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All right.


All right, all right. Keep on rolling.


Where I get her sip of water in. We got Heath with his Dr. Peppa's Zero Sugar. I got my coffee Decaff, so I can go to sleep in an hour because that's what time I'll be.


Are you good about the water you drink? You know how they say purified water is really doing nothing to you, but it's all about the spring water?


You want the mineral? You want the spring water. Crystal... No, not crystal. Spring water. Yeah, sorry.


Or alcohol The mineralized water.


No, you don't want to drink alkaline water every day.


Oh, you don't.


People will drink alkaline water like their regular water. You shouldn't be drinking that a lot.


This one says spring water, alkaline.


Now what? I get magnate.


You get You know what really bothers me?


It's the- Why can't water be water?


It's always somebody saying something. It's drink your water, drink your water, but don't drink the wrong water. Some people are like, Alkoholine's good. Some people are like- It's so annoying.


It's because the way these these big brands will push out the water.


The thing is, you're still hydrating. You're still getting hydrated. It's always that water sommelier, that guy who had the glasses on TikTok.


The water.


He was just like, This is just tap water. You get nothing from this.


I love that. I always watch those and I talk.


Basically, it's just if you have a bunch of choices in front of you, buy the spring water, don't buy the purified water because that's basically just tap. The company is just using tap water and giving it to you.


Also, so many people say, and studies show that drinking water from a plastic bottle is terrible for you. You should be drinking a glass bottle.


That's a whole 'nother thing.


Yeah, that's a whole 'nother thing that-That's been freaking me out.


The microplastics. Microphalates, all of that stuff.


But we've been drinking it. Hit the sign. We've been drinking it for so long. I just feel like we would have felt something.


How about- I think what's going on- It's Thalmanella. They're making everybody hop on the Stanley Cup, it's bandwagon Because they're lining the aluminum with cancer.


Lining it with cancer.


Tell them plastic water bottles are bad.


They tell us not to drink these plastic waters, all this stuff. How about tell the companies to stop making it in plastic. It's so true. Just ban it.


If it's got microplastics in its bath, why is it allowed? My favorite thing is coffee shops that serve their coffee in plastic cups with paper straws.




Repeat it.


Plastic cups paper straws?


That doesn't make sense. I throw the straw in the ocean.




That was a movement for a long time.


But it's still like that. There's so many places that serve their coffee like that where it's like they need to have the paper straws, but it's in a giant plastic cup.


I don't know.


I really don't. I get through one-fourth of my coffee because the straw is turned into this. Sogged.


Where are you getting your coffee at?


Call them out.


Alfred's Oh, yeah.


They use paper straws at Alfred's? Yeah. But the plastic cups?


Yeah. I don't want to call out a competitor, but... Yeah. The gommas is saying you're drinking it.


What is Alfred named after? Or that coffee brand, what's it named after, the guy named Alfred? It's a New York time crossword. I was just doing it right before we clicked the record.


Are we just cheating? I mean, this is cheating.


Because it said Alfred. Who owns Alfred? Josh Zad. Josh Zad? Well, he's the CEO. Or am I like, maybe they're just trying to confuse me with the question. It goes, Alfred for whom A Coffee Chain is Named.


You still play that every day, huh?


I'd always do the crossword every day.


Every day? So Monday through?


Most days. Wednesday is where I've been like, that's where it starts stumping you or the Thursday. I did my first Friday last week, which was a great feeling.


Friday is the hard... Is that the hardest day?


Yeah, it'll take me at least two hours, probably two hours to do it, but throughout the day. Got it.


Keith and I do Connections, Wordle, and Contexto every day.


Do you play the same word every day or a different word?


For a wordle? Yeah. So, Keith and I, I give him a letter, he gives me a letter to start with. Or I'll give him a word, he gives me a word, and we have to start with that. Nice. And then we just do it next to each other. Fun.


There was somebody playing that game. Did he see it on TikTok where it was two girls? It was like, they were trying to get from the one word to the next word. It was like, Oren Julius and then Julius Caesar. Oh, yeah.


Caesar salad. Yeah, the password.


I saw them playing, and it looked fun.




Yeah. All right, baby. Let's hit this intro.


I'm drinking coffee for a time in a really long time.




It's coffee talk, baby.


Let's go. Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered.


I'm Zane.


I'm Heath. I'm Matt. I'm right.


You are watching Zane & HeathUnfiltered. Welcome back. This is Monday. You are doing something. You are listening. You are exercising. You are working out. You are doing your homework. You are doing your homework. College classes. You are working.


Imagine Zane as a Peloton coach.


You are moving your body. I am so glad you are here today. You haven't paid your subscription yet. Please pay so we can start the class.


Do you use your Peloton?


I don't. Oh, you don't. You know why? Because when I took it from Ilia, it came without the shoes that come connect, so I wasn't able to use it.


Oh, the clip-in shoes?


The clip-in shoes. You never bought the shoes? No.




No, but I still got to my goal.


There's just a Peloton sitting in my room. I've always wanted just to take a Peloton class. Or the people. There's all these different personalities. I know that there's huge cult followings behind each one of them.


I want to do a month course, really stick to it and be consistent for a month and see how I feel or if it makes-You know what I've always been attracted to? Mariah? Yes.


That was very good. Like cycling, right? You see people, they've got their full fit on. They just look super into it. They get into a uniform, right? They've got their number. They'll be alone. They got the helmet that slants back like this. It's a lifestyle. They're just in it. They got the headphones that wrap around the gear.


He is thinking gear.


He wouldn't do it, or do you just want to buy this stuff? I love that stuff. We're getting there, man.


You should be Inspector Gadget for Halloween.


It's pretty good.


Oh, that would be great. That would be fun. But I see them, I'm like, I respect that. They're so into it, but it terrifies me to ride on the road on a bicycle. It just seems so So dangerous.


You're putting a lot of trust in drivers. Exactly.


Especially because people out here, they do like, like Canyon runs. Like, they'll just go cycling through Topanga Canyon, going to Malibu. And I'm like, I've seen the way people drive, and it's so scary.


I would do, if I was a cyclist, I would be in Santa Barbara. Just those back roads where all the vineyards are, where there's hardly any cars around. That's the best cycling, like out there.


I wonder what's going through their head whenever they do go on like, Laurel Canyon, and they're riding the bike. In their head, are they like, I'm good. No one's going to hit me. What is the thought process?


Because it is here. It's like, this is my right. I have every right to be on a bike right here. So fuck you.


A lot of them do have that attitude.


Because they have to have that attitude because that's the only way. That's the only way that you're going to have the fucking guts or courage.


You're Probably traumatized after you got hit by a bicyclist.


Being hit by a cyclist on a sidewalk. Get off the sidewalk, get in the street.


I'm with you on that, but I'm like, when they're on the street, I'm like, get off the street, get on the sidewalk.


Make more bike lanes. Make more There's no bike lanes.


There is no bike lanes here. They're all over New York.


It depends on what neighborhood you're in. In Paris, too, they're just like, so many people with less than three feet in front of the other biker. Crazy. So crazy.


And those bikes, they have really thin tires, right?


Yeah, like the road bikes.


They're just that good.


It's insane.


Do they have a bike race for Paris for the Olympics?


Well, they do the Tour de France.


