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The following podcast of women Talkin bout murder was recorded before my co host, Donna Montgomery, went missing. I am relistening to these episodes to search for any clues that can help find her. So please, Talkin bout hers, put on your detective ears as we listen to this previously aired episode. If I could have only one bumper sticker, that bumper sticker would say, it's always the husband. And today's case proves once again that when a wife dies or goes missing, look no further than the man with the ring.


That actually puts a positive spin, I guess, on never being married for me, because I guess, you know, it's kept me from getting murdered. Oh, gosh. But I want that white wedding gown, because it's just like, ugh.


This is women talking bout murder. Episode 29 93.


Okay, so, Joe, Beth, we are talking about a wife killer today.


That's what we're talking about. And this case especially gets my goat, Donna, because it took the dummy police three tries before they caught the pos. Three women had to die before they said, oh, wait, this man had three wives die in the same water skiing accident. Hmm. Maybe he had something to do with it.




And I just want to say, I love the pla. You know, that my entire family was in the police force, but I just can't stand by.


But that's also why you're allowed to make comments about them. It's like they're your own family. So you're allowed to say things like, you can say something about your own mom, but I can't say anything about your mom. You know?


That's right. That's right.


And I know, you know, if you could have been in charge, you would have arrested this man minutes after the first wife died, because it's always the husband.


Scott, I know that bothers you, but I would be foolish and remiss if I didn't prepare to be murdered by my husband. Now, we've been married 30 years this year.




And he hasn't murdered me yet. Thank you, Donna. But that doesn't mean you won't, right, Scott?


I don't have to be running a pretty long con to do that.


I guess he doesn't like to talk about this, but in our vows, I made it clear, till death do us part or till death do me part. Because I wanted everyone to know. I know that, statistically, Scott will probably murder me at some point.


Yeah, that felt a little one sided at the ceremony.


It was in our wedding vows, our life insurance, everything. You know, everyone always says that I'm being too dramatic, especially Scott. But sniff around. Amen. That was our wedding vows.




Sniff around.


Okay, now, you know I agree with you. It's always the husband. You've taught me that. And we've done plenty of episodes about it. I get it. I get it. But I do have to say, it's just not very inclusive for people like me who don't have a husband. And so if I murdered, you know, and it's always the husband, then it's always the nothing, you know? So then nobody killed me. And then it's like, what do we do with that?


Honestly, Donna, you bring this up a lot. I don't understand what you're saying. Say it again.


It's always the husband. But what if you don't have a husband? And it makes me feel kind of bad, and it makes me think about how I didn't marry your brother ray. But of course, if he asked me, I would have said yes. So, I mean, I guess in that way, he could be the husband. So if I murdered, then I guess it's Ray.


You know what, Donna? You make a good point. I understand what it feels like not to be seen. And I can imagine what that must feel like for a single woman. And I want to tell you something. Single women get murdered all the time. So if anything, you're more seen in this scenario. Aw, you are seen, girlfriend.


Okay, so what are we doing today? We're talking about a water skiing wife killer.


Yep, we sure are. And it's a real doozy.


Okay. I love water skiing. You know, I love water. I love a boat, and I love getting behind a boat and being flung around in my bikini and stuff. Okay, so he killed three of his wives in the same accident. How would somebody get away with that?


Well, it's his mo, which is latin for modus operandi. It was three separate waterskiing accidents that all took place on a very famous lake here in North Carolina called Lake Norman.


Love Lake Norman.


Three wives killed on the back of a boat, right? He was pulling them water skiing, ponytails flopping, bikini tops hanging on by a thread. And I'll tell you how he got away with it, because he's a basic white man.


White men.


I'm talking John Deere, trucker cap. I'm talking. You're listening to Dave Matthews. You probably have a chain link tattoo around your unimpressive guns, meaning your arm. And I have to say, just your type. Is that mean of me to say, Donna, but you really just about to say it.


