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Pop goes perfection.


I love perfection. Shit stressed me out, but that was a fun game.It.


Was the most perfection.It.


Was the most nerve-wracking game I've ever played as a child.


It was almost like this Timer, and he had these little funny-shaped yellow objects.


It's a blue thing with yellow? Yeah.


You have to put them in before the thing explodes.


It was called Perfection? Yeah. What a strange name.


That guy in the commercial would be like, pop goes perfection, and his chest would just explode with just these yellow They put millions in the marketing for that.


Millions. That's the box.


I remember that kid.


Oh, yeah. Remember Don't Wake Daddy? Yeah. I never owned it, but I would see the commercials and be like, Don't Wake Daddy. You had this dad in His BJ is in bed, and he would pop up and be like, Whoa.


That's a weird. What a weird.


Don't wake Daddy. What's up with dad sleeping in a twin bed? Where's mommy in the picture?


Yeah, where's mommy? That's the real question.


This is Divorce Daddy. Don't wake Divorce Daddy.


Clearly, he's upset. You don't want to wake him or he's going to pop up angry at you.


Yeah, don't wake Zan.


Why did people wear the full pajamas?


Don't get me started. I always think about that. What is the pajama Santa Beanie? Yeah.


Why would you say that?


Is this the night before Christmas?


Well, I think it worked because there was probably no heaters in other parts of the world.


It's so thin and floppy. Pillows were maybe made out of hay. You don't want to get all the critters up in it. But I don't know. It makes sense. Maybe they were trying to get a wave.


You know people put their hair in silk so it stays fresh. Maybe it was something like that.


Or like a do-rag. Or a dorag.


Or a bonet.


I bought one one time. I actually do own one.


A bonnet? The Sleeping.


The Sleeping. Because I wanted to do a hot shoes. I heard it works. I think it was for a Halloween costume.


I want to switch my sheets to all silk. They're the best. Because I heard it's just so much.


You will love it. Is it hot?


No, it's so cool. No, Well, that's another reason why my AC just does not work in my room. It hasn't worked for months. So either I'm buying a full AC unit to install in my bedroom. Or honestly, it'll be cheaper than silk Sheet.


What about the bed cooler thing? I think Jake Shane has one. Where you put the sheet over it and it blows air up into it.


It blows air into the bed. Hold on, wait. What's that? What's that called?


I don't know. We can probably find it.


It goes up against your foot. It just takes air? It goes under the sheet and blows air in the bottom.


That's amazing.


Yeah. What sheets? But what are the nicest types of sheets? Like Egyptian cotton, there's thread counts.


I think silk is just the best thing to sleep in.


Okay. Because silk pillows are really good for your hair.


It's the best for It's good for your skin. It's natural.




Most people are fine, but when people change from cotton to silk, they notice their skin is better, too.


Can you clean silk easy?


We wash them like normal sheets. Okay. The first time, when you take it out of the package and put it on, it is the slipperiest thing. You literally are all over the place. You can't even put your leg up and leave it there without it just sliding away from you. After the first wash, though, that goes away and it's just really smooth.


My ice blanket is the same thing. It's constantly slipping on the side of my bed because a little bit of weight on one end of it and the whole thing comes sliding on.


What's an ice blanket?


I bought an ice blanket. It doesn't It doesn't work as much as I wanted it to work, but it's just a colder blanket.


Is it heavy?


No, it's not heavy, but it is made out of silk material. I think I just need my sheets, my pillowcase, everything's silk. I just need the whole bed in an ice box. Okay. To fall asleep in.


I'll never forget when I went to Egypt, I bought Egyptian-Skilt? Egyptian bedsheets. I thought I was doing something. I was like, I'm going to get it right from the source. Yeah. Come to find out, I got scammed at one of those places, and there was nothing special about it, but I thought I was like...


Getting it, yeah, but it's made in Bangladesh.


I spent so much money on these sheets.


Then you walk around the corner to our corner store, you see the same sheets being hung for a third of the price.


It was literally just bed, bath, and beyond type. Just normal sheets. Just normal sheets.


How much did you spend?


Quite a few hundred.


Oh, boy.


Wow, damn. They made money off you.


Yeah, they got me good.


When you're a tourist and you see that market for the first time, don't buy the first thing you see.


Walk around a bit. In Egypt, when we were by the pyramids, they were selling all types of shit. For the people going to Egypt, they're like, Oh, we got to buy this because this is from the pyramids. It's at every store on the street. It's the same exact mummy sculpture that says Egypt on it. It's everywhere.


Yeah, you go to the Eiffel Tower, they have the little light-up ones on every little blanket on every little player.


Yeah, it's everywhere. It's just a scam.


They're just scamming you, truly.


Did you feel the earthquake this morning?


No, Patricia did.


I slept right through it. It was definitely the worst. I think it's the worst I've ever felt.


In terms of turbulence or length?


Turbulence. And length, too. It went long.


Where were you?


In my room. Oh, wow. It got me out of bed. You know when everyone starts calling you. That's how bad it was. Todd immediately called me. He's like, You feel that? I was like, Yeah, I felt that. That was crazy. You're in this moment where it's like, Is this the one? Where do we go?


I got scared. I was a little bit worried. I woke up to it. Mariah was already up, but I woke up in frantic, ran across the house. I was like, This is insane.


This is it. It was Malibu, so that's why we felt it came down.


We're in Woodland, so we were even closer. It, boom, just rocked the house. It was crazy.


You know what I do like? The intro.


Okay. Let's run it, babe.


All right.


It's Cometal, baby.






Earthquake. Yeah.


Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath. I'm Matt. I'm Mariah.


You are here back for another episode of The Greatest Podcast in the entire world.


Welcome, baby. Thanks for tuning in. We love you so much. Let's just get right into it. We got a lot to cover today. We really do. Feeling really good. I got a good energy right now, so let's rock and roll, baby.


It's almost like every episode, you have a good energy about you. I love that. No.


Well, the thing is, I get a little bit worried because sometimes I'll start crashing before episodes, and I'm worried on the drive over here. But as soon as I walk in the front door, I come alive and I'm like, Okay, I'm feeling good.


Do you need some gum?


Some of your neuro gum? What is it called?


The blue gum. Is this an ad? No.


He swears by it, though.


I swear by it, though. I want to try it.


Yeah, Joe Rogan swears by it. It's actually They actually were on Shark Tank. I just watched it. They said no to all of the investments, and they walked away, and they ended up making $100, $200 million.


The deals that they were making them were really bad.


Yeah, they were really low-balling up.


They really didn't believe in the company. That's how bad the deals that they were offering, but they believed in it enough to make an offer. You know what I mean? They just walked away because it was just like they were asking for way too much.


How much caffeine is in it?


Is that what it is? It's caffeine gum?


It's pretty much caffeine gum.


With some new tropics in it, I believe as well, to enhance cognitive function.


It definitely works for me.


I had it in college, I feel like, for a little bit.


Wait, the Neurogum?


Maybe it was college or maybe it was early days out here in LA. I've had it before. It's nice.


Yeah, it's nice to pop it in here and there, especially if you're in a room ready to record.


It's not full on Adderall, but it's a good little-I would never take it if I wasn't filming.


If you were filming, you'd be like…


It tastes really nice, too. You can actually feel an immediate difference, though.


I bet. It's maybe a bit of a placebo.


Yeah, it could be. It could be. It works for people. I think my body loves placebos. You give me anything and says it works, I'll take it and be like, Yes, it works. I know.


I've been in such a vitamin kicks lately. I'll see some TikTok of someone saying, Why this vitamin? We need it. And then I'm Amazon carding it. Immediately.


Oh, God. I hate it. I want to believe TikToks like that. And as soon as I see that link, I'm like, I just don't think they're being truthful about it.


It's crazy what these brands are doing to sell this product, though. Some of these people… This ruined my wedding day, all this stuff. It's like, The cameraman card didn't work and lost all the photos and this and this and all these horrible things that happened at the wedding. But it was like, But luckily, everybody at the place got neuro gum on their table, and everybody was in a good mood. I'm like, What the frig did I just swipe through?


I'm like, What the frig? Okay, we're cleaning it up? Are we cleaning it up on this show?


Denti Mouth with orbit.


Tina got me into saying frig. Frig?


Mother Frigger.


It feels good. To me, it feels worse than saying the real-Tina? My mom.


Tina. I'm like, Are you all hanging out with the Tina? I did not. No, no, no.


Yeah, I love it.


Do you guys think that there are... I saw a TikTok about this, about pet names. There are funny human pet names you can give a pet, and then there's boring human names you can give a pet.


Where it doesn't have the zing to it. Right.


Okay, so give one that you think actually works.


For a dog?


There's different, too. Dog and cat have different names that work. Yeah, of course.


Like, Walter for a cat.


Yes. Or a cat named Jason, though.


No, it doesn't work.


See, that's funny. That's funny. Or like, okay, you can have a...


You can't have like a- Cat named Doug?




Mike is weird, but Benjamin is cute for like- You know what?


Okay, Walter, Benjamin. I think it has to be proper names.


Sadie, Sally, Susie, those are boring. They're not that funny, but they're human names for an animal. But a cat named Catherine is like, What?


That's funny. The cat, because cat is short for Catherine, that works.




Melissa is a- Yeah.


I think you're saying for the joke?


For the joke. You can't give them one that's like, Oh, A cat named Oliver, whoop-de-doo.


Sure, yeah, because it's been done before.


Yeah, but a cat named Lynn.


Lynn, that's good.




Or a cat named Hannah. Who is Hey, Hannah?


What's going on? There is something funny about it where it doesn't work.


It's funny talking shit about your cat, too, outside in public settings. Like, Yeah, Hannah's such a bitch. Oh, wait, which Hannah? My cat.


Like, literally came in, pissed all over the place. Stupid Hannah.


It sounds like a drunk mess. Stephanie.


Steph. What do people think of Dean?


See, not a lot of people are named Dean anymore, so it's an older name that you do give it. You can name your pets whatever you want, but this girl just had a point where there's a difference of the really funny ones that hit because they feel so real in a way where it personifies them as a real person in the front. They have a place in the house. It makes sense.


What's You're saying the... So that's the unfunny ones. What are the funny names?


The ones that make sense would be Oliver the Cat. Got it. Nobody would think twice if you were like, My cat's name is Oliver.


Or Theo or Bella. Those are animal names that work, but they're also human names. It's the human names that don't make sense for an animal. That's what they're calling funny.


You know which dog name I don't like?


Elia's El-O-Weeze. El-o-weeze.


What do you mean? I can't say the full name.


I just call her Wheezey.


What do you mean El-O-Weeze? I do love El-O-Weeze, the books, like Eloise at the Plaza.


I just don't like it as a dog's name.


It's just not- I'm six, and I live at the Plaza.


But yeah, Wheezey is good. I feel like I've heard Leah call her that, too.


Like a dog named Gabriella.


Gabriella. Gabriella. Esmeralda.


That's pretty. That's a good cat name. I bet somebody's cat.


That is good. Or Sure. Ees me.




Taylor is a good cat.


This is Taylor.






Eric. John. Good dog name. I'm just naming all my friends from my hometown. It's really all you have to branch off of. But yeah, I just thought that was interesting.


Imagine naming your dog Zane. Zane.


Zane could work for-For a cat. Yeah, cat.


I just call it Zane Malik. It's better. Z-a-y-n. It looks better on a cat. The Y is a tail. Yeah, my-He's got the creative. My brain. I know.


He's doing it.


I wish I had my brain.


How was San Diego? You guys were just there.


Yes, we were just there. Last weekend, we went for a Bre and Grace's Show, the Plane Bre Uncut Show, live show. Very nerve-wracking because Ethan and I have not been on stage in a long time. A long period of time? Probably for six years. There was just so much nerves running through us. Normally, it should be fine. For me, at least, when it's not your show, but I still felt like it was my show. I was so nervous. What the hell am I going to say? Is there ever... What I'm always scared about a live show is the silence.


Yeah, the work. That dead silence. That dead silence for more than half a second kill me. Oh, yeah. It stays with you. It stays with you. You'll be a month, years later, taking a shower.


You're like, oh. You know who else is thinking about that? Everybody watching, too. That paid money.


They're not thinking of that.


That paid money to be there. I would.


How did the show go? Did them two just go out and they talked a little bit and then brought you guys out for-They did a little intro for it.


They showed all of our old videos, made a whole compilation video, and then we came out. Did you drink before? I did. I did have to drink.


How much? Were you drunk when you came out on stage?


No, I wouldn't say I was drunk, but it did calm my nerves because I think when I take a shot or two, it doesn't get me drunk, but it does calm me down a little bit.


Was it a Q&A? Did they run the questions by you guys beforehand?


It was more like we talked about just how we became friends.


There was a couple of little plan segments. We did our backstory of how we met, how we came out to LA type thing. Then we did a fishbowl game where we picked questions from a fishbowl and had to answer them on the spot, like a truth or drink style.


Green and Grace are great, though. They worked so well off each other. It was just constant banter.


Really good at running a show. Start to finish, they did a really good job. But it was great. We were up there for like 45 minutes.


45 minutes an hour.


It was nice. It felt really good because the last live thing we did was with you and everybody was walking out.


What are you talking? Wait, what?


You don't remember this one?


What live thing with Matt?


Oh, at USC?


Yes. And everybody was walking. I forgot about that. Everybody was walking out the entire time.


Not everybody.


It wasn't everybody, but it was half the people were there not to see us. So it made it really weird.


It was a showcase of events. There were dancers before us. There was, I even think, things after.


The thing is that we didn't know that. When we got on stage, we realized that a lot of people that watched the last show just stayed there. We're like, Oh, this is going to be really weird. As we're answering questions, we're making jokes, and only some people, I don't know if they just weren't funny or not, but there was definitely people there that had no idea who we were, so it was just harder to...


It was just harder to-It was a much better response this time than that.


I remember to the audience, I was like, I missed Tess. I missed being in college. They were like, You missed Tess? I was like, Oh, okay. Maybe I should have said that. That one didn't work. It just did not land. It was just the audience had lost their reaction. Did you guys bring Grace a pogro steak?


We told her we wanted to.


Oh, God, we didn't have time.


Did she like the reaction or the idea of it?


Yeah, she thought it would have been really fun.


But in San Diego, when we got there... Sorry. Did I say that we were- You sounded like a San Diego We got to San Diego. We get there. I think just the area we're in, I was imagining it to be so beautiful. It was going to be a great area. We can walk around and shit before doing the show. My God, we didn't even want leave the hotel because of how bad it was outside of that hotel.


In terms of what? Weather?


It was zombie land.


Pretty rundown spot in downtown San Diego.


You couldn't be out there. You could not be out there. It was bad. It was also really hot, too. What was the venue, though, you guys?


Was it on a college campus? House of Blues? House of Blues? Yeah. Was it the main room of the House of Blues or a side room? Usually, House of Blues have two venues.


It's different than the one by Disney.


Anaheim, yeah.


This one was- A little bit more intimate.


A little bit. Seated or standing?


Everybody was in seats. But it was cool. They had a top balcony, viewing area, sides, the main pit area. I just love those venues so much. There's so much character and history in them.


Mostly females attending or mixture? They're half and half. Half and half?


Yeah, they had half and half. Oh, good.


Good on them.


I always assume it's the boyfriends.


The boyfriends of people who are attending?


Yeah, I always just assume it's the boyfriends.


You could always see the girls having a good time and the guys just like, Yeah, well, this is what she likes.


When the guys aren't smiling in the audience, that means, Oh, they came with them for sure.


The crowd was amazing. Everybody was so fun and upbeat and just really good energy. Awesome. It was nice. That's great. It was a little inspiring. Maybe we'll do one for unfiltered.


Yeah, maybe 2028.


That'd be fun. It's a little soon.


Too soon, yeah. Was there a tour bus there?


No, they only had six stops. So they flew and then they had their truck that had all their furniture and shit and merch driving to the cities, pretty much. I think it'd be super fun and memorable if you drove in with your furniture and the merch in the truck.


I love the idea of being on a bus tour.


Me too. No, I wasn't talking about bus tour. I was talking about in the truck, in the back.


Oh, sitting on the couch that's being transported and you're just back Something about you being part of the furniture. You guys are in the back of the thing just playing cards.


Like a product.


No, that'd be so fun because the little bunk bed cubbies that are on tour busses where you're literally up against the window and there's three stacked.


It seems fun. Oh, I love it. I would love to do a tour.


I always think it seems fun for a few days and then your back just starts hurting and you just really need to be in a bed after I... I'm just getting older. If I was in my 20s, I'd be like, Let's do a fucking bus. Fuck, yeah. Can't do it anymore.


Yeah, I feel that.


I miss that.


I miss that. See, that's what I want to be in. Imagine opening your little curtain and be like, Hey, what's up?


You can also get that in prison. Just commit grand theft, and then you'll be in one of those things, too.


See, I only want to be in there temporarily, right? I just want to do it for a day. Yeah.


It just seems like a slumber party on wheels. We're going from Coast to Coast.


Yeah. No, there is something definitely fun about it, though.


Did you guys go out after with them?


No, we did the show back. We drove in the day of or the night before. Okay. We slept. We know there's a lot of traffic heading there sometime. We just didn't want to be late or miss the show.


I've stayed at the Coronado Hotel where they wrote The Wizard of Oz there. That's right by the Top Gun base, too. I've always wanted to go to the Top Gun base to go to the bar where they have all the cups hanging down.


That's where they train like, Seals out there, right?


I think so, yeah. I know that there's a huge military base out there.


Remember our friend Caesar? That's where you'd go, right?


A lot? Yeah, he was down there. That's where they do the dolphin training.


The dolphin training? Oh, the dolphins with lasers and trackers and military combat dolphins. Walking around, though, there, it was a sight to see.


There were a lot of characters on the street. There was this one guy getting this lady. I remember he was getting her on the building like this.


He picked her up.


It was having sex with her?


Just going like that on the side of the building. As you're walking by, they're very comfortable. They're very open with it.


Up against the side of a 711, I was like, This is wild.


Ever since that flight with the ass crack, they have a lot of PTSD from that. They just keep seeing shit everywhere they go.


Are we sharing what we found out about that?


No, I don't think so. But we can say we found out. We can say we found out who it was, but we're not sharing who it Crazy. Mariah, I jaw dropped. I'm like, do we take this down? I was like, oh my God.


Do you think the person has found it? About it?


I don't know. I'm sure some people know.


The thing is, so far, only one person found out.


One person DMed me and was like...


He never got any other messages.


He was like, I was putting the clues together. Okay.


I don't know, Keith. If I was you in that position-I feel threatened, scared. No, I would have... I think I would have... Why Why is your ass out of my face? Zane, I just put a quarter in it. You get a credit card.


Credit or debit.


Credit or debit.


Oh, yeah, I'll do the coffee, please. You do apple? It's not working.


I'll insert again. I'm up against his ass.


Yeah.peach Pay.Peach Pay.


Peach Pay.


Mariah, that sounds really nice. Peach Pay. That's what I'll need.


Peach Pay.


Peach Pay. Cool.


Yeah, but in other words, it was really nice. Great show. It was really nice seeing some of you guys that went. And then we went home, and that was it. That was pretty much my weekend. We didn't do anything else that weekend.


Yeah, same. Did we do anything else?


I wanted to behave myself.


I can't believe it's already Thursday.It's already Thursday. Sorry, September. These weeks and months are flying by.


They truly are. I feel like New Year's just happened. We were just at Coachella. Were we not just at Coachella a month ago? It's crazy.


It is crazy. It's happening. It's wild how fast it's really starting to go. My grandma was right about it. Your grandma?


Yeah, she's like, You're 30, then you're 50. She's right because I'm already 34.




I was waiting to see. Matt didn't change it at all.


He was like, Yeah. Matt, you're 32?


Yes, 32.


You don't look 32.


Thank you. How old do I look? 37. I do. When people ask me how old I am, I always How old do you think I am? Just out of curiosity.


Yeah, they always say younger. Yeah.


To be nice. I'm really-It's the worst when they go 32. You're like, Yeah, right on the money. Nailed it. That's exactly how old I am.


I genuinely think we look younger than our age. I don't care what anybody says. I think we're doing a really good job at taking care of ourselves.


I think we're a very youthful line of work. This type of work keeps us young. It all respect everybody else in the careers that they do. But there is something fun about doing this.


If I had two kids right now, I would not look very good right now. I'm telling you that right now.


Who knows? You might be an awesome dad who's just glowing and great all the time.


I'm going to have kids on the sixth.


He would be the workout dad who's got the kids on the back doing pushups. All the TikToks are incorporating the babies into the work. He's curling the babies. You see those little kids working out that have muscles?


That scares me.


I do not think they should be doing it. They shouldn't.


It stuns their growth.


Little Hercules?


Oh, whatever happened to that kid?


I don't know, but I remember seeing that and I was like...


Yeah, he was that kid who was super ripped and six-pack and pecs and everything before he even hit puberty. It was very strange.


Oh, wow. Okay, I've never seen this.


He doesn't look that good. He doesn't look good. He does not look that good anymore.


Yeah, probably because he's so over it.


Yeah, I would be over it, too.


He's probably forced to do that. He probably realized what his dad was doing him this entire time.


That's so strange. That's insane. Very strange. Do you think that dad was injecting him?


No. I don't know. I don't know.


I would.


Too many Flintstone vitamins, probably. Odeying him with that stuff.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Betterhelp.


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Yeah, and it's nice to talk to somebody that's not your friend, your girlfriend, boyfriend, grandma, gammy, meemaw. Peepaw. Exactly. You're talking to somebody that is a professional and someone that's going to give you unbiased opinion about anything that you need help with. I think it's important to talk to somebody like that.


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Thank you so much, Betterhelp, for sponsoring this podcast. We love you, and thanks for helping all of our listeners.


I went to Wisconsin, loved it. Oh, did You had cheese? Yes, I had cheese. I had cheese curds, too. I fucking love a cheese curd.


Wait, is cheese curd the cheese that- No.


It's like bite-sized mozzarella steak. They get the curds of the cheese, and they fry those, which I think is way more inviting and digestible than giving me mozzarella sticks.


True. Mozzarella sticks are a little bit heavy and a huge commitment. Especially if you're ordering mozzarella sticks for the table, how many people are sitting here? Everyone's only going to get one mozzarella stick.


I think one stick of mozzarella is more than enough.


More than enough, but you want more. Cheese curds, anybody can share it. It's like a funnel cake of cheese, fried cheese that everyone can rip off and enjoy.


Okay. It's hitting me what cheese curds are. I didn't know that's what cheese curds were.


Yeah, they're like little bite-size ones. Got it.


Oh, yeah, they're delicious. They're amazing. Where did we drink? We drank at this place, and we watched the Packers game, a place called the Nitty Gritty, and they had this gritty sauce, and we would dip the cheese curds in the gritty sauce. It was delicious.


Did you do it as disco fries?


What's disco fries?


Disco fries are French fries, usually a cheese curd type thing, and then gravy, brown gravy all over.


I think I know what you're talking about, but I did not indulge.


It's like a poutine type deal.


Okay, yeah.


It's phenomenal.


No, I did not have that.


Why are we not fucking with the fries and ketchup? I think it's just such a beautiful invention that we need to just stick with. I am talking in the mic.


We weren't for a bit. But oh, my God, I love the state of Wisconsin. Love the people. It was gorgeous. It was great.


Is that where you watched the Texas game in Wisconsin?


Yeah, I was watching it in Wisconsin. Texas right now, we're number one with Georgia.


I was watching people watch the game, and I realized while watching it that one of my favorite colors, and I decided that moment, is the orange.Thank you.


Burnt orange, baby.It's.


So good.


I got to get you a jersey. We're the only team, I believe, that has that color. That's why we sell the most.It's a great color. We sell the most merch out of anybody.


I was about to just go online and just buy a bunch of burnt orange-colored-You're talking about the orange and white, the orange on the jersey?


Burnt Orange. That color. Burnt orange.


Burnt orange is just such a color.


It's such a color. It's...


Oh, yeah.


Yeah, Texas fight, baby. Look at that color. I want to go to the Georgia game so bad. Tickets are so expensive for that game. It's $400 a piece.


When did you go to Vegas? Did you go to Vegas two weekends ago? Yeah. We're going to Vegas this weekend.


Oh, what are you doing there? Are you going to Power Slap?


No, not Power Slap. No, UFC this weekend. We're not going to the fight.


It was a straw of a hat. We're going on a win.


It literally was.


But the weekend we're going, apparently, so much is happening. There's a big UFC fight. The first UFC fight in the sphere.


Who's we going on a win?


Me, Keith, Alicia, and Remi are going to Vegas. Oh, okay.


We're filming and-Remi loves to gamble. She loves Vegas. She loves to gamble. The last time she was in Vegas, she got drunk and bought a car, right? Yes. Then she buy her G-Wagon after she had a few drinks in Vegas.


I didn't know how she bought her car.


She asked her the story. They called her was like, Hey, we have this new one that just came in. This called her, sent a picture, and then she was like, Do it. Let's get it.


That's funny. It's fun watching other people spend a lot of money. There's just something about it. I know. I was gambling a bit in Wisconsin on the slot machines.


Really? You know those bar slot machines that you don't want to put money into? Oh, yeah. But I was hammered, and I was just at a point where I was like, I was done with all the small talking conversation. I'm like, I'm just going to put a couple of bucks. I want like, 80 bucks. Two bucks?


Two bucks and you got 80?


No, I think I put 100, but 180 bucks.


Oh, nice.


I'm excited to play a new game, Backer Rat.


Oh, it's awesome.


I've never played it, and I just keep watching TikToks about how to play. Super easy.


Do the digital one first before you go to the table. The digital ones are the ones that have the little booths, and they're all set up and looking at a big screen. Sometimes there's a virtual Blackjack, and there's a Baccarat playing.


I am so excited to try it because I always do the same thing. When I go to Vegas, it'll always be Blackjack or a roulette.


Can you explain to me what Baccarat is?


You're trying You're trying to get to nine, and you can also... It's similar to Black Jack, but there's less strategy because it's all chance, but you can also bet on the banker. You either do banker or player.


Or player that you bet on. Okay.


And you try to get to nine. So it can be like a king, and then a three, and then a six, nine, you win, or the closest person to get to nine wins.Face card to zero. But if you...


Oh, okay.


The odds are really good, and it goes by very quickly. And I think if you continue to bet Banker, Banker, Banker every time, you eventually will hit it.


Supposedly, it's the best odds in Vegas. Oh, no way. For a playing game.


I honestly thought roulette was the best odds. It's just because it's 50-50 because 50 is still a high 20.


This is still 50-50.


It's less than 50 because there's technically zero and double zero. Oh, yeah. That's how they get the edge.


Yeah, the edge off.


Start with the virtual, and then I've never played the table the proper way to do it. But it's a fun game. And look out for the Fishbowl game. For the fishbowl game-We'll do that. And look for the glass that it's about to crack. If the fish is getting bigger and the glass is in cracking, I don't know, walk away, keep your eyes on them, run around. Look for that stuff, man. Oh, my gosh. In the Tarzan one, Patricia's death.


What does it look like? It looks like a slot machine, or does it look like a fishbow?


There's fishbow, and then there's fishbow Deluxe that has a purple fish and a green fish in it. There's one that has a yellow and red one that's the classic. Just keep an eye out.


If you break it, it You win a bunch of mini games, and you're getting into some jackpots.


Your money is going to start ramping up.


That's good.


I love that. All right. Make sure to look out for that. Keep an eye out for the fish bowl, but gamble responsibly. This is not endorsing gambling.


We love gambling.


What am I doing? Oh, I'm going to New York.


Is there anything that we don't know about in Vegas that we should hit?


Like restaurants?


Just anything new. I don't know. I feel like every time we go to Vegas, we do the same thing. Is there anything that you know of that you saw?


Have you been to the The Neon Graves? The Neon Graves site?


Yes. No, I've never been, but I do know about it.


I want to go so bad. Do you know what it is? I have no idea what that is. All of the old Neon signs that have been all over Vegas since it started, they don't throw them away. They go to this place, and it's just a whole gravesite in the desert of all of the vintage signs.


Oh, that looks so fun.


That's crazy, no?


No, that is. No, it's crazy.


I was just in Vegas, and I don't know if I talked about this with you guys. I can't remember what hotel this was. This may have been, I think, at the Aria. They had this speakeasy thing, and it's like another club. You got to wait in line, and they'd karaoke night, okay? Which I was a little like, Okay, what? We're waiting in line for a thing to go watch people do karaoke? And we get there, and these people start getting picked to do karaoke. I'm like, Okay. It's like this white nerdy guy gets up and he starts like, singing really good raps, like Uncle Cracker. He's killing it.


Are they planted?


So after a while, I'm like, this is fucking planted. Because we were in line with some of these people. They're like, Is this the spot for the speakeasy thing? They do karaoke in there. We're like, Yeah, they do karaoke. And these people get picked.


It's like random. They get picked from the audience.


So they make this thing. It was like, Guys, we got a QR code up here, so make sure you guys tip, put it in the request of your songs, and let's get on with it. We sat there and watched seven people get up, and every single one of these people were plants. Back to Backbangers. They were picked local community theater people who were just like, Oh, what? It's me? I'm getting picked? They're getting up and they're like, And they have a live band that you sing with.


But you're not going to get picked. Or it's like, is it something where-We stayed and watched at least seven people do it, and every single one of them, I was like, staged.


Stage, stage, stage. You have the dad come up with flip flops like the Tommy Bahama shirt doing uptown, funk you up. He's just killing it. Not even has a moment of hesitation to see if he's keeping up with the band.


There's no lyrics anywhere?


I think they may have a lyric thing down on the stage. We can't see it, but it was Just felt, what's the word? Too good. Yeah, Patricia's dad was like, These guys are amazing. I'm like, They're plants. And he goes, Wait. And then after two more, he was like, These are plants.


Every... It was almost like The people, the live dance people at that show in Vegas, it was just too good. It's like this performance is too good. I feel like I can be really good. If I got called up, I'd be really good, but not as good as what I just- But nobody else. Not as good as what we just saw up there.


Because part of me, I was like, Okay, I get it. It's Vegas, and they want to give these people a show. You had all these people waiting in line and getting some entertainment. They want to be wild. They want to see like they're watching America's Got Talent. Like, Wow, this person just had this amazing But then part of me, I'm like, Well, that's such a scam. You're having these drunk people come up to a QR code, tipping $20 because they want to sing Uptown Funk. That's one of when it's messed up. You never end up getting to those people. And then they're like, I'm like, That's such a fucking rack.


If they're going to just pick it without having people put in a QR code and tip and shit, then that's fine. You're putting on a show. But no need to take people's money like that.


I hate that. I'm such a cynic, and I see that type of shit where I'm like, I also hate hype shows. What's that? Hype shows where they're street performers, but they get everybody around and everyone's clapping, and they'll keep you fucking clapping for 15, 20 minutes saying they're going to flip over everybody. They're going to flip over everybody. They never end up doing it.


What do you mean they're going to flip over? What do you mean? What do you mean by that?


Venice people, where they line up 50 chairs and there's people there and they're acting like they're about to jump over them. Oh, and they never do it.


They never do it.


That's what happened in Venice when we went to Venice.


So mad because you're sitting there, you're 10 minutes into it. You're like, I've already wasted 10. I might as well stay a little bit longer to find To finally feel like I got something out of it. Then you're like 20 minutes. You're like, and then you're just like, I'm done.


I give up. I do like the energy that they bring, though. Everybody's just walking around and then everybody's in one spot and just like… It's a scam.




But they're not paying to watch it.


I know, but they're fooling you because you just have these tours like, Oh, wow, something's happening. I know, but it's like… Come here, dad. Come on, dad. But you either… Dad, where are you from? Oh, you're from Minnesota? Whatever. What's your name, Mike? You either do that or you're just walking around and doing nothing until you hit another store. But it takes them forever to get to that point.


They need to get to it quicker. I agree.


If you see it just starting, keep walking.


It took seven minutes for Spider-Man to do a flip. His little bear roll? Yeah, it took a little bit. We were waiting there, but I get it. But look at the energy. Me and Hedai went to London when we went for that premiere, and they had something like that. It was like all these kids sing. It was fun. It was good energy. I got it.


I understand it. I'm all respect to people busking people trying to get their dollar. All respect. But one, the banging on the plastic drums, I'm like, How much money are you pulling in? And who's pulling? Because it's the same. It's the same beat. I saw another guy last week just like, I'm not seeing anything new.


On the upside down paint bucket? Yes.


I just want to know who's coming up going.


Sometimes they're really good. Sometimes they have a good beat.


I guess. But I'm never that wowed by it. But it's the oldest trick in the book is just got the drumsticks. Once again, all respect. But I'm like, who is like, oh my gosh. I've never seen this ever. Are you catching this guy?


Taurus love that type because I don't think they're seeing that in their country because I don't think there's anything like- Or their state or their city.


You know who I'd I have a big tip to is the guys on the New York subway that are doing Cirque de Soleil.


Oh, yeah. All like that. You're like, Sir? All in the sun. Zane, I can watch that all day. If I was on my morning commute and I'm just sitting there and they're doing flips and they're spinning on the thing. They're going up in between.


They should figure out how to get that on America's Got Talent.


They can only do it on a train.


You know how they can make crazy props? They should make a subway cut in half. That would be cool. So you can see through it and have them. It's insane.


They're so good.


I know. They're just like, damn. And then even if you start filming them, they're like, I see you filming. You better be giving me a tip because if you get a cool drink, you could be making money off that off TikTok. They'll guilt trip you. I try not to even look at them. I'm just like...


Sometimes I feel like... I mean, I think this way, but even if it's something like the drums, sometimes I'm like, okay, cool. But I'm also thinking like, I can't do that. So they're like, trying.


That is their talent. Right.


And I'm like, you know what? I can't do this at all.


I wonder what if you threw me in the middle of a crowd, right? It's like, okay, Zane, make money. You got to make some money for that. I'm trying to think, what would I do? What would I do that would make people want to...


Zane, you do a change my mind thing, but it's the worst debate ever.


He changes his mind immediately. Yeah, he goes, a good point.


You know what?


You know what you're wearing?


I agree.


But you know, I make so much money like that because they'll feel good. Their point was... They changed my mind really quick, and they would tip me.


I don't know. If I had a bus, what would I do? I don't know.


Oh, rap. A little freestyle. Just freestyle. Yeah, I think you make some money.


Oh, man.


Go out there and Harry Mac it. Yeah.


Who's Harry Mac?


He's the guy that goes-He's the most insane freestyle guy.


But he likes to do... He tries not to do easy words. He's like, Give me crazy words.


But he is unbelievable.


I hope he's doing well. I hope he's making money somewhere.


I think he's crushing it. He's on people's podcasts.


Yeah, I know that. I've seen him on people's podcast, but I just didn't know if he made music.


I do like a magician. I do respect a magician, one who really got their shit together. I don't know, they're wearing a suit.


Really quick, David Blaine, the tricks that he used, would that be considered a magic trick or just an insane stunt?


No, he does both. He does street magic and he does full on feats.


He's like a stunt man, too. Yeah, right?


Because the needle through that... That's not magic, it's real. So that's more stunt, right? Like, he's a stunt man. Yeah. Okay.


But he's done plenty of-He's an illusionist, too. Yeah. Street magic. I think David Blaine's first specials were called street magic. Yeah.


Where he would-Yeah. I still think that shit. I just like, I cannot wrap my head around that.


What the F? What the F, David? What the F? He just pissed orange soda. What the F? Where's that from?


The amount of times I watched that video growing up, it was like a guy acting like...


Mikey Day on SNL is in it.




It was just like a parody sketch of David Blaine, and he sees these two What the F? He just pissed Orange Soda. He's the green sweater. Oh, my God. I bought a green sweater. What? You're wearing this sweater. Oh, my God. What the F? Let the F, David Blaine.


Oh, my God. That was it. Zane, do you remember that?


Just that little-Oh, yes, I do remember that.


Yeah, but Mikey Day, the guy on the left is on SNL now. Oh, shit. Yeah.


He's pissing Orange Soda because he goes inside.


They're like, We're done with you. Get out of here, David Blaine. Then he comes back to the door. He's like, He just pissed Orange Soda.


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Thank you so much, Hello Fresh, for sponsoring this podcast. We love you. I think my favorite, though, is probably street sleight-of-hand people. That can sit there and talk to you. You're hanging out. They're doing a little bit- Where they take the cop's watch off. They'll take their watch off. They can literally take their tie off.


That doesn't make sense to me. How are they getting it off their arm?


They spot it. They know all different types of models. Magicians go in and they look at every little route that things I don't hear how loose it is.


It's crazy that they're able to take it off.


You have to be able to multitask and distract them.


David Blaine put a folded up card underneath my watch one time. That was fucking insane. Where I was like, how?


That's so crazy.


You can get away with anything. Get away with murder.


I was a magician's assistant if you want to interview me. Okay. He asked me questions. I He was an illusionist.


Did you have to take an oath when you got hired that you will not break the magician's code?


They never really said anything. I told everybody.


I'm always just fascinated by mentalists, people who are able to guess the name of the person you're thinking about. Mike said he was just in Israel and he He had a magician on the beach and he said, I want you to think of a friend. Go through my phone. The magician handed him his phone and tried to find my name in it and he couldn't find it. Then he goes, Okay, you couldn't find it? Then pulled out a card or something said Matt King on it. Mike was like, What the fuck? That is crazy. How? But that's always-That stuff really trips me out. Mentalists. Mentalists, they know exactly what you're thinking.


That's real, right?


It's a lot of trickery.


I also think people have a gift. I think some people just have.


It's very rare. I feel like more people would be doing it if it was like- The thing is, it's always written down sometimes.


That's the part of the trick. I don't want to start breaking down the trick.


David Blaine did it to me, though. He had me think of a name.


It was your mom's name.


It was my mom. He wasn't like, think of a family member or whatever. I don't remember exactly what he told me to think about, but I thought about my mom. He spelled it the same way because her name is C-O-R-R-I-N-E, and her nickname is Cori, so it's just C-O-R-I.


Yeah. He got the exact spelling right.


He did it C-O-R-I as well.


Yeah. Is that when he wrote it down on the card? Yes. He didn't look through your phone or anything, right? No. That's so crazy. And you don't think he's ever... He's not talking to people like...


I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. David Blaine also has millions of dollars for him to get that most high tech But even then, that's still like, I don't care how well I know, Keith.


How the fuck you're going to know who he's thinking about.


The spelling part is pretty crazy because even if he was just like, And what was your name? You said Cory, and he was like, There. Because sometimes they can maybe, I don't know, etch it in and stuff before they go, what was it?Unbelievable.Okay, well, I have this wallet here, and during the whole time, it's printing it off. I don't know. There's all these different ways it can go. Magic, baby. Magic.


We should see a magic show when we're there.


Go see Pen and Teller.Well, we saw him for my birthday.We saw Pen and Teller.I love Pen and Teller.Was it a good show?Yeah, it was a great show.Yeah, it was a good show. I like Pen and Teller because they also show you how the trick is done, and they make that still a trick as well.That's cool. Where you're like, wait, what? They'll do the cup thing, and then they go, now we're going to do clear cups, and you see all the balls moving, but it's still like another magic trick. It's insane.


They're still there, right? They're still killing it?


I think so, yeah. They're at the Rio, though, which is one of the worst resorts.


That's the one we went to, right?


To go watch it and stay there. But they only do it certain nights. You got to catch them on those nights.


Cool. I saw a TikTok of a guy explaining how a lady sued Geiko because she caught an STD or like an STI in her car while having sex with another dude. But it was in her car, right? The insurance that she has with the Geiko is that if anything happens to her in that car, they have to cover. The agreement that was signed in fine print said, if something happens to you in that car, it doesn't say accident, it doesn't say anything like that. She was able to get away with it and actually got it because it happened in her car. Oh, my God.


She went back and fought Did she get this with Geiko in one?


Yeah, and won.


Wait, why is she Geiko off the hook, at least for now, from paying 5.2? Oh, off the hook? Yeah, so I don't think she tried to do it, but now they don't have to pay her.


Oh, just kidding. They didn't have to pay.


They ruled, yeah, Missouri Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday, ruled unanimously to overturn a lower court's ruling that favored paying the woman.


My bad. So the video I saw, the person said that... That Geiko won. That Geiko won.


And it was HPV, not a UTL.I..


No, I said STD.


I thought you said UTI. I don't know.


I got it all wrong today.


Some thing. Yeah, it was some...


It was some thing where a girl got something in the car.


Did you see that thing that happened with Geiko with the car and the girl caught the thing? Yeah, and then it was like something happened, and then somebody won, somebody lost.


It's crazy.


Crazy story. Did you know that you made another prediction?


No. I'm a magician myself.


You're clairvoyant, Zane.


You are absolutely Absolutely on fire. I don't understand.


What is it?


You remember how you said they should make a Minecraft movie?


They made one? They're making one?


They just announced that they're coming out with a Minecraft movie.


The thing is, it's the biggest-It's a good guess.


It was just crazy. We recorded that episode, and then immediately-Wow.


Of course, Jack Black is in it. Of course. Of course. When does it come out? 2025. Wow. Do you think they saw that episode? I think they got it. And then decided to make it real quick. It's crazy. I feel like a lot of these people do watch the show, and they do get ideas from this podcast.


Yeah, maybe we're the New Simpson.




We were there first.




Jennifer Coolidge, Emma Myers, Jason Momoa, Steve Carel. We have a star-studded cast.


Oh, entirely. For this movie. Do you hear about Casey Anthony is now- Another thing happened?


Here we go.


Casey Anthony was living down in South Florida.


That's where they all go, man. South Florida is where you go after some shit goes down.


Laying low, and she would go to a gym, and she was in a group chat with a bunch of people at her gym, and she started hitting it off with this guy who was married. This guy ends up moving to Tennessee with his family and his wife of 20 something years, two daughters, I think. Casey Anthony decides she's going to move to Tennessee. This man leaves his wife for Casey Anthony. Casey Casey Anthony.


No way.


Imagine leaving your wife or imagine just being a wife and your husband leaves you for Casey Anthony.


Imagine the children, too. Like, your dad just left mommy.


If I was a mom, I'd be like, Absolutely not. Those kids go nowhere near her. What? I'm sure she can get something in written that says that.


A hundred %.


No way. It's not even worth it for the dad to do that. That trouble of the kids.


Even if I was Casey Anthony, I'm like, I really shouldn't be pursuing a man who's married. That's not going to look good on my part. Exactly. If you're so innocent, Casey, and you want to win America back, why are you doing this?


Yeah, go on dancing with the stars like Anna Delvey did. Don't be fucking homework in a family. What's wrong with you?


Casey Anthony on dancing with the stars?


That'd be a sexist.


Did I do it? I did something bad.


You have so many different avenues, Casey, to take. That is the last avenue you should be taking.


Yeah, I think an inside source also saw them at a bar, and he said something like, Get your innocent ass over here. No way. I think that was in the clip I saw.


He should go to jail, too.




You know what? He's going to bed just with Casey. Night, night.


The nightmare is out. I couldn't sleep. What are you doing?


Then he tries to break up with her, and she's like, You're never on my side. Nobody is on my side. What is with this world? You are Oh, you're leaving me? It just seems like that's all everybody wants to do. I moved here to Tennessee for you.


So I'm going to go back to my photographer career?


Casey Anthony takes your senior photos. I bet Casey Anthony takes the worst senior photos. Let's go to the railroad track. Awful. I just can't believe you're down in South Florida and you're going out to bars and stuff. Even if the whole world knew my face, I would never. Imagine you're like, Can't get everybody drinks tonight. How are we feeling? You guys are feeling some nacho?


No, imagine being at a bar drunk and you just see her from across the bar. Any more ice?


How are we feeling, guys? Some apps?


That's a tough life. That's a tough life for sure to live. What the fuck do you do?


What if you didn't even know Casey Anthony and you were just a waitress? You guys are fine. Let's take a group. You're partying with him, taking pictures all night, and your face is ever ready to take.


Everybody's looking at you like you are obsessed with her, trying to be friendly, but you really have no idea who she is.


Is she famous? Is she from something?


Where do I know you from? Imagine her trying to explain that.


She's like, Have you ever seen Casey Anthony tell all? What is that?


Actually, you shouldn't be that for Halloween.


Like Casey Anthony?


But you have the Karen cut, the Bob, the whole swipe.


It's pretty bad.


I see something about North Korea.


Matt, did you see that in December 2024, they're opening up North Korea? Yes. To go visit and be a tourist?


To do tourism again. Because I believe for a couple of years, they closed it off. You couldn't go on the tours, but now the tours are going to open back up.


Like, legit.


Yeah, you can do the full tour.


I really would like to do that.


It's expensive. Well, it's expensive. You're paying a lot to not go to an all-inclusive resort and get some margaritas. Do they have resorts where you get margaritas over there? If I'm in North Korea, I'm They got to be giving me some drinks to calm my nerves. I want some Soju vodka. Anything. Anything just calm my nerves. But then I'm worried like, Zane would have a few and be like, doing this.


I don't know, man. I would try to sneak out a couple of people out of there. Zane would do something. I would do my best. A couple of drinks in me, I'm saving people. I'm like, you're- That's terrible. Just do whatever you need. I mean, no, right? Because you start being emotional. I would start being emotional if I had a lot of drinks in me. You're like, get in the car, get in the car.


I'm like, Let's go. You're like, Get in the car. Someone tannen you a napkin, you turn it over, and it's like, Help me. You're like, I don't know what this says.


I am turning. I am now a spy. I am now a spy.


See, now we're not going because we're saying this. There's no way our application would ever get approved. Damn it, we lost the chance to go to a beyond gang.


Whatever. I think we'll still be able to get through.


That's pretty... Yeah, that is wild. It's interesting. Hopefully, everybody is safe, but I just want to see more videos. I just like seeing the tourist videos of the inside of it.


But they're going to be so strict with that shit. Don't you?


I do tons of the videos I see that come out of North Korea from people on tours are like... As long as you're not taking videos of the statues or the military or anything like that because they guide you into places and encourage you to take pictures because it's, I don't know, respectful to the statues and stuff. Interesting. What was this thing, though, about... Did Joey Chesnut... Was there a food competition?


I saw that. Who's Joey Chesnut?


Joey Chesnut, he's the number one hot dog eater in the He's the one for the recent Nathan's Hot Dog Competition. He was banned. He wasn't able to do it because he had a brand deal with that other vegan hot dog company, so he wasn't allowed to.


Get your coin.


Is he one of the guys on the Netflix one that they just came out with?


Yes, they did a live event. They made a Netflix documentary about-No, it was a live competition.


He did Kobiashi. Kobiashi versus Joey Chesna. But who won?


I didn't watch it.


I thought we had-The world's number one ranked, Eater defeated not only his archrival, but his own world record when he downed a whopping 83 hot dogs in guns in 10 hours.


I couldn't do 83 in 10 hours.


That's true, too. So he beat Kobiashi. In 10 hours.




83 hot dogs.


I can do that.


With guns.


They probably dip them in the water, too. That's a whole strategy, which is also disgusting.


I would How do you get into competitive eating?


Like, wow, man, you really put them away. I should do it. You're right. Maybe I should. You Google challenges in your town. You try to get your I have a picture on the wall.


How many do you think they eat naturally for them to start realizing, oh, I think I can do this? If somebody has a barbecue, I'm eating two hot dogs. Do you think someone like this is eating six naturally or seven? Or they're just, I'm eating a lot.


You're paying, but you're going to Venmo me for these hot dogs, man. We have a whole- Joey's like, put some more on. You're like, okay, the grill is not- And he eats seven.


He's just like, no, guys, I swear, I feel like I could eat more. I'm not full at all. They're just like, Let's see how many you can eat.


Somebody encouraged him clearly. I know.


You know what, man? I think it was self-encouraged. I don't think anybody encouraged him. I really think he was just like, I think I can do this.


Oh, gosh. Joey Joey, please.


I think I could be in a cake eating competition, genuinely. You should try one. I think I can. I think I can. You can't fill me up with dessert.


You know how you have to finish the burger an amount of time when you get it free. Do they have dessert challenges? Of course. You could probably do like a-Perfect.


I see one. Cake eating competition. Thank you, Mariah. Would you? Yes, absolutely, I would.


That'd be some good content.


Absolutely, I would.


Zane would just start getting nervous last minute. No, no. You get to pick your type of cake for the contest. What do you pick?


Well, let's be smart here. I'm not going to want butter cream icing because that's really heavy, right? So they're probably maybe like cool whip icing, it sucks. But it's light. It's light. Like a sub-short cake. Maybe like a fluff cake. But the thing is that it all depends on the cake that they decide, like the people holding the competition. I'm sure there's a standard cake. Go, Zane.


Go. You can do it.


Imagine everybody's showing up to support you.


That would make me so happy. You could do it, Brucey. If I showed up to my cake eating competition.


Hey, guys, next month, I have a cake eating competition. If you guys want to come out and support.


And you know, chocolate is going to make you full even more than vanilla.


Imagine everybody has to have the same cake, everyone in the competition. Absolutely, yeah. That wouldn't be fair. Have you seen table setting competitions? What is that? They're in county fairs, and people will do these fake table setting It's like putting out plates and nappings and corks. Plates, but it's all to a theme, and they compete at-Who has the best?


It's all these-Miriah would love that.


I would wipe the floor.


Yeah, it's all these-Oh, please.


I got that.


Some are a little bit more fun. There's a whole documentary and show about it, and there's like... Okay. It's all these moms are like, Oh, I'm going to win this year. You better step away from my plate. They get their rulers out and everything has to be-Interesting.


I want to just take-I want to see Mariah in one of these competitions.


I want to take a bunch of weed gummies and go to one of these things and just...


I'm really curious if you know each part of the setting.


Actually, when I took cooking in high school, the very first lesson was how to set a table properly, like where the salad fork goes, where the knife goes, where the cup goes.


You see, when I see three forks, there's a name for each of those forks.


I always know the fish fork is three prongs.


It's so interesting.


Like a mermaid.


Did we have anything else on that note?


I was going to bring up something. The latest season of the Bachelorette. I I don't think any of us have really heard about it, but we all heard about it when the winner, this guy named Devon, he made it all the way to the end, and people were questioning the whole time. And of course, right after the final episode, they do their whole engagement and all that breaks up with her.




The guy who won it?


The guy who won Jen's Heart.


He was picked. Yeah.


It was picked in the end where people were questioning the whole time.


So you propose at the end. You don't just win.


You win her heart. They and they get proposed. They get the final rose. They get the final rose, and the whole point of the bachelor and bachelor is that you propose and you're together. And he broke up with her after the final episode.


Like a real engagement. They're really engaged, and then he broke up with her.


It says that in the whole time he was faking it, which is crazy.


Guess what? He should have fucking faked it a little bit longer because he would have cashed in a little bit more. At least keep the illusion of you guys as a couple. I'm sorry, I'm just choosing money. You're already ridiculous enough for going on a show thinking you're going to find love. But also, they become full big influencers after. I think just keep the illusion going.


Here's the thing. There has to be some fucking new rule set for these shows where you can't have a social media. If you really want to go on the show to find love, you have to turn off your social media and people cannot follow you on the show as you're going through it.


Or they have to give them fake names, and there's no way to find who these people are.


Yeah, because obviously, he was in this for attention, right? Because in the end, he knew that he didn't like this girl.


If other people genuinely liked the girl, and he only did it just for the sake of winning the competition, I guess, but like, why root it for her?


What if she goes with the other guy going, Hey, sorry, I didn't pick you. Want to be something?


Honestly, that's I don't know what will happen, but it's embarrassing.


That's so messed up. How quickly after?


She was broken. It was very soon after.


Is this? Oh, wait.


That's the couple, yeah.


Oh, and he broke up with her. What a- It was Jen and Devon. What's Devon? Yeah.


It's terrible.


Shit. What a douche.


That's really messed up. Has that ever happened?


Were they baked it? It may have happened a long time ago, but I think it's been a while since this happened, where this fast, where they're just like, they just go, I don't know.


Imagine after all that, and she was probably torn between so many people.


Yeah, it's really sad. But then she gets to go on Bachelor in Paradise and get another shot at love.


Yeah, but it's still a shitty situation for her.


This guy's going to get nothing out of this, though.


The whole world hates him.


I don't know what he thought that he could get out of this.


Then he's going to be on Fuckboy Island.


He's going to have trouble finding somebody who trusts what he's saying.


If I did that to her, girl, after the end of the Bachelorette, I would never find anybody.


I'm not putting shame. I'm just curious. If your daughter or your son was like, Dad, I'm going to be on the Bachelor or Bachelorette, would you be like, Yeah, of course. Or would you be like- I would make sure they're in the right mind.


I would make sure that they actually want this and just to let them know what comes with it. All the hate and like-They do home talons, and you're just like… I would hate that episode. I would hate that. I would be praying that my son or daughter doesn't make it to the parents.


But you know Zane, you would...


The film crew shows up and roll.


You would ham it up for the camera. You're like, I'm a fun, cool dad. This is my dad Zane. He is wild. I was in the blog squad days, baby. My dad's on the rise. I'd be like, Part of me, though, I'd be like, Absolutely not. This is terrible. Oh, camera crew. Hey. I think they are a perfect match.


Zane is like, give me the camera. Let me film this.


I think I'd be way too real. If my daughter brought home a dude that there's just no way. I'd be like, I hate him. On camera, I'd be like, I don't like him. Don't like him.


But Daddy, I love him.


Can't change my mind.


Daddy, he's perfect.


I can see right through him.


You always do this.


You're right.


I don't know. It all depends. I have to ask Patricia that. If she would think it would be cool. I don't know. It all depends on the son. I may have one kid who I'm like, You absolutely could do well on the match. It makes sense for you.


It takes a type of person for sure. You have to be insane.


If my son or daughter was the bachelor or the bachelorette, I would actually be down.


It's still the same high-risk, high-reward type situation, too. You know what I mean? It's still the whole world is watching and I would just get so depressed if I was on The Bachelorette or Bachelorette as a contestant, and I could just tell the girl didn't like me.


I would be more worried or concerned about a different type of show, a Love Island type, or something where they're getting...


In bed together.


Yeah, that, or if they're just getting really drunk and making an ass of themselves, I would be a little bit like... Probably how my parents felt watching me over the last 10 years.


Oh, yeah. I My parents chose not to watch it, so I think I was fine with that. I don't think they've seen anything of me and stuff.


My mom and dad have seen every single video.


Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, no. I don't think my parents would even want to.


My favorite shot in Bachelorette or Bachelor shows is when the person who's the bachelor or the bachelorette, they're like, Hey, and the rest of the crew, all the girls are running up to him, and they're all trying to have their moment. One girl will run and leap in and the other girls are like, This bitch. It's just such a pick me, pick me energy. They're like, Hey, are you ladies having fun?


When they pick all the participants for those shows, every single contest is attracted to the person, correct? Most of the time.


That's what we want to think.


They get to see who it is first, right? Yeah. You get to be like, Yeah, I'm interested. I want to pursue this person.


I think the guy also, or the bachelor bachelor, they get to see all the participants or no?


No, they meet all of them for the first night.


I think they They should be able to choose all of them because they-I think they...


I feel like I asked nick Vialle this question. I know if I was the bachelor in that first night where I met everybody, I could instantly figure out my top four. And then the producers will tell you who they need to eliminate because you always got to keep the crazy girl around. You got to keep this... Because that's all good for the tension and drama to keep it going. That's what makes people like, Why is she still here? Why she doesn't deserve a rose.


I think just like the that we were saying that guys have, I think for Bachelors, they have their top four immediately that first night. Girls, I'm sure throughout the whole season, it takes time with the guys.


You have to just turn on your enthusiasm for all the girls you're not interested in. Tell me about yourself. Oh, you're from Wyoming? Okay, cool.


You can tell when they're not getting picked for that one-on-one, you already know that they're nowhere in that mix. We all know that. It's just I feel I feel like the whole world still doesn't know that. They watch and they're just like, what about?


They get tricked into it. That's part of the fun is just judging people and seeing if they're compatible or not. I just love all the shots where it's them walking on a beach thinking about... The B-roll? Yeah, they're looking out over just a farm thinking about. I just trying to find my one.


That's what I would have a hard time with is those B-roll shots. In any reality show like that, I would have a really hard time with it.


Have any winners, are they still married?


Yeah, a handful. I think most before social media, back in 2000, like in five and stuff.


That's why they should come up with a social media rule.


Remember, I asked a picture of Pilot Pete at a Halloween party, and you're like, Why would you do that? I'm like, I don't give a fuck. If you're the fucking bachelor, and we're at a party, you're like, You shouldn't have just gone up to it.


The thing is me, I'm so against pictures. That's just me, though.


If you're a reality star and you're really popular for one year, you're the link.


Now, after doing this for so long, I think it is so appropriate to go up to any reality TV star and social media person.


To be fair, we were also freaking out when we first moved out here and we're first getting into the social media stuff. You and I both freaked out, fan-girled and ran over to Bad luck, Brian and got a picture immediately.


Genuwunly, that was shocking seeing him in person. I was star struck. Because you wouldn't see him in a video. You'd see him in a picture.


I think that's crazier.


Seeing somebody from a picture. Any time I see any meme person, a video, I get goosebumps because it's a crazy thing because you don't know if it's real or not. You don't know if that person exists.We.


Can wrap it.Wow..


That was a lot of fun.Wow..


So all of our memers out there.


Our memes, memas, pipas.


I love that. But yeah, that's going to be funny. All are going to Vegas.


Yeah, we'll keep you posted about Fishbowl.


Cool. You have anything going on this weekend?


I'm going to New York.


Fashion week?


No. Friends' birthday.


Well, enjoy it. Be safe.Thank you.


Have fun in New When do you come back?


The 23rd. Okay. Yeah, I won't be here. Okay.


Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zane and Heath unfiltered, baby. You can check out these episodes every Monday audio form, and Tuesday video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath. We also have a Patreon, patron. Com/zaneandheath. We have $5 a month. You can get all sorts of content, over 500 posts of different shit just paying one time. Just watch them all and then unsubscribe.


We do bonus episodes every single month. We keep these cameras rolling. We do an extended cut of the podcast. It's like bonus. Then we also do a live Q&A every single month. You get early access to all these episodes ad-free. It's a great time, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath. Also, make sure to check out our Flaved Peanut butter Company, theflavedpbco. Com. We've got a bunch of powder peanut butter that all you do is add a little bit of water reconstitutes. You could use it as a fruit dip.


You can use it- You can use it as a spread. I put it on my pancakes.


Just spoonful into your mouth.


My mom said she puts it in the microwave.


Yes. As a cake, does she put baking powder in it, too? That really makes it nice.


When we went there, I opened the pantry and she had bags of it, and I was like, I see you. It's so good.


My favorite flavor is cookies and cream. I honestly think it's the best. If you guys want to try out something chocolatey, I would definitely go for the cookies and cream or the Fudgy Brownie. It's so good.


All right. Well, thank you guys again for watching. We'll see you in a second, Unwinders. Enjoy your week. We love you guys.


Tuitals. Stay clean, kids. Peace.