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You're crazy. Oh, wow.


You guys are great. Why didn't you tell us? I'm pissed. Hold on.


The Lisa's of Vilefiles.


I don't know. Nick's giving us fur blanket.


Oh, wait.


That's perfect. I love it.


All right. Are we ready? Yes. What's going on? Come on, everybody. Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Vial Files Reality Recap Edition. I am your host, nick, also known as Lake Nek. Or just Nek. It is the last day of Nek. We are hitting the road. The later today. I also want to point out for the people watching on YouTube, yes, am I wearing the same shirt as Tuesday? Of course. Did I wash it? I have. You washed it? My mom. My mom washed it.


I am gone at the His mama is doing his laundry.


My mommy is doing the laundry. Welcome Lisa Barlow to the show. Are we all Lisa? Are we all Lisa?


You need to clear that up.


We're all different versions of Lisa.


The household came dressed up in spirit of the premiere of Real House Waves of Salt Lake City. Also, really, the premiere of the Volfo was on Bravo. Absolutely, yeah. Is it? Yeah. Was it our first time on Bravo? I can't. I don't know.


I feel like, were we on...


They were vague illusions in Summerhouse. Vague illusions.


No, This is a sound bite. This is us, name drop.


Yeah, this is name drop.


This is us being the catalyst for episode one.


We caused a storyline.


I mean, really, Whitney, but I think Whitney really put this show on her back episode one.


Could you imagine if she was-We were there to assist. Could you imagine if in this argument with Lisa, she was like, I didn't even want to fucking answer that. He asked me, what if she totally turned on us? Turned on us, yeah. Could you imagine?


I know. I feel like she was such a friend of a show for you all. She was like, No, what did I say? Where? It was a two-hour podcast. Where?


Yeah, the two-hour podcast got me.


Sarah, say that again. Do your best Brittany impression. It might be awesome.


Whitney? Don't do her dirty.


I just did. Don't do her dirty. What do you mean? What do you mean? It's what part? Two hours. It's a two-hour podcast, Lisa.


That's pretty fucking good.


You have to say it's my feelings, Heather. It's my feelings, Heather.


How do you expect me to help if you don't give me time to fill? I love you, Whitney.


That's pretty good.


We've got a Meredith and a Whitney.


Who am I?


Lisa. Lisa.


Oh, okay.


What a great episode, the premiere of Salt Lake City. Yours truly, the Vile files. Well, ours truly. Was it yours? Yours truly, us.


Listen, Happy to just be a part of it. It's yours truly, ours truly.


Should we release that episode? It's worth a conversation.


We should.


Yeah, I think we should. Because now people are going to be like, Well, what the fuck does she say?


What did she say? Yep.


Two hours.


I told Cierra, I personally was deceased and revived watching the episode last night as a Salt Lake City fan.


This is his Roman Empire.


Justin, we really owe this a big thank you. I mean, it was Justin who said, Guys, you are sleeping on Salt Lake City. You need to watch it. Yes, the rest of the world woke up to it. I like to think, again, the Vial files has a pretty big reach. For the people who love reality TV who weren't subscribing to Real Housewives, have Justin a thing. I mean, it really is Justin who really turned us all-Yes, Salt Lake City.


Smiling inside right now.


Let's be real here. Coming into episode one, there's a huge fear of, Can these ladies carry this season without Monica? I mean, she was an icon. We miss her every day on our TV screens. Everyone is looking for her next move. Here we are. We are the driving force, the drama on episode one.




Is it me or is Justin have a little bit more attitude? He It definitely does.


With the fur coat.


I did watch the premiere twice. Last night, I'm not going to lie. Oh, wow. And I'm amped up. So already.


So you were deceased and survived. At what point were you survived?


I paused the episode 10 times, so I don't remember. But no, I do remember.


I was going to say you texted me when you saw the sound bite.




It's Angie K middle.


I'm a lover of Angie K, and I feel like Angie K is getting the love she deserves finally being the center Snowflake.


I was going to say, wow, Angie's Center Snowflake. That's a big deal.


Do they flip coins for that? Do they fight for that? How does that... It clearly is a thing that fans and people care about.


I think it's who gives the most in a season, and they get rewarded with center position.


Yeah, it's the same thing as a reunion seat. Whoever's sitting next to Andy is the main storyline or the storyline that people actually care about.


Whitney was He's last on the Snowflake lineup.


I love Whitney.


That's unfortunate.


I know. You're telling me, based off this lineup, that we can expect this season to be really about Angie?


It seems like Angie's story.


And then Whitney is somehow an afterthought? Is that what you're telling me? Is that accurate information?


You could assume. I mean, Angie has the least amount of followers out of the whole cast, but usually the person in the middle is one of the main people. You can believe it as that, whether they are the main person, but they have a big storyline. Yeah.


Or they deliver. Maybe Easter, Maybe Easter came twice this year.


Oh, wow. Yeah, Greek Easter.


Well, either way, Whitney really set things up. We'll get in the recap momentarily. What do we have to cover, Justin, before we pop off on Salt Lake City? Also, yes, we all cried for the Golden Bat Cheret. Excited to get into Jones premiere as well. But what do we have?


Well, do they have a Red Lobster near the Lakehouse?


Absolutely not. Not that I know of. I think the closest one would be either Green Bay or Appleton. Well, the good news is that Red Lobster is no longer in bankruptcy thanks to Flavor Flav. They are still offering quality seafood at a great price. Gross.


I don't know why anyone's still going there. You can buy their biscuits in a free package bag.


They don't taste that good, though.


That's true. Have you ever Did you experience the pure euphoria of just staring at those lobsters in that thing?


Absolutely not. That's animal protein.


Okay, but when I was 10?


Yeah, no. At the grocery store, when I would see the lobsters in the thing at the seafood aisle, that was the peak of my grocery store experience.


I'm a marine biologist.


I was like, I am aqua marine. Hello.


Yes. Jojo.


Speaking of Jojo, I hope you guys enjoyed that episode that dropped yesterday. Jojo, the icon that she is, spent time with Nelly and I when we were in New York last time, had a great conversation about her career, her life, her struggles, her engagement, her relationships. She really opens up. It's a great episode. I know many of you are fans of Jojo. She has a new book out. So check out this week's episode of Going Deeper. It is absolutely fantastic. You will not want to miss that. What else, other than Red Lobster, still offering those lobsers?


We do have a Diddy update if you want to jump into that one. That is shit. So, Sean Diddy Holmes was arrested, finally, in New York after a grand jury indictment. Oh, he was? Yeah. So the US attorney for the Southern district of New York released a statement on Monday saying, Earlier this evening, federal agents arrested Sean Holmes based on a sealed indictment filed by the SDNY. We expect to move to unsealed indictment in the morning, and we'll have more to say at that time. This happened last night.


This is a federal investigation, correct? Yes. Just confirming this is not the state police.


Federal indictment.


The federal government, they don't arrest people unless they have… I think their track record is 100% of people who they've convicted when they send to trial. So it seems like he might go to jail.




For a long time.


God willing. All right. Well, yay for justice on this one.


