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Once upon a bedtime at the Glenhaven house. And that, kids, is the story of Fion McCool and the chicken tender of knowledge.


That's not how Miss O'Brien told it.


Never mind her. Now, who wants the chicken tenders of Lear?


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Perfect for tasty midweek meals. Legendary chicken filet rolls or an easy fake away.


You're crazy. What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to another episode of the Vial Files reality recap edition. I am your host, Nick, joined by the household. We have a special household guest with us today, the one and only Deb Jo. You probably know Deb for all you love island maniacs out there. From season four of Love Island, USA.


And love island games.


And love island games.




Love island games.


Third place twice.




Pop off, Dev.


I wish. But I'm like, bronze is a new gold.


Well, Jordan. Jordan Childs would tend to agree with you. Poor Jordan. Anyways, turns out Deb and Sia are good friends. Yes, we are. And so we thought we'd bring Deb in. On, in, on, in and on both. She's in studio with us and on the show to give us a little insider baseball at all things Love island, USA. We had the reunion last night. We know it was messy and hardcore. We have yet to be able to watch it yet. It was a super top secret. We didn't and unfortunately get a string screen on the night before. But we do know that Kaylin, Kaylor and Aaron are broken up, and Kaler used her time at the reunion to unleash Fury on Aaron, which good for Kayla. I feel like she need. She needed to get it out. I feel like she, you know, she went through it, unfortunately. And I'm curious to get your take on this, Deb, in a minute. But, like, it's. It really is. Well, we have Aaron and Rob on this episode later in the episode, and it's our conversation with Aaron post reunion.


Yeah, the day after.


The day after. And it was intense. Like, I don't want to give anything away. I want you guys to listen to the episode. But I wasn't sure if they were going to show up. Rob and Aaron. And at first it was like, maybe there's being reality tv star divas. Who knows? But when they showed up, you could tell that they had been through it. I think the intensity and the fanfare and the popularity of this season has. Has run its course and it's taking on a new life its own with the cast members. And I think they're, I think they're down bad.


Some of them. Some of them are up.


Some of them are up.


Some of our up. Kayla posted a video of her in a car leaving a venue, and the car was like, mob surrounded by fans, like, trying to. And she had her window down, and it was like they couldn't get through. I mean, it was like giving Kim Kardashian.


It's wild.


Yeah, the people are, man, we ran into people. We were in New York interviewing.


He ran into people in New York.




We were obviously in New York to interview Rob and Aaron. And then we also have Nicole on this week's going deeper.


That one's crazy.


That was crazy. If anyone's obviously seen the reunion already, we know that. Spoiler alert. Nicole and Kendall are still together.


Well, we'll see after what happened after our episode with her, because I think we broke through a lot of Nicole.


It was a very interesting conversation. I mean, she is clearly someone without trying to give too much away, someone who's really struggling with what to do with her relationship. I think she clearly cares about the guy, but there has been some things that's happened between them and some things said and not said or things left out that have made it really very difficult for Nicole to try to work through this. And she basically talks all about it with us, and it's quite, quite the episode. She really goes deep, but she also, you could tell there's a lot of consideration for Kendall as much as she can while struggling, knowing that it seemed like Kendall didn't seem to have much consideration for her.


Oh, that's a good way to put it.




And you'll have to watch.


And you'll have to listen or watch. I will. You desire. Yeah, it's. It was wild. What was I going to say? Anyways? No, we went to dinner prior to a interview, and some wonderful. The hosts were like, oh, my God, we love the podcast. Love the podcast. No, it. That wasn't her. No, it wasn't.


No, we were in a baby store. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out.


But that's the same host as kind of the same.


She had the same vibe.




We were in a baby store, and we were the only ones in there. And this girl walked by, and then she opened the door and she was like, I saw you guys through the window. Like, I just wanted to say hello. And we were like, oh, my gosh. Hi. How are you? And she was like, I've actually been hoping to run into Leah. And we were like, oh, sorry.


Good to see you.


Sure you'll find her.


Like, everyone who likes stopped to say hi and, like, love the show, whatever, was like, we actually really want to run into Love island people.


Do you know where they are?


You know where they are? It was like they literally stopped us to try to get the tea and where they might be able to find Love island. Oh, my gosh. I mean, like, it's, people are super obsessed and super in love with these people for, for better and for worse. Fandom is sometimes we need to pump the brakes, guys.


Like, there's fandom and then there's the parasocial relationships where you think you know these people because you're watching them on television, but they are human beings that have their own, own lives, and you do not know the ins and outs of it from watching two months of their life.


And just because they reminded you of your ex boyfriend, who did you dirty or did you wrong, it doesn't mean that Aaron's your ex boyfriend.


I really hope that after this episode, people will see and hear just how broken Aaron is and lay the fuck off, because it's, I mean, like, I think, listen, he's, he's gotten what he deserves, you know? Like, he's not in his relationship anymore.


And also, Leigh, if, if you empathize with Aaron after this episode, that doesn't mean you reach out to Kaler.


Yeah, yeah.


And say you were too hard on Aaron and how could you say this? He's sorry, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, no, they, they had the right to figure it out, even on a public platform, because it all happened on a public platform. That doesn't give you the right to go in their DM's and in their comments and start, like, telling them they should, like, kill themselves and crazy fucking shit like that. Or start just, like, trying to do whatever you can to make them feel terrible about themselves. It's fucking crazy.


They're figuring it out as they go along as well. Like, they're thrown into this hyperactive, like, situation where they have to go through dating scenarios that they wouldn't usually go through in the real world because everything is in a pressure cooker. And then they come out. We've already seen the show. They haven't seen it.




And then they're getting flooded with things. They're like, where's that coming from? Where is that coming from? It's crazy.


It's the same as, like, usually you would have like, your girlfriends or your group of friends being like, yeah, fuck that guy. And like, yeah, it's not the entire, like, United States going after this person being like, by the way, you cheated. You're awful. And it's like you don't know them. Like, take. Pump the brakes, guys.


I'm assuming there's a lot of people in your shoes, Deb, who find out, quote unquote, find out things that have happened from fans. Totally. From DM's. And I think that can be such dangerous territory because, like, they get out of the villa, they go online, they start engaging with their fans and their fans, like, I can't believe this. And this. This happened. It's all. It's all. And it's from a fan pov. And it's crazy to think that there are some cast members who will, quote unquote, get their information from fans and what that does to their perception or perspective of their own experience in the villa. Is that. Is that accurate? Does that happen a lot?




It's a great point because you'll read that so much quicker than you will be able to sit down and watch an episode because you're just going through your DM's and you'll see what everybody's saying and you'll be like, this is what they saw. It must be true, rather than one believing what actually happened from when you went through it or from what you've seen. But then at the same time, it's like you weren't in Casa. So when. If you're getting messages about what happened in Casa, you're obviously going to believe the worst because you probably assume the worst regardless.


Well, yeah, in our clickbait society, nothing irritates me more. I see a lot with, like, political commentary, but you see it kind of in sports and you see it in pop culture, and someone will give a take on someone, be like, I think Sierra, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And even if it's not even, like, let's say, it's just, you know, maybe there's a criticism in there. Maybe there's even a compliment in there as well. The headline will be, Nick eviscerates Sierra in, like. And it's like, eviscerates? Holy fucking shit. You know? And then you watch the video and it's just like. I mean, like, they have, like, a critique or something.


Is it coming? Is the evisceration coming?


Did I miss it? Wait, go, blink.


Those are always the fucked headlines. And, like, we experience it all the time in this show. Like, we obviously talk about bachelor people. Love is blind Love Island, USA. We give commentary. We can start every show by saying, we don't know these people. We recognize these shows, have an edit like we're giving commentary. And people we've never met, we reserve the right to be wrong, which we always do, and that always seems to fall on deaf ears. And then people will listen to the show. And if you like, for example, let's say you're a die hard live fan or a die hard Leah fan or a kaler fan, and we have any type of critique at all, the fan of that person will be like, can you fucking believe what Nick and Natalie and Sierra said to do on the vial files? They said the worst fucking shit. And then that person reads it will be like, holy fucking shit. What did they say? And it's like, usually fucking nothing, you know? Or it's one thing followed by a series of compliments, you know? But it's always, like those little things, and it's always fascinating and unfortunate, but it's kind of the way it works, that so much of what reality tv stars here are from the opinions of.


Fans, especially in the comments, not even DM's. You'll just post something, and then they'll go on and on and on. And then somebody will come and be like, yeah. Do you see that? It's just, I love your dress.


And by the way, your boyfriend's cheating on you.




You're so funny. I love you so much. But just so you know, everybody hates you.




What does it like to have the entire world fucking hate you? Including my dog can't stand you? Like.


Like, great. I was having a good day until now.


Yeah. And then everybody says, well, don't look at the comments. Try to stay off social media. It's a lot easier said than done.


Anyways, we have more about Love island discussed, but we do have to get into household headlines. There's a lot of things to talk about outside of Love island. Well, we know that Jen sent Jeremy home today, but we are going to break down all things bat charat on Thursday's episode of Reality recap with our special guest, Lauren Gray. We are living in a weird time. It is the online takedown of Blake Lively, and I'm. I'm blown away.


I don't really. Crazy. I actually. I saw friend of show. Has she. Amanda Stanton. Has she ever been on this show?


I don't think she's ever been in the vial files.




Yeah. Anyways, Amanda Stanton gave a hot.


Amanda Stanton gave a hot take. And I was like, oh, my God, I so agree with this. Me and her, you know, become pretty good friends because obviously we both had babies around the same time.


And she posted on Instagram.


Yes, she puts on Instagram and I screenshot it sounds like this is genius. Someone said, updated opinion about Blake Justin's situation after the interview clips and her PR release. Amanda's response is, I think I have an unpopular opinion on this, but I think people trying to figure out what happened with the cast versus Justin has just turned into the majority hating on Blake. I can understand wishing she spoke more about DV in her interviews, but I don't think it warrants hate. Seeing women seemingly loving an opportunity to hate on another woman is so triggering to me. And yes, I saw the interview and she was definitely not nice, and it made me uncomfortable. The one where she was talking to that about your little bump. But I also think it's odd to release an interview from years ago now to say, I don't know what happened on set, but here's an interview of Blake being mean in an interview years ago, but that's completely irrelevant to the situation. So she must be the problem when she's getting so much hate already. The purpose was to pile on more hate and beat someone when they're already down, and we don't know the context.


I also think you could pull up a video or bad moment of just about anyone, but agree it was rude, and I can't imagine ever treating an interviewer like that. But if we're trying to figure out what caused the rift in this particular movie, I believe Justin was in the wrong here. And that doesn't mean he's not a good person. But the entire cast, not just Blake, is avoiding him like the plague. These are all very smart, professional women and mothers and men who I don't believe would act that way out of immaturity or pettiness or take sides like they're in high school. He had to have acted in an extreme way for everyone in the entire cast to not like him, and that doesn't mean he isn't a good person. Good people have bad moments, too, just like it doesn't mean Blake has never been mean a day in her life. All those things can be true and exist at the same time. My opinion, and, yes, I need to go touch dress. But, like, I think it's so. I think it's so true.


I think, like, I'm just me clapping for anyone.




Really great take, Amanda. I was just like, regardless of what you think. And for those of you who aren't paying attention, and if you're not even paying attention, it's hard to miss. But if you go online, you are seeing what seems to be the online attempt to cancel Blake Lively. Now, I'm not trying to get in discussion whether you can actually cancel Blake Lively. They're billionaires. Hard to cancel a billionaire, but they're trying to cancel her reputation. They're trying to destroy Blake Lively's reputation. Maybe Blake Lively, once in a while, is a jerk. Maybe Blake Lively needs to apologize from time to time about how she interacts with fans. I know I have to at times, you know, like, not all of us are professional, like politicians and extroverts who always are on. But I just find it fascinating or ironic or icky that about a movie about domestic violence where a man versus a woman, you have this onset drama. We don't really know exactly what's going on, but the Internet, and specifically, it seems to be like a lot of women, because a lot of women are watching this show, seem to be jumping at the opportunity to eviscerate the woman in this scenario.


And yes, maybe Blake Lively has had a reputation of being a jerk at times or, and having to apologize. But to Amanda's point, that doesn't explain why everyone's unfollow adjusted. And I've never met Blake Lively. I've met Justin. I've had him on the show. And I'll just say that. But, and if you've ever read Justin's books or listened to his podcast, which I have, I guess my opinion is, like, if you ever read Justin's book, you would think that the person writing that book who presents is an ultra ally to women. If you read his stuff or followed his content, the person who wrote that book, you would assume that they would say, maybe I could direct this movie, this movie that comes from a place of a perspective of woman who's being abused by a man. But I don't know if I should. Like, that's, that's, that's the vibe of the person who wrote those books that Justin Baldoni wrote. Like, that's the vibe of his content. Like, could have man directed Barbie? Sure. Probably. And he could have sat down and interviewed women and said, I want to make sure I do this right.


