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We actually haven't said anything on social media about this. She stopped birth control a month ago.


I would not be surprised if you're pregnant right now. That happened to us. Abby pulled the goalie and boom, right away. You guys recently consulted a psychic.


That lady was a real psychic.


She made a bunch of predictions for her life.


It was crazy. Everything that woman said actually did happen.


Britz have bad teeth, though, right? Your teeth look great, by the way, so I'm not saying anything about you.


I don't know if this is true, but I read that statistically, Britz actually have less cavities than Americans.


My biggest thing was I never got to give his mom grandkids. In my dream, I was with his mom. I was in a hospital and she was like, I'm always going to be here with you. John Krasinski was also.


We sat down with long distance TikTok couple Sam and Monica. In 2021, Sam received the horrible news that he lost his mom to cancer. It came as a complete shock to the entire family, especially because it happened just months before Sam and Monica's wedding. We talk about everything from controversy over Monica taking Sam's last name, trying for a baby, and what it means to lose your Nandos virginity. You guys have been together longer than us, but you are still somehow in the honeymoon phase. How is that possible?


Tell me about it. That's a good question. I don't know if we actually still are in the honeymoon phase. I think we're just so reliant on each other. Yeah.


That we just like... I don't know.


I don't know how to describe it. I like to think we're still in the honeymoon phase. Are we?


I think I am.


You guys seem very bubbly and in love in your videos.


Is that how you actually are all the time?


You know what's crazy? We're actually worse than person. Not like from a PDA I thought you fart there.


Oh, no, I didn't fart. I was just opening up the can. I was like, Do I look? I'm drinking a carbonated beverage. The way that's what he said. Where are you going to look?


I thought you farted. I just thought I'd see a little flutter.


The way that fart sounds so much more elegant.


I just spilled all over myself. Okay, you carry on. This is off to a great. This is off to a great. Yeah, you said fart so elegantly. Fart.


Wait, how do I say fart differently? You said fart.


Fart. We say fart, and that's just not cute. I was actually- I was actually- I was actually- I was actually two. I was actually two.


The TikTok of you doing an American accent, ordering coffee, dead. Oh my gosh.


You nailed it. Thank you. You nailed it. Well, I've got some practice because every time we go through a drive-through, the intercom system muffles my voice. So I have to put on a fake American accent. Otherwise, they don't understand me. Because there's always Sal. It's always Sal. Every time I say, Hey, my name's Sam, they think it's Sal because I have to go, Sam. Hey, I'm Sam. And then they understand that my name's Sam.


I don't like it at all.


I hate everything about Can you order how you would currently and then do your American version?


Okay. As a Brit, give us an impression of how you order at Starbucks.


First, I'll do English, like how I actually order. When I'm not thinking about it, I'll go up and I'll say, Hey, I'll have a water and a coffee, please. And they're like, You'll have a what? Oh, a water and a coffee.


I don't understand when you say water, though. Water. You're like in your voice. Water. I hear it.


Water. How do they not know what he's saying? But like I said, I think it's the intercom system that muffles my voice. So they're like, You want a what?


That's hilarious.


But what type of coffee do you get, though? Because it's- He gets half and half.


That's where he gets thrown off when you say half and half.


When we used to live in New York, half and Half was the big... I always got a Half and Half.


When you just said that- I don't like how he says that.


I say Half and Half. I like the British way. So I would go into... If we got bagels or we went to the deli or something, I'd be like, Can I have a large Half and a half? And they're like, A large what? I'm like, Oh, Half and Half.


That's hilarious. I didn't know that Monica was from New York, and I was like, wait a second, you're from the East Coast.


Yeah, I was talking before when you were over there. He's like, what did you say? You're like, where are you from?


Because I could just tell it was the way that you were saying... Horrible. Yeah, you said horrible. How do you guys say horrible? Horrible. It's how you said it.


Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. I say horrible. Wait, I say it like you. How do you say it? I say horrible. Horrible. But without the ha. It's like horrible. That was a bit accentuated.


I don't even know anymore. When you say a word too many times and then you don't know if you're saying it right now. It doesn't sound like a word. How do I say it?


I want to go back to the part of how you guys don't fight, actually. Oh, yeah.


Well, I mean, we bicker, but I think the main thing-I think we got a big fight in a long time. I mean, we just try not to do anything wrong to put ourselves in a position when we get into a big fight. But we definitely bicker. We 100% bicker. I get frustrated all the time because all she wants to eat is chicken nuggets and pizza. I'm like, No, you're getting much better. You're getting much, much, much better. You now eat beans as well.


You now eat beans.


I love baked beans. Did you see the video where she tried to bake beans?


I do not like baked beans.




I love baked beans. I don't like what they do to him either. I have them on pizza.


Do you fart when you eat beans? I fart. Just a little cute.


I'm not going to say fart ever I know. That's so funny.


She tried a bean and she freaked out and acted like it was the worst thing in the entire world. It was. It was. It was. It was.


It was. Oh, I love beans.


Can we talk about your love story for a second? Because if I did my research correctly, you were stalking Sam on Twitter, right? You were like, slide it into the DM.


Can you tell me about this? I did slide it to the DM. So basically, we had a mutual friend that we both met through YouTube and everything. So she sent me a picture of a screenshot of Sam's Twitter, and she's like, Oh, I'm going to this social media thing. I'm going to hang out. This is the guy that's setting it all up. I literally zoomed and I'm like, Who is that man? You know what's awesome? I literally was in love already.


I was going to say the first thing she said is she texted her friend, Emi, back and she said, I'm going to marry that man one day.


I was like, I I want that man to love me. At this point, London was my dream destination. I've never been there. I never really traveled at all. So I was never thinking I was even going to meet this guy. And she sent me another picture of her, Sam, and this other guy. And she's like, Oh, this is another British guy. And I was like, no, no, no, no, the middle guy. And it was Sam in the middle. So I was like, I don't know. Immediately, it's from seeing him, I was like, I'm in love with this guy. Never think I'm going to meet him. I mean, look at him, though. I mean, like he... Look at this to you. The voice, everything about him was perfection. So I went I wanted to go visit her in London. She lives in Scotland, but I wanted to go visit her in London, and she couldn't meet me because she had finals. So she's like, Oh, my God, I can't come down. Let me ask Sam.


I'm like, okay, let's see. She showed me a picture of Monica, and I was like, She's a New Yorker. I was like, She's an American from the big city, the Big Apple. Actually, she lives on Long Island or lived on Long Island, so not actually from the Big Apple, but still. I was like, Wow, this cute American girl is into me. I was a broke 19-year-old kid. I didn't have a dollar to my name. I was like, I don't know how the heck I'm going to make this work, but I really, really want to see this girl. So Emmy, our mutual friend messaged me and she was like, Hey, Monica is going to fly into the UK, into London. She's booked her flight months in advance. I've got exams at university in Edinburgh, so I can't get down to see her in London. Is there any chance you're down in London at the time? I was like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


I feel like it was a 10-minute drive.


Yeah, let me just hop on a quick train. It was like a three-hour train ride. I grew up in a town called Chester. Conveniently for her, about half an hour from Harry Style, which I still I low-key think is why we're together.


Half of the reason.


Okay. I was actually curious because you're a big Harry Style fan.


It's unhealthy.


Meeting this cute British boy from the UK, you're probably like, Oh, my gosh, this is my Harry right here.


Literally. Because it was weird. Growing up, I had British flags in my room. I loved British music that most Americans never even heard of. I felt like I was British growing up. Did you listen to the Beatles? Not really.


I do now.


In the colony. When I was a kid, our neighbor, for whatever reason, he would just burn us these CDs with all the Beatles songs. I was listening to Yellow Submarine. I was just jamming to every Beatles song you could mention when I was a kid, and we would just play soccer. And I thought he convinced us that he was British.


He was like, No, it's called football. You're like, Oh, he's a Brit.


Yeah. No, seriously. And then my brother, for his third-grade history project, talked about Guy Fox and all this British history. And we started eating scone. Guy Fawkes.


I don't even know who that is.


I totally botched that.


No, you're good. It's an accent.




It's the American accent way of saying it.


Anyway, we ate scones, though.


Okay, so you were British, though. I love it.


Basically, yeah.


I feel like maybe did One Direction make this British phase enter the US?


I remember that phase.


Yeah, it was that. Honestly, you were always a big fan of Mcfly.


Yeah, do you guys know Mcfly?


Busted and the Vamps and stuff like that as well, weren't you? Which is weird.


Bands that just never really made it over here. But I was just like, I loved everything British.


I do like the Vamps. I love the Vamps. Their song All Night.


Oh, my gosh.


I get chills listening to that song.


That's me with every hard time song.


Here I am, a 25-year-old dad of two, and I'm listening to boy bands. Oh, me too. I love it.


That's the best music.


I'm listening to them, I'm like, Bradley's got such a good voice.


I remember when Justin Bieber came out. I know their name, either. When Justin came out with the Purpose album, I was secretly listening to it and loving it. But I was like, I can't tell anybody.


No, no, no.


You're not allowed. Tell your secret. The world needs to know.


So what was it? Probably 2012 or something. 2010? No, probably 2009, actually. It was ages ago, wasn't it? When Justin Bieber first came out with the flipper hair and the purple caps and all that stuff, I bought a Purple Snapback and a pair of Super TK Society shoes. I googled which shoes Justin Bieber wears and I bought them.


And he left this sticker on the hat because Justin Bieber left it. Oh, my word.


Everyone did that. Oh, man.


So you had Bieber fever.


I did. No, I wanted to be. I still do. I mean, he's a cool guy. We all have Bieber. But I wanted to be Justin Bieber so bad. I started posting covers on YouTube. I was a choir boy when I was growing up. Wait, you sing, too? Yeah. No way. I was in Chess Cathedral choir growing up. So I was a little choir boy in the choir in my school and all that stuff. And then I got out of school and I played a bunch of instruments and all that stuff. And I got out of school and started switching from classical music to more poppy stuff. That's why I I partly started posting on YouTube and stuff. In 2012, I wanted to be the next Justin Bieber. So bad. That didn't happen.


You did have the hair.


I have the flipper hair and everything.


That's so funny because in either 2011 or 2010, I posted a video of me singing Baby, and I thought that's all you had to do. I was like, I posted my one video.


You're like, Scooter Ron is going to find me.


I'm going to get picked up. This is it.


You know what's crazy? Why do we have exactly the same childhood? I did exactly the same. Cody Simpson blew up off I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. Do you remember Cody Simpson? Of course. Oh, yeah. He blew up off I'm Yours, Jason Mraz. So the week later, I posted that and I was like, I'm going to blow up. I'm going to be fain, though.


I think what people don't realize is there's so much luck involved with that. And then a lot of the people that you do see blow up have been grinding for 10 years. Absolutely. And they just worked so hard that eventually, when their lucky moment came, they had already done all the work.


Like Ed Sheeran.


Yeah. Ed Sheeran, yeah. He was busking and playing little tiny shows and stuff for years. Worked so hard. For years and years. Did you guys hear his first ever demo from when he was 15? He was busking.


Is it good?


It was terrible. No, he said it himself. He posted it being like, Guys, this is what I once sounded like. And with consistency and singing all day, every day and just going for it. Like, this is the end product. I mean, he's much too modest to say that, but that's basically what he was getting at.


That's good, though. I truly believe that hard work trumpt talent any day of the week because you can have all the talent in the world. But if you're not going to work hard, someone who is going to work harder than you will beat you eventually.


