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Could you say your catchphrase? Oh, yeah. The do, do, do, do.


Hey, Wade, what's the sitch? Everything's messy when you start scratching at people's childhoods. Me representing a part of you all's childhoods. If I start talking about it, it can offend people because they're like, Wait, you're supposed to be this for me.


With what you know about Shia now, what would you have done definitely at the time?


I can't speak to what would have helped, but if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a big hug because he definitely needed one of them.


Do you think what you were doing as a child your relationship with your mom?


Yeah, I didn't talk to my mom for a year.


God. We sat down with the voice of Kim possible, actress Christie Carlson-Romano. You probably already know her from the Disney movies, Cadet Kelly or even Stevens, but now she's married with two kids and has been very open online about her experiences as a child actress. We talk with her about everything from getting scammed by a psychic to working with Shia La Buff, all on today's episode. Thank you for being here.


I'm so excited to be here. This is very random and very cool. So thank you for having me.


I didn't realize until doing my research that you had been on Broadway and done so many Disney movies and TV shows, and you have two kids, and you're married. Meeting you 15 minutes ago when you walked in the door, I was just like, I didn't know what to expect, but I was shocked by how genuine you were. And it's cool to see someone so down to earth when they've done so many cool things.


For so long, your career, as we were talking before this started, started when you were six and a half years old. What was your first gig?


Gosh, I did a toy commercial that was eventually the toy was recalled.


Oh. No. Bummer. But you still got paid, right? Yeah, of course.


I think I sang the jingle in it, too. And it was called warm and tender. It was like one of those water heater bags that old people put hot water in before they had electric warming blankets, which I now use every night. We won't talk about that.


Oh, I love a warm blanket.


