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Hey guys, welcome to another huge episode of Triggered. Joe Biden is scheduled to have his quote unquote big boy presser, the big press conference where he proves that he's not an imbecile. Don't believe you're lying. I folks, it's going to be interesting. That's going to be in about 30 minutes. Let's see if he manages to actually be a big boy and stay up well past his bedtime. You remember last week they said Joe Biden functions fairly competently between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 04:00 p.m. so this is going to be a couple hours past nap time. Should be interesting. Maybe he walks off, but we'll be covering it live and I will be commentating over the top of it simultaneously so you'll get to hear my witty take on the shit show that we are about to witness. So we'll have some fun with that. I'll also be taking your questions or responding to your comments in the live feed during that. So if you're going to watch what I imagine will be an abject disaster, this is probably the place to do it. So we'll have some fun. But 1st 1st we'll be talking with Arizona Senate candidate my friend Kerry Lake in just a few moments and then we'll dip into the presser.


We'll cover the news of the week. I'll give you my live reaction. So we have a lot of ground to cover tonight. Could be a long one, depending on how long Joe's able to stand up. And given that, I guess he requested a seat for the debate, I imagine it won't be that long. So we'll have plenty of time to fill afterwards where we can get into the details and have a good time. So make sure you guys are liking sharing subscribing, okay? That's how we get ahead of the algorithm everywhere. The rest of big tech, as we all know and talk about all the time, is stacked against us. So we have to work harder to make sure that we break through all of that noise and actually grow this movement. Remember, you can also get the podcast. You can get it on Spotify. You can get triggered on Spotify. You can get it on Apple podcasts. If you miss the show here on Rumble, if you have friends that perhaps get their podcast that way, let them know about it. It's because of you guys that we can make this happen. So that's a big deal.


If you can share it, we get the message out for all of the top headlines that we'll spotlight here on the show. Go check out my news app, mxm News, like minute by minute, mxm News, where you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias. And also, guys, make certain, make certain that you guys make the parallel economy a part of every purchase. You can do that on public Square. On Public Square, you can buy with your beliefs. You can let your dollars reflect your values. You can literally vote with your wallet and support great american patriotic businesses rather than the liberal communist patriarchy that you see in corporate America. Don't give your money to companies who hate you. Okay? That's a simple concept. This is not rocket science folk. Give it to freedom loving companies who actually support you. And if you're a business, by the way, there are millions of consumers who are willing to do that. They're willing to look and to find you. So list your business on public square and move our country one step closer to defeating woke capital. Reject Dei, reject ESG, all of the rest of the far left madness.


Go download the public Square app today or go to check it out. And together, we will build the patriot economy and save our country. So since we're going, we're going to do it a little bit reverse. We're not going to do news of the day. We're going to get to carry. Now we're going to have some fun with this. So now Joe Biden, we're told, is going to go to the podium at around 630. So I wanted to bring Kerry Lake on here, Senate candidate from Arizona, a great friend, a fighter, to preview, to preview a little bit of what we may see tonight. And with that, I'll give you Carrie Lake. Kerry, how are you?


I'm doing great. Good to see you, Don. I hope all is well with you and the family and a belated happy birthday.


Well, there's a lot of birthdays floating around, so. But, yeah, no, thank you so much. Nearly 200 democrats voted this week against proof of citizenship to vote. I mean, clearly the Democrats have been flooding the borders with illegals. Obviously, your home state of Arizona, it's a major issue and problem there. And with the democratic governor there, clearly they're not doing anything about it. But 200, they, they voted against even, you know, having to show a proof of citizenship to vote. I, they followed Joe Biden's orders to vote against the Save act. Do you think democrats that vote with Biden need to also be cognitively tested? Because I think it's time, but that's just my opinion.


