Transcribe your podcast

I don't know if I need an ear check. I think I should get an ear cleaning. I don't feel like I'm losing my hearing. But after I wear airpods for a long amount of time-You should definitely get an ear cleaning because your ears get so dirty and it gets so stuffed with earwax and shit, and you don't even notice it.


But if you clean it out, so much comes out, and it actually does help your hearing.In.


A proper cleaning, you're talking about.Yeah.


I would go to it. For me, I don't trust myself to do it. There's self-cleaning ones you can get, but I want to do that one where they put that little thing in there and they just drip that water and it falls into the pan underneath and you just see it.


It's so gross but so satisfying.


Because I clean my ears and I don't feel like I get a lot of wax out on like...


Trust me, Matt, you got wax.


I feel like deep down in that canal, we got some wax.


Back when you lived with me, we did switch AirPods sometimes accidentally.


You got wax. Okay, I know I have wax. You got wax. I just would like... It's a little embarrassing. Because I feel like even when you do the noise canceling effect on a AirPod, for some reason, I feel like that's still emitting a whole different frequency really up close.


It makes my ears feel uncomfortable.


After, I feel like I'm deaf. I can't hear anything because I've had that in my ear the whole time.


I also heard that any Airpods, anything that goes in your ear is so bad for you. Like, really bad for you.


Do you like the transparency?


I love the way it sounds. I love the Airpods on so you can hear people talking through while you're listening to music. It's really nice.


I specifically like to wear on airplanes because I have to hear whenever the pilot is speaking. But I can't miss any announcement when I'm listening to music.


Okay, so you like-That's the only time I usually have transparency on is when I'm on a flight. Oh, nice. I'm like the reverse.


I'm just like, I don't want to hear. We got a good story for you. We just got back in town.Let's.


Just jump into it.All.


Right, let's jump into it. I got to put the headphones back on. This is impossible. Really?impossible.


Maybe I should try it one time. Does it really help?


It doesn't help my hair. It looks horrible with headphones.


Your hair looks great, by the way. Thank you.


Wait till I put the headphones on. I can't believe you guys don't like headphones.


It keeps me more focused.


It keeps me focused because you can hear everything and you don't miss anything.


I feel like I missed-I don't speak the whole episode. I don't have this on.


I feel like I missed everything you guys were saying.


Yeah. I hate that.


I know, but with the headphones off, That's what my anxiety sounds like in my head. It's like everyone's talking at once, and I'm not picking up any words. I can't hear what people are saying.


All right, I'm going to try it for the next-2 seconds.20 minutes. All right. That's a long time.


Ready, baby?


I feel like I'm wearing an entire helmet. It's Cometal, baby. Let's go.


It's quiet today. It's so quiet.


These headphones are low. Oh, Welcome back to Zane in Heath. I hate you.


That didn't last long at all. Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible.


Never again. Hi, guys. Welcome back to the show.


I'm Zane. I'm Heath.


I'm Matt. I'm Mariah.


And we are unfiltered. Thank you so much for coming back to another episode. We really appreciate it.


We love you guys. Okay, so let me talk about this. We just got back from Pennsylvania. We went for Mariah's birthday. We did a nice little trip out there. Got to do a lot things that we have wanted to do for the last seven years of us dating.


And what's that?


I always wanted to go to Doreny Park where she worked so I could see where she dressed up and was the mascot.


Just my hometown stuff that I've always wanted to take him to.


So on the way back to LA, there was a guy on the plane next to us, a seat across, and he was this huge dude, massive, completely tatted up, had blue leopard tattoo spots all over his head. Just crazy looking. He just was this really punk rock big dude. It's a wild thing. Yeah.


Did he look like a rapper or an artist?


More like a circus performer. Yeah.


Okay, I just wanted a picture of my head.


Yeah, it was- But could ride a motorcycle. He looked like a biker, circus, like Rockstar.


If that makes sense. I know exactly what he looks like.


I will I'll show you a picture and a video.


Pull up a picture, but we can't put it in. But pull up the picture you sent me.


It's too recognizable.


I took a video because I was too scared to lean and snap a pic. I freeze-framed it as I went like that real quick. That's smart.


I would really try to get that picture.


No, I was just like, Let me just screenshot this as it's going by.Oh.

[00:04:55], he's a Cheetah's sister.Yeah..


And he's with the person next to him.


He looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin.


I feel like he has to be somebody. Like a former bachelor. He has to be, for sure.


Was the woman next to him with him? Yes.


Okay. Yes. They both had these matching hats that were like a giant circle, like this big with a little tiny brim. It was bizarre.


Were they first class? Yeah.


He probably is in the Tiger King scene. But he deals with exotic animals.


Yeah, and he's loaded.


Apparently, there was a little bit of a scene before we got onto the plane, and all of a sudden, I see a security person come on and come up to talk to him. He's like, Is there an issue? The guy's like, What are you talking about? They're like, Is there a problem? You had an issue with your bag and you're giving the stewardess some trouble. He's like, No, no, no. He's like, Are you slurring right now? Have you had too much to drink? What's bold to call this guy out though. Yeah, but they got to know. The guy's like, No, it's been a long day. Apparently, something had happened where he was putting his bag up and his pants were falling down and he was causing a scene. He was very stumbly, wobbly. I don't know if he was on pills because he wasn't drinking the whole flight.


Some anti-anxiety meds.pop a Xan.


Whatever it was, it was super strong because this guy had no idea what was going on the whole flight. But he was making the most absurd noises the entire flight. I don't know if he was sleeping or just It's like...


So weird. Security talks to him. It's like, Okay, I'll let you be then.


So they go...


They get off.


Yeah, he goes, Are we going to have a problem on this flight? The guy's like, No, no, no. He's like, Okay, you better behave yourself, basically. And then the guy walked off. Whole flight goes by. He's not a problem. He's just really loud and not snoring, but making just weird bodily sounds. Everything was audible for him. It was just bending, and everything was a problem. He couldn't bend over to pick things up, and the stewardess kept having to pick up everything that he dropped. It was just this whole scene.


That's me every time I work out. Every time I work out, every time I have the gym with my turnt, I'm just hunting and gruffling.


It was a lot.


Showing everything.


But literally, I lost it at this point. He stood up in the middle of the flight multiple times, multiple times. I happened to catch a video of this. Zane, you're not going to believe it.


You're not going to believe it. I don't even think we can post this.


Because it's too It's embarrassing for him. I think it'd get flat.




