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Book your slot before you go or even while you're awayThat's like gravity, you know?Let me. So now I feel comfortable because you're acknowledging me. We can begin now. It always takes. Can you just acknowledge me? And then. Okay, good. I have the right to be here. Maryland. My wife.Yes.Sends her love.Yeah. I love her.Yeah. Have you ever got to spend any time with her?Some. I feel like I have. I mean, I like at parties, I feel like we talk. I was at a table reading of so long ago for the movie hanging up, and she was running late. And Steve Martin we could do about it.And why wouldn't it, when you think of, like you say, evolution and biology, why wouldn't we be up for grabs as well as much as everything else?Yeah, that's right. Because I have.Into the spiritual realm.Yes. Gone we are.Yeah.And it's funny, but that's how I felt about science and spirituality.Me, too.They're not. No opposites.No.Science just explains the things that we can't explain and that we call spirituality. But it.And it's getting closer.It's getting closer to being able to observe it and identify.Yeah. Yeah. It's above my pay grade. The kind of physics that we're talking about.We know physics is two abstract compositions.But getting closer and closer. And to me, that's a comfort. My go to, my ultimate go to when I am, like, overwhelmed or have watched way too much. Even my guys, CNN and MSNBC, scare the shit out of me and depress me and take me away from the joy that's right in front of my face or available is. And then you die, Ted. So just do the best you can every day. Try to be a little bit better. Try to be nurturing and kind, because there's a lot of suffering. So don't add to that. Try not to add to that. And politics, even though I do somehow sometimes get involved, is not my happy place at all, because I don't feel like my opinion. I don't want to try to change your belief system or your opinion. Those are your belief systems and opinions.Right.I do feel comfortable because of my father being a scientist and an anthropologist, archeologist, to say, hey, this is. I know science learns more and more, so things do change, but science is my happy place. This is what I hear from the scientists I'm hanging around with. Do with it what you will, but I feel an urgent need to tell you that this is what science is saying. I am very comfortable with that.Yeah.I can testify in front of Congress and have people disagree or be angry, and I'm fine. But if I talk about your belief system, I'm over my head.Right. Well, but the other thing about science, though, is this is what science believes is happening. This is the explanation science provides right now.Yeah.And then it will change, and then it'll change, and then it'll change and discount all the other things from before. So.Which doesn't invalidate whatever science is talking about in the moment.Right.Because it is done from as carefully considered an observation as possible.Yeah, hopefully.Hopefully, yes.Because that's where I get really cynical. There are always influences.Yes.Money and interests. That would like a different answer. Yeah. So I'm just really skeptical of all of it, and then ultimately think, all right, well, it doesn't matter. I think everyone just needs to try to be as happy as they can be and find it where they can and make do with what could be enough.Right. Part of me is, like, now, for me, because environment is where I hung my hat and oceans and stuff like that. And now climate change, because, wow, you're really good. You're very disciplined. Because I was about to get sensationalizing my scientific beliefs, so I have to be careful. But climate change can, from an oceanographer's point of view, undo everything we're doing to make the oceans better and sustainable. Just because you can't heat up the oceans to this degree