matter what party you're a part of, if the election doesn't go your way and your state's full of dropboxes, your suspicions are going to be sky high. So how is that stabilizing for a Republican?


So I had a conversation this morning, actually, with someone, a well known, very knowledgeable person from republican politics, who said there are all these states with dropboxes. And I'm really concerned about this. And I said, well, isn't there an RNC that exists to deal with this? And this person said, well, the problem is that these drop boxes are disproportionately in what he called urban areas. And no one at the RNC wants to be seen as criticizing the way things are done in urban areas. And I thought, well, why is the RNC hiring guilty white liberals if you're a guilty white liberal? I'm not attacking you. I don't want to live near you or meet you, obviously, but there's a political party for you. What are they doing at the RNC?


Yeah, it's a great question.


It is a good question.


I mean, it is completely critical that we get ahold of that. I mean, like, you know, you've got, was it, Michael Whatley and Lara Trump are now running the RNC. They established this renewed emphasis on voter integrity and all these, I think they've got all sorts of legal challenges they've mounted across the country that's headed in the right direction. But if you are opting out of dealing with election integrity in critical areas because you're afraid you'll be seen as racist for trying to protect the votes of the people who live there, you've lost the plot. You've lost the plot because it turns out voter integrity laws, if we're talking about black voters specifically, are disproportionately beneficial to black voters. Look what happened in Georgia after they changed their election laws to make it so that you could no longer just do signature matching on a mail in ballot. They said you got to send in your driver's license number with the ballot.


Well, yeah.


When they did that, black voter participation went up and fewer black votes were rejected. Yeah, it's obvious. And it's been, it's always obvious. In fact, signature matching was working to the detriment of authentic black voters. They were having their ballots thrown out, because it turns out sometimes your signature doesn't match what you signed when you were 18 years old. Like, when you get older and you sign, like, some. And you get some idiot who's looking at. Not a handwriting specialist, just some random bureaucrat looking at two ballots and the signature throwing that out. Throwing what?


I think the period where there's going to be this intense emphasis on black voters is coming to an end because of immigration. And native born black voters will become less important to election outcomes, dramatically less important, starting after this election. And so that means black political power, as we've thought about it for the last 60 years, will be in rapid, rapid decline. And it's just interesting. It sort of reminds me of organized labor. You know, I'm not against unions. I'm not against black voters. I'm for all american voters. But they got sold out by their leadership, for sure. Yeah. Like, so completely. And I'm not sure people really understand that. Like, I just. I just don't think it's gonna matter too much, actually, because the demographics of the country have changed so much in the last ten years that, like, do people get this?


I hope so. There's, like, some shifting, it looks like, among black men, which has been good, the left is very angry about that, and the more angry they get about it, the more likely they are to try and take it out on it.


But increasingly, it's just symbolic, though. I mean, if you have 10 million illegal aliens or 30 million illegal aliens, we don't even know the number, but it's tens of millions, and they're all going to vote sooner rather than later, probably. But definitely at some point, no one's going to be deported. Then the whole civil rights movement, that whole mythology becomes sort of meaningless because the democratic party will have political power without black voters no matter what they do. It doesn't matter.


Yeah. And the whole history of that party has been hurting black people. Black Americans noticed. It's disgraceful all the way from you mentioned at the outside of the conversation, the KKK and Margaret Sanger and the targeting the so called negro project. It has been a relentless assault, actually, on black Americans, which is a disgrace. And I just hope more and more people can wake up to it. But while they still have political power, to the extent that they do, and it's being sold out now as you speak. And so that's crazy. That's crazy.


Yeah. I don't have a ton of friends who are black democrats. I know a lot of and love a lot of right wing black people. But I have one friend who's a black Democrat, really good guy. But I made this point to him a few years ago. I was like, it's kind of over for the political power that you've been talking about your whole life. Because of immigration.




And he had honestly not really thought about it.


Well, now you're seeing it in Chicago.


Now I'm bragging. But I think he agrees with me now because it's just. It's numbers. It's a numbers question.


How many angry town hall meetings have you seen in Chicago over this issue?


Yeah, a lot of.


A lot. Black residents of Chicago, they're going confronting the alderman, right? In Chicago, confronting them and saying, what the hell? Why? So wait a second. So foreigners, illegal foreigners, are pouring into the country. They're coming to Chicago. They're taking all of the public resources, and we're being left in the slums. And how many times this did happen before you wake up to it? Like, when the riots were happening, the George Floyd riots were occurring, and Chicago became one of the latest cities to be ransacked. The lady who looked like Beetlejuice, who ran the city, she deployed the national guard to the extent that a mayor is supposed to do that anyway. But she was given resources. She sent it to, what do they call that, the million mile or something? The really nice area of Chicago where all of her donors live. Like, the richest area of Chicago. Meanwhile, the south side left defenseless. People getting murdered in the streets, losing their lives, places being wrecked because she refused to protect the most vulnerable because she had no interest.


I saw this during Katrina in New Orleans. The French Quarter was fine. All the cops were in the French Quarter, lower 9th. Nobody. I saw it. Yeah, no, of course, it does sort of raise the question. I mean, this is the purpose of ginning up racial hostility, obviously, is to make people vote against their own interests, their demonstrable interests, because they. So they so despise or they're so afraid of the other party coming to power on racial grounds. That's what is actually happening. Sorry.


