Transcribe your podcast

All right, let's do it. Oh, God.




It's been so long.


It really has. It's actually insane.


Honestly, it feels like we just recorded last week.


No way.


I feel like I've been gone for months.


No, no, we have. No, it's been, like, actually, like, three and a half weeks.


That was our longest. It wasn't a break. We pre filmed.


Yeah, that last week was not a break. That was the most stressful time of our life.


That was our longest time away from each other.


Yeah, it was a break for three weeks. But we still, there was still behind the scenes.


There was no, let's be clear.


Don't even get me started. Don't even get started. Trying to get these episodes up.


Everyone's in a different time zone. Impossible.


Everyone trying to send each other, like, stuff that we need to upload with. But, like, we got 06:00 a.m. here. We got brutal.


I got text from Zane. Thank God I don't sleep. Every text from Zayn was 04:00 a.m.


Well, look, I'm glad we're all together.


We're gonna have an insane episode. I'm so excited. I know. I know. We have a lot to talk about. You have. I have an absurd amount.


I got. I gotta tell y'all that's been going.


Off about something that he needs to.


About, like, less than an hour ago.


Oh, God. And he keeps saying, like, he needs to get it all I need to get.


I can't tell if it's something good or bad.


It sounds. It sounds good.


It sounds, like, exciting.


Exciting. But it could possibly be bad. But, like, I don't think it's. I think we'll be good, whatever it is. You're also scaring me.




Okay, let's all roll the intro.


Yeah. Let's jump right into it.


It's coming.




Welcome back to Zanaheath unfiltered. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath.


I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah.


And we are unfiltered. Thank you again for tuning into another episode.


It means so much. Truly. Everyone tuning in. Thank you.


I don't know what to start with.


Edge of my seat.




I need to hear it.




I gotta tell you all this, cuz I just got a phone call and it's some, it's a phone call I've been waiting on and. Oh, yeah, I. Okay, this is. Okay.


I'm nervous.


I have skin cancer. No. Yeah, I do. But I have basal cell carcinoma, which is the most treatable form of skin cancer that there is. It's. It's very. It's very treatable. Okay. Like, uh, this is good. It's. Everything's gonna be okay. But I got the fucking call just an hour before this, so I'll walk you guys through this.


Matt, I would have. I would have canceled.


That's why.


Extra 30 minutes, you didn't have to do this.


Can we push it? Traffic.


But I was like, well, I was already. Okay. I was already in the neighborhood, too, because I was watching the Mavs game, which is why I'm wearing these colors. And I was at a friend's house nearby, and a walkie.


Are you okay? Are you still, like, in shock?


Yeah, yeah, I'm in shock. But, like, luckily, I was with my friend, who is a nurse, and he's like, oh, dude, you're fine. And I'm like, okay, I am fine.


Yeah. Peace of mind.


I'll walk you through how all this has happened and how it all went down. So I had noticed a spot on my shin that, like, almost looks like a bruise. This isn't even it, though. Like, okay. I realized I've had this spot on my leg for, like, now four years. I was always a bruise that hadn't healed. And then one day, I was like, I should just get that. No. Well, so here's the thing. I went in, going, what's this kind of a thing? I set up an appointment, looked at it, and she goes, oh, no, no, that's nothing. That's just like a.


It looks like a scab. Yeah, like a. Like a dark spot from, like, a scar.


It's just one of those, like, old man marks that you're just getting has. That was nothing. And so she goes, and then I'm also pointing out every weird thing that I've had on my body. I've had, like, I don't know, like, you know, like these kind of hardened bumps that maybe look like a wart, guys. I'm, like, scottish, irish, swedish. I got fried skin all over, so it's good to get it checked up. And also, my mom has had a history of squamous basil cell skin cancer before. She had that, like, I feel like, 1015 years ago. They remove it. Oh, that's fine. But I do have a history of it. And so I'm asking her, like, what about this? What about this? She goes, that's fine. That's fine. She goes, but I'm concerned about this part right here on the back of your neck.


And I'm like, notice it.


Like, I've never noticed it. And I touch it and it's, like, kind of raised. And she goes, so. And she takes a picture of it, and it kind of looks like my normal psoriasis thing. But this one was raised, and I had, like, a little dot in the middle of it.


Red or brown?


It almost looked like a freckle in the middle of a psoriasis spot, if that makes sense. It doesn't even look like your typical, like, cancer cancer. You know, like, have you ever seen, like, images of skin cancer? It looks, like, nasty. It looks like someone looks like what.


You would imagine skin cancer is, right? Yeah.


And so she goes, thank you, Mariah.


Cause I literally. I don't think I've ever seen it.


Yeah, so mine.


Okay, look at that pink one. That one. Oh, basal cell. That's exactly what I have. That's basically what I have right there on the left. That's what it is.


Oh, wow.


My mom had the one in the middle, and melanoma is, like, the really serious one.


Got it.


So once again, I have, like, the most mild, mild form, but. So she's like, let's do a biopsy right now. And I'm like, okay. She goes, we're just gonna send this into the lab. You know, they do the local anesthetic and put, like, I don't know what she did. Like, they cut off, like, the top layer or whatever, put it in a little vial, send it off to the lab. This was last Wednesday. Okay? She goes, you're going to either get a notification on, like, your app telling you it's nothing, or you'll get a phone call from me saying it's something. So for the past week, I've been, like, checking my app all the time.


Making sure the notifications are on.


Yes. And all the time I've been checking and nothing's coming through. And now it's today. We're recording right now is Thursday. I'm like, I should just send her a message just to say, hey, have we gotten the lab results back? Would like to know because I'm sick. Every time my phone vibrated, I was like, yeah, is it. Is it Kaiser? And so I get. So I'm watching the fucking Mavs game, and just an hour before this, and I get the call and says, kaiser. And I'm like, oh, shit, with my friend.


I'm go, here goes your heart, like your stomach drop.


Cut the thing. I. Not, I.


Did you do any research before that.


Call about different types of skin cancer? No, I would just rather hear what it is right out of the gate. I didn't want to go down a rabbit. Don't sight something. And really, I thought, because it had been so long ago, it's nothing, because, like, silence usually is a good thing. Yeah, it was serious. They would hit me up immediately. I don't know if this woman had just had it in her final inbox and was like, yeah. Oh, shit. Shit. Yeah. This guy's skin cancer. I need to reach out to him. So I get on the call, and she's like, yeah, you know, we did. We did find some basal cell carcinoma, but this is the most treatable thing ever. I've had two beers. I'm, like, sitting down, like, by this pool chair, just sitting there listening to this lady talk. And she's so optimistic about it. She's explaining all the different procedures. Basically, there's one where they go in and, like, remove, I don't know, the whole fucking thing, and, like, get a big ice cream chunk out of it and sew it up. There's another one that's called, like, mo's, where it's, like, layer by layer by layer.


But that's something that you do for more sensitive areas of your body. Like, if it was on your eyelid or.


I don't.


Scrotum or something. I like something sensitive. And then the other one is, like, topical creams that, like, kill it on its own. But she goes, I'd much rather 100% get it all the way out. And I'm like, can you just send me an email of all of this, like, information and pick the choices? And so what do you.


What happens now?


So what happens now? Well, I got to go read the email. Look at the choices. I need to call my parents. I've called my parents yet. I've only called because then I was like, I gotta call Patricia. But then I'm like, maybe I need to wait until I tell Patricia in person. But then I'm like, I'm gonna go on this podcast, and I gotta fucking matt.


I would like. A part of me would just, like, want to get it removed and then say it after. I don't wanna freak everybody, everybody.


I'm not in. Once again, guys, I'm not trying to freak y'all out. I just also feel like this is important to share.


Yeah, no, it's.


Go get your skin checked up.




And you know what? And the big thing is, like, it's also my skin, my sensitivity. Yeah, I've been out in the sun also. I got the whole fucking. I've gone to tanning beds every time I've done gutate psoriasis, forgot about the tanning beds, right? And I've been dancing along that little, like, devil for a long time. But every time I've done tanning beds, it's been every two or three years for one month at a time, maybe two times a week, which is still so risky, so unhealthy to do. But that's what I just want to do to clear up my skin. So, in a way, did it to myself. But I'm not going to die. I'll have to do chemo or anything like that. It's so mild. Thank you. But let's get live strong bracelets for me and make this my hope. But I mean, all sensitivities, cancer is very serious. And they're think my lucky stars out of all types of cancer. This is what I get.


If you let that go, obviously it could get worse and worse, right?




You know what? I haven't even had time to google all of this. And I was. And right when I was sitting here, I was trying to google stuff to give you guys information, but the more I was googling it, I was kind of freaking myself out. Yeah, I need to spend time.


You walked in in such a positive mood. So props to you on being able to hear the news. And still I would be.


Thank you.


I cannot believe you just found out.




You got to keep your wits about you.


Well, like, it's not anything, you know, super serious. And it is treatable. Yeah. Because that is. That is scary. I keep. I keep seeing stuff all the time. Like, people are age, like, a lot of men are getting colon cancer.




That's a very common thing I keep seeing now. And I'm like.


And esophageal cancer, too. You're having, like, weird heartburn. Burps. Please go get it checked out.


I just can't believe you're like, can you check this? And, like, that's crazy to me. It's. Yeah, it looks like a rat. It doesn't look anything serious.


Everything that I was worried about wasn't the issue. It was something I wasn't even paying attention to that had the skin cancer in. Once again, it's not. I don't need to go funding. We start wearing ribbons for me.


