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I'm not like other girls. I keep it very cutesy, very mindful, very demure.


What is demure?


Demure is that sense of a reserved and shyness. You have to... It's very collected. Not everything's about you. You're not drawing attention to yourself. You're keeping it very demure, like a demure-reserved nature. Modest, yeah.


When a girl shows up to a wedding in white, not very demure, not very mindful, not very considerate.


Got it, okay. Got to keep it very cutesy. But it's a good I like how we're bringing it back.


But man, to me, it's going to be in and out by next week. By the time this podcast comes out, everyone's going to be sick of it, 100%.


I think we can strive to all be a little demure. I think it's a good one that may stick, very demure.


Can you come up with a term?


Let's get out of a thesaurus and just go through and find an old forgotten phrase and bring it back. Someone was revisiting Mulan, and when Mulan is learning how to, I don't know, be a proper woman, she's talking to herself. She has her chopstick. She's picking up the rice. She's like, I must be very demure, very graceful.


She says that?


She says a line, but the way she just drops it in, it just seemed like, oh, wow.


That's all you got to do is take outdated vocabulary and bring it back. Not that charisma was outdated, but not a lot of people used it, and they changed it to Riz.


Is that what Riz is from? Is it Charisma? Yeah.


It took me a little bit to find out. It took me a while.


He's got Riz.


He's got charisma. Because I looked it up. I'm like, How do people come up with random words? It wasn't random. It came from charisma.


Oh, I thought it was from glizzy or like... But this is glizzie. It's glizzy means-Dad, stop.


Penus, right?


Yeah. It's like a hot dog.


It's a hot dog. A glizzie.


Can you hit me a gliz?


Why is it called a gliz, though?


The glizzie gluzler.


The glizzie gluzler. From the gluckluck 3000. Yeah. It was from gluck-gluck to glitz. Yeah. But wait, you were calling hot dogs glizzies.


I feel like I heard it. I feel like people were using it.


Okay, so the term glizzie first arose around in the late '90s. For a gluck. Meaning a glauque.


Oh. But there you go, Mariah, just like you said, you just take outdated shit in many You bring it back. Put a little bit of character into it.


It's associated with Snoop Dogg.


And you're the next Hawk to a Girl.


The addition of Izzy may have been linked to the rise of Izzel, suffix in a rap around the late '90s.


That's when faux chisel was cool. Foshizl.


I've always wanted that because people will be like, I keep that glizzie on me. I'm like, why are you keeping a hot dog on you?


Or just like the term, very good. Very good. We were saying it, where I was like, Where's that from? I'm like, How do you not know where that's from? And I immediately pulled up the video of It was a long time ago. A girl on TikTok is making... It was one of those videos that just went viral out of nowhere. And she's making this shake.


The angle, the quality of the video, it was very concerning.


You were worried for her.


She's like a hoarder. It's one of those off the beaten path people.


She's making... She's like, All right, we're going to try the smoothie. And she's pouring the shake into a cup, and it's not all going in the cup. It's like half is like... And then she tries it. She's like, Very good. Very good. Very good. She says it just like that.


And that became your catchphrase. It stuck.


It's really good.


I can't post anything without the top comment being like, Very good, Zane.


Zane's tombstone will say, Very good.


Very good life. Very good life.


Very good life.


Very important person.


All right, should we hop in? Very good intro.


Let's get it, baby.


It's Cove and Soul, baby. Welcome back to Zane and Heath unfiltered.


I'm Zane. I'm Heath. I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah. And we We are demure.


I feel at peace this episode.


I feel good. We're doing some hard core home improvement before we were recording.


The lighting fixture king.


I was impressed.


It's crazy. You know what? When I was like, Okay, Heath, let's just stop. I was I was about to have a break.




I haven't had it in a long time. But that was me. It was just so hot up there.


It was getting warm.


That heat changes from...


That heat rises, man.


Explain what you were doing. Wait, you're talking...


We removed the kitchen lights a month and a half, two months ago to actually do the video for Flaved PB. Flaved PB Co.


Because the kitchen lights hang really low above your island.


Exactly. And the camera was really far back and it was blocking the shot. So we took it down, but we just never put it back up. And then he came over. We're like, Let's put it up real quick. I was like, All right.


You want to wait?


You want to wait till after? Because I remember how long it took to take it down. And we're up there, and we're up there for maybe 10 minutes. And it was getting so hot. You know how I get when I'm hot? I was starting to lose my mind. I was like, Keith, let's just stop. We only got one in. There's three. It looks good, though.


I was like, Zane, just so you know, black is hot. Black is the hot wire. He goes, Don't even bother telling me. In One ear, out the other.


I was like, Zane's inside out people have all the files and they're switching that right up. They go, right.


No, but that was actually really good. I thought you were teaching me. I thought you were telling me the wire, how to put it. I was I don't want to know that because in the future, I feel like I'm not...


In the future, I'm going to hire somebody else.


But that's actually... But no, safety-wise, very good thing to know. Very good. When you're removing a lamp or a light out of the socket and you see a black wire and a white wire, black wire is hot. You don't want to touch that.


Do they do that for colorblind people? Because if it was red's hot, blues cold, but a color blind person wouldn't be able to...


Maybe I think just white and black is easier to clearly see a difference.


Can you imagine down in intense action movie where someone's like, You got to cut the blue wire, this wire. You were colorblind, be like, I can't do it. You all have to come help out.


The bomb's going off in three minutes. I can't do it. This is a sick world we live in. I also don't think a blind person is going anywhere near something like that. A color blind person. Did I say?


A blind person.


Well, that too. I know what I said. I know what I said. I'll stay, I'll die on my own.Colour blind.Colour blind. My bad. But no, that's a good thought, though.


Yeah, it's like a universal thing. It's like code, so everybody knows. That way you're not accidentally.


What wire is it where they have blue and red, except for cars?


Different things. I mean, if you have different smaller fuses in a car, you have a fuse box or different little tiny wiring things. Obviously, it would mean certain things. You'd have different colors that you would indicate for switching on a certain thing. If you have multiple inputs, outputs, whatever, you would have that to know where the…


The circuits going, where the flow Yeah.


It's crazy how they haven't made it any easier to put these lights in.


Because I don't understand how a magnetic charging, how that works. How I can put that on a charging pad and the electricity is flowing. Yeah, that blows my mind. Why can't just a light bulb pad be like that? It's just a sturdy magnet, screw it in, everything has-Give me the Magsafe circle and I'll just put the light up.


It doesn't seem hard either.


It puts the electricians out of work, I guess. It's all planned obsolescence.


But what I-If that That makes sense. I've been thinking about that a lot recently. The Mag circle charging. How does wireless charging work? That's something where if we all found out the world as a simulation, that would be one thing I'd be like, I cannot believe I fell for that.


Well, a battery in a way is magnetic, right? There's a plus and a negative side.


The battery is still touching the silver thing that's connected. That makes sense still.


It's the transfer of power that I don't understand.


But how are we with a caisson charging our phones?




With a caisson. It doesn't make sense.


Just It's like that and Bluetooth.


I don't get it. But then we have a whole charger that goes inside and that charges, but then it's too far apart. The charger and the... I don't get it.


I am bad at this. You all also know the internet is also There are full Internet wires going underneath the ocean to connect the continents. I'm sorry. I always thought… I was like, there's not a cord that's connecting this whole continent to Europe and Africa and all that. No, it is.


