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People need to hear the truth.t just alcohol, but at the time, I wasn't thinking that. And it didn't. Like, it didn't register, like, oh, I shouldn't have done this medication with alcohol. And it wasn't until I had, like, my normal routine, I had a routine follow up appointment that I mentioned, like, this happening, because I thought, like, I truly thought something was, like, wrong with my brain because I didn't understand in the same way that he understood that night. Like, it didn't make sense to me.Did you have some video or ring camera, doorbell footage or something from.We were so poor. Like, we did not have. And that's where we kind of come back to all this. Like, we thought we were getting this whole thing expunged, by the way. We thought it was, like, wiped from the record because he was found innocent and it was all dismissed, but apparently we misunderstood and we didn't have the $3,000.Yeah, like, cost three grand to, like.Get it all cleared up, but we didn't have the money, so it never got expunged.How do you get found innocent on a charge like that? I feel like I've always hear as guilty or not guilty, and then what does that process look like.So any time you get charged for anything, even if it's like a big fine, like reckless driving or something, you have an appointment where you go stand in front of a judge. You've probably seen them before, where, like, the judge is talking to someone and they're up on the stand, and they're, like, having some funny discourse or something. Those people are coming to talk to the judge for whatever that event was. And so I just had a day where I had to go and talk to the judge. I remember the judge actually, like, apologized. Like, I went up and I had my time, and I was talking to the judge and explaining the story, and the judge was like, you honestly shouldn't have went to jail. Like, I feel really bad sorry this happened to you.Did you speak at that hearing?I didn't speak to the judge.You went with me.But I did go, and I did speak to somebody else in a room. Like, it was. I don't know if they're attorneys or who they were, but it was. It was two ladies, and I did speak with them prior to his hearing, and I told them the series of events, how I remembered them, and I told him about my doctor's appointment. I told him everything. And I. All I could do at that point was just advocate that he was not a bad person. He did not hurt me. Like, there. It was not. It didn't go down the way that, like, it was saying in the police report, essentially, they believe. I mean, they were like, I'm so sorry. This. This whole thing has been, you know, taken out of proportion. I mean, it just blew up, and it was not ever meant to be. It shouldn't have ever been that way.How is the judge able to make a ruling only hearing your account?Like, I imagine that maybe that they write up, like, talk to her, and she says, I don't know. I don't know.All the background. Yeah. That she knew, like, everything I said. And it.And they held onto it until this year.Which state did that happen in again? Refresh.Alabama.Alabama. Okay. Wow. That's just. It's so interesting. Cause when I was in high school, there was a teacher that got a DUI, and then everybody knew about it because, like, everybody saw the mug shot and they, like, circulated around our school, and we were just kind of, like, shocked. So, I mean, like, yeah, just that not being public information anymore is just.I'm sure that the picture exists somewhere, but in the form that it's in doesn't exist anymore.In that form with that green text.With the header, with the UI, the user interface.If you were to look up his mugshot now, it wouldn't.I don't even know if it would. I don't know if he would be able to find it.So I keep show that, and I want to continue to hopefully continue to post that.And just.I think that what's hurt me a lot in all of this is that I. I know you do less of it than I do, but I really do try to go through our dm's and talk to people. And there's some people that I've communicated with back and forth multiple times. Like, I recognize their profile picture and their name when they comment. And DM, like, I've. I feel like we've grown, like, these friendships with some of these people. And I love all of our followers. I love everybody. I love the support that they have given us through all of this. And so what hurts the most is seeing some of those people turned sending DM's, saying, like, why? Used to like you guys, but now I don't. And, like, that's heartbreaking because you want so badly to just tell them, like, please, like, wait. Like, you don't understand. Like, that's not what happened, but you can only say that so many times, and then immediately the person say, you're lying. I don't care. Like, it's. That. That's