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Are we live? We are live. Good morning, everyone.


Good morning.


This is great.


This is gonna be the best day of my life.


God, the lawnmower guy just finished. Like, it was perfect timing. This. This day could really. Couldn't get any better.


So looking up.


Really, really. Mariah got a new haircut. This, like, so many things popping off this episode.


I got a haircut yesterday.


I can't.


And we all sing. Let me see.


I think it's shorter on this side. Long.


I brought the bangs back.


You did?


I think I want them for the wedding.


But what you haven't cut off is that scans.


Oh, no, that. That is happening, though, on July 15.


It's gonna be a big day. Do you still throw a party?




Like Kylie Jenner would if she went? She got Lasik.


Are in right now.


Anger a cancer. Like, that's your sign. So, like, right?


Do like a. Ooh, like a horoscope type.


Yeah. Wait, your birthday. When's your birthday?


July 9.


Oh, come on.


What? I have a cancer part.


July 9. July 15. You're a cancer. You're. You're getting your cancer removed. Come on, man.


Think about it. That's pretty poetic, Zane.




Cancers are like, I. Everyone who makes like. Oh, virgo necklaces or scorpio necklaces, nobody ever buys the cancer ones. Cause nobody wants to have cancer on their neck.


But you should make one.


I think I should. I think I should.


And we're also. I forgot that we were supposed to wear stripes. Remember?


You got stripes on your leg.


Oh, I am wearing stripes.




I have a ribs tank.


Stripes for matt, a little bit of stripes. Heath, any stripes for me?


Yeah, my. The design in my denim.


Oh, you. You also have stripes on your thighs. Your. I do the cellulite.




Stretch mark. I got my whole body stretch marks bad.


Oh, wait, is it because you lost the.


Oh, is it because you were.


No, no, I'm no serious. Oh. Like.


Yeah, it's cuz I gained a bunch of weight and then lost it. It's like if you gain in like a really quick period of time, it like, stretches your skin out.


A fighter.


Yeah, I got him on my.






Oh, wow. Yeah. Those are stretch marks.


My body is beauty. Okay, your body is orange.


Can you get rid of stretch marks.


Or like, with creams? But they don't fully go away. But they do make it like, less noticeable.


Oh. Whoa.


Like when. When I had that scar.


I've never noticed that.


When I had the scar when that dog bit me. Remember?




It's gone because I was putting that Moderna. Is it Moderna derma? That helped, like, so I think people just use that, like, something like that for their stretch marks too.


It's war wounds. It's a battle that I fought. You are brave physically and mental soldier.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I have to tell you. Tell you guys something.


Should we run the intro or.


Oh, yeah, sure.




Little cliffhanger.


It's common song, baby.


Let's go. Welcome back Zul Zain. And hey, Han fluttered. I'm Zane.


I'm here.


I'm Mariah, and we are here for another episode. But what I was gonna tell you guys is that tomorrow I am. I'm done with my hair. I'm cut.


What? No, you're not.


Oh, yeah, I'm done. I'm done.


You just want to start.


I want to start fresh.


You're shaving your head.


I don't. I'm not gonna, like, not full buzz, but it's, like, as buzz as it.


Was that one time at lollapalooza or we do.


I don't know. I don't know.


I mean, get it down to where the blonde is gone. Like, just hit that roof.


I'm gonna have her just cut, cut, cut till, like, wait, what?


Sparked this?


Yeah, I'm just over it. I've. I've realized that I play too much with my hair, and I, like, freak out over it, and. But I just want to cut it all off. I see why girls, like, love to cut their hair short, because they, like. They freak out about, like, fuck my hair, and they just cut it all off. I'm. That's where I'm at right now.


You're having a moment.


I'm having a moment. I just want to cut all my hair off, and then if I don't like it, which I most likely will not like it.


Right. Hat.




Why not go, like, fully bald and you should do just for the bit?


Well, I have. I had that scar in the back of my head for my transplant surgery.


Oh, right.


And I have all the gasses from all my accidents, so, like, I really.


Can look like a traditional buzz cut.


How many gashes from accidents on your head? What do you mean?


I've been hit by a Tesla. I. My head is speaker.


My head hit the wall.


My husband, like, through a lot.


Oh, okay. Yeah.


But, yeah, tomorrow at 07:00 p.m. it's a big day.




Who'S open at that late? That's pretty good.


Not my girl.


My girl opens for me.


Yeah, yeah.


She. We stay a little after hours sometimes. Okay.


I always just hate when you get that haircut. They hand you that mirror, and they. You have to look at the back of your head. You're like, oh, God, that's.


Does anybody else not like the back of their head? Like, every time I look at, I'm like, I look weird back.


None of my business.


I just don't like my side profile at all.


What do you mean? Really? Just.


I know it's my chin. I just have, like, a low duck like chin. It's. Well, normally I'm like this, but I'm always.


Yeah, me too.




Well, it fixes your posture. It's good to, like, do that, you know?


I get a chin implant.


What do you mean? A chin.


Actually, I take.


Implant will make it bigger. No. What do you mean?


Yeah, it just brings the jaw, like, a little bit more forward.




See, people who've gotten small ones, and it looks so good.


How do they do it? Do they put, like, an actual, like, piece of plastic in there under this?


No way. That's what it is.


My chin's like that, but I get, you know, the crimson chin. Why would I have my chin out sticking?


Like, you need it shaved. I love you, too.


I transport my chin to yours. I give you some of my cheese.


Matt only starts growing a beard here.


Oh, yeah, I was in the gap. Oh, I feel like I've said this. Yeah, I was in the gap changing room the other day, and they have, like, the one that's on the angle, and I saw myself.


I wasn't being that close. Mirrors and then shut the lights.


Yeah, you're like, oh, we're like. You can see the.


Yeah, I felt like I was in, like, a horror movie. You can fully see yourself at an angle where you're not looking at yourself.


I love those mirrors.


I still want to do the real mirror. I need to try one.


Wait, can't we. Bo isn't.


You can buy it on Amazon sometimes, but it's kind of expensive. We should get. It's like two mirrors, but you really look.


It's at the reflected. Like, what people see of you.


Yes, but people say that they're not disgusted with themselves when they look at it. They see. It's like they find themselves.


If you're really attractive, I think you love it. And if you're one of those people who.


Five stars. Best purchase. I think that's so crazy.


Yeah. There's always that guy, like, on TikTok who's like, yeah, this is your see, this is what you normally see, but this is how people see you. And there's always, like, people who are, like, at raves and just, like, I don't know. This.


The worst place to have it at, like, festivals was just tripping.


Yeah, that's the worst in general, just looking at a mirror.


I wonder if that would, like, help with makeup. Do you look in the mirror when you do makeup?


I do, but I keep the lights pretty.


Candle light.