Absolutely. Talent will definitely give you a Head Start. But hard work and perseverance is the way to actually push forward.


Is there an obsession with American girls in the UK? In the same way that all these American girls are like, I love the British boys. Is that a thing in the UK?


I think there's an obsession with American actresses and singers in the UK, but it's not like a thing. Like, British boys aren't like, I want to find an American wife. It's not I like that. But growing up, I had the biggest crush on Jessica Alba, Emilia Coonis, and Victoria Justice, and people like that. My crushes growing up were all American girls, but it was just because they were on TV and in movies and stuff. It wasn't Specifically because they were American.


Got you. Were you watching the American shows on Nickelodea and Drake and Josh? Yeah. Were you watching?


I loved Drake and Josh.


Okay, same.


Megan. I can't do it.


Of all lines.




Or Jimmy Did you watch Jimmy Neutron as a kid? No, I didn't watch Jimmy Neutron. I loved Jimmy Neutron and Fairly odd Parents. Those were my shows as a child.


We had Fairly odd Parents. I didn't really watch it much. I mainly watched Recess, Tom and Jerry, the Flintstones.


Nobody didn't watch Spongebob. What? He doesn't get any of my Spongebob moments.


I know Spongebob.


Yeah, but all my Spongebob lines, you're always like, What are you talking about?


That was my early- I know the song now because she has watched it so much since we've been together. She's been an adult the whole time we've been together.


What What is the biggest misconception about British people? Misconception.




I have purse. That's something we're all talking about. The biggest misconception?


What is it the people have wrong about the Brits?


I have purse. You know what?


I think the biggest misconception. What's going on?


I don't have TikTok. Because you messed up what you said. Yeah, I do that all the time.


Do you know the TikTok? I have purse.


I have what? No. What is it?


Where they mess up what they're saying.


I have I have what?


That's funny. I haven't seen the TikTok, but I think it's so funny when people mess up their words because I do it all the time.


You know what? I did it. We were being filmed for this thing the other day and it was like so much pressure because there was tons of cameras around me and stuff. I said a line where I said, In typical British fashion. I was so nervous because I said, fashion. I went in typical British fashion. I was like, oh my word. I just rolled with it. I was like, Yeah, that's how I say it.


It sounded right.


Yeah, it sounded good. That's just how I said it. No, but biggest misconception, I would say is Americans all think that Brits have terrible food, but I think the food in the UK is amazing.


But okay, Brits have bad teeth, though, right?


Isn't that a thing? Statistically, I don't know if this is true.


Your teeth look great, by the way. So I'm not saying anything about you.


You're really flattering you today, Matt. I love watching. Oh, my God. Thank you very much. I appreciate this. Here you are.


Thank you so much.


The muscle was talking before now, the teeth. Apparently, I I read a statistic.


Maybe we should just sit by each other in our lives. You want to hold hands?


Yeah. You want to just budge over next to Abby, honey, would that be okay? Here.


Let's switch it up. Should we go sit by each other? I was like, Are you serious?


I was like, Is that happening?


What was I going to say? Yeah, no. I read it on Instagram, so it's probably not true, but I read that statistically, Brits actually have less cavities than Americans. Why?


Do you know Brits don't get their teeth cleaned?


Yeah, that's not a thing in the UK. I mean, maybe it was just my dentist because I had a really dodgy dentist growing up. Like, It's really like he got his license taken away and he moved to Holland and stuff. It was dodgy. He was doing illegal stuff.


Well, that right there is why people are buying teeth in the UK. Exactly.


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Yeah, I think it probably depends on what you're allergic to, but your allergies have been a lot better when you're not in the Midwest. So when you went back to visit The Family recently, they were flaring up again. But then I hear people here that have really bad allergies. So it probably just depends on what you're allergic to. Luckily for those of us who live with the symptoms of allergies, we can live Clarendon Clear with Clarendon D. It's designed for serious allergy sufferers. Clarendon D has two powerful ingredients in just one pill that relieve your allergy symptoms and decongest your nose so you can breathe better. This double-action combination of prescription, strength, allergy medicine and the best decongestant available, relieves sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy nose and throat, and sinus congestion depression and pressure with ease. That's awesome. Matt, I can fondly remember Matt when we first started dating, when he come to visit me in my parents house. We were still in high school, and so I had my childhood cat that had lived in our house forever. He lived a long life, and he was a long hair cat that shed a lot, and Matt would sneeze 50 times in a row.


Yeah, so I had to take Clareton at Abby's house, or I would just have sneeze attacks, nonstop.


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It was really bad, yeah. I had a root canal on one of my teeth when I was, I think I was seven or eight years old or something like that. That's pretty serious. It was only when I came to America, I got with an American dentist, Dr. Leth. He's awesome. He was like, So you see, there's a tiny bit of discolouration on one of my teeth down here. He was like, So you 'Do you know what that discolouration is? ' I'm like, 'No, I've been brushing it like crazy. ' He was like, 'Well, you had a root canal. ' And he said, 'The way it was done, apparently they stopped that method 15 years ago, 20 years ago. It was something crazy. ' And he was like, It It had to have been done when you were seven years old. ' And he was like, 'Can you remember having a root canal when you were seven years old? ' I was like, 'No. Why would I have had a root canal at seven years old? ' And apparently this guy was just beating the system and making a killing. I asked my dad about him a couple years ago.


Like I said, apparently he got his license removed and he got a divorce, his wife divorced, and he left and fled to Holland.


Oh, frick.


That is really something serious.


That really plays into the whole British Teeth thing, doesn't it?


Sounds like Dr.


Death to me.


Has this Have you been to other dentists in the UK? Not that I know of. Are all your friends like, Dude, Sam, my dentists fled to Holland? Oh my God.


It's all Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses. Oh my gosh.


Wait, can we Can we take it back to your love story?


Yeah, sorry. I've been glaring like crazy.


Sorry, everybody.


I was lost.


So you're on a train.


So I got on to London. We'll rewind. Yeah. So she flew into London. I told her that it was like a 20-minute train ride or something ridiculous. I was like, Yeah, everyone thinks the UK is tiny. Everyone literally thinks the UK is just London.


You're like, It's three hours. Matt, get it together.


Stop laughing.


I'm sorry. How did we get on above my teeth?


I don't know.


Anyway, I'm sorry. I blabber so much. It's terrible. We have this. He's about to blabber again. I'm going to stop blabbering. It's okay. I'll stop blabbering. Anyway, I got on this three-hour train journey. We met up in London. I was meant to put her on a train to Scotland, but we semi-planned it in advance. She booked a hotel just in case we had chemistry.


Not for that.


Not for that. I was a gentleman.


That's what happened.


You just made it sound like I was going to say something. No, I mean, in case we wanted to stay together in London, hanging hang out and explore. One night stand. I'm not going to say explore each other. Explore the area. We didn't do that. I think I was a gentleman, right? I didn't make a move at all until you did.


He did not make a move for four days.


For four days? I did not make the move.


Wait, you just said, I can make a move. I can not make the first move.


It was four days. Okay, four days?


But we were talking online for a while.


We met on the 11th of October. And I asked her to be my girlfriend on the 16th of October. It was then. Yeah.


In 2015?


In 2015, yeah. Yeah, wow.


That sounds like a long time ago. I feel old. That's insane. How old are you guys? I'm 29. I'm 27. I just turned 29. Which is weird because I've got such a baby face. I still get Asperida, which is amazing. I don't even drink, so I don't know why I got asked for ID.


You really could pass for 19.


I appreciate that.


You guys both are youthful.


Thank you. So are you guys? You guys are flattering us so much. This is amazing. I'm going to come in more often.


You made a move four days in then?


Five days in.


Well, actually-No, it was four.


Basically, we landed in London. I took her to Nandos straight away. Nandos is the spot in England that everyone has to go to. There's a whole thing in England about losing your Nandos virginity. You're kidding. It's like when people had their first Nandos, it's a big thing. Like, Ed Sheeran wrote a song about it. It's huge. Big up to Nandos. Everyone loves Nandos. But why, though?


Why do people lose your virginity in Nandos?


No, no. It's lose a Nandos virgin. So it's like the first time they eat Nandos, they've lost their Nandos virgin.


I'm so dumb. I'm not tracking at all.


Can someone please explain this to me? The first time they eat Nandos, it's like they're losing their...


Losing their Nandos' virginity. Oh my God. You thought he brought me to a restaurant?


No, I thought Nandos was like a beach. I thought it was like a beach, like Miami. It's like, we went to the beach and stay at this nice hotel. It's also legal, man. Nandos, sorry.


What is it? It's a restaurant that everyone talks about. I think it's a big thing when you have your first-I cannot with you.


Is there something like... It's just amazing. Is the food an aphrodisiac? Like, what is it? No, it has nothing to do with it.


No, it has nothing to do with it. Am I allowed to say sex on the podcast?


It's literally just a restaurant that every British person loves. So it's like the first time you have it, it's like a big deal. So it's like losing your nand.


Got it. Okay.


I took it to Nandos and it's some of the best chicken you'll ever eat. It's incredible. So I took it there and I was like, and she's obsessed with as well. I was like, Ed Sheeran loves this place. He's got a black card, so he gets it for free every time he goes. No way. Yeah, really cool. And then so we get in, we look at the menu and she sees it says Butterfly Chicken, which means obviously the chicken breast has been butterfied. It's been split in half and butterflied the chicken. She read Butterfly chicken. She was like, I'm not hungry.


Because I'm like, I'm in the UK. She ate stale Pringles. She ate like stale Pringles. Butterflies? Butterflies or something. I had no idea. So yeah, that was not a good first date. You said you're not hungry. You didn't eat? Yeah, I was I was starving.


I was like, I'm so sorry. It's 1:00 PM. I haven't eaten anything all day. How about I order a meal and you can pick it, try it. You can have some chips, some fries. You can have some whatever you want to have from my meal. And you can work your way into it. And she was like, no, I'm okay. I'm not hungry. Her stomach's like, growling like crazy. And she was eating stale Pringles under the table. I felt so bad. But now you love it.


I do love it now. That's so But did you know that you wanted to get it on that day?


Is that where you're like, whoa, there's like the Nandos' virginity song. You're like, we're going to lose our virginity after Nandos. Was that your whole pull plan?


No, it's nothing to do with actual virginity. There's nothing sexual whatsoever.


Gosh, freaking damn it.


Wait, I'm sorry. I think I just broke the sofa.


Oh, it's okay. The sofa did a break. I fell in the middle of it. Here, let me move the sofa over for you.


You know where we are at, right?


I knew from the get-go. Everybody that's watching knows what's happening.


He's friends are going to a restaurant. He's going to a restaurant. He's going to lose his virginity in a restaurant, apparently. Matt has a sick mom. Okay. Oh my gosh. No. Okay.


Let me explain.


I know people think I'm an idiot.


So I'm just going to explain.


No, Matt, look at me right now. He's using it as an analogy. The first time you have Nandos, it's like losing your Nandos virginity. Has nothing actually to do with sex.


Nothing sexual.


Totally. I get that. But where I got confused I thought he was like, Oh, because there's a song about Nandos virginity, we're going to go like...


No, there's a song about Nandos, not Nandos' virginity.


See, I start to think that Matt is tracking, and then he starts saying the next...


Okay, there's a whole song about Nandos. I think there's a lot.