been hard because I don't want. It's one thing for people who already didn't like us, did not like us.It's another thing when you have all these other people that did like you and looked up to you thinking you're a bad person, like, you've let them down. And that's why I want to go on the record and say, we aren't perfect. We've never said we were perfect, and we never will be. But we love each other so much more than anyone. He's my best friend, and we got through this together then, and we're going to get through it together now.Double whammy.Double whammy. That's why good relationships get through the hardest things.I think it makes relationships better.It has made our relationship better.If you're able to get through hard times together, it's.We've experienced loss, family loss, so many things. That was just one of the trials in our life together. We have so many more years together. I'm sure we're gonna have more trials in our marriage, but we always get through them.Have you thought of maybe taking a break, stepping away from social media with all the comments and all the, you know, hype around this, this event, this, you know, picture getting leaked. Do you feel like, hey, maybe I should, for my mental health, take a step back and just, like, breathe?I've thought about it, but I. It's almost kind of scary because it's like, if I run away whenever, when there's hate, then it kind of sends this message, like, well, if you hate them, then they'll leave. And so it's like, if I quit.You can't let the bullies win.Then every time I come back, it's gonna be like, hey, they're here. Like, time to hate them, you know?So it feels like if you stop posting, then you're letting your.Letting me win is what it feels like.It does. Yeah. I'm gonna keep doing what I want.To do, and we're not hurting anybody posting our life. And if they want to like us, we welcome them and we want them to be on our, in our crew. But if they don't, then they don't. And we're not running off. We're not gonna hide. That's why we've been posting like normal the last week. We're nothing scared of posting our life. We're just going to keep posting is.Buying this new house you guys were showing us before we started recording some pictures of the house. And I'll be honest, it's a beautiful home, you guys. It looks gorgeous.Thank you.How has that affected things? Like, are you really excited or do you not feel like you can look forward to that because you're currently trying to deal with this current turn of events?I think, yeah, it's kind of stiffened the excitement a little bit. But I think me and Kay are on the same page that, like, just explaining this here is enough for us to say, there you go. Like, here's the truth. I don't really care how you respond to that. Here's exactly what happened. You guys go run around with that, and we're going to enjoy our life now.And so we have to for our mental health. Like, we have to. But I will say to your question, it's been really, like, we got the keys the other day and we don't feel like we haven't moved in. We don't feel like, as excited as we should be because we're dealing with all of this.So we're hoping, like, this is, like, this puts that we're gonna shut this door and then we can be excited. Yeah.Maybe you guys need to do a vacation from your problems. Have you guys seen, what about Bob, where his therapist tells him to go on a vacation.I say this all the time. I'm like, I'm on vacation from my problem.I've never seen that.That's Addy static.A lot of people have seen it. Honestly, it's okay. But the people that have seen. What about Bob? Know what we're talking about.Such a good movie. Honestly, honestly, I really want to spoil the ending right now, but I can't do that because people watch it.But honestly, if you need a laugh, watch that movie.Maybe that could be your, like, a form of. There's so many good qualities going to that movie and watching Bob take a vacation from his problems. Yeah, maybe that's what you need.Maybe we need a vacation from our problems.That's what the house is gonna be. We're gonna get in the house. We're gonna lock ourselves in and hide from the world.Walk the doors to your castle. Yeah, no one can get me here.I'm gonna mentally close the door and not care anymore about all the fake stuff online, and it'll be good.Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us.Thank you for your honesty today and for having this conversation and for trusting us.Just hope that you find time to take care of yourself and go on a vacation from your problems. If that's what you need to do.I think that would be great.We're going to have to look into that.Yeah.Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman, and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane. More power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.