It's just so unamerican, so anti american. It's America last. And my opponent, Ruben Gallego, voted against it. He voted to let illegals vote in the election, in this upcoming election. It's shocking. I actually, I really did think, and I'm admitting this, I thought more democrats would come over, do the right thing on this. I was shocked to find out only four did the right thing. And Ruben Gallego voted to basically let illegals come into this country and vote. But think about it. They have no other choice. The american people hate the Democrat party's destructive, dead end policies to America. And his bumbling Joe is blue collar Joe. He's never worked a blue collar job in his life. But minor details, remember, he was the guy that pushed George Clooney and all of these things. George Clooney finally came out. It's enough. It's different. It's time to move on. George Clooney still worked clear three weeks ago, held a fundraiser for Joe Biden. I think they raked in about $30 million. So you're telling me that George Clooney didn't know that this was a disaster, then?He's been doing events with him for the last four years. George Clooney knew. He's complicit. He lied to the american people. Either that or George Clooney is perhaps dumber than Joe Biden himself, which is a very distinct possibility. Okay, just because you're a good at pretending doesn't mean you're necessarily intelligent. We should be very clear about that. Obama, again, is likely behind it all. He's never been a fan of Joe. It was always Obama. Okay? It was about him. This was just the useful idiot. Remember Obama's quote, never underestimate Joe's ability to f things up. Well, Biden has clearly effed it all up. NBC News and the New York Times are now both reporting that Biden campaign aides think he has no shot of winning and they want to convince him to drop out. Even Biden's cabinet secretaries are leaking. One of them told CNN today that they don't know what condition Joe Biden is in. His cabinet secretaries don't know. Who knows? Maybe Biden will drop out during the press conference, which was supposed to start about two minutes ago. But, you know, again, who knows what they're jacking up Joe with? If Joe Biden is out, it would appear that Kamala Harris is up.I've told you about how radical she is. Here's a video that summarizes her incredibly well. Eventually, everyone would be taken off a private, the private plan that their company currently has.Yes. There's no question. I'm in favor of banning fracking.Do you ban plastic straws?I think we should, yes. I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green new deal on day one. We're going to repeal she cut her foot on, like, some glass. Alina, she cut her foot on some glass. Hey, everything's gram worthy these days. So it ended up on Instagram, and I commented. I was like, hey, these screenshots are going big on, like, you know, some adult foot fetish websites or whatever. It is. And then everyone's like, ah, you're flirting. I don't know, man. I think I'm pretty clear that I'm just breaking balls. But you know, what? What can you do? So the liberals were saying that I was like, you know, inappropriate with this. It's like, I don't know, guys. I literally put it on Instagram in, like, the private comments. It's not like this is a screenshot of, like, a DM or some nonsense.Like, give me a break. But, uh, but we had a laugh about that one. So let's see. Did it. Have you eaten bear? Yes. Yeah, bear can actually be good. Like, you know, you gotta. You got to take a little bit more time in preparation. Almost like pork. Like, you don't want to eat, like, you know, medium rare bear. That's not good. They carry, like, they'll carry trichinosis and some of the other things that you can get from, like, pork. Basically. It's. It's almost like, in the same family. But bear meat itself is actually, you know, better than most. There's a lot of people that, you know, you know, don't really like it, and there's, frankly, places where there's just a lot of them. But, no, I actually do like bear. Mate, have you ever hunted or fished in Idaho? You would love it. I have. I've fished, I guess, the salmon river in Idaho in the past. Long time ago. I hunted elk there two years ago. So, yeah, no, I've had some great times in Idaho. When I graduated college, I literally got in my car, like, a week after graduation, drove out west, moved to Colorado.I worked in a bar for a year. That was an amazing conversation with my father. You can imagine how that went over. But, like, I literally, you know, I hunted and fished every day. I worked at night so I could do that, you know, took a month off. I'd go to Africa and just literally, you know, with, like, some buddies that were south african that, you know, lived there and, you know, lived out of the back of a truck for six weeks, like, in the african backcountry. Did that a couple times. Like, so, yeah, no, I really like all of that outdoor stuff. I just. I was more familiar with Colorado, went there a lot growing up. But, like, Idaho, all those places, frankly, you know, Idaho, Montana, probably better, especially because of the political views that didn't matter as much 20 years ago. Although it was interesting, you know, I was out in Colorado with my daughter. We do like, a daddy daughter ski trip every year, and this was out back. I guess it was in March. And like, I was in Aspen, like a ski town, because we're going on a ski trip, so it was a little different.And, you know, bringing your daughter and, you know, nice food. We're not gonna sleep in the back of a truck or anything like that. We're trying to do it nice for her. And I was amazed. Like, even a place like super liberal aspen, the amount of people, like, screaming, I cried. Maga, you gotta win this thing. It was pretty amazing. In a town that I was like that I thought went like full libtard. It was sort of telling because it was one of those places like you go. It's almost like, you know, in New York City, like, if you go. If you go into those places, you realize, wait a minute. It's not as bad as I thought. Like, all of the restaurant owners and the waiters and the staff that understand what it's like to work for a living. Like, just super supportive. Like, I was like, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a dinner reservation or get. Not even a little bit. It was sort of amazing. So it was sort of a. To me, it was a great talisman of what was going on, perhaps around the rest of the country.So, guys, it's 07:05. We've been going for an hour. Still no Biden hit. Let's do another poll. Yeah, hit one. Hit one of you thinks he even shows up. Or two if you think he's a no show. And they call it. I'm actually curious. Do you think he just doesn't show? Hit one if you think he shows up. Two if you think he's a no show and just, you know, sort of de facto quits. Quits on us. Two. Two. A lot of twos. A lot of seven. He made a two in his pants. That, listen, I mean, I'd say that's as likely as anything. I would not. We discussed, you know, Whoopi Goldberg's like, hey, she's okay with the president who craps his pants, you know, that was last week. Or I guess. No, I guess we discussed that on Monday. That a lot going on, right? Conventions next week. Been trying to figure out speeches. A lot of twos. So. Wow. No one thinks he's a show. That's interesting. Glaro Q 84 Aspen. Like, I'm talking about a little place called Aspen. Like the dumb and dumber thing. Yeah, now, but that is where I went out after, you know, worked in a bar there for a year and a half.Right out of college and just great experience. Talk about triggering the left towards make Don junior his dad's vp pick. That would. That would be a triggering event, that's for sure. The meds are not working for Beijing. Biden I the truth seeker USA I that could be true. I mean, what time is it supposed to be? It was supposed to be at 630. So you're 40 minutes late. I mean, that's pretty late. And, like, that's the thing with Joe Biden. Like, every minute that's later is like, that's like, exponential. You know, we're now way past bedtime, right? We're. We're over 3 hours past when his own staff said he's able to function reasonably well. You saw that one last week, you know, between the hours of ten and four. I just truly hope our enemies weren't watching that so they don't decide to, like, hit us during happy hour at five because, you know, Joe Biden will be out. I mean, isn't it past this bedtime? It feels like it. It feels like it, but, you know, hey, this is the big boy presser. So he may, he may drag this in. Maybe we go to eight.Nice place for a rally, Aspen. I don't know about a rally, but. No, it's interesting. I know a lot of people there, and a lot of that was always, you know, democrat money. It's obviously a super wealthy town, whatever it may be. But, like, those guys are, they're coming around. Don Junior, a great man, good father, your dear kids. Well, I try. I try. Deanna H. 6651. I'm loving the regular don at bar conversation. That's interesting. Well, listen, if you guys give me those questions, I don't care. We don't have to talk about politics. If you guys are interested, I'll talk about it all. You know, we're just now. I'm just killing time. If it wasn't for the fact that we're waiting for this, I'd say, hey, we can go. I wouldn't mind having dinner. I haven't even eaten yet today. I've been too busy. So let's see. Okay, Nirthat hatchet pulled him out. Yeah, that's like nurse Ratchet. But that's Joe Biden right now. And Hunter's running the show, so that's an interesting. Is he late because they're changing his depends? Quite possibly. Quite possibly. What are we pulling up now? Oh, you're putting his own campaign account tweeted.All right, think about this. Wow. Now we're going to start a conspiracy theory, folks. Joe Biden's own campaign account put out the thing where he called Zelensky Putin. Like, are they self sabotaging it? Like, has his campaign even had enough? Is the campaign saying, hey, we're throwing in the towel. We're going to throw Joe under the bus? And that's amazing, you guys. Okay, you can see it. Wow. I mean, the Biden Harris HQ, it should be low iq, but President Biden, ladies and gentlemen, is going to. He's going to beat Putin. Zelensky. I'm better. They put out the clip. I can't believe it. They're throwing him under the bus. His own campaign. Because, listen, you know, the guy's not doing like with Trump. You can tell when it's his own truth. You know what I mean? It's like, that's, that's, that's him. Because he probably couldn't pay anyone else to put some of that content out. Uh, in this, in this case, uh, wow. They're trying to self sabotage it. That's amazing. Wow. Huh. Let's see. Well, listen, you're right. It's close to his bedtime with every passing minute. Had to get the Parkinson's doctor over for a last minute cognitive test.No, they're not going to do the cognitive test because his doctor is actually, as we discussed on Monday, his doctor is actually a business partner with the Biden's. Now, the Bidens have no actual businesses that aren't tied to, you know, selling Joe access to Joe and to government like that. It's all influence peddling. Right. So you think the doctor is going to say this guy can't, isn't fit? No. Like his entire, that entire partnership is dependent on Joe Biden sitting there. Whether he's actually with it or not doesn't matter as long as they can sell it. You know, they have a business. The second that's no longer saleable, they got no business, and so it's pretty bad. R. Cody, Tennessee loves you, Don Junior. Thank you, Saint fan. 20. He went to the wrong venue, by the way. That's probably true. Let's see. A lot of tulsi for VP here. I don't know if that's the same person over and over, but I keep seeing it. Yeah. Oh, Willie. Yeah, it's okay. It's the. Well, it's on every night next week. So again, like share, subscribe now, you know, follow if you're not already. That way you can get notifications that we're going on because it's going to be a little bit of a different schedule. I'm going to be more on regularly. We may do a couple of random ones there. So just wanted to make sure you guys are aware of that and that you don't miss any of it because, you know, let's just say I'll probably have some pretty good access. So with that, I'm going to go eat dinner because I'm freaking starving. I haven't eaten yet today. And you guys have a great evening. I will see you Monday night, I guess, from Milwaukee. Have a great night, guys. Be good.