Oh, my God. I I love them. Heating pads are the best. But this was back when those didn't exist. So you would put hot scalding water in it. And if you did that, but make it the shape of a puppy that you would hug, what could go wrong? So that was why it was called warm and tender. And it was like, there was a cat warm and tender, and there was a dog warm the lift of being able to access opportunities was possible.So did you do school online? Was there even online school at that time? No, there was not online.I'm It was like Oregon Trail generation, I think. And so basically, I think it was... I'm so old. Oh, sorry.You're good. We'll bleep it out.We'll bleep it out. I'm so old, but there was a fax machine involved. Let's just put it that way. Initially, There were faxing your homework? Yeah, there was literally some fax thing where you'd get your assignments. And there was a pager, my mom, when we would get paged by our agent or manager, whether I got a call back I mean, summer break, which meant that you were on hiatus, at least from when I was working with Disney, would mean that, hey, I hope Disney gives me a movie to shoot. So for example, my movie that I got to shoot was Cadet Kelly, and that was in the summer of the second season or something like that, right? I was 16 or 17 at that point. And it was really cool because I felt like, Wow, I'm doing something other than the Even Steven show. And then after that, Kim possible happened. So I just think you You start to think of everything as, I would call it a transactional mindset. We're just like, okay,are actually quite cool.I taught my ferret how to roll over. He could jump through hoops. I wasn't able to have a dog as a kid, so my ferret was my dog.Honestly, I actually would absolutely have a ferret. They're quite Was it clean?They can smell. And there was a spot in my room where you knew where the ferret would pee all the time because it turned yellow in the carpet.I dated a guy who had roommates that had this ferret, and they never named the ferret. They just called it ferret. And they would have it drink beer and stuff like that. And I would always be like, Guys, you guys are really wild. But the ferret was happy, and it lived a long life now. And again, I'm sorry, what was the question?You're good. I was asking about Janette McCurrie, but I'm so curious because you've been mentioning Shia. I'm curious what you would have done differently.It was the money thing. You were asking the money. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry about that.But yeah, with what you know about Shia now, what would you have done differently at the time?I would have hugged him more, man. I would made him give me a hug. I don't know. He probably wouldn't have liked that, but he was a brat at times. We started when he was... I was 14, which means that he was probably 11 or 12. Yeah, very, very, very young kid. And we were oil and water. I mean, I was this preppy girl from the East Coast. I had a really thick accent in the pilot when I look back. And he was just this wild Venice kid with two-toned hair. And they brought us in for the chemistry read, and it was like, we couldn't have been more different. And they were like, that's the show. And they were so smart because it was like, they didn't care if we got along or not. It meant that our chemistry was authentically that sibling rivalry existed from the jump. So whether it was stoked by the materials or it was stoked by executives being like, Hey, you guys are funny. I don't know. You can't explain it, but it's like a vibe that you have where it's like Is this Shia's show? Is it the family's show?And so it ended up becoming more of an ensemble show just by the nature of having to film at different times. So being certain ages, they would stagger our... So we wouldn't be in the same storyline so that I could have hours of filming, and then he would have hours of filming. And that's how they would stagger us to be able to do a full TV show. Otherwise, it would be too hard to coordinate us being in the same scenes all the time. So we ended up having two different shows. There was the Ren show, when you would watch it, I would have a storyline, and then he would have one. And his were arguably way funnier than mine. Mine were just more like the Lizzie McGuire, I like a boy, and blah, blah, blah. But that was what we had to do because mostly girls were watching Disney channel at the time. And so that's what was unique about even Stevens was because he was really just so talented for comedy. Sometimes I think, God, I wish he would just be funny. I just wish that there would have been enough joy. There would have been enough joy in his life for him to continue with comedy.But as we know, a lot of comics are plagued with depression and a ton of darkness in their lives. So I can't speak to what would have helped. But I know that, God, if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a hug, a big hug then. That's really cool. Because he definitely needed one then.Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Matt, which Summer Olympics events are you most looking forward to?Probably the gymnastics because that's what you would have watched.Did you just take my answer? Gymnastics is by far the most entertaining as a viewer. I feel like, well, I mean, they're all exciting because you're like, Oh, my gosh, what's going to happen? I feel like the race ones, too, when they're fighting tooth and nail, those can be exciting. But just most entertaining has to be gymnastics. And with the summer Olympics and full swing, hydration is key for athletes and fans alike. Liquid IV is extraordinary hydration for physical endurance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. A single stick of Liquid IV delivers better hydration than water alone with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. I can tell you guys, I take Liquid IV every single day. I personally like their sugar-free options. It's a great way to make you want to drink water because it tastes so good. Right now, I'm drinking the raspberry melon one, but I'm excited to try. They have a new sugar-free raspberry surebroot one, I believe, that I'm getting next. But I love the raspberry melon one so much. They taste really good. If you live an active lifestyle or go outside a lot, especially in the summertime.We said, it's really, really important to get your electrolytes've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.Oh, my gosh.So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.She could see it. A crisis.I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.It's called husband and wife law firm.It's called husband and wife law firm.I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.And meeting your husband, how did that happen?You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.No way.But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


the lift of being able to access opportunities was possible.


So did you do school online? Was there even online school at that time? No, there was not online.


I'm It was like Oregon Trail generation, I think. And so basically, I think it was... I'm so old. Oh, sorry.


You're good. We'll bleep it out.