It It runs the whole length. You can look up where the wires are. It is unbelievable.


There's wires connecting a continent to the oceans.


That runs the entire ocean.


How the hell do I not know that?


Buddy, it blew my mind. I thought it was all satellites. I was like, Oh, so the WiFi goes up to the satellite and then it hits that country. No, there are the wires that go all the way through the ocean.


Isn't that crazy?


When did you know about this?


When I started researching, Oh, well, you see, that's what I don't do.


I always ask how they do things with the ocean, like a bridge. Where do you begin? I know. Where do you begin?


It's insane. We can make a dam.


How? A dam, right?


Get me out on that ocean. Yeah, okay, click that one that has the map. That shows all the cables that run across the-Oh, the one, the map in the corner.


Down bottom, right. Oh. That. That one. That's all the underwater cables. And for the people listening, yeah, it's basically a map that it's not just one or two. It's It feels like it's hundreds, probably.


Guys, if you're listening and you've never heard this before, please look at the math that shows all... This is insane.


It's like 6,000-mile long-Some guy on a boat just like...


I'm sorry. I just can't believe that.


Isn't that very weird? Yeah.


I went and saw Twisters the other day.


Would you say in 4D or regular? Regular. Okay.


Loved it. But I basically got a 4D experience.


Somebody's spitting behind you, laughing. No, the earthquake.


The earthquake. While you were watching it? We're We're in the middle of the movie. I'll get into it. Patricia and I, we get into the theater. It's a 10:00 AM screening. We had the whole place to ourselves. We're like, Oh, this is nice. Just us two, Twister. And then a guy comes in. Here's the thing. I have a little theater etiquette rant. If you walk into a movie theater and there are two people sitting in the middle, where are you going to sit? Don't sit directly behind them. Because, dude, Patricia and I, we're in the middle or the back area. This guy comes and sits right behind us.


I'd be like, oh, Matt, that 100% to me, he's going to either try to rob me or something. I would not.


Before the earthquake, I was already just in a bit of a weird mood right when we sat down, and this guy is just right behind us, just hunched, sitting right behind.


I would have left the theater.


Patricia, we kept having like, that's really weird that he, out of all the seats, he's sitting right behind us, and we're the only people in the theater, two people and one guy behind us. That's weird. Then finally, I was like, Let's move. We should move. But I didn't want to feel like it was insulting to the guy. It's awkward.


You're the only ones there.


We were like, Okay, let's do it. Because we just... If you go into a theater, at least one row difference between a whole other stranger. That's crazy. That was really crazy. How did you do?


You see, I hope that you left the theater like you're grabbing snacks, and then you came back. I would have gotten popcorn. I would have gotten popcorn just to make it. We would have baked some shit. Then I would have looked at him, I This is how I would have walked back in, right?


You know what I did? Be mindful.


I acted like the thing wasn't coming up, and I was like, Oh, let's just go.


Let's just go move around there. So we did that. And so I was like, Okay, good. We're away from the creepy guy. But he didn't seem creepy. But then we're watching the movie. Oh, my gosh. Earthquake, earthquake. We look back at him. He's like, Earthquake? We're like, Earthquake.


Oh, my gosh.


Can you believe it? We're watching Twisters. We're having an earthquake. We all had a good laugh.


You look at him, he's in there smiling. It doesn't say, You just did something.


That's crazy. That's a very rare situation.


Yeah, very rare. Can't believe he experienced an earthquake in the middle of it.


If you don't know, we had three earthquakes in the past week in California.


It's very rare. Usually, we'll have one every month, month and a half, a minor one.


I feel longer than that.


I feel like three months. But this is when they're in patterns, that's where it's a little alarming.


Are we ready?


We're really shaking things up, hon. Come on.


I don't know. I'm leaving towns.


Yeah, I know. I'm like, We're getting out of here.


Not bad. I hope it happens sometime in January, Feb. Feb. All the important people are out of town?


Yeah, I'm not answering, though. I feel good. Yeah.


Yeah. We're all right.


If it happens, it happens, and we're going to...


We're I'm scared. I'm surprised we've never caught one on camera.


I know.


I always love seeing a clip where someone's doing a podcast, and they're like, whoa, whoa.


Yes. Earthquake? The most used word during an earthquake.


Earthquake. Earthquake, question mark?


Earthquake. It's an earthquake.


Remember when we all... I do it sometimes, but we'd all go straight to Twitter and type in, or even just refresh. Because there's at least six people that you follow that are all typing.




Immediately. Yeah, people are quick.


That's crazy. Another thing I hate, too, about the whole getting close, when it's an empty parking lot and somebody parks directly next to you. That is my biggest... I hate that.


It's because your car is your favorite. You don't want anybody touching it.


It's weird.


Think of an empty parking lot. That's true. That is so weird to me. I don't care if it is the second closest spot to the...


How concerned do you get when it comes down to urinals? We got a whole line of urinals.


You're a pervert. 100% you're a pervert. You're trying to look in my back.


What I think is...


Have you ever peed in a urinal? Yeah.


Do you stand up? No.


What are you, nuts? I don't know. Some women have. In a pinch? Are they drunk? Most likely. I don't know who soberly pees in a urinal.


I'll hold it for days. Would you miss Dauphias?


But yeah, you need to have the urinal etiquette. At least one space. I mean, if it's crowded, you got to go side by side.


It's just strange if you're going.


I don't think I've ever said this, but I'm very, very pea-shy. Are you really? Very pea-shy. I Every time I'm in the bathroom, I most likely need to go into a stall instead of a urinal, especially when it's crowded. I've never understood. I just don't.


I would definitely be that way if I was a guy.


I can feel a presence. Even when I'm in the stall, as soon as someone walks in, even if it's closed, my body tenses up, and I just have to breathe to let it out. Interesting. It's really bad.


I think it's a deep, deep hereditary trait. It deals with fight or flight, and we don't feel fully safe that we can be in a state of vulnerability of relieving yourself while other people are around.


I don't know what it is.


I'm pretty shy, too. I don't want people to hear me in the bathroom. I want nothing to do with it. I would put the sink on in school. Just absolutely not.


I don't know why. I'm not embarrassed by it. I'm not embarrassed that someone's hearing me pee, or you could hear this.


I don't know why I get embarrassed.


I don't know what it is.


Your body doesn't feel safe.


Do you feel like, Oh, my gosh, I have to hurry up and get this done because there's people waiting for me, and that pressure makes you feel like that? No.


It's just the presence of somebody either just walking walking in or someone right next to me. I know they're not looking. It just...


You tense up.


I tense up, yeah.


I don't like it either.


I don't know. It's funny because you never want to be that... When you go in a bathroom with a couple of friends or something, you don't want them to know that you're piece-up because it's embarrassing. So you're sitting there.


Can't get started, huh?


I'm like, I can not get this out. But knowing damn well, I need everybody out of the bathroom.


I've also never been the type of person to I go to the bathroom with my girls, I'm like, Let me go by myself. I don't think maybe my sister, maybe, I don't think I've ever went into a stall with a girlfriend and we like... Oh, yeah.


Girls will go in the stall together, take turns, just pissing and chatting with each other. That's wild.


Why are you doing? That's crazy.


Why are we hanging out in the toilet? It's also disgusting.


You're sharing lip gloss, doing mascara. It's also disgusting.


I don't want to know when you flush what comes out of the toilet. I'm like, Close the door, close the lid.


As they flush, the particle is going in and you're doing your mascara there?