It's totally crazy.


So Kamala's campaign is about what.


This week? It's joy.


It's joy.


This is this weekend. That's what they keep telling everybody.


I could think of it being about a lot of different things, but joy is the most preposterous of all because she's so obviously joyous. She's kissing her husband with a mask on the. So this is the most joyless person I've seen lately.


Well, this is. That's consistent the pitch is opposite of everything. But why?


That's like a deep. I've never really figured it out why an effective lie is always, like a few degrees off from center from the truth. Right? Yeah. Isn't it?


I mean, last week she was like, I'm for no tax on tips now. Like, she. The Trump policy.


Yeah, I saw that now.


Yeah, I'm for no tax on tips. She said, okay, like, what? Where did that come from? Oh, I'm gonna secure the border. What? Who are you? Like, will you stop lying to us?


But why not instead, like, but that's not how normal people lie. Normal people. Like, I catch you doing something wrong, and you, you're like, it's not as bad as it looks, or. But you don't whip around and accuse me of doing the exact thing that I caught you doing. Like, what is that?


No, that you do in an abusive relationship.




Yeah, in an abusive human relationship. I mean, this is kind of like the classic sort of like cheating on your wife and trying to figure out a way to survive it. You start blaming her as the sinner. Right. So this is the Democratic Party's relationship with Americans is an abusive one.


I saw that. I actually saw that once. I was actually probably, I was with somebody who, I wasn't there for this, but he got caught cheating. And I was like, whoa. Not a good person. And I said, what did you say? And he said, I screamed at her for spending too much at sacks on our credit card. I was like, what? You get caught where she had evidence that he was doing something wrong, which he was, and you attack her? I thought that was the most screwed up thing I'd ever seen. But that's a thing you're saying.


Definitely. Which is why family analogies are so perfect for all of this. It's like, like, what do you do? I know you've done this for years, but what does it mean to run a healthy household? Do you lock your doors at night? How do you protect your family? What does that look like? What kind of example are you to your children? All of those things.


The only things that matter. You mean.


Yeah. The Democrats are leading the most dysfunctional household you've ever seen. They're abusing the children, attacking each other. All the sins that they're committing, they're projecting onto all their other family members. Really degrading and total dysfunction. It's awful. And it's also why it's godless. It's also why it's godless. Because you begin assuming this omnipotent power over reality itself and begin telling everyone else that they're the problem and they're the sinners and that they should respond to you. And it's meanwhile, in the healthy household, what's happening is there's a father who's demoing for his children what it looks like to have a father's love and their children only know God through that lens. Yes, that's how you know. So we refer to God the father. How do you even know how he functions as a father? Unless you have a human father as a frame of reference? You don't, you don't understand what that looks like. If you have a dysfunctional relationship with the men in your life, how are you even ever going to get your head around the idea that God the father is a loving father? You know what I mean? So like all of these things I do know.


I've never thought of it before, but this is a yes, of course. I know exactly what you mean.


That's why the fathers are so important. Because all of reality centers around what your impression of what it means to have a good father is. That's it. That's the whole ballgame. So the left is leading the dysfunctional household where they're driving everybody to self destruction. And it should be the obligation of normal people to counter that and to have a healthy household and by extension a healthy country.


That's so interesting. I have noticed the symptoms of what you're saying. And the main one is the people they're attacking, I don't have a PhD on America or whatever, but I know a lot of rural Trump voters, for example, and they're not only good people, they're actually the best people I've ever met. And they're also the most useful and skillful people I've ever met. The most, actually the most. They can do the most useful things. And the people attacking them, someone like Janet Yellen, the treasury secretary, from my perspective, which is a simple perspective, because I'm a simple man, is like an utterly disgraced figure. Like utterly, like, there's no one who has less credibility, a shorter track record of real achievement, there's no one who's like more repulsive in every way than Janet Yellen, to me anyway. And she's the one helping to malign people with real skills. Thats not an accident. This whole system is set up for useless people to have power, whereas in a just society, they would have no power. I know.


Sometimes I wonder at the lowest levels whether the productive among us. I dont know. You know, how? At the lowest levels of government, other than the household, which, of course, we were just talking about, like, the hoas and the community boards.


Yeah, yeah.


Like, they're all consisted of, like. Like, the insecure, busy bodies, right? No, total. And, like, the productive people who should be in those roles, the ones who have families and know how to mediate a dispute between their children.


Insecure, busy bodies.


You know what I mean?


Yes, I do.


They're not actually in charge of those organizations.




And so I don't know. This is the best system ever devised in terms of a government, but there are clearly weaknesses. Like, that's. And that's one of them. The feeder system into the bigger aspects of government is a lot of insecure, busy bodies.


And maybe that's probably, probably always been that way. You know, I'm sure the Roman Senate was filled with insecure, busy bodies, but it. It never. I guess what I think is new and really obnoxious at best, poisonous at worst, is not just that, like, the. The least competent people have the most power, but that they use that power to hurt the most competent people. That is just crazy to me.


It is.


You would think they would, at least for self interest reasons, they would say, well, people actually know how to run a power grid or fly an airplane or perform heart surgery. We shouldn't attack them on the basis of their skin color because we need those people. We don't want to be Zimbabwe, but they seem to want to destroy all those people.