We'll bleep it out. I'm so old, but there was a fax machine involved. Let's just put it that way. Initially, There were faxing your homework? Yeah, there was literally some fax thing where you'd get your assignments. And there was a pager, my mom, when we would get paged by our agent or manager, whether I got a call back I mean, summer break, which meant that you were on hiatus, at least from when I was working with Disney, would mean that, hey, I hope Disney gives me a movie to shoot. So for example, my movie that I got to shoot was Cadet Kelly, and that was in the summer of the second season or something like that, right? I was 16 or 17 at that point. And it was really cool because I felt like, Wow, I'm doing something other than the Even Steven show. And then after that, Kim possible happened. So I just think you You start to think of everything as, I would call it a transactional mindset. We're just like, okay,are actually quite cool.I taught my ferret how to roll over. He could jump through hoops. I wasn't able to have a dog as a kid, so my ferret was my dog.Honestly, I actually would absolutely have a ferret. They're quite Was it clean?They can smell. And there was a spot in my room where you knew where the ferret would pee all the time because it turned yellow in the carpet.I dated a guy who had roommates that had this ferret, and they never named the ferret. They just called it ferret. And they would have it drink beer and stuff like that. And I would always be like, Guys, you guys are really wild. But the ferret was happy, and it lived a long life now. And again, I'm sorry, what was the question?You're good. I was asking about Janette McCurrie, but I'm so curious because you've been mentioning Shia. I'm curious what you would have done differently.It was the money thing. You were asking the money. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry about that.But yeah, with what you know about Shia now, what would you have done differently at the time?I would have hugged him more, man. I would made him give me a hug. I don't know. He probably wouldn't have liked that, but he was a brat at times. We started when he was... I was 14, which means that he was probably 11 or 12. Yeah, very, very, very young kid. And we were oil and water. I mean, I was this preppy girl from the East Coast. I had a really thick accent in the pilot when I look back. And he was just this wild Venice kid with two-toned hair. And they brought us in for the chemistry read, and it was like, we couldn't have been more different. And they were like, that's the show. And they were so smart because it was like, they didn't care if we got along or not. It meant that our chemistry was authentically that sibling rivalry existed from the jump. So whether it was stoked by the materials or it was stoked by executives being like, Hey, you guys are funny. I don't know. You can't explain it, but it's like a vibe that you have where it's like Is this Shia's show? Is it the family's show?And so it ended up becoming more of an ensemble show just by the nature of having to film at different times. So being certain ages, they would stagger our... So we wouldn't be in the same storyline so that I could have hours of filming, and then he would have hours of filming. And that's how they would stagger us to be able to do a full TV show. Otherwise, it would be too hard to coordinate us being in the same scenes all the time. So we ended up having two different shows. There was the Ren show, when you would watch it, I would have a storyline, and then he would have one. And his were arguably way funnier than mine. Mine were just more like the Lizzie McGuire, I like a boy, and blah, blah, blah. But that was what we had to do because mostly girls were watching Disney channel at the time. And so that's what was unique about even Stevens was because he was really just so talented for comedy. Sometimes I think, God, I wish he would just be funny. I just wish that there would have been enough joy. There would have been enough joy in his life for him to continue with comedy.But as we know, a lot of comics are plagued with depression and a ton of darkness in their lives. So I can't speak to what would have helped. But I know that, God, if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a hug, a big hug then. That's really cool. Because he definitely needed one then.Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Matt, which Summer Olympics events are you most looking forward to?Probably the gymnastics because that's what you would have watched.Did you just take my answer? Gymnastics is by far the most entertaining as a viewer. I feel like, well, I mean, they're all exciting because you're like, Oh, my gosh, what's going to happen? I feel like the race ones, too, when they're fighting tooth and nail, those can be exciting. But just most entertaining has to be gymnastics. And with the summer Olympics and full swing, hydration is key for athletes and fans alike. Liquid IV is extraordinary hydration for physical endurance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. A single stick of Liquid IV delivers better hydration than water alone with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. I can tell you guys, I take Liquid IV every single day. I personally like their sugar-free options. It's a great way to make you want to drink water because it tastes so good. Right now, I'm drinking the raspberry melon one, but I'm excited to try. They have a new sugar-free raspberry surebroot one, I believe, that I'm getting next. But I love the raspberry melon one so much. They taste really good. If you live an active lifestyle or go outside a lot, especially in the summertime.We said, it's really, really important to get your electrolytes've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.Oh, my gosh.So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.She could see it. A crisis.I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.It's called husband and wife law firm.It's called husband and wife law firm.I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.And meeting your husband, how did that happen?You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.No way.But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


