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I'm pretty confident I could beat you handily in a three point contest. Mind you. You know nothing about me when it comes to physical basketball ability, you know, zero. So let's make a little bit.


Are you serious?


I'm dead serious.


You're dead serious?


Let's figure out. We don't have to.


This is coming from the guy who stopped playing pickup basketball because, what, he pulled a hammy or he got fouled too hard? Well, what happened? Why'd you stop playing pickup?


I stopped playing.


I stopped playing pickup because I had a double hip replacement. And by the way, I'm back. I'm ready to go.


It is just amazing how music can totally change your mood. Welcome to another episode of Pogo. I'm Jerry Ferrara, always joined by Matt Leiner, who I realize, like, I feel like I'm Robin to your Batman. You're just got Batman vibes. I got vibes. It's all good. I've accepted it.


Oh, no, dude. I'll be your. I'll be your rob. I'll be your Robin, buddy.


I was saying it's amazing how music can change your mood, because I've been in a bad mood all day since Sunday. A lot of it has to do with the Giants. We're going to talk about the NFL for sure. We have a great guest lined up today. Joining us is Jay Glaser. You know him from NFL on Fox. You, you got to know Glazer for a while, right?


I love, I love Jaydeh. Go. I go all the way back to probably when I was drafted, but, like, oh, seven. I had some train with him a little bit. Just got to know him. He's, he's awesome, man. Like, I would love to get in the mind of that guy. Like the, the insider, the stories. Like, he's, he's lived, he's lived a.


Great life so far. You know what I realized? I know Jay for a long time, too. He actually trained me. And we're going to talk to him about this. And was prepping me for a movie. Even got me involved into a potential boxing match with an NFL player. We'll get into all that. But also, do you know what? I think guys like Glazer, I often look and, like, your phone must be really kept on lock. We've gotten to that dude. Like, if he lost his phone, oh, yeah, that's, that's like his whole business. Whole business is in that phone.


If he's law, if he lost his phone, guys would be going to jail, probably.


I'm telling you, I don't deny it.


There's a lot of COVID ups in the NFL, buddy. There's a lot of COVID ups in the NFL.


Yeah. I mean, he. He broke spygate, you know? And I'm sure a lot of that went through. Went through his phone. Give us all a follow. You could follow Matt and I also, you could follow throwback show on YouTube, Instagram, tick tock acts, all those good things, and also, like. And subscribe, do that whole thing. We like to see it. A lot of good interactions from the first episode.




So, look, we got NFL coming up. But I did want to ask you this, because I found myself thinking about this. I was watching, obviously, Michigan, Texas. Huge game. You were there. You were in Michigan. See McConaughey out there dressed as, like, a cow.


All right, all right.


My guy, Jeter, who, in my mister cool, might be my first or second favorite athlete of all time. But then it hits me. I know the game was in Michigan, right? But obviously, Michigan's playing Texas. And I start thinking about, you know, I've had a lot of people over the years come up to me and talk a little shit like, oh, there's turtle from entourage and telling me, like, hey, you used to be really fat. Just talk trash to me. What is it like for you? I'm not saying there was tons of Texas fans there.




What are Texas fans saying to you? Do they. Do they talk to you?


You know, not anymore. You know, we went to. We went to Texas last year, and I always. I always kind of have fun with it, you know? But we went to Texas last year, and it's just. It's. I honestly, dude, it's kind of sad, but, like, I'm so old now that it's, like, all of the people that would be talking smack are, like, in their forties, maybe a little younger. Like, they're all, like, families, and they're just like, if anything, if any, if they bring it up, they're like, oh, I was at the, you know, the 2006 Rose bowl. What a great game. You know? So I. So I don't get a lot of that anymore. But I will say this, because this made me. That made me think of something when I first met my wife. Okay, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take you back here. So I met my wife in, like, twelve years ago. I had just retired, like, literally right out there. So at that point, a lot talking. You're a bust. And this. And not like that. That was, like, fresh. Okay. Which is fine. We go to God you probably, like, we're going on a Saturday.


Okay, college football Saturday. This is before I'm working at Fox. This is. This is, like fall. I'm fresh out of the game. I forget what bar it was. You would know. It's in Hollywood.


It's like.


It was, like, one of the famous sports bars in Hollywood.


Goal. Is it goal?


No, it wasn't goal. It's another one like that. Okay, whatever. So I tell her, and we're meeting her friend who went to ut, and I go, hey, babe, like, I just want to let you know that this is probably a bad idea for me to walk into a sports bar on a Saturday fresh off of retirement, okay? I'm just. She was a bl. She didn't even know I won the Heisman trophy, dude. Like, she could. She could care to. Like, she could give to.


So, you know, she loves you for you.


She loves you for you, by the way. No doubt. Absolutely. So, actually, it's funny. So I go. I go, I go. I'm just letting you know that this is a bad idea, and I might walk out. I'm just letting you know, like, ahead of time, dude. I walk in and with. And I'm also tall, right? So I stick out like a sword throw. I walk in, and it's packed, and I'm just like, kind of like. You've probably been there, right? If you're, like, maybe in your heyday, like, you're kind of, like. Like, you're just like, you don't want to be seen, but, like, it's. It's impossible, dude. I start getting. Just talk about you getting fat shame, dude. I'm getting, like, career shamed. I'm getting, like, you sock liner. Get, like. And I'm just like. And she goes. She was, like, pulled my arm. She goes like, whoa. I'm like, yeah, I told you, man. Like what? Like, oh. Like, I actually instantly got in a bad mood. I go next door to, like, some random restaurant. It's this funny story. So I go next door, I'm like, hey, you guys stay here. I'm good, guys.


Like, I'm just not gonna be in here. It's a bad idea. I go next door, and she meets me. We're at, like, this little bar. There's really no one in there. It's like a little restaurant. I had a tv on there, and all of a sudden, a Heisman commercial came on, and she goes, this is how great my wife is. She goes, hey, didn't you win that thing or something? Like, I'm like, yeah. Like, I want it. You know, I wanted a couple years ago, like, big deal. And that was. That was my day. So for fans heckling, like, back in the day, it was awful. Now it's more like, you know what I get? Now I get more like, hey, you're that guy on social media. Like, oh, you. You and your wife. Like, you're funny. Like that type.


So you're funny on tick tock.


Yeah, dude, I've become. I'm. I'm like, I'm an influencer now, and I'm definitely not an athlete. Sometimes I forget I even played football, dude. But fans are great. Fans are great for the most part. Urban Meyer in Michigan is not so great. That dude got booed the whole show. It was fantastic, I imagine.


And didn't you. Did you ask him? Said, I saw this on social media. You were like, how much money would you. Would it cost to make.


Dude, I said, 25 stacks, dude, you sign me up, I'll coach at Notre Dame for 25 mil a year. You be my OC, dude.


I'll be the water boy, right? You pay, right? Yeah, I'll be the water boy. Well, I. Yeah, I was wondering that, cuz.


No, it's not that big of a deal.


Well, look, it does. I don't want to say cross the line, but everyone knows I'm a Giants fan. I mentioned the music earlier in the show because I have been in a bad mood. I had the awesome sports trifecta where you lose every single fantasy league, you lose every single bet, and then your favorite team gets smacked around. I found myself on the couch 8 hours later. Just, why? What am I doing with my life? Why did I just put myself through all those losses? And then you see the fan after the Giants game, right? And I don't know what your take is on this. It's one thing, like, all right, you went to a sports bar. You had. You knew what you were walking into. Daniel Jones was just leaving the facility, and that one fan waited around talking all sorts of trash. And then the burning of the jerseys. Someone needs to explain. Someone needs to explain this to me.


Cleveland. Cleveland burned LeBron's jerseys when he left.


And I thought, dumbest thing ever. It doesn't make you, like, a die hard fan.


Yeah. I mean, listen, I I think from a fans perspective, clearly, right? And you're as passionate as they come. Like, you pay the dude 50 mil, you just expect more, right? You expect more. It's just like. And it's. It's now years and years of agony, maybe at that position. And again, I've always been a fan of Daniel Jones. I kind of continue to root for him. I hope he pulls it out. I've been in that situation a little bit where it's just like, dude, it just sucks, dude. Like, it's tough. You're in the New York market now. Granted, he's making a lot of money, but, yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, like, we always, like, as athletes, it's like, one of those things where, like, don't feel bad for us, but we would never go to someone else's workplace and just start, like, talking. That person. You suck at acting, jerry, screw. Like, you just, like, it just wouldn't cross my mind. Nor would it cross Daniel Jones. So, like, is there a point where it's taken too far? Absolutely. Do I understand the. The passion of a New York fit a New York fan?