Do you feel like that's gotten worse? I mean, obviously.


Oh, my gosh, yes.


Like, the, you know, you asked me earlier about, like, kind of the distance that the ruling class has from the rest of America. You'd probably be better at answering that question.


Like, I don't know. I mean, I obviously, you know, I guess I'm part of the ruling class. I've been in it my whole life, and I do think it gives me a better perspective on how lame they are. There's no mystery for me. I know exactly who they are because I know them, but. And I have total contempt for them. Whoa. Trying to control it? No. My conclusion, just based on the evidence. Again, it's hard to know. Intent, impossible, really, but just on the basis of outcomes, is that the whole point of the program is not to uplift anyone. It's to hurt people, specifically, christians above all, but also anyone who's productive, free thinking, the people you really need, like the guys who designed and run the power grid, like, those are the people you need most of first responders firemen, cops, emts, airline pilots. Like, it's not just like, oh, we need more incompetent airline pilots. It's that we need the current group of airline pilots to die because they have skills that we'll never have. I mean, I feel like this whole system is based on hatred born of envy. That's, that's the way I read it.


And you look at, there are a couple foreign countries, South Africa and Zimbabwe particularly, where the whole point wasnt to redistribute the land to the landless. That didnt actually happen. All the land went to the people with political power. The point was to crush the farmers because the farmers were too productive, and that was offensive to the people in charge. Its like, you go get that yield out of that land when your tobacco or whatever youre growing. They couldnt. So we have to crush and kill them. They killed them, a lot of them. And so I feel like they're hurting people, is the point that does feel. It's definitely not about helping black people or helping trans community or helping immigrants. I probably wouldn't be totally against it if it was. I like helping people, but it's not.


It'S not your policies, like, all of that is enabling their destruction. The enabling is what's happening. So, like, you know, this whole, like, the needle exchange programs, like, the left has been on this for years. Wait, you're going to help people continue to inject drugs into their bodies? That's the plan. Like all of the marijuana initiatives. You're going to dull people. The plan is to broadly dull the american people. The trans stuff. You're going to tell people, yes, your body's a mistake. The only intervention is my big corporate donor getting rich off of your misery for the rest of your life. That's again, to go back to the family analogy, in a family, you would intervene, in a healthy family, in a dysfunctional family, you would enable. And that's what they're doing. They're enabling destruction.


Yeah, see, I can't relate. I mean, I am the oldest man in my family pretty much at this point, so I intervene all the time. That's what you do.


I've seen it.


Yeah, I'm an intervener. Like immediate intervener. So I think that's your duty. And I just kind of. I love this country and I love its cities, for example. I've lived in a number of them. I have contempt for people who allow, like, a needle exchange program to happen. Like, why doesn't someone go burn down the needle exchange? Like, I'm serious. And take the lumps, go to jail for it. But we're not going to give people intravenous drugs in my neighborhood, period. I'm not going to put up with that, period. And if you punish me for getting in the way, I will accept that punishment, but I'm not going to allow it. I don't know why people allow that. I really don't. I'm probably saying too much, but I'm not encouraging violence. I'm encouraging zero tolerance for killing people. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And, but, you know, meanwhile, the Biden administration, like, sending out needle kits, like, they're, like, they're a part of this and, but like, and it's just, I.


Don'T know if you'll accept that. What? What won't you accept?


Yeah, I mean, I mean, I was.


In Australia this year and they put people in camps, in concentration camp, like actual, and if you bring that up, you know, that you put people in concentration camps for Covid. Well, they're not really concentration camps, really.


I remember.


Where were they?


I remember the colored tape that they had on the floor that you stepped across it. You would be arrested.


Yeah. And they did. They arrested people and people put up with it. You're going to get to a place like Canada where they're just like, well, getting to the exact same place that Germany got to in 1933, where if you're useless, we're going to kill you. Which they killed hundreds of thousands of Germans, Christian Germans, because they had disabilities or they were useless and they murdered them in hospitals, children. And they're doing that in Canada now with the maid program and just killing people. Well, it's just cheaper for us to kill you. And everyone's putting up with it. It's just like you can't put up.


With certain things and they'll punish the useful, so they'll kill the useless and punish the useful, of course. So the truckers in Canada get their lives destroyed by merely exercising what is their God given right, which is to protest, which is to object in the democratic system in which they thought they lived and then had their lives destroyed and because they didn't have any power to stop it. And that was, I mean, antifa burns down cities. Canadian truckers set up hot tubs in the streets and protest the government.


Yeah, it just seems like there's no kind of way out other than saying, you know, I'm willing to be punished for trying to stop the killing of other people. That, and that's what I don't like about the party system. It obscures what's at stake. It's like, well, I want my guy to get elected or my party to thrive. It's like none of that really matters. You cannot allow some NGO to abet intravenous drug use. Like, let's just start there. No.


Or fund the NGO's to the tune of billions of dollars to traffic every foreign national across our border they can get their hands on.