There's a lot going on. There's a song about Nandos. That's not even a real song.


I feel like every time I try to explain, I dig deeper and I make it worse.


Basically, what I thought was like, you're like, We're going to go to this restaurant and then we're going to have sex. Is that what happened? No. Not at all.


Dang it. But.


Can you do that? What Matt heard versus what was said is just not…


Okay. Can you explain this as if you're explaining it to a very mature 10-year-old?


No, Matt, we're done talking about it.


I think we should move on. Okay, let's go.


We went to a restaurant. So we went to Nandos. Okay.


After Nandos.


After Nandos, we decided to end up…


We booked the trips to France. No, no, no. Very impolson. I kissed you.


Oh, he did kiss me. Oh, that's Yeah, we went to a park.


We were sitting on this park bench and we were watching the pigeons and people watching people walking past and stuff like that. Then we lay down this bench and I was freaking out for half an hour. I was shaking so bad. I was like, I really want to kiss this girl. I don't know if she's into me. Not thinking like, wait, she's just flown three and a half thousand miles. But yeah, we had our first kiss on that bench on 11th of October, 2015. Then we ended up staying in London together for four days. Then finally, when our mutual friend, Emmy, finished her exams, she got a train down to London and I got a couple of my friends to come down, and we all flew to the south of France for a week or 10 days or something, which sounds really cool, but it's like 50 bucks to fly anywhere in Europe. So it's like, you can do anything on a budget. Jealous. That is so cool. It's like you going to Nevada. That's so sick. It's not a big deal.


It's not as far.


I love that. I love how you can just hop around all these different countries and experience different cultures and food and architecture. It's actually a crazy thing because one of my friends actually did a video recently where flights It was so cheap in Europe now that for the price of a pizza in the UK at a nice restaurant, he went to the airport, got a flight to Rome, ate a pizza, and flew back for the same price.


It was like 20 bucks. That's stupid. Yeah, it's insane, isn't it? I don't know how the airlines do it.


I have a theory. Maybe it wasn't the butterfly freaking you out as much. Maybe you were just nervous.


I think that's what it was.


That's how I was on our first date. We went to Chick-fil-A, which is maybe the American equivalent to Nandos. Yeah. Matt I was trying to order me food, and I was like, I'm not hungry, and I was starving, and I couldn't even eat a chicken nugget. I was so nervous.


Is it also a thing of eating in front of your crush as well? Yes. Because Monica is still like, if I'm filming, she's like, No, I don't want to eat. I don't want to be eating while you're filming. She's really insecure. I'm not insecure. No, it's weird. You don't like eating in front of people or on camera. Is there anything to do with that?


In front of people, it's fine.


It's not like you're covering your mouth. No, I don't really have that.


I just eat all the time on camera, I film what I eat in a day. I probably had one comment once that said something or something.


Maybe it's just in my brain. I can't remember. Maybe that's what it is.


No, I get it though.


I don't know. Like a screenshot. I don't know.


I don't want to see that ever again. That's funny. Okay, so you went to South of France. Going back to your story.


We went to South of France with our friends for, I think, 10 days. Then from South of France, we flew to-That's when you asked me to be your girlfriend. That's why I asked her to be my girlfriend.


I didn't even think that was going to happen. I thought we were just going to be a summer fling thing, even though at this point, I literally have kissed two people in my entire life. I was like, so nervous all the time.


It was so awkward as well because we were with all our friends in the Airbnb, and I asked Monica, I said, Hey, do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight? She turns around, she goes, Hey, everyone, you want to go out to dinner?


I'm like-I didn't know he was asking you to date.


No, no, no, no, I'm asking you on a date. Yeah, I didn't know your So we went to... I still remember the name of the restaurant, Le jardin du Capital. So we went there, and then we got... You got spaghetti. Why are we getting into that? Sorry. We're walking along the beach after, and we were playing, was it like a would you rather game?


We were like 20 questions. When you first start talking to somebody, we're just trying to get to know each other. And then his question was like, oh, what would you say if I asked you to be my girlfriend? I thought I said. Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And then we finished France. We flew to Amsterdam right after because I wanted to live out the fault of our stars.


I was going to say, Amsterdam has a bit of a reputation amongst Brits. I don't know about Americans, but Amsterdam prostitution is legal and weed is legal and all that stuff. So people go from the UK to party. Oh my gosh. That's not why When I told my parents that I was going to take Monica to Amsterdam, they're like, really, is this girl, is she a good influence on you?


Yeah, I think so. Really?


Yeah, that's exactly what it's like. I was like, no, she's obsessed with this film called The Fault in Our Stars. They filmed it at Anne Frank's house. They filmed it. We went there. We spent three or four days there. Then she flew back to my parents house. I was living with my parents at the time. We were teenagers. My parents lived in Cheshire in the UK. We went there for probably two or three weeks. And of course, she made me drive her to the Harry Style's house and the Harry Style's bakery he worked at and all that stuff.


That's how you won the heart. You brought me to all my little spots. But yeah, so I met his family really quick. And then because we were so young, I guess it's filtering into something else. But we had to figure out ways to be able to continue this relationship because I thought, how is this going to work? Neither of us really had great jobs or anything. So it's like, how are we going to see each other? But here we are almost nine years later. So we figured it out.


Yeah. We were both working location-based jobs as well. So we actually had to be in an office or a place of work to work. So it was tough starting a long-distance relationship with that mind. But she flew back, I think, at the start of November, didn't you, to New York. And then Then 23rd of November is her birthday. I spoke with my parents for a week nonstop about it. I was like, Should I do this? Should I pursue this? They were like, well, you're on your own if you want to. It's your mistake to make or it's your blessing to have. And I went into my bank overdraft to book my flight to go and visit her in New York. It was all or nothing, really.


I'm taking donations to visit my girlfriend.


Then ever since that, we just went back and forth for six years. And then now we finally live together.


It got a lot easier. About a year later, we started. So we started a marketing company in April of 2016. We don't really do it anymore because we lost passion for it. But we built up this social media management company where we managed to account some businesses online. And we built it to... We were a team of eight or 10 people at one point, and it was really fun and stuff like that. But we started that in 2016 as a way to be able to figure out how to work online and see each other for longer periods of time, which was, I think that really saved our relationship, didn't it? Not that our relationship was dying, but I don't think our relationship would have survived. It's hard not seeing each other.


What was the longest stretch of time where you guys didn't see each other in person?


Probably four months.


Yeah. Honestly, not even that long. For a long distance couple, I feel like that's as long of distance as it was. Yeah.


So probably four months. Different continents.


As soon as we started working online, I would go there for three months. Then we'd spend a month apart. Then he'd come for two months. Then we just did that. No way.


We both lived with our parents. I drove my mom's car. I had no All I needed to make was enough money for flight and food. So it was really we managed to build up a company to that level within six months or so and then finally could quit our jobs and just travel to see each other.


I love that. You guys didn't the logistics get in the way. You just made it happen. It was hard. It was so hard. What was the hardest part, would you say?


I think in the beginning, we both were still so young. I was a little psycho because he was making me psycho because he was a player. Here I am. He was my first boyfriend. Before I dated him. I have not dated anyone before Sam.


It was Trust Issues.


You were still flirty with girls because he was still in that player phase.


It was getting to- I wasn't doing it intentionally. Actually, I was just a dumb young kid and I had no idea.


That was what was the hardest.


It was crossing a line. Then as soon as she said, Hey, this is how I feel about it. We had a deep chat about it. I was like, Wait, I actually saw it from her point of view. I was like, Maybe I shouldn't like a girls' post on Instagram, or maybe I shouldn't.


It was just we're in a different phase. Him being my first boyfriend, you were in your clubbing phase. It was hard in the beginning to be like, Oh, he's out of the club.


Was there one instance where you were like, We need to have a heart-to-heart?


I don't know. You know what? That was actually it got really tough at one point. It was nothing to do with... Neither of us did anything wrong or anything like that. I was visiting Monica in New York, and I think I was just feeling really, really homesick. All my friends, all my family, my entire life was in the United Kingdom. We were just, I don't even know why, but we were bickering over the smallest things 20 times a day. It was like, literally like-We were 19 and 20 years old.


We were just like, everything was like a fight.


Like she would move my slipper. I'd be like, Why did you move my slipper? It was the dumbest stuff. And it got to And it was a point where I remember we were pulling into the road to go to your parents house and in your car. And it was just us two. And I remember thinking we just got out of an argument. And I remember thinking, if this doesn't improve by the time I get to the airport in two days time, we'll have to break up with each other at the airport. And I guess those last two days, we just gave our all to relationship.


The universe was like, All right, let's do something good here. Yeah, I don't know what happened.


We were arguing about everything. We were so young. Yeah, it's like a switch clicks and just ever since then.


I think that was before we started each other's point of views with everything. So it's like, we were just... You were so focused on stuff. I was so focused on stuff, and we couldn't come together. And then we just did. And it was like, okay, it works now.


Thank you to Haya for sponsoring this portion of today's episode.


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They have eco friendly refills, and it's nice because your kid can decorate their own Haya bottle and just know that every time they get a refill, they can put it into their homemade bottle that they have for themselves.


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We got to the point where we were so desperate that we finally just had that deep tell chat thing, and we finally figured each other's positions out on absolutely everything. Every time we bickered about something dumb, where are we going to eat or what shoes am I wearing? Whatever it was. It was like we were bickering because there was a different underlying issue. That was the fact that I was so homesick and I didn't have any friends. I didn't feel at home in New York, all that stuff.


Maybe that's why we don't fight anymore because we got it all out in the beginning because it was every day.


We do have a rule now, and I think it's been amazing for our relationship. Our number one rule is every time we do argue or bicker anything, we always make sure to sit down resolve it before the end of the night. Because we found from at the start of our relationship, that was like 2016 that happened. And we found that by not resolving stuff at the end of the night and letting the tension build up, finally we exploded and There was a giant argument. And we've never really had that again because we stomp it while it's small.


Did you guys bring any baggage or anything from past relationships into relationship? Was that a cause of any bickering?


I never had a relationship Oh, so you just kissed a few dudes, but never had been on any dates.


Yeah. Got you. Was this truth or dare? Was this like-The other kiss? Yeah. What were these other kiss?


You had a little college kiss, didn't you?


I had a college kiss. I did have a college kiss. It was on my birthday. That was actually my first kiss. I was 18 when I had my first kiss, which is... Is that sad? I don't know. No. I was 18. It's not sad at all. Yeah, a guy kissed me in college. I had a crush on him, but we never dated or anything. And then another guy, this was months, months later, I'm out of college at this and I was not. Is this Ed Sheeran in the car? I hope he does not watch this. Oh my what? A guy... I don't even know how to say without laughing. There was someone from my school that wanted to hang out. Never, ever flirted with this man. I thought we were just hanging out. He just wanted a friend. I'm like, Cool. Let's hang out. He knew I loved Ed Sheeran. He put Ed Sheeran on in the car. It was the song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. And he goes, I think Ed Sheeran wrote this song for me to you. And then he kissed me. I pulled her. I was looking out his in the car.


I did not want to keep going. Oh, no. Does that count as a second kiss?


Was that uncomfortable? You did not want to kiss him? That's so bad. If you're going to use a pickup line like that, you know it's like, maybe this isn't the best idea. It was like a hit or miss.


But he missed. It could have been incredible. It could have been dreadful.


And then a few months later, that's when you and I started talking online. And then, yeah, that was...