What's your. What's your, um, your color?


Oh, for my green and blue? I bet there is a skin cancer color, cuz don't like cancer. I don't know.


Let's all wear stripes for Matt.


Rugby tees for Matt.








Oh, gosh.


We should have a party.


Hey, can we make sure that it's office match?


Every single. It's, like, 400 people, but we're all in stripes and funky socks. Stripes for metal stripes. Matt is such a good, like, manner.


So, yeah, the next step is getting it removed, but I just don't know the timeline of it. And I'm bummed because I've been, like, working out, like, every fucking day. I have the whole month free, and I've been like, I just want to.


Get the gym scrape it off for you.


It doesn't sound. It doesn't seem like something that's gonna be. The recovery is gonna be bad, either. Just hope, right?


I guess. But it's like, how deep are those stitches? How.


Skin cancer. And they had to cut a huge, huge chunk. And apparently it was like, I don't know if it was melanoma, but it was a very serious one.




So I guess it depends. Like, it could look small on the surface, but it could be deeper under the skin that you don't realize. I guess they start getting in there.


Y'all's reaction, right? Would have told you.


Like, in my head. In my head, you know, very dark in my head, I'm just, like, cancer, but, like, it. But in my head, I was like, it's obviously not cancer.


If it was. If it was, like, I found out I had testicular cancer, I probably would have canceled this episode.




Like, I have to, like. Like, I'm not to go make a baby. Yeah, right? Like, I. If it was something much more serious, Mike, thank goodness. I was with my friend Matt Reynolds. He's an amazing nurse. And just him talking through it and being like, you're fine. This happens.


Like, how can I sit here and bitch a moan about some testicular cancer that I thought I had when he had one on his back? The whole time.


The whole time?




The whole time.


How am I gonna sit here and be excited about our entire vacation, you being in Europe after finding out on.


I just camp. It's been on your back while I was sitting here. Oh, guys, guys.


You thought you were being proactive.


Who knows, though, how long it's been there?


I'm curious.


Well, like, I definitely. The last time, like, I had psoriasis outbreak, which was what? Two summers ago? They had to have looked at my body and been like, that looks weird.


I. I want to see if I, like, ever noticed it.


You want to see it? Well, because. But they cut it. So it's, like, scab. You would have not thought pirice had.


Anything to do with it. Or did not. Do you think?


But, like, I. I don't know. I'm also, like, so scared of, like, talking about, like, I don't know.


Just because you don't know. You don't know much.


But it's also just my types of skit. My type of skin.




And I want to go to the doctor. I'm gonna be now just like, a goth girl all summer. Like. Like a black umbrella, like Helen bottom Carter, like Sweeney Todd.


Just like, you're making me, like, really think twice of ever doing a tanning bed ever again.


I would never do it ever again.


Well, no, now, definitely.


And the thing is, I love them. I love the tanning beds every time I did it.


But what about, like. But what about, like, sitting out in the sun, like, while you're on the set? Like.


Just wear sunscreen.


No, I know, but, like, now you definitely have to wear sunscreen all the time.


Yeah, for sure. I'm gonna be, like, now, like, always making sure my back, especially.




Just never directly, like, exposed. Like, I'll probably hang out with my shirt off in the water. But this whole area.


Think about that.


Yeah, it kind of, like. It kind of bums me where I'm like, damn, I can never, like, really try to get that tan.


Yeah. And it's just. It's always this chip on your shoulder, you know?


Cause, like, I always, like, pink. And then I do get tan. My brother, he can never get tan. But now I'm like, damn, I just.


Started treating that much different. Look, whatever you need. Yeah, just let it. Let me know. You want. Matt, you want to sit here? You want to sit in my seat?


Oh, yeah. I'm gonna be milking. Yeah. Can I get, like, free Disney passes for, like, 30 year olds? All respect, though, to everyone who does it.


You use it every chance you get to guess free shit.


But, well, my skin cancer.


You're reaching out to, like, self tanning products?


Oh, yeah. I might get a good, free self.


Oh, hit up aquaphor. They would eat this up.


Yeah, eat it up.


I'm gonna cash in on this a big. It's terrible priority boarding. I have the most tiniest.


Garlic and.




Matt would have wanted us to joke about.


We get Barbara O'Neill, like, in, like, what you really need some rosemary if you want to get to skin cancer. She would get. Her name is. Yeah.


Look, in the end of the day, it's treatable.




It's very. So it'll all be good. I'm glad I caught it, but yeah. Had to tell y'all that to get off my chest. But I want to hear about y'all. Y'all been having some fun travels. Zayn. Mister Wanda lust over here, baby.


Traveling world, not getting skin cancer, but don't jinx it would get something. Trust me. Um, what I do. I was traveling the world, baby. I went to, I went to where I saw. I don't remember. I was.




I went to like six different countries, including the US. It was, it was fun. The start of it, as soon as I get to the airport, starts off with it. With a nice fight at the airport, right? It was right before, like, I'm waiting at my gate and all of a sudden I just see people screaming. I was like, this is what I needed, baby. Cuz I was like, yeah. I was kind of, like, I was kind of bored and I knew how. An hour to kill and I heard fighting and I immediately got up and, like, ran around.


It's the best, cuz, you know, like, it's about to be super serious in the airport, cuz they don't, they don't play around with that stuff.




And you know, it's about to be a scene.


Yeah, okay.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I ran around and I was. Everybody saw me get up and run for the fight. It was so embarrassing. 30 and these two ladies are yelling at this one kid, like, you're still. You're still. You're still, like, in the airport. It's crazy. But. But first of all, why are you still in the airport? It's like the worst place that, like, try to, like, commit cameras everywhere. Yeah. It's just not a good place to do it.


What kind of store?


Like, it was like one of those, like, Hudson. Yeah, Hudson use. It was like.


It was a Hudson news.


It was a Hudson, baby. See? Are we in England or.


No, no, no. This is, this is Lax. Oh, this is the start. As soon as I got to the airport and I'm waiting on my gate, this fight happens. And obviously, like, as a bystander, I'm recording, you know, just in case any, any shit pops off and let you guys see it, too, obviously. Then these two girls, they, they walk up to me and they're like, oh, my God. Hi. And I got so embarrassed because they saw me the whole time running up, running around and just like, watching and then filming just like a little kid and came up there. Even in the video that I filmed, they're like, they're, they're right next to the fight. But that happened. It was really funny.


Did he get, like, tackled? Did they go after the guy or he just get away?


He, um.


Did they take his ticket away? Like, if you get. God stealing, do they.


No, no, he. Him and his, him and his. It was him and his girlfriend. I forget what they said in the video, but it was real now. These ladies were pissed that were. They're like, your girlfriend's a whore. Oh, like, it was like, it was. Yeah, like a guy for, like, someone working to say that, like, what happened? I didn't see what happened in the store. I only saw him walking out and the two ladies, like, following and just, like, screaming at him. These lady also seemed like they were working there for many years, like 25 years probably. So I think they felt like they could just.


Yeah, they don't play that.


They had, like, they were grandfathered in, you know, like once you work at a certain spot for a certain amount of time, you just don't care anymore.


You're like, yeah, a customer.


Yeah. You know, like the back of your hand.


Exactly. But, yeah, that happened. We flew. I flew to London and I met up with Hidayah there. My little sister, she. We went to see the, we went to the Furiosa movie, which was awesome. Like, the whole thing was great. It was awesome.


You actually saw the movie too?


Mm hmm. I saw the movie. I fell asleep halfway through because I was extremely tired. I was. No, I was exhausted.


And that's the thing is about movie premieres, is that you sign up if you, if you get invited, you think it's really awesome in LA, you show up in the. You not gonna see that movie for another like 2 hours from the moment you show. I know, like, it takes forever. The red carpet, all of that stuff. Because every time you go, the movie, you go in right when it starts. Yeah, sit in. It's really annoying. But, yeah, you're exhausted by the time.


No, this premiere had food. But like, and all those premieres that we, like, get invited to, they never have food. There's just no food. You know, popcorn. No, like this, this one, it doesn't.


Have like a concession open. So you couldn't go order something if you.


Yeah, why don't they let people but, like, buy it? Why can we buy something to eat or drink? It's like just no food is allowed. For some reason in this theater, they.


Weren'T even giving you just like the pre filled drinks in the popcorn.


No, we got for this one, we got a. Sorry, Warner brother. We got a water bottle on chips. Water bottle, Matt, I was stealing other people's baggage. So hungry. I was starving. Are you tired? And.




And then the kid two chairs down that I took it from, he was like, where's my popcorn? Or, where's my chips? And I'm like, duffin it. I was like, oh, there's an extra one here. It must be yours. And I had to give it back to him, and I was so pissed.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Rocket money.


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That's unfiltered one more time so you don't forget.

[00:23:06] unfiltered. Thank you, Rocket money, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much, and thank you for saving my best friend lump sum lumps of money. But that weekend, we did extreme go karting, which I didn't know it was this extreme. It would. Have you ever been, like, extreme go karting?


Like the indoor stuff?


No, no. It's like. It's like go karting, but it goes like. It can go up to, like 70 miles an hour. Shit. It's.


They got really serious ones.


So we. They had us do that. And, you know, we're all signing up.




Oh, this is like regular go kart is gonna be fine. And they had. I couldn't even ride it because her there. Because she had a scar.


Put the balaclava on.


Yeah, exactly.