without messing things up.Right. We need to do something so that we can still live here, to make it habitable. And I go to, I think. I don't know if we can, and the earth is just going to shake us off.I used to do an impression of the earth, handling all the environmental problems.Yes, exactly.One big shake and that'll handle.Exactly.Yeah.So, I don't know. It's just getting comfortable with. Yeah. I mean, this might not work for us. I get nervous when I see, you know, all these billionaires throwing money into making Mars a place to live. Because that's a good solution. But what do you know? Oh, no, I thought maybe I'd have more time here, but. All right, I'll just make my peace with.I see. AI, being a robot with my brain imprinted on some is a better way to go? Is that what you're all saying? Oops.And maybe it is. I don't know. I mean, we wouldn't know the difference.I see you have such discipline. That's because you went to Vassar and studied discipline.Or throwing in the towel. Because it's a fine line.Yes, it is a fine line. But hope is good.Or just, well, what can I do? Hope.But, I mean, here's my and then we die thing. I mean, which is a version of what you're saying, but, okay, you're gonna die.I.What can you do? Well, I can be. Because this is scary and a lot of people are suffering. I can be kind. I can go, hey, we're still here. We're still alive. Let's find the joy. I can do all of those things. I can try to save the oceans. But if you do, Ted, you're not going to get an out of jail free card. You're not immortal all of a sudden, so who cares? Do what you can to make things and people around you a little better in your lane. Yeah, I'm not a scientist. I'm an actor. So in my lane, try to make things a little better.But you've made the oceans part of your lane.Yes.Fair enough.Yes. I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is what the lady behind me, the marine biologist, is saying.Yeah.So listen up.Yeah.Hey, you're a lady biologist, aren't you?Not a marine biologist, and not anymore.Yeah.I mean, I don't think I have membership in that society.Can I ask you about time bandits? I hear you.Oh, yeah.Have you shot it already?Oh, yeah.I mean, the long time ago. Oh, long time ago.No no, I don't mean that. I mean, it's taken a long. There's so many special effects and things. It's taken like a year and a half. It's over two years since we went there. Is it? No, almost two years.Wow. And is it the time bandits that we kind of remember from Monty Python?Yeah, I think it is.Yeah. Terry Gilliam.Yeah, that's the movie. Terry Gilliams, Time bandits, and Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi and Ian Morris did this series and it's based on the original time Bandits.Right.And, yeah, it's fun and funny and for everybody. It's really like a good family show or, you know, you don't have to have a family. And it's still funny and fun.I'm really happy for more series. More episodes.Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah, I think there is. I mean, I don't decide.Yeah. Yeah. Who's it on? Who's it for? What?Streaming apple. Apple plus. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll see. We'll see what happens. That was fun to be in New Zealand.Oh, is that where you were? Because of the real countryside you could make use of?Yeah. And Taika and Jemaine are from New Zealand and. Yeah. And they just had access to, like, untouched natural forests and things. It's really beautiful.Did you move down the family or no?Yeah, well, he came and he visited for three months.Oh, wow.Which was great. That was heaven. And my husband visited too and then went. Yeah, there's nothing for me to do here. And then took off.Do you live? This is none of my business question, but do your careers take you in different directions and that's okay or.Yeah, it's always fine. We're fine.Yeah.I mean, when we got