But it's not...


I do think cycling is in in the Olympics, and it's also part of the... What are they called? Triathlons, pentathlons? Biking is totally part of that.


The game start in three days?


No? Opeening ceremony is in two days. By the time this episode comes out, the opening ceremony will be... I can't wait for that opening ceremony.


Did you hear the rumor who it could be?


The performer? Yeah. Okay, so let's think Parisian. Usually, it's like Spice Girls came out when it was in London.


No, think of just a very iconic international.


British singer.


Spice Girls isn't international. Wait, Popstar?


How dare you? Yeah.


But they're French. Popstar?


One person? Yeah, it's a lady.


Are they 50 years old?


Over 50.


Céline Dion?


Very good. Is she really?


That's the rumor.


How's she doing?I heard she got bad.Oh, I heard she got bad.


You know who would know? My dad. He's there right now.I.


Thought she was sick.I thought she was sick.


You heard it here first, folks.


Oh, my God. I should call and be like, Tell me everything you know about the Olympics.


And did you hear that Snoop Dogg is holding the torch?


Is he really? Wait, for bringing it in? Is he going to light a light?


He's going to be like, 100%.


They can't do that.


That's crazy. The torch is already probably right now being passed. Don't they go across the country and do a huge long path for weeks at a time?


Lightning, Larry Luciano.


Until it comes in and they bring it in. I remember Muhammad Ali brought it in.


I got to see the opening ceremony for the London Olympics, 2011, when I worked for Coke.


With Kenneth Branagh was out there.


It was like...


So you saw the Spice Girls?


Was it the Spice Girls that were performing there? Yeah. I wasn't not known them. I wasn't not known them when I was there.


Did you see that esports is going to be in the Olympics, too?


There is gaming?


Yeah, I think they just made the vote today for it.


Oh, it's about time.


Yeah, but that's strange. I don't know if it's going to be for this one or for the next one. The Olympic Esports is a separate Olympic event. It's going to be in Saudi Arabia in 2025. It's the Winter Olympics, Summer Olympics, and then the E-Sports Olympics. E-sports. Okay, got it.


Cool. Call it E-Limpics.


There we go. That's so good. Yeah, tap that. All the surfers, because now surfing is in it this year, They are not going to be surfing in Paris because you can't. I don't think you can.


Yeah, you can in the river.


But they're going to be, is it Tahiti? Or it's where the French Polynesia is because I think France still, I guess, owns it. But that's where all of those Olympians are going to be is this surfing one. But those waves are fucking insane.


They're unbelievably-How? How? I don't get it. Surfing is so cool.


Yeah, it's one of the most miraculous sports ever.


But also, I feel like it's not fair. There is no constant, right? You're getting different. You can have a different wave than somebody else can.


It could be, right? Yeah. You have to just trust that the wave gods are going to give you just a perfect wave. But I guess you get the whole wave yourself, right? Because during the competition, you don't have to deal with any traffic and shit. That's crazy with surfers. One, you have to go out there and trust that no other surfers are going to be in your way. Exactly.


That's why they should build a giant ass wave pool where every giant tsunami wave is the same.


They have one of the-What's the biggest-Not indoor, but they have the machine. Surfranches. Yes.


I know they have that. There's one out in what? Santa? Out here.


Oh, yeah. Those things with those surfranches, though, is that Every single time, just for them to make one wave, it has to get reset. It's a whole locomotive thing that goes all the way back. You better fucking nail it because who's ever paying for that little birthday party is like, You better hit those fucking waves. This is money, guys.


My turn.


How much money is each wave?


It's very expensive to go there.


To rent the whole place out. You're just watching your friends watching you bail on that wave.


Have you ever done the cheap ones that are like, cruise ship type wave?


You're on that little boogie board and you're just water up the face.


They put a whole stand and rise. There's a people just to sit there and watch you fall.


Just seeing those ladies just make it.


Just legs up on their back.


I did one of those. They were really hard.


It was so tough.


As a kid, you would wait a fucking hour in that line thinking you were going to get out there and be Johnny fucking tsunami. You get out there, you go.


You go and it pulls you off the back of it? You always end up going off the back.


You can't even... Yeah, you can ride down there. Yeah.


Waiting for a water ride is the most embarrassing thing.


Or like, rapid. You got to carry that tube up 20 flights of stairs.


It's like dripping.


And then you get up there and they're like, Wait, wait.


It's... Yeah. Hold on.


I'll tell you when. Your heart is pounding. You're like...


I'll tell you when. Did you see the lady? You know how they always have somebody up there making sure people go one by one?


You're in the little waiting pool. And they're just like...


And so the lady gets like... It was one of those water sites where it's like a big tube. It's like those RAPF rides. So she pushes them down and she slips and just slides out with them. And the girl, though, she's like, Well, now we got to wait for her to come back. Having to wait a full 15, 20 minutes and hold them an entire line. You don't have sunscreen on you the whole time. Be just waiting out there in a line like that out in the sun is terrible.


I bet. I mean, I want to think that, but I want to think that the lifeguard was like, Oh, shit. And was just like, Excuse me, excuse me. He got all the way. Wait, you're talking about the lifeguard.


Not the lifeguard. It was the person That's in control at the top of the slide.


That pushes you down in. That pushes the-They are a lifeguard. Yeah.


Oh, yeah, they are. They are. No, they're in special universe. That would be a fun job.


I don't have to watch out for anybody to just push people down a slide?


Yeah. You know what? They're having a good time.


That's a lot of shoes to fill. To be a lifeguard. You know what I mean?


Who is not being a lifeguard?


Getting a kid out of the water, that's the easy part. Now, imagine the kid is just not breathing. Imagine just not being fully certified.


Did everybody think that they were going to be a lifeguard at one point? I remember being 13, and I was like, I'm almost there.


You would go to the pool, and you would see this other teenagers hanging out. So cool. Oh my gosh. They all look so cool. People were dating other people. They're hanging out, eating chips, having some sodas in the bag.


I just thought everybody had to be a lifeguard at some point. It was like a community service.


My brother was a lifeguard for a long time, and he was just that cool guy. He had the long blonde hair, and I just remember being the little brother, just being like, damn, I want to do that, too.


How long is the course that you have to take to become a lifeguard?


I think it's two weeks. Really? Probably set up a fake person, you have to swim out to that.


You got to go get a dummy from the bottom of the pool, swim up with it.


There's definitely some skills. I bet they come right before the pool opens, but every day, they do.


I'm going to apply to be a lifeguard for a week and just...


You look like a lifeguard.


I was saying, you would be a great lifeguard.


Imagine just a shit ton of sunscreen on my nose.


The Zinc.


They always did that. Why on their nose only?


I think the nose one is the worst place. It's the most sensitive part. Is it? Yeah, because it's always like you have so much pores and oils coming out of your nose.


Mine is my shoulders. My shoulders and my neck, the back of my neck.


They're wearing T-shirts the majority of the time.Not.


In the movies. Also, depending...


Not in Baywatch.


Your nose sticks out the furthest away from your entire face, too. You can wear a hat, but I feel like the nose gets more exposure.


But for you, your back was the most exposed.


Never again. Don't.


He doesn't have it anymore.


I don't. He's a survivor.


I'm a survivor.


