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Did you guys see on TikTok where it was this girl talking about how she ended up with this fungal disease after a night out and after hooking up with a dude? Oh, no. She went to a doctor and was like, What is this fungal thing? They tested it, and then they found a disease that's only found in dead companies. Oh, no. When they found this out, the authorities reached out to the lady that had this fungal disease, and they were like, Who were you in contact with? We need to know right now. And she gave him the name who she was hooked up with. And they found out that he is a man. Shut up. A man. No. Yeah. I started looking into this, and there's been multiple cases where girls will hook up with a dude, and they'll end up with this fungal that's only in dead bodies. Because he's eating dead bodies? Or he's- It's got to be. But also, it's not surprising because this shit happens. People do this, but it's sickening that this is happening. What a crazy- How good-looking was he?