married, the understanding was you know, we're not joined at the hip, and we root for each other, and we love each other madly, and we still do.Yeah.Isn't that always, like, a happy surprise right after we've been together 29 years? And sometimes we look at each other and our eyes fill up with tears and, oh, my God, I love you. And that's amazing.It is amazing. We met later. I was 45, Mary was 40. We had both come to the conclusion from previous marriages that we were incapable of having a relationship successful. I mean, we literally. Mary said to herself, I know that I look like I should be good at relationships. I'm not. I was on the other side going, I can. I can mess up any relationship. Clearly. I through it. They moved or did what they had to do or, I don't know, this went so fast.I went, oh God, I'm going to say thank you, and it's only been.A half hour, but this is why I'm a drag at a party. I like, I'm not like light and fun jokes.Yeah, well, doesn't that make you better?Well, maybe for you. Yes, because we wouldn't mind sitting in a corner and talking about these things.Yes, because it's interesting. And my. You hold my interest and delight me.Thank God.You know, as opposed to the cocktail chatter. And I used to be really good at cocktail chatter. Now I suck at it. I'm.Yeah. Hard earned harder.Yeah.But this is why my parents, when I said, I want to be an actress, like, great. Lighten up.Yeah.Because that's who I am. I always need to learn.Well, thank you so much. I don't have to duck you. The next time I see you, I go, hey, we talked. Let me give you a hug. Hi.Duck me.I don't know why I did that. Yeah, I did.Yeah, you don't. Please don't.I won't.Duck me.I won't.At Conan's next Christmas party.Oh. I don't know that I've ever been invited, but could you put in a good word?I bet now you will be. What do you mean? Of course you have been.Yeah. He'll listen to this. Will he listen to this? No, he doesn't care. I adored being with you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.Thanks, Ted.Kindred spirit.Yep.A little smarter than I am, but still a kindred spirit. Uh oh.Definitely not a lot dumber.Sorry.I know. And look, I won't just let you say goodbye. Thank you for having me on. Boom.Lisa Kudrow, everyone. I feel so lucky to have spent time with her. Check out Time bandits out now on Apple TV. That's it for this episode. Thanks to our friends at Team Coco. If you enjoyed this episode, send it to a friend, subscribe rate and review. And you can always watch full episodes of this podcast on Team Coco's YouTube channel, if that's your thing. I'll be right back here next week where everybody knows your name. Susan.You'Ve been listening to where everybody knows your name with Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, sometimes. The show is produced by me, Nick Liao. Executive producers are Adam Sacks, Colin Anderson, Jeff Ross, and myself. Sarah Fedorovich is our supervising producer. Our senior producer is Matt Apodaka. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel with support from Eduardo Perez. Research by Alyssa Grall. Talent booking by Paula Davis and Gina Bautista. Our theme music is by Woody Harrelson, Antony Genn, Mary Steenburgen, and John Osborne. Special thanks to Willy Navarre. We'll have more for you next time. Where everybody knows your name.Consumer cellular offers the same fast, reliable, nationwide coverage without the big wireless cost freedom calls. Sign up with consumer TeD 50 and use promo code TeD 50 to save $50. Terms and conditions apply.Go all algae with summer BBQ sizzlers, now only $2.99 each, including specially selected black Angus ultimate six ounce beef burgers, butcher selection quick cooked chicken filets and butcher selection pork belly strips, now only $2.99 each, and there's even more in store all board. Be a quality assured go all Aldi while stocks last.


