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A lot to talk about. Had a guest, had some trouble travel-wise, got a little delayed. So we are just going to do and ask me anything. We're going to talk all night. I got a bunch of questions for you guys. I want to see what you guys think I should be doing as it relates to my RNC speech next week. Do we go the full scorched Earth like you see her every night, or do I try to take a different approach? I'm actually curious about that. Do it just full scorched Earth, or do we try to add a little bit of an element, maybe to appeal to some people who aren't crazy like some of you guys and myself. So we're going to do that. We're going to talk about some of the craziness and the fallout of Joe Biden, what's going on right now with the Democrats. There's infighting. It seems like maybe he wants to fight to hang on, or maybe it's Jill Biden. I think you saw some of the fireworks since it's the first show back after fourth of July. I hope you guys all I had a great weekend. I still have all of my fingers, and so far, I believe all of my children do, too.


Even little Chloe got in on the fireworks action. You got to create your pyromaniacs early. But just wanted to let this build up a little bit. We'll go into a little bit of the news of the week, and then we'll go into the questions from you guys. Not scorched, okay? Enough scorched here? Crazy fun. Okay, so that's good. Everyone, we can hear you. Okay. Yeah, there's definitely people pretending they can't still hear you, but that's okay. It's fine. Jd, sky and air. I think it's Jill. I think 100% right. Darcy Swensen, not scorched. Okay. Listen, you should be scorched to earth, President Trump, more measured. Okay, but do I do scorched earth here enough that I can do measure, too? I don't know. If you saw my 2016 speech, It was pretty measured. 2020 was a little harder to be measured because it was just such insane times. Delavat, full scorched earth. So just the normal, the uge. Stick with it. If know, it still counts. They didn't know they weren't allowed to do probably could use a lot of shake up. But I don't know if that's where I'd start, but I imagine there's plenty to be done there. Let the door kickers actually run the show, not the bureaucrats. That would be important at all of these places because there are still some great patriotic door kickers, but we're not going to give them too much of a pass if they don't start speaking out against some of the insanity that's going on. So love the DJ The 47 agenda. Yeah, that's a big one.People keep asking, they're like, Project 2025, debunk it. I don't know. It's like a heritage foundation. It's a think tank. They're trying to say that... I guess they're trying to pretend that they're de facto running transition. Let's be clear, they're not. I imagine there's some good people involved, but I imagine they're also simply fundraising off of some of this, and they're creating controversy and getting the media spun up about things that are lies, trying to pretend like it's real. And so they're probably making a lot of money. This is like the grift. Com component of conservatism. So it's not. It's not real. And it doesn't mean there's not good people. There may be an idea, too, that's good in there or whatever it is. But if you want to learn about my father's agenda, go I see it on his website because it's very clear. That's his plan, the 47 agenda. It's right there. You can read about that. I keep saying, Project 2025. I'm seeing the left losing their minds because there's things in there, and then they're lying that it's our thing. We got to be really clear about that. You got to remember, there's going to be a lot of disinformation campaigns coming over the coming months because they're going to propagandize it.They're going to take a radical agenda that Conservatives are going to try to fundraise off of, but it won't be going for our campaign. That's purely going to Heritage Foundation. It's going to go to their think tank, and they'll pay themselves good salaries, and none of it will go towards helping get Trump elected. They won't be doing poll watching. They won't be doing get out the vote. It's literally for themselves, and the left will do a lot of propaganda about it. I haven't read the full thing. There may be things in there that are fine, but it's not our policy. We don't have any affiliation with them. They're not on the transition team. I don't know that anyone there will even be on the transition team. Again, it doesn't mean there's not some good Conservatives that are a part of it and whatever it may be, but it's not his policy. If you want to read my father's policy, go on his website. It's right there. It's very clear. You guys can figure out the rest on your own, but just understand that the people that are doing that, they're trying to create, and they'll do that.You'll see a lot of that stuff probably happen with some of the grifters in various movements after the platform position that happened today at the RNC. I don't I don't want to call out which ones, but I think we got to try to actually win elections, not cater to those guys, and they're going to be fundraising off of stuff that will... And then again, I don't even care what your position is or what my position is, but it almost doesn't matter if you can't win elections because of some of these things. And it's been pretty clear that we're probably losing the popular pop culture on a lot of these things, but they will grift the shit out of this thing in the coming months. They will use it as an opportunity to sow Discord, and they, too, will be doing no poll watching. They will They will be doing no get out the vote. They will be doing nothing other than that. What is Project 2025? 2025 is another liberal lie. No, it's actually coming from a conservative think tank, but a conservative think tank that's probably historically hated Trump and whatever it is. So they create all these things that some people on the right, a couple of people on the right would really like, and then they'd make it seem like it's this platform, and then they get the other side spun up, and then they get to do the fear mongering on the press, and big tech will do that.And it'll actually help us lose Elections. But again, they will get rich in the process. So Project 2025, that has nothing to do with us. My father doesn't know anything about it, probably never even heard about it, but they've been trying to create all sorts of stuff online, and they'll raise a lot of money for the Heritage Foundation, whatever it may be, and they will almost certainly do nothing to actually help us win an election. But again, that's how it works in DC. They will get rich, they will make a lot of money, they will fear monger and do this, and that will be money that won't go to actually the campaign or the guys that are doing get out the vote or poll watching or trying to win any of the swing states. But they don't care because, again, there's been no consequence to them losing. They sometimes like to lose. They It's not like being in the losing position because I guess it's much easier to bitch about other people that are actually in charge than getting stuff done. We've seen this historically. We've seen this with a lot of movements on the conservative side.They get everything that they want, and then they got to come up with something else to bitch about. We can name them all, but I don't want to create more controversy because they know exactly who they are, and I'm going to try my best to not give them the opportunity to fundraise off of it. They'll do it anyway. But yeah, there's a lot of that. Let's see. Hokey Sticks, do you invest in the stock market? Some. Oh, Stunk market. I assume that was on purpose. Not much, folks. We want accountability and retribution. Not just success. We want these treasonous baskets punished. Well, listen, the retribution is the success, right? You get these people out of government. You stop making them the arbiters of conservatism and otherwise. And I think you actually get a lot of winning that way. But we haven't done that well. By the way, the other side doesn't do it that well either. They're just as bad, but they have the help of trillion-dollar institutions like mainstream media, big tech, pop culture, Hollywood. It makes it a lot easier when those You guys are doing your cheerleading for you. Trump, Drill Baby Drill, 100 %.Don for a joy. Don Jr is correct about everything, just like his dad. That's right. Almost everything. Maybe not everything, but pretty close. So let's see. You talk to Baron about his thoughts on politics? Yeah, sometimes. He's a pretty conservative kid. Actually, Baron probably spends more time hanging out with my son than than with me because they're two, three years apart, as opposed to us, which is... I don't even want to talk about how apart that is because I'm old, and I don't like admitting it. But no, he's a pretty conservative kid. France and UK went far left. I believe it's election interference. Yeah, I heard a little bit about France. I'm not sure what exactly happened today. I haven't had a chance to catch up. I just had a bunch of other stuff. I got to start working on my RNC speech. I've just been a little bit more focused on American politics and go from there. Will you interview Grant Cardone? He didn't interview with you that you got to watch. Yeah, eventually. These days, it's been a little bit more about politics, but I think talking about money, talking about investment, I think that is really important because people do have to understand that.I think if you can get away from the tie-in of a job and start investing yourself and being your own boss and stuff like that, I think It's great on so many fronts, especially since you've seen how corporate America treats you. They'll suck you dry and get everything out of you in 40 years. They'll give you a fake watch and send you on your way. I don't know, not the way I want to live, but I've been pretty blessed, so it makes it a big deal. Jc2.1, an opinion on Crypto. Listen, I love it if done right. I don't want these central banks taking over and making all these decisions. But I I think it's a great thing. I think if we can keep the fundamental tenets of it and some of the... I think it's a great thing, and I think it's a new frontier, and I think we're just starting to figure it out now. I think it's important. I love that community. I love how I see young people actually getting involved and talking about investing with it and stuff like that. It seems to be exciting to them, perhaps more so than some of the stuff that...Than some of the other That's the stuff that you see out there. So I think that's cool. Did I know that Wednesday is National Kitten Day? I was not aware of that. I was not aware of that. So that's obviously a big one to celebrate. Back to politics. National Kitten Day, Wednesday. Is it really or am I just getting trolled? I don't even know. Is it? No one on my... I don't know. Am I I think I'm getting trolled. Either that or there's just not a lot of cat lovers on my team. We got to make sure to appeal to everyone. Wow. National... It's real. July 10th, celebrating the cuddly warmth of a kitty. Listen, this is something we got to... I don't know. I'm not sure I'm one of these guys that's for every day being some national holiday. It's like, pretty soon, they're going to say people who like cats should get the day off to be with their cat. You know where it's going, folks, right? This is a recipe for disaster, but I appreciate... National... Okay, Yes, we should be clear. I'm all for the Kitten Day being the 10th. I guess that's Wednesday.Drew, my producer, pointed out, that is not to be confused with National Furry Day, which, celebrating clearly a form of mental illness. My kids talk about this. There's literally a litter box in their classrooms because people identify as animals, and that lunacy in our schools, probably mostly our public schools, but probably everywhere else, is accepted as though it's the gospel and not as mental illness. So let's make sure we don't, we do not, confuse National Kitten Day with National Furry Day, because, yes, that's insane. Polish dog, 989. I did not know it was National Kitten Day either, so I learned something new today. I hope you learned something new other than that today. I've been talking for an hour, and if you've learned nothing other than it's National Kitten Day, I'm going to hear about that from a lot of people, especially the kittens and the kitten people. Yes, that'll be interesting. It's interesting. It's stupid. What? We have like, one of these every day is a, Today was National Grill Cheese Day. It's amazing. If anyone other than Don Jr. Or Jason, something becomes VP, big Trump will have to obey all the regime's orders.I don't know. I think JD do a good job outside of that. Here's a Tulsi Gabbard for VP. Well-spoken with a strong military background. Actually, we're talking about her being on today. Got screwed up a little bit, so probably be able to grab her at the RNC next week. She's great. Do you have an opinion on the Wisconsin ballot box ruling? Any idea of how to combat it? Yeah, I know people who are working on this right now. They're going to try to get basically hidden cameras on every ballot box. They're going to spend a lot of money doing it. It's ridiculous. It's something overturned. They're obviously trying to cheat and do what they did the last time with the ballot harvesting and break other laws to do so. So I know they've got a lot of money on that. They're going to watch those things very carefully. They're going to figure out what exactly is going on. People will be And I imagine they'll do that right and spend a lot of money on it. That's unfortunate, though. You have to do this because we're freaking insane, and we live in a banana Republic.But I know there's people talking about that, so I will do whatever I can to be able to help them make sure to do that, because otherwise, you know exactly what's going to happen. So people have to understand that there'll be consequences to breaking those laws. I understand that under the Democrats, and under the Biden regime, and administration, and otherwise, there have not been consequences for flagrantly breaking the law. There are only consequences to breaking the law. If you're a Republican and you don't even have to break the law, they'll just change the law to make sure that you break it, and they'll extend statute of limitations to go after things that they wouldn't be able to do, et cetera, et cetera. That's how it works. Now we got the dog lovers. All right, well, it's not really a fight against the cat people. Can't we all just get along, folks? Listen, like some kittens. I'm probably more of a dog guy myself. That's fine. It's okay. Hopefully, you don't lose votes because of that. But yes, For those of you who are cat people, Wednesday is a big day for you. Let's see. Wait, wait, wait.This can't be right. Glad Again says, It's National Kitten and Bacon Day. Is it also National Bacon Day? I love that a given day can have numerous things that it is, and it's just clearly a way to sell more stuff for one 365th of the year as an excuse. I mean, the merchant, it's like space balls, right? It's all merchandising. But if it is, I can get behind National Bacon Day. I'm not going to lie to you. No? Is that a troll? Bacon Day, it looks like it's in December. Bacon Day is apparently in December, guys. So get your random holiday crap together. F the bacon unless you raised it. Hey, as someone who's had pigs, and you've probably seen it on my Insta two years ago, it's a lot easier just to go buy bacon, and it's also a lot less messy. Bet Midler is asking to murder Rep Jim Jordan. These people are crazy. Guys, if you're just figuring out that they're crazy, I didn't see that, so I don't know if that's accurate or not, but that's what their ER76 says. But we will see. Don Jr, have you a chance to look over the Save America DJT Project.Not in terms of the details. I think I just live the general concept of it each and every day. Biden administration is against the SAFE Act. Of course they are. They would never want anything in voting to be safe or just, they can't do. They would make sure it would happen if it was Republicans that were doing the cheating. That I can assure you. But as long as they're able to leverage it for their own good, I promise you they want nothing to do with free and fair They've made that very clear. Done. Wa's father, Patriot, uncovid, vaxed citizen. I'm worried about the In the future, do you believe there'll be another attempt for a lockdown soon? I believe they would do anything right now. I don't know. I keep hearing about bird flu. Here's one case somewhere, and it's like, they're already ramping that up. And if it's not that, it's World War III or whatever. I just don't think there's anything that these people wouldn't do at this point. So I don't know. I, too, fear for our country, which is why we all have to get involved, why we all