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Hey, guys. Welcome to another huge episode of Triggered. I hope you're all having a great week and that some of you are having an awesome time around the fourth of July. You have some good family plans. Try to do your best to keep all of your fingers. I know if you're watching this, you're probably a pyromaniac like me, and we're going to make sure to try to keep as many digits as possible. Sometimes you may have to sacrifice one for a little bit extra fun, but let's try to avoid all of that. Can't help myself. Sorry, All kidding aside, today, we're sitting down with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlowe. If you remember, Alex was on the show months ago talking about his book, Breaking Biden. During that interview, he basically predicted everything that we're now seeing play out. By the way, you know who else predicted that? Me. In 2020, when I wrote the book, Liberal Privilege, I literally wrote a book about what was going to happen, the cover up of Joe Biden in his recurring dementia, the two brain aneurysms that literally any doctor imaginable would have told you would have had a almost a statistical impossibility that it didn't have major cognitive issues.


And of course, we've been seeing that. So between Alex and I, we've got it covered. But we decided to bring him back to give us the inside scoop on where all of this insanity goes from here. What we're going to be, what we're going to witness, the mental gymnastics of the Liberals trying to figure out how to replace Joe Biden while bypassing the first female woman of color, vice president, yada, yada, yada, because you know it's going to be interesting. It's going to be fun to watch. But if there's someone who can game the system, if there's someone who can just disregard democracy in their primary, where they gave us one choice from the Democrats side, and they forced us to take it and all this, and now we're going to leave it to superdelegates, it's going to be interesting. But if there's someone that If we can get away with those kinds of shenanigans, it will be the Democrats because they have the mainstream media doing their bidding for them. They'll have big tech doing the same, and they'll try to make you think that we are living in a great democracy. Now, none of that matters.


They don't understand that we actually live in a great Republic, but again, they don't have to worry about the details as much as we do. So make sure you guys are liking, make sure you're sharing, make sure you're subscribing, as we talk about all the time, the rest of big tech is stacked So we have to work harder, better, more efficiently to make sure that we break through all of that noise and actually grow this movement. Remember, folks, you could also get triggered on Spotify. You can get it on Apple podcast. So if you miss the show right here on Rumbble, if you have friends that get it elsewhere, if you have friends that perhaps get their podcast in different areas, let them know they can check it out there so we can help grow. And for all of the top headlines that we'll talk about and spotlight on the show, go check out my news app, MXM News, minute by minute. Mxm News. You can get it, Google Play Store, Apple App Store, et cetera, et cetera. So you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias. We've been debanked. We've been all these things.


Probably means you'll actually get the real story and not the stuff that the algorithm is force-feeding you on all the biased platforms. So before we get to Alex, I have to shout out and give a quick word from our incredible sponsors who make this show possible. Guys, Check out the Tax Network USA, okay? Just Tax Network USA, where you can reduce, resolve, and settle tax disputes with the IRS. Along with hiring thousands of new agents, thousands of new agents and field officers, the IRS kicked off 2024 by spending and sending over 5 million pay-up letters to those who have unfiled tax returns or balances owed. Don't waive your rights and speak with them on your own. They are not your friends. Okay, this is good advice. The Tax Network USA folks are a trusted tax relief firm. They have saved over a billion dollars in back taxes for their clients, and they can help you secure the best deal possible. So whether you owe $10,000 or $10 million, they can help you. Whether it's business or personal taxes, they can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. So visit tn, like Tax Network, tnusa.


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Well, guys, joining me now, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief, author of Breaking Biden, Alex Marlo. Alex, good to have you, buddy.


Don, it's great to be back. Always appreciate what you do.


Well, likewise. I think you and I were soothsayers on some of this Biden stuff. I know, obviously, your book, Breaking Biden, we discussed it a couple of months when it came out, the insanity. I know I wrote the book, Liberal Privilege, literally during the 2020 campaign. We were all locked down in COVID. I decided to write a book about it, talking about Joe Biden's cognitive decline. Apparently, I was all conspiratorial for saying such things like two brain aneurysms, like the two brain aneurysms that Joe Biden had, the explosions within his brain that basically any doctor I spoke to said there was almost a statistical impossibility to not have serious long term cognitive decline issues because of it. I'm shocked that we both turned out to be 100% right and everyone will still go to bed covering it up. But what have you found the craziest about the mental gymnastics we're seeing from the left today?


