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I have some new tour dates I want to tell you about. We will be in Lafayette, Louisiana, Thanksgiving weekend on November 29 at the Cajun Dome, baby, down there in Poirier country. We will also be in Balmont, Texas, on November 30 at Doget Ford Park Arena. We will also be in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the LSU-USC opening weekend of football, August 30th and 31st. Bend, Oregon, Spokane, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, BC, in the Canada. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma North, Little Rock, Springfield, Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Moline, Illinois. You can get all your tickets at theovan. Com/taur. Thank you so much for supporting Live Comedy and our show. We've got new merch. Check out the Return of the Rat tie-dye tease available in green and purple. We also have the Be Good to Yourself collection, Gang Gang Hoodies and more at theovanstore. Com. Thank you for your support. Today's guest is a singer-songwriter from Huntsville, Alabama. Her rise over the last few years has been incredible to watch. She has a new album coming out ASAP, and a single called Dirty is already released featuring Teddy Swims.


We talk about all of that and a lot more. I'm


Hair's vibing today, dude.


You're having a good hair day. What do you do to it? What do you do to it? You volumize it?


I mean, does that mean not wash it as much?


No, it's not what that means. Oh, it isn't? You don't got some powder or something?


Oh, I don't put no damn powder in my hair. You have a hair routine. The Lord does my hair while I sleep. So when I wake up, it's just- That's such a dude thing. What is?


The Lord doing your hair while you sleep. Oh, look. It works.


Yes, for some people, it works. Now, some men, they wake up and it's just not that. I think it's the Lord missed them or he left them too long in the-I think so. What's that thing that they put on women? Did you ever go to the hair salon with your mom and they would put that thing on her?


Yeah, they still do it. Do they really? They do that to everybody, not just mom?


Yeah, whatever that thing. My mom, sometimes, if it was going to be Easter or something, she would take us to this nice place. It was called the Looking Glass Salon. Wow.


Where at?


This was in Louisiana, Covington, Louisiana. It was nice. When you open the door, it had a little bell on it or whatever. Oh, that's how you know. It's a good one. Well, you just knew that they meant business in there.


Did you go under one of those?


Sometimes I would sneak in while my mom's hair was under it, and I put my hands in there.


It feels nice, no. Yeah.


And I thought it felt pretty cool, and it just made me feel like I'm going to be somebody someday. You should go.


You should go now. Yeah. I feel like you have long enough hair to where it'll do something.


To get it done? Yeah. Is that your hair?


Yes. All of it. It is?


Yeah. Wow. I bet horses get jealous, probably some of them. You think so? Yeah.


I hope so.


Jessie Murf, thanks for coming in.


Thanks for having me.


I'm excited. I'm happy that you're here. I'm a big fan. You know that.


Yeah. Right?


Yeah. I mean, I love... I don't know the album names and stuff, but I went... What was the tour? I saw you in Boston, I think it was, during Drounding, maybe.


Yeah. Damn, was it? Wow. Long time.


And I even bought a shirt, and I was going to save it to wear if you ever came in.


You didn't wear it?


And it's in Nashville.


That's fucked up, dude.


I only bought one. It's fucked up. But that's okay. What's going on?


How's your My day is good. Yeah, no, it's been a good day. It has? Not much has happened. Really? How's your day going?


My day is pretty chill. What happened? We did a podcast this morning, and I might go get a massage after this or go to dinner.


You should?


Yeah. Yeah, that's about it, really. You get massages a lot.


I do. They're good for the soul.


Yeah, they really are, huh? I think having somebody touch you that's not trying to like...


That's not sus?


Yeah, trying to be a pervert or whatever.


It depends on the massage you're getting.


The places I go, I tell them immediately when I go in there, Do not...


You really do that?


Oh, I tell them straight up. Seriously?


Yeah, because I- You feel like you have to?


I just don't. I want clear communication between me and anybody that's touching my body. I feel like... Because here's what happened.


Should you be doing that, though? I don't do it.


What? Getting massages?


No, I don't tell them that.


Oh, you don't? You're just taking a risk?


Should I be telling them that?


I think you preface it like, Hey, guys, I'm just here for the massage. Especially if I was a girl, I feel like I would. No. Really?


Even if it's another girl, you think so? These days- You're telling them?


Yeah, because some of the girls are even so strong, and you don't know. You don't know who's who. Fuck.


Now I'm nervous.


No, but I will tell them straight up, because here's what happened. One time I was in the massage. Sometimes they have that little chair where they put your face down. Have you seen that thing? No, I didn't come up. So I was in there, the lady's massage me. A guy comes in. This was at a strip mall in Tennessee. And a guy comes in, and he's talking to the woman, and he asks her if they do happy endings or whatever.


Damn, like a client? Yes.


And I felt like, I cannot believe this guy is asking this. And the lady She's like, No, no, no. She's doing your massage?


Yes. Okay, okay.


And I was like, Tell them no. I don't know how experienced she is or whatever. And then she's like, No. And then the guy got... I think he felt a little embarrassed, and then he left. But anyway, that's why ever since then, And I go in, I say... And if we have a language barrier, I'll even draw.


You draw? How do you draw it? What do you draw?


I'll draw a human body, and then I'll draw the middle area.


How long would you say this is taking you like, How long are you spending?


Well, for me, it takes a little while to draw it. And then I will put a big X over the middle. That's what you do? Yes. I can see it. If there's a language barrier.


That makes sense. I can't judge you for that.


Thank you. Yeah, because I I want them to know straight up, I'm here so that when I leave, we both feel cool but not strange.


And that's respectful of you.


Thank you. I get it. That's where we are. You've had so much success at your age. Pretty crazy.




Are there moments where it's like, I wish... Because I don't think people realize... A lot of people think like, Oh, I would like to have popularity. I would like to have Fame. I would like to have some celebrity. But then once that comes, it's real, and you can't put it back in the box. Do you ever have moments where you're like, Gosh, this is a lot, and it's going to be here to stay, probably?


Yeah, definitely. I'm sure you have to say it just gets a little overwhelming sometimes. But yeah, I don't know.


Yeah, because it's crazy.


No, it is crazy. And it's so different from how I I grew up and how everything that I saw when I was younger is. So it's just a very different... It's an adjustment for sure. Yeah.


A lot of people don't know you're from Huntsville, Alabama. Yeah. Since that rocket, you have the most trajectory out of Huntsville. You think so? I think so. You know the rocket that's by the interstate over there?


I know the rocket. Everybody knows the rocket. How do you know about the rocket?


Look, you drive through there and then people are like, Have you seen the rocket?


It's the thing. Did you go?


I don't know. I think we pulled over one time.


That's the rocket.


Yeah. Huntsville is a cool place. You don't realize. I feel like it's the next Lexington. You think so? Yeah, I think because there's a lot of odd diversity there. I don't know. What do you think it was like growing up? Did you feel like I feel like a melting pot. Was this the Sticks?


No. Huntsville, no. I feel like that's a city. But I did live in this place called Athens, Alabama, and that was the sticks. Yeah? Yeah. It's like 45 outside of there.


You ever been? 45 minutes outside of Huntsville? Mm-hmm. Have I been to Athens, Alabama? Yeah. No, ma'am.


Don't go.


What? Athens is the city of the County State of Limestone County. That's where you're from, Limestone County?


Yeah. Well, I was born in Huntsville, but I lived here during middle school and high school. So formative years.


Yeah, very formative. Did you guys have school dances and stuff over there?


Yeah, I think so.


Did you have the one where the girl has to ask the boy? No.


Why would you think that?


Because some schools have them. In the south, they have Sadie Hawkins. Oh, my God.


Yes, we had I went to that. You did? You're so right. Yeah, that's a really fun one.


Yeah. Anything you want to know about yourself, just ask me. But you had to ask a boy.


Yeah, I guess I did. Damn.


Do you remember? We did have that.


Oh, my God. That has brought up so many memories.


Oh, yeah, because the girl had to buy the shirt, dude. And I remember I'd be at school, and it would be the day the girl was going to give you the shirt, and you'd be like- What shirt? What shirt are you talking about? Because girls and boys had to have matching shirts for Sadie Hawkins' Dance.


Oh, we had different Sadie Hawkins. Oh, really? What was yours like?


You had to get a matching shirt, and the girl would buy it. But then you had to meet her at school the day she would give you the shirt. She'd call you the night before, and she'd be like, My mom got us a shirt. And you're like, All right.


You don't know what the shirt is?


No. You're just nervous anyway because you're just nervous to be around girls, and it's junior high or whatever. And then you meet her and you get the shirt, and you were just so nervous, I feel like. Were you nervous? Were you nervous in junior high and stuff? Where were you like?


A little bit, maybe. I don't know. It depends on the situation. I feel you. That's a scary situation right there.


Do you remember the first time a guy had to ask you to a dance or anything like that?


I don't know. I didn't go to many dances. Really? Yeah, no. I wasn't much of a dancer.


I didn't go because I was a dancer.


No, no, no. You don't have a dancer, like going.


Oh, you didn't go. Okay.


I think I went to one in sixth grade or something.




But yeah.


Okay, so you're growing up around there, you're not dancing. What are you doing over there? Did you have a first job over there somewhere?


No, I did track, though. I did cheer.


You did track? Yeah.


What did you do?


I played basketball with a couple of brothers, too. Bring it up again, man, when you get it. You did track because track is a... That's me right there.


Damn, wait, which one?


This picture's fated out. Number 34.


Okay. It's really?


Yeah. And I'll I'll tell you this, Mr. Don on our team, who was the same age as me, people called him Mr. Don. He had two children. He was a power forward.


Wow. How old are you?


Probably 13.


You were 13 in high school? Ball and son. That's crazy.


Yeah. So what were you doing over there then?


Yeah, sports. I don't know. What did you do when you were growing up?


Yeah, I don't know either, I guess.


Just the normal things?


Yeah, that's normal stuff, I guess. What would you guys do It was super fun in your town? In our town, sometimes when we got in high school, we would meet outside of the Michael's Crafts store parking lot, and people would go do stuff.