Now that I know you better, I get it, but, like, well, it doesn't accomplish anything. It just makes you look like an idiot.


Yeah. I've never burned a jersey. I've never thought about burning a jersey. I don't get. Just throw the thing away if you don't want to.


How long does your, does your, like, giants hangover last?


I think I'm really. I think I'm in for it with this one. It brought back other memories, too, as I'm sitting there, because I haven't been to a Giants game since zero eight. And I was thinking, maybe this year, and maybe I'll take, like, my oldest kid, I'll go back to New York. We'll go to a Giants game. I haven't been to. I went to the Super bowl last year, but I don't go to a lot of football games, not like basketball. And then I was reminded of a story which happened on a Thursday in zero eight. It was supposed to be, like, the greatest week of my life, right? We fly back to New York from LA Entourage going into Seattle, season five. We're having our New York premiere of season five of Entourage, which is always way more fun than the LA premiere because it's all our family and our friends, and it's just wild party. Great times. We do that on a Wednesday. Next day, Thursday, September. I remember, like, September 4, Giants opening up against the then Redskins, getting their rings. You know, stray hand comes out of, like, a float.


Unbelievable night. I'm sitting, I'm on the field. I get to put on the ring. I'm sitting. First row, Giants totally hooked me up. Watch the whole game. I'm there like my cousins. Giants win. Awesome night. I go home thinking, wow, this is almost like an episode of Entourage. I'm living. I'm living the dream. It does not get better than this. I wake up the next day at 07:00 in the morning to 300 missed calls, 400 text messages. I'm immediately thinking, who died? Someone's dead. This is awful. Someone in my family's dead. I find out that, look, in New York, WFAN is an institution of a sports radio station. It just is. I listened to it as a kid. I still respect it. What they. They move a conversation in New York with sports easily. So what happened was they're doing at the time was Craig Carton and Boomer Assia, and they're doing their very big radio show in the morning. And I think, if memory serves me, Boomer's assistant comes in to tell a story about being at the Giants Redskins game, said, yeah, I was there. It's great. I was on the field, and you know that guy turtle from entourage, whatever, he, like, sent one of his boys up to me talking about a hotel party after the game, and do I want to come back?


Is that a true. Is that a true story, Matt?


They are crushing me on my hometown radio network, a place I really respected. Boomer burying me. All my friends are like, you're an idiot.


How could you do that?


What's wrong with you, Matt? Wanna know what I was most offended by? You are questioning my fandom by thinking I would be at a game like that, trying to invite some girl back to a hotel party. First of all, I'd never send another dude up to a girl for me. Secondly, I was already in something that was a pretty good situation with the woman at the time, not my wife right now. And I don't think I've gotten more calls about that to this day. They still talk about it. They still, every now and then, fire it up and trash me.


Okay, let me happen.


Did not happen.


Okay, so she just made that up out of the blue?


No. Here's what I do think happened. Now, I was at the game with a friend and a cousin in law who is. He's married to my cousin. Do you think I would send the guy who's married someone cousin?


Someone threw you under the bus, dude, for sure.


Do you think it's crazy to say that someone went up there, saw me on the field, saw her, and went up and said, I'm gonna pretend to be turtles boy over here and see if we could talk to this girl, because I could promise you, the two other people I was with, it was not them, and I did not send them. And they tell this story to this day.


First of all, we need to get Boomer on the pod. That's for sure. Because I want to. I want to hear this story. Does he still hate you?


I don't know if he hates me. I think he, like, enjoys frying me to the point where I was on back and forth with them on Twitter about this.


I see. Still fry you.


I think they most recently talked about it, like, six or seven months ago. And here's the funny thing. I almost worked at WFAN. They offered me a job.


Dude, that's got to just be like a dagger to your heart, dude, that your local radio station just doesn't like you.


And I haven't been to a Giants game since then.


Well, you got to, dude. You got to take the boys. That's an experience. As bad as they may be or are, there's nothing better than taking. And you're. Because your. Your oldest is five. I'm five. Right.




So he's probably. He's probably there. He's probably ready to go sit through that. That might be tough. That might be actually be a tough 3 hours for you, though. If they're losing, they're going to be losing.


Which brings me to my next point. I know, I know. Quarterback is everything in the NFL right now. I get it.




I have held on to the Daniel Jones thing maybe longer than anyone else. It's got to be over. I'm not trying to over overreact to one game. They made the Vikings look like Super bowl contenders, so I think it's time to start. Am I. Are we drafting a quarterback officially?


Well, we can ask laser that, because that's actually.


Good point.


Yeah. I want to. I want to ask Jay, like, who do the Giants take? Dude, I feel you. I gotta be honest with you. I feel you on this. I have been a Danny dimes. I saw someone calling him what? Danny pennies. Poor guy. Although his pockets are deep, so he's got that. Yeah. Listen, I like the screen. The pick six. Like, that is just the worst luck. I've had that happen. Even I don't know what. Aaron Rodgers, who threw a pick. Someone threw up. It got tipped right. Like, every time that ball didn't get tip by Danny Dimes. I understand. That went right to the defensive end. He made a great play. Yeah. I mean, dude, it's just like, he made a great play. That's a screen the ball puts out.


Never see that happen. You rarely see that pick six on a screen.


Yes, that. But that just doesn't. And I understand, but it's also, like, defensive players never make that play, too, so, like, I can defend it both ways. It's a bad play, dude. It sucks and it makes him look bad. I think he's got more. More pick sixes than touchdown passes or something. I saw that stat, like in the last year or something. Something. Something wild. I don't know. Andrew might be able to. Our producer might be able to put lift that. I think he's got more pick sixes than actual touchdown passes. There's something floating around out there, dude. The island is bleak. It's bare.


Yeah, but, but, you know, I don't know.


I mean, what do you, what do you want as a Giants fan? You want, who is it Tyra or who's the backup?


It's Drew Locke.


I mean, you want to see Drew Locke?


Yeah. Well, not yet, but I think you have to run Danny dimes out there. As painful as who knows? This can all be part of the plan. It might just be like, hey, let's just get a top three pick draft. They were trying to get a quarterback in the draft. They tried to move up and then they did pass on Pennix and McCarthy. So I guess. How bad did they really want it? Is it. Is it the sort of thing that we're now. The situation is just so bad. It's irreparable because he's in also a pretty bad situation. Not only is he playing bad, but he's also in a pretty rough situation for a quarterback. Is this one of the worst situations you could be in?


Yeah, dude. And that's what I always. I always think, now, he's not young, but I always think of quarterbacks. And a lot of success is driven on your surrounding cast. It's driven on coaching, it's driven on franchise. And like, I will say this, like, quarterbacks can go to certain places and just die. They can. And what I mean by that is if you go to a place who, one, an owner or a franchise notoriously hasn't invested in the team and what's best in the team, right there.




There's a handful of places that I can mention and we know, okay, or they don't spend money or they don't want to put your quarterback in a position to be successful. And if you look at Daniel Jones and again, he's had ample opportunity, but their offensive line has been terrible. I couldn't. I know they just drafted Malik neighbors, who I think is going to be a star, but he's a rookie. They got rid of the best player on the team. And Saquon Barkley, who went off for the Phillies in week one or Philadelphia in week one. If you don't have a surrounding cast, I'm telling you, man, like, like, I'm telling you, like two or three years go by, then all of a sudden you're just, you're done. He now for Daniel Jones. He's done enough where you saw potential, right? You guys got to a playoff, right.


Two years ago against those very vikings.


Which, so I'm saying, like, he's done enough. So he's in a little different place. I look at some of these quarterbacks, I want to mention Sam Darnold, okay? And I know he beat your giants.


I've hated on the whole time. Speaker two.


Okay. And listen to this. He goes to the New York jets, what, five years ago. Yep. They were awful, dude. Awful. Awful. And what happened? He's getting, he's just getting crushed out there. He can't handle it. Blah, blah, blah. Sam Darnold is talented now, like, is he a top ten quarterback? Probably. He is talented. He is getting crushed. Why? They got nobody around him. His coaching was absolutely horrendous. He goes to Carolina. And by the way, Carolina is even worse. We could, we could talk about Bryce young here in a second. Carolina is even worse. Well, Baker Mayfield in Carolina. Look what he's doing now. Look at Sam Darnold. Sam Darnold goes to the Minnesota Vikings, a good franchise with a freaking awesome head coach and an offensive minded play caller. And look what happened. I know it's one week, but I'm telling you, Sam Darnold is going to have a great year. He's going to have a great year. I promise you right now.


He's not comeback player of the year, though.