And Ed Sheeran guy was gone.


Just two kisses, and that was it.


My experience before was the exact opposite. The drinking age of UK is 18. And so as soon as I turned 18, I started drinking. I don't really drink anymore, but I think I got that whole phase out in my life. So I literally never drink now. But I went through probably three or four years where I was a proper little party animal. And I'd want to go clubbing all the time, drinking, playing drinking games and all that stuff. And so my experience was really different.


Yeah, he was a player. You were? You could just let it out. Really? You could just let it out. You were a player.


Why was he a player?


Just like you. I mean, you've had a lot of relationships, haven't you?


I've had a few different relationships before Monica and stuff.


Yeah, he was the flirty. I could tell if I'm the flirtiness in the beginning. You were like that player dude. But he toned it down.


It won you over, though, didn't it?


It did win me over.


You were like, I got my romance. My British romance.


I've lost it all now.


Oh, my gosh. Yeah. That's why I was really nervous in the beginning because I had no experience with anything at all. And here's this guy.


I remember when we were first messaging, we I was messaging on Twitter and I was like, oh, we should book a trip together. No, guys, I'm throwing you under the bus right now.


You said a lot more than that. He literally was like...


I was coming on to say that.


It was not that sweet.


I was like, I'm a big cuddler.


And she I was like, Oh, yeah, me too. She was like, Oh, yeah, me too. I love cuddles. I was like, Oh, yeah, me too. We've never cuddled me a guy in my life. I was like, You got to.


I was like, You got to.


Wait, I just thought about that. I've never cuddled with another man before.


You're like, I'm a giant cuddler. I was like, I cuddle naked. She was like, Oh, my God, me too.


He goes, I hope you don't have a problem I cuddle naked. And he put the slanted... You know the slant emoji?


Had you guys not met before? No.


At this point, it was probably a few days in your talking that he said that.


Your mom says it. She's like, Absolutely get off of the messaging.


Here, I'm scared. I've never seen a man naked before. And he's talking about, We're going to cuddle naked. I'm like, oh, can't wait. I was so scared. You're like, I'm too. Oh, my gosh. It was working. That's so cringy. The way that you worded everything, I was like, it was like, Christian Gray.


It wasn't your Christian.


It wasn't your Christian. It It was zero dollars to his name.


It was really like- It was zero dollars. It was like, attractive reading it. But here I am like, I was so scared. I was so terrified. But in the messages, you can't tell. I was like, Yeah, I can't wait.


Do you still have messages?


Yeah, we got the screenshot.


Oh, God, it's The Idols are bad.


Yeah, that wasn't your first rodeo. You knew the words to say. What was it about Monica, though, that made you realize, Oh, this is the one, like these past relationships?


I think it's the fact that she was really straightforward It's a bit of stuff. I don't know if it's a UK thing or it's probably a worldwide thing, but my experience growing up was girls would always play hard together. It was just like a game. Dating was a game. You would be flying back and forth and then going cold and then flying back and forth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It was like a breath of fresh air when Monica, literally, she was texting this girl, Amy, being like, I want to marry this man. I'm in love with this man. I was like, Wow, okay, so I know where I stand. Then, I mean, look at her. She's the most incredible woman.


Now I'm going to cry.


No, she was the most attractive girl I've ever seen. Then I was like, this girl literally is American. This is so cool.




I love that. How was that? How did you propose?


So, basically, so, you know I said that I asked her to be my girlfriend in the south of France walking along a beach. I was surprised with the trip back there for our fourth anniversary in 2019. And so we, we flew out. We got an Airbnb. She was deathly sick. It was so sad. I was so sick. She was like, her nose and eyes were streaming. She was coughing. I was sneezing and coughing and stuff. We literally flew back, I think the next day, didn't we? We got a trip short and flew back because we both felt so sick.


But it was our anniversary, so I didn't think anything was going to happen. And at that point, it was four years into dating, and he was always like, It's going to be at least seven years until I propose. He would tell my mom that all the time. He was like, I just want to wait, whatever. But I remember he brought me up to this-We rented a car.


We were staying in Nice, and then Monaco is probably a 45-minute drive away. For our anniversary, we wanted to spend the day in Monaco. I wanted to see all the super cars, and she wanted to see the incredible food and the clothes and all that stuff. As you're driving, I went up on top of this mountain area called La Tate de Chien, and it overlooks Monaco. Then basically, I had this video that was a minute and a half long of all the travel clips and relationship clips and stuff like that, that had taken like B-roll over the last four years of being together. I edited it down to this little minute and a half video, and I did a voiceover basically saying how much I love her and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with her and stuff like that. Brought my computer up to the top of this mountain, and I set up the cameras and I said, but we were going to do a photoshoot for our first anniversary.


We were like, Oh, this just got some cute pictures. I was like, oh. Honestly, on the way up to this cliff area, I saw his hands in the car like this, like fidgeting, and I'm like, Why is he so fidgeting? I was so nervous. Then I also, in our backpack, I saw a box. But at this point, I was like, he always says seven years. There's no way he's going to be proposing today. I even saw the ring box, and in my head, I'm like, for a split second, I was like, Oh, is he proposing? But then I was like, No, he's not. But we're taking the pictures, and then we're just thinking it's for our anniversary, cute pictures. As soon as he brought out the computer, that's when I knew that something was going on. Really? Yeah.


Oh, you didn't know? I was sorry. I just yelled into the microphone.


It wasn't the ring box that set you off?


No, because he was so adamant. He was always like, seven years, at least seven years before I proposed. I was so sure because you said it so many times. So you really threw me off there. But yeah, that was the video.


I played this video and I ended the video.


I just like, to me, I'm like, If I saw a ring box, I'd be like, I'm getting a ring for a bracelet. I thought like, earring. Does he just carry rings around all the time?


No, it was like a box in a box. So I was like, Oh, maybe it's earring or like a bracelet. It's an anniversary.


You didn't actually see the proposal ring box? No, I didn't see the proposal ring box. I didn't see theIt's like the jewelers box?


Yeah, I saw the jewelers box. I'm like, Oh, he got me a necklace.


Because I always wanted that as well. I was like, How did you not?


No, I didn't see the actual ring box. I saw a jewelry box. I was like, Oh, maybe he got me a earring.


You do seem like a jewelry guy, though. I've noticed, I think. Is that a Rolex on your hand?


Yeah. That's pretty fancy. I've got a watch obsession. I love my watches. That's dope. I only buy watches that appreciate in value, though. So I treat them as savings accounts. Really? Yeah.


In the band, what is that?


My sister actually just got me for my birthday a month ago. She got it in Portugal. She was just doing a whole trip all around Europe, and she got it for me. I've worn it every day since. But it's only been just over a month. But I love it. It's really cool. Yeah, that looks dope. Then these are like runes, I think, on it. So these are like protection runes. I think it was handmade by a lady in Portugal, which I think it's really, really cool.


What is a rune? I don't know what that is.


I have no idea either. She said it's a rune.




He was hoping you would know.


He was hoping you would know. He was hoping you would know.


Is that like an ancient symbol of some sort? I guess so.


Something like that. Yeah. And then that's just my wedding ring. Nice. Well, not just my wedding ring, of course. My wedding ring. I actually had a disaster with my wedding ring because when we first got married, I thought it'd be really cool to get a carbon fiber wedding ring. So I got this carbon fiber wedding ring, which was super light. It was really cool. And I woke up, I wore it for six months and I woke up one morning and my finger was blown up like that. Oh, frick. And carbon is fibers, isn't it? I got a carbon splinter. It splintered into my finger and I had an allergic reaction or whatever, and it blew up to a little balloon. I got rid of that. Then for the last two years, I've just been wearing a rubber, one of those. It's actually a woman's band off Amazon because I like thin rings. It was a three-millimetre, $10 band off Amazon that I've been wearing. Then she got me this for our anniversary.


How did you get the carbon fiber ring off of your finger?


With difficulty.


Did you have to get like, wires and cut it off?


No, I had to wait for it I like, squeezed it out. Oh, frick. It was horrible.


Did you have to like, lube your finger up to get it off your finger?


I think I put soap on it.Yeah, I think I like, washed my hands and put soap on it. I think I washed my hands and put soap on it. Then I was like, I had to like, squeeze down the bubble and It was gross.Oh.


That's horrible. Abby's gotten rings stuck on her fingers before, especially when she was pregnant. Her fingers got all puffy. They didn't do that with Auggie. Then we did soap to get the ring off. And you'd panic. You have a panic.




We're going to have to lose the finger.


Yeah, it's scary, isn't it?


That's why I wear a rubber one because I don't want to have to get my finger chopped off. No, it's just because you're sheep. That's not true.


I wear a rubber one up until three months ago. And honestly, I'm really active. I'm always doing stuff on my hands. So I only really wear this probably three or four hours a day. And the rest of the time, I put the rubber one back on because I don't want to scratch this or damage it or whatever. So honestly, I'm in the same boat as you, dude.


And you guys had two weddings, right?


We did. Kind of. Well, I mean, yes. Technically speaking. It sounds really cool. It wasn't anything. So you know the show 90 Day Fiance? Yeah. When they landed in America and they got 90 days to get married. Aside from all the drama, that's actually a legit thing. So I came into the US on a K-1 visa. It took me two and a half years to get this visa granted. So I applied in 2019, straight after we got engaged, and it was granted December of 2021. Fle over to the US January of '22, January of '22. I told you I'm a barber mouth. He's just going to keep going. Then I legally had 90 days to get married.


It's so random. It is. It's so random. We had such a strict schedule, but it was January when you came over. We were like, What's a fun date within the 90 days? We loved 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.


Yeah, so that's second of February, 2:00, 2:00, 2:00. We got married at 2:22 PM. We didn't even plan it. That was coincidental. Yeah, that was actually good. Yeah, we didn't even plan it. It was just whenever the weather cleared up because it was February in New York. It was horrible weather.


Was it a requirement to wear a tutu to the wedding?


That would have been amazing. That was a good dad joke.


That actually would have been amazing. We should have done that.


Come on.


You want to. Come on.


A little.


I'm too used to this.


Yeah, the first wedding was literally... So his dad flew over. His grandparents were on FaceTime, your sisters were on FaceTime. And then it was just my siblings and my parents. It was cold and wet and it was freezing, but it was perfect. And these people were walking because it was in a public area and there was a group of golden retrievers.


It was like a golden retriever It was like a walking group. So it was like 20 golden retrievers all walking together.


And they stopped and watched. So right after we got married, we ran down and we're getting kissed by all these golden retrievers. It was the perfect day, at least for me.


It was awesome. It cost a dinner at Habachi place. We took everyone out to Habachi to celebrate, and that was it.


But then we had the real grand wedding in July because I always wanted the big dress.


That was July first, '22. We had the proper wedding, and that was when all my friends and family flew over from UK. It was the proper celebration. But we were already married, so we just did like a Vowel renewal thing and then just had a big party, essentially.


What do you celebrate as your anniversary?


I think we do the February.


February, really, because that's when we legally got married.


Wait a minute. Yeah, because it's only been like a year.


It's been just over two years. It's been just over two years. Yeah, like two years and three months now.


We're in the year 2024.


I know how mad is that. No, genuinely, I was signing some document. I forgot what it was the other day. I put 2023 and I corrected it to 24. I'm like, Where am I going? It happened too quick.


I'm so scared. I'm so scared.