Yeah. I mean, justice is also prevailing or trying to prevail with the Ariana Maddox and something about her Katie Maloney drama. We all know Chef Penny was suing the company for promising salary and the whole trademark of the name. So we do have a little bit of an update. So according to court documents, Ariana and Katie denied all allegations of wrongdoing in the case brought by Penny in July. Their lawyer argued plaintiffs failed to allege fact sufficient to support any claims for relief including by failing to allege a justifiable controversy, asking the court to word Penny nothing from her complaint and that the case be dismissed entirely.


From what I remember about the case, which is not much, and I'm not obviously a lawyer here, but from the get, this seems like essentially extortion from Penny, because, again, if I remember correctly, her husband is a lawyer, and Penny was clever or smart enough or a little shady enough to go ahead. I don't know what conversation she had with Ariana or Katie about the trademark, or if she did it behind their back, or she did it in good faith that they would all have it, but she filed it, and now she owns the trademark. It reeks of now that I own the trademark and essentially own the right to this name value, which they sold all this merch and yada, yada. She's trying to extort them for more money because in terms of the actual case, it sure sounds like a game of she said, she said. And there's no actual proof that any type of arrangements or promises were made, et cetera, et cetera. But I think she is banking on the fact that since she owns this trademark, she can try to leverage that. And it all just sounds fucking shady. And just go away, Penny.


I don't know. This is not your thing. Just because you know how to run a restaurant or make a sandwich. You guys agree to disagree, and you decided to move on and stop sucking. But maybe I'm wrong.


I'm glad that they're persistent about it, though. Ariana and Katie didn't just give into it.


Yeah, it seems shady, but I'm glad they're I mean, to be dealing with what Ariana is dealing with legally must be so...


It's like one after the other.


So taxing, so stressful, so frustrating. No, truly. I mean, it really sucks. That's got to be a miserable thing. It takes forever. It's always hanging over your head. You just have to try to disconnect from the reality that you have people suing you. Even if you have lawyers, again, lawyers who ultimately will say, Hey, they don't have much of a case, but whatever, it's still stressful. The fact that she has to deal with this on multiple fronts is just, it is wrong. It's crappy. It's poopy.


Do you cuss around River? Yes.


It's been done.


Well, because she's not old enough to know what you're saying, right? No.


Until she says it.


I feel like we will try to reel it in, but I think- Might be tough. Might be really tough. I think the way my sister did it is my sister, who has a sailor's mouth like I do, she was like, I have just taught her that this is grown up words, and you don't say grown up words. So her daughter has never gone to school and been like, You are a bitch, repeating what her mom says. And so maybe I'll just try to take that route. But River might be like, Jokes on you.


My parents never swore in front of us. I really had a great role models for parenting, and I have a vivid memory. I think I've told this story already in the past, but I had an absolute sailor's mouth as young as first year, second grade. I remember having an actual conversation with me, eight-year-old me. Are you eight years old when you're in the second grade? I think so. I remember thinking, You really swear too much, nick. This is ridiculous. You really need to stop. I'm in the second grade. I'm in the second grade, and I'm like, This is unnecessary. Every time I recess, I'm trying to throw out an F-bomb or two.


That's crazy. Then I was the opposite. I had older siblings. Everyone around me was cussing, and I was like, I don't partake in that.


Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe it just has nothing. My parents didn't swear, and I still swore. You're going to learn it. I don't know. Is that just justifying bad parenting? Probably. Maybe. We We're going to try not to swear because obviously, we don't want to stop the moms and the parents out there from being able to enjoy quality programming like the vial files just because-We have such potty mouths. Yeah, we're going to say poop instead.


I'm not saying that, but yeah, we can figure out other words to say for sure.


Wait, nick, did you ever get soap to the mouth?


Definitely was threatened soap to the mouth a couple of times. There maybe was one time, but not really. I think there was way more threats. But again, I didn't swear in my parents. I definitely did not. It was a hidden closeted swear.


You're a bad kid at school, but a good kid at home.


I just swore. I don't know why. It's certainly stuck with me.


It's certainly stuck with you for sure.


I don't know what it is. I'm a pretty good guy. I follow all the rules. I'm definitely a rule follower, but maybe it's the swearing that really makes me feel dangerous and like a rebel. Maybe. Everything else is just I'm a Boy Scout.


Like me, I was shoplifting left and right.


Yeah, you were an actual criminal. Okay. But really good grammar and just a real de la tant.


Declanon, I think. What? Declatant?


A declatant? Isn't it dilatant?


You're thinking of decletet.


Am I making up words again?


Isn't a declanon like a...


Declanon is this area. Declanon.


What is it? Declatant.


Wait, decletant. That's a deglage. That's a deglaget, yeah.


Debutante? No.


Deletante is a word. What does it mean? What does it mean? A sheer thickening fluid, also known by the... We can end there.


And what is a declatante?


What did I mean to say? Debutante?


No, I think declatante.


These words all sound the same. Okay.


Can you imagine all the university or professors or smart people out there who have given us an opportunity to entertain them this day, and they're just I don't think declatante exists.


It does.


Am I spelling that wrong?


Okay. Anyways, well, we can't even look upwards.


You know what you mean to say in your heart, and that's what matters.


Mary, what was your strongest subject in school?


English. Yeah. And now I don't know words. So that's what being online can do for you, kid.


Yes. Don't rot your brain.


I used to be reading The Great Gatsby, given my opinions.


And now you're watching Real House of Life: The Salt Lake City.


Which I would argue that the Real Housewise of Salt Lake City is modern day Shakespeare. Thank you. It is truly one of the most incredible television shows I've ever seen in my entire life.


I was going to say, I think you can do both because I'm reading Wuthering Heights and I am a big SLC fan. So I'm like...


Well, speaking of Salt Lake City, Cierra Barlow, you lost the second ring, right?


And I can't find it.


In New York Fashion Week?


That's crazy. She has got to get her ring size. Why are they flying off? The first one was in the episode and it came off in the bathroom. She was like, what, pulling down her pants? Yeah.


And that was only $60,000, right?


This one, she's in a dark nightclub, waving her hands like she just don't care, and it flies off.


It was New York Fashion Week, and we know that Lisa's the queen of film festivals, allegedly.


Fashion Week?


You think she's the queen of Sundance?


She thinks she's the queen of Sundance. She does, yes.


I wanted to say, I wonder if you just walk up to Scarlett Johansson and been like, so are you hanging with the queen of Sundance this year?


She says, Welcome to my In her defense, I think she supplies a lot of the Vita tequila that's at these events.


So she gets into like, Sundance events or whatnot.


Should we be offended that Lisa insisted on referring to the Valtals as the podcast? When we know Lisa knows the name of our show.


I think it was producers being like, We don't need to name drop over and over and over again. Because they kept saying the podcast, and could you imagine if they're like, The Valtals, the Valtals, the Valtals.


We could take that, too. I would love that.


Yeah, we would have taken that.


No, of course, we would have as The quote podcast is so chic. We are The Podcast. I'll take it.


It's so chic. It's so mysterious. We should make merch. Wait, we should make merch that just says The Podcast. Yes.


Daph Lisa Barlow.


Well, for the audience listening, Lisa Barlow did lose a second ring. New York Fashion Week, she was behind a DJ's booth, flicking those fingers, and then happened to flick her hand, and then the $100,000 ring went flying off her finger into the dark club of people. And they didn't find it until the morning after.


Who found it?


So one of the partners of the DJ owner or the club owner.


So she got it back?


Got it back, yeah.


That's how you know you had a good night club? Yep.


You lose your ring.


