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Owen Wilson stars in Tom Slick: mystery Hunter, an action-packed, thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy Tom Slick.


No one will cut off my head, not yours. Vladimir said, It won't happen. I will protect you. Everything will be all right. But the conversation finished on the note where I understood that the army friend wasn't really satisfied. I reached out to Sasha again the next day, and he came to that place where we usually met. I was almost screaming at him. I was like, What the How you didn't pick up the phone. You freaking me out. I thought something happened to you. And he said, The reason why I couldn't contact you is because for the whole night and day, I was spying on our commander. And you'll be shocked what I will tell you right now. In these documents which I photographed, there was a few times written the name of our commander.Sasha, when he was spying on our commander, our commander had a meeting with Vladimir's friend. Then he said, Why our commander sent us to this drug operation, and we arrested people and we confiscated drugs, and yet now he's speaking with this guy. I asked Sasha if he has done any photos or anything like that. So apparently he did, which is good. And also we had this document stating that our commander was involved. So more I had some evidence, some compromise, let's say, to our commander. I started to dig in more. And eventually, In my head, I created a plan how to save myself and Vladimir out of all this big mess.Chapter 31, The Sting. The next day, Elia met with her friend Anna, who was part of the gang's entourage, to see if she knew anything more about what was going on.She said the man with whom she was dating, he said to that the whole gang started to be divided. So slowly, the army friend were bringing his people together to create a good confrontation towards Vladimir's people. I felt sorrow because I started to realize that there is something going on behind his back, and he doesn't even know. You I wanted to protect him.This is probably not standard practice for an undercover agent, but this is what happens when you mix love and war. As much as the state would like to turn people into robots, or at least sociopaths without empathy, they're still human at the end of the day, and a human connection usually wins over a work order. When Elia met with Vladimir next, she tried to find a way to hint to him that his army friend, his second command who had saved his life during the war, might be plotting to betray him.I tried to start the conversation, and I asked him, Do you trust your friend? And he said, Yeah, I trust him. He saved my life. I owe him for that. I understood that moment that it would be just almost impossible to tell him anything. I thought, I will find a way how to make it right. So next day, we met with Sasha again, and he gave me some photos. There were a couple of photos of our commander standing with this army friend. And he told me, I'm worried about my life, he said. I know too much now, and you do. And he said, If something happens with me, promise that you will take care of this information and you will make sure that he will get what he deserve. That moment, I remembered about Cornel because I remember that dinner when I first time met my future commander, and I remembered them sitting and drinking vodka and just having this look to other. Something told me that all of them involved in this thing, something. It's just like a gut feeling. But yet, without evidence, it's just a thought.Elia told Sasha about the colonel, her abuser at the military academy, and the commander's close friend, and asked if it was possible to see if the colonel was involved with the gang at all. Sasha replied that they should just keep taking the trafficking network and watching everyone closely, and eventually, the truth would be revealed.He said, Let's see what would be their reaction. Once we know, we will understand who is really involved in there and who is not.They decided to raid another one of the spots on Vladimir's map. They timed the operation to take place during a celebration that the gang was planning for a member's birthday. This way, Elia could watch everyone's responses.Then Sasha We can arrest them, and we will see how other people in this chain, how will they respond. That day, we organized everything. I remember even what I was wearing that day.That afternoon, Elia's colleague, Sasha, showed up with her team at the suspected drug dealing operation, and as usual, sent it an informant to buy drugs with marked money. Meanwhile, Elia was with Vladimir at the gang member's birthday celebration.Everybody was drinking for the house of the birthday person, and suddenly, the army guy stand up and he leaves. Somebody called him. I opened my bag and I texted Sasha that the army guy just left. Vladimir is here. I'm just like, I'm controlling the whole situation. I will text you. What's going on? He texted me. It's okay. We work on it. I will text you later. And I never heard from him since that moment.Tom Slick, February 14th, 1958. We just heard it. The proof.Owen Wilson is Tom Slick, mystery hunter.To track the Yeti is an expectation of life and death, Mr. Slick. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.That's why I'm here. We're going to die. Nellis, when chance arrives, act.God, I need my blood pressure checked after that. Mom, you don't have to listen to this if it's too much. These are my father's untold stories. I am listening.Join Claire and Liv Slick, played by Sissy Spasick and Skyler Fisk, as they uncovered the truth behind a man they thought they knew.Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.Late on the evening of March 8, 1971, a group of anti-war activists did something insane. Holy shit, we are really here. This is really happening. They weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens, but they needed to know the truth about the FBI.Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti-war marches.Even if that meant risking everything.I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire.I'm Ed Helms, host of Snapoo. Season 2, Medberg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI.If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.Listen to season 2 of Snaffe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.I'm sitting there. Vladimir is stressed. He's receiving some calls, he replies, but it's all like, yes, no, yes, no. I couldn't understand what's going on. I'm just sitting, but I'm going to the toilet, text to Sasha, Hey, what's up? Text me. No answer. Came back again from the toilet, sitting again with Vladimir, everybody drinking and so on. I couldn't eat or drink. I was just sitting there and pretending that I'm okay and I'm smiling. Go to the toilet, text Sasha. No messages back. Coming back, again sitting, stressing, again, and again, and again, and again. I had this feeling inside of me where something is not We were driving home, and Vladimir was sitting with almost probably the same face because we didn't really talk. I was just opening my bag and trying to see the telephone, my small Matarola, if there any message from Sasha, and it wasn't. It was empty. We just drove back. When we came to the city, Vladimir was intense, and I said, I don't feel good. I want to just lay down. Can you drop me home? And he's like, Yeah, of course. Besides, I want to check something, too.So he dropped me home, and I didn't call to the commander, obviously, and I didn't call anyone apart from one person who was in our team. I texted him. He didn't reply. I called him. He picked up the call, and I said, Hey, it's me. What's going on? I heard his voice was almost broken. His voice sounded so far away. I asked him, Do you know where is Sasha? He said, Yes. I said, What happened? Can you tell me? He said, So we sent our drug bait guy who does all this transaction with the Mark money. When we entered the house, we entered the main door. He said, There was few Afghani men, and they started to shoot. Sasha was the first who entered as the commander of the team. And he said he was the one who received the first bullet. And I asked him, Sasha always wearing the bullet protection jacket? He said, Yes, he does. And I said, So is he okay? He said, No. No. And I said, Where was the bulletproof jacket? And he didn't reply to me and said, Where was the bulletproof jacket? I was almost screaming. And he said, He's in the mark.I said, What's going on with the commander? What did he say? He said he was really pissed off. And he said that he's all going to put us to jail because they did the whole operation without his permission. I standing there at the room, and I just couldn't do anything. I... You know this feeling where I started to hate the strong anger, the anger that he's just not here anymore, and the guilt.Bélia felt that the commander or someone must have told the drug dealers to expect a raid and to expect impunity. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had their guns out and started firing immediately.I just hated our commander so much. I felt like he betrayed Sasha. He betrayed his own people for his own good. It was a very dark, dark day. I remember Sasha told me the last time I saw him, If something happened to me, promise me that you will get the justice and you will finish this case. And I gave him this word. And I had almost like every single evidence towards my commander. I had photos him and the criminal leader, this army friend of Vladimir. I had handwritten name on the papers, and I was thinking, Okay, so if I will have all these documents and all this evidence as, whom do I go to prove it that my commander is criminal? And there was one main commander who was the general of the whole state. The next morning on a Monday, I called to the receptionist of the general. I said to her, I have some information about the case. I have some evidence. I need to speak with the commander. And she said to me, Oh, you can pass me information. I'll give it to him. I said, No, I need to meet him in person.I cannot give this information to anyone apart from him. She said, I will speak with him. And just basically, in a few minutes, she called me back. She said, When can you come in? I said, I can come in in 30 minutes. She said, He will be waiting for you. I got dressed. I put the files into USB. I took the USB. I took these photos which Sasha gave me. I was just thinking if I can really trust, but I wanted just to understand if he knows anything or not, and if he's really involved or not. So I came into the main building, beautiful, with the big columns. Then I walk through the security check. I said, I have an appointment with the general. They let me in. I went upstairs to the second floor. I came to the reception and there was a woman about 45 years old, and she was having this strict face like all the military people do. And she said, He's waiting for you.To Die For continues in episode 15.He told me, This is the end. This is the last moment of your life. And when he told that, he punched me from the side so hard that it just crushed my bone.To Die For is a production of Tenderfoot TV, in association with iHeartPodcasts. The show is hosted and written by me, Neil Strauss, with additional writing assistance by Tristan Bankson. Executive producers are myself, Donald Albright, and Payne Lindsay. For iHeart podcasts, executive producers are Matt Frederick and Alex Williams. Lead producer and editor is Tristan Bankson. Additional editing by Miles Clark and Kristen Brown. Supervising producer, Tracey Kaplin. Consultants include Nushin Velizadeh, Chelsea Gooden, and Jamie Albrecht. Artwork by Byron McCoy. Original music by Makeup and Vanity Set. Mixed and mastered, by Daten Cole. Our theme song is Killer Shangri-La by Psychotic Beats featuring Patti Amour. Special thanks to Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media & Marketing, Oren Siegel, Becky Jensen, The Nord Group, Merta Steadman, Rose Barouk, and Alex Vespestead.Owen Wilson stars in Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, an action-packed, thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy Tom Slick.No one has been able to find the Yeti. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.That's why I'm here. Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? We know what we're looking for. We know what we're looking for. Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling.I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire.So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


will cut off my head, not yours. Vladimir said, It won't happen. I will protect you. Everything will be all right. But the conversation finished on the note where I understood that the army friend wasn't really satisfied. I reached out to Sasha again the next day, and he came to that place where we usually met. I was almost screaming at him. I was like, What the How you didn't pick up the phone. You freaking me out. I thought something happened to you. And he said, The reason why I couldn't contact you is because for the whole night and day, I was spying on our commander. And you'll be shocked what I will tell you right now. In these documents which I photographed, there was a few times written the name of our commander.


Sasha, when he was spying on our commander, our commander had a meeting with Vladimir's friend. Then he said, Why our commander sent us to this drug operation, and we arrested people and we confiscated drugs, and yet now he's speaking with this guy. I asked Sasha if he has done any photos or anything like that. So apparently he did, which is good. And also we had this document stating that our commander was involved. So more I had some evidence, some compromise, let's say, to our commander. I started to dig in more. And eventually, In my head, I created a plan how to save myself and Vladimir out of all this big mess.


Chapter 31, The Sting. The next day, Elia met with her friend Anna, who was part of the gang's entourage, to see if she knew anything more about what was going on.


She said the man with whom she was dating, he said to that the whole gang started to be divided. So slowly, the army friend were bringing his people together to create a good confrontation towards Vladimir's people. I felt sorrow because I started to realize that there is something going on behind his back, and he doesn't even know. You I wanted to protect him.


This is probably not standard practice for an undercover agent, but this is what happens when you mix love and war. As much as the state would like to turn people into robots, or at least sociopaths without empathy, they're still human at the end of the day, and a human connection usually wins over a work order. When Elia met with Vladimir next, she tried to find a way to hint to him that his army friend, his second command who had saved his life during the war, might be plotting to betray him.


I tried to start the conversation, and I asked him, Do you trust your friend? And he said, Yeah, I trust him. He saved my life. I owe him for that. I understood that moment that it would be just almost impossible to tell him anything. I thought, I will find a way how to make it right. So next day, we met with Sasha again, and he gave me some photos. There were a couple of photos of our commander standing with this army friend. And he told me, I'm worried about my life, he said. I know too much now, and you do. And he said, If something happens with me, promise that you will take care of this information and you will make sure that he will get what he deserve. That moment, I remembered about Cornel because I remember that dinner when I first time met my future commander, and I remembered them sitting and drinking vodka and just having this look to other. Something told me that all of them involved in this thing, something. It's just like a gut feeling. But yet, without evidence, it's just a thought.


Elia told Sasha about the colonel, her abuser at the military academy, and the commander's close friend, and asked if it was possible to see if the colonel was involved with the gang at all. Sasha replied that they should just keep taking the trafficking network and watching everyone closely, and eventually, the truth would be revealed.


He said, Let's see what would be their reaction. Once we know, we will understand who is really involved in there and who is not.


They decided to raid another one of the spots on Vladimir's map. They timed the operation to take place during a celebration that the gang was planning for a member's birthday. This way, Elia could watch everyone's responses.


Then Sasha We can arrest them, and we will see how other people in this chain, how will they respond. That day, we organized everything. I remember even what I was wearing that day.


That afternoon, Elia's colleague, Sasha, showed up with her team at the suspected drug dealing operation, and as usual, sent it an informant to buy drugs with marked money. Meanwhile, Elia was with Vladimir at the gang member's birthday celebration.


Everybody was drinking for the house of the birthday person, and suddenly, the army guy stand up and he leaves. Somebody called him. I opened my bag and I texted Sasha that the army guy just left. Vladimir is here. I'm just like, I'm controlling the whole situation. I will text you. What's going on? He texted me. It's okay. We work on it. I will text you later. And I never heard from him since that moment.


Tom Slick, February 14th, 1958. We just heard it. The proof.


Owen Wilson is Tom Slick, mystery hunter.


To track the Yeti is an expectation of life and death, Mr. Slick. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.


That's why I'm here. We're going to die. Nellis, when chance arrives, act.


God, I need my blood pressure checked after that. Mom, you don't have to listen to this if it's too much. These are my father's untold stories. I am listening.


Join Claire and Liv Slick, played by Sissy Spasick and Skyler Fisk, as they uncovered the truth behind a man they thought they knew.


Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.


Late on the evening of March 8, 1971, a group of anti-war activists did something insane. Holy shit, we are really here. This is really happening. They weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens, but they needed to know the truth about the FBI.


Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti-war marches.


Even if that meant risking everything.


I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire.


I'm Ed Helms, host of Snapoo. Season 2, Medberg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI.


If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.


Listen to season 2 of Snaffe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


I'm sitting there. Vladimir is stressed. He's receiving some calls, he replies, but it's all like, yes, no, yes, no. I couldn't understand what's going on. I'm just sitting, but I'm going to the toilet, text to Sasha, Hey, what's up? Text me. No answer. Came back again from the toilet, sitting again with Vladimir, everybody drinking and so on. I couldn't eat or drink. I was just sitting there and pretending that I'm okay and I'm smiling. Go to the toilet, text Sasha. No messages back. Coming back, again sitting, stressing, again, and again, and again, and again. I had this feeling inside of me where something is not We were driving home, and Vladimir was sitting with almost probably the same face because we didn't really talk. I was just opening my bag and trying to see the telephone, my small Matarola, if there any message from Sasha, and it wasn't. It was empty. We just drove back. When we came to the city, Vladimir was intense, and I said, I don't feel good. I want to just lay down. Can you drop me home? And he's like, Yeah, of course. Besides, I want to check something, too.


So he dropped me home, and I didn't call to the commander, obviously, and I didn't call anyone apart from one person who was in our team. I texted him. He didn't reply. I called him. He picked up the call, and I said, Hey, it's me. What's going on? I heard his voice was almost broken. His voice sounded so far away. I asked him, Do you know where is Sasha? He said, Yes. I said, What happened? Can you tell me? He said, So we sent our drug bait guy who does all this transaction with the Mark money. When we entered the house, we entered the main door. He said, There was few Afghani men, and they started to shoot. Sasha was the first who entered as the commander of the team. And he said he was the one who received the first bullet. And I asked him, Sasha always wearing the bullet protection jacket? He said, Yes, he does. And I said, So is he okay? He said, No. No. And I said, Where was the bulletproof jacket? And he didn't reply to me and said, Where was the bulletproof jacket? I was almost screaming. And he said, He's in the mark.


I said, What's going on with the commander? What did he say? He said he was really pissed off. And he said that he's all going to put us to jail because they did the whole operation without his permission. I standing there at the room, and I just couldn't do anything. I... You know this feeling where I started to hate the strong anger, the anger that he's just not here anymore, and the guilt.


Bélia felt that the commander or someone must have told the drug dealers to expect a raid and to expect impunity. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had their guns out and started firing immediately.


I just hated our commander so much. I felt like he betrayed Sasha. He betrayed his own people for his own good. It was a very dark, dark day. I remember Sasha told me the last time I saw him, If something happened to me, promise me that you will get the justice and you will finish this case. And I gave him this word. And I had almost like every single evidence towards my commander. I had photos him and the criminal leader, this army friend of Vladimir. I had handwritten name on the papers, and I was thinking, Okay, so if I will have all these documents and all this evidence as, whom do I go to prove it that my commander is criminal? And there was one main commander who was the general of the whole state. The next morning on a Monday, I called to the receptionist of the general. I said to her, I have some information about the case. I have some evidence. I need to speak with the commander. And she said to me, Oh, you can pass me information. I'll give it to him. I said, No, I need to meet him in person.


I cannot give this information to anyone apart from him. She said, I will speak with him. And just basically, in a few minutes, she called me back. She said, When can you come in? I said, I can come in in 30 minutes. She said, He will be waiting for you. I got dressed. I put the files into USB. I took the USB. I took these photos which Sasha gave me. I was just thinking if I can really trust, but I wanted just to understand if he knows anything or not, and if he's really involved or not. So I came into the main building, beautiful, with the big columns. Then I walk through the security check. I said, I have an appointment with the general. They let me in. I went upstairs to the second floor. I came to the reception and there was a woman about 45 years old, and she was having this strict face like all the military people do. And she said, He's waiting for you.


To Die For continues in episode 15.


He told me, This is the end. This is the last moment of your life. And when he told that, he punched me from the side so hard that it just crushed my bone.


To Die For is a production of Tenderfoot TV, in association with iHeartPodcasts. The show is hosted and written by me, Neil Strauss, with additional writing assistance by Tristan Bankson. Executive producers are myself, Donald Albright, and Payne Lindsay. For iHeart podcasts, executive producers are Matt Frederick and Alex Williams. Lead producer and editor is Tristan Bankson. Additional editing by Miles Clark and Kristen Brown. Supervising producer, Tracey Kaplin. Consultants include Nushin Velizadeh, Chelsea Gooden, and Jamie Albrecht. Artwork by Byron McCoy. Original music by Makeup and Vanity Set. Mixed and mastered, by Daten Cole. Our theme song is Killer Shangri-La by Psychotic Beats featuring Patti Amour. Special thanks to Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media & Marketing, Oren Siegel, Becky Jensen, The Nord Group, Merta Steadman, Rose Barouk, and Alex Vespestead.


Owen Wilson stars in Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, an action-packed, thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy Tom Slick.


No one has been able to find the Yeti. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.


That's why I'm here. Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.


Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? We know what we're looking for. We know what we're looking for. Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling.


I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire.


So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.