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Today's episode of YAP is sponsored in part by Industrius, Facet, Kajabi, Shopify, LinkedIn, and Indeed. Industrius is the leading provider of co-working spaces and flexible office solutions. Use code profiting to redeem a free week of co-working at industriusoffice. Com. Facet provides affordable personalized financial advice with no commission fees. Check out membership options and get the $250 enrollment fee waived at facet. Com/profiting. Kajabi gives you control of your content, brand, and income. Get a free 30-day trial to start your course at kajabi. Com/profiting. Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you grow your business. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at Shopify. Com/profitink. Reach top-level decision-makers by advertising on LinkedIn. Go to linkedin. Com/yap for $100 credit on your next campaign. Attract, interview, and hire all in one place with Indeed. Get a $75-sponsored job credit at indeed. Com/profiting. As always, you can find all of our incredible deals in the show notes. Yap-bam. Welcome back to the show. And for today's YAP Classic, we are brushing off my old interview Dean Graziosi, episode 68 of the podcast recorded in June 2020. Now, I remember this episode so vividly because June 2020 was in the midst of COVID.


My father had just passed, and I was just starting YAP Media. I was just starting to get my first social clients. And Dean really inspired me at such a pivotal part in my entrepreneurial journey. He inspired me to feel confident in being the underdog. And he really goes into why you're actually better off being the underdog and how you can compete with the biggest companies in the world, even with very few resources. It actually makes you more creative and innovative. And we talked all about that, and it really opened my eyes. And fast forward four years later, I can't believe how far YAP Media has come. And if you don't know Dean, he's a highly respected businessman who's built a multimillion dollar real estate business from the ground up. He's been involved in or has started 14 incredibly successful companies, and now he basically leads Tony Robbins Company. He also is a best-selling author whose books include Millionaire Success Habits and the Underdog Advantage, which was the topic of the episode that we're replaying today. Our last episode on the podcast, our latest one, released on Monday, was with Dean as well. It's episode 294.


And if you haven't yet, go check that one out. We talk about why there's never been a better time to pursue entrepreneurship. And today's episode is a perfect follow-up to that. If you believe you were meant for something more, but you don't feel like you have the motivation or the drive to get it, you're going to benefit so much from this conversation. So let's get right into it.


My first question to you is really about your journey to where you are today. So from my understanding, we do lots of research here on Young and Profiting podcast. And you had humble beginnings. Before you were 19, you moved 20 different times. You grew up with a single mom. You guys had financial struggles. You lived in a trailer park. You had super humble beginnings. But then by the time you were 25, 26, you were already a multimillionaire. You had made it in the real estate business. You had 20 to 30 apartments under your belt. So take us back to then. How did you get from struggling 19-year-old, didn't go to college, single parent to multimillionaire in your mid-20s?


Yeah, first off, I want to say, congrats on all the research. Everybody says they do, but you really did. So thanks. And secondly, I want to congratulate you for being a leader and getting information out to the world. And we need to get more educated on so many different levels to help us grow. And I just want to commend you for choosing this path because-Oh, thank you. The world needs more people doing that, right? And if you're not sharing your own knowledge, which you surely do, you help bring other knowledge to the world. So in Well, here's the thing. There's a million different reasons, right? We all have different circumstances. And please know, if I share a little bit about my past, I want to share only so it gives you context so you can use it in your own life. I don't like podcasts sometimes when someone goes on for 45 minutes about their life story if it doesn't feel relevant to me. So I just want to tell you, no matter where you are in your life right now, as you listen to this, if you're in your 20s, I can remember being 20 and 18 and not knowing what I was going to do in my future.


I didn't feel that smart because I struggled filled with dyslexia. So I decided college wasn't even an option for me. And we didn't have money. And I didn't have an example in my family. But I knew there was more. I watched my parents work so hard to have nothing. And I just didn't want to follow their path. I didn't want to follow their path in the work environment. They're amazing people. But in the work, it's like they always struggled with money. They always worried about money, and they both worked hard. And it caused them to be not so happy in their personal life. It overflowed into that. So I just I just want to let you know I know what that feels like. And I know what it's like to have that hunger to go and do something on your own. But where the heck do you start? And then besides, where do you start? Then you feel like an imposter. I know, maybe you have never felt that way, but I was like, you didn't go to college. You're not that smart. No one in your school, no one in your family is doing well.