Yeah, well, what's fascinating to me right now is that I wrote in Breaking Biden, which came out last October, and I probably wrote the introduction maybe a year before that, I wrote basically, no matter what, they're going to stick with him. And how badly is that theory getting tested right now? Because you would think he has to go, but he really can't. They really don't have a lot of moves to remove him because first First of all, it starts with he's got to be willing to do it, and there's nothing in his character to suggest that he will. Second of all, it's such a murky, messy path to get rid of him. But all of these people who, after the debate night, were acting as though, Oh, well, now we've seen too much. What are you guys talking about? He's always been this way. And all of you are going to say that. At least start the sentence with, I'm an idiot, but, or I should have said this a year ago, but, or, I should have said this 50 years ago, but. They just roll into, Oh, well, now he's too old. Now he's too crazy.


It's unbelievable to watch them. They have no sense of self that they can do that.


Yeah. I want to just like a replay like the Joe Scarborough clip from two weeks ago. Like, this is the best we've ever seen Biden. This is the best version of Joe Biden, literally in 50 years. I'm like, I don't know, man. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. But why don't you get into the details of that a little bit? We hear, Oh, well, they could just replace them. It's not that simple. These people Well, they preach about democracy a lot, but they gave the American public, or at least American Democrats, they gave them one choice to vote for the guy in charge. They threw others off the ticket or made it impossible for them to get on there. Now, there's talk about trying to replace them at a convention where 30 to 130 elite Democrats of the party get to decide bypassing the American public and everyone else? Talk about the details of that, because there's obviously the money that they've raised so far. I'm to understand, this is all fundamentally a witch hunt and it should be illegal. Now, If I was Steve, I don't know. He tested this legal theory that executive privilege could be extended to him. And I don't know what to think of that strategy. But I will tell you that Steve has achieved immortality with this. By giving the middle finger to people who deserve it, he dare them to drop the hammer on him, knowing that if they did, he would be a martyr for all of history, which he is. But that said, it's all injustice. He shouldn't be going to prison.It's all a witch hunt. And all of these people who are responsible for this, we need to come after them once President Trump wins. They're all pursuing people who are in pursuit of their First Amendment rights to speak out. And that is under assault in this country. And pursuing Steve the way they did, I think, is a fundamental violation of civil rights, and all those held accountable, it should be looked into immediately once President Trump is in.I think without question. I went and visited Pierre Navarro, who did this, basically did the same thing, too, who's been serving a four-month sentence. He's getting out next week, right before the convention. But balance this out. Taking a guy like Banon off the chess board for four months. Now, he's not entirely off the chess board because I think the outrage that travels with that probably counterbalances some of that. But what do you think? Does that outrage, does taking him off the chess board, does it help their cause, or does it just highlight to people how far we fall? And then maybe we're in trouble. What do you think? Because I imagine there's just to try to, again, silence as many voices as possible in the coming months. But does this just make him louder, even if he's not able to be on the air?Now, Dod, I don't want to flatter you too much, but you're getting good at this because you're asking the questions that are the hardest to answer because I was 100% in the camp that the martyring of Steve is more powerful than anything he could do in the next four months. I was there putting him in jail. It was so symbolic. It's going to be such a way to ignite the base. It's going to be such a catalyst for the base. His audience is so loyal and dedicated that it's going to be a win for Steve. In the long run, it'll be a win for us in the short run. And now I'm thinking about it, and I don't know. The more I've had time to think about it, the power of Steve's voice being out there, the fact that he could be called upon by people to give advice, insight, wisdom, a fiery pep talk, I think it's going to be missed. So I think I've come a little bit slightly to the side, this is a big shame that this is happening, but I could very easily be convinced to go back to this is all good, stay the course, and he'll be out in four months, stronger than ever.Yeah, I'm torn on it myself. When the news first broke, what was it now? A couple of months ago, I was like, Hey, the only person happier about this than the Democrats is probably Steve himself, right? Same. He was good. I was like, he's loving every second of this. And now I'm like, Yeah. But once it becomes real, and I know they wanted to jail me as well, and they're certainly trying to still jail my father, and they've probably come up with an excuse to try to jail me again sometime in the not too distant future, one way or the other. But yeah, I'm not sure. I just hope it's a wake-up call to those to understand that. But I also hope it's a wake-up call to those who do have a voice, who do utilize it, who do have a platform to also not back down, because that's clearly what some of this is. Going after my father isn't just a signal to my father or our family. It's a signal to anyone else who would come in from outside of the swamp, anyone else who's an outsider, say, Hey, don't do this. It's not going to be easy.We're not... Someone who should be making trillion-dollar decisions because they've done more than simply be a bureaucrat, unlike like so many of those in DC, they don't want them ever in the game. And I think a big part of this is all signaling to them, We're not going to make this easy for you to get in there. You're better off. Enjoy your life, make your billions, run a good business. Don't run our country, even if you do a much better job than us, because we've clearly failed, but we want to maintain our power at all costs.Yeah, and that is what you got to grapple with here is that if you're someone who's watching the show who might not agree with everything, that Brightbar puts out or that Dawn stands for, but you're just trying to check out what we're talking about today. Please understand this, that the J6 committee was illegitimate. Discipline that Steve was supposed to comply with was illegitimate. That is political imprisonment. He's a political prisoner of this regime, the Biden administration. I don't consider that just a personal opinion. That seems to be the way the facts line up, and I find that to be very hard to dispute unless you're a hardcore partisan.Peter Navarro's case is still under appeal, but they made him serve the prison sentence. He's under appeal to the Supreme Court. It's like, Okay, that's