t just alcohol, but at the time, I wasn't thinking that. And it didn't. Like, it didn't register, like, oh, I shouldn't have done this medication with alcohol. And it wasn't until I had, like, my normal routine, I had a routine follow up appointment that I mentioned, like, this happening, because I thought, like, I truly thought something was, like, wrong with my brain because I didn't understand in the same way that he understood that night. Like, it didn't make sense to me.


Did you have some video or ring camera, doorbell footage or something from.


We were so poor. Like, we did not have. And that's where we kind of come back to all this. Like, we thought we were getting this whole thing expunged, by the way. We thought it was, like, wiped from the record because he was found innocent and it was all dismissed, but apparently we misunderstood and we didn't have the $3,000.


Yeah, like, cost three grand to, like.


Get it all cleared up, but we didn't have the money, so it never got expunged.


How do you get found innocent on a charge like that? I feel like I've always hear as guilty or not guilty, and then what does that process look like.


So any time you get charged for anything, even if it's like a big fine, like reckless driving or something, you have an appointment where you go stand in front of a judge. You've probably seen them before, where, like, the judge is talking to someone and they're up on the stand, and they're, like, having some funny discourse or something. Those people are coming to talk to the judge for whatever that event was. And so I just had a day where I had to go and talk to the judge. I remember the judge actually, like, apologized. Like, I went up and I had my time, and I was talking to the judge and explaining the story, and the judge was like, you honestly shouldn't have went to jail. Like, I feel really bad sorry this happened to you.


Did you speak at that hearing?


I didn't speak to the judge.


You went with me.


But I did go, and I did speak to somebody else in a room. Like, it was. I don't know if they're attorneys or who they were, but it was. It was two ladies, and I did speak with them prior to his hearing, and I told them the series of events, how I remembered them, and I told him about my doctor's appointment. I told him everything. And I. All I could do at that point was just advocate that he was not a bad person. He did not hurt me. Like, there. It was not. It didn't go down the way that, like, it was saying in the police report, essentially, they believe. I mean, they were like, I'm so sorry. This. This whole thing has been, you know, taken out of proportion. I mean, it just blew up, and it was not ever meant to be. It shouldn't have ever been that way.


How is the judge able to make a ruling only hearing your account?


Like, I imagine that maybe that they write up, like, talk to her, and she says, I don't know. I don't know.