Okay. Yeah, so similar. Walmart. Walmart, really? Yeah. But I don't know. You didn't really want to go there. Really? Yeah. It was like, ratchet. Did you all have different parking lots for different... Like, vibe?


Oh, like this parking lot is this vibe.


This parking lot is more country. This one's Ratchet. Yeah, 100 %. Okay.


At our school, we had this. It was called the Hick tree, Prep tree, and then I guess a little bit more like the urban tree. And that's where people would be more beatboxing stuff or people ciphering stuff like that. Those were the trees that we had.


Okay. Trees.


Yeah. And then parking lots. I don't think so, really. We had to go in in New Orleans if you really wanted to get ratchet. Wait, where are you from? I'm from Covington, Louisiana.




It's just a pretty regular place.


You're close to New Orleans?


Maybe 45 Really?


You go a lot?


Oh, dude, we would go a lot. But the problem was we'd go over there and get drunk, and then somebody would have to drive home. Who drove home? Huh? Yeah, that's a great question. And that's what our parents asked every time we got back. Oh, it's fucked up, dude. Yeah, it was bad, dude.


Fuck I love that city.


In New Orleans?


Yeah. I love it. I've been like, twice. I want to go back.


Did you go on tour? Mm-hmm. Was the first tour, Drounding, was the tour? Yeah. Okay.


Yeah. But no, it's such a good one. I watched a documentary about Katrina the other day. You did? Now I'm upset. Do you remember it?


Yeah, dude. My friend was a news reporter during Katrina. He lived in Baton Rouge. They had to take him by helicopter every day in a New Orleans and then helicopter him out. No way. So he'd be there interviewing people that were like, he He's like, Where are you sleeping? And I'd be like, We don't know. He's like, All right, I got to get on this helicopter and leave. That's fucked up. It's so sad. What? It was pretty sad. I feel for him some. But yeah, Katrina was pretty bonk, dude.


You remember it well?


I don't remember it that well, but I do remember seeing photos. Because the water was really high. There were photos where people had gotten... Were swimming through the water, and then they got hung up on a fence, a regular-heighted fence. And then after the water went down, they found bodies hanging over the fences. No.


It's on the fences? Yeah. That's dark. I didn't see that in the documentary.


It was pretty dark, yeah.


Did you all get bad weather?


Like that. I mean, that's a bit much.




You have to flash it like that.


We We can look, we can close our eyes if we want.


But yeah. So stuff like that, people all over. This was another thing that happened that people don't realize. People would be going because everywhere was covered in water. So people would be going through somebody's backyard. They had a swimming pool that people don't know while they're going through the water.


No. Yeah.


Just down in. That's bad. Deep in, dude. That's scary. The whole city is a deep in. So, yeah, I guess that was something. Did they have any tragedies in your area growing up? Were you guys in the tornado belt or or headlice or anything?


Definitely. Headlice, 100%, but tornadoes, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Some of my friends definitely got their roofs taken.




Yeah. You?


We had a lot of headlice. I think I grew up in the headlice belt or whatever. And you'd see people itching all the time. One kid, he was just itching so much at Christmas. I remember he couldn't even open his gifts because he was just... No.


Yeah. No. No. Yeah. No. Did he get rid of it?


I don't know. You should ask. I hope he's doing well. Yeah, I didn't get his name. And that's okay. Time passes and time heals all wounds. Did he shave his head? Let's talk more about you. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. No, you've just had such an ascent. It's rare. I mean, you've just had such an ascent with your career. What are parts that are scary right now?


I think just decision making. I get really scared making decisions. Yeah, me too. It's scary. That part overwhelms me a lot. Just knowing what's the right decision to make and trying to learn all that, probably.


Is it decisions about what song you do, maybe who to collaborate with? What decisions you mean?


Yeah, and I got to deal with certain things, too. I think I'm learning and I don't know. I feel like I'm also dealing with... I've dealt with some hate for the first time, and that's something I'm trying to figure out.




Yeah, because I got such a short temper.


You do? Yeah.


Damn. I got to figure out how to navigate it.


Was it with the Co Wetzel song, that stuff, or just other stuff?


Yeah, that's definitely... Yeah, that was prominent.


Yeah, because you had a song with Co Wetzel, and people were upset. Why was it? I couldn't even figure out why they were upset.


I think just because I was on the song.


Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that's a bummer. Yeah. I thought it was really awesome.


Thank you. I appreciate that. I think they were just pissed that it wasn't just him, probably. You know? Because sometimes you just want a song, and it's like, you just want that person.


Yeah, that's true.


But they were pissed. They were pissed.


Damn, maybe people were really- I got dogged. Really? Did anybody say a really good burn? And you were like, Yeah, that Does anybody... Because sometimes you read a comment, you're like, That's so good.


Yeah, I know. I don't know. I don't know. There was a lot of shit.


And would it just make you nervous about it?


No, it just made me mad. Oh, I see. Because nobody would say that to me in person. It feels so personal. Yeah. Do you ever read your comments?


Oh, I'll read stuff sometimes. Yeah, this guy looks homeless. How'd this guy get a home? That's fucked up. Yeah. Oh, the best. This guy looks like somebody that might have matches on him. That's what somebody wrote one time.


That's bad. I don't know why, but that one feels really bad.


So, yeah, sometimes you read stuff, you feel cooked by it, and you can't write back because then you're in the trend. Then you're in the bullshit.


No, you shouldn't.


Yeah, you should never. Do you? Yes. No, do you really? Do you not?


Hell, no. You've never done it? Ever. You never wanted to do it?


Oh, yeah, I wanted to.


Maybe you should do it. No. I think you shouldn't fucking do it.


You're bad. I can already tell you, you're a horrible influence. Okay, so you're growing up in Huntsville, and then how did things start pop? And you're doing music, you're running track, and what's going on? You run by the music teacher and just hit some bars or what?


No, I started It was like posting online, and then it just took off from there. Tiktok.


On TikTok? Yeah. Wow. So do you think that now people want to... Do most young people think, I need to be good at music or I need to be good on social media, I wonder?


Whoa, that's a really good question. I don't know. Probably social media is their first thought, I think.




I don't know. That's a great question. I think it's a joint effort, though. Because the music is the first part, I'd say, actually, because you got to have something there, I think. But then the next step is to make sure that can translate onto a screen.


Yeah. In the beginning, were you just screwing around or what happened? I haven't seen your earliest TikTok That's good.


Yeah, I don't know. I was just sitting in my house in the basement, and I would just film videos of me singing. I was doing covers and shit. Oh, nice. Yeah. And then one of those blew up, and then it was right when COVID happened. Then I was just stuck at home, so I just kept doing it.


Just in the basement?




At first, you were just doing covers?




Oh, that's perfect, huh?


Yeah, it was a good start.


And then did you start writing some? What was one of your first songs that you wrote?


I don't even know. I've been writing since I was 11. I just didn't post it when I was 11, which is so good. Yeah.


Imagine that.




Yeah. Even it does well at 11, and then you're I'm like, Fuck, I'm 12. And I have all this. It's a huge... If you want to be able to really have a career, that's such a long career to have to even get to 30.


A hundred %. Also, and then you look back and you're like, Things you say when you're 11, it's not how you feel when you're 12.


Totally different.




Like, Man, I wish these girls would leave me alone. That's 11. And then 12, you're like, Damn, where the hoes are?


It's so different.


Some kids are, and I don't see that stuff. Oh, wow.


We don't have to. Fuck.


Is this an early one? No, this is so late.


This is the beginning, and it's far down there. That was fast.


Oh, my God. A lot of these look like missing person photos. This is so scary. This is my nightmare. Just scroll through really quick again like that a little bit. A lot of these look like... You're fine. Jesus.


Wow, there's a lot.


You were so brave. That's a lot.


No, and it was scary because people would make fun of you at high school. Oh, I'm sure. So crazy time for that to happen.


You had to put yourself out there like that and then go to school, if you have one that doesn't really pop.


Yeah, and a bunch of them didn't pop before one popped. Yeah.


But when one popped, that next day, you were like, what's good?


Oh, yeah. Well, that was so embarrassing. And you'd see where you can see that people would send something. You know what I'm talking about?


The little arrow. Oh, the arrow. Yeah, that's the best marker.


But when there's three, you're like, fuck.


And you know it's just three people in your school be like, Look what the fuck this shit's up to. Stop.


Oh, bad. That didn't happen to you?


No, because Because we didn't have it. And so you were like, if you would sing in front of your class, whatever, and people were like, You suck, or whatever. Did you do that? No, I didn't. Can you sing? There's one video of me singing. The boys will find it. What did we have? Oh, I remember talent show is where you got to do something. That's crazy, dude. So since we didn't have TikTok, we had an actual talent show where people had to do a talent. And that was your one chance. You basically got one TikTok for the year, and it was live at night.


You only had one of them?


That was it because it was like, you get up a talent show, and that would be it. And people would just... The next day, people would be like, You suck.


Did you sing at the talent show?


Here, I'm singing right here. This is you? It's a while back.


Wow. Different haircut.


Yeah, cool. We grew up in the church. There's no way. That's not really me. Sorry.


That's not you?


Somebody made this in Senate.


Hell, That's not you?


That is you. That guy looks like mentally unwell. I mean, it looks like me, but that guy is not- Theo, that's you. I pray one day that God turns me into that. Do you have a cousin? I don't know. But if he is, I'm going to take his life and his skills. And I'm going to become that guy. You're related to him. I hope I am.


Have you talked to your mom?


Yeah, not as much, but that's just our history. Okay, so TikTok starts to happen. You come out of the basement. You finally realize Yes. I'm doing well enough on TikTok, I can come out of the basement. Yes. And then how do you start to write your first song? How does it evolve a little bit from there? Do you write your first song by yourself?


Yes. I think something made me so sad or mad or something. I think I went through a breakup or something, and I just wanted that person to know how I felt so bad. So I would just write a song and post it, and I'm like, Well, he's going to see it. And they don't know. So that was my thought process.


Because a lot of your stuff, it's like, Dang, she is Is... A lot of your stuff gives me bereaved, like revenge check vibes.


What does bereaved mean?


I don't know.


I liked that word.