Oh, yeah. When you go up to, like, a girl's, like, vanity little, like, makeup thing, you see every pore in your body.


My dream is to have a vanity. Like, I can't wait for one day to, like, have a vanity. But I'm gonna sit so far back because the hour. Our bathroom mirrors are really nice where they have, like, the led around it. Yeah, so you can turn it on. I never turn it on.


You don't want it?


I will spiral. Like, I stand in the back wall.


And I'm like, I would like an.


Old school, like, Broadway star vanity, like, with the bulls.


We had that at our old age.


You don't want it.


I'm going.


It's pretty crazy.


This shows tonight. I'm not prepared. It's just like, you're angry and you just.


Yeah, the only thing left is lipstick that your mom gave you. But she passed away.




How many times are you spiraling stupid?


And then she sits down, and then.


You look up, and there's a note that she, like, her last note she wrote you for.


This one's for you, mom.


I could do.


Me and Matt could do that all day.


She would have wanted this.


She would have wanted this. That's a good line.


Have you seen the guy that there will always be a fight. There will be a fight happening in, like, wherever. He'll just. You'll go to the fight and then pantomself and go, good luck, Charlie.


He did. That guy. Does he, like, has done multiple ones of that?


I. He's. I think he's done two already. It's so easy to find fights when you go to, like, downtown. I just, like, go out and seen.


A fight in a minute.


Real. Oh, my. See fights all the time. You know, I forget I see him, and the next day when I'm going through my phone, I'm like, oh, my God. I was. I was filming this fight. Then I'll, like, I haven't seen a.


Fistfight in a long. It's like, kind of like finding a dollar on the ground. You get, like, super excited.


Yeah. When you're like, is it a shit dollars? Like, do I get closer out, get ejected? That's the owner at Jameson's. It's a little dark.


Wait, how did you find this out?


Wait, what? Jameson's down on Santa Monica. It's the irish pub. It's very popular on game days.




Pretty iconic spot down in Santa Monica. They kicked. They were kicking, like, some guys out of the bar. The manager, like, the owner, like, one of the top guys at the bar, kicks the guy out, and then one of the patrons punched him. The owner, like, fell to the ground, hit the concrete and died.




Yes. All the Jamesons. It's so. That's so.


No, my friend was just telling me the other night, she. She went to the bar and she. And she was like, where? Oh, where's. What's his name?


Jameson or what?


Just wherever.


The bar. The bar.


Oh, where's he at tonight? And the bartender was like, oh, he just died.


Oh, the guy? Yeah, I don't know the guy's name. Yeah, he. Well, he was like, part of, like, ejecting the guy out of the bar and was just like, that's not happening in my bar. And then the guy was like, the 26 year old local Santa Monica kid just socked him and then he fell to the ground. It's crazy.


It's. It's never worth it. There's. People always just want to, like, throw hands and they forget that. That this can cause a lot of fucking damage. It's cr. And I know he. He hit the concrete. That's what happens. Like, it's just.


Are you still banned from that one?


But. No, we're. No, I just saw you.


Oh, yeah.


No, I don't. I don't. I think you know what it was. We didn't go there for a good year and a half, two years. And then one day, one night, we're like, let's go here. Let's see if. And we just walked in and it was fine.


System reset?


Yeah, yeah, we're.


Yeah, dude. Like, fights like that are just. Something can happen so easily.


That's really sad, though.


I know.


I was in Birmingham and I saw, like, a guy getting kicked out of a bar. And there was a fight, and that kid fell, hit the ground and his head hit the concrete. He was fine, but heading concrete. This is dark.


Yeah, the guy from walking dead and Punisher. I wrote Norman Shane Rosen, something like.




Or something like, I forget his name, but he has a very similar story. He was, like, approached out here. Somebody came up to him and tried stealing his dog. So he was like, give me my dog back. And the guy, like, wouldn't give his dog back, so they ended up getting into a fight. He hit the dude, and then he went back and hit the ground and was, like, put into, like, a coma and, like, almost died. And the cops are like, you understand? Like, if this guy doesn't come through and, like, wake up and if he ends up dying, like, you're charged with. Yeah, done.




He said he had this whole, like, come to Jesus moment and basically, like, changed his life forever. And it's so scary.


If I was a guy that, like, punched, I'd be like, wake up. I am sorry. Wake up.


Please, please. You see Bradley Martin, that guy, like, slapped that live streamer kid? Did you see that?




The guy that just fought Logan?


Yeah. Or like, yeah, yeah. Bradley Martin, the guy who owns that gym or whatever, there was, like, some live streamer kid who, like, went into. Took his hat off of his head, and Bradley Martin's like, give me my hat back. Give me my hat back. He goes, like, the fastest slap. I think I.


That was a sexy slap. That was a good.


Why'd the kid take his hat?


Just to be a little fucking prankster again.


Out pranking.


Don't steal a man's head.


Don't take people's hat. I. Matt, there was a. Where was your bachelor party?


A Nashville.


Nashville. There was a girl that took my fucking hat. It's. It's like the worst to take someone's.


Hat and they think they're not flirting with you. Like, I got your hat.


No, it's not flirting. It's not cute.


Oh, I remember.


They remember that, right? She got piss that I was pissed.


Yes. And then we were like, look at these tacky. Like, she was like, who made these? I'm like, who made this? Like. But first brunch t shirt.




Get the fuck out of here.


Speaking of slaps, though, we're going to the power slap.


Oh, my God.


I know that.


When we got the in, my brother. We have to go. We have to go.


How many rounds are there gonna be? Is it like.


No, I don't ever seen. I've never seen on tv. I've never seen it.


What's it called? The power. Slower.




Yeah, it's gonna be so. I just see clips all the time.


Power slap is pretty much this competition where you guys have probably seen it on tick tock.


There's basically a podium. It's one v one. And you just take turns against somebody slapping each other until you basically pass out, faint under. They get knocked out.


They're, like, chalked up, right? Like, oh, yeah, gymnasts, yo.


But when you look at them, like, after a fight, just the one side of their head is so massive and swollen.


Do they only do one side, or, like, it's only one side with the other one? No, it's one.


That's why they're. One side of their face is fine and the other is so massive, swollen.


Are there righties versus righties? Lefties versus lefties?


Probably because you'd have to. Yeah, probably.


Oh, boy.


They don't. You don't think they do both hands kind of as a.


No, now you just get that one. I feel like I wouldn't be good at slapping, though.


No, I'm not good at slapping at all.


Feel like it's just, like. There's, like, such an art to it.


Mm hmm.


You open?


Do you open? Maybe close or, like, you cup it.


A little bit, hit in the ear. You know, when somebody just kind of, like, pops your ear?




Do you remember when I slapped you for the vine?


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


So you've. You've been, like, slapped pretty. Was that the hardest slap you've ever seen?




I know, but that was for the vine. We did it for the vine.