All the background. Yeah. That she knew, like, everything I said. And it.And they held onto it until this year.Which state did that happen in again? Refresh.Alabama.Alabama. Okay. Wow. That's just. It's so interesting. Cause when I was in high school, there was a teacher that got a DUI, and then everybody knew about it because, like, everybody saw the mug shot and they, like, circulated around our school, and we were just kind of, like, shocked. So, I mean, like, yeah, just that not being public information anymore is just.I'm sure that the picture exists somewhere, but in the form that it's in doesn't exist anymore.In that form with that green text.With the header, with the UI, the user interface.If you were to look up his mugshot now, it wouldn't.I don't even know if it would. I don't know if he would be able to find it.So I keep show that, and I want to continue to hopefully continue to post that.And just.I think that what's hurt me a lot in all of this is that I. I know you do less of it than I do, but I really do try to go through our dm's and talk to people. And there's some people that I've communicated with back and forth multiple times. Like, I recognize their profile picture and their name when they comment. And DM, like, I've. I feel like we've grown, like, these friendships with some of these people. And I love all of our followers. I love everybody. I love the support that they have given us through all of this. And so what hurts the most is seeing some of those people turned sending DM's, saying, like, why? Used to like you guys, but now I don't. And, like, that's heartbreaking because you want so badly to just tell them, like, please, like, wait. Like, you don't understand. Like, that's not what happened, but you can only say that so many times, and then immediately the person say, you're lying. I don't care. Like, it's. That. That's been hard because I don't want. It's one thing for people who already didn't like us, did not like us.It's another thing when you have all these other people that did like you and looked up to you thinking you're a bad person, like, you've let them down. And that's why I want to go on the record and say, we aren't perfect. We've never said we were perfect, and we never will be. But we love each other so much more than anyone. He's my best friend, and we got through this together then, and we're going to get through it together now.Double whammy.Double whammy. That's why good relationships get through the hardest things.I think it makes relationships better.It has made our relationship better.If you're able to get through hard times together, it's.We've experienced loss, family loss, so many things. That was just one of the trials in our life together. We have so many more years together. I'm sure we're gonna have more trials in our marriage, but we always get through them.Have you thought of maybe taking a break, stepping away from social media with all the comments and all the, you know, hype around this, this event, this, you know, picture getting leaked. Do you feel like, hey, maybe I should, for my mental health, take a step back and just, like, breathe?I've thought about it, but I. It's almost kind of scary because it's like, if I run away whenever, when there's hate, then it kind of sends this message, like, well, if you hate them, then they'll leave. And so it's like, if I quit.You can't let the bullies win.Then every time I come back, it's gonna be like, hey, they're here. Like, time to hate them, you know?So it feels like if you stop posting, then you're letting your.Letting me win is what it feels like.It does. Yeah. I'm gonna keep doing what I want.To do, and we're not hurting anybody posting our life. And if they want to like us, we welcome them and we want them to be on our, in our crew. But if they don't, then they don't. And we're not running off. We're not gonna hide. That's why we've been posting like normal the last week. We're nothing scared of posting our life. We're just going to keep posting is.Buying this new house you guys were showing us before we started recording some pictures of the house. And I'll be honest, it's a beautiful home, you guys. It looks gorgeous.Thank you.How has that affected things? Like, are you really excited or do you not feel like you can look forward to that because you're currently trying to deal with this current turn of events?I think, yeah, it's kind of stiffened the excitement a little bit. But I think me and Kay are on the same page that, like, just explaining this here is enough for us to say, there you go. Like, here's the truth. I don't really care how you respond to that. Here's exactly what happened. You guys go run around with that, and we're going to enjoy our life now.And so we have to for our mental health. Like, we have to. But I will say to your question, it's been really, like, we got the keys the other day and we don't feel like we haven't moved in. We don't feel like, as excited as we should be because we're dealing with all of this.So we're hoping, like, this is, like, this puts that we're gonna shut this door and then we can be excited. Yeah.Maybe you guys need to do a vacation from your problems. Have you guys seen, what about Bob, where his therapist tells him to go on a vacation.I say this all the time. I'm like, I'm on vacation from my problem.I've never seen that.That's Addy static.A lot of people have seen it. Honestly, it's okay. But the people that have seen. What about Bob? Know what we're talking about.Such a good movie. Honestly, honestly, I really want to spoil the ending right now, but I can't do that because people watch it.But honestly, if you need a laugh, watch that movie.Maybe that could be your, like, a form of. There's so many good qualities going to that movie and watching Bob take a vacation from his problems. Yeah, maybe that's what you need.Maybe we need a vacation from our problems.That's what the house is gonna be. We're gonna get in the house. We're gonna lock ourselves in and hide from the world.Walk the doors to your castle. Yeah, no one can get me here.I'm gonna mentally close the door and not care anymore about all the fake stuff online, and it'll be good.Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us.Thank you for your honesty today and for having this conversation and for trusting us.Just hope that you find time to take care of yourself and go on a vacation from your problems. If that's what you need to do.I think that would be great.We're going to have to look into that.Yeah.Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman, and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane. More power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.




And they held onto it until this year.


Which state did that happen in again? Refresh.




Alabama. Okay. Wow. That's just. It's so interesting. Cause when I was in high school, there was a teacher that got a DUI, and then everybody knew about it because, like, everybody saw the mug shot and they, like, circulated around our school, and we were just kind of, like, shocked. So, I mean, like, yeah, just that not being public information anymore is just.


I'm sure that the picture exists somewhere, but in the form that it's in doesn't exist anymore.


In that form with that green text.


With the header, with the UI, the user interface.


If you were to look up his mugshot now, it wouldn't.


I don't even know if it would. I don't know if he would be able to find it.