Yeah, well, I never understood why the totally useless governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, didn't just put the national guard on the board. I've said that to his face. I ran into him in an event. I was like, why don't you do that? It's really complicated. It's not complicated. If there's a home invasion in my house, I'm going to get my firearm and stop it if I can, and then I'll deal with the consequences, my family. So my priority is pretty simple, protect my family, and then if laws are broken, I'll take my lumps.


Do you think mass deportations possible?


Of course not. Of course thats not possible.


So the majority of the public supports it right now. They dont have the stomach for the images of it, obviously. So the second the media can find one sob story, theyll accelerate it quickly to hurt Trump and to justify allowing the chaos to continue. And I do think theres a middle ground. I dont think you have to do mass deportations. I think if, if Washington was responsible enough, which of course, we know the answer, they're not, but if they were responsible enough, they could just create the conditions whereby people wouldn't be able to, well, of course, live here and to take from us. So pass nationwide, you verify, like literally force businesses to have to hire workers who are allowed to work for them.


But we're so far past that because that presupposes that the immigrants are, all they're getting is access to our labor markets either if I would stop people from working without papers, without the legal right to work, but we're bringing in tens of millions of people and giving them flat out subsidies that are much higher than american citizens are receiving.




So we're paying them to come here. We paid for their travel up here indirectly. State Department's doing it, un's doing it at scale. And then once they get here, it's just like it's a pinata party with us tax dollars, a bankrupt country is paying people to invade it. So at that point, it's like, what are we really looking at? Well, you're looking at suicide. Like, you're looking at a country that's trying to destroy itself or whose leaders are trying to destroy it. And then that's when you reach like the point like I just have to say more prayers about this. I don't know.


I know, but you have to. So. But if you had like a real administration that could come in who had the will to do it, you cut off all of that.


You don't need someone who could explain it. Words matter. Someone who could just get up and say, not against immigrants, but this is obviously suicide and we're not going to participate in it.


Is JD Vance a good explainer?


I think he's great and he's sincere. Politics is not good for people. So I have seen people change. I pray that he doesn't. But as someone who knows him pretty well, I think. But as of right now, I think he's the opposite of weird. He is. And I think they're all weird. I'm not even going to say all the people I know are actually really weird in republican politics. It's definitely most of them. Some of them are obvious. Lindsey Graham or whatever. Everyone jokes about it, but there's so many freaks like just truly deceptive people because the business draws them like a bug light. He's not at all that way.


You're not excluding democrats from that assessment. You're just saying you happen to know that a lot of republicans are.


Anyone at this point in the training party is like, you're freak.




Oh, that's. That's a female admiral. Like if you're saying that.




No, I mean in the republican party, which should be the party of normal people, it represents normal people.


Sure. Yeah.


Tries to, pretends to. So no, JD Vance is like the most normal person.


Oh, you see, you really think that? But I have wondered, like, you know, a lot of these guys. Is JD Vance like sort of. He's at the top of the normal people list for now.


I think he is. There are a couple who are really normal in my opinion. This is just my opinion. Whatever. One man's opinion. But Senator Schmidt from Missouri is wonderful man.


I like it.


Like an actual good person. I know that for a fact. So, you know, I'm sure there are others.


I like Tommy Tuberville.


Yeah. So I don't know him, but I.


Just have talked to him a lot. I thought he was a hero for the abortion fight.


Yeah. Yeah, I completely agree. No, I. Look, I'm generalizing. I'm just disappointed in the party. But there are certainly a ton of freaks. JD is not. He's like a normal person and he's legit smart. So, yeah, he could definitely make the case.


And what purpose does he serve? Is it just to explain, or what purpose does he serve working with Trump, do you think?


Well, again, these are just. I mean, my opinions. I don't really know the answer. How'd this turn into an interview with me?


I just want to know. I genuinely want to know. I know you're a fan of JD.


I am, yeah.


And I want to know why.


Yeah, I've known him since long before he got into politics, so I have a sense of him as a person, I think because politics does. It's a very weird business, as you well know, since, unlike me, you still live in Washington. But from my perspective, I mean, I can't speak to why Trump chose him. And it was Trump who chose him, you know, facing enormous pressure from sleazy, anti american republican donors who have all kinds of agendas, none of which have anything to do with life in the United States, trust me. Really, really unbelievable people. But in a bad way. But he faced them all down and chose this guy because he wanted to. So from my perspective, the message that Jdehtaindeh Vance's pick sent was, there is more to the Trump phenomenon than just the man. There's a set of ideas, or at least impulses. I don't know ideas, but just the basic. The basic concept is a leader of a country should look out for his own country. It's, like, not hard. And by picking JD Vance, who clearly believes that Trump is setting up a legacy, a really meaningful legacy, like this is the direction of the party, because people can't wait for Trump to leave in the republican party and just go back to being completely bought and paid for arm of the lobbying community in Washington, whether it's pharma, the banks, or.


Certainly the power brokers of the party are excited.


Certainly the weapons manufacturers, the defense industry, the killing people business that goes on that's made it such a rich city, those people can't wait for Trump to leave and just put in some stooge, which is most of them, and call it Trumpism or whatever, but it's the opposite. And JD Vance is, like, tangible sign that Trump understands that there's more to this than just him. This is a really important idea. It's a very common sense idea. It's the most common sense idea. You can't have a democracy if the people who run the country aren't acting on the country's behalf, by definition.