to America. And his bumbling Joe is blue collar Joe. He's never worked a blue collar job in his life. But minor details, remember, he was the guy that pushed George Clooney and all of these things. George Clooney finally came out. It's enough. It's different. It's time to move on. George Clooney still worked clear three weeks ago, held a fundraiser for Joe Biden. I think they raked in about $30 million. So you're telling me that George Clooney didn't know that this was a disaster, then?


He's been doing events with him for the last four years. George Clooney knew. He's complicit. He lied to the american people. Either that or George Clooney is perhaps dumber than Joe Biden himself, which is a very distinct possibility. Okay, just because you're a good at pretending doesn't mean you're necessarily intelligent. We should be very clear about that. Obama, again, is likely behind it all. He's never been a fan of Joe. It was always Obama. Okay? It was about him. This was just the useful idiot. Remember Obama's quote, never underestimate Joe's ability to f things up. Well, Biden has clearly effed it all up. NBC News and the New York Times are now both reporting that Biden campaign aides think he has no shot of winning and they want to convince him to drop out. Even Biden's cabinet secretaries are leaking. One of them told CNN today that they don't know what condition Joe Biden is in. His cabinet secretaries don't know. Who knows? Maybe Biden will drop out during the press conference, which was supposed to start about two minutes ago. But, you know, again, who knows what they're jacking up Joe with? If Joe Biden is out, it would appear that Kamala Harris is up.


I've told you about how radical she is. Here's a video that summarizes her incredibly well. Eventually, everyone would be taken off a private, the private plan that their company currently has.


Yes. There's no question. I'm in favor of banning fracking.


Do you ban plastic straws?