I want to make sure I'm writing this from the perspective of women. But, like, maybe just a woman should have directed it like Greta did. And you know what I'm saying? It's just like, and I'm not trying to get into a debate whether Justin should or shouldn't have. It's just more like a guy who presents like Justin presents to the public. You would assume that that person would say, wait, why am I the one directing this. This movie? I could, for sure, I could do a good job, but I don't know if I should be the one to do it. I'm always very skeptical of people who present as flawless, who always say the right things. Blake might be a jerk, but you know who I trust? People who are willing to be jerks in public. You know, I just. People like, people who are willing to get criticism, I guess. Like, I'm not saying that's okay to be a jerk at times. I'm just saying, like, they're just. I trust them more, you know? I do. I. And about the viral video, the interview that's going around. It's basically a reporter released a video.


The video's been up for a while, the interview. But basically, this reporter kind of re released it and said the one interview that made me want to quit being journalist, and everyone's kind of talked about it. It's where this journalist, you know, before the interview starts, Blake is pregnant, is my understanding.


Blake is eight months pregnant.


Eight months pregnant.


And so she just says, congrats on your little bump.


On your little bump. Blake wasn't having it, and kind of said, well, congrats on your little bump. And it seems like Blake is being pretty rude. You know, like, you look at it and it's like, blake, maybe you need to.


I don't think there's any defending that, because I think there's two. And for someone who was pregnant and who got a lot of people commenting on my body, when you walk around and you have a big, obviously, pregnant belly, not just, like, you know, some weight or anything like that, it's an obvious baby in there. A lot of people want to say congratulations. A lot of people want to ask you questions about it, and they feel, you know, like other mothers feel connected to you because they've kind of been through that, and it's. It's this whole thing. And this woman, who clearly was not pregnant, and she kind of released a statement saying that she actually cannot get pregnant, that that was, like, triggering for her, for someone to, you know, kind of throw that back in her face. So I don't think there's any defending. I think Blake Lively was rude. She definitely needs to apologize.


I mean, she definitely needs to apologize. But, like, I. Again, I don't know what it's like to have been in your shoes, but I did get a front row seat to you being pregnant, and I was. It is shocking how many people, people, especially middle aged men, who, even if they know you can. You can tell they mean well, but, like, everyone commented on your body. Everyone? Yeah, everyone about your size. Oh, my God. Like, you're hiding it well, and everyone means well. You can tell they mean well. There's, like, this awkwardness of feeling the need to comment on how Natalie's body was changing as her pregnancy went along, and I don't. I could imagine how that could get frustrating and annoying. Maybe she caught Blake on a bad day. It doesn't make Blake a bad person because Blake had a response that maybe she regrets or maybe a response that she might need to apologize for when she's eight months pregnant. To me, that doesn't define who Blake Lively is.


It's also probably frustrating if she's there to talk about Emily in Paris or whatever show they were promoting, bringing up her bump. And like you said, she was probably fed up. I think a lot of the interviews that I've seen with Blake Lively where she comes across as rude, maybe the interviewers aren't really asking the best questions. Like, we can't put all of the blame on her. Like, she's probably get so many questions and people coming up to her, and she's probably fed up. And if it's not a great question, obviously she might have a sarcastic response.


But I think, like, so the. It was, like, too bad. And it was before the interview had even started. She. As soon as she sits down, she's just like, oh, congrats on your bump, you know? All right, let's get started. And then her first official question was about the wardrobe in Woody Allen.


It was like a 1920s piece, which that's.


I mean, the wardrobe is very important. I think Blake Leivy's also very well known for her fashion. Hello. She's been wearing all florals and this and that, you know, and for the. Yeah. Like, she's been very much leaning in to her fashion. And so I think for some. For her to get offended that someone asks about her wardrobe is a little bit bizarre.


I think Blake clearly needs to apologize. Like, yeah, she was kind of a jerk. I just. To me, like, Amanda perfectly stated Blake having a reputation of maybe being a jerk or. Or maybe. Maybe she's just not as good as her husband at land at delivering sarcastic, passive aggressive jokes. You know, that, like, Ryan Reynolds is, and it really lands with him. Or maybe that's the double standard that society has with women where, like, men can joke about that shit, but when women do it, she's just being a bitch, you know? I don't know. But, like, all I know is that, like, the. The Internet is trying to go back and find every little moment that Blake Lively was rude as a justification as to why, of whose side to take when the entire cast has unfollowed Justin Baldoni. And what is Justin Baldoni to do? Any press with him, refusing to do press with him. And then what has Justin done? He's hired the same PR crisis team that Johnny Depp hired during the hamburger herd case. And again, I've again, it. If you're Justin Baldoni, do you want to hire the best PR team?


Crisis PR team. If you're in a crisis? But, like, who? I didn't know he was in a crisis.


You know, to my knowledge, it's Blake.


That everyone seems like she's in a crisis. So, like, why is he hiring the crisis and this PR team? It's my understanding, regardless of whatever you think of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, our take was, like, that. Maybe they're just both kind of bad people. But, like, this PR team eviscerated Amber heard online. It was like an all out assault on her character. There was the court that we all. We watched the trial, right? The trial was filmed. It was on tv. We all watched it. We covered it. And then there was the court of public opinion in which Johnny's jet depth team and PR crisis team just eviscerated Amber.


You love that word. This episode. You said it six times, ruined.


Try to go after. And again, like, I just. That doesn't. If you read Justin Baldoni's content and follow his work, that you would never think that Justin Baldoni would hire the same crisis pr team that Johnny Depp hired. A. You could. Whatever you think of amber heard, like, it doesn't mean that Johnny Depp is a good guy, especially a guy who is respectful and courteous towards women. Maybe Blake is a jerk. Maybe she needs to apologize. But I. Before you jump on the Justin Baldoni is a saint. I just think maybe we should be careful before we start crowning Justin the winner. Or maybe they're both jerks. I don't know, Zachary.


I just think either way, I'm not a fan of either. My. My take on it is just like watching people get so much joy in the downfall of other people. It's. It's sickening. At this point, I'm just, like, tired of hearing about it. Like, it's all over my TikTok. Everybody's got a take on people who they've never met, and it's just like, whatever happened, they obviously don't want us to know. Cause they didn't release it, or no actor or no person on set has come out and said what actually happened. So, again, it's like, it's sad that now we've taken it to, like, character assassination, and that's just, like, the normal dialog that's happening all over the Internet. Regardless, if you like Blake or if you like justin, whatever. It's like the idea that you need to attack the other side and be like, no, they're both shitty people, okay? We are all possible or capable of being shitty people. Yeah, but it's like, to take joy and try to get views and try to become something based off of ripping down people you know nothing about. I'm like, it's just kind of sad that that's where our society is.


It seems like a lot of people online are taking advantage of the opportunity that Blake, someone who might remind people of a girl who wouldn't be friends with you in high school, is taking this opportunity to try to put Blake Lively in her place, because, you know, again, she reminds you of someone you didn't like back in the day, and that's all it seems to be. And, like, people are talking about, like, blake lively of, like, oh, her and Ryan Reynolds are out of touch. I never, like, looked at Blake Lively and thought of her as, like, you know why she's famous? Because she's super relatable. No. She's aspirational. She's a billionaire. She's a rich, famous celebrity who, from my whole knowing of Blake Lively, she's always been a rich, famous person. Now, again, you could be like, well, I don't aspire to be Blake Lively. Good for you. But a lot of people do, you know? And, yes, Blake Lively has made mistakes. And maybe Blake Lively needs to educate herself. And clearly, again, her strategy around marketing this movie seems to be a huge, epic fail. And maybe she needs to address that, but that does not address why these people have distanced themselves from Justin Baldoni.


And I think people need to start asking the right questions about that. And why is Justin hiring a crisis PR team, the same crisis PR team that Johnny Depp hired?


Because it's like, if we remember during the Johnny Depp and Amber trial that Johnny hired this crisis PR team. There were so many videos and stuff that came out from years prior that resurfaced. And I don't know if that was fans digging up or if that was this crisis PR team, but it seems. Seems like it's pr team happening again, and it does. I think blake Lively is guilty of being a bitch. I'm guilty of being a bitch. Nick is too. Sierra's too. Like, everyone is guilty of being a bit. Well, speak for yourself. Some times we all have a bad moment. And, like, I think. I think Blake lively has been a bitch in some of her interviews. I think her response to fans can sometimes be a little rude and condescending, but, like, that does not justify everybody not wanting anything to do with Justin Baldoni. I think there's a bigger. There's a deeper issue. None of us will probably ever know. Cause it seems like no one's interested in talking about it. And I think it'll just continue. The speculation will just continue. And.


I was texting someone who knows Blake, and I was just. I gave my honest opinion. What I heard was, I don't think she can speak on it, because now when blake. Anything comes out and everyone's just like, oh, that's blake's p. It's funny. It's like everyone's saying, oh, that's blake's pr team trying to. It's all. They're this rolling their eyes. If it. If it seems like it's coming from Blake's camp, she's almost lost all her credibility, in a sense, because it just seems like a tit for tat situation. What I heard was other people are going to have to come forward about Justin because I don't know if Blake can anymore.


Zachary was also sad because we've all loved Blake lively up until this point, and I don't think she's changed that much just now. People are looking at her through a different lens, which isn't fair.


Then again, maybe she needs, you know, she's not without fault in this situation about some of her behavior. And that's one of those things, like, as someone who, like, I say this all the time on the show, like, if I'm not thinking about it, if I'm not paying attention, my resting gaze is often aloof in my head, like, you know, and so if you don't know me and you see me at a party, you are out in public, and I'm thinking about whatever, and you walk up to me, and I don't notice you. Your opinion of me might be like, oh, that nick. Well, boy, he thinks he's all that or what a jerk. He didn't even pay attention to me. I said hi to him, and I don't even think he acknowledged me. Like, I've made that mistake. And as an adult, I've had to. I go about my life not trying to, like, worry about what every single stranger in this world thinks about me. But at the same time, if I don't want people to think I'm rude or a jerk, I have to, like, work on that. I have to, like, every once in a while think, you know what?


But if I want to give a good impression, I have to be mindful of how I come across. So if Blake wants to change the narrative about how she is in interviews and things like that, she might have to make an adjustment. But that doesn't mean she is a terrible person. That doesn't mean she is at fault here. And, yeah, she doesn't mean she's the problematic one. It just might mean she has some things that she needs to work on.


Yeah, she needs to be more demure, more mindful.






I think she has cutesy covers.


And I just. I I trust jerks a lot more than people who are unwilling to ever, in a public space, ever claim fault or just say the wrong thing, say anything other than surface level fucking talking points. Yeah, I just. The guy who wrote man enough would have said I could direct this, but I think a woman should.


I think it's always a red flag when nobody has friends. Like, if somebody doesn't.


If somebody doesn't have friends, like, wait.


Who doesn't have friends?


Just about anyone.


Usually a reason why no one wants.


To fuck with this guy.


Oh, you're saying because everyone unfollowed him, like, you think. Yeah, I mean, that is true.


And then the rest of the Internet is saying, you know, it's trying to compare that to be, like, well, his cast from gossip girl, and they're following him, but they're not following Blake. Like, to me, unfollowing someone after a work situation is different than, like, there's a lot of people I don't follow that I realize. I don't follow. There's people I follow that I'm not huge super fans of, but I'm not that petty at times to, like, unfollow every single person. I don't know. Like, the Internet is really taking liberties on deciding how to read certain interactions with people.


Oh. That just tells me that we're just, like, losing the mark, because I'm just, like, we're trying to find anything else to talk about. To the point. That's why I said, we're talking about an ad nauseam. Because it's just like, oh, well, we've got. When development Justin Baldoni, followed by Chase Crawford. And it's like, what the.


Yeah, it's like people have too much time on their hands. Liking what? Photos.


Someone too.






I just asked, why did, why did, why does Justin Baldoni need to hire the same crisis PR team as Johnny Depp? I just think that's a very important question.


I feel like PR team should have been like, justin, I don't know if we're the people for you as a crisis PR team and your image, knowing who we worked for, I don't think we're the right people for you.


Except that his crisis PR team is like, here's what we do, Zachary.


No, I know that. But, like, if they're such a good pr team, you would think that for the man, Justin Baldoni, who is, like, known as being, like, such a woman ally, they would be like, hey, we worked for Johnny Depp last.


They're the crisis.


I don't think that crisis?


Yeah, I think they just want money.


I think they just want the money. But I do think Justin, the guy who wrote the book man enough, who talks about being the ultra ally that he wants to present to be, would look at what their playbook is and how they go about conducting their business and think, you know what, I may be going through a crisis, but that's not how I want to go about it. I'm not down for an online takedown of a woman just because she's made some mistakes and maybe didn't answer, you know, an interviewer's question when she was eight months pregnant in the way that a lot of people would. Zachary.


It's kind of showing some similarities in the book. Obviously not to that extreme. But, like, why is he taking down this woman when the whole movie was about, like, woman empowerment and owning your own decision? Like, the crisis pr team should be bringing awareness to DV rather than destroying a woman's reputation. Yeah, in my opinion.




You know who does have a lot of friends? Joan, the golden Bachelorette.