Yeah. Jinx.




Yeah, I love a mediocre white man. I do.


His name is. Wait for it. Mike Jones. Can't get more average than that.




Okay, so Mike Jones was a dentist in the Charlotte area, right here in North Carolina. He'd been married for seven years to Jessica Turner Jones when she tragically died while they were out water skiing on Lake Norman.


Oh, seven years. Seven's usually, like, such a lucky number.


Wrong. Not when it comes to marriage. Donna, the seven year itch is a thing, and it's not a good thing. And for Mike Jones, that seven year itch was more like a full body rash that he scratched till it bled. And it was a lovely day there on Lake Norman, and the happy couple took their speed boat out to do some water skiing. They were back in a remote cove when Jessica wiped out hard after going over the wake. Then, according to Mike, as he turned around to get his wife, the boat accidentally ran her over, killing her instantly.


Oh, my gosh. To get hit by a boat and just go right down into the water. What a way.


Just don't get in a boat. Don't get behind it. Don't get in front of it.


Oh, no. Boats are beautiful. Boats are wonderful. For it to turn around and kill somebody, it's just like. It's like finding out a kitten killed you.


Boats are Satan's pool toys. That's what I call them privately and in my journaling.


Well, then why did you watch a lot of the television show the love Satan's pool toys?


Because the love Boat was a fantasy show from the seventies. When Gramby let me stay up to watch it, I wasn't gonna say no.


Guess why that's my favorite show.




Because it's my two favorite words.


Just please promise you won't take any more cruises. And I'm talking about river cruises too.


I think I feel the most alive on a boat. And that's why this is so tragic to me that I can. I'm putting myself in Jessica's skis, and I'm thinking, this is the best day of my life. I'm having the most fu. And then that's it. Okay, well, maybe if you're having the most fun, maybe that's a quick way to go. All right. Actually, I'm fine with it.


In the police report, it's ruled, and I quote, just one of those freak accidents. So Mike Jones mourns Jessica, but not for long, because guess what? The man is remarried a year later to his co worker, classic dental hygienist Kimberly Walker Jones. Fast forward three years when another lovely day on Lake Norman. Happy couple takes a speedboat out to do some water skiing, and guess what?


Oh, it rains.


No. Donna. She dies in the very same way. In the water skiing accident. No. Police rule it. Once again, I'm reading from the report. Just one of those freak accidents. I don't know who these hillbillies are. Then, only ten months later, this time, Mike. Mary's dental pharmaceutical representative, Jennifer Wyatt Jones. And guess who's dead four months later?




No. Donna. Poor Jennifer. You know what? But this time, third time's a charm, because the police finally arrest Mike Jones.


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Donna, I'm trembling with excitement because we are actually getting to speak to someone that we don't usually get to speak to on this show. And that is the actual murder.






Donna, you ruined my.


Go back.


I had big news. I had big news.


Someone we don't talk to a go. Go ahead.


So very eating those chips. Don't open a bag of chips right now. Please. Please. Seriously, I'm about to cry. Yeah, I'm super hungry. I'm very tired. I just need to get through this.


Buttoning the lips.


Okay. Thank you.


Jo, do you want me to. Do you want me to get you a slice of pizza?


Yes, I would love a slice of pizza. It's a very special episode today because we'll be talking to someone we usually don't get to talk to. That is the murderer himself, Mike Jones. From jail.


Well, you know, I have a lot of experience talking to men in jail because of the volunteer group that I'm a part of. And actually, the one fella that, you know, I chat with a lot who I really like, Keith Mason. He might get out next month because he's had a really great record of good behavior. And so his sentence is going to be lifted, and he's going to get out of jail.


Donna, let me stop you right there. Let me stop you right there. I don't understand what good behavior is in jail.


A lot of them are innocent, so you're also just, you know, they've been through a very hard time.


