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I'm cancer free. Yes. They basically removed it. They should have rung a bell for you, I guess, but I think that's more for chemo. Like, you're done with chemo. Got it. You truly have beaten cancer. So that's when they line up everybody and. Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah. Once again, I had that small little basal cell carcinoma on my back right here. Tiny little dot, and I thought, that's all these don't undermine your. Hey. It was still right, but just the surgery I was going in to get, I thought it was just gonna be like they cut the circle out and then stitch it together. They do a full line. It was like, 1512 stitches on my back. And it's so crazy getting that anesthesia on you and that. What a beautiful time and just medical advancement. Did you go to sleep? No. I would listen to a podcast. Did you record it to see what it looked like? No, I was, like, debating doing that, but I really didn't. I was so interesting. But that's good. It's all done. Congratulations. Thank you.