And it also seems like he has the most perspective out of everybody in Washington, meaning he's lived in. I agree with every category of american life.




And so as a result, if you have that much stored wisdom, you should put it to good use.


I totally agree. And you hate to reduce people to their biography, and we do that too much, in my view. But biography does matter. Like, how you grew up matter. The fact that, you know, you're the son of a marine officer and grew up all around the country, like, literally all around the country on bases like that, knowing you for a long time, that very much affects your worldview. That's my perception. So it does matter. And the best thing about JD, biographically, in my opinion, is the fact that he grew up in one of these kind of sad communities, post industrial communities in Ohio, southern Ohio, Appalachia, and joins the Marine Corps, enlisted. He's smart. He winds up at Yale Law School, which really is like the center of the credential factory in american life.


Forget Ohio. There's not a lot of marines going to Yale.


Not enlisted. No, he's like, literally enlisted, enlisted marine.


Yeah. Yeah.


Like my father, you know, and the guys, they tell you to be careful of when they've been drinking, you know, like, and he went to beat Yale Law School, and then he immediately, because it's a short step from Yale Law School to private equity in the Aspen Institute.




And then Trump is starting to rise, and people are like, oh, here's our white appalachian guy, except we've already molded his brain. So why don't you come to the Aspen Institute and tell us all, David Brooks and all the douchebag community, what it's like to be a product of this sad, opioid addicted world that you're from. And he does. He dutifully does. Why wouldn't he? And he does this for a couple of years. And he realizes through a lot of contact with these people that they're disgusting, and he winds up hating them, which is very much sort of my personal story.


Yeah, yeah.


Like, my contempt is born of, like, knowledge and contact. Like, I'm not, this is not theoretical for me. Like, I dislike these people because I know them and I know how completely they have abandoned their duty to the country, and I have contempt for them for that. And JD had had exactly the same experience. And he's like, I know exactly who you are. I know everything you have to offer, and I'm not interested.


He's got the right perspective.


And, boy, they hate him for that.


It's so good. And he's got, and unlike them, he doesn't have contempt for the people that he grew up with. He doesn't have contempt for the voters.




And that's the critical element. And JD, I will say, is a lot like Doctor Ben Carson in this way because Ben Carson kind of had that trajectory. So JD, as you pointed out, was the muse to middle America. He was the muse to the unwashed american master. The left loved him when he was merely an author. And they could pretend like they cared about those people.




That was the only reason they loved him. And then the second he announces that he's interested in republican politics, now he's the. Now he's evil. Now we're going to make up stories about him. The same with Ben Carson. It happens. It just happens over and over and over again.


He's totally right. And the fact that he criticized Trump and Trump as a fascist and da da da da da and basically saying the same things that, you know, David Brooks says every week or Tom Friedman or any of those other morons in the New York Times editorial page, and then he, like, realizes that, no, actually there's, like, more to Trump than that. And he, and then he ends up liking Trump. And it's like, pretty sincere, I think. I mean, I know it is because I've seen it. And they're like, wait, you can't, you can't work for Trump. You once disliked Trump. You said the same things about Trump that we say every day. Therefore, it's like, what do you even.


Say as we're speaking? Kamala Harris is disavowing every position she's ever held. And the idea that you'd be critical, be like, oh, you didn't like Trump once?


Well, I kind of like, kind of, I very much like people who change their views on things, sincerely change their views, don't just tailor their views to whatever's expedient, but who actually have had, we used to call it growth. Remember that? When people grew, they, like, sorted through the evidence and realized they were wrong. I mean, I've had that experience so many times. I know. I'm sure you have also, for sure. I like that. Yeah, I like that. Tell me. That's why I like a meetings. Tell me how wrong you were. Like, admit it. Admit how powerless and flawed you are. And now I'll trust you.




I don't trust you if you pretend to be God because you're not.


Yeah, exactly.


Right, right.


Yeah. You just take, take everything apart and just stare out on the floor and see what see what fits together again.


But those are honest people.




And the dishonest ones, which is most people in authority are like, oh, I've always thought that, you know, whatever, men can become women or whatever. Trans visibility Day has been important to me since 1972. Like what?


Yeah, yeah. Or they pretend. They just pretend like they never had those positions. Like, you know, Barack Obama, he was like, marriage is only between a man and a woman. Like, like, not anymore. Not apparently. And he's never looked back.


Well, it's always the, you know, it's sad. It's the closet cases that are, like, so weird on that subject. You know what I mean? It's, I've seen it so much, it makes them so uncomfortable that they kind of, like, go too far in the other direction. You know what I mean?




No, I'm serious.


That's pretty funny. Like, dating ten women at once.


Did you see the video of Biden at the debate in 2007, democratic debate announcing that Barack Obama had an AIDS test?




I think I, remind me, it's the funniest video ever. Biden, it's at the, this is all the things that happen that get lost that nobody recalls. But in fact, I think we put it up on our ex feed because it's so good. But Biden, who really is like a soulless person, said, well, I know. I think, you know, AIDS is a, you know, is a real problem in the african american community. And I think we should all get AIDS tests. I mean, Barack Obama had an AIDS test. There's a cutaway of Obama being like, I hate you. He just lets it hang there for just 1 second and he's like, I mean, which is totally good. And I think he's negative. But I mean, all men should get an aids. Obama is so mad. So mad because everybody in democratic politics knows that Obama, they all think that Obama is on the down low. Like, they all think that. I. Trust me.