I mean, summer break, which meant that you were on hiatus, at least from when I was working with Disney, would mean that, hey, I hope Disney gives me a movie to shoot. So for example, my movie that I got to shoot was Cadet Kelly, and that was in the summer of the second season or something like that, right? I was 16 or 17 at that point. And it was really cool because I felt like, Wow, I'm doing something other than the Even Steven show. And then after that, Kim possible happened. So I just think you You start to think of everything as, I would call it a transactional mindset. We're just like, okay,are actually quite cool.I taught my ferret how to roll over. He could jump through hoops. I wasn't able to have a dog as a kid, so my ferret was my dog.Honestly, I actually would absolutely have a ferret. They're quite Was it clean?They can smell. And there was a spot in my room where you knew where the ferret would pee all the time because it turned yellow in the carpet.I dated a guy who had roommates that had this ferret, and they never named the ferret. They just called it ferret. And they would have it drink beer and stuff like that. And I would always be like, Guys, you guys are really wild. But the ferret was happy, and it lived a long life now. And again, I'm sorry, what was the question?You're good. I was asking about Janette McCurrie, but I'm so curious because you've been mentioning Shia. I'm curious what you would have done differently.It was the money thing. You were asking the money. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry about that.But yeah, with what you know about Shia now, what would you have done differently at the time?I would have hugged him more, man. I would made him give me a hug. I don't know. He probably wouldn't have liked that, but he was a brat at times. We started when he was... I was 14, which means that he was probably 11 or 12. Yeah, very, very, very young kid. And we were oil and water. I mean, I was this preppy girl from the East Coast. I had a really thick accent in the pilot when I look back. And he was just this wild Venice kid with two-toned hair. And they brought us in for the chemistry read, and it was like, we couldn't have been more different. And they were like, that's the show. And they were so smart because it was like, they didn't care if we got along or not. It meant that our chemistry was authentically that sibling rivalry existed from the jump. So whether it was stoked by the materials or it was stoked by executives being like, Hey, you guys are funny. I don't know. You can't explain it, but it's like a vibe that you have where it's like Is this Shia's show? Is it the family's show?And so it ended up becoming more of an ensemble show just by the nature of having to film at different times. So being certain ages, they would stagger our... So we wouldn't be in the same storyline so that I could have hours of filming, and then he would have hours of filming. And that's how they would stagger us to be able to do a full TV show. Otherwise, it would be too hard to coordinate us being in the same scenes all the time. So we ended up having two different shows. There was the Ren show, when you would watch it, I would have a storyline, and then he would have one. And his were arguably way funnier than mine. Mine were just more like the Lizzie McGuire, I like a boy, and blah, blah, blah. But that was what we had to do because mostly girls were watching Disney channel at the time. And so that's what was unique about even Stevens was because he was really just so talented for comedy. Sometimes I think, God, I wish he would just be funny. I just wish that there would have been enough joy. There would have been enough joy in his life for him to continue with comedy.But as we know, a lot of comics are plagued with depression and a ton of darkness in their lives. So I can't speak to what would have helped. But I know that, God, if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a hug, a big hug then. That's really cool. Because he definitely needed one then.Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Matt, which Summer Olympics events are you most looking forward to?Probably the gymnastics because that's what you would have watched.Did you just take my answer? Gymnastics is by far the most entertaining as a viewer. I feel like, well, I mean, they're all exciting because you're like, Oh, my gosh, what's going to happen? I feel like the race ones, too, when they're fighting tooth and nail, those can be exciting. But just most entertaining has to be gymnastics. And with the summer Olympics and full swing, hydration is key for athletes and fans alike. Liquid IV is extraordinary hydration for physical endurance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. A single stick of Liquid IV delivers better hydration than water alone with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. I can tell you guys, I take Liquid IV every single day. I personally like their sugar-free options. It's a great way to make you want to drink water because it tastes so good. Right now, I'm drinking the raspberry melon one, but I'm excited to try. They have a new sugar-free raspberry surebroot one, I believe, that I'm getting next. But I love the raspberry melon one so much. They taste really good. If you live an active lifestyle or go outside a lot, especially in the summertime.We said, it's really, really important to get your electrolytes've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.Oh, my gosh.So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.She could see it. A crisis.I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.It's called husband and wife law firm.It's called husband and wife law firm.I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.And meeting your husband, how did that happen?You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.No way.But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


are actually quite cool.


I taught my ferret how to roll over. He could jump through hoops. I wasn't able to have a dog as a kid, so my ferret was my dog.


Honestly, I actually would absolutely have a ferret. They're quite Was it clean?


They can smell. And there was a spot in my room where you knew where the ferret would pee all the time because it turned yellow in the carpet.