We did the tick tock. Like, I hope she plays getaway car. That is funny, Matt.


Very good.


Stage names. The crazy Hawaiian, where they.


Are they getting, like, paid massive amounts of money. Like, I don't.


I mean, monster. Look. Monster sponsoring it.


All right, but I mean, that slaps, man.


Imagine waking up and knowing you're just gonna have your face beaten for all good seven. It's seven rounds, right? I don't just, like. Just, like, MMA fights or boxing. Like, good seven rounds.


I wonder, like, do they put their. Do they put their hands behind their back? Are they allowed to brace the table? Do you have to just, like, accept?


No, I don't think you can. I think you just have to.


I think they sit there with their hands.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't hold anything. That's why they're falling.


And if they hit, what if you dodge it and they go, ah, you flinch, you flinch. You have to, like, sit under the table.


Yeah, I wouldn't be able to look because I would try to, like, oh.


I feel like this is gonna be the ick.


I feel like there's not also gonna be that much, like, cheering. I feel like it's just mostly get. People gonna be going, ooh, yeah. Ooh. Cuz you can't be like, whoa.


I just hope that we have like close enough seats because when you're. It's gonna be really. It's gonna kind of suck from far away seeing just powder. All we're gonna see is just humans.


And powder will be way more intense in person. The same thing like when I watch boxing matches or UFC, even though they're beating the shit out of each other on tv. Yeah, it doesn't look like it hurts that much, but when you're seeing it in person, you're like, damn.


Yeah, we got invited to go. We're really excited in Vegas. We go next Friday.




And then it's. Yeah, we're. I think, yeah, it's, it's just that. And then we're doing some like lounge thing after and then that's it. And then I'm hoping we can like gamble a little bit.


Daniel, you said something about Dana White. Are we like.


Yeah, it was.


We're like invited to his vip, like.


Private little hangout, blind gambling. I guess Trump's gonna be there.




Donald, you still gotta call somebody mister president even after their president, right?


I think so. Like, Obama still gets called mister president?


Yes. Yeah, pretty sure. Yeah, yeah.


Oh, no, he's definitely not. He won't be there. He's. He's on trial. No. Or is he still roaming?


I think he is campaigning.


Wait, is it.


No, there's no way to be there. It's public.


He's out and about. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. And I'm not saying he's in jail, I'm just saying that I think they'll.


Let a felon in. Yeah, they'll let him in.


Matt, I would love to see a car. I want, I want to see a conversation, a quick five minute with you and him and just see what you guys talk about.


Matt walking for a picture. He's just like.


I'd be nice. I'd be cordial with Trump. I wouldn't know.


He's a president. Imagine his, imagine his security.


I mean, I'm not going to be like you.


Power slap.


I would just like a handshake. I would want a handshake more. Someone takes a picture of me, like seal the deal with Trump. Like leftist Matt King under fire, just.


Locked in, the biggest deal. Just wait.


Big moves, big moves.


Things coming.


I just want to, I just want to look him in the eye. Oh, no.


But, yeah. So that's the 28th. We're gonna be there for a day, maybe get a little bit of gambling.




I just go to the pool.


Me too.


I mean, avoid the sun for a little bit.


Me too.


I got really sober. I just think my body's invisible. Invisible or invisible? Invincible. Sometimes I saw uv was at ten and I was like, I put on like, tanning oil.


I'll be the judge of that sun.


For like an hour and a half, thinking that'd be okay. Just sizzling. And I was read, hooked, cooked, fried, and I. It was hurting so bad for three.


Days this past weekend. Like, I was like, applying sunscreen and then went to catalina, took a dip and. And then the thing is you for I always think that when I'm in motion on a boat, like, the rays can't get burnt. I got like a little burnt on the side.


Color in the water or more burnt in the water.


Yes. Oh, that's true.


Because I always, like, will wear a hat and think that I'm like protecting my face, but it's just bouncing off the water and just slap.


Wait, I'm sorry, wait, actually, yeah.


Even skiing too, you get burnt because the light reflects right onto the snow and burns your face.


I thought just because like, you, as long as you're not in the direction vision of the sun or if it's.


Hitting the water, reflecting on.


See, I did not know that even.


Get sunburned when it's like, cloudy.


Oh, that's the worst. Overcast. Yeah.


And that's where you think, oh, I don't need to apply. No, it's coming right through you and.


Getting you just like frostbite.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Smalls.


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Exactly. That's why rates smalls ten out of ten for ingredient quality.


And I vouch for that. Dean absolutely loves smalls. It comes in these really cool, like, pre packaged portions. We keep them in the freezer. And then the night before, we'll thaw them out and they're ready to go. We just cut it right in half, mix it into his bowl with a little bit of hot water. He goes crazy.


Exactly. And I love that. It's time to treat our cats like it's our actual family members, because they are.


And Dean goes crazy for the chicken broth. You just pour a little bit of that into to it, get them nutrients, get it a little bit wet for his palate.


And honestly, it makes me feel so much better knowing that you're not feeding your cat just like burnt kibble, you're feeding them real food.


And you know, this stuff is good quality because normally you'll, like, open up like cat food and it hits you with that boom, that pungent smell right in your face. You get kind of queasy.


Yeah, this.


It doesn't have, like, a nasty kind of cat food odor. It just smells like real food. Like, it smells like something that I would eat. So I know it's good for him.


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And I could attest to that because I am his uncle. He might not love me very much, but I know when I pet him, he has very nice soft skin. Now, thanks to smalls and the best uncle. Might I ask exactly. The team at Smalls is so confident your cat will love their product that you can try it risk free. That means they will refund you if your cat won't eat their food.


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Thank you, smalls, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you, and thank you for taking care of our little diny weenie baby.


Dini weenie loves you too. Have you also noticed that it's way brighter when the sky is, like, overcast? It hurts my eyes more in an overcast day.


You get good pictures in that type of shit.


Ooh. Mm hmm.


Yeah, it's just consistent lighting overall.


That soft light, relaxing by the pool. Maybe find a lazy river.




No, it's because you want to go to that hotel. What's it called?


New York.


New York. Yeah. We mind riding the roller coaster.


So good.


And the zip line. See all of Vegas.


I feel like you're just here for the zip line. Tim Robinson, where it's, like, the bachelor and she's, like, eliminating him. She's just like, I'm gonna. You're not getting it right. She's like, why not? I think you're just here for the zipline. That's not true. That's all he's been doing in the villa.


Have you guys been seeing AI is changing the endings of iconic vines.


Yeah. It's always like someone running in.


So good.


My. My favorite one is the. The kid that gets the ball, hits his head. He's like, yeah. And the guy just walks up in front of him. He just looks up at him. It just looks so. It obviously looks CGI, like, it looks fake, but, like, it's. So it's just gonna get better. It's like. It's just scary that, you know, it's gonna look really good.