have to fight, but why we also have to fight smart.You can't take every Like the guys, you're talking about Project 2025, it's Trump's policy. And it's like, Oh, my God, there's radical things in there. And maybe some of it's not. I don't even know. I haven't even read it. I'd never even heard of it before, like two weeks ago. But there are people that will spin up the other side and try to create fake They will fundraise off of it. They'll do nothing to actually advance the cause. And even if there's good people involved or whatever it is, they'll put good people on a payroll or whatever it may be. Oftentimes, it's not Most often, it's not just pure of heart, guys. They're doing it for themselves. So I want to stop that nonsense because that's the stuff that gets scary, and that's where we lose big time. Please give us your thoughts on the stratosphere arosol injection being sprayed in our skies to manipulate the climate, Shiner. I don't know enough about it. Honestly, I'm sure there's things that they're looking at to do that. But honestly, not saying there's not something to some of these things. Most of the conspiracy theories probably have been right more often than not.But I don't know. I just candidly don't have the to go down every rabbit hole, just being on the forefront of all of the battles that are just upfront and personal. So let's see. You asked my client, please Give us our thoughts on Vivek as VP. He's the best we love him. I love Vivek. I think he's great. I think he's great. I think he's got a great future in some of this stuff. I think he's very articulate. I think he's very smart. I don't know, perhaps a little too new onto the political spectrum right now to be as VP, but he's become a friend. I like a lot of what he's doing. I think that's important. You need more people to come in. Like I said, I said it earlier. I love And I know, by the way, I believe it to be totally genuine now, but I wasn't sure when he started. I was like, Man, I love what he's saying. I like all of the things that he's saying, actually. But I also know that he is smart enough to tell us what we want to hear and tell me what I want to hear.But honestly, I think he's backing it up in so many ways. So I've definitely become a believer, and I think he'll have a lot of say, and perhaps a place in the administration and these kinds of things. But we got to also win first. Guys, one more ad, and then we'll go back to questions. We got to talk about Birch Gold. As we've said, we talk about it every day. Our The US country is $34 trillion in debt. That's a lot of money. Biden inflation is only making it worse, and the Fed just keeps printing more and more money, guys. That means your costs go up and your quality of life goes way down. We've seen gold surging as Americans look to guard against economic disaster. So like I always say, I want you to be prepared. Don't just bury your head in the sand. Actually proactively do something about it. It's that simple. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an existing IRA or 401k into an IRA in physical gold. You can do that tax and penalty free. That's a big deal. You can hedge against the inflation.You can do it tax and penalty-free. So you can learn more by texting. Real simple. Pick up your phone, text Don Jr. Simple. D-o-n-j-r. Don Jr to the number. 989898. Right? 983 times. That's it. Text Don Jr. To 989898, and claim your free no obligation info kit on gold. Birch Gold has earned my trust, and there's a reason why they have thousands and thousands of five-star reviews. Protect your savings simply by going for a free way to educate yourself. Learn. You should learn anyway. Take every opportunity you can to educate yourself. But text, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the number, 989898 today. All right, let's see. What else we got? What do you think about China setting up Cuba as a future military installation for the People's Liberation Army by setting up spy bases? I'm saying we should not be shocked at all about this, right? This is '60s Cold War. This time, it's... Well, Russia actually has hypersonic nuclear capable warships, submarines and destroyers off the Coast of Florida and in Cuba right now. But of course, China is doing that. China does that in other countries as well. They do it in Mexico. They do it all over Latin America.They do it in places where they control a lot of power. Close to our country, they're buying up our own farms and stuff because those farms happen to be near our military installations. We are not playing the same game as the Chinese folks. If you think that your brilliant transgender admirals, Dr. Admiral, Rachel Levine, and some of the other clowns that you see paraded around there, and we talk about how wonderful it is and how that makes us a more I don't know, a better fighting force. They've actually said that with a straight face. We're not playing the same game. We're a clown show compared to what the Chinese are doing. They're playing a long game, like a 100-year long game, and they're not worried about the little things in between. We will sell out our country for a two-year election cycle, promising things that make no sense to be able to win a vote, to have a low IQ individual put into Congress or the Senate or a really low IQ individual who will put into the White House to further their own personal gains on a moment's notice. So what's going on with China is scary, but it ain't just Cuba.I mean, Cuba is really close to Florida, but they're doing it all over the place. They're doing it all over the world. They're controlling our rare earth minerals. We are incapable of acting. They show up with briefcases of cash. They are playing a next-level game, and they are playing to win. They are playing for keeps. We have to say enough is enough before it's too late, and if it's not already too late. That's scary. But you look at the Biden administration, you look at the things that they're doing, and it's absolutely nuts. By the way, guys, if you're on Locals, I'm going to pop that livestream up, so we'll just keep talking, but at least that way, I can make sure I can get to your questions because you can't always keep up with the live feed over here. But, wow, it keeps me going strong. Let's see. I'll go down here, but Let's see. Mark of God. If they can pass motor voter and enforce it, they can do the same thing for a real voter ID Act. Look forward to California losing federal funds for trying to skirt around it. Yeah, they're not going to lose anything from federal funds because the Democrats will make sure of it, and they will keep doing those things.So we got to win overall. We got to overhaul it. But we can't win by not playing their game. We got to play their game. We have to understand that. We have to do that. And if we do that, we can win. I think we can then implement common sense realities that the rest of even the socialist world actually has in place. But again, we're not going to do that by hiding from the realities of the world in which they have leveled the playing field. They have set the playing field. They have created the game. We got to play that game, and we actually have to win it. That's not easy, but we got to do it. Usa Now, finally, Dapper Dave, Trump should shift to a unifying message with being President after the RNC nomination. Listen, I think that's the idea. People have seen that. But Dave, people They must have seen, everything's chaos. Was it chaos or was it just chaos created entirely by the media? I mean, he has to react to those things. Russia, Russia, Russia was chaos, but it was a Democrat operation that was then blown out by media, and they loved every second of it.But was that chaos because of Trump, or was that because of the media and the Democrats? And again, like all of the other things, when they lie to us about Joe Biden, his capabilities, his brainpower, et cetera, there needs to be some accountability for that, not like the fake narrative that was chaos under Trump. It was only chaos because they created that chaos. They fundraised off of it. They tried to impede an administration because of it, and therefore, they should be accountable for some of that. They won't be, probably. But I I think we got to start there first. Apparently from geopolitical pundits, I trust the Duran, the French populist, refused to ally with right-wing populists in France, and the right lost. Well, yes, they'll do that. I mean, you see that a little bit in the UK, right? Nigel Farage had a great night the other night in the UK. But there's basically two conservative factions and a liberal faction. So the new conservative faction, which is more like, let's call it America first. But for Britain, they won the largest number of votes in a recent time for a new party, et cetera.But because the Rhino Conservatives, it's just like America, basically. I mean, this is the simplest way to put it. If you're not following UK politics, I was with Nigel two weeks ago, He explained it to me. I was with him in the UK, and he's great. He's obviously been on a show a bunch. But there's basically two conservative groups that if they actually band it together and agreed to get along and do most of what they want, they They'd probably win. They don't often do that. Or the old guard, let's call it the Rungno Guard, the establishment conservative guard, made all these promises and then failed to deliver on any of them. They said it on jobs. They certainly did it on immigration. They said they were going to do all these things. And then they basically gave up everything. That just gave up. They literally gave the left everything that they wanted on all of these things. So no one has any faith in them. It's maybe like the RNC, right? The RNC, they're in the position, they're doing this, but no one had faith in the institution. Hopefully, they do now because whether it's the Trump people that were put in there, whether it's Laura, my sister-in-law, whatever it may be, okay, now we think they're actually working for us, as opposed to, why would I donate to something?I hear what they're doing. I see them doing nothing. I Maybe they'll send a strongly worded letter every once in a while, but not actually do anything that matters. There's a difference. And so what happened in UK was rather interesting because the actual Conservatives made an unprecedented showing. But you're right, the rhinos will cost them, probably. But again, if another election cycle, hopefully, you get Nigel Farage as a UK Prime Minister, and then you actually get something done because he's a friend, but he's also brilliant, and he's one of the original populace. That happened even before Trump and '16. So we got to let these guys do it. But when we run on some of these things, we also actually have to deliver, which is not something that most of the right actually does. They run on it, they win, then they sit back and say, You know what? It's easier just to give in. The left leaves me alone if I just fold every freaking time. So that's a big deal. Patty, you'll be listening with limited coverage in and out driving. What I miss. I'll catch up later. Thank you, Dawn, for including us on Locals.It's my pleasure. Hopefully, you can catch most of it. Steph71, how was the fam? Fourth of July. Hope you all whooped it up. We did good. Yeah, it was solid. I spent way too much money on fireworks, although I'm not sure you can actually spend too much FJ. I got that as a... Something I guess the government can't have because it's old school and carburated, and not computerized, and all that. So maybe that's the bug-out car. And that's where we're at. I do like them. I think just American muscle cars are badass. I got too many hobbies as it is, so I don't need another one, but I love... I truly appreciate them. It's funny. I drive a TRX now, which is a badass... It's like a modern American muscle car pickup truck, 700 horsepower Dodge, just badass. Actually, I've had nice cars, and it's the favorite car I've ever owned. It's my day driver. But it's funny. Even in that thing, which is absolutely badass, the looks you get, the thumbs up you get just driving that FJ and actually knowing how to drive stick is a big one. So I like it.They're cool. Let's see. Love the 43X with the extended magazine. Yeah, the extended magazine is important. Not the easiest thing, just becomes harder to conceal. But yeah, my pinkie will run over that edge. So if you're running actual drills, which you should be doing with your carry gun, it's a little harder. But Yeah. Information warlord. Junior has a lot of really nice custom guns. That is true. A lot. Really a lot. I probably can't talk about how many I have because even the gun guys will be like, That's a lot of guns. But no, I love my guns. I love collecting them. I've gotten into the industry a lot. It's a big one. Love my last wear, 1911. Solid performer. Lesbier makes a great gun. He's a good guy, too. Let's see. Is Robert O'Brien a possible VP candidate? Not that I'm aware of. I like Robert. I've not ever heard that name as a VP candidate, other than sometimes people leak for their own, whether it's him or other people in a circle or people who like him. They'll create that. But no, I have not heard that. Yeah, you, Trumps, are on the Epstein list.Now what? By the way, I say this all the time because obviously, the troll is trying to be funny. The reason you know we're not on the Epstein list is because if we were, it would have leaked. You know that. It would have leaked in five seconds, or we would have been the only names actually leaked. I actually had one of these failed publications. What was it? Maybe The Daily Beast or something like that. They tried desperately a couple of years ago, it was 10 years ago, 15 years ago, whatever it was, to link me to Jeffrey Epstein saying I flew on his plane somewhere because I guess he was at some party I was at. I never met him, never saw him. There's no pictures. It doesn't matter. Same with my father, frankly. They showed the same two pictures of him at the same party, and it's like, Look at him. Here's all these times he's with him. I'm like, They're wearing the same clothes. You think it's the same night, maybe? But they tried doing this, and it was one of these where they were like, We have two reliable sources what? I was like, Okay, like I said. If we were, I I promise you, you would have heard about it. Everyone knows that. Even the left will acknowledge that. Who they don't talk about on the Epstein list is George Stephanopoulos and Bill Gates and all the other people that are always down there.But remember, they're liberals, and they donate a lot of money. So I guess that's the difference. Okay. I don't know. What do we think? Maybe I'll thank everyone, including our sponsors. Oh, by the way, if you're in Florida, tomorrow night, my father has a rally tomorrow at Trump Dural in Miami. The doors open at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. My father will speak probably around 7:00. If you're in South Florida, you can go to donaldjtrump. Com. You can learn more. I think I have some other stuff to do on there. You may even get to hear me speak live. That will be not quite as measured as what my RNC speech will be in the not too distant future. Probably, I I'm speaking next Wednesday evening, perhaps right before the VP. So we'll have some fun with that. But also, guys, make sure you're liking, sharing, and subscribing. If you're still listening, you must like me enough. Even the trolls, honestly, even the trolls, you've been listening for two hours. You should probably throw it a little like there. That's how we get through the algorithm. That's how we make sure other people see it, share it, make sure others get the message out.Be sure to check out our great sponsors. It takes guts to support programming like this, right? Result, Resolve your tax burdens once and for all by visiting tnusa. Com/donjunior, a tax network USA, tnusa. Com/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Don't talk to the IRS without people who know what they're doing. I promise you, the IRS is not your friend, so check them out. Also, protect your savings with the Birch Gold Group by texting Don Jr. To 989898. Again, text Don Don Jr. To the number. 98, 98, 98. Support the guys who have the guts to support programming like this. It matters. Let's see what else we got. Don Jr. 2028. I appreciate it. All right. Well, we will talk to you guys shortly. I will see you. Do we know who we have on Thursday? Are we still working on it? We got Steven Miller and Kerry Lake, so that'll be a good one. The Left loves to hate Steven Miller, and he's doing a lot with his operations. That'll be a good one going into convention. Kerry Lake, another great person. So that's what we got on Thursday. Like, share, subscribe, spread the message, please.Also, you can watch Rumble on your big screen TV. You can go to the Rumble app in there, do that so you can watch with the whole family. I think you guys are awesome, and I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night.