A close relation of friends through their death. Oh, maybe I'll use this one more. Oh, bereaved. Go down one more. To be deprived of a loved one through a profound absence.


Fuck, that's sad. Wow. I'm going to have to use this word more.


Yeah, because some of you put stuff in your... I'm like, God, who's she I'm mad at? Some of it has a little bit of revenge in it, though.100%.Yeah. It's like, All right, interesting.


It's the most motivating emotion, I think so. Do you think? 100%, what do you think? What motivates you the most?


That's a great question. Yeah, probably some spite, probably. Spite. Which is just, it's like revenge is fancy cousin that wears a tie, I guess. 100 %. Yeah, what is it? Oh, proving something to people?


Right. Spite. Yeah. I'm telling you.


Yeah. It's like, Oh, I'll show these. And then I use things you don't say at church or say to your grandmother at your grandmother's house. Exactly. So you start to write a song, right? You write your own songs? Yeah.


Yeah? Yes. I'll collaborate with people sometimes, but I always am a writer.


Really? So your first album was mostly your own? Yes.


Wow. Yeah.


Dude, it was so good.


Thank you. Yeah.


I mean, I feel weird as a man saying that because I almost feel like I don't want to say it's music for women because music can be for anybody. It can be for anybody.


Yeah. Then were you going through it?


Probably. I've been going through my whole life. So I think I could just... I was like, What the fuck is going on here? And so, yeah, there were so many things. I was like, Yeah, I just love it. And it was weird because I would tell my buddy, I was like, Have you heard this, girl? And they're like, What the fuck are you talking about, dude? Put some gwar on, bro, or something. Put on something dangerous. Dangerous. Let's be real. Most guys would wear a T-shirt every day of their lives if they could. The problem is there's not often a T-shirt that you can wear to work and also out on a hot date. Well, today's sponsor, Cuts, has changed that. Cuts T-shirts are such high quality, wrinkle-free, and so buttery soft that you can look like you're dressing up even when you're dressing down. Yep, that's right. They're wrinkle-free. Thank heavens. You never have to substitute comfort for fashion ever again with Cuts. For a limited time, you can save money while redefining the dress code by heading to cutsclothing, cutsclothing. Com. What I like about this shirt is that I can look nice, but I can also feel casual.


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I don't know. I think there was this one song. People started reaching out through email. People would just email or slide in the DM's. Really? And it went through there. Yeah. But I don't really remember how all that happened. It felt like such a blur of time. And my mom also helped me with a lot of it because I was so young. She did? Because I was so young. Yeah.


And is she pretty smart?


Yeah. God bless her.


Good woman. What does she do for a job?


She works at a transmission shop.


No way. Really?


Family business.


No way. Your family does... Your family's not trained. What's the term called?


Transmissioners. Transmissioners. Yeah. That's awesome. It's got to be it.


Dang. So your dad sometimes has grease on his arms or whatever?


No, I mean, no.


I don't know. But how did they get them out of there?


What? The transmission shop? I don't know. I don't know. She doesn't build transmissions.


Okay, so she's not a mechanic? No. I see.


That'd be crazy, though.


Okay. Yeah, it could be a little bit strange, maybe. My mom dated a mechanic, I think, for a little while. Really? Yeah, I don't know. I think she just needed new tires, to be honest with you. But you got to do what you got to do.


Happens. Yeah, things were in alignment. She gets the new tires, though?


Yeah, we got them. That's what I'm talking about. It's all about that PSI, mommy. That's what we need, filling bad boys up, dude. So I saw you in Boston perform. How do you get from where you're in your town to that place? Like your mom puts deals together, something. You fly to where? Los Angeles?


New York. New York? Yeah.


Was that your first time ever going?


Yeah, 100 %. I think the first place I ever went was Miami. And I spent a week there and just made music for a week.


With producers? Yeah. Okay.


And that was my first time going anywhere for music. It was my first time going on a plane other than for cheerleading. It was crazy.


It must have been so exciting, huh?


It was so exciting. It was so exciting. I just remember being so like, oh, my God, I want to do this the rest of my life. I fell in love with it. But yeah, I don't know. Everything just feels like a blur. How do you feel when people ask you?


Oh, yeah. Now things certainly feel like a blur. And then sometimes you can't even remember what you were doing. It's like, I don't even know. You're right.


You just somehow got where you are.


Yeah. I've always kept working. I've just kept going forward.


Exactly. You just have to keep doing it. Yeah.


So maybe we don't even have to learn about all that stuff I'm not here. I was just, Here we are. Do you have a pre-show routine in that you do? Tell me about it. Take me through some of that.


Okay, pre-show, what I do? I'll have a Red Bull every time. Lately, I put on Sexy Red every time. You got to do it.


Shake that ass for Drake.


Exactly. That's what I put on before I go on. Get It Sexy is the song. Oh, yeah. The last song I play before I go on. It's really all I do. It's not too complicated. That's it? Yeah.


And what's in your green room? You have some candles in there. What do you got?


I try to have some candles in there, like a good vanilla one. I like something really sweet, probably.


Yeah, something that remind you of a car freshener. You can tell you grew up poor if your candles match your car freshener's smells.


Damn, that's fucked up. That's so true. That's true, though. Damn. Yeah, I actually, I realized that a lot.


Like, Hey, light up that new car smell candle. I get it, though.


Bath and Body Works.


Oh, God, dude. You go there? Nobody used to go there to get presents for your girlfriend or something. You have to go in there. It's a good place. And it was so embarrassing. Some lady comes over in an apron, and she's like, How can I help you? I'm in love with somebody. I got to prove it to them. I need your damn scent that expresses my fucking feelings, lady.


How many times did you go there, you think?


Probably three or four times.


For girls, the same girl?


Yeah, probably two different girls, maybe.




But was what it was. I got in there and got out. Did what I had to do.


It did the trick, though? It did the trick. Every time it's going to work. Yeah.


My first girlfriend was pretty masculine, I guess. And the school bus would come, and my brother's friend, it would pick them up first. So they'd already be on the bus, and she would pick me up and give me a kiss goodbye in the school.




How old were we? She played second base. We were seventh grade. I don't know what grade she was. She might have been 40 years old, but she would fucking... I remember. And you could hear them, the windows would be up because the driver would get mad. You could hear them howling through the bus windows. No.


What was her name?


I don't want to say it because I'm sure she's a beautiful-Sorry, I didn't mean to dig you like that. I think she just... Some people, she's a late bloomer.


No, I actually She was like, Girls, probably mature faster at that age.


Oh, she was just tall.So she was just mature, dude. She was just tall. She was tall? She played second base. Yeah, come on, dude. This is a lot.


Damn, that's a weird image in my head right now.


This is a lot. I didn't hold on to that gate or whatever. She was real... She held me up, dude. I didn't have a choice. She played second base, I think, on the-For what sport? I don't know. Hopefully not baseball. But all I'm saying is was she was a tough gal, and I was just glad that we had each other for the time that we did.


And that's when you got Bath & Body Works for?


Yeah, I remember getting her something. And she wanted a lot of Atlanta Braves, like baseball gear and stuff like that.


So she did play baseball? Yeah, she really did. You had it right the first time.


Yeah, she played a woman's baseball. Anyway, I'm trying to think, what do I have in there? So I'll have a yoga mat. Oh, yeah, they're sexy right there. Bring her up.


Wow. That was a good one.


Yeah, that was fun, dude. She's so good. And I walked in this... If you're listening on audio, it's just a picture of me in sexy red. And then I have this Suicide Boys shirt on, and I just got in that. There was a room next door. I was asking, I was like, You guys know where there's a clothing shop? And the people right next door have a bunch of clothes. And I just walked in there and they had that shirt.


Like right next door to you?


Of Suicide Boys. You ever heard of them?


Of course, I've heard of them. I just found a song that I really like by them.


Is it called Dust in a Vase?


No. Is that one good? I only know one song. Really? And I love it. Maybe I should dive in.


Of the Rose. I'm I don't think of the one I like. But sexy was cool, man. And yeah, I tried to invite her out to do something, but she got pregnant.


Which is the same thing because a lot of women are like, I can't.


I have to wash my hair. But she's like, Hey.


I You got pregnant. Yeah. That's one hell of an excuse.


And I know. I even asked my buddy, I was like, You don't think she got pregnant just so she didn't have to go out with me? He's like, You think someone would get pregnant because she doesn't want to go out with you, dude? You're an idiot.


I mean, that's commitment, though. It is commitment. That's some real people-pleasing shit right there. Yeah.


Anyway, before my show, what will I do? Yoga for 34 minutes? Really?




Yeah, 100 %.


Like regular yoga? Hot yoga?


I do yoga with Adri, and it's just on the computer. And I'll put my yoga mat in my green room, and then I will have a couple of sips out of a coffee, and I'll listen to some FGL or some Busey or maybe some Morgan, and then I'll go out there. Okay.


I like this routine. Yeah. The yoga is good.


Yoga makes you feel good.


How long have you been doing it?


I've been doing it for maybe six years. Wow. So I do it probably three times a week right now, but it just makes you feel, I don't know. It makes you feel pretty alive, I guess.


You do complicated yoga?


Hell no, dude.


You said six years.


You should be. Bird or bald eagle or whatever that stuff is.


Damn, you know the names for all of them?


Whatever that other one is. Hurt Camel or something. I don't do any of that. What is that? I don't know.


What does that one look like? I haven't heard of that one.


You got to be a woman to be able to do that one, I think. But I think there's just a lot of different ones. You got to do some cool collabs, yo.


Right? Yeah. Some great collabs.


Pretty crazy. Jelly Roll. He called you his little sister. What is it? What did he say?


Yeah, you talked with him, didn't he? Yeah. Yeah.


I love Jelly Roll. I mean, who doesn't?


No, he's the best dude I've ever met. I know. Such a great man.


I almost just were more of them, or if they just turned him into two eclairs. But no, you got to have Jelly Roll.


Jelly Roll is too good.


When you guys made this video, Wild Ones, this was... Because this whole thing is just like, it's not one shot. Was it? How many times did you guys do it? I don't know.


You know it's fucked up?