He's not. He might not be comeback player of the year, but the dude, like, when you're in a system, I'm telling you, when you're in a system and you're coached, I've been coached in a quarterback room where I was literally saying, like, my son knows more. My unborn son son knows more than this quarterback coach. It is, it is mind boggling the, how bad some NFL coaches are. So, all that being said, dude, like, it's tough. Danny Dimes have been there for a while, but I'm telling you, man, when you go to a place and you don't have guys around, you like, it can just. It can just deteriorate very, very quickly.


Well, someone I know who might be liking what's going on with the Giants is a Philly's own Andrew Gunning, our producer, who just sent us in the chat, a tweet from Josh Dubo. Basically, since signing a four year, $160 million contract with the Giants before last season, Daniel Jones has thrown there more tv passes to the opposition, three picks. This three pick sixes than to his own team. Two td passes. I don't know. That's why when you look at the Dak Prescott signing, it's like, yeah, of course.




Whether you think Dak is an amazing quarterback or not, he's a good quarterback. He's got to pay.


Really good quarterback.


What? By the way, talk about walking into a game who slept better Sunday night than Dax.


Dax won 65% of his starts. Think about that.


All I know is he got paid. And then you would have said, okay, this will be really interesting. He got that big contract. They announced it before the game, and if he goes and sucks in Cleveland, that's going to start a whole new, you know, news cycle for 24 hours. And he just goes and balls out, and the Cowboys destroy what we thought is a good team in the browns. I would've been nice to be Dak Prescott yesterday.


I mean, dude, just this quarterback money now is just. I mean, it's just thrown around like tic tacs, dude. Like, it is unbelievable.


Well, speaking of that game, that was the Fox game. That was also, you know, Brady's first game in the booth. I know everyone's kind of had their takes a flying around about, oh, that was terrible. That was great. Who give him a chance? I don't know if you caught much of that game. I watched a lot of.


I watched most of it.


Cleveland's my team in law, you know, that's what my family roots for. So I want them to do good things, and they're in the.


Well, you did have. You did have a rough weekend.


It was terrible. There's nothing good other than the food. I prepped for my wife while I was watching the games. Nothing else was good. But Brady in the booth. I thought he did a good job. That's a hard job. I don't. I don't envy. I do envy it in some sense. But I remember we had Brady on entourage years ago. Talk about what? Fans yell at me all the time. They'll come up and shout, Tom Brady sucks balls. Because that's what my character says to him. You know, Brady comes on the show. Obviously not an actor. No. Coming off the injury season, too, so no one had seen him in a while. The longest anyone's ever gone without talking about Tom Brady. And, yeah, he comes on the show late notice. Cause that episode was supposed to be for other quarterbacks. We can get to that if we want. Comes on first take. Like, every actor was a little rough. Take two, getting better by take three or four, it's like, oh, my God, this guy could be an actor if he wants to.


You guys were golfing. Weren't you golfing in that scene?


The episode is a golf episode, which, if memory serves me correct, that episode was requested by the Manning brothers. Peyton and Eli wanted to do the show. Think this is zero seven, maybe zero eight. They wanted to do the show. Doug Ellen writes this whole thing about the chase brothers versus the Manning brothers, and then something happened. Call it scheduling or change of heart. Ten days before we have the whole episode prepped, ready to go, money being spent. They can't do it. They're out. We have no one to fill the spot. And this is where having Wahlberg as your executive producer is unbelievable, because he comes into the production office and basically says, you want me to call Tom? We're all looking around like, what Tom sell? What Tom are you talking about? Like, brady? Like, yeah, go call him. He goes out in the hallway, comes back two minutes later, he's like, oh, yeah, Brady's gonna do it. It'll be me and Brady. We'll fill in. So I think it ends up being better in a weird way, because of the giants patriots stuff all those years later. But he was great on the show.


It took him a little bit of a warm up, few takes in, and the next thing you know, he's rocking takes. And I think that's exactly what's going to happen with the broadcasting job. It's a hard gig, dude.


Do you know, like, I don't think so. There's. There's two, like, ways to kind of. When you prepare for either studio, which is much different, or calling a game. So in studio, this was the advice, which. Which is me. Like, I'm on a pregame show, kind of a big show, whatever. But, like, we were always, like, the advice I was given was, like, study a mile wide, an inch deep, be able to talk about everything. Surface level, substance, some. Some of that, but be able to talk about everything, because you're. You're. You know, you're basically 20 seconds of time when you speak, right? When you call a game, it's an inch wide and a mile deep. You are digging into a team, two teams. You're digging into stories. You're digging into from last year to this year, players, all of these things. And it is. It is a. It is an art form. It is a ski. It is a skill set. You talk to anybody, even the best. And I would say this. I thought he did a good job. First of all, Tom's the best, and he will prepare and work harder at this than anybody just because that's his mentality.


I think the problem is. And sometimes in that is. And you know this, just watching games, like, you know, like, less is more. Right? When do you. When do you come in to talk about a play? When do you let Kevin Burkhart, his teammate, who's one of the best in the business, you know, you. You give him layups, right? You get like, that's. That's the job of the play by blaze, to give the Claire guy layups. Like, no matter who you are, he's going to be fantastic. The problem with his is he's so smart, and he's got so much to say that there's not enough time to do that. And I think that's what I mean. Can you imagine, like, dude, like, sitting down with Tom for 3 hours and just picking his brain about football would be, like, it'd be, like the greatest thing of all time. But, yeah, now he's got a. He's got to talk about that in a live game, in a setting against teams and players that he just played against. And, like, you got to find your rhythm, and that's what it's about. So he's going to be great.


You know, it's. It's a. It. I thought. I honestly, like, I actually enjoyed watching it, and that's not me. Just because he's at fox, all this, like, I just think tom is going to be fantastic at it. I think it'll just get taken used to. The more reps he gets, better he's gonna be. But, dude, the dude's the goat for a reason, that he'll end up being one of the best to do it, for sure.


Yeah. I think everybody does want the feeling of, hey, we just watched the game with tom Brady. That's not how live television.


It's hard. However, now, once he gets better, you'd be like, like, I think you want to, like, you want to walk away from a game, right, learning something. Right? Learning something. And his brain is just. I mean, it's ridiculous. So, like, it'll get there and there's going to be little nuggets and little anecdotes and things about defense and this, and it's. He's going to get there, man. I'm telling you, that guy. But talk about, like, the expectation. I mean, like, getting paid 300 plus mil, the best ever to do it, walks in on. That's nerve wracking. I don't care who you are, man. Like, it is. I've. I've never called the game, but even in studio, even now, when the red light comes on, like tv, and you, I mean, you've. You're. You obviously, like, when you're. When you're live and you're going through your tail, like, it is. Like, it's. It's different, you know, it's different than playing.


So live is a whole different beast.


Oh, dude. It's a whole beast, man.


I could barely handle this podcast, and we record, so I can't imagine being live. We'll keep looking. I think he's gonna be fine. I'd say, everybody chill out. It'll get there, but, yeah, he'll get there.


Did you like it? You liked it?


Brady in the booth? Yeah, I thought where it really worked for me. And look, by the way, the game wasn't good.


And that's the thing. You get.


You get.




Is he supposed to trash Deshawn Watson? No. Leave all of us on Twitter to do that because that's what everybody did. You know, the Cowboys made it look easy. So what is he supposed to say yet? The Cowboys pass rush is unbelievable. The Browns can't handle it. Deshaun Watson's having problems. There really wasn't a lot of climactic things for him to discuss. I thought he filled a lot of time in a good way. Toward the end, when the game was already in hand, when he started talking about, you know, being an athlete, everyone's kind of. He essentially said, everyone's kissing your ass. Right. I enjoy when a coach or someone calls you out and puts it, puts your name on it. And I thought that's where it was almost like a sneak peek, you know, he's going to do that more, where he stopped just trying to know everything about those players on the field and gave you a little Brady. So I thought. I thought I saw enough with that. And then I now want to see him in a good game, and he can't control that. But I do want to see him in a good game.


He's doing cowboys Saints in week two. It's crazy. He's doing two cowboy games in a row. The Saints, I don't know if we could, like, read too much into what they did to Carolina and to dropped.


Almost a 50 burger on Carolina week one. I don't get. That's tough in the NFL. Wow, Carolina, my poor. My poor guy. Bryce, young man.


You know Bryce, right?