I never know what you're doing.


Anyway, happy two-year anniversary.


Happy two-year anniversary, guys. That's awesome. That's awesome.


Going back to the proposal quickly, I just want to touch on this because this was the best part of the day. I had never pulled a pranker, Monica, in my entire life. We're not really prankers.


We try and do-We got a little bit into the prankies on TikTok, but this was before we even had a TikTok.


I had never pranked her in my entire life. But I proposed to her and she watched this video. Basically, at the end of the video, I jokingly proposed to her three years before with a fake ring and on the wrong thing.


She knew it. It was like a complete joke. We were doing a stupid video one day where he put a ring on my finger.


It was like a travel video. We were trying to be travel bloggers at the time. We were in the Canary Islands, which are like little Spanish islands. I was like, Oh, it looked really cool if I put this $2 ring on your finger. His finger turned green within 10 minutes. At the end, I was like, A few years ago, I jokingly me, asked you if you'd marry me, would your answer still be the same again after all these years and experiences and whatever? She closed the laptop. The laptop almost fell off a cliff, which was funny. Then I was down on one knee when she turned around. I could not get her to say yes. She wanted to, but every single time I asked her, and we filmed it, I've got the whole thing on our YouTube channel. Every single time I had to ask her 15 times, Is it a yes? And she was like, No, you're pranking me. You're pranking me. This is a prank. Hyperventilation going crazy.


In my head, I could not believe that that was happening to me because we dream about that forever. I just was convincing myself that it wasn't real. So I was just like, This isn't real. This isn't really making me. This is not happening. And I just couldn't stop saying that. I probably said it a hundred times, but I did say yes.


So that's good.


You did say yes eventually. You got to it. Yes, we did. We got to it.


That's sweet.


And then we had to FaceTime. Her parents were the only people in the world that knew. So I obviously asked for a father's blessing, and then I picked up the ring with her mother. So they were the only people. Actually, your mom told a waitress at a restaurant because she couldn't hold her mouth. She did.


My mom had to tell somebody. She was at a restaurant. She's like, I need to tell you. My daughter is getting engaged today.


The only people that knew her parents and the waitress.


She knows. That's sweet.


I love that it was just the two of you because that's how we did it, too. We were in Disney World, so there was other people.


They were all stranger on it.


Wait, I saw when you guys recreated it.


Yeah, they were all strangers. So it was like you were just by ourselves. It's sweet. I love that. You have the wedding day to be with other people. And so it's nice. I understand people want their family and friends around, but I don't know. I thought that was sweet.


I It was the privacy. It was just our moment.


Yeah, it was super nice.


It was less pressure, wasn't it, as well? If everybody's family stood around waiting for the answer thing.


Thank you to Rocket Money for sponsoring this portion of today's episode.


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Unplanned. So I understand there was a weird controversy around you taking his last name.


Oh my gosh. I have no idea what that was.


Can you explain what happened?


Here I am thinking everything's great. Everything was amazing. And then all of a sudden I keep getting all these messages. I don't know if you experienced the same thing, but I was getting tons of messages like, I cannot believe that you're subjecting to this and taking his last name. He should take yours. This is ridiculous.


I was like, No, I never got that.


I'm like, What is... I don't know if anyone else has ever got that either.


It was just us. I think just one person commented it and then everyone was on there like, Wait, that's a good point. Why is she taking his last name?


Yeah, we got a ton.


You're the first woman in the world who's taking her husband.


I'm I also really love his last name. And him, his grandma is my best friend. I'm like, oh, I got to share the last name with Nanny. I was so excited. I love being a Patterson. I'm always going to be like, Monica Gartner. That's my maiden name. Just because I took his last name doesn't mean anything. But people were really mad.


You don't know where it came from?


I have no idea. I think, like I said, I think it was just one comment from someone that was whatever. Then I think it just spread like wildfire. Then suddenly we were getting death threats and everything.


There was a ton of news articles about it. I'm like, why is this a thing?


Is this-News articles written about you changing your last name.


I think it was Daily Mail wrote a whole thing, like wife gets backlash from taking last name. I'm like, Isn't that a thing that people do? I wanted to take his last name.


We didn't start social media until After we were married. So I didn't have that. That makes sense. It was so weird.


I don't understand it. I don't know.


That is very odd.


I think people just try to find something-I mean, that is the culture in the US.


I understand that. Is that not the culture in the UK?


Everybody in the UK does that. Yeah. I mean, as far as I know. Interesting.


I'm sorry.


I'm really We were laughing about it. We were just like, if that really makes you guys that mad, you have more problems that you need to deal with. I'm fine. I love my new laugh. I don't know.


That's so interesting. I feel like everybody online, I mean, with this job comes hate comments, doesn't it? I know you guys have been subjected to a lot of that. I'm really sorry that you guys have because you're the sweetest people ever. You're so nice. Oh, thank you. I'm really glad that the one time it's really blown up for us was over something so trivial, so silly. I'm sure 95% of people read the article and were like, Why is this a story?


Yeah, you can brush that off pretty easily, hopefully.


Yeah. Were you guys able to brush that off or did it get to you?


That one, we were able to really brush off. There's some comments we got that it's hard to deal with.


The main stuff, a lot of people think I'm gay.


Oh, really?


Dude, I've gotten those, too. Why?


Is that every time?


I've We're going to see you guys complimenting each other. I know. They're like, You guys are going to sit together.


They're definitely gay.


Maybe I should stop playing into it. I like complimenting you all the time.


Well, you're just so attractive. I can't help myself.


Oh, here we go. The comments are coming in.


No, seriously, dude, So I think what it is, is I think, at least for me, when I started a relationship with Abby, it brought up my soft side, and then becoming a dad brought out even more of a soft side.


It doesn't make you any less of a man, though. Yeah, but it doesn't change your sexuality just because you're in touch with your emotional side. Exactly. Your authentic self.


But I think what it is, is not only did that bring out a soft side in me, but then just with the content that we have online, it revolves around our relationship and it revolves around me being a father. So when people are only seeing that side of me, the soft side of Matt, then they're like, Oh, that dude's gay.


Is that more of an American thing, though, where it's like men have to be like...


No, that's a big thing in the UK. Really? I feel like it might be even more in the UK. Really? I don't know.


You think toxic masculinity is more of a thing in the UK than in the US?


Probably. I don't know. I've never thought about it, but yeah, I think maybe it is.


We just had a really, really bad experience in England, to the point where I'm like, Oh my goodness. I was so shocked that it even happened. It made me... I have never yelled at anybody in my entire life. I'm quiet. I'm introverted. I fully yelled at somebody on the train because I fully yelled at somebody on the train because I'm You got to say the whole story. We're going down the steps. There's a cute little old lady by herself. There's all these big dudes walking around. She had her suitcase and she's struggling to pick it up. Obviously, Sam sees, so he picked up her suitcase. I'm thinking in my head, How did not a single man-This lady was probably early '80s Going down a flight, like 30 stairs.


I watched, we were right at the top of stairs as she was halfway down. I watched six or seven big guys just walk past her and completely ignore her. I had to run down the stairs.


We got on the train and she's near the door. This guy in his 70s, I would say, comes on two beers, one beer in each hand. This was 2:00 PM. Immediately, it's in her face. So I was like, oh.


2:00 in the afternoon.


2:00 in the afternoon. That was a football match, a soccer match.


He's talking to her and I'm like, What a creepy husband. He's so close to her face.


She was like, Oh, don't spill those on me.


Don't spill the beers on me. Then I noticed he's literally trying to kiss her on the lips. Her face is going like this. There's a ton of men around her. I'm like, This is weird. As soon as I saw her face, Sam was like, I'm sorry, is that your husband? She was like, No. She comes cowering behind me, this little old lady. I'm like, so Sam's yelling at this guy.


I feel bad because he was an elderly guy.


But no, you should not be yelling.


There's no age on being a creep.


No other man spoke up for this lady. I could not believe it.


So I was full on like, I've never full on cursed someone out like that before, but I was going crazy with this guy. It was bad. Because he was literally trying to sexually assault this old lady.


And no one around did anything. I was like, at least where we live in Florida, people immediately would be on that and be like, get away from this lady. He'd probably be beat up as he Probably should have been because it was disgusting what he was trying to do. Then his son comes over and tries starting beef with Sam.


Yeah, his son came over and tried squaring up to me. I had to shoulder barge him out of the way. He was like, Do you have a problem with my dad? I was like, Yeah, actually, your dad is a massive creep trying to kiss an elderly lady that he doesn't know.


He wasn't trying to do it in a creepy way. That's when I started popping off. I'm like, How can you kiss a stranger in a non-creopy way? He owes her an apology.


This lady was literally cowering behind Monica. Monica was like rubbing her back. It was so sad. Oh my gosh.


It was horrible. Then he was like, Yo, me and you are cool, but F her. Everyone on the train, no one said anything. No one offered their seat to this old lady. I was like, at least here, I think it's better here. People take better care. I don't know.


That's just making you so sad. What if she was a widow?


I know.


Yeah. I think we got unlucky because it was a crew versus Wrexom FC football match and they're heavy rivals and everyone was a bit rowdy and riled up, whatever. But still, we were on the train and we literally got a trip short while on the train. I rebooked our flights while we're on the train. I was like, I just got to get home. I miss my dog. I miss the sunshine.


That's horrible, you guys.


Thank goodness you guys were there.


It was horrible. Yeah, thank goodness. I feel like with situations like that, I don't know, from my experience, even in the US, if you go to, say, Nashville, people are so kind. There's the Southern hospitality. People are just so good. Even one time we got stranded in North Carolina and Charlotte, and then just everyone in Charlotte was so nice. But then, yeah, you go to places like, I don't know, maybe you're on the subway in New York and you might see some sketchy stuff. And I feel like that might have been... I don't know. That's just my guess. Maybe it was the crowd you're with, too, because of that football match. That was just a drunk grandpa trying to kiss an old lady. That's so sad.


How do we get into that conversation? I know.


Something about toxic masculinity.


Oh, We're talking about how people think they're gay.


I think it's more prevalent in the UK.


So does that get to you, though? People thinking that you're gay?


It did at first, but now I'm just like, I'm happily married to my wife. I know I'm not gay. Why are people trying to insult me about that?


Because I don't know about you. You said you did choir. So I did theater. So people would call me gay for doing theater. And then that used to get to me when I was a kid because I didn't really fit in a box. I loved to skateboard. I played basketball. Then I also did tap dance and ballet, and I So it was like, I wasn't-I was exactly the same.


I was a choir boy, but then I did mountainboarding and I played football and all that stuff as well.


So you guys have done some pranks teasing each other online. Has there ever been an instance where it crossed the line for you guys in your relationship? Where you're like, Okay, this is too far. It's too much. No.


I don't think so.


I don't think so.


I want to know the back story.


We never get bad with our pranks. I see some couples that are doing stuff potentially Really relationship ending stuff.


I want to know the back story behind the OnlyFans prank.


She got me so good with it.


You know it's actually funny timing because they've reached out to us three times to join the platform.


No way. So that's why I believe it so much because we literally got an email the day. I guess that's how you came up with the video I did. But they emailed us the day before and they were like, We want you guys to join the platform. You've had a bunch of requests or whatever. So then the next day Hey. And Monica was like, after they reached out, Monica was like, hey, Karina Koff is earning a million bucks a month.


Not that I would ever do it. I never once for a second even thought about doing it.