That's like gravity, you know?


Let me. So now I feel comfortable because you're acknowledging me. We can begin now. It always takes. Can you just acknowledge me? And then. Okay, good. I have the right to be here. Maryland. My wife.




Sends her love.


Yeah. I love her.


Yeah. Have you ever got to spend any time with her?


Some. I feel like I have. I mean, I like at parties, I feel like we talk. I was at a table reading of so long ago for the movie hanging up, and she was running late. And Steve Martin we could do about it.And why wouldn't it, when you think of, like you say, evolution and biology, why wouldn't we be up for grabs as well as much as everything else?Yeah, that's right. Because I have.Into the spiritual realm.Yes. Gone we are.Yeah.And it's funny, but that's how I felt about science and spirituality.Me, too.They're not. No opposites.No.Science just explains the things that we can't explain and that we call spirituality. But it.And it's getting closer.It's getting closer to being able to observe it and identify.Yeah. Yeah. It's above my pay grade. The kind of physics that we're talking about.We know physics is two abstract compositions.But getting closer and closer. And to me, that's a comfort. My go to, my ultimate go to when I am, like, overwhelmed or have watched way too much. Even my guys, CNN and MSNBC, scare the shit out of me and depress me and take me away from the joy that's right in front of my face or available is. And then you die, Ted. So just do the best you can every day. Try to be a little bit better. Try to be nurturing and kind, because there's a lot of suffering. So don't add to that. Try not to add to that. And politics, even though I do somehow sometimes get involved, is not my happy place at all, because I don't feel like my opinion. I don't want to try to change your belief system or your opinion. Those are your belief systems and opinions.Right.I do feel comfortable because of my father being a scientist and an anthropologist, archeologist, to say, hey, this is. I know science learns more and more, so things do change, but science is my happy place. This is what I hear from the scientists I'm hanging around with. Do with it what you will, but I feel an urgent need to tell you that this is what science is saying. I am very comfortable with that.Yeah.I can testify in front of Congress and have people disagree or be angry, and I'm fine. But if I talk about your belief system, I'm over my head.Right. Well, but the other thing about science, though, is this is what science believes is happening. This is the explanation science provides right now.Yeah.And then it will change, and then it'll change, and then it'll change and discount all the other things from before. So.Which doesn't invalidate whatever science is talking about in the moment.Right.Because it is done from as carefully considered an observation as possible.Yeah, hopefully.Hopefully, yes.Because that's where I get really cynical. There are always influences.Yes.Money and interests. That would like a different answer. Yeah. So I'm just really skeptical of all of it, and then ultimately think, all right, well, it doesn't matter. I think everyone just needs to try to be as happy as they can be and find it where they can and make do with what could be enough.Right. Part of me is, like, now, for me, because environment is where I hung my hat and oceans and stuff like that. And now climate change, because, wow, you're really good. You're very disciplined. Because I was about to get sensationalizing my scientific beliefs, so I have to be careful. But climate change can, from an oceanographer's point of view, undo everything we're doing to make the oceans better and sustainable. Just because you can't heat up the oceans to this degree without messing things up.Right. We need to do something so that we can still live here, to make it habitable. And I go to, I think. I don't know if we can, and the earth is just going to shake us off.I used to do an impression of the earth, handling all the environmental problems.Yes, exactly.One big shake and that'll handle.Exactly.Yeah.So, I don't know. It's just getting comfortable with. Yeah. I mean, this might not work for us. I get nervous when I see, you know, all these billionaires throwing money into making Mars a place to live. Because that's a good solution. But what do you know? Oh, no, I thought maybe I'd have more time here, but. All right, I'll just make my peace with.I see. AI, being a robot with my brain imprinted on some is a better way to go? Is that what you're all saying? Oops.And maybe it is. I don't know. I mean, we wouldn't know the difference.I see you have such discipline. That's because you went to Vassar and studied discipline.Or throwing in the towel. Because it's a fine line.Yes, it is a fine line. But hope is good.Or just, well, what can I do? Hope.But, I mean, here's my and then we die thing. I mean, which is a version of what you're saying, but, okay, you're gonna die.I.What can you do? Well, I can be. Because this is scary and a lot of people are suffering. I can be kind. I can go, hey, we're still here. We're still alive. Let's find the joy. I can do all of those things. I can try to save the oceans. But if you do, Ted, you're not going to get an out of jail free card. You're not immortal all of a sudden, so who cares? Do what you can to make things and people around you a little better in your lane. Yeah, I'm not a scientist. I'm an actor. So in my lane, try to make things a little better.But you've made the oceans part of your lane.Yes.Fair enough.Yes. I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is what the lady behind me, the marine biologist, is saying.Yeah.So listen up.Yeah.Hey, you're a lady biologist, aren't