They think, well, he, he, I mean, there's actual evidence for this. I mean, because I'm aware. David Garrow's biography, he wrote about it.


I'm aware. I've talked to Dave Garrow about it.


Which was like, which was.


And that book was, you know, was the definitive book on Obama, that guy interviewed.


So he won. What's the award? He won an award for his MLK book, MLK biography. And then he goes, farting the waters.


Or I can't, something like that.


And then he goes on and he writes this, the most single, the single most in depth book on Barack Obama. That's ever existed. He's talked to literally everybody, like Obama's mailman, everybody, like anybody who's ever had any contact.


Former girlfriends, too.


Former girlfriends. And that's where he got the letters, where Obama was admitting his gay fantasies to a girl that he was seeing. And that was. And so the media refused to cover it, which was totally real. It was like, it's in the book. There's no denying it. I mean, Garrow is considered, I think, one of the most authoritative biographers alive. And I, you know, people just skipped. Right.


And Garrow's a liberal and. But I think, I'm pretty sure, in fact, I can say conclusively, that Garrow came to really kind of dislike Obama and to think he was fraudulent during the writing of that book. And that book was, I don't know. It wasn't banned, of course, but it was suppressed. It was definitely.




Because it got, you know, it got to the core question, which is, who is this guy? Exactly. And there's clearly has a lot of talents. I've always thought that about Obama, but he was also like, there's deception at the core also.


It kind of gives away the game. Cause if their whole belief is that it's totally normal to be gay, then why wouldn't they just feel.


I completely agree with that.


Why wouldn't they just be like, oh, this is another great detail about his life that we've discovered.


Well, it's so weird to be on the right or wherever I am and feel like you're more liberal on this stuff than the democratic party. Cause there are plenty of people in the democratic party who are still closeted. And it's like, by the way, I do not believe in getting in to, you know, I think people should be allowed to reveal as much as they want about their personal lives. Like, privacy is really important. In fact, it's essential. So it's not my place to, you know, get into that. But there are a ton. But the reason these, including really famous ones. And it's like, how dare you get up in everybody else is constantly lecturing everyone about their sex lives. Like, it's your business. It's not. Just shut up about everyone's sex life. Okay.




One, two, if you're like, mister or Miss gay rights advocate and you're closeted, like, what? How can you live with yourself?


Also, the core point with all of these stories is like, if you're leading your life in deception, why should you have any responsibility over the rest of ours? So if you're an, if you have power. It is reasonable to ask fundamental questions about what you're honest about and what you're lying about.


Dude, I agree completely. And we all lie, and it's bad, but it's like, super, super basic lies, ongoing lies like that.


Yeah, yeah. It tells you a lot. And as a voter, you want to know that kind of thing. Oh, like in Kamala Harris's case, you see the intern who once worked for her who revealed what it was like working in her office in San Francisco.


I think it was approximately exactly what you would expect.


Every time she walked in in the morning, they had to say, good morning, general. So, like, I think a lot of people don't realize, like, I guess there is, like, there is a format, there is, like, a formal title that you could refer to an attorney general as general, but it is so preposterous that almost nobody does it.


I know many attorneys general, many, many more than ten, and I've never called a single one of them.


No. And to the extent that you've ever talked to them about it, they're, like, kind of embarrassed by the concept. Like, I'm not actually a general, so don't say that.


Yeah. How many tanks do you have?


Yeah. Generals. So she would walk in in the morning, and her expectation was that every single person would stand and say, good morning, general.




Now, as you know, my dad is a marine general, an actual general.




And he said, he told me, he's like, that story alone is told me everything I need to know about her. Every single thing I need to know about her is encapsulated in that one anecdote. It's totally, you demand the interns who are not allowed to make eye contact stand up when you walk in and say, good morning, general, you should not have your hands on the levers of power.


Well, yeah, because it suggests hollowness, an insecurity, a fear. I mean, again, she's terrified. This person is terrified. She's been elevated far beyond her capabilities. And she knows that. Of course, that's why she's so brittle. And people like that are really dangerous. They're not centered. They don't have limits. We just took a break and we were laughing about all the things that we can't say on YouTube that we bleep. And really, I think the only three categories are if you claim that men cannot become women by tapping their heels together and wishing it so, if you claim that the 2020 election that Biden didn't really get more votes than, yeah, black Jesus. If you question the election in any way. And what's the third? Oh, the vax. Vax is great. Everything about the vax is great. Safe and effective. And if you say anything to the contrary, those, you just get demonetized and then they. They take your channel away. But you can say pretty much any. I think those are the only three guidance points I've received.


Yeah. So that leaves a lot, doesn't it? So.


And I just. I don't want to make director clear that I totally believe in the vax, the 2020 election and the tranny stuff. Yeah.




Full blown.


And I saw Bigfoot on the way in here. I don't know if people can hear that. They say that. I think I did. I saw him on the way in. You know, the earth is flat, of course.


100%. That's moon landing. Fake.


The moon landing's fake. I came around to that.


I didn't believe CIA killed Kennedy. No problem at all.