Not that we got anything against people that do it. Like, make that money.


You see how much some people are making on it and you're like, we would never actually do it. But yeah, so we got... I think it was our third email from them that we got and I was like, Oh, I'm going to just pretend that I'm joining it because we got a lot of creepy people in our... I'm sure you do, too. A lot of creepers in the DM's. Like, Footpicks, can you send this? Like, use socks. Like, really weird stuff. So yeah, I just decided to see what he would do.


And you were-And you fully believed it. You weren't happy.


You thought she was not-Okay, guys, if Matt came in the room and I was like, I'm doing only My fans, there's zero % chance that you would believe me. Yeah, I would not believe you for a second.


I think it was just the timing was good from the emails. So them reaching out and then me being like, Oh, my gosh, these people are making so much money. And then I think maybe you for a split second were like, oh, maybe she is thinking about it, which I never, ever would.


And then I I don't know if you did this as part of the plan to try and make me believe it more. But in the morning before it, because I think I went out, didn't I? And I came back and you set everything up. But I think in the morning, you were on the phone to your sister talking about OnlyFans and stuff as well. And I don't know if you did that to set that up. I don't know.


I think I was probably just telling her about the email or something.




That's funny.


It was just good timing. Very convenient timing.


Well, I mean, they actually reached out to us once, too, but I thought it was just because they were trying to be more like Patreon.


It was when they were trying to be more... Remember the time that OnlyFans was trying to not be a saucy platform for a day? Yes.


They were with the everything for a week.


Because I don't think it started as a saucy platform. I think it started as more of a Patreon.


But the format was set up to make that perfect environment for them.


Exactly. And so I think, yeah, I don't know. I mean, I'm sure there are people on OnlyFans that just It's who knows? Maybe they just post regular videos and there's nothing crazy. But I feel like 99% is probably.


Because of the stigma attached to that platform now, I think if people want to do a subscription thing, they'll do a Patreon or Twitch. She's obsessed with Paul Wesley's private Instagram stories, stuff like that. You know Paul Wesley from the Vampired Irish? He played Stefan Stalvator in the Vampired Irish.


See, the thing about I'm not really a fan girl type person.


I'm next level. It's bad.


I like that, though. You know what you like?


You know what's true? And his grandma is a fan girl. She loves Billy Joel and Elvis.


She's literally Monica, but 60 years older.


We're literally twins. We watched the Elvis movie together. I love that movie. When Austin Butler is the young Elvis, I was all excited. Then as he got older in the movie, then his My grandma's like, Oh, here we go. I'm excited now. It was so funny that we're both fan girls of the different-I love that relationship with his grandma. She's the best. She's the best. I love her so much. I swear. I think she was my daughter in a past life. It's weird. I don't even know how to describe it. I I know I knew his grandma. I don't know. It's so hard to say out loud. I sound crazy.


That's precious.


She's the best.


Do you guys believe in stuff like that?


Like soulmates?


No. Like past lives. What's your thought? Oh, past lives.What happens?


That's the only time I have thought about it. Was that?


Is that getting a bit too philosophical for this?


I mean, I... Yeah. I don't know.


Matt's extremely literal. I'm pretty literal. Don't even start this conversation with him because it's just going to fall flat.


I'm the same. I'm a big realist. I truly, truly want to believe that there is something. I really don't want to think that you just there's nothing. I grew up Church of England Christian. I haven't drifted away from it, but I think everyone's Catholicism. Catholicism is very slightly different to Church of England Christian, isn't it? I drifted away from the church while I've been living in America. But I really don't know. I would love to believe in reincarnation or I'd love to believe in whatever. I just think it's such a cool thought.


I think death is a really scary thing. And then I think dealing with loss is so hard, especially depending on the relationship. So I think having some hope in those horrible, horrible times in life because everyone goes through horrible things. There's no escaping that. Everyone's going to die as sad as that is.


That says it to me every day in my life. Sorry.


He presents you the thought of death. I fully believe believe that there's a heaven. I have had dreams about it, and I'm like, I don't know if that's my mind making it up. Or like, when my grandma passed away, the night that she passed away, she was in my dream and she was describing heaven to me. I don't know if my mind was making it up or if it was like that really was... It felt like it was really her. And the same thing happened with Sam's mom.


Yeah, do we have 10 minutes to get into that?


Okay, yeah. Wait, hold up. What about your mom?


My mom passed away very suddenly from cancer in December of '21.


Right as this was all...


It was crazy. She went into a hospital thinking she had gallstones on the first of December. We were told it was cancer on the sixth, the eighth. I think we were told it was terminal. She had a few months, and she died on the 13th, which was insane. That's so dramatic. It's one of those things that it's like, until it happens to you, you don't even think about it. You hear the people passing away from cancer young or passing away from heart disease or whatever it is young. And you always think, I'm going to be that that it never happens to until it does happen to you. And it's terrifying. Obviously, it was the worst experience of our entire lives. That breaks my heart. But that has led me on to, until that happened, I started thinking there was nothing after life. And the amount of signs we got after my mom has passed away is insane.


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Yeah, it's literally... It sweats coming off of everything. And why has it taken us this long to think of, Hey, wait a second, people. Let's make a whole body deodorant.


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I was a day years old when I found out that's how you spelled deodorant. I'm so glad you spelled that.


Oh, my gosh. Are you serious?


Why does it look weird, deodorant?


I'm dumb. So the night she died, my bedroom at my parents house was a converted living room thing. So it was really long and thin. There was a fireplace in the middle of my bed, right at the far end. And it wasn't in a typical bedroom. We had double French doors with sheer cursions over them. It was like, translucency. You could see through.


Sounds like a really nice bedroom.


It was an awesome bedroom to have. I think my sister was pretty jealous. I managed to steal it. As soon as my sister went to university, my parents, my baby sister and myself in the house, and I was like, You know what? I'm giving it in my bedroom upstairs. I'm going to take this this spare, this study thing. But yeah, anyway, blabbering aside, the night my mom passed away. My mom passed away at 8:00 in the morning, and That night, you tell it a lot better, actually. Do you want to say? Because you were the one that thought you had the dream about it.


I had a dream. My biggest thing was I never got to give his mom grandkids. That's going to hold me forever. That night, I guess because I was thinking about that so much, in my dream, which again, it's the same thing happened with my grandma, I was with his mom. I was in a hospital bed, and she was right next to me, and she was like, I'm always going to be here with you. I feel like that really was his mom coming to me in a dream. I know that sounds like Psychotic? Oh, my God, you're crying. You're going to make me cry. Oh, my gosh. Also, this is probably going to make you laugh. John Krasinski was also there. I don't know why.


I don't know why.


Just a small time. This is what you're. He happened to be in the hospital room as well.


I don't know why he was there.


John Krasinski and Sam's mom in the same room. It wasn't even John.


It was literally him as Jim from the office.


I don't know why. I'm sorry, it wasn't even John as Jim. I was literally Jim.


That will help you. But yeah, so he was also there.


Okay. Maybe to hide that detail when you share the story. Am I having a baby?


What's happening? I can't. So, yeah, he was also there. Okay. So his mom was there. And then I wake up and I'm in Sam's bedroom and I look over. This sounds so scary. You're probably going to get chills with this. I look over at Sam and he was sat up in the bed. This is at what? Four in the morning or something. And I can see him looking at his bedroom door and I'm like, This is such a weird dream that I'm having. And I said, What are you looking at? And he's like, My mom is at the door. So I looked at the door and it gives me like, chills even thinking about it. I could literally see his mom, like outside, like behind the curtain, the outline of his mom. She was wearing a white robe. Her hair was down. She always had her hair up, but her hair was down.


And you remember this, too?


Yeah, we'll wait for it. So that was like, my dream was that. And then I don't remember how I fell asleep. But that was it. I just remember saying, Oh, my gosh, there she is. I wake up in the morning and I'm like, Sam, I got to tell you what happened. So I told him at the hospital thing, and then I said, I looked at you. Then in the bed, I looked at you. You're sitting up. He's like, Was I looking at my mom?


I was like, Yeah. Then I was like, Was she wearing her white robe with her hair down?


He literally... I was like, That was real.


Because I thought I was dreaming as well.


I thought it was that part of the dream. But I was actually sitting up in real life. In the morning, I was like, I dreamed that I saw my mom at the door in her robe. I was like, Was her hair down? We described the exact same thing. I'm like, That really made me know that there was something after.


Then the second time was even crazier. We were I had my visa interview, my K1 visa interview on the 15th of December, so two days after my mom passed away. And there was a question about my parents in the interview. I broke down. I was like, I'm so sorry, my mom just passed away, so I forgot to change my application to deceased. I was obviously thinking about her nonstop. Got out of the interview and I passed, which was awesome. So we went straight to Self Reyes, which is like a Macy's in the UK. I've heard of it. Yeah, it's pretty cool. We were wondering around there and we met this girl that watches our content. And generally, obviously, you guys know this when you guys probably experience it all the time, when you see people that watch your content, they'll say, I love your content. Have a short conversation. You have a really quick conversation about social media, whatever it is. It doesn't really go below surface level, does it? It's just like a, thank you so much for watching our stuff, blah, blah, blah. This girl, she watched our content and she said, Oh, you're Sam and Monica.


And she goes, Do you believe in aliens? I I really want to live off-grid. And starts going into these crazy, crazy deep, like conspiracy theories and things. And the only other person I would ever talk about stuff like that was my mom.


She was so into like- It was like every conversation that his mom would talk about. She always talked about, I want to live off-grid, grow my own vegetables and all these random things that she would talk about. And this girl just immediately, before she even said, I love watching your video, she's like, Oh my gosh, I'm in Monica. I watch your stuff. Do you believe in aliens, by the way? And then his mom always talked about aliens and all these spiritual stuff. Every conversation that she brought up to us, I literally started tearing up because I'm like, I feel like I'm talking to your mom. It was so weird.


And then it gets even crazy because I hadn't mentioned anything about my mom even having cancer on social media. No one knew anything. I hadn't mentioned my mom during this conversation. This girl, after 20 minutes of talking to me, turns me completely around and she goes, I can really feel your mom's energy around you, Sam. I was like, What? She said, Yeah, I just really need to give you a big hug right now. She gave me the biggest hug I've ever had in my entire life. I was shaking because I hadn't mentioned anything about my mom. It was the weirdest thing. After that, we got done with it. We said our goodbye, all that stuff. After that, I was like, I can't do any more shopping. I've got to go lie down. We went back to the hotel and my mom was an amazing cook. She would cook incredible food every night. I was like a proper mommy's voice. Every time she was cooking, we'd be in the kitchen singing and dancing together and stuff like that. We had this song together. It came out in 2006. It's called Never Be Lonely. Like I said, came out in 2006.


This was 2021. I hadn't heard this song in 10 years. As we walk into the hotel, playing on the radio is never be lonely, the chorus of the song. I went up to the front desk. I was like, What is this? He was like, Oh, it's just general radio station thing. I was like, That is so... Because that was our song. It was so weird. Go upstairs, check into our room. Just been cleaned. Brand new room. Obviously not brand new, but it just been cleaned. We were lying in bed. I was reading through some conversations with my mom of her last days, telling each other we loved each other and stuff, really in my feels. Monica was on FaceTime to her sister, Jacquelyn, and she was telling her all about these crazy experiences we just had. Then she jumps out of bed, freaks out.