I think we should, yes. I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green new deal on day one. We're going to repeal she cut her foot on, like, some glass. Alina, she cut her foot on some glass. Hey, everything's gram worthy these days. So it ended up on Instagram, and I commented. I was like, hey, these screenshots are going big on, like, you know, some adult foot fetish websites or whatever. It is. And then everyone's like, ah, you're flirting. I don't know, man. I think I'm pretty clear that I'm just breaking balls. But you know, what? What can you do? So the liberals were saying that I was like, you know, inappropriate with this. It's like, I don't know, guys. I literally put it on Instagram in, like, the private comments. It's not like this is a screenshot of, like, a DM or some nonsense.Like, give me a break. But, uh, but we had a laugh about that one. So let's see. Did it. Have you eaten bear? Yes. Yeah, bear can actually be good. Like, you know, you gotta. You got to take a little bit more time in preparation. Almost like pork. Like, you don't want to eat, like, you know, medium rare bear. That's not good. They carry, like, they'll carry trichinosis and some of the other things that you can get from, like, pork. Basically. It's. It's almost like, in the same family. But bear meat itself is actually, you know, better than most. There's a lot of people that, you know, you know, don't really like it, and there's, frankly, places where there's just a lot of them. But, no, I actually do like bear. Mate, have you ever hunted or fished in Idaho? You would love it. I have. I've fished, I guess, the salmon river in Idaho in the past. Long time ago. I hunted elk there two years ago. So, yeah, no, I've had some great times in Idaho. When I graduated college, I literally got in my car, like, a week after graduation, drove out west, moved to Colorado.I worked in a bar for a year. That was an amazing conversation with my father. You can imagine how that went over. But, like, I literally, you know, I hunted and fished every day. I worked at night so I could do that, you know, took a month off. I'd go to Africa and just literally, you know, with, like, some buddies that were south african that, you know, lived there and, you know, lived out of the back of a truck for six weeks, like, in the african backcountry. Did that a couple times. Like, so, yeah, no, I really like all of that outdoor stuff. I just. I was more familiar with Colorado, went there a lot growing up. But, like, Idaho, all those places, frankly, you know, Idaho, Montana, probably better, especially because of the political views that didn't matter as much 20 years ago. Although it was interesting, you know, I was out in Colorado with my daughter. We do like, a daddy daughter ski trip every year, and this was out back. I guess it was in March. And like, I was in Aspen, like a ski town, because we're going on a ski trip, so it was a little different.And, you know, bringing your daughter and, you know, nice food. We're not gonna sleep in the back of a truck or anything like that. We're trying to do it nice for her. And I was amazed. Like, even a place like super liberal aspen, the amount of people, like, screaming, I cried. Maga, you gotta win this thing. It was pretty amazing. In a town that I was like that I thought went like full libtard. It was sort of telling because it was one of those places like you go. It's almost like, you know, in New York City, like, if you go. If you go into those places, you realize, wait a minute. It's not as bad as I thought. Like, all of the restaurant owners and the waiters and the staff that understand what it's like to work for a living. Like, just super supportive. Like, I was like, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a dinner reservation or get. Not even a little bit. It was sort of amazing. So it was sort of a. To me, it was a great talisman of what was going on, perhaps around the rest of the country.So, guys, it's 07:05. We've been going for an hour. Still no Biden hit. Let's do another poll. Yeah, hit one. Hit one of you thinks he even shows up. Or two if you think he's a no show. And they call it. I'm actually curious. Do you think he just doesn't show? Hit one if you think he shows up. Two if you think he's a no show and just, you know, sort of de facto quits. Quits on us. Two. Two. A lot of twos. A lot of seven. He made a two in his pants. That, listen, I mean, I'd say that's as likely as anything. I would not. We discussed, you know, Whoopi Goldberg's like, hey, she's okay with the president who craps his pants, you know, that was last week. Or I guess. No, I guess we discussed that on Monday. That a lot going on, right? Conventions next week. Been trying to figure out speeches. A lot of twos. So. Wow. No one thinks he's a show. That's interesting. Glaro Q 84 Aspen. Like, I'm talking about a little place called Aspen. Like the dumb and dumber thing. Yeah, now, but that is where I went out after, you know, worked in a bar