I dated a guy who had roommates that had this ferret, and they never named the ferret. They just called it ferret. And they would have it drink beer and stuff like that. And I would always be like, Guys, you guys are really wild. But the ferret was happy, and it lived a long life now. And again, I'm sorry, what was the question?You're good. I was asking about Janette McCurrie, but I'm so curious because you've been mentioning Shia. I'm curious what you would have done differently.It was the money thing. You were asking the money. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry about that.But yeah, with what you know about Shia now, what would you have done differently at the time?I would have hugged him more, man. I would made him give me a hug. I don't know. He probably wouldn't have liked that, but he was a brat at times. We started when he was... I was 14, which means that he was probably 11 or 12. Yeah, very, very, very young kid. And we were oil and water. I mean, I was this preppy girl from the East Coast. I had a really thick accent in the pilot when I look back. And he was just this wild Venice kid with two-toned hair. And they brought us in for the chemistry read, and it was like, we couldn't have been more different. And they were like, that's the show. And they were so smart because it was like, they didn't care if we got along or not. It meant that our chemistry was authentically that sibling rivalry existed from the jump. So whether it was stoked by the materials or it was stoked by executives being like, Hey, you guys are funny. I don't know. You can't explain it, but it's like a vibe that you have where it's like Is this Shia's show? Is it the family's show?And so it ended up becoming more of an ensemble show just by the nature of having to film at different times. So being certain ages, they would stagger our... So we wouldn't be in the same storyline so that I could have hours of filming, and then he would have hours of filming. And that's how they would stagger us to be able to do a full TV show. Otherwise, it would be too hard to coordinate us being in the same scenes all the time. So we ended up having two different shows. There was the Ren show, when you would watch it, I would have a storyline, and then he would have one. And his were arguably way funnier than mine. Mine were just more like the Lizzie McGuire, I like a boy, and blah, blah, blah. But that was what we had to do because mostly girls were watching Disney channel at the time. And so that's what was unique about even Stevens was because he was really just so talented for comedy. Sometimes I think, God, I wish he would just be funny. I just wish that there would have been enough joy. There would have been enough joy in his life for him to continue with comedy.But as we know, a lot of comics are plagued with depression and a ton of darkness in their lives. So I can't speak to what would have helped. But I know that, God, if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a hug, a big hug then. That's really cool. Because he definitely needed one then.Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Matt, which Summer Olympics events are you most looking forward to?Probably the gymnastics because that's what you would have watched.Did you just take my answer? Gymnastics is by far the most entertaining as a viewer. I feel like, well, I mean, they're all exciting because you're like, Oh, my gosh, what's going to happen? I feel like the race ones, too, when they're fighting tooth and nail, those can be exciting. But just most entertaining has to be gymnastics. And with the summer Olympics and full swing, hydration is key for athletes and fans alike. Liquid IV is extraordinary hydration for physical endurance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. A single stick of Liquid IV delivers better hydration than water alone with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. I can tell you guys, I take Liquid IV every single day. I personally like their sugar-free options. It's a great way to make you want to drink water because it tastes so good. Right now, I'm drinking the raspberry melon one, but I'm excited to try. They have a new sugar-free raspberry surebroot one, I believe, that I'm getting next. But I love the raspberry melon one so much. They taste really good. If you live an active lifestyle or go outside a lot, especially in the summertime.We said, it's really, really important to get your electrolytes've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.Oh, my gosh.So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.She could see it. A crisis.I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.It's called husband and wife law firm.It's called husband and wife law firm.I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.And meeting your husband, how did that happen?You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.No way.But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


now. And again, I'm sorry, what was the question?


You're good. I was asking about Janette McCurrie, but I'm so curious because you've been mentioning Shia. I'm curious what you would have done differently.


It was the money thing. You were asking the money. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry about that.


But yeah, with what you know about Shia now, what would you have done differently at the time?


I would have hugged him more, man. I would made him give me a hug. I don't know. He probably wouldn't have liked that, but he was a brat at times. We started when he was... I was 14, which means that he was probably 11 or 12. Yeah, very, very, very young kid. And we were oil and water. I mean, I was this preppy girl from the East Coast. I had a really thick accent in the pilot when I look back. And he was just this wild Venice kid with two-toned hair. And they brought us in for the chemistry read, and it was like, we couldn't have been more different. And they were like, that's the show. And they were so smart because it was like, they didn't care if we got along or not. It meant that our chemistry was authentically that sibling rivalry existed from the jump. So whether it was stoked by the materials or it was stoked by executives being like, Hey, you guys are funny. I don't know. You can't explain it, but it's like a vibe that you have where it's like Is this Shia's show? Is it the family's show?