But now it's like, I really just can't be out in the sun anymore, or can I? But I would never... It's just I hate that now it's happened, and I know the consequence. Matt, just get a rash guard. Sure. What's a rash guard?


Like a swim shirt.


Oh, yeah. A rash guard with kit. Yeah. Yeah. I guess I could wear that.


When I was younger, I used to go to an aquatics camp, and it was all water-based, and I was always shirtless. We would go to the beach a lot, and we would go on the boogie boards, and the boogie boards, it's a rough surface. They're not smooth. I get the rep. My nipples were so cheap. I'm not joking. They're pink on the tip now because they've been rubbed raw so many times, and they would scab, and I would just have scabs on the tips of them.


In saltwater up in that, too? Yes. Just memories. Could you skimboard? Were you guys skimboarders?


I did on little ways, but I wasn't good at it at all.


But there's also not too much to do. You do that whole running start, you slide it out in front, you jump on it, and you're off.


People were good with it, though.


Every time I did it, it was... It would just hit that stand. I was like, I don't like this.


I saw really good people.


Maybe you had to buy a good skimboard. You'd buy the fucking gift shop skimboard. That's all we had.


Like Juke Squad, he can skimboard.


Who the hell Who the hell is Juke Squad?


You don't know Juke Squad?




Is this a guy's name?


Do you know Tfu?


The gamer?


Yes. His brother is a really famous YouTuber and was bigger before Tfoo.


Oh, yeah. He definitely skimboards.


Oh, yeah.


I think he invented skimboards.


That's Tfu's brother.


He also murdered that guy with an ax.


Bam, bam, bam.


You know, there's a documentary about that kid. They put one out, I think on Netflix. I want to watch it. What was his name?


Yeah, I know he was in jail.


But you know why they made that, right?


Well, he saved somebody's life, and then he ended up being an ax murderer.


Well, he hacked the person up to save a life, and then shortly after, actually murdered somebody else for no He was crazy.


Yeah, he was staying with some elderly guy, I think, and killed him.


Killed an elderly guy? I wonder what he did or said to him.


I don't know. The whole documentary explains it. Did you hear that girl got found down in Monterey, Allison? Yes, I just thought that was where I used to work. Allison Chou. Yeah, 15-year-old girl down in... Was it Monterey Park, I think? Monterey Park. Yes. And she was going to go visit her grandmother. Her aunt. Her aunt. Well, okay. Yeah, maybe it was her aunt. I know. Well, something. It doesn't matter.


The sources here are factual.


Straight A student went on the bike, did not arrive at her destination.


No record of running away. Because when you report a teenager missing, they don't put it in the system right away because they always say they're a runaway, which sucks.


That is crazy.


It was all over my- All over. All over. I was trying to figure it out.


They figured out the exact radius in following your whole path now that so many people have ring cams.


They saw all the ringcams cameras, and they showed which path that she took and which path she normally takes, and she didn't take the one she normally took.


How long was she missing again? So now, I think it was four days. Days. But she was just found today, and there's more to the story. Where? Well, she went straight to the ABC Glendale office, and a reporter outside was like, Are you Allison Chau? She's like, I am. And now they contacted authorities, and now she-Wait, why did she go straight to a news station instead of- Apparently, right Now, her brother or one of her good friends has spoken. Her aunt is speaking, and they're like, Please listen to her and listen to her story. Apparently, her mother is not the best mother and was apparently, I don't know, I don't want to say abusive. The story right now is just coming out. We have not heard her story, but by now, when this episode comes out, it will fully be there. But all her aunt and her friend were just like, Please listen to her story. Her mother is not a good woman, has been abusive. I think her mother wanted to maybe institutionalize her or put her away. This was like a run away. I want to make a statement. I feel like that's why she arrived at the news station was like, I want to make a statement.


But straight to the-Poor 15-year-old girl was like... But they're not going to let you make a statement if you've been missing for that many days without talking to the cops.


Where was she for the four days?


We don't know yet. And by the time this comes out, we'll probably will.Wow.Yeah. But thank goodness, because I was so scared about it. I was like, this girl just straight up vanished. And thankfully, she's been found, and there's going to be more to the story. That's great.


And this happened, you said, around You're an area you know. That's why you saw the little-That's where I used to live. Oh, okay. I think every person should be required to have a ring camera outside their house. Really?


A camera like that. But some people say then you're making it a police tape. People have the right to their own privacy. And what does that ring camera face? Sometimes our ring camera faces our neighbor's door. Our neighbors are totally cool with it. They love having the ring camera there. But sometimes I'm like, what if I had a neighbor who's just like, you cannot point that ring camera at my door. You can't know who I'm having over at all times.


That I understand. I think more so for the street, I think it could solve so many missing person's cases. I feel like every single missing person's case, if you had a camera just at every corner of a street, you couldn't possibly not find them if everybody had theirs turned on.


It's a.


I would contribute to that as a citizen to make sure that anybody that was missing would be found.


Bulk claims, though.


No, I would love that. I would like that, at least for all traffic intersections.


I thought they do.


And a lot do. But yeah, I know that Europe has tons of them.


But even so, they still can't find a lot of people when they follow them on all the child cameras.


I know. Which is crazy. It was very scary. But glad the girl was found.


Yeah, that's good.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Rocket Money.


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Thank you so much, Rocket Money, for saving our day, saving our money, and everybody watching. We love you.


A true superhero.


Do you know cow tipping isn't real?


Can you repeat that one more time?


Sorry. Cow tipping is a myth. You know what cow tipping is, right? Yeah. Where you go out on the farm at night, and you'll get around, and you push a cow over. I thought this was a thing that people in the country do. Apparently- It's not like a myth. This isn't true because it's because of the movie Tommy Boy and maybe Joe Dirt. There were these movies that had these cow tipping scenes that spread it thinking that this was a norm. It's really physically impossible to push a cow, especially one person. It would take 3,000 Newtons to tip over a cow. One person, a human body can only exert 600 Newtons. You would have to have at least five or eight people to push this cow over once cow can kick sideways. You're going to get kicked.


And hope it's not waking up as you're doing it.


Exactly. Cows also, while they do nap lightly standing up, and cows will nap, sleeping down occasionally, but not for very long. But they're in such a... They're not that deeply asleep. Also, a cow can just widen its stance, and then that's even adding of other thousands of Newtons onto the forest. They said there's hardly any videos of someone ever tipping over a cow, and if it is, it's with ropes.


Can we say that this is actually really mean? It's just not nice. I wonder how many people-To push a cow sleeping.


It's a good question to spot just a fucking liar. Just like, Have any of you guys ever been cow-tipping? Oh, yeah, I sure have. Me and my friends, we pushed that shit over. It didn't happen. Yeah, how many friends?


It's impossible.


It's That's a good...


That's a great party.


You know that friend who just has a fucking story for fucking everything? They were just like, you could just tell the fucking lie.


Next time I see Matt drunk at a party, I ask him, he goes, Yeah.




No. No, I just I'm not going to say the question, You had a party in a month.


I remember I was in college and there was a dude who was like, Yeah, man, just went base jumping one time. I'm like, You went base jumping? You went fucking base jumping? He's like, Yeah, man. Yeah, dude. It was awesome. We just fucking did it that day. I'm like, Do you have any pictures of this day?


