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Something was bothering her the days before she was killed. She was having nightmares. I feel like it was somebody she knew, and she let him in the house, and it went downhill from there. One person done it, one person knows he did it, and he has not told a single person. On a Monday morning in May 1992, a 20-year-old woman is murdered in her home. Her husband, of just nine days, comes home from work and finds his high school sweetheart, stabbed to death. She lies face up on her kitchen floor, fully clothed, with wounds in her chest and back. Her name is Jennifer Judd. Police immediately suspect a friend of the couple, but they never close the case. A decade later, a different man confesses. His name is Jeremy Jones. He's a local menace who terrorized the area before going on the run. He confesses to more than 20 murders, but investigators dismiss his claims. Twenty years later, Jennifer's murder remains unsolved. I don't think that there was a true effort made to solve this. I'm Sarah Calin. In this new series, I'll investigate the murder of Jennifer Judd. That just makes you question if you ever thought it was real.


And the confessions of Jeremy Jones. He had no problem discussing his methods of killing women. I've just felt like the guy's a creep, and that he's done a lot more than what people know he's done. More than anything, I want to know, who was Jennifer Judd? And why was her life cut so tragically short? This is for Jennifer. This is for my best friend. I wanted to find out the truth. She was real and she was loved, and people miss her still every day. Listen to Who Killed Jennifer Judd, wherever you get your podcasts.