know, it still counts. They didn't know they weren't allowed to do probably could use a lot of shake up. But I don't know if that's where I'd start, but I imagine there's plenty to be done there. Let the door kickers actually run the show, not the bureaucrats. That would be important at all of these places because there are still some great patriotic door kickers, but we're not going to give them too much of a pass if they don't start speaking out against some of the insanity that's going on. So love the DJ The 47 agenda. Yeah, that's a big one.People keep asking, they're like, Project 2025, debunk it. I don't know. It's like a heritage foundation. It's a think tank. They're trying to say that... I guess they're trying to pretend that they're de facto running transition. Let's be clear, they're not. I imagine there's some good people involved, but I imagine they're also simply fundraising off of some of this, and they're creating controversy and getting the media spun up about things that are lies, trying to pretend like it's real. And so they're probably making a lot of money. This is like the grift. Com component of conservatism. So it's not. It's not real. And it doesn't mean there's not good people. There may be an idea, too, that's good in there or whatever it is. But if you want to learn about my father's agenda, go I see it on his website because it's very clear. That's his plan, the 47 agenda. It's right there. You can read about that. I keep saying, Project 2025. I'm seeing the left losing their minds because there's things in there, and then they're lying that it's our thing. We got to be really clear about that. You got to remember, there's going to be a lot of disinformation campaigns coming over the coming months because they're going to propagandize it.They're going to take a radical agenda that Conservatives are going to try to fundraise off of, but it won't be going for our campaign. That's purely going to Heritage Foundation. It's going to go to their think tank, and they'll pay themselves good salaries, and none of it will go towards helping get Trump elected. They won't be doing poll watching. They won't be doing get out the vote. It's literally for themselves, and the left will do a lot of propaganda about it. I haven't read the full thing. There may be things in there that are fine, but it's not our policy. We don't have any affiliation with them. They're not on the transition team. I don't know that anyone there will even be on the transition team. Again, it doesn't mean there's not some good Conservatives that are a part of it and whatever it may be, but it's not his policy. If you want to read my father's policy, go on his website. It's right there. It's very clear. You guys can figure out the rest on your own, but just understand that the people that are doing that, they're trying to create, and they'll do that.You'll see a lot of that stuff probably happen with some of the grifters in various movements after the platform position that happened today at the RNC. I don't I don't want to call out which ones, but I think we got to try to actually win elections, not cater to those guys, and they're going to be fundraising off of stuff that will... And then again, I don't even care what your position is or what my position is, but it almost doesn't matter if you can't win elections because of some of these things. And it's been pretty clear that we're probably losing the popular pop culture on a lot of these things, but they will grift the shit out of this thing in the coming months. They will use it as an opportunity to sow Discord, and they, too, will be doing no poll watching. They will They will be doing no get out the vote. They will be doing nothing other than that. What is Project 2025? 2025 is another liberal lie. No, it's actually coming from a conservative think tank, but a conservative think tank that's probably historically hated Trump and whatever it is. So they create all these things that some people on the right, a couple of people on the right would really like, and then they'd make it seem like it's this platform, and then they get the other side spun up, and then they get to do the fear mongering on the press, and big tech will do that.And it'll actually help us lose Elections. But again, they will get rich in the process. So Project 2025, that has nothing to do with us. My father doesn't know anything about it, probably never even heard about it, but they've been trying to create all sorts of stuff online, and they'll raise a lot of money for the Heritage Foundation, whatever it may be, and they will almost certainly do nothing to actually help us win an election. But again, that's how it works in DC. They will get rich, they will make a lot of money, they will fear monger and do this, and that will be money that won't go to actually the campaign or the guys that are doing get out the vote or poll watching or trying to win any of the swing states. But they don't care because, again, there's been no consequence to them losing. They sometimes like to lose. They It's not like being in the losing position because I guess it's much easier to bitch about other people that are actually in charge than getting stuff done. We've seen this historically. We've seen this with a lot of movements on the conservative side.They get everything that they want, and then they got to come up with something else to bitch about. We can name them all, but I don't want to create more controversy because they know exactly who they are, and I'm going to try my best to not give them the opportunity to fundraise off of it. They'll do it anyway. But yeah, there's a lot of that. Let's see. Hokey Sticks, do you invest in the stock market? Some. Oh, Stunk market. I assume that was on purpose. Not much, folks. We want accountability and retribution. Not just success. We want these treasonous baskets punished. Well, listen, the retribution is the success, right? You get these people out of government. You stop making them the arbiters of conservatism and otherwise. And I think you actually get a lot of winning that way. But we haven't done that well. By the way, the other side doesn't do it that well either. They're just as bad, but they have the help of trillion-dollar institutions like mainstream media, big tech, pop culture, Hollywood. It makes it a lot easier when those You guys are doing your cheerleading for you. Trump, Drill Baby Drill, 100 %.Don for a joy. Don Jr is correct about everything, just like his dad. That's right. Almost everything. Maybe not everything, but pretty close. So let's see. You talk to Baron about his thoughts on politics? Yeah, sometimes. He's a pretty conservative kid. Actually, Baron probably spends more time hanging out with my son than than with me because they're two, three years apart, as opposed to us, which is... I don't even want to talk about how apart that is because I'm old, and I don't like admitting it. But no, he's a pretty conservative kid. France and UK went far left. I believe it's election interference. Yeah, I heard a little bit about France. I'm not sure what exactly happened today. I haven't had a chance to catch up. I just had a bunch of other stuff. I got to start working on my RNC speech. I've just been a little bit more focused on American politics and go from there. Will you interview Grant Cardone? He didn't interview with you that you got to watch. Yeah, eventually. These days, it's been a little bit more about politics, but I think talking about money, talking about investment, I think that is really important because people do have to understand that.I think if you can get away from the tie-in of a job and start investing yourself and being your own boss and stuff like that, I think It's great on so many fronts, especially since you've seen how corporate America treats you. They'll suck you dry and get everything out of you in 40 years. They'll give you a fake watch and send you on your way. I don't know, not the way I want to live, but I've been pretty blessed, so it makes it a big deal. Jc2.1, an opinion on Crypto. Listen, I love it if done right. I don't want these central banks taking over and making all these decisions. But I I think it's a great thing. I think if we can keep the fundamental tenets of it and some of the... I think it's a great thing, and I think it's a new frontier, and I think we're just starting to figure it out now. I think it's important. I love that community. I love how I see young people actually getting involved and talking about investing with it and stuff like that. It seems to be exciting to them, perhaps more so than some of the stuff that...Than some of the other That's the stuff that you see out there. So I think that's cool. Did I know that Wednesday is National Kitten Day? I was not aware of that. I was not aware of that. So that's obviously a big one to celebrate. Back to politics. National Kitten Day, Wednesday. Is it really or am I just getting trolled? I don't even know. Is it? No one on my... I don't know. Am I I think I'm getting trolled. Either that or there's just not a lot of cat lovers on my team. We got to make sure to appeal to everyone. Wow. National... It's real. July 10th, celebrating the cuddly warmth of a kitty. Listen, this is something we got to... I don't know. I'm not sure I'm one of these guys that's for every day being some national holiday. It's like, pretty soon, they're going to say people who like cats should get the day off to be with their cat. You know where it's going, folks, right? This is a recipe for disaster, but I appreciate... National... Okay, Yes, we should be clear. I'm all for the Kitten Day being the 10th. I guess that's Wednesday.Drew, my producer, pointed out, that is not to be confused with National Furry Day, which, celebrating clearly a form of mental illness. My kids talk about this. There's literally a litter box in their classrooms because people identify as animals, and that lunacy in our schools, probably mostly our public schools, but probably everywhere else, is accepted as though it's the gospel and not as mental illness. So let's make sure we don't, we do not, confuse National Kitten Day with National Furry Day, because, yes, that's insane. Polish dog, 989. I did not know it was National Kitten Day either, so I learned something new today. I hope you learned something new other than that today. I've been talking for an hour, and if you've learned nothing other than it's National Kitten Day, I'm going to hear about that from a lot of people, especially the kittens and the kitten people. Yes, that'll be interesting. It's interesting. It's stupid. What? We have like, one of these every day is a, Today was National Grill Cheese Day. It's amazing. If anyone other than Don Jr. Or Jason, something becomes VP, big Trump will have to obey all the regime's orders.I don't know. I think JD do a good job outside of that. Here's a Tulsi Gabbard for VP. Well-spoken with a strong military background. Actually, we're talking about her being on today. Got screwed up a little bit, so probably be able to grab her at the RNC next week. She's great. Do you have an opinion on the Wisconsin ballot box ruling? Any idea of how to combat it? Yeah, I know people who are working on this right now. They're going to try to get basically hidden cameras on every ballot box. They're going to spend a lot of money doing it. It's ridiculous. It's something overturned. They're obviously trying to cheat and do what they did the last time with the ballot harvesting and break other laws to do so. So I know they've got a lot of money on that. They're going to watch those things very carefully. They're going to figure out what exactly is going on. People will be And I imagine they'll do that right and spend a lot of money on it. That's unfortunate, though. You have to do this because we're freaking insane, and we live in a banana Republic.But I know there's people talking about that, so I will do whatever I can to be able to help them make sure to do that, because otherwise, you know exactly what's going to happen. So people have to understand that there'll be consequences to breaking those laws. I understand that under the Democrats, and under the Biden regime, and administration, and otherwise, there have not been consequences for flagrantly breaking the law. There are only consequences to breaking the law. If you're a Republican and you don't even have to break the law, they'll just change the law to make sure that you break it, and they'll extend statute of limitations to go after things that they wouldn't be able to do, et cetera, et cetera. That's how it works. Now we got the dog lovers. All right, well, it's not really a fight against the cat people. Can't we all just get along, folks? Listen, like some kittens. I'm probably more of a dog guy myself. That's fine. It's okay. Hopefully, you don't lose votes because of that. But yes, For those of you who are cat people, Wednesday is a big day for you. Let's see. Wait, wait, wait.This can't be right. Glad Again says, It's National Kitten and Bacon Day. Is it also National Bacon Day? I love that a given day can have numerous things that it is, and it's just clearly a way to sell more stuff for one 365th of the year as an excuse. I mean, the merchant, it's like space balls, right? It's all merchandising. But if it is, I can get behind National Bacon Day. I'm not going to lie to you. No? Is that a troll? Bacon Day, it looks like it's in December. Bacon Day is apparently in December, guys. So get your random holiday crap together. F the bacon unless you raised it. Hey, as someone who's had pigs, and you've probably seen it on my Insta two years ago, it's a lot easier just to go buy bacon, and it's also a lot less messy. Bet Midler is asking to murder Rep Jim Jordan. These people are crazy. Guys, if you're just figuring out that they're crazy, I didn't see that, so I don't know if that's accurate or not, but that's what their ER76 says. But we will see. Don Jr, have you a chance to look over the Save America DJT Project.Not in terms of the details. I think I just live the general concept of it each and every day. Biden administration is against the SAFE Act. Of course they are. They would never want anything in voting to be safe or just, they can't do. They would make sure it would happen if it was Republicans that were doing the cheating. That I can assure you. But as long as they're able to leverage it for their own good, I promise you they want nothing to do with free and fair They've made that very clear. Done. Wa's father, Patriot, uncovid, vaxed citizen. I'm worried about the In the future, do you believe there'll be another attempt for a lockdown soon? I believe they would do anything right now. I don't know. I keep hearing about bird flu. Here's one case somewhere, and it's like, they're already ramping that up. And if it's not that, it's World War III or whatever. I just don't think there's anything that these people wouldn't do at this point. So I don't know. I, too, fear for our country, which is why we all have to get involved, why we all have to fight, but why we also have to fight smart.You can't take every Like the guys, you're talking about Project 2025, it's Trump's policy. And it's like, Oh, my God, there's radical things in there. And maybe some of it's not. I don't even know. I haven't even read it. I'd never even heard of it before, like two weeks ago. But there are people that will spin up the other side and try to create fake They will fundraise off of it. They'll do nothing to actually advance the cause. And even if there's good people involved or whatever it is, they'll put good people on a payroll or whatever it may be. Oftentimes, it's not Most often, it's not just pure of heart, guys. They're doing it for themselves. So I want to stop that nonsense because that's the stuff that gets scary, and that's where we lose big time. Please give us your thoughts on the stratosphere arosol injection being sprayed in our skies to manipulate the climate, Shiner. I don't know enough about it. Honestly, I'm sure there's things that they're looking at to do that. But honestly, not saying there's not something to some of these things. Most of the conspiracy theories probably have been right more often than not.But I don't know. I just candidly don't have the to go down every rabbit hole, just being on the forefront of all of the battles that are just upfront and personal. So let's see. You asked my client, please Give us our thoughts on Vivek as VP. He's the best we love him. I love Vivek. I think he's great. I think he's great. I think he's got a great future in some of this stuff. I think he's very articulate. I think he's very smart. I don't know, perhaps a little too new onto the political spectrum right now to be as VP, but he's become a friend. I like a lot of what he's doing. I think that's important. You need more people to come in. Like I said, I said it earlier. I love And I know, by the way, I believe it to be totally genuine now, but I wasn't sure when he started. I was like, Man, I love what he's saying. I like all of the things that he's saying, actually. But I also know that he is smart enough to tell us what we want to hear and tell me what I want to hear.But honestly, I think he's backing it up in so many ways. So I've definitely become a believer, and I think he'll have a lot of say, and perhaps a place in the administration and these kinds of things. But we got to also win first. Guys, one more ad, and then we'll go back to questions. We got to talk about Birch Gold. As we've said, we talk about it every day. Our The US country is $34 trillion in debt. That's a lot of money. Biden inflation is only making it worse, and the Fed just keeps printing more and more money, guys. That means your costs go up and your quality of life goes way down. We've seen gold surging as Americans look to guard against economic disaster. So like I always say, I want you to be prepared. Don't just bury your head in the sand. Actually proactively do something about it. It's that simple. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an existing IRA or 401k into an IRA in physical gold. You can do that tax and penalty free. That's a big deal. You can hedge against the inflation.You can do it tax and penalty-free. So you can learn more by texting. Real simple. Pick up your phone, text Don Jr. Simple. D-o-n-j-r. Don Jr to the number. 989898. Right? 983 times. That's it. Text Don Jr. To 989898, and claim your free no obligation info kit on gold. Birch Gold has earned my trust, and there's a reason why they have thousands and thousands of five-star reviews. Protect your savings simply by going for a free way to educate yourself. Learn. You should learn anyway. Take every opportunity you can to educate yourself. But text, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the number, 989898 today. All right, let's see. What else we got? What do you think about China setting up Cuba as a future military installation for the People's Liberation Army by setting up spy bases? I'm saying we should not be shocked at all about this, right? This is '60s Cold War. This time, it's... Well, Russia actually has hypersonic nuclear capable warships, submarines and destroyers off the Coast of Florida and in Cuba right now. But of course, China is doing that. China does that in other countries as well. They do it in Mexico. They do it all over Latin America.They do it in places where they control a lot of power. Close to our country, they're buying up our own farms and stuff because those farms happen to be near our military installations. We are not playing the same game as the Chinese folks. If you think that your brilliant transgender admirals, Dr. Admiral, Rachel Levine, and some of the other clowns that you see paraded around there, and we talk about how wonderful it is and how that makes us a more I don't know, a better fighting force. They've actually said that with a straight face. We're not playing the same game. We're a clown show compared to what the Chinese are doing. They're playing a long game, like a 100-year long game, and they're not worried about the little things in between. We will sell out our country for a two-year election cycle, promising things that make no sense to be able to win a vote, to have a low IQ individual put into Congress or the Senate or a really low IQ individual who will put into the White House to further their own personal gains on a moment's notice. So what's going on with China is scary, but it ain't just Cuba.I mean, Cuba is really close to Florida, but they're doing it all over the place. They're doing it all over the world. They're controlling our rare earth minerals. We are incapable of acting. They show up with briefcases of cash. They are playing a next-level game, and they are playing to win. They are playing for keeps. We have to say enough is enough before it's too late, and if it's not already too late. That's scary. But you look at the Biden administration, you look at the things that they're doing, and it's absolutely nuts. By the way, guys, if you're on Locals, I'm going to pop that livestream up, so we'll just keep talking, but at least that way, I can make sure I can get to your questions because you can't always keep up with the live feed over here. But, wow, it keeps me going strong. Let's see. I'll go down here, but Let's see. Mark of God. If they can pass motor voter and enforce it, they can do the same thing for a real voter ID Act. Look forward to California losing federal funds for trying to skirt around it. Yeah, they're not going to lose anything from federal funds because the Democrats will make sure of it, and they will keep doing those things.So we got to win overall. We got to overhaul it. But we can't win by not playing their game. We got to play their game. We have to understand that. We have to do that. And if we do that, we can win. I think we can then implement common sense realities that the rest of even the socialist world actually has in place. But again, we're not going to do that by hiding from the realities of the world in which they have leveled the playing field. They have set the playing field. They have created the game. We got to play that game, and we actually have to win it. That's not easy, but we got to do it. Usa Now, finally, Dapper Dave, Trump should shift to a unifying message with being President after the RNC nomination. Listen, I think that's the idea. People have seen that. But Dave, people They must have seen, everything's chaos. Was it chaos or was it just chaos created entirely by the media? I mean, he has to react to those things. Russia, Russia, Russia was chaos, but it was a Democrat operation that was then blown out by media, and they loved every second of it.But was that chaos because of Trump, or was that because of the media and the Democrats? And again, like all of the other things, when they lie to us about Joe Biden, his capabilities, his brainpower, et cetera, there needs to be some accountability for that, not like the fake narrative that was chaos under Trump. It was only chaos because they created that chaos. They fundraised off of it. They tried to impede an administration because of it, and therefore, they should be accountable for some of that. They won't be, probably. But I I think we got to start there first. Apparently from geopolitical pundits, I trust the Duran, the French populist, refused to ally with right-wing populists in France, and the right lost. Well, yes, they'll do that. I mean, you see that a little bit in the UK, right? Nigel Farage had a great night the other night in the UK. But there's basically two conservative factions and a liberal faction. So the new conservative faction, which is more like, let's call it America first. But for Britain, they won the largest number of votes in a recent time for a new party, et cetera.But because the Rhino Conservatives, it's just like America, basically. I mean, this is the simplest way to put it. If you're not following UK politics, I was with Nigel two weeks ago, He explained it to me. I was with him in the UK, and he's great. He's obviously been on a show a bunch. But there's basically two conservative groups that if they actually band it together and agreed to get along and do most of what they want, they They'd probably win. They don't often do that. Or the old guard, let's call it the Rungno Guard, the establishment conservative guard, made all these promises and then failed to deliver on any of them. They said it on jobs. They certainly did it on immigration. They said they were going to do all these things. And then they basically gave up everything. That just gave up. They literally gave the left everything that they wanted on all of these things. So no one has any faith in them. It's maybe like the RNC, right? The RNC, they're in the position, they're doing this, but no one had faith in the institution. Hopefully, they do now because whether it's the Trump people that were put in there, whether it's Laura, my sister-in-law, whatever it may be, okay, now we think they're actually working for us, as opposed to, why would I donate to something?I hear what they're doing. I see them doing nothing. I Maybe they'll send a strongly worded letter every once in a while, but not actually do anything that matters. There's a difference. And so what happened in UK was rather interesting because the actual Conservatives made an unprecedented showing. But you're right, the rhinos will cost them, probably. But again, if another election cycle, hopefully, you get Nigel Farage as a UK Prime Minister, and then you actually get something done because he's a friend, but he's also brilliant, and he's one of the original populace. That happened even before Trump and '16. So we got to let these guys do it. But when we run on some of these things, we also actually have to deliver, which is not something that most of the right actually does. They run on it, they win, then they sit back and say, You know what? It's easier just to give in. The left leaves me alone if I just fold every freaking time. So that's a big deal. Patty, you'll be listening with limited coverage in and out driving. What I miss. I'll catch up later. Thank you, Dawn, for including us on Locals.It's my pleasure. Hopefully, you can catch most of it. Steph71, how was the fam? Fourth of July. Hope you all whooped it up. We did good. Yeah, it was solid. I spent way too much money on fireworks, although I'm not sure you can actually spend too much FJ. I got that as a... Something I guess the government can't have because it's old school and carburated, and not computerized, and all that. So maybe that's the bug-out car. And that's where we're at. I do like them. I think just American muscle cars are badass. I got too many hobbies as it is, so I don't need another one, but I love... I truly appreciate them. It's funny. I drive a TRX now, which is a badass... It's like a modern American muscle car pickup truck, 700 horsepower Dodge, just badass. Actually, I've had nice cars, and it's the favorite car I've ever owned. It's my day driver. But it's funny. Even in that thing, which is absolutely badass, the looks you get, the thumbs up you get just driving that FJ and actually knowing how to drive stick is a big one. So I like it.They're cool. Let's see. Love the 43X with the extended magazine. Yeah, the extended magazine is important. Not the easiest thing, just becomes harder to conceal. But yeah, my pinkie will run over that edge. So if you're running actual drills, which you should be doing with your carry gun, it's a little harder. But Yeah. Information warlord. Junior has a lot of really nice custom guns. That is true. A lot. Really a lot. I probably can't talk about how many I have because even the gun guys will be like, That's a lot of guns. But no, I love my guns. I love collecting them. I've gotten into the industry a lot. It's a big one. Love my last wear, 1911. Solid performer. Lesbier makes a great gun. He's a good guy, too. Let's see. Is Robert O'Brien a possible VP candidate? Not that I'm aware of. I like Robert. I've not ever heard that name as a VP candidate, other than sometimes people leak for their own, whether it's him or other people in a circle or people who like him. They'll create that. But no, I have not heard that. Yeah, you, Trumps, are on the Epstein list.Now what? By the way, I say this all the time because obviously, the troll is trying to be funny. The reason you know we're not on the Epstein list is because if we were, it would have leaked. You know that. It would have leaked in five seconds, or we would have been the only names actually leaked. I actually had one of these failed publications. What was it? Maybe The Daily Beast or something like that. They tried desperately a couple of years ago, it was 10 years ago, 15 years ago, whatever it was, to link me to Jeffrey Epstein saying I flew on his plane somewhere because I guess he was at some party I was at. I never met him, never saw him. There's no pictures. It doesn't matter. Same with my father, frankly. They showed the same two pictures of him at the same party, and it's like, Look at him. Here's all these times he's with him. I'm like, They're wearing the same clothes. You think it's the same night, maybe? But they tried doing this, and it was one of these where they were like, We have two reliable sources what? I was like, Okay, like I said. If we were, I I promise you, you would have heard about it. Everyone knows that. Even the left will acknowledge that. Who they don't talk about on the Epstein list is George Stephanopoulos and Bill Gates and all the other people that are always down there.But remember, they're liberals, and they donate a lot of money. So I guess that's the difference. Okay. I don't know. What do we think? Maybe I'll thank everyone, including our sponsors. Oh, by the way, if you're in Florida, tomorrow night, my father has a rally tomorrow at Trump Dural in Miami. The doors open at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. My father will speak probably around 7:00. If you're in South Florida, you can go to donaldjtrump. Com. You can learn more. I think I have some other stuff to do on there. You may even get to hear me speak live. That will be not quite as measured as what my RNC speech will be in the not too distant future. Probably, I I'm speaking next Wednesday evening, perhaps right before the VP. So we'll have some fun with that. But also, guys, make sure you're liking, sharing, and subscribing. If you're still listening, you must like me enough. Even the trolls, honestly, even the trolls, you've been listening for two hours. You should probably throw it a little like there. That's how we get through the algorithm. That's how we make sure other people see it, share it, make sure others get the message out.Be sure to check out our great sponsors. It takes guts to support programming like this, right? Result, Resolve your tax burdens once and for all by visiting tnusa. Com/donjunior, a tax network USA, tnusa. Com/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Don't talk to the IRS without people who know what they're doing. I promise you, the IRS is not your friend, so check them out. Also, protect your savings with the Birch Gold Group by texting Don Jr. To 989898. Again, text Don Don Jr. To the number. 98, 98, 98. Support the guys who have the guts to support programming like this. It matters. Let's see what else we got. Don Jr. 2028. I appreciate it. All right. Well, we will talk to you guys shortly. I will see you. Do we know who we have on Thursday? Are we still working on it? We got Steven Miller and Kerry Lake, so that'll be a good one. The Left loves to hate Steven Miller, and he's doing a lot with his operations. That'll be a good one going into convention. Kerry Lake, another great person. So that's what we got on Thursday. Like, share, subscribe, spread the message, please.Also, you can watch Rumble on your big screen TV. You can go to the Rumble app in there, do that so you can watch with the whole family. I think you guys are awesome, and I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night.