And so it ended up becoming more of an ensemble show just by the nature of having to film at different times. So being certain ages, they would stagger our... So we wouldn't be in the same storyline so that I could have hours of filming, and then he would have hours of filming. And that's how they would stagger us to be able to do a full TV show. Otherwise, it would be too hard to coordinate us being in the same scenes all the time. So we ended up having two different shows. There was the Ren show, when you would watch it, I would have a storyline, and then he would have one. And his were arguably way funnier than mine. Mine were just more like the Lizzie McGuire, I like a boy, and blah, blah, blah. But that was what we had to do because mostly girls were watching Disney channel at the time. And so that's what was unique about even Stevens was because he was really just so talented for comedy. Sometimes I think, God, I wish he would just be funny. I just wish that there would have been enough joy. There would have been enough joy in his life for him to continue with comedy.


But as we know, a lot of comics are plagued with depression and a ton of darkness in their lives. So I can't speak to what would have helped. But I know that, God, if you would put 40-year-old Christie in 16-year-old Christie's body, I would give him a hug, a big hug then. That's really cool. Because he definitely needed one then.


Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Matt, which Summer Olympics events are you most looking forward to?


Probably the gymnastics because that's what you would have watched.


Did you just take my answer? Gymnastics is by far the most entertaining as a viewer. I feel like, well, I mean, they're all exciting because you're like, Oh, my gosh, what's going to happen? I feel like the race ones, too, when they're fighting tooth and nail, those can be exciting. But just most entertaining has to be gymnastics. And with the summer Olympics and full swing, hydration is key for athletes and fans alike. Liquid IV is extraordinary hydration for physical endurance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. A single stick of Liquid IV delivers better hydration than water alone with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients. I can tell you guys, I take Liquid IV every single day. I personally like their sugar-free options. It's a great way to make you want to drink water because it tastes so good. Right now, I'm drinking the raspberry melon one, but I'm excited to try. They have a new sugar-free raspberry surebroot one, I believe, that I'm getting next. But I love the raspberry melon one so much. They taste really good. If you live an active lifestyle or go outside a lot, especially in the summertime.


We said, it's really, really important to get your electrolytes've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.Oh, my gosh.So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.She could see it. A crisis.I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.It's called husband and wife law firm.It's called husband and wife law firm.I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.And meeting your husband, how did that happen?You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.No way.But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


've already lived. And then you've only got this many boxes left.


Oh, my gosh.


So if you were to buy it, maybe you could stop having to bug her. She could see it.


She could see it. A crisis.


I think I want to get that calendar, though, because I think it puts life into perspective, especially because not every single day is guaranteed. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. How do I know that's not going to happen?


And when you have kids, especially multiple kids, too. The stress It just the stress compounds on what you're going to leave them and what do they remember of you and how do you protect them. I just think community becomes more and more important to me as I realize that the days are short What is it? The days are long and the years are short. That's what they talk about with early parenting. But it stays true. It stays true.


Because you're a mom now. You have two wonderful children. How has that been? How has mom life been?


I would say that being a mom saved my life. I think it gave me purpose outside of this identity as an actor. And so, it wasn't something that I thought I was valuable enough to do. I think me getting that gift to be able to do it with a really amazing partner is what I never thought I would have. I tried really hard in other relationships, and it was just failure after failure. And having the partner I have in my husband. And then now we have our pod co, which is our podcast network. And it's like, we do everything together. So I love that you guys do the podcast and do everything together. It's so refreshing that we have... The mom and Pop shop is literally digital now. It's like, that's so true. That's crazy. That's what it is. I know so many husband and wife teams, especially in media. You guys both benefit. It's cheaper. You can trust each other. You've got each other's backs. You've got four eyes. It's great.