great. We may exonerate you later, but in the meantime, you're going to do four months. We're going to take you off the chess board. That's the big thing. They're not waiting till the end. They could very easily let it play out, and then if he's guilty, then so be it. It still doesn't mean I think it's fair. It's just like the DC jury gets to decide because I want to hear your thoughts on the Supreme Court ruling this week. But it's still very biased, but that, to me, really reeks of it. You're not going to let the appeals process play out before you put someone in jail. So they could be 100% exonerated by the highest court in the land in time, but it doesn't matter because they're not getting that four months of their life back.Yeah, you're exactly right on this. And this four crucial months for a guy like Steve, who this is what he lives for, is these moments, and to take him off the playing field. So just note this, that we regard this as a complete political witch hunt. And so then when we start looking at Alvin and Judge Mirshawn and Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade and Matthew Calangelo and Lisa Monaco and Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke and all those people, we start turning over every single thing that they've ever done to see what's under the hood. Just know this is why. This is why we're doing that, because you guys started it, because you guys said that this is very important to you to jail people with whom you differ because you had to take advantage politically of January the sixth. You had to do that. That's all that happened here. And now, unlike you guys, we're not going to jail people who are innocent. But I'll tell you, we got to look into them now. Now we got to do it. We got to make sure of everything they did. And I think all of those people I just listed did was fundamentally violate civil rights of Americans.And that's not okay in this country. At least it wasn't until the last few months.Correct. Listen, I've been the fight fire with fire guy for forever. And yet when you was a good ruling, and it seemed like going to be very favorable because in a nutshell, the President is absolute immunity for things that the Constitution gives him the exclusive right to do. And so the Congress and the courts, they can't go around that. And so there's no real way to maneuver around that. So I think a lot of what is being claimed, specifically with the DC circuit court case, I think half of that's going to get thrown out. But what's interesting is it puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to suggest if he claims presidential immunity, that he might not have it, is not guaranteed immunity, but it is so broad that they're going to have to object to each individual instance. Then this is going to involve pretrial hearings. Then those can be appealed. There'll be opinions written. Even though it's not absolute immunity, it's going to be broad enough so that the appeals process will take anything that is being alleged against Trump or that he did wrong well past the election, probably in the fall or even the winter of 2025.Well after the election decided, so nothing in the DC circuit is going to be relevant to this election. I think that's a big win.Except for the pre-trial stuff. If you're talking about that, just becoming tedious where you're, Well, no, that was a conversation with the DOJ. Therefore, it's out. All the things that he did, it seems like they strike a lot of the, at least the inyoendo out of that. But if the pretrial gets so complicated because of that, is that part of the welfare, which is like, Hey, just keep them off the playing field. You saw that in New York. Just keep them off the playing. Let them sit in a court for seven weeks right before the election. Will they still play that game, or Is there a way around that?They're going to play it, but it's going to take a long time. I think half of the claims won't survive now, based off of my reading of it, this case. And the other half will be ruled by default to be okay. Then all these are wacky theories, in my opinion. None of them have any standing anyway. But all these attorneys are going to have to make the case that these wacky theories are legitimate, and they'll probably each get blown up in separate determinations. Those determinations, could they be tedious and onerous to deal with over the next few months and in the next year? Yeah, perhaps, but they're going to go well past when Trump could win. So could they interrupt a bad news cycle for Joe Biden and have a day where there's some hearing in late September, early October that could It involves something that the burden is on Jack Smith now, and it is on the people prosecuting Trump. But could it interrupt a news cycle for a couple of days? It could, and that's annoying. But in a nutshell, I think Trump is totally safe. And if he wins the election, all this definitely goes away.Really, the only hope of this turning into any meaningful convictions is if a Democrat wins and gets more justices on the Supreme Court. Remember, 6:3 decision. They've really got their work cut out for them to have any lasting impact on some of these obstruction cases.So overall, it's very positive. I wouldn't say Trump is totally out of the woods here, but this is a big win overall. Alex, I really appreciate it. Guys, make sure you check out Alex's book, Breaking Biden. You can get that everywhere. Follow Bright Bart News, another one of these outlets where, again, we got to take it on.We need to be pushing that stuff because we're competing against a lot.So Alex, thank you for being out there on the forefront, taking those hits and fighting back. It means the world to all of Don, you had a great show, and best of luck to you and your family along the way. Thanks. I hope you have a great fourth as well. It should be a fun weekend, weekend, everyone, again. Try to keep your fingers intact. Well, guys, Alex, thank you so much. Guys, thank you for tuning in Remember, like, share, subscribe, spread the word. Check out our sponsors, okay? Protect yourself against Biden inflation with the Birch Gold Group by texting, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the numbers, 98, 98, 98. Again, text, Don Jr, to 98, 98, 98, and learn and educate yourself. And again, whether it's business or personal taxes, Tax Network USA can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. So visit TN, like Tax Network, tnusa. Com/donjunior for a free consultation. That's TNUSA/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Educate yourself. Guys, definitely Download the Rumbl app. Make sure you know when we're going on. You can get it on your big screen TV by downloading Rumbl there. That way you can watch Triggered on the big screen with your family.Most of the time, I keep it relatively family-friendly. And when I don't, I don't know. Your kids are going to have to grow up one way or the other. Eventually, they're going to have to get in the real world. So I think you'll give me a pass. But all kidding aside, hope you guys all have a wonderful week of the fourth of July celebrating this incredible nation. Thanks for tuning in. Send it to your friends. Word. Appreciate you guys, and I will talk to you soon.


