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I don't like when people are driving and their focus is in driving. When I'm driving, I don't even like to talk with a passenger. She'll be next to me talking and I don't look over.


Patricia wants to show me every outfit she wants to buy while I'm driving. She goes, What do you think of this one? Well, I don't know. I'm like, Babe, I can't. That looks great.


Some people will be driving in the back. I know.


I hate that in movies, too, where any actor is talking to someone else driving. My anxiety goes through the room. It's been a little too long since they've looked ahead. I'm like, If they get hit by a car going to be an accident in the scene.


And they don't. Their head still turned as they're driving, and then they turn back around. I was like, Yeah, so it's making them a little realistic. That's not even.