I know managers that are husband and wife teams. I know so many creators that are husband and wife teams. It's so cute. I love it. And then even, I'm pretty sure our tax guy is a husband and wife team.


Even in Arizona, do you know all those signs on the highway that say husband and wife law firm?


Yes. If you live in Arizona, you'll always see this big billboard that says husband and wife law firm. I don't know how they're doing that.


It's called husband and wife law firm.


It's called husband and wife law firm.


I hope they're not divorce attorneys or something.


I know, right? Oh, no, that would be bittersweet.


Yeah, they switched it to that one. Oh, that would be... I shouldn't have said that.


You mentioned something, though, that made me sad. And you just said how you didn't feel valuable enough to be a mom? And I'm wondering why. When I got pregnant, I was pretty burnt out.


I was trying to make ends meet with... I was doing a lot of national... I would go to different cities and do acting classes for kids. And I wasn't happy doing that because it was triggering. And these were things I hadn't handled. And then I was away from my partner. And then I would be doing small, weird movies that weren't really... My heart wasn't in it. And I was doing it so that I could get enough money to... Because when you do movies, they pay into your health insurance. And so I was trying to keep health insurance. And so I would do lifetime movies, although the lifetime... And they were smaller than lifetime movies, or they were horror movies and stuff like that. So I wasn't thinking of myself as an artist anymore or an actor. It was just more or less like, what do I got to do? Let me just work. I just like acting, and I just want to work. I don't mind being on set. But then I even did comic cons, actually. I did comic cons for a while, and I love comic cons. I just don't want to do them now.


It's just a lot of work, and the money is not as good as if I were on maybe some a TV show. You know what I mean? That would probably be Walking Dead or something. Certain kinds of TV shows make a lot of money. And if Kim possible had a reboot, comic cons would probably pay a lot more money. But for me, they're not... At the moment, I love the fans. I loved everybody. But I was just like, I can't do this for a whole weekend and be away from my family. And I was also I was pregnant. At times, I would do Comicons, and I did audiobooks. I did a lot of, I guess you would call them odd jobs. You know what I mean? Before I found my way to just do social stuff. And so I just wasn't in a good place with it. I just didn't feel I felt like so much of it was out of my control. And yet I had gone to school, and it ended up taking me twelve years to finish. But I had a production... I have a big production background, and then had my film degree from Columbia.


So I was like, Oh, man, I should be doing this myself. How can I use my know-how and my sensibilities as a person who grew up on sets to make stuff. And so, weirdly, just like you guys, you weirdly slipped with TikTok and this stuff. It just all lined up eventually to be like, well, everybody eats, and we should lean into the nostalgia of what all your Comic-con fans are like, where are you now? What are you doing now? And it's like, cool. What if you did this with other people? They have that question for. So it's like he and I put our heads together. And for some reason, we always do it in a hot tub. We happen to have a hot tub. And we were like, Christie's Kitchen, throwback. Yeah, yeah. And so it's like we vibed. And it was such a great process to have him as that partner. But we had already had We'd already had, what is it, two kids at that point? So it's like, yeah, I mean, like, man, we struggled for a while. But again, I was at a dark place, but the pregnancy brought me out of it in a way that just I never wanted that to end.


And I've never looked back. Like I said, it's changed my life.


And meeting your husband, how did that happen?


You keep mentioning him. Wait, before we talk about the husband, respectfully, because this was a long time ago. Were there any Disney channel crushes on set?


Yeah, I dated Sean Ashmore, who was the boy Brad in Kelly. He was a sweet- During filming? Yeah, right after filming for a while. I would say maybe six months. And then it was very innocent. Sweet. Very, very sweet and very innocent. He was just a good guy. And then he was like, Iceman in the Xmen movies. So he started building a career outside of... Because he was a Canadian actor, and he started making his way in Hollywood and stuff. And so, I don't know. I think I got nervous and didn't want to be in the big league with somebody who was doing big movies and stuff. I was just a shy girl. I was very shy. But I had a big crush on him when we were filming, and then I was amazing that we actually started dating.


No way.


