Transcribe your podcast

I have been overwhelmed by how many people are listening. You have reached out to me and thanked me for being vulnerable, but you've reached out to me and shared your stories with me and how it has resonated with you or how you have related. The point of this was to connect, and it's working in such an amazing way, and I can't wait to hear more from you. Episode 8 comes out on July 23rd, and that marks the end to this chapter of the story. But there are more chapters. We named the show, You Probably Think This Story is About You, not just because of Canan, not just because of other people that have been talked about, but because this story might be about you and how it relates to your life. Because if you related to this story, then it's about you. That's why next season, I want to tell your story. Reach out to me through social media or through my website and tell me about it. As always, links are in the show notes. I know this story is complicated, and I've heard so many questions, and I'm going to do an IG Live on July 22nd at 07:00 PM Pacific.


Hop on and let's get them answered.