Yeah, yeah. You can. You can say all of that, but. So you're saying everything we said before that nobody could hear it.


No. No one can hear it. No, no. I was just endorsing those views. I think the vax is safe and effective. I just want to say that ivermectin is for. It's a horse dewormer or something.


Sure. Yeah, yeah.


So, okay, here's my last because we're trying to turn this around today so I could keep going, but we have to get this into edit to bleep all the stuff that YouTube doesn't want you to hear, which you can get on our website,, uncensored, if you like. Here's my question. We both agree that there's no chance Kamala Harris gets, quote, elected president except through the unremitting lying by the american news media like she's their candidate. They have to get her across the finish line. This is infuriating to me. So infuriating that I don't really watch. You have to watch because you have a daily show. Of all the dishonest media outlets out there, which is basically all of them, including the Wall Street Journal, what is the most dishonest?


The most dishonest, I would say. I guess the people who jump off the page at me immediately, I guess there's two shows in particular. One is Morning Joe. Like, the whole cast of Morning Joe, they literally have a character on that show who's called Barnacle. He hangs onto the show. He's been hanging on for years. But anyway, the point is that show, they'll change their attitudes on a dime just to serve whatever the left wants at any given moment. It's really sad. It's pathetic. And they're so angry about Trump. And so that comes out of, they were Trump cheerleaders, they were Trump cheerleaders, and now they're Biden cheerleaders, or they have been up until Biden got replaced because Biden was close to them. It was the show he watched in the morning. So they tailored their programming only to his interests. And it's really embarrassing. And I would never.


So when they round you up, you and your family, and put you in some camp or put you on trial for thought crimes, you think, morning, Joe.


Mount the defense for me just on principle? I don't think so. And I don't think this clip will be the reason for that. I think literally, I think they, they already know what to think of me.


And then it's, I know all those people very well and it's sad to see it. I mean, Joe Scarborough is like not stupid at all. Joe Strabo is actually smart, not that that matters, a lot of bad smart people, but he is not stupid. He's much smarter than your average cable news person.


But what they're doing doesn't represent, he was a Florida congressman and then he left. Who's represented by who in Florida would say, yeah, that guy's speaking for me.


No, no, but what I'm saying is Don Lamon, someone like that, you think, well, does he really know what he's saying? No, not really. I don't think he does. I don't think he has any idea what he's saying, actually, which kind of makes me sort of like him. Joe Scarborough knows exactly what he's doing. That's all I'm saying.


Well, yeah, yeah. He's tactical in his, no question. I mean, and somehow he's thrived amidst all of this. Like, I don't, like, he and Mika got married and now they do the show in, in Florida and they pretend they're in DC. And it's like, it's all very weird.


How's that going? Do they look happy? I haven't seen it in a while.


I don't know.


Is that working for them?


I can't, I don't know. There's so much phoniness on tv. So it's like everyone's always pretending to be.


I know. I don't think it's working that well, as you know. I don't think it's working that well.


The other show that stands out to me, that's like, so cartoonish. But it does have, like, millions of viewers. Is the view.


Have you actually seen the view?


Not, like beginning to end. I'm a clip consumer of the view. Like, just like a lot of people, like, I will never allow somebody to tell me what happened and then just reinterpret that event in that way. Like, I hate that. Like, that happens all the way. It happened to you, like, throughout your entire career, but especially around Fox. Like, the left always had these views of you that weren't filtered through watching a clip of your show, or even certainly not the entire show. It was literally what some lefty outlet told them about you. That's their interpretation.


They never get it right. I mean, I always feel like I have all kinds of obvious faults. I definitely have some pretty serious bigotries. They're just not racial bigotries. Do you know what I mean? They always got it wrong.


They always, you won't tolerate certain things. That's what bigotry means.


There are certain kinds of people I don't like at all in a very unreasonable way. But they're not black people, actually, they're affluent. A lot of affluent whites. I just don't like them, especially some of the ladies. I just don't like them.


The ones who scream at you.


Yeah, the ones who scream at me. And by the way, I'm not defending that. That's bigotry, but it's not the kind of bigotry they're always accusing me of. Yeah, you're right. I'm a bad person, but in a very different way. Can you be, like, be more accurate?


But if she comes lumbering towards you with blue hair, like, you enter mask, like, you kind of have a read on which way this is going.


Yeah, but you shouldn't judge people without knowing them, I think. But I do in that way. But it was never, they were always like, you know, whatever. Anyway. No.


Do people yell at you last now?


Yeah, never anymore. I don't go anywhere, you know, wait.


But I mean, on the few times that you're at an airport, for instance, do they yell less?


Yeah, not at all anymore.


Oh, that's good.


It's interesting. I don't really know what that's about.


Well, you know, not having your face on Fox and then the media pretending like you don't exist. Meanwhile, you have the number one podcast in the country.




Like, it's, it basically all the lefties who would be conditioned to yell at you don't consume whatever, whatever one has to do.


I never cared it never bothered me. Just don't come to my house, you know? That was always my view. So anyway, the view, I haven't seen the view in a long time.


It's just. It's like. It's like it's over the top, like, comical cheerleading for, like, everything the left is for. And they're always against Trump at all odds, like, at all costs. No matter what he does, he's always guilty of everything. He was. He was rightly prosecuted by every Democrat prosecutor in the country. He should be in jail. It's like, it's just.