probably could use a lot of shake up. But I don't know if that's where I'd start, but I imagine there's plenty to be done there. Let the door kickers actually run the show, not the bureaucrats. That would be important at all of these places because there are still some great patriotic door kickers, but we're not going to give them too much of a pass if they don't start speaking out against some of the insanity that's going on. So love the DJ The 47 agenda. Yeah, that's a big one.


People keep asking, they're like, Project 2025, debunk it. I don't know. It's like a heritage foundation. It's a think tank. They're trying to say that... I guess they're trying to pretend that they're de facto running transition. Let's be clear, they're not. I imagine there's some good people involved, but I imagine they're also simply fundraising off of some of this, and they're creating controversy and getting the media spun up about things that are lies, trying to pretend like it's real. And so they're probably making a lot of money. This is like the grift. Com component of conservatism. So it's not. It's not real. And it doesn't mean there's not good people. There may be an idea, too, that's good in there or whatever it is. But if you want to learn about my father's agenda, go I see it on his website because it's very clear. That's his plan, the 47 agenda. It's right there. You can read about that. I keep saying, Project 2025. I'm seeing the left losing their minds because there's things in there, and then they're lying that it's our thing. We got to be really clear about that. You got to remember, there's going to be a lot of disinformation campaigns coming over the coming months because they're going to propagandize it.