What, Zane? Air drop it. I cannot believe I did this, but I had to record it. I had to.


So the cabin's dark. It's like what? Nighttime vibe.


What airline is this? Wait really quick.


Oh, hell no. That's a bear ass.


Oh, no.


That is a bear hairy ass.


Just wait.


Y'all, his pants are down to the cheek.


Oh, no. There's no way.


Holy shit.


This is not even funny.


The whole time, Matt.


Whole time. So then he's taking that bear cheek down to the fuck.


He's bear ass on the seat, and he's sliding down in his seat, walking back and forth. He's reaching up to get back.


I bet you could smell it from there.


Matt, it was insane.


Keith, I can't believe this is your video. It looks like a video that we found that's fucking viral. That's it. It's go.


It's go. We almost could see his anus, you all.


That's like 12 inches of ass crack.


His pants are at the bottom of his cheeks.


You see the bottom of his butt fold?


Underway as an all.


Wait, is the rest of the cabin seeing this or is everyone asleep?


Everybody was just like... The peanut gallery.


His ass is out.


Everybody was murmuring in the back. You could see his whole ass.


Were you up at this point?


We had a whole flight situation. We didn't sit together. She's air dropping me these videos. I'm like, holy shit.


Imagine Mariah's face right there.


Are you all in first class? Or is this like...


We had an issue when we were trying to board with Dean. We had booked first class.


And then it wasn't until we got there, they said we weren't allowed to have pets on first class.


Which is weird because I see it all the time.


And there was a dog on the plane. And it didn't say service or anything. And I was like, What the heck? So I was like, I'll just go back there with him. It's fine. And he's sending me these videos. I'm like, The one time we had to separate, and I'm missing the show.


Dinner and a show. I'm like, you're not missing anything.


But would you have wanted to be right in that seat? No. Or are you- You would have taken it all in.


Because that right there would have been Mariah directly.


No, that's what I'm saying. But imagine that shot of her eye going.


It'd be really bad if he and I were together because I would be laughing so hard.


Oh, really?


We probably wouldn't be able to contain ourselves.


Is his wife passed out or is she like, Dale, pull up your pants. Hers were down, too.


I'm not joking. The same way. What's happening? It was really strange.


They're obviously doing this on purpose.


I don't know.


For what, though? To be on the no-fly list? I don't understand. You know how the lady that was on pill just smoking a cigarette on the plane?


This is worse. I would rather you be smoking a cigarette next to me than their ass.


I bet I'm saying, I think whatever the shit that people are taking to fly on planes to just calm themselves down are doing the exact opposite. They're walking around playing smoking cigarettes, showing their ass.


I'm surprised for a guy who has his entire head tattooed in Cheetah print for him to have a bear ass. I would expect some tattoos to get down to that area. What if it was just mind your own business? Look away, bitch.


This is some spirit shit. This is crazy. This is crazy that this is happening.


He's got his sunglasses on the whole time. And he's wearing a belt.


That's crazy. Oh, my God. Wait, how long was the flight? Are you all going from?


It was like five or six hours.


Philadelphia straight to LA.


How is nobody taking care of the situation?


I think they were all scared. I think before I got on the plane, there was the argument, and it just seemed like everybody was really...


We really don't want this plane to have to lay in somewhere else?


Obviously, you could tell he's big, but he was big. He was tall, just a...


Like a wrestler.


I thought he was like, what was his name? Butterball, Butterbean, the big old-school wrestler. I thought he was somebody When I first saw him, and then the whole thing happened, and then this happened, and I was just like...


Oh, boy. Do you think people are already going to piece together? I know a man who does have the Cheetah print on his head. Don't piece it together. But if you piece it together, then we're not airing it. We're just telling what we saw.


I don't feel bad. You're not supposed to be getting naked on a plane.


No, you shouldn't.


That's it. You don't pull your pants out on a fucking plane. It doesn't matter how high you are or how drunk you are.


The front must have been down, too. In order to be that much blood out.


It looked like his front was up. Definitely, you could see that it was diagonal up to the front.


If I saw a penis, I would report it 100%. I did not need it. I guess a butt is like, Okay, there's a bit of an accident. This person is not aware of their rear and being exposed. But I think you should be mindful of the frontal genitals.


I was dealing with this the whole time, and Mariah was dealing with a naked baby on the tray, literally next to her.


A naked baby? What? Were they cleaning the diaper on the-Changing dipey.


Changing her whole outfit.


Is that allowed? I know. Is there a tray in the-The baby was naked?


There's three people sitting in a row, but we had four people in my row, and then next to us in the other row, there was also four people because both sides had kids on their lap. But they weren't infants. These were two, three-year-old kids, but they were able to sit on the lap. So it was packed in the back, and I had Dean by my feet. So I put my feet up on the seat, and I'm curled up as small as I can. And the woman next to me has her two, three-year-old with her.


You should buy a plane ticket.


I wish I bought this plane ticket. I would have done anything to be on this plane.


To see the shit go down. It was a madness the whole time.


The beginning to end, I could not. This was the first time I couldn't sleep because I felt so responsible to help these women with their kids because there was no father. It was just the mom. So I'm picking up crayons from one side. She thinks it's funny to throw them down because I started picking them up and entertaining. So I'm picking them up. I'm turning around this kid's peekabooing me, whatever it's called.


She's Ms. Rachel out here.


I felt like Ms. Rachel, and I'm freaking exhausted. He does this stuff.


He's not in first class. He's in first ass.


I was exhausted. It was a red eye. So I'm like, this woman is trying to get comfortable. The kids were very well behaved, but they're kids. They're bored. So they're like, trying to entertain themselves, and they have their stuff under the seat, and the woman next to us keeps gin and tonic, gin and tonic. She's getting drunk by herself. I'm sitting there. I have this drunk lady by the window also arguing with the stewardess. The stewardess comes up, she goes, Can you just put your bag under the seat? Protocol, you're supposed to do that. It was this Louis Vuitton duffle, and she was like, It doesn't fit. She was like, Well, then we're going to just have to put it up top. It's no big deal. No, you're not taking my bag. There's no I'm giving you my bag. Now I'm concerned what's in that bag. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she's trying to push it under, but barely. And the woman kept saying, If you just hand it to me, I'll put it right above you. You can get it during the flight. I am not giving you. There's no way I'm handing you this bag.