I just feel like everybody should just stay in jail. If you got in there, you probably were up to no good. Go ahead and stay in there. Stay off my cul de sac. That's what I have to say. That would be the other bumper sticker.


I like that one.


Thank you.


I'm putting it in a note in my phone to get you that for a present one day. Oh, shoot. Now you know.


Oh, Donna, you're sweet.


I feel like if it's happened to me and for whatever reason I was in jail, I would probably get out on that. Just be nice to other people.


Okay, well, that was an admission that he's thought about killing me. But anyway, jail, colon, good behavior, question mark. That's another bumper sticker bringing up etsy right now. Thank you. Okay, so we're dialing in now.


And then various people have to connect us because it's a whole thing.


Hello, welcome to prison. How can I connect your call?


Hi, it's Donna.


I'm sorry, who?


No, Donna calling. I just talked to Keith earlier today. That's right.


Do you want to talk to Keith or Spencer? Spencer or Brian or Peter today?


Well, maybe after. So keep Brian available. Maybe in an hour for me. But we are calling for Mike Jones.


Hello, second line of prison. Is this for Mike?


Hi, it's Donna.


Oh, hello, Donna. How are you?


I'm doing fine. I'm doing the podcast right now with Jo Beth, who you haven't gotten to meet before. Jo Beth, do you want to say hi? This is Stanford.


Hi, Stanford.


Happy belated birthday. Anyway, Stonna, great to hear from you. Do you want me to go ahead and connect you?


Then we're going to do Mike Jones today. We're talking to Mike Jones.


You got it. Anything for you, cutie.


Thank you.


Oh, my God, Donna.


Hello, this is Mike. Who am I talking to?


You're talking to Donna and Jo Bath.


Ooh. I haven't heard a woman's voice in a long time. This is really tickling my pickle. How we doing, ladies?


I'm doing just fine, Mike.


Ooh. What have we got? Sisters? Sisters on the line?


Kind of, almost. Yeah. I dated her brother for a long time, and then we became close. So, yeah, kind of a sister in law.


Oh, don't tell me you're identical. I'll get all chubbed up.


Come on, Mike.


Mike, I hope you're not talking about your penis, because we're going to have a lot of problems. Well, so we're just calling to ask you a little bit about the death of your three wives.


Such a travesty.


You got away with it twice and now you're serving 365 years.


That's correct.


Consecutive years. Which I'm very surprised, because as we all know, you are a basic white guy.


No, nothing basic about me. I mean, would a basic white guy have a Oakley's around his bald head so tight he gets a headache? Would a basic guy have camouflage print shorts? No. Would a basic guy have barbed wire tattoo around every single orifice? No. Also not really a white guy. I'm pretty tan from being out on the boat.


All signs point to BWGM. Basic white guy murderer.


You sound smart. The way you rolled off that Alphabet there. You sound smart and beautiful.


I'm not going to fall for your flirtations yet.


You guys are talking a lot.


What do you do with yourself in jail? What do you do with yourself when you're charged with murdering three women? What goes on?


You know, I help out the guys here every now and then, but I had my beautiful wife, Jessica, and, God, you know, I. I took her out on the boat one day and to cheer her up, right? Cause she was talking about, oh, you know, where'd our retirement savings go? You spend it on the boat. I said, you need to clear your head, girl. Let's go out on the lake.




You sound like a girl who likes to get in a bikini.


I love a boat.


You got a two piece?




How deep is your belly button, by the way?


All right, let me check.




And do you, Mike, do you water ski or are you just the driver? I know some men are like, I'm just the driver.


You got me a climbing sinker. I'm just a driver, baby. Water skiing is for the girls who, you know, I don't want to say look good doing it. Okay. There's certain parts that jiggle and squiggle out there. And so we took her for a rip and, yeah, poor thing fell off. And a little bit of context. My first wife, Jessica, brunette, and I saw her head bobbing in the water. And I thought it was a coconut. Oh, yeah?