They were like, you a man, you can't wear a scarf. But we have a balaclava, which everybody had to wear, but she didn't want to wear it. And she also just had her put her, like, press on nails that were this fucking long. So you could. She couldn't even drive it. So, like, two things that she couldn't do it. But they were saying that she can't wear the scarf because the scarf could, like, get caught. And we're like. We're all looking like, that's. That's a little weird. Okay, whatever. And then we get in the go karts and we start driving. It is in say, I think God had. I didn't do it. Cuz she would have. She would have got crashed. They were.


They go, really?


Was it, like, full, like, how many people were they like, oh, your markets that go.


It was maybe it. I think it was like, like 30 of us.


You didn't know anybody else on the.


Oh, no, I didn't know anybody.




To know anybody.


How'd you do?


Did you drive good? Would you play, say, I place.


17Th place? I don't know how many. Oh, yeah. It was like out of. Out of like 20. I think it was actually 25 because I remember the list. 17. I was pretty low, but it was. I think it was like 20 to 23 people. But I was so I didn't get the hang of it until, like, the last, like, three laps. Right? But it was, like, 20 laps, and I could not. Every time I turned, I would break inter. But everybody was zooming past me. I'm like, what am I doing wrong? And then I decided, like, to, like, go fast. And then I just kept spinning. You do. You spin out of control?


It's scary.


And when somebody else hits you, it does. It just does not feel good at all. And, um. And I kept spitting out of control. Like, I I was waving that yellow flag. Half the time, it was so he was that kid.


Assuming you a flag.


No. So. No. So as soon as you crash, they immediately. They give you, like, a yellow flag from the side line, and you have to start waving it because people are going so fast, you don't see them until you hit them.


Excuse me.


Yeah, it was. But, um, I. As soon. And then I realized that when you're turning, you can gas it and. And you're not guessing. Out of control. And I didn't realize that until three. Three laps before we finished.


So we need to do a redemption.


Yeah. After we finish that, we get on our flight to go to. To go to. Where is it? Budapest.




And on the plane, I'm. I'm really excited, right. To international flight. Warner brothers could take care of me. So I was in, like, business class. It was really nice, and I was really excited. I'm sitting there. I'm like, I can't wait to see this food.


It's Istanbul. No, it was like, what airline was it?


It was British Airways. Okay, y'all, do not fly if you're hungry. Do not.


Bakers and mash.


Matt. Matt. I get served the. I get this, like, dish, right? I think it was like, some sort of salad or something, or. I don't know what. What it came. It was like. It was raw carrots. It was, like, raw green beans, and it was maggots.


Shut the fuck up. Wait until you see.


He said this picture, and I was like, you're lying.


Wait. Real maggots are like, like, cuisine mealworms? Like what, Matt?


I couldn't tell you.


It was like chickpeas.


It was not chickpeas.


It's. It's mealworms foot.






You have to look at the meal, because I was disgusted.


The fact that that was served on a plane is absolutely. It's wrong.


Could you not, like, pick the cuisine before you? Or was this, like, the opening, like, dish? Like, everybody got this salad.


I didn't see anyone around me eating this dish. I think I was the only one that got it for a reason. I think they know I was saying.


Like, the flight attendant was probably like, really? Zoom.


Okay. That's what. This is what I ate. Matt, please imagine this came in front of you. So just to give you.


This is.


This is a bed of raw carrots with raw green beans. It's not cooked. None of this is cooked. And then everything you see in between, there are, like, these meal worms.


They're meal.


They look like the maggots or something.


Wait, that's not like a vegetable, right? That we're mushrooms?


I call the.


Looks just like me call the flight.


Attendant over, and I'm like, hey, what are these things in my plate? She's like.


Like this.


Oh, those are the. Those are the. What did I tell you? What did I tell you?


She tried telling you that it was like, dirty rice.


Yeah. She said, oh, that's rice. And I'm looking at again, like, are you? She takes a closer look. She's like, that's not supposed to look like that. I'll be right back.


Jordan, can we confirm those are worms a meal? Worms are mealworms.


Yeah, sure.


Which I've ate, but I did.


I did try it. And, you know, if it's. Obviously, it's a. It's a cuisine.


You were like, I'm gonna sue.


I did.


I'm not.


Just. The whole dish was unsatisfactory.




How are you serving this on a plane?


Did the menu have the picture of, like, the chefs? You know, like, you go in first class, and it's like, this is like Wolfgang puck and, like, his gut, and there's, like, a bug guy there, like, the little bug ovens from the nineties. Like, I just.


I pictured, like, fancy british people on this flight. You look over there, like, cutting them in half.


Loving it.


I love a scrumptious mealworm. Nothing like a good meal.




Y'all did research, though. When you sent it to us, what.


Would you fought, would you find?


Remember, I sent it back to you. It was a whole article of, like, mealworm cuisine.


UK is mealworms.




Why do they, like, the taste of source of protein?


That it is gross. That it's a meal worm. But, like, they're not that bad. But, like, I've ate them for, like, fun at, like. Like, someone buys them. It's like a gag.


You get, like, the chili powder. Yeah, meal worms.


I think you go to a restaurant somewhere, and, like, I think that's more appropriate than, like, someone, you know, someone's about to go to the UK for the first time.




I can't wait. They're sitting there to get the food. That shouldn't be the first thing they see.


But also, if the person next to.


Me got that, I would be like, 20,000 barf bag.


I'd be nauseous.


But then Zane asked for the fresh fruit dessert.


Shit. Where's the other half of the fruit cup?


That's a half a strawberry, ma'am.


So you get to Istanbul or. Boo. Budapest.


Budapest? Yeah. Beautiful. Have you ever been?




Oh, my gosh.


Look. Amazing.


Yeah, it was really, really beautiful. And the sun setting every, like, the sky was pink and the buildings are gorgeous. It was truly a sight. I actually never got to see the baths. Remember, we're talking about, like, seeing the bath. I. We never got a chance to see the bats go to Austin, which is crazy. But, um. Oh, remember I was saying, did I ever mention on podcast that it was like we were going for some, like, spice festival thing?




Okay. It was nothing. We were nothing of the sort.


The whole thing was like, he was telling me all about. He's like, yeah, it's supposed to be a spice fest. It's like, music performance. Like, this whole.


It's gonna be a festival. Like, in my head, I was picturing, like, they. They have, like, they rent to the grounds for a Budapest Coachella music festival. And I was expecting, like, spice markets everywhere. Just everybody's, like, buying spices and going to watch, listen to music. I just. Spice Girls performing expected just, like, this whole image in my head up of it. And it was just the complete opposite. It was pretty much just the market. It's their. It's their marketing thing where they just bring people out and they just throw parties for them in different areas of Budapest in different, like, bars.




People, like, the people of Budapest. Like the government.




I had no idea. Had no idea they were doing.


They're trying to boost tourism, so they're.


Telling, you know, any.


Any city, they're telling, like, influencers, celebrities that there's this, like, huge spice fest, and, like, you need to come out and travel here for this.


Because when we landed, we were in. We got in our, like, our. Our taxi or uber, and he was telling us all about Budapest. He was like, you know, being the tour guide, like, while driving, and he knew everything about it. We're like, are you. Do you know about the spice festival? He's like, the what? We're like, this Budapest, the big. It's the biggest thing he's like, I don't know what you're talking about. And he thought he has his friend next to him.


He goes, have you heard of spice music?


You've never heard of it? And so I pull up the deck. I'm like, look. He looks at it. He goes, oh, yes. This is, this is what we do to get you guys to come. He's like, this is a bit spice. This is a bitch stick. I was like, no, I know it's a bitch. Like, but there's no spice sauce.


So you were invited by the tourism board to go out and, uh, yeah, okay.


I didn't get invited. The, um, other people on the trip got invited.


I just went, tagged along.


Tagged along? Yeah. And, um, and now that I'm seeing it, it's not, it wasn't. There's no spice festival. It's just called Spice of Europe. I don't know where I got festival from.


Making shit up.


Everybody was saying spice festival. I did not come up with.


But what is the vibe of, like, Budapest? Is it. So it's like Eastern Europe, right?


Does it feel.


It felt very like Slovakia. Like, I might know Budapest is very, Slovakia.


Feels like Slovakia. Feels exactly what it sounds like.




Okay. I don't know how to explain.


It's kind of like Russian. Kind of Russian.


I got russian vibes when I was in Slovakia. What is Budapest? Budapest felt like Italy.


Oh, okay.


It was a beautiful building.


What, everywhere in Istanbul.






It hungarian. It was hung. People are speaking Hungarian.




It's just, I was thinking Slovakia is different, though. People are like, we are not hungry. Okay, we're Slovakia.




They're very.


Were the people nice to that? Were they dressed?


Everybody was so sweet.




Everybody's very, very nice.


What a pretty country, though.


How are the women's aim?


Oh, beautiful.




Yeah. There was, there was a few spice. Hungarian, spicy. There's a few hungarian models also, like, there to every news.


Oh, they got trapped in the. The allure of the fake parade.


The what?


The spice of Europe.


Oh, yeah. Everybody was on. Everybody did not expect this. It was like, completely out of what a thing, though.


Like, you get everybody there to try to boost tourism with a lie.


But no, but it worked. Like, no, everything was beautiful, though. Everything was great.




Just some of us thought there was a festival.


Was it, like, clubby? Was like, bam bam, bam ba ba.


There was moments, you know, we got to see the opera.


That's cool.