I'm to understand, this is all fundamentally a witch hunt and it should be illegal. Now, If I was Steve, I don't know. He tested this legal theory that executive privilege could be extended to him. And I don't know what to think of that strategy. But I will tell you that Steve has achieved immortality with this. By giving the middle finger to people who deserve it, he dare them to drop the hammer on him, knowing that if they did, he would be a martyr for all of history, which he is. But that said, it's all injustice. He shouldn't be going to prison.


It's all a witch hunt. And all of these people who are responsible for this, we need to come after them once President Trump wins. They're all pursuing people who are in pursuit of their First Amendment rights to speak out. And that is under assault in this country. And pursuing Steve the way they did, I think, is a fundamental violation of civil rights, and all those held accountable, it should be looked into immediately once President Trump is in.


I think without question. I went and visited Pierre Navarro, who did this, basically did the same thing, too, who's been serving a four-month sentence. He's getting out next week, right before the convention. But balance this out. Taking a guy like Banon off the chess board for four months. Now, he's not entirely off the chess board because I think the outrage that travels with that probably counterbalances some of that. But what do you think? Does that outrage, does taking him off the chess board, does it help their cause, or does it just highlight to people how far we fall? And then maybe we're in trouble. What do you think? Because I imagine there's just to try to, again, silence as many voices as possible in the coming months. But does this just make him louder, even if he's not able to be on the air?