So I keep show that, and I want to continue to hopefully continue to post that.And just.I think that what's hurt me a lot in all of this is that I. I know you do less of it than I do, but I really do try to go through our dm's and talk to people. And there's some people that I've communicated with back and forth multiple times. Like, I recognize their profile picture and their name when they comment. And DM, like, I've. I feel like we've grown, like, these friendships with some of these people. And I love all of our followers. I love everybody. I love the support that they have given us through all of this. And so what hurts the most is seeing some of those people turned sending DM's, saying, like, why? Used to like you guys, but now I don't. And, like, that's heartbreaking because you want so badly to just tell them, like, please, like, wait. Like, you don't understand. Like, that's not what happened, but you can only say that so many times, and then immediately the person say, you're lying. I don't care. Like, it's. That. That's been hard because I don't want. It's one thing for people who already didn't like us, did not like us.It's another thing when you have all these other people that did like you and looked up to you thinking you're a bad person, like, you've let them down. And that's why I want to go on the record and say, we aren't perfect. We've never said we were perfect, and we never will be. But we love each other so much more than anyone. He's my best friend, and we got through this together then, and we're going to get through it together now.Double whammy.Double whammy. That's why good relationships get through the hardest things.I think it makes relationships better.It has made our relationship better.If you're able to get through hard times together, it's.We've experienced loss, family loss, so many things. That was just one of the trials in our life together. We have so many more years together. I'm sure we're gonna have more trials in our marriage, but we always get through them.Have you thought of maybe taking a break, stepping away from social media with all the comments and all the, you know, hype around this, this event, this, you know, picture getting leaked. Do you feel like, hey, maybe I should, for my mental health, take a step back and just, like, breathe?I've thought about it, but I. It's almost kind of scary because it's like, if I run away whenever, when there's hate, then it kind of sends this message, like, well, if you hate them, then they'll leave. And so it's like, if I quit.You can't let the bullies win.Then every time I come back, it's gonna be like, hey, they're here. Like, time to hate them, you know?So it feels like if you stop posting, then you're letting your.Letting me win is what it feels like.It does. Yeah. I'm gonna keep doing what I want.To do, and we're not hurting anybody posting our life. And if they want to like us, we welcome them and we want them to be on our, in our crew. But if they don't, then they don't. And we're not running off. We're not gonna hide. That's why we've been posting like normal the last week. We're nothing scared of posting our life. We're just going to keep posting is.Buying this new house you guys were showing us before we started recording some pictures of the house. And I'll be honest, it's a beautiful home, you guys. It looks gorgeous.Thank you.How has that affected things? Like, are you really excited or do you not feel like you can look forward to that because you're currently trying to deal with this current turn of events?I think, yeah, it's kind of stiffened the excitement a little bit. But I think me and Kay are on the same page that, like, just explaining this here is enough for us to say, there you go. Like, here's the truth. I don't really care how you respond to that. Here's exactly what happened. You guys go run around with that, and we're going to enjoy our life now.And so we have to for our mental health. Like, we have to. But I will say to your question, it's been really, like, we got the keys the other day and we don't feel like we haven't moved in. We don't feel like, as excited as we should be because we're dealing with all of this.So we're hoping, like, this is, like, this puts that we're gonna shut this door and then we can be excited. Yeah.Maybe you guys need to do a vacation from your problems. Have you guys seen, what about Bob, where his therapist tells him to go on a vacation.I say this all the time. I'm like, I'm on vacation from my problem.I've never seen that.That's Addy static.A lot of people have seen it. Honestly, it's okay. But the people that have seen. What about Bob? Know what we're talking about.Such a good movie. Honestly, honestly, I really want to spoil the ending right now, but I can't do that because people watch it.But honestly, if you need a laugh, watch that movie.Maybe that could be your, like, a form of. There's so many good qualities going to that movie and watching Bob take a vacation from his problems. Yeah, maybe that's what you need.Maybe we need a vacation from our problems.That's what the house is gonna be. We're gonna get in the house. We're gonna lock ourselves in and hide from the world.Walk the doors to your castle. Yeah, no one can get me here.I'm gonna mentally close the door and not care anymore about all the fake stuff online, and it'll be good.Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us.Thank you for your honesty today and for having this conversation and for trusting us.Just hope that you find time to take care of yourself and go on a vacation from your problems. If that's what you need to do.I think that would be great.We're going to have to look into that.Yeah.Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman, and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane. More power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.


show that, and I want to continue to hopefully continue to post that.


And just.