You went and saw an opera?


No, no, we didn't see an opera. They had something in the opera.




Opera is beautiful. Oh, my God. It was my first time seeing, like, an opera room.


And it takes your breath away.




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And download the Zocdoc app for free. Then find and book a top rated doctor today. Thank you, Zocdoc, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much. And thank you for keeping us all healthy. Baby. While I was in the cat, while we were in that cab to when he was, like, giving us a little tour of the whole place, the, although all the, like, the lot, like, the lawns, everyone's lawn in front of their houses were weirdly not mowed. It was just, it was like, purposely not mowed natural landscaping. And I asked him, like, it was, it was weird enough where I had to ask him, like, hey, why is everyone's lawns not, like, not mowed? And he's like, and I don't know if this is true or not. This is really interesting. He was telling me that the, the, the mayor believed that animals, like, bees also, like, deserve a place to live. Like, animals deserve place to live also. So they wanted to keep it as lighting.




It's not kept as possible everywhere, which I like, but I don't sound stupid. I don't know if he was, like, being serious or not, but it, like, made sense. Like, yeah. I was like, oh, wow.


Like, if you're gonna, like, build homes on the land, at least let, like, the animals.


Yeah. And so it sounds like they're really environmentally friendly.


Yeah, very sensible. Their ecosystem, for sure.


And by the way, I don't want to be talking about any other energy drink, but there's this energy drink out there called hell. Right? It's just called hell.


Does it look it up? Does it look devilish?


I don't wanna.


It's, yeah, the logo is a devil, but that's, like, the main energy drink out in, like, hell.


Hell bottoms up in the devil.


Just every itch, every sin. That's a choice for me out there, too. The main, the face of hell. I want you to look at who the face of hell is.




Bruce Willis. So you just, you saw his face everywhere. On top of hell. Energy drink. And they don't only make energy drinks. They make, like, they have a whole factory where they make a whole range of different, like, items of, like, consumption.


That's the best kind of brand deal where you get in a foreign country, you just show up, be like, like, boom, here you are. A million.


Why is he the face of this?


Probably because of, I bet, action movies.


And I also think he's. I also think he's hungarian. Probably Bruce Willis.


No, maybe by, like, his deep 23.


Andme said.


But it's such a weird thing for him to, like, want to do.


I do. Yeah. But go to Japan, and you'll see, like, Arnold Schwarzenegger selling, like, sour gummy worms.


Like, it's, like, japanese sour. Yeah.


Yeah. I think you see America, it's just foreign countries, they do their target audience research or. Yeah.


Oh, yeah. We thought it was interesting. And then we. Like, of course, as we're talking about, like, it. Hell's everywhere. We drive past, like, their factory, and it's massive.


It looked like the hell factory.


Yeah, it looked like the Amazon warehouse. Like, it was massive. And it wasn't just one. It was 2123. It was, like, different health factories.


It tasted good.


I don't think it was anything special, but, yeah, accelerators better. So drink accelerated.


That's right.


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Thank you. Accelerator. We love you.


We end up going, we were at this mall for a little bit, right? And then. And it was that night, and we leave the mall, and this, like, homeless lady, or just like, this lady that, you know.


Mm hmm.


She comes up to us, and she's, like, speaking in Hungarian, and she's like this. And we're like, oh, who has money? And our friend, all he had was a $100 bill. And he's just. And he gives it to her, is like, here. And she takes it and walks away. And the kid, some kid comes up to us and goes, you shouldn't have given her that. Because he realized what. What he just gave her. He said, you shouldn't have given her that. She's just gonna throw that away. And we're like, no, she's not. And we see her walk to the bus stop, talk to this girl, grabs a cigarette, and gives the girl a $100 for a cigarette.




So the home. The homeless lady gives this girl at the bus stop a $100 just to bum a cigarette.


She just wanted smoke. She didn't want.


All she wanted was a cigarette. And our friend lost $100 just for her random lady at the bus stop. The lady took that money. She was like, it was crazy. The kid called it, though, immediately. Called it before she. Before she did anything with it.




The kid was just like, you shouldn't have done that. We're like, oh, shit.


She probably had no idea how much, like, a $100 in us money was.


Yeah, no, it was an american hundred dollar bill.


It was american hundred dollar bill. Yeah. Sorry.


I should have said she was amazing.


American hundred.


Oh. Because I was like, why wouldn't she just go? I could buy tons of packs of it.




Oh, that's.


Isn't that crazy? And she probably. She probably knew his money. She.


She just didn't know.


She just didn't. I just don't think she cared enough. She just wanted a cigarette really bad.


I've been there.




I'd be picking him out of the trash.


Yeah. And it was like, half a cigarette. It wasn't even a full one. She took it out of her mouth. Mouth.


Ew. Wolf. Damn. Yeah, someone got lucky with that.


I'm just curious, because I know when you were talking about the trip you were gonna be doing all these countries, but then you changed your mind. You were like, I'm just gonna go to Florida and see, like, my family. What made. Were you just having, like, a lot of fun. And we're like oh, I'm gonna stay. And actually um.


Oh, why I went to, why I went to Jordan Egypt.


Yeah. Cuz I remember you were gonna go back to Florida and not do those.


Yeah I was, yeah. So I was gonna go to Florida with Hidayah to see my, my mom and dad because my dad lives in Orlando, my mom.


Right, right.


I was just gonna kind of do like a bounce around in Florida for the, for the last end of our little vacation. And we're in Budapest, it was our last night and we were gonna hop on a flight in maybe like, like 6 hours, right. It was at night and we were out just kind of partying with the Budapest people. And I get a call from the travel agent that's been taking care of, of our friends travels. She calls me and goes, hey, um, just wanted to let you know that none of the your flight hotels activities for Jordan Egypt have been canceled yet. Like you are still, you're still still on booktrack, you're still on track to go, right. And I was like no, no I'm not, I'm going to Florida. I thought I canceled it. She's like, it was never canceled and it's not, it's non refundable too.


Uh oh.


So what are you gonna do? I was like, oh my God. Like I, I like at this point, like I really didn't want to go, I just wanted to see my family and, and she told me how much like you that I was losing and I was like oh my God, double digits. I cuz I already, and I already booked my flights already dollars. And I already booked my like double.




Sorry, I just, it's hard to think my skin cancer enough. That's so funny.


Oh, you had to cancel your trip.


So wait, so you decide.


So hidayah is fast asleep, right? She's getting her rest for her anticipating.


To go to florida.


Go to florida. And I find this out at like 230 in the morning. And I asked her like when is this flight for eat for Jordan? She's like it's in, it's in, it's in 4 hours, 3 hours and you're already mentally prepared.


I'm going to florida.


Yeah. Like I didn't pack enough.


That's hard.


Yeah. I didn't pack for door, I didn't pack for you. I did.




I just was not expecting this and I, and the worst part was now I have to wake up in it, I have to wake up he daya and tell her that I'm not. I'm not going to florida with her. You know what I mean? Because I didn't want to change her plans.




So I go to the room and I wake her up, and she's like, what? What? Woken her out of her deep slumber? And I'm like, he daya, listen to me. Things have changed, and I have to go to Jordan in egypt. She's like, when I was like, in an hour and a half. We have to pack right now if. If you want to come. We have to pack right now and go. And she's like, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. I'll go.


Oh, good.


And immediately she gets up and starts packing.


She's a true guy right there.




She's a good, spontaneous.


Yeah. And, um. And immediately we pack up in, like, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and we get out and go straight to the airport and get on our flight to Jordan. We.


Was it. Was it worth it? Are you happy you stayed and finished the trip out there, or.


It was nice. It was definitely, like, it was worth it. Now I'll get into all that, but it just, like, stay. It just stunk.




Just not, like, mentally prepared.


Yeah. It's a whole different shift, and it's a.


It's a different world, too.


So you land in Jordan. Is it hot? Is it a metropolis?


I was so excited. Land, landing in Jordan, because this is. This is. This is my world.


This is the land of your people.


The land of my people.


Is this close to.


This is.


This is Glendale.


This is. Is Jordan closer? Lebanon? Yes, a little bit. Yeah, it's close to Lebanon. Um, we land immediately. I feel the vibes. I see my name everywhere. Like, saying is like, this really brand out there. It's called. It's about z a I s end. But still, like I said, I saw that was like, oh, this is it. I see Arabs everywhere. Or Jordanian. Sorry, Jordanians everywhere. And. And I see people drinking tea already. I'm like, this is exciting. I mean, I'm gonna eat all the best food. I'm gonna drink all the arabic tea I want. I can't wait. But we were only in Jordan for a day, right? We were stopping in Jordan for a day and then going to Egypt.


Did you go and see. Did you see Petra?


What is Petra?


Yes. This.


The secret temple carved into this mountainside. It's also like in Indiana Jones.


Why have I never.


Oh, is it?


Yeah. Like, I think it's Indiana Jones to the lost.


They filmed that here.


Yeah. The outside of it. Yes, they filmed. Yeah, they filmed a lot of it right there, where they, like, Indiana Jones discovers something.


It's iconic in person. Guys, this was insane. I was not expecting, because yet we had a walk a far way through all the rocks. We were seeing, like, all these, like, carved out tombs. Yeah, like, you know, you're not allowed to go in. This is just, like, all from, like, you know, centuries ago. And we were expecting this to be very small. Like, we just didn't know what we're walking into. And as soon as we saw, we could not believe how big it was. And it's crazy that, like, they just found this one day. They're just exploring. Imagine just exploring and just finding that.