there for a year and a half.Right out of college and just great experience. Talk about triggering the left towards make Don junior his dad's vp pick. That would. That would be a triggering event, that's for sure. The meds are not working for Beijing. Biden I the truth seeker USA I that could be true. I mean, what time is it supposed to be? It was supposed to be at 630. So you're 40 minutes late. I mean, that's pretty late. And, like, that's the thing with Joe Biden. Like, every minute that's later is like, that's like, exponential. You know, we're now way past bedtime, right? We're. We're over 3 hours past when his own staff said he's able to function reasonably well. You saw that one last week, you know, between the hours of ten and four. I just truly hope our enemies weren't watching that so they don't decide to, like, hit us during happy hour at five because, you know, Joe Biden will be out. I mean, isn't it past this bedtime? It feels like it. It feels like it, but, you know, hey, this is the big boy presser. So he may, he may drag this in. Maybe we go to eight.Nice place for a rally, Aspen. I don't know about a rally, but. No, it's interesting. I know a lot of people there, and a lot of that was always, you know, democrat money. It's obviously a super wealthy town, whatever it may be. But, like, those guys are, they're coming around. Don Junior, a great man, good father, your dear kids. Well, I try. I try. Deanna H. 6651. I'm loving the regular don at bar conversation. That's interesting. Well, listen, if you guys give me those questions, I don't care. We don't have to talk about politics. If you guys are interested, I'll talk about it all. You know, we're just now. I'm just killing time. If it wasn't for the fact that we're waiting for this, I'd say, hey, we can go. I wouldn't mind having dinner. I haven't even eaten yet today. I've been too busy. So let's see. Okay, Nirthat hatchet pulled him out. Yeah, that's like nurse Ratchet. But that's Joe Biden right now. And Hunter's running the show, so that's an interesting. Is he late because they're changing his depends? Quite possibly. Quite possibly. What are we pulling up now? Oh, you're putting his own campaign account tweeted.All right, think about this. Wow. Now we're going to start a conspiracy theory, folks. Joe Biden's own campaign account put out the thing where he called Zelensky Putin. Like, are they self sabotaging it? Like, has his campaign even had enough? Is the campaign saying, hey, we're throwing in the towel. We're going to throw Joe under the bus? And that's amazing, you guys. Okay, you can see it. Wow. I mean, the Biden Harris HQ, it should be low iq, but President Biden, ladies and gentlemen, is going to. He's going to beat Putin. Zelensky. I'm better. They put out the clip. I can't believe it. They're throwing him under the bus. His own campaign. Because, listen, you know, the guy's not doing like with Trump. You can tell when it's his own truth. You know what I mean? It's like, that's, that's, that's him. Because he probably couldn't pay anyone else to put some of that content out. Uh, in this, in this case, uh, wow. They're trying to self sabotage it. That's amazing. Wow. Huh. Let's see. Well, listen, you're right. It's close to his bedtime with every passing minute. Had to get the Parkinson's doctor over for a last minute cognitive test.No, they're not going to do the cognitive test because his doctor is actually, as we discussed on Monday, his doctor is actually a business partner with the Biden's. Now, the Bidens have no actual businesses that aren't tied to, you know, selling Joe access to Joe and to government like that. It's all influence peddling. Right. So you think the doctor is going to say this guy can't, isn't fit? No. Like his entire, that entire partnership is dependent on Joe Biden sitting there. Whether he's actually with it or not doesn't matter as long as they can sell it. You know, they have a business. The second that's no longer saleable, they got no business, and so it's pretty bad. R. Cody, Tennessee loves you, Don Junior. Thank you, Saint fan. 20. He went to the wrong venue, by the way. That's probably true. Let's see. A lot of tulsi for VP here. I don't know if that's the same person over and over, but I keep seeing it. Yeah. Oh, Willie. Yeah, it's okay. It's the. Well, it's on every night next week. So again, like share, subscribe now, you know, follow if you're not already. That way you can get notifications that we're going on because it's going to be a little bit of a different schedule. I'm going to be more on regularly. We may do a couple of random ones there. So just wanted to make sure you guys are aware of that and that you don't miss any of it because, you know, let's just say I'll probably have some pretty good access. So with that, I'm going to go eat dinner because I'm freaking starving. I haven't eaten yet today. And you guys have a great evening. I will see you Monday night, I guess, from Milwaukee. Have a great night, guys. Be good.