I think that what's hurt me a lot in all of this is that I. I know you do less of it than I do, but I really do try to go through our dm's and talk to people. And there's some people that I've communicated with back and forth multiple times. Like, I recognize their profile picture and their name when they comment. And DM, like, I've. I feel like we've grown, like, these friendships with some of these people. And I love all of our followers. I love everybody. I love the support that they have given us through all of this. And so what hurts the most is seeing some of those people turned sending DM's, saying, like, why? Used to like you guys, but now I don't. And, like, that's heartbreaking because you want so badly to just tell them, like, please, like, wait. Like, you don't understand. Like, that's not what happened, but you can only say that so many times, and then immediately the person say, you're lying. I don't care. Like, it's. That. That's been hard because I don't want. It's one thing for people who already didn't like us, did not like us.


It's another thing when you have all these other people that did like you and looked up to you thinking you're a bad person, like, you've let them down. And that's why I want to go on the record and say, we aren't perfect. We've never said we were perfect, and we never will be. But we love each other so much more than anyone. He's my best friend, and we got through this together then, and we're going to get through it together now.


Double whammy.


Double whammy. That's why good relationships get through the hardest things.


I think it makes relationships better.


It has made our relationship better.


If you're able to get through hard times together, it's.


We've experienced loss, family loss, so many things. That was just one of the trials in our life together. We have so many more years together. I'm sure we're gonna have more trials in our marriage, but we always get through them.


Have you thought of maybe taking a break, stepping away from social media with all the comments and all the, you know, hype around this, this event, this, you know, picture getting leaked. Do you feel like, hey, maybe I should, for my mental health, take a step back and just, like, breathe?


I've thought about it, but I. It's almost kind of scary because it's like, if I run away whenever, when there's hate, then it kind of sends this message, like, well, if you hate them, then they'll leave. And so it's like, if I quit.


You can't let the bullies win.


Then every time I come back, it's gonna be like, hey, they're here. Like, time to hate them, you know?


So it feels like if you stop posting, then you're letting your.


Letting me win is what it feels like.


It does. Yeah. I'm gonna keep doing what I want.


To do, and we're not hurting anybody posting our life. And if they want to like us, we welcome them and we want them to be on our, in our crew. But if they don't, then they don't. And we're not running off. We're not gonna hide. That's why we've been posting like normal the last week. We're nothing scared of posting our life. We're just going to keep posting is.


Buying this new house you guys were showing us before we started recording some pictures of the house. And I'll be honest, it's a beautiful home, you guys. It looks gorgeous.


Thank you.


How has that affected things? Like, are you really excited or do you not feel like you can look forward to that because you're currently trying to deal with this current turn of events?


I think, yeah, it's kind of stiffened the excitement a little bit. But I think me and Kay are on the same page that, like, just explaining this here is enough for us to say, there you go. Like, here's the truth. I don't really care how you respond to that. Here's exactly what happened. You guys go run around with that, and we're going to enjoy our life now.


And so we have to for our mental health. Like, we have to. But I will say to your question, it's been really, like, we got the keys the other day and we don't feel like we haven't moved in. We don't feel like, as excited as we should be because we're dealing with all of this.


So we're hoping, like, this is, like, this puts that we're gonna shut this door and then we can be excited. Yeah.


Maybe you guys need to do a vacation from your problems. Have you guys seen, what about Bob, where his therapist tells him to go on a vacation.


I say this all the time. I'm like, I'm on vacation from my problem.


I've never seen that.


That's Addy static.


A lot of people have seen it. Honestly, it's okay. But the people that have seen. What about Bob? Know what we're talking about.


Such a good movie. Honestly, honestly, I really want to spoil the ending right now, but I can't do that because people watch it.


But honestly, if you need a laugh, watch that movie.


Maybe that could be your, like, a form of. There's so many good qualities going to that movie and watching Bob take a vacation from his problems. Yeah, maybe that's what you need.


Maybe we need a vacation from our problems.


That's what the house is gonna be. We're gonna get in the house. We're gonna lock ourselves in and hide from the world.


Walk the doors to your castle. Yeah, no one can get me here.


I'm gonna mentally close the door and not care anymore about all the fake stuff online, and it'll be good.


Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us.


Thank you for your honesty today and for having this conversation and for trusting us.


Just hope that you find time to take care of yourself and go on a vacation from your problems. If that's what you need to do.


I think that would be great.


We're going to have to look into that.




Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman, and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane. More power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.