No, brushing your teeth.


Oh, my gosh.


The particle is going in? If guys are going in a stall together, they're doing co-k.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a reason.


You just see five heads in a stall. It's just...


No, they're just taking it. They're whipping it in. They're whipping it in for sure. They like it.


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The other day, he and I went to a brunch buffet, and it was humongous. It lined the whole restaurant in a circle. There were different sections. There was a pancake and waffle section. Guy was making omelets. There was a meat section. Pizza section. There was a lunch section.


Is this a place that has bowling in it?


Yeah. Is that Pinch Stripe?


You went to a...


Okay. It's a fancy bowling.


I think you're like Dave and Buster.


I don't know if you guys wanted to gatekeep it because you go there a lot. I didn't want to say it. No, we love it.


Pinch Stripe is one of our favorite restaurants right now. On the weekends, they do a brunch buffet, and it's unbelievable. But anyway, there's a chocolate found. The whole place is outlined with buffet food. And Keith and I were the only ones there with one other table, and people just have no awareness. It takes two seconds for somebody to scoop food. Keith went and went to scoop this lady over top of him, goes and tries to grab the same thing.


Oh, with a different spoon?


It was crazy.


The entire place was lined with food. Give him a second to scoop him. She was over his shoulder, and he was like...


Okay. Yeah. Someone's hungry.


Your turn. Go ahead.


That's crazy.


It was crazy. I would have waited for her to go to another one, and then just- She went into somebody else.


She clearly didn't have any awareness. She had a kid with her, and teaching the kid that etiquette is even worse. That drives me crazy. She was like, pointing at the food that he was getting in his spoon, and she was like, Do you want something like this? Because look what they have here. And she's reaching over heath's shoulder. I'm like, What in the world?


She did it to everybody. Let me see if it's warm.


Seeing relationships between parents and their kids while you're out to dinner is so interesting to me. Remember the time we went to Chili's? We were watching this mother, and I think it was just maybe one son or two kids. But it was so weird the way she was talking to them, where you just had to sit there and just watch the whole time.


Call me crazy, but being in public is not the time to gentle parent. I'm sorry. I'm just going to say it.


Come on, move along.


Let's go. Yeah, make a decision. I said if that was my mom with us at a buffet, she would tell me, make a decision now or you're not eating. She was so like, well, do you want something like this? Do you want this one? Like, here? What do you want?


Because you have to just think of everybody else's- I'm making you a plate, go sit down because you're in her way.


Matt, we were trying to get into a doorway to a business, and the The kid was in the middle of the doorway.


Listen, he was a baby. He was two, doesn't know better. And the mom is on the outside like, Come on, we got to go. Come on, we're leaving. And me and heath are being patient, and we're waiting, and we're like, hi. And he's this happy kid, whatever. And she's trying to reach for him, but he'll step away a little bit. And she's like, Oh, come on. I'm like, Grab the kid by the arm and say, You're in somebody's way.


That's the only way.


I think that's the The only way I'm so aware of my surroundings is because my mom just pay attention to the people around you. It's not about you.


It's a good way to raise your first shirt.


I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and making sure that- Am I in somebody's way?


Am I bothering somebody? It's something that I'm doing with my body affecting somebody around me.


I saw a TikTok. It was a great clip, especially for new parents. I thought it was an amazing clip. There was this clip of a little girl. She was acting up, and it was no more than maybe five seconds. The dad immediately grabs her, walks outside of the restaurant, puts her down, and talks to her for three minutes. And it was just such a good video. I'm like, that's what every parent should be. The minute a kid starts acting up because they think they can, you just have to...


Gentle parenting does not mean letting them get away with things.


Yes, letting them do whatever they want.


The way he handled it was perfect. Take them away from the situation, have a conversation, and they know that kid knows It's just consequences.


And the way you talk to them is, I feel, really important. If you're stern with them and talk to them like they're not a child, but like an adult, I think it really- You don't say, We don't do that.


You say, We'll go home right now. Do it again and see what happens.


Scream again, We're going to go home, and you're not going to get your chicken tender.


Is that your mom's two-go line? We're going home.


Oh, yeah. But she meant it.


The thing is, she did, though. We only tested her twice, and she did turn around, and we went home. It doesn't matter if we were going to an amusement park. We got tickets, now we're going home.


I respect that so much. To be like, Do it again, and we go home. Kids will do it, and the parents will just still keep going, obviously. She turned the car around.


She actually did. We used to go to our... This was when we were younger. We loved going to this friend's house. We were all kids. We'd go there. The dads were great friends. The moms were great friends. They were just our favorite people to be with. We'd go see them maybe once every three months. It was very rare because they lived in West Palm Beach, and we lived in Coral Springs. We were halfway Halfway through. Was it what? It was a far drive. We were halfway through, and they turned the car around. It was the first time they ever did that. First time they ever did that. It was crazy. Now, think about, what was the conversation that the parents were having with each other, where they're just like, we had to turn the car around. We had to do it. You just have to do it sometimes. And it worked. We were never bad.


Because it only takes one or two times. My mom said, this is what it was. I said this before, but she said, once Once we realized her threats she followed through with, we were so well behaved in public. And then once we got home, she would let it... Once we were home, we would go in the basement and beat each other up and have fun and really just be kids.


It's more public when you're out.


Because there's other people at play.


Like understanding there's a time and a place.


There's a time and place to be reckless. When we were home, it was like, Go ahead, but still have manners and be respectful of people around you.


How were you as a kid? Like, your parents, were they really strict?


Were they-Pretty well behaved. I think our punishments, that whole thing where it's like, go to your room. We were never grounded, go to your room. We were never sequestered to our rooms. We would just get things taken away from us.


That hurts a lot.


You don't get the computer. You do not get the PlayStation. And all the things we love that were our fun outlets, that was just removed. And so it's just the removal of your favorite things was hardwired. I Yeah, we didn't get it.


Now it's like no TikTok. That's every parent, no TikTok.


Give me your phone. Give me your phone. We're putting in the password and it will protect it.


Horrible. The way you can protect everything now, that would drive me nuts.


I'll never forget the four of us sitting down with my mom, and she finally let us have email to talk to our cousins. When we were sitting there and we were biting our nails how excited we were to pick the name. She was like, Well, what do you want it to be? And we were able to email our cousins back and forth because we can only talk to them on the phone, and there was one phone, and we were just like, Which one should I do?


Were you able to... You should get access to that email and find that.


I tried. I think my cousin has access to it because she'll send me a couple of times a year. She'll send me our old emails, and it was like everything was colorful. Every other letter was a capital, lowercase, capital, lowercase. We were talking about nothing. That's funny. I remember that. That was such a privilege to have an email.


Was that something your mom was like, making sure that she was always with you when you were on? Or was it just so- She gave us our space because it was our cousins.


I love this trend right now on TikTok where it's this prank where the mom will tell the kid to tell, just to say, Shut up, to the parents. And the mom will secretly film the dad in his reaction. So the kid will just leave the room and go, You guys can just shut up. And you hear the dad go, What did you say? All these different types of dads in their reaction. That's so funny. That's really funny. It's a harmless prank. I love that the mom is in it. The kid gets a little bit of a rush.


It really depends on the kid to play a joke like that. It has to be a really good kid. Imagine that opens up a door where the kid is just like, Well, I'm kidding. I thought we were filming. It is such a weird line.


He doesn't like a manipulative way.