Is Joe Ferris daughter still on there?


Yeah, and nobody talks about that.


Is such a nice man. Joe Ferra is a nice man. And he had this very low daughter.


World, that daylight, right?


Yeah. And he's just a nice guy, was Joseph Ferrar. I've known him, like, 30 years, and he's just a nice person. But he had this daughter who was, like, an idiot and sad, and she went up in the view, I heard.


Yeah, but nobody holds the Joseph Farah thing against her. Meaning, I realized that you wouldn't hold it against her. But what I'm saying is the left for years, demonized world net daily. And Joe Farrah.




So under, I guess, normal circumstances, anything even related to him, they would demonize. But not so with her. She's on the show and nobody even brings it up.


She's, as I remember, is the kind of person who will just say whatever it takes to get the acceptance of the people around her. Is she a regime defender?


Almost entirely. Occasionally, she'll issue a squeak of moderation in the midst of all of their babbling. But no, for the most part, a.


Regime defender is really sad, stupid, and easy to control, like a lot of people on tv.


It's awful. But then, of course, there's Joy Behar, who once wore blackface, and she's still on the show, and Whoopi Goldberg, who clearly doesn't do any research. She just wings it entirely, which is funny.


Joey Behar. I did the view once, 20 years ago when I worked at CNN. The PR department pushed me to do the view, and the only thing Barbara Walters was there. I remember that. I think the whole thing was so mindless. But Joy Behar was the screechiest human being I'd ever met in my life. Is she still that way?


100%. Maybe worse. Probably worse.




Yeah, probably worse. It is crazy. And do you think that, like any world in which Whoopi Goldberg is moderating whatever meaningful, whatever little debates might be breaking out at the table is, like, crazy.


One last question. Do you think, like, I know that there are very, very few republican donors who are worth much. Unfortunately, there are some, but not a ton. But I always felt like a show, like the view and a person like Joy Behar, that could be such a brilliant disinformation campaign. Someone who's so unappealing, so, like, prima facie repulsive, that she pushes people away from her position. Could it be that Joy Behar is actually getting funding from ex republican donor to discredit the other party's program? Right.


She works for Elon. She's.


You do kind of wonder she's. And she's still that way.


Yeah, she is.


She's gotta be 150 years old at this point.


It's so. It's so crazy. I don't. I. I don't even really know how, like, she got jobs. Like, wasn't she on CNN at one point? She had, like, a head.


I don't know. Not when I was there. Okay.


Anyway, the point is, it's like, it. It still exists. They're still crazy. It makes for great fodder for clips. I mean, I love yes. From the show because it's so ridiculous. It's so easy to eviscerate. It's like Ben Shapiro debating a college student. It's, like, the easiest stuff. It's funny.


Yeah. Thank heaven for that. A daily show would be impossible without the rest of the media.


Yeah, for sure.


I remember certain days when I had a daily show. Thank Kevin. I don't do that anymore. But, like, oh, my gosh, it's August. What are we talking about? This is before the news went totally crazy all times. But there's always some. Tom Fox, our genius producer, would always be. Be like, what? I don't know what to write about tonight. He'd be like, I'll send you some clips. And they would piss me off so completely. Yes.


You'd have, like, Don Lemon saying that a plane disappeared into a black hole.




And you're like, of course we have to do that. But, you know, actually, now that I think about it, that may be the one thing he was right about.


I was seeing that exact same thing. That was the old Don Lemon. That was like, don Lamon before he decided to do that.


That was open minded.






And I remember mocking him and being like, oh, that's so stupid. Compared to what? Like, what? So what's. What's. What's the real answer?


Yeah. And, like, I think it was. I think when he said that there was, like, a panel of people on, and everyone looked so embarrassed that he said it out loud.




But he stuck to it. And that was his greatest moment.


Yes, I totally. Actually, I'll end with this. His greatest moment ever. And I think I'm. Correct me if I got this wrong, but he was profiled by, like, Atlanta magazine or something. Do you remember this?


I remember. I don't remember the magazine specifically, but.


I think I may be getting this wrong. But he's sitting, and the reporter is a female reporter, very good writer. This woman, I think I know her, but whatever. Anyway, I can't remember who it was, but she's having lunch with Don Lamon. And he's like, you know, in journalism, you know, think about journalism, Vince. Those who have been chosen to practice it, to stride its hallowed halls, men like Woodward and Bernstein and myself, and this impossibly pompous lecture. And the waiter comes up, and he's also, like, fussy and pompous. And Don Lamon goes, I'd like some lemon sorbet. And the pompous, fussy waiter goes, sure. It's actually pronounced sorbet, which is, like, devastating. Actually mispronounced the name of the dessert. You pump his desk after trying to.


Impress with how impressive you are.


But Don Levon is living in this airtight bubble of self esteem that's just impregnable. Like, you can't violate Don's self esteem. It's bulletproof. And so he goes, no, my man, it's pronounced sorbet.


I'm like, I love you. He stuck to you.


It's so stupid, but it's real.


He stuck to his guns.


I love it.


That's the best. Bring back that Dalim.


I totally agree, Vince. Thank you.


Thank you, Tucker.