And she goes, Well, it needs to fit under the seat. And the woman, the most dramatic kick I've ever seen, like cartoon, kicks it under the seat. And the woman goes, Oh, look at that. It fits. And the woman went to clap back at the stewardess. But the stewardess, but the stewardess... You know how embarrassing when somebody tries to...


Get the last word in.


Yeah, get the last word in, and they are talking over you, moving on with their life. That's what the stewardess did. She went up to the... The girl went to clap back, and she went up and said, Everything okay with you guys? Okay. It's embarrassing. She just keeps asking for gin and tonic. This woman is struggling to have her kid on her lap, and she's being very mindful of the people next to her like, be careful, be careful. Now, at this point, I scrunch all the way over to the aisle. I take half my seat. I'm like, she can lay here if she wants. She was trying to fall asleep, and I'm like, just use this spot. I have my tray down because the only way I can sleep is with my head on the tray because I want this kid to have plenty of room. I'm making a pillow with my sweatshirt for her. That's really nice of you. She's leaning on me. Yeah, really nice.


I'm so uncomfortable.


You had the armrest up so she could sit.


Yeah, the armrest. I felt with her armrest.


Yeah, the armrest was up. I have my head down like this, but this poor mother was trying to juggle everything. Every time she ordered a drink, she spilled it. Oh, dear. And it spilled it on Dean's carrier. Oh, no. And I'm just not saying it. I'm like, It's okay. It's all right. She spills it, but she can't clean up because she has her hands full. This kid puts her feet on my lap, and I'm just like, Just leave it. But the mom is so concerned with finishing her show on her phone. She does not let the phone go. I am all hands on deck, and she's like, You're the au pair. There's ice and drinks everywhere.


And I'm just trying to keep-Dine is in the thing getting drunk.Dine.


Is passed out.Dine.


Is fucked up.


And keep in mind, there's this baby next to me that's just like, I'm flattered. She was drawn to me, and I was just like, I was like, Woo, woo.


And it was so hot. And there was a girl with her mom, and we met them at security, and they were complimenting Dean and asking questions about Dean.


It turns out she's sitting the row behind us, and she's like, Good to see you again.


I'm like, How are you? It was like a family reunion.


You want something to drink?


You're like, Yeah, no. I'm bouncing the kids.


I'm like, Everything good? She's juggling everything. The woman keeps calling the stewardess over. She sees this mom struggling, and she's complaining that the seat's uncomfortable and the WiFi is down. It's all about her like, My Wi-Fi is not working. They're like, We already announced it. Figure it out.


That's me on a plane when my WiFi is down.


Read the room.


Everybody's WiFi is down. If the WiFi doesn't work, you tell them.


Well, no. If it's a long 12-hour international flight, and it's not working, I'll go ask. I just want to know if it's broken or not. I hate trying to access it when it's broken.


So I usually ask. Because then you just sit there and load and you're like, Am I doing something wrong?


Exactly. You're looking over at other people and they're just watching TikTok. You're like, That's another read.


That's another thing. When the other people are on the phone just scrolling, I'm just like...


I just hate when I can't find the fucking link to get me to the fucking WiFi Where it's like, you say I'm connected, but isn't something supposed to pop up? And then what's the fucking website I need to go to?


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Mom was watching her show, and I had my tray down. It was the only space I had to myself. That was my little property. Every time she spilled something or was trying to get the kid in a better position, she would prop her show up on my tray. She would put her phone on my tray, and I was just like, Don't worry, you're good. I kept asking her if she needed help, and she I kept. I know it's hard to accept help from people. I always say I'm okay, even if I'm not.


Especially on an airplane, too.


Mom, it's probably a little embarrassing, and you're flustered. I get it, but I really was willing to help her as much as I could, and I didn't want to be creepy and be like, I'll take her for a second if you want to clean up your space, because she was all over the place. She was just like, No, no. I was like, Okay. Instead of asking her, I just did the scoot over and I made space without making it big thing. And then the woman next to me with the baby, oh, my gosh, she was so cute. I tried to sleep for a second. I got up, I look over, and the baby... She has an aisle seat, right? The baby is standing on that seat butt naked. And I'm just like, no. Oh, dear. And thank God, it was a majority women around, so nobody was like... The first thing I did was scope the area because I wanted to block the kid.


I wanted to be caught, busted. No, peak it.


The flight attendant probably keeps hearing this guy with his ass out. The flight attendant, Yeah, we know there's a baby in the back. No.


It was like an actual circus because he was texting me what was happening, and he was like, There's an argument up front. I said, There's an argument back here. He goes, There's no way his ass is out right now.


I'm like, Her ass is out.


It was a weird-What plane is this?


Closing optional. She was butt naked. She was butt naked. She- Let it all hang out.


Right. She changed her diaper on the seat, but then she stood the kid up and was picking an outfit from the bag, but the kid was like, Wooo. But take it to the bathroom. I wanted to be She had another kid who was older, not older, maybe five or six, and I wanted so bad, but there was a baby blocking it. I didn't want to think I was looking. I wanted so bad to be like, I'll watch him if you want to finish up what you're doing. This ain't it, sister.


So you all have been smelling two different types of asses in your section on the plane. It was crazy. That's terrible.


At the peak of this circus, the woman in the window, Ms. Gin and Tonic, goes, I really have to go to the bathroom.


Oh, come on.


I was like, You have got to be kidding me. Now, I have Dean's carrier fully open where my feet can't stand on the floor.


He's got a convertible, so it's like a carry case.


It opens to a tent. Yeah, I know. It's dramatic. I'm yanking Dean into the aisle, and then he's getting all this I'm like, Sorry, she's just trying to go to the bathroom. The baby finally fell asleep. The second she fell asleep, she goes, I really have to go to the bathroom.


Stop drinking. He's gin and tonics are getting me. Right there.


It's a red eye. Why isn't everybody sleeping? Go to bed. Just go to bed.


This plane couldn't be more awake. It was crazy.


It was jumping.


Was this a Vegas flight? Where's everybody on their way to?


It seemed like it. Everybody was a character.


It It was bizarre. It was a flight. You know those flights that everyone's going on to get to a cruise?


Everybody going on a cruise. They're just excited.


Anything goes.


I still cannot I'm going to leave that video.


That's crazy. That was a full bear. I thought it was going to be a little slight plumbers.


Yeah, you're just going to...


There was a full moon that night.


Then when we landed, picture this. Everybody stands up to reach for their bags, and it's full lights at this point. You know what I mean? At the airport, when we're landing, everybody's getting off and he's doing the same thing. But he's got four bags with him. He's got a guitar.