My brother would do that, definitely.


But even these days, you know how there's so many family TikTokers that are making content with their kids. It's like, where's the line when it comes to certain jokes and making your kids say stuff?


Mom, can we do a bit? I really want to say, Fuck, to death. They're like, Okay.


There's another cute trend where they put their kid in the bathroom and they were like, You can say anything you want. I'm going to leave the room when I come back in. You're only allowed to talk this way in the bathroom. So they close the door and the kid's like, Shit, stupid.


It's the cuteest thing.


It's cute, but they know they can only say those things in the privacy of the bathroom.


Because they've heard it already, so it's in their brain. They know the words. They're not dumb.


They know the words.


It's really cute when some of them, the words that they chose to say aren't even really bad. Dumb. Yeah.




Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb.


Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Dumb. Dumb. Shut up.


But... You know what word really got me in trouble? The word sucked. Same. That sucks.


Same ground.


That, I got everything taken away. That was the F word. 100%. That was equal to the F word. Oh, really? Yeah.


Couldn't say sucked and couldn't say ill. Yeah. No.


We don't ill food. Yeah, we don't ill food. Oh, like when it comes to food.


Was not allowed to ill.


But if you could say ill, I guess, like a little bug.


Yeah. When it came to food, quiet. If you don't like it, eat it anyway.


Because God gave you that food. Jesus.


You didn't say suck. I think I said it on the podcast before, but mine was suck it. I used to get in so much. I would just...


I did it to a teacher.


I got it so much trouble.


It's crazy because the word that sucks is straight aligned with sucking.


I had no idea what it meant. I think a wrestler We used to do it.


Oh, yeah. Triple 8.


Yeah, we did the whole thing. We did the whole...


Yeah, I would just go around my house.


My mom said the first time I cursed, I was two or three, and I was sitting on the floor, and I was trying to open a jar or something that had a lid, and she was just watching me, just observing me, trying to open it, and I go, this is a fucking thing. How old are you? Like two or three, she said.




That's so your dad. Yes, that's all my dad. You have this motherfucking kid. Because my mom, my dad says it. You're sister's ass. My mom says frig. She goes, mother frigga. And then I said the the moron one in the car.




Can I say that one?


Yeah. Moron's really good.


My parents are driving. It was a different time. But as people are driving, if someone cuts you off, they go, It's probably a woman. So my mom said I was in the back seat and someone and cut her off. And I went, Mom, was that a woman or a moron? Oh my God, that's funny. Like, Moron, or it's probably a woman. Yep, it's a woman.


You see kids hands off the day like this? That'd be my kids. That's so funny. Tell them, tell him up.


Tell him, tell him. I want my kids to have a backbone, but be respectful.


Would your dad curse in Arabic? Yes. Oh, yeah? Yeah, you knew the curse words?


That he'd only cuss in Arabic. You never hear cuss in English.


Yeah, you guys, they mostly only cuss in Italian.


Yeah, my parents, they tried not to let us hear cursing growing up. It was just a really big no, but in Italian, they would curse. But my mom said, My mom's parents spoke Italian, but they didn't teach them because they were American. If you were born and raised here, you speak English. They were talking in Italian, and my mom really wanted to learn it. She was just like, they were yelling at each other and forth my grandparents, and one said a curse word in Italian, and my mom went up to them all excited because that was the one word she picked up, and she went, fungo. My grandpa slapped her and said, Don't you ever. She didn't know what She just meant. She just was trying to join the conversation.


Why are curse words just so easily ingestible as kids? That word just sticks out.


Because you know it's bad.


And you're not allowed to say it.


No, even the first time here, I feel like it's just such a It's just such a- You see the reaction, you see the frustration.


Something goes wrong, and you just hear the F word. So you're like, okay, I say this when I'm angry.


If your kid curses, don't react, so they won't do it.


Got it. Or if the parents say it, they immediately react to themselves saying it, and maybe that's what makes the kids- It's your reaction that that's the way your kid grows up.


It's like, if they fall on the floor and you're like, Oh, my, are you okay? They're not going to think they're okay. If they fall and you're like, Woo, let's get up. Every time we fell, my dad's big word safe. And we would just get up and start playing again.


Even the videos where the kids get hurt, you just don't react.


They'll just tap the door. And the kid will just start crying, even though they're not hurt. It's just wild.


I told Keith today, I said it's all about manipulation with your kids. You got to manipulate them until they're five.


And then you can't do that anymore. It's bad.


Just make them think bedtime is fun. Make them think it's a good thing to go to sleep.


It was never fun for me. It was never fun for me. It was never fun for me. It was never fun for me. I hate it. Make it exciting. I hate it going to bed. Well, that That's why we were punished. We had to go to our room, but it also helped that we had no... We didn't have TV in our room or anything, so there was really nothing to do. But I did see a mom on TikTok, she never uses the bedroom as punishment because it makes bedtime harder. They think it's negative.


That's probably what my parents, what their logic was.


I like that because they're going to associate the bedroom with, I'm being punished. This is bad. This is boring. I don't want to be in there. So when it's time to go to bed, they have to their room and they're like, No. Does that make sense? Yeah, I know.


That's good.


If you make it like the bed is fun, they're going to want to go to bed.


They're excited to go to sleep.


Just get them a race car bed and it'll be fine.


I wanted one of those so bad, the most uncomfortable beds. Terrible. My cousin had it, and I thought it was the coolest thing.


Do you ever have bunk beds with your brother? No. All my life. My brother's had bunk beds. We had stackable ones where if we wanted to do bunk bed, we'd do half the year bunk beds, and then we would take them down.


Oh, that's I always wanted the bunk bed that was staggered and off, where underneath this one was the desk. It was a freaking fort, man. Oh, I wanted that so bad.


Yeah, you would look at catalogs and see a kid in his room and just look like he was living his best life.


He knows what they're doing.


His backpack, his homework. Oh, you would go to furniture stores.


I would do my homework so fast.


No, I can't do homework because I don't have that desk over my bed. You clearly don't want me to do my homework if you don't get me this bed.


That was a crazy thing, how to how bad we wanted those desks. And the minute it was installed in there, we would use it for three days and then never use it again.


Crazy. Damn, those were so cool. Good times. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, SeekGeek.


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Oh, I had something to bring up. What? The bar that you like. Have you heard about what happened there? What bar that I like? The Tenants.


Tenants of the Trees? Yeah. Of the Trees? At the Trees?


Yeah. Apparently, there's been a lot of bartenders roofing.


Yes. Oh, no.


I saw somebody-Be careful there. Posted a TikTok, and all the comments were like, careful at Tenants, the bartenders are known to roofy the drinks. No. They said the bartenders are the enemy. I'm like, what?


Be careful. And not only that, they charge people $2,000 to go in. So this was before I knew about all this. They told me about it after I told them this. Who do they think they are? Hedai and I were going to Tennis and meet up with some friends, and we get there, and we get there early because we really needed to pee. We both go, we get right in. Then we get in, and all of a sudden, our friends behind us, they come two minutes later. They walk up, three guys, they're like, $2,000.What?What?At Tenet?Yeah. Todd calls me. He's like, They're charging us $2,000. I'm like, There's no way. I talk to the bar owner. I'm like, Hey, they're charging my friends $2,000 to come in. It's not like a nightclub. It's not like a big... It's a regular bar. It's like going to Saddle Ranch. It's laid back. Very laid back.


There's some fuckery afoot with what is... That was great. That was my favorite. That was really good.