Could you imagine if the people who saw it and thought it was Claire's ring was like, us. She was like, on that. Leave it on the floor. This stupid ass. Yeah, what is this costume jewelry? And they just threw away $100,000 diamond.


I will say, is it not party etiquette or club etiquette to not bring expensive stuff out?


Well, how would everybody know that you're Lisa Barlow in that you're really rich if you don't have your riches.


Just show up in her for a coat. Nobody's snatching that in a club.


I mean, in fairness to Lisa, they're all super famous right now. I imagine they walk into New York clubs with some clout. Oh, yeah. I mean, let's be real here. I know we love to shit on Lisa sometimes. I know I do.


I love Lisa.


Lisa's my best friend.


Don't speak for yourself. I love to shit on Lisa. Sorry.


She just has a tone.


Anyways, New York Fashion Week, Cathy Hilton dared Tiffany Hadish to walk down the Monzay runway during the show. It might have been when nothing was happening or whatnot, but basically, there's this video going around of Cathy daring Tiffany saying, Do it right now. There's nothing going on. Just wave and get the camera.


What's the response of the public?


I personally was like, I think that's cool. That's empowering. But then I can see a lot of the public where it's like...




Yeah, she dared Tiffany Hadish to walk the runway. She was like, Do it.


Why is that empowering? I mean, I find it funny and great. It's a little middle school. I love that Kathy Hilton still has a childlike sense of playfulness. But empowering? Yeah. Are we now just using the word empowering to call anything that we think is funny? Well, it's selling sex toys. Empowering. It's just empowering.


Well, I think Kathy Kathy Hilton giving you the stamp of approval to crash a runway is empowering.


I don't know. I feel like it is.


I don't know if empowering is the right word. I mean, it might give you the confidence that you need because Cathy Hilton is giving you the green light for sure. Let's not take away the meaning of the word empowering, which I know, Lee, it's empowering.


I'm shaking. I'm literally shaking up here on the stage in New York Fashion Week.


I know that if Kathy Hilton told you to do anything, Justin, you would have the confidence anyone... I mean, if Kathy Hilton told you to throw a game winning, a touch down at a NFL game, you could do it. I understand.


I can't throw a football.


But I still don't think it's empowered.


I would feel empowered.


I just feel like it is a little disrespectful to the brand and the other models and the people, like the photography, like everyone involved. It feels like maybe if it was at the end of the fashion show where people are getting up and leaving, that's cute and fun. But it seems like it was in the middle or before it started.


I don't know. Listen, there's definitely a lack of consideration for how this joke would have landed with other people involved. I mean, have you ever been to Fashion Week? Which, listen, a whole another conversation of the point of Fashion Week for a lot of people. But for those who are involved, these are short 5, 10-minute shows tops. So much work and dedication goes into what is just a brief moment. For Kathy Hilton to potentially fuck that up for someone, well, we may not care or not even know the people involved. And yes, they may be privileged to be involved in Fashion Week, blah, blah, blah, blah, someone's precious moments in time for the sake of a goof around. I don't really care. But yeah, I think to Nelly's point, if someone called her, say, I don't know, inconsiderate or a little like...


I don't think she needs to issue an apology by any means.


But yeah, I don't know if it's empowering.


Well, question, and I mean, this in the most respectful way to the brand, but did anybody know what Monze was before this happened?


I mean, it's...


I I don't think anyone cares about the brand. I don't think that's what people are saying. I don't think people are like, Oh, my gosh, did you hear Tiffany walked the... What is it? Monzay. Monzay. Monzay show. I think they're just like, She got in a fashion show. She crashed New York Fashion Week. I feel like this isn't giving any light to Monze.


That's not the big takeaway. Okay.


Because for me, it's like, I didn't know who Monze was until I saw this. So I was like, Okay, it's good publicity, maybe unintentional, but...


I feel like Tiffany Hadish also is known to be out there doing things that draw a lot of attention, whether that is good or bad attention.


Listen, we love our celebrities, and I know we love to glorify anything they do. But yeah, I think we could chalk this up as to bad behavior and a little messiness from Ms. Hilton. Mrs. Hilton? Is it Mrs?


Yeah, Mrs. Hilton. The first time Kathy Hilton has ever instigated anything in her entire life.




She doesn't give a fuck, and I respect that about her. I will say that. I'm not praising her for it. That's for sure. I still hope she invites us to her Christmas party because we need some fake snow in our lives. That much is for certain.


Get that in five plus six. Thank you.


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Would you want Cathy Hilton to be your coach? No.


What's the game?


I'm just in general, in life.


I don't think... No, I don't know. I don't think that's her strength.


You don't think she motivate you?


She can fund my life coaching. Yeah.


Did anybody ever see that Super Bowl commercial where it's housewives on the field.


Yeah. Yeah.


That was good. I think Cathy Hilton would do good.


I think she's a giant at anything she does. To start off, we're talking about the New York Giants versus the Cleveland Browns.


Okay. Giants versus Browns.


Giants Giants versus Browns. To start off with the Giants, their color scheme is white, gray, red, and dark blue. Okay. They don't have an official mascot. Boring. Also, they play in MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. I am very confused by the Metropolitan Tri-state area when it comes to sports. Why are all of these New York teams playing in New Jersey?


Great question, nick. Answer.


I believe it just has to do with taxes and location. But yeah, the New York Jets and the New York Giants, which share the stadium, MetLife Stadium Both play in the great state and city of New Jersey. Yeah.


Isn't that crazy? Does New Jersey have sports teams?


No. Do they have a football team? I think wherever Bruce Springsteen touches people's emotions, that's your team.


Copy that.


They're the oldest team in the NFL.


Okay, there you go. That don't have a mascot.


I know. That's wild. I know.


They don't need one. They don't have a mascot.


They don't have a mascot. We're first. We should all have respect for the elders of our community.


Senior citizens.


If they're the oldest team in the NFL, then who did they play? Who created God if God created us? It's just like, who are the New York Giants play? Are they God? Maybe. Were they first? And then they created other teams to play against them?


I think we could theologically argue that the New York Giants are God.


Represent? Okay.


Speaking of God, Many would claim that the Mara family who owns the Giants are the gods of the Giants. You may know the name Mara from the actress Rooney Mara. Shut up. Who started the hit Todd Haynes' film, Carol.


She owns the team?


Rooney Mara is also married to Waukeen Phoenix, who was supposed to be in another Todd Haynes' movie, but then very, very dramatically dropped out.


Is there a relation between the Mara family and the actress? Yeah. Or did they just have the same name? There is a relation.


Yeah, no, she is part of that family.


Rooney and Kate Mara.


Yeah, Rooney and Kate Mara. They're like the daughter, granddaughter.


Their family owns the team. Yes.


She's an heiress of the Giants. She's not like, fake related like, Jen Affleck's husband. No.


Is not related to Affleck.


No, like, real, real related. The Mara family and the Rooney family. I think there's some marriages between those families, too. Technically, Rooney and Kate Mara are the heiresses of the Giants and the Steelers.


Steelers. Good to know that if acting didn't work out. Exactly.