Well, of course she does. Are you kidding?


Did you see her? DM's are flooded with dick pics.


That is scary.


And people that want to buy the shoes she wore on the golden Bachelorette.


Oh, dear God.




Did any of these men get on the show?


Could you imagine? She's like, wait a second, I've seen you before.


I mean, Joan's giving honest Joan's giving. I don't really care about how many Instagram followers I get.


I mean, I guess, but she's also like, I think I would. I would probably say the same if I was getting a lot of unsolicited dick pics. I'd be like, listen, real bad.


But I just think a lot of that charrettes are afraid to keep it real because of, you know, online criticism.


I'm sorry, but, like, what a jump scare to open your DM's to a bunch of dick pics.


Like, I don't know. It's like to be you ladies, but.


Like, I hear the guys are gross sometimes. Oh, so you can, like, slowly unblur it.


You've gotten that. Is that a thing?


Yeah, yeah. I've not. I've never picked, but I've been, like, a slow reveal. Yeah, I know that they can blur images if you're not following them or something like that. I've gotten, like, sugar baby requests, but I've never been sent a dick pic. And please don't.


It does say.


It does say a lot, though. She had to go back on reality tv to find love, so men sending dick pics to not.


I don't care.




Let's not say that anyone who goes on these shows has to go on these shows to find love.


But he's saying that her dms are filled with guys, and yet.


And the guys that are sending dick pics think that's, like, the thing, you know, like, they're like, that's gonna win her over.


I don't.


She's the goal. She's gonna see my dick, and she's gonna have to date me.


I don't think men send dick pits thinking that's what women want to see.


I think, why do they send them?


Because they're gross. I think there are men out there who get off on the idea that they're sending a picture of their dick to whoever, and it turns them on to know that, you know, Joan or anyone else is looking at their dick.




Whenever she. Whenever she.


My fellow guy in the room. Am I probably accurate about how?


Well, I've never sent a girl a dick pic.


And I'm not speaking for you and I, but, yeah, men in general.


Another gross.


Yeah, yeah.


I just assumed that it was because guys are, like, more with, like, visuals. They get turned on by seeing a naked body where, like, you can put a dick in front of me, and I'm not like, oh, my God, gotta have sex. But I feel like if you put a naked body in front of a man. Typically, they'll be like, let's go.


I think men aren't. You know, like, I think a lot of women will say things like, why would you send it to me? I don't want to see that. And what I'm saying is, I think men know that. I don't think.


I think he thinks it's a gift to you. He's like, look at how great my dick is. I'm turned on just looking at my own dick.


They enjoy showing their dick. It's not. It's not that. They're not like, ooh, I wonder what she's gonna think. You know? They're like, I want to show you my dick. That's why men do it.


It's gotta be, like, a shot to their ego, though. If somebody responds and is like, ew.


I don't even think they're going that far.


You know, just a thumbs down.




Or she blocks them.




But thank you, Joan, for keeping it real.


I'm upset she didn't pursue the foot fetish opportunity, though. It seems like that could have been a good.


Selling her shoes. Yeah.


Did not support that. It's, like, easy money people.


Somebody want to might here, take them.


I gotta pay rent off your feet.


Listen, I was. I was down bad in college and definitely needed some money and definitely sold a couple feet pics.


Did you really?




You give us, like, an average revenue.


Thank you.


A $100 for barefoot, $200 for in a high heel. Oh, wow. I was making bank, let me tell you.




Did they just come in your DM's?


Yeah. Yeah.


So you had a rate? You had enough requests to, like, have a standard?


Oh, well, once the first person paid 100, I was like, well, I'm not gonna go lower than this. You know, like, and that was just me. Someone when it was someone that I had gone to, like, high school with, so I kind of knew them, and, like, it was kind of like a joke back and forth. And then I was like, yeah, $100 for, like. And they were like, okay. And then I got a notification. I was like, dollar 100. And I was like, oh, my God.


The joke wasn't a joke.


I was like, wait, so the gold mine is men with foot fetishes?




They seem to be generous.






The Cordell Cheez its just got announced. It just got released today. Yeah. He announced last night that he was gonna release the Cheez its announcement.


That's dope. He's on the box of Cheez its.


That's cool as fuck.


That's like the new Wheaties.


I was gonna say that.




Dude, Love island has just exploded. Yeah.


Let me go back.


Do you feel screwed over?


No. Honestly, I don't know if I'd be able to handle all of this. I think now that I've grown and, like, kind of understand this world a little bit more, it would be easier to go in and come out how they have. But I was overwhelmed with what it was.


What if they did a love island? All stars, us?


Oh, I tell everyone I would go back no matter what. It's like summer camp. You get to flirt and lay in the sun all day. There's just no kayaking. It's literally my favorite thing ever. I want to go.


And they just know kayaking.


They feed you. It's great.


They feed you.


They tell you what to like.


They don't even have to know what time of day it is.


What can I get you a sandwich or something?


I could always eat.


What is going on in the Iowa State fair?


This goes viral every single year.


Does it?


They have an Iowa State fair husband calling contest.


What does that mean?


So basically, people come on the stage, and then they show their best version of calling their husband to the room, essentially.


Oh, that's funny.


So I'll bring up the video so you can see it. This is the mom one.


Backwards somersault. It was a split.


Oh, my goodness.


Mom. Mom, I feel.




I'll ask papa.


You know he's made of money. Mom, can you please go to little hair from the farm? I know I'm too old, and I know it's kind of boring, but please.


Just re up my birth control.


They should have Janae, just.


Do we have a. Where's the hus? The wife one that scares me. Whoever does that, honestly just piss me off.


Yeah, right.


The one that's like, mom.


Morning, everyone.


Oh, my God, I love the setup. Risy, risy, darling. Calling, calling. It's your wife.


It's time to come in the house for dinner, so stop. Hello, Brian? Okay, so these are just, like, made up calls.


Oh, yeah.


I thought. I thought people were gonna be like, this is how I call my husband, the fucking side.


That's the point of it. That's the point of it. But it's like a contest, and all people are performing to like, okay, I.


Want to see what people actually say.


Well, it raises the question, how do you guys call each other to the room?


It's like, hey, you know, Nick, you know, it's time to let the video games go, no, no, I think you've played long enough. Like, turn that fucking game off. Like, what? I don't play video games. Games, but, like, imagine that's what.


That's how we do it. And you turn on.


No, he was performing.


He was literally performing.


I was speculating how it might go down.




We don't yell.


Oh, no.


Like, if you're in. If you're in the bedroom and I'm outside, like, and you need something. I don't know.


You say, babe.


Yeah, yeah. I think we're just like, honey, we.


Would all lose Nick.


And I'm usually like, what, baby? The heiress, whatever. And I run, run, sprint.


I feel like I'm like, no.


Sometimes I'm like, oh, my God, is he dead out there? Cause I'll get no response. Yeah. I'm like, I gotta go check on him. He's probably laid out on the ground, and then he's just scrolling on Pac or Twitter, and I'm like, oh, so that's why you didn't hear me.


Like, who's practicing today?


I feel like I'm the seagulls from finding Nemo. And it's just babe. Babe.


Yeah, babe. Moi. Babe.


Moi. Moi.


And then he'll finally come.




Yeah. When I was a kid, I used to, like, in the middle of the night when I'd wake up, I'd just stand at my mom's door and go, yes.


And then she wakes up.


Yeah. So much stuff. But I didn't want to, like, say it too loud. Cause I didn't want to, like, scare her. Ten times more terrifying. It is.


It's my sleep paralysis demon. No, it's my child.


And then you say mom in public, and everybody turns around, and you're like, oh, not that one.


Sorry. She's over there. Yeah.


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Nick, do you know what the term demir is?


I do.


Sierra said it earlier, so it's going viral right now.


But. I know.


But it came to my attention. It's been around for a while.


I just learned to my attention.


I am alarmed that this is a new word for the gen z ers out there. Did you know that demir was a word?


No, but I don't know a lot of words to begin with.


Well, I don't know a lot of words either. And I knew the word Demir.


What about Jen Alpha?


Jennifer Alpha?


Love her. Does she know anything about demure?


Well, how would you define demure, Nick?


Soft. Angelic. I would say more. Yeah. Gentle.


Can you give it to us? In a sense sentence.


She was very demure.


Boring. Can you give us a paragraph?


What is the opposite?


Blake Lively was not very demure in that interview.


Not very mindful.


She's not very mindful in that interview with.


Wasn't very cutesy either. Demirtzi.


Demirzi. It's usually a term used to describe a lady.




And one that's more softer, gentler, polite.


Quiet, modest, unassuming, reserved nature.


There you go.


There you go. That's pretty good.


Not me.


When a straight man is demure around straight women, it's often considered an ick or gentleman.




Well, modest, unassuming, reserved nature is. Definitely would not be an ick.


Be like, oh, he's mysterious. It's giving rob.


Listen. And with our interview with Rob, you will notice. Listen. We were pulling.


We were pulling.


So he wasn't very demure.


He was very demure. Too demure. Too mindful. Too demerit. See to all of it.


He opened up a little bit.


Yeah, yeah.


No, he did. But he's definitely, like, the women being in the villa, what were they saying when they're like, you just like.


It was an onion.


Yeah. But I think it was Sid. Sidney was saying something to him and Casa and I don't know. She's like, the way that you, like, don't say anything. It makes me so nervous. Definitely.


Because I was.


I was like, um. Okay, perfect. So that's cool.


On to the next.


Rob is an introverted guy who. He's gone his whole life with people telling him, asking him why he doesn't smile.


He does remind me a lot of you in that aspect. Just in, like, no, no, no, Justin, like that. Right? Like, I feel like y'all share a lot of characteristics. I feel like y'all share a lot of. Just, like, you don't have to be the loudest guy in the room. You're, like, fine with just going to a party and, like, chilling in the corner.


Yes. Rob is comfortable with being alone in a public setting, and that makes other people uncomfortable to witness, but it doesn't make rob uncomfortable. And then the people will then have an opinion of rob based off of their discomfort of being around someone who's comfortable with sitting in silence in a crowded room.


I think that shows a huge level of confidence.


Totally. Yeah.


In him.


Well, that's why it makes other people uncomfortable, because he's not doing it. You know, anything about it. But, like, again, whether it's a Blake lively being a jerk or rob being quiet, I am. Yes, I am. I am prone to. We live in a society that we reward extroverts and award people who present as polite and say, the right things. We love fucking surface level shit in our society. We. And it's. We live in a society as long as people like, are nice to us, quote unquote nice to us and we, we immediately think they're a good person. It's just like politicians are nice all the time, you know? To your face.


Obama declined to take a selfie with me and I didn't think that was very nice. But also I understood.


Not very, not.


Very politician of him to decline a selfie.


I do want to see Rob, Lala and Sheena in a room. I feel like something would happen.


Wait, so are they joining the valley?


Allegedly. So they're filming more scenes. That's not confirmed that they're on the cast full time.


So they're just friends of show currently.


Some sort of it, yeah, like because last season they weren't friends of but they were in the show.


Well, these are professionals. Lala and Sheena are not the type of reality tv stars who are just going to show up for fun to film a scene. These are working reality tv stars, professionals. So like, I like there's going to be a limit to how much is going to show up without getting a paycheck.


Does this mean that there might not be any more Vanderpoel?


That's what I was thinking.


I was thinking definitely at least for.


A year or something maybe.


Fine, because weren't they supposed to start filming like according to Sheena back in the day, like in August?


Originally it was there's no plan and then it became later in the fall and now it's. They're on the valley.


Yeah. I talked to a producer of Vanderpump a couple months ago. What I heard was nothing was decided, so there was no like. But they were hoping to pick back up in the fall once Ariana was done with all her stuff. But also preparing for the possibility that Ariana would not return.


And she's back on Chicago.


Sure, but it's also just for the month. We're still definitely in some.


Her brother is also an idiot.


Yeah, he's watching too much blow, the movie. Johnny Depp.




Ariana Maddox's brother Jeremy, he was arrested in his home in California. But it was on February 16, which I'm confused as to why it took him this long to arrest him.


Well, he was detained at the airport, I believe with like suitcases full of.


Men, 60 pounds or something. Right.


They discovered that 64 bags belonged to Jeremy, weighing a total of about 76 pounds. Meanwhile, his friend of weed.


You know how much weed that is.


So much weed to just bring through TSA, that's crazy.


Like, flour. Literally flour. 70 pounds of flour. That. That's a lot of. Of dense flowers.


He was going from Orlando to Germany, so I wonder if he was like, I don't know how long he was going to be in Germany for, but fuck. It's like, he's.


That's not a bright point.


But also transporting a cross country line to drugs.




A lot of documentaries about that.


And his friend had 31 bags in his possession weighing about 37 pounds.


What was it?


He's been charged with felony trafficking and marijuana, which, according to Florida law, carries a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison and a $200,000 fine. The judge set Jeremy's bail at 80,000, and he has now been released, although he was ordered to surrender his passport.


Like, why would you just not FedEx it?


That's what I'm saying.


Like, I don't know.