she cut her foot on, like, some glass. Alina, she cut her foot on some glass. Hey, everything's gram worthy these days. So it ended up on Instagram, and I commented. I was like, hey, these screenshots are going big on, like, you know, some adult foot fetish websites or whatever. It is. And then everyone's like, ah, you're flirting. I don't know, man. I think I'm pretty clear that I'm just breaking balls. But you know, what? What can you do? So the liberals were saying that I was like, you know, inappropriate with this. It's like, I don't know, guys. I literally put it on Instagram in, like, the private comments. It's not like this is a screenshot of, like, a DM or some nonsense.


Like, give me a break. But, uh, but we had a laugh about that one. So let's see. Did it. Have you eaten bear? Yes. Yeah, bear can actually be good. Like, you know, you gotta. You got to take a little bit more time in preparation. Almost like pork. Like, you don't want to eat, like, you know, medium rare bear. That's not good. They carry, like, they'll carry trichinosis and some of the other things that you can get from, like, pork. Basically. It's. It's almost like, in the same family. But bear meat itself is actually, you know, better than most. There's a lot of people that, you know, you know, don't really like it, and there's, frankly, places where there's just a lot of them. But, no, I actually do like bear. Mate, have you ever hunted or fished in Idaho? You would love it. I have. I've fished, I guess, the salmon river in Idaho in the past. Long time ago. I hunted elk there two years ago. So, yeah, no, I've had some great times in Idaho. When I graduated college, I literally got in my car, like, a week after graduation, drove out west, moved to Colorado.


I worked in a bar for a year. That was an amazing conversation with my father. You can imagine how that went over. But, like, I literally, you know, I hunted and fished every day. I worked at night so I could do that, you know, took a month off. I'd go to Africa and just literally, you know, with, like, some buddies that were south african that, you know, lived there and, you know, lived out of the back of a truck for six weeks, like, in the african backcountry. Did that a couple times. Like, so, yeah, no, I really like all of that outdoor stuff. I just. I was more familiar with Colorado, went there a lot growing up. But, like, Idaho, all those places, frankly, you know, Idaho, Montana, probably better, especially because of the political views that didn't matter as much 20 years ago. Although it was interesting, you know, I was out in Colorado with my daughter. We do like, a daddy daughter ski trip every year, and this was out back. I guess it was in March. And like, I was in Aspen, like a ski town, because we're going on a ski trip, so it was a little different.


And, you know, bringing your daughter and, you know, nice food. We're not gonna sleep in the back of a truck or anything like that. We're trying to do it nice for her. And I was amazed. Like, even a place like super liberal aspen, the amount of people, like, screaming, I cried. Maga, you gotta win this thing. It was pretty amazing. In a town that I was like that I thought went like full libtard. It was sort of telling because it was one of those places like you go. It's almost like, you know, in New York City, like, if you go. If you go into those places, you realize, wait a minute. It's not as bad as I thought. Like, all of the restaurant owners and the waiters and the staff that understand what it's like to work for a living. Like, just super supportive. Like, I was like, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a dinner reservation or get. Not even a little bit. It was sort of amazing. So it was sort of a. To me, it was a great talisman of what was going on, perhaps around the rest of the country.


So, guys, it's 07:05. We've been going for an hour. Still no Biden hit. Let's do another poll. Yeah, hit one. Hit one of you thinks he even shows up. Or two if you think he's a no show. And they call it. I'm actually curious. Do you think he just doesn't show? Hit one if you think he shows up. Two if you think he's a no show and just, you know, sort of de facto quits. Quits on us. Two. Two. A lot of twos. A lot of seven. He made a two in his pants. That, listen, I mean, I'd say that's as likely as anything. I would not. We discussed, you know, Whoopi Goldberg's like, hey, she's okay with the president who craps his pants, you know, that was last week. Or I guess. No, I guess we discussed that on Monday. That a lot going on, right? Conventions next week. Been trying to figure out speeches. A lot of twos. So. Wow. No one thinks he's a show. That's interesting. Glaro Q 84 Aspen. Like, I'm talking about a little place called Aspen. Like the dumb and dumber thing. Yeah, now, but that is where I went out after, you know, worked in a bar there for a year and a half.


Right out of college and just great experience. Talk about triggering the left towards make Don junior his dad's vp pick. That would. That would be a triggering event, that's for sure. The meds are not working for Beijing. Biden I the truth seeker USA I that could be true. I mean, what time is it supposed to be? It was supposed to be at 630. So you're 40 minutes late. I mean, that's pretty late. And, like, that's the thing with Joe Biden. Like, every minute that's later is like, that's like, exponential. You know, we're now way past bedtime, right? We're. We're over 3 hours past when his own staff said he's able to function reasonably well. You saw that one last week, you know, between the hours of ten and four. I just truly hope our enemies weren't watching that so they don't decide to, like, hit us during happy hour at five because, you know, Joe Biden will be out. I mean, isn't it past this bedtime? It feels like it. It feels like it, but, you know, hey, this is the big boy presser. So he may, he may drag this in. Maybe we go to eight.