Steelers. Jesus. In 1934, the Giants won the Championship in a famous sneakers game where the Giants switched from cleats to basketball shoes in order to gain better traction on the icy field. Wow, that's pretty high. Isn't that crazy? Speaking basketball. The tight end for the Giants, Darren Waller, was married to Olympic gold medalist and two-time WNBA champion, Kelsey Plum of the Las Vegas Aces. A couple of months ago, they announced they were separating, and they asked for privacy. Then, Darren Waller released a music video titled Who Knew Her Perspective. It is one of the most incredible music videos I've ever seen in my entire life.


I love that nick knows everything.


Then he retired.


Then he retired. The music video is everything. It has autotune. It has an actress who looks like the Love Island version of Olympic gold medalist, Kelsey Plum. A random bowling scene for no reason. It's the worst song you've I've never heard in your life. The next team in this game is the Cleveland Browns, the only team in the league without a helmet logo, which is demure.




We love minimalism.


Now, if you remember from last week, the Ravens who you guys backed and they disappointed you, formerly was the Cleveland Browns. But again, remember, they moved overnight to the city of Baltimore, renamed themselves the Ravens of Baltimore. The city of Cleveland said, Wait, we are still the Cleveland Browns, and we still want a team. And so they got a new team, and they renamed it, once again, the Cleveland Browns. And so the Cleveland Browns, who used to be the Cleveland Browns, are now the Baltimore Ravens, and now the Cleveland Browns are a new franchise with a terrible owner and recently signed Deshawn Watson. Honestly, their vibes are ranted.


Sounds like I've got with the Giants.


They have multiple mascots.


Oh, my God. They're making up for the Giants.


They have the dog pound.


They used to have a real dog named Swagger Jr, but he sadly passed. Rip to a king. But they also have fake mascots that live forever. So they have a dog named Chomps. And Loki doesn't seem like a good boy, but Menace in a really charming way.


Yeah, he's giving naughty, but also handsome. Put off the table, doesn't listen to the man. He's jumping up on the counter for sure.


I think he's very sweet. They also have another mascot who has my entire heart, Brownie the Elf.


I love them. I would die for him. Yeah.




What's the in relation to Elf.


Yeah, how do you get an Elf? I mean, he looks adorable. Yeah. That's the thing. Despite the Cleveland Browns being unlucky with the owner that they have who make the decision to sign a piece of shit like to Sarah and Watson, the good people of Cleveland that have been riddled with nothing but heartbreak when it comes to their football franchise and team, and they do bring good vibes.


Do Sean Watson plays for them? Yeah. Who is the piece of shit? We have to go with the Giants, guys. We absolutely cannot back to Sean Watson.


Also, the context of the To be clear, we're not backing to Sean Watson by backing the good people of Cleveland.




I'm going to take the Brown.


You're going to take the Browns?


I don't know. The Ravens lost, and they used to be the Browns.


The Browns? I have a hard time waiting for the Browns just because of the Steelers. My mom would always get very stressed out when we play the brown. So when I see those colors, I get anxious. But also the Giants don't have anything that's really pulling me in vibe-wise. No mascot. So I think purely because of Brownie, the elf, I would go Brown.




Also, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fames in Cleveland.


The city of Cleveland has had some heartbreaking losses in the playoffs. They've had some good teams over the years, especially in the '70s and '80s or whatever in the '90s. They move. And three or four years later, they win the Super Bowl, the Ravens, right after they moved, right after they left Cleveland.


And then they won again. I think there's something in the water at Cleveland. I don't know if you all know this, but De'Shon Watson has been accused 27 times of SA Okay. Oh, stick it with the giant. He sucks. I feel like since we're all beautiful women queens, we go with our giants.


Right, Justin? I'm cool with that.


I'm back in.


I'm in the game.


Okay. Okay, game Two. We have the Denver Broncos versus the Tampa Bay Bucaneers. So the Broncos, their colors, sunset orange.


A lot of orange in this color. Yeah.


Midnight Navy and Summit White. Their mascot, Thunder, who is a live horse. So that's fun. A live bronco.




And then Miles.


Is he treated well?


Cute. Miles scares me.


Miles looks like a hippopotamus.


Yeah, Miles shows up.


From the front. From In the front, he looks like a hippopotamus. From the side, he's giving horse. Yeah.


A little sleep paralysis demon, a little long legs.


Yes. I love his red mane. Isn't he giving long legs?


If that thing was standing over me, No. No.


Is their life horse treated well, or is it animal cruelty?


Has to be treated well.


I'm pretty sure that they do have to treat the animals well now. Hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully. I cannot speak on that. Payton Manning played for them for a little while after the Colts. I've been with him. Yep. We know him. We love him in those ads.


He does do great ads. The painting one?


Yeah. Well, he also has his places. Payton goes places.


He also owns 50 Papa John's or something like that.


Yeah, he's the new Papa John's guy. After Papa John did not get a hot light Papa John. He made those weird things.


Papa John turned out to be a little racist.


I'm in a room of Payton fans. You like Payton? No, I was like, Y'all are name dropping every Payton app that's ever existed.


Just watch a lot of TV? He's got good timing. We love a comedia king.


Anyway, one former player of the Denver Broncos, Shannon Sharp, recently made headlines and had some drama. He accidentally went live on Instagram having sexual relations with a woman named Michelle.


I heard of this.




That was crazy.


This was last week. At first, he claimed he was hacked, but that is, of course, as we all know, not how Instagram Live works. Then he was like, it was an accident. You don't see anything.


No, it's just an audio. I've listened to it.


Very silly.


Then he did a whole podcast episode about it. Where Ocho Cinco, formerly known as Chad Zanch, and the receiver of the Cincinnati bangles came on. At some point, then he tried to defend himself, Shannon Sharp, and he was like, No one was hurt in the recording of this audio. Then he looked down and gave him one of his smug-like, well. Then he suggested that his partner in crime might want to utilize an ice pack. He did say that. Terrible.


Everyone laughed. Well, if I can briefly mention the WNBA again. Comedy queen of the Las Vegas Ace is Cindy Colson posted on Instagram her own tweet about this, which was, She called me Shannon Sharp when I put that pencil in Yeah, that's my Michelle. Got it stempled on my skin. Then the caption of that post was, Good morning or Rise and grind, as @ShannonSharpe84 would say.


He was referred to as Popy in the audio recording.


He was, and that was really hard for me to hear, personally.


Nervous up. I'm smacking. Okay, you. Stop.


That's who's coming out of the Denver Broncos.


Interesting. I will keep that in mind.


That was a celebration of love. It was.


It's a beautiful, natural thing.


We were all a part of it.


It is a beautiful, natural thing.


Espn has stood by their man. He has kept his job.


If that was a woman, they would fire her on the spot.


But anyway, it's going on. 100%. Anyway, the Tampa Bay, Bucaneers, My hometown heroes, their colors, Bucaneer red, Futur. Yes, Futur. Orange. Orange and black.


A lot of freaking orange.


I hate the Bucs uniforms.


I hate them. But they're so ugly. They're good sometimes.


I disagree just Because they used to have these beautiful, beautiful, beautiful creamsicle orange uniforms.


Oh, that's what I'm talking. Yeah, that's what I was talking. Yeah, that's the one.


No, I'm talking about the modern day ones that are like-Oh, the modern ones, yeah.




They took something so beautiful, and they took it away. The creamsicle is cute. Also, their Bucaneer logo used to be this beautiful, like sideswept bang guy, and he was just constantly serving. And now it's a skull, which is also cool.


But the creamsicle is pretty with the-Wait, the red one doesn't look bad, though.