It's illegal, but, like, other methods. No. Than taking it on a plane through TSA.


Also, just like, I can only assume this is some sort of business idea that him and his friend had.


It has to be combined. It's 113 pounds of weed.


So it's like, yeah, it's gotta be like, let's go to Germany. Germany. Who really would love our weed?


California weed.


And they're like, oh, we should bring it to them.


So definitely an attic high idea.




They just got done watching the movie blow, starring Johnny Depp.


I'm a deb, though. Like, what was the plan? Yeah, what was the plan once you got through, like, to TSA International?


TSA. That's even scary. Going through customs and declaring a hundred pounds a week.


I just don't know how they would think they could get away with.


I want to know how they had it stored. Was it just, like, packed into their carrier?


It was in, like, vacuum sealed bags and their backpack.


Like, drug dealers.




So they went through TSA.


It wasn't even in, like, a Doritos bag. Like, they didn't even try to.


They have, you know, you know, x ray vision technology.


I heard they can see a few poop.


Oh, probably in the. In the thing.


That's what I saw it on TikTok. So it's obviously true.


It's obviously true. No, of course. Everything on TikTok is 100% sure.


They're like, don't worry. We're TSA precheck.


Yeah. We don't take our shoes off. It'll be fine.


I saw somewhere that they thought that if you fly from one place where it's legal to the other, then that still counts. But even then, what I'm looking up is it's just saying that, like, it's illegal to fly with no matter what.




Regardless of the state that you're in, marijuana is still considered a scheduled one. Narcotic, which is the same, I believe is like cocaine and heroin and meth.


I believe it's. If you have medical reasons and it's under 1 gram, you can transport over.


I don't know, there might be, yes. Letter from your doctor, whatever. And I think in most cases, for example, if you were to show up to an airport and have some marijuana on your persons, if it's a small amount, they're not going to care because it is socially acceptable and legal in most states. But when you show up with suitcases full, you know, of 70 some pounds of this product, that's a completely different scenario in story, then you have the intent to distribute. I also just think this is a great moment to remind you that just because you're siblings with someone, they're not a reflection of you.


Yeah, well, yeah, I was gonna ask, has Ariana Spinner, like, has.


She hasn't commented and he said prior that he's not in talking with Ariana, like on a podcast before?


Yeah, no, I saw an article that they haven't spoken in a couple months.


I mean, like, I have, as you all know, ten siblings. It's a pretty broad spectrum of personalities, belief systems, political beliefs, et cetera, et cetera. Like just because your brothers or sisters or someone or siblings, like, we'll be like, okay, did you, can you believe so and so sibling did this? Or they vote for this person or they believe in this as if it's like a direct reflection of that person. It's like they're completely two different people. They might have completely two different beliefs, or they might have two completely different moral compasses. Like they just happen to be related. They might not even like each other, you know? And so I. We always like to identify as someone's siblings as like, oh, well, if they're brother and sister, then they're. They're very connected or things like that, which often is furthest from the case.


You have your own brain. Even conjoined twins have their own brains.




And sometimes when one person becomes super famous, family members tend to get super fucking weird.




You know, maybe. And it seems like Ariana's brother does hang around Tom Sandoval a lot still.


Well, he's been charged with felony trafficking and marijuana, which, according to Florida law, carries a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison and a $200,000 fine. The judge set Jeremy's bail at $80,000, and he has now been released, although he was ordered to surrender his passport so he cannot leave the country. And he owes a lot of money, and he's looking up to facing 30 years. And he did it for nothing. That you can deny.




Didn't know that was in there.


Like, you hope for a reduced sentence.


You know, my friend gave me this suitcase.


Yeah. Someone left it, and I picked it up. It's not mine at all, I promise.


What is a pound of marijuana go for in Germany? Justin? I'm just trying to figure out estimate of, like, what he risked his entire life for.


Yeah, a couple of bratwurst, $10,000 or something.


I'm sure it was.


There's no way. That's, like, somewhere on Google. I'm just curious. What.


I want to know their thought process.


Could you imagine? They, like, get warrants to check his computer and phone, and they find this type of, like, Google searches of, like, how much can you make?


Yeah. The difference between. I don't know. As long as Sierra doesn't plan on having 70 pounds of marijuana at the airport, I think she can go ahead and google it. No, no, no.


I'm saying imagine if he did.


No, I know. Yeah. But the difference between the random person, like, searching something on the Internet, and the actual criminal who's, like, making the bomb.


People say in Germany, it's legal to have 25 grams, nearly 1oz of marijuana for recreational purposes.




So he's way over that.


So they weren't even inventing a new business over there.


That's crazy.


And also, like, you guys can, like, travel by train anywhere. Like, they could just go to Amsterdam, hit up a coffee shop, and go home. Like, I don't know that it was necessary to bring a bunch of weed over there. On your. On your own? Like, on your own. I just don't. I don't understand the thought process unless you're just selling.


I hope he goes out soon and answers a lot of questions about what his thought process was. I also think we need to talk about Molly Mae and Tommy Fury, because this breakup, did we see it coming?


No. Well, like, yes and no, unless you.


Are a reality tv relationship skeptic where you just assume that all relationships that start on reality tv are eventually going to end, then I don't think you saw it coming.


Well, no, I mean, there's been several videos of him out in public with women touching him, which was like, I remember there was one of him in a club with. He was with, like, Chris Brown or something and some girl. Yeah, some girl was like, grabbing his face like this and it was like, whoa, what's going on there? And I don't. I think that kind of brought up. And then got slept under the rug.


And hanging out with Chris Brown.


He's a party guy. He's a fighter boxer. His brother's Tyson Fury. So, I mean, he's in that shadow. And then Molly Mae has become such a sensation in the UK. She is like the go to it girl. And she's very like, stay home. She has raised their baby. She's the only person I think could sue somebody for copying her beige esthetic.


Because she is she queen of just.


Like, interior decorating, just everything. So it's like she has a very clean cut put together Persona. Tommy and her seem like the perfect couple. But exactly what you were saying, that the footage that's been leaked and whatnot, is him out partying, kind of doing the exact opposite of what they present to the world is like, their union.




She posted a very kind of cryptic message that suggested there was infidelity. Well, or people took as her suggesting is infidelity. And then the response from his camp was weird that he's, like, hiring lawyers to go after. Who is Molly?


Well, so his rep said is Tommy's horrified by the false allegations of cheating being circulated by the media. They're looking into legal action against the.


False claims against the Internet.


Like, UK tabloids, whoever that may be.


Yeah, the sun released an article saying that he was seen with a blonde girl and they were, like, all over each other and he had no good.


Luck trying to silence the Internet.


Silence the Internet. And then two, like, now we're getting into whole, like, well, is cheating mean you fuck someone or does cheating mean that you spent all night, like, hanging around a bunch of bottle service girls and letting them do lap dances on you and texting them after you go home? Hey, I hope to run into you tomorrow. Which maybe in his mind isn't cheating, but in hers is.


I also heard he had been saying a lot that he was going away for boxing training camps. And so I don't know if maybe that was a lie and he was partying instead. I have no idea, Morgan.


It's always alarming to me when you have a couple and they have, like you were saying, just completely different ways of life, like Nick and I. Where were we?




We were like, oh, my God, could you imagine if we were like, let's go to the club tonight? Like, that's just so not us. And it has never been us. And so the fact that, like, Molly Mae is such, just, like, stay at home mom loves to just be in her house, and he is so obsessed with partying and clubbing and going out, out and drinking and this and that. It's like, how have they ever worked?


No. Yeah. No, it's not. Even if we were to go out, it would be like when we went to New York and it was a Saturday night and you put river to bed, and I'm like, all right, well, I'm about to go out with my friends, and then I showed up at four in the morning fucking plastered.


That's crazy.


And I did that most of the time.


From what I know about their relationship, which is slim to none, I feel like this was the healthiest choice for Molly Mae and their daughter Bambi. Hope that they can live a peaceful.


She'll be okay regardless, and so will he, to be honest. It is sad, though, because I'm like, I think everybody just loved them so much, and they were like, the real love island couple that's still together, just had a baby. We all cried when we saw the proposal. I don't think anybody really saw it coming, but I'm also such an Instagram sleuth where I'm like, I follow her. So I was like, wait, there hasn't been a picture of Tommy, and then all of a sudden it's very forced. So I think people saw it coming, but not to the extent that the videos are coming out at this point. Yeah.


So seeing a verbagia esthetic. What toys does she buy? Bambi? Because all the toys I find are, like, the most, like, loudest, brightest color. Like, I would love to see Bambi's room and just see all the toys she plays with. I'm sure they're just like, beige blocks.


It's like, monochromatic.


Likes colors. Yeah.


Yeah, she does.


Before we get to Erin and Rob, Deb, have you met any of the current cast this season?


Yes, I met Janae, Kenny, and Kendall. I was in Dallas while they were there, and we all went out.


How was that?


It was so much fun. They were all so sweet.


How was Kendall's vibe?


Kendall was great. He showed up a little later. We went to dinner and then one club, and he showed up and he was just having a grand old time.


You knew there during when he, like, kicked out the bottle service girl.


No, that was Vegas.


Yeah, that was Vegas.


Yeah. No, I wasn't.


Nicole does address.


But then I saw that they rekindled and we're like, out partying together.


Yes. Nicole, actually, she breaks down that whole situation.


No, but they were great. I mean, it was. I've never in my life seen fans like that, other than like, when Leonardo DiCaprio goes to hide, you know, like, it was crazy. Just everybody obsessed. We went to the bathroom, Janae and I, and they were waiting outside the stall. I was like, this is wild.


Not the stall. Go outside.


No, I will say, I'm like, you know, I've watched us at least for the last three, four years, and I'm like, I have never seen. This is the equivalent of, like, how it takes off in the UK, where all of a sudden it's like they haven't even left the villa yet. Already hit a million already. All of the brand deals, all the things. And I was like, leah just hit 3 million, I believe.




Wild. She's been out of the villa for what, two weeks? Three weeks. Like, that's actually insane.




I was like, that's even giving, like, old, like, bachelor. Like, when the girls would come on and by the end of it, it would be like, they're up there. But I'm like, this is astronomical. I mean, people are chasing them down like they're the freaking beatles.




From what I saw, they are handling it extremely well, though. They're so sweet to fans. They are just kind of taking it day by day, doing what they can.


Did Kendo give off the vibe that he's having relationship problems?


No, but I would like. He gave off the vibe that he was in a relationship.




So, like, I didn't see him flirting with anybody, like, around me. We just. I mean, it wasn't any flirty vibes or anything, so I assume they were.


Still together other than we know they still are.


I don't buy it. I'm sorry.


Well, you should listen to the episode of going deeper. Nicole really does. She struggles, explains herself. I really respect Nicole's approach because with how crazy the fans are and how demanding the fans are of answers for Nicole to try to, as best she can, disappear a little bit so that she can try to sift through her own feelings about how she feels about Kendall and this relationship without the influence from fans is at least an admirable attempt. And she seems like that's what she's attempting to do. And she seems to be really struggling with her past and past relationships, how Kendall's been behaving around her, then the expectations of fans in the show, and all of these things combined mind. I think she's really trying to make the right decision for her and for Kendall and. And really struggling with what the best thing is to do. It was a very fascinating episode.


Zachary, I will say I see some of this tea that occurred during the Love island reunion day, and I feel like we can go ahead and debunk. The first one, which was filming, was supposed to begin at 06:00 p.m. but didn't start until 11:00 p.m. due to drama between Aaron and Kaler. That's just not true at all. They started at 06:00 p.m. i have a text from Kaler at midnight saying that they just got done. Done. So if the reunion is only an hour long, then that sucks.


I think it was a very long night. It was very intense. We heard, and that was confirmed. Kayla definitely unleashed, as I'm sure a lot of you saw. We don't know exactly what was aired.


But even that interview of her on the street being like, I'm done. I'm fed up. Erin and I are no longer together. That I was like, if that's on the street, I'm so curious how it was.


I get it from Kayla's standpoint, really tried to have Aaron's back. Aaron, you know, whether he meant to or not. And, you know, you'll get to hear it from Aaron's mouth in a moment. The Internet really was hard on Kayla about how forgiving she was of Aaron. So it was almost like Kayla needed to kind of do this for herself, which I totally get. And, you know, we'll see if Aaron does, too in a moment. Zachary.


There's a couple other rumors that are alleged going around. One was Nicole told fans her and Kendall are still together after being completely Mia. We'll address that one.


Well, they are together.






And then that's out now. Then there's Daniella posted a TikTok crying about suicide prevention after filming.


That's real because I saw the video.


And then Sierra called her NYC trip traumatizing. So these are just. There's a lot of things going around that people are assuming that the reunion is, like, volatile.


It is very volatile.


Even the panel with Remy that they did, she asked everyone to describe it in one word, and they said, dramatic, crazy, just.


And Leah wasn't on that panel.




Like she's originally supposed to be or announced for the panel. And then wasn't actually there.