There is some fuck. I think we got a new one.


A fuckery afoot.


Because I've had situations It all depends on their mood. I walked up one time, they go, Hey, man, it's a $50 bar tab for you as an individual. So you have to spend $50 when you get in. That's fine. I'm like, Fine, I can deal with that. And so I agreed to it, and I'm getting my drinks. And within 10 minutes, 10 minutes. Other friends are pouring in, and I'm like, Did they do that bar tab thing with you? And they go, No. I'm like, And what the fuck was that?


That's crazy. I can't tell if they're messing with people.


They also had a service charge to their drinks.


Like an automatic tip? Yes.


And I didn't know that for a fucking year, and I was like, Tipping them all the time. And then I realized, oh, shit, this is included.


I also realized this because Hida and I were so confused that they didn't let our other friends in, right? Yeah. And then our other friend, Bella, shows up, Bella, with her three friends. Thorn.




Hadid shows up with her fiancé and just two friends that were visiting. The guy does the same thing, $2,000. In my head, I was like, I thought they were just doing it to Todd because They rolled up in like a... I think their friend had a nice car rolling up, but they came in an Uber, $2,000. We're like, Okay, let's look at who walks in. Everybody that was walking in had a certain look to them that Hadai and I realized. We're like, Oh, they're definitely not letting in certain type of people. And then I was like...


He said in the middle of them trying to get them to pay $2,000, he got them like this, and he's like, Come on, come on, come on, $2,000.


What the heck? It's like they're discriminating right in front of... It was crazy, right? And they 100% would have not let me in if Hedaya wasn't right next to me. Because imagine if they looked at Hedai and went $2,000.


That would have been a TikTok.


That would have been it.


Imagine Hedai making a TikTok saying, They don't want to let me in unless I pay $2,000. The place would just shut down.


They also have dress code rules.


You went through that. Yeah, because I was wearing Birkenstock sandals, but they were like, No, it has to be close-toed shoes. But I was like, It's frustrating that women, though, can have open-toed shoes.


There's some bars that we go to, no hats, whatever. It's fine. I get it. The $50 fee to walk it, you have to spend that. That makes sense. I get it. Whatever. But $2,000, go fuck yourself.


Wait, but for the dress code thing, was it you that told me, say there's a no hat rule. If you show up and they go, you can't wear a hat, if you take it off and put it to the side, they still won't let you in.


They still won't let you in.


Even if you throw it away. At Tenants? The fact that you showed up with a hat.


I think I've been to Tenants one time and had a Longhorn hat, and I was like, I won't wear it, and they let me in.


They must have been feeling different.


I think it's different people.


They don't let you wear hats that have team logos or are associated of large- They were even trying to take a high scarf off before going.


They said, Show us some hair.


You would have led with that.


They were like, Unbraveled. Do that.


Show me. Hidaia would have laughed. She's right out there. She would have laughed.


I hear her. She is laughing. They all need to be put up and investigated for who the roofier is.


I'm really disappointed to hear that. I always felt their bartenders are very professional, and it's the same people every time I go.


That's how they get you. And one of our friends said that they felt really funky that night and only had one or two drinks.


I wish to say her name, but she had a drink and walked out. She's like, This is weird.


No, they should look into the bartenders if that's what it is. But also that room is insanely dark, too. It's a sketch. I could also see that happening on the dance floor there because you could legit touch somebody and grope them and walk away and no one would know.


It's sad because it's a really nice... I like the outside part and the different rooms playing different music. It's a vibe. It's a vibe. $2,000, though. Save your money.


I got lucky this past weekend in Tahoe.


You gambled?


I was in a slot machine. Yeah. Guess how much money... Remember, I was just in Vegas. You just won. I was just in Vegas on that Fishbowl game. Why were you in Tahoe?For a bachelor party.Bachelor. Bachelor party. We're a little Reno, or not Reno, but down near the fucking border. We were at Haras, and I'm looking at four slot machines that are about to pop. Come across a Buffalo one that's like a combo of Buffalo, more chilly, and like, Money Man. And I was like, I'm feeling this one. One of the fire crackers is about to pop. Put in 200. I bet $4, which is basically the max each time. I go down to, I've lost $60. I hit this thing. All these mini games start opening. Oh, man, that's the best. I have now 33 more mini games, and I'm now up I'm like, Holy shit. I text the bachelor party. I'm like, Y'all come over to this slot machine because I'm-It's about to go down. It's about to go down, and I need some witnesses. Because when you're winning on a slot, you want to be like, Come watch this.


I like how you think, Matt. For me, the first thing in my head would not be tell a bunch of people to come around me.


I'm about to win. I also knew not a lot of the guys were gambling, and I was just like, I sent a picture, and I'm like, Come over. Then it starts ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We're playing the mini-games. I'm not even speeding it up. I'm letting it ride. It keeps going. So it's now $300, $600. Now I'm getting $700, $800. And we're like, Oh, my God, Matt, you're about to make $1,000 off this slot. Then we pass $1,000. I'm going. It's rolling in. He could. And my friend has a cigar. He lights it, gives it to me, and I'm just sitting there. We're letting it ride. We were at this slot machine for probably 30 minutes because it just kept going.


This is still the mini games that are playing out?


All the mini games that are playing out.


That you unlock from that one win.


Yes, all the way through. In total, I made $1,842. Wow! That's a fucking slot machine.


You started at what?


I put in 200, went down 60, so I had $144 left, then made $1,800. So insane win. We are all like, What the fuck? I've never experienced just this type of win. That type of win.


Especially in a slot machine.


And that's where when you win that much, the attendant has to come out. They have to get your address because then they have to give you a tax, a voucher and stuff. They have to get your social security card. They pay it all out and cash.


That's on top of the world.


It was such a win, and I can't believe it.


And you walked away with it.


I walked away with it. Well, the next night, I went down like 500 because there was another guy who's like, Let's get it. He's like, Teach me your ways.


If we learn something here, guys, don't go to Gaal. Just go to a casino and just find the right slot machine and you will make it.


It was beautiful. Now I feel like I have it all figured.


I wish I could see a report of the amount of money that goes in. Like, buy a hotel, how much money goes into machines and just poker and everything in general and how much money is generated.


It's interesting with your winning, also strangers coming up and just watching you. It's fun.


It's fun watching somebody anticipating a big win.


Check it out.


It's fun.


It was quite the rush, man.


That's exciting. Good job. Thank you. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Mint Mobile.


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Thank you, mintmobile, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you. I watched The New One. The Wolverine. And well, I was excited to watch it not only because the Deadpool movies are amazing, but it was very... I saw a lot of TikToks of people saying that it was very anti... Or it was Mocking Christianity, I think. Christianity, it was making fun of the religion. I was really curious to see what it was. I didn't really catch anything, except for there was one scene where I was just like, Oh, that's really… They didn't really need to do that scene, but they just did anything. Anyways, and I don't even want to say, I just want you to see it for yourself. But the movie was 10 out of 10. It was good. It was a perfect movie.


Is it like a buddy cop movie? They're a team. It's not deadpool versus movie.


They're a team, but my God, the way the story Their Line went... They're bickering and fighting the whole time. You know how like, Deadpool regenerates and Wolverine, he regenerates, too. They really took advantage of that, and they're just fighting with each other their whole journey. Oh, fun. It was just so well done. And I walked out of that movie last night just like, damn, I haven't seen a good movie like that in a really long time. Good. Ryan Reynolds is just a genius. He is so good at just the writing, the- Did he direct Who is he married to? I don't know, but I'm sure he has a lot of say in everything. The writing, the way the... The angles, the editing, I'm sure he's all over that. You can tell.