It's, like, what all movie sets are inspired by. And then that. That's it. Like, irl.


Yeah, it was. It was absolutely beautiful. And right there, it's hidden, like, behind the rock, there's, like, there's this store where you can, like, buy, like, snacks. You could buy tea, buy air, like, turkish coffee right by just, like, souvenirs and shit. So that was, like, all really cool. And when we got there, we were, like, the only ones there. And usually, like, they say, like, like, tourism. Usually thousands of people are there.


That's what I've seen in pictures is, like, it's packed.


And so we were. When we got there, we're the only ones there. And then. Then throughout the day, because we were there for a while, throughout the. Throughout the day, more and more people started showing up and ended up being like.


Right, right.


But, yeah, that was really.


Is it something you can go in? You kind of just look at it from the.


No, you can. Only they won't let you go inside.


What's it.


Because? Because it's, like, their tombs.


Yeah. And I bet, like, very. Probably not the most sturdy thing on the inside. Like, it's built.




From a long time ago.




Or they're hiding something in it that you can't see.


No, I don't think they're hiding anything. I think, honestly. Honestly, it was. It's more like safety and also respect. Like, either big on respect. Like, don't enter the tombs.


It's all about the respect.




Was it. Did you pay a ticket to enter that area? Like, is there.


Yes. Yeah, you paid. You paid. Like, there was, like a gate all the way in the. All the way in the front where you pass through.




Then you go on a dirt road, and then you hit the rocks. And then you start walking through rocks.




The city, is it, um. It's not far. Like 30 minutes out of the city.


That's dope.


Um, but that's pretty much all we did in Jordan. Really, really sick. Really cool experience. Um, and then. Oh, and the cats there. I wanted to take a cat home so bad.




It wasn't like, it was so sweet.


It wasn't like Dean.


It wasn't like, it was sweet. They would come up to you. Just a lot of straight huddle. Yeah, they all look just like that.


Like Mykonos. Mykonos had stray cats everywhere.


It was just like that. And they were so sweet. They were really huddle with you. They would talk to you.


Damn. Even the cats, they're trying to get.


A little tip.


Yeah, they. They're also, like, star. I feel like they're, like, probably starving in. Thirsty. So that. But they do feed. They do feed them a lot. They feed them a lot of the food that, like, from the restaurants and shit. And we. So, yeah, we. We get on our flight, we hit Egypt, and we land, and the first thing that happens is that we get stopped by TSA because our camera guy, Ferris, he has a drone in his bag, and drones are a big.


Oh, really?


Anywhere in, like, pretty much any middle eastern country, like, no drones. You cannot have a drone interest.


I even have it.


Even have. If you have it, it's still like. Like, what the hell are you doing with a drone here? I think they had to, like, prove that we were filming, like, a documentary.


Right, right.


All that, but, yeah, it's a big.


Because it so real quick, when you're flying into Egypt, did you see the pyramids from the plane?


No, I didn't.




I think. I don't think I was on the right side.


Got it.


But my side.


That's good, though.


It was pretty much all. Yeah, it's good.


It didn't ruin the surprise.


Um, yeah. So we land and we, like, go see the pyramids. Pearson meets up. Meets up with us in Egypt. Um, and these pyramids, so much bigger in person.


Yeah, they are, Matt. It's wild.


It's crazy. It, like, does not make sense. Right? And we're. So we're the tour guide, and we were. He was talking to us about the pyramids. And after we saw it, after. You'd like, up close to it, you're touching it. You see it. We also go, like, in the tomb of. We go inside of, like, the. The main one, the biggest one. And it's so funny because I was not expecting it to be. It was underwhelming because you you would think it would look like what you see in the movies.


Zane thought it was gonna be a mall inside.


No, not all. I expected it.


I was gonna be like Super Mario.


Like gold with hieroglyphics, like monk, like, you know. You know, like the. The statues all standing side by side, like, all. But it wasn't anything like that.


It's a really narrow, like, crawl space to get into it, and then it opens up and it. The great pyramid. There's like, one room with one.


Like, one little room. Yeah, in the end. So you're walking all the way down, you get to the main part, and it's like just one little room no bigger than this room.


And that's it.


And if there's no writing on the wall or anything, that's it. And then you just go back up.


The cool tombs are the ones that are in, like, the valley of the kings, where you walk in, and it still has the original paint on the ceilings, the walls with, like. Like.


Yeah, like, you weren't seeing any of that in the pyramid.


Look up valley.


Okay. Yeah, which.


Which I did. Which I was expecting.


Loved this.


Like, yeah, this is what I was expecting.


Original. Like, that's insane.


Like, crash bandicoot, you know, I'm saying, you know, in crash Bandicoot, you see this shit. That's what I thought we were gonna see.


Like, I'm not. That's what you thought in the pier.


Yes, that's exactly what I thought we were gonna walk into. But he. We were looking up what the pyramids look like before. And, like, when they were built, they were, like, perfectly, like, smooth, smooth. And after we saw it, we were taught our tour guide, we're like, it. It just doesn't make sense that humans, like, built this. Like, please. Like, like, what are the locals think? And the locals also don't believe that they built it either. Like, the tour guy was like, I don't think humans built that. Like, there's no way. Like, guys, if you've never been to the pyramids, go look at the pit. It does not make sense.


No equipment that we have.


They had a. They had this pulley system and they had to. All the equipment. I'd like those rock. It was, dad.


It's so perfect cut. But that stone that it's from is somewhere from, like hundreds of miles away.


Yeah, they had a cross and I'll.


River with the up river from the quarry. There's no where the rocks were mined from.


They were giants. They weren't like us.


It, like, doesn't make sense.


And there's. I think there's a million stones for the great Pyramid. They weigh. They weigh like, five to ten tons.


I want mythbusters to build a pyramid with no equipment.


I think there's a lot of videos of people.


People try to do things and, like, they put it on, like the. The roli thing or whatever.


No, the first layer. Yeah, you could do the first.


And I. And I say this, and I say this because they is just insane.


Like, this true marvel to look at. Yeah.


It's truly a wonder of the world.


It's just they're mapping out how they did it, but they never show how they got the one on top.


Let's see. I want to see video.


They only show the first two tears. I want proofing.


And it's. But seeing all three pyramids out there, it looked like a green screen.




It was insane.


Did you. You got to see it at night where they, like, light it up and it looks like, oh, it's the most beautiful thing.


And then we saw the sphinx. You would think the sphinx was so much bigger.


Is this small?


It's tiny. I was. I was.


Pyramid. It's time.


Yeah, but still, like, I wasn't expecting it that small. Like, I don't know.


Like, what do you compare?


I don't know where. I, like, where I've seen the sphinx also.


That's exactly.




It was so. It was actually much more rundown than I thought thought it was gonna be. It was like, really?


They think that the Sphinx was, like, vandalized and, like, defaced and what, like, they tried.


That's what Nas says in that one song. You know that. I know I can't be where I wanna be.




It's like, I don't know. There's some line about how they, like, destroyed the noses of the Sphinx or whatever, because there's, like, some. Yeah, I don't. I should be talking about if I knew more about it.


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The obelisk is one piece of stone to erect. That doesn't make sense.


Because the whole time, why should. I mean, no one was on me except for fucking, like, for David and Pearson. But he just kept saying it. He was saying this word more than any other word.




Any other word. Just every form of the word erection just erected, erecting, erection. It was. It was really. It was. So as soon as you said, that was like, he brought you back. I've never. Yeah. I never heard you use a word.


The largest known enough strong the largest egyptian obelisk is estimated to be 42 meters tall. If it had been completed. Okay, so that was the one that didn't finish by the giants.


Giants, yeah, definitely.


So that. That biggest obelisk. Listen, listen. Is 1200 tons. Okay.




1200 tons. One piece of rock.




Which comes out to.


How do they. Some.


2,645,547 pounds.




You chisel that one piece of rock, and then you erect it.


Do they bury it also into the ground? How is that stabilized?


How do you get that to stand up? Up?


Well, I think I do know the answer.


2 million pounds.


2 million slaves that did it.


2 million.


Well, I mean, it was the crate. Yeah. There were tons of slaves back then, but I don't think the pyramids. I don't know. That's only way I can make sense of it. Unless it was aliens.


What was interesting about the location of this was, you know how when you go to the natural, like, history museum, usually they're really, like, picky about, like, don't be too close to it. Like, there. There's all these rules.


Yeah, right.


That's what. That's what I was expecting. Going by the pyramids. They're offense. They were. They were all. They were like, oh, you want to climb. They want. You want to climb the pyramids? You can go climb the pair.


People are climbing the sides of it.


You could do whatever you want. They just suggest you not to do it because people have died before, like, climbing the pyramids. They just fall and then.




And die. But they. There's no sense of, like, security anywhere. You just kind of like.


Are there all the guys with, like, the camels and they're like, camel.


Right, right. Yeah. And everybody there is trying to.


All over.


All around the pyramid, there's a hundred, hundreds of people trying to sell you the same piece of.


Oh, my God. Okay, okay. The biggest thing that I saw there were these. It was like a picture like these. These coasters, right? And, you know, like David's bar that he has as the light shining through it. You know, when you, like, chisel that rock super thin, it's see through. Through.