Yeah. And I think it was. Rob said, you know, he really struggled. He couldn't get a word out, you know, and I think, like we said, rob is not the guy to talk over people. So he said he really just kind of sat there because no one would give him the space to talk or answer any questions. So I feel like that's kind of.


We gave him the space.


Well, Leah also posted on her TikTok with, like, a caption being like, they don't get any more from me or something like that. She was not feeling well when she flew in for the reunion. I don't know what happened at the reunion, but I guess she was like, after the panel, she was like, no, I'm not showing up for that.


I think Leah is done with Love island and done talking about it and done. I think she just is going to move on with her life.


I think a lot of them want to be at this point. You know, we talk about this show every week, and it's just the fandom with these people, I think, has gone to levels that are unhealthy, are extremely. It's like these fans have an expectation of what they demand from these people. And again, like, talk about with your friends, talk about a podcast, stay out of their DM's, stay out of their comments, stop.


I don't think they've even gotten to sleep yet. I remember when we came off, we were fried. I think I slept for like, two weeks. And so coming off having all of this fame, all of a sudden, having to do press for weeks, go to the reunion, I think they're just totally exhausted and want to break from everything, which is totally understandable. But then the fans are expecting so much of them and they're trying to deliver, trying to comment, make content. It's a lot.


How far did you go on your season?


I got third. So start to finish. Yeah.


If she was an OG.




How did it affect your mental health?




I didn't really say this going into Love island, but I used to work in tv production. I used to be a pA, so I kind of understood a lot of the thinking. And so going into it, I. I kind of knew the way things worked in sense of just like, long days, blah, blah, blah. So for me, it didn't really affect my mental health much. I also did it when I was 26. So I think I was a little older than these people. And I don't know, I also was lucky enough that I think the public had a pretty positive perception of me, so I didn't really have to deal with a lot of the hate. I did get a little bit after games, but, yeah, it could be my Zoloft too.


Thank God.


That should be working.


Is it working?


This season has taken on a whole life of its own. I am curious if how this carries over to season seven.


I think this cast was incredible. Casting did an amazing job. Each person has their own character, so I think season seven is going to be hard to top. But because there's so many new viewers, I think it will still do well.


And this is why they regulate their alcohol consumption on the show. It's like two drink maximum. I'm pretty positive, but it's like, because of things like this where I'm like, they're not only having to relive everything that's happened to them while in the villa, but coming out, it's like they won't have the ability to blame alcohol or whatever being the cause of why a certain situation went down, because that's happened in the past. And then obviously it ended very poorly.


I don't remember seeing a lot of drunk people.


Yeah. Like, the first two seasons, they were smoking cigarette. Like a UK. They were smoking cigarettes. They were, like, drinking alcohol, getting into fights. It was like. It was very messy. And then people obviously, with their mental health, after the seasons aired, they were like, nope, we're doing an alcohol minimum. Maximum. Yeah, right.


Which kind of sucks because you have to talk about your feelings all the time. That was the hardest drinking smoothie. Yeah. I was like, I'm sober and I have to tell you that I love you. I don't have to tell you that, but, like. Like, I'm supposed to be in tune with my feelings.


There's no liquid courage here.


Yeah, exactly.


Yeah, there it is.


This is therapy with producers or therapy with your peers.


There is another, like, speculated rumor going around that there's two parts or more than one part for the reunion. And this is just based off of someone noticed, like, online that it says part one on reunion that's airing today or last night. So it's like, is there a second part? Is that like, right after? Are they gonna shoot it later?


Yeah, it's like, is that why we get the screener?


Everything is shot? I think it was either. Are we gonna have a really long reunion union or break it into two parts?


Break it into two parts.


Make it four.


Give us what we want.


I need something to look forward to at night again.


We'll talk about, obviously, the nitty gritty on Thursday's episode of Reality Recap. Once we get to watch whatever parts of the reading and they share, it is about time to get to Aaron and Rob. I hope that you enjoy this episode, and I hope that you have an open heart when you listen to it. And then do not forget that tomorrow's episode of going deeper is with Nicole. And it's. Explosive. Explosive. Yeah. It's insightful.




I was gonna say, was anybody eviscerated?




I think we could appreciate Nicole's honesty and transparency about her relationship with Kendall, and I think we can maybe discuss Kendall's behavior, whether we agree or disagree with it, while also not necessarily needing to try to eviscerate Kendall. You know, like, again, I think we sometimes forget when we watch these shows that we also, too, make mistakes, and we also have to apologize, and we have lied, we have manipulated, we have talked down to people we have hurt, people we claim to care about, you know, all these things, you know, we have had to, you know, really look at ourselves and work on ourselves. These people aren't all good and all evil. There's. There's layers there. This human beings. And we appreciate Nicole's willingness to be vulnerable and share her truth on this show. But just make sure that you handle your commentary and your response to it appropriately. All right, well, oh, by the way, Deb, thanks for coming.


Thanks for having me.


Please come back and be like Love island. Correspondence. Where can people follow you?


You can follow me, Chubb, on Instagram and TikTok if you want.


She's also cousins with all of the football players in the dog at UGA.


I'm not actually, but we're on Deb Chubb's great name.


Devchub is a great name.


It's a really good name.




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I love wine.


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Just a bit stressed. Yeah.


Yeah. It sounds like the reunion was a tough go for you.


Yeah, it was a bit of. A. Bit of a manslaughter, but I get it. I understand.


So did you expect to walk into that, or were you?


Yeah, I completely expected it. Like, I knew it was going to happen. I knew it was going to go down, so. Yeah. And I kind of, like, anticipated it, but I also understood, like, where everyone was coming from. Like, I deserved it at the end of the day, like, I wasn't in a situation where it's just, like, caught off guard. Like, I know what I did and. Yeah, so I kind of expected it.


When did you and Kayla officially break up? We saw, like, a week ago or something. She started posting cryptic dust stuff on TikTok.


Yeah. So it was on the 7th that we broke up. Yeah, basically.


And it was it, like, right after she watched that, like, everything.


So I got to a point where I was, like, after the show, obviously, like, happens. I was, like, we were, like, trying to work things through and stuff and just got to a point where, like, I realized that, ah, you're right. Cool. Like, you got to a point where I just realized that she was just not happy anymore, and, like, I just wanted to remind myself from the situation, so, yeah, so I just did, and that was it.


You seem. I mean, obviously you're upset about it.


It's hard, isn't it?


Is it more like losing what you had with Kaler, or is it just, like, everyone kind of coming down on.


You pretty hard when you say that? Everyone? Like, I mean, mean, like, when I first came out of it, like, I was very, like, first, like, two or three days was, like, dealing with the hate. Like, I think, very, very well. Like, I didn't really care as long as, like, Kayla was okay. But then it just got to a point where I just, like, realized that she was getting, like, less okay with the situation. And then as soon as, like, she started getting affected, I just started getting affected from it all, so, yeah, that's kind of, like, where it took the toll. Yeah. Fuck.


This is. I'm sorry, man.


It's cool. It's cool, it's cool, it's cool.


Well, I'm sure it's a lot. I mean, coming from. I feel like you maybe recovered a little bit from post show, and then you had a little bit of a break and then the reunion and then. Yeah, I'm sure it's a lot.


We always said, like, on the inside of the show, we thought that was gonna be the hard part, and coming off the show was gonna be, like, more difficult. But I guess I didn't realize the amount of people that had watched it. And, you know, like, everyone watched the show, so everyone was, like, fully supporting, like, Kayla, which I. Same as me. Like, I completely understand, like, her friends and her family and, like, all the online stuff, so I understand why we got to the point that we were. Because it was super difficult for her to go through that all and deal with all these, like, different emotions and stuff and me at the same time. And so I get it, but from my point of view, like, I wasn't. I wasn't so much bothered about, like, the outside world as long as, like, she was okay. But, like I said, like, as it just kind of progressed along, and the more difficult it got for her, the more difficult it then, in turn, like, became for me. So it just. Yeah.


Yeah, it's a tough situation you're both in. And I've said this to your other peers that I've gotten to talk to. Like, the experience you guys go through is incredibly unique compared to people go on the Bachelor or love is blind or all the other kind of competition love shows. I mean, they each have their own kind of very difficult experience. But with Love island essentially being aired in real time, it's gotta be such a mind fuck just because, you know, when I went through a similar experience, I went through that kind of summer camp feel where you bond and everyone's close, and it just feels like this really unique experience. And then you get out and you get to decompress from that because even that is kind of. You bond, but, like, it is emotional. It is stressful. Your emotions kind of get fucked up a little bit, but then you get to go to your family and your support team and then come down from that, and then it airs months later or whenever it is, which is its own difficult challenge. But you guys came out of it, and then the world demanded answers.


You know, they wanted to know who you were, you know, why'd you do this, et cetera, et cetera. And then in Kayla's point of view, you know, here she is, like, wanting to forgive you and the entire world, I'm assuming it felt like to her, was telling her, you're an idiot. You're an idiot. I mean, we had. And just full disclosure, obviously. Like, we were fans with of both you, but, like, as someone who was more like, hey, listen, like, I just don't know if he's your guy. He seems like a good guy, just maybe not your guy. And I felt like she was kind of getting pressure from everyone.




And it, like you said, it was almost impossible for her to almost, like, look past it.




It's a tough situation.


There's no way. Like, I don't think anyone in that situation could. Like, I think she dealt with it very, very well, and I don't think anyone in that situation coming off of show like that could ever do anything else. But what. How, like, she's reacted at the end of the day, and I think she's probably reacted better than most people. I don't think I would have been able to react it like that, and I don't think many of the other people would have. So she, likes. She stuck in there for, like, a good while, and she was, like. She was, like, strong, and she, like, got through it and, like, got to a point where we were kind of both supporting each other, but then, like, we were both hurting in different ways, and it just became, like, a situation, and I was like, this is, like, not good for either of us.


I know you've said, you know, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it. You know, like, I understand the criticism I've gotten. I've gotten, I've gotten. But, I mean, Kaylor was really tough on you at the reunion. You've done other interviews where people have been like, holy shit, like, this guy's really coming in on you. I get you. You're trying to, like, hold yourself accountable, but do you feel, like in any way, like, either Kayla at the reunion or just people in general have been too hard on you? Like, I know you've recognized your mistake.


But, you know, I think I'm, like, I'm super proud of Kayla for, like, coming out the reunion the way that she did. I feel like she needed to, like, she had to. She had to react to the way that she did, and I wanted her to as well. Like, as weird as it sounds, like, I wanted her to come, like, down on me because they're, like, on the show, she dealt with it differently, but, you know, she took. She took a step back for a couple of days, and then we kind of had a conversation where it's, like, coming off the show, people didn't reciprocate that in the best light possible. So I think she needed to go through that process and just for herself to be able to heal and for her to be able to come to the understanding that, like, I did mess up and I did screw up and, like, that's how she had to deal with it. So I'm, like, super proud of the fact that she dealt with it like that.


Do you almost feel like the reunion was, like, kayla's opportunity to kind of handle it the same way Serena did in the villa where, like, Cordell, just like you in Casa, made his mistakes, right? And Serena came back and just lit a fucking fire under his ass and just kind of got it out. And then Cordell kind of owned up to his mistake, and it was almost like maybe the reunion was Kayla's opportunity to kind of stand up for herself because I feel like that's where she got a lot of criticism, where it was like, you know, people called her a pushover and people like, oh, you're stupid for taking him back and shit like that. And it was almost like, her opportunity for redemption.


Yeah. Me and, like, Kayla are, like, similar in, like, a lot of ways. Like, I would never. If I was ever, like, upset with someone, I'd always just want to take a beat, take a step back, and then have, like, a discussion with it, like, later on, once I gathered my thoughts. And that's what she did. Obviously, that doesn't make great tv. Like, it doesn't. That's just, like, from your guys perspective, like, looking in, it just looks like she let me off straight away. She had a conversation, but on the inside, you know, we had a couple of days where we just didn't speak at all. And she just needed her space and her time. And I think there's a conversation where she's like, I don't want space and time. It's like that you needed the space and time to gather your thoughts so we could have that conversation. And then coming on the outside world, obviously, the way that the online world has seen her, it's felt like then she kind of needed to come back and kind of do that redemption, have that sort of. I don't know how to describe it, but basically just her, like, standing up for herself.




So I think the way that she dealt with it was the best way, like, possible for her. And I'm. I'm still, like, happy with her. I've got nothing against her whatsoever. Like, I wish all the best. I'm, like, still careful at the end of the day.


So, I mean, probably a little raw to answer this question now, but, you know, they always say time heals all wounds. And. And, like, I haven't talked to Kayla since we had a chance to speak with her, but, you know, it was clear that she was super into you. You know, really, really liked you. And once, you know, you guys are still going through it, you know, you come out of the villa, you guys deal with the Internet, then you have this reunion, you get bombarded, but, like, there seems to still be a lot of love there, despite the hurt. And they always say, like, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. And Kayla certainly isn't indifferent about you. She's just obviously very upset. Do you think there's a world where, like, if there's healing down the road, that you guys might stay in touch or reconnect or are you think that's healthier to just to move on, to.


Answer the, like, question? Like, do you feel like. I don't know, like, I have no idea, like, what the future lies? There will probably be a day that once we. Once Kayla's, like, moved past it and she's healed from it and she's, like, she's happy again and that she'll probably want to reach out and, you know, just have, like, kind of one, like, final conversation and just, like, speak about things. But at the same time, like, I just. I don't know. And I don't want to hold her to having to have that conversation either. Like, if she wants to, then I'm, like, open to having that conversation. But equally, like, the way that I finish at the reunion, like, I'm also, like, happy with the way that she dealt with it. So I don't have any animosity towards her.


But would you be hopeful for another chance if there was an opportunity? Opportunity just from your point of view?


I'm honestly not, like, right now, I don't think I'm in a situation where I can, like, answer that question to us. I don't really. I don't know.


What did. What did you learn from this whole experience now that the dust is settling?


Just that first, I need to be, like, more accountable about my situations and then, like, I deal with things. Secondly, just to be, like, I'm the very person that's, like, preserved with my feelings and how I feel. I think I'm quite, like, touchy feely person in the way that I express myself. And that's kind of, like how I show love. But I also think that for other people, just for a reassurance stand point of view, like, I need to be more open. I need to tell people how I feel in that moment, not hold back. And that just comes from, like, a place from the past where, like, I've just been, like, hurt before and I just don't want to go through that down that road again. And I don't want to put myself in that situation again. So I think, like, moving forward, I actually have to realize that, no, if I do feel a certain way, I should just. Just say it. Because there's a lot of times on the show where, like, I felt like saying something, but I just couldn't bring myself to doing it because I didn't want to put myself in that situation where I was going to get hurt again.


Like, what do you mean? Like, do you remember a time, like, what would you have wanted to say?


I mean, there was a situation, even, like, pre Casa amor, where we both kind of knew that we wanted to, like, close things off and we both kind of knew how we felt for each other. But I never came to her and told that. And I think she also feels the same way. Whereas if we would have done that, we would have had a lot, a lot healthier relationship, like, further along. And I was just I was just stupid for it. I was really stupid for it.


But, I mean, obviously, I think the challenge that you guys were in is, I think everyone had a different perspective of. Of what Casa amour meant, you know, because even that, like, I think most people don't fault you for even what happened in Casa or more. It was more like, the difference between how Cordell went about it and how you went about it after Casa Moore, where it was like, he was like, fuck it, man. I did X, Y, and Z, and it just seemed like Kaylor kind of had. You seemed really resistant to wanting to just say it. Do you think that was more a fear of what Kayla Taylor would think of what happened? Or was it just more audiences reactions?


I didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt her. And in the past, like, when I've been cheating on before, like, when I found out that she'd done it, I almost didn't want to know the full story. So she just, like, she just told me, look, like, I've slept with this person. And for me, I was just like, I don't want to know anymore. Like, that's as simple as that. Just draw the line there. Like, I don't know where. The place, the time, any location, the fine details, anything like that at all. And my mistake going into it was I should have asked Kayla straight up, like, how much do you want to know from this? And rather, I just applied how I would want to deal with things, thinking that that's how she would want to know. And that's where, like, I messed up as well. I should have literally just said to her, how much of this do you want to know? And gone from there, because in the end, it became less about, like, the. What's kind of, like, the actions and more about, like, the, like, the smaller details and stuff that she was hurt by.


And then, obviously, when, like, movie night came up, she didn't realize how much of, like, a romantic connection that I had with Daniela, whereas I should have. I should have told her absolutely everything from the get go. But even in that situation, I was just like. As I was speaking to her, she was just hurting so bad. I was just like, my reaction to it was like, I've been in this situation for. I don't want to know anymore. Let's just leave it there. So I. Yeah, I should have just said everything to her there and then.


Yeah, I mean, listen, like, it's. Obviously, you're going through it right now, and, like, I can feel your energy, and I'm like, I don't even know you. I want to give you a hug, but hopefully this will be just a down. As someone who knows what it's like to be in your shoes and have the weight of what feels like the world coming down on you and things like that. But it seems like maybe you've learned a really tough but valuable lesson. Just because, like you said, why people love shows like this is because, well, a, it's fun to watch, but really what they do is they see themselves or they see their exes or they see their partners and you guys, and they kind of compare their situations to you guys. Right. And so when they watch it, it's a very relatable feeling, what you just described to say, well, this is how I would have handled it if I were in that situation. And I just handled it that way because that's what I would have done. And I didn't realize that the person I was talking to isn't me, and I should have asked that.


It sounds simple in theory, but often we have to learn through really tough lessons, and so maybe this will just be that tough lesson for you.




I think it's also incredibly human of you to just to react that way. And, you know, I think there's a whole different element because she is going to eventually, like, watch everything back and to have everyone around her be like, well, we've already seen this and you haven't. I think. Was that, like, added harder element to it? But I think it's incredibly human of you to be like, well, this is how I would have done it. So I just went about it this way, and it might have been the wrong way, but this is all I knew how to do it. I think it's human of you.


Yeah, I guess. I guess so. Yeah. I just should have been like, I should just be more expressive with how, like, firstly, how I felt, and I should have just spoken a lot more because we were. We were, like, in such a good place. Like, we were in, like, a honeymoon, like, period. Like, we just were having so much fun every single day that when it got to that point where we were just going through this, like, really difficult time, it's almost like I didn't want to take away what we had before and, like, replace it with that situation where we were both, like, where Kayla was hurting so bad, and in turn, then I was hurting because I was hurting her. And, yeah, it just. It was just. It was. It was very difficult. It was difficult.


I kind of had this thought in theory, as someone who's watched reality tv in a while. So your first time on tv was traders, right. And you won. Congratulations, by the way. It's a great show. And my first time on reality tv was the Bachelor, right. And so, like, I didn't know shit when I went on. You know, I was like, okay, let's do this show. It's like this kind of, but every show kind of has their culture in the way. You know, you go in there and, you know, it's like, right reasons for the Bachelor. You make sure you're there for the right reasons and shit. So even though, like, yash, a lot of everyone listen, you can't go. You don't go on reality tv unless you like attention. I know people like, did you do it to be famous? Like, everyone who went on the show has an Instagram and unless you turn off your social media, like, yeah, you know, so the whole, like, did you to be famous is, I think, a kind of a loaded question. Like, but at the same time, even in the Bachelor world, you're there to find love and that idea is ingrained to you.


So, like, there's a lot of people who go on the Bachelor first and then go on like, say traders, right? Like, there's been people going to bachelor and go on the celebrity traders now and they have kind of like this PTSD of like, I just want everyone to know that I'm a genuine person. Where on traders. Traders is a game. Traders is a game about trying to figure things out. And I was watching this knowing that you're on traders thinking, does Aaron have a different expectation? Almost like, not to let you off the hook, but I could see Kaler being someone who's watched the bastion before and watched love is blind coming to the show and approach it a little bit more earnestly than someone like you who went on traitors. And the mentality was this is kind of a tv show. This is kind of a game. Is there's any accuracy in that or not at all?


I think the traces and Love island are two, like very like different ones. A game show. One's a reality tv show. And personally, I think traits as being a game show is more almost real than Love island as a reality tv show. There's just an, there's such a different, there's just two completely different worlds. Like on the traitors, you get there at seven in the morning and they go, go do your thing. And you don't get picked up until later on unless you have to do like a challenge or anything like that at all like, you just. You just live in basically, like, they just plunk you in a house and you're just, like, living with people, and you don't get told to go and have conversations. You don't get prompted to go and do things, and you're just there. So you're just trying to connect with people. You're trying to figure things out, and you're just trying to work things out, essentially, yeah. So I think going into. When I went into the traitors, my mindset was like, I almost had a game plan. I remember I did, like, roughly three points down, and I was just like, right, that's my game plan.


I'm going to go in with that. And then on day two, I was just like. My ADHD was, like, just completely forgot about that. I was just getting emotional, breaking down all the time. One guy, he was, like, writing stories. He's like, yeah, I've got a nine page, like, plan. And I'm like, what the fuck? Like, what the hell am I doing here? Like, I was just. I was just doing the best I could. And every, like, in them situations, I wasn't really thinking anything through, which is why I think I got so far, because there was an element of, like, the traitors. If you are, like, trying to play the game and you are trying to figure out who the traitors are and you're not traitor, you're gonna get murdered. Simple as that. So I was just there, like, ahead, this chicken, like, running around, like, going a bit crazy, going into love islands. I think that I never, apart from season five, which I watched in, like, the house just beforehand, over a period of three days, and I didn't really watch it. I just, like, skimmed through it. I just went in there with the same mindset.


Oh, I'm just going to be, like, open to whatever. I'm just going to take every day as it comes and just chill, whatever, like, it doesn't matter. But I never anticipated the. You get pulled in a lot of different ways. So it felt very difficult. And at the beginning, it felt very much like I said to Kayla, I was like, we're a team in this. But as it kind of went along, like, not to, like, bring Robin X, everyone's like, oh, you only talk about Rob. But, like, Rob was, like, for me personally, he was a big support system. Because I started struggling with the process, like, very early on. Felt like Rob had a very, like, similar experience to it. So we, like, leaned on each other, like, a lot of the time. Like, we support each other a lot through it, and we bounced, like, ideas off of each other all the time because we were like, should I do this? Should I note, do this? So I never went in there with the expectation of, like, okay, I'm gonna do this. I just went in there with the expectation of, like, I'm just gonna take every day as it comes.


I'm just gonna enjoy the experience and just go along with it. But, yeah, I don't really know if that answers your question, really. No, it does or doesn't. I'm not sure.


Where do you go from here?


Where do I go from here? I'm just gonna go back home, just chill with my family, get off social media again, and just. Yeah, just go back to my old life. Like, that's what I want to do. I think I need that for a few months just to, like, chill out, just be with my brother.


I feel like we have no interest in, you know, continuing to come down on you. I think the point has been beaten to a pulp. I think, like, everyone knows what you did. You've owned up to what you've done. Like, I think we're all. We're all good there. You seem so defeated. I really hope that, like, the Aaron that we did see in Love island, that super bubbly, loud, like, I hope he is still in there. There comes out Izzy. I mean, I don't really know.


Like, I don't see that. No, I think I just need to go home. That's what I think. She needs to get out of this place, so, yeah, hopefully. See, I'm sorry.


No, man. I'm sorry. Like, listen, like, it's. We talk about these shows all the time, and I. Even for myself, sometimes I can forget, like, what it's like to be in your shoes. Um, and just to hopefully make you feel a little bit better, like. Like, fan is short for fanatic, you know? And, like, as a big sports fan, you know, I'll watch these games, and I'll be like, fuck, man, like this, you know? It's like, it's not even personal, you know?


And it's not.


You know? And, like, we even talk. Like, we talk about these shows as if we're talking about our favorite sports teams, you know, our favorite characters, you know, and we'll talk about, like, I can't believe Aaron did this. And, like, I even. I don't know who you are when I'm watching the show and shit like that, or I'm like, I can't believe this person did that, you know? And it's just you know, these people at the end of the day, like, they're all just fans of you.




You know, and I get that as well.


I understand that. Like, you know, I did. Like, I messed up a lot in there. And I like to go back on your point earlier. Like, people just put themselves in the situations, like, oh, I had a similar experience to it. So, you know, everyone was, like, really supportive of, like, Kayla and, like, I deserve, like, what I got coming out on the outside world. And, yeah, I just hope that people after this now, they just don't go as hard on Kayla and they just, like, leave her alone, and they just are supportive of her.


And you, too, man. You know, I think you're entitled to some peace, too. You know? Like, we've all made mistakes. Like, everyone, all of us, we've all hurt people we cared about. We've all fucked up, we've all lied, we've all manipulated and things like that. Unfortunately for you, it just was recorded, you know, outside of your control. And, like, we also know, like, not that let you off the hook, but, like, you know, context sometimes can be lost in tv and things like that. And we're always looking for the most intense situations, and we want to be reactive because it's. It's more fun to watch the drama unfold and things like that. So I know you know that, and I know you don't want to take it personally, but I just. I don't want you to, you know, have this affect you long term or, you know, like, if anything, like, you've learned from it, right? Like you said that over and over, you've seen your mistakes. Just talking to you right now, you've talked about how what you wish you would done differently, and it's like, yeah, I wish you would. Would have done it differently, too.


You can't go back, but now you can just go forward and you'll be put in a situation, whether on tv or not on tv, where you're dating someone, you might have to have a tough conversation with them, and you'll hopefully probably do that next time, you know? And even if that tough conversation makes them cry, that you'll know that, like, maybe I just need to do this because the law, like, not telling them right now, it'll just get worse and worse.




You know?


So, yeah, well, I mean, I probably won't ever put anyone in a situation like that ever again, so. So, yeah, but, yeah, all we can.


Do is learn, man. And it seems like you've matured a lot, even just like, just, like, sitting with you right now, like, I think people's biggest frustration was, like, what? You seem to just not want to own anything at the time. And now, like, you've done nothing but tried. It's like you're trying to make up for all the, like, whatever, man. Whatever, man. And now you're just really trying. Trying to almost apologize and apologize and apologize. And that's all you can do, man. So try not to beat yourself up. Yeah.