I don't know Were you really there?


No, that's me. I was there. But I don't think... I don't know if I've watched the full video. I don't like to watch them back. Really? Yeah, I know. It freaks me out. I don't like to watch it.


Yeah, why?


Fuck, is that bad? I should start watching the whole video.


No, I don't listen to my podcast.


Really? No. No, that'd be weird.


Yeah, and you would just be sitting there forever. And then if people see you listening to it. Fuck. Sometimes I'll feel bad, like I'm in the airport editing it or something, and I'll see someone if they see my computer and like, Oh, God, it's sad. Theo listens to his own podcast. You think so? It makes me feel sad sometimes.


Right. I feel weird. It's not my business to be watching it.


That's a good point. Right. It's your business to be making it.




Yeah. What are some collaborations? Because collaborations so far, you've had Co, Jelly Roll.






Maren Morris.


Maren Morris. That's a lot. That's it. People love collabs, I feel like.


I'm a collabor. Really? I love collabs.


Yeah. You prefer if it's with a male or woman?


I've only done one with a girl, but I think I'd like to do more. It depends on the song. You got to pick and choose wisely.


And is that the hard part? So do somebody pitch you a collaborator first, and then they pitch you a song? Or how does that work? Or do they pitch both you guys a song at the same time?


Well, since I write my stuff, it's like I'll make a song, and I always make it just for me. I never make it thinking about this is going to be a collab. Right. So I'll make it, and then I'll just have to delete my second verse.


Oh, and let them put something in because they have to get to write their own stuff, huh? Yeah.


Most of the time, especially if it's a guy because the perspective is normally different. You feel me? Yeah. Who would you collab with if you were a singer?


Oh, wow.


Would you be a singer or would you be a rapper?


I was hoping you were going to say dancer, but I'll... Oh, I don't know about a rapper.


If you had to start a music career right now.


You know what I would be? I would think I would be a country DJ.


Okay. That's fire.


Because I don't think there are enough of those. What I hate is you go to EDM Club or something like that. You go to... Even in Vegas, you got some night clubs. A lot of times it's Diplo, John Summit, Chainsmokers, all good stuff, right? Fun to go to, fun to listen to. But they never have a DJ that's a country DJ, but the same place. I feel like if you did a country DJ in some of those places, people would love that, too.


You got a point. I really feel like there aren't enough of those. It's crazy. What are you doing? Side hustle?


Then I just think people would... I think people would be like, What the fuck is this dude doing? And if it was bad, it's like I'm already doing one thing, but if I could do something, oh, I know what? I would be a Christmas singer.


You think so? You only sing at Christmas? Like, caroler?


Yeah, maybe that way I only work one month out of the year. Show. And when they know when I show up is business. No, not a caroler, dude. I'm not going door to door.


What is a Christmas singer?


A Christmas singer is a dang a good person that sings Christmas and sings about Christmas, boy. Bells will be ringing, that stuff. That was you.


Don't fucking lie to me. That guy was you.


That guy was a pervert, man.


You sing just like him.


No, that guy is a Pentecostal, and that guy has been through a lot.


You're fucking with me right now.


I don't know. That's a great... But that guy has had a lot of tough times in his life. Yeah, I would probably be O'Jazz, maybe, something like that.


Like Michael Buble. Yeah.


Yeah, and I would have a cool name, too.


What would it be? You could have your name, I feel like.


Theovon, maybe. I'd be like, I'd have a name, like mystery or something, like a stripper's name, but for a man.


So what?


So like- mystery would be my name. That's good. Mystery Jackson.


But it's for Christmas. Yeah.


I like it. And it would be called mystery toe, like missile toe.


That's good. You've already thought this out. You've already thought it out.


This is all horrible. We're supposed to be talking about you, Jessie. So what else can we talk about here then? So you have a new album that's coming out?


Yes, I do. I do have a new album that's coming out.


And it's called? You have vengeance towards men, huh?


Not all of them.


Really? Yeah. But there's a couple that really must have just...


Yeah. Somebody had to do it.


Yeah. Somebody had to.


Somebody, yeah.


Somebody always has to break our heart, huh?


Damn, that happened to you?


Oh, I think it's happened to everybody. I think it's one reason why so many people can relate to all types of things, probably. It's crazy that we break each other's hearts.


I know, and it's common.




And it does happen to everybody.


Dude, it's so crazy because how you feel, your heart, it's pretty important. And then you freaking, you're like, Here you go. And then everything He's good for a little while, and then we let each other down.


Yeah. Fuck. I know. You're right.


When did you get your heart broken, you think? Even a timeline. We don't need names.


I don't think it was really a... I mean, things happen and you go through things and you see things. And I think it's more with this album, specifically, I think it's more of a buildup of things. Something set me off, and then it just made me think about everything else, and I was just fucking angry. And then Yeah.


And when you get angry, what do you do? You go to a shooting range or anything like that?


That's exactly what I do. No, I'm just kidding. I've never done it, but I want to try. Shooting range? Yeah. Do you go?


I took a date one time to a shooting range.


It's an interesting place to do that.


It was, and it Here's what I realized. As I get there, I was trying to be cool and stuff at front, at the counter or whatever, and we checked out a couple of guns. Dude, you can check out guns. And then here's the crazy part. The guy was like, All right, here's your guns. Go in there, booth four, whatever. And the guns were just sitting there, and I was like, Are you going to bring the guns in there for us? And he's like, No, you guys bring them in. And he put them just in this little like a bin they would give you at the airport or whatever. So I'm carrying these two guns in there, and the girl's like, This is cool. This is fun. And then I didn't know what to do. No one had ever taught me how to use a gun or anything. They didn't teach you? Huh? No, they asked you if you know.


And you lied? Yeah. Why would you lie about that?


That's a fucking crazy thing to lie about. Because I had to impress this check, bro. And so I'm in there And I was like, Oh, use yours first. Did she know? Apparently, she didn't know either.


Well, you're so fine.


Yeah, but she should know, dude, because women need to be able to defend themselves or whatever. And so I was like, Use your gun. And she's like, I don't have to use a gun. And then I realized, oh, shit, I don't have to use a gun. And so I picked it up, and then I realized you're in there and there's other people. You could shoot anybody if you want.


I've never been in. What does it look like?


It's like Could you really?


Oh, 100 %. There's no walls?


Oh, there's a wall. But you're facing your target, and there's a wall on the side of you. But right around the edge of the wall is just the next person shooting. Really? So you could literally, if you hated somebody, you could just shoot over that way.


You think that happens a lot? You think that's a common thing?


I don't know, but I just hope it doesn't. I was amazed they gave us these guns. So then I said, Look, I'm going to be honest with you. Let's go back to the front to talk to the guy.


I said, I think these guns are-You had to double back. That's bad. That's so bad.


I said, I think these guns are broken. That's what I told him.


That's what you said.


And so we went back, and he gave us some easier guns to use or whatever. And it was pretty fun.


So you just picked some complicated-I I picked some Sig, what's a gun called Sig?


You bring it up? Sigsar.




It was fine, but it was just a A lot. But after that, I learned how to use a firearms, they call it.


And now you know? Yeah. And you could do it at any time.


Yeah. And I live in Tennessee. It's a state where you can- Damn, you live there? You can do what you got to do. Yeah. I live in Nashville.


You can? Damn, really? Yeah. I used to live there. You did?


Good place. Do you miss it or not?


I do. I just moved like two weeks ago.


Where'd you move to LA?


Santa Monica. Yeah.


No way. You're by the beach.


I really like it. But I do miss Nashville.


Yeah. Well, it's such a different world. So It's so different. I mean, that show is so quiet.


You think so? I think so. I don't think so. Really? I think it's loud. It depends on where you live, though.


Yeah. I mean, I just live in a regular neighborhood, I guess.


You're in the suburbs?


No. Okay. I'm in the city. Okay. I would get out in the suburbs. I've been looking at some houses, but I've just been touring so much and here sometimes that I'm like, if I bought a different house, I wouldn't be able to be there to live in it.


Yeah. I feel you. I feel you so heavily. Yeah.


So Dirty, that's the new single off of the album? Yeah. And the album is called If These Men Come Around, I'm going to Kill 'Em. What's it called again?


Exactly what it's called.


Okay. Damn, that somehow is almost even worse. You'd almost rather have someone How do you shoot you then to say you are the devil?


You think that's really bad?


What? To shoot somebody?


Well, yeah. Yeah. No, that's bad, right? Yeah.


The name of the album? Yeah. I think it's bad. I think it's good. That's good.


I think it fits you. It actually It makes me really happy that you think it's bad. Right. I haven't really told it to any men yet. Really? Yeah. But I love your reaction, though. Thanks. It makes me feel good.


Damn. Yeah, you got the dark arts in you, I think. You know? And that's okay. Maybe you were a Halloween baby. Do you have a first single off of it?


I do. The song that just came out, The Dirty Teddy Swims.


Oh, yeah. With Teddy Swims, dude. Yeah. He's such a... I saw this great TikTok I took a picture of him the other day. Somebody was singing on the street, and he walked up and sang with him. I know what you're talking about.


It's so good.


Find that up if you can. Teddy Swims.


Craziest voice ever. I don't know myself anymore. Damn, I haven't even seen this one.


I don't know.


How many times, how many times did I tell you I'm no good at being alone? Get out of town. Yeah, you have to join me.




You got it.


You got it. You got it. I lose control.


Damn. That way, you can sing.


She just realized I'm out of a job.


I'm falling apart, riding for me, you can't just see.


Wow. Was that so cool? That's great, nick. Thanks. Was that pretty wonderful to get to... What was it like when you first met him?


So crazy. He has one of the best voices ever.


Oh, it sounds like he has a thousand years just trapped inside of him.


That's a great way to describe it. I like that a lot, actually.


Like somebody just screaming through a fucking wishing well of beauty.


A hundred %. Yeah, it just sounds like he's hurting.


Yeah, it's like...


It's Chris Stapleton.


Wow, it is.


Yeah, right? I'd say so.