You don't live in a big, thriving town. You live in a small little upstate New York town. So I remember feeling all those feelings. But what I want to share with you today, and I'm excited to dig in anywhere you want, no question off the table. But I also know what it's like to use that pain of running away from tough circumstances as my fuel. I know what it's like to fail and try again. I know what it's like to fail 10 times and try again and get that first sale, that fifth sale. And get momentum, and get people to believe in you, and you start gaining confidence. And then all of a sudden, you get scared again, but you look back and go, I've already done this. Let me try more. So I did. I started a firewood business in high school. I started fixing wrecked cars before I was 20. I bought my first run down apartment house for no money down at 19 or 20 years old. I ended up having a tow truck company, a collision shop, apartments. Then I started, just like you said, I started building houses, buying raw land and subdividing it by 25, failing miserably between a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of just hustle, a lot of people doubting you and say, slow down, you're not going to make it, family thinking you're crazy.


I was able to get to my networth. I didn't have a million dollars in the bank at 25, but I had over a couple of million dollars in real estate by the time I was 25 and multiple different businesses.


That's so incredible. It's so cool that you didn't have a college education, but you just went out and did the work. You hustled, you learned things on your own. How did you change your mindset about money? Because if you grew up with parents who struggled financially, they probably put it in your head that it was really hard to be rich and that... To agree. Yeah. How did you change to a mindset of abundance?


First off, I want to tell you, good question. I'm going to have fun. This is going to be a fun interview. I like your question because it's a true story. I remember my mom, and my mom is one of the sweetest women I've ever met in my life. But my mom, if we pass somebody with money or a big house or a Mercedes went by when I was a kid, I remember my mom be like, oh, It was like disdain because they had it and we didn't, right?




And I just remember, it's easy to look back. And sometimes I don't even know if this is exactly what I felt at the moment, but I can judge it from this point, looking backwards. And I realized that And money isn't evil. Money solves problems. And I remember, it's like, I guess this is a silly analogy, but neither one of us were sitting here talking. We didn't think about the air we're breathing. You didn't think, oh, I got another breath. But if someone clamps, put their hands around your neck and you couldn't breathe, the only thing you would think about is air. And when I look back at my parents, they didn't realize since they didn't have money and they didn't have the ability to do things, all they ever thought about was the lack of money they had and the pain even caused them without even realizing it. And I just remember thinking, if I could get money out of the way, I could retire. My mom was probably my biggest muse because she worked three jobs to make nothing. And I remember thinking, if I make money, I can retire her. She doesn't have to come home at nine o'clock at night tired with her hands hurting and her back hurting.


So I just remember thinking money can solve problems. Now, I was probably a little naive back then, but I still feel that. I still feel money can solve problems. As a family, we realize how many kids go to bed at night in America hungry. We provided seven million meals. Money allowed us to provide a solution. We do a lot of stuff in charity, but it also helps my family. I retired my parents, both of them. By the time I was 30, I retired both my parents. So they don't have to worry about that anymore. So I think money is one of those things. It's only evil if you do bad things with it. Money can shift the world. Money can help people in need. Anyway, we can go down the philosophical side of money. But I just knew if I could make more money, I could help my family. And I wouldn't feel so out of control. When you don't have money and you got to move. We lived in an apartment house and had to leave because we didn't have money to stay there. It was all this disruption. And the other thing I'll share before we...


If you want to go deeper and move on. But the other thing, and maybe some of you can feel this, is lack of money to me, and this is one of my core whys in my life, lack of money to me means I'm not in control of my time or my decisions. The money I made my parents make certain decisions. They couldn't come to my baseball games or plays because they were both working. That was a decision made because of lack of money. We had to move certain areas. We had to live with my grandma a lot. We made bad decisions because of lack of money, and someone else was in control. And I remember, now that we're talking about it, the number one thing I remember is if I have money, no one's going to tell me how to live, where to live. And I still feel that way.


Wow. I think you said so many different gems, so many great insights. I love that money He allows you to be in control. And that was your drive to help your parents become financially free and for yourself to be more in control of your life. I love that. So I think this is a perfect segue into the underdog advantage. I thought it was a great book. So tell us, what is this concept of The Underdog Advantage?


So I think if you really look through history, right? Some of the biggest people we respect in sports or in freedom for countries, freedom for people. They've been the quintessential underdogs, right? At every level, from George Washington in America to Martin Luther King to Mother Teresa to LeBron James and Michael Jordan and everybody in between. If you really dig into their past, they weren't supposed to make it. So how the heck did they? So when I have this concept, I'm really obsessed. My last two books, Millionaire Success Habits, and this one, are really about going upstream. That's the analogy I use in my head, and really helping people with the foundation for success. So many times people want success and they're looking, should I do Amazon? Should I build a course? Should I write a book? Should I sell products? And they're looking for the tools and the tactics. But if they don't have the mindset and the skills and the habits for success, it will never work. They'll dabble forever and have envy that other people are getting ahead and they're not. So I really started obsessing on, how do I really help people in a simple way anchor in a foundation?