They have these bowls there that are just like that. I don't remember what the type of rock is, but they put this one guy sitting out front, right? And he's sitting there and he's, like, scraping away at it, acting like he's making one. Okay. And then they're. They're around you, telling you. Yeah, this guy, it takes this long to do it, blah, blah, blah. The whole process of making these bowls. And we're like, wow, man, it takes this guy a month to be able to carve this and have the light shine through it to not be thin enough to break, but not be too thick to where it doesn't go through. And they are, they are telling you all about this and you're like, man, I really should buy one of these, bro. I bought one. Come to find out that shit is mass produced, not by these people. And they have the guy sitting out there just scratching it to make it look like he's doing it for the selling point of these bowls.


Oh, God. Zayn, Bob Zane.


You did not buy one. I bought one. It broke in my bag on the way home.


Oh, how much was it?


A lot. Let me see. What did you get.


This shit for? The people was everywhere.


Just in Egypt. Just the. The pharaoh or the.


Was it the King Tootin common?


I bought this from like the first souvenir store. Like, oh, my God, this is like awesome. You get it? And I come to find out, I saw I'm not gonna like 200 more of these in all different shapes and sizes.


I gotta get this now while I can.




What else did you get?


I got. Where is it? Oh, I got sand from Petra, from right outside the.


This I respect.


This was really cool.


From Shanghai. Yeah, this is.


I respect that. When you can take the sand and you make like the. The drawings out of it.




People that do that are really talented. This is sick.


I also, I also tossed it to you.


Shake it up.


I also got this. So this, this is an authentic.


Matt, I noticed that the movie recorded, like, who? Zane's been abroad. He's got this bracelet, guys.


No, no, this bracelet was so cool. Right? So we went to like an authentic, like egyptian authentic. No, this was like all set up by the tour guide.


Like he stopped is like getting paid.


Like, I got that commission.


This is made out of real silver.


Okay, okay, what is it of this for the people listening.


So I got a bracelet made. And. And it's my name spelled on hieroglyphics.


No, but I saw beetle.


No wing things, guys. I saw the making. No, this is like truly authentic.


This is like a real z A ne.


The guy working there goes to the Google.


Like, but these are, these are the real signs. Those. That looks like a fake sign.


Many blessings. Well.


Well, I. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this person because you each got one.


I have one.


For how much.


Did you really.


Oh, wait, that's really cool.


Wait, did you really.


Fuck you look, all of you.


It's like green. No, no, this is really cool.


Thank you. Oh, I kind of smell mine.




Oh, my gosh. Smell it.


This was made out of real silver.


It was so.


This is actually so thoughtful.


You got mine in my kind of color. Cuz you know, I don't like, like, it's like the hot chick. It's like freaky Friday. We're just like.


This is actually in my head. I was like, they're gonna love this.


No, this is actually. It was just funny that we were.


No, no, that's not yours. That's heaths.




That's heaths.


Let me see.


He has a lot of letters, though.


This is cool.


No, I love it. I do. I.


Wait, Matt gets a cool brown one.


That's heat style.


Here, Matt, let me see.


That's if you seen the beetle. That's a scarab or that's it for good luck.


Thanks. I'm gonna need it for my back watch for good health.


Maybe I should have given it to.


You before the appointment. I put it on and it just heals. I go back in. They go, it's gone. Did you do anything different?


Those beetles start running through your skin like, mummy returns. It's cheering you.


They're eating.


The cancer is just escaping. Wait. I love that they are all sober.


Screw you.


No, I seriously, screw all of you.


Oh, this is nice. No, I. Zayn, we were doing bits.


Love this one.


Doing bits. This is nice. This is nice.


I was trying so hard to be like it.


Before you explained yourself. That's like, nice bracelet.


Guys, look, his hand turns green. I'm like, fuck it. Jordan, bring it out.


Should we have a contest to see who wears it on the longest?


Well, you know, I like jewelry. So.


That'S something you say to somebody that, like, you don't like the kid. Oh, because, you know, I like jewelry.


You guys are nasty.


It just worked out perfectly that we were already like, nice bracelets.


I'm never doing anything nice for you guys again. Don't ever. Don't ever tell me I've never done nothing.


It starts like glowing in the middle of the night, or it's like Jumanji.


Every time you take it off, it, like, appears where you are. You're like driving. It's in your passenger seat.


Just curse, like, start having withdrawals. But it's like taking. Babe, turn back. I forgot my bracelet.


You have to take it off. Take it off.


I forgot my bracelet back at home.


Take me back. I need it.


Who was that?






I just.


Well, thank you, Zane.


Thank you.




No, that's really. That's really.


Seriously, like, seriously. Thank you. That's so cool. It's cooler. That, like, this came from.






Why does it say made in Bangladesh?


So, I mean, while.


Made in China.


While we're talking about this, you're gonna see a video of it being made.




Oh, we'll send it to me because you figure you forget.


So this was at, like, a show shop by the.


So we went to, like, a drew. Like, a jeweler.




Like, so we went in, we went downstairs, and it looked like just like a. Just like a jewelry store. Right, right. And then we went across the street to where they, like, actually make it. Make the, like, the. They make necklaces, they make bracelets.


Got it.


And you see them make the whole thing.


That's cool.


In their, like, little shop.


Like a little ten year old.


I'm just about, like, if I was in your guys position, I'd be like, uh huh.


Oh, thank you.


This is cool. I'm so happy. It's, like, this color too.


I know, I know. I figured you'd want the brown one.


That whole time, I was picturing, like, the scammer that I saw and this guy just making up letters and just, like, random.


Yeah. That wasn't the best time for me to give you this gift as we're talking about the scale.


No, that was the best time. That's what makes us unfiltered.


That was perfect. Perfect. But what was your actual, like, all time favorite moment of the trip? Like, favorite place? Like, was it Egypt?


Like Jordan? Egypt. Really nice. I probably wouldn't go back, but I'm really glad that I got to go.




Um, and the main reason why I'm saying I probably wouldn't go back because, um, I decided to drink. Well, you know, I made sure to drink out of water bottles the whole time. You know, when you're in other countries, yes, it's best to drink from water bottles, but, like, I wasn't realizing that all their tea, their coffee, their ice cubes, their soups. I love their, like, a lot of the soups that they made. All that's made of just their water. And I just forgot about that. So I was indulging in a lot of that a lot throughout the time we were there. And when we got to. When we flew to New York from Egypt, I got so sick and had insane, like, hot diarrhea. Matt. For two days, it was con. It was constant. It wasn't stopping. And I was blowing up Hadiah's bath. They only have one bathroom. They share a bathroom in one in one little apartment. And you can hear everything from, like, the bathroom. It was like the center play.


Tick tock.


No, Matt. I was turning on the faucet so they didn't hear it, but you could still hear it. And it was throughout the night too. So I'd be in there. I turn on the faucet, and I'd hear Brie from Hadaiah's or from her room.


You stayed at their place for a.


Couple days and you hear Hadai's roommate go, everything good in there?


Or it's. The worst is when you hear, like, little giggles outside, because in your head you're like, I wonder if they just heard that in here. Oh, we got to talk about when we met up in New York and talk about the premiere.




Yes. So we are meeting up with Zayn because we're going to go to the house of the Dragon season two premiere. So we both got there a couple days early, and we met up with Zane, and we go to Brooklyn, and we're just, like, kind of, like, driving around, hanging out, kind of, like, sightseeing. And we decided to go to Coney island. Do you know what Coney island is?


Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know.


Okay. So I went there a while ago with Mariah and her mom, but it was, like, on off season. So the whole amusement park was, like, closed and blocked off so you could, like, see it, but you didn't really know. Exactly. It is literally a massive amusement park on the boardwalk.




It's the coolest thing in the world.


I was not expecting that to be Cody Park. I park what I kept calling a Cooney park.


Yeah, Coney Island.


Coney, Coney island. And this entire theme park is. I thought it was gonna be all gated off. You know when you go to a theme park, it's, like, pretty much gated off. You have to, like, pay to Santa.


Monica Pierre, where you just walk on.


And walk right on.


Yeah, it's huge. Huge.


So they had, like, a lot of rides. Like, we walked around. They have, like, Nathan's hot dogs there. Like, a lot of, like, really cool stuff. So we just kind of, like, explored. They did rides and Zane and I didn't write anything because we're.


We don't trust any. I don't trust those rides. I love rides, but I don't. I just can't. I can't. When I hear the screws, like, jingling.


And then you, like, look at the workers. And you're like, I don't think I need it right now.


Like, I know this shit now has not been inspected in at least four years. Years.


But, yes, we, like, hung out there for the day. It was really sick. And then afterwards, well, we went to Mariah's old. We went to Mariah's grandfather's house that he built.


Wow. Oh, wait, I saw this on your.


Instagram way, way back in the day. And that's where her mom lived and grew up in this house.


Is it in Brooklyn?


In Brooklyn?


What neighborhood?


It's in Gravesend.




And one very.


We're looking at it, and we're like, okay, cool. And she was like, I want to get out and see it.


Anytime I'm in Brooklyn, I try to visit my parents old neighborhoods and just, like, walk the streets that they walk. I just like anything with family history. So we're at Coney island, which is by where my mom used to live. It's not too far. So I was like, let me drive by the house. I like to drive by the house. I've done it plenty of times, but I just like to do it every time I'm there. My grandfather built that house. I never got to meet him. I drive by, I take a picture, I send it to my parents. It's just, like, a fun thing to do. So, like, any other time, I drive by and I'm with them, so I'm like, it'd be fun if, like, they like that stuff too, and it'd just be fun. So I drove by, and the woman is out front who lives there.