They're going to take a radical agenda that Conservatives are going to try to fundraise off of, but it won't be going for our campaign. That's purely going to Heritage Foundation. It's going to go to their think tank, and they'll pay themselves good salaries, and none of it will go towards helping get Trump elected. They won't be doing poll watching. They won't be doing get out the vote. It's literally for themselves, and the left will do a lot of propaganda about it. I haven't read the full thing. There may be things in there that are fine, but it's not our policy. We don't have any affiliation with them. They're not on the transition team. I don't know that anyone there will even be on the transition team. Again, it doesn't mean there's not some good Conservatives that are a part of it and whatever it may be, but it's not his policy. If you want to read my father's policy, go on his website. It's right there. It's very clear. You guys can figure out the rest on your own, but just understand that the people that are doing that, they're trying to create, and they'll do that.


You'll see a lot of that stuff probably happen with some of the grifters in various movements after the platform position that happened today at the RNC. I don't I don't want to call out which ones, but I think we got to try to actually win elections, not cater to those guys, and they're going to be fundraising off of stuff that will... And then again, I don't even care what your position is or what my position is, but it almost doesn't matter if you can't win elections because of some of these things. And it's been pretty clear that we're probably losing the popular pop culture on a lot of these things, but they will grift the shit out of this thing in the coming months. They will use it as an opportunity to sow Discord, and they, too, will be doing no poll watching. They will They will be doing no get out the vote. They will be doing nothing other than that. What is Project 2025? 2025 is another liberal lie. No, it's actually coming from a conservative think tank, but a conservative think tank that's probably historically hated Trump and whatever it is. So they create all these things that some people on the right, a couple of people on the right would really like, and then they'd make it seem like it's this platform, and then they get the other side spun up, and then they get to do the fear mongering on the press, and big tech will do that.


And it'll actually help us lose Elections. But again, they will get rich in the process. So Project 2025, that has nothing to do with us. My father doesn't know anything about it, probably never even heard about it, but they've been trying to create all sorts of stuff online, and they'll raise a lot of money for the Heritage Foundation, whatever it may be, and they will almost certainly do nothing to actually help us win an election. But again, that's how it works in DC. They will get rich, they will make a lot of money, they will fear monger and do this, and that will be money that won't go to actually the campaign or the guys that are doing get out the vote or poll watching or trying to win any of the swing states. But they don't care because, again, there's been no consequence to them losing. They sometimes like to lose. They It's not like being in the losing position because I guess it's much easier to bitch about other people that are actually in charge than getting stuff done. We've seen this historically. We've seen this with a lot of movements on the conservative side.


They get everything that they want, and then they got to come up with something else to bitch about. We can name them all, but I don't want to create more controversy because they know exactly who they are, and I'm going to try my best to not give them the opportunity to fundraise off of it. They'll do it anyway. But yeah, there's a lot of that. Let's see. Hokey Sticks, do you invest in the stock market? Some. Oh, Stunk market. I assume that was on purpose. Not much, folks. We want accountability and retribution. Not just success. We want these treasonous baskets punished. Well, listen, the retribution is the success, right? You get these people out of government. You stop making them the arbiters of conservatism and otherwise. And I think you actually get a lot of winning that way. But we haven't done that well. By the way, the other side doesn't do it that well either. They're just as bad, but they have the help of trillion-dollar institutions like mainstream media, big tech, pop culture, Hollywood. It makes it a lot easier when those You guys are doing your cheerleading for you. Trump, Drill Baby Drill, 100 %.


Don for a joy. Don Jr is correct about everything, just like his dad. That's right. Almost everything. Maybe not everything, but pretty close. So let's see. You talk to Baron about his thoughts on politics? Yeah, sometimes. He's a pretty conservative kid. Actually, Baron probably spends more time hanging out with my son than than with me because they're two, three years apart, as opposed to us, which is... I don't even want to talk about how apart that is because I'm old, and I don't like admitting it. But no, he's a pretty conservative kid. France and UK went far left. I believe it's election interference. Yeah, I heard a little bit about France. I'm not sure what exactly happened today. I haven't had a chance to catch up. I just had a bunch of other stuff. I got to start working on my RNC speech. I've just been a little bit more focused on American politics and go from there. Will you interview Grant Cardone? He didn't interview with you that you got to watch. Yeah, eventually. These days, it's been a little bit more about politics, but I think talking about money, talking about investment, I think that is really important because people do have to understand that.


I think if you can get away from the tie-in of a job and start investing yourself and being your own boss and stuff like that, I think It's great on so many fronts, especially since you've seen how corporate America treats you. They'll suck you dry and get everything out of you in 40 years. They'll give you a fake watch and send you on your way. I don't know, not the way I want to live, but I've been pretty blessed, so it makes it a big deal. Jc2.1, an opinion on Crypto. Listen, I love it if done right. I don't want these central banks taking over and making all these decisions. But I I think it's a great thing. I think if we can keep the fundamental tenets of it and some of the... I think it's a great thing, and I think it's a new frontier, and I think we're just starting to figure it out now. I think it's important. I love that community. I love how I see young people actually getting involved and talking about investing with it and stuff like that. It seems to be exciting to them, perhaps more so than some of the stuff that...


Than some of the other That's the stuff that you see out there. So I think that's cool. Did I know that Wednesday is National Kitten Day? I was not aware of that. I was not aware of that. So that's obviously a big one to celebrate. Back to politics. National Kitten Day, Wednesday. Is it really or am I just getting trolled? I don't even know. Is it? No one on my... I don't know. Am I I think I'm getting trolled. Either that or there's just not a lot of cat lovers on my team. We got to make sure to appeal to everyone. Wow. National... It's real. July 10th, celebrating the cuddly warmth of a kitty. Listen, this is something we got to... I don't know. I'm not sure I'm one of these guys that's for every day being some national holiday. It's like, pretty soon, they're going to say people who like cats should get the day off to be with their cat. You know where it's going, folks, right? This is a recipe for disaster, but I appreciate... National... Okay, Yes, we should be clear. I'm all for the Kitten Day being the 10th. I guess that's Wednesday.


Drew, my producer, pointed out, that is not to be confused with National Furry Day, which, celebrating clearly a form of mental illness. My kids talk about this. There's literally a litter box in their classrooms because people identify as animals, and that lunacy in our schools, probably mostly our public schools, but probably everywhere else, is accepted as though it's the gospel and not as mental illness. So let's make sure we don't, we do not, confuse National Kitten Day with National Furry Day, because, yes, that's insane. Polish dog, 989. I did not know it was National Kitten Day either, so I learned something new today. I hope you learned something new other than that today. I've been talking for an hour, and if you've learned nothing other than it's National Kitten Day, I'm going to hear about that from a lot of people, especially the kittens and the kitten people. Yes, that'll be interesting. It's interesting. It's stupid. What? We have like, one of these every day is a, Today was National Grill Cheese Day. It's amazing. If anyone other than Don Jr. Or Jason, something becomes VP, big Trump will have to obey all the regime's orders.


I don't know. I think JD do a good job outside of that. Here's a Tulsi Gabbard for VP. Well-spoken with a strong military background. Actually, we're talking about her being on today. Got screwed up a little bit, so probably be able to grab her at the RNC next week. She's great. Do you have an opinion on the Wisconsin ballot box ruling? Any idea of how to combat it? Yeah, I know people who are working on this right now. They're going to try to get basically hidden cameras on every ballot box. They're going to spend a lot of money doing it. It's ridiculous. It's something overturned. They're obviously trying to cheat and do what they did the last time with the ballot harvesting and break other laws to do so. So I know they've got a lot of money on that. They're going to watch those things very carefully. They're going to figure out what exactly is going on. People will be And I imagine they'll do that right and spend a lot of money on it. That's unfortunate, though. You have to do this because we're freaking insane, and we live in a banana Republic.


But I know there's people talking about that, so I will do whatever I can to be able to help them make sure to do that, because otherwise, you know exactly what's going to happen. So people have to understand that there'll be consequences to breaking those laws. I understand that under the Democrats, and under the Biden regime, and administration, and otherwise, there have not been consequences for flagrantly breaking the law. There are only consequences to breaking the law. If you're a Republican and you don't even have to break the law, they'll just change the law to make sure that you break it, and they'll extend statute of limitations to go after things that they wouldn't be able to do, et cetera, et cetera. That's how it works. Now we got the dog lovers. All right, well, it's not really a fight against the cat people. Can't we all just get along, folks? Listen, like some kittens. I'm probably more of a dog guy myself. That's fine. It's okay. Hopefully, you don't lose votes because of that. But yes, For those of you who are cat people, Wednesday is a big day for you. Let's see. Wait, wait, wait.


This can't be right. Glad Again says, It's National Kitten and Bacon Day. Is it also National Bacon Day? I love that a given day can have numerous things that it is, and it's just clearly a way to sell more stuff for one 365th of the year as an excuse. I mean, the merchant, it's like space balls, right? It's all merchandising. But if it is, I can get behind National Bacon Day. I'm not going to lie to you. No? Is that a troll? Bacon Day, it looks like it's in December. Bacon Day is apparently in December, guys. So get your random holiday crap together. F the bacon unless you raised it. Hey, as someone who's had pigs, and you've probably seen it on my Insta two years ago, it's a lot easier just to go buy bacon, and it's also a lot less messy. Bet Midler is asking to murder Rep Jim Jordan. These people are crazy. Guys, if you're just figuring out that they're crazy, I didn't see that, so I don't know if that's accurate or not, but that's what their ER76 says. But we will see. Don Jr, have you a chance to look over the Save America DJT Project.