Now, Dod, I don't want to flatter you too much, but you're getting good at this because you're asking the questions that are the hardest to answer because I was 100% in the camp that the martyring of Steve is more powerful than anything he could do in the next four months. I was there putting him in jail. It was so symbolic. It's going to be such a way to ignite the base. It's going to be such a catalyst for the base. His audience is so loyal and dedicated that it's going to be a win for Steve. In the long run, it'll be a win for us in the short run. And now I'm thinking about it, and I don't know. The more I've had time to think about it, the power of Steve's voice being out there, the fact that he could be called upon by people to give advice, insight, wisdom, a fiery pep talk, I think it's going to be missed. So I think I've come a little bit slightly to the side, this is a big shame that this is happening, but I could very easily be convinced to go back to this is all good, stay the course, and he'll be out in four months, stronger than ever.


Yeah, I'm torn on it myself. When the news first broke, what was it now? A couple of months ago, I was like, Hey, the only person happier about this than the Democrats is probably Steve himself, right? Same. He was good. I was like, he's loving every second of this. And now I'm like, Yeah. But once it becomes real, and I know they wanted to jail me as well, and they're certainly trying to still jail my father, and they've probably come up with an excuse to try to jail me again sometime in the not too distant future, one way or the other. But yeah, I'm not sure. I just hope it's a wake-up call to those to understand that. But I also hope it's a wake-up call to those who do have a voice, who do utilize it, who do have a platform to also not back down, because that's clearly what some of this is. Going after my father isn't just a signal to my father or our family. It's a signal to anyone else who would come in from outside of the swamp, anyone else who's an outsider, say, Hey, don't do this. It's not going to be easy.


We're not... Someone who should be making trillion-dollar decisions because they've done more than simply be a bureaucrat, unlike like so many of those in DC, they don't want them ever in the game. And I think a big part of this is all signaling to them, We're not going to make this easy for you to get in there. You're better off. Enjoy your life, make your billions, run a good business. Don't run our country, even if you do a much better job than us, because we've clearly failed, but we want to maintain our power at all costs.


Yeah, and that is what you got to grapple with here is that if you're someone who's watching the show who might not agree with everything, that Brightbar puts out or that Dawn stands for, but you're just trying to check out what we're talking about today. Please understand this, that the J6 committee was illegitimate. Discipline that Steve was supposed to comply with was illegitimate. That is political imprisonment. He's a political prisoner of this regime, the Biden administration. I don't consider that just a personal opinion. That seems to be the way the facts line up, and I find that to be very hard to dispute unless you're a hardcore partisan.


Peter Navarro's case is still under appeal, but they made him serve the prison sentence. He's under appeal to the Supreme Court. It's like, Okay, that's great. We may exonerate you later, but in the meantime, you're going to do four months. We're going to take you off the chess board. That's the big thing. They're not waiting till the end. They could very easily let it play out, and then if he's guilty, then so be it. It still doesn't mean I think it's fair. It's just like the DC jury gets to decide because I want to hear your thoughts on the Supreme Court ruling this week. But it's still very biased, but that, to me, really reeks of it. You're not going to let the appeals process play out before you put someone in jail. So they could be 100% exonerated by the highest court in the land in time, but it doesn't matter because they're not getting that four months of their life back.


Yeah, you're exactly right on this. And this four crucial months for a guy like Steve, who this is what he lives for, is these moments, and to take him off the playing field. So just note this, that we regard this as a complete political witch hunt. And so then when we start looking at Alvin and Judge Mirshawn and Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade and Matthew Calangelo and Lisa Monaco and Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke and all those people, we start turning over every single thing that they've ever done to see what's under the hood. Just know this is why. This is why we're doing that, because you guys started it, because you guys said that this is very important to you to jail people with whom you differ because you had to take advantage politically of January the sixth. You had to do that. That's all that happened here. And now, unlike you guys, we're not going to jail people who are innocent. But I'll tell you, we got to look into them now. Now we got to do it. We got to make sure of everything they did. And I think all of those people I just listed did was fundamentally violate civil rights of Americans.