It just looks red. Exactly.


And Baker Mayfield is their quarterback, correct? Yeah.


Baker Mayfield used to play for the Cleveland Browns. The Cleveland Browns, for whatever reason, gave up on Baker Mayfield. He had a bad season.


Yeah, they were being dumb.


Their owner had no patience, got rid of Baker, then signed the terrible person that is Deshaun Watson. And then Baker is thriving, thriving in Tampa Bay. They beat the lions. That's a real FU to the... Again, for anyone in Cleveland who's a Browns fan, this is just a continuation, which is a nightmare to have drafted Baker Mayfield, give up on him, and then have him thrive somewhere else while you are stuck with this terrible person in the worst contract in the history of sports.


Isn't it 200 million, five years guaranteed?


Guaranteed. All guaranteed. Cleveland Browns can't cut them. It would financially destroy their franchise. It's terrible. The Cleveland Browns and the good people of Cleveland are suffering once again.They don't deserve it.In competence.


It's feeling like we're definitely going to go Bucaneers, right?


Over the Horses?


The Bucs mascot is a little freak named Captain Pierre. I love him.


A little freak.


He is exactly He's probably the guy you see walking down the street in Tampa Bay. This is the sleep paralysis.


I don't know what you all are talking about. Those eyes? He's creepy.


I'm with Natalie on that.


Is he wearing braces? No, he just doesn't have... He looks like he has a little bit of an underbite, maybe. I don't know. The mouth doesn't close all the way, but he is a pirate.


He looks sweet.


They are playing in Tampa. I will say at Raymond James Stadium, they have this big pirate ship, and when they score and stuff, it goes boom.


This mascot is someone's sweet My old uncle.


He is very... That is a Florida man right there.


I'm voting for the Bucaneers.


Can I tell you one last thing about them? Because they did purchase Tom braided.


They purchased him?


He just signed with the Bucaneers, but they did purchase him. He was a free agent. He was available for purchase.


Copy that.


And they gobbled him up. Interesting. And he won a Super Bowl. And I'm still mad about it.


I like the Bucaneers.


I think I like the Bucaneers too, right?


I'm cool with the Bucs now that Tom braided isn't anymore. I'm a Tom braided hater.


When pirates are hot, so I'm like, okay. Exactly. I, Captain.


Pirates are hot.


What about you? I don't know what the Bucaneers as well. Let's go. This is a season long. Right now, you guys are one and three, and I'm two and two. Well, let's see.


What did we do, Bucaneers?


We picked the Bucs and we picked the Giants.


And the Giants. Giants and the box.




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All right, let's get into Salt Lake City. Once again, congratulations to The Vilefile on their premiere debut of Season 1. Incredible. Guys, well done.


Should we act a little bit more cool about it. It's like, Oh, this happens all the time. We're cool about it. We're not like, Holy fucking shit. We're not freaking out. We're like, Oh, yeah.


I wasn't freaking out, but I just pat on the back to us.


Listen, we hit Lifetime. We hit Bravo. You guys got Gipsy Rose.


You guys got But we got Johnny Deff and Amber Heard documentary.


Netflix. We're all over Netflix. There you go. Hello.


That's awesome.


We are pop culture. We are changing culture.


nick, I have a surprise for you. Can I have one minute? Yes.


Okay, wow.


What is this?


Team Whitney.


What does your shirt say? What does your shirt say?


Well, it says, Bitch, I'm blessed because Whitney and I are blessed. But this is the color scheme of Whitney in this episode.


He couldn't go further talking about Salt Lake City But as if he were supporting Lisa Barlow. He needed to show that he supports Whitney. Yes.




Yes, of course.


It's episode one of season five of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. What a great intro. The people who produce and edit and do everything about this franchise really just seem to be a cut above the rest of the Bravo franchise. Is that fair to say, at least with the Housewives? There's just something poetic about this show.


They're known for their editing. Yeah. Salt Lake City doesn't hold back on the cheesy choir and what the howdy standoff edit that they had in this episode.


Why shouldn't they? I love that they lean into it. Also, by the way, did it feel like in the intro, we were just in Salt Lake City, almost? It was like, wait, we were just here. After just watching Norman Housewives, it really just felt like we were just visiting. Sometimes when you go to a place and then you don't expect to go back so soon, that's how it felt like watching Salt Lake City after watching Norman Housewives. But alas, we are in the exciting city of Salt Lake. Fresh off of the exile of Monica, we have two new ladies who are joining the cast. What are their names again? Brittany.


Brittany and Bronwyn.


What do we think of the new ladies? One, they seem to hate each other.


I like Bronwyn. I'm not going to lie. I love somebody that comes in hot.


The fashion extra.


She's the big read her, Rihanna, and a museum on that red- YSL. Ysl, furry thing that she wore to the Galentines.


I got to say that was pretty ugly. I understand maybe I'm not the fashion person or police, but that really did give costume. It really did.


It really looked completely different on Rihanna. I will also say that. I think maybe it's because Rihanna only wore the heart, and so it was a little mini dress, and Bronwyn wore it as a jacket, an overcoat.


Where did Rihanna wear it?


She was paparazzi on the streets of New York.


She was just wearing it out? Yeah. Correct.


I feel like she wore it on a magazine cover, but I might be wrong.


She had a baseball cap on. Rihanna looked cool. Rihanna looked like she was like, Let me just throw this on. Whatever, I don't care. She walked out the door. She was Rihanna.


She's a rock star. She's not a housewife from Salt Lake City showing up to a activation. Galentine.


But I love anybody that takes a risk She's out there.


Listen, that's the thing. Who the fuck am I? It wasn't for me, but she wasn't dressing for me.


But hey, pop off. I felt Brittany definitely put her foot in her mouth a couple of times with Mary.


In that conversation, specifically.


In that specific conversation.


She has so much time to redeem herself, but I just feel like for the first episode, I was like, I feel like I'm going to really like her, but I do wish she maybe would have had a different…


When they were having that conversation with Mary and Mary's being Mary, I wish Brittany would have maybe shown a little bit more… Like, stood her ground maybe a little bit more, but she was just like, Oh, well, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to… It felt like she was not taking the Katie approach of…






I don't know. I feel like she wasn't trying to be offensive, and then Or do you think the costume was a deliberate line?


The costume was deliberate, but I think the poor comment wasn't.


Yeah, that's when things got awkward.


Okay, you think that she was trying to be sassy with the costume?


I don't think she was. I think she just was... It's a big ass heart, and she's like, Oh, my gosh. I I love your... I don't feel like it was malicious at all.


But you can call someone or tell someone they're wearing a costume in Halloween, right? Out of any other context at a party, you're not going to be-If you show up wearing your costume.


If it's a themed party...


But it wasn't a themed party. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day party, and she shows up wearing a heart. That's a costume. I don't think so. I understand we're dealing with housewives, and housewives generally are into fashion. I understand that Rihanna wore it, and it is fashion, and I'm not trying to disparage the designer at But it's a heart. It's a literal heart. It was a literal fuzzy heart, and it looked like a costume on Valentine's Day. If that person shows up, you just think this is a person with a great sense of humor, not great fashion sense.


To me, it's like, Oh, my gosh, you leaned in. You're wearing a big fuzzy heart.