Appreciate it. Thank you.


Well, I think that we're just gonna let you go. I really appreciate your time. I know this isn't easy. I really wish you the best. And maybe after you heal, you'll, like, are you done with tv or just done with tv for now?


I mean, tv is a fun thing to do. Everyone always asks me, like, oh, you wanna go and be famous? It's like, no, it's actually really enjoyable. I mean, Love island, there was a lot of elements that were difficult, but there's a lot of parts of it that were actually very funny fun as well. And, like, other tv shows I've done in the past, they are extremely fun things to do. Like, they are. You get to do challenges, you get to jump out of helicopters, ride speed boats, do all this, like, crazy shit, which you would never do on day to day life. So I probably haven't finished. I just don't want to do anything for the while, the time being. So, yeah, that's. Even if anyone have me on anything else, they're probably like, screw this guy.


I can promise you you'll get the opportunity. It's just a matter whether you'll take it. But I wish you nothing but the best. We're obviously big kaler fans here, but, like, we're fans of you, too. And, like, I'm glad that you're able to learn from this experience. And, like, it's all. I promise you, it's all going to be okay. And I really think that even if you were to care about how the public feels about you, like, this is definitely an opportunity because, like, for all the people right now who are out there being like, fuck Aaron, fuck this guy, blah, blah, blah, like, they've also made mistakes, too. And so when we all make mistakes, we also want people to give us grace, and we want people to. To be like, you know, I mean, I'm sorry, you know, so, like, this is an opportunity, and this maybe is the start, you know, going forward, of people just being like, okay, he finally. He fucking gets it. So, you know, you didn't kill anyone. Your crime wasn't committed. Like, definitely. You fucked up, you know, you hurt someone's feelings, and that sucks, but, like, you know, you can.


You can move on from this, so.


Yeah, hopefully. And, yeah, I appreciate you guys for having me here as well, so, thank you.


Yeah, well, we appreciate you taking the time. I know it's not easy, and we definitely wish you the best of luck, buddy.


Cheers, guys. Thank you.


Take care. Hey, Rob.


How's it going?


Good, how are you?


Pretty good. How are you?


I'm great, man.


How are you doing?


Pretty good.


Pretty good.


You seem very mellow.


I'm sleepy.


Are you?


I'm tired.




What'd you do last night?


Nothing, really. We had the. What do we do? I don't remember.




No, I didn't go to future.


You didn't go to future?


I think I went to pioneers. This little dive bar, played pool, and then I went to bed.


Are you just tired from everything?


Is it just. It's just like. Yeah. Very draining year. It's been a lot of things to do, and the reunion was a lot, too, so.


Well, we know, obviously, the whole love island of all has been draining, and the reunion was just a hot mess for everyone. But I feel like if I. If it's okay with you, I'd love to, like, not talk about love.


That sounds great.


Great. And I love to talk about you because I think you're, like, the big enigma, you know, of Love island. And you seem like you keep things close to the vest. I was a big fan of you, like, at first or. I am a big fan of you, and that was perfect. I was. You did some shit, but, like, you kind of, in a way, reminded me of me when I was watching it. Like, and I don't know if this is accurate about you, but, like, you know, I'm more reserved, I'm quiet, you know? And people usually don't think that would be the case for someone who goes on a reality tv show. Like, my resting. Like, I'm most comfortable when I'm just kind of. I'm more introverted. I'm in a corner, you know? I like having one on one conversations a lot more than I like going in group conversations. And I think at times, maybe cause I'm tall or I look a certain way that. And people will never assume that maybe I'm just quiet or more reserved. They'll just assume I'm, like, standoffish or a jerk or things like that. And I think I feel like you maybe might relate to that as someone who's also quiet, great looking guy, and people will look at you and think, like, all these things.


No, 100%. I am definitely someone that I struggle to speak in groups. It's not that I don't want to or that I'm, like, shy. It's just. I don't know. I, like, I don't like talking over people, and I hate being spoken over until I find myself in groups. Just kind of, like, I'm way more comfortable just listening and sitting back and not being, like, the loudest guy in the room. Yeah, that's definitely not me, but, yeah, I do think that that sometimes gives me. I think people read that as, like, oh, he just thinks he's better than us, or, like, like, you know, like, oh, it's too cool. But, like, it's. I'm just chilling. Like, that's just.


Yeah, I mean, I remember my whole life being like, you're just, like, cocky, and I'm just like, what did I. I do? I'm literally just standing here. You ever have people come up to you at a party and be like, why aren't you having any fun?


Yeah. Smile. Smile, rob, smile.


I have a t shirt I can get you. It says, I was having fun until you asked me why it wasn't. Yeah, I mean, it's a bummer that, I guess as us introverts, we go out, but, yeah, I just got that sense from you. And the more I got to watch you on the show, I think a lot of people were caught off guard that you actually, despite everyone being like, Kendall, gives great, great advice. That was like, I don't know. But you actually gave some pretty good advice, which I think a lot of people were caught off guard. Are you usually the friend who people go to in those situations?


Yeah, I would say with my close friends, a lot of them rely on me for advice. I think I have a little bit more of a. I have a different perspective than most people. I try to be really open minded and see all sides of things. A lot of my friends, if they want, like, to be shot straight, like, I'm not always going to give them, I'm never going to tell them what they want to hear if I know that's nothing, what they need. That's something I always try to do.




Because I, like, I try to keep an objective view when someone's, like, talking to me about their problems because I know their side of it. But you also have to understand, like, that's their perception of it, and there's, like, so many other variables that they're probably not even thinking about.


Have you always been that way, or did you just, is that kind of what you want from other people so you give it to them?


I think I've always been that way. Honestly. I've always been, like, an observer. I'm very, very observant.




And I'll enjoy just, like, sitting back and taking in, like, a room or, like, people and trying to understand how they work and, like, what makes their gears turn.


Yeah, I relate to that a lot. And I think sometimes us observers, I feel like, have you ever been told by people, like, people think that you're judging them when you're looking at them?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or, like, why are you looking at me like that? Yeah, I'm just looking at you.


But I think we, like, I feel like I have had to learn from people's perception of, like, they see my eyes kind of looking at them, like, observing them. And, like, it's like, I'm not meaning to do in a judgmental way. I'm just, like, naturally curious and, like, I've never been the person who, like, worries about being the life of the party, you know, or making sure that I'm involved. I'm always been comfortable being an outsider. But, like, that's the flip side of that is, like, I feel Yddeh like, I've unfortunately made people uncomfortable just by doing nothing but looking at them. But at the same time, I also was, like, in the friend who gives people advice because I'll I'll just be straight with them. And I found myself to be a little bit more, I guess, like, introspective, you know? And so, like, it's like, I always tell people I'm the friend that you need, but not always the friend that you want, you know? And I feel like you relate to that.


Yeah, definitely. Definitely.


I was, uh, what did you do? Like, did you play sports in high school?


I played football and baseball.


Yeah? Were you good?


I mean, went to small school.




I was okay.


Okay. Were you always, like, a jockey? What else? What other, like, passions did you have?


No, like, dude, like, I'm like a jack of all trades. I've done, like, I tried everything I love. Like, my favorite thing to do is create, like, I love making stuff.




That's, like, my favorite thing to do.


Did you do drama in high school?




Do you wish? I only say that because, like, I was a jock in high school, but, like, I wish I would have done drama as well. Like, I still love sports, and I feel like you have this, like, creative, artistic side.




And I couldn't help but, like, did rob do drama in high school?


I was in a play.




I was in my senior play. One of my friends that did theater, like, all throughout high school. I was like, dude, be like, try out for the baseball team. And he's like, okay, only if you, like, try. I was like, okay, I'll try out for the play. He's like, it's called an audition.


I was like, okay.


And I went, and I didn't know it was beauty and the beast, and I didn't know, like, you had to, like, sing a song. And I went. I read some lines, and, like, all right, what song are you saying? I was like, oh, I sing a song. And I remember I sang mercy by Sean Mendes at the time, and I didn't even know the words. And I was like, okay. I was like, well, I did that, and then I was a. They cast me as Gaston.


Oh, my gosh.




Do you have a good voice?


I mean, it's all right. I can carry it to mine.


Yeah, I have. I have a terrible one.


How did the Nessa Barrett music video come about?


Well, she just asked me to do it.


She CMG was like, get in this music video.


I was like, okay.


It was hot.


There was some extreme chemistry.


That was really fun. She's a great girl.


You guys remain friends?


Yeah, yeah, we're cool.




Yeah, definitely.


Why are you looking.


I'm just looking at you.




But did that, like, you say it like, yeah, we're friends. It was. But, like, that feels surreal. Like, or to do that, or are you. Were you comfortable in that situation?


I was very comfortable. Honestly. Like, she. Like, I was surprised at, like, how well we got along. Just, like, in between, just, like, talking and stuff, and just was, like, pretty relaxed. I felt like it was pretty, like, for how intense of a music video? It was like, it wasn't ever. I never felt uncomfortable.


Was that your first music video?


No, it wasn't.


I did one for a friend a while ago.


Okay. What friend? Famous?


Um, not really, no. But it's just our music video. Um, names. Ellie.


I feel like a lot of people, uh, watching the show, I've seen stuff online being like, Rob's a producer plant or like, this. Uh, you know, they're trying to figure you out. What did you make of. Of those comments? And just to confirm, are you a producer plan?






I didn't think.


I know you weren't. Where did you get. Where do you get your fashion sense?


I go for, like, the homeless chic. That's like. That's kind of.


I mean, like, you have. You have. You have great fashion sense.


You think so? Yeah, I think it's so funny when people tell me that because my family, my whole life, is just giving me shit.


You grew up in Alabama?




Yeah, I grew up in Wisconsin. Like, people need a name for guys who like stripes in those places of the world. But, like. Yeah, listen, people love to.


Like, I meant to say that earlier.


I appreciate it, but late Nat Natalie got me into them. But you seem like you at least make an effort, you know, whether people like it or dislike it, you try.


I mean, I have things that I like. I'm like. I like that. Does it work? I don't know, but I'm gonna wear it anyway. Like this. Kind of.


Like, you don't really care if it works or not.


Yeah, but it all comes from you. It's not like you got a stylist for the show.


No. And comfort is a huge part of, like, my fashion. Like, I love comfortable clothes. Like, baggy stuff like that. Stuff.




And I also like clothes that at any point, if I need to, I can, like, catch snake.


Yes, of course.


No, I'm actually serious, though. Like, I don't like wearing shoes that don't have, like, good grip that I can't, like, run in.


You have to run to catch a snake?


Oh, sometimes, yeah.


Chase them?


Well, yeah. I mean, they're pretty quick.


No, I just didn't realize that you were, like, running after them.


I guess pretty much all my shoes have an expiration date of, like, if it's, like, the season of snakes. Or, like, I'm, like, around the environment, in the habitat. It's like, three months, and eventually there will be a body of water. This nate goes in. I'm like, I gotta get in there. Yeah. And then my shoes just get soaked in the swamp or whatever it is.


So where did this, like, obsession with snakes come from?


I wouldn't call it an obsession. It's fascination.


Okay, well, I don't know.


You can call whatever you want. I don't give shit. Yeah, I should. I just always loved them. Like, I caught my first snake when I was four, but I love all animals, really. But I think snakes. Snakes are, like, really cool. I mean, they're gorgeous, and I think they're extremely, like, misunderstood by people. I think people think they're, like, got to get you. It's just, like, sharks, you know?


As someone who's afraid of snakes, like, help me get over my fear. Like, why am I misjudging snakes?


They just. Why are you scared of them? Let me ask you that.


Just a phobia, I guess. Like, I've never really held one, but I just. For whatever reason, they've just. I, like, I remember I was in high school, like, my science teacher, like, walked in holding, like, this pretty big fucking snake, and I literally jumped up and ran to the back of the room. I don't know. I just always been afraid of him. Spiders, no problem. I can let spiders crawl over me.


Just, I mean. I mean, there's nothing to be scared of. It's not going to do anything. It's just chilling.


Besides, like, bite you, strangle you.


I mean, like, a snake's not going to come and bite you. Like, it's just going to sit there or slither away. I mean, unless it's like you're in, like, southeast Asia, and then there's, like, giant reticulated python might try to eat you. But, like, that. We're in New York City, like, you're fine.


I'm not, like, walking around, like, make sure there's no fucking snakes. But if you brought one out, you know, like, yeah, I might get a squeal out of me, but where'd you go? Did you go to college?


I went to North Alabama University. North Alabama.


Where did you study? Photography. Oh, yeah? What made you do that?


Well, I started out in film. I wanted to be a film director, and then to be completely honest, just the people in my department like to do, like, film. It's the team to team effort. And I just was like, these people are. I have found it hard to, like, find people that actually wanted to, like, make good stuff and, like, they didn't want to just do the assignment. Like, they wanted to make some, like, art. So I switched to photography because that's, like, a solo thing. You can do it all by yourself.


What's next for you?


What's next?