Yeah. Cause there's so many coconut palms on the shores of Lake Norman and Charles.


I'm not really a gardener. I don't know about what's growing in North Carolina.


Your next wife, not a brunette, right?


That's exactly right. Because I wanted to do for safety, someone with blonde hair in case we went out on the water. I know she wasn't a coconut. And also for safety, you know, bigger boobies, maybe some fake boobies. So that for flotation. Cause if a girl doesn't want to wear a life jacket, she better come prepared. So second wife, Kimberly. Yeah, she was blonde and her boobies were bigger. And I thought, well, now I'm in the clear.


Okay, so then what happened?


She was, you know, complaining about me talking to other women online, which, first of all, she found this bogus conversation I had had with another woman online where I said, what's your favorite sexual position? Because I was doing investigatory work to be a better husband to my wife. How else is a husband supposed to find out what women want other than go on the Internet and ask other women what kind of sexual position they like so I can take the research home to be a better husband, you see?




So she was all fired up about it. I said, girl, we got to get you out on the water to your head. Yeah, she was out there on the skis, took a tumble, took a big tumble. And here's what I'm going to tell you, okay? You see a blonde woman floating in the water, two big boobies, keeping her buoyant skis up in there. I thought that was a bushel of coconuts. And I know you're thinking, oh, you know, I'm not an educated man. I don't know what kind of colors coconut come in. Blonde, brunette?


Oh, but you. But you are a dentist.


That's right. So then I grieve and I mourn, and I got made fun of mercilessly in the town. Cause everyone goes, oh, this guy doesn't know what a coconut is. And then there was Jennifer to pick up the pieces.


So you're meeting a lot of these ladies at work. It seems they were all part of the dental industry. That's right. So do you only date people within the dental industry? It seems.


Have you seen the girls that work in the dental industry?


I thought about going to dental school at some point, and I didn't.


And you sound pretty enough to go, well, not to be a dentist, but to be a dental hygienist. You do. You really do.




So I met Jennifer, and, you know, she had all the boxes checked. She had, you know, the big old boobies, which is not an esthetic thing by any means. I know what you're thinking. It's just literal safety thing. And she was a redhead, and so I knew, you know, this one's gonna last forever. And then she started talking, you know, oh, what happened to your other wives? I said, oh, nagging.


Shut up.


You know, she kept bringing up what happened. Suspicious stuff like that. I said, you know, we gotta get you out on the lake, girl. We gotta clear your head. So she gets out on those skis, and, you know, she takes a tumble and, oh, I mean, this time I knew it was her head, but I just wanted to tap it with the boat for a joke.


Oh, my gosh. One of those freak accidents.


Yes, exactly.


I'm a little confused, Mike. You seem a little glib. First of all, you're very flirty. I'm not gonna say that it's not.


Pleasant, but who's being flirty now? Who's being flirty now?


But anyway, so how do you feel about being an average white guy that got away with murdering three beautiful professionals? Murder?


Okay. It was coconut, coconut joke. I made that very clear. Coconut, coconut joke.


That might could be a good bumper sticker, Donna.


Oh, I wrote it down already. I liked it. I like coconut, coconut joke.


That laugh is something I can't get enough of.


Mike, stop. Okay?


You should come visit me.


Oh, yeah, we can visit.


I don't know.


I know how to do the visitation stuff.


I've seen you actually visit a few other guys. You're through the plexiglass, but you still find a way to get your lips pressed up on.


Oh, there's different kinds of lips, aren't there, Mike? You know, you're a dentist.


You on some water seams? We gotta get you out there.


No, no.


Okay. So, Mike, I have a question.


Yes, I'm single.


I know. Yeah.


And I'm lonely.


Right. Well, that actually brings me to my question. How has jail been for you?