Nice place for a rally, Aspen. I don't know about a rally, but. No, it's interesting. I know a lot of people there, and a lot of that was always, you know, democrat money. It's obviously a super wealthy town, whatever it may be. But, like, those guys are, they're coming around. Don Junior, a great man, good father, your dear kids. Well, I try. I try. Deanna H. 6651. I'm loving the regular don at bar conversation. That's interesting. Well, listen, if you guys give me those questions, I don't care. We don't have to talk about politics. If you guys are interested, I'll talk about it all. You know, we're just now. I'm just killing time. If it wasn't for the fact that we're waiting for this, I'd say, hey, we can go. I wouldn't mind having dinner. I haven't even eaten yet today. I've been too busy. So let's see. Okay, Nirthat hatchet pulled him out. Yeah, that's like nurse Ratchet. But that's Joe Biden right now. And Hunter's running the show, so that's an interesting. Is he late because they're changing his depends? Quite possibly. Quite possibly. What are we pulling up now? Oh, you're putting his own campaign account tweeted.


All right, think about this. Wow. Now we're going to start a conspiracy theory, folks. Joe Biden's own campaign account put out the thing where he called Zelensky Putin. Like, are they self sabotaging it? Like, has his campaign even had enough? Is the campaign saying, hey, we're throwing in the towel. We're going to throw Joe under the bus? And that's amazing, you guys. Okay, you can see it. Wow. I mean, the Biden Harris HQ, it should be low iq, but President Biden, ladies and gentlemen, is going to. He's going to beat Putin. Zelensky. I'm better. They put out the clip. I can't believe it. They're throwing him under the bus. His own campaign. Because, listen, you know, the guy's not doing like with Trump. You can tell when it's his own truth. You know what I mean? It's like, that's, that's, that's him. Because he probably couldn't pay anyone else to put some of that content out. Uh, in this, in this case, uh, wow. They're trying to self sabotage it. That's amazing. Wow. Huh. Let's see. Well, listen, you're right. It's close to his bedtime with every passing minute. Had to get the Parkinson's doctor over for a last minute cognitive test.


No, they're not going to do the cognitive test because his doctor is actually, as we discussed on Monday, his doctor is actually a business partner with the Biden's. Now, the Bidens have no actual businesses that aren't tied to, you know, selling Joe access to Joe and to government like that. It's all influence peddling. Right. So you think the doctor is going to say this guy can't, isn't fit? No. Like his entire, that entire partnership is dependent on Joe Biden sitting there. Whether he's actually with it or not doesn't matter as long as they can sell it. You know, they have a business. The second that's no longer saleable, they got no business, and so it's pretty bad. R. Cody, Tennessee loves you, Don Junior. Thank you, Saint fan. 20. He went to the wrong venue, by the way. That's probably true. Let's see. A lot of tulsi for VP here. I don't know if that's the same person over and over, but I keep seeing it. Yeah. Oh, Willie. Yeah, it's okay. It's the. Well, it's on every night next week. So again, like share, subscribe now, you know, follow if you're not already. That way you can get notifications that we're going on because it's going to be a little bit of a different schedule. I'm going to be more on regularly. We may do a couple of random ones there. So just wanted to make sure you guys are aware of that and that you don't miss any of it because, you know, let's just say I'll probably have some pretty good access. So with that, I'm going to go eat dinner because I'm freaking starving. I haven't eaten yet today. And you guys have a great evening. I will see you Monday night, I guess, from Milwaukee. Have a great night, guys. Be good.


on every night next week. So again, like share, subscribe now, you know, follow if you're not already. That way you can get notifications that we're going on because it's going to be a little bit of a different schedule. I'm going to be more on regularly. We may do a couple of random ones there. So just wanted to make sure you guys are aware of that and that you don't miss any of it because, you know, let's just say I'll probably have some pretty good access. So with that, I'm going to go eat dinner because I'm freaking starving. I haven't eaten yet today. And you guys have a great evening. I will see you Monday night, I guess, from Milwaukee. Have a great night, guys. Be good.