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But did you see the one guy who pole vaulted, but his package got in the way? That's points off, right? He didn't clear it.


He's the only thing that hit the bar was that. And it like...


And that looks soft, too. You know what I mean? It was. He got a heft package. You know his DMs are a flood.


Well, did you see he got offers?


To do OF?


They're offering a quarter million dollars. Come on. Give it a look.


They should just have him do Calvin Klein or something. There you go. That's how you can show it off in a tasteful...


I'm just surprised if you knew you had that big of a package, wouldn't you just tape that down? You're a pole vaulter.


It has to happen. It happens. Because it's happened to other... Other Monsters? Other Poles. Pretty crazy.