Who is he married to?


Blake Lively.


I know. Boom.


You You got us there.


Got him. Did you see her in an interview? She's on the red carpet, and she's talking, and she goes, Oh, my gosh, a Deadpool Wolverine sold out. Sorry. I just saw that, and I can't believe just what I'm seeing. Anyways, what What is your question?


I saw her go up and read a couple of celebrity's names. She goes, Why isn't my husband on that list? Okay. Anyway, sorry. She will not stop letting us know who she's married to.


Girl, we know. Damn.


Yeah, those interviews, they're not... I mean, I'm all for bad day. People have bad days, and I think that's... I always see that side because I know I have my bad days. People have bad moments with me. They're like, Hey, Zane, I'm just like, Fuck you. I just have bad moments. And so I felt like she just had a bad...


Wait, what was the bad moment?


Just all the interviews she was doing. Just really bad.


Remi and Alicia filled us in on everything that's going on with the whole movie that she just did.


That ends with us.


It's about domestic violence and abuse in relationships. It's a very serious movie that deals with a horrible problem that some people have to live through. The guy who made the movie is- Justin Baldoni. Yes. He's a very well-known person who's an activist and is a voice for women who've been abused. There's beef that's going on behind the scenes right now with all of them. People unfollowed him, and then they're like, What's going on? Then she is trying to make it all about her, and she's trying to treat this like she's Margot Robbie and doing the whole trying to make it like a Barbie type thing. It's a very serious-It's almost like- You think it's a rom-com?


When I was watching the interviews, not knowing what the movie's about, I just didn't know. I thought it was a rom-com. Genuine, I thought it was like, Oh, it's a rom-com. It's a love story. But I found out later that, Oh, This is being promoted the wrong way. This is actually a serious movie. That's how it should be promoted. But it wasn't being promoted that way.


Oh, man, I didn't see any of that. I saw a couple of interviews and I was like, I don't see why people aren't liking her. I had no idea there was a whole other side.


I just think it's important that if you're a huge celebrity and you're about to go do a whole press run for a big project, you need to have a publicist to, in a way, rehearse what you want to talk about and what you're doing. Do you think she just doesn't I don't think... No, she thought she could just go by just being Blake Lively, and now her true colors have been showing. Same thing with Rachel Zegler when she was doing press for Snow White and people were like, What the fuck is this? That was crazy. You're just running your mouth. You're not taking it seriously. You're giving very vague, cliché prom queen-I think some people try to do the Jennifer Lawrence, but Jennifer Lawrence, to me, she's very genuine.


She's one of my favorite people.


Another thing that Remy and Alicia were telling me is the fact that she did play this role of this person this movie, and she was being asked, You are now a representation for people who have dealt with this. Fans that are watching the movie that have lived this in real life are now going to come to you as an inspiration They're sharing their stories like you're reaching out.


She's responsible now. You know what you set up for.


Then they go, How can people have those conversations with you? She responds, Oh, what? Do they want my social security number? Do they want my address? Do they want to know where I live? She's trying to It was funny. Listen, it was a stupid question what he asked. We shouldn't expect celebrities, actors and actresses, to be the voice for whatever trauma you're going through. You should go and get help. But her response, she shouldn't have made it a fucking joke. She goes, As much as I would want to be a person to help people and guide them through their stories, they really should seek help. That's what she should have answered, but she dismissed it and made it like... Oh, man, that's actually good.


That was really good, man.


If somebody asked me, if I haven't dealt with it, I'd still be like, I would have something more caring to say than, What do they want my Social Security? Don't look at me like this.


Yeah, especially... That's weird. She's not new to the scene. She should have known better. That's very weird. The projects that you sign up for, you have to know that people now see you as a representative. Yes.


I think the way she jokes reminds me of me. Sometimes when I make jokes, it could come off real dickish. I think people have said that to me before. We're having a conversation and I say something, and I'm I'm 100% kidding. I am not like, Please don't take me seriously. But it comes off really nasty. When she was doing her interviews, I was just like, damn, I feel like I look like this sometimes. But it made me more aware.


You're a funny person in nature. People-you're about to say comedians. But people don't take you seriously.


Yeah, no.


I think Blake wants to be taken seriously, and now people are uncovering just interviews with her. We won't spend too much time talking about this because I feel like this is a little going to be old news by the time this comes out. But people found out when she did with Parker Posey or Parker Rosie for Cafe Society, nearly fucking eight years ago. The interviewer just goes, Oh, I love your little bump, because she was just nearly pregnant. She's like, Oh, and I love your little bump, too. And her and Parker just sit there and do a catty mean girls thing, completely dismiss the interviewer for the rest of the interview.


It was a tough interview. I couldn't believe it.


Then she was doing an interview with the Shallows, and he's like, Oh, I have to ask this or something. She's like, Why do you say have to? She starts going on about this just little nuanced moment of how he phrased something.


You don't know if she's kidding or not. You don't know if she's trying to be funny or if she's just trying to be...


I wish her the best, but honestly, she's just a straight-up nepo baby who has just been truly given her fucking roles, and I don't think has ever properly sat with it and have a full sense of awareness of the role she's taking on and the story she's telling. I think she just needs to be a little bit better well-spoken.


I know it is an actress or an actor playing a role of somebody that had this, but kids that watched 13 Reasons Why, and that they themselves are dealing with these type of thoughts and things like that. It is a dark place, but they look up to, yes, they're actors on screen, but it's like they connect, they resonate, and they can relate to the story that's being told. If you see them in person, I just want to say, watching your show got me out of this dark space that I was in. That actor, you take on the responsibility to be like, I'm so happy that...


That's a good example, though, 13 Reasons Why.


Their entire press tour was all about that, too. Exactly. They made it about that. It was very emotional. It was not too many jokes. They understand the severity.


It feels like when they were casting, they took that into account. Do these people... How do they feel about the subject? Which is very important.


That is important.


I'll never forget when I met Macklemore. You met Macklemore? I met Macklemore and Brian Lewis. They were doing a meet-three. When I was in college, my freshman year-In college?


That's so cool.


That's sick. I stood outside of this sneaker store, and I got to take a picture with them, and I told Macklemore because I love his song. Oh, what's it called? Bones. It's the one about drug addiction and pills and losing friends to pills. And I had lost friends to pills, and I was like, Dude, that song is unbelievable. It touched me so deeply. And he was like, Dude, thank you so much, man. But he was like, Locked me in the eye and really understood my story.


Imagine if he was like, What else you want to tell me? You want to tell me about your dog? You'd be like, I'm sorry.


Okay, sorry.


Oh, cool. That's great to hear.


That's awesome. Let him go in. Your art that you delivered touched me, man. And he was so nice about it. You don't need to solve their trauma for them. You don't need to be a therapist about it. Put yourself in their shoes.


What response would you want? I don't know.


She's got to do a lot of media training. They've hired a Crisis PR team for the whole production right now to figure out how they're going to navigate it.


I know this movie has been long comment. People have been waiting for this movie because I remember seeing this a while ago.


This is the first, I think, Colin Hoover movie based on her books.


Anyways. Interesting. But yeah. Wow.