Not in terms of the details. I think I just live the general concept of it each and every day. Biden administration is against the SAFE Act. Of course they are. They would never want anything in voting to be safe or just, they can't do. They would make sure it would happen if it was Republicans that were doing the cheating. That I can assure you. But as long as they're able to leverage it for their own good, I promise you they want nothing to do with free and fair They've made that very clear. Done. Wa's father, Patriot, uncovid, vaxed citizen. I'm worried about the In the future, do you believe there'll be another attempt for a lockdown soon? I believe they would do anything right now. I don't know. I keep hearing about bird flu. Here's one case somewhere, and it's like, they're already ramping that up. And if it's not that, it's World War III or whatever. I just don't think there's anything that these people wouldn't do at this point. So I don't know. I, too, fear for our country, which is why we all have to get involved, why we all have to fight, but why we also have to fight smart.


You can't take every Like the guys, you're talking about Project 2025, it's Trump's policy. And it's like, Oh, my God, there's radical things in there. And maybe some of it's not. I don't even know. I haven't even read it. I'd never even heard of it before, like two weeks ago. But there are people that will spin up the other side and try to create fake They will fundraise off of it. They'll do nothing to actually advance the cause. And even if there's good people involved or whatever it is, they'll put good people on a payroll or whatever it may be. Oftentimes, it's not Most often, it's not just pure of heart, guys. They're doing it for themselves. So I want to stop that nonsense because that's the stuff that gets scary, and that's where we lose big time. Please give us your thoughts on the stratosphere arosol injection being sprayed in our skies to manipulate the climate, Shiner. I don't know enough about it. Honestly, I'm sure there's things that they're looking at to do that. But honestly, not saying there's not something to some of these things. Most of the conspiracy theories probably have been right more often than not.


But I don't know. I just candidly don't have the to go down every rabbit hole, just being on the forefront of all of the battles that are just upfront and personal. So let's see. You asked my client, please Give us our thoughts on Vivek as VP. He's the best we love him. I love Vivek. I think he's great. I think he's great. I think he's got a great future in some of this stuff. I think he's very articulate. I think he's very smart. I don't know, perhaps a little too new onto the political spectrum right now to be as VP, but he's become a friend. I like a lot of what he's doing. I think that's important. You need more people to come in. Like I said, I said it earlier. I love And I know, by the way, I believe it to be totally genuine now, but I wasn't sure when he started. I was like, Man, I love what he's saying. I like all of the things that he's saying, actually. But I also know that he is smart enough to tell us what we want to hear and tell me what I want to hear.


But honestly, I think he's backing it up in so many ways. So I've definitely become a believer, and I think he'll have a lot of say, and perhaps a place in the administration and these kinds of things. But we got to also win first. Guys, one more ad, and then we'll go back to questions. We got to talk about Birch Gold. As we've said, we talk about it every day. Our The US country is $34 trillion in debt. That's a lot of money. Biden inflation is only making it worse, and the Fed just keeps printing more and more money, guys. That means your costs go up and your quality of life goes way down. We've seen gold surging as Americans look to guard against economic disaster. So like I always say, I want you to be prepared. Don't just bury your head in the sand. Actually proactively do something about it. It's that simple. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an existing IRA or 401k into an IRA in physical gold. You can do that tax and penalty free. That's a big deal. You can hedge against the inflation.


You can do it tax and penalty-free. So you can learn more by texting. Real simple. Pick up your phone, text Don Jr. Simple. D-o-n-j-r. Don Jr to the number. 989898. Right? 983 times. That's it. Text Don Jr. To 989898, and claim your free no obligation info kit on gold. Birch Gold has earned my trust, and there's a reason why they have thousands and thousands of five-star reviews. Protect your savings simply by going for a free way to educate yourself. Learn. You should learn anyway. Take every opportunity you can to educate yourself. But text, Don Jr, D-O-N-J-R, to the number, 989898 today. All right, let's see. What else we got? What do you think about China setting up Cuba as a future military installation for the People's Liberation Army by setting up spy bases? I'm saying we should not be shocked at all about this, right? This is '60s Cold War. This time, it's... Well, Russia actually has hypersonic nuclear capable warships, submarines and destroyers off the Coast of Florida and in Cuba right now. But of course, China is doing that. China does that in other countries as well. They do it in Mexico. They do it all over Latin America.


They do it in places where they control a lot of power. Close to our country, they're buying up our own farms and stuff because those farms happen to be near our military installations. We are not playing the same game as the Chinese folks. If you think that your brilliant transgender admirals, Dr. Admiral, Rachel Levine, and some of the other clowns that you see paraded around there, and we talk about how wonderful it is and how that makes us a more I don't know, a better fighting force. They've actually said that with a straight face. We're not playing the same game. We're a clown show compared to what the Chinese are doing. They're playing a long game, like a 100-year long game, and they're not worried about the little things in between. We will sell out our country for a two-year election cycle, promising things that make no sense to be able to win a vote, to have a low IQ individual put into Congress or the Senate or a really low IQ individual who will put into the White House to further their own personal gains on a moment's notice. So what's going on with China is scary, but it ain't just Cuba.


I mean, Cuba is really close to Florida, but they're doing it all over the place. They're doing it all over the world. They're controlling our rare earth minerals. We are incapable of acting. They show up with briefcases of cash. They are playing a next-level game, and they are playing to win. They are playing for keeps. We have to say enough is enough before it's too late, and if it's not already too late. That's scary. But you look at the Biden administration, you look at the things that they're doing, and it's absolutely nuts. By the way, guys, if you're on Locals, I'm going to pop that livestream up, so we'll just keep talking, but at least that way, I can make sure I can get to your questions because you can't always keep up with the live feed over here. But, wow, it keeps me going strong. Let's see. I'll go down here, but Let's see. Mark of God. If they can pass motor voter and enforce it, they can do the same thing for a real voter ID Act. Look forward to California losing federal funds for trying to skirt around it. Yeah, they're not going to lose anything from federal funds because the Democrats will make sure of it, and they will keep doing those things.


So we got to win overall. We got to overhaul it. But we can't win by not playing their game. We got to play their game. We have to understand that. We have to do that. And if we do that, we can win. I think we can then implement common sense realities that the rest of even the socialist world actually has in place. But again, we're not going to do that by hiding from the realities of the world in which they have leveled the playing field. They have set the playing field. They have created the game. We got to play that game, and we actually have to win it. That's not easy, but we got to do it. Usa Now, finally, Dapper Dave, Trump should shift to a unifying message with being President after the RNC nomination. Listen, I think that's the idea. People have seen that. But Dave, people They must have seen, everything's chaos. Was it chaos or was it just chaos created entirely by the media? I mean, he has to react to those things. Russia, Russia, Russia was chaos, but it was a Democrat operation that was then blown out by media, and they loved every second of it.


But was that chaos because of Trump, or was that because of the media and the Democrats? And again, like all of the other things, when they lie to us about Joe Biden, his capabilities, his brainpower, et cetera, there needs to be some accountability for that, not like the fake narrative that was chaos under Trump. It was only chaos because they created that chaos. They fundraised off of it. They tried to impede an administration because of it, and therefore, they should be accountable for some of that. They won't be, probably. But I I think we got to start there first. Apparently from geopolitical pundits, I trust the Duran, the French populist, refused to ally with right-wing populists in France, and the right lost. Well, yes, they'll do that. I mean, you see that a little bit in the UK, right? Nigel Farage had a great night the other night in the UK. But there's basically two conservative factions and a liberal faction. So the new conservative faction, which is more like, let's call it America first. But for Britain, they won the largest number of votes in a recent time for a new party, et cetera.


But because the Rhino Conservatives, it's just like America, basically. I mean, this is the simplest way to put it. If you're not following UK politics, I was with Nigel two weeks ago, He explained it to me. I was with him in the UK, and he's great. He's obviously been on a show a bunch. But there's basically two conservative groups that if they actually band it together and agreed to get along and do most of what they want, they They'd probably win. They don't often do that. Or the old guard, let's call it the Rungno Guard, the establishment conservative guard, made all these promises and then failed to deliver on any of them. They said it on jobs. They certainly did it on immigration. They said they were going to do all these things. And then they basically gave up everything. That just gave up. They literally gave the left everything that they wanted on all of these things. So no one has any faith in them. It's maybe like the RNC, right? The RNC, they're in the position, they're doing this, but no one had faith in the institution. Hopefully, they do now because whether it's the Trump people that were put in there, whether it's Laura, my sister-in-law, whatever it may be, okay, now we think they're actually working for us, as opposed to, why would I donate to something?


I hear what they're doing. I see them doing nothing. I Maybe they'll send a strongly worded letter every once in a while, but not actually do anything that matters. There's a difference. And so what happened in UK was rather interesting because the actual Conservatives made an unprecedented showing. But you're right, the rhinos will cost them, probably. But again, if another election cycle, hopefully, you get Nigel Farage as a UK Prime Minister, and then you actually get something done because he's a friend, but he's also brilliant, and he's one of the original populace. That happened even before Trump and '16. So we got to let these guys do it. But when we run on some of these things, we also actually have to deliver, which is not something that most of the right actually does. They run on it, they win, then they sit back and say, You know what? It's easier just to give in. The left leaves me alone if I just fold every freaking time. So that's a big deal. Patty, you'll be listening with limited coverage in and out driving. What I miss. I'll catch up later. Thank you, Dawn, for including us on Locals.