I agree. I'm on Justin's side where it's just like, obviously, these women take their fashion sense so seriously that I'm like, I could see how that would be offensive being like, Oh, I love your costume. It's like, obviously everyone's wearing hearts on Valentine's Day. She just really went for it. So I don't know.


If there's an outfit where Rihanna, a museum, and you own it, as foolish as that might be, you want people to know that you're the third person. There's no way you can't be obnoxious about it.


It's me, Rihanna, the Smithsonian. What a flex.


I guess I'm just waiting for someone for Mary to meet her match.


I don't I don't know if that exists. Jen was her match. Who's she? Jen Shaw. Oh, Jen Shaw. Then she was removed. Mary left the show. Mary's back, and everybody's afraid of Mary.


Is it that everyone's afraid of Mary, or is it just that Mary, she just does whatever she wants? Right? And we need this comedy. We do need the comedy. You need the comedy. I think the show is willing to put up with it.


The whole line about her being putting rolls in her purse, and she's like, That had to happen recently. You're not carrying a purse when you're a kid. What It was so funny.


That's what I'm saying. Her match? I mean, is there her match? There's no- I guess someone who can just fire back like Mary can.


I don't know. Someone who's just quick to- Mary's not doing it to be mean or snarky.


Or funny. Or even to be funny. It's just her truest self. It's fascinating and wonderful. That's why I think we love it is it reads. I mean, or she's a genius and this incredible actor, but I think she just reads it It's so authentic and it's so great. It's just so wonderful.


There's no brain filter.


You just take it because it's so special and it can't be replicated. Everyone else, it's replaceable. Like Monica, as crazy, as wonderful as Monica was, that's not hard to replicate because we know that playbook. It's just a willingness to just insert yourself, to be loud. Monica is fearless. Yeah, fearless. You can find fearless. Mary It's not fearless in Mary. It's just a true uniqueness. It's a special, special thing. It is sacred, and that's what makes it Mary.


No, you have a point. I think I retract the being afraid of. I think it's that she's authentic, and people don't know how to reciprocate that authenticity on the same level.


She'll tell you exactly how she feels about you and without any qualms to your feelings or thoughts about it. She's not even trying to hurt your feelings. It's just honest. She looked Heather in the face and said, I think you look inbred and meant that. That is actually an insane thing to say, but it's Mary.


That's what I'm saying. I love that about... I didn't love Heather this episode. Heather seems to be a great number two. She was Jen Shah's little homie, and now episode one, she's giving like, What does Lisa want? She's giving like-Yeah, that whole gang up on Whitney was pretty ridiculous. Again, maybe I'm missing context or whatever. That being said, I love how Heather's approach to Mary is like, just take whatever she gives you. It's funny. It doesn't matter if she calls you an inbred. Now she likes you because she seemingly you've lost some weight. I want Mary to talk some shit on me. You know what I'm saying? I want to meet Mary.


You want to be read by Mary.


Well, I have met Mary, and she insisted that River was going to be a boy, but it was just authentic and wonderful. We just enjoyed the interaction that was meeting Mary. Whatever Mary wants to offer me, I'm willing to receive with open arms and graciousness, whatever that is. Because what it is is an authentic perspective. I just want to see how Mary sees me. I am brave enough and secure enough with who I am to just take it. I think it'll feel like the warm and fuzzies.


One would say that she does change her opinion quite easily. I'm like, her and Angie being best friends this season. Oh, my God.


I love that.


But it makes sense because Angie got the lipstick off her teeth. Something so little. It's like as soon as you show.


Yeah. Well, that's why, yeah. Mary just wants to be who Mary is, and she wants people to lay off of her. Lisa is the opposite of Mary. Who is Lisa? Who is Lisa Barlow? Do we know? I don't know.


I don't know. But did you see that in the credits, it does say Lisa Barlow has a partnership with Wendy's?


Yeah, she's always had a partnership. She has one with Diet Coke right now, too. She's the queen of fast food partnership in the most respectful way. I want one with Diet Coke. It was iconic to see Mary tell Angie to switch the cards when Brittany was going to sit next to her in front of her. She was like, Angie, switch it.


Yeah. Yeah. Poor Brittany.


What was up with Heather this episode? Did you guys pick up on what I picked up on?


I will say I don't like Heather in this episode, but I do think she deserves credit in the sense of she's not owning a number two. Because every season, she is the voice of narrative throughout the season. She's the one narrating the intros and the outros and the trailers, usually.




So I think she's just perceptive and sits back and then responds.


I mean, Hot Take, Heather's my least favorite.


Well, same. Yeah, she's It was his least favorite, too.


Why do you hate Heather so much?


No, not hate, right?


I don't hate Heather. I just think she contradicts herself a lot. And I think that she backs the worst people and then isn't willing to listen to people. She won't let other people defend themselves once she comes up with the narrative about that person, but yet expects a lot of grace and forgiveness or, I don't know, from other people. That's where I'm just like, I feel like she contradicts herself a lot. You'll defend Jen till the end, but heaven forbid, listen to Whitney.


When did Whitney become this What's the big liar that Meredith, Lisa, and Heather are all coming at?


Where is this all coming from? I mean, everything they said was, I think they did it in a horrible way, and Whitney didn't deserve it, but they all said things that have happened throughout the seasons that Whitney was somehow correlated with.


Sure. Whitney's made mistakes. I mean, this is a messy group.


So messy, yeah.


They've all made mistakes. I think Whitney's point was, What are we doing here? I've apologized. I've been held accountable. We've addressed all this. It seemed like They're just bringing it up to be mean. It felt like there were two sides, right? There was Lisa, the gang leader, and for whatever reason, Meredith and Heather seem to have signed up for this. Mary's being married, and Angie. Then you have Whitney just being honest about her feelings about Lisa and some of the women. Again, I don't know why. Heather, she always seems to need to be on someone's side. She can't stand alone.


Well, the idea that four women are yelling at the top of their lungs on top of each other to tell Whitney what she's done to them. It's like, take a turn. That was great editing. You don't think that they were all just yelling at her at the table?


I think it was side by side. Honestly, it was so much editing in that. It was beautifully shot.


It just seemed like one person would say something, the next person would say something, and it's just like she- Yeah, but it was so edited that it honestly almost gave forced scene, to be totally honest.


The way it was edited, it was so cut up. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. I'm not saying it was fake, but the way it shown to us is we really don't know how that started, how it escalated, who said what, just because it was so caught up and was such a montage.


But you could see all three of them talking at once.


Yeah, and then you had Angie sitting there being like, This is too much. That says to me that at least in that period of time, whether they were speaking over each other or one after the other, they're all coming at Whitney. It's like how she's supposed to defend herself against one person, let alone four people. It's like you're all grown women. You're not getting your point across by screaming at her.


I will say for the Heather of it all, and maybe this is a wild take, sometimes I feel like she's a producer plant.


I do, too.


Sometimes. I give her the credit of narrating the seasons. That being said, I feel like she narrates it because she's willing to say what the producers want her to say, and she's always the one being like, Okay, I'll bring this tea to the table. I'll throw this person under the bus. I'll defend this person.