I love. Yeah, I. That's just one of those situations where, again, I think you got to play better, right. You can make better choices. And I didn't want, I didn't watch the film. I saw part of the game and some highlights, but you just, you just, again, another situation where just not a lot around you. There's just not, and, you know, like, all no disrespect to Carolina and the fans, just like, it's like, I've played there, but I handball. Like, you know, like, it's just a tough place to be. And you go back to last year. What? Like, Sam was there last year, right? Darnold? Oh, no. Sam was in San Francisco, but he's there. A couple years ago, he was there. Baker was there. Yeah. It's just like, man. Like, it's just, it's tough. And I just feel for him, like, he might be better off in a year or two, like, just getting out of there, having a fresh start somewhere else, and then. Cause I still think he's uber talented. But again, like I said, like, sometimes you can, you can kind of go to places and they forget about you and all of a sudden you're year four or five, and it's like, wow, like, what am I doing now?


You know? Like, it's. I don't know. I'm rooting for him, though.


Have you checked out this late? Is there a game that jumps out to you this week that I always like to say? What game, if you could go to just as a spectator, would you want to go to? Is there a game? Because I have one very. It's very easy one. I have one that I would just.


Love to go to here. You tell me. I'm looking right now.


Well, I just think that the Bengals Chiefs is the most compelling game of the week for so many reasons, you know, can the Chiefs build off of what they did week one? Obviously, the Bengals had maybe the most bad. They were just a teaser parlay suicide pool killer for everybody. Killed so many dreams, including some of mine, by the way. It just happened, so they have to respond. That's the one I would, I would. I think I'd want to go to.


I mean, I'm looking here. I mean, I think I think I know you're.


I feel like I could predict you.


What is it?


If I had to guess you, I feel like you're going Sunday night to Houston to watch CJ get your boy Caleb. Am I right? You're right, boy.


That was the one. That's the one that stood out.


There's so much there for you. You got Caleb, you got CJ. Fun city.


Yeah, I played there is one of my favorite places. I loved. I played there two years, man. I loved it. And I love CJ stroud. I got to know him and covering him in Ohio State. Great kid, dude. And just honestly, like one of my favorite players. Just a great kid. Works his butt off, obviously, man. Had a great year. That's a fun. Dimiko Ryans was my teammate in Houston. I know D'Amico well. Like, he's awesome. Awesome. He's just the best dude. And then. Yeah, the Bears, like Caleb, obviously, the Bears kind of won defense and special teams this past week, but that's an exciting game. Like both young teams, both exciting teams, both potentially playoff teams again, at least for the Bears this year. So that would be it. That's a nice, that's a nice finish to the weekend.


Well, it was a great guest in week one. Ashton Kutcher was smiling with that Bears win. We have a great guest for you this week. We're to take a quick break. When we come back, glazer, the one and only Jake Laser joining us on throwbacks. We'll be right back. All right. He's finally here. He's my la big bro. That's how I always refer. Anytime his name comes up, I say that's literally my la big brother. Jay Glazer is here with us. Jaydeh, thank you for stopping by and hanging with us.


Absolutely. You got my guys, man. What's. We've all been fighting here for a long time, the three of us.


I know. I want to hear this story about you and Jerry.


You and I started, I, I started training liner in MMA. Like 2008, right?


Was it? Yeah, it was 2008.


Something like that. When you were.


Yeah, we were. By the way, I say this till the still to this day, the, well, it goes without saying, the hardest workout of all time. But I remember we were up in, we were up in Scottsdale or Phoenix and I think it was zero seven or zero eight summer offseason and you were there and you were like, dude, come train with me. And I was kind of, you know, it's like after my rookie year, I was trying to figure out like and we trained with Bayer. You did a bader and CB Dalloway, Ryan Bay and Jamie Varner. And I'll, I'll never forget this, dude. So, like, I'm training one day and I'm doing this, like, I'm carrying the heavy bag, like, corner to corner on the mat. I'm beating it down. I'm going. I'm, like, doing, like, these rounds, right, for like 30 or 45 minutes. And this was one specific day. And I like to pride myself, like, I still work hard. Like, I, like, I respected. Like, it was like, I pride myself, like, I'm not, I'm never gonna quit. I'm not gonna tap out. I'm not gonna throw up. Like, I'm just gonna go.


And, dude, it was like 30 minutes in and I'm like, I'm breathing. I'm like, dude, this is rough. And then all of a sudden, I think it was jay or might've been bader. Cause they were just screwing with me the whole time. They're like, dude, that wasn't even the workout, bro. That was our warm up. I swear to God, I'm like, what, dude? And then they were doing like, it was like another 2 hours of lifting and all that. I'm just like, dude, this is why I'm not a fighter. Those guys and jay, you guys are just built different, dude. It's like the mentality, but it was awesome. Mandy, I had one is if we.


Can make football easy. That's what I try to do. By the way, the guys we were training back then, it was Jared Allen, Victor Hobbs, like Matt. Matt Starks. But the whole point is, if I can get you do a three minute round with a 1 minute break, you damn sure could do a seven second round with a woman, a break in football. So that's the whole thing is like, you push yourself and push yourself. Our whole program is called unbreakable. We push our breaking points so everything else becomes easy. But hey, and also, Matt, like, man, when we got you, I was like, hey, Matt, I don't want you sit back in the pocket and be like, oh, I gotta get away from this guy, this guy, this guy. I'm like that. I want you to go get that mother. I'm getting that mother, getting that. Like, we're relentless. We ran on. And you had a half against the Steelers in preseason when you threw for like 330 and a half.


Green bay. Green bay.


Green bay. I was like, there he is, man.


Dude, remember we went to, we went to couture's place in Vegas? Well, by the way, so me, you, and Patrick Willis. Patrick Willis, who, by the way, my. My tooth is still chipped from Patrick Willis on Monday night Football 2007. Just. Just. I didn't even wear a mouthpiece. Just completely annihilated me. I will never remember this, Jay. We were sitting there and I took my pops. This was like a fun, great couple days for us. And Vitor Belfort was getting ready to fight. I think Anderson Silva, I think he ended up. I don't know if he backed out, but he ended up not fighting in that fight. But I was playing catch with Vitor Belfort, by the way, like, right. One of the greatest fighters. Athletes. This dude looked like he had two right hands catching the ball. Like he could not throw. He couldn't catch. And by the way, his son.


His son's a great quarterback now.


Quarterback. It's freaking amazing.


It started with you. He's in the cage. It's, I think as Forrest Griffin. Forrest Griffin.


Yeah, he was the one. Yeah.




Gina Carano was definitely.


Yeah. These guys are trying to throw football. Obviously, they can't.


They do so great.


We also had. Wait, we had a couple of the Saints had a jet. They all got popped for star caps. And they landed to come train with us. And the. They ended up winning their appeal. So it was Calvin Pace. It was a couple of the saints. They landed to train with us in Vegas because I don't have a gym in LA then. And by the time they landed, the GM had called, said, no, come back. You just won. Your appeal ended up going back. I think we had Calvin Pace for a day, and he went back to the jets. Yeah.


Jay, was I the first actor that you trained? You go. You've gone on to train lots of actors. You opened up the LA gym. But I came to you when I was attached to play a turo gaddy.




Moving ended up not getting made. Trash is my favorite fighter of all time, and I'm. That was the big thing, like, get you to look like that one.


Jerry was a little heavier. Was that.


No, no, Jerry. No. We leaned Jerry out like crazy, and I. But with his boxing training. But you know what, Jerry? We trained before I opened unbreakable. Somebody had connected. Oh, I think Strahan connected us to train you.


It was Strahan and Brad Slater. Connect, right.


Connect. It connected. Right. Strand and Brad slated to train you to train to look like a fight like him. And you and I were going around a bunch of just random gyms.


Yes. Training.


And, yeah, Jerry could box. Jerry picked it up big time, you know what to. And then with a lot of. I've trained a lot of performers, and they're a lot better than a lot of the athletes in a way, because they take their ego out of it, they're not trying to kill it. Right. And plus, like, especially like, musical performers like Demi Lovato, Wiz Khalifa and them, because they do so much choreography, they could put together steps of, you know, move your hip here and turn your toe over here and move your hips over this way. Better than us with our lunkhead egos. And they take the ego out of it, and it's just. They're just better at it than us.


Well, it is humbling walking into your gym, because then you open up unbreakable on sunset. Awesome gym. I walk in there, I was one of the first, maybe the first client by the time the football players rolled in. I'm rolling in to work out, do my actor stuff, just look the part, and it's like, oh, jadavian Clowney Johnson. Oh, Jay comes up to me, he's like, today, oh, someone I got you paired with Aaron Rodgers today. I'm like, oh, I'm working out for three weeks. But then it almost backfired, cuz I was doing a lot of the boxing stuff, and Orlando Scandrick was working out there as well, and I was. He was on the cowboys, so him and I were chirping. Good spirited. But you know, when it's okay, so.


We sell a locker room there, right? So, yes, we sell my immaturity, no doubt, no doubt, right? And that's what's great about a locker room. Like, if the rest of the world acted like a locker room, we wouldn't be so up. We get along. Go, Jerry.


Yeah, well, no. So I'm hitting mitts with Jay one day, and he's like, you know what, Orlando, get over here. He's like, jerry would beat your ass. Like, what? And now Jay's like, all right, one, two. And then slip and give me that hard overhand right as hard as you can. And Jay leans his mitten to it, too, so you really get the pop. And even now, everyone in the gym starts filtering over to the point where I sent Matt the picture and I sent you. We had like, a scheduled fight.




We were gonna like, in the gym. Now, Jay, I never told you this. I was really nervous because, I mean, I didn't show us.


That's our whole thing. You don't show it, you don't show it.


And, yeah, but inside, Jerry would hit.


I'd be like, orlando, jerry's gonna you up.


Of course you would.


Orlando loves to talk. So he'd come over, we made it a thing, and we ended up doing a tell the tape.


Yes. And Matt saw the picture and said he just based off the picture. Matt goes, oh, Orlando would beat your ass based off the picture.


I mean, dude, I'm just. Listen, I saw. Dude, you're my boy, man. I got your back. I got your back. He just looks way bigger than you. And then there's Jay.


I don't care about it. And I tell Jerry, I don't care if we win or lose, just be well to fight.


Hell, yeah.


Makes it. That makes you real dangerous if you take that ego out.


Well, the coolest thing, too, is I remember when you had Lane Johnson in there. I remember this specifically because I think he just started. I don't think he had any Pro Bowls at this point yet.


No, he did not. He threw up nine times.


I remember him going outside, he was puking, coming right back and hitting the workout. And I think the dude's been in the Pro bowl every year since. Every year since then. And, yeah, it was a.


All the guys we've had, he kind of has been our poster child for what that program was. And him and Jared Allen Gusley. But, man, Lane really took it upon himself to say, okay, I'm not going to show it. I'm going to be relentless. I'm going to see where everybody else puts their hands on their hips. And when they start huffing and puffing, then I'm going to start sharpening my weapons. I'm going to make it a fight. And that's the whole thing. Like, if you turn any sport you're playing or business, if you're making a fight, most people don't sign up to fight. Most people sign up to play a sport. Those people sign up, play a sport. You make it a fight, they're going to tap out, they're done. And it's exactly. Lane just took it on like, we were so proud of him in every little thing he did. Because it wasn't just like we teach violent hand fighting, we teach leverage. But the biggest part was, is, again, I talked ego a bunch. We wore Lane out, and he was like, I'm gonna take my ass ribbons like a man. That's fine.


It's gonna make me better. He just. And a lot of guys can't do that. A lot of guys, when you, when you beat up on them, they're like, oh, no, I'm not looking good. A lot of guys want to be famous instead of being great. Two totally different. Two totally different things.


Who are you training currently? You still got some guys out there trained?


Yeah, this offseason, I trained Derwin James, Max Crosby a little bit, but, man, how about this? The first 15 minutes in, Derwin tears my bicep tendon has super spinatus and my rotator cuff, and then backs comes in and he exacerbates it. He actually, there was one, like, hand fighting thing that Max got me on where it just popped and I was gone. He knew it. Later on, I talked about it. I was like, hey, by the way, guys, because again, I tell these guys, like, we don't show it. We don't show it, or you're tired in that cage around that field, you will never, ever, ever know. And so I told those guys a month later. Walker Elatrax had been trying to do surgery on me ever since I was supposed to get surgery in April, but I got married, and then when I got back, he was supposed to do it, but then he went south France. He actually just hit me up the other day to do it, but I just went down to Panama and got some stem cells at Playscore origins. I'm feeling good. I don't know if I'm going to get it or not, but I'm walking around with a tournament bicep tenant this whole time.


It did stop you, too, this summer, right? You went on your glazer tour, right? You hit all the training camps.


Yep. Absolutely. Million percent.


You know, you're, you're one of the best in the business, right, insider, and I find your job fascinating. I played the sport. You know, I, you and I have been close for a long time, so I kind of understand the inner workings of that. But, like, how did, how does that begin for you? Like, like, what is the story behind your job and how you got to this point?


My God, no. My. I am. I kind of. I almost feel like I kind of made a career out of nothing because there was no minute by minute breaking news guy. But so here's the thing, guys. The truth is, Jerry, you know, this guy started my career, intern at WF, a hand in 89, 90, got a job covering the Giants in 93. There was no Internet back then. I made $9,450 a year for the first eleven years of my career. Eleven years. But I walked in that giant locker room the first day, got a job for this, like, little Giants newspaper, gold giants extra, where they went, chapter eleven. My first month and I got it. New York one tv started up, and they gave me $0. Eventually, they gave me $450 a year, three installments of $150. But I walked in that giant locker room from day one. I'm like, man, how could I be different? Like, these dudes are gonna. If they work 40 hours a week, I'm gonna work them. Not by a little. By a lot. Like, you know, the. The blueprint for greatness. Not on greatness, but it's not. It's not a big secret.


Find out who the best is and do more than them by a lot. And it's those hours you put in that no one's watching. So, man, every single day, if those guys work 40 hours, I work 100. And I wasn't able to pay my other bills because I couldn't get, like, side jobs and side hustling stuff. But the other thing I said is, man, how can I be different from everybody else in here? These guys? I felt the old school reporters use their pen as a weapon. I'm gonna start relationships, and I got murdered for it for years. For, I'm not being objective. I'm friends with the players and friends of the coaches. I'm like, I got more in common with these guys than I do you guys. But I also said, I don't think you're being objective because if they don't talk to you, you're killing them. So they used to write about me and Strahan, and they would like, man, they torch. Just guess. And every time I try to get a job, they would, like, the bosses would go ask the reporters, and I'd get killed that I'm not being objective, but I just felt like everything I do, it's relationship based.


And I just had this confidence, like, man, eventually, like, you know, you build a better mousetrap, someone's eventually going to want to buy it. But it took eleven freaking years. And, like, during that whole time, I didn't have enough money to go from New York City, take a subway to the bus to giant stadium, back. Every day. Every freaking day. I had a way for STrahan didn't even live in the city, to drive me back in New York City, so I'm like, 28 grand in Lincoln Tunnel fair. But as a result of that, I'd sit there every day and talk to players and coaches in the parking lot and build up the relationships, and I just became, like, a relationship guy. Then when free agency began, my name had kind of gotten around. And again, it wasn't like Internet or film, but I started getting calls from people, and most people don't know this. I started getting calls from these low level, like, scouts and coaching assistants saying, hey, we hear you know these players. What do you know about KeySHawn Johnson? What do you know about Michael Brooks? What do you know about this player?


This player, that player? We hear you're the guy that knows all the players. Well, about 35, 40 of those guys have gone on and become head coaches and GM's, low level guys that I just talked to everybody. That's where ADHD comes in handy. Like, you just want to talk and talk. And I, you know, I build up relationships over the years, and I always, I always had this thing of them. I'm not gonna go for the scoop. I'm gonna try and be the most trusted guy in sports, and that's it. And with, you know, that the scoops will come.




Just don't ever burn anybody. And I don't even, by the way, I've had some really, really rough stories and a lot of friends of mine, but my thing is, who would you rather have it, me or someone else? Because I'm going to be fair about it. So I've, you know, I've had friends pop for steroids. I've broken it. I've had friends get arrested for stealing stuff in locker rooms. I've broken it and they've talked to me about it. Because you have that trust that you build up. Well, eventually, guys, that Internet thing came out in 99, thank God almighty. I finally got a full time job for 50 grand for CB's. And then that got me on national tv and then WCBS. I'm sorry, cbssportsports so me and, like, Chris Mortensen and John Clayton and Len Pascarelli, the first minute by minute breaking news guys to do it then back then, man, I had everything. And, Jerry, you were around back then also, Matt, you were too. I had every little breaking story. And thank God, over the years, I've been able to just, you know, as it become a Twitter war, Fox has been like, hey, we just need you to be grandpa Fox in a Sunday.


And you don't have to tweet first before everybody else. Cause that's bullshit.


Well, that's what I wanted to ask you, too. Cause I remember your. I was always obsessed with your Sunday routine. Didn't you, like, not. Or maybe Saturday night, right? Didn't you go, like, to the peninsula hotel or something? You went to, like, Beverly Wilshire and you just. You and your phone. Sit down. You'd be working, like, just you alone.