It's my pleasure. Hopefully, you can catch most of it. Steph71, how was the fam? Fourth of July. Hope you all whooped it up. We did good. Yeah, it was solid. I spent way too much money on fireworks, although I'm not sure you can actually spend too much FJ. I got that as a... Something I guess the government can't have because it's old school and carburated, and not computerized, and all that. So maybe that's the bug-out car. And that's where we're at. I do like them. I think just American muscle cars are badass. I got too many hobbies as it is, so I don't need another one, but I love... I truly appreciate them. It's funny. I drive a TRX now, which is a badass... It's like a modern American muscle car pickup truck, 700 horsepower Dodge, just badass. Actually, I've had nice cars, and it's the favorite car I've ever owned. It's my day driver. But it's funny. Even in that thing, which is absolutely badass, the looks you get, the thumbs up you get just driving that FJ and actually knowing how to drive stick is a big one. So I like it.They're cool. Let's see. Love the 43X with the extended magazine. Yeah, the extended magazine is important. Not the easiest thing, just becomes harder to conceal. But yeah, my pinkie will run over that edge. So if you're running actual drills, which you should be doing with your carry gun, it's a little harder. But Yeah. Information warlord. Junior has a lot of really nice custom guns. That is true. A lot. Really a lot. I probably can't talk about how many I have because even the gun guys will be like, That's a lot of guns. But no, I love my guns. I love collecting them. I've gotten into the industry a lot. It's a big one. Love my last wear, 1911. Solid performer. Lesbier makes a great gun. He's a good guy, too. Let's see. Is Robert O'Brien a possible VP candidate? Not that I'm aware of. I like Robert. I've not ever heard that name as a VP candidate, other than sometimes people leak for their own, whether it's him or other people in a circle or people who like him. They'll create that. But no, I have not heard that. Yeah, you, Trumps, are on the Epstein list.Now what? By the way, I say this all the time because obviously, the troll is trying to be funny. The reason you know we're not on the Epstein list is because if we were, it would have leaked. You know that. It would have leaked in five seconds, or we would have been the only names actually leaked. I actually had one of these failed publications. What was it? Maybe The Daily Beast or something like that. They tried desperately a couple of years ago, it was 10 years ago, 15 years ago, whatever it was, to link me to Jeffrey Epstein saying I flew on his plane somewhere because I guess he was at some party I was at. I never met him, never saw him. There's no pictures. It doesn't matter. Same with my father, frankly. They showed the same two pictures of him at the same party, and it's like, Look at him. Here's all these times he's with him. I'm like, They're wearing the same clothes. You think it's the same night, maybe? But they tried doing this, and it was one of these where they were like, We have two reliable sources what? I was like, Okay, like I said. If we were, I I promise you, you would have heard about it. Everyone knows that. Even the left will acknowledge that. Who they don't talk about on the Epstein list is George Stephanopoulos and Bill Gates and all the other people that are always down there.But remember, they're liberals, and they donate a lot of money. So I guess that's the difference. Okay. I don't know. What do we think? Maybe I'll thank everyone, including our sponsors. Oh, by the way, if you're in Florida, tomorrow night, my father has a rally tomorrow at Trump Dural in Miami. The doors open at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. My father will speak probably around 7:00. If you're in South Florida, you can go to donaldjtrump. Com. You can learn more. I think I have some other stuff to do on there. You may even get to hear me speak live. That will be not quite as measured as what my RNC speech will be in the not too distant future. Probably, I I'm speaking next Wednesday evening, perhaps right before the VP. So we'll have some fun with that. But also, guys, make sure you're liking, sharing, and subscribing. If you're still listening, you must like me enough. Even the trolls, honestly, even the trolls, you've been listening for two hours. You should probably throw it a little like there. That's how we get through the algorithm. That's how we make sure other people see it, share it, make sure others get the message out.Be sure to check out our great sponsors. It takes guts to support programming like this, right? Result, Resolve your tax burdens once and for all by visiting tnusa. Com/donjunior, a tax network USA, tnusa. Com/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Don't talk to the IRS without people who know what they're doing. I promise you, the IRS is not your friend, so check them out. Also, protect your savings with the Birch Gold Group by texting Don Jr. To 989898. Again, text Don Don Jr. To the number. 98, 98, 98. Support the guys who have the guts to support programming like this. It matters. Let's see what else we got. Don Jr. 2028. I appreciate it. All right. Well, we will talk to you guys shortly. I will see you. Do we know who we have on Thursday? Are we still working on it? We got Steven Miller and Kerry Lake, so that'll be a good one. The Left loves to hate Steven Miller, and he's doing a lot with his operations. That'll be a good one going into convention. Kerry Lake, another great person. So that's what we got on Thursday. Like, share, subscribe, spread the message, please.Also, you can watch Rumble on your big screen TV. You can go to the Rumble app in there, do that so you can watch with the whole family. I think you guys are awesome, and I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night.


FJ. I got that as a... Something I guess the government can't have because it's old school and carburated, and not computerized, and all that. So maybe that's the bug-out car. And that's where we're at. I do like them. I think just American muscle cars are badass. I got too many hobbies as it is, so I don't need another one, but I love... I truly appreciate them. It's funny. I drive a TRX now, which is a badass... It's like a modern American muscle car pickup truck, 700 horsepower Dodge, just badass. Actually, I've had nice cars, and it's the favorite car I've ever owned. It's my day driver. But it's funny. Even in that thing, which is absolutely badass, the looks you get, the thumbs up you get just driving that FJ and actually knowing how to drive stick is a big one. So I like it.


They're cool. Let's see. Love the 43X with the extended magazine. Yeah, the extended magazine is important. Not the easiest thing, just becomes harder to conceal. But yeah, my pinkie will run over that edge. So if you're running actual drills, which you should be doing with your carry gun, it's a little harder. But Yeah. Information warlord. Junior has a lot of really nice custom guns. That is true. A lot. Really a lot. I probably can't talk about how many I have because even the gun guys will be like, That's a lot of guns. But no, I love my guns. I love collecting them. I've gotten into the industry a lot. It's a big one. Love my last wear, 1911. Solid performer. Lesbier makes a great gun. He's a good guy, too. Let's see. Is Robert O'Brien a possible VP candidate? Not that I'm aware of. I like Robert. I've not ever heard that name as a VP candidate, other than sometimes people leak for their own, whether it's him or other people in a circle or people who like him. They'll create that. But no, I have not heard that. Yeah, you, Trumps, are on the Epstein list.


Now what? By the way, I say this all the time because obviously, the troll is trying to be funny. The reason you know we're not on the Epstein list is because if we were, it would have leaked. You know that. It would have leaked in five seconds, or we would have been the only names actually leaked. I actually had one of these failed publications. What was it? Maybe The Daily Beast or something like that. They tried desperately a couple of years ago, it was 10 years ago, 15 years ago, whatever it was, to link me to Jeffrey Epstein saying I flew on his plane somewhere because I guess he was at some party I was at. I never met him, never saw him. There's no pictures. It doesn't matter. Same with my father, frankly. They showed the same two pictures of him at the same party, and it's like, Look at him. Here's all these times he's with him. I'm like, They're wearing the same clothes. You think it's the same night, maybe? But they tried doing this, and it was one of these where they were like, We have two reliable sources what? I was like, Okay, like I said. If we were, I I promise you, you would have heard about it. Everyone knows that. Even the left will acknowledge that. Who they don't talk about on the Epstein list is George Stephanopoulos and Bill Gates and all the other people that are always down there.But remember, they're liberals, and they donate a lot of money. So I guess that's the difference. Okay. I don't know. What do we think? Maybe I'll thank everyone, including our sponsors. Oh, by the way, if you're in Florida, tomorrow night, my father has a rally tomorrow at Trump Dural in Miami. The doors open at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. My father will speak probably around 7:00. If you're in South Florida, you can go to donaldjtrump. Com. You can learn more. I think I have some other stuff to do on there. You may even get to hear me speak live. That will be not quite as measured as what my RNC speech will be in the not too distant future. Probably, I I'm speaking next Wednesday evening, perhaps right before the VP. So we'll have some fun with that. But also, guys, make sure you're liking, sharing, and subscribing. If you're still listening, you must like me enough. Even the trolls, honestly, even the trolls, you've been listening for two hours. You should probably throw it a little like there. That's how we get through the algorithm. That's how we make sure other people see it, share it, make sure others get the message out.Be sure to check out our great sponsors. It takes guts to support programming like this, right? Result, Resolve your tax burdens once and for all by visiting tnusa. Com/donjunior, a tax network USA, tnusa. Com/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Don't talk to the IRS without people who know what they're doing. I promise you, the IRS is not your friend, so check them out. Also, protect your savings with the Birch Gold Group by texting Don Jr. To 989898. Again, text Don Don Jr. To the number. 98, 98, 98. Support the guys who have the guts to support programming like this. It matters. Let's see what else we got. Don Jr. 2028. I appreciate it. All right. Well, we will talk to you guys shortly. I will see you. Do we know who we have on Thursday? Are we still working on it? We got Steven Miller and Kerry Lake, so that'll be a good one. The Left loves to hate Steven Miller, and he's doing a lot with his operations. That'll be a good one going into convention. Kerry Lake, another great person. So that's what we got on Thursday. Like, share, subscribe, spread the message, please.Also, you can watch Rumble on your big screen TV. You can go to the Rumble app in there, do that so you can watch with the whole family. I think you guys are awesome, and I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night.


what? I was like, Okay, like I said. If we were, I I promise you, you would have heard about it. Everyone knows that. Even the left will acknowledge that. Who they don't talk about on the Epstein list is George Stephanopoulos and Bill Gates and all the other people that are always down there.


But remember, they're liberals, and they donate a lot of money. So I guess that's the difference. Okay. I don't know. What do we think? Maybe I'll thank everyone, including our sponsors. Oh, by the way, if you're in Florida, tomorrow night, my father has a rally tomorrow at Trump Dural in Miami. The doors open at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. My father will speak probably around 7:00. If you're in South Florida, you can go to donaldjtrump. Com. You can learn more. I think I have some other stuff to do on there. You may even get to hear me speak live. That will be not quite as measured as what my RNC speech will be in the not too distant future. Probably, I I'm speaking next Wednesday evening, perhaps right before the VP. So we'll have some fun with that. But also, guys, make sure you're liking, sharing, and subscribing. If you're still listening, you must like me enough. Even the trolls, honestly, even the trolls, you've been listening for two hours. You should probably throw it a little like there. That's how we get through the algorithm. That's how we make sure other people see it, share it, make sure others get the message out.


Be sure to check out our great sponsors. It takes guts to support programming like this, right? Result, Resolve your tax burdens once and for all by visiting tnusa. Com/donjunior, a tax network USA, tnusa. Com/donjunior. Get a free consultation. Don't talk to the IRS without people who know what they're doing. I promise you, the IRS is not your friend, so check them out. Also, protect your savings with the Birch Gold Group by texting Don Jr. To 989898. Again, text Don Don Jr. To the number. 98, 98, 98. Support the guys who have the guts to support programming like this. It matters. Let's see what else we got. Don Jr. 2028. I appreciate it. All right. Well, we will talk to you guys shortly. I will see you. Do we know who we have on Thursday? Are we still working on it? We got Steven Miller and Kerry Lake, so that'll be a good one. The Left loves to hate Steven Miller, and he's doing a lot with his operations. That'll be a good one going into convention. Kerry Lake, another great person. So that's what we got on Thursday. Like, share, subscribe, spread the message, please.


Also, you can watch Rumble on your big screen TV. You can go to the Rumble app in there, do that so you can watch with the whole family. I think you guys are awesome, and I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night.