Like, nobody was outside of their home on the porch.


And I know. I know that the people that live there are the original people that bought it from my mom's family in the eighties.




So he built it in the sixties, they sold it in the eighties. They're still living there. So I know that they know my family.




So we're in the car, and I'm like, I want to go out and, like, take a picture. And they're making jokes, like, get off my lawn. I'm like, no, no, no. This is Brooklyn. Like I said, I guarantee they're gonna invite me in for coffee if they see me taking a picture of the house. Lo and behold, I go up, and she's standing on the porch doing her flowers. So I said, excuse me. Like, do you mind if I take a picture of this house? And she looks up, and she goes, Tina's daughter.




Like, yes. I look back at them I'm like, bingo. Yeah. So, like, no hesitation. She's like, come on, come in, come in. And I'm like, having heart package. I've always tried to use that word and it never works.


It's a tough word.


Yeah. So she invites us in, and they're like, you go. You go. I'm like, no, I kind of somebody else. I.




It's. It's a dream to walk into. Like where my mom told me that the layout is the same and I see videos and pictures because they have videos and pictures when they were younger. I see my mom running around the yard as a kid and, like, being inside the house. So, like, I have this vision of it, and it's right in front of me. I'm gonna take the offer up.


Yes, absolutely.


So she knew who my mom was. She knew who I was. She invited us in.


Did she look at Yongo? But not the posse? Yeah.


Who's this?


Actually, yeah, she was. I introduced them.




We're going through the house and she's just like. Like, I am one of the family she's going through. She's introducing us to every family member. Every time. It was like a movie set. We walked in, every room was spotless. Bed was made. The kids were sitting on the bed with their friends having a sleepover. It was like, it was set up.


You wouldn't have expected this house to be so big, by the way. So looking from the outside, you're like, oh, this house is probably, you know, like a.


It's like a, like a square kind of.


Maybe like maybe 1200 square feet. Like, it did. It didn't look that big. It looked like a good one bedroom, two bedroom apartment that, looking from the outside.


So what, what's popular, like, in Staten island and Brooklyn, like, that area is you own like, this big house. House, but each floor is its own. Almost like big apartment. So, like the basement, everyone's basements are finished. And their apartments, they have kitchens, bathroom, bedrooms. Main floor is like the big family. Then the. So, like, for example, when we lived on Staten island, my grandmother lived in what would be like the attic. It'd be like the third floor, but it was her own apartment, own entrance.


Okay, right.


So, like, my brother right now on Staten island, he lives in someone's basement, but he has his own entrance and it's. Oh, right, they're multifamily home.




Because, you know, out here, people turn their garages into like, adus. Similar, but it's one big house. Anyway. So we're walking through. She's introducing us to all the family members. She goes, her grandfather built this house. Her granddaughter. Kids are like, oh, cool. We walk into the son's room, and she goes, this is Mariah. I know her mom, Tina. We bought the house from them this many years ago. And the son is like, oh, that's cool. And he looks over, and he goes, Zane? And then he walks through, and she goes, oh, you know each other? And he's like, what's up, man? And then he goes to. He goes. He.


He goes, what are you guys doing in my house?


Being in his shoes. And, like, they're standing in your hallway. And he, like, he was bed, and.


He just looked insane.


Yeah, it was hysterical. And the mom was so confused. She was like, what is. How do you know?


You guys go to school together? And he was like, no, it's a plane to her.


It was so funny. He was just like, oh. But he was so, like, cool about it.


Like, also confused. Like, what the hell are we doing?


Like, in front of me, like a fever.


Yeah. What's going on?


Then I'm looking in his bedroom at his wall, and it looked like he had a. David's old. Like.




And I point out it.


I'm like, oh, you said like David had.


Oh, you look. Your bedroom looks like David's. He's like, oh, yeah. His wallpaper's inspired by his.


That's why he did it.


Oh, wow.


It was crazy.


Yeah. So we're going through the rest of the house. We meet the grandmother who was the one who actually bought the house. So she's like, do you want some coffee? Like, what do you guys need? They were bringing us to the backyard, and they have a whole garden in the backyard. And at the same time, she's telling me, this was your mom's room. This was your. And I was just like. And she said, but when we bought it, your mom's room was hot pink. And I knew that because I saw pictures of my mom in her pink room.


Like, has your mom been back into this house since she moved out of it recently? Okay.


Yes. She also let my mom in because they're in touch. They know each other, but I've never met her before.


Got it.


So she let my mom in for the first time in, like, like, a few months ago. That was her first time in there since. And it's updated. Like, the kitchens are new. But she showed me everything that was originally. The layout hasn't been touched. She was like, we've never knocked a wall down. Everything's original. So I felt good about that. The floor in the basement was original, so I immediately, like, touched it. Freaking weirdo. But they love. They were loving it. They were eating it up as much as I was. And then one of the kitchens, the cabinets. She was like, your grandfather. These cabinets are so sturdy and well built. And she was just, like, open these cabinets. She was showing me. She loved it there. They brought us.


Their backyard garden was insane.


They had every vegetable you can imagine. We tried a cherry from a cherry tree.


Saw the picture of that.


Different kind of cherry trees, three different fig trees, a full tomato garden that was, like, the whole length of it. There was.




Basil, everything.


She let us. I felt like we went to a farmers market. She sent us home with all these.


Where the garden is. It used to be a pool, and he was the only. Her grandfather was the only one that had a pool in, like, the whole neighborhood. But he got rid of it because the kids kept jumping over the fence and using it while he was gone. Yeah. So they had to. They got rid of the pool, which is crazy. Filled the pool in.




So it was really cool. And they, like, didn't want us to leave. And they were just like, come next time. Like, come and stay for dinner. And I felt. It just felt, like, lived there. I have no memories there, but I felt so, like, I was crying. I was like, do you think if.


She wasn't outside on the front porch, would you have gone up to knock?




No. It was just a perfect sign. You were there at the right place, the right time.


Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have.


It is crazy, like, the hospitality there.




Never happened, like, in Florida or, like.


You know, like, everybody's very. They're welcoming. It's like. I mean, at least the people we know, they're very like, my mom is still like, that. She will let in a stranger no matter what. Dance. Yeah, we know.


We know.


She, like, that's just how they were raised. Like, people of that generation. It's like, doors. Come on in. Yeah, it's community.


They're such hard asses, though. Like, when you like the way they talk and everything, so it's just.


It's just fun to, like, retreat, trace their steps. I just like.


And then we went to their. The first date.


Yeah, we were driving by. She's like, oh, exactly a year ago today. This was their first date.


I'm like, everything was so coincidental.




My mom was like, what are the odds in 1990? June 1 of 1991.


It was crazy.


Was the day we were there. We went to there. They were set up on a blind date. And that was the restaurant that.


So we.


Yeah, we were.


I was just like, oh, exactly a year from today, we're like, now.






So it's just really cool. We had a really fun, experienced it, like, with other people. It's just like.


Afterwards, I took them to.


Have you ever had LMB? Have you been to Brooklyn?


Not to the great.


Well, LMB is the dev.


Like, two.


My favorite pizza spot, I think. Two locations.


Unbelievable. But we go to order the pizza.


Oh, yeah. I got recognized, Matt.


We place. Did they get like a. Oh, yeah.


No, no, just way.


We walk up to, like, the window to, like, order it, and it's kind of got, like, a slanted glass, and you got to kind of, like, look underneath and.


Yeah, order.


Whatever. So we walk up, and we start ordering, and the guy is looking at Zane. He goes, come here, let me see your face. Let me see your face. And Zane, like, dips under.


He's like, I know your face because I know your face. I was like, what do you mean? Like, aren't you.


Aren't you retarded?


Aren't you retarded?


Wait, what?


I was taken back, and then I.


Started ordering, and I guess they're known for, like, their square pie. And I ordered round Sicilian, and he goes, you don't.




You don't want the square? I was like, I just didn't know if I'm gonna like it. He goes, what? Are you slow? Oh, my gosh. But sweetest dude in the world.


But he ended up giving us free Square pizza.


Hell, yeah.


It was really nice.


It was a vibe.




It was l and B. Oh, and really good pizza.


But you get the Sicilian. I I love both pies. And then the ice cream. So everything is just so good. So, so good.


Yeah. New York was a vibe.




Was it?


That was a. Oh, my God.


And then the freaking premiere, man.


Oh, my God. And then we went to the house of the Dragon premier.


Matt, they were all there.


Everybody talked to any of them. Okay, so Heath and I just.


You wait.


So Heath and I, we get to. We get to our hotel because I booked us a hotel for just, like, a few nights, and I booked the hotel, and, like, not really knowing where. Like, I knew it was, like, around Madison Square garden. So I just, like, booked a hotel, and when I got there, I was like, oh, let me see where the premiere is. I checked the address. Premiere, and it's literally the same building as our hotel and had no idea. So all we had to do was just, like, go downstairs, walk right across, and we were there. So it was awesome.


So easy.


So Heath and I, we get dressed up. We get there, and immediately, I don't know, I just started sweating. I was, like, I was happy. It felt like I was getting, he was freaking out. I it was, it was just a mixture of, like, us and feeling like we were not supposed to be there, but also just, like, seeing them in the flesh. Just seeing them in the flesh. Like, I I felt, like, a swifty, you know, like, I was, like, just, this was, like, the first time where I, like, get to see, like, my idols.




And so we get there. We see, like, brittany Barossi's there. She's hosting. She's, like, hosting the carpet. And we quickly draw pictures on the carpet, and then we just stepped to the side, and we're like, all right, well, we have now 2 hours to kill before the movie, before the, before they screen the episodes. Like, what the hell we're gonna do. It's very intimate. There's not a lot of people there at all. Like, it's not like a big, I thought, it's gonna be this.


It's not like a Hollywood premier.


Yeah, it was, like, a more industry.


Very intimate. And we're just, we're like, oh, let's just, like, chill in this room. And so we're just sitting there waiting. It was just, like, me, him, and, like, a few other people and a photographer. And all of a sudden, the cast just starts walking in one by one, right in front of us. Like, we were here, and they were like, where the end of that table was just coming in, taking, like, a picture in front of the car, and we're like, oh, my God, this is great. They're all walking right in front of us, and it was perfect. Filming all of them like a madman, and I just start yelling at each of them, like, yes.


Yes, you better work, bitch.


Yes. And, and I'll, like, the only one. They're, like, pretty much yelling.


And it was crazy because I had, like, my camera, and I was, like, taking pictures of them, and I think they thought that I was, like, a photographer, so they were, like, giving me.


It was just, like, him and this other guy, but, like, there was no security there. It was really was very open. Like, it felt wrong. And so we all saw him come in. I was just like, okay, this. I got it. This is, this is all I needed. Perfect. And, and another person that was there is so weird. The. What's her in it from you, season two. The girl, what's her name?


She's in, like, haunted guests and she's in the Casey Musgraves music video. Yeah.


You know.




Randomly there.


Oh, yeah.


And I asked. I was like, what? What is she doing here? She's like, is she dating one of the cast members? Like, no, she just. Hbo invited her and she came. I'm like, what do you mean she just came? It's like, yeah. She just, like, she just.


I was like, that's so.


That's so, like, I get. I get if we come because we're fucking worse Internet people that we'd come to anything like this. But it's so weird that she's here.


Did you tell Fabian hi?


I did. You?


Oh, yeah.


I don't know.


You did?




Did you say our names? See Matt and Patricia?






Wait, you said hi. When'd you say hi?


At the very end of the night.


He's been over to our place a few times before.


I don't know him, though, so I.


Didn'T, like, he just could have been iceberg. He would have been like, oh, Patricia and Matt. Yes.


Yeah. But I also just didn't wanna.


I know. It just could have been icebreaker.


But we. We went and watched it. First of all, episode one is.


Oh, my God. So good.


Already off to an insane start.




So it leaves you on a good cliffhanger for episode two. You're like, you're ready to go. Yeah, but it didn't really hit me. Like, obviously, like, we saw all them walking into the carpet beforehand, but it didn't hit me till after I watched the episode. And I was sitting there. I was like, they're all next to me in this room right now. Like, I'm. I just watched the show and I'm like, it's really starting to sink in.


I, like black Matt. I, like, genuinely blacked out, like, after we watched the episode. So I, like, I could just. The energy in there. I just could because I kept on, like, watching it, and then I was at eye level with, like, a lot of them. Right. So I, you know, so I would. I would watch, and then I'm looking at, like, just one of the. One of the cast members and I could see them watching. And I'm just saying, they're like, I just want to see them watch themselves on screen. Like, what are their faces looking like? Are they judging themselves? Are they.




Are they, like, watching? Are they enjoying it? I don't know. So I'm just sitting there doing that. And then after it finishes, we go to the after party. After party is so sick. They set it up so beautifully, and they're all just walking around, and we.


Immediately, we just, like, walked in. We were like, we, like, grab a.


Drink, and we're sitting there just drinking, obviously. Like, Heath and I are not gonna talk to anybody. We're just gonna sit there and just stare.




The whole night. Right? And then I won. Mitchell, the guy who plays amend, he said he's getting his pictures done, and then he turns and looks at me, and he's like. And then he.


And then he stops taking pictures with, like, the professional photographer.


And then he, like, he. He gives me a look that he's gonna come up to me and then goes back and finishes taking pictures. And I look at Heath. I'm like, did you see that? He's like, yeah. He's like, he's about to come up to us, and we're like, why? And then, and then he finishes taking the pictures, and he walks right up to me. Matt, I'm like, I can't. Frozen, right? Like, I I wasn't expecting to talk to any of them tonight. Like, I was not gonna go up to them. I will. From a distance. That's. I'm good with that. He comes up to me, and I I don't even know how I sounded. Did I sound okay? Because I was. I was, I was probably freaking out.


You. You could have played it differently. But he walked up, and he's looking at Zayn, and he goes, good to see you. And then Zane was like, have we met? And the guy was like, yeah, I think we have. And Zane was like, where did we meet? And the guys I got, I just. I feel like I I feel like I've met you before.


I was. I think I was just more confused than anything.




And then I started. And then I started realize that, oh, maybe we have met before. I I don't know, but, like, that was pretty much the conversation. And then congratulate him. Have a good night. And then he walks away. Right? And then I look at heath. I'm like, what? Like, what was it like?


He was like, have I met him? I was like, I don't think so. He's like, but how does he like, what was that?


I also don't think he watches, like, the vlogs or. I don't think he's watching the content. He didn't have an Instagram, so I just don't think he's on.


My thought was I was like, because Zane is. Zane dressed up as him for Halloween.


And it, like, it didn't even hit me.


So I was like, I wonder if, like, he saw, like, the comparison, like, for the Halloween costume. And maybe it was like, yeah, they're just like.


They're just like us. They're probably sharing.


I was like, maybe just recognized your face.


You'll have, like, very similar looking day artists. Oh, and so I bet he was like, this guy looks like we have the set.


We have the same chin, the same nose, the same face.


He was, like, looking at himself.


We have the same head. Did you see his head? Yeah, with the same, like, shaped head too.


And I was like, maybe he just recognized your face. Didn't know where from.


He thought. He thought he was looking in a mirror.


That's definitely probably.


Yeah, he said I was like, super, super Halloween. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna. Wasn't gonna say that either. How embarrassing.


Are you a cosplayer? You do cos comic con.


Yeah. You were. You were. You and me, huh?


You and me. That's ways. Well, nice meeting you. Carry on. Enjoy the point. Get another drink. That was good.


But it was super sick. It was really cool. He was really.


I remember that that happened and. And a few more. Like, it was probably, like, ten minutes, 15 minutes later. He was like, I don't know what it was. I was like, I think we should. I think it's time to go. Like, we should. We should just leave while we can.


I was like, let's quit while we're ahead, because we're gonna keep staring.




And not only that, like. But what if we just have, like, a bad conversation with somebody? You know what I mean?




What if, like, I bump into another one of them and it's just like. It was just a very awkward.


Leave on a high note. Like, you felt fulfilled.


Just leave on a high note. I saw all of them and. And then just. Just time to go home, get a picture. All right.


I think you could make you, like, imagine you do stay and you do push it. You're just like, photographers. They're like, can we get a bake? Yeah.


Pictures. I'm in, like, the cast is trying to get pictures done with them, so I'm just in it.


You're putting. They're all, like, through the casting and fry going, we made it. You, like, are, like, kind of embodying their characters. Like the bad guy.


The one that likes the feet. I'm just. You take your shoe off.


Sock off. You're with them all, making them all, like, look at your feet, like.




You think you're killing it. You wake up the next morning, you're like, big things coming season three.


And then you post on Instagram.


Thanks for having.


Good, so good. So good to see you guys. As always.


A picture of you telling the casting director your finger is like, on his chest. Guesser. Just like, yeah, I'm gonna tell you something. Get my email.


Zane just kept saying, he's like, I don't wanna, like, talk to them. I just wanna be their friends. I'm like, easy.


They're in their group chat. They're like sending, like, your TikToks going, oh, this was the guy.


This was him, right?


There you go. Found him. This was the guy that was yelling at us. Who let him, I mean, oh, he did you for Halloween. Oh, that's it.


Oh, they pulled, like, his famous birthdays.


Oh, he's massive. He has massive following. Maybe we should take their inside joke.


Every couple of weeks is like zooming into Zayn's face in the background of just like, no contacts.


They do a deeper dive. They're like, oh, look, he's done the night king.


Oh, he's in it big.


Was he in saw?


Was he in saw? Does he act?


He's, no, he's not in saw. He did a fun video for them.


He seems nice. I mean, the episodes out. What's saying on his stories? He seems, he seems.


You guys want it? Should we make it better if he's.


Gonna be season three premiere, maybe?


Oh, he's back.


We could, we could put in a good word.


They see you at the next premiere, they're all side eyeing each other.


There's like, here he is again. How much everyone wants to bet Zane's.


Gonna be that would.


You're like, your ice king picture is like the photo for the group chat. Like, you at the bait.


Like, guys, I'm like, believing you. Stop, please. No, he's believing.


He's a fan.


Whoo. What a ride.


Everyone's like, this was a funny episode, but like, what did Zane do on his trip? You know, you said good stories, man.


We're getting delusional. Alright, guys, thank you so much for watching another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon. zane and Heath. We keep these cameras rolling. We also do a bonus episode every single month. We do a live Q and a every month. It's a great time. Again. Zayn, Dana, Heath, you can check.


Out these episodes every Monday. Audio form and all the podcast platforms. And, boys.


Good boy.


Give it a rest.


Every Tuesday, video form on stress and.


Thinking about that group chat they got.


All right, thank you, guys. All right.