No, we were just in the moment, man. That's the best part about base jumping. You just get out there, no camera.


I was like, How did you base jump for the first time? And not once, you were like, Can we get a fucking photo?


That is crazy that people lie like that. It's not one time. If you're lying like that, you're lying like that consistently.


All the time, yeah. You're a narcoleptic liar. How do you keep up with it?


You ever around that friend who's a liar, and then you just look right at your friend when they're lying, you're like...




It didn't happen. It didn't happen, but I can't call liars now.


Bace jumping is a crazy thing to just lie about. Yeah. Do a little bit more like something a little bit more doable.


I would be like, I'm going tomorrow. Do you want to come?


That's really good.


I'm really nervous. Can you go first?


What pissed me off, everyone in that room, that kid said he bass jumped. Everyone bought it, and I start asking the questions. They're like, damn, that has a point. Where are the fucking photos, dude?


There's I don't know why he did this.


Not even skydiving, face jumping. That is, I think-We had that friend in high school, too.


One time, he said he went to a Mac Miller concert and went backstage. Oh, yeah? And smoked weed with Mac Miller and Snoop Dogg.


Keith, why have I heard this story?


This sounds really-I don't know if I've told it on this podcast before, but you know who he is. Okay. He said he went back there and started smoking with them. They invited them, and he's hitting the blunt and everything. I'm like, Oh, my God, do you have any pictures? He was like, Yeah, so he pulled out his phone and he was showing me the pictures, and it was the one if you go on Google and you type in a Mac Miller and Snoop Dogg. I was like, Whoa, that's so crazy. I pulled it up and I was like, How is this photo already online? And he was like, I don't know. I posted it.


I remember that story in school. I remember somebody telling me that story and showing me that picture.


It was that picture.


That's That's the picture. That's the picture.


Wait, he claimed he took this?


Yeah. Yeah. And he was there with them and he was smoking it with them.


That is hysterical.


But it was every day.


You know, they was hanging on Instagram picture The app?


I'm also pretty positive.


With the Nashville filter, whatever.


I'm pretty positive that's the kid that broke in and robbed my house, too.


You think so?


Because the day before we got robbed, he would walk home with me. This is crazy. The day before we got robbed, he walked home with me and I had forgot my keys. I was like, Oh, man, I don't know how to get in. I was like, Oh, the front window. You can slide it up because it was a broken window. I popped the screen out, slid it up, climbed in, and he climbed in behind me. That's it. The next day, I go to walk home, and he wasn't at school, right? Yeah. Okay. I walk home, and that sliding window is up. Damn. I was like, This is so weird. I walk in, the whole house is wiped.


Everything gone. Wait, this is your parents house? Yes.


Did you tell us this a few years ago?


You never said this story.


I think I've talked about my house getting robbed before, but not about- Because my house got robbed, and I think we both shared.


Maybe this is years ago, so it's fine. Not about that.


I think this kid is the one that did it.


Oh my God.


But yeah, the next day, dude, it's like- He took your parents' wedding rings. He took everything. No.


All the cops. With the electronics.


Oh, sorry. Did it not take you until months later to be like, Oh, shit, maybe it was him, or in the moment, were you like...


In the moment, I didn't think it was because he was one of my best friends at the time.


Keith, I'm so sorry. The whole wedding ring scenario, I thought that was a different kid.


No, that was another kid that stole his best friend's mom's wedding ring.


This is not the same as yours.


When he was staying at their house. But this kid broke into my house, stole all the TVs, stole all the jewelry, stole everything. I really hope...


Someone's going to go back to episode 5 and show me the clip of me like, No way. My brain does not remember this story. This is crazy. It was years ago.


I feel like the first...


It was years ago. You heard the story before?


It sounds a little familiar. This side door thing. Do you remember when I told you that my house got robbed? Yeah.


But it's also weird. If somebody was going to rob a house, they're not going to go through the front, literally next to my front door. You would try to be sneaky, go around the back, pop something like a back window or something. You're not breaking through the front of a house.


It's not-Just wait a couple of weeks. Damn. Let's use our brain a little bit. If you just went in, she showed you a secret way to get into your house.


Also, at the time, this is crazy. Air it out. You know what? Because this shit is wild. That kid that I think robbed the house, his sister was dating my brother at the time. My brother was letting her use his car, and that kid borrowed it from my brother's girlfriend.Inside job.Wrecked the car and then went and took it to Cash for junk cars and pocketed the money. What?


How much?


It was like 500 bucks. Oh, my gosh.


But what did he say? Where did the car go?


It was just a really awkward situation where my brother was like, I don't even know what to do right now. He was just so in shock, I guess. Oh, God.


I would get the cops involved.


Imagine the other shit that this kid was doing. Other than that, That's wild. I'm sure it was wild.


I bet if you think back, you could probably put pieces together from other situations that happened. You're like, Oh, that was definitely-It sucks.


That was a friend, too. Crazy. There's other situations, like that other kid, too. It's so crazy how you could be so close with somebody and they are just stealing stuff.


Where's he at now? Yeah, do you ever check in? Mariah, check the Fort Lawnadelle in May. Check the in May database. Do you ever check in on him?


He's a want to be DJ, I think.


Perfect. Oh, man, there are some kids I grew up with where I'm always like, I know they're in and out of jail, and I'm always googling every three or four months. Are they out? Are they back in it?


Whatever happened to them?


I hope they get help, but I'm also just so curious, are they back in it? Because some people just... If you've been arrested four or five times, I think you have a problem. Maybe.


That's how it was in Florida, man. That was just the lifestyle out there. It was. You had to force yourself out of that situation. Unless you had really strict parents. Again, Keith and I, we had very strict parents, so it was very easy for us not to be wrapped up in that lifestyle. But man, 85% of the kids we were around in school.


It is fun, though, when a friend says, Hey, can you break into my house for me? You have to help a friend out, but they're allowing you to break into the house.


I think we had Jordan do that.


At our old house, yeah.


I love being to ask, Oh, tell me where's the back windows loose? And I get to just do it.


You get to play the part for the day.


And you almost want to get caught. So you will be like, Tell them I could have broken in your seat.


No, My goal is to not get caught because I want to make it feel real. So you're really trying to not get caught by the neighbors. You never know, too, because when you're in your own house, you're never looking out the window to see what's going on in the neighbors, but you just feel all eyes on you when you're in a certain neighborhood and you're walking, you're like, Oh, these windows must be.


I'm always trying to keep my ear out for someone's just like, Help, help. Or like... You know in panic room where they're just trying to get that neighbour's attention and they have the flashlight in a pipe? It's like, Is someone signaling to me SOS, and I'm not picking it up?


His eyes peel. Yeah, that's good, man. It's good to have that.


It's stranger things where they're like, oh, my gosh, Will, he's in the upside down. I would be just like, stupid lamp. I think I'm plugging that Something's up with that. I don't know. I would just be dismissing any...


I'm surprised they haven't come up with a stranger things, like parody movie. You know, like a scary movie? Yeah. I'm surprised they haven't come up with a new one where it's really popular movies.


Oh, yeah. I bet they're working on a new scary movie right now. Yeah. But I think some people are like...


They have been getting worse, though.


Some people are up in arms, like Anna Faris isn't in it, and they're like, no, we want the original cast. I don't want to see.


She's not going to be in it?


This is like some TikTok stuff that I saw earlier on.


You need her and Brenda. Oh, Mariah, did you see the clip I sent you of the BTS Freaky Friday, too? Yes. It looked good. They were both dressed up really cool. So they're definitely filming it.


I don't know if we've ever talked about it, but I think one of the craziest being around a film spot in a location is that we lived on the street where they shot Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


I remember that they had the giant crane at night.


For the people who don't know in the movie, I'm not spoiling anything, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio live in a house right next to Roman Polansky and Sharon Tate, and it's at the end of a cul-de-sac. We lived on that street, and this isn't a huge, long, long street where there's a cul-de-sac. No, we could walk right down to that cul-de-sac.


It was six houses down, pretty much. Yeah.


It was on Alterview Drive?


We would get the notification that they were filming once upon a time in Hollywood. At first, I thought this was like... I even thought it was a David prank at first, where a Quintin Tarantino movie is being shot and they're trying to... I thought some bit was going down. But yeah, they would block up that street and it was like a film set, but we would have to be like, We live here. Yeah.


I remember that lady came down because usually you can't find anybody to talk to her. Usually people are like, No, leave us alone. We're working. But the lady was so like-It's like shooting in the backyard right now. They're shooting the new movie with Brad Pitt and Leonada DiCaprio.


Oh, yeah, Brad was real nice.


The perfect person to try to get some inside scoop from. She was so excited. She was just like, Oh, yeah, it's Hollywood. They're using my house.


That is now like an iconic film. Just knowing that we were right there.


Remember, the house was up for sale for rent, so we went inside. We're like, Oh, my God.


The house It was the final pool scene. I'm not going to spoil anything, but we almost considered moving in. That would have been fucking cool.


That would have been just for that.


That's a cool story. It was so old. I remember they were wanting to charge $10,000 a month.


It was a lot of money. But also, it did have a spooky vibe to it. I think knowing that, it wasn't updated at all. It freaking us out a little bit, too. Because I would think about the... What's his name? Charles Manson. Charles Manson. I would think about him a lot I was loving there. I need to stop drinking this.


What's that? Can you put this away from me? Just because I realize it's 10 o'clock at night and I don't want to...


We'll get you a juice of some wine, baby.


Because we're going to Malibu tomorrow. Yes, we are. Let's go right around the new Hummers.


Yeah, I was going to go, but I didn't have a girl to take.


Invite? Yeah, I was going to go.


I just didn't have an invite.


I got an invite. They're like, Zane, you want to come? I was like, Who am I going to go with? Who am I going to go with? I wish it was on a weekend, not on a Wednesday, Thursday.


I was like, Hummer invited us for a staycation in Malibu where we get to go test drive the new EV Hummer.


I'm so excited because it crab walks.


Yeah, I want to see that. I'm just scared. They're giving me a key for some car, and I'm just worried I'm going to do something wrong. They're like, Well, thank you guys for coming.


I'd be so scared to just get a scratch or even the curb.


I don't want to go down the PCH in the thing, though. Can we just go around a parking lot around some cones? I want a crude.


No liability. But I'm sure if something happens, it's okay, right? That's how they usually set those things up?


I don't know. I always think about that with rental cars or you get a loner car. If something happens, I think... You know how they say the fastest car is a rental? It's just a silly little saying because everybody, you just drive it crazy because it's a rental car. It's not yours. I feel like it's the opposite.


I was just going to say, I do not feel that at all.


I am terrified when I have a rental car.


You're so used to different buttons, blind spots. It's always just like...


It's hard to drive fast in a new car. I don't know how people can drive so confidently and fast and just reckless in a brand new car. Just getting in a car that they're not...


People will rent a Mustang or something and just floor it and just drive incredibly fast. If something happens, I would feel like It's scarier if you do it in a rental than if you crashed your own car.I.


Don't know.Oh, yeah. Hopefully, you have the right coverage.


I mean, ever since that Vegas thing where the charge was 300 bucks, it's probably the same thing with rental cars. It's like if something happens, they're just like, Just pay 300 bucks, and They probably have crazy insurance on those cars.


Yeah.right?yeah. I don't know. I would imagine so.


I think they need to in order to open up a rental.


But if you have a good credit card, make sure it has rental car coverage. With that, you're in.


They have to, though. In order to stay open or be a running business, they have to have insurance like that.


Or they want you to bring it empty so they can charge it extra for their gas, all of that. The last rental car, actually, past two I've gotten. One I got in smelt like cigarettes.


Me too. My last rental car.


What's up with this? I got in, I'm like, Whoever had this before smoked cigarettes in it? But I was also concerned, I'm not going to drive this off the lot. I'm cool with it. I wanted the fucking car. I didn't want to have to give me another one. But I just wanted you guys to know that this smells like cigarettes, and I want you to write it down because I don't want to drive this to my new location. They're like, You smoked? I'm like, No, I didn't.


Yeah, that is interesting that they don't give you some slip or something that says, Make sure to give this to wherever you're going next.


But I wanted to know who the fuck rolls up. One, why are you smoking in a rental car?


Yeah, and they're paying-They're going to get fined. They're obviously being charged for it. Yeah, they're not going back not being fined. That wasn't me. You always get fined. This smells like smoke. Unless they do it on purpose so they can charge every single person that rents it out unless they get called out for it.


No, that's fucked up. If you got charged for smoking cigarettes in your car and you know you didn't smoke a cigarette in your car-But there's no proof. I would be like, Then talk to my fucking lawyer. Like, Dad, there's no... If someone was looking at me behind a glass going, no proof, charge. Then I got in another rental car, hint of cigarette smoke. I'm like, who are these smokers?


There's a no smoking rule in rental cars, right?


Yeah, there's always a sticker, but what's the fine? Why do I think it's 50 bucks?


They're probably just like, screw it. You know what? Yeah, I'll pay the fee. Yeah.


It's always the ones, and actually, every time I've gotten a rental car and I'm dropping off at a different location, that's always the smoking car. The ones that I have to pick up and drop back off.


What's crazy, though, is being a smoker and getting into a car where somebody that won't let you smoke. It's the worst. Getting a rental car as a smoker and you can't smoke in it, it's like, I'm not even going to drive. Because I remember back as soon as I'd get into my car, just immediately light up.


Someone's like, Can you not smoke in here?


On the streets of Florida, man, that felt good.


It was the best thing in the world.


It really I haven't smoked a cig in a car in a while.


Something about it.


Something about... There's nothing. We got a long drive ahead of you. No, got a couple cigs.


I did it a couple of times in my Lambo.


Did you really? Yeah, a couple of times. I did. I was really careful.


Really careful. Curful? Curful.


I was careful.


I was careful.


Damn, I've always wanted to use the ashtray in a car, too.


Oh, yeah. What was the last time that they put ashtrays in cars, or they still put them in cars? Your G-Wagon had ashtrays.


Oh, it did? Yeah. Even in the back seats on the sides, there were ashtrays.


You know what's really crazy? The new Range Rover, the big body one, in the back seating the armrest, is a little tiny mirror this big.For cocaine? For drugs? Yeah. They know their demographic. I think it's crazy that they put it in, but you're also like-In the defender? In the Range Rover, the big body range.


Wait, so it's like a...


What is it? In the armrest, you open it up and it's this little, almost like a little tablet type thing that's just a mirror, and you could pop it out. There's mirrors that flip down. There's mirrors everywhere.


People are always doing coke.


In the back.


It's just a crazy thing to put in the car. It's like an unspoken thing, right? Yes. Anybody that doesn't do it, they're going to be like, Oh, okay. It's a mirror. It's a vanity mirror.


But people that know would be like, It's so interesting. It's sick.


Right, Mariah?


Sign me up.


They know their demographic. Well, G-Wagons really are douchebag cars, huh? That's what I said, and I was testing you.


We're talking about ashtrays and G-Wagons. Yours had ashtrays and the G-Wagons. He said the real box Defender, Range Rover.


You know how often I rewatch podcasts that I'm in and realize how much should I miss when I'm being talked to? That they're telling me. I rewatch, I'm like, Oh my God, how did I miss that? I'll answer the question, not answering the question, but saying something completely off of the question that they asked me. But I hear as clear as they when I'm watching it for the first time, it's crazy how my brain cannot capture that.


I think at the moment, you're just thinking about the next thing.


It's terrible.


It's not right. Do you guys want to talk about the...


New tattoo that I got?


Well, you don't even know where it is.


He's like, Where'd it go?


Oh my... Zane, that's bad.


I've gone full... It's all right.


It's all right. Show it off. Show it off.


Show us. So I got my new member last episode. I was getting a tattoo right after. I got it. It's my House of the Dragon Game of Thrones tattoo.


Zane has never got an arm tattoo yet.


It's beautiful. First arm tattoo. Yeah.


I saw a comment. This one really hit me. It's only because it's the only tattoo. There's only one tattoo on my arm. But someone said it a rash. Like you got a booboo? Yeah. Or like you said, you brush up against pain. I got to do a motorcycle accident. I scraped the road and I got up.


Like Tar. It's just not healed yet. You know what I said it looks like?


Oh, my. You're going to die when he says this. Okay, look at it.




Look at it. All right, Matt.


I said it looked like... I said it looks like the Emerald City. Oh, wow. I pull up Emerald City.


You're going to die. The circle around the...


Wait, wait, wait. That's really funny.


The circles around it.


Oh, that's really funny.


It does.


Then I was like, Oh, you should add a dragon, like flying dragon. I'm like, Wait, someone's going to be like, Oh, flying monkey. You really are a fan. Excited for the new Wicked movie? Follow the yellow brick road. Oh, wow. But I think, no, it looks really cool.


It's fine. The thing is, to me, it's just a good tattoo. I have so many bad ones where I don't care.


Yeah. No.


You get into a fight and the guy you're fighting is like, Is that?


Is thatIn World City?In.


World City.


But yeah, look, in the end of the day, I love it. I can't wait to cover my whole body.


You're going to say, Cover it. I love it. I can't wait to cover it.


Same thing as how tattoos work.


You just keep Yeah, I'm very good at them bit by bit. But I know you said you wanted to add to it. Do you know what you want to add yet or no? Not yet. Okay.


I could have answered that.


Have you seen that trend of twins who are being revealed who's the oldest on their 18th birthday. That's actually really cute. That is fun. Because you know how twins are always like, who's older? I'm older. I'm this. Wait until you're 18.


We're going to tell you. Their parents kept it a secret until their 18th birthday. That's cool. Then I feel like they a firework show to reveal it.


I didn't see what they were looking at. The two rich twins or whatever. Daddy was spending big on that.


Did it say it? I didn't see what they were looking at.


They picked the color.


I thought it said their name. I'm like, there's no way.


I went down the comments because I was also a little confused. I'm like, what does the fucking firework say?


You just see their reaction, and they're looking at the sky. I'm like, was it a rocket?


I'm going to do a drone show for my twin kids.


Twin kids.


I might have it, right? My mom had twins. Yeah. How does that work?


It runs in the family.


It runs in the family, right? Yeah. Or did she do in Vetro? That's personal. I'm easy, man. Are those light-up shoes? Why do you have light-up shoes? Where do they light up? Just the tongues?


They're LA gears. They brought LA gears back.


Shut the fuck up. They're LA gears?


Yeah. Isn't that cool?


Do they have the classic '90s one for boys?


The one where you stop it in the bottom?


I actually don't know. The white, but it has that red.


Is that the one you're showing us on Google? Is that one day on the podcast?


No? Yeah, maybe. We did go down this rabbit hole. Maybe.


Oh, cool. The shoes match exactly to your pants. Was that planned?


Yes, it was.


Would you say you're a big shoe fanatic?


I wish I could buy more unique shoes that are just for one occasion, but they're so damn expensive. I can't get myself to do it. But in high school, I was a huge shoe fanatic. Every shoe had to match my shirt.


I just wish I was better about routinely changing up my shoes. You keep them all in good condition, but you wear a new one Monday, a new one Tuesday. When I get a new shoe, I get so I'm excited. I'm like, I fucking love it. I'm wearing that everywhere.I.


Wear my shoes to death.And then I'm like, done.


Yeah. And really cool shoes can make an entire outfit. You can wear something really simple, and if you have dope shoes, it completes. It makes your outfit look really cool.


It's weird how our memory is. We can't really remember all the shoes that we wore, but when you see a picture of yourself as a kid and you see that pair of shoes, you're like, Oh, my gosh. I was obsessed with those. Those shoes, they don't stick in my mind very well. But when I see pictures of me and shoes at certain times of your life, you're like, damn, it all comes back.


Advanced, Converse's and Etnie's. That's all I had. Etnie's. Etnie's.


Those were ginormous.


Are they still around? That look, though, I could never see someone with Etnie's. It'd be like, sick shoes.


I wore giant skateboarder shoes, never skateboarded a day in my life. I bought these shoes were fat. You wore fat skateboard shoes if you skateboarded.


Clean, not a scrape on it. Etnie's. Yeah, I had those, too. That and the plaid shorts, man. Pladge shorts were I had the pink and black plaid.


Oh, yeah. Plad shorts.


That was so hot.


Plad was so hot.


Or madras, just like all the patches.


There's no reason for it to be that hot either.


Plad was it, though.


And checkered. It's just crazy.


Matt, did you see the cybersecurity catastrophe?


Yes. The CrowdStrike, is that the name of it? Microsoft had a huge... Yeah, there was a, I want to call it a A blackout, but basically, there was a new update with Microsoft, and there was a bug in it, and it caused a huge outage for all Microsoft computers. Crazy. So many flights were canceled, and even Delta, who runs all of it on Microsoft, they had to cancel over 4,000 flights. I feel like, was it on Sunday or Monday?


It's insane how so many different systems are run through Microsoft. The fact that they all had that same blue screen is so crazy.


The blue screen of death. Yeah. That's what they call it. Yeah, no, pretty fucking freaky.


Because it was supposed to update overnight, and there was a bug in the update, and everything completely stopped. But it's crazy because like, 911 operators, the calls were down.


That affected them?


Yes. Banks were down. It affected everything.


Was Zelle a part of it? Because there was a couple of days where Zelle was, I couldn't use Zelle.


I don't know, but a few stores that I walked into, they only took cash because they said, Because of this, we're only taking cash.


It's just crazy how much it affected that one little update.


Can you imagine just the one guy who was like, They didn't fucking check the code? Yeah, just one little-This was your part. What did you do? He was like, You're fired.


Jordan, what was that blood transfer? The blood transfer, they're trying to transfer blood through a flight, but they couldn't because the flight was-The planes were down, so they couldn't.


Like, hospitals, people had surgeries that they were supposed to have.


Oh, I I didn't even think of that.


That they couldn't go through with because of these... One of the planes was supposed to be carrying all these blood transfusion type cases, whatever. They couldn't, so they had an emergency. They had to get it on a truck to try to drive it to these hospitals. It affected everything.


Holy shit. Insane. Yeah, that's crazy how much we take technology for granted in one bug that just runs everything. They should just make a fucking fail safe if they realize You know how you always were updating the software? It's like a backup. But we all have our memories backed up. Why can't a software be backed up underneath the new update?


It's just crazy that the whole thing just didn't work because of that.




Call me crazy.


Distracted pretty quickly from the-Oh, here we go. What is it? Nobody remembers truck getting shot, huh? Oh, this was all just to divert attention.


Not to divert attention. I think it was a test.


To make all of these people not get home safely.


To make the I think it was a test to see if they could shut this stuff down.


I mean, does it ever come out? Whoever made this mistake, does it ever come out?


Yeah, the CEO talked about it. I don't know if the CEO talked about it. The exact person, whoever was completely behind it.


It would just be nice to see a video. Imagine the guy that fucked up. He was just like, Hey, guys, so I want to show you exactly what I did. That was wrong. Almost like a vlog, right? It's like, All right, so I was in this system right here, and I did this, which shut everything.


I don't know. We all make mistakes. I doved.


It shows that everyone... It just shows a little humanity in the mistake. When you see something like this, it can look really scary to the public. You see this like, Oh, my God, all this shit shutting down, this many businesses having to die. It's a little scary, but just one simple video of one guy that made the mistake will forgive you.


Some people are like, I spent hundreds of dollars just to get here. Now I'm at the airport and cancel my flight. Imagine how I have hotels that cannot be refunded.


I get it.


Imagine being at the airport and all of the terminal arrival times is just blue screen.


Blue screen, so crazy.


My friend was at the airport.


Yeah. She got the late for the next day?


She got there at 9:00 PM, and she didn't leave until 5:00 PM the next day.




Yeah. Crazy. They're not refunding people that had to get hotels overnight because of these flights.


I think in a situation like this, it's really hard.


There'll be a huge lawsuit, though, I think, for everybody who is affected by the travel, 100%.


So who do you sue? Because you can't sue the airline for something like this, right?


There are probably law teams that are reaching out to everybody who was affected. Were you there? Was your flight affected by the crowd strike, outage? Contact us now. You may be entitled to a lot of money.


There's tons of that. But it's like a domino effect, right? So everyone's suing the airlines while the airlines are suing this company while that company is suing that company. It's like a domino effect, right? You can't sue me. I quit.


The crowd strike company does have a lot They have protections in place protecting them from the liability of the cost that happened.


You can still sue, though, right? I mean, those liabilities never really... They don't mean anything. Someone can always sue somebody, right?


They limit the liability. If the airlines owe 8 billion from this day, they are only liable for 1% of that.


That's what is in the contract.


It sucks when flights are delayed and when your travel date is not not go your way. Yeah. Your flight gets canceled, all this shit. I don't get videos where they are yelling at the flight… Not the flight attendant. The workers. Work in the gate. This person is not controlling whether your plane is going to take off or not. There's someone who is so high up the ladder, and you're personally getting mad at them. I understand that the situation is not going your way and you're angry, but it just baffles me why people think raising their voice and they're just going to get all up in arms with their pitchfords.


You saw the videos of people having their meltdowns?


Tons. If I'm there and I realize that this is not going to happen, I'm grabbing my bags and I'm getting a fucking rental car and I'm finding some other way to get to my destination.


I think the people I I'm not taking their side at all. I think all the freecasts that we were seeing from certain people, it must have been like they were trying to get to a wedding or something really, really important where they had to be on a certain day. That could suck a lot.


But yell at the ceiling or a wall. Don't take it out on somebody.


It doesn't show how small-minded people are.




Very small.


In that situation, if I was in that situation and I needed to get somewhere in a timely manner, I'm thinking, worst case scenario, it was someone very close to me. It's like funeral that I need to get on this flight today to make it. It just fuels me. I think people yelling know that they had nothing to do with it. They just feel like they need to yell at somebody. It's not just to get it out. Just to get it It's not healthy.


It's just understanding your role in this massive bigger picture. We're dealing with thousands of thousands and thousands of flights in all these different seats. You are a speck in this problem. I understand maybe being pissed that you're planning a road trip. But look how many people are sitting around you?


Everybody's going through it.


Right. So it's just like, what do you think? You know what I'd be doing?


I'd be at the front, everyone's screaming. I'm like, you'd probably deal with so much of this shit. I'd be getting that first class ticket for the next flight.


I'm so sorry. It's crazy, right?


Did you need anything?


I love your nails, by the way. Did anybody compliment those nails?


Just ignore them.


But a part of me would like to be the person that's just getting yelled at knowing I have no say in anything. You know what? Actually, you are so right. Let's get you on the plane right now. Just go sit on the plane alone. The pilot will be right there.


We'll bring some snacks.


You know what? You can't get in trouble for that, for being sweet and trying to be accommodating.


Yeah, you know what? Let's go in.


The only time I ever I got really pissed, but I didn't vocalize it, but I'd never been more angry with an airline staff.


Tell us.


We were all waiting for the pilot to arrive. Pilot gets there. Pilot forgot his license. What? His own Like your driver's license, but for the pilot.


His pilot license.


That pissed me off. We had to wait one or two hours for this pilot to go back home, get his whole fucking ID and come back.


They don't have an understudy?


See, I can't remember if that happened, but it was a thing where he had to go back and get his fucking... How do you just leave? Sorry, you're a pilot. You need to be checking off everything that's important.


Also, I'd be like, this guy is clearly not...


Maybe he has it all together. What else is he going to forget?


Are you aware enough right now to know you're showing up?


Does he even remember how to fly?


Exactly. Yeah, that's where I was. Speaking of, did you guys see the clip of the pilot that was... Wait.


He dreamt it.


No, no, no, I think this may have been a parody video.


It's a movie. We're like, Zane, that's the movie Air Force One.


No, this may have been apparent. Oh, my God.


Zane, that is Snakes on a Plane.


No. Zane, that's Flight by Denzel Washington.


Oh, my God. Yeah, it was a parody video.


Zane, that's literally final destination.


Zane, that's Flight Plane by Jodie Foster.


Wait, what happened? That's embarrassing. I missed it. No, it was a parody news channel thing, but I got it confused with... Something real. Yeah.


Oh, I learned this movie popcorn hack. So you know how if you get a large bucket, you can get a free refill?


Yeah. Just bring in a fucking big bag, dump the popcorn in, go back and get your free refill.


So now you got two fucking huge things.


My stomach hurts.


Yeah, I know. But if you had kids and stuff and you're like, you don't want to have to split it up.


But if it's the same concession stand, I feel like they're going to catch you. You're going to come back with an empty pop corn.


Yeah, but it's like getting-They don't know what movie you came from. It's also like getting ahead of it. You know you're going to go back halfway through. You're going to want the refill. Just dump it into a bag for the time being.


So you don't have to miss any Right.


I was just like, Oh, brilliant.


They should be like, Would you like your free refill right now so you don't have to come back in the middle of the movie? You know what I mean? Yeah.


Also a colostomy bag to pour your Diet Coke into.


We're getting all 23 flavors in right now.


You're at the serve at the machine of Syrup.


Does anybody want to see Twister in 4D? Hell no.


It's booked for the full week, by the way. It's booked.


Have you seen videos of it? The seats? Yeah, do they give you popcorn for that one? You would be all over the... It does not...


I don't want to say. You can handle it. I don't want to do it. I'm done. Did you see the video? There's a video that someone took.


There's a specific one I need you to see. It looks crazy. Papa, this one right here.


Just send her the TikTok clip.


I want to do it so bad. I love Twister.


Have you guys ever done 40X? Never. Oh, yeah. I've done it twice. I did it for Avatar 2 and then Super Mario Brothers. I loved Avatar, too, because it was more soaring. Super Mario, that was bouncing every fucking time. It gets a little...


But it's like... Watch this.


Look at... Oh, shit.


Oh, my gosh. That's crazy.


Those seats are all over the place.


How are you eating, drinking?


What? That's absurd.


There's no way there's popcorn allowed in this room.


You're so high up, you can't reach for your popcorn. You have to get out of your seat to pick up your popcorn. So you got to hold it in your lap. You're really high up off the ground.


It's one of those things where it was out for a year, and they were just like, get rid of it. This is not good, and no one's going to be... I'm just surprised it's still a thing where why Why would you want to go watch a movie in 4D?


It's an experience.


I want to do it so bad.


People these days don't even want to go to the theater. They just want to be in the comfort of their own home. Why even go the extra mile to not even be comfortable while watching a movie?


That's what they want. That's what Regal-They want Twister the ride. Are they spraying water? They do that, right?


Yeah, they mist it. Everything. You have a trash zone.


But it's not so heavy. It's like- Misting? Yeah, it just feels like someone went like that with water. You're not drenched. You can also turn your water on and off in your seat. I believe the water is coming from right in front of you. The weirdest one is that they have this little piece of plastic that's in between. Slaps your angles. So if there's wind coming through and leaves, you feel like you're getting too much. That's so cool.


Remember when they had a ride like that where spiders were running around everywhere, and then they did the terrible.




I do want to see the new twisters. I heard it's pretty good. You guys saw it?


Yeah, we went to the premiere. Oh, you all saw it?


Yeah. Oh, was it not that good?


I enjoyed it. I thought it was good.


I love the original. That was the one movie. Helen Hunt. We would never skip it if we saw it on cable. We would always have Twister on.


They did do a really good job of showing how dangerous and scary they are. You know what I mean?


Yeah, they did do a good job with that. You're like, whoa. I like how they made Glenn Powell's character, a big streamer. Oh, yeah. So they did a really good job with that. They didn't make it cringy.


Too cringy. How was Daisy Edgar Jones's accent? She's like, I'm from Oklahoma. Where are you from? I had no idea she had that accent until after the movie.


I was like, damn, she did a really good fake accent.


Oh, good. Does it have any connection to Twister One? No. Like, he's not Bill Paxton's son or anything. Their machine-It's so easy to just say that so you can just get excited.


Why don't they just do that?


They should just say it. It's easy to do that.


I would love to go storm chasing, though. Would love to do it.


You would actually do that?


With a professional, I would definitely do it.


With a professional, it's It's really expensive. But if you're safely doing it, I would want to do it.


I just imagine it's just like that, no?


Well, I don't think if you're paying to be a part of it, I don't think you're going to be in that, too, of harry of situations. I know a friend who went on a storm chasing thing. He said it was beautiful. It gets insanely hot. Then it's cold. The sky is just like, it feels like it's a God just making a painting above you. I don't know. I say that shit, though, but maybe if it got close, I'd be like, I'm out of this.


I feel like just even driving towards a storm, I would start having a panic attack.


Are they that common? In the movie, it made it seem like they're multiple every day all over.


I think certain states, I think it's pretty common.


It happens to tornado season. If you live in Tornado Alley, which is like, there's the Bible Belt I don't know. There's a whole area where they're prone to happen.


I mean, you tell me, would you want to chase the hurricanes going through Florida? Hell, no.


This is unbelievable.


We're locked up in our house.


I just love the sound of a... Oh, my God. That I don't know. I actually hate that sound, but that sound does something to me where I'm like, oh, shit.


It's 1,200 tornadoes annually. 1,200?


How many are in the United States?


In the United States. In In the United States, there's 1,200 more than any other country.Oh.


So we have the most?Yes. Wow. Isn't that just wild how like, tornadoes just happen in America?


Now, houses that are in like, tornado hour, anywhere with tornadoes, are there houses like fucking super good? How do they make houses that are like...


I don't know. It's sad because these tornadoes, I feel like happen every year where they'll just wipe out an entire fucking city and you're like, What are we planning on?


It's just a risk every day living in a-I just don't even know how you make a tornado-proof home.


Like a make a whole subdivision that's tornado-proof.


It's insane. I just wouldn't even live there.


They happened a lot. Did they happen in Florida? Did you guys have tornadoes?


Rarily. It'd be like, I feel like along West, not West Palm Beach, sorry. We had a tornado, one time, a tornado warning in West Palm Beach, but I think it's mostly like north of Florida.


I think they're just so rare that it's just like, there's no real designated spot.


Hurricains are much more common.


We had like, tornado days where tornado would be so active around the Dallas area that we would have to just stay home and we couldn't go anywhere. The storm would be so bad, but it wasn't safe, too. I think the best place to be. Because they can pick up randomly too. If just the right hot and cold meets together with that wind and goes...


It's so crazy. It could take out a house next to you and not yours.


Yeah, it just plays God that way.


I think the best place to be in a place like that, or if a tornado is coming, is in a car. You could just drive wherever you need to because you can't run a tornado.


It's wild now. We get better and better footage. I feel like every year of fucking tornado. Back in the 2000s, it was just like, you maybe saw some weird home video, and it was just really shitty. Now people are just in their backyard like, Mother of God. Look at this thing. It is just boom, boom. You're really seeing it now.


I'll see them in the middle of a tornado, and they're getting that shit up on TikTok in the moment. Can I go for you real quick? Yeah. Wow. Well, that was a whirlwind of an episode, everyone. Very good. Got me in a spin.


Don't get it twisted. Matthew.


That's good.






I feel my hair up as in just a knot. I know. Don't have a cow.


All right, guys. Well, thank you again for watching another episode, as always. What are you doing?


While you're out drawing.


Yeah, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/zaneandheath. We do a bonus episode every single month. We also keep these cameras rolling, and you're going to get an extended cut of every single episode. We do a live Q&A every month. It's a great time. Again, patron. Com/zaneandheath.


You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.


How dare you? Pardon us.Parewell.I.


Have nothing to do with that.


We love you guys.


See you. Bye, Pupikakis.