And that's not okay in this country. At least it wasn't until the last few months.


Correct. Listen, I've been the fight fire with fire guy for forever. And yet when you was a good ruling, and it seemed like going to be very favorable because in a nutshell, the President is absolute immunity for things that the Constitution gives him the exclusive right to do. And so the Congress and the courts, they can't go around that. And so there's no real way to maneuver around that. So I think a lot of what is being claimed, specifically with the DC circuit court case, I think half of that's going to get thrown out. But what's interesting is it puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to suggest if he claims presidential immunity, that he might not have it, is not guaranteed immunity, but it is so broad that they're going to have to object to each individual instance. Then this is going to involve pretrial hearings. Then those can be appealed. There'll be opinions written. Even though it's not absolute immunity, it's going to be broad enough so that the appeals process will take anything that is being alleged against Trump or that he did wrong well past the election, probably in the fall or even the winter of 2025.Well after the election decided, so nothing in the DC circuit is going to be relevant to this election. I think that's a big win.Except for the pre-trial stuff. If you're talking about that, just becoming tedious where you're, Well, no, that was a conversation with the DOJ. Therefore, it's out. All the things that he did, it seems like they strike a lot of the, at least the inyoendo out of that. But if the pretrial gets so complicated because of that, is that part of the welfare, which is like, Hey, just keep them off the playing field. You saw that in New York. Just keep them off the playing. Let them sit in a court for seven weeks right before the election. Will they still play that game, or Is there a way around that?They're going to play it, but it's going to take a long time. I think half of the claims won't survive now, based off of my reading of it, this case. And the other half will be ruled by default to be okay. Then all these are wacky theories, in my opinion. None of them have any standing anyway. But all these attorneys are going to have to make the case that these wacky theories are legitimate, and they'll probably each get blown up in separate determinations. Those determinations, could they be tedious and onerous to deal with over the next few months and in the next year? Yeah, perhaps, but they're going to go well past when Trump could win. So could they interrupt a bad news cycle for Joe Biden and have a day where there's some hearing in late September, early October that could It involves something that the burden is on Jack Smith now, and it is on the people prosecuting Trump. But could it interrupt a news cycle for a couple of days? It could, and that's annoying. But in a nutshell, I think Trump is totally safe. And if he wins the election, all this definitely goes away.Really, the only hope of this turning into any meaningful convictions is if a Democrat wins and gets more justices on the Supreme Court. Remember, 6:3 decision. They've really got their work cut out for them to have any lasting impact on some of these obstruction cases.So overall, it's very positive. I wouldn't say Trump is totally out of the woods here, but this is a big win overall. Alex, I really appreciate it. Guys, make sure you check out Alex's book, Breaking Biden. You can get that everywhere. Follow Bright Bart News, another one of these outlets where, again, we got to take it on.We need to be pushing that stuff because we're competing against a lot.So Alex, thank you for being out there on the forefront, taking those hits and fighting back. It means the world to all of Don, you had a great show, and best of luck to you and your family along the way. Thanks. I hope you have a great fourth as well. It should be a fun weekend, weekend, everyone, again. Try to keep your fingers intact. Well, guys, Alex, thank you so much. Guys, thank you for tuning in Remember, like, share, subscribe, spread the word. Check out our sponsors, okay? Protect yourself against Biden inflation with the Birch Gold Group by texting, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the numbers, 98, 98, 98. Again, text, Don Jr, to 98, 98, 98, and learn and educate yourself. And again, whether it's business or personal taxes, Tax Network USA can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. So visit TN, like Tax Network, tnusa. Com/donjunior for a free consultation. That's TNUSA/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Educate yourself. Guys, definitely Download the Rumbl app. Make sure you know when we're going on. You can get it on your big screen TV by downloading Rumbl there. That way you can watch Triggered on the big screen with your family.Most of the time, I keep it relatively family-friendly. And when I don't, I don't know. Your kids are going to have to grow up one way or the other. Eventually, they're going to have to get in the real world. So I think you'll give me a pass. But all kidding aside, hope you guys all have a wonderful week of the fourth of July celebrating this incredible nation. Thanks for tuning in. Send it to your friends. Word. Appreciate you guys, and I will talk to you soon.