Oh, it starts Friday, though. It starts Friday and I got Friday. Yeah, I usually get a day drinking spot and I sit there and get on the phone and I call every single team. I still do it. Every team, every week. Every head coach, every g. I mean, not every, but, like, man, like it. There's, there's, you know, thousand phone calls that go into me getting five stories per weekend. And there's, you know, I put out 1% of what I know. That's it. So.




Yeah, it's probably less, but, but it's like I have a responsibility, those guys in that show, to do my job better than anybody else. And I've always taken that. Like, I'm, I'm responsible to them. I'm never gonna. I'm never. And as I've gotten bigger and bigger, too, I remember Dan, Dan Quinn years ago. I'm like, at the height, I'm doing ballers. I'm like, year three and I'm breaking everything. And I still do my training camp tour every year, which is 40 days on the road. I go from team to team to team to team. Just me still do it. And DQ said, what are you, like, why are you still here? So what do you mean? I said, haven't you moved up and on from this? My brother is no up and on from this. Like, you guys are my family, you're my community. You're, you helped me between the years more than anything. There is no, I don't care how big I get the NFL, for me, that's, that is my, that's my family. I need my teams and there's no moving up and on from that. He's like, oh, I get it. I get it.


How did you broke the iuk, right? Was that this weekend?


That was a big one. That was a fascinating.


So, so take us behind the scenes of how that transpired, if you can.


I was actually, it's funny because I was, I was, oh, man. This, this, here's, here's one for you. So I'll go back. I happen to be in Steelers camp. You guys know me. I always put weird groups together. I'm in Steelers camp. Here's something nobody knows. I'm in Steelers camp. I bring Bret Michaels with me because he's from Pittsburgh.


That's right. That's right.


Okay. And not only that, I say, I'm gonna bring you here, but I want you to take Mason Tomlin, who's Mike Tomlin son, and I want you to meet with him he. He's a, he's a musician. So I want you to meet. So we met out here at Soho, Malibu, hooked. Everything's great. And he's like, you know what, Mason? I think you got it. I'll have you open up for me. He actually had Mike Tomlinson open up for him in Pittsburgh in July.


That's awesome.


I said, as a result, I'm gonna bring you to camp. So I bring him to Steelers camp. Right? And he was like. I was like, I do a lot of charity. He's my charity today. And while I'm there, the Niners are trying to get a trade. The Steelers are trying to trade for iuk, okay. But in the meantime. So what happened was the Niners had talked to a couple other teams, but Iuk wouldn't go. Cleveland and New England. He wanted to go to Pittsburgh, and. But the Niners needed a receiver back. So basically they were getting a two and a three and something else from Pittsburgh. And then they had, like, another trade with that three to go to another team. And that would have completed. But we're sitting there, me and Brett Michaels and Mason Tomlin, Mike Tomlin and Mike's dorm room. And you guys know me, man. I like to socialize when I'm on the road. So Mike T is like, called off the rest of his meetings because I'm in town for the day. You know how it is, Matt, when I come in, Hurricane glaze, right?


I go, let's go, players.


I work out with the team. I'm pushing guys in the huddle. I eat with them, get iv's, I'll work out. They do my laundry, everything. So. So here's the best part. So John lynch, I'm on. I want to break the store, obviously. What's going on? I'm sitting there, Mike Tomlin's dorm room, and the phone's sitting there. And lynch isn't getting back to me. He's not getting back to Tomlin. And it's going on and on. Well, now he's getting in the way of my day drinking. So he's not getting back to me, he's not getting back to Mesa. And I'm like, hey, let's. I'm starving. Let's go. So we go to this little bar called Dino's. Me, Mike T, and Brett Michaels, and Mason and lynch won't get back to us. So we're like, mason, text John lynch. This is Mike Tomlin's son. Text John lynch. Tell him he is getting in the way of our day drinking. Day okay. And our beer wings. So he hits up lynch, and 2 seconds, lynch gets back to Tomlin's son. We're like, hey, disappear. He won't get back to us. Back to Mason Tomlin, right? So we're like, lynchy, let's go.


We got things to do here. I got a story to break. Next thing you know, making goes dark in. So I have my wife Rosie, hit up John lynch. And she says something like, hey, John, this is Rosie, Jake laser's wife. Jay really needs his. His routines reports that you're getting in the way of their day drinking day. Is there a way you could please complete this trade so he can get back in his routine and I don't have to hear about it from. From my husband invitee. And John lynch just gets back to Rosie. Oh, no, Rosie, not you. Finally, we're keeping it going. I said, brett, now you gotta do.




Then Brett Michaels hits him up going, please get this thing going. So I was there when it was actually happening the original time. But this one, yeah, this was last week. And, you know, it's funny because I was with the niners in Vegas. They kind of pulled their offer originally. And then when he. When I reported this weekend that he was getting traded to the Steelers, he happened to show up early and he went downstairs, he found Kyle. And Kyle's trying to get on the phone with lynch and all those guys and can't get on the phone with them, and he sprints upstairs. Luckily, Kyle works out. He sprinted upstairs and was able to, you know, put a. Put a stop to it. But it was pretty wild just to.


That's crazy.


Yeah, but that's the trust. If you're there and you're around, you see it all. You got more insight than anybody else.


That's the most glazer story ever. I was with Brett Michaels, Mike T's kid, and my wife was texting John lynch.


Could you imagine if Rosie was responsible for that trade happening?


Rosie. Rosie hears a lot of stuff that goes on. She's probably second best insider out there.


Yeah, she could. Yeah, she. I imagine she has some of the other 99% of the stuff that you.


Don'T play too, because now. And she's changed my life. You know, I got married in May.


Congrats. Yes. That's a huge deal. Huge.


Hey, you guys have been around my crazy for a long time. For a long time, I didn't feel worthy of it. And I sabotaged everything I've ever been in because I didn't feel worthy of it. And you know, with her. Thank God. Thank God I've opened up. Now talk about this stuff, because I've done the work where I could feel worthy. You know, when you have. Here, go with the add. But when you have depression, anxiety, it makes you feel again, like, for me, like you're not worthy of the sky's gonna fall, and the pain of when the sky is gonna fall for me is worse than the sky falling. So you speed it up and you sabotage everything that's good. And this is the first time in my life I'm not sabotaging something that's great because I've been able to open up and do this work, and then I'm 54. It's never too late to find love. Just gotta work your ass off. And I gotta be relentless. I tack it, you know, as relentless as anything else. But, yeah, she is. She's changed my life, man. She's incredible.


That's so good to hear. And I'm really, really happy for you. And kind of, you know, you mentioned a lot about depression and stuff like that, and that's also been a big part of our relationship. And now I know you're doing it with players, too. You know, you have your podcast, unbreakable. I mean, literally, the Sean McVeigh and Michael Phelps episode was unbelievable. You wrote the. You wrote a book. You have the unbreakable book. So, like, at what point did you know, hey, I want to start talking to players coaches in the NFL, or were you always just doing it and you just figured, like, I'm just going to try to make this as acceptable as possible because some people still struggle to let their anxiety and their stuff get out there.


Well, you know, they can for me to write a book, and I didn't want to write an influence out of book, look over my shoulder with my secrets. But it really, like, I started opening up to players and fighters. Me and Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell, we always open up about this because no one's questioned your manhood, so you could open up on the drop of a dime. I could cry, Jerry. You see me crying in the cage with these guys. Like, I don't. No one's questioned my manhood. But then when I started, you know, I'd started a charity a long time ago called MVP, and I was able to open up in front of these combat vets where I take combat vets. And, Jerry, you were at the first session, I think we put these combat vets and ex athletes together, and it's really. We work out for about a half hour. When we start opening up that mental health stuff and opening up to those combat vets gave me the confidence that if I can open up to these cats and not be judged, then I could use that for the rest of the world.


And it's interesting. I talk to teams now, and I tell them, look, I've gotten brought in to talk to NFL teams for years, but about violence, about the unbreakable way, the MMA mindset, the fighter mentality. And again, I tell these guys, if I am hurt or tired, you will never, ever, ever know. My partner and all that. Randy Couture got his arm broken in half in the heavyweight championship of the world by Gabriel Gonzaga. Never showed it. Never showed it, right? If they showed it, they're going to end the fight. He loses the title. You don't ever show it. We talked about lane Johnson before. Lane play with two tornadoes, you'll never know, and you need that in football and fighting. But I tell teams it's the same mentality, especially us men off that field, outside that cage, that gets a lot of us want to throw ourselves off a bridge, returns to drugs and alcohol, and I'm one of them. And, you know, for me, you know, I didn't open up. I have clinical depression, anxiety, adhd, bipolar. You name it, I got it. And I just hit it with Vicodin and Adderall and alcohol for years because I'd rather have gotten in trouble going out and get arrested than admit that I have some issues.