Yeah, a hundred %. Yeah, it's Chris Stapleton-y. Dude, I went and saw John Maher recently. I went and saw the Grateful Dadding Company, and John Maher plays with them. And sometimes he'll hit a note, and it feels like he's trying to find the exact note that will take us all to the end of time or something.


I feel like he's specifically good at that. Yeah, he's just like...


He just rides that thing.


That's exactly what he does.


He's just such a crazy boy. And then here's a couple of Vietts right here. Bring them up. And this is Yon Mare. Damn, this fucking kid is ripping, bro. Wow. Full allowance this week. He's been through a break. God, yeah, yes.


Look at his face.


How does he even know how to feel all this? What?


I got a game on tour right now.


This kid could also be 40 years old, dude. We don't know what's going on, bro. Unreal if that's a real person and not AI.Wow. Okay, so the new album, what's like? Tell me about it then.


Well- Are there new collaborations on this album?


Are there people? And did you reach out to them? How did it come about? What happened? Take me there, Ms. Murf.


I'm going to take you there. Okay. So first and foremost, the Teddy collab. I had this song Dirty that I made probably about a year ago today. And I posted it and it went viral. And I was just about to drop it. And then, Drake text me. He slides into my DM's.




And he was like, You're trying to let me get on dirty.


Really? Is that a euphemism? What does that mean? I don't know. I don't know what he's into. What do you mean? What was he saying? Was he flirting, you think, or he was asking about music?


No, it's about music. Okay. And I was so excited because I love Drake. Big Drake fan. I think he's incredible. Yeah. So that happened, and I was just waiting on that. And it was like some back and forth, and then it just ended up not working.


It disappeared.


Yeah, it just didn't Wow.


That had to be freaking amazing. Were you scared to write back? How long after you saw his message? This is the question. How long after you saw, okay, Drake sent you a freaking message, and you're like, How long do you wait to even open it?


I don't know. I was definitely freaking out. He's one of my favorite just songwriters in general.


Oh, yeah. It's like if somebody from the Bible sent you a message or something.


He's so good. Yeah. But I don't... Yeah, no, I was definitely freaked. I was like, What do I... How do you do that?


What do I do? Do I even wear something nice to text him? I'm not going to message him back.


No. Is that how you ?


I mean, I was a little like, I don't know what to... I didn't know what I thought. Yeah, I was like, Hey, I definitely asked a couple of people. I was like-No, 100 %.


Yeah. You have to.


I was like, What do you say? Yeah.


No, 100 %.


And so then you wrote him back?


No, I did write him back. But anyways, it didn't happen, but it made me realize that I wanted somebody on the song. I wanted it to be two people. And I was like, Fuck, well, who should it be? Who could it be?


Even though You just written it for you?




Right. That's cool, though.


I just wanted it. He really made me realize this song would be sick as a collab. So I was like, Who should do it? So I asked my fans. I just asked TikTok, and they were like, I got an overwhelming response of Teddy Swims. Really? And once I saw it, I was like, oh, my God, a fucking course. Dude is crazy. So I hit him up and he did a verse, and it's incredible. So that's how that happened. And then I also have a club with Bayly Zimmerman.


No way. Really? Bro, his energy is strong. Strong. He brings energy, man. That guy is... He's his own fucking thing. He's almost like somebody cut a power cable, and it's just fucking that one that's just like that on the street. Like the city hasn't come to fucking clamp it down or whatever yet.


A hundred %.


I love his energy. He's always... Anytime you're around him, you feel like just lift it up.


A hundred %. That's a great way to describe it. Yeah, he's a crazy character.


And he just started even playing music, I think, five years ago or something.


Yeah, it was really recent, right? Yeah. Which is wild.


It's crazy.


What did he do before he did like- I don't know.


Somebody said, I think he was in Lawn Care or something.


Yeah, something like that.


So it's like, wow.


What a 360. Yeah. Let's see. This is so helpful.


Lawn Care is dangerous. Swims, Teddy Swims grew up in Conyers, Georgia, over there. His father introduced him to soul music at an early age. Marvin Gay, Stevie Wonder, and Al Green. Swims' family were American football enthusiast. He had been playing American football for 10 years during his second year at Salem High School. He must have been held back then. If he played for 10 years in high school. Jesus. No judgment, dude. I did two years in sixth grade.


Did you actually?


Yeah, it never leaves your system. What happened? Mom said they needed me Really? She said they wanted me back.


Did you fail?


I wouldn't say failed. I would say, yeah, we had some disagreements, maybe, on the invoice at the end of the year. But yeah, that's what we did. Yeah, Teddy's so magical, huh? That's one thing that's amazing about TikTok is just how many artists you can find.


So many talented people on there.


And there's things that will come across. I know you had Maddox Batson on your show. He came on the podcast. And I just saw his videos, and people would tag me in them and be like, Oh, Theo, this looks like you when you were a kid, or this reminds me of you. And so then next thing, he showed up, and we went for a ride. I got a cyber truck. We went for a ride in it. And just ridiculous. And we got to listen to his first new song. Yeah, he's so-He's such a sweet kid. He is. He's always so just... Oh, that's his mom right there, too. She's pretty viby, but she's married. But yeah, that was him, man. We had a nice time. But, yeah, that's one thing. It's like, oh, you can hear a lot of... You can just hear a lot of new artists. People can break through really quick.


A hundred %. That situation is crazy. He's so young. I know. What is he like? He's 13?


Yeah. I mean, that would be so scary. That's a crazy age. Because then it's like, I don't think you develop any of your own thoughts or real... Or not thoughts, but... Yeah, no. He's a fucking adolescent or whatever it's called.


A hundred %. And he's going to be so massive. Yeah.


It's like people compare him to Justin Bieber all the time. 100 %. So that's also tough because you're like, how does he just be himself?


He seems to be good at it, though. I really do feel like he's made for it.


You know what? That's funny. Yeah. He just acts already like he's a star.


He does. He just has that about him.


He just fits in. It's okay with him. He doesn't even second guess it.


No. That's also a thing of being so young, though. I don't think it registers, really. He probably doesn't really... It doesn't feel like it's crazy just because you're young, I feel.


Because also, I think at that age, you feel like almost all kids probably feel like a star anyway because you're just that vibrant, crazy energy.


It's just that age. Yeah, right. So he's just like, No, but he's great, dude.


Yeah, that was pretty cool. I'm trying to think of who else that I'll follow or listen to.


Yeah. Who's your favorite artist? Who do you listen to?


Right now, I listen to Red Clay Stray so much. Have you heard of them?


Yo, so fucking good.


She comes from super-sometimes gold in private school never.


I know that was you. I fucking know it was you.


Yeah. God, they're good, dude. And they have After When I'm Leaving Stage, that's a song that we play all the time. They got that song.


That's your walkout track?


I just want to be loved. They remind me of the Beatles. They remind me of Aerosmith a little bit. My walkout track, when I'm leaving. I can't remember what it's called.


I love that you love them. They're so good.


God, they're so good. They're from down near you. They're from Mobile. Really?


No, I didn't even know that. That checks out. They're from Mobile. That really checks out.


I met you two years A year ago. We met at your agent's house?








And your brother was there. Your brother writes with you. Is that right?


Yeah, he tours with me. He tours with you.


He's a guitarist. Yeah. Nice. So was he part of some of your... How did that... Did you have to incorporate him? Did he have to audition, or was it just like, it's a two-person deal? It's a two-piece?


We always just played together. He's always just been obsessed with guitar, and he writes, too. He's incredible. But just growing up, that's just what we did. So it just felt natural, I feel like. And it's so nice to have him on the road. Is it? Yeah.


Why? Because you get to do things together?


Yeah. It's just also a sense of home and family. Yeah. Yeah. He's a real country dude.


Are you guys pretty close?


Yeah, I'd say so. You have siblings?


Yeah, I got three siblings. They're pretty good. My sister's a nurse now.


Damn, wow.


And I'm like, Jesus, dude, I would not let her go near me. Why? I just... I couldn't imagine. If I pulled up, I was hurt or something. She's like, How many help you'll be? I'll be like, Get the fuck away from me.


You really?


I mean, I think she's She'll be educated. She knows what she's doing, but I wouldn't let her. She's got to. And she can prescribe pills and stuff now.


Damn. I mean.


We'll see what happens. Okay, so what else on the album? And then how far after do Do you have a release strategy? Do you start to strategize more these days with social media, or do you feel like you do things whimsical, or do you have almost a calendar where you know when you're going to put out what?


I feel like, yeah, no. Strategizing is a big part of it. That's another part that really overwhelms me. I don't want to do that. I just want to put out the music and then step away.


You always seem very... On your socials, it always seems super just Just you having a good time, just singing some of the bars of the songs, and that's it. It feels like you're just at home, just doing whatever you want.


Yeah, that's how I'd like to keep it. But you do have to think about when you're When are you going to do this and when you're going to do that and why are you doing... But I hate that stuff. It really freaks me out. Yeah? Yeah. Anything that's too planned freaks me out, I think. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.


Well, once you start, and I start noticing, too. It's like, Well, let's do this or do the edit. And it's the second When you start to feel that it's becoming too edited, I can already tell it's not going to be good.


A hundred %.


Or it's not going to be real.


That's a great... Yeah. No.


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I know. I never thought I was going to move ever, ever.


Really? Yeah, because I love this. From where? You moved from Nashville to LA?


Yeah. I just love the south so much. I don't know. I was never a big fan of LA, honestly. But now I'm here.


First, you moved to Athens to Nashville?


Athens. Huntsville to Athens, to Athens to Huntsville to Nashville, to LA.


Okay. Why did you move out of Athens?


It was just really... Like I said, I went to middle school and high school there. It was really small and super conservative, so conservative.


Really? It's in the Bible Belt?


Like, heavy Bible Belt.


Were you with the church?


Yeah, I like saying at church for a little bit, but I cuss a lot in my songs and shit, and that was a really big deal there. Especially me doing cheer was really serious. They would make me run laps if I posted something and there was a cuss word in it. I would have to run miles for every cuss word.


Really? At school?


Yeah, public school, too, which is just fucked. But then like... Another lap, Mar. The guys could do it, which is fucked.