Speaking of movies, D23 just happened, which is the Disney Apple. It's like when Apple does their product releases, Disney has a big convention every year. Disney fanatics all go to it, and they announce all the new stuff that they're doing with the theme parks as well as new movies. I know that we touched on predicting You've stuff in the past, and you predicted the whole Tom Cruise thing. One thing we talked about was that there was going to be a sequel to Freaky Friday. Do you guys remember what we thought the title of- Too Freaky, Too Friday. I think Mariah may-What was your guess? If there was a Freaky Friday sequel, what were you going to name it?


I honestly don't remember what I said.


If you had just think creatively.


Now I'm put on the spot.


No, it's okay if you don't get it, but it could be cool. Simple.


I don't know.


I don't remember I don't remember what we said either.


I think this was said in this room, though.


If you said it, run it back.


I don't- Let's just say it.


Freaky your Friday. That's it.


That's the real title. Freaky your Friday.


Freak your Friday. Did I say that? I'm pretty sure somebody said that. Are you sure it wasn't you?


Maybe, I don't know. Run it back. Freaky Friday, too, or is it Freaky Saturday?


No, it's going to be silly Saturday.


Too Freaky, Too Friday.


Wow, but we did say that in this room.


I'm actually really excited to be part of that movie. Oh, wow, that's so funny. I'm punk.


Oh my gosh, that's really cool. That's cool. Wow, something is brewing. The stew.


We got the idea here.


We stayed cooking. There's Incredibles 3 is coming. And the Incredibles are not...


The Monsters Inc ride.


They're a whole park for Monsters Inc. No way. There's already a Monsters Inc ride at the Pixar Festival. It's a really stupid, silly ride.


No, but this one's like a suspended suspended roller coaster, and you're going through the doors.


You're going through the doors. Cool.


Did you guys see... I didn't even know this was an award ceremony, but Disney Legends?




How often does that happen?


I think it happens at every D convention, but usually it goes to old historic people, like Dick Van Dyke or someone who has just contributed.


Is it every year?


I think it's every year. It's a Hall of Fame.


This was the first year I heard about it, and I actually teared up that Miley Cyrus. Yes. She's the youngest Disney legend ever.


Yes. She deserved it.


I just... Such a cool moment. Her speech was perfect. She looked classy. It was just the... I think she deserved it.


I love that Disney also opened their arms, welcomed her with open arms, because I always felt like, oh, Disney was like, we don't know her anymore. That's not what they thought, too. That's what I thought, too.


That was a big thing. They pretty much disowned her. She backed away from Disney when she did, I can't be tamed. Oh, yeah. She went through a phase where she was like, I want nothing to do with that. She was experimenting.


She had to. She had to do that. It's a smart move to recognize also a child star who's still out there doing it, which is really... Because the whole Nickelodian stuff going on, I think it was a good smart move on Disney to be like, We need to honor these people who... We put them through the fucking Ringer as kids, and they're still out there trying to make a fucking career.


I forget about her a lot, but she is a legend, that girl. She's actually so talented. She Yeah. She's unbelievable. Where she started and then all those phases and the songs.


It's like when she was, damn. It's one thing. Yeah, her dad is Billy Ray Cyrus. Things were probably handed to her, but the talent is undeniable. They did They turned her down the first audition because she was too small and too young. Oh, wow. They rejected her. It's just so cool. That's the baby that we like.


She's very mature, Miley Cyrus. She is. Do you ever... I mean, she's our age, but when she speaks, I feel like she's taken 10 years older than me.


Yearss ahead of us. Why?


Just like...


It's that low rasp. She just sounds so...


I can't wait till when she's 50, 60.


I think she should get back into acting, too. I think she could really look at the deliver.


I can see her being a big actress in her older age.


The last song is one of the best movies on her.


Wait, the movie, the last?


No, it's not the last song. It's her ex-husband.


Oh, no. Is that not it? I thought he was in the Hannah Montana.


The last song.


Oh, yeah.


That's where they fell in love.


I thought you were talking about the- I always get this movie confused with the Hannah Montana movie as well.


Yes. Which I've never fucking seen.


Oh, it's so... Oh my gosh. It's so good.


I know it's good.


It's so good. That's when she goes, Are you saying I can ever be Hannah again?


In the climb?


Oh, yes. When she sings the climb and the town agrees to keep the secret.


Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?


I'm just hearing up.


So good.


Well, you're going to want to cheer up even more because-I don't know if you guys heard this.


I think Zane, you might know. Do you know about the story that just happened about the lady that passed away at Disney?


Yes, I just heard this. Wait, a woman just died at Disney? Yes. World or land?


Disney World.




Wait, isn't it weird that didn't we just talk about how there's a thing where no one's died at Disney?


They removed them and then they announced them. They never announced anybody dead at the park.


Yeah. So her and her husband, they were at the park. She had a food allergy, allergic reaction to something that wasn't supposed to have dairy. She ended up becoming ill because of this and passing away because of what they gave her at the Disney Park.


And she had an Epipen, but it wasn't enough.


Yes. And this happened at the park. Her reaction and died.


So the husband was trying to sue and come to find out he isn't allowed to sue Disney because years and years and years ago, he had signed up for a Disney Plus membership subscription as a trial. In that signing up for a Disney trial, you waive your rights to ever sue or do anything against Disney.How does that hold up?What? Yes, that's crazy. In the Disney Plus subscription trial.


In the fine lines.


To even sue for something that is park related, not even the streaming service related. He waived all of his rights in that subscription contract that everybody just zips by, goes, Yes, sign up.


Are they going to contest that?


He's in the middle of trying to fight it right now.


That's real bullshit.


That's really, really, really bad.


It also looks really bad on Disney. Really bad.


It makes every- Nobody knew about this until this came out.


That is bananas. Wait, Disney says, Man can't sue over a wife's death because he agreed to Disney plus terms of service.


That's unreal.


That breaks my heart.


How do you respond back to this grieving husband from losing his wife because of an allergic reaction at the park and say, You signed Disney- Yes. How do you even present that? How do you present that? That's crazy.


You know, some guy in their legal team was like, remember guys about the Disney plus thing that I put in? We're good.


That's so awful. That's so awful.


Which is It makes sense why they get away with so many things. You must be signing somewhere.


I wonder how many other terms of service and things that we have signed are souls away to.


Is there laws for contract making? Creating contracts where it can't be so fucking absurd? There has to be a law about not letting people sign terrible contract, or it has to make sense for you to sign a Disney Plus membership to watch Disney, and then for something to happen at the park, for that to connect like that makes no sense. No sense whatsoever.


Can they still be like, You can't sue us, but we'll give you a settlement? Can they do that?


They have to fight it.




I saw, you know how waymos exist? There's waymos everywhere now.


The driverless Uber.


Yeah, driverless Uber. Well, there's a TikTok of somebody outside of their apartment looking down at a parking lot where all the waymos go and park at night.


To go sleep at night?


Yeah. So they're all going to park in this garage, right? But every night- Parking lot. Yeah, parking lot. But every night, it's... Imagine a bunch of waymos all trying to park in their spots at night. So it takes forever, and it just makes so much noise throughout the night, and they haunt.


No. All of these people living in the apartments were like, What the fuck is this? I'm hearing honking constantly of all of these little robots trying to navigate and get into their spot.


With the video, they're going so slow. It looks like they never get into their spots.


Do they have designated spots?


