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Owen Wilson stars in Tom Mystery Hunter, an action packed thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy Tom Slick.


No one has been able to find the yeti. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.


That's why I'm here. Listen to my show Tom slick mystery hunter on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or I or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories ever.


Get the feeling someone's watching you?


We know they're looking for us.


We know well, in 1971, a group of anti war activists had that feeling.


I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire.


So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's dirty secrets.


We had some idea that this was pretty explosive.


I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season two of Snafu on the iHeartRadio app. Apple podcasts or wherever get your podcasts. All eight episodes of to die for are available now to binge absolutely free. But for ad free listening and exclusive bonuses, subscribe to Tenderfoot or on Apple Podcasts.


Warning the following contains graphic descriptions of violence and sexual assault that may be too intense or triggering to some listeners. Discretion is advised.


There was like one main commander who was the general of the whole state. I called to the receptionist of the general. I said to her, I have some information about the case. I need to speak with the commander. She said, when can you come in? I said, I can come in like in 30 minutes. She said, he will be waiting for you. I put the files into USB. I took the USB, I came into the main building, and I walk through the security check. I came to the reception and there was a woman, and she said, he's waiting for you. I walked in, I said, hello, and he said, sit down. I sat down in front of him and he was sitting looking at me. And he said, it's a very unusual situation. What do you have? And I was scared because he was in the power just to throw me to jail. Usually if you do something wrong while you're working and then you go to jail, somebody will eventually murder you. And I said, I've been working for this department. And my commander, he sent me to that mission to infiltrate criminal gang.


And while I was working on that mission, I found out some information and my partner who been working with me on this case just being killed. And he said, yes, I know. What do you have? And I said that I found out some documents which have the name of my commander and these photos which are stating that he has connection with the criminal gang. And I gave him these documents and he was looking at this like for a very long time. And then he put the USB which I gave him to his computer and he was really studying it. And he said to me, tell me everything you know from the beginning, almost like an hour. I was just telling him the whole story from the beginning. And then he said, I heard about your father. I used to know who is he? And he said, such a pride that daughter of such a great officer sacrificed her life for the mission, for the work to serve the country. And he said, I thank you for your service. And since you've done your mission successfully, I want to send you to the promotion. I would recommend you to be sent abroad.


For you, it would be better not to be here, it would be risky for your life. I said, what other position do you mean? And he said, this would be strictly for FSB working abroad. And I said, no, I want my freedom. I cannot do this anymore. I don't want to work here anymore. And he said, well, it's impossible. Do you really think that after trainings and after all these investments into your education, do you think you just can say like, sorry, I'm tired and I just want to leave. Look at your dad. He served his country all his life. How can you just let him down so much? I don't want to let him down, but I just. I can't do it anymore. And he said, well, you can take a break if you want to, but then in couple months when you will be alright and you will rest and everything, I'll send it to a very good profession. You don't need to deal with criminals anymore. There will be much better targets. And when I was walking out from this building, I felt like I need to get out so fast. So fast.


I ran out of the stairs and had turned left and I saw this big tree outside and I remember I just stopped and I hugged the tree and I started to cry. I cried so much and so strong. I was scared and I felt relief. I came home, I wanted to speak with Vladimir, and he texted me, he's like, I'll see you soon. I texted back, yes, I'll see you soon. Looking forward. And I was preparing myself to explain him about what was happening all this time and the way I met him. He thought, if I will tell him everything, maybe it will change his mind and maybe we can escape together to some other place without all this darkness and crime. I came downstairs and I saw the same car. And the driver, which I know for so long, he came outside, he took my hand like that. He opened the door and he pushed me into the car. And that exactly moment I understood that he knows and I understood that I'm fucked. I saw three guys, which obviously I know, and they know me. But that time, they were not smiling and they were not nice to me.


They look at me with very angry eyes, and they just pushed me in the middle of the seat. And then another guy, he put the bag, the bag from where they used to put potatoes. And when he put this bag on my hat, I understood that that's it. I said, like, it's a mistake. Wait, I need to explain to you. And the same guy, who am I feeding my food, which I was cooked for them, he said to me, shut the fuck up. We were driving, and I just could hear. Sometimes they would speak between each other quietly, like, where is he? Okay, he's coming. And I didn't cry. I was just staying silenced inside of my brain. And my head is just, I need to speak with Vladimir. I need to speak with him. I need to speak with him. Eventually, they stopped the car and we arrived to somewhere. I could feel the fresh air and the smell of the trees. And I understood that we are in the forest. And the guy just pushed me out of the car. I fall on the floor, and he just, like, took my hand. It just started to drug me.