I think we need to change our lingo. We need to start saying producer pet, not producer plant. Okay. Producer plant makes it seem like they hire them. And again, I don't know how Bravo compensates their talent. That being said, it does seem like Heather is this the goody-goody two-shoot, teacher's pet, producer's pet, who's just willing to do and say whatever. And it really felt like at the very end of the episode where Whitney got up and left, where Heather threw up her arms and almost like, I can't believe this is happening. It really gave acting. It honestly did. It gave performance a little bit. Maybe I'm misreading it, but it just seemed inauthentic coming from Heather. I don't know. It It is hard to tell. I like Heather. I find her observations to be actually right often. I like that she seems willing to talk about some of her past in history, and she doesn't come across as what bothers me most about Lisa, which is the facade, not being able to go anywhere without makeup. It's so just whatever. Heather doesn't give that. But yeah, every once in a while, lately, the more I watch Heather, it's more like, I don't know, is this Heather talking or is this Heather just being a good employee?


It's hard for me to trust someone like that where every once in a while it reads performative.


It's interesting, too, because she always goes after Whitney. Because Whitney and them used to be best friends. They were bad weather is what they were coined as the first two seasons. And now it's every second, Heather is making up with Whitney, but then throwing her under the bus in front of the group, which is what happened to her.


Or competing with friendship.


Lisa operates like someone who has a mean girl vibe. She just gives bully a little bit, doesn't she?


She does give bully. Yes, I think you can say that she does. She does give bully. At that table with Whitney, she was being a bully.


For sure. Well, Lisa raises her voice and points her fingers. I feel like if I was in Whitney's position and someone was doing that to me, that is mean girl.


And standing up when you're sitting down, it's like- Take a seat.


Yeah. And what was Lisa's point? She's not allowed to talk about her at all?


Lisa was saying she lied, but Whitney kept asking, What did I lie about? Tell me what I lied about. She's alluding to Whitney saying that Lisa was a new villain on our podcast.


Whitney gave an opinion on this show, and that was Whitney's point. I loved her analogy, which is just her opinion that water is wet and Diet Coke. Diet Coke is, yeah, the Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke analogy. It's someone's opinion that Diet Coke might be better than Diet Pepsi, and Lisa's calling that person a liar. Well, great analogy. But that's what Lisa's doing. It's just like, what lying? You're just saying a word over and over. It doesn't make it true. She gave an opinion. She thinks you're this, you're that, you're a bully, you're a mean girl, you're a villain, and you disagree. That's fine. Not a liar, not the same. And then, yeah, bringing up old arguments of time she might have lied as if none of them have lied. It just gave yuck.


It's too much.


But I'm disappointed. Why are they backing? Why is the show or Heather backing Lisa in this moment?


But they had that weird thing last season, too, where it was Whitney and Heather competing for Lisa's friendship, almost.


Which is now out the window. Yeah. Because Whitney could care less.


But I don't know. It's this weird thing where I guess, maybe Heather won that fight. So now she feels like she needs to back Lisa. I don't know. I'm agreeing with nick on the whole needing to be a number two because she did that with Jen. Even Jen was in prison, gave her her black eyes, allegedly. And then it's still defending that person until people are like, Why are you defending her? And she's like, All right, must find new Queen B. Gretchen Wieners.


I mean, I do give... Heather deserves some credit, though, because she would give people the benefit of the doubt. Not Whitney. Not Whitney. Exactly. Not Whitney. But everybody else, She'd be like, If everybody's ganging up on you, let me hear you first.


She's not Tamra. She's not someone who's just relentlessly going after anyone who's down bad a little bit. It just recently Heather with her relationship with Jen, and now we see this episode. Yeah, it just seems like she's only really willing to go after someone if she knows she's supporting someone else doing it. Unless it's like, I don't know. Maybe we're misreading it.


I also felt bad for Whitney, too, because I just feel like this girl can't win no matter what because it was like, Meredith coming at her about bath bombs. And I was like, if we have one more disagreement about what goes on in a bath.


The Meredith one was insane.


So what's your deal with the bath bombs?


Because you heard me say at the reunion that I was going to do bath bomb. And it's like, you don't have a trademark over the entirety of bath bombs. Then come to find out that Whitney has been doing it for years.


With Iris and Bo, her original company.


Yeah, it's like- I didn't know that I wasn't aware of that. Okay, because your drama sounds stupid.


So technically, Whitney had it first.


Exactly. No, it was funny. And Meredith it. As soon as she brought it up, she was like, Well, I don't... She said something else, and you could tell Meredith realized she had no more argument. I wasn't informed of that. Then all of a sudden, who came up to Meredith? Angie came up to her, brought up the scroll.


Love it.


Meredith was, you could tell. Look, Meredith was looking around clearly pissed off at producers being like, This is not what I fucking signed up for. We did not agree on this fucking scroll. It was awesome.


Because the thing is, too, Meredith is so strategic with what she says because she was a lawyer. Yeah. That it's a situation like that, she goes mute. Because she's trying to formulate her comeback, and then she'll wait till later to make sure she doesn't slip up.


No, this girl kills me.


She's like the George Costanja, who thinks of the joke three days later. Yeah.


Angie is iconic.


I will say. I will say.


She's a sniper with her words, and she doesn't... She's down to goof around. I think that's why it makes sense with Mary.


Yeah, Meredith should be thankful for Angie because I was like, if your storyline this season was breast reduction and bath bombs, at least Angie Kate is giving you something.


So if it's Angie, Mary, Whitney, Brittany, versus Heather, Lisa, Meredith, and Rowan. I am team Whitney, Mary all the way.




nick, can you reenact Whitney's Healed line and transition us into the Bachelorette?


You want to see the Healed, nick? All right, it's time for Golden Bachelor. Sure. Well, to no one's surprise, we cried. I sobbed. It was so good. You can just always tell when they give more shits about one particular season reason or lead than others. That soundtrack, what was the song that they played in the intro?


Casey Musgraves.


Oh, yeah.


Was that No, was it?


It was Casey Musgraves.


No. No, when she was talking about her husband who passed.


Hanging over your head, That was Spacey Casey.


No, it's talking about a different point. It was a male singer.


It's Phil Collins, Please Take Me Home. It's such an emotional, uplifting song. When she's telling her story and she's talking about finding love, I was beside myself. Was I the only one crying through that sequence?


It was a beautiful intro.It.


Was Phil Collins, Please take me home. It was beautiful.


I feel like Joan is the perfect bachelorette.


Yeah, and you can tell these guys were very much picked for her, came there for her. I was smiling the whole time. I don't think I've watched something so wholesome in a minute.


No, me neither.


No, there was not one man that I was like, I loved all of them.


I was really worried. I wasn't sure what man they would be able to find, but first impressions, fantastic. We were way off on the cowboy rodeo guy.


Yeah, we really fond over him. She definitely was not. Did he go home?


No. He went home home. Did he? Yeah.


Or did he get the last rose? No, the last rose went to Jack.


Last rose went to Jack. I love him.


Love him.


He might be the only guy I'm comfortable with singing and serenading a lead on this show. Now, he still wasn't a huge fan. But he went me over.


Yeah, he went me over. The singing just makes me uncomfortable. But I think he has a great personality. I wish his title was Chef instead of Caterer. Yeah, why Caterer? Because it seems like he's definitely more of a chef. I like that.


I promise. That one's my favorite.


Yeah, he's so cute. Oh, my God. And Charles, is it L?




Was he the gardener who brought a photo album of his garden? No.


Wait, can I just say about... Was it Jack? Jack Jack is the favorite. When he was looking around the mansion being like, How cool is this? How amazing? And I was just like, The way that he's just finding gratitude for every small moment. He's like, I hope I'm here longer, but I'm going to cook dinner forever. I'm like, You, stand-up guy, obsessed, big fan of Jack.


That is what makes this show so good. I just feel like maybe the franchise has just moved on. Maybe this franchise was meant for the golden era. The level of appreciation with everyone in this cast, the second chance, not just at love. You could just tell these are a large group of people who, again, when you get older, society just forgets about you. Jones talked about this when her husband passed. It's just like people don't notice people who get older. The ageism is crazy in our society. It just is. Yeah, listen. But when you're part of that group of people, it gets old. If you're from the Midwest and you're from the South, I talk about this with friends. I mean, thank God we're lucky enough to have moved out to the Coast where when you get older, people don't act like you should just give up. But there's a bit of a culture in the Midwest and the south that you go to high school, you go to college, you fall in love, you have a couple of kids, and then you just start dying. This attitude of if a guy wants to do something in his 40s, they call it a midlife crisis.


If a woman wants to go back to school, again, midlife crisis or whatever. There's an expectation in our society that you to a certain age, you just start fucking dying, which is not the case. You get older, you can take care of yourself 50, 60 years old, and you see all these groups of people, all these men and Joan, this second chance of something exciting, to take a risk, to do something out of their comfort zone. These people haven't done stuff like this in years, and the exhilaration that you feel from all these people is just so inspiring. It's just so great. I just hope that whether you're old watching this or you're young watching this, that we take some of this inspiration inspiration and enthusiasm and excitement from these group of people, because that's the best part about this show, is you see this pure sense of excitement and purpose, as opposed to no one's performing. Just no one is performing. These people don't know what Instagram is. No one's here to start a podcast or figuring out what their next move is. They're here for this experience of a lifetime, and it's awesome.


The camaraderie between the men, too. I'm like, Jones has such a good group of guys, and they're all just so supportive of each other when they were playing the videos and everyone's like, hugging each other and patting each other on the back, giving each other compliments. I'm like, I could watch this for a year straight. I want none of them to leave the house. I love them all so much.


It felt like when Pascal realized that the first impression rose and he was like, Oh, I was so nonchalant. I would have been more chalant. It felt like if that were to happen in regular Bachelor, he would be the villain and all the guys would be like, Fuck you, dude. But they all just joked with him and laughed with him, and it just felt so wholesome. It's so sweet. I don't know. It's so sweet. No, Charles. Is it L or K?


There's L and Charles K. Charles K was the push-ups and dropped the cane, and Charles L married for 36 years.


Yeah, Charles L. I want to protect him at all costs. He is the sweetest, most angel human I've ever seen on my television, and I love him.


When his daughter zoomed in? Yeah. Oh, my God. He's an angel.


He is an angel. He It's so funny when he's like, I'm 66, but I look 36. It's just like, I love him.


You can tell that he shares that optimism with his daughter because when his daughter zoomed in, she was like, whenever you're in a difficult position, just crack a joke and then move on.


What you said to me when I went to college.


No, he was- Of the montage of the children, I was an absolute wreck. I don't know, maybe it's the new dad in me, but I'm just envisioning Rivers saying nice things about me. Just these people Just the sense of pride. They were proud of their parents and the parents are simultaneously just every time you look at your kid, just proud of, I don't know. The pride. I was a mess. I was absolutely sobbing. It was really pathetic of me.


I wanted to cry, too. I'm not a father, and I was like, This is so sweet.


You wanted to cry, though.


Yeah, it was like... It is so sweet. Just the idea. I'm a mama's boy, so I'm sure if I watched the Golden Bachelor and that happened, I would be bawling. But something about fathers having good relationships is really wholesome, I think, because we don't see that on TV very often. Yeah. So it was just like, oh.


No, it was so sweet. Who do you all feel like is going to be her front runner? I feel like definitely Keith. First impression rose. I felt like the way she's like, I can see him with my friends and my family and playing cornhole at the beach. It just felt very natural between the two of them.


It was the only person that you saw any type of actual chemistry with. It's interesting because we all know that the Batcherets historically have a very strong track of giving their winner the first impression, Rose. I wonder if Joan will follow suit or being the Golden Batch red, or maybe she plays it a little bit differently. I think chalk is a sneaky front runner.


Do you?


I just want to say it.


I also couldn't tell. It also made it sound like maybe Joan hated him. He was really nervous. But I don't know. She likes tall men. She hates the short kings. All the short ones went home. And her first impression, Rose, is the tallest guy there. He's like 6'5, they said. Chalk also... I mean, They have some also... They have very successful men here. A couple banking CEOs, insurance executives. Some of these men are fucking loaded. Chocs loaded. A couple of these other guys, you can tell by their professions, absolutely loaded.Pascal.


Told us he's loaded.


Pascal wanted us to know he's loaded. Pascal showed us.


He's like, Come to my mecca.


He's probably loaded. But Pascal gives the appearance of loaded, but also might be in terrible financial debt. I don't know. He's a charmer. He's definitely a charmer. But some of these guys, you can tell, Jones got a rich couple, some rich options for sure. If she wants to go rich, she can definitely go rich. But none of this Gary nonsense. She's got some real rich people. Kelsey's dead.




He's a front runner, too, for sure.


He got a third rose, right? I'm keeping tabs on him. I think he's going to go really, really far.


He also had a clip in the teaser of him being like, I'm falling in love again or something. Or I saw a Mocking Jay, and it was a symbol or something.


So So sweet. I'm so excited about this, you guys.


Other than first impression, Rose, guy, who's your secret front runner? I'm going to go chalk. Mark. You can't pick Kelsey's dad.


I'm going Dan. I just did. Can't.


Damn. Okay. I think Charles all.


I think Pierre is the April of this season.




Who's that? Pascal. Pascal is the April. You know how April was just absolute great comic relief, but there's no connection between her and Gary.


No actual chemistry. That's a good point, yeah. I'm voting for Mark, but if I can't, then I'll Greg with 2 Gs.


Greg with 2 Gs. Greg with 2 Gs.


I'm excited. Nick, I'm with you. What you said earlier, it's like as a younger person watching this, I've only seen one Bachelor season, one Bachelorette season, where I feel like we see immature, toxic relationships between the cast, but this is like a genuine mature, men that are confident, men that are genuinely here. So I'm excited to watch it.


Yeah. I hope we all learn a little bit from these people, these golden people, about life and perspective and what really matters in life, because I think It's a wholesome show. I don't know why it took so long to do this. It's brilliant. It's awesome. It's amazing. I'm such a fan. It's such a contrast to what else they're putting out.


Michael bringing the photo album of his garden, cured something in me that I didn't know I need cured. I am also scouting for the men for my mother when my mother joins Golden Bachelor.


I was going to say.


I think my goal is great for her.


Are you submitting your mom for next season? I saw that commercial.


Yes, 100% sitting my mom on Golden Bachelor. Yes.


All right, well, that wraps it up. We are back. Next week, we got a great week of reality recap episodes lined up. We're also going to rerelease the episode of Whitney Rose for all your Salt Lake City fans out there who are wondering what the heck Whitney said about Lisa. Well, it's a lot, and we are going to drop it for you. On The Podcast. It's The Podcast. The Podcast signing out. We'll see you next time. Bye.


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