was a good ruling, and it seemed like going to be very favorable because in a nutshell, the President is absolute immunity for things that the Constitution gives him the exclusive right to do. And so the Congress and the courts, they can't go around that. And so there's no real way to maneuver around that. So I think a lot of what is being claimed, specifically with the DC circuit court case, I think half of that's going to get thrown out. But what's interesting is it puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to suggest if he claims presidential immunity, that he might not have it, is not guaranteed immunity, but it is so broad that they're going to have to object to each individual instance. Then this is going to involve pretrial hearings. Then those can be appealed. There'll be opinions written. Even though it's not absolute immunity, it's going to be broad enough so that the appeals process will take anything that is being alleged against Trump or that he did wrong well past the election, probably in the fall or even the winter of 2025.


Well after the election decided, so nothing in the DC circuit is going to be relevant to this election. I think that's a big win.


Except for the pre-trial stuff. If you're talking about that, just becoming tedious where you're, Well, no, that was a conversation with the DOJ. Therefore, it's out. All the things that he did, it seems like they strike a lot of the, at least the inyoendo out of that. But if the pretrial gets so complicated because of that, is that part of the welfare, which is like, Hey, just keep them off the playing field. You saw that in New York. Just keep them off the playing. Let them sit in a court for seven weeks right before the election. Will they still play that game, or Is there a way around that?


They're going to play it, but it's going to take a long time. I think half of the claims won't survive now, based off of my reading of it, this case. And the other half will be ruled by default to be okay. Then all these are wacky theories, in my opinion. None of them have any standing anyway. But all these attorneys are going to have to make the case that these wacky theories are legitimate, and they'll probably each get blown up in separate determinations. Those determinations, could they be tedious and onerous to deal with over the next few months and in the next year? Yeah, perhaps, but they're going to go well past when Trump could win. So could they interrupt a bad news cycle for Joe Biden and have a day where there's some hearing in late September, early October that could It involves something that the burden is on Jack Smith now, and it is on the people prosecuting Trump. But could it interrupt a news cycle for a couple of days? It could, and that's annoying. But in a nutshell, I think Trump is totally safe. And if he wins the election, all this definitely goes away.


Really, the only hope of this turning into any meaningful convictions is if a Democrat wins and gets more justices on the Supreme Court. Remember, 6:3 decision. They've really got their work cut out for them to have any lasting impact on some of these obstruction cases.


So overall, it's very positive. I wouldn't say Trump is totally out of the woods here, but this is a big win overall. Alex, I really appreciate it. Guys, make sure you check out Alex's book, Breaking Biden. You can get that everywhere. Follow Bright Bart News, another one of these outlets where, again, we got to take it on.


We need to be pushing that stuff because we're competing against a lot.


So Alex, thank you for being out there on the forefront, taking those hits and fighting back. It means the world to all of Don, you had a great show, and best of luck to you and your family along the way. Thanks. I hope you have a great fourth as well. It should be a fun weekend, weekend, everyone, again. Try to keep your fingers intact. Well, guys, Alex, thank you so much. Guys, thank you for tuning in Remember, like, share, subscribe, spread the word. Check out our sponsors, okay? Protect yourself against Biden inflation with the Birch Gold Group by texting, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the numbers, 98, 98, 98. Again, text, Don Jr, to 98, 98, 98, and learn and educate yourself. And again, whether it's business or personal taxes, Tax Network USA can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. So visit TN, like Tax Network, tnusa. Com/donjunior for a free consultation. That's TNUSA/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Educate yourself. Guys, definitely Download the Rumbl app. Make sure you know when we're going on. You can get it on your big screen TV by downloading Rumbl there. That way you can watch Triggered on the big screen with your family.


Most of the time, I keep it relatively family-friendly. And when I don't, I don't know. Your kids are going to have to grow up one way or the other. Eventually, they're going to have to get in the real world. So I think you'll give me a pass. But all kidding aside, hope you guys all have a wonderful week of the fourth of July celebrating this incredible nation. Thanks for tuning in. Send it to your friends. Word. Appreciate you guys, and I will talk to you soon.