And I felt that my neck, my shoulders getting hurt by the sticks of the trees. I felt that my skin was, like, scratched. The bag was still on my face. I heard another car stopped. It was bad because I heard that voice. The voice I was scared that time. Fucking bitch. Bring her to me. It was the voice of the. Of the best friend of Vladimir who saved his life, who now was ready to kill me like he's a fucking hero. Like he found a traitorous. And now with my killing, he would become the hero of the fucking gang. I felt this pride in his voice. The guy who drugged me was just dropped my hand. I sat on my such a. I felt his body laying on me so I couldn't even move. And he started to enter me with this painful. I couldn't scream. And I. He laid on me so strong with his body that I couldn't even breathe. I just heard that all of them were standing around me. All of them were standing around me and just laughing and saying, like, yeah, come on, just like, give her harder. What, bitch? Do you like it? I need some time. It's okay. It's still. Still hard. The worst was that when you feel like, I'm not doing this anymore, I'm not. Like I'm different. I changed. But yet nobody listens to you. And they don't care. It's just like, you're the traitor. And from them, they never let traitors to leave.It's like, it's impossible. It's like, you know, she's a mole. She's a mole. They were like, screaming. And when he was raping me, he said, oh, he said, I wanted to do it so badly. From the moment I saw you, I knew you fucking mole. I knew that you some kind of, like, clever woman or some clever, like shit. He said, like, you cannot play me. And like that, you know, like, he, he said, like, finally I got you. Finally. Finally he got me. He told me, this is the end. This is the last moment of your life. He had these breast knuckles in his fist. And when he told that, he punched me from this side so hard that I still have a scarf here. Then it just kind of crushed my bone as well. So I have a lack of the bone here too. I don't know. How long was it, like, going on? At some point, I fainted. I just couldn't I couldn't handle it. But then I I heard they were arguing, and I, my mind came back to me, and I just couldn't understand why I'm still alive. Vladimir called my phone.All this time. He was waiting for me, as always. He called and he called, and obviously I didn't pick up the phone. I couldn't. First of all, he called to his guy, to his friend. I don't know exactly what was the conversation, but what I understood when they were arguing with each other, where they would have tell, like, she's a mole, she's the mole. She has to be killed right now. Like, fuck that shit. Just like, let's fucking finish her hair. And then another guy said, like, we can't just finish her hair. He's waiting. Like, he will be fucking kill all of us if you do it without his permission. He said to bring her to him. And they were hesitating, and they were arguing, and the army friend then said, fuck it. Let's just finish her in front of him if he wants it. And one of the guys came to me, and he pushed me. So was all bleeding. I could even feel inside of my mouth, my blood, my own blood. And my whole body was in pain. And I already, to be honest, like, I just didn't want to leave. It was already so painful that I just didn't want, I just wanted to be ended.I was so tired and so exhausted, and I just wanted to see Vladimir before I wanted to tell him. They pushed me into the car like a, like a, just, just a body, like, almost, like, just, they threw me inside, and I couldn't even cry or something, and I didn't speak. All my body was shaking. And we arrived to his house, and when we arrived, they started to take me out from the car, and he already was standing outside, and he said with his sharp voice, bring her to me now. And I couldn't walk, so they just took me with my shoulders, just like, almost, like, walk me inside. And they brought me to that dining carrier where we used to have dinners. And I fall on the floor, and they all came, and they all started to scream, she's a fucking mole. Like, let's fucking finish her right now. We were ready to finish her. Why didn't you let us? Like, what the fuck? And then his army friend, he said, I have all the evidences. Our informer said, she's the agent. They blew up all the operation a couple days ago. She was involved in every single information, every single operation we did.She's the one who made us lose many, like, kilos of drugs and money. And she's the reason of all of our problems. And Avladimir looked at my body, and he said, out. Everybody will, like, give her to us. Just let us finish her. And he said again, out. I said, out. And his army friend said, wait, listen, like, we need to deal with this together. He said. I said, out. And everybody laughed.Tom Slick. February 14, 1958. We just heard it.Owen Wilson is Tom Slick, mystery hunter.To track the Yeti is an expedition of life and death. Mister Slick. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.That's why I'm here.We're gonna die.Nullus. When chance arrives, act.God. I need my blood pressure checked. After that.Mom, you don't have to listen to this if it's too much.These are my father's untold stories. I am listening.Join Claire and Liv Slick, played by Sissy Spacek and Skyler Fisk, as they uncover the truth behind a man they thought they knew.Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.Late on the evening of March 8, 1971, a group of anti war activists did something insane.Holy. We are really here. This is really happening.They weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens. But they needed to know the truth about the FBI. Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti war marches, even if that meant risking everything.I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire.I'm Ed Helms, host of Snafu season two, Medburg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI.If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.Listen to season two of Snafu on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.It was just me and him and the room. It was just silence for a while. He came to me closer, and he sat down on the floor, and he looked at me, and he took my face, and I felt his strong hands. And I started to cry with the tears of everything. From the first beginning, from the first day I went to the military academy, from the first day I took the oath. He looked at me, and he asked me. He asked me only one question. Only one. And the question was, do you love me? And I cried. And I looked at him. I said, yes. I do. I do love you very much. He took my face closer, and he hold me, and he told me, tell me everything. Tell me everything from the beginning, I felt blood on my, coming from my face and to my eyes and my mouth. My whole body was in pain. And the first time in my life, I told the whole truth about myself, about what I knew, what I've been through about my childhood and how I ended up being an agent, how I manipulated him and planned everything and set him up.And while I was telling him everything I knew, I was crying. He was listening. He didn't say a word. And I saw pain in his eyes. And by the time I finished my story, Vladimir told me his side, everything he knew, and it fit together like a puzzle. We both came to understand together that my commander wanted Zadka. It's a black cash money, the bribery money from drug trafficking operations coming from Afghanistan. But Vladimir told me he was already paying the bribe for the different businesses he had to the general I met with. So my own commander sent me to this mission to basically just get rid of Vladimir. And when I was revealed to be a mole, the gang would turn against Vladimir for causing them all these problems and choose a new leader. That was his goal, because he wanted to install in the gang somebody who will be loyal to him, who would pay him the kickback from the drug business for the long term. And it was the army friend. And when Vladimir realized that his own friend, whom he trusted all his life, betrayed him, it almost killed him. I told him, we still have time.We still have a chance. Let's move away. I told him that the general with whom I spoke, and just before that, I said, like, he told me, I have to leave. He said, yes, totally agree with him, you have to leave. He gave me the number of one person in Moscow who supposed to hide me and just helped me out in the beginning for, like, some time. He said, you stay quiet for a little bit. Don't go anywhere and don't do anything. I will give you some telephone numbers of people I know in Turkey, in Greece, in Switzerland, because of my passport and everything. He said, first you fly to Turkey, and then from Turkey, you can fly to other countries, and later I will come and we will go somewhere together. But for now, I need to sort out all the situation with my former friend, whom I trusted the most. And I need to figure out the whole situation with my gang. I need to crown someone who will be able to take care about everything I built. I can't just let down everybody he gave me some money and he said not to communicate with anyone, even with my parents.He said to me in the end, now you have your freedom. Now you're free. And the driver, his friend, whom I never seen before, he came like in early, early morning, and he put me into the cardinal and he drove me away.You've been listening to episode 15, chapter 32, to hell and back.I have to kill you. I'm really sorry. I had to do it. Gotta come on my own. You didn't care. Stuff behind. I was holding my count. I got you. I tell you all. I had to kill you. Was it so much fun?Aaliyah's story concludes in the next episode.I didn't know what was happening, and I was just in another world. And I asked him, what's happening? And he said, like, I don't know a lot of details, but he was murdered.If you or a loved one are a survivor of sexual assault, you can visit that's or call 1806 564673 for free. Confidential 24/7 support to die for is a production of Tenderfoot TV in association with I heart podcasts. The show is hosted and written by me, Neal Strauss, with additional writing assistance by Tristan Bangston. Executive producers are myself, Donald Albright, and Payne Lindsay. For I Heart podcasts. Executive producers are Matt Frederick and Alex Williams. Lead producer and editor is Tristan Bankston. Additional editing by Miles Clark and Christian Brown. Supervising producer, Tracy Kaplan. Consultants include Nooshin Felizide, Chelsea Gooden, and Jamie Albrighthe. Artwork by Byron McCoy. Original music by makeup and Vanity set, mixed and mastered by Dayton Cole. Our theme song is Killer Shangri La by psychotic beats, featuring Paddy Amore. Special thanks to Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media and marketing. Oren Siegel, Becky Jensen, the Nord Group, Meredith Stedman, Rose Barouch, and Alex vespasted.Owen Wilson stars in Tom Slick Mystery Hunter, an action packed thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy.Tom Slick able to find the Yeti. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.That's why I'm here. Listen to my show Tom slick mystery hunter on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories ever.Get the feeling someone's watching you.We know they were looking for us.We know they well. In 1971, a group of anti war activists had that feeling.I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to.Stop the fire, do something insane break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's dirty secrets.We had some idea that this was pretty explosive.I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season two of Snafu on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