He might be a rock star.


He had a guitar.


He had a guitar with him.


What do you think his reaction would have been if you were like, Hey, bud- Sir, put your goddamn ass. We Do you think we really always... Do you think all of us wanted to see this? Do you think he would have been like, I'm so sorry, dude. I don't think he was comprehensive.


I don't even think he was like, Get the fuck out of my face.


I think he would have just been like...


Did he look scary enough? You didn't even want to confront him about-I would have wanted some miles, some trauma miles from the fine people at Jet Blue.


I didn't need to see that.


I should send it in an email. Is this acceptable?


Looking at his face right now, he does look... You know what? He's very intimidating. I'm not going to lie.


Look at how angry he looks, and he's just scrolling through his iPad.


Yeah. I'm so jealous. I didn't get to experience something like that. I'm not saying I want to see ass on this plane, but it's crazy seeing crazy things on an airplane. Yeah.


It's just the one place where you just want to feel safe and everyone acts civil and decent.


I think the craziest thing I've ever seen was seeing like, Obedj on my flight. I can't think of any Obedj. Obedj.


Cordell's brother?


Yes. But, Keith, you got a good video on It was like, I'm not going to be a pud.


I felt really bad, too.


But yeah, no, I wouldn't.


The lady next to me, they were like, lay down seats. So she was fully reclined. And I was like, I got to go to the bathroom so bad. I'm like, there's like two more hours of this flight. I got to go.


I mean, don't worry about it. You can just use the bathroom in your seat. Those poor cleaners, when they come on after that, they're just getting down there and they must have been like...


It's got the moist... They know like...


Now, what happened here?


We need to replace these flotation devices.


I keep seeing flight attendants talk about how much they actually don't clean these planes, and it grosses me out.


I don't think the flight attendants do the cleaning. Well, flight attendants collect trash, but then the cleaning people come on after.


Yeah, but they're saying that we never see any cleaning that will come on these planes.


Oh, I think I do.


Oh, you do? Yeah, I do. Wait, what do they look like?


They wear an orange vest.


They're just cleaning people, and I think they don't even come in through the jetbridge. They come in, they get shipped around on the tarmac, and they go up where the-Yeah, I see them all the time.


Oh, that makes sense. Imagine they all just look like passengers. They want to make it look discreet.


I'm so curious. You know how elderly people, or there's the people who work at the airport to pick up the elderly people?


They're waiting there with the-Is that free?


Do you call in and request that ahead of time?


I don't think they'd be charged for that. I think that's a little like-Do they work for tips?


I feel like if I was an old man, I would definitely be tipping them. I'm just so curious how that operation gets set up.


But I think it's part of their ticket. It's free. They're wheelchair accessible. Then they come, they're ready, they're prepared. You're right. Because they're usually standing there when you get off a flight. You never see somebody with a wheelchair ready to take somebody from a flight. Oh, yeah. Good point. That's usually because it's prepared.


Do you hear about that pilot who... I think we talked about this in last October where he was riding the jump seating a flight going from, I think, Washington to San Francisco.


He was riding the jump seat?


Riding the jump seat. Basically, you're a pilot, but you're not the active two copilots. You are a pilot who's just being moved from one airport to another for flight purposes. He had a manic episode and pulled the red emergency levers that would have shut off the engine to the plane. And he claims the reason why he pulled these levers was because he took a psychedelic mushrooms two days before doing this.


He said-That doesn't do that to you.


And he did a whole sit down interview, coming clean with his wife by his side, sharing his story just recently. One, such a fucking buzz kill to psychedelic mushrooms. I don't understand. If you take shrooms two days ago, you're still feeling the effects. He said he felt trapped. None of it felt real. Pulled the levers. They were like, What the hell are you doing? Thank God, the levers didn't work because it would have shut off the engine to the plane and the plane would have down.




He was even told to the flight descendant, he's like, I don't think anything is real. Please cuff me. They cuffed him. Now he's sharing his story because he's now facing 30 to 40 charges, even more. Maybe it's in the 80s, charges of endangering a plane. And this guy's just like, I made a big mistake. I just didn't think anything was real. It just baffles me. If I did Shroob's two days later, I'd be like, Our job's amazing. How are you doing?


You get the after effects of it the next day. You're like, You actually feel You don't feel like you want to take a plane down.


You polished your third eye. You feel empathy and sympathy for all of mankind.


Do you think that part was a lie and that he was full-blown tripping on the plane? And his excuse was, I'm going to get tested. They're going to see something. Let me just say I did it two days ago, and I'm feeling like, oh, my.




Or I think he just had a manic episode and wants to blame a drug that you can't be tested and that there's not enough research about.


But if I had a manic episode, I would have just But to bring up... I mean, it's an illegal drug, right? I feel like that's even worse to admit to doing that. I would have been like, listen.


I think you should find an excuse for them to be like, Oh, this is something.


He probably got a lawyer, and the lawyer probably suggested them to do that.Mushrooms.For sure.


He's like, This is our best bet if you want to get these charges dismissed, is we need to come up with something. So what he got. I just can't believe his wife, if my significant significant other fucking had an episode. I don't think we really should be married at all. For her to sit there with her husband and just be like, Yeah, he almost pulled out a plane. But you know what?


It was because of the shrooms. Maybe she's If she's in on it, then she's going to stay by his side. If she knows that he...


I don't know. I could not go to bed with someone who's trying to...


I can't believe there's a red lever that will drop the whole plane, though. That's in the open.


Did he have unlock it with a key that he would have?


Apparently, in all cockpits, there's these two big red emergency levers that only a pilot would know.


In the cockpit, though. So he was just...


He was in the cockpit in the jump seat with the two pilots and was just like, fuck it.


Imagine knowing that that was happening on your flight, seeing the article come out, because they probably didn't know in the moment.


I don't know. Between me and you, I think that the scene that you showed me on your flight, I think that was a lot worse than the pilot about to bring down that.


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We love you. But the trip was amazing. Great. We did a lot of cool stuff. We did a little surprise birthday party for Mariah. A place called Patrisia's.


Oh, my wife's name.


Patrisia. With a little more pizazz.


Yeah, with a little bit more pizze.


Zane, you would have loved this spot.


This is such a fun restaurant, and he got to experience You remember-The epitome of Stani Island.


You remember when we were in Italy, when we got off the boat and ate at that restaurant?


I know. I saw all the knackings. It reminded me of that.


The dinner was four hours.


I was at a restaurant for five.


It was that the entire time. Zane, it was crazy. I've never seen anything like it.


But when you say we were there for four hours, do they- It was supposed to be two hours.


It was crazy. The chefs are cooking, and you can see where they're cooking, and it's just people screaming, Everybody's having a good time. The chefs are reaching over and popping confetti poppers. Insane.


You can see them cooking, and then they'll pop the confetti because a lot of people were celebrating something. They would come over every 10 minutes with sparklers and dessert for different people, like anniversaries, birthdays, retirement. I had my birthday, our engagement. They were celebrating both. They brought out two different things for our table. They brought out shots. It was crazy. Every time something came out, you celebrated with those people so your napkins would go. Got it. They would blast music.


It's just crazy how much fun they were having. They just looked like they enjoyed themselves so much. Then they brought bottles of alcohol to the table for shots, and they just left them on the table. It wasn't like you bought the bottle. It was just like, Pour yourself as much as you want. Just have whatever you want. I'm like, It's a front. It was crazy.


The service was so smooth with how much chaos was going on. It was packed with people. The workers were just having so much fun and taking their time, but the food came Everything came out so fast. They were so accommodating. There was a lot of people, but they were able to maneuver through people. They would go under your arms to grab a plate. They would not bother you. It was just like, it's a good team they got going on there.


We ate at this restaurant called Burns & Tampa, which is one of the best steakhouses, apparently, in all of Tampa. It's an institution. My mom was like, Oh, my gosh, you ate at Burns? They had an incredible staff. It takes 8-12 weeks of just training to even get a job at the place. But what I learned that sometimes at these very high-end steakhouses is that the waiters sometimes have fake names. Because if you are on the wait staff and your name is Matt, or maybe you've been there for years and you're Matt, and another Matt joins this staff, they have to give him a different name because the customers who are repeated customers and they ask for Matt, they can't have another Matt on the floor. It's like Jersey numbers on being on a team. Interesting. Some of the waiters have these different names. I was like, Oh, this is crazy. Because we sat down and the guy was like, My name's Matt. I'm like, My name's Matt, too. Then one of the girls we were with was like, But is your name really Matt? Because I know you guys have that thing. I'm like, Wait, what thing?


He explained to us is that sometimes at nicer restaurants, they don't want two waiters having the same name.


I didn't even think about that. Like, oh, that would be a problem if someone's constantly asking for somebody that's really- Because people aren't requesting servers at a Denny's.


Yeah, right. That doesn't I know what I would. Is Matt working in that? Is he on the crew? Is Tammy in tonight?


Yeah. There's Tammy is always in.


Is June bug in tonight?


Because I love how she does the grand slam. She could do the grand. Big mama's break. Yeah, it was fascinating. It was cool. They even did a tour. We got to go through their entire wine room. They have the biggest collection of wine in all of Florida. Then got to go through the kitchen, see how they make everything. It was cool. Very cool. Then the dessert room, they took us in. After we finished, I thought we were going to get dessert at our table. They didn't give us a tour and then take us to a dessert room, which are these little individual rooms where you eat the dessert. I love that. I had the Blackberry Cherry Cobbler.


Blackberry Cherry Cobbler?


Yeah, Blackberry Cherry Cobbler. That sounds good.


It was delish. Is Is a cobbler like a pie?


Yeah, it's like a pie. It's like a rendition of a pie, but instead of a pie crust, it's more of a crumble crust on top. Oh, okay.


I know what a cobbler is.


Yeah, I love Love me a cobbler.




I cobbled that up.


With a scoop of ice cream with it? Of course, right on top.


That's good as it should be.


Something like an L'Ice cream. That's amazing. Where is this restaurant for people that really want to go? Both.


There's different locations, but we went to the one on Stent Island, but they have one in Aruba.


There's one in Florida, too.


Yeah, they got different locations.


Where was yours? Patricia.


It was at Tampa Burns.


B-e-r-n-e-s. Bernese.


Actually, it's Bernese.


B-e-r-n-e. Oh, no, sorry. Not E-S. B-e-r-n-s. And ask for Matt. He was the best waiter.


And you're going to get that right Matt.


You're going to get the right Matt for sure. The real Matt.


Won't be any confusion. Anything else in Staten Island?


Oh, he did something cool. If you remember the episode my parents were on? Yeah. My dad talked about the bar he worked at where he got stabbed. Oh, yeah. Yes. While we were looking at dresses, my dad took him to the bar. Oh, shit. And he goes, Here's the steps that we tumbled down. That's where I got stabbed.


This is where I got my hair pulled.


My dad walks in and the guy he was working with at the bar, still working there. So my dad goes behind the counter. He's doing his thing. Zane, this is like 40 years later.


Wow. But everybody in there looks like they've been going there since they were 20 years old.


That's Larry. Larry.


I didn't think it would be standing alone. I imagine this bar in a building, in a big apartment building. You know how they have shit under all the apartments? That's what I imagined. I didn't imagine it standing alone like that.


And this was also the bar where where somebody, a fight broke out, so everyone got distracted, and my mom took all the money and swiped it off the counter. That was here, too? Yeah. That's funny.


It was cool that he got to see that with a spot. And I see how she did it because there was money all over the counter.


He was in two tons.


He took a picture. He was like, This is too easy.


That is not what I was expecting.


I know. It's so crazy, though.


You don't live in a place where it's a bunch of tall buildings. Not Staten Island. Exactly. And I forget. I think of New York City every time I think of anywhere around there.


Yeah, it was It's just so cool. The way everybody talks in there, too, is so funny because they just talk so much shit.


Yeah, but it's out of love.


No, it really is, though.


It's such a loving In a funny way.


It was so funny because everything was just so nasty. They were just so mean. But in a funny way.


I don't think I could have survived that as a kid. No way.


It's the tough love. They make fun of each other. It was so... They're all the same. I felt like I was in a movie being in there.


Movies get it right.


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Everything else very wholesome, though. You just celebrated. You went to a theme park.


Yeah, I can't do it anymore. That was probably the last time doing rides.


It's getting hard, but I took him to Doreny Park where I used to be the mascot. I wanted to show him that.


What was the one we went to? What's that one called?


We went to Coney Island.


Coney Island. Okay. Dorey Park? Dorey. Dorey. Dorey.


Dorey Park. Yeah, we did that. Then I've been wanting to take Heath up and down the Jersey Shore. We went to Seeside, which is where the Jersey Shore show was filmed. We've been to LBI, we've been to wherever, a few spots. But I wanted to take him all the down to the bottom where Cape May is. So we went to Cape May and Wildwood, if you know that area. It's just more boardwalk, and it's just- It's so insane. I wish-the cuteest little town. Wildwood is like a mid-century Jersey dream. Yeah, it's so crazy. It's like stepping back in time. All the buildings are retro. The rides are old.


It's just so- Rides are old. Scrooze are getting loose. Speaking of Jersey Shore, did you see the clip of, I think Snoki was someone's podcast recently. Jake Shains. Jake Shains, yes. And she was talking about how the whole scene of her getting arrested on the beach, that wasn't a cop being called, and he came out of nowhere and arrested her. That was actually security for the show, for the cast, that actually just ended up arresting her because she was just out of control. For the show, they were like, Oh, let's just make it look like she got arrested by the police. But it was a security for the show. Interesting. I don't know if I got that exactly right, but it was that situation, which that's, of course, the magic. You think something's happening, but it's really something else behind the scenes. That's so interesting. When I heard that, I was just like, Of course. How did I not realize that?


I got something in the mail.What'd you get? What is it?


Just now?


I got it. I opened it yesterday because we just got back into town. As you guys know, Matt King competed in the Olympics. No. Matt King won gold. Swimmer, shout out to Matt You have his medal.


He sent you his medal.


Yeah, you think he sent me his medal?


I won for the joke. That's what I'm seeing. Return it.


Just return it. Just return it. Just put it in the mail. His winning swim cap. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Well, But, Roy, why do you say that? There's no way.




No way.


What? No.


There's no way.


Oh, my God. That's sick.


Wait, wait, wait, wait.


There's no way. So this is one of the Olympic swim caps. I'm pretty sure they give them tons.


Oh, I thought that was what he was wearing.


Oh, shit. But that's still sick, though. Yeah, no. This is an official Matt King Olympic swimming team, and he autografted it. That's sick.


Wait, he signs with the crown.


Wait, that's your signature.


Yeah, I do write with the crown. That's so funny that he writes very similar.


Matt, that's crazy.


I do the crown above the eye. That's so funny. You know my audience? I remember seeing it.


I'm like, that's such a quote. I just like that you do that.


You're also signing for that one time in the meet and greet at Happy Hour.


It's funny how you guys just remember that.


His is the official-Okay, Snatch. He does the crown as the M with three spots.


I just put that tiny way.




Oh my gosh. Also, I got goggles. Can I touch something?


Can I touch something? Can I touch? I'm sensing a photoshoot.


And-very soon. I got a note from the swim team.


Oh my gosh, this is so cool.


It says, Thank you. And it says, Matt King, thanks for mentioning me on your podcast. Here is your Olympic swimmer starter kit. I dare you. Ps, I wore these goggles at the Olympic trials. Oh, my gosh.


Isn't that cool?


Yeah. Matt King.


This is so crazy.


I I can't believe it.


I have to wear them.


I have not put this on. I'm not going to put it on. Why? I'm not feeling that comfortable with my wear.


Come on. This is a very comfortable podcast.


That's really cool.


That's so cool.


But yeah, I know. I want to, I guess frame this or something and have it for my future man cape.


Your kids are going to be like, why do you have this? How do you have this?


Matt, tell your kids it's the one he was wearing. No, tell your kids you were an Olympic swimmer.


Oh, you don't believe me? Then why would I have this? That was me.


Patricia and I are going to do some role playing. That is crazy.


I love that. That's funny.


That's amazing.


Thank you, Matt King. Does he watch this or you watch something else?


I think he saw the clip of a I was talking about him last night.


Did he message you?


We had been DMing throughout the Olympics and stuff. I've been rooting him on this whole time. It's crazy, too. His girlfriend lives really close to us because he asked for my address, and he was like, Dude, no way. My girlfriend lives really close to you guys.


It's a little crazy that both of you do the crown. That's still crazy. To me, that's more than a question. It's just like, How do you both have that? Isn't that cool? Yeah. That's really cool. That's so sick.


We got to have him on.


Did you guys hear about that whole Chase Bank fraud thing happening? Yes.




At first, I was like, Oh, what is this about? And then as soon as I heard what it was about, I was like, There's no way that these idiots thought that they could just cash. They could get away with it.


There was a glitch with Chase ATM Banks, where basically, if you got your own check that you would address to yourself, you could take one of your checks, write it for whatever amount of money you want, put it into the Chase ATM, it would then deposit that money and you could cash it out.


I'm not talking about a million.


It's about 20,000-30,000 grand. And some guy realized you could do it, posted it online, and then all of these people started going to Chase ATMs thinking that they could just get free money.


They thought there was a glitch in the Chase bank system, and they're just like, Oh, this is fine because it's a glitch. So we're going to take all this money and we're not going to get any... There's no repercussions for it. And so people started seeing that their accounts were negative the amount that they were cashing out, which obviously...


And now all of them are going basically to jail.


You have committed a massive crime big time.


And it doesn't matter if you return the money. What happens if you take that money that you stole, you return it to the wall?


How does that work? Even if you maybe put the money back into the account, you still committed a crime. Binks, do not fuck around with that.


There is no playing, Oh, I didn't know. You were under the assumption that you could do this to steal and get free money. Yeah, sure.


How dumb. I thought because so many people probably did it. At that point, they're just like, Okay, so many people did it. Let's reward people by not sending them to prison so everybody else can return the money. You know what I mean? I thought there would be that since so many people did it. But yeah, they have... I mean, every time you go to ATM, there's a camera on there. They could see whoever's withdrawing that money. Yeah, you're fucked.


Now, I don't know how big and massive this scale was. There were tons of memes. How many people did it? Tons of memes of... Yeah, people were making videos of them with the screenshots behind them. Some of them were jokes. They were like, a lot were sketches. I don't know how big it caught on. I think it wasn't even thousands of people who did it. I think it was on a much smaller scale. But yeah, if you think that there's some glitch on an ATM and you can walk away with free money, do not do it.


But that was a mistake on Chase's end that you're able to do that, right? That's still a crazy mistake for a bank to have in their system.


I think in a weird way, they want you to do it so they can be like, Bust it.


Bust everybody.


That's like, I don't know if that's true, but yeah, that is crazy how they wouldn't think about.


It's a fraudulent check.


I think the fact that everybody was talking about it and it seemed like it was such a big scale, I also could see that maybe 15, 20 people tried doing it, and then they shot it off. You know what I mean? But it seemed like thousands of people around the world were doing it.


They were posting photos of people lined up outside of ATMs. That's not that easy. That's not real. That was just a picture of a bunch of people.


The bank tellers are inside like, Look at it.


It reminded me of the time where, Keith, remember? It was the first year we were living out here, and there was what we thought was a mystery shopper check that I had received?


Oh, this was really weird.


Really weird. I thought I received a check for mystery. You know how you get paid a mystery shop?


I was a mystery shopper. Yeah.


I received a check for mystery shopping, but I never mystery shopped before. So I figured, Oh, this must have been a glitch in the system.


Wasn't it a lot of money?


It was.




How much was it? It wasn't as...


I mean, I I think it was like... A couple of thousand dollars?


I thought it was 500. That's a lot of money.


But just to get a check for 500.


Comparing to the Chase Bank fraud thing. But yes, but back then, I was like, Fuck, yeah.


It was like a check for $500. You're like, This is... Yeah, that's crazy.


What did I do to deserve this?


It's a mystery. Rent was expensive, and I was like, damn, Keith, this is like, I really need this. But I remember when we went to the bank and we thought What about cashing in, and then we were just like...


I was like, this is not a good idea.


Not a good idea.


Because it's like, even if it was a mystery shopping check to be like, Hey, go into this store and see the response, whatever, he wasn't going to go spend the $500 at Quixilver.


I just want to see the camera footage of... Because you know ATMs have cameras on them now? So I was just like...


They're saying, Give me my money.


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Wasn't that such a weird moment? It was like this. We didn't know if it was from God. It God sent me this money?


I think that was around the time that buddy you had was-Shut up.


I don't even want to talk about it. I was waiting to be put in handcuffs for that whole situation. I thought you were going to jail. I thought I was going to jail, too. I just wasn't sure what the situation was.


Are you going I don't know if I should tell a story?


I don't know if I should tell it.


Zane doesn't really know what was going on, but they were using his name for something. Wait, a friend of his?


It was a friend of mine, and they were-It was one of the first few people we met out here. The way he sold it to me was that was completely gold as That's usually what they do. But back then, I was fucking dumb. I didn't know what taxes and-Free easy money. I didn't know any of that shit, and I still don't. But he said that, Yeah, you'll be owning a coffee shop. Oh, my God.


A slice of the pie.


But as soon as I realized, as soon as the amount of things I signed, it was a lot of...


Packets and packets of paper.


Again, I was 21, 22.


And fingerprints.


Matt, yes. Fingerprint everything. The whole nine yards. Terrible. I didn't know I was committing a crime. I did. I genuinely didn't. As soon as the first check came in, it hit me. I was like, Oh, this is definitely dirty money. I'd never cash a check. I think it may have gone to this person or or whatever, and they were, I don't know. But immediately when I realized that, Oh, shit, I'm an idiot. This is illegal, I immediately tried calling the number of the contracts I was signing because there were actual legal documents. The amount of times I was calling this number, and this was a real insurance, fucking fraud, whatever. And I'm telling them, I probably sounded like an idiot. I was like, Hey, guys, my name is Zane Ajazi. I did this, this, and this. I wasn't aware of what I was doing. My friend told me this was I'm telling you right now that I am... I'm just letting you know that this is what I've been doing. I didn't cash anything in, but I think this is illegal, and they never looked into it or nothing. I was really open about it.


You reported it.


I reported it. I reported myself.


I remember you being like, I don't know what I signed, but I'm not...


This doesn't feel good. Yeah. Take it back. You should really look into this because there's no way.


I think they were opening stuff with his social security and something.


Yeah, and just putting your... Buying business. Co-signing shit for people. Basically, yeah.


But I, again, I genuinely didn't know what was going on, and I did report it, and I have never made any money off of it.Whatever it is.Good. So I don't know if for the 15 years, they're going to go, Hi, are you Zane Ajazi? Did you sign a million of these fucking documents?


There's $10 million in unclaimed money for you.


You're like, Actually, that does sound... No, I did sign it. It wasn't profitable. Take it back. Give me the money.


Give me the money. So interesting.


I I really thought I was going to prison. I was fucking terrified because in my head, I was like, This wasn't worth it. What the fuck? What the fuck?


This is crazy. And the fact that you didn't cash the check. If you would have made money on it-The second I cashed it out, that was it.


It doesn't even matter.


If I went to prison, would you guys still call me? I would go in just-How's Matt do it? Matt, I got five minutes, guys.


I want to be at the glass where you're like... Yeah.


Subscribe to the video, guys. We could talk to Matt in prison.


Five minutes. What's up, you all?


Did you guys see Anna Delvise on dancing with the stars this week?


No, really. Who is that?


Is that allowed?




I mean, if she did her time.


She was that scammer. Did she do it? Did she not?


Yeah, she fucking scared. Yeah, she did it.


She went to jail for it.


She has a house arrest ankle on.


Right now? In the show? She's out. She's done with the servant time.


They had her walking into the dancing with the stars, rehearsals with the ankle.


As a joke? As a bit.


That's an interesting bit for them to play.


She terrifies me, but she... Actually, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind having her on. I wouldn't mind if she was at a dinner table. Should we? I don't know. She's a narcissist. The way she responds to all the questions.


No, I know, but just one criminal. So get a gipsy. I just want one criminal in this room.


Criminal's for October. We just go down a felon fest.


Would you guys want criminals in this room as a guess?


I would like to hear about the Yeah, but they will swerve and be all prerehearsed.


I don't mind that. I've watched interviews with Anna Delvey, and she still thinks she really did nothing wrong.


And good. And we should be here telling her that she did nothing wrong.


She scammed her fucking friend down in Marrakech. I got a problem with that. She made that fucking girl pay for that entire fucking suite down in Marrakech. I know. That's where I'm like, okay, I understand scam in a hotel and that you scammed a hotel and you ran up a fucking check in a hotel.


That's her?




So that's the promo pick, bubba?


Yeah. He's like, There's no way that's her.


He's like, I don't think she did it.


It doesn't look like it. Innocent. Anna Delvey, though, she's been having a glow up. I like her art. You know what? I don't think I would ever spend on an Anna Delvey art piece. But if someone got me an Anna Delvey piece, I would think it would be cool, and I think I would have it up in my house.


Because it's attached to a story. It's attached to her art's pretty… Yeah, just That ankle bracelet is crazy to put in a promotional picture.


She knows what she's doing.


I know. You know what? I'm sure it was her idea.