Five years, though.


Did you guys know? I don't know. We don't need to, like, say the date in the venue, but you guys have.


We locked it in? We did.


Oh, what a rush. Say, what do you want to say?


I forgot the last one. We didn't really talk about our trip.


Oh, yes.


Yeah. So we were there, and our whole mission was to just see a bunch of venues and try to get a date and a spot locked in.


How many did you look at?


Like eight.


Oh, boy. Did the wedding planner take you to all of these, or did you guys just look at them?


We don't. We don't have one.


Oh, no. Wedding planner.


Yeah. It's also tough, too. Like, you would think a wedding planner would be easier since it's out of state, but I feel like it's more difficult.




These venues have given us peace of mind, especially the one that we picked, like, we really don't need one. Yeah, we're okay.


They have the system already down, especially if it's a venue that hosts weddings. They know how the flow goes, and they say how they do things, and that's.


That's how, like, my brother and tally did it to. It was really somebody that was at the venue, and they're pretty much running everything, and they were. Ran it pretty smoothly, too, so.


But, like, our top choices all felt very all inclusive. Like, it was the only thing that we would need to find as a florist and a dj and a photographer, videographer.




But, yeah, most of them, too. They were like, you're gonna have your own, like, assistant for the day. So we're like, oh, we really don't need. Yeah, like, a wedding planner to, like, you know, after the whole day ceremony.


And reception, and this all gonna happen in the same place. Perfect. Did you guys have to do, like, you. Did you fall in love with one place, and they're like, but it's booked on this date, or was it all flexible?


So we had months in mind. We went in saying, like, january, February, march.




We weren't picky, because we didn't realize, going to these places, they have the calendar, and everything's booked out, and you just pick what's available. So we didn't fall in love with the date until we opened the calendar. We were like, oh, that one's nice. Let's do that one. So it was. What was available?


We were deciding between, like, two or three, and then the one that we went with, just.


You picked, like, the honky tonk, like spot, right?


Yeah, it's. It's country western.


They got this nice party room out back.


Everyone's in the rocking chairs as the.


Congratulations, though. It's so nice.


Really nice.


It feels real. Like, it's so concrete.




Like, you got something to aim for.


Mm hmm.


Yeah. Bit by bit.


It feels really good to have it, like, locked in, and now we can work on, like, the invitations, and.


And so far, I know we didn't, like, get too into it yet, but so far, it's been so fun.


Yeah, it should be fun.


Like, we're not.




I don't feel overwhelmed yet. It's been fun. Looking at the venues was fun. Like, all the options. I can't believe every venue is so different, like, what they offer. I'm like, how can this. This person offer all these amenities for this price, and then this place offers nothing for a more expensive price. It just does it? It makes no sense.


But it's also, we were saying, like, it's so annoying because they don't tell you any prices. You have to literally book an appointment and show up. And these places were an hour and 30 minutes away from Pennsylvania, where we were staying. So I'm like, we have to drive all the way there. I was like, just tell me.


Give me the figure.


I was like, it's like, you want to buy a car, you don't know what the price is. They make you come out and test drive it. You're like, I don't know.




And then they tell you after you drive it, and you're like, well, I would have known that. I wouldn't have been here in the.


First, and I wouldn't want to waste your time.


It's so crazy.


That is.


That's crazy. In the end of the day, it's wasting their time.


Both of us.


Yeah, it's.


Some venues were wild. They were like, oh, you want to do a winter wedding? We can make it snow in the ballroom. I'm like, I'm sorry. Like, some of them offered crazy fireworks.


What do we think? I got a nephew. He has a business.


How many days do you think we'll have to take off? Four to go. I mean, not me.


It's just a weekend.


Yeah, yeah.


Sunday, if you want.


Probably get in Friday, too. So you don't.


Yeah. It doesn't have to be, like a trip, but I like that it's in New Jersey, because if people want to make a trip out of it, they can, like.




And then we have, like, a. Like, a brunch the next morning.


Fine. Farewell brunch spot. Oh, perfect.


I just can't believe it's happened.


What's the hashtag?


I can't think that was a thing.


No, no. Does the hash.


God, it's gonna be cold. Yeah.


Get married outside or inside?


It'll be all inside.


We're still doing, like, mob. Mob attire, right?


Yeah, like, I want it to be cold so people could come in first.


We're doing this right.


So our theme.


Our theme is. All right, cool.


Yeah, I think everybody in, like, coats would look super sick.


Oh, yeah.


I want to walk in, like, Macklemore. Just fur.


You can't take all the attention on someone else's wedding.


I'm the single man.


Look at, like, a liberace.


Oh, can we tell Matt our plan?


What's the plan?


Wedding. Well, my mom is gonna. Is going. Uncle is also going to the wedding, and we're gonna try to set it up. They don't know about this, though, and they're none of them. Watch this.


Oh, that can happen. It could both, like, fit and limber.




The only thing, though, is that he's not leaving. He's not leaving Pennsylvania.




He lives on Staten island.


You guys all lives in different places. Let me know.


Let me explain this. Last time I'm explaining it, it. My family, my mom, my dad, and my siblings live in Allentown.


I forget every time.


It's all my cousins, aunts, and uncles. Staten island and New Jersey.


Got it.


Oh, Pennsylvania.


One where they get so confused because.


I thought all of you live in the same area, but I keep hearing different cities.


They thought I was from Austin for, like, six years.


He still does.


I'm like, I went to college there.


It's crazy amount of things I remember, but just, like, the easy.


I know. Your high school mascot.




The Paladin. That's crazy.


And yours is the bumblebees. The bumblebee raiders.


Stripes for Matt.




Just every five minutes. Stripes for Matt. Well, the Matt. But, yeah, my mom, I don't think she's. She'll ever want to live there, so that's gonna be a little tough.


Here's the thing. My other uncle just moved to Florida. He's the only person that left, and his best friend was my uncle, and he's, like, really distraught that he left, so. And he's single, so. And his kids are adults, so it's possible he can make the movie.


And here's another thing. This is, like, for some reason, this kind of, like, makes me feel like it could work to her uncle. What? Member the whole story with him and Jennifer Aniston?


Yeah, she looks like Jennifer.


She looks like my mom. Reminds me of Jennifer Aniston. Where?


Oh, his uncle hooked up with Jennifer Aniston.


Made out young Jen.




And then Courtney Cox went to high school with her aunt.


Oh, really?


Helped her aunt, like, put in her first tampon. Yeah. Cordycox at the mountain Brook high school, I think. And, yeah, you got to talk to Patricia's aunt about it. But she's like, oh, yeah, she knew Courtney.


She helped me with my.


She was like. It was like she had her period for the first time. Courtney Cox was like, girl, I got you here. Yeah. Cartoon. Yeah. I don't think, like, physically, but, like, guided her through it. Through, like, another stall. I don't know.