My sister's like, What is happening? Because I got up really quick because I felt something just brush my head. She felt like someone broke her head. Yeah, like a nice little pat on the top of my head. I jumped out of bed. He's freaking out like, What just happened? Here I am thinking, I'm going insane. I feel like I'm going crazy. But we have a picture.


We'll show you guys after. We got a picture. There's a a handprint on the headboard.


Directly behind where her head was. You could see a handprint. I was like, maybe it's in the wood. Maybe that's ingrained in the wood or something. It was gone. Ten minutes later in the morning, gone. We weren't doing nothing freaky where my hands were on the bed or nothing. I don't know how a handprint got right above my head. It was insane. But we took a picture because we were like, no one would ever believe this. Wow.


If we didn't have the picture. So you hadn't talked about your mom at all on social media when that girl came up? No. What about... Nobody knew that she had cancer. Nobody knew anything at all?


No, we've been completely private. Because it happened so fast. I mean, it happened so fast and we've been so private about the entire thing. I posted, I think, that evening about it after it had happened. Yeah, it was mad.


That's crazy. That's why I'm like, there's definitely something after.


Yeah, so very, very long roundabout story short. That's why I fully believe there's something after.


That's super hard because that was December of '21. You got married just a few months later.


February '22, yeah. And we actually had a wedding planned for June of '21. But we had a really bad situation with our wedding venue. We paid for the deposit for, was it 150 guests, 130 guests or something. And then it was in New York. It was on Long Island. And that was obviously during the height of COVID. So the government in New York passed whatever it is, legislation, whatever it's called, to say that only 50 people maximum could be at a wedding. So we spoke to our wedding menu and we said, Well, can we just put the deposit for the 130 people or whatever it was towards the rest of... So we have 50 people. And the wedding menu were like, No, what we're going to do is because you've signed a contract for 130 or 150 people, you can have 50 people at the wedding, but you've got to pay for 150. We'll give you 100 spare meals.


I was like, You are kidding me. We're not going to get through that.


That's ridiculous.


It's horrible, isn't it? So we had to postpone the wedding.


So we postponed the wedding, and sadly, my mom didn't get to see us get married. But she got to see the dress.


And she saw the wedding ring.


She got to see the wedding ring. That's really sad. It's actually not to get too deep, but we were actually in the jeweler picking up Monica's wedding ring when my dad called me to tell me that it had been diagnosed as cancer, which was crazy. So obviously we didn't buy it that day. We left and went to the hospital straight away. That's horrible.


I'm so sorry. How have you been doing?


Oh, man. I don't want to say it's getting easier because it's definitely not easier. I think about it all day, every day still. But I'm learning to live with it a lot easier now, a lot more now. I don't know. I think when When she first passed away, my dad and my two sisters.


What's that?


It makes me cry.


Oh, I'm sorry.


I want to be there for my boys.


You will be. I'm going to start in a second now. Don't do this to me.


It's happening. I'm so sorry.


When my mom first passed away, my mom and dad were together like 35 years. It was such a shock to my dad that he just completely went within himself and couldn't do anything. In a way, it made it easier for me that I had to switch my mindset when she passed away. I had to be the one to... We planned a funeral and we called my mom's brothers and had to call around all the friends and family and pick up her stuff from the hospital. I couldn't get everything sorted, all the logistics of it. I think that helped that I had to... I was forced into switching my mindset.


I'm sorry, dad.


Look at us.


This is not okay. Then I think I just numbed it for a while, but it got... Like I said, it didn't get easier, but I'm learning to live with it a lot more.


You stepped up like crazy. He had such a brave face on and was able to do all these things that I would never be. I would just shut down completely. We were so amazing. And that just made me be like, you're literally the strongest man I've ever met in my entire life. It was incredible. I don't know how you did it, but he's the best. He's going to cry again.


That's really sweet. Anyway, switching it. I got a tattoo of my mom, by the way. That's cool. I was going to ask Yeah. Yeah. So after my mom passed away, you know how every mom's got a calendar in their kitchen? I think it's just like a mom thing, isn't it? And not to get bloody sad, again, my grandma passed away like two months before my mom. So my mom had wrote mom's birthday in the calendar for my grandma, meaning like my grandma's birthday. So we had her handwriting saying mom in the calendar, and Monica found it, took a picture of it, and yeah, I got it tattooed. So that's her handwriting. That's really sweet. And it's a double meaning because it's a signer for my grandma as well, considering my mom wrote that word for my grandma, meaning for her birthday.


That's beautiful. That's really sweet. Your mom has really good handwriting. She does, doesn't she? It looks so eloquent.


Thank you. I think the tattoo artist did an amazing... He got it perfect. Yeah, I got very lucky with finding... Well, you got very lucky.


And the tattoo on your finger, what is that one?


Oh, no. You don't want to ask about that one. Wait, why not? That's switching gears dramatically. It was free. So when we first started dating.


It was free. So like, let's get a tattoo.


When we first started dating. I think I was 19. We were in New York and there was this tattoo parlor down the road that were doing free tattoos, but it was done by apprentices to build it their experience. But it was free and we just had to tip. And it had to be smaller than an inch square. I called my parents and I was in a silly little rebellious phase at the time. I called my parents and I said, I want to get a tattoo. My dad said, Well, if you want to get a tattoo, don't get it anywhere visible. Don't get it on your face, don't get it on your neck, don't get it on your hands, on your arms, anything like that, because you won't be able to get a good job. I was going through a rebellious phase. I was like, Screw you, dad. I don't want a job. I want to work for myself. This is a Viking symbol that means create your own reality. I got it on my hands because it was my way of telling my dad.


That was supposed to be my idea.


Now, I want to get that on my neck. Oh my God.


Wait, so did you get yours at that same place? Yeah, mine's also free. It looks cool from afar, but up close it's so bad.


It's terrible. I had to have it redone. It's so bad. You guys can feel it in a minute.


I don't know why we did.


You can feel it It's hard over and everything.


Why did we do that? I would never get it.


Why did we do it? I can't regret that.


But it's a memory.


It's a bad memory. It looks so bad.


What are your thoughts on the neck tattoos? I think when people have that line from their ear on the neck.


Doesn't Justin Bieber have something like that?


Yeah, I think it looks so good.


I think Cool. But I think it's got to be on a specific type of person. I don't think it would suit me. But I think it suits Justin Bieber and make it.


You're a pretty boy.


We have our matching look tattoo. Wait, what?


What does it say?


Does that say dude? Oh my gosh, that's so cool.


When did you get that?


We got that.


I can't regret it because I never see it. I forget about it. But it's just so cool.


We knew at the time it was stupid.


We knew at the time it was stupid. Kind of, not really.


It was 2020 when we got those matching lip tattoos.


So sweet, honey.


Why did you get dude? Was that a thing between you two?


There's not a good reason.


It was our thing for a while because I call Abby Dude. You don't call me Dude anymore. I don't really do it as much.


I remember that on your social media. Can you say Hey Dudes? Yeah. That was years ago.




That's so cool. But that's a memory you guys are always going to have.


It's going to not last. It's still there.


You're like, It's still there?


Is it there? I don't look at it ever.


Yeah, it's still there.


How many times do you flip your lip down? I forget about this, but then I go to the dentist and I'm like, I'm Oh my gosh. Every time I forget to tell them, they're like, She didn't tell us. And I'm like, Let's not.


Hey, real quick. This won't take long. I just wanted to thank you guys for being here. The fact that you're here right now listening to this episode means the world to us. We've put in a ton of work on this podcast, and we honestly did not expect for this to happen. We've gotten to sit down with some incredible guests, and it's all because of you guys. So thank you so much. If you have gained any value at all from this episode, if you would please consider sharing the episode with a friend or family member, it would mean the world to us. We love meeting you guys out in public. When you come up and say hi to us, it means the world to us, and we're very thankful. So thank you for sharing the episode, and now let's get back into it. You guys recently consulted a psychic.


That's I was going to… I was going to bring that.


About kids and when you're going to… About what might be next.


But now, here's the thing. We don't know who believe that lady. It was a random-It was a phone number? It was a phone number. It was all the numbers.


We were like, This would be fun for a video. You know what? We went to a psychic in New York. It was just after my mom passed away, so I wanted to talk about my mom, and I thought it helped me heal and stuff like that. She said that you shouldn't really talk about people before six months after they passed away or something. We didn't actually end up really talking about my mom. But she made a bunch of predictions for our life and stuff. This was before we moved to New York. This was-To Florida. Sorry, Florida. We were in New York before we moved to Florida. This was probably March or April of '22. And I remember the psychic said, You're going to find a place It's going to be hot weather. You're going to be by the water, and you're going to stay there for the rest of your life.


And here I am never thinking I'm leaving New York.


And we had no plans to move at that time. We're like, no, we're not going to. And she was like, yeah, you're moving in the next few months. And we moved in May to St. Augustine, Florida, and we love it, and we're never leaving.


That lady was like a real side view. Everything that woman said actually did.


You think she was legit?


Was there anything, though, that she said that was like, that didn't happen? No. Did they let you record?


When you go in, can you record? I recorded a voice note.


But the one for the video, that was just a random lady.


I'm so sorry to just backtrack really quickly. She got the creepiest thing was with your grandpa, her grandpa. Firstly, she guessed his name. She guessed her grandpa's name. And she said it begins with R. And she was like, it's not Rob, it's Rich. Which was his name. Which was his name. And we reached out to this woman through a fake email address.


She made a temporary fake email address. I didn't give my name, I didn't give my phone number, nothing where she could look up my stuff beforehand. It was like a random throw away email.


And then she said, I'm getting what she say? I'm getting something with L and three or something like that.


Oh, yeah. So my grandpa. So I have three siblings. So he used to call us number one, number two, number three, number four. So I was number four. Because she's the youngest. My sister Liz is number three. And the woman was like, I'm getting something with your grandpa, like number three and the letter L. Does that mean anything to you? I was like, that's not anything that was ever shared online or anything.


Monica was quiet about it. And she said, I feel like it relates to a person and this person is going through some life changing stuff. And then Monica got up and was like, okay, I give it up. Like, yeah, L is Liz. Three was her number from my grandpa. This was just after she talked about her grandpa.


She describes what was in my grandma's room when she passed away. That one was a legit psychic.


Yeah, her grandma was in a Catholic nursing home run by nuns. It was a thing that they did after her grandma passed away. All the nuns stood around her bed and prayed and chanted and stuff like that or whatever it's called. But there was like 30 of them in the room. That's a very rare thing. How often do you get a bunch of nuns around your bedside when you pass away, chanting and praying and stuff like that?


She knew the wording in the room, she was describing the decor. It was crazy. It was weird. But the one for the video was a random ad we saw for like, it would be funny. Yeah, it would be fun to feel. I don't know how accurate that woman was because you pay by the minute. It was like $3 a minute. So we were like, Let's do this quick. But she was dragging everything out. Do you remember?


Probably so much.


It was so bad. I don't even remember what she said. I think she said we were having... Did she say two kids?


I can't remember.


I want four kids. So I hope she's not right. She was wrong. I think she's not right. I think she's wrong. I think it's going to be at least three.


Well, this is always what we've debated over, isn't it? This is the ongoing debate is, I, growing up, I always wanted one kid. That's such a lie, guys. And now I've said I want two. It's not a lie.


In the beginning, he always said he wanted I wanted two kids. I wanted four. I said, let me meet at three.


I said, Growing up, I wanted one. Now I've switched. I want two.