you?Not a marine biologist, and not anymore.Yeah.I mean, I don't think I have membership in that society.Can I ask you about time bandits? I hear you.Oh, yeah.Have you shot it already?Oh, yeah.I mean, the long time ago. Oh, long time ago.No no, I don't mean that. I mean, it's taken a long. There's so many special effects and things. It's taken like a year and a half. It's over two years since we went there. Is it? No, almost two years.Wow. And is it the time bandits that we kind of remember from Monty Python?Yeah, I think it is.Yeah. Terry Gilliam.Yeah, that's the movie. Terry Gilliams, Time bandits, and Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi and Ian Morris did this series and it's based on the original time Bandits.Right.And, yeah, it's fun and funny and for everybody. It's really like a good family show or, you know, you don't have to have a family. And it's still funny and fun.I'm really happy for more series. More episodes.Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah, I think there is. I mean, I don't decide.Yeah. Yeah. Who's it on? Who's it for? What?Streaming apple. Apple plus. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll see. We'll see what happens. That was fun to be in New Zealand.Oh, is that where you were? Because of the real countryside you could make use of?Yeah. And Taika and Jemaine are from New Zealand and. Yeah. And they just had access to, like, untouched natural forests and things. It's really beautiful.Did you move down the family or no?Yeah, well, he came and he visited for three months.Oh, wow.Which was great. That was heaven. And my husband visited too and then went. Yeah, there's nothing for me to do here. And then took off.Do you live? This is none of my business question, but do your careers take you in different directions and that's okay or.Yeah, it's always fine. We're fine.Yeah.I mean, when we got married, the understanding was you know, we're not joined at the hip, and we root for each other, and we love each other madly, and we still do.Yeah.Isn't that always, like, a happy surprise right after we've been together 29 years? And sometimes we look at each other and our eyes fill up with tears and, oh, my God, I love you. And that's amazing.It is amazing. We met later. I was 45, Mary was 40. We had both come to the conclusion from previous marriages that we were incapable of having a relationship successful. I mean, we literally. Mary said to herself, I know that I look like I should be good at relationships. I'm not. I was on the other side going, I can. I can mess up any relationship. Clearly. I through it. They moved or did what they had to do or, I don't know, this went so fast.I went, oh God, I'm going to say thank you, and it's only been.A half hour, but this is why I'm a drag at a party. I like, I'm not like light and fun jokes.Yeah, well, doesn't that make you better?Well, maybe for you. Yes, because we wouldn't mind sitting in a corner and talking about these things.Yes, because it's interesting. And my. You hold my interest and delight me.Thank God.You know, as opposed to the cocktail chatter. And I used to be really good at cocktail chatter. Now I suck at it. I'm.Yeah. Hard earned harder.Yeah.But this is why my parents, when I said, I want to be an actress, like, great. Lighten up.Yeah.Because that's who I am. I always need to learn.Well, thank you so much. I don't have to duck you. The next time I see you, I go, hey, we talked. Let me give you a hug. Hi.Duck me.I don't know why I did that. Yeah, I did.Yeah, you don't. Please don't.I won't.Duck me.I won't.At Conan's next Christmas party.Oh. I don't know that I've ever been invited, but could you put in a good word?I bet now you will be. What do you mean? Of course you have been.Yeah. He'll listen to this. Will he listen to this? No, he doesn't care. I adored being with you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.Thanks, Ted.Kindred spirit.Yep.A little smarter than I am, but still a kindred spirit. Uh oh.Definitely not a lot dumber.Sorry.I know. And look, I won't just let you say goodbye. Thank you for having me on. Boom.Lisa Kudrow, everyone. I feel so lucky to have spent time with her. Check out Time bandits out now on Apple TV. That's it for this episode. Thanks to our friends at Team Coco. If you enjoyed this episode, send it to a friend, subscribe rate and review. And you can always watch full episodes of this podcast on Team Coco's YouTube channel, if that's your thing. I'll be right back here next week where everybody knows your name. Susan.You'Ve been listening to where everybody knows your name with Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, sometimes. The show is produced by me, Nick Liao. Executive producers are Adam Sacks, Colin Anderson, Jeff Ross, and myself. Sarah Fedorovich is our supervising producer. Our senior producer is Matt Apodaka. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel with support from Eduardo Perez. Research by Alyssa Grall. Talent booking by Paula Davis and Gina Bautista. Our theme music is by Woody Harrelson, Antony Genn, Mary Steenburgen, and John Osborne. Special thanks to Willy Navarre. We'll have more for you next time. Where everybody knows your name.Consumer cellular offers the same fast, reliable, nationwide coverage without the big wireless cost freedom calls. Sign up with consumer TeD 50 and use promo code TeD 50 to save $50. Terms and conditions apply.Go all algae with summer BBQ sizzlers, now only $2.99 each, including specially selected black Angus ultimate six ounce beef burgers, butcher selection quick cooked chicken filets and butcher selection pork belly strips, now only $2.99 each, and there's even more in store all board. Be a quality assured go all Aldi while stocks last.


we could do about it.


And why wouldn't it, when you think of, like you say, evolution and biology, why wouldn't we be up for grabs as well as much as everything else?


Yeah, that's right. Because I have.


Into the spiritual realm.


Yes. Gone we are.




And it's funny, but that's how I felt about science and spirituality.


Me, too.


They're not. No opposites.




Science just explains the things that we can't explain and that we call spirituality. But it.


And it's getting closer.


It's getting closer to being able to observe it and identify.


Yeah. Yeah. It's above my pay grade. The kind of physics that we're talking about.


We know physics is two abstract compositions.


But getting closer and closer. And to me, that's a comfort. My go to, my ultimate go to when I am, like, overwhelmed or have watched way too much. Even my guys, CNN and MSNBC, scare the shit out of me and depress me and take me away from the joy that's right in front of my face or available is. And then you die, Ted. So just do the best you can every day. Try to be a little bit better. Try to be nurturing and kind, because there's a lot of suffering. So don't add to that. Try not to add to that. And politics, even though I do somehow sometimes get involved, is not my happy place at all, because I don't feel like my opinion. I don't want to try to change your belief system or your opinion. Those are your belief systems and opinions.




I do feel comfortable because of my father being a scientist and an anthropologist, archeologist, to say, hey, this is. I know science learns more and more, so things do change, but science is my happy place. This is what I hear from the scientists I'm hanging around with. Do with it what you will, but I feel an urgent need to tell you that this is what science is saying. I am very comfortable with that.




I can testify in front of Congress and have people disagree or be angry, and I'm fine. But if I talk about your belief system, I'm over my head.


Right. Well, but the other thing about science, though, is this is what science believes is happening. This is the explanation science provides right now.




And then it will change, and then it'll change, and then it'll change and discount all the other things from before. So.


Which doesn't invalidate whatever science is talking about in the moment.




Because it is done from as carefully considered an observation as possible.


Yeah, hopefully.


Hopefully, yes.


Because that's where I get really cynical. There are always influences.




Money and interests. That would like a different answer. Yeah. So I'm just really skeptical of all of it, and then ultimately think, all right, well, it doesn't matter. I think everyone just needs to try to be as happy as they can be and find it where they can and make do with what could be enough.


Right. Part of me is, like, now, for me, because environment is where I hung my hat and oceans and stuff like that. And now climate change, because, wow, you're really good. You're very disciplined. Because I was about to get sensationalizing my scientific beliefs, so I have to be careful. But climate change can, from an oceanographer's point of view, undo everything we're doing to make the oceans better and sustainable. Just because you can't heat up the oceans to this degree without messing things up.


Right. We need to do something so that we can still live here, to make it habitable. And I go to, I think. I don't know if we can, and the earth is just going to shake us off.


I used to do an impression of the earth, handling all the environmental problems.


Yes, exactly.


One big shake and that'll handle.






So, I don't know. It's just getting comfortable with. Yeah. I mean, this might not work for us. I get nervous when I see, you know, all these billionaires throwing money into making Mars a place to live. Because that's a good solution. But what do you know? Oh, no, I thought maybe I'd have more time here, but. All right, I'll just make my peace with.


I see. AI, being a robot with my brain imprinted on some is a better way to go? Is that what you're all saying? Oops.


And maybe it is. I don't know. I mean, we wouldn't know the difference.


I see you have such discipline. That's because you went to Vassar and studied discipline.


Or throwing in the towel. Because it's a fine line.


Yes, it is a fine line. But hope is good.


Or just, well, what can I do? Hope.


But, I mean, here's my and then we die thing. I mean, which is a version of what you're saying, but, okay, you're gonna die.




What can you do? Well, I can be. Because this is scary and a lot of people are suffering. I can be kind. I can go, hey, we're still here. We're still alive. Let's find the joy. I can do all of those things. I can try to save the oceans. But if you do, Ted, you're not going to get an out of jail free card. You're not immortal all of a sudden, so who cares? Do what you can to make things and people around you a little better in your lane. Yeah, I'm not a scientist. I'm an actor. So in my lane, try to make things a little better.


But you've made the oceans part of your lane.




Fair enough.


Yes. I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is what the lady behind me, the marine biologist, is saying.




So listen up.




Hey, you're a lady biologist, aren't you?