Oh, yeah. Most of the guys are allowed to curse in the south, but women are Mostly more for pregnancy.


No, 100%. That's exactly what they were trying to say.


Pregnancy and recipes. That's like those were like, used to be the big women thing.


100%. Did you have the baby class at high school?


The men didn't have to do it. We had to do woodshop or whatever. Really? Yeah.


But the girls had a baby class?


The girls had a baby class.


Is that everywhere?


Babies. And then I think the second semester was, I want to say omelets. No. Or breakfast. Babies and breakfast.


Are you serious? Yeah. That's the class?


I mean, look, dude.


That feels fucked.


That's how you keep a family together. You don't have babies or breakfast. Some guys took it.


You were allowed to take it?


Yeah, some guys did. Home economics courses often consists of learning how to cook, how to do taxes, and how to perform childcare tasks. That's fair.


That's fair. But yeah, I feel like guys should do that, too, though, no?


Yeah, we had wood shop. We had to learn how to build a bird house, how to build a How to de-hoof a horse or whatever. A couple of different stuff we had to learn.


You really had to learn how to do that?


That's some Kentucky stuff, right? They had a farrier come, and he would show us how to do the thing.


Have you ever had to do it?


I'm like, Dude, I can barely... We get one pair of Reebok a year, dude. If I do this to my shoes, mom's going to drive over my legs with her car, dude.


How often do you think people use that stuff? Do you ever think about that, how you're never really using anything you learned in school?


Oh, yeah. What are you using? I think the stuff we should teach kids is like, Hey, how do you be nice to somebody else? How do you recognize me if somebody else is having a tough day?


Like emotional intelligence.




And it's so... It's scarce. You don't even realize how scarce it is. Emotional intelligence? Fuck, yeah. 100%, especially, I think, with my generation.




Yeah, 100%. There's just a lack of depth.


Is there really, do you feel less of an interaction in your generation?


Fuck, yeah. I mean, for everybody right now, though. I think just because of... It's because of social media. But it's weird because we're so connected, but we're so disconnected. Yeah.


Young adulthood is no longer one of life's happiest times.


People are sad. People are really sad.


Why, though, I wonder. Yeah. Why do you notice? Because you have a lot of fans that are like, you do touch on that space of like, I want to feel something.


Yeah. I don't know why. I do think it's because of you're spending hours a day on a phone and you're seeing all these things, and you're not meant to see that much, I don't think, as a human. Yeah. And you see it, and then your brain is just going crazy, and then you compare yourself to-Oh, that's the truth. Everybody does it. I think even adults do that now. But And I think it's really damaging for people in high school and middle school.


When you compare yourself so much. And here's one thing I realized, it's like you may love somebody, right? But then if you see a thousand pictures of other that are not even real, like they've been adjusted or filter, then you see those, then you're going to think, oh, you can't help but feel some attraction to some of it.


Really? You think so?


I think sometimes it's hard because the phone isn't playing fair. It's like, If there's filters and stuff, that's not even the real person or the lighting isn't real. You're getting tricked. Right, you're getting tricked. But we're all getting tricked into thinking that there's something better out there.


That's fucked up. In relationships, it's fucked up, too. You know how many relationships in probably because of that? So many Snapchat. You know how many relationships in because of Snapchat? You got Snapchat?


I have Snapchat. I don't use it. Don't use it. I do not use it.


It's not good for you. Don't even do it. I'm using it.


I'll never using it. Don't even do it. I wouldn't.


Don't do it. Well, I will not.


Yeah, but I don't even know. Yeah, people are... And sometimes... Now, a couple of years ago, I would look at Snapchat, but sometimes you would open it up and there would just be like a ding. No. Cooter or something in there, and you're like, It happens to you.


That's such a thing.


You're like, What is going on?




Yes. And you're like, What is happening? Or something. And it would be like, Come to Memphis.


Somebody you don't know.


You're like, Dear God.


These are your friends on Snapchat?


I don't know who these people are. Well, that's a crazy thing on Snapchat. You have no idea who the fucking person is. What are you talking about?


You should. It should be your friends. You probably added them.


Oh, yeah. Then I don't know how I got. I don't know because there's like 70 people that can send me stuff, and I don't know any of them, and I don't know how they're able to.


How did you get them on there?


Maybe when I first started, I might have hit the wrong button.


To where you can allow anything. That's how you get unsolicited dick pics. Really? Yes.


Well, I don't get any dick pics. Actually, dude, I have gotten a couple.


I know you've gotten one.


There's some guys from Scotland who are always doing blow sending dick pics to me.


It's just Scotland, guys?


Oh, yeah.


That's really niche.


They either sound Scottish or they've done so much blood, but they just can't speak English.


There's audio.


Yeah, there's audio, too.


On the dick pics, what are you talking about?


Yeah, dude, you think I want a dick pic with no audio? What are you talking? Just a silent weaner.


What are they saying?


What are they saying? Sometimes it's like you'll hear them doing a little football chance or just talking in Scottish.


You're getting videos.


Yeah, weaner videos or whatever.


That feels much worse.


It's more cinematography, I feel like. Cinematic? Yeah, Just a picture is like, oh, anybody could do that. At least these guys are like...


They're putting some work in. It feels like a... And they thought about you. They really thought about you. All right.


I don't want to think about it anymore. I'm 40 days off pornography right now.


Wow. That's good.


I feel pretty hype about that, actually. I feel pretty good about it. Do you think you will go to college? You didn't go to college. I didn't.


You didn't. No, but I've been thinking about it. Have you? No.


Fuck no. Like Mabu, would you go like him?


I'm never going to college. But sometimes I do want to go because lately, when I I was in high school, I hated that shit, and I didn't want to learn anything. But now I feel like, I don't know if it's my age or what, but I just want to learn so much. I want to force myself to read boring books because I just want to know more. You can. I used to want to go to Harvard.






So you had dreams like that?


I wanted to go. I just wanted to go because I knew it was the craziest one.


What do you mean go? Just go there, eat in the student union or something? Or you wanted to go to school there?


I wanted to go and be a lawyer, which I I would have been a fucking terrible lawyer. I don't know. I hate confrontation. Do you? I do.


I don't know. Some of your energy, I feel like you want the...


No, I do.


You're there for it.


That's the weird thing. It's like the songs are the part of me that I'm not. I'm not a fighter, but in my songs, I'm a fighter. You feel me? Yeah. But yeah, no. It's like my altar. It's like what I...


Yeah, that's a good point. Sometimes we create, yeah. I think I don't feel as confident off a stage as I do when I'm on stage. Right. I never even thought about that till just now.


It's just like what you got to get out.




Without it, I might be a fighter.


I could see you doing UFC or something.


You think so? Yeah. Really? Yeah, dude. Have you ever done that? Have you gone?


I've gone.


Are you never gone? No, I want to go really bad. Really? So bad.


I'll see if I can help you out.


Please do. I really want to see it.


You would I fucking love it, dude. Really? You think so? Yeah. Are you kidding me? Find a fighter to walk out to one of your songs, to one of those bad bitches that are in the lead.


Wow. You've watched women, too?


I watched a woman punch a tit off another woman. No.


Where'd it go?


No, that didn't happen. And if you catch it, you win a hat or something where you went like an extra large shirt. No, I didn't see that. I have seen a woman punched a woman's freaking eyelash off the other night in Denver.


She had fake eyelashes on?


Yeah. That's crazy to wear that into the It's a crazy place to do that.


She looked good, though. She had makeup on.


Right here. Watch this.


No. No. No, don't do that.


You got to use a stronger glue. What glue are women using on that? God, I don't know if I can...


You know what? You know what I think? Do you know what eyelash extensions are? You know exactly what they are?


Yeah, it's like a fake eyelash. You glue it on, huh?


No, but the ones that they do, they'll go in there with like, tons, and they'll do them individually with serious glue. And I hope that wasn't that, because if it was, her real eyelash is got.


Came out with it.


Look at how red it is.




Because I don't think she's gluing strip lash.


You can see it leaving right there. No.


Oh, my God. I think that was an extension. That girl lost her eyelashes.


Yeah, it's just that time of year.


Oh, my God. I got to go see that. You think there's one tomorrow?


No. I don't know. They have them on Saturdays.


Every Saturday? Yeah.


You know what, though? I will make sure you get to one.


Please do. I'll be forever grateful. It's so much fun.


You're right there by the cage. Yeah, dude. You're right there by the cage. Is it scary?


Is that fucked up that we like to watch that as humans?


No, because I think it goes back. I think at first it is fucked up, but then you have to recognize that these guys are fighters and they love doing it. It's like, yes, they want to beat each other up, but they also want to show their skill and craft. Right.


They want to be seen.


Right. Just like a singer, just like anything, a stripper, anything. Anything, it's like, I want to put myself out there. So I think I used to sit there and feel bad, but now I realize I just have maximum respect for both of the men or women that are in there because they're doing exactly what they want to do. Here they put it back on, I guess. Or they took the other one-off. Yeah. No, the one in her right eye is still on, and you can see it's gone on the...


It looks like they're gone, though. Yeah. That's bad.


Do you party, you drink?


I do. I dabble. I used to a lot more than I do now. Really?




Well, high school, 17 was just rough for me, and I think I did that to cope with shit, which is not great. But the older I got, the more I just realize how bad it makes you feel. I can't tour and drink a lot anymore because it just wrecks me. I'll get sick so fast.


Oh, you have to take care of yourself so much when you tour. It's crazy.


It's actually crazy.


That's why the other day, people were ripped or Morgan Walling canceled a show. It was in Tampa. Do you see this? And Jolly Roll went and did a show, which I thought was really sweet to try to be helpful. But also it's like, and people were like, Fuck him or whatever. But it's so hard. And he's been touring for three years straight.


Just straight, right?


I mean, I think he's had maybe a couple of months off here and there, but not a long time. I mean, I was shocked. Remember, he was touring off their first album, and then he put out the double out. Remember that?


Yeah. No, he just hasn't stopped touring.


So I can only fathom that he's pretty burn at certain moments. And then they showed him the night before it's raining. Really? He's singing and steam is coming up. It was like 100 degrees. It was like...