You're such a liar. You're always starting at one, so you pretend you went up.


So we meet in the middle at two.


I'm going down to three. You got to go up. You're pretending you started at one. You started at two. You can't have one. You got to have at least two. They got to have money. And then they need to have another money.


Okay. If you guys hang out to see when Griffin and I get back, if you get to see them chase each other in the kitchen, it will melt your heart.


My baby's here. Oh, my gosh. Me and you.


It was so much fun.


Wait, this year, you think?


The psychic said within the next 12 months.


We actually haven't said anything on social media about this. I guess because it's not taboo, but she stopped birth control a month ago. Oh. So we're playing Russian roulette.




My mom was really fertile. She's like, I'm excited.


We're not actively trying, but if it happens, then it happens.


I would not be surprised if you're pregnant right now. That happened to us. Can you imagine? That happened to us.


Can you imagine?


Abby pulled the goalie and boom. It right away.


I really hope. One of our closest friends just found out they're pregnant. So we're like, our babies could grow up together.


It's the funniest thing because she lives… So yeah, one of her best friends, she doesn't have any family in town or anything. And we've got a couple of Airbnbs that we rent out and stuff. So we were across town doing some renovations on an Airbnb. And she called Monica, Monica's friend, and said, You need to get here right now. And Monica was like, No, I'm busy. Do you want to come here or something? And she sent a picture of this pregnancy test that had a very faint pregnancy line.


Yeah, you couldn't tell in the picture that it said pregnant. I'm like, Oh, she's pranking me. What's going on?


Monica was like, You're pranking me. This is definitely a prank. We drove over to her house anyway, and it turns out she was pregnant.


I'm like, This would be perfect timing. You have young kids, they can hang out.


I'm like, oh, come on. It was so funny because when she told her husband, it was in our house that she told her husband. For some reason, she wanted us to be there, which was awesome. It was an awesome thing to be part of. She Her husband goes up, gets up the stairs, gets into the kitchen, and she says that she's got this box of T-shirts for him. He opens the box and obviously there's the pregnancy test, the clear-booth test in there. For some, this dude has never done a British accent in entire life. He turns around, he goes, We're having a baby. He wanted to shock and he was on this proper company accent.


He's going to have a baby. He just turned British. So yeah, maybe when pregnant, you never know. Maybe. That'd be fun.


Monica Are you one of those people that tests a lot?


Yeah. Even when I was on birth control, I was like, in my head. I'm like, yeah, I just get really like, I don't know. I'm just convinced. If my stomach hurts, I'm like, oh, my God, I'm pregnant.


She'll literally eat your poll and she'll be like, I'm pregnant. I'm like, oh my God. You don't show for six weeks.


And the comments don't help, too. If I'm wearing... If I just ate and I'm wearing a dress, they're like, wow, congratulations. It's never like, are you pregnant? It's like, congrats. I'm like, wow, I feel great. You're that sure of yourself. I feel so good about myself right now.


Did you guys ever have any pregnancy scares while you were dating? Because you mentioned that your mom was really fertile, so I don't know if that- My mom, literally, as soon as I said...


Because my mom is like, for the past five years, she's like, have a baby. I'm the youngest, though. I'm the youngest kid in the family.


Monica's mom and my grandma have teened up to guilt troopers since having kids. So every time I see my grandma now, she literally- You think you would be so cute. She's in great health, but she literally turns to me. She's like, I'm getting older. All my friends have great grandchildren. I'm not going to be here much longer. I'm like, Oh, my Gosh, Nanny, chill.


You're all ready. But you're fine. But I think that you've gotten to the point now where you're ready because in the beginning, he didn't even know how to hold a baby. Sam would be like, I was terrified of babies. But now, the other day, we were at a restaurant and I could see Sam looking at someone. I'm like, If I look and there's a woman over there. Because he was looking with loving eyes and I'm like, Who's sat over there? She was like, a little baby girl.


I've never looked lovingly at a woman in a restaurant.


I'm like, Is he looking at... Who is he looking at like that? But it was just a cute little baby. So I'm like, the baby fever is hitting. It's happening. It's time. So get ready, guys.


It's funny, dude. When you become a dad, you just start noticing kids so much more. I never before becoming a dad, I'd be like, oh, my gosh, baby, you see those cute kids?


That's my existence of my entire life. Every time I would just... I could feel... I walk in a room, I'd be like, there's a baby in here somewhere.


Yeah, that's me. That's literally me.


You're drawn to the baby. Yeah.


I'm just like, oh, my gosh. Where's it at? Give me all the babies. I want to hold all the babies. I'm so excited to be a mom.


She said the weirdest thing where she smells them and says they smell good.


No, the baby smell. They feel amazing. It's a thing.


Wait, it's actually a thing? I thought it was a Monica thing.


He thought it was crazy. Thank you.


I told you, that's a real thing. They just have that thing.


Especially when they're fresh.


When they're fresh. Not fresh out of the cooch. She said...


No. Yeah, no. I don't want to smell that.


Is this a social media thing or a Monica thing? When someone has a newborn baby, Monica says they're not quite defrosted yet.


No, when they post a picture, the baby just came out. They still went wrinkly. The baby, he thaw for two minutes. He thaw us. Oh my gosh.


Is that a Monica thing?


But the thing about it is that the parents can't see it. So that was us. We're like, Oh, our baby is beautiful. And then we look back now, we have the fog is lifted and it's like...


It's like a pebble at all.


Okay, I'm glad that he changed from when he first arrived.


Newborns look like aliens, bro. But when it's your kid, they're the most beautiful person.


You don't care. Why do I feel... Yeah. Okay, we can talk about this later.


How many kids do you guys want? Do you want to have more?


Yeah, I think. We're like...


Nothing is more attractive than when you say you want more Stop.


I want more babies.


We can leave for 10 minutes.


No, no, no.


Not anytime soon. Wait, how have you guys kept all this at bay? Because she's been wanting to have kids for a while. Matt is trying to take notes because he couldn't hold me back. What type of method have you guys just been freaking like, risking it? For the last month or two.


For the last two months. I mean, before that, we were using protection. But I'm very logical about things. I think with my mind and Monica thinks with her heart. Monica is like, as soon as she gets an ounce of baby food, she's like, I need a baby. It doesn't matter about my natural living position.


That's how we are with it. Abby wants to buy a new house, and we've been here for two years. We talked about that. That was the last podcast. You guys haveThank you.


This is such a gorgeous house.Thank.


You so much.I love this house.Thank you.Do you?


Well, I love your house.Thank.


You.i love our house.I love our house.I.


Think it's beautiful.We love our house. We're actually fine on squatting here for just feel like a couple of months.


Bro, hey. The door's open.


Send it.


But yeah, talking about houses, we are just about to start building a house for ourselves because we've been living in an apartment since we moved to Florida. So just over two years ago. No way. We've got Airbnbs, and we're building a property portfolio slowly for some passive income. And once, because I'm worried about... Social media hasn't been around for long. And it's amazing. It's our dream career right now, but you never know how long it's going to last? So we want to be set up for the future and figure it out from there. But we never thought about needing more space for ourselves until we started seriously having a baby chat.


Our dog. Our dog is like our life. That's my baby right now. Sunny is like my absolute world. So I'm like, I just wanted to have a backyard. That's my main thing right now.


So, yeah, we bought some land in January and we spent from January to mid to late April designing plans with an architect. So we designed our house now and that's all finished. We'll show you guys after. Oh, dude. And We're just about to go to permising and stuff like that, and then we'll start building, hopefully in the next four months.


But the psychic did say, back to the psychic, that I was going to find out I'm pregnant while I'm building something. This was before we even talked about building a house. I'm like, maybe we'll be building a house. I don't know.


I was at the gym today. I was listening to your YouTube video about asking my wife juicy questions. You got juicy in that one.


We try.


Sometimes you get a little...


Yeah, we maybe push it a little bit too far. Also, I was going to text you this morning asking if you wanted to work out. I was like, actually, you probably don't want to work out in this tiny little hotel gym I was in.


Dude, I should have had you at my gym today.Dang it.Oh, you're good, man.


You're good. Next time we visit, we'll be workout buddies. What was I going to say? Yeah, we've tried to find some fun locations.


I think it's the locations that are You guys are location people.


You guys are location people.


You're like the gondolas that bring you up a mountain. Wait, no. Actually, you sent it on a gondola.


How did you cover the window?


I love that you said sent. How did you cover the window?


He still thought it was an open one. He stood behind me.


We were trying to be so happy. We were like, Oh, look at the mountain over there. We're going up.


There's people coming down.


So Sam would be like, Hey, how are you?


He's just behind me making it look like nothing's happening.


How do you guys manage to get this information out of us.


Were you wearing a dress?


How do you do that?


I was wearing your dress.


Yeah, I think you wear or skirt or whatever it was. How is that?


But then how do you make it look like your pants are still on or you don't?


It's covered. So it was covered.


Is there not a security camera in the gondola?


We have to go back there and have a gondola baby. You guys have a cruise baby. We need a gondola.


See, we've never sent it like that. We're just bedroom people.


There was a cave once.


That was cool. A cave?


A cave, yeah. That was so cool.


Did you guys have to snorkel through this cave to make it? What cave are you talking about?


There was a little tiny waterfall, and we just swam in. Anyways, moving on.


I'm impressed, honestly. That's amazing. Good for you guys.


You got to keep it fresh after almost nine years.


It's that dopamine rush, right? It's that adrenaline.


See, there you go.


Exactly. Oh, man. Have you seen that whole movement is going on?


What's he looking at me like that?


I'm like, Matt, you got to wrap it up.


Now you need to say you're crazy We just let it out there.


We're not fun.


I'm trying to think.


Matt's like, actually, Sam, right where you're sitting right now.


Actually, yeah. One time on your-Oh, wonderful.


That's what that state is. No, honey. I had to. I had to. I'm so sorry.


No. I think when we first got married, we were moving Abby out of her old house. No. Okay. Do you want me to say this?


Oh, God.


They probably watched this.




It's fine. It's fine.


Okay. Well, who was her roommate's rug? On her rug?


Was that painful?


We just sent it.


Sent it, quite literally speaking. Oh, please. Anyway. There you go.


Now we're all even. Yeah, we're even now.


Gosh, a gondola. That's inspiring. Thank you.


I'm glad we could be here to inspire you. Love that.


Well, you guys, thank you.


Changing rooms, adjusting rooms. Okay. Sorry, I'm stopping.


Okay, here's why I bring this up. You guys were dating long distance. You guys would be apart and then not see each other. So I'm sure you guys were freaking doing it like rabbits when you guys saw each other.


For the first four Yeah. You guys seen twilight? It's when Edward Cullen and Bella Swann get married and then they get a little house together. Oh my gosh, yes. Then they come back and Carlisle and Emmet are there and they're like, Really? No one could stand to be within 10 feet of us for a decade or whatever he said. It's like that.


This is my first... Like I said, my first boyfriend, so we had to get a little crazy. You got to get all the experiences out there.


What do you mean for the next guy? No. For when Harry styles finally messages you back.


Please, I can't.


Well, you guys, this has been so much fun getting to chat with you. If you haven't already followed Sam and Monica, you can find them on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram. You're probably on Facebook.


Where else can people look at?


We have Sam on Twitter. Not OnlyFans. Not OnlyFans. Don't go look for them on OnlyFans. You won't find an OnlyFans.