Not a marine biologist, and not anymore.




I mean, I don't think I have membership in that society.


Can I ask you about time bandits? I hear you.


Oh, yeah.


Have you shot it already?


Oh, yeah.


I mean, the long time ago. Oh, long time ago.


No no, I don't mean that. I mean, it's taken a long. There's so many special effects and things. It's taken like a year and a half. It's over two years since we went there. Is it? No, almost two years.


Wow. And is it the time bandits that we kind of remember from Monty Python?


Yeah, I think it is.


Yeah. Terry Gilliam.


Yeah, that's the movie. Terry Gilliams, Time bandits, and Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi and Ian Morris did this series and it's based on the original time Bandits.




And, yeah, it's fun and funny and for everybody. It's really like a good family show or, you know, you don't have to have a family. And it's still funny and fun.


I'm really happy for more series. More episodes.


Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah, I think there is. I mean, I don't decide.


Yeah. Yeah. Who's it on? Who's it for? What?


Streaming apple. Apple plus. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll see. We'll see what happens. That was fun to be in New Zealand.


Oh, is that where you were? Because of the real countryside you could make use of?


Yeah. And Taika and Jemaine are from New Zealand and. Yeah. And they just had access to, like, untouched natural forests and things. It's really beautiful.


Did you move down the family or no?


Yeah, well, he came and he visited for three months.


Oh, wow.


Which was great. That was heaven. And my husband visited too and then went. Yeah, there's nothing for me to do here. And then took off.


Do you live? This is none of my business question, but do your careers take you in different directions and that's okay or.


Yeah, it's always fine. We're fine.




I mean, when we got married, the understanding was you know, we're not joined at the hip, and we root for each other, and we love each other madly, and we still do.




Isn't that always, like, a happy surprise right after we've been together 29 years? And sometimes we look at each other and our eyes fill up with tears and, oh, my God, I love you. And that's amazing.


It is amazing. We met later. I was 45, Mary was 40. We had both come to the conclusion from previous marriages that we were incapable of having a relationship successful. I mean, we literally. Mary said to herself, I know that I look like I should be good at relationships. I'm not. I was on the other side going, I can. I can mess up any relationship. Clearly. I through it. They moved or did what they had to do or, I don't know, this went so fast.I went, oh God, I'm going to say thank you, and it's only been.A half hour, but this is why I'm a drag at a party. I like, I'm not like light and fun jokes.Yeah, well, doesn't that make you better?Well, maybe for you. Yes, because we wouldn't mind sitting in a corner and talking about these things.Yes, because it's interesting. And my. You hold my interest and delight me.Thank God.You know, as opposed to the cocktail chatter. And I used to be really good at cocktail chatter. Now I suck at it. I'm.Yeah. Hard earned harder.Yeah.But this is why my parents, when I said, I want to be an actress, like, great. Lighten up.Yeah.Because that's who I am. I always need to learn.Well, thank you so much. I don't have to duck you. The next time I see you, I go, hey, we talked. Let me give you a hug. Hi.Duck me.I don't know why I did that. Yeah, I did.Yeah, you don't. Please don't.I won't.Duck me.I won't.At Conan's next Christmas party.Oh. I don't know that I've ever been invited, but could you put in a good word?I bet now you will be. What do you mean? Of course you have been.Yeah. He'll listen to this. Will he listen to this? No, he doesn't care. I adored being with you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.Thanks, Ted.Kindred spirit.Yep.A little smarter than I am, but still a kindred spirit. Uh oh.Definitely not a lot dumber.Sorry.I know. And look, I won't just let you say goodbye. Thank you for having me on. Boom.Lisa Kudrow, everyone. I feel so lucky to have spent time with her. Check out Time bandits out now on Apple TV. That's it for this episode. Thanks to our friends at Team Coco. If you enjoyed this episode, send it to a friend, subscribe rate and review. And you can always watch full episodes of this podcast on Team Coco's YouTube channel, if that's your thing. I'll be right back here next week where everybody knows your name. Susan.You'Ve been listening to where everybody knows your name with Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, sometimes. The show is produced by me, Nick Liao. Executive producers are Adam Sacks, Colin Anderson, Jeff Ross, and myself. Sarah Fedorovich is our supervising producer. Our senior producer is Matt Apodaka. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel with support from Eduardo Perez. Research by Alyssa Grall. Talent booking by Paula Davis and Gina Bautista. Our theme music is by Woody Harrelson, Antony Genn, Mary Steenburgen, and John Osborne. Special thanks to Willy Navarre. We'll have more for you next time. Where everybody knows your name.Consumer cellular offers the same fast, reliable, nationwide coverage without the big wireless cost freedom calls. Sign up with consumer TeD 50 and use promo code TeD 50 to save $50. Terms and conditions apply.Go all algae with summer BBQ sizzlers, now only $2.99 each, including specially selected black Angus ultimate six ounce beef burgers, butcher selection quick cooked chicken filets and butcher selection pork belly strips, now only $2.99 each, and there's even more in store all board. Be a quality assured go all Aldi while stocks last.


through it. They moved or did what they had to do or, I don't know, this went so fast.


I went, oh God, I'm going to say thank you, and it's only been.


A half hour, but this is why I'm a drag at a party. I like, I'm not like light and fun jokes.


Yeah, well, doesn't that make you better?


Well, maybe for you. Yes, because we wouldn't mind sitting in a corner and talking about these things.


Yes, because it's interesting. And my. You hold my interest and delight me.


Thank God.


You know, as opposed to the cocktail chatter. And I used to be really good at cocktail chatter. Now I suck at it. I'm.


Yeah. Hard earned harder.




But this is why my parents, when I said, I want to be an actress, like, great. Lighten up.




Because that's who I am. I always need to learn.


Well, thank you so much. I don't have to duck you. The next time I see you, I go, hey, we talked. Let me give you a hug. Hi.


Duck me.


I don't know why I did that. Yeah, I did.


Yeah, you don't. Please don't.


I won't.


Duck me.


I won't.


At Conan's next Christmas party.


Oh. I don't know that I've ever been invited, but could you put in a good word?


I bet now you will be. What do you mean? Of course you have been.


Yeah. He'll listen to this. Will he listen to this? No, he doesn't care. I adored being with you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.


Thanks, Ted.


Kindred spirit.




A little smarter than I am, but still a kindred spirit. Uh oh.


Definitely not a lot dumber.




I know. And look, I won't just let you say goodbye. Thank you for having me on. Boom.


Lisa Kudrow, everyone. I feel so lucky to have spent time with her. Check out Time bandits out now on Apple TV. That's it for this episode. Thanks to our friends at Team Coco. If you enjoyed this episode, send it to a friend, subscribe rate and review. And you can always watch full episodes of this podcast on Team Coco's YouTube channel, if that's your thing. I'll be right back here next week where everybody knows your name. Susan.


You'Ve been listening to where everybody knows your name with Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, sometimes. The show is produced by me, Nick Liao. Executive producers are Adam Sacks, Colin Anderson, Jeff Ross, and myself. Sarah Fedorovich is our supervising producer. Our senior producer is Matt Apodaka. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel with support from Eduardo Perez. Research by Alyssa Grall. Talent booking by Paula Davis and Gina Bautista. Our theme music is by Woody Harrelson, Antony Genn, Mary Steenburgen, and John Osborne. Special thanks to Willy Navarre. We'll have more for you next time. Where everybody knows your name.


Consumer cellular offers the same fast, reliable, nationwide coverage without the big wireless cost freedom calls. Sign up with consumer TeD 50 and use promo code TeD 50 to save $50. Terms and conditions apply.


Go all algae with summer BBQ sizzlers, now only $2.99 each, including specially selected black Angus ultimate six ounce beef burgers, butcher selection quick cooked chicken filets and butcher selection pork belly strips, now only $2.99 each, and there's even more in store all board. Be a quality assured go all Aldi while stocks last.