Also, probably a long show. He probably has a lot of fucking songs to sing.


Oh, he puts in a two. Yeah, it's like, I think it's a two-hour show.


Yeah. No, that shit is so... I don't know how people do that long of tours and not have to cancel You never want to have to do it, but you can't sing if you can't fucking sing.


How much wear and tear is it really on your voice? As a comedian, it's some, but it's not- Yeah, it's probably really different, huh? Yeah, it's more like just making sure your mental state is okay to go out there and build this energy of we're having a good time.


What do you do if you're not? I don't know. What would be warrants for you to not do a show? Or you're just broad-augging it regardless.


You don't have a fucking choice.


Yeah, I know.


So for me, nothing, really, unless I was hurt or unless something really tragic happened in life. But for a singer, is it realistic that it could come up to three or four in the afternoon, you're athlete, and you're like, I can't do it?


Fuck. I had to cancel one one time. I had the stomach flu, but from hell. It was so bad. I was just throwing up. I just couldn't walk very far without throwing up and shit. So I had to cancel it when you're just weak and shit.


Oh, yeah. I hate that, dude. And you try to open a gatorade and you can't open. You have to not ask your neighbor.


That's how bad it was. You're laying on the bathroom floor just curled up. That's the only time I'll do it. But I do lose my voice a lot, and I just do the show anyways. I just hope that they're going to sing.


Oh, that's why a lot of people go like that to the crowd.


Yeah. Sometimes you got to do it. But some people fucking, some people fake it, which is crazy.


It's not them singing the All the time? Some people fake it.


You're lying. No, you didn't know that?


No, I knew that people have been accused of it. Mariah Carey does it.


No, she doesn't, really.


Mariah Carey? Fuck, that's sad. Allegedly, I've heard that she does it. Somebody went to one of her shows recently that said, They bring a sofa out there, and she just lays on the sofa the whole time. In her pajamas, no less. No, she doesn't. Swear to God. See if you can find any of it, because can you even imagine? You're like, I'll go on tour, but it's exactly how I'm going to be at home, and you're just fucking- She's sitting on the couch, and she's not singing.


She's got to be singing.


You're fucking with me. At that point, you have to sing. No, some of my friends just went in Vegas. They saw her not long ago. They're like, She just laid on the couch the whole time in her pajamas and sang. They're like, It was cool, but It was also like, this seems pretty crazy.


I don't buy it.


It could be mythological. I don't know.


It's got to be mythological.


Have you seen that crab that's eating a gusher on the internet?


No. Show it to me. It's cool. What is it?


It's a crab just eating a gusher. See if you can find it.


What's your For You page like?Me?Yeah.


A lot of just positivity. A little bit of tits, probably, honestly, to be honest with you. But I'm just joking. I mean, I don't know. I haven't been on there in a while. Watch Howie's reaction today. She remembers, Is this the one that I like?






You can have whatever you want. Here's a gusher. There. Do you remember gushers? You don't want it? You don't want gushers.


I just crabbed a damn gusher.




Yeah, what's the gusher?


You remember. Yeah. You do happy mouth for gushers? Yeah. You want more?


More? You didn't give them one.


Oh, it's good. It's good. Yam,yam,yam. Such a messy girl. All this food is.


I thought we got to see her eat the gusher.


She got to put it in her mouth.


Let me give her another one.


That's crazy. The buildup is wild. Yeah. I feel like we're being fucked with right now.


That's the world we live in now. Crabs are eating gushers. It's just a different time.


You ever had one?


A gusher? A Oh, yeah, dude. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, in Louisiana, we had a lot of crab. You all didn't have them in Huntsville? No.


I did. Hushpuppies. I did have one.


That's the Huntsville thing. It didn't hushpuppies? No.


What is that?


A Hush Puppy.


Oh, like the food? Yeah, it's like a little- That's not a Huntsville thing. That's an everywhere thing, though. Is it? Is it? They were really normal.


I thought a Hush Puppy was from Huntsville, Alabama.


Is it actually?


Look at it. Where's the home of... Where did Hush Puppies get started?


There's no way. Do you like them?


Hush Puppies? Yeah, I like the ones that are a little sweeter. But I don't like the ones that have jalapenos in them.


You don't like jalapenos?


I like them, but I don't like them in a Hush Puppy.


Do you like spicy food a lot?


Yeah, I don't mind it. But I'll fucking get weird if it gets weird.


It appears that it originated with Native Americans.


In Southern cuisine, can we say find it where? I thought it was in damn.


You ever had a ghost pepper?


My mom lied. I don't know if I have. Is it cool?


I've never had one.


All right. We ain't going to force it on you, girl. Oh, did you see that white horse that they have? Where? This is an animal I could see you having.




It's the fanciest horse they have, the most expensive horse in the world.


Are you serious? Yeah.


Look at this horse. Two reasons. Because it was elected the most beautiful horse in the world because of its It's a coat. It's a coat that is somewhat silvery, as you can see here. It's just magnificent, and it comes from a lineage of racehorses with a great track record. So it's for these two reasons that at auction, it went for over $50 million.


Holy shit. There's no way. Can you imagine $50 million for a horse?


Well, of course, it's just magnificent. 50 million? I pet that thing all night.


Do you like horses?


I like them, but I think they got to like you.


They have to like you.


But that's expensive. Dude, I remember the first time I ever stayed in an expensive hotel room. I was afraid to even go to sleep. I was like, Dude, this is like 600 bucks a night, dude. I ain't sleeping. You didn't sleep?


No, I understand.


You're not wasting the money.


So you just stayed up.


Oh, you close your eyes. That's $11, dude. It's like, I'm definitely going to get my money's worth.


I know exactly what you're talking about.


It's so crazy sometimes. Do you guys ever get stopped by the police in your tour bus?


I don't think so. No, only border crossings and shit. Yeah? To Canada? Yeah. You ever got in trouble? Are you on a tour bus?


We do tour bus, and sometimes... Yeah, sometimes we fly, but we'll do tour bus a lot. Have you ever had any good run-ins with the police?


No. I mean, shit like getting chased in high school for trespassing and stuff.


Oh, dude, we had this guy. He got so high, right? He couldn't feel his arms. He said he didn't have any arms or whatever.


He called the police?


He said he didn't have any arms. Starts yelling, bro, for people to call the police. So the fucking police come. He started. He said, I think he was on, I don't know, some type of drugs. He's like, These guys stole my arms, dude. Fucking goes like that towards us. Towards you? Here's the dumbest part. Oh, no. The dumbest part. The cop comes over and goes like this. We have his arm. The motherfucker has his arms on him.


This didn't happen.


Yeah. I swear to God, the guy was super high. Dude, one night, my buddy Billy invites me over. He was working at a gas station all night. He invites me over there. We smoke a little bit of weed. I went outside. I don't know if I went outside to get someone in my car or something. He felt so high. He thought that I poisoned him, right? He locks himself in the gas station, calls the police, dude. No. Yeah.


Because he thought you poison him. Yeah.


So I was like, I'm fucking out of here. Did you go?


You ran?


Yeah, I didn't do anything. And then the cops show up and like- And he's just high? Yeah, he's just high inside the gas station.


Where was this at?


This was in Madisonville, Louisiana. A beautiful area.


Is weed illegal there?


I don't know if it's illegal or not, but it's not that good of weed. Do you have a opener on your new tour? Is that even put together yet or you don't know?


No, I'm thinking about people. You got any ideas? I know you got ideas.


I'm going to think of something and let you know. What stuff do you like? I know you had Charlie on Friday on one of your tours. Yeah. Who was on your last tour?




Oh, I just met him the other day.


Character, right? Yeah. Him and Matt Schmooster.


I don't know. I'm not familiar with him.


You would like his shit. He has a crazy voice.


Matt Schmooster?


Yeah. Fuck, I might be saying that wrong, but yeah, crazy.


Matt Schuster?


Yeah. Oh, fuck. Schuster. It's a crazy last name, to be fair. But no, Crazy Boys.


Wow. So you were closing the show?




And Shibuzy was... And that's when he was really blowing up, right?


This was two months ago, maybe. Wow. This was right before he went crazy.


That must have been crazy.


It was crazy. It's been so sick seeing him go crazy.


Yeah, it's unbelievable. He has another song out there now that people are vibing to. I don't know what it is, though.


He's got a couple. The album was so fucking good.


I got to listen to more of it. You got to listen.


I know. You like sad stuff, huh?


Don't tell anyone yet.


Yeah, his song was... No, I know, Sairas. I feel like you'd like.


Oh, did I meet her? I met Brandy Sairas the other day.


That's the mom?


No, Brandy is one of the children, I think. Oh, really? Is Noah a child of it? Noah Sairas?


She's so good. Did I meet her?


No, she's pretty. Brandy I met. Yeah. That's a... Oh, there's a huge Ron. Wait, Brandy. Who's damn Ron, Sairas?


I don't even know who he is. That's a big family right there.


Yeah, that's a lot of family. So you're thinking of people now? How does that work?


You just pick somebody. No.


Yeah. But I'm sure a lot of agents submit people through. Like, what about this guy?


A hundred %, yeah.


Do you feel like you have pressure to listen to any of that?


It depends on ticket sales. If you sell out, then you can pick whoever you want.


Is your tour on sale yet?


No. Haven't announced it yet.


It'll sell out.


I hope so. I'm really excited. I'll be doing my first arena show, which is really sick.


Oh, it's crazy.


I'm really excited about it.


Yeah, dude. Some Some of your songs, they were like... Yeah. Some of them are so great. I don't want to sing them because I don't want people to think I'm that weird anymore.


Which ones do you know?


Let me think. There was a song. Oh, What Happened to Ryan, that song? Damn. I remember. That was a... It was strange, but I was like, Oh, this one's fucking crazy. Sad. Yeah, sad. Any of the sad shit, I was there for it.


I got to send you a playlist.


Of sad shit? Yeah. Do not do it, dude. I'm already on pills and shit, man. I don't want to fucking... I don't want this to be how it ends.


Fuck, I'm not sending you nothing.


Caufen music. That'll be your next album.


That's a crazy thought.


Dude, there's a video. There was a church or something, and they were doing a... And whoever was doing the audiovisual accidentally played a... Where are you going with this? Played a song or played a clip of mine. See if you find that, nick. I don't want to keep you too long. So, yeah, tell me something else before you leave.




Oh, did you ever have any pets growing up? What was that like? I did.


I have a crab.Oh, you did?And it died. No. I killed it on accident. No. Yeah. And let me tell you how it happened. I had a crab.


Just one?


Yes. Okay. Its name was bubbles. And then it had a shell. And you know when you go to the beach, you ever been to Orange Beach? Oh, yeah. Right? Good time, huh?


Great time, dude.


So I got it there and it had a shell. But you know how they have the painted shells? You can buy different shells.


Oh, really? And what do you get them done at a salon or whatever?


No, they just have them. Somebody else has done them already.


Oh, and you put it on your crab?


You're not supposed to, apparently. So I get the shell and it had a bad one on, so I took it out. And I tried to put it into the new shell and it just wouldn't...


And then it died. That was it.


Yeah, I haven't had a pet since then. No. Should I get another one?


I'm trying to think. If you're trying to get something, what are you thinking about getting?


I probably shouldn't do a crab again. It's probably wraps.


Feed it a gusher, dude, if you do.


You think so?


You know they like them, girl?


Get that fucking Valentine's. That was a big crab. That's fucking crazy. You can walk that thing.


I'll fucking watch one of them bitches eat a nerd rope, homie. I don't give a fuck, dog.


Next time I see you, I'm going to bring you a crab.


I'll give a damn twizzler to a dolphin. No, do not bring me a damn crab, dude. Play this video right here. This is at a church. Would you keep it? That's at a funeral? That's at a funeral? Oh, they were leading. They want to kick a fat kid at K-Market. I'm not going to play that. I'm not getting in a church.


That's at a funeral? That's at a funeral.


Oh, they were leading I'm a fat kid in K-Market. Can you imagine you're in a fucking church?


It can't be real.


They all said Amen. Somebody played that on an accident.


That's fucked up. That might be my favorite clip I've seen all day.Oh, Amen.I like that.


Look at this. You see this whale return somebody's phone? They dropped it in the water.


That's a whale. It's a baleoga whale.It's a dolphin, right?


It's like a trans dolphin or whatever.


Do you know about Seaward? Yeah, I've heard about it. You know about the dolphins? Mm-mm. Have you ever heard about dolphin births?




I don't know if this is safe, but people can give birth and the dolphins deliver your baby for you. It's like a real thing.


What do you mean?


You've never heard of that?


How could I ever heard of it? Because it's not even something.


No, it is something. I promise you.


What are you saying? Like a midwife that's a dolphin?


Yes, I swear it's a thing. Unless I'm confused, but I really think this is- Where do you do it?


In the deep end or whatever? Was this at a Hampton end? This isn't that thing that happened in Outside of Waco, was it?


It could have been. No, I think it's a thing. It's an option.


It's an option at SeaWorld?




Look, it's a real thing. I've never seen this. Oh, my God. That thing's a pervert, dude.


They hope you get That woman's married.


Somebody tell that dolphin. Dolphin-assisted birth, a newer take on waterburst, is apparently a trend growing in popularity. The Serious Institute in Hawaii, a new age center dedicated to encouraging the bonds between dolphins and humans, often assisted childbirth. However, it's unclear if any women have actually gone through with it. One couple from North Carolina traveled to the center for prenatal bonding, but the actual birth with dolphins didn't happen.


Wow. Somebody's had to do it, though, if it's a trending thing.


A According to a website, pioneering Russian midwife, Igor Sharkarvski, began assisting births in the Black Sea with dolphins that live there. Some of the reported occurrences included a mother and a baby playing with the Dolphin within 45 minutes of the birth. Another instance of a free dolphin escorting a newborn human baby to the surface for its first breath.


So it comes out underwater.


Bro, let me tell you this. If my baby is born, I'm not giving it to a fucking dolphin, dude, for even 30 seconds. What if it swims off with it?


That's a crazy thought. No, I think you have to do it- But then you're like, Oh, it didn't work, or what?


How are you going to tell your wife?


It takes your baby or it just eats your baby. That's a fucked up thought. But this is a thing, though.


They said it's therapeutic. You know what's also therapeutic? Taking the child home safely and feeding him and probably homeschooling him and making sure that your home is protected with a ring camera. I mean, this just seems fucking insane. Like, how weird. People get too weird, dude.


Somebody in LA has definitely done it.


Some pervert in LA has done it.


Somebody you know has probably done that. Yeah. One of your friends.


I don't have friends.


One of your friends has probably done that.


Jessie Murf, I don't have friends.


You should talk to them.


Have you any new mentors that have come into your life through Sometimes you meet some of your favorites, and you meet any of them. Has Madonna spoken to you? No.


That would be wild, though. I don't know. There are people I look up to a lot that I know, like communication. Like Adele. I fucking love Adele. Really? I look up to her so much. Yeah, I think she's incredible.


Yeah, she's magical, huh?


She's magical. You've seen her live?


No. I've seen her in person somewhere, but I've never seen her live.


Really? I want to see it really bad.


Yeah. Did you ever perform right after at a venue as her or anything like that?


No, I performed in some of the same venues, maybe. Because she went on smaller tours earlier in her career, I think. But no, I don't know. She plays in Vegas a lot, I think.




I don't know.


Did she ever reach out?


No, but I don't know how this happened, but she signed a setlist. Somebody got it for me for my birthday. I think it was just somebody who was like, Can you please do this? She probably did it. But I don't know. It's on my wall, and it's my favorite thing I own.




Yeah. What about you?


Let me think if somebody gave me something that was real nice one time. The guy that's in Better Call Saul one time, I think I was performing somewhere after him, and he left me a nice note.


What did he say?


He said, Have fun. I was just here.


Wow. You have it on your wall?


No. Bob Odenkirke, but he wrote it, signed it. Thought it was pretty nice of him.


That's special.


What do I have that's something that's real special?


What's the best gift you've ever received? If you could only hang one thing on your wall, what are you hanging?


That's such a good question.


One thing.


I don't know. I can't even answer, I don't think. It's a crazy question. There's a nice piece of art my friend painted. It was the first piece of art I ever got. And maybe I would hang that there, I guess.


What does it look like?


It's just a picture of Chris Farley.


Who's that?


He's a comedian. He was in a movie called Tommy Boy, Black Sheep. He's a famous actor. That's him. He died, though.


I've seen him somewhere.


Yeah, he used to do... He did films like Adam Sandler, David Spade. He was on Saturday Night Live. He did like, Fat Guy in a Little Coat. He used to do all kinds of sketches and shit.


I know I've Have you seen him somewhere?


Yeah, you've seen him. He was unbelievably famous. He was the most famous guy that they ever had. I mean, look at him.


What movie is this?


No, This is him just going on a talk show. Oh, fuck.


Obviously, fuck. Wow.


Yeah, dude. My friend said he would just puke. My buddy would go over to his place sometimes, and he's like, he would just puke on the side of his bed and then just between the wall and the bed all the time. For what?


For why?


Just to party, just to be like that. Dude, my friend Jeff. So you ever heard that song? It's an old song. It's like, You got to keep them separated.


No. What? Maybe. Keep going.


Are you talking back to me? You got to keep them separated. Come out and play.


Yes, I've heard that.


Well, you're getting a tattoo now. You're getting ink He's done? Anyway, my friend Jeff, he had anger issues or whatever, and he would get angry. He would go in his room, he would play that song, and he would just beat the fuck punch holes all in the walls.


That's all he would do? Just to that song, you think? Yeah.


That was the only one. We could tell when he was mad because in there, you could hear the walls not doing well. And then, here's what would happen, though. Every year at Christmas, his parents would get his walls redone for him in the room. He would fucking do it again.


Really? This was at his family home?


Yeah, at his family home. And then I saw this band one time in Vegas, and I told the lead singer. It was like, this is the lead singer of Offsprung, and I was like, Bro, you are never going to fucking believe this. And they died laughing. It was pretty awesome. Before you go, Love Life, is it harder to date as you get more popular?


Yeah. No, I think it's hard when you're busy and when you're touring a lot, I think. Oh, yeah. But yeah, I don't know.


It's hard to build something because you're on the go and your career, it almost has to come first sometimes.


It has to come first. Right. Yeah. I mean, what do you do?


My career is just like, I've worked so hard that my career takes first place. It's got to. Most of the time, even if I don't want it to. It's like, I have to do this tomorrow. I have to do this. I'd love to. A lot of times, it'll be like, Yeah, look, I would like to do that, but I just can't right now. But then you start to think, Oh, well, then at some point, there'll be times where I don't I have to tour as much, and then maybe I could try to devote more attention to it because it takes attention, too.


It takes attention, and it takes care, I think. Yeah. But fuck. But do you ever see yourself I mean, at some point, I'm sure, but is there ever going to be a point where you're not touring, though?


It's a good question. And then you bring your family on tour, and then they got to help out.




And your wife's selling merch or whatever and calling you an asshole at night outside a fucking Waffle House or something somewhere. You're like, I am an asshole.


That's what you think?


I mean, I think you got to hope for the best. I think so. Dirty. That's the new single that's available now with Teddy Swims.


With Teddy Swims.


So freaking Cool. And then, These men are going to die. What's it called, the album?


I'm sorry. These men are going to die.


I'm always going to be a fan, Jessie Murf. Like Otherwise. Yeah, I'm locked in. You're the man. Thank you so much. You remind me of like, WM&M a little bit. Because you have this... He always seems like he has this a little bit of a chip on his shoulder, but he manages it well a little.


Wm&mwomen M is real good. Is that? It's real good. I like that a lot.


Women M. Thank you for saying that, Yehuit, if you don't. Ladies and gentlemen, Jessie Murf. Thank you so much, and best of luck with your new album. I can't wait to get a hold of it. Now, I'm just floating on the breeze, and I feel I'm falling like these leaves.


I must be cornerstone. Oh, but when I reach that ground, I'll share this peace of mind I found I can feel it in my bones. But it's going to take.