Yeah, we're gonna try to make it work. And this is happening while they're having the best night of their life.




We're gonna be working.


Do you guys have groomsmen? Bridesmaids light up.




Yeah, she did.


My bridesmaids.


I haven't done my guys.


You've already done it.


I did.


How'd you ask them?


I just did. A bouquet of flowers. Instead of wrapping it in, like, the paper I wrapped it in.


Oh, I was wondering what that was when you posted it.


I should have put eyeballs.


I thought you, like. I thought you screenshot that from Google or something. Why?


She posted how many?


Ten. We started with.


We had 14.


Oh, yeah.


I thought it was more than that.




The wedding, that line.


Except, yeah, 14 guys.


That day of when I was saying, I'm like, damn, this feels.


It was deep.




It was deep.


It's gonna be such a big day.


Where do you think you'll honeymoon?




We're gonna have so much fun.


I cannot wait to go with you guys.


Is it gonna be the same spot? Not the same spot. You go somewhere else.




Florence. And then her, like, ancestors are from Sicily.


He wants to do Croatia. And it's right across the water.


Yeah, it's pretty.


Oh, my God. That's where they filmed Game of Thrones.


Oh, no way.




That's where they filmed, I think, Croatia. The king's landing.


I'll send.


Yeah. To bronze and you.


Pictures in my regards.


Oh, my God.


Like, I just can't believe it's coming.


Yeah, it's got. It'll go by so fast.


I know.


I'm like, the day to day seems like I feel like we have to do anything, like, today for it. We did it, and then it's like, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.


But before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, mood.


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Thank you so much, mood, for sponsoring today's episode. And thank you for giving our listeners a chance to relax this summer, baby. I saw the Queen of Morrows up there on the podcast.


You know, my father, he was on coke and, you know, we were Jehovah's but raised.


The memes are so funny, but I can't tell.


I think she has her shit together. Like is owns a store on Melrose or. But she was also unlike that guy who interviews homeless people's, like, you know, the guy who interviews people on the street?


That's it.


Yeah, but I can't tell if it's like, oh, can we, like, book her and she can come, but she probably would smoke in here.


Oh, my gosh. Wait.


Yeah, the queen of Melrose.


We're from Harlem, you know? Bubba, you know her?


Me and your mom met her when we were on Melrose waiting for you to finish class.


Wait, you didn't tell me this.


I didn't know that that's who it was.


Wait, tell me, tell me, tell me.


Are you serious?




Wait, what? Did she. Did she look just like that?


Exactly like that. I'm pretty sure wearing that same exact sweater, too. She was sitting there right next to your dance studio.


Okay, okay.


So, you know, when you go out, there's a restaurant to your left. Like, if you walk out, there's like that little, like, patio type outdoor thing around that was just sitting on a chair right there.




Walked by, smiled. We said hi, and then we like, how's it going?


She's iconic.


She's right now.


I've never seen her.


No way. Well, there he. There you go. We have her in texture.


Did she hear Tina's accent?


Yeah. You know, I don't know.


That's crazy stories to tell.


Like, does she work there? Because she was sitting outside of a store, like, you know, the crazy clothing store. That's like two.




I think it's her store.


That's what it is. Then she was sitting. I thought it was just the owner of the store. And I was like, what is she?


I think she is the owner of the store. No, no.


It makes sense now that I'm thinking about it.


But, yeah, it's a lot of tiktoks where she's in the store, but I haven't dug deep to figure out crazy.


Clothing on Melrose that looks like a rock star clothing.




Like, it looks, like, outrageous.


There's, like, metal, I think.


You shopped there for your 200 video? Yeah, yeah. Okay.


That's where she works. I guess she owns the store.


So are we gonna. Are we gonna pop in?


We have to.




If she wants to come on the.


Pod, I come on the pod.


Oh, my gosh. That's so funny.


I just think it.


I think. I think she fits in the podcast. Perfect.


Would we let her smoke cigs in here?


Um, no, because I don't want any cigarette smoke in here. But I will allow her to vape if she wants.


You're not gonna believe this.


There. Let's just dm her.




Hey, you say, lovely to see you again. We met outside of the store one time.


Yeah, everybody's met me here.


The Jersey shore house.


We did.


How was it?


We forgot. We didn't go in it or $10 for a tour.


Oh, I thought it was like an Airbnb. You had to, like, book.


No, you can rent it out. It's very expensive. You can rent it out.


And you also don't probably don't want to stay there, right? Because it's like, not as comfortable.


I think I've said this before, but my way back in the day, my sister, her friend, instead of a sweet 16, her dad rented the Jersey shore house for her and her friends.




But yeah, the tour was $10. People were doing it all day. The guy who owns the shop was there he was super nice.




Yeah, super nice. Super gray.


Dress from the cast was giving him.


But I will say I do respect him for, like, owning the shop, owning the house. He's probably doing very well. He is grinding in that store.


Mm hmm.


He is making the t shirt. How's it going? Good to see you. Everybody was so friendly. Yeah, it's like. It's crazy after all these years. Like, we used to go. I was telling him, we used to go. Growing up, like, that was, like, the place to hang out. And they were nice then, but the show, they were filming at the same time, so I feel like they were, like, they had to be nice. But going back, like, 15. How long has it been? 15 years since probably around there years later, and they're still that nice and proud.


You know what? Imagine getting hundreds of people a day. You probably get so stressed out, you're kind of yelling at people. But now that there's so few people coming, you're probably at that point, just like, this is nice that some people are coming in one by one, like, here and there.




It's probably so much, like, so much easier to, like, be really sweet and kind of like, hey, you're a big fan.


Probably aren't as bad as they used to be.


Yeah. It was so stressful back then. I would hate it if I work there.


Do you want a t shirt or do you not?


Yeah. The whole process is really laid back. I recommend doing it. $10. They, like, open the door. They take you to the.


How long are you in it for? Is it guided or.


He let us in for as long as we wanted.


There was with you. And, like, if you have questions, you know, he'll answer.


The realtor stood in the kitchen, like, on his phone, and he was like, get ahead. Pictures, videos, whatever you want to do.


If you see. I see. If you see the bed, it's still broken from the. From the break.


You like a home or, like, a former set.


It feels like it's a home. It feels.


It doesn't have, like, rigs from where the lighting was used to be?


No, it was so low budget. Everybody was handheld.


Oh, whoa.


Also, they're holding everything like this in the boom.


Oh. I just thought, like, they had lights like this.


They had. I think they had maybe in, like, the smush room. Yeah, maybe one.




Remember, it was really shitty. Like, if you watch the show, they weren't the highest quality of webcams that they had.


It was weird seeing the confession room. We, like, open one door, and really, what is this. We're like, oh, it has to be.


The, like, what's it called? The talk heads.




It's really small, right?