Yeah, like, what do you want to do with your newfound fame? You got a huge platform. You know, a lot of things you could do. What do you want to do?


No idea.


Any ideas?


I mean, like, try acting.


You could do posting. I mean, are you almost afraid to, like, say it is because of how people are with reality?


No, not at all. Like, genuinely, like, I know I wouldn't do anything like that. Like, I'm not going to do anything where I'm, like, committed to, like, being in a big city for a long time. If I did anything with tv, like, I would be maybe interested in doing, like, my own show. Like, maybe, like, catching, like, snakes or, like, taking, like, I thought about, like, maybe, like, a show where I could take, like, celebrities and influencers, like, into.


The jungle or something.


Snakes and stuff. That would be cool. But even then, like, I don't know. Like, I don't know what I want. To be completely honest.


In life or just for your career?


For my career.




I think, yeah. In life, I know what I want.


What's that?


To be happy.


Okay. What makes you happy?


Freedom. Like, being able to do what I love. The ability to travel and experience new things.


Where does love fit in the equation for you? Love? Yeah.


Like, romantic love?


Yeah, sure. I mean, I guess someone who, like, you were a hot commodity on the island. Yeah, you had some great makeouts, but, like, you just didn't. You didn't vibe with anyone, and that's just, like, on a romantic level.




And I know, like, a lot of fans were like, oh, like, yeah. Again, that's, I think, where the producer plant stuff came in, but at the same time, I know what it's like to, like, show up, like, being the bachelor. Like, they're like, oh, we brought 30 women, and you're, like, great, you know? And it's just like, they were all wonderful. Just like, not for me, you know? Like. But people have an expectation that, like, all these beautiful people should. All. Someone should fall in love with somebody.




No, so, like, I don't fault you that, like, maybe, like, your person just wasn't there.


Well, that's crazy. Yeah. Like, statistically, it's insane that you're like, okay, even, like, all right, there's a hundred girls. I got them all. Yeah, one of them is the one. Like, what? That the odds of that happening are insane to me. Like, the fact that people could be even, like, upset about that realistically is crazy to me. But, I mean, at the same time, though, like, I don't know. Maybe they're right. Maybe I'm too picky.


I mean, does love fall into that? What's next for you?


Are you asking, like, what I'm looking for? Like, sure.


I mean, yeah, like, what's. What are your personality traits that you're drawn to? You know? What? Like, what makes you happy? What's the happiest you've been in relationships?


Like, I think I really enjoy when someone's passionate about something and, like, they're chasing their dreams and someone that just wants to experience life, like, together, you know? Because I think that's, like, the key in, like, growing together is like having experiences and. And changing together because you're going to change. You're going to grow apart. You're going to grow together. And I think if you can find someone that's interested in some of the same things, that's going to happen, and that's really important to me. And you don't necessarily have to have the same interests, but you have to be willing to make sacrifices.


So if they're anti snakes, I mean.


It'S not a deal breaker.


It's not a deal breaker.


It's not a deal breaker. It's just like, there's gotta be, you know, something. But I do. I really like creative women and. But they don't have to be. They can. They can have their own thing, but I do like it when, like, they've got that thing that, like, they talk about and they get that spark in their eye and it's like, oh, like, that's awesome. Like, I wanna help you with that.


You know, I feel like you need a strong personality.


Like a. Yeah. Someone who knows who they are. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Nick and I compliment each other because he's very quiet and laid back and all of the things he kind of described. And I'm more of the louder, extroverted personality. And so I think we really bring the sides out in each other and maybe that's the type of person you need.


Have you had your heart broken before?


I've been heartbroken before, but it was my fault.


What happened?


A series of events, I reckon. But, like, I think it started with just, like, my own personal issues leading to being a terrible boyfriend, leading to resentment, leading to, like, still loving that person, but, like, not being who they needed.


What did you learn from that experience.


That no matter what's going on with me, if I meet someone and I feel that way about them again, like, I can't let that get in the way of, like, priorities, prioritizing our relationship, no matter, like, how I'm feeling, because I was having a hard time. And I think I just kind of, like, cut, like, cut her out. And that's, like. I mean, once you do that, like, it's really hard to get out of that.


Were you having a hard time, like, personally, mentally, with family stuff, and then you just didn't relay that?


Yeah, kind of shut down. I've got, like, a bad habit of that, I think. So that's something I really, like, will be super mindful about my next relationship.


How do you think you're the most misunderstood?


I don't know. I don't really care, to be completely honest.


No, I get that, and I respect that a lot. I mean, I. Someone who also doesn't spend much energy worrying about it, but, like, it is nice to feel seen sometimes.


It is. It's really nice. And when.


Must be frustrating to have to defend yourself over silly things sometimes.


Well, the thing is, I just don't defend myself. Like, I. It's just. It doesn't matter to me what some random person that doesn't know me thinks about me. Like, it. Does it hurt? Does words hurt? Yeah, they hurt. They'll get to you. They'll get in your head, they'll get you down. But at the end of the day, like, they. They don't know who I am. Uh, and there are a lot of people that do, and that's what matters, I think, you know, like. Like, the people that are close to me are the opinions that I care about, I guess.


Who are you closest with?


My best friend, my siblings. I've got a lot of. I've got a lot of really good friends. I've lived a lot of life in my 25 years. I've traveled a lot, and I've met a lot of people, and I respect a lot of them.


What was your childhood like?


Unorthodox, was it? I reckon, yeah. I was homeschooled till high school, and I grew up on a 200 acre farm in a trailer family of six, three bedrooms. I was always sharing a bedroom with one of my siblings. We went through, like, a cycle of, like, okay, I hate you. Switching to the other one. Okay, we're good. I hate you again. Switching to the. The other one. But I pretty much spent all my time outside that I could. Was never materialistic, never really cared about, like, things or toys, this stuff. Like, I was a really hard kid to punish people. Like, take away his toys and, like, all he has is sticks.


Like, what are we gonna do?


Like, it was. It was a. Yeah, I think. And I think that's also, like, how I got to be, like, kind of how you're talking about how you are, like, are you a middle child?


I'm the second oldest of eleven.


Okay. Yeah, well, but you were. You were probably a background character in your family.


Like, do you feel like I was very. I always joke that I was an only child with ten siblings. I just kind of did my thing. Yeah. Kind of was, like, comfortable. Like, I was always very independent, so, like, I never really, like. Well, a lot of my other siblings were, like, tattling on each other and fighting. I was just kind of doing my own thing.


That's a lot like how I was. I kind of just did my own thing, and I would participate in all their little things they like to do. But, yeah, I was very independent, and I never. I never really, like, I've always had a trouble with asking for help and, like, letting people do things for me because I think I got used to that at a young age. Like, just kind of like being in my own little world.


Like, letting people take care of you.




How did you end up going to Love island in the first place? Like, just.


They just messaged me on Instagram.


Oh, really?


Are your parents together or.


No, they divorced a couple years years ago.


Tough situation?


Yes and no. It was something that I think I saw coming a mile away, but, you know, observant. Um, but I think some of, like, my other siblings could get harder, and my. My older sister has down syndrome, I think was hardest for her because, like, yeah, you know, it's just not the same. She just doesn't get it as much. You know, she's like, why is that gone? You know, blah, blah, blah. But it's. It's been really good for both of them. I think they're in way better places than they would have been. They sit together.


So what did you learn about that experience that you want to take with you for yourself? Like, I don't know when you're going to find love or what that will be, but did you learn anything from your parents, even if. Even through divorce, that you thought, you know, maybe I'll. If nothing else, the silver lining will be that I'll try to, you know, do something different?


Well, 100%. 100%. I think I learned a lot from my parents and what I don't want in a relationship. Relationship. But that's their business. I'm not going to air that out.




You know?






Is that known that you. That one of your sister has down syndrome? Is that a known thing? Did you ever talk about that on the show?


Yeah, I talked about it with Kayla. Kayla volunteers with autistic kids, and that was something we kind of connected on, but I try not to talk about it too much, but I made. I make these videos. I used to make these videos with her. They were really fun.


What did I.


You do with them?


She. We used to do this. We did a bunch of things, but we did. She loves vampire diaries, so we did a little, like, vampire Diaries series for a while. We did some high school musical things, and that took her catching snakes a couple times. And then I made these little, like, short film music videos with her. Those are my favorite. They're so cute. We just have fun.




Bella was also, like, left out, and I think sometimes we. All right, let's go. We're gonna go for a walk or, like, do some, like, random.


You team up with her?




What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?


The first time I was skydiving, I didn't jump tandem. You can, like, take a class. Yeah. It's really a six hour class, so I didn't have to be strapped to anyone.


That was the first time.


That was the first time I ever did it. Yeah. And they were like, are you sure you wanted, like. Apparently, a lot of people don't do that because you could pass out.


Yeah, I've done it once. I was tandem. It was awesome. But I definitely would not have gone. They literally had to kind of force me out of the plane.


Yeah, I wanted to. I wanted to be able to say, I never jumped tandem, but I had to do it. I was working with these guys to boyos, and we got a brand deal with Carl's junior, and we had to do something for him, so I ate their new burger while skydiving, and I was tandem, but I was, like, ruined my streak.


How often do you skydive?


That was the second time.




I still ruined it.




Like, what streak do you have?


That would have been my second solo dive by women myself.


But, yeah, now he's my wife. I met her in the DM. She dmed me. Yeah. I only brought up because I imagine your DM's are full. You are America's heartthrob, Marcus heart. Rob.


Oh, my God.


Just made that up. If you should put that in your body. Okay.


You said all right.


For anyone listening. I know it sounds like you're a little. Maybe, kind of, maybe not looking for love right now. You're a little reserved, but if someone were to slide into your DM's, like, how could someone stand out to you? And if they want it, if, like, not just, like, a fan who just, like, wants to meet you and thinks you're hot or, like, one night stand it. But, like, if someone was just like, I don't know. I like the guy. I understand him. I want to get to know him. Like, what? How would a lady stand out for you?


It's just at this point, like, it's. Everything's, like, so crazy. And I've got, like, a little bit of trust issues, so I think I would just not. You know what I'm saying? Like, I couldn't. I don't think there's anyone could say over text to me that I'm gonna.


Be, like, you'd believe.




For sure.


No, I mean, that's a good question, but I don't know whether your trust issues come from. I just have a hard time, like, letting people in. It's something I've been working on for, like, a long time, but, yeah, I think it just comes from being independent. Pendant? Nah.


You'Re just tough not to crack for no reason.




Okay. Are you in therapy?




You seem very like you kind of know yourself and you know what you want and you.


For the most part, I'm making an effort.


You're trying.


I am. I am trying.


You're trying.


I'm trying.


Well, we got. I'll let you go.


Oh, it's okay.


Better, worse, or exactly what you expected?


I was better.


It was better.


Yeah. I thought we were gonna talk about the show.


So, like, I mean, I don't know.


Like, I've already talked about it.


Unless there's something new you wanted to talk about. But, like, I think for someone who, like, who is closed off, who, like, obviously there's. You know, you got that shell. And I think people are very fascinated with who the real rob is. And there's just a lot of ideas and judgments and opinions about you. I just would rather spend the time, you know, actually getting to know you. Cause, like, when it comes to reality tv, we just get to know characters. You know, you're. You're silent into a box of, like, what people think you should be or, you know, or what the show thinks you should be and things like that. And as someone who knows what it's like to have people think one thing and be like, I know it's not me at all. I was more interested in just kind of getting to know you.


Appreciate that.


Well, we tried.


We tried to give the fans.


Hopefully, everyone feels like some stuff.


You're definitely a very.




You're. You're tough. It's okay. It's not like, a bad.


Well. Well, I'll ask you one more question about that.




For as someone who is closed off, if someone were to say, well, why did you. Why. Why go on tv? Or why go on reality tv if you are someone who doesn't like to open up? But would you. You say to that it was for the plot?


Like, I don't know. They asked me to do it. Okay. It sounded fun.


All right, Rob, well, we appreciate you. We wish you the best of luck. Uh, do you think your friend Aaron's gonna be okay?


Yeah, I think it'll be all right.


I think so, too.


I really hope so. I think so, too, but I don't want to jinx it. All right.


Is there anything. Anything else you need to get off your chest? Any bombs you need to drop? Any tea you need to bill? Any bad bitches you want to shout out?




Perfect. Clip it.


All right. Bye, Rob. Thanks for listening. Well, let's all give Aaron a hug. Just metaphoric. I did, actually, after we got done recording. Just gave him a good 22nd hug.


They say 20 seconds is the amount that you should hug. That releases the, uh.


I really felt for Aaron after someone.


Hugged me for 20 seconds. Side.


You have to hug for 20 seconds. It's not. It doesn't work if you don't hug for 20 seconds.


Deb, is it a side hug or, like, a double hug?


It's a prime.




It's probably the Zoloft.


All right, we'll see you tomorrow. Going deeper with Nicole once upon a bedtime at the Glenhaven house. And that, kids, is the story of Fion McCool and the chicken tender of knowledge.


That's not how Miss O'Reilly told it.


Never mind her.




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