I started looking into my own life. I feel like I'm the quintessential underdog, didn't have money, didn't have resources, didn't have family support, didn't have an education, all those things, right? Not for me, just part of it. And I started really analyzing and I geeked out on research on successful people throughout time. And there was seven core habits of people who turn their disadvantages into their advantages. I mean, think about this. Most people, when they think about starting their own business or scaling their business, they say, and I get DMs like this all the time, hey, if you lend me 100 grand, we can be rich. If you lend me the money, if you give me the But think about how many people hit lotto and go broke. They had the resources, but they were lacking resourcefulness. Think about how many people, if you know anybody that's a trust fund adult, was a trust fund kid, now they're an adult. I know a bunch of them. And I have to say, I don't know any of them that are really happy or really hungry or are attacking life. I know a lot of them that struggle.


Some people who just raise money for businesses and you probably have some friends like that, not friends, people you know, They're on their fourth raise of money, and the business fails, they just go raise money again. So that's three examples of resources, but not resourcefulness. So if we go back to that, what if life happens for us? What if God, the universe, whatever you believe in, Set these obstacles in your way to see if you are worthy to gain the success you desire. And to get over those obstacles, you have to be resourceful. You have to figure out solutions. Listen, I've been blessed to start over 13 companies. I've done more success than I could ever imagine possible. I never had anybody lend me money, give me money. I didn't know what it was like. I wasn't smart enough to have angel investors. I had to go in business, and I had to make it profitable in the first month or I'd go out of business. So it taught me how to be a hustler, taught me how to market, taught me how to influence, taught me how to bring good people together because my butt was on the line.


If it didn't work, I'd go broke. So it was like, poor you, no one let you money. No, not poor me. I know how to start businesses and make them cash flow now because I had to be resourceful. That's just one of the seven things that you realize successful people are massively resourceful.


Yeah, I love that, that you have to be resourceful. I think that's super interesting. So let's say a lot of my listeners, we have cushy corporate jobs, right? And we're comfortable now. So how do we get that resourcefulness, that fire under our butts that you're speaking about, if we already made it to a certain level?


I love that. What a great question. And that's why there's a whole section in the book about adopting an underdog mindset, right? Because if you don't attack things in a hungry way, you can get complacent. And here's what I would share is it's great to have a cushy job and you got some money coming in. But if you looked back, if you had the chance to fast forward, you're 97 years old, and you're sitting with your maker, whoever you believe your maker is, and you're having a conversation, and you just fast forward. And what you're doing now is what you did for the rest of your life with incremental raises. If you can sit with your maker and say, oh, my God, that was an amazing life. I felt it. I lived to my full potential, then you should keep doing exactly what you're doing. If you love it, but if you feel any part of your heart that you were meant for just something different, not just more money, not just upgrade the five series Beamer to the big Beamer, or go to the bigger. I'm talking about something where you feel like it's calling you.


You get out of bed in the morning and you feel like you have a calling where you could be a role model, where you can tap into another level of potential. I don't care where you are. There is another level of potential. And when you reach that one, there's another level. Stretching your mind, stretching the ability to learn, stretching the ability to impact other people's lives. If you have any of that, then what I believe is you have to get disturbed within action. You have to get disturbed with complacency. And that's just it. And even when it comes to entrepreneurs, there's lifestyle entrepreneurs and achievement entrepreneurs. I have some people that I know that got to a certain They're level 20 grand, 50 grand a month in revenue, and they live the life they want, and they want to just be on autopilot. They don't want to make more. They don't want to wait less. They got their lifestyle they want. And there's accomplishment-based entrepreneurs. It's like, I accomplish this, but there's a bigger mountain. There's more to learn. There's more to I want to grow. I want to navigate new territory. And it never ends because it's not about the money.


It's about the ability to keep growing. So I would just say you have to really reflect and spend a little time and say, if you're good with it, don't let anybody disturb you. Stay good with it. But So I would bet today, if you're listening to this podcast, or you're listening to any podcast, or you're reading any personal development books or success books, you might be on 3.0. There's a 4.0 version of you. And what I'd say is find a way to be disturbed and find a way to have an underdog mindset. Attack it like you're not comfortable. Attack it like you have no money. Attack it like people are going to make fun of you when it doesn't work. Attack it that you have to be this incredibly resourceful because all I know, too, is being resourceful brings you a Live because you have to think through problems. You don't just go, Oh, let me cut a check. It's like, No, I got to make this happen.


Well, you have incredible drive. I feel like I also have this incredible drive. That's why I started my podcast on the side of having a job. And it really does wake me up and it makes me feel so passionate about life. And I can't wait to see where it goes. But you have this extraordinary drive that doesn't seem to stop.


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I wanted to take a look at your content journey. So I scrolled through all your YouTube videos all the way from 2011 11, very old videos, maybe even 2007, I want to say. And some of them had 30 views, 70 views. And then it would jump from 70K views to 200K views. And I was thinking, how did you maintain that drive drive where sometimes people were paying attention and sometimes people weren't paying attention at all? How did you maintain that grit, that drive to where now you have, I think, three million followers on Instagram? How did you do that?


Yeah. So here's what it is. First off, there was a time where I realized that, and this is somebody, any of you that ever want to, if you're already in it or you want to go into something on social media to make more of an impact, to get a channel going. If you just look at it that there might be just one One person in the universe right now that means what you're going to share. If you look at it through those eyes, then you don't have to say, well, I don't have millions of followers. I don't have tens of thousands of followers. But what if it doesn't take 10,000 followers? What if one person tomorrow, if you shared a message, had two views, and one of the two, you got to course correct their life or help solve a problem or allow them to feel better about themselves or gain knowledge to make them go faster in life? If you start looking at it through that, then it becomes about the impact. And the byproduct is more revenue value and success. So I would bet to say I know what I want out of life.


I truly understand what success means to me. It took me a long time to dial that in. And of course, it was different in my 20s and my 30s and my 40s. But I know what success means to me. I love giving people capabilities to go faster because I wish I had them, right? And I wish I had the right knowledge. In my 20s, I got a lot of advice, but it wasn't until I really started digging in and learning from people who had already been there until I got the right advice. So I love giving advice. I love Start course, correcting people's lives, not because I'm brilliant, not because I have all the answers. And I don't give people advice in areas that I don't know of, right? What's going on in the world right now? I'm not going to give advice. I just want to be an active participant in the fix, the repair of it, in the solutions. I'm not going to give my advice. There's people way smarter than me. But you want to know how to start a business, market, influence, persuade, write best selling books, build relationships with people you like.


That's my expertise. And I want to give that to the world. So when I know I want that, and the only way to give it is through enthusiasm. If I came on here with you today, I was like, yeah, I've been blessed to do a lot of cool stuff. Listen, right? So just for me, and this is one thing I think everybody should take away from this, is drill down the four or five things that are real success in your life. So one, for me, I love making an impact. Maybe it wasn't always that. When I first started this business, I just wanted to make more money while I was helping people. Right now, it's an obsession to make an impact. Number two, I love being a father and a husband. I'm married to one of my dreams. I have three amazing children, and I want to be a present dad. When my kids are with me and I pick them up from school every single day, I go to baseball practices, not just the games. Being a dad and being a husband is important. My team is extremely important. They're my family. There's 85 of us.


I think it's like an extended family. And four, I want to grow and contribute. And that's really the four things in my life. And I really say, I know this sounds good. I say no to everything else. I don't do much else out of those four things, but I fight for that. And each one of them light me up like this. But if I was doing something that gave me that money but didn't allow me to feel aligned, I don't think I could have this enthusiasm. So just balance that. Know what success really means to you. And if success means a certain amount of money, you got it, but you're still not feeling so good, then take a transition. Start a podcast like Do something that just intrigues you. And the last thing I'll say about that is if you don't know what else to do, then just be an investigative reporter. Just keep your eye open for anything that can give you that spark.


Yeah. I think that's really interesting. Essentially, you're saying you just followed your values. I had nothing to do with how many people were watching or how many views you got. It was more about your values. And you just kept doing what you enjoyed to do, what you found passionate, what kept you enthused, and it just ended up working out. So that's And I'll even tell you about my schedule is really crazy.


Life, 100 employees, three kids, and writing books, doing courses, doing videos. We put out a lot of content. And I still run my business. I'm still CEO of my company. So I make that high-level business decisions. But I told my team, I said, because they were only booking me podcasts that were the top podcast. And I feel blessed with my partnerships. I've done all the top podcasts. But I said, let's do a podcast where you find somebody intriguing. You find somebody that's really working hard to make a message. You find somebody who got a heart to serve. I don't care if they're just starting. My team is like, well, what if they only have 5,000 listeners a month? I'm like, well, they're going to grow and we can help them grow and I can deliver content. So I love making those decisions because I wish someone would have done more of that for me when we first started, right? That's awesome. So you're right. All your values and success follows that a lot faster.


That's awesome.


So one more concept from the book I want to cover. You say the most powerful advantage an underdog has is using desperation as persuasion. What do you mean by that?


I've seen some of the people who are best with... People don't like the word sales and marketing, but listen, let's just say it. Nothing in the world happens unless you make a sale. If you don't Don't sell someone to come listen to your podcast. They don't come listen. It doesn't matter if you just put it out there. Like an old movie with Kevin Costner called The Field of Dreams. In the whole movie, I'm saying, If you build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. If you build a great restaurant, if you write a great book, they won't just come. Barns & Noble, 95 % of all books that are in Barnes & Noble don't sell over a thousand copies. Do you know how many amazing books are in Barnes & Noble? People took years to write them. They put their heart, their soul. They did research. They obsessed. They had Sleepless Nights. They got done with the book, and they're like, Yay, it's done. And they got a publishing deal, and they put it in Barns & Noble, and 800 copies sold. Why? Because they built it, and it was so good.


They just thought people it It would go viral and do it on its own. That's the biggest in business. I want to tell you right now, everybody listening, if you're going to start a business or you want to even scale in the company you're at, you must influence and persuade the people that can allow you to go to the next level. If you're selling something, you must get people to say yes. Now, here's the cool part. When you provide amazing value to the company you work with, or you provide an amazing product that changes people's lives. Listen, I love selling my book to people because I know if they read it, I get to change their lives. I just wanted to get selling selling out of the way. We must sell. But if you're selling cigarettes or booze to an alcoholic or selling something bad, that's terrible. But if you're delivering value to your company or value to the world, then I think we're obligated to sell. So that's that part. The turning desperation into persuasion is when you are an underdog or you adopt an underdog mindset. Think about in a corporate world, right?


Because you say you have a lot of people listening, it's got maybe a cushy corporate job. You have to influence influence and make enough impact so you could go to the next level. That's just the way it is. If you look at it through the eyes of no desperation, it's like, I'm kicking ass in this job. I'm doing a good job. Listen, I'm going to go talk to my boss, and I want him to recognize what I'm doing that is doing good. It will never work unless there's a feeling of desperation to want that next level. So even if you're comfortable, even if you have a horrific childhood, it doesn't matter. Adopt that mindset of I desperately want that, because here's what I know, the greatest salespeople on the planet that I've ever met, and I've been blessed, I've traveled all over the world on live events. I get to watch a lot of them on stage. So many of them have come from a struggling background, and that desperation built passion and enthusiasm. I know before I had the intelligence and before I had the money, you know what I had? I had the authenticity and the enthusiasm and the desperation that converted into influence.


I had to tell people to do business with me because I had no credentials. I didn't go to... So I just found a way to turn desire and desperation into authentic persuasion.


We'll be right back after a quick break from our sponsors. Young in profitors, if you listen to my podcast, you know that I got a lot of ads. I am the ad queen. And fun fact is that I've never paid myself a dollar for any of these ads. And for years now, I've made tens of of dollars every month on ads. I've used all of that money to bootstrap my company. And finally, for the first time ever, at the end of the year, I'm getting a big payout. I'm excited, but I'm also scared. I have no idea what to do with all this money. As I was worried about this and thinking about all this mo money, mo problem situation that I was getting into, I found Facet. I was preparing for an interview with their President and COO, Shruti Joshia. I interviewed her for episode number 293. You guys should check it out. I learned about her company, Facet, that provides affordable, personalized financial advice and services with no commission fees. Before I discovered Facet, I felt like I couldn't trust a financial planner because they had different incentives, and a lot of them also charge you for investing.


I was like, Well, I'll just do it myself because I don't want somebody to take my money. But I'm at that stage now where I need some help. I need somebody to help me with my investing, with my taxes, with my insurance. And FACET stood out to me as a clear winner because they charge a flat membership fee. And so you can trust them 100% and you know exactly what you're going to pay every single year. It doesn't change. Facet is on a mission to give millions of everyday people access to expert financial advice, not just the uber wealthy. I highly recommend that you check it out. They'll waive the $250 enrollment fee for young and profiting listeners for new annual members, and you can get that at facet. Com/profiting. Right now, they have a great limited time offer. Check out their membership options at facet. Com/profiting. Sponsored by Facet, Facet Wealth Incorporated is an SEC-registered investment advisor headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. This is not an offer to sell securities or investment financial, legal or tax advice. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Terms and conditions apply. Yeah, ma'am. I started my company four years ago, right when COVID started.


Now I have 60 people all over the world, and I'm so proud that I built this fully remote company. But To be honest, I have been feeling unmotivated working from home, so I knew something needed to change. And so I set out to find the best co-working space for me, and I landed on Industrius. Industrius delivers co-working spaces and flexible office solutions, and they've got everything you would need from private offices and suites to co-working, dedicated desks, and on-demand meeting rooms. Industrius has locations all over the world, the US, UK, Australia, you name it. They've got beautiful furniture. It's so beautifully designed mind. And that's really important for me because I'm constantly shooting content. And I really like to have nice elevated backgrounds for my sales meetings and my client-facing meetings because I got to look the part. And my favorite thing about Industrius is the community. They have a really friendly staff, first of all. And second of all, all the people that I bump into at Industrius that mingle with seem to be rock stars. They're all entrepreneurs like me, startup founders, solopreneurs who are crushing it. They're smart, they're stylish. And it's really hard to find a like-minded community as an adult.


So I love the new community that I'm building at Industrius. If you're an entrepreneur or solopreneur or freelancer and you've been working from home these past few years and you feel like you're in a rut, maybe it's time to switch it up like I did. Maybe it's time to start co-working at Industrius. Industrius actually found out that I have a popular podcast, and they gave me a nice gift for my listeners, a free week of co-working to try Industrius yourself. If you want to give Industrius to try, visit industriusoffice. Com com, click Join Now, and use code Profiting to redeem a free week of co-working when you take a tour. Again, that's industriusoffice. Com, click Join Now, and use code Profiting to redeem a free week of co-working when you take a tour. That's industriusoffice. Com, and use code Profiting for a free week of co-working. And who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other. Yeah, fam, I bet a lot of you out there are thinking about and dreaming about starting a course. You've got something to teach and you want to scale yourself. You want to go from one to one to one to many.


That's how we'll become young and profiting. And if you want to start a course, then you've got to hear about Kajabi. Kajabi is the O-G of course platforms. I've got creators in my network like Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield, who have been using Kajabi for over a decade. They are literally the course queens. Now, I took a page from their playbook because I'm launching a podcast course later on in the summer, and I need a whole suite of features that I didn't need before for my other course. And so far, my experience with Kajabi has been awesome. They've really thought of it all. No matter your niche, Kajabi makes it easy to turn your skills, passions, and experiences into enriching online courses, exclusive membership sites, subscription podcasts, thriving communities, personalized coaching, and so much more. One of the best things that I did when I launched my first course was focus on the content rather than the tech. I wanted to make sure I had A1 content so that people would tell their friends, so that people would feel like they made a great investment, and so I wouldn't get any refunds. My reputation was on the line.


And so if you want to create a course, you got to focus on the content. Leave all the hard stuff to Kajabi. They can help you set up your course. And as you guys may know, when it comes to softwares on my show, I use them all. And I also make sure that they always offer us a free trial. And Kajabi was super generous. They've given us a 30-day free trial. So if you want to try Kajabi for free, you can go to kajabi. Com/profiting. Right now, Kajabi is offering a free 30-day trial to start your business, and you can go to kajabi. Com/profiting. That's K-A-J-O-M. Kajabi. Com/profiting. Again, that's kajabi. Com/profiting. And join the creators and entrepreneurs who have made over $7 billion.


So I heard you also mention, I can't remember if it was a podcast or in your book, talking about how confidence is really important when you're selling something and how nobody can buy anything if you're insecure about what you're saying. Could you elaborate on that?


Yeah. So I mean, Listen, if you're listening right now, is anything ever good happened in your life when your confidence is down? If you're going in your superior and you want to make a change, if you're not confident, if you're looking down, you feel a little nervous, you thought about it all night and you rehearsed what you were going to say, and you walk in there with lack of confidence, little cotton mouth. Do you ever get your way? Never works out. You don't get the girl, you don't get the guy, you don't get the date, you don't get the bank to lend you the money, the partner to be with you. You don't get someone to say yes if you're in sales, if your confidence is down. If you don't believe in yourself, people don't believe in you. And the thing I want you to really listen to right now is confidence isn't like a one to 100 scale. For me, if your confidence is at a 94 out of 100, you're not moving forward in life. I want you to think about you have to protect your confidence. And when it comes to selling, I watch people on stage a lot because I get to travel around the world.


And I'll see somebody have so much energy and love and compassion and a great product or a great service. They'll be on stage for an hour, and they'll deliver massive value. And I can tell, oh, we're getting ready to sell something because I can watch their mannerisms change. I can watch their face go straight. They turn more like a robot. They physically back up from the edge of the stage. And that's when maybe you guys have seen it or saw it online. And that's when they go to slides, say, now, if you like that today, that was the tip of the iceberg, I have more. And they go to the slide, and they're a robot, and they don't sell anything because they lost their confidence to sell. Or maybe they didn't believe in what they were selling, or someone taught them sales were bad. So confidence is so important on every level. And if this is cool with you, I want to share a couple of things to really think about confidence.


Of course.


You won't make the decisions you want if you don't have confidence. If you're in a job and you want to raise and you've been thinking about asking for it, if your confidence is down, you're not asking. There's a difference between cockiness and confidence. Confidence comes from purely in your soul. So here's what I want to share with you. Protect your confidence. And there's lots of ways that rob your confidence. Watching the news on a regular basis will rob your confidence. When's the last time you ever watched the news and thought, oh, my God, the world's in such a good place? You watch the news, then you say, oh, crap, this world. America is going to hell in a ham basket. Maybe I should be lucky that I have this job. Maybe I shouldn't ask for that raise. I should just be happy I have the job I got. Let me stay safe. Let me stay secure. And then you shrink, right? How about hanging out with someone in your life that tells you to stop being a dreamer. You really shouldn't start a podcast. You got this great job. Why would you want more? Why do you want to ask for the raise?


Why do you want to start their own business? You hang out with someone like that, you might be empowered and strong. You might have the Superman logo under your shirt, but when you hang out with that person, you button it back up. You go back home and go, maybe I should be happy with this life. These things are cumulative. Watch the news, hang out with your negative friend. And then the last thing, it was a bunch of them I could share, but the last one, I wish someone told me this and gave me this gift when I was younger, even in your career your job, your business, whatever it is that you do, stop working on your weaknesses and stop feeling inferior about the things you're bad at. Like today, stop it. When you work on your weaknesses, all it does is make you feel bad about yourself. And here's a gift I wish someone gave me. Figure out what you're good at and get amazing at it. And let the stuff you suck at or you're insecure about or rob your confidence, let someone else do it or pay someone to do it. When you can see, I don't care if you're in a corporate job, if there's something that you hate doing, pay someone to do it.


And when that time is being done by someone else, obsess on the things that you love that can actually move the needle in your life and watch your ROI go through the roof.


Wow. I think that is absolutely incredible advice. I think your point about changing your environment, making sure you're hanging out with the right people, making sure that you're not getting consumed by the news and letting that take over your feelings and how you feel about yourself. I think that's wonderful advice. I'd like to Let me switch gears to something a little bit more personal. From my understanding, you grew up with divorced parents. I think at a young age, your parents got divorced, and then between them, they divorced nine times. You seem like a very mentally stable person, somebody who's really got a good head on his shoulders. So how did their divorce impact you? And how did you not get traumatized by that experience?


I actually did get traumatized. So a really good question, and I'll be completely transparent. It wasn't... And again, when Can I share? I just want you to know I'm sharing an experience. I'm not sharing because I want any sympathy or empathy for it. But my father couldn't really handle the divorce. My father was the youngest of 12. He was sexually and physically abused most of his childhood, and he didn't ever repair that. So we had this inner anger. And now my dad's in a great space, and I love him dearly. But my dad struggled with that, and he pushed his family away and terrorized us in a way without realizing. His father physically he beat him, and he decided, I'll never hit anybody in my family, but it came out in other ways, right? Yeah. So there was a lot of back and forth. And my mom, she got married and divorced five times, my dad, four. So marriage didn't seem like a thing. It didn't seem like it worked. And I have to say, I went through a divorce, and I never thought I would because of that. But I have to say, I know a lot of the reasons why, and I'm responsible.


I have to take responsibility for my part in that. But when I was going through my divorce, when I knew it was an absolute thing that was happening, there was no way around it, and I'm not an advocate of divorce. I'm just saying this was the decision for us. It caused a lot of anxiety. In fact, I'll go into this any way you want. But the truth of the matter is, it opened up wounds from my four, five, six-year-old self. And for the first time in my life, I had real anxiety attacks. I didn't know what an anxiety attack was. At my late 40s, I popped Xanax two days a week just so I could sleep. And I don't even take aspirin. I don't drink a lot. I just don't like putting anything in my body. And I was taking Xanax just so I could get two nights a week's sleep. I had crazy panic anxiety, not from the divorce, because my ex and I had already figured that out. We were working on a friendship. We were already living in different places. We had already lived in different bedrooms for three years before we got a divorce.


That was fine. But all these old worries of my children came back, and it was a really brutal time. And I'm Tell me what part... I'd love to share what I did to come out of that, what I shifted, how I'm in the best relationship in my life, how my kids are thriving, my ex is a dear friend. What part can I help your audience with?


I'm interested to understand how you... First of all, you're friends with your ex, so I think that's relatable to everyone. How did you maintain a healthy relationship with your ex while also getting married to somebody else, starting a little new family?


So I'm just going to say it like it is I'm not going to hold anything back. It was freaking me out. And freak out is just a fun way to put losing my mind, journaling at night. And I started doing all the things. I am friends with Tony and great people, my buddy Dr. Daniel Amen. And I went and saw Tony for a couple of days and Daniel Amen for a couple of days. And I read books on it, and I was meditating, and I was waking up in the morning and doing yoga, and I was journaling every day. I could not... And this is just something for everybody to think about. I did this in business, but I didn't do it in my personal life. And I'll tell you what that is in a minute. I couldn't stop the feelings I had. Nothing seemed to be working. I just kept going back to this younger version of myself. And I felt like I was going to put my kids through the same trauma I went through. That wasn't the case, but that's the way my brain was telling me that was going to happen.


And I started thinking, what is one... And this is something I want everybody to take away. If you take nothing from this podcast, take this. When you can have exponential results, when you can solve one problem that solves many, that's how you grow your career. That's how you grow your income. That's how you grow your business. I do that all the time in my business. What's one thing I can solve that solves multiple things? And I started getting this frame of mind, like nothing seems to be working. I'm losing my mind. And I started thinking, what's one thing? And the one thing was, because I was worried my kids wouldn't respect me. I wouldn't see them as much. I travel a lot. What if it's not my day when I come back? What if all the values and core beliefs I put into my kids go away? I do Sunday meetings with my kids. I pick them up every day from school. I cook my kids breakfast. I cook them like an engaged dad. I'm just picturing all that that's going away, that their mom is going to talk bad about me and all those things.


And I'm like, what's one thing I can do? And I have to tell you, my life changed when I realized if I can be friends with my ex, like real friends, not just fake. I made a list of 10 things I could do, and I sent it to her on how I could be a real friend. And what I said is things like, I will listen when you talk. I will never disparage the kids when you're not around, no matter what. When I meet somebody, I have to accept that I'm friends with my ex and that I don't talk bad. I will never say a bad thing about you in the entire universe, anywhere you never hear. And I just declared these 10 things and said, if I can be friends with my ex, all the other worries go away. She's never going to talk bad about me. She's not going to try to steal and have more custody than fifty-fifty. She'll be flexible when I travel. And when I found the answer, not even when it happened, all the anxiety was almost like a ship coming out of a storm, like rocky, crazy. And all of a sudden, boom, it was like a flat surface.


And then when that worry was off me, and we saw we could do that, my kids saw the respect. And one more thing that we remember, this is a hard one, and this relates to what's going on in the world right now. I just decided to replace anger, guilt, worry, frustration with compassion. Might have been the hardest thing I've ever done. And every time I go, why does she want that money? I'm going to look through the eyes of compassion. And when I started doing it, it became a habit. And within six months, I just always replaced all of those emotions that do nothing but hurt, destroy with compassion. Long story short, built a friendship. I had the ability to work on me. I looked internally for the first time on relationship side on a deeper level and said, How can I become a better man. I don't want to just find a woman that can fill me up. It's like, how do I become a man that attracts a woman? Or I can find the relationship in my life. And I did a lot of work on me, and I got coaches and read, and I interviewed people and great couples.


And I realized And some of those old beliefs from my family's divorces were lingering inside of me, and I got to purge those out. And then Tony made me make a list of everything I wanted in a relationship and everything that wasn't acceptable. And he said, look at that every single day. And I did. I wanted someone who would love my children like their own, someone who was into health and personal growth. I wrote all these things down. I wrote all the things that were unacceptable, people that were negative, people that were racist. I had all this list of what I didn't want, and I manifested it. That's amazing. I'm married to the woman of my dreams.


And you guys look so happy.


We are every day. And it's not for Instagram. And this is the last big lesson. If I took too long to share that, I'm sorry. But here's the last thing. I'll tell you. Your next level of life, and you've heard this before, but I want you to hear it for the first time, lives on the other side of the thing you fear the most. I fear leaving my children. I didn't fear getting a divorce. I feared leaving my children. It caused pain and anxiety. Think about this last analogy, is you're in a ship, and your ship's okay, you're in the bay. And there's other ships around, and maybe your ship's a little bigger than everyone else's or the same size. You're comfortable, but you're just not happy. But the only way out of that bay is a tornado, and it just stays out in the bay, and it's always there. And the only exit is through the tornado. You can stay in the bay. You can look back in your life and go, I lived an okay life. I wasn't ready for okay. My ex and I hadn't held hands in 10 years. We hadn't slept in the same bed.


My kids didn't see what love was. I felt empty on the inside. I'd go on stage in front of 20,000 people. They'd all cheer and love me, and I'd go backstage and be alone, and I'd feel alone, right? I had all those feelings. The only way I could find love, happiness, abundance was on the other side of the storm. And a couple of times I started going in the storm. I got scared. I went back. Like, picture that visual. And then finally, enough was enough. There was no going back. And I took my ship through that storm, and it was hell. And I had anxiety attacks and worry. And now that I'm on the other side of it, I'm a better person. I'm a better version of me. I navigated new territory, and I can see through a deeper level of empathy and compassion. And I'm a better dad. I'm a better ex. I'm a better husband to my wife. I'm a better leader.


I have so much respect for you that you found a new woman, but you didn't just leave your family to the side, and you prioritized your ex and your children. And that's really respectable. My last question to you, and I know we're really close on time, what is your secret to profiting in life?


This is a question we ask all of our guests.


I said this already, so I don't want to beat it up, but really identify what happiness is because It changes all the time. Analyze what true happiness is, what true success means to you, and fight for it every single day. That drives me. That's my greatest success. That's my greatest profit, is I know what I love. I love being a family man. I love impacting lives. I love my team, and I love growing as a human, and I will fight from that to the end.