Wow. So you could really hear everything in that room when they were filming in there.


It's just crazy. Like, you just feel the energy when you walked in, though.


It feels like nothing was.


These walls could talk.




Really smell the pickles and the.


It was crazy.


Nothing was changed. Nothing was touched. It's just like, that's all should be. It's really cool.


Did someone, like, buy that and was like, I'm just gonna turn this into tours.


I think it's Danny.


Danny's. So the guy that owns the t shirt shop he owns attached to it. Oh, so you walk through the t shirt shop and there's a door that just goes into it. Or you can go around and go.


To the t shirt shops. Deck is the house's deck. There's just a door.


Oh, I never knew that.


So the. When they're on, like, the rooftop and by the hot tub and the hammock and stuff, that is the roof of the store.


I can't believe we haven't gone one of them to come here.


They're not kids right now.


I know, but just, like, I want to just talk to one of them. Just don't matter who. Just one of them.


It'll happen sooner or later before they.


Like, get to old where they, like, forget everything. None of me, like, I don't remember. I wouldn't either.


I don't know why.


Everything that's happened in the past, like, before, like, eight years ago, I forgot everything.


What else did we do? We talked about LBI.




We talked about, like, I took him down the whole Jersey shore.


We took long beach.


I think we talked.


Yeah, we talked about. And then we talked about Coney island.




That was sick.


Oh, did you see the next ride, the new ride that got stuck? Everybody stuck upside down for 30 minutes in Portland.


Okay. How does. Doesn't blood rush to your head? Can't you black out?


That's real. I mean, yeah, it's really bad to be hung up there like that.


Lucky everyone was just my, like, just minor injuries.


One person had to go to the hospital.


Yeah, I think it was one.


Right. But nobody died.


And there's kids that were on it. There was one kid specifically that was doing an interview, and it looks like he has freckles. And he was like, I don't have freckles. These are popped.


Like, oh, wow.


I just don't understand how there's not a. Something like an emergency thing where it just brings everything back.


The power went out, like, across the park. That's what I was told.


And what's crazy, it's not like you're in, like, a seat. Like, because in my head, I was like, oh, I would just kind of, like, fidget around and, like, kind of get myself to, like, sit up so the blood isn't rushing, but you're strapped. Like, it's the shoulder harness and everything, so you can't really move around.


And, you know, as time passes, it's scarier and scary. Like, if it happened and we were up stuck for, like, three minutes, it's really funny, right? Everyone's, like, laughing after 20 minutes.


That would make me go crazy. Where I'm like, how much time has passed? Like, that? The would drive.


Not only does, like, we. Yeah, so, yeah, we're probably gonna get down, but are we gonna have to get down from up here? Like, is somebody gonna have to, like, crane? That would freak me out.


Like, climate.


I would just be thinking about a lawsuit. Like, I would. Like, all I'm thinking about is dollar signs to get me through this. But I don't even know if they can sue if that's part of, like, the. The release that you sign whenever you.


Absolutely could sue at a. Like, a park like that. You're not signing away your. Do you sign? You don't sign an agreement when you don't know.


I can't. I don't know. It's every carnival or, you know, what.


If it wasn't, where was that Six Flags?


It was called Atlas Fear, I think is the name of the part.


My sphere.


I know fear is, like, in capital letters.




On the title of it. But I'm not getting on that type of ride ever again. Ever.


As I'm getting older, I don't need to go on anything.


I like roller coaster, so roller coaster I'll always do. But rides like that.




I don't do anything that spins.


I need some imagineers behind it. Like, some qualified Disney imagineers who I.


I want to see the person working on that. Like, working on the. The little deck to see who they are. Like, I want to see with just.


Two buttons and, like, remote control.


I see a joy.


Stickers forward, backwards.




They have control over where it's going. I'm.


It has that button that just looks like it's from 1972, you know, just that big green. I haven't seen anybody, though, like, share their story, though, like, on tick tock or anything. What else is new?


Oh, it's Dean's birthday today if anyone gives a shit.


Has it been adopting him or like.


The week we took him a year ago tomorrow. And when the girl found him, she guessed that he was only a day old. Okay, so we just went back a day and say the 20th.


It's a good guess.


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Did you hear the story about the unlicensed like dentists that runs over like called the veneer.


Dental Daddy? Basically there's been this big scam going on where they've been creating these like classes or academies. Like if you want to make $20,000 a month, no. Come learn how to like install veneers and stuff. And they've been busting these, like, illegitimate dental practices.


Like, you know, usually veneers. Like, it could cost up to like $20,000 to get them all done. This lady charging like 3500 and telling people that, like, yeah, I'm a licensed.


Permanently cementing them on to people's like.


She'S not, she's not shaving it down like we usually do for veneer. She's just like, putting a cap over it and people are like, it's, it's burning people's teeth and they can't, like, get it.


Oh, my God.


Their instagrams not available.


Yeah, but here, just, just hear this. Hear the story.


$20,000 price.


They may not be dentists. They wear scrubs like real dentists, but they're not licensed to practice dentistry. Instead, they take a short training course and receive a bogus certification that could.


Have cost me my life.


This woman says a so called technician.


Offer an amazing deal for the smile of her dreams.


That was gullible at the time. I was excited. She says.


For $3,500, this woman known online as the veneer, she permanently glued the near caps over her existing teeth.


Got her on the nose, but just.


1 hour later I was crying, you know, in tears. My mouth was on fire. It felt like a thousand hands.


She says the veneer fairy tried to pull out the veneers, but they wouldn't budge.


Patient special Overton says she took matters.


Into her own hands, literally ripping them out of her mouth.


I just, with all my might, just.


She shanked.


I didn't know if I pulled my teeth out, but I know I want.


Like, that's crazy. 3500. Do you know it's crazy? I thought that's what veneers were at first.


Like, how much they cost?


No, no, I thought veneers were like caps. Like whenever, you know, are.


But they have to shave it out. They shave it properly, cap. These people are just putting him right on.


No, I know. I thought that's how they, like a few years ago when I didn't know that, like, what veneers were like. Yeah, the shade down teeth. I thought veneers were just caps. They just put it over the tooth.




I need to do, by the way, I need to get my Botox. I need Botox on my.


I might be getting Botox with Joe.


Really? Yeah.


For what?


We talked about it on his podcast and he went and did it with like, Carly and Aaron, and then they, they reached out in. I had expressed interest. They're like, well, if you want a video of you guys can.


I guess we're gonna get it done.


Probably. You can probably figure out where I'm gonna.


I know where you're gonna get it done. You wanna tell you.


Can I tell you what looks bad?


Oh, you need a lot of.


Is it. Are you doing it over here?


No. Do you think I have something wrong with the guy? Do I.


Right here, for sure. Right.




Wait, Botox is, like, to make it, like, smooth, right? Yeah. If it's too wrinkly.