such a. I felt his body laying on me so I couldn't even move. And he started to enter me with this painful. I couldn't scream. And I. He laid on me so strong with his body that I couldn't even breathe. I just heard that all of them were standing around me. All of them were standing around me and just laughing and saying, like, yeah, come on, just like, give her harder. What, bitch? Do you like it? I need some time. It's okay. It's still. Still hard. The worst was that when you feel like, I'm not doing this anymore, I'm not. Like I'm different. I changed. But yet nobody listens to you. And they don't care. It's just like, you're the traitor. And from them, they never let traitors to leave.


It's like, it's impossible. It's like, you know, she's a mole. She's a mole. They were like, screaming. And when he was raping me, he said, oh, he said, I wanted to do it so badly. From the moment I saw you, I knew you fucking mole. I knew that you some kind of, like, clever woman or some clever, like shit. He said, like, you cannot play me. And like that, you know, like, he, he said, like, finally I got you. Finally. Finally he got me. He told me, this is the end. This is the last moment of your life. He had these breast knuckles in his fist. And when he told that, he punched me from this side so hard that I still have a scarf here. Then it just kind of crushed my bone as well. So I have a lack of the bone here too. I don't know. How long was it, like, going on? At some point, I fainted. I just couldn't I couldn't handle it. But then I I heard they were arguing, and I, my mind came back to me, and I just couldn't understand why I'm still alive. Vladimir called my phone.


All this time. He was waiting for me, as always. He called and he called, and obviously I didn't pick up the phone. I couldn't. First of all, he called to his guy, to his friend. I don't know exactly what was the conversation, but what I understood when they were arguing with each other, where they would have tell, like, she's a mole, she's the mole. She has to be killed right now. Like, fuck that shit. Just like, let's fucking finish her hair. And then another guy said, like, we can't just finish her hair. He's waiting. Like, he will be fucking kill all of us if you do it without his permission. He said to bring her to him. And they were hesitating, and they were arguing, and the army friend then said, fuck it. Let's just finish her in front of him if he wants it. And one of the guys came to me, and he pushed me. So was all bleeding. I could even feel inside of my mouth, my blood, my own blood. And my whole body was in pain. And I already, to be honest, like, I just didn't want to leave. It was already so painful that I just didn't want, I just wanted to be ended.


I was so tired and so exhausted, and I just wanted to see Vladimir before I wanted to tell him. They pushed me into the car like a, like a, just, just a body, like, almost, like, just, they threw me inside, and I couldn't even cry or something, and I didn't speak. All my body was shaking. And we arrived to his house, and when we arrived, they started to take me out from the car, and he already was standing outside, and he said with his sharp voice, bring her to me now. And I couldn't walk, so they just took me with my shoulders, just like, almost, like, walk me inside. And they brought me to that dining carrier where we used to have dinners. And I fall on the floor, and they all came, and they all started to scream, she's a fucking mole. Like, let's fucking finish her right now. We were ready to finish her. Why didn't you let us? Like, what the fuck? And then his army friend, he said, I have all the evidences. Our informer said, she's the agent. They blew up all the operation a couple days ago. She was involved in every single information, every single operation we did.


She's the one who made us lose many, like, kilos of drugs and money. And she's the reason of all of our problems. And Avladimir looked at my body, and he said, out. Everybody will, like, give her to us. Just let us finish her. And he said again, out. I said, out. And his army friend said, wait, listen, like, we need to deal with this together. He said. I said, out. And everybody laughed.


Tom Slick. February 14, 1958. We just heard it.


Owen Wilson is Tom Slick, mystery hunter.


To track the Yeti is an expedition of life and death. Mister Slick. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.


That's why I'm here.


We're gonna die.


Nullus. When chance arrives, act.


God. I need my blood pressure checked. After that.


Mom, you don't have to listen to this if it's too much.


These are my father's untold stories. I am listening.


Join Claire and Liv Slick, played by Sissy Spacek and Skyler Fisk, as they uncover the truth behind a man they thought they knew.


Listen to my show, Tom Slick, mystery Hunter, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories.


Late on the evening of March 8, 1971, a group of anti war activists did something insane.


Holy. We are really here. This is really happening.


They weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens. But they needed to know the truth about the FBI. Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti war marches, even if that meant risking everything.


I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire.


I'm Ed Helms, host of Snafu season two, Medburg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI.


If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.