And now that I'm able to admit it, all it's done has got me so much closer together with people. And I tell these guys, look like mental health is so reactive nowadays. You don't just catch passes when you have the drops or lifts, when you're getting weak, you're always doing it. But mental health, you guys are only going to see a therapist after the sky's falling, and that's too late. You got to work on it constantly. You probably think, well, there's not enough therapists. You do. When you got 90 therapists in this room with you right now, it makes you so much closer when you're vulnerable and you lean into each other, and for those players, you say, well, I'm too embarrassed. The first time, first time I ever came out with anything I did on social media, which is a cesspool, and social media is a big problem that we have. Like, you don't have to have clinical like I do to go through because we're comparing ourselves to everybody else's filtered second highlights all day, like on Instagram and Facebook. How you supposed to survive that? Or on Twitter, just getting talked to and beat down.


Awful. And, you know, first time I did it was on social media. Said, guys, this the thing. I wrote a book. I know what's on those pages. I don't want to wait for the book to come out to be able to help people. And here's the truth. I have put a mask on all these years, and I never asked for help. So here's my way of saying I want to help everybody else now. And drop your comments if you understand what I'm talking about. And within two minutes, Mercedes Lewis is now in his 19th year, who I've trained for 15 years. First call, he said, coach, man, I knew you were crazy, and that's a badge of honor and football and fighting, but I didn't know you were in pain. I'm sorry I got you. Like, does that sound like someone's shaming me? That dude checks up on me three times a week now. Or Michael Strahan, my baby sister, you know, my best friend ever. I didn't tell him until writer had a book. And he's like, why have you never told me? I'm like, I don't make the rules up of this dude.


I was. We're so competitive. I was ashamed. He goes, and this really hit me. He said, but you took away my chance to be your best friend for 30 years. Think about that. That's not shaming. That's like, man, I want to be there for you. So I tell these teams, if you can lean into each other like this, think how much closer this will. Will make you. Those are bonds. Those are brothers. That's your equity. That's what you got to start doing. And that's what I'm trying to lead the charge on now for all men and women. Everybody just open up, man. We deserve it.


That's incredible. Honestly, Jay, I'm proud of you, man. Like, I know we go but way back, but proud of, you know, the advocate that you are for mental health and wellness. And then just obviously, the role that you've played in kind of probably like. Like you talking about the pain that you had, but you never let anybody show up. But the role that you played, and Jerry and I were a part of that. We're part of your journey. You were part of our journey. So here on throwbacks, man, like, honestly, thank you. Like, we never really, you know, we. When we hang out, we have fun and all that, but, like, that was really, really inspiring. I actually got goosebumps listening to you. So I just want to say I appreciate you for having that part of my journey as well, man, and just being always been a brother and a great friend to everybody. Dude, so I'm glad you found happiness, too, man, with Rosie, 54 years, like.


It'S never too late.




I just had a player ask me recently, man. Please tell me the light at the end of the tunnel. And he admitted to me that he attempted suicide. And I said, hey, dude, you open up to people about this, you may save someone's life. And that's the light. That's pot of gold, the end of the rainbow. But I'm 54. I never knew I was able that I could ever feel this level of joy until now, because I'm doing this work. It's worth it. It's worth it. And I also realized, man, I had to go through this pain so I could help others through theirs. That gave me this equity, this experience. But at the same time, I try to always know, like, man, but God in the universe made all my other dreams come true to keep me afloat the whole time. And it's hard to see it when you're in it. Like, it's really difficult. But again, you guys have seen the real Jay. Glacial. I've had meltdowns in front of you all, and, you know, it's. It wasn't always pretty, but it's been authentic. And it's like I said, for me to be able to.


I used to always think that I was cursed by the. Now I feel like God blessed me with it so I could use my pain to help others through theirs. Man, we deserve it. We deserve to be happy.


Jay, I'm proud to call you my la big bro. Thank you for coming on. Keep doing. Just keep doing it. We all need it. Honestly, you're setting a great example. I've learned a lot from you, and I miss you. I don't get to see you as much anymore, but I always know you're a phone call or a text away, and you know I am for you. And sometimes that's all you need. I'm gonna end with this. I think I know your answer. I know your answer, but I have to ask any. Any tidbits for us going into week three, I feel like I know what you're gonna say.


Week two, he still hung up on.


His giants, just destroyed by the fact that that was horrible. I just. Because I bet this is something I always would ask Jay, always try to get something out of him. While we're.


We break it on the pod.


Coach, I had a good workout today. Can you tell me something? No, get away from. No, no. You watch on Sunday, you'll find out.


It's exactly right.


We're all gonna watch on Sunday.


And Jerry's been in there, though, one time. Oh, man. Weren't you in there? I broke the story that Jimmy Graham was getting traded to Seattle and the backup tight end from Seattle was in the gym. And I came in like, guys, I just broke this. And I didn't realize. I'm like, oh, what a.


You broke it to the, to the player. So your answer is, watch on Sunday.


Watch on Sunday.


All right, we love you, buddy. Honestly. Thank you so much. Love to Rosie, and we'll check in with you soon. We'll watch you on Sunday for what you're going to break.




Thanks, Jay.


Love you guys.


All right, big thank you to my big bro, Jay Glazer. Always great hanging out with him. And now he is the best, right? He is the best. Something else that's the best. It's now time to get to our wendy's. Can't get enough sauce moment of the week. It's where we kind of feature a player right now that we think something on or off the field is just doing something amazing. So I have one. I know you do, too. I'm going to lead off, okay, I have the one of the. And you gotta.


You got a kind of, kind of.


Front row seat at Mister Quinn. Yours this week, obviously, I did. Huge game. Texas gets to win. But what I really found special was after the game, he gets the big dap up from McConaughey, went viral. He's up there whispering in his ears, probably going, all right, all right. And then he goes and takes an amazing picture with the young kid. Who, the dad?


Not the one. Come on.


Not the saucy moment of the week. Telling the kid to do horns down. But Quinn kept it respectfully, kept his composure. He still, you know, had a good moment with the kid. He didn't even shoot the dad. A dirty look, which I certainly would have did. And also, Matt, this might be my quarterback I'm scouting for the Giants next year. So that's an easy one for me.


So that.


That's your.


Okay. I thought you were going to go somewhere else with that. That's good, Quinn, you were a great kid. He's a great kid. He's got a chance. He's got a chance. Mine's better. I'm just gonna say mine's better and, well, first of all, everybody that's. That's watching, gonna watch this on YouTube. Here's my, here's my. There she is. You see her? Her name is Caitlin Clark. Okay, here's my, my girl. Okay. The month of September, 4 games, she's averaging 26 points per game. Ten and a half assists, almost seven rebounds in four games. Caitlin Clark is not just the rookie of the year. She will finish second. She should finish second in the MVP behind Asia Asia Wilson. Asia Wilson's the dog. She's the best. Okay? Three and one in those four games, just playoff squad. Okay. I'm a big fan of Caitlin clark, and this is why I'm where I'm getting at. And I know she's going to listen to this and she's going to respond and maybe we'll get her on the pod. Because two years ago, we went to Iowa for football. Caitlin Clark and the girls came by the set, we hung out.


She's awesome. Like, became a fan there. We became tight, somewhat tight. That same weekend, we shot. Okay, we had a three point contest. It's true story. There were cameras. I'm still waiting to get the video of this. The first round, you verse her. You versus her real quick. This is true. And she will back this up. The first round, it was me, Reggie and Caitlin. I think we shot three from each, you know, each. Each five spots. So 15 total. I think we got a shot. Five. She whooped us the first round. I'm like, she whoops us the first round.




And that, and that was the one where, of course, Fox was videotaping. Then I said, you know, I pride myself in a three point shooter. I like to say that my game resembles Chris Mullen of the. Of the pass. Can't jump. Not super athletic, but don't leave me outside the arc.


Just a lefty thing, too. Just a lefty thing.


Yeah, just a lefty. Okay.


Stick together.


So I go, and she. And she talked like, she's great, right? So I go, I go, I want to rematch. So they stopped filming. What? A rematch? I'm pretty sure I shot. I made 18 of 25. I can shoot. Okay. I'm just. I can shoot okay. Or maybe 17, but I went on fire. Okay. And she was like, okay, okay, I see you. She gets to the last rack of five. I think she had to make a four or five to tie me. So she was like 14 of 20 going into the last rack. She tied me. Yeah, no, she. But she hit the last shot to tie. She was sweating. I was I was in her ear.


Oh, you think you had her on the ropes a little bit.


Okay, I had her on the ropes. Now, the point of the story is I didn't win, but I tied the greatest female woman shooter of all time in a three point contest. And I want to rematch. I want to rematch. And I know, like, she going to back me on this. She's going to come on the pod one day. Okay, so, you know, shout out to Caitlin clark. Shout out to Wendy's. I I'm showing the sign. I pulled this from a box, rather I'm a car.


Is that a poll, or did she send that to you as a consolation for tying her in the three point contest?


Oh, gosh.


Hold on.


I tied. I tied the. I tied the homie Caitlin Clark in a three point contest. Claim to fame. Book it.


Your story is you definitely told you.


It's way better.


It's way better for sure. And that is our can't get enough sauce on the moment week brought to you by Wendy's. Thank you for that. All right, you something that got a.


Lot of excited about that, by the way.


Yeah, cuz, and I'm. I'm fired up now. Cause something that got a lot of traction in the first episode was you throwing that ridiculous bet to me about the jets getting to the super Bowl. I have to wear a first. It's a 77. I got calls from back home.


Not off to a great start, buddy.


If this is like the mob, we got calls from back home about your guy Matt.


What does he say?


You can't wear a 76 jersey. Hearing you say all that, you seem pretty confident. You don't. We're getting to know each other. I know you weren't impressed with my boxing abilities. I don't know if Glazer swung you, but I'm pretty confident I could beat you handily in a three point contest. Mind you, you know nothing about me when it comes to physical basketball ability, you know, zero. So let's make a little bit.


Are you serious?


I'm dead serious.


You're dead serious?


Let's figure out. We don't.


This is coming from the guy who stopped playing pickup basketball because, what, he pulled a hammy or he got fouled too hard? Well, what happened? Why'd you stop playing pickup?


I stopped playing.


I stopped playing pickup because I had a double hip replacement. And by the way, I'm back. I'm ready to go.


I stopped playing pickup because I'm older, and I'm even older than you, and I don't want to pop my achilles, which I saw three in like two months. Yeah, so that made me end my pickup basketball button.


As far as shooting, by the way, I'm gonna. Dude, I'm going on you. I'm gonna find some clip of you shooting, dude, I guarantee one clips.


I'll send you clips.




Over time, overtime made a highlight reel.


Well, let's make a bet. I mean, I would say there's zero chance you beat me. A three point contest. Zero.


All right, well, listen, if you're listening out there, get on the throwback social media at throwback show.


By the way, why don't we stakes.


Cuz you went right for the juggler with like a 76 ers jets jersey. I'm coming at you.


Let's see, let's see. Let's see what. Let's see what the guy want to like, what. We'll post this up and we'll, we'll, we'll start it like, what is the, what is, uh. You know, if I win, what does Jerry have to do? If Jerry wins, what do I have to do?


I will fly personally to LA for. Even if it's for 24 hours.


And we're going to film this too.


When's the last jump shot you took? What's the last jump shot?


Dude, I play. I play horse, like every day.


I know you play beach volleyball a lot. And I get that shout out, shout.


Out to the bay club here. I play horse every time I go to the gym. I am. I gotta be honest, I'm like one of the best horse players of all time, too. I'm a set shooter, dude. I'm a set shooter.


I'm not scared of lefties. I'm gonna show up like Woody Harrelson and white man can't jump. And I'm already in your head, Jerry.


You'Re not in my head this bad.


I'm just here, I'll end this part of the show.


I'm a perfect. I'm a professional athlete, dude, you do not get in my head.


There is nothing better you think you be. I. Listen, we're ending this. I want a full. I want a full week to think of the most savage bet. Because what you did is unforgivable. You made a savage beta show. No, it's not. Look, the jets are fine. Actually moved the ball a little bit. The Niners are just better. That being said, you made an all, like, you went for their juggler bet. So I'm cut. We're gonna talk to some people. I'm gonna make this savage. It's to the point where you're gonna hear it and go, ooh, that's a little scary. I don't know if I wanna do that.


The funny thing is, I'm not even. I'm not scared, so.


Okay. Okay. I'm gonna send you highlights. Social media, you're gonna see. Wait, by the way, my old. My highlight reel.


Something. Some. If you. Something's gonna be involving a 76 ers jersey. Guaranteed. Guaranteed.


And now we have people in our great chat already saying that they could be. I may get you on.


I may get you on WFAN wearing the 76 jersey.


Well, we'll talk more about next week, too, because something happened when I did co host on WFAN, where someone called in and called me out for a pickup game moment. That. But we don't have enough time for that, because also, I remembered something. The part par parlor was the sports bar where you had all the fans talking trash to you, right?


Never. Yeah. I'll never step foot in that place again.


You know, I've. I've been to that sports bar. That sports bar gets packed. It's a huge.


It was. I was like. I was like a sardine in there.


I. Yeah, there's. There's a lot of people in there. But it did also bring up really fast a memory for me that I could not. I just have to say it. And I went on a date. I think I. We were at a restaurant, too, in West Hollywood. Came out of the restaurant, I walked a young lady. It's not my wife. Don't worry. My wife. I walked into her car, and she took out her phone for something. I don't know. She unlocked it, and the first scre. I wasn't looking. She was holding it casually in front of me, and I saw a screen popped up, and it said, her google. Hilarious Google search was Jerry Ferrara net worth. Not a match.


Oh, dude, that's.


I think she was disappointed by the results and the not.


She's like, gosh, entourage. Entourage didn't pay that well back.


Yeah, HBO must not really pay that well.


Are we. Are we wrapping up?


We are wrapping up. I'm pretty into your travel schedule. Where are you heading this week?


We'll be in Madison, Wisconsin.




All time. One of my all time favorite places. Haven't gone in a couple of years. We got Bama traveling to Wisconsin. Might be a good game. Might not be a good game. I don't know. The spreads pretty big, but it's rad, dude. Jump around, plays at the fourth quarter.


Jump around is their thing, right?


It's their thing. I've done really cool. Have you? Yeah. I'm gonna. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna selfie style video that thing. I think I'm gonna try and do that.


It's a lot of fun. I went years ago, back when Russell Wilson was still in Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Nebraska. Did jump around and then went to this place. They're like. I guess it's like the college bar on it. The KK or the KK club, something like that.


Yeah, I've heard about that.




Listen, I'm staying. I'm staying till Sunday. Madison people from Madison. I'm going to the KK bar Saturday night. I'm gonna do it. I'm going. I got. I got the wife in town. I got friends in town. I'm gonna be one with the college students. I don't know. It might not end well for me. I might step in, might step out, but I'm gonna go. So, y'all listeners from Madison, you could see me at the KK bar. I heard it's the place to be. I'm over 40. I get it. I'm gonna watch a little college football at night, have a couple drinks, celebrate being on the road. My friends, my wife. Yeah. What could go wrong?


Let me ask you. I've only been to, like, two campuses in my life. Obviously, SC is, like, fantastic. But you've been to enough college campuses. Now, was there ever that moment where you looked at a campus, this looks like a fun place to play football. I'm happy with where I went, but I could second have seen myself here for years.


You know what's so interesting is, like, we like, USC is not. It's not a college town, right? It's just not a college campus town vibe. I think USC is a beautiful campus in a not so great area, but it's not like a. It's not like a. I've been to all these college towns. It's just not. It's not Madison. It's not Iowa City. It's not like. It's just not these places. It's not state college, like, or Happy Valley, Penn State. It's just not these places. And now, granted, when I was there, it was pretty awesome because we were. We were basically Hollywood. We were just running it. But it wasn't like you're running the show, like, oh, this is a college town. Like, whatever. When I go to these places, I sometimes am like, I don't.


I never.


I never like, oh, I wish I went there, but I was like, it would have been cool to experience a small town, college town feel that I've never experienced. So that's why I enjoy going to these places. That's why, like, I, I went to a TCU bar last year with my wife and friends because I'm like, let's go to old stockyards in Fort Worth. And you experience it. Like, you know, I'm older, I get it, but it's fun. Like, like, I didn't get to have that in college. Now I had a much different experience that I would never take back, but that's kind of the vibe of these places, man. So I always enjoy, enjoy going to these cool towns.


Dan Patrick hit us with that awesome question. We were on Dan Patrick's show last Friday and he said the question of the day was better to be in LA as the starting USC quarterback or starring on an HBO show. I think I even sided with you on that one. I think, I think you win. I think. I'll tell you what, you're not going to win. You're not going to win the three point contest.


Oh, my God. I can't believe that we're actually going to do that.


I need your help. If you're listening on social media and you can follow us again at Throwback show, send me some suggestions on the most savage bet I could make Mister liner pay. Good show today, buddy.


Dude, awesome.


You have fun and be safe.


We're back. We're back. Throwbacks are back.


Throwbacks are back. Take care, everybody.