I believe so. Or it's like musical chairs. I believe so. In the video that I watched, it looked like one of them was like, malfunctioning and couldn't properly pull into its spot. And that caused all of the other ones to get really confused, and they kept honking and honking all because of one wasn't fully parking.


That should just be a job position. Like an Uber driver just say, go grab a Waymo car near you and park it at night.


Or it should just, when it knows that it's coming into its home port, disable the honking feature because it knows that it's up around a bunch of other non-operated cars. It needs to have a honking feature, of course.


But I'm also- It's just like ballet.


Maybe it's promotion. All these apartment complexes are filming waymos. Now people are going to try to get in there.


You can't believe anything anymore.


Everything is just stitched. They're cool. They're like, fun that they exist. It does make me just a little sick to my stomach, though, like a robotic cars around. For just the gig economy of people who are Uber drivers and taxi drivers and all those people where that's a whole fucking industry of these people working.


It helps a lot of people for side jobs because a lot of people that have 9:00 to 5:00 jobs, they do work as drivers at night.


That's how I feel about AI.


Yeah. I mean, of course.


The way you're talking about this, it's like my friend's a graphic designer. She's panicking because now people are just using AI. It's too good.


It's too good. The AI, like graphic design, way too good.


If If AI just stayed as a Google replacement, sure. Just to get information and a fact, sure. If you want a quick good answer, but it shouldn't be taking job positions.


Hedaya's friend, she does graphic design for different company, logos and stuff, and she was trying to get a pricing out of it. How much does she charge? I'm like, Honestly, probably not too high because this company can go to AI editors. If this is a company that doesn't really care about what-You have all the rights for $5 a month.


You just put in ChatGPT, and it's like, whatever it prints out or pops out, you can use. But the Waymo cars, have you seen? There was one... Something happened, and it ended up going on the wrong side of the road and was driving into oncoming traffic, and a cop had to pull it over. But there's no driver, so the cop trying to stop a car that's just...


But you know what?


That ticket should go to the company. 100%. Yeah, they have to pay that ticket.


Look at this, driving on the wrong side of the road and the cops following it, trying to pull it over, trying to get it to stop.


Immediately, that's a hazard. Take it off the street. For one situation to be like that, you got to take them all back.


I just can imagine just starting a company of just self-driving cars and just being like, I hope they're performing well. Just knowing that you have all of these robotic cars. Just you're in the back seat.


I just think there's a place for them. I don't think they should be in major congested cities. They should not be in LA. They shouldn't be in New York. We went to, we always say, the one in Arizona. Perfect. Wide open roads.


Yeah, plenty of space.


Not a lot of space. Not a lot of room for error. Not a lot of cars. It makes sense. If people need to get around.


Imagine Dafts back in the middle of New York City with these cars. Hell no. That would piss so many people out, especially taxis.


I think people would just start hitting them.


Imagine being in the back seat of this. It's on the wrong side of the road and you're sitting there like, and then the cops pulling you over and you can't do anything.


Outside of the window? Sorry.


They're just like...


You know why it pulled you over? This. This is a screenshot from the video. That's from the video of the cops body cam. The invisible man.


It is unbelievable that these exist.Unbelievable.We rode in one.Prazy..


You guys four months ago, it was freaking awesome. It was.


I could not believe my eyes.


Did you hear about the girl that... She was in a lift. She was in a riding... She's riding in a lift, and she gets in, and they start to ride, and this lady in front of her, she's talking in another language, right? She's not thinking anything of it. She's talking to somebody on the phone, and she's speaking in another language, everything except for, I think it was dark skin, red sweater. Then she kept on going with the conversation in another language. The girl goes, I'm wearing a red sweater, and I have dark... What the hell is going on? She keeps driving and she passes her street and then speeds up. And then she's like, You missed my turn. Let me out. And she turns around and tells her to shut up and then continues to drive. And the girl, not a second to think, opens the car and just jumps out while it was driving. And, dude, she got cut up everywhere. I saw her story time on TikTok. Bro, even her talking about it, she seemed just like a strong... She took it really well. I don't know if that's the right word, but Very good heads up thinking.


Very good head on her shoulders.


That's why you raise your kids to be aware of your surroundings, because if she wasn't paying attention to the conversation, she wasn't paying attention to where she was driving, this could have ended bad. She, no hesitation, jumping out was the smartest thing she could have done.


She could have just been on the phone, not looking, not knowing if her exit was passed. I'm not going to lie.


For me to open the car and jump out, I'm trying to think, in that situation, would I even do that? You know what I mean? It's just life or death.


Yeah. I think she knew.


She showed a screenshot of the lift, the information on the lift, the picture was of her. She thinks. I just don't understand how lifts and Ubers aren't... How it's still happening. Yeah. In these driver companies. How is there not more of a background? This can't be the first time that this girl has tried to do this with a driver. You know what I mean?


Fucking scary.


It's crazy.


I heard that some of the drivers use other people's IDs if they have a record.


Shouldn't be allowed. Insane.


The other day when we Ubered to your house, and Scott and Jack were with us, and they were Ubering from your house to their house, we called the Uber here It was a female driver on the app.


It was a picture of a girl, and the name was Karen.


But it was a man that was driving the car. And then we got dropped off safely, whenever we just took note of it. And then Scott and Jack went to call Uber after we were hanging out here.


Same thing. And Scott goes, I got a Karen as a joke. And I was like, The name's Karen? And he was like, Yeah. I was like, That was the name of the driver that just took us here. And he was like, What? I was like, That guy?


It's a man.


He was like, weird. It's a picture of a girl.


So what did Scott end up getting?


The same guy. Did he tell the guy, are you Karen? I didn't say anything.


I've probably driven maybe five Ubers in my life where the picture doesn't match the driver, and I don't think-I want to think about the vehicle, too, where I'm like, this isn't what your vehicle is. In my head, it's a couple, and they take turns driving. So in my head, I was like, okay, they're probably a couple. It shouldn't be allowed. It's way too dangerous.


You don't know who's behind the wheel then. You don't have any of their information.


Because Mariah will look like... Obviously, she feels safer with a girl driver than a guy driver. If she was like, okay... Because if she cancels a ride, as soon as it matches with a guy or whatever, if it matched as this Karen person, to be the driver, and it's a man, she would be like- When I saw this story of this woman, she had the same thought as me.


She said she saw the driver, and she was like, Oh, thank God, it's a girl. It's a girl. She felt safe. That's how I felt when I was in Austin. I texted Heath right away, and I said, Oh, my driver from the airport is a girl my age. I was like, so relaxed in the car, not on edge or anything. Hearing this story, I'm like, You really can't trust anybody. But she did have very good instincts.


So justBe aware. Be aware. Because they know that them being guys trying to abduct girls doesn't work anymore. So now they have girls that they're finding, which is unfortunately fucking crazy. Yeah, unfortunately, it's horrible.


But I'm glad she's alive.


But be safe out there.


Just Heads up, be alert, stay in your toes. If you have a weird gut feeling-Go with it.


Yeah, go with it. Whether you're right or wrong.


Worst thing, you jump out of the car and the guy's like, What was that?


You're still out of the car. Yeah.


As long as you're-I'd rather have a bump, a bruise, couple of scrapes, then find out where that car was going to.


Well, that's all we have today for you guys. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zane & HeathUnfiltered. You can check out these episodes every Monday. Audio form on all the podcast platforms and video form. If you guys want to see our beautiful faces with these voices, go to youtube. Com/zaneandheath. We post there every Tuesday.


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