I don't know. I spend the day out there, you know, muscles glistening in the yard, doing push ups, sit ups, pulley up, ease, punch wallies, stuff like that. You girls don't want to see that kind of stuff, do you? It's tough as nails. But I'm tough as nails as the barbed wire tattoo around on my wrists and ankles. And my pee pee would tell you.


You know, I just picture you on a Harley with your dental smock on and just going from town to town like a rough rider working on people's teeth.


Look at you, Joe Beth, acting like you didn't Google image search me because that is my LinkedIn profile picture. You know that Harley's got a big old seat, and I got a jacket that says on the back, if you can read this, the bitch fell off.


I usually hate that.


I usually hate that so much.


So you better get on the back of my bike so no one could read my jacket then. That's all.


Joe Beth, I have a question for you, because it looked like in the court case. I'm just going over some of Joe Beth's notes here. So what they seemed to prove was that you were already having an affair with who became your new wife when the wife before had died. So you murdered the one wife to then be able to go on to the next person.


What do you do if you're struggling in a math class? You get a tutor. Is that cheating on your teacher? No. So I would talk to another woman online and say, you know, what do you like when you know stuff like that? Sexual conversation so that I can study up and be a better husband. And that's on loyalty. That's on loyalty.


I love your loyalty tattoo, by the way. Just. I probably speaking out of turn, but anyway.


Understand japanese characters. That is very sexy. Joe Beth.


Zachary. Joe Beth, maybe. Maybe your husband Scott has something to say. Does your husband Scott want to ask a question?


He's out with the dogs. He took the dogs out. One of our dogs married a long.


Time, but he's out with the dogs right now. And you guys are here with the dog.


You should go check on him because he's been out on that walk for a while.


Yeah, our dog has diarrhea.


Okay, Donna, are you married or what?


No way.


No, I can tell you. Okay, single girl on the single girl.


All the single ladies.


But don't you mind, Joe Beth. Husband's never stood in my way before. Let's just say there's been a few accidents involving other men as well. I'm saying coconut. Coconut. No fucking joke.


Okay, well, that was a total mistake. Mike Jones was a real charmer, and donna got really carried away.


Somebody else did, too.


Let's just keep saying. I'm trying to understand what just happened.


Well, I think what just happened was that it was fascinating, and we really got into the mind of a killer. You know, we've never done that before, and I don't know, I thought being there inside the mind of a killer was exciting.


You're right. I mean, it was thrilling. I don't want to ever do it again. I'm ashamed. I have to say, you're really the wind beneath my wings on this podcast, because I really felt at sea. And tonight, I'm going to take you to outback, and we're going to have a couple wallaby darns.


Oh, yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.


You know what? Let's just do the takeaways, shall we?




As always, don't go in a boat. Don't go on a boat. Don't get in front of a boat. Don't get behind a boat. Don't reach into a cooler on a boat. Don't go below deck. Don't go above deck. Don't sit on the bunny pad. Don't get in the pilot seat. Don't go on a cruise. And finally from today's case, don't get married. That's every case, unless you're married to Scott. Sorry, Scott. He's back with the dogs. Stay indoors, my babies.


This improvised episode of women talking about murder is a presentation of odyssey and paperkite productions. It's produced by Best Case Studios. The cast includes Liz Kakowski and Emily Spivey, with Scott Philbrook and Lisa Gilroy. Amy Poehler and Liz Kakowski are writers and executive producers for paper kite. Alice Stanley Junior is a writer producer for Best Case Studios. Adam Pincus is executive producer, Suzanne Meyer, supervising producer, Hanna Liebowitz Lockhard producer Nisha Venkat, associate producer. Odyssey's executive producers are Jenna Weiss Berman and Leah Reese Dennis. Special thanks to the team at Odyssey, Jordan Cohn, Melissa Wester, Kurt Courtney, and Hilary Schuff. And for Paper kite, Sam Green. This episode was edited and mixed by Sarah Voorhees. Wendell. Follow and listen to women talking about murder now on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts.