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We went out for the night, and then we came home and then went to sleep. It was just going through Vine because that's when we were closing Vine. I see I was tagged in a Vine. I clicked the Vine. Literally, the Vine is a shot of the ceiling, the kitchen, pretty much our apartment. I'm like, Who's just posted? This is our apartment. Who's here? I walked outside. It was a random kid on our couch. He was still in the house. How did he get there? No idea. I guess people came over the night before. Did you ask him about the Vine? No. No, we just let him leave. You saw that posted live. We just said, Hey, you need to go. And he just left. No, that Vine is still there. But that was wild. That was our first taste of invasion. Of our privacy being invaded. That might have been our first one. I was like, Whoa. That's ridiculous. I wonder what the Kardashian's feel.