But I haven't seen him since. He's obviously married with kids, and it's like, he's a great guy, him and his whole family. He's from strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.


strict with me, and that never worked. And I think, finally, we found a way where it's like, we'll have business questions owns about our podcast network, and he's so good at finance.


He's such a boss with what he does. He does private equity in emerging markets. He made me memorize that. But he does even bigger things than that. And he's helping us with Podco, scaling up and the fact that I can now love on his nephews and my girls. And that's why we're visiting them in Nashville frequently. So, yeah, we're really close. And I would be remiss to say that he wasn't a part of that. It's just that he wasn't flying in to see me as much as maybe that could have happened.


That's really sweet that you have your brother in that. You're even in Nashville right now. We just got to Nashville today and- Spoiler alert. We're all here. But I love that. I love that he was there for you. What would you say to somebody who might be in that same situation where they, I don't know, they're struggling on knowing how to manage their money, or maybe they feel like they don't have community community, and they don't know what to do. Maybe they're in a bad relationship with someone who's taking advantage of them in some way. What would you say to somebody who's going through that?


I think the best thing that you can do is look inward. And in looking inward, you have to find your higher power, and you have to find the strength within yourself. If there was anything that I would want to teach my girls when they start becoming young women, and I know my husband will do that, too, but I really want them to understand their value from a young age so that there's no confusion about that and that they don't waste any time. I think when people are hurting, we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time on comparing ourselves to others, and we waste a lot of time in thinking about the toxic what-ifs. And so really, the girls just need to live in the present moment. I mean, the longer that we can live in the present moment, the more fulfilling our lives will feel, I'm assuming. I'm not saying I do it. I just think that if you have a running I'd start on this pathology as a younger person, how great would that be? So that's what I want for them, and I would want that for anybody.


Did you turn to... Obviously, there's the thing with the psychic, but was there any spiritual awakening that you had or any place where you found purpose? I'm curious what that was for you at that time or even now.


I have spiritual experiences when I'm in the present moment, and it's not that often because I'm trying to constantly build my social media following. And I'm always trying to push to have a million followers on Instagram, or now I'm trying to do affiliate links and stuff like that, which I actually really love doing that stuff. But there's only green lights. Whereas when you're in the Hollywood industry, traditionally, there's only red lights, maybe some yellow that quickly turn to red. But with social media, it's all green lights. You are your own boss. You are your own destiny. So for somebody who's a toxic try-hard, sometimes you can be like, Okay, no, I don't want to be toxic. I want to be really doing this from a place of empowerment rather than desperation or something. So that's where I'm at, if I'm being really honest. But I do love working with my husband. I love our podcasts. We, I think, are creating something really cool.


That's so cool. I love that you have your own podcast network and company and that you have your own podcast. Where all can people find you on social media?


I mean, Podco has its own Instagram, but I obviously have my Instagram. So please, if I haven't completely repelled you from all of my honesty, please come see me at the Christie Carlson Romano. On Instagram. I think it's Christie Carlson Romano on TikTok. And I'm also on LTK. My YouTube is my name. But right now, the only thing that's there... Well, there's Vulnerables, and there's all this back catalog of stuff. But my focus is on big names because I moved big names to its own channel, but now I've moved it back to CCR, to my YouTube, so that we can really test out this new format, where me and Annalisa Vanderpoll, who's an actress that was in That's So Raven for a long, long time. She's the redhead in that show. Okay. Chelsea. Chelsea. Yes. Chelsea. Chelsea Daniels? Is that her last name?


That sounds right. Yeah. Big fan of that.


She was also Belle on Broadway. No way.


I'm You're like, We have a lot in common.


Yes, we really do. And we grew up together, too, back in the day. So it was cool. Let's go have some fun and film it. And so that's what we're going to do. Fun. Yeah, that's it. We're just going to live in the light and have fun and see what comes.


Well, it's been wonderful talking with you. We'll let you go off to- Sleep? Go off to sleep because it's really late.


I've literally... My husband called me a couple of times. He's scared. Oh, my gosh.


I'm so sorry. Okay, you better go. Well, we'll all go to bed. And thank you guys for watching. We really appreciate you being here. And this is crazy that we get to do this. So thank you for being here.


Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.


Thank you, Christie. Thank you, guys.