Listen to season two of Snafu on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


It was just me and him and the room. It was just silence for a while. He came to me closer, and he sat down on the floor, and he looked at me, and he took my face, and I felt his strong hands. And I started to cry with the tears of everything. From the first beginning, from the first day I went to the military academy, from the first day I took the oath. He looked at me, and he asked me. He asked me only one question. Only one. And the question was, do you love me? And I cried. And I looked at him. I said, yes. I do. I do love you very much. He took my face closer, and he hold me, and he told me, tell me everything. Tell me everything from the beginning, I felt blood on my, coming from my face and to my eyes and my mouth. My whole body was in pain. And the first time in my life, I told the whole truth about myself, about what I knew, what I've been through about my childhood and how I ended up being an agent, how I manipulated him and planned everything and set him up.


And while I was telling him everything I knew, I was crying. He was listening. He didn't say a word. And I saw pain in his eyes. And by the time I finished my story, Vladimir told me his side, everything he knew, and it fit together like a puzzle. We both came to understand together that my commander wanted Zadka. It's a black cash money, the bribery money from drug trafficking operations coming from Afghanistan. But Vladimir told me he was already paying the bribe for the different businesses he had to the general I met with. So my own commander sent me to this mission to basically just get rid of Vladimir. And when I was revealed to be a mole, the gang would turn against Vladimir for causing them all these problems and choose a new leader. That was his goal, because he wanted to install in the gang somebody who will be loyal to him, who would pay him the kickback from the drug business for the long term. And it was the army friend. And when Vladimir realized that his own friend, whom he trusted all his life, betrayed him, it almost killed him. I told him, we still have time.


We still have a chance. Let's move away. I told him that the general with whom I spoke, and just before that, I said, like, he told me, I have to leave. He said, yes, totally agree with him, you have to leave. He gave me the number of one person in Moscow who supposed to hide me and just helped me out in the beginning for, like, some time. He said, you stay quiet for a little bit. Don't go anywhere and don't do anything. I will give you some telephone numbers of people I know in Turkey, in Greece, in Switzerland, because of my passport and everything. He said, first you fly to Turkey, and then from Turkey, you can fly to other countries, and later I will come and we will go somewhere together. But for now, I need to sort out all the situation with my former friend, whom I trusted the most. And I need to figure out the whole situation with my gang. I need to crown someone who will be able to take care about everything I built. I can't just let down everybody he gave me some money and he said not to communicate with anyone, even with my parents.


He said to me in the end, now you have your freedom. Now you're free. And the driver, his friend, whom I never seen before, he came like in early, early morning, and he put me into the cardinal and he drove me away.


You've been listening to episode 15, chapter 32, to hell and back.


I have to kill you. I'm really sorry. I had to do it. Gotta come on my own. You didn't care. Stuff behind. I was holding my count. I got you. I tell you all. I had to kill you. Was it so much fun?


Aaliyah's story concludes in the next episode.


I didn't know what was happening, and I was just in another world. And I asked him, what's happening? And he said, like, I don't know a lot of details, but he was murdered.


If you or a loved one are a survivor of sexual assault, you can visit that's or call 1806 564673 for free. Confidential 24/7 support to die for is a production of Tenderfoot TV in association with I heart podcasts. The show is hosted and written by me, Neal Strauss, with additional writing assistance by Tristan Bangston. Executive producers are myself, Donald Albright, and Payne Lindsay. For I Heart podcasts. Executive producers are Matt Frederick and Alex Williams. Lead producer and editor is Tristan Bankston. Additional editing by Miles Clark and Christian Brown. Supervising producer, Tracy Kaplan. Consultants include Nooshin Felizide, Chelsea Gooden, and Jamie Albrighthe. Artwork by Byron McCoy. Original music by makeup and Vanity set, mixed and mastered by Dayton Cole. Our theme song is Killer Shangri La by psychotic beats, featuring Paddy Amore. Special thanks to Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media and marketing. Oren Siegel, Becky Jensen, the Nord Group, Meredith Stedman, Rose Barouch, and Alex vespasted.


Owen Wilson stars in Tom Slick Mystery Hunter, an action packed thrill ride based on the mostly true tale of explorer, scientific legend, and alleged spy.


Tom Slick able to find the Yeti. It's a mystery that does not want to be solved.


That's why I'm here. Listen to my show Tom slick mystery hunter on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your most thrilling adventure stories ever.


Get the feeling someone's watching you.


We know they were looking for us.


We know they well. In 1971, a group of anti war activists had that feeling.


I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to.


Stop the fire, do something insane break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's dirty secrets.


We had some idea that this was pretty explosive.


I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season two of Snafu on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.