Yeah. I just want, I would do my crows feet.


Like, crow's feet is so nice.


I think it's the one thing that really kind of ages you.




Mm hmm. Oh, well, yeah. I don't mind, like, lines on my forehead and stuff. I feel like that adds a little bit of masculinity to. It's for keeping manhood alive.


What is botox again? Botulism.


What is it, like, the actual, is it silicon? I don't know.


What does Botox do in your face after, like, 20 years?


The Botox is a brand name of botulinum toxin type a. Oh, it's a toxin. It's a drug derived from a toxin produced by bacterium colostradinum botany. Basically, they block nerve signals that cause muscles to contract, which can temporarily reduce or eliminate wrinkles, or victorians in a coma.


Injecting toxin into your face. But, yeah. What, what happens to botox in your face after 20 years? Is that, does it just dissolve?


Question like, a guy. Do you think it, like, just dissolves into your body? You have to get botox every couple of months. Botox?




Oh, you don't?


No. Oh, thank you.


Most women I know get Botox.


No, I never done it. If I were to do it, I would do it for the wedding. This too, because if I take pictures outside, this is so prominent. Or I could just photoshop it out.


Yeah, true.


But I don't, and if I do the bangs, I really don't need it. No. I don't know. I'm acting like this is me doing my makeup in the mirror.


You can see that perfectly.


I think. I don't think Botox is, like, a substance like Filler. I think it just freezes. So there's no, like, dissolving Filler dissolves.


Oh, filler ox does wear off because you have to get it right.


So if it freezes, think of it defrosting.


I thought Filler was, I thought Filler was botox.


No, Filler is filled like, you plug cheek filler.


I got, I thought it was all the same. Wow. I thought people just called it Filler as like a, like a, like a nickname for Botox.


People do non surgical nose jobs with Filler. They fill this.


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Okay, Mariah, how do I get my nose to not droop as low? What Botox is that?


They put filler in the tip of your nose so it's a tiny, tiny.


So it doesn't. So I don't look like squidward's nose when I smile?


I don't think the filler would bring it back up.


Z, I'm just sick of you. I just don't like when I'm. When there's a picture of me smiling sideways, it just looks. I look like the witch of the wicked west.


But I think it's just part. That's just how you look. But it's not. You would look. I just changed it, Zane.


You would.


People would be like, just saying is not the same.


It's just. I know, and I know that I have to, like, I always think about that. I always think about, like, why I'm gonna look different if I do something.


But I hate it when I got my ears done. Like, in middle school, some girls would be like, I miss your old ears. Like, I hated that. And they said it all the fucking time.


And it's not nice.




If somebody gets something done, don't tell them that you miss. Yeah.


Or when someone's fat and they lose all the weight and someone's like, oh, I miss you when you're fat. It's like, what? Yeah, they just work so hard to.


Like, uh, I literally, all I heard.


I can't, like, wait, was I one of them?




Oh, I just wish I was just more conscious back then to be like, that's kind of rude. Like, I. My mom spent a lot of money, ears pinned back. And you're saying you miss the old me? Like, I.


The old me is dead.


I hate it. And I was just a self conscious, like, middle school kid. I was like, well, I guess I made a mistake. The girls don't like, sorry, because y'all didn't like me when I had big ears. And then I get them fixed, and now you guys are like, I miss the old ears. Mmm.


Fuck you, Karina.


Karina, her name did start with the.


C. Can you get filler in your private parts?


I'm sure could get it anywhere.


You should do that.


Okay. You know, I had a friend once said, um, used a penis stretcher on himself or, like, a whole year. It was a machine that he like, which is. Oh, it's just crazy.


This is, like, soft.


I think soft. I think soft because you. You can't, like, stay, like, erect the whole time. But, like, I think soft. You'd put it into this machine that would stretch it like this. Oh, and it would say like that. Like, oh, no.




It's it. But, like, have you ever heard of this? I cuz I didn't hear about this until.


I know it is possible, but, like, you shouldn't. It's your sexual organ. You should not be.


He said it worked.


Don't do it. I think it would damage. Sorry, guys.




He really liked it. The results are amazing. I'm really high. He's really happy.


That seems like something you see on, like, a site. Like, oh, this definitely is a scam. He might have issues now. I don't know. I haven't talked to him in.


Yeah, that would cause him, like, nerve and tissue damaged.


Yeah, no, 100%. I wouldn't hold it, but it's just like a strong.


That was funny.


Um, have you guys. Have you guys seen the. These are. These have been my favorite videos to watch. They're all my TikTok for your page.


I love.


I love it. Those dating shows where contestants have balloons in their hands.


Oh, yes, yes, yes. I see.


They'll have. So it'll be like a row of men and women. They all have a red balloon in their hand, and then somebody walks, and the minute they walk in, they decide whether to keep it or pop it. Yeah, but the pops, it's like. It's like music when the boss. When they'll pop the balloon and like, that, usually half the woman will bop as soon as the guy walks in.






And then the guy will be like, hey, he'll say his name, and then someone pops again, and then. And it'll say, like, what he does.


So I'm a. So I make music.


I don't know how any of those cadets are cracking up.


So it's so good. And I want this. This deserves its own, like, Netflix show. Like, I think this show would be better than love is blind, better than the circle it'd be the top of. But you can make. You could, like. They can really go far with something like this. Yeah, like, the main.




The main likes the portion of the show, but they could really do some.






So much better than, like, a buzzer, too.


It's just like.


It really makes you feel bad.


Yeah. And then what's. They're all good. Once they're all popped is like, okay.


And then. So every. The first person that pops, that they'll go up to that person and go, why'd you pop the balloon? And then they'll just explain why they popped the balloon. And then the way they respond to them, other people will pop. And it's like, what? Why did you pop? I just didn't like the way he spoke to her about. So this guy is just horrible, right? Like, he talks down to every single one of these girls. No, no, that's not. The host.


Hopped on you. You'd be pissed. You'd be like, well, it's.


The thing is that you're supposed to respect everybody. It's just like a.


Apparently this guy got fired. Oh, from his job?


No, he's not the host.


I understand that.


He's a plumber. His own employer fired him after being on the show.


No, I mean, I would have fired him, too. I mean, you should have seen the way he was talking to these girls. Like, immediately she popped. It's like, yeah, she. I'm just not, like, really intimidating. He'll be like, well, it's all. I'm looking at. The hairs on your arm going. Just completely going after her just for her.


Looks a big ego complex. Yeah, yeah.


This guy was really bad.


The title of the show is crazy. Pop the balloon or find love.


That's not a good title.


They should call it, like, they pop.


The balloon or pop my cherry.


Oh, shit. You know, how about this?


Pop or lock.




Pop. Pop or lock or drop. Drop them. Drop.


Brilliant. Do they own that idea? Can, like, anybody, like, could David Alvarez take it for his videos? Or is it.


You could do, like, YouTube is not, like, a trademark. You could do whatever, right?


Yeah. Remember in the finds brothers or whatever? We're trying to, like, copyright reaction videos. Now, that was a crazy old reacting videos.


That was like, yeah, I mean, that was just someone trying to capitalize off of something that they.


Something that you just brought that up and I totally forgot about. Do you remember when we did it?


Yeah, yeah, I did it too.


Do you remember, like, you walk in and you, like, sign in, and then they, like, they pay you to do it, right? But the way it was presented, they were like, yeah, so sign in, whatever. Also we can pay you. I think it was like a $100. Like, we'll give you a do it. But most people usually say, don't worry about it.


But that's how they presented it every time you walked in. Like, so I was like, here, you either get paid a $100 or, you know, most people just, like, don't accept they don't want to.


And I was like, I guess I won't take them. Like, it made it seem like I shouldn't take them. It was weird.


All the people working there, like.


Being asked to donate money to, like, St. Jude's. That's what it felt like, but.


And then you didn't want it. Like, it made you feel like you didn't want to be the person to, like, accept money for doing it.


That's strange.


I remember I was getting a little bit of clout from that, from those react videos. Remember people would make, like, little. Remember when people. RuPaul's on Instagram, like, clips? I remember that we got a little bit off.


Yeah, but most people usually don't take the money.


That's true.


Yeah, most people don't need the money.


I would love if they just redid. You know, like, I love the eighties. I love the nineties. Best week ever. Like, I would have. If they redid that show, I would love to be on it.


Sorry, what was. What was, like, the premise one.


I love the eighties or nineties. They would get people from the generation, comedians, personalities, actors, actresses, music.


They would talk about, like, hot things that maybe, like.


Oh, yeah, I remember those.


Oh, okay.


Oh, yeah. Oh, and Star wars came out. Yeah, I remember my dad took me there. Like, you just.


Oh, okay.




Yeah. All right.


And they would just have funny little takes on them.


But why don't you go to, like, a. What do you call it, a VH.


One should just bring it back. Is VH one still around? I feel like MTV is the only one who's throwing events and stuff. I'm not tv.


I don't see MTV throw any.


I think MTV still does. Like, the amazing. They're active on social media and stuff, but I never see Vh one anywhere.


Oh, God. I'm not a fan MTV anymore because they stole Sal's work.












Yeah, those were good shows. I really liked that.


What was the show where they would have comedians come on and they would react to, like, best viral moments.


Best weekend.


They would, like, make jokes about whatever they're watching.


Best week ever.


Best we got.


I think so. Yeah, yeah.


Bring all that type of shit back. But, like, you obviously bring it back. Like, vertical form, like, on.


Did you ever watch lifestyles of the rich and famous? Like, right here we have Gwyneth Paltrow buying her daughter.


Yes. That voice.


Thousand dollar playhouse.


Oh, my God, that's crazy.


When they stay in Miami, they're not staying in a normal beach condo. They're staying at the biggest high rise overlooking Palm beach. Oh, Patricia and I, Patricia and I, we found we were cleaning out like deep into like some of our cabinets and stuff, just trying to organize stuff in our house. And I reach all the way back above our refrigerator, in one of the top, top cabinets. And I'm looking and I go, what the hell is that? I've reached down, I pull it out. It's an old gay Porto magazine, a vh, a vHS sleeve. I don't know if you ever seen the previous owners. We don't know. Wait, wait.


It was like a tape, the sleeve.


The tape wasn't in it, but it was like it's backdoor with these like three naked men with massive erections. And we're like, what the. And I go, is this yours? She's like, no. Is it yours, you're VHS collection? I go, I would have killed to see that vhs. I don't know, but I was gonna. I thought I knew every vhs we had in our house. And I go, who the fuck did?


And matt, you should have just for a quick second, been like, honey, you caught me. Just to see her face.


If it was reversed where she found it, it was like, what the, the fuck?


Oh, you. Oh, you found it first.


I found it first. I'm tall. I'm reaching back there and I go, what the hell?


Is that a good way to get rid of something?


I got it, babe, I got it. Step back, step back. No, I got it.


Ronnie's a big rat.


Get out of here.


I just imagine there's an episode of New Girl where they buy a house and one of the friends was like, this looks really familiar. And it was like in a porno. Imagine it was shot there. That's why he fell asleep. It's like memorabilia that happened to seth.


Rogen, or seth rogen when he bought his house.


No way.


He was on board of and was watching. It was like, that fountain looks just like mine in my backyard. And he realized they had set. Yes, that it did happen.


That's so cool.


So we're like, we're trying to find this mystery and we can't. I. Well, you know, we live in West Hollywood. I don't know who the previous owners are, but then that means that tape has been there for over.


Like, what if, what if they did that? Whoever lived there before or whatever, they did that purposely. Just as like a joke, almost like, oh, let's see who can find this.


That's what I was thinking. Did somebody come to our house and did that as a prank and, like.


Put it was there, like, a year on it. Did it look old?


Yeah, from, like, the nineties.


Was it. Was it in the kitchen?


It was in the kitchen in my top, top cabinet, above our refrigerator, in the very back.


That's the thing. I feel like it was placed there as, like, a joke, probably. Why would it be up?


We need to ask. We need Tristan.


You should give it to Tristan as a gift.


I threw it away.


That's all that should be. It should have been a white elephant.


But if it had the VHS in it, we. Patricia, we would like. This is. Don't worry. We would have been like, what is this?


Be kind.


Rewind. 60. It had price tag for $60, and it was like, a written price tag. And I feel like, damn, that's expensive. I think somebody didn't bought it as, like, a thrift store find and then put it. But I was like, where's the tape? Like, the tape wasn't in it.


That's so fun. You're the one with the VHS collection.


Yeah, that's right. When I was pulling it out, I was like, oh, my God. This looks like.


This looks really bad.




You had it hidden, and you were.


Like, yelling for what? If you.


Why would I.


I don't know. What was that?


If you found it and she wasn't home, like, why would.


You texted her immediately? What do you mean?


It's a funny, like, situation, but, like, imagine she was gone, and that's just something you found. But, like.


Oh, thinking, like, this was, like, her fetish.


Yeah, you would. You would have been like, I would like to probably wait for her to come home and then just be like, refined it. Honey, let's clean out the kids.


No, no, no, no. What. What are you so nervous about? Is something up there you're hiding from me?


That's funny.


Yeah, it was just. It was a wild sight.


All right, that's all for now. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zion and Heath and Filter. You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form, and every Tuesday on the YouTube channel Zion and haste. Really good accent, right?


That was honestly really good.


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[01:08:07] zanaheath love you guys so much.


And thanks for sticking with us, and we'll see you guys next week.


Toodles. Blocked.