It's a psychopath, though. It's psychopath behavior where you will continue.


That's crazy to see an outfit like that with an ankle monitor.


Actually, she ate with this. It's pretty crazy.


She was eating it up in trial, in court and stuff. I know. I wonder if Julia Garner has met her yet.


I bet they have. Don't actresses or actors meet with-Sometimes.


But do you think Joey King was like, calling up Gipsy?


No, I think they still decide. Anna Delvey can say yes or no, but I'm sure Anna Delvey said yes for her to come. Probably.




If she knew she was going to have a…


I wish I asked Julia that.


I feel like they get a sneaky one with them, where they go, Oh, we're doing this documentary or a movie about you. It's going to make you look good. And then they lie to them, and then they actually make it look bad.


Do you think a lot of them do that? I just want to cut, even if I was a criminal. Give me something. It's my story.


That's true.


Zane, Jordan just told me right before we started recording, there's a huge auction that's going on for all the props and everything that was used in Game of Thrones.


Come again? Where is this? In Dallas.In Dallas.In.

[00:59:49] October.Matt, go to Dallas. When is it? October?


In October, yeah. How much are these pieces going for? Fucking hundreds of thousands of dollars?I want the auction.I.


Want the shame bell.I can't do that.Shame..


Just something small.


I feel like the cheapest thing that you're going to be able to buy out in these auctions are like, $100,000.What would be the most you'd be willing to spend on something from Game of Thrones?


Like $4,000?


Bids starting at $5,000.


Depending on what it is.


Up to $20,000. Zane, you could probably get something.


I wouldn't want something where you just put on top of it.


You could get it framed in your house. Exactly. I want it framed. There's a cool piece of art. You could get something cool.


Zane will spend $2,000 on Game of Thrones tattoo, but won't spend 500 bucks on it, like something in the show. Shut up, bitch.


Let's see your tattoo. All right, look, is there a list of things that they're selling on this site?




I met a girl I met a girl in Tampa. I walked in and she was like, Oh, my gosh, Matt, I love yours podcast. I'm like, Thank you so much. What's your name? She goes, Louise, he's tattoo.


Oh, that's funny.


I was like, Oh, yeah, I think he's getting it removed. She goes, I know. Yeah, he is going to get removed. But yeah, Yeah, the tattoo.


Three sessions in.


Do I have to make an appointment? Can I just show up?


Zane, I think that would be so cool if you went there for that. To get a house sigil.


That's pretty sick. Okay, now that I'm looking at this, it seems more real. It seems reachable. They get the carriage.


You can make it a little room in the house.


Dude, if you had one of those fits-I'll buy that.


That's the one that's going to go for the most. Zane, you should go.


That would be so insane. Egg, a dragon egg?


Do you think they'll let me go? Don't you have to be approved to go to this thing?


I don't know. Right there. Dude, you can do it online. Hire an auctioneer person to call you up and be like, Okay, this is what we got. Do you want to bid on this?


It'd be a good video, too.




My buddy Will, he owns a prop from Back to the Future. Oh, really? What is it? He owns one of the newspapers that Marty touches or the Doc exchange.


I don't know which scene. That's I know that you definitely would get Arden.


Arden bought it for him for his birthday. Oh, that's sick. Yeah.


That's so cool. That's so sick. Okay, fuck. Honestly, before that video, it just seemed so... Corny? No, not corny. It just didn't seem realistic. Like something where, oh, you can get some. To me, it's already all gone.


And that would be a show to get it from because those props are so good. They're so well made.


Zane's going to get in a bidding war. He's going to be like, just a thousand.


He would be, buy this motherfucking war.


He's going to be going like, Oh, you want to play games, right? You want to play games?


Not realizing that he's going to get stuck with it.


He's going to go in so high, and then he's like, Oh, God.


Not realizing that it's actually once you put an amount, you have to pay for it.


I want to go to a car auction so bad.


To actually go bid on the cars? Where they drive them out and you like...


Like a Barrett Jackson, I would love. Or like a Sotheby's. Yeah. Those are so So cool.


How much would you spend in a car auction?


It depends on the car.


You probably already know what's going to be shown in advance and you have your eyes on it. You just downplay it like, who's going to bid on that? Right? Right, guys?


It's a rust Fuck it.


That's not worth it.


You guys are getting that? Everything's over phone now, right? These auctions, they don't have the- Those big shows are all in person, but they have other things where...


There's a site, Bring a Trailer is a car auction. You just bid online.


Barn Finds, all that shit.


I've always wanted to do a Bring a Trailer, too. That would be so fun.


You have plenty of cars. I know.


What type of auction would you go to? What type of vintage- Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. Like a Frank Sinatra auction.


We just found out that Mariah's uncle was a casino deal with a car. Dealer.


At the Ironman of a Whorehouse.


The '80s.


Yeah, he lived in Vegas. He was a dealer in Vegas at Caesar's Palace.


He saw some shit.


I've always known that my entire life. I know that he did that, but I didn't think to ask. The first question he had was-I was like, did you deal to anybody cool, any rat pack?


He was like, all of them. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Probably. He was so crazy. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, the ZZ Top, the trio. Yeah. He was They were so cool. Sammy Davis Jr, he said, was the sweetest person in the world. That's just so... I don't know, just such a crazy time. That's so sick.


Didn't Jake Webber have Jeffrey Domer's glasses?


Yes. Him and Johnny, they both have a bunch of memorabilia from serial killers.


Wait, how do you even get that?Auctions.Auctions..


That's fucking shit.


That's sick.




That's like, why?


I'm not going to lie, you suppose that shit on I liked horror. You liked horror. Part of horror was serial killers.


Owning a piece of a killer's accessory.


I would never go that far. But I don't judge people I don't do that too hard because I remember the way my brain worked when I loved horror when I was younger.


I was like a piece of a murder victim's something.


Let's honor the victim.


I like that. Like, John Banet's Doll house. You know that's a war or something.


Mariah, actually, that's where you'd go to.


Justice for John Binet.


Or buy the Ammonieville Horror House.


All right, guys. Well, thank you for tuning into another episode. We love you so much. Thanks for watching. If you want to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath, we keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of every single episode. You get early access, ad-free episodes. We do a bonus episode every single month. We do a live Q&A every month. Again, patreon. Com/zaneandheath if you want to check it out.


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All right, we'll see you guys in a second Unwind, and we love you guys. Thanks for watching